county stand… · he union c ounty standar,d no. ll westfield, union county. n. ]., friday,...

HE UNION C OUNTY STANDAR,D NO. ll WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY. N. ]., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, J90J. $J.50 Per Year. Single pies 3c. GeneFal Fall and Winter Openings in all Depts. We are aroun d to another Fall and Winter Season -better prepared to sell the best goods at lower prices than ever hefore. Last week and the week before we prin ted the detai ls of Open- ings in our Milli!1ery, Dress Goods and Silks, and Tailored Garment Departments. The com- prehensive assortments selected from the best impor tant European and Domestic Houses were enjoyed by the largest patronage in our history. The styles and prices made thousands of sales. This week we announce similar Ope1iings of ele- gant novel ii es in all department�. covering the alphabet from Art Goods to Waists. Not only is this our formal Fall and Winter Opening, but a presentation of of Articles at Great Reductions From Regular Prices. Special bargains in goods thatlyi,tl'�i J I ·!avor as soon as inspected. Great. suj-pses �istore · for our patrons; bargains. rep(6��nH nacle of great val ue-gi ing;': ) ': · · · ·· the wonderful newness, ;1'/� at IVOnderfully low prices. / )PG �,! to visit Newark on this occasi.on, Agents. : ::.·,•'·,:-e,i L. S. Plaut & Co. 101 to 121 Broad St., NEWA�K, N. J. No Branches. Free Deliveries. TUTTLE BROS. Coal� Lumber. Yards-Westfield avenue, rE.EPHoNezzF Spl"ing and Broad Sts., Westfield. c. O�CKER, P. J. WlNDFELDT, 137 road St. TAl LOR. =F'��G�BLE.MARKET REPAIRING d PRESSING Qrtlere called for tmd tlellvored. l'er)'tbluF an w fresh nud }lt'fces right. nt for Leadi ng !Insurance Co,s and Steam Laundry. WESTFIELD Standard Hall , westfield. To Ren >-- For Social Receptions, trector-l'Ofesstonnl. CRAY, w.. N. J�J!!UL lJ!HECTOil, Tl'olepliOU 28-n. Crtmfot·U, N. J, M OFFETr, Chno. L, LAW Ov""'!CE, 21 Purl Ave., PlltJnlleld, N.J. MARSH, CRAIG A. VOU��F;J,LU A'l' LAW, Pnrk AYe. a1u12t1 St., Plllinlleld, N. J, VAN EMBUROH, H, C. UIVJL EJNEEIL & 8URVEYO, 1r, Park rwenu, Plaintlehl, N, ,J. . al 'irector. LATION OF FIR ALA�M X IN WESTFIELD. 297-SummUd Park street, 499 -Elm street and Kimball aven+e �79-Brd and Middlesex streeʦ. B89-Cumrland Sl. and Boutb Ave. BD3-Fire Department bouse. 09-Cenr Street, Garwood. After sending In an alarm stand near the c�ll x until arrival of apparahts NEW JERSEY CENTRAL 1h:�:g:��=�. exc11Ve!f, 1n+urlne Time-table l1me 3, UlOl, T lve WestOeJd tor New York, K" ark and Elizaꝃth at (3 •s eacept ewark) fi tu 641, 7 0 8, 7✆,74l,7r,u,siz, 820, a•s, 867. �: !0o��6 :; rir!2 �5�2�1 � 4io ;7�1lf �: p, m. Sull.l&ys Ŝ (xept Newark) ij 12, (ox �R�:r1r��: 0 r�(e�c�i J;J!·l·�ix3�t ;,1, 8, 8«. !O p.m. ' ' For Plaincld 107, 50', 658, 8, 928 10 , 11•, •· l12 2, *1 �o. 1 51, •21i, r1;' �J:· w 1a 21� 19�,4t7J. 14·? 5 5r �: �id�;:·1 �1!:B! �rli!'o �4: :r : �.h�. uff�: u••�•a•4�1�8a!•sam� II 02, u. m L 05 ul�ht. �·or Phlhuleliihtu., ll �, 8 UH, 9 !,a.m. 1M, ,21 1i 3, .8. 812, !I :, 11, m. 1 night SUil· glfap, �::·1,�"�iht.m. 152, 2 a, 4 4D, a 2 o, u�. ' or Eliton, Hethlehm, Allentown, 5 Z, (8 !1 to Em:;ton,) ll a. m., 1 01, •. 6 :m to �aston) suu las �, · m. l2, {1. , �tUI'Illl' onb•, t Except StLturclaya. l'broug r.wkuLij w all poJnts t ' t 1 e fgt 0� �l:�1!�:g�. in 1- J. ff.OLHAUSEN, C. . Geu'l Sup't. Tl PEOn!� PHOTEST. WESTFIELD CITIZENS CROWD TOWN ROOMS AND VOTE TO APPEAL· TO JUDGE VAIL t\ Stru11 lt�Jlreucntatlyo Uutly tn n tu l�Jb.ltiJth 1'n•IIIIH'rCm' tu ]1r t U (,:gt•lJ SJnecl l't!titluu uf UulUUil!WCO to If, Jl, J{ul'zhul'H tl Pl•lhmtlflll f• a Sa}CJ(IJI, 'he to wnshi p rootus wer� crowde 111st uight by citizll6 who gather�d to protest ugaiuat the l'8t1lilfg of " au.loou Jlceu to . D. Kurzhal whoae uppli· cation is now before the Court in El iz•l· beth un<l coes OfJ for action befor · e Jt1ge V1 1 il at 10 o'clock to mormw momil1g. Kurzhal to I d a Staudard man he intends, if he secures a Jiceu, to oפn u cafe and restRuraut ill his brick building on Elm street, and to meuls at all hours of the day, The sentiment of the meeting last night proved very etrougly against the need of suoh au establl•hweut in West- fiel<l,ond a determi11ed ort will be made by the vitizeus have J ugA Vail refuse gmnt the license. Arthur N: Pierson W drait'lan of tile weetlug ami G. A. V. Hankinson, secretary. Remat•ks were ruade by A. N Pierson, Dr. C. M. An· tlerson, Rev, N. W. Cadwell and others, a�ainst the granti ng of the license. On motion the secretm·y 1·ead the ruunes of the signet'S of Knnhal's license, 13 iu all. Over tlvc huu�<l signet! the protest petition UtJd nbont 20 signet! a pRJ)eJ' to go in person bufot•e the cout in Elizabeth on Saturday uo1 openly · tm�� agai nst the grunting of the license. This I• the first st might •loon applica· on ever umde ill We•tlield, the hei11g wlmt is terme·a hotel licenses. '£here is nut a kill<l in any it is LOOKS LIKE . SUICIDE. llK Anulo mUu uwnl_tY ltle Undm• su�(tluluuK Ch·•m ttLIICCH-'ath�L· . llf!IJieH Suh:id•� UtJ}tort. \fhnt twem to lJe a case of suicide lla� kept the town talking the past week lisa Armie Anstin Towuley, gell 22 y aJJ t l 1 month, diet! at the hol ne of her f11tbcr, ou Eltu street, ut 6:3 �'ri. ay eveuiug, au th citcumstancEs of the case lead many to bel ieve tl111t. she ened lu·r owu lifa by tHkiug poison. Ure. 'fO\ VHley was the girls stetJ�motlaud wuA a Miss Amelin Ahmnl when she was ut·ied to Mr. 'rownley. Fot· fiOe time pnst, it is -ahl, Mi6 ownl ey mtd Iter •tep·motlJer, id not live quite as harmoniously together as they might, ++d as the young lady was of a ver y sensitive disposition, she broad. ed over her troubles natil she wna wrought U[J to such a nervo couitiou that abe took her life. When Dr. F. A. Kinch was BUIUIIlOD· ed and reached the bouee, be foun the girl in a state of col lapse, and bad her t•emov to her bed. A stomach pUilljJ S used at the suggestion of r. ToJley, Lnt did not sav� ber life, site dying soon after, Dr. Westcott, county phy· sician, was called i cotJHiltatiou and agreed to all ow the death certic�te tn be made out"" acute mania. When Mr. To1V11ley w soon by a dat· d mau he denied the report that bis daughter bad taken poison and reft're<l him tnhis physician. He also tlenied,most eruphatically, that his daughter had ever t•eceived an� hut the kittdest treatment at howe, and Lbat she bud olten spokeu of how happy ' she wus · e to h�r. · · ·. · •1Qnuun Qn�•llty'' tu tho l!,t•ont, �: · : ; ·. -Ill Plahtlield tim price o! coal liM beeu ad vauco frOJu $:i.5U per ton to �li fill ad\'nuce of 50c per tou. As furt1 can he IPUrllrJll from the local ealers here, the price willtHnain *').50 per tau. -The Bmml of trmtees of tha We;t- liei<l Golf clnh met last uight au elect Uu�following offiC'J' fo the ensuing year� Pt'eident, H. W. Gludwiu, vice·ilft'Hideut. �} R. Perkins, secretary, P. Q. Oliver null tr�nsnr�r, P. D. Worcester. -l1e Jersey Central Railroad suffer· etl a los< of $100,000 in the tire of Wed· nesay night at Elizahethport. Their old cur shop< were partly t1estroyerl along with many pasHunget· coachBd and parl CHl'R -Bucket and Eu�iue Co. o. 1 held meeting Wednes<hy ni ght and accept - ed the illvitation of Washington Hose Co, of Perth Amboy to par!il'ipate in their parade to he ltel<l Oct. 31st. ' hey ap poi+ted asH committee of ammgee11t1 Chas Clark, Chas Cox and C. P. Wilcox. -Miss Elva Wilcox while on her way home last nihtfell at the corner of Bo.r and Pmspect street. and s•verely cut her knee cap She was carried ill rencani's tlrog store and Dr. Cooper dreed· the woun iss Wilcox was the n IMke home in " caniage. -The LillJericks, Kill kenny I+vinc� bles, will battle +t Recreation PHrk next Saturday with the ester �treet Lilie•, champion• of the Crunfor<l River Lea�ue. 'l'he ga1ue is positi vely the l11•t of tho seion an the proceeds will go to th� Westfi eld base hall Association and th& l'nhlic Libmry .. It you wa nt to ace eow& funbe there -that's all, tournament tlmt Jms bee 'ns for the p••t woulh. night aml the winne ns fol lows : flarrv Bere at Pikers, Otis Ballartl W.M. Townie Jack Miller Frateal Orders, small mecl·l ings, 'he Piker Sltoe Co. nre m•;klng · apocinlty, for tho uext three wcel<s of the fmuons "Qneeu Qnnllty" shoes fot• ;O· mun. Rum! t hel t large tllspiny n<lver· tlsemeut ln this woelc's Stamlnr<l 'he/ offer nearly a 1lozeu tllffurent styles •in tills fHmons UJiju of sitæ nnd llt $8. H Is the best shoo vnlne ever oiiered, Gentu•'"''" "": lloy Sllns Is gol uo'�·"·"'"�uu1 •. ct I miss y guess. -PAINTINc Seating Capacitr 200. . AND Decorating 80! !H!: BfSr MAHRIAl8 USW. ALL WORK HAS MY PERSON A L ;I SUPER· VISION. Westfield. FOR INSPGTION AND TERMS APPLY TO Abrams & Welch, STANDARD BUILDINC, Westfield. De Lo•·etl Lnwrer+. It Is snl lltnl l'ctor the GJ•cnt, nrtcr witncssln Q contest iJotwccn two oml· ncnt counsel nt Wl•stmltJstor, r.omlon, r�ntnrlwt1: "Wht•n I left St. l'olct'Slllll', tho!'" 1\''e two lnlryO! llw. Wlw11 I got buck, l will hung uno of tltcm," �loving Out nl' J'lnlttlluJd, A Plnlnftolpfl l JOr BJIYB that fnmllios ure moving ant of Umt clt on uccouut . of the closlo1� of the �[nHio Hnll, whid1 leaves Plainfleltl wllhnnt nuy som'ce of munsemout nt. ull. '11hose who huvb move ll/1 s11y tlwy J'tlwr llhu PJnhJ• flohl ns u place ol' l'eHitlenee bnt mnst, hnvo """"' nttl'ltctlollH for tho Im1g winter· evenings, 11J'IIm o lllk Will Alh'UHco. Westfield, N. J., Sept. 20, 1001. On1unl nftm· Oct. 1, 1001, tte 111ice of 11111l< will ttdvnnce lc pet• <jttnt•t. Monnt At'nt'ttt Ct'elllllory, Ira 0. Lumbert, Pro- prlelJ', CASTOR IA or Infant. and Clen The Kind You Have AIWIJI II •rate d . .u� ll+nrtureol�!ell! · Jsn'. S'nw Y "· slroe I Yon je Lllm· prlcl< his onrs when ho hcnts you blow tho dlnnot hol'll.- Columltus (0,) fltnlo .Jom•nnl. A ReHHoner. Old Lndy-ow, li ttl e boys, cnn any of you toll me whnt commnntlmcnt Adnm br'okc wltcn lw ntc tbc torbld<lt fruit? 'l'ormny-Plnnsc, mn'nn1, tl1crc 11'nsnl: nny romtunntlm�uts theu.-Suu ll ciS< l'iJI'Ollid<!, "\\'ltPI'P tllPt't•'R n wlll tlwre'n n wn" whlt:h 1� ,ll:�·t II lilwlr to h w wJ·r;,;, lllt• ll till' 1'l�ll.t.-l'ltl�\l'� DlRJHlth. - IIJUI Nntluun\ ltuJilltnt.liniJ W oml's Coll�g<l, 870 BI'OII<l St., N ew11h11va n COJU'BO of Rtll<iy t1111t IH ,inst rlgh� a fucnlty of ll!ltouul relmtnt.lon, nml i� fnnrth the lnrg,st eomerclnl shool I• the Unit Stnt�s.

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Page 1: County Stand… · HE UNION C OUNTY STANDAR,D NO. ll WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY. N. ]., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, J90J. $J.50 Per Year. Single Copies 3c. GeneFal Fall and Winter Openings in


GeneFal Fall and Winter Openings in all Depts.

We are around to another Fall and Winter Season -better prepared to sell the best goods

at lower prices than ever hefore. Last week and

the week before we prin ted the details of Open­

ings in our Milli!1ery, Dress Goods and Silks, and Tailored Garment Departments. The com­prehensive assortments selected from the best important European and Domestic Houses were enjoyed by the largest patronage in our history. The styles and prices made thousands of sales. This week we announce similar Ope1iings of ele­gant noveliies in all department�. covering the alphabet from Art Goods to Waists. Not only is this our formal Fall and Winter Opening, but a presentation of

of Articles at Great Reductions

From Regular Prices. Special bargains in goods thatlyi,tl'�iJI·!avor

as soon as inspected. Great. suj-pi'ises D:�istore ·

for our patrons; bargains. rep(6��nH nacle of great val ue-gi y,ing;':)': · ···· the wonderful newness, ;il1'/� at IVOnderfully low prices./ )PG�,!f< to visit Newark on this occasi.on:::;,


'· : ::.·,•'·,:-.;e,i

L. S. Plaut & Co. 101 to 121 Broad St., NEWA�K, N. J.

No Branches. Free Deliveries.

TUTTLE BROS. Coal� Lumber. Yards-Westfield avenue, rE.EPHoNezzF

Spl"ing and Broad Sts., Westfield.

c. O�CKER, P. J. WlNDFELDT, 137 liroad St.

TAl LOR. ===F'��G���BLE.MARKET REPAIRING d PRESSINGJit,. Qrtlere called for tmd tlellvored. l!l'er)'tbluF

an w fresh nud }lt'fces right.

nt for Leading !Insurance Co,s and Steam Laundry.


Standard Hall, westfield. To Rent, .. >--

For Social Receptions,

lDtrectorl)-JI)l'Ofesstonnl. CRAY, w .... N.

J;u�J!!UL lJ!HECTOil, Tl'olepliOUtl 28-n. Crtmfot·U, N. J,

M OFFETr, Chno. L, LAW Ov""'!CE, !:!21 Purl.c Ave., PlltJnlleld, N.J.


Pnrk AYe. a1u12t1 St., Plllinlleld, N. J,


1r12 Park rwenul!, Plaintlehl, N, ,J.

. 'local '.!Director\!. LOCATION OF FIRI! ALA�M BOXI!S


297-SummU�nd Park street, 499 -Elm street and Kimball aven11e �79-Broad and Middlesex streets. B89-Cumberland Sl. and Boutb Ave. BD3-Fire Department bouse.

09-Cen!Alr Street, Garwood.

After sending In an alarm stand near the c�ll box until arrival of apparahts

NEW JERSEY CENTRAL 1i!:h:::�:g:��=�.� exc1U81Ve!f, 1n11urlne

Time-table la�1me 3(), UlOl, Trafrul leave WestOeJd tor New York, Kt�" .. ark and ElizaOOth at (3 •s eacept :Sewark) fi tu 641, 708, 7a5,74l,7r,u,siz, 820, a•s, 867.

��: !0o��61Jl'; .. :; rir!2 �5�2 £"�1 � 4io ;7�1lf �: p, m. Sull.l&ys 348 (t�xc:ept Newark) ij 12, (ox.

���.R�:r1r�� � �: �0r�� (e�c�i J;J!·l·�ix3��t ;li2,1U3, 82:1, 8«. !Oa:J p.m. ' ' For Plaintfcld 107, 50'.!, 658, 801?, 928 10 u•, 11•1:1, •· lll• 12 50, *1 �o. 1 51, •21i, :! r1;' ;,�J:· w 3l1a 21� 19�, 4t1t7JrJ. 14&:,·? ZJ5 :r� 5r � �: ���id�;:·1 �1!� :B! �rli!.'o �4: :r &1: �. h�. uff��: u•••�•a•4�1�8a!•sam� II 02, u. m L 05 ul�ht. �·or Phlhuleliihtu., ll !)�, 8 UH, 9 !?!:!,a.m. 1M, 1:1,21 1i :!3, 'i.:!8. 812, !I :.'tl, 11, m. 1 U5 night SUil·

glf.ap, �::·1,�"�illht.m. 152, 2a:i, 4 4D, a2o, u�. �:�'or Eli.Ston, HethlehtJm, Allentown, 5 O'Z, (8 011 to Em:;ton,) ll :!8 a. m., 1 01, •. 6 :m to �aston) suu last� li �:!, "'· m. lli2, {1. U), t: �1\.tUI'Illl:\'l:i onb•, t Except StLturclaya. l'brougtt r.wkuLij w a.ll poJnts

t't1�Jief�g:2t 0� �l:�1!�:ifg�. in 1-J. ff.OLHAUSEN, C. .

Geu'l Sup't.



t\ Stru11a:; lt�Jlreucntatlyo Uutly tn �o:n tu l�Jb.ltiJt>th 1.'n•IIIIH'rCm' tu ]1rmulllt U (,:U'gt•• lJ. SJ�o;necl l't!titluu uf U.ulUUilllh'!WCO to

If, Jl, J{ul'zhul'H tl Pl•lhmtlflll feu• a Sa}CJ(IJI, 'J1he to wnship rootus wer� crowdecl

111st uight by citizt1ll6 who gather�d to protest ugaiuat the ll:l'8.t1lilfg of " au.loou Jlceuse to II. D. Kurzhal whoae uppli· cation is now before the Court in Eliz•l· beth un<l cornes OfJ for action befor·e Jtit1ge V11il at 10 o'clock to mormw momil1g. Kurzhal to I d a Staudard man he intends, if he secures a Jiceuse, to open u cafe and restRuraut ill his brick building on Elm street, and to

meuls at all hours of the day, The sentiment of the meeting last

night proved very etrougly against the need of suoh au establl•hweut in West­fiel<l,ond a determi11ed €11'ort will be made by the vitizeus to have J utlgA Vail refuse to gmnt the license. Arthur N: Pierson WWl drait'lllan of tile weetlug ami G. A. V. Hankinson, secretary. Remat•ks were ruade by A. N Pierson, Dr. C. M. An· tlerson, Rev, N. W. Cadwell and others, a�ainst the granting of the license.

On motion the secretm·y 1·ead the ruunes of the signet'S of Knnhal's license, 13 iu all. Over tlvc huuth'�<l signet! the protest petition UtJd nbont 20 signet! a

pRJ)eJ' to go in person bufot•e the cout't in

Elizabeth on Saturday uo1 openly · t.m�� against the grunting of the license. This I• the first stmight •••loon applica· lion ever umde ill We•tlield, the hei11g wlmt is terme·a hotel licenses. '£here is nut a kill<l in any it is

LOOKS LIKE. SUICIDE. .:\lliiK Anulo .tm.Uu 'ruwnl_t.!Y ltleil Undm•

su�(tluluuK Ch·•:um .. ttLIICCH-f<'ath�L· . llf!IJieH Suh:id•� UtJ}tort.

'\\fhnt twem!l to lJe a case of suicide lla� kept the town talking the past week. !\lisa Armie Anstin Towuley, �-tgell 22 ymm aJJtl 1 month, diet! at the holne of her f11tbcr, ou Eltu street, ut 6:31) �'ri. tlay eveuiug, autl tht3 citcumsta.ncEs of the case lead many to bel ieve tl111t. she entled lu·r owu lifa by tHkiug poison. Ure. 'fO\VHley was the girls stetJ�motlu:·l· aud wuA a Miss Amelin Ahmnl when she was uuut·ied to Mr. 'rownley.

Fot· fiOJUe time pnst, it is 13ahl, MiF-6 'l'ownl ey mtd Iter •tep·motlJer, <lid not live quite as harmoniously together as they might, 1111d as the young lady was of a very sensitive disposition, she broad. ed over her troubles natil she wna wrought U[J to such a nervous coutlitiou that abe took her life.

When Dr. F. A. Kinch was BUIUIIlOD· ed and reached the bouee, be fount! the

girl in a state of collapse, and bad her t•emoved to her bed. A stomach pUilljJ \VIIS used at the suggestion of .Ur. ToiVJJ· ley, Lnt did not sav� ber life, site dying soon after, Dr. Westcott, county phy· sician, was called ill cotJHiltatiou and agreed to allow the death certilic�te tn be made out"" acute mania.

When Mr. To1V11ley was soon by a Slim· dat·d mau he denied the report that bis daughter bad taken poison and reftJt're<l him tnhis physician. He also tlenied,most eruphatically, that his daughter had ever t•eceived an� hut the kittdest treatment at howe, and Lbat she bud olten spokeu

of how happy' she wus


etl to h�r. · · ·. ·

•1Qnuun Qn�•llty'' tu tho l!,t•ont, �_,: · :.; ·.

-Ill Plahtlield tim price o! coal liM

beeu ad vauco<l frOJu $:i.5U per ton to �li Qij fill ad\'nuce of 50c per tou. As furt\11 can he IPUrllrJll from the local tlealers here, the price willtHnain *').50 per tau.

-The Bmml of trmtees of tha We;t­liei<l Golf clnh met last uight aurl electe<t Uu�following offiCI-'J'!::i fol' the ensuing year� Pt'etiident, H. W. Gludwiu, vice·ilft'Hideut.. �} R. Perkins, secretary, P. Q. Oliver null tr�nsnr�r, P. D. Worcester.

-'fl1e Jersey Central Railroad suffer· etl a los< of $100,000 in the tire of Wed· nestlay night at Elizahethport. Their old cur shop< were partly t1estroyerl along with many pasHunget· coachBd and parlor CHl'R

-Bucket and Eu�iue Co. lOo. 1 held • meeting Wednes<hy night and accept­ed the illvitation of Washington Hose Co, of Perth Amboy to par!il'ipate in their

parade to he ltel<l Oct. 31st. '!'hey ap. poi11ted asH committee of ammgerne11t1 Chas Clark, Chas Cox and C. P. Wilcox.

-Miss Elva Wilcox while on her way home last ni,;htfell at the corner of Bo.rtl and Pmspect street. and s•verely cut her knee cap She was carried ill l'rench· ani's tlrog store and Dr. Cooper dressed· the wountl !\I iss Wilcox was then IMkell: home in " caniage.

-The LillJericks, Killkenny I11vinc� bles, will battle 11t Recreation PHrk next Saturday with the llester �treet Lilie•, champion• of the Crunfor<l River Lea�ue. 'l'he ga1ue is positively the l11•t of tho seiiSon an<1 the proceeds will go to th� Westfield base hall Association and th& l'nhlic Libmry .. It you want to ace eow&

fun-: be there -that's all,

tournament tlmt Jms bee!l 'ns for the p••t woulh.

night aml the winners ns follows : flarrv Ber�;etL at Pikers, Otis Ballartl

W.M. Townie]' Jack Miller

Fraternal Orders, small mecl·l\iUiiSTii!Ej;p:jiliij\;!cii:liiiU"RY�;;;;;;, ings,

'l'he Piker Sltoe Co. nre m•;klng · apocinlty, for tho uext three wcel<s of the fmuons "Qneeu Qnnllty" shoes fot• II;O· mun. Rum! thelt• large tllspiny n<lver· tlsemeut ln this woelc's Stamlnr<l '!'he/ offer nearly a 1lozeu tllffurent styles •in tills fHmons UJijJi"u of sitae nnd llt $8. H Is the best shoo vnlne ever oiiered,

Gentu•• '"''" n•'-'1,"": lloy Sllns Is gola!' uo;}�o'�·"·"'"�uu1 •. ct·' I miss tuy guess.

-PAINTINc Seating Capacitr 200. . AND







De Lo•·etl Lnwrer11. It Is snill lltnl l'ctor the GJ•cnt, nrtcr

witncssln!l Q contest iJotwccn two oml· ncnt counsel nt Wl•stmltJstor, r.omlon, r�ntnrlwt1: "Wht•n I left St. l'olct'Slllll'll, tho!'" 1\'0I'e two lnlryO!'S ll"'w. Wlw11 I got buck, l will hung uno of tltcm,"

�loving Out nl' J'lnlttlluJd, A PlnlnftolllpfllJOr BJIYB that fnmllios

ure moving ant of Umt clt.y on uccouut . of the closlo1� of the �[nHio Hnll, whid1 leaves Plainfleltl wllhnnt nuy som'ce of munsemout nt. ull. '11hose who huvb move<l ll\V/1)" s11y tlwy J'lltlwr llhu PJnhJ• flohl ns u place ol' l'eHitlenee bnt mnst, hnvo """"' nttl'ltctlollH for tho Im1g winter· evenings,

-----·--11J'IIm ol' l\lllk Will Alh'UHco. Westfield, N. J., Sept. 20, 1001.

On1unl nftm· Oct. 1, 1001, t.lte 111ice of 11111l< will ttdvnnce lc pet• <jttnt•t. Monnt At'nt'ttt Ct'elllllory, Ira 0. Lumbert, Pro­prlel()J',

CASTOR IA :For Infant. and Children.

The Kind You Have AIWIJI IDU&JII ••ratite d . .u� ll11nr.tureol��

!ell! · Jiislltin'. Sllt'nw-· Y �'"· slroe I Yon jell'

Lllm· prlcl< \IJl his onrs when ho hcnt•s you blow tho dlnnot• hol'll.­Columltus (0,) fltnlo .Jom•nnl.

A ReHHoner. Old Lndy-l\'ow, little boys, cnn any

of you toll me whnt commnntlmcnt Adnm br'okc wltcn lw ntc tbc torbld<lt!J! fruit?

'l'ormny-Plnnsc, mn'nn1, tl1crc 11'nsnl: nny r.omtunntlm�uts theu.-Suu l�'l'lllr< ciS<.'() l'iJI'Ollid<!,

"\\'ltPI'P tllPt't•'R n wlll tlwre'n n wn:v" whlt:h 1� ,ll:�·t II!-! lilwlr to htJ tlw wJ·r;,;, lllt.• ll:ol till' 1'l�ll.t.-l'ltl�\lll)'� DlRJHltL'h.

-·-IIJUI Nntluun\ ltuJilltnt.liniJ

W oml's Coll�g<l, 870 BI'OII<l St., N ew111·R;, h11va n COJU'BO of Rtll<iy t1111t IH ,inst rlgh� a fucnlty of ll!lt.iouul relmtnt.lon, nml i� fnnrth the lnrg,st eornmerclnl scrhool I• the United Stnt�s.

Page 2: County Stand… · HE UNION C OUNTY STANDAR,D NO. ll WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY. N. ]., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, J90J. $J.50 Per Year. Single Copies 3c. GeneFal Fall and Winter Openings in


!Jllilanthroplst PearsonsSays the

East Already Has Enough.


laae I<'roan '\'t.•rnlont AMkM For BD ED• 4o" ment uutl h Told of a 1\"e'T !\iihttlk Line- PenriiOilll No\V Flttn,• -��fe of Ease-Delle,·e• lu Educatlus l!hdJIUII!l • .llft<•r u broad tom· of the west, ln­

�l.llng l'lslts to seYerul colleges.wblch l!i><l been the objects of, his 1!lous, !Jt•, D. K. Pearsons· I!Jilieug-u ti1e other day. uud · - · nlu1t lie luul !lruwn ti !lite t�rough Chi· ""'go uwl Iuul uisluh�rlteil . .;,:.,:l;lhinr· ollld e\'erybo!ly east. of_thut'llne '·froin auy shore in the money:· he· stlll,."ex: jJJ(.'Cts to glve awny,'snys.t.liC ChiC:igc �ril.1une. Not ···a pe'nny,�iDr/Peal-souE ... ys, ever will g-o' io.\i'u-y::in'stltutli)n ... st of Cl.Jicago. The :·wniion ot·· t\YO .;lQ!lnrs whlclt be lntmt�s ' to ·!lls]Jose-ol willllu tlte next year Is nil fofCUicago wHJ the west.

·Tile Prudentia

Home Office: Newark, N. J.

,JOHN F. DRYDEN, Prcsl!lent. LESLIE D. W'ARD, Viee�Preshlent.

,·EDGAR B, W'ARD, ::u Vico Pres't, & Counsel. FORRES1' 1!". DHYDE.N, Seuretllry.

.; Q, E. Ball, Sup•t, Rooms :! :J..4 Bank Bldg,, E. li'I'OUL St. & Pnrk A''e., 1111\infit!ld, N. ,J, \, Box 7Ql. 'l'eletlhone numlJer, tat3 Phdut\eltl. 13.10

Scheurlein Bros., (SUCCESSORS TO GEO. F BROWN,)

43 Somerset, St.. Plainfield, N.J.

General Upholsterers & Decorators Formerly emploJed IJy John Wauamnker nnll l3. Altnuui & Co. of N. Y.

lllanufactnrers of Awnings, Tents, Flags,

We have 11 Stlltt p le TJine 'l'IERES, Pflintad Pane ls, A 11 Geneml Line of Upholsters lion, which we ctm ·sell nt New: Lace Curtains.

Awnings Taken Down 11)' us will !Je stored and tnl<en cnm of free of c•hou·�e. All ordet·s b;• mnil pmmptly ttttended. Telephone No. 756,


Union Business College, ·. · ELIZABETH, N. J. .

An Expert · · � �'l$3'Z+.c�•>-!cK""rtiRK�+v':tk' 1:::-k'.o>-c +::-k·�.R!"'!•'<•� 1':!-•R:l:(;;:t< ]. un��e:;:::��: Advertiser Says · . -��:W������::�· In the world �

.In cnutly.' � HAVE it <'lellll lookillg exterior to the sto


cm""''"··"'"·"·"e. Or the Pl'OC('SS ! nud cnrefullr decornh1tl intetior. We krJO\V ·lfle grn!n is' grouml' and mlxotl of no better way to •tnrt right thnu to collSUit lb proper prOJIOrt!ons;·.-Tlwnlt Is COOK•

:'WELCH sn·os Painters and Dacorators, li!d to n mush, _fran) .w!J!e� n l�ln sirup � � '! BROAD STRI:lET, WESTFIELD. lilt squeezed by· hyurnullc: presses nnd ' ,ondnctcd to •l'i:t·cnt tron cvnporutor. �SEE OUR WALL PAPER SPECIALTIES. !k 'l'hcncc the sh'up Is 'ctlt'ricd In tJipcs to 711: 711: 1\1 \'IWUUlll pan, .Hero ! ylgOl'OilSiy ��iiOlio&����Wt.:iiitii:tWlW;t�""ti;i��t;tar-Zt ... :.iiti'tkt.Nitill !!tlrretl aut! furthe-r cvapomted, 1-'lte tt.lckcned slt'U[l Is _dmwti off Into huge. llltnllow tin· pnns, 'wliero It Is cooled lltul lttu•tlcncd. · Plnlu· or !lnvot•ed with JCl>Jlermlnt, the muss. Is· n rich golden ll!·own In color. Comblne!l wltlt ehoco­lltc It Is !lnrk ns tl!o fnmlllnr cnrnmcl bl tho cnndy shops.

When n hntch of goods Is nectletl fot•

tho mnrl<et, tho atocl< in tho pnns Is lrol;on Into pieces nne! pnt I nto a !Joliet• ·•m·t•unn!lutl by n stenm jncl<et, It I• ·lllllUcetl ]Jy lteut to tho cuuslsteucy Of ':lll'i'y nt nn old rnsh loned cnncly pull. ffltlll"tl wot•Joncn sl tiiJlC tho mass Into lfmg stt·lps thn t llo like goluon snnlwr <D 11 liotll'<l tnhlc.

They ure fml to a cutting mnchlue, n ill!fsy little monHtcr wllh nn lnsnllnill(! ll(lfKltlto tor Hwcots. You could nh11oHi eover tho mncltlno with n hut, yt>t It tiJrnR out mnlt crcnmlets rwnrly ns fnst • a :llulm gun hm·IM n atorm or hul· 1tt1. 'l'llo !Joys who curry the crt)lllll·

Itt• tram the muchlne to tho tnltlus .where they nre wrnJtp(!(l hnvo llttlo duta tor madltatlon.-Oirau!Muqua Uor. IIIII·

Kadol ��,t��:����? . .. . . ,.h. 1 Hep1til'ing nnd Jobbing.

Dyspepsia Cure Pinus nnd Estinmtos furn is hell. l'orsonnl

Digests what you eat. �;�.k:lntendot1oo on nil

This propamtlon contains nil of the !llgcstunts nnd d igests nil kinds of B C Wi t food. ltglvcslnstuntrcllcfnndnover , , n er, FirAt St,; fnlls to cure. It ullows you to e11t nil the food you want. Tho most sensitive stomachs can toke It, Dy its use manr thou sands of dyspeptics hnvo beem cured 11fttlr everything else failed . It. prevents formation otgnson the stom• acb, relieving all dlstressufter catlnr. Dieting unnecessary. PleiUlBnt. totaki.



It oan't help . . . . PA.PEn n.ANGtNG. .... .. , .. .... -Pre�N<Ionty b1f-l. o. n�Wt'l'r& oo . . oT.i;;tiiiO: Weetfleld, New .lereoy, -Tilu fl. lw>I.IIU COIIIIIDIIK IIWUI 'boliOO.aiM, ROll donee, BISu-• St. P, o. Boa m


Sa1e of Land for Taxes --IN-

I su m:. :.;";·� ........ " .. "'"''""" ..... �-..

ncc��������LJUtiC"'"' .,c,,;.,, .... - ........ · .. •·••· ''""""" liillrond. ,. ., ·-: · 'l'lte ·sum of elcvcu dollars ceuts n.mtust. IsnlalJ Probal!co, !or.·"·

_;-_ ;;:: ... :.-.:J



New Fall Dress Goo�s & � are now roudy for your inspection. Our selections from the mmkets of the wol'ld nro marvels of beauty, uud llcYer before hnvo we shown such lullltlsome materials, delicate shndo� uml beautiful designs, und with it all every piece· of good s is selected with the idetl tlmt utility und dnrabil.

ity ut·e important features. We therefore luiVe u stock tlmtcombincs beauty with J>ructicnbility. \\e will make 11 visit doubly interesting by tho following specinl olferiuga:

k' Cl th Au PV81'· -Sharks tn o 1 as t lu 11 · dress muteri!tl, of English mnke; Comes 45 in. witle nml iu 69c· e1•ery n�11· wnuted shude, rdso hhwk, nt only . . . . . . .

Fancy Striped Louisine

'S'Ik Iu oelf-colortHl, cortletl ef-1 fectfl, entirely new, fine

�nalit.y. in hillel<, w l!ite, cnptor, piuk, old lOSB llllll hght 79c blue, vnlue, 1 00, speclnl, y,,rtl, nt .. . . ............ ·

• • A11oth Wioe Wale Su1hng ""very tles\mhle dress fabric for Ft1ll wear. '!'bey nre strictly all .wot·­

sted ntu.l45 iuclws '"itle: the sb11<les are f11lly us humlHmue us thH im­ported �UIIllS lit 1.00, \Ve

50c IIJttlce these goods onr leatl· et• nt o11ly . . . . . . . . _ ... .. .. Print Warp Silks ����.� ����-est colorings, bnntlsorne shipeil ef. rects, beantlrnt designs, 98c fine gomls, well wor�h 1.25, special, ynr<lnt ......... ,

Print Warp Lousine Silks v�l')' filles� ljUHiity, Uil tbelat.ot C?lodngs and most fasltiuuable de.· 811!118, for wulsts or eutire sulh

' gr·ent value ut J. fJO; must 119. be seen to be IIJIJJreclat-etl, van!, ut....... .. . ... •

Prunella Suiting One oflht lett d lor dress llllllerinls fur full, 1'hey are

50 itt�bes wllle, evet y thread !ue. woul tlutl sat.lnlinishe!l. We hare the•e goons in nil the lutest alludes tual binclc, uud sell them lower tlum uumy uth· m· houses. Our pric� ouly. ·slack Peau de Soie Wu·

ranted 1111 pure sill<, line grude uud '"'' feet fust blttclc, oue of the leudlor blncl< dress silks thfB seu. goc· sou;. good vulue for 1 20, 0 specutl, )'lll'll...... ... . . .. , Cordurette ��;;t,:,:��tr�mr� �111J�:Ici�i:tr\1d'l}l�\!�l.�t!��lgtJ�1NlffJ wante4 wool n.nll hnndsomoly Jlnished 125 dt•ess stuff, tmpor·lctl to sell l.tU, S(lUClltl. • • , . , ,, .............. I



�l��'�L of bousu nu�l lo.�, 0�1 so�.t.� c,�, ,:, ! 'l'bt� smn of 'l'hlTtr-nlno· clollnrs nndsennty �����������������������������

conts ugaiust Oliver S. Pierson, for nnd on nc. count of house lot on south side· Picton street. .. ' , 'l'be sum of thlrt)'·olne tlo11ars and l!e,•ent)'

cents ugninsL tJaa·rlet llnnnlng, for and ounc· count of bouse anlllot on nortll. sllle of Pictou -�·- . The sum of twentr·tllree doJlars anti four cent!! ug"lusL t .. eri B. Hurt, fornud on !Lecount of hou�e and lot on uorth �;ide of Qulmbr street, 'l'he smn of two ilollnt·s nml tUty·slx. cents against Q.,ca.r Spahr, Jor 1md on account of vond nt Gerwautowu. or on \Vt$ttleld Park

She Al(re .. l Will• llhn, ITnsbnnd-llut yon tnust utltult that

UJy tustu Ia better lhuu yom·s. Wlfe-Yus, of COIII'SO It li. llnshuml-l'ut sut•pt•lse<l to hcnr you Rny so. Wlfc-Oit, them's nothing l'Cillllrkuble

about ltl 'l'lw utt•ro fuet thnt )'ou mtu·· t•lull UIU ltllU I llllll'l'ioll yoU lli'U\'08 11.­AnsWt!l'B,

.. roloalolp, Wlllie-ra, Wl1at ltl'o flll!e oyeR made

of? l'a-Giasa • Willie-But whot kind or alan? l'a-Ob-er-lookiUI IIM!M, I MUIIPOIB, Now, ruu ulf. lo bed. -l'blladolpbll

�� ... . . -·---:-·-.,. .... _ ... .

Selling off at a Reduction� ALL MY S'J'OOK OF OUOOKERY,




'rOOLS; E1'0.

.,pecial Accommodations for 1'el. 23-F.


Tb�y -"·"" ""'lr)· Cnrefnl Ahnot "·hut 'rltt.•y 'J'.al�c In 'rllelr Utuuh. . Oill' .ConstnnthtoJ>i<• con·ospomleut :'..It Is not gen�rnlly known that

' " muong ·,l,ul'ltiHh lntllcs of of enste feellng·slml-

. tutlt: .. ])t:c·I'Jlilltug nmong Illndou•. of ·conlnml­nmlls only

by lh'lSC SCrl'llli(S in

menls lnlllus nt 11.tnp fmm

Into n mnrblu 1 on tl.te tnp when

to wnsh, !Jut when ' they Jut tl10 wntN• somoho!ly Himts it off, ns to <lo It themselves wonltl uutke them u n­

clenn. 'l'ltoy CflllllOt OJICll 01' Hhttt U doot•, as the linmllo wouhl be uueh•ttn, so n ala ru Is geuernlly kopt hnnily fm· the purvose.

GENEUAL Jonnnm. ·

Gasolene and Kerosene 011 sold livere<lln any qnautlty.

Broad Streot, 'Vesttlehl, N.J •

One of these fURtitllons Indies WllH tnll,lng to 11 amnii nlt•ce the otlim· dny who luul just r-ece!rcd 11 trt·cscut of n bountiful tloll from l'nrls. Tho child present!)' lnld thu doll on tho Indy'• IRJl, who wn• honllit•tl lllltl ordm·ecl tho chlltl to lnlw It 1111'11)', As tho llttlo gh•l wotthl not rno,·o It mul un fHH'\'UUt Willi tll!lll', ntH! IIIli Indy would Itt! dolllutl hy tonl'!tlng rt doll thnt wnH ht•ought ft•om n!Jt•oJul, tho only thing �ho conltl think of II'IIR fll jlllllfl llfl 1111<1 lt •t the doll full Whlc.h ht•olw to [llt•e""· 'l'hu Hfttuo Indy will not nJmn 11. IPi tilt' <'Cmllllll by JlORt, hut II HerYnnt OJit>nM It nntl hol<ls It nt!nr lwr fot• her to I'Pnd, If her hnnd· ktJrchlot fttiiM to tho "romul, It IM hnmflo dlntely tlt!Mh•oycd or l!lven Rwny, 80 llitll Hlto should llot IIHil It IIJI'Bhl ThiN curiOIIM HtlltO ot OIChlMIVCD8H! or

'tllDIIII· clam exiHtH, 1 11m toltl, In mauy of the lnr1e ltarmna. Atnona men It II DOt �.�:.;,.Lolld�-���1 •·.·�v:·,:i>i!•

Page 3: County Stand… · HE UNION C OUNTY STANDAR,D NO. ll WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY. N. ]., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, J90J. $J.50 Per Year. Single Copies 3c. GeneFal Fall and Winter Openings in

UR FURNITURE DEP'T. Plainfield's largest Ullfl best furniture store, better goods, bettet· styles und lowet• prices tha11 uny other store in out of to wn. No old stock ot· 11ntiquo styles, bnt everyth ing new unil np to dute. If you have uny fumituw neeils, be they g rm1t or smu\1, come in

, hllU JOok LIB OVCI'

New Parlor Rocker. 1 New Sideboards. ey nro arriving da�ly-prettier Of th � muny

.styles now on our

ever before, both 111 style 1111d floot· the followmg are· worthy of Some with �ud<lle sents muJ special men ti(lu. Made of solid oak,

cobblqr tho little low Dutch golden . finish, French bevel pla to 1111d the �omrortuble biih buck. mirror and lined dt•awer for sih·e1·. or!e w_o tlirect speciul atten· Worth reg. 12 50, special 9.98

to ts prrced nt Worth reg. lli.OO, special • u.os $2.98 Worth reg. 16.50, special • J.f.:15

dozen of the glass thin

tumblers, size,:the usn­is Me per

for them. will sell them

they Just at per 39'

Mrs. Pottl' Sad Irons Tabourettes N otwi thstaudiug the

nd vance in price of this class of goods, we pl11ce on sale this week 10 cases of 'Mrs. Potts' best sud irons in sets of 3 irons, handle and staud, complete set at


Now wluin yon need them, a special offer ing of higli gmde 'l'ub onrette at little prices, in oak or mahoguny finish ; one lot priced at 49' Another lot at 59' Still another at Clot:

NIVERSAL FOOD CHOPPERS. See the Demonstration In our Ba.sement.

housewife k11ows that 11 Jlltlohiue of many parts, i!Hii( ult to apart, awl clean, and put together lignin, is never used but 11 few

The Univel'llal Fooil Chopper commends itself by its grout si m. no less than by its olennlinesi, mpid ity, and the great variety of ils

It does awny with tlic chopping bowl e.n,tirely. It is ILII invaluable help in the kitolten-u umchine tlmt will be used

day 11nd for almost every meal-•elf cleaning, self sharpening anrl Just a lifetime. A chilli can take 1t apart ani! put it togethe•· ugr1in in half 11 m i n lt te.

mpirlly ani! withou t mashing tmd i n pieces as fine or co�rse as want­, Uni versal Cook Book, 32 pnges, free for the nsking.

SPECIAL PRICES FOR CHOP-PERS. The No. 1 Size 98c The No. 2 Size 1.19

oodhul l & Mariin, 2J.f, :1136, 238, l46 West Front Street. PLAINFIBLD. N. J.

A Tai lor's T ri u m p h .·

The best tailors are properly proud of the dress. suits they make. It's right tluiv should be so.

WE ARE PRO U D O F O U RS .:...proud of our clothes. We can point

yon , to more men of :taste WhO WBIII' our clothes than others. It's bec!lllSe they are the best clothes.

Colyer &, Co. C L.:OTH I N G O N L.V



J•ro��eedhlp offhe llmtrtl o f Cllfuu>n V,m.,­Jutlderl! of Vulun •:ouut!',-OU"Jciul.

llegular rue�ting of the Buarll or· Cho­Hen lilreeholders uf the county of lJJJ ion, N . . )., hel<l on 'fhm·suny, Sept. iJ, l:!Ul, nt �.:10 p. m.

·Roll call showed nil members Jli'CSent -17,

Owing to the uhsence of•rk Mt'. E. M. \Yood was designuted hlH.l np­poi ote<l to net us eler\{ [H'O t;em r11he m i nutes of the pl'eviouH meeting, rending of l.Mls lll�illg' omiLt.eclj wm·e 011 motion UPIH'm•ed us roatl.

UOMMUNJU.\'1'IONE't Wl'C, l?lr< m Clws, D. Hl:lcse, clerk of 'Vest.

tleld township, Hinting thnt the township com mitt'-'" d<••ireJ to cull th e attention of tllis bolll'd to th� uondition of the g u t. ter� on the euslel'ly Hide of Cenlrul "''· ouuo, in said townsh ip, IJet\vueu tho Uont­nl R R of N. J,, and !'teton •lreol . 'l'he J!ipes und sluiceways nhwml in tho gutters fm· mnking of private drLVliWHys hnd be110111e clogged, und t.hll water did not i'Un oft'. It wns clnim�d Lhut son1e of the residents l tnd culled the attention of �bo oounty rond im�pectot· to the mllt­tcr, b u !i thut notJung- Jutd been done,

In utder thut further uunoyunce nmy be nvoided it wns re<tUested tltut thts board �eivo the matter 1ts attention.

Received and referred to the county road committee nml county attorney,

li1rom W. li1, Brower us follows: Sept. 3, 1�01 . 'l'o the Bmm' of l�reeholders of Union

county : Gentlemen: At your Just meeting you

sent a resolution for the clerk to notify the trustees of the Presbyterian church at New Providence to remove forthwith certom tile pipe illellnll� laid along the county road line. I beg leave to notify �our honoroble body that no nttention nas been pnid to suirl noti•Je, or from present indications likely to be paid to snme. Have you 11ny (lOWer in the Blttne?

I am, vet•y truly yours, w. F. BllOW>lll, We believe that there is no renl dtun. uge to uny property on uccount of the dmin us it ts ut present, and to corro!J.

orate whut we sny we het'ebv present the following names of those i.ersone who live either neat•, or adjoming, the prop. erty in question, und following the siguu­tures are the number of yearB the enid Jlersons hnve hved in their own homes on this street.

E. R. 1\lmn:nousg, Clerk, Per· W. J. H.

We, the undet•signed, endorse tho above petition :

Henlth Ius. John W. Dicl<inson; ye11rs ; S11muel Haclgley, 70 yeurs; Mury E. Tyler, pet· J. L. 'l'yler, 10 yenrs ; John lt. Burnett, GO year·s ; A. L. Burnett, HB yeam · ·

severn} members of the board of tees of auid churoh were meeting, one of in nd<ire,ssirig bonrd, stnted thnt 11 been first lnid, ' but and repliwed with un B· onler· of

S ince der•d, und '

l{eceiveU Fro'm E;

J. B.: , 'l'o the

bly nsk l'OCODSider the druin lo remain as it

Wo would mention· nre other drniris in · . which ure srmil ur to , this were not eo ther'' would be m erty which ooulrl not �· drained; would reconsider its former notion by which it was ordered thr1t the druin be done uwny wtth entirely. ·

'fhe communicution wus then ordered to be plucod on tile .

ELI"AIIE1'111 N. J., Sept. iith, 1901. Mit. S. Uusr,JNO RYNO, Clet k Ho11rd of

Chosen l'reeholders. , My lJeur Str: Enclosed pleuse find

COJJY of communication received from his honot· the Mn)'OI' of the city of Elizn. beth, by the Ctty C'.ouncil, ut 11 meeting held on the 3d instant, also copy of roso· lution in reference thereto:

By l\lt•, Collins: . Resolved. 'l'hut II committee or live

members of t11 1s council be appointell by the chair to consider the cotuUJUilicution su bmitted this e\'f.llllng Uy his honor, the :Muyul', and to lllJJmur before tlw Dourd o{ li1reeholders und lll'ge upon them the neces�:�ity of takmg such nct10n as muy IJe eXjJedhmt nrul ner.essury Lu rel ieve the sttuation cited in the l\luyor's communication. At the snme meeting president pro tom pore Engel preseot.,d the follm\•ing named mem llers ns tl1o committee oulled for iu the uUove rosuh·1tiotJ, viz: .Messrs. Colliils, llol're, i1ayl'Jr, li'm·J null Nul.

Most respectfully yours, J,\�lf:S J, �!ANN IN(!,

Oity Oierl<.

dre�s�d the board, nnd urged that tl1C ooat·d inwntignte the Jiood (jUe�tioH1 mul gi\'e c;u·l'ful coJu:liJcrntiou to Ading �lu�·­t�l' H.rnu':.; :sugge:stiun�. lJc WHH n:rtaiu that tll1! dt,v uf Eliza\Jeth would co-oper­ate wi th tllis IJO:II'fi in :tll,Y wtt.r lHlS'i ihl�. 'J.'ue twu crmuuuJJiL'atiou� WCI'l� Hum re­('r�i n,tl uml JllaL·r�rl Oil liiP.

Prow .J:HlleH "'· }•'ink, t.:uunty l'ond i u­:-;pedtJI', 1.1:-> fiJltuw�-> :

\\'e:.;t l ir•hJ, �l'Jif. ;1, 1\JlJL 'l'o the llonuJ'IliJir! ti ll' Huard of U.o:-:eu

Frt�tdiOlders of L:llion umnt�·, X. J . : ( :enl lem"u : '11l te umler:-;igHt'fl wonltl

r��pel'l full,r l'l'}Jtll't to your Jwuorai.Jle bod,\' t l1 :tl Jo;iuec .Juuc Tth, al wlik·h t i me the l'C}Jair:; to <:Ollll t,y J'rmdt; wet·c het.;-nn, t here have l lePJ I l i �f! mi les uf rmul l'tl­]J/l i l't'd with .1 �{!-inr·h -;toue, "1 %, miles of rmul t.OIJ dre,.;�·erl wit.h liJw stoW..', lOo/4, 111ih�s of �l\'I'K cJe:UJCrl. 'J11JC t�o�t of this wurk is !l)JJ ,-1-t!.O.l.

l ul'iuderl i 1 1 this i;.; tlu� <:o;-;t of cxiru wol'l{ do11c ou C1JUIIty roads which waH t.•auseu h,v tim recent storm, ·amounting to :;;:wl"i.�li.

'l,lw work of repair.-; is Klill i11 JJJ'OJ . .n·ess 1111 XorU1 lt\'enue. Very rm.;tJectfuily suhmiUe1l,

Sigt�cd. .J .. L\U;:S "'· PJNK, 1nh}JCL'iot·,

ltc'cei\'cd aud tJiitl'ed ou file. ..u.i'.ll't.. - - .11H UF UOll�ll'l"l,J�I�H.

lh lhe �omm ittce on l1t'iuce litrect bridge, Lmflen : '£o the Hoard of t�tlQI:iCil l•1J'Cd10ltlet'K of

'Union County : Gcutlcmcu : \Vlu•re1us, tho U!Jpropriu·

tiou� mnde by th is bonrtl fol' the build­ing of the h1·itlge on Pl'ice �tt·eet, in Limlcn towushit•. Uuiml county, was iu­�uflicient fol' the coustructiou thereof, the contruct fol' :-:n id wol'k hn\'lllg Lrcen a wunled for the :;um of $iU:!, Ullll iiJC ap· pi'UtJriuiiuu huring been only $(jU0, lctn•­ing ;L deli<:icnc,r of $14:! ; tl!m·efoL'C be it

Jtesoh·cU, 'rhat this IJom·d nuthorizc the commitleo in dm •·l!;e of :-mid lu• idge to lll'oeeutl und cornvlete tlm 8nme, nml thnt the CXtl'U COHtl-1 llCl'CSSUl'Y theJ•etOt \'i Z : $1-l:!, be aud l�; .. creoy lll)!H'OlH'iutetl for thnt JHil'lKJse.

�igned. III�NHY liHOUSE, ·

J,ACJI I<!lt, ll. l!'t·euhohlct· Ki11g, mo\'e<L tunr

tlOrt he l'c!:ci unll in con luinutl tiered on roll enll

the COillllli

DYSPEPSIA :��r: ��·�l���:::� �o;:�· r(;��rJ•=t ���b��; f:ut millt toast, tmd ttt t.lmes my bLomuch would not nud lli'.{f'Ht even tllu.t.. Lalit Mllrt'h I

begun tiLking CASUARE'11S nnd since then 1 lmvo stcn.Uil,V Improved, until I 11m as well us 1 ever was in my me." DAVW H. lliUHl'DY, Newark, 0.

Pleas&nt, Pniata.ble, Potent. Ta8te GoO<!. Do Good, Never Blckeu. Weaken, or Gripe, tOe, :.16c, UOo. ,., CUR&: CONSTIPATION.

!llerllll!l' Hrwtody tu•JIIUIJo ('hlll•lu, MNtrT•I• Nt:R for•. 311

fhaps, f'iJo..'cs, Jlough Skin. tif��s���t������&1�J:Pfl�J;IJ�ur;fJ;�t �ir��r��i�: �rmtnncoutl, no oil, no grease, no muss, tl(· {Vj�\rl y6�1 ���-��i��k !f��,��h���� ;��! r����� thappcd, upply tt, it drtc!:l lll lU!itnntly nnd you; hand11 uri'} smooth ami soft, n\.lcd not be covert'" llpnor washed off, andnntr.nil the finC'-�t !-:!1' or satins. Absolutely harmless, pure, non-h, jurlous and simple. Elegant after shaving nr.• i�1lendid for cllatcso( children. 25c., DOc. an. ti.OO bott_le_:•.:_· --------

Gray Hair; WclJs' Hair Balsnm. If grny, Wells' H�ir Balsam (nota dve) grnG

U'l!ly restores to ur:ginal �;ulor, blud>. Or brow�· ��S.$�VE££W,{!�����t�]�;�J/C�[;,sN�J�Paid

lVclls' Ilait" Tone. for the Bald. ' I

of IJJeat is a. bll!bt;illi,C to ht!t' huU�:>t:Loltl. Nt) tough !:it t•nkt;1 un dry roal'lt8, no rUbty 1Jrt:berv4'i.. meu.t� timl tlu•l!' wnr to l.wr talJie, 8];(� ha�; tested every mal'ket in Wet:itfleld nud luu; ti!oo­Jectell ·ourr; for tlle prime roaets, jll iC}' steall(, lt.!Hl cltOIJB, ttlnrler poultry, urut enrything it:. Uw mru·lwtln� line olwHysohtaiJwd lmrll, A rill t1Hi difl't.m·nco in Jtri�us �h·ct! her a little f.'Xtr& vln ruoney.

Archbold & Scudder, WESTFIELD

' J'or full Jl&��«;;la�!� -���11, The Oreal American Tea Co,, Ill •bd ua ,r .... ,. llt••f'!t, P. 0, BoJ 28!}, Cor. Church .St •• �ew

PFatt Institute, BROOKLYN, N. V.

Olll-' l'lasFeswill BEGIN wnrk HEP'rE�IlHi;l'. 23, eveniru: clnssts SEP'l'E:\1 25, Hlch Schaal. Department of Fine Arts, Pepartment of Domestic Art.

Department of Domestic Science. D�panment of Science and 1'echnofnR,_ Including trade cla.<�ses. l>epartment of Klndere-•rtet:�s. Uepartment of Libraries, Gymnasium.

For furt1mr informnl fon 01' for liflfll icntl!lt:. · blan� s IUldrf>ss the �eneral office of tlH' Jr... >tltlllc. FTIEDI!:ItiC H. PltA'rT, �ee1claf5t.

V E RY R EA L. \Ve 1111\'ll bought Jll\ lles1Vmil1•

by some of tho fir�t artist�. und tUe. flowel's and the flllillge l�qk VelD" rent. '

'flwse R_re· mo!;t. _,bt>lmtlfnl Fl)C£:\ mens ·or·the' 11ft.JJer.· decorators, an:.­!�Drl �:kUI,· nurl we ad\'l:le uu t!urlr

':· IOoknt !heth:

�,.,:. ·

Charles Crickenberger, ·3!;���e�:� House Painter and Decorator.

L. J. 'IOMPEIN8, lte�tildrar.

___ . Wa•bh�i(ioD lquare, N. 'I. Clty.


BAUMAN'S P.;to Studio�


Rang-e Stove nncl Fnrnnce RPpniring. J8 ELn .5T�EET, WESTFIELD.

Estlmntes Furnished. Best work. LowL"St Jll'iccs. Coal, Lumber,

g Matenals, Mouldings and Kindling Wood. Fertilizers A�comtntll�·ing tlw foregoing communi�

cation wns the folluwiug letter fl'Olll Ad· lng Mnym• Hyau, iU.IUrestietl to the Mliza· IJenth Cily Cuuuc:il :

and Kt·uu::ie, H,\' l,�r�oholtlm· �I iller : . mm���*l��*l·ill��m:�®���"E����ai � � l'or ... wn, Oarden end l'leld.

and Yard···Central Ave., near R. R. Crossin£, Wastfial� Orden by Mail Will Receive Prompt Attention,

19 A.


J�liznbct�, �. J., Sept. 3, ltl01. '11o the Honorable C i ty Uouucil : Gentlemen :-1 de!:! ire to l'llll your nl­

tuutlou to tlw resul ts of Lhe recent l'tti ns nloug tho llno uf the l�li:mbeth Uivl!t', ft·om "'u.'!t Urnntl stl•eut to 111'i ll<�e !:ltl'cct. Not only wm•e tho brhlges se­t·iottHI,v dnmngcd, but twlvn te )ll'oJlel't,\' gruntly rsu!l'ercd nutl c·cllnl'ri nn<l ft•ont ,\'11 1'(1<.:; wm·e filled with mtul nml <lebril-1, 'l'ho <lillictt l l �· u� }Jl'O\'Itllng ugninl:lt exli·n· ot•tl lnnl')' freshets snch ns hn\'O vl•lted ol\1' cH�· t•eeentl�·. nnil huloutl fnl' snmo ,\'etU'H tmst i!l mlmi t tl1d tw ttll, hu t I think If the Hunrfl of Clto.�ell Frecholdet'H coni!] bo JIUI'HUildml , to t•eplm.'C tho oltl nreh IJ1•l<lgc wit'h mmlm·n strtwtut•eH, l llt1l'h of tiro',l" whldt citizens hn1•o •nltl'l·ed wonld ho nl'ollled. IIL•sl<los nil th is tiro lumbm• ynt•d of i\fn lfuJ•tl & Co, huH IH!<m· tho (..'IHtso of nthl l l lonal ft•ouhlo lrtJ<•nuRo t.l1oh· lum!Jca·, whlc•lt lnlH hecu t,llcd nloug tim low hnnk�<� of thu Rlrr.nm tlOJ'ih of tho Gt•nnd Htt•oot lll'l•lgt!, hllH hpen ilnlll <•tl •lown ngnln•t l ito l l l'i!ho• of lito lll'l<lgo, f•ll'mlng n <hun, which l'IIIHe<l lho wn tol' nntt tHlnll�· high, �\'on !1M fm• n� 11t•hwo Hh•etJt, nnd iulllf.'trul 1l11nmgo upon t.ho (ll'oml••• of J'llRiileniR In r hnt ln.,lllll,v. I i.l'UHI )'OUt' honnt•nblo ho•ly will il!kO RC• tlon without <lclny to lnrhH'O tho l•'J•oo· hohlet'll to t•etJill<'o tho ht•ltlgeH nl !lJ•nntl Rill] l't•JrH"O Mh'I!I!IM Wil h H)IRIIH MhJtilRI' to thoRo n� .TerHey Hh'Ool.

. · 1' • • T. RYAN, l't•c•, Olty Conn" , Aetlng Mnyor.

Oomwllrnnn Collins hclnR pro•nnt nd•

Hc:-iuh•cd, 'rlmt u committee of three (:1) he n ppointctl to con�hlet• the nd l'l•n· hlli t ,v of c:onstrudlng n new brillgu tm I'OIHl Jmuling to Grcut Islttnd, at "'ootl­I'UI'f'li ereck, in tile city of Bllznhcth, nnd !'l'IJOl'L LIIU prohnblo cust of thu· :snmo at tho uoxt meeting. ·

On motion of Freoholdl'J' Adnnm tho l'l'solutlon \\'lls tulo}Jtml without <lissout.

1'Jw d!t•el'tot• nt�polutntl ns tim snid cnJnmltteo F'recl10ldtws :\lilll't', :b,uJ·i·ell null �<·mldcr.

H,\' l•'reuhuhluL' .Aflnm:-; : UL'snh·e<l1 'l'hnt n l'tJIIIIIllttec of Jh•o (ri)

l w nppoiutml with power to rebulld tile brlek n t·eh pm•llon, n!HI l'l!JIIlll' the l'C· mnindN· nf t i m Pllh'C!l't hrlclgu nt tho c•o1•� , Jll'l' of J IJ'OHJII'd Htl'l!l1\: [\Ill] \\•l l lmV ll,·o� IILW, tll f�J·nufol'd, �. J., nt n cm:tt 110\: to l!Xf!t'Ctl �>.;tHI, ,

l1�l't'olwhhH' "'nh1 movml the ndotJtlon of l:ho l'l!snlullon, nnil on en ll It wns Ullti11 111JUUHIY ndotliOll,

· 'J'hu dh•eutor ll)ll!Ointml ns l.uo )lllifl c..oomm i tft•o Jj'll'f'flhohl,�l'!ol AdnrnA, llonnoJI, \Vnh1, Hwnlu mu1 "'�HtJlhnl.

H,v 1•'1'11LlhUitlHI' . .:\llllUIH : ltt•Roil'otl, �I' lint tho 1'0111 l'lldOI'H 011 tho

llonmnn 11\'lllltll! tmlvct·t:, Ot•n Jlf<ll'd, ho Jllll!l tho nwnr•tl• dnc thom nndm• tiU'h' <'011hn£>fH. whPil thn .JIIIH lut\'11 htJon prop· oJ•I,v nwUtml h,v tllll t.mmmlltoo, nmouut Jlr.ll.

Jlr•onholilnt• Mlllm· moved tho n•lopt.lon ot tho r•rHolntlon, nrul on l'oll cnll It wnA

(Oonllrruetl OII Jlflge II)

I LA D I E S ! . � 1 The Statama,�!, ·,·.: .. ,, .


!lj Th<':0; � ::�::;": ':;:::od !'" got a <took I �

:���wm. When you sec what it is you'll want � ��-:··


: Bring Your Scissors Along ;IJ . and have them sharpened FREE by elec-


I CHAS. 0. EMBLETON, 16 Proepect ltreet, • • W.eetfleld,


Page 4: County Stand… · HE UNION C OUNTY STANDAR,D NO. ll WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY. N. ]., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, J90J. $J.50 Per Year. Single Copies 3c. GeneFal Fall and Winter Openings in


·.I'Jfl} UNION COUNT\' S'fA.NDARD Hope cnn ul!_l;ays uiscem a silYel' Published ll't\'eJ.')' FrJday tJJ' etur. , · ·

The Stanaard Publishing ConcPrn. K ,/, Wm·rt:IJEAD. President.

:R. c. Pt:.\ USA!.\ .. , Secrelnrr-'l'rcasurer,

0. 1�. P}a It SA t.t., :\lanttger. F.ntered nt tlw Post Oftlce nt WezJtJleld,

:New Jersey, assecond-cluss uuutor. • u.tCRIPTION


Olflce-5TA.NDARD Uolldlng,

ooonses. We understnn

number of the signers . 1igneu nudet· the mis�pprehension :fu�t they were signing for a restaur· Slit. Not willing to be unfair to :anyone nor to contribute to the dis·

'l'bmfort of some sorry families we ll'!tfraiu from our original pmpose of tublishing the names signed to Mr. iKurzhala' petHion.

Doobtless some of the petition �igners believe that Westfield needs �nother bur room; although West­leld already has six of them, while !Jl1ere would not be one if the oitizeus <!onld have their own

And it has been :11iserable surrender to t :lluence in politics that · . :represen tutivos

· :mark!) muke . in tho


Admiral Schley lms had much to explain. He soems to have ex· plaine<! it to tl1e s�tisfttctiml o f his couutryrncn and the discomfort of the nnval pets who tried to "uo" him, nnd didn't.

==== Everything seems to be Trust, Trust,

Trust! Why, nt the boarding honoes everything luUI new un.mes: "!thy I hell> you to another ahce of this At·· monr" � uno you tu.�e Haveweyer iu

cnttee" ? "Allow me to p11t nn Pierpont Morgan. " make a "go" of bi�

however. There

., H politicillll falls

Pe1•sn!ey says be WIIS en reel · �y 11 recltl1l gll'�n

Annanlns Veri! y. He BtJys the wny ls the rlgh t thing fot• llCII'rie , It seems tluot 11 �

Lipton Is n reg alai' Mark � et· · ud,veral ty,

fnmous tnl'f'uwu WILS snflpectec1 of souk uu lug his hor,es' feet In bolllni( wnter, to

1nulte them \ll'nctlcnlly sonnol; n crud tmwtlce, tllttl ouo clOJII'ecutecl hy I h� Hocloty. At lt"t ho wa• tnken l'l'tl lumtletl hy one of Its ngon ts. "Dt> ron

r.-4'9 W • dltln't ooe tba Mount

al the y aoh t rnoes, r,.�

Arnmt nl'lr

There nre 11 grout muny "What did I a·,ll yous" 1 ubont town.

�4'9 '1'ho Cllb!e flushed this tnessage oro••

1!he tnnln:-"Nowlso nn<lauute!l, we will �1 again, "

""""' Walslngbnm tbluka sea aloknsss (In 11 llllrgo ntaasnra) datraots aomewbat rrom �e pleMure of au lutoruatloual lll16toh,

cull th11t ut'llt11 1 I gtleHH If I Cllll st•w� l t the bm·su cnu l "-with which l1e Jlllllllill>l his foot iuto tho tnb, w hor·e he let It re­muiu Ulltll the agent muole l!Jl his mind th11t he wns mlsttlkeu, tlepnrtotl,-llttle thinking that the voter11n tnrllte luul u woodou leg, from the knee tlown.


The 11reat beaduohe cure, does not •Lnt­tsr tbe 11ervea. Il lunfsau!l qulck . Gi vll t a lrl16\, At �11 druggists. T1111 cuut8.


Its .llest-�l'lw

· being rrolli uu; C!U.b, nutl 1uizes nwu!·d­

: . Hopie, Batjer uml Ynn M'""'"K.· nr Elizabeth, 1st ; Golden Roll,

Batjer, of Elizabetb, 2<1, 'l'be t·mile ruuuing I'Rce brought out

five hor�es, their riders beinJ�; arrttyetl iu natty costumes of ohVt>st every conoeiv · otble calm·, and after a little wartulug up, the hot·ses got away,it being nip und tuck betweeu Post Horu and Hopie all the distance. Comiug dowu the stretcb these horses were nearly nbrenBt, ami at the wire Post Horn. rl<lden by Louis Bat.jer, won by n nose; Hopie, riudeu by i!. V nnSchaick, 2d, and l\loonbeum, rid· den by C. L . .Abry, <ld, Time 1 .24.

1'be t'esnlts ol the trottillg nnd pacing events wet·e as follows:

:!.25 ChlBB1 11rotting nnd Pacing, Hully Oee, P.J. l\:eenau, South Omnge 1 1 Rover R, A. o. Yull, Plutufleld. , , , . , , , , Ft•ed Y , J . S. lr\'lnil, �\"t!stfleld . . . . . . . . . Ned DaYis. D.O. Sm.l\lley, PJaiutt�hl,. Aunlo S. D: WOOtlbrldb-.,;

1vitli ','/�iJi-'/,�-. ---Arthur S;· Flugg IUttuuge'l the refresh· meut stuml to verfectlou nu<l dlll u laud olllce business fot· seveml hom·s.

Mnny lmuclsome tm·nuut wet'e seen llue<l up uloul,l the truck. Ph\lut\el<l nmt Ellzt1both uelng well l'opresented with stylish �qn\pnges.

'fhe ulwuys goml·untnred Westflel<l policemuu hull uo trnu ble lu kte)Jl ug perfect order throughout the ijl'onuus.

Nutltiug but 111'1llso cnnld be beurtl ou 1111 Hl<les fOI' the oxcollout coml\tlou u! the ti'HCk Ullll COlli furta lJJo !jllllt'!Ol'B fUI' t.he vl•ltiug horses.

Acting flm,rettuy , Hom·y P. Comllt, wn• 11 ver)' lmsy mnu llllll wus kevt on the wove 11!1 the time, but everytlJlug went olf without a hitch.

The jmlge� d•aerYD credit !or the nnus. nul sutisllll!tlou glveu iu the liWnf·d\ug of prizes. The j udges fot• tile Stullloo 110d

Brn01l M nre Cl••••• were Col. Etl wnl'!le, of N ... ,.,nrlt, Ed. Dowut>, of \VestfieJtl, nwl E. B. Al le11, nf FJemiugtou ; Jullg-eH

of l,acers mul Trotters in the show cluss- 1 e• were :. 1\Ir. Behuout, Mr. Smith und Mr. Flnunignu.

The ollkinls of the mciug classes were "" follow., Stnl·ter, E. B. Al len ; .Jmlge•, E. R. Bowne, N, B Srut�lle,v tmtl n. A . F11irlwlru; Cle1·k of the course, Fmult

gmwl stand, Sterliug trotter, becnme fr�c­

rettriug, fell, brenldng u shaft road \\'ageu.

'l'he d•dlcntiou service, Tuesday even· lug nt. tbe nel\' Locust Grove cbttpel wns hd<1 by tb� Rev. W. 0. 'Jarvis t\cconl·

iug to the form of the Protestuut Episco· pal church. The organist nml choir wel'B present, 1111tl owing to the kimlue'" of Ml·, Schoonover who gave the use of hi• store, it w tts pos•il>le to have the choir vested as in the •ervlces iu tbe church, nutl the opening and clo•ing U\'UUJS su1tg as prucessionnls. Besides the t••gulm· music the au them "Except

Lord Bull'! the . Honse," music b)' snug, �IIss Gt•11ce St01ve

sluglug the duets, alltl u solo ·setting of

c c • maungemeut gnve war the clrlviug clnb that clay; let to· morrow he t\ bnse ball d11y in Westfield. Everyone turn out; bring your friemls aud yonr family ; glorious hull has been played nil t ile senson, let fo.monow be n glorious Tbere •re ninny pea. pie in· Westfield who have not witnessed a gnme this season, let them turn Ollt for the !not. game: it will be a hot one

tllld full of ginger. The Aoolinns will be the visiting team and they are com· lug to win-perhtiJls they will win, aml puh11ps they won't. The Westfield boys sny they wou't. Bnt be there any Wll)' and see for yourself. 6ame called at 3.80 sharp,


Tha Autw Milliue�� Enthusiasm over this beautiful,

h ibit of Pattern Hats and Bonnets

not abated one jot. Com parison clearly that the

more effective onstrates


without exception lower

usually found with very inferior Copies of high cost imported and handsome .creations evolved our own work rooms and

elusively here A l ine that acco

·· to all over standards of value should ' sell for from $8 :oo to $ r o.oo, at


Mail orders promptly and carefully filled. Goods


, • ; : PLAI N FI ELD.

Au hmnon»D Store Jtun on ltletl'oJJOIJtuu

The store of lllessre Woodhull & Mar­tin, Pinintield, probably covers moro space than nuy store In the county nuol their of <l1·y goods, housefuruiah-

Yollr · Neighbor's Hat--••

. furniture is ft·esh from the of the country new nml np·to

contlttctiug their In tbe ex�renie

cat·elul utten· lm·ge

Westfield, N. J De111' Sir: When you build a house y0,; wuut 11 goo<l p11lnt next the woo<l-ltgoos n loug way lu tuklug cat•e of the wootl 'l'lle pulnt �bat l111s the beat chuuco to IJ� nse•l ls this first cont: first two cont�·tiJ•ot three COIItH. '!'he first tnkes ctlre of u,, woocl; the second tulres cure of the fio·st · the tbl\'ll tnk"" Clll'e ott he two. All thre� becmuu one ; ntlll that mw is to lust for. B\'t'l'. ' '}�vrtn·er" uwuus na long 11s t}Je house host•. '!'he wuy to mnke the lh·st unlntlng lnst, ns long ''" the honer, is tu toll ow It up with reJ•nlutlug ofteu ouongh

How often'/ Dopentls ou thejlttlut. !te'

pulut wh llo tho pnlut Is still waterproof All the weur Is ontsl!le; thel'e Is no wr11;. on tho umler Jlltiut. Thi• is how tho lh·st, tmlntlug ln•t• fm·evet• : by k•ephtg It cov. et·ml : keeping it soullll. And thl• Is tit• cl1e11pe•t WilY to tnko cotre of II IIOUHe, :Uut how olt•n to pnlut tlojmll!lson yolll' pnlut 11' yon ptllut letul nntl oil, pnlnt ng111n 1;; lht•eo yenrs Ol' lr•• ; ff Devoe lend anu zluc Jlnlnt ugnh1 In tht·ee )'L•nr. or more

' Tlmt • •lestt" lllll1 11Utore" IU'e 1\l;ont

one to two. Devoe leal] un£1 zluc cure of 1\ houRe 11t lut\f M�t. b•011use lusts twice 111 lnn11 ns IRit<l nnd oil. \'our• truly,

F. W • DNVOE & Co,

will be different from

thats because we trim

No T\1\lo J(llke. We have expert designers and tt immers

New York connection is such that the ideas are embodied in our work, besides H:ty of �illinery trimmings is almost


ly Two Hundrecd · Triinnwd H at� ready for your inspection.

ever price you pay us, you will get than anywhere else.

as shown in cut WI

Kramer up (altho'); . that wheel , too) but good, substantial; . , ning road wheel isfy all excepr those ous to break -�,.,,. .. r, ... . .�

Page 5: County Stand… · HE UNION C OUNTY STANDAR,D NO. ll WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY. N. ]., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, J90J. $J.50 Per Year. Single Copies 3c. GeneFal Fall and Winter Openings in


WESTFIELD • .N. J., OCT. 4, 1001. I' 1111lants ano \liters. ����� A \VORD-.-\ud be 1mre to send thtl money wltll the 8.{\, to �R'\o'e boult-keelllng 111 so dtu"ll a trunsact.ton. A great �t1lumu for rent"\11: l.\.'l.le8, ex· elM niCe, l:lltnattuus, htltJ W<�Ut.· ell. lm;;t, round1 etc, '1'1')' lt 0� EbeC����"Ae�,Jhfti�� you. COLUMBIA AHEAD!

' g R00)1 llouoe to let. Central avenue. Al>· Sbawrock ou the bome stretch. Will

Mr. aud �Irs. c. 0. Poor ore enjoying au outing iu Maine.

-M • . B. Walker bus moved to Gar· wood.

-The full l'<'port of the minutes of Freeholder's last meetiDg is in tbis lss.ue of- ihe Staud�t·d. ) � l

· -'l'!!ew Jersey has the lowest death rate of uny state or counll·yin the world, exceptl11�· Norway and Sweden.

-Tbe regular meeting of W iltard W . C. T . U. will be held Tuesd11y afteruoo11 at 3. 30 in the hall on Pt·ospect street:

-1\fr. an� Mrs. 'l'. H. Price, of Brook ­lyn, have been visltlug at the home of Mr. sud Mra.' Henry H. Downes this

-Alton C. Rapp of Holland, N. J was in-town on Tuesday visiting friends.

-The new Union County hand had a rehearsal last night with Ernest W ilcox as leader.

-1'he Aeolian band will play in the fitemens parade in Newark, Oct. Bl•tand i": Plainfield on the 17th of this month.

-Mrs H. M. Brod a11d 1\lrs. W. JIL St'11wets have returned from a visit to Paterson,

-A new fuctory bull!ling Is being er· ected on the Aeolian grounds at Gar· wood.

-The monthly board of education mesting is scheduled for Tuesday evr· ' 1,ly Po�t Office. .

win unless accident prevents. OA�W.1A;,�. '-::!':£·. 2nd crop boy for ,..le, lidrB)··the·wa,-Go ••• Westfield win -John M. 0. Marsh and Wm, E. Tnt- -1\fre: A. A. Smith of Elm street bqs · B- oyw;;;i;;j ;�·�;,;n tbo plumber's trade. a ball game to-tuorrow-S.SO

tie, Jr. att10ded tbe Democmtic state returned from a visit with her parents iu

week. nlng.

Jobn L. �Iiller, ---------------' 1 convention on.Tuesday as delegates from PhlladelphiH. F0�or'i.A!n�;;-�::,�·r�\,J!;!il� c�.;;;·�,r�:·d -The 1'olvn Committee will meet this Westfield. .

-Air. aud Airs. T. H. Foote left for eveulug at � o'clock. -Ste�heu Mclutyre who was badly Cali!ol'Uia this morning, Mr. Foote goes },0��o���;;;:,!��;<D�•�l�!� ":,�,1 l!��.��! -Mrs. Mthur Olsen of Roselle visited scnld€d while repalriJ•g 11 boiler valve in in search of health.

i::.11�,��Vt·e��0a'::dm�,W�fd��!!!�!�e!�t�1�J�e?ud- f�iends in town on Tnesday. tbe Aeoliam pltutt at Gat·wood, Monday R N morning, is recovering.

FOil �AL�-In We<tfiuld. a11 e11tlrely new - ev W. Cadwell attended Pr�sby-soua���"r:,'::�"�c;:' •g�jj,Jf,\�7"l'i:!,\\:'��n J}:�: terJ held at Clinton this week. -Work Is boomh111 at the Cutler H11m· ��\�ry��.�wnor, T. W. l'owell :lOO Broadwar. -Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davfeo wltneos· :::,t 1\��:r:f•::�l�� 0��:;p�;�ab T!:ii ::.:..:.:..:;.:..:; __ =-:=:--:-:::-::--:::- ed the y»cht races l�st Saturday. B'J��-��it'W.�r����l��-��::�.ll. w. Plokoll's,

-Cowmurdou ser.vice will be held Sun· for Westfield's only factory,

. -Last Saturday, F11fr Acres day,Sam-G

ll�R�'lir!vtt�l;� ,�f'ns['t�k:I��.Nr�'� c�:! �b�r���rlling In the Pres b y t er i a n llel Godschalk, proprietor of the West· ��[��· A��tl::;�l�· ,���l'tl.1�, A��·t"·��mt��·� field Hotel, reports 7B �peclal dinners Crescent, No. 112, -Clarence Lllm )�rt and George Perry served to visiting horoemen. attended the State Fair at Trenton this My f&rm Is tor sate. Ira c. Lambert. week. -Mi@s Eva Brenn11n, of 200 Prospect

street, has just 8ecured several scholars 'of' ILK �" pumt•kllls for ••I• -It is e•tlmllted that there were at

who ate receiving plano, organ and wan· ft?u-nt!\�.�fJ,,, 1\•ul, old Hlchnrdson place, least 1,500 people ut Fair Acres track on dolin iuatraoLion from her. Satut·day,

pr�,r�. ,:��:·�·�!�c��?.�-;�Jn;.�;g, .• ���':'�t.� -1'11e Westtleld club alleys wlll soon lle -Leonard G. Venn will lead the pi}' to �lrth Hnnl\.ln80n. 6!5 Orcluu·d strLtll, Cbrhtian Endeavor meeting in the Bap-\\ estllcld. put In perfect order for the 1vinter bowl- list clmrch 011 Snudny evening. Tbe

Tli_E=II:..�;-N-Il-�-- _l'_L_A_f"-,E---A�-��,-,e-c-·o-m-, t-ry lug season, topic will be " This grac9 also." �;u n!W!���·: 1r��h�;�i!/�������t ?P ;��� �1:;�,��,� -Mi�s Libbie Wilcox is enjoying bet' -Th� Union County Smulay School llc,·o it, mt\ko olfcl' to Uarlc Whitehead, care vncatinn nt Buffalo, taking In tlte sights rally will be ltelcl uext Thursday, Oct Standard. ·--:-----==== of the Pun. lOth, hi the 1\lethodist chnrch. A WANTAKDDFH}Ii .�DVEflTI�EMEN'fS -Wot·k ltl\'. been comtnenced 011 1' l tf I I b Sluml!l hu u.l.:eOII!lJUnil!d 1\'lth t'ash to ,., 1g t n progl'atu 188 eeu arrange(). avoid hnok·k��JJI!i� IHHI wst�1ue. Cha!'le.� H. Dm· . .;b'H new store buihliug -TJ1e Christian Emleavor meetiug

W A�:\���;;j��:��Ik u!:;;}J�l!� da .. ��. bl0t·er����� ou Dmud street. the Prtlsbytel'inu church on Sunday

,1 •• ,1. -Miss Bes•ie A. Fitch bas been con- evening will take the torw of " Bible

till.[, to her lt<>tue se\' r 1 d th' k reR<ling aud will be led by the Rev. Jos. WA�f�EN;;;; l!p�t����·J�1ff fi 1:l�Ygf�. cJl!�t�·� witl�l sickuese.

e a nys 18 wee Greaves.

E. A. lhu·nluun, cara Slul\diU'tl. -The Westfield caclets drilled on ·------- -'l'he Wom<ms Missionary Society of W A�L�:ti&:-11!�����i�:; �����1��I1���!�t11�J'�!1';!�� the Pt·esbyteriuo cburcl1 wet 'l'lmrsday Carletou Place Monday night before nnt, rwar tmUcy. .Ad�h·uss, A. B. c., Stnnd· uftenwon. qnite a llttUlber of spectatora. They tml . went tht"Ongh theh· tuauetn'ers very

WAN'l'Eil At one • Y< uug men fJl' our -Freeholder l\1. l\[. Scndder is having creditabl•· . .

H6scm1�itu.r deJl;·i·tm�nt, alan n:,l(�btu- aever11l of the bri1lgea aud culvertR in the ,J

����:111t�;�����tJ:r11�'�\�t1����,:;���!1r �J���!iCo�l'· towMshill repuired. -The Couuty Prohibitionists will hold " mlly to-night in the Lyceatn the•tl·e,

-B11se ball tomorrow nt three thil•ty Elizabeth. Natiouol Clminuun, 0. L sluu·p . .'l'he last game of the seusou, so Ste wart, will speak. l\Iusic will be fm·: don't fail to be there. nished by the Glee Club.

-T. WUfrecl Powell and fdmily, of Plaiufleld , have moved into their new home <'n Centr11l avenue.

-S•tndlly evening In the Methodf•t church, Dr. C. M. Anderson, will preach the second aermun in the series on "John Wesley. " Commnuion service will be held in tbe morniu�;.

A&:AL BARGAI NS -George Wilson left Tuesday t o uc-

I N AIEAL &:STAT&:. cept a position ae trained IIUI'!Ie iu the -F. R Baker Sr. expects to build a

double bouse on his Broad stt·eet proper• ty this fall. llfr. Buker's improvements during the past year on his property have greatly benefited the South Broad str""t TO L.T.

Bellevue Hospital, N. Y.

-0. B. Hubler, a representative of the House of Ward and Stilson of New Lou don, Ohio. WRS in town on Wednesday,

-J olm Kirstein will start another pool tournament Saturday night.. The prize will be a t5.00 pair of pants, the order being on F. C. Decker.

-Upchurch Lodge No. 50 A. 0. U. W. expect a visit of the Grand otllcerli at their next meeting which will be held Tuesday night.

-ll!u. V �agh11 who has kept a boorcJ · lug house ou Union Place for the past year bas removed to Dean street Brook· lyu

-The Lincoln A. A. foot ball team is getting in some flue practice work and Wlli llllt 11 strong eleven in the field this year.

-Christian A. Roth of I he General Theological Seminary of New York, rend the setvice in St. P•ul's church Weclues· day in tile aboeuce of the Rector,

-Tite Womeus' Guild of St. Panl'e clmrch held their first meetiug for the winter work Wednesday afteruoou.'£here will be regular weekly meetiugs dul'ing the winter. ,

-Remember the date and place-Sut­tll'day, Oct. a-Elizabeth. hefore Jndge Vail at 10 o'clock a. m. H. 8. Kmzhals salooio liceuse will then be acted UJJon. If you don't think Westfielcl ueeds another saloon be the•·e to say so.

-A number of O<lcl Fellows from here visited Q11eeu City No. 2�B at Pluinfielcl last Monda,· evening. The visit will be tepeated o� 1\Iondr,y eveuing to witness tl1e ceremony of iuHiation of several new members.

Johu W. Singer and John Knapp tded lheir luck woodcock hunting on Tuesday. They went to the Lmn lot on the mount. niu and after a several hours search for the game decided that the birds hadn't flighted down ret.

Houi'O on Summit Avenue • • • 11-'i.OO per mo 10 Prospect Strt>et • • • " -E. J. Whitehead of New Have•,

Conn. formerly or Westlleld, visited section o! the town. -The Westfield-Aeolian ball game

U r�:��\"8��6 .' . . o ;J::r u Store on BroAd Street • • . • • Hi.OO 11-Room Hou!M!, DaTn • • • . a�.oo

For lale. Hou!le oo Rl}!ls Place . • , • • • • Si,OW 11 Summit Avenue • • , , • 4.000

" Walnut St.....,t . . , . , . 3,UoMl Other b&rKaias In F&rms, Building Loll

and Improved 'l'own Prorerty. Loak tor Blae aacl Wltlte •ta••


Standard Dulldloll'o \Veatfteld, N. ,J,

Chas. Zeitelhack, Houee, llan and Decorative Paint·

lng and Paper Hanalna.

FIRST CI.ASS WOllK GUARANTEED. P. o. Box rs6, Westfield, N. J,

The Lincoln High School Newa

THE LINCOLN HIGH ScHOOL NEWS is published by the Senior CIIISS of Lincoln High School. Issuecl eight times tlm·lug the school r•ar-November to JuLe. The first of the mouth is the dar of ]JUIJiication. SulJscri)ltlons rec e i \' e d and siugle copies for snle at the Bay­

ard PhllrUIIICY. A siugle copy, 10 cents, Subscription for the year, '75 cent�.

KAUL D. ROBiNSON, Business ManRger,

friends In town oo Monday. -Mi..., Anna Monahan, 'of Brooklyn, Is

vlsitltt!C at tile horne of the Mill!fltl W IJ. louJolhby, on Rahway road,

-The open eeasou on Woodcock began

-At 12 o'clock, noon, Monday, 1\IIso tomorrow at Recreation Park should

Mary Peckham, eldest daugbter of Mr. prove a rast one as both teams will ap­

aud Mrs. W. G. Peckhatn, will be unit· pear in their h•et condition and the Arc. ed In marriage to Josiah T. Tubby, Jr. lian'e have been instructed by the "pow; The c+remony will take place in the that be" not to return defettted. That Coogregntlonal cbnrob. that they must play ball to win.

on Tuettday. Partridge and Quail alill ha'fe another mouth• liberty. -Four jCeneratlon• ll'flng onder one -Aasemblyman C. M. Smith and Cy-

-The regul�r monthly meeting or tho roor iB the Cll"" of the Burn bam faroily rue P. Wi lcox went woodcock banting

Board of Health will be held thlB evening who rtceutly moved to We•tlleld. Mr. Tuesday morning and the nearest at 7 so in the township rooms. Burnham's mother, Mr. Burnham, ltle thing they foand to a woodcock was a

-Charlie Denman says, ''Tbe Colmn­hla skipper Is the best In his line, BARR none." Well, Charlie ougltt to know.

-Freeholder M. 111. &udder hAe put In a new drain nuder the road 11t the corner South avenue and Roll8 Place.

-H. B. Kurzltals application for a saloon license iu Westfield comes up be­fore Jnclge Vail in Elizabeth tomorrow.

-Petin· Wlndfeldt will occnpy one of the new �tares of Clmrles H. Dtu·slt's new lmii�iug uu l.IJ·uud street wbeu comJllet­ed.

-Wm. E. Tattle, Jr. was Chairman of the Committee on Rules at the Demo­cratic State couveutiou held iu Trenton Tuesday.

-C. F. Taylor & Sous g1·ocery store building h·as been moved to the lot ucl­jom·ulug the Leade r office to make room

daughter and her'four chlldt·en all live morris wllitd peach tree loaded witlt the together and as happy as can be, fruit. It goes withont saying

-Last BRturdays morning World con· they helped themselves. tainPd a picture of H. T. Trenchard, Chief -Abratns and Welch.real estate agents of Police of South Orange, fntlter of W. have leased the bouse at No.lS NewYork H. Trenchard, proprietor of the West· aveone, to ,J. I\1. Dllluway: also the boose Held pharmacy of tbfs place, Be bae at No.46 Broad street, to !'Irs. Space of served 35 yeats on the force. Elizabeth. The same firm have sold for

-The onnual meetingof the Children's K. Creevey, tbe lot corner of Wash-Country Howe Association will be held lngton street and Summit . avenue, to on Monday evening, Oct. 21. Tile tteue· William Taylor who expects to · build a urer, Mrs. J. S. Ferris, Embree Crescent, in the near future. requests that all subscriptions and gilts of mouey be sent to her before the !Sth

inst. -The entertainment committee of the

Westfield club has arranged a verr nt· tractive Jlrogmm of amusements fm• the coming season. A neat pl'iutetl folder iuos been m•ilecl to tbe clnlJ melD giving the date of each entertainment the entire se!lson,

-Luther D. Cummings of Jersey City 1\Iis> :Mnrgnerite Sharp of Westfielcl

were united in marriage at the home of A. J. W ilson ou Westfield ave11ne 011 �Ion<ill)' afternoon Just at five-thirty. Rev. N. \V, Cadwell officiating. About t;i.fty guests witnetsed the cereuwny1 ufte�· which the bride u11d groom depart­ed upon their wedding tour amicl a show­et· of rice.

-Wilson Potter of New York, -The Gnrwood Athletic team won . teet of the W ashington school, has been f•·om the Y. 'l. ('., A. b•ll. tosse•·sof Elt'za· -Among the Justice of the Pence "P" in town this week looking over the new beth 011 Sut�;·dn''• UJ' �·

score of _, to 9. pelll cases befm·e the present term of school bnilcliug »nd glvh1g inst-ructions ' � -conrt at Elizabeth, is m•e of Geo. W. to have wm·k Jlllsbed through as l'llpiclly It was tlle rubber game of the series and

for the new Darsll block.

Wrennick ugulnst Chul'les H. Loeber. ns pos•tble so thnt it can be OCCll(lied by some line plll)'ing 1\'ttS noticabla tlJrcmgh-

-W. B. Toucey bus been visiting in R b t H d 1 1 1 f the lath. ont by both teams. Hegeman, of tl"'

Bridgepot·t, Conn. - 0 er '" en, on 1 s re urn row Gar woods was nt his best aud pitched his vacation iu Can•da, storped off at -The Electric Vehicle Co. of Eliza. strong ball. '£he game was pltJ•ed on -Paul T. Lambert bas (IUI'dhased the Rochester and paid hie·olcl friend, H. M. beth mal nf•ctllt'ers f A t •·• I ll 1 '

' I n 0 n 0 ••• o ) e ' the Walnut street grounds nt Eliz•-bouae at Garwood recently vacat•d by Green, 11 former local editor on the Stand- have closed down indefinitely aud th1·own beth. Charles Hooper. ard, a viaft. over 500 men out of work. Several

-Jacob Blendertnau, 11 New York ho- -The 2Uth, Century Fair at Trenton Westflelder's who were enlplo)'ed by this tel keeper visited friends in Westfield on bas been well patronized this week by company now find themselves out of em· We<lue<day. Westfteders. It opened ,Monday ami ployment,

-W. S. Jimmerson bas the contmot oloses to-day and has beenoneof tlte most -Union County W. 0, T. U. will hold for the mason work on tile new Calholfo successful fairs ever held in the state. their annual convention on Tbursday, church at CrKilfot•d -The first meellnl! of the Ladles Aid Oct. 10, In the Trinity Ref01·med churcll,

The thir<l gnme i11 the golf tournament between C•·•nford nnd \Vostll&ld will be played on the links of the Westfteld Golf olub tomorrow afternoon. Eaclt teutu bas one gonne to their orecllt aucl tomm·· rows g>LIIIB will be tor blood, It Is ex­pected Lhnt a large nuwbe•· of Ct·auforr'• It� will follow tbelr team to witness th• game 11nd lend all the eueotii'Rgemeut possible by their presence,

-Mr. Huud and family move<! Wed. Society or the Preobyterian cburob will Plaiulleld, Tbe IUornfug session bogl11s

nesday from the bt over.Dughl's slore, be helcl on 'l'hursdny afternoon next at at 10 o'oloclc, afternoon at 2 o'clock nnd on llroad street, to the Heinzer cottage, the home of lllr•. Geo. Tfce on Dudley evenlnl('at 8 o'clock. Mrs. J. T. Ellis, ou Central aveune. avenue. of Newark, wlll give the address at the

evening session. Visitors welcome at all -The ,Junior Christian Endeavor So - William KurZIIlRD ,,f Somervllle, has -OharleB W. Dmld of Elizabeth, won the oesslona, olety of the Pt•esbyterinn Ohuroh nudet• purch•teed tbe l10t1te ttl the corner of tbe 95 mile rm1d race over the JlilltZRtlll'ttll• l

Spruce RVe, aud Centre stt·eet Gar"OOjl R�bway course on BRturda:y. He -Union County Oourt opened Tues- the care of Mrs, Gl•leon Ludlow nSBlstetl

aud moved In 011 Wednesday, th� race �nd 81110 tile tlmu pt•fze. There day mm·nfng, 01\t of twenty one oases by Miss Lucy Johll&ton und lltlss 1\lury

were over 60 entrlee and tlte race was 81 tb� Supreme court asnfn1t corpora• Lee C11<l well, held tlteir first meeting ort

' 'HVD��.� � �T� I A' H EADACHES I o �:

Ilona, nineteen are agulust steam rail Sunday u!ternuou, The Jnnfor Society citing throughout,

rmlda and trolley OOIUIJIIIlleB fordaW&Jett. Ia In 1\ tlourisbing condition aud the -A dog belonglnl! to Mr. T:yeon or M11ny of these 0118eureagalnat the l!llizn- weetiniJ Sunday was very Interesting an4

South ft(yer nttacked J, F. Maloner of beth, Plalnfteld and Central Jersey RRil well attended. The new olllceu elected Orange at Fair Acree track on Friday. WI)' co. were, Prettldent,Lawrenoe Jackson,VfoB·

M1loney'a le1 Wll nverely Jacerltoocl hy Prelldent, Walter MacDougnll, Secretary

tbe Cl011'• tHtb Olllcer Thill. O'Neill .. _ .. ""' ...... Wt•ll Cl_,... Belle;Godlblllc, Treuurer, Paul Oad· Oandr Oathulfal •••• uoallf�Uon fu,.nr, •hoUiauar S.turday moralu1. 101,.,, It c. c. c, an, 4111UIII*�IIIIIll_.,, well • .

GILDERSL EEVE. · Everything Ready For Fall

Stock complete in every department, and our display of · Fall . and Winter Goods is larger than ever.

To the careful housewife we appeal with a cQmplete as-sortment of '




M. J. GILDElULEEVE, Dry Ooods, WESTFieLD, N. J. · ·


O�uslrlcn tJOt only the jewel itself b�t the nicely of the wut'kmaushlp in its setti11g. We k�ep every desctip­tiou of uJ·•••tJ;iu and riug- jewels aud 1vill place tue�a iu

ANY .SETTINo--you choose. Our repair depHrtwent has grown cov. st•nlly, due partly to the reasonllbleness of our price•, but primarily to the c•re and skill we eKert.


Special Value In Dress Coods. 42-inch.Biack Choviot S•rge . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . 59C M-inch, BlaQlc Cheviot Serge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79c, !)8C 54 inch Blnck Cu"viot Serg&, extr11 h�11vy . . $1 oo, 1.25, 1.39 Gi-iuch Heavy Kersey for Storm Skirts, black ""d

. colors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . $ 1 .00, J ,2S , . l.J9, 1.75 54-inch Gray Suiting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . soc, 75c, 89c 30-inch Novelty Wool Suitings, reg. 50c'grnde . . . . . . . . . . 25c

· 50-inch Broad Cloths, in full line colot·s . . . , ; . . : . , . . . . . · $1.25 French · Flannels.

Extra qnality W11ist Olotl1, plaiu colore . . • · , . . . i . . . . , . . . . 59c ,· Fancy t!llkBtriped Waist Olot.hs . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,; . . .. . . . . . 59c · · , · ·

Flannelettes. ·

. New oesi�ris, PerPhm ptt·ipes lt.nd novelties , . . . . . ' ' . ' . . l:liC Imitation French Flac•nels, polka dole . . , . , , , . , , . . , . . . . . t.2je

)00 patterns Ontiug Fl•nnH!s. , . , . . . . . . , . . . . . , . , . 7c and 10c · Table Linens.

New and Dainty Patterns, bleached and unbleached, Napkins to match . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .50l: to 1.30

Special to Close. 16 aud 18-inch Nnturai Wool Vests, for children, were

. 50c, now . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . . 2SC 16 and !8 inch Vests and Pants, white 1vool, were 21ic,

now . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 15c m· :a for 2SC Men's M6riuo Socks, reg. 25c goods, no"• . • , . • . , , , . . , . . , 15C

All enit•ble for guild purposes. Basement.

. A new Rod lull line of Oil Cloth, Linoleum nnd Matting. Carpet Room.-Carpets, Rugs, Shades.

Tri-weekly Suburban Delivery. Telephone, 10:1.

.�� .... ············�·····················��

� WALKER'S BIG 4 6 TNew Fancy Rice C I Crop

. Molasses


Sugar Drips 10c New Canned


10c 10c

You Ring the 'Phone, We do the Rest.

M. B. WALKER, Grocer, Westfield . : Te I . 35-A. # ' -�� ........ ............ -..................... ��·

�!Wl'lill�'ll!l!l\!ll!!illlll!¥1�'!1/ill!Wl!l.'ll!�!l.'li!I¥!V!¥!11!1 W!�!\l!�!!ll'l!����illl�'lllill!!ll!l!l!l!!!l.'U:'I�'

� A GOOD TEST======-� " Tall me whnt they eat nnd I will tell you what " they are, " so enys some wise body. People who relish good things kuow tbat we can furnish them,

Our Line of Groceries, Staple and Fresh, Is nnsnrpassed hy any. B11y to prove it.

A. C FITCH & SON, I Tel. :14 A. 'Broad St., Westfie l d � ��':OiilAl��lli1lllAWA111MliiMUI!WIIlM�Iij�

IIITfiiLI ITEIN ••• RIID LIIIIIJ. .\ ·,::> •• .Special Prices on Family Washes lor Winter Montti" O U R WORK WI L.L. PL.EASE V,O�. / (ij

£; B. Wooclruft, Prop. · · }· i/�.

Page 6: County Stand… · HE UNION C OUNTY STANDAR,D NO. ll WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY. N. ]., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, J90J. $J.50 Per Year. Single Copies 3c. GeneFal Fall and Winter Openings in



Twe lve Acres

the very choic· est and Des i ra­ble Coods.

T h i s is the M o st

C o m p l ete Sto re i n the W o rl d .



��----·· -----· -·· GUARANTEED BLACK S i lKS. (C. J . BONNETT'S. )

Famous the world orer are these gomll. Highest gnule, ne <Vest

most perfect weuve>, fnll bol ts, 1 10 short enus, ]llii'C dye, fresh frou1

importer, with no uuctiou tui u t to them. Black Peau de Soie.

20- inch , at . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . 20-inch, at . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • . . • . . . . . . . • . . • • • • . • • . : · · · 22-inch, at . . . . . . . . . . , , · .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . '·" . . . :

· · · ·

;:::��::: :: : : : : : : : : : :);<: : : : : : : : : : : : :, : : ' ' 24-inch, nt . . . . . . . . . : � ·.\ ·� · 24-inch , nt . • . • • • ;·, : .: ; , .

22-inch, nt . . . . . : i/. 22 inc h , ut. , , , • • • ·; .' "''.,.c;,;:,:.'t \:r;c';�'/• 24 inch, at . . • • ; �- ,

21- iuch, at • • • . ;. , . 22-inch, at . . • • ; • • 23-inch, at . . . . . . : ·. ·

Black 19 inch at . . . . . . . . . · . . 20-incb, at . . . . . .. . . . . . : · 22-incli, nt . . . . . : . . . . . . . . 27·inch, at . . , . . , , , • . • • . • -24 inch , at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-iucb, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · 24 inch, nt . . . . . . . . . . , • . . : 24-inch, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 inch, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . : • 24-iucll, at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; , All Silk Blk. Pokin Sll'ipes.

Uigh APt lYfillinery .Style, Workmanship, flateri - ·

als & Prices Acceptable.


Feather ·

r Made :- : Outergarments. Do you k now t hat we have the largest Cloak and Suit

re i n the country? Fact. . e iu NeiV York ns large; ; riouo thut wi l l gi ve you the mouest prices we

11ssortmen t of. Ne;v 3' 'G Ain'EH" Petticouts. '!'hoy can be wom · '!'hey mnge in price from I I .00 to

Fine Tailor- Made Skirts. in al l the newest materials including

imd Cor� n roys in black uutl nil coloi'S.

ies' Walking Skirts in Pin Stripes, Melton and Double-faced Chev· W al king Skirt, specinl pin stripes, with deep gmduated flounce,

8 ro 1vs of tailor stitching, also black with 20 rows stitching, value

for J.g8. Offer Ladles' Tallor.Made Suits-Of ull wool Venetian cloth, flou11c� sk irt and blouse, trim med with tailor-stitched satin bands,

12. 50, Black nnd all colors, special 9 '75•

Ladies' Fine Man .. Tailored Coats, for e•1rly fall, in nil lengths, m11rle

in 1111 the newest materials and lined with taffeta si l k, v"luc 13. 50, for '7•501 and 17.50 for 9•50•

Ladies::Fine Tailor-Made

nil the IJewost matPrials nnd colors, mng' ·ing in price from I8•50 to Ii15·


HA .

. 8· .1· ·

· E. ·· � .. c·· · ·0 MOST coMPLRT£ sTORE . 11 · . oc, ., TH£ WORLD.

JlroceedillJUi uf the ]Jonrtl u f ChctMlll i"l't'll hoh1or,.; of Uuluu Cunuty.

[OFFICIA ], } ( (1'Dnl paae 3}

unanimously -ndopted.:'c · R;\� F'reehoJdet• u .. . n ..... ,. ...... Hmwh·m1, 'l'hnt

be nppointcd ,'"''"';,;�.; .. ;;,,·, sll'eet bl'iclge

JCI'1 ll,J• Fl•oeolu>lcl11i•' Itesolrcd, .. ....... '.':.""'"' .. '

be np)Jolut or constl'nc P1·inr.e stl'ecl", with 110\\'C!I' to on tim 1wxt. nweting-

Preellr,lllCI' ncloptlon or the rulnJll·ed witlmnt

The director rommll\ee 1•' 11'< •eiH>Iclc•oi•R Cnwlll'!-l:OO:, King, lt,nt'l'"\l

1:.\' ]i1J'!'Phnlilm• \Voocl Tif1�oh·<'d, �Phn t t·ho

of �:JSfl, fot• fl'Oil flnld fl\'Pilllf! nnd I Rrllro, N . • T., lm JIR.hl '"'mn e1l h)' the <'Oillllli \.tee.

J1,J'f'l'hOI1lf1l' Kl'CIIlHO of the ''""oiutiou, antl �n unnnlmnuRi,l' n1lopt e<l.

H,\' I•'f'(lrhohlfll' Adu ni�:.� : , He•ol1-ml, '!'lint tim hili of nF �;'i!1:i, fm• ('/IHt r!OV(li'A

for Ot·nnford lowmtltlp, fli'O!le!'\,1' llll<litc•c! 11)' l:h� COI!IIfl T•'l·eel�nlclcll' �liliel' 1qovml i:ho of t he resnl11Unn, 111111 on I'Oli llllll nlmnuRi)' ncloptoll. ny l�J'r.r.ho111rH' KJ•ou�r q .

fln•olvecl, 'l'i1nt tho hili of J. Gol•lueh,'


fm• �..Jj], f01• lllnKOI\ ('0111 1'11ets Oil J�iudcn h1•idgc, IJc paid wh('n properly lHtdltctl IJy lhc Jlropcr -.:ummitt�e. · .... , ' , 1 ··,' l�:tlh]ieitl\ot.i I·�reeholtlcr HohitJson moved the · · · ' tlon of tile resolution, r wns .l.lllllni mo!J�Iy

li,J'eehohlm·. 'J�hll t

Cllll n itt·lc

oe cnout. ust ile uiiowcci

'ttud frcqueuli)�

' wlil only tllssolvc of glue thcJ•o is no

it too thick.

= lUcat 111 Nornet)•, don't sco ft•csh meat in Norwny

' nny ··moru ft'uttucntiy limn I n .Jnpnn rl�1W,l'O Is on nbtnlllnuco or hnm, hnco� nut] othel' Clll'ell uwnts tl llcl mlcl things lllw rultHlL'Cl'f:!' tuugtws nml hnunchc� fi'Oill JlOIUI' UCU I'S 81'11( tltl\1'11 fi'OIII !110 nJ'�tlCH, llUt \'N'Y lillie llc<•fHtenk, l'OliHI ot' mutton.-�ll leugo 1Im·nh1.

Tim uttq twttc t1111t mnlccs us tlo nn ln­�lnccl'c net Is nn l!!!quoltc to b" u1·old· eel. Honesty of twtlon IH tho foundn· Uon ot tho finest manntrM.-Luulos' Home Jouraal,

MULLINS� SONs 2 1 8 and 220 Market Street,



· Never before in ou r 42 years of busi uaHs · have w o beeu to otter suoh 1111 immens� stock of high !IIIli medium grndo nitm·e

·ti!Hl Carpete, und never have our prices b(JOII

houost made goods. J�ven if you do uot iuteutl to ouce como nnd look nt our stock uud we will show you how it is to lp1vo 11 11ic(•ly furnished ho111e by t11kiug adv1mtage of


Couches, Parlor Furniture, Fancy Chairs, Baby Carriages,

Sideboards, Chlffonleres, Extension Tables,

Dining Chairs, Parlor Tables,


Hall Stands, Wardrobes, Folding Beds, Parlor Chairs,

Enamel Beds, Clocks,

Refrigerators, Linoleum, Etc.

Bedding, Carpets, Rugs.

Carpet Special. New Fall

Brussels, 40c yd. Moquette, 85c yd. Ingrain, 29c yd.

Cash or Credit


Branch Stores: Paterson, jersey City and Brqoklyn.

Plant Trees !

the Westfield Nurseries Are nt the junctiou of Mou n·

tuin nvcnne nncl 8pringflck1 J·ond one llllll lwlf miles northwunl from the Westfield depot.


Fruit, Shade and Ornamental Trees, Roses and Flowering

Shrubs. If you can't spnm time to como

to tho Nu !'Sery O!lll t1t my residence over Trenchard's drug store, en­trance on Prospect street.

Theodore A. Ball . P.o. !lox ouu

The Cranford Gas Light [o.

tlNCO�PORA'l'IID 1812.) ��

AS Stoves for Heating,

Ranges for Cooking.


·.·. ]{T COST PRICeS.



Yon don't lwow ho IV good "store breml" onu be nnless you eat ours,

Try It a Week.

The SchmiH Bakerr, J. J, Schmitt, Manager.


WR��on DullvorloP,

lncorpor•ted 1870. Oraanlzed The Union Water Cowpu�y

the inhal>itm1ts of the villages wood, Westfield, Cranford a�d with waw•· fm· domestic nse. .'; "Tbt l'a11st ud Sweetelt t�at ftaturecaq filii.• ;

In :Tune 1895 the WRter auf}Jlted by the c.) r:.OJtn�·�·d".!��:f�t.�x��rt�W11B!����������'· ���ft��\� �.r(tht�ma tJ��;·��a��� �� t f���.::;� .' : patrons h 11 adds .. You are to be congratut.fel upon having so g()(}(l a supply, and fOU neel .. no anxlet)' wb"ttwer as t(l lt8 wbftleeo• QeBB," ,

'11he Interest of the Compa.ny is ldentiW ::i :J�btl�: �����,\;)l'.,�n rifhlf.� ������:.t� ; ����:�

.are to promote their growlh "" :;

The Company refera te all Its Pat,.;;; pl:as��ff�8:J\�!�v:nr�lea'���o�fr�P��,ft :�!::'·; n.w water from Its .malus, and ex.pll'lD ratel, terms, method of aArvfcc, etc.

Union Water Company,

At 68 Broad Street. El izabeth, , ________ ..

Daguerreotypes Can Be Cleaned and Restored '1

TO 1\ll Uu1h• original bellnt)> by ROCie .;: lVoon, 1440 IJroRdwlty (tot11 Street)� I.':;: Y., for one tlnl111r. 8•md hy mull CJr II!:� Jll'ells. lhiQ'tu�•·a·eotyJmR al,·e more .atl�� ( factor•y COI'I.t�S thnn l&UY nU1t!1' 1tyle � ;( t•loture. . ,f.

One <. ustomer writes: uTlle photograph fCOPJ of dngnerreot.ype) WIUl rEceh•ed )'esterd8f aDII ·., 1 nm delighted wlth it: feel that I reali)' hl� .. f: my clear grandmother with me again. V.trl } Mlnoorely, E. W. P., Washillllton, D. C."

Page 7: County Stand… · HE UNION C OUNTY STANDAR,D NO. ll WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY. N. ]., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, J90J. $J.50 Per Year. Single Copies 3c. GeneFal Fall and Winter Openings in


A General Favorite.






5�0Eo .


Athletic Girl. HeiiVJ Kll!o Call,

extra heavy sole, extension edge, low heel. · Leather soft and pliable, yet ltfODI

; ·,and ae"lc:eable. -:; ' Exac_t Reprod�tion of this Style Shoe,







$,J.oo. . . , $,J.oo� TEN Different Styles to Select From.

The "QUEEN QUALITY," at $3.00 is the Greatest Shoe Value Ever Offered.


.... ____ f ......... �


887 Broad St., South of City Hall, NI:WARK. ®'------�---@

Owing to the illness of Mr. Mayo he

has decided to close out his entire stock,

tools and fixtures at public sale. Sales \�ill be held daily, beginm�g at 1 1 o'

AT HIS STORE 887 BROAD STREET, NEWARK, and will continue until further notice. The stock con. sists of the highest grade goods, and these will be sold without reserve, irrespective of, to the high. est bidder.-

lt is not necessary to hero enumerate in dotnil the nried aud complete !inA of merolmi1d ide which hus distinguished this stock from all others, ot.ber than to- say that the stock of Diai1JOUdN, Watches, Fine Jewelry, Out Glass, Irnporte1l and ARJerican Clocks, llilw English Chime Olooks, choice collection of Bt•ic a-Brae, Din· 111!1' Sets, Opera and Field Glasses, Solid Silver and Silver Plated WaJ'o, is cornj>lote in antioipaLiou "'' the Fall trade.

-,;��-The same methode of honorable dealln1 will mark thll ule, 11 have

been the ncord with the customers of thla houae for more than lort)' :rears.

IIID Greatly Reduced,

Broad Street,

Westfi eld.

A&lade•ny o( MUilO, "Arizona" now holds the age record

for successive performances this aeasoti ln New York, with the single exception of a musical comedy, playing on Broad. way. Augustus Tbowas' e:rcellent. play in its elaborated and amplified produc­tion, con IInnea to crowd the Academy of Music at every performance. The week just beginning lstbe 27th that "Arlzou11" J!ua been played in Greater New York within the year. No other dramatic at. traction b88 achieved auy comparable me88nre of success.

Do yon suff<>r frow piles? If so do. not torn to surgery for relief. De Witt's Witch Hazel solve will act more quickly, surely and safely, uving yon the expense and danger of 11n operation. W. H. Trenchard.

Entl8 Her Life 'Vltl1 Furia Green. The wile of S11wnel Willdnson com­

mil ted suicide Sunday woming by tak· ing a dose of paris greeu, at her home on the Hyer farm In Fanwood township. It is not known w by she wished to toke her life unless it wns becuuse sbA brootl· ed over the fact that her sou, 1vho works in New York, fniletl to come home on a visit that she, for some time, expected him to wake. The funeral Wlls held Wednesday, Dr. C. ltl. Anderson officiat lug, 111101 Interment �as in Fairview cemetery.

DeWitt's Little E•rly Risers tJever dls. appoint. They Rl'e safe, prompt, gentle, effective In •·emovlug nil hupm-ities from the livar nud bowels. Swall nnd easy to t8ke. Never gripe or distresR. W, H. Trenchard.

Whall! ltoa•••· .. At one time not yory long ngo ther�

wne on tho J,nncnRhlre const, ru�ar J,ytban, England, n oottnge and bent­bouse tbnt wem .modo nlmost entiJ,Iy from the remnlus of n scoro m• so of wholes that hnd been driven n•horo some yenl's before. 'fho fJ•nmework of the edlflco couslste1l wholly ot whnlo­bone, Bllll the dried Silins of tho lmge cmntm•es wet'" neatly mul sll'ongly Ins· toned ns n coycrlug fot' wnlls nnd J'oof, TboJ'o Is nnqtlleJ' bulhllng of exactly tho �nme kind at Pct<•rhead, In Scot· lnnr.l, nnd In this cnso the skulls ot the whales nml soma or tl�e hl10I'Ier bonoM lll'o usml with gJ•cnt ellcct as outsldo and Peach Baskets

At Lowe•t Market Prke1. aiii�'•'liili 1 orntllnonta. Ttl• '•If oaa. Buy and Tr)' 1 Box Tonight.

· Whllo you think of lt, go buy and try a box of Cascareta, Candy Ca· thartlc, ldeallantlve, to11lght. ·You'll never regret It, Genuine tablet•

c .. C, C. Never aold Ia .. All'dr1J11Itli1 aoc, . ,

. ·��.· .... ;r:. ::! .:...::>·.;.·,.,.�,".· • .<i .t ;·:.u://;�·r,\':··· .::r:';ii-,·.·� ·

\Ve1tfleld Va.<l�t• Bewlewetl. The Carleton Piece contingeut were,

Monday evening, favored by the pres· ence of so1ne Westfield boys wea1·log the blue of the Repu!Jiic, uodar.-the official title of Comp�ny L, First Regiment, U. B. B. A. aud nuder the ca(Jtaiucy of Edgar R. PeaJ sall; the military tocticiau of these parts. Carleton · Plnee was as l"ffiOoth as a barn floor, lleiug rock sut•­faced Crow curb to curb. Here tbc Com(>any wmt thmugh, thdr maneu­vers, much to the delight of a large uutnber of onlookers of that neighbor­hood, who lined the street on either side. The company's work was freqnently •P plauded for its general excelleuce; some of the movements were prll'ticlllarly fine, especially the extended order drill. dur­ing which the corpom!'s had c�>ulJlaud of their BljllHdB. Following the official dt·ill, the company passed h1 review, the editor of the Stundard taking the review. �y invitation The work of the tlt·uw corps of the company h�d the assistance of Andrew La Rosa of We,tfield, and I Hurold Whitney, of Plainfield.

--·� - · - -·-- ' Donatlonlt to lhe Clhlldren•• Country Home

The 1'reasurer of the Children's Conll· try Home ackno1vledges, with thanks, the following contrilmtions:

Dr. Sinclair one months medical at. tendance ; a patchwork quilt matle by a cl11so of girls in Willow Grovs S11ndl\y sobool; Congl'eg'lltioual chUl'ch ten pairs new shoes; �Irs. Cotterill, cakes, ban· oas, caudles alld vegetables for the en· tire season; Mrs. Capin, (Foster farm,) apples and peaches all s:ttumer, also three baskets of apples to the matron; Mrs; H. Perkius, apples ; �Irs. T B. Gt·een, cracker•; Miss S. Aruold, two hn.ts, two dressea und shoes.

Dr. HHnison, one month's medical

nttemluuce; Mrs. Cotterill, 3 doz. eggR, cakes :mol -;egelahles; Mi;s Annette Gladwin . hlorlrs; William WiiiA,crate of

eggs ; W. B. Currants, (Forster's Farm ,) four basket !leaches, two boskeiR of up piPs: Illrs. Cotterill, cakes and VPgela· bles; Mrs. A. F. Grunt, one basket

Mrs. William l\llller, Committee.

Barber Itllebc1 lu Trouble, Charles K. Michel, a barber, with a

���"�������� "'SrANDARD OP HIGHESr M ERIT,'"


niJE l�vlte inspection of our fine <1isplay of New Fischer • lUI P1anos-both Grand and Upright-artistically cased

in the choicest woods, and finished in the latest desi�ns of Piano architecture. The Fischer Pianos recetved at the World's Fair, the Highest Award for purity and pnwer of tone, durability and tone-sustaining quality smoothness and pliability of action ancl perfect workmanship� T�ey are the t·�sttl t of over Sixty Yeats of progressive, skillec1 auci expeneuced manufacture,

SadorllfJII by foadlnl arll•to, maolclalfa aad UJe mu•lo·lovlal publlo ewery'!Vher"'

PJaaos Exc•uret Sol• on Easy Paymeatr. II •101 SQUIRE1 WEST, rtli.•t:�:.� lEW YDRL A larle ltftelr .,....,d.loanc! and •llg:btlyaoed Plano• or our o'"' anc! other prDllll­atatmaliee, takenJnexchangeforNew Fischer Planos1 wUl be sold at very low priceL


- · -Promotes Digestion,Cheerful-ness andRest.Contalns neither Optnm,'Morphine nor }finer at. NOT NARC OTIC.

Electricity Never Sleeps;

CASTO RIA For Infants and· Children.

The Kind You Have Always Bought

Bears the ' Signature


I n Use

For Over Th i rty Ye ars


Nor Does Good Advertising.

. .. This .Space Reserved . . •


United Electric Co. , of New Jersey,

El iza beth� New J ersey.

ehop on Elw street, waa arrested Tues. morning by olllcer Knapp on complaint of Mrs, William Moffett. It seems that William Moffett, Jr., a six year old boy, playfully tapped on the window o f Mich· 'el's ohop Mouday uight with ll penny, and when Michel appeared at the door called him a dutchman. Whereupon, Michel grabbed the boy and gave hiw a severe handling, When the boy re�ched home his face was brulsetl and mat·ks were clearly to be seen on his neck where Michel'• finger• bad clutched hlw. Dr. CootJer was called to dress tbe wounds. William Moffet, Sr., called npon the IJ!lrber and after a few Wol'(lB, demand­ed his sba viug cup.. Michel ot'llerad him out of bls shop and told him he would cut his throat if he did not go. When brought befors J nclge Toucey ha was held nuder bnil of $100 to appear before the gt•nud j 11ly. Lawrence Potvera fur· nishod tlte uecessat·y bail bou•l.

___ .. _ 217 BROAD STREET� "Jlu11e11t Llnculu."


���.0::, �� . ' "·; , ,')/,:;�,;;�'.'-. .

the ll!ethodist church. The l�ctme wns :,',:'{ : .; .;:��; :; given under the 1mspices of the Ladies ����������������������������� Aid Society all!\ drew n lnrge nncl &Jlpt·ecintive Rudlence. Dnrlug the evening Ft•tmk Moffett stmg n bur · !tone solo, and a qnnrtette consist· h1g of J. S. Bttrlmns, M. T. Townley, Mrs. C. M. Anderson uud! Mrs. L. JII. Pearmll, rendered selections. A collec­tion waa taken and $24.50 added to the

. N0RTH JtllENUe HOTEL, W. H. G ROGAN; Prop�letor •.

Acs t•ommollatiou• for Tra.aaieDt Boartlere. + Board bv Week or Month.


Oppo8lt:e , Dulldtna, We,.t:.lteld, N, J�. h>ellsury of the Ladies Aid Society. �����������������������������

l&ttliy'Day at VOIIJI'ftlltttlmutl Ohuroh. Next Sunday will be "Rally Dal'" in

the Congregational church and Sunday school. At the n>ornlng sei'Vice the pas­tor will preaclt a oermou n(Jpropl'iate to the occasion ; the full oholr will lead the sluglug; at 12 o'clock the Sondlly school wlll hol<l a special •ervlce; Rev. Olmrles M, Anderaon, of the Metuodist chlu·ch, will be one of the 8pe11kers,

'l'he fll'llt vesper service of the fall sea. sou will be held at 4 :30 o'ol�k p. m,

4 Per Cent. ��! f:3f!.�Ug!t. The New York Building-Loan Banl<­

tng Companft offers as a oo year

���ri������fo11�s 0�aufx:, s�1::s��� ''!"''"• with dlvltlend COUP,ODS PW· �bENr��R""X��D�.� FIVE PER

Protected by truat deeds snd mort­gag�son New·York City real estate, the aafest "'urlty In the world, Coupoas collected Uuouah an:r �ank. lin• for plf\ICIIII'&o

1. Y. Bmkln& ce., I I I .Fifth A�e., Naw Yiltc, : • , ' . '

r, Go to __ _

R. F. Ha�anatain'a, FOR

Flour, Faad Hay and Bnln�

Yon goh fair' treatment every time.

Proapeet street, opp. Standll'll BulldlnJ,

Wll5TPIELD1 �. I, 1 ,

Page 8: County Stand… · HE UNION C OUNTY STANDAR,D NO. ll WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY. N. ]., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, J90J. $J.50 Per Year. Single Copies 3c. GeneFal Fall and Winter Openings in


Cure J='m• .i\sthtma Arul Hn.y Fe\·er. 'l'lle statement pu\JHsbe<l below coiJ­

fi nua tllecllliw of Dr. Sclliffmanu that he bas UlHV iliscoveretl un Hbsolnte remedy for Astlnwt llllll Hny Fevm·.

l\Irs. �Iary Zaehery, Plensnnl Hill, Ln. """";"I have fmmd yonr"A•thma Cum n pe

.nuauent cure for Hstlmul fur which I

u:::ell it 7 ytlal'S ugo. I b_�y� uever had

the slightest retum to the trouble siJJCe. I httve HlHo found your re��dy

. e:xcelfeut

iu Brouchiltl nff<,ctions>' hnre a fe'li"g of fits dt>ri Yt:'ll from

A Hay Fever bud Hay Fever a prH'knge of your A•thma Cn1·e), of

its u;e this is

r·· ··- · - . Sho ' A martinet of a cot married, some of · that when the bappr wonltl be n tlttfng o��:::�}:"��:ie�6';�·il�,;�: with interest olu "' tllelr friends decided time honored custom and old shoes at the_bapJ)J':ilimp!e;;,,�;�l£!/>

On the eventful Jlnlr emerged �·et·e greeted with rlce and old slloes, 111lly substltutcd"· n : tlon Bluehers, 11uch unerring eaught the lutlictlng a

Direcl\y Jergennt pita! to doctor, tllscolored clone:

Icnlwrg,., Tho onp!nln of nn oronn stonmer . Is

vftt_�n wnl·ncrl of tlit! proximity of Ice· b£ll'g-� h,\' ti m nwn hi tlw �uglno l'Oom. "''hl'll n 1-'lilp t>Uiurs ":ntt!l' conRhlurnbl�· mlcl l'l' lhnn thnt thl'ough whleh It hnH lwton g-ol n f:( ltl'l !Jl'npcllm· l'ttnH fnHt cr, IIIII] lUI fol\lf'h Wfltf'l' Alll'l'nllllllA t h o Yl·

.ctnlt,\' uf leL-ht·l'�!'i for 1111111�· mi1Nl l lw enufiH•L•t·� 1\IHI\\' wlwn tllP Jli'OJn�lft•J·'� fH'tton IH gr,•ntl,\' tJec�+lrrn tt•tl wltl11 111t lillY IJWt't�IIMl! of thn HttJttlll flOWflt' i('C!· IH'l'A'H mny }I(! l!Xjwc· or ('0\ll'iole l i lt! tiWI'JnOI!WI<•l' IH t,Jw mo,,t usutul lu<IJ· altor of lcnbcJ'gA,

" A. FlnnnclnJ Dh�n111on. Chron ic Bot'l'owrr-Cuu you lend me

$20 fOI' n r�w <lnys 'I _ W!!nt'Y l>rJeuli-IV�y don't you pnwn

yom• wnteh? . "il<•onuse It Is a kcopsnlce from my

uenl' UJotlic!', and I don't \!leo to po.l'l with it."

")i� money Is a kcepsnke from mJ Ul'lll' t'nt l11•r. nnd I don't like to part wltll \l, Pltlll'r."-E�<'hnn�:e.

uu;r1tl AI'L'tluum JJJ.;h•lel lrE.Cting. At'l'ttugemeut� nre baiug perfected to

holtl n lili! Rnlly or Arcanians h.1 the t•uom:-; of Rt>so1nte . Council,: No SOS, at Eliznheth, nu Nu1·�4: . \�bichfrntemal'"hiMIU will . rnu ;. d- Re gcmt Griffith, Gl'llnrl

This Is the time . fot: coni baying, to Insure J>leasure iu the tims of ci>al nsiug .. We have • coal of rare fnel vnlne for heatiu�:r ot· cooking, in nice chunks, m1d cleAn 1wd bright. . .

We'll · Insure Clean and Noise· · less Delivery.

TfARfUL, Trembli11g, frightened, she knows not why. Betweeu her �ohs she iel,ls her JntslJaml of her nnsery. Jt l< not enough for the husbauU to comfort the wife i.u tlds con-. ,--------, dillon, she needs bel/'' In t h ose ear y days whc,ll

. the s h a d o w of first

f a l l


Receptions, Etc



in any LOCALaTY� r..•�

Ico 01'Ctllll 11t Specinl Hntes for L o c1 g e s, Olu bs imd Ol.turclies:

IU'tl no'l l1eiug m·guuizell nt the

Jas. E. Goodman & Son, �l��1���Ji.i�������!Nl�.���ll�g��LR�G�� ASH BROOK, N . J ,

l't\�11 Orders_ Promptly Filled.

Theo. A. Pope.


:�oo Prospe�t Street, WESTFIELD,

Instruution 011 Plnuo,OI·gnu & Mnmlollu. PlnyiuK for eutertnhllll�nh,

Pupil N. V, Con.servtttory of Music

Mnuy of ont· furmtH' n ig-ht R�ttrleuts ·aro filling good poeitlolls One is getting lt2fi n week .Mnu1lny, WetlurHflHy & Fdaa·y llights/ fJUm 7.30 to 0 BU. $4 11 HIOtUI!: · , ' ·:

the bus i n e s s or the IT 'S· Nl_ 0· T the " oldest " house in-"largest" house in the business - people care

-- nothing for that-it's the house that carries the largest stock nt lowest prices on most accommodating terms that interests nowadays-,­

' you'll find that sort at

7 3 Marl<et Stree�, Near Plane

' CARPETS ? Want the latest carpets? Needn't look farther than.this brig-ht, attractive, zoo-foot C�rpct Jloor-cou�try's leading mills' weaves an! llere-beatttlfttl colors, plcasmg • rock. bottom prices on all ! g;::: •• ,.. 49c, Sk, 6.Jc yard. :::;'""'" 98c, 1.25, 1.35 yard,

K�!�:.,.. 65c, 7&, 79c yard. r..;�r •• · J(k:, Jk, .fie yard. �,.,.... 69c, 7Sc, 89c yard. t.'��':.:: 5Jc, 65c, 75c yard. �oquouu 89c, 98c, 1.15 yard. �!�'-r:.':."r.:'. Oreat Variety, t!r .. 1,, 9&, 1.1.;, 1.25 yard. f:::!'"1' .,. IZc yard up.

��'lt��!:8A��1���7P.r��:oh���':l:� nf�oJ::;��f::�u:�«:_':.rh •lzr•. Oilolutlls ami Linoltwns-all 1Vicllhs,

The Furniture for Pall. ·

Hundreds of spicy and novel ideas in patte�s, in uph?lster· ing and in woods ! And all at smallest pnce marka m the State ! More than four acres of stock !

60 Kinds of I 00 Sty lei of 60 Pattem1 of Iron Bods, Parlor Suite, Sideboards

$2.98 to $50.00 $ 16.50 to $200. $ 1 2.98 to $100; 40 Varieties of 90 Sorts of 40 Kinds ol

Dressers, Bedroom Sultl, Extenaion T1ble1, $8.89 to $60.00 $ f3.50 to $ 1 50. $4.49 to

40 Kinds of 90 Varieties of 200 Stylu of Dining Chairs, Bookcases, Couches,

$4.98 to $75 .00 $4.98 to $75.00 98c to $ 1 0.00 .Stoves, Ranges, Heatea·s,

\V c knmv tlle honesty Of e\�ery Range, St<•vo an<l Hentor in this stook-Union laboJ' built 'em nil. Lowest prices to be found-largest variety anywhere.

Portland Ranges, $ 1 5. Up.

7 3 Mt,����. ,�:�o�� D_el!vcry lYnJ;ar. Sent o:! Request. " Tclep1wne USD,"

. Send for New 4-2-Pnge Cnlnlogue. ' C'arfarepald Ia oul-of-laum buyers.

· As the Seasons Change T!Je hnmnn systflll ueerls retonv•m"''· ,..,.

iug nml 8tJ·engtheuiug. We •ell st"n<llml remeolles nnd fresh,

<lrUJ.!R-jnst the thiug for each sensou. · Presctipti.,ns are componraled 111111 11ccnrately here.

The Bayard Pharmacy Corner· of Broad and Elm 8ta . . Weattleld

• .:.. ... IT IS NOT TOO LATE,., \ To bny Snuuner Goods. I lUll offering attractive goods at at· trnctive lll'icef:l, .

Neck Ribbons, Ladles' Lawn and Cheviot Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, Summer Corsets,Sitirt Waists, Silk Oloves, Lace Hosiery Underwear, Wash Fabrics, etc.


L. A. PI I<ER'S--- · Broad Street, WESTFIELD.