course detail sheet

Course Detail 200 Double Under or Hurdle Hops (1 partner works at a time) 50 Yard Partner Tire Flip (down and back) 20 Synchronized Burpee - Tire Jumps *Subject to change as event is nalized. Be prepared for anything! Station #1

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Post on 02-Feb-2022




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Page 1: Course Detail Sheet

Course Detail

200 Double Under or Hurdle Hops (1 partner works at a time) 50 Yard Partner Tire Flip (down and back)

20 Synchronized Burpee - Tire Jumps

*Subject to change as event is finalized. Be prepared for anything!

Station #1

Page 2: Course Detail Sheet

Course Detail

*Brain Teaser* Answer correctly and move on to station #3

Incorrect answer and you’ll complete Tire Drag Challenge

Station #2

*Subject to change as event is finalized. Be prepared for anything!

Page 3: Course Detail Sheet

Course Detail

*Station #3A* 40 Medicine Ball Squat Toss Over Bar (1 Burpee Penalty if Medicine Ball Touches Ground) 6 Rope Climbs 30 Toes to Bar

Station #3A and 3B

*Subject to change as event is finalized. Be prepared for anything!

*Station #3B* - “RELAY” - 2 Rounds Alternating 5 Ground to Shoulder 5 Shoulder to Overhead 10 Weighted Stationary Lunges (alternating legs, with axle bar front rack or back rack) 20 Yard Kettlebell Drag

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Course Detail

*Water Challenge* “Competitive” and “Intermediate" Divisions are required to swim. “Just for Fun” division will have the opportunity to use flotation device to complete the swim, take alternate water challenge in

the surf, or skip it all together. Buddy Swim | Each partner must grab a paddle, swim out to IB-S #1 over to IB-S #2 then back to beach. Time Challenge: At IB-S #1 swim under

water and find object, pick it up and take it with you the rest of the race. At end of race turn in the object to receive a 5 minute time credit to your overall time.

Station #4

*Subject to change as event is finalized. Be prepared for anything!

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Course Detail

*Station # 5* 800m Buddy Run

Station #5 and #6

*Subject to change as event is finalized. Be prepared for anything!

*Station # 6* 20 Log “Up and Overs” 20 Log Squats 20 Log Sit Ups 2 minute (cumulative) Overhead Hold

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Course Detail

*We’d tell ya’ll, but then we’d have to kill ya! Good luck :-)

Station #7

*Subject to change as event is finalized. Be prepared for anything!

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Course Detail

*Extra Credit* This station will have 4 paint ball guns available for use. They are first come first serve. It is up to you to take the challenge and earn

the extra credit. As a TEAM, you will get 5 shots to hit targets. There will be a 30 second time limit to get these shots in.

Each target earns 1 minutes off of your overall time. Earn up to 5 minutes off of your overall finishing time!

Station #8

*Subject to change as event is finalized. Be prepared for anything!

Page 8: Course Detail Sheet

Course Detail

*Fran Finale* 21-15-9

Thrusters Pull-Ups

*Buddy carry to the finish line!

Station #9

*Subject to change as event is finalized. Be prepared for anything!