course information: fall 2004

Biology 109: Human Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology (Internet Version) will be offered this Fall (2004) COURSE INFORMATION: Fall 2004 ----------------------------------------- -------------------- Course Description I Lecture and Reading Topics I Laboratory Schedule I Examinations ---------------------------------- --------------------------- Course Description: Human Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology (Biology 109) is an upper division course that explores the structure and function of the human nervous system with the goal of preparing students for advanced study in occupational therapy. The distance

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Biology 109: Human Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology (Internet Version) will be offered this Fall (2004)

COURSE INFORMATION: Fall 2004-------------------------------------------------------------Course Description I Lecture and Reading Topics I Laboratory Schedule I Examinations -------------------------------------------------------------

Course Description:Human Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology (Biology 109) is an upper division course that explores the structure and function of the human nervous system with the goal of preparing students for advanced study in occupational therapy. The distance version (dv) of this course is designed for students who plan to apply to the Occupational Therapy Master’s Program or other interested students.

Registration and Expectations:One registers for this course in the same way as one registers for other courses. The course is offered entirely via the Internet, however, students must be able to access a computer for 6 to 8 exams on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm. Students will not be required to come onto


campus for any part of the course. Students who are not matriculated and wish to register through Open University should go the International and Extended Studies web site to get registration information ( ) For other questions, email [email protected].

Biology 109 requires that the student be a highly self-motivated, independent learner who can master large volumes of material in a relatively short time period. The student must also be computer literate, have an email account, have access to the Internet, and have access to a CD player. Computers with these characteristics are available on campus.

Course Format:

“Lecture”: The instructional mode for this course is assisted, independent learning. For the lecture portion of the course, students will be responsible for mastering and integrating material covered in the Lecture Notes and texts. Each student will be expected to independently answer student objectives at the end of each section of the Lecture Notes. Students will then partner with 4 to 6 other students to develop consensus answers to the objectives. The group will then post its answers on a web-based, group discussion board for others to view and analyze. I will respond to the groups, indicating


where they have arrived at the correct conclusions and where and how they have gone astray.

The purpose of this learning format is to encourage students to work collaboratively (and benefit from each others contributions) so as to gain a deep understanding of the material. Each individual student’s understanding of the material will be evaluated via the midterms and final lecture exam. I will also randomly evaluate the contribution of individual students to the group by looking at their responses to the objectives.

Lab: Each lab exercise will require that students study and color plates in the Neuroanatomy Coloring Book (Poritsky), view sections of the lab CD, and do a self test using the Digital Anatomist Web site. Each student’s mastery of the laboratory material will be evaluated via three laboratory midterms.

* Prerequisites: Human Anatomy and Physiology (Biology 65 and 66).

* Required Texts:

1. Lundy-Ekman, L.: Neuroscience: Fundamentals for Rehabilitation. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 2002.


2. Poritsky, R and Freeman, B. K.: Neuroanatomy to Color and Study, 2nd Edition, Hanley & Belfus, 2004.

3. Veregge, S.: Human Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology Lecture Notes, On line, 2004.

4. Vidoli, V. and Veregge, S.: Neuroanatomy Lab Guide, On line, 2004.

5. Veregge, S.: Neuroanatomy Laboratory Review. Compact Disks, Available through the Biology Department Office (DH 254; [email protected]), 2004. ($15.00)

6. Internet Resources: The Digital Anatomist ( This is an excellent, required tutorial Web site that includes photographs and color diagrams of the brain and spinal cord. Take me to the Digital Anatomist.

* Optional Materials:

1. A Medical Dictionary



There will be three “lecture” midterms (worth approximately 100 points each) and a comprehensive “lecture” final (worth approximately 200 points). Lecture exams will cover the material presented in reading assignments in the Human Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology Lecture Notes, the Lundy-Ekman text, and the instructor commentary on the Student Objective assignments. Lecture exams will consist mainly of essay style questions. Lecture exams will be open book and will be timed. Students will have one hour and 30 minutes to complete lecture midterms and two hours and 30 minutes to complete the lecture final. In addition, there will be 3 lab midterms (worth approximately 15 points each). Lab midterms will consists of both identification and function questions.

Student Objectives:

Students will work in groups of 4 to 6 to complete Student Objectives at the end of each section of the Lecture Notes and any additional objectives as may be assigned. Individual students will be expected to answer the Student Objectives before participating with their group members to develop consensus answers to the objectives.

* Tentative Lecture Exam Dates:


lst Midterm- 9/23

2nd Midterm- 10/04

3rd Midterm- 12/07

Final- 12/13; 9:45 am –12:00 noon

Lab Exam Dates: See Lab ScheduleSTUDENTS WILL RECEIVE A ZERO FOR MISSED EXAMS. Lecture Exams: If a student has an acceptable, documented, written medical excuse for missing a single lecture exam, the percentage score on the lecture final will be substituted for the zero received for the missed lecture exam. If a student misses the final lecture exam and has an acceptable, documented, written medical excuse, she or he will be required to make up the exam the following day or before the end of the final exam period. Excuses for a missed final exam will be verified, therefore please include phone numbers of physicians, other instructors from whom you are taking final exams, etc. Lab Exams: Students who miss a lab exam, and who have an acceptable medical excuse as described above, will be required to make up the lab exam when it is administered during the following semester.


Course Grade: The grade you earn will be based on the sum of points you receive on all the lecture exams (500 points), all the lab exams (45 points), and the student objectives (8 points). Below is the percentage you need to earn the corresponding grades. To determine your standing in the class at any time during the semester, calculate the percent of total exam points you have accumulated and refer to the percent column of the table below.

(% total pts) = grade

(90-100%) = A (outstanding, exceptional)

(89%) = B+ (very good, above average)

(80-88%) = B

(79%) = C+ (average, acceptable work)

(70-78%) = C

(68-69%) = C- (below average)

(64-67%) = D+

(58-63%) = D


(50%-57%) = D-

(0-49%) = F (failing)

* Withdrawal: University and Biology Department Guidelines require serious and compelling reasons to withdraw from a course. Grades, alone, do not constitute reason to withdraw from a course. See the schedule and directory for details.* Incompletes: See the schedule and directory for details. Incompletes are reserved for students who are in good standing (C or better) in the class and who have completed the majority of the course requirements.* Enrollment: Occupational Therapy Students must be enrolled in both the lab and lecture portion of Biology 109. * Academic Dishonesty: It is the policy of the Biology Department and the University that acts of academic dishonesty including collaborating with students on exams, sharing exam questions with other students, and other forms of cheating and plagiarism are taken very seriously. Sanctions for such acts include failure of the course and expulsion from the University. See the schedule and directory for details.* Philosophy: The majority of the students in Biology 109 plan to enter the Occupational Therapy Master’s Program. As health professionals you will be expected to analyze the needs


of your client and apply information that you have learned in your classes to help your client rehabilitate or compensate for his or her deficits. This will require that you integrate information acquired from multiple sources (classes, texts, journals) and formulate a plan to benefit your client. In addition, you should be able to incorporate new knowledge into your practice. My goals for students taking Biology 109 are: 1) to provide them with a framework for understanding concepts in neuroanatomy and neurophysiology that will allow them to incorporate new information into their knowledge base, and 2) to provide them with practice integrating and applying the information they have learned. The lecture, readings, exams, and assignments in Biology 109 are designed to reflect these goals.

Lecture and Reading Topics

Date Topic Reading Assignment Objectives Due Dates8/26 Overview L: Ch 1; N: 18/26 Cytology and Histology

of Neurons and Glia, Blood Brain Barrier L: Ch 2, 445; N: 2-19

8/31 Resting Membrane Potential, Action Potential L: Ch 2; N: 20-36

9/02 Generator Potential,9/07 Synaptic Potential L: Ch 2, 3; N: 37-479/09 Neuropharm (Epilepsy) L: Ch 3; N: 48-62

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9/14 Functional Anatomy, Objectives due forOrganizational Overview,Sensory Receptors, Sensory Tracts L: Ch 6, N: 63-97

9/16 Sensory Tracts L: Ch 6, 12, N: 63-97 Objectives due for 9/21 Sensory Tracts L: Ch 6, 7, N: 63-979/23 Exam 1 **** L: Ch 1-3;N:1-629/28 Pain:An Example of

Sensory Modulation L: 135-150; N: 98-105 Objectives due for979/30 Skeletal Muscle,

Lower Motor Neurons,Muscle Spindle, Spinal Cord Reflexes L: Ch 9; N: 106-116

10/05 Muscle Spindle, Spinal Cord Reflexes L: Ch 9; N: 106-116

10/07 Motor Tracts (Upper Motor Neurons) L:Ch 9,12;N:117-114*

10/12 Motor Tracts L: Ch 9; N:117-114* Objectives due for10/14 Motor Cortex L: Ch 9, N: 114*-117*10/19 Clinical Correlations

and Review L: Ch 9; N: 118*-12410/21 Cerebellum L: Ch 10; N: 125-13710/26 Cerebellum L: Ch 10; N:125-137

PF: 113 Objectives for 10/28 Basal Ganglia L:Ch 10;N: 138-148

PF: 116, 117, 11811/02 Integration of

Movement, Review L: Ch 10; N: 149-15011/04 Exam 2 **** L: Ch 6, 9; N: 63-124

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11/09 Autonomic Nervous L: Ch 8;276-277, 284System N: 151-160 Objectives due for

11/11 Limbic System, Emotions L:396-400;N:161-166

11/16 Learning and Memory L:400-403;N:167-174 Objectives due for16011/18 Localization of

Function in the Cortex L: Ch 16, 17; N: 175-181PF: 145

11/23 Language and Cerebral Dominance L: Ch 16, 17; N: 182-188

11/30 Recovery, Repair, and Plasticity;Review L: Ch 4; N:189-195

12/02 Review Period Objectives due for 12/07 Exam 3 **** L: 327-335,Ch 8-10,16;

N: 125-19512/09 Review Period12/13 ****Final Examination: The final is comprehensive and will cover all

topics. Final time is 9:45 am-12:00 noonNote: You are responsible for all the lecture and reading material. On occasion, additional reading related to one of the topics above may be assigned.Key: L= Lundy-Ekman; N= Notes

Laboratory Schedule

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Date Topic and Reading/Viewing Assignment9/09 Neuron, Overview of the Brain and Spinal Cord and Coronal

Fig 4

VV: 5-9; PF 3, 5, 6 DA: Orthogonal Views of Brain Specimens

9/16 CSF Ventricles, and Protective Membranes

L: Ch 18, VV: 10-16; PF 24, 26, 40, 41 ,42 DA: Computer Graphic 3D Images- Ventricles, and Ventricles and Cortex; Orthogonal Views of Brain Specimens- Falx and Tentorium

9/23 Cerebral Arterial Circle and Spinal Cord Interior (1,00)

L: Ch 18, VV: 17-26; PF 10,11,14,17,30DA: Gross Brain Arterial Supply and Transverse Sections of Spinal CordWeigerts: 00

9/30 Lab Exam 1 (Covers first three labs)

10/7 Medulla Exterior and Interior (G, and 1,2, 3, 4, 5)

L: Ch 14, VV: 27-28, 34B and 35; PF 29DA: Views of Dissected Brainstem Wet SpecimensWeigerts: 1,2,3,4,5

10/14 Pons Exterior and Interior (G,6,7,8, Fig9c, Fig10c)

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L: Ch 14, VV: 28, 34B and 35; PF 27, 29DA: Views of Dissected Brainstem Wet SpecimensWeigerts: 6,7, 8

10/21 Cranial Nerves and Cranial Nerve Nuclei, Cerebellum, and Midbrain Interior and Exterior (G,8, 9,10, Fig5c, Fig7c)

L: Ch 14, VV: 29-34B and 35; 36; PF 27, 106-108DA: Views of Dissected Brainstem Wet Specimens- all viewsWeigerts: 8, 9, 10

10/28 Basal Ganglia (1, 2) and Diencephalon (1,2)

L: Ch 15; VV: 37, 38; PF 29, 37, 45, 46, 47, 132, 135DA: Dissections of Brain from Lateral, Medial and Dorsal Perspectives, Views of Dissected Brainstem Wet Specimens

11/04 Limbic System (1,2,3,4)

VV: 38; PF 43,44DA: Brain Dissections- Hippocampus, Fimbria, Fornix

11/11 Lab Exam 2: Covers Medulla, Pons, Cerebellum, Midbrain and Cranial Nerves

11/18 Cerebral Cortex

VV: 38; PF 32, 35, 36, 141a-141eDA: Orthogonal Views of Brain Specimens

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12/02 Visual and Auditory Pathways and Vestibular System

VV: 41-42; PF 100-105; 77, 73-74

12/09 Lab Exam 3: Covers Basal Ganglia, Limbic System, Cerebral Cortex, Visual Pathways, Auditory Pathways, and Vestibular System

Note: The figures and photographs accessed by the links below are protected by copyright. Labeled Weigerts 1-2: 3-4: 5-6: 7-8: 9-10Labeled Coronals 1 and 2: 3,4: 5,6: 7,8: 9,10: Photos 5: 6: 7: 8: 15: 16: 44: 53:Instructor: Sally Veregge, Department of Biological Sciences, San José State University, San José, CA 95192-0100, Telephone: (408) 924-4880, FAX: (408) 924-4840, E-mail: [email protected]