cover analysis final

Analysing Front Covers Of A Music Magazine

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Analysing Front Covers Of A Music Magazine

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Analysis of magazine front coversCover 1.NME Sept 2009

Dizzee Rascal Edition

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FRONT COVER ANALYSISTHE MASTHEAD is the logo of ‘NME’ It is bright and red making it eye catching to the reader. The word ‘NME’ sounds like enemy which signifies the magazine could be about rebels or rebelling. It is placed in the top left corner of the front cover. It must be at the top so readers can notice it in the shop.

THE HEADER tells you the special features in this issue.

THE SELL LINES/COVER LINES lets the reader know what other articles are in the magazine. If there is a cover line on the cover of a magazine there must be a story inside that is related to it.

THE MAIN IMAGE is shot so it looks like the artist is jumping out at the reader. He has a big open grin smile on this face showing he is friendly and happy, meaning the story inside is a positive story.

THE MAIN COVER LINE lets the reader know who he magazine is featuring this issue. It is anchoring the image which makes it obvious who the image is.

Barcode-date/issue/price are essential to a magazine. Without the barcode in can not be sold in shops. It is also a way of the magazine finding out how many sales it has made. The issue lets the reader know if they are up to date with what they are readings. The price is important because if you are paying around £2 for a magazine you will expect to have at least 80 pages.

THE FOOTER tells the reader more names of bands or artists that are featured in the magazine. This makes the reader want to buy the magazine if he or she sees an artist they like.

USE OF A PULL QUOTE lets the reader know why Dizzee Rascal is featured in the magazine. It is also like he is speaking to the reader as it is a direct quote of what he is saying.

BACKGROUND is in the style of graffiti. This is part of the mise en scene. It connotes that he is a rapper and kind of a rebel.

USE OF A FLASH offers some extra information to the reader which they might not get anywhere else. T is red which is eye catching and sticks to the colour theme of the magazine. It is placed behind Dizzee Rascals head which also makes the reader look there.

RULE OF THIRDS/THE LEFT THIRD is used as Dizzee Rascals head is positioned so the reader looks directly at his face. It is in the left third. His arm is positioned so it looks like he is jumping out the shot.

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To attract the male audience they have featured a male on the front cover. The use of colour also attracts males (red and black) and not females because if the colours were based on a ‘female look’ there would be lots of pinks, purples and light colours used. This also attracts the female audience as they might like Dizzee Rascal. As there is only text cover lines and not a lot of images used you can tell that this magazine is for an older sophisticated audience unlike a magazine like ‘Top of the pops’ which uses a lot of flashers.

Male: 66%

Female 34%

Median age: 23

Student 35%

ABC1: 61%

Circulation: 23,924

Readership: 289,000

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The target audience is mostly aimed at males ages 23 years old. They target people who like indie/rock music and enjoy going to concerts or festivals.

IPC Media publish NME. It is the longest published and most respected music weekly in the world

The New Musical Express, popularly known by the initialism NME, is a music publication in the United Kingdom, published weekly since March 1952. It started as a music newspaper, and gradually moved toward a magazine format during the 1980s, changing from newsprint in 1998.

It was the first British paper to include a singles chart, in the 14 November 1952 edition. In the 1970s it became the best-selling British music newspaper. During the period 1972 to 1976 it was particularly associated with gonzo journalism, then became closely associated with punk rock through the writing of Tony Parsons and Julie Burchill.

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Analysis of Magazine CoversCover 3 – Q magazine


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Front cover analysis 3This masthead is placed in the top left third of the magazine instead of going across the top. This is because it is also used as their logo which is recognisable by many people. It is in a red square box, the red makes it stand out as there is no other use of red ion the front cover. Part of the main image is cleverly going through the masthead. This links everything together and stops the audiences eyes leading off page.

The main cover line has been used to make it look like a ‘handwriting’ effect. It says ‘By Chris Martin’ so this makes it seem that Chris Martin has wrote this cover line himself making the audience want to buy it. The word ‘Coldplay’ is underlined because it is the name of the band. This makes it clear to the audience who the artist is and what genre of music they are from. It placed over the main image instead of under it which reinforced the look that Chris Martin wrote it.

The footer is used to give extra information about what is inside the magazine. The footer tells you what other artist are featured inside. This is used because if the audience see an artist they like on the footer of the magazine they will want to buy it because they know it will have to feature them.

This magazine has used a type of header. It is yellow so it stand out and is also in the ‘handwriting’ font. The words ‘2011 renewed’ makes the reader think they don’t know everything about Coldplay and there could be more ‘secrets’ to read about that they haven't already came e across.

The rule of thirds has been used as the main image is a long shot of the band member doing a movement shot. His hand and body is placed In the centre of the magazine but is right arm is shooting out to the left side of the front cover. It has been edited so it look like his arm is going through the letter ‘Q’ This makes the cover quirky and eye-catching.

The cover lines have been placed on the right of the front cover. The main image is looking down at them suggesting he is reading them and he is also interested in the articles.

The background of this front cover is multi coloured glowing paint. This Is used because it relates to the Coldplay Tour theme. Throughout the tour they have had this theme featured on the stage, costumes and instruments they have used making it recognisable to the band Coldplay.The barcode and date is placed in the bottom left corner. This is

essential so people can but the magazine in the shop and keep up to date with what magazine is what each month.

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Analysis of Magazine front covers Cover 2 - Vibe Kanye


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Front cover analysis 2The masthead is in big bold capital letters. Kanye West (The main images) is covering some of the masthead, this could mean it is recognisable easily. It is at the top of the magazine so when it is in the shops it is easy to see and the first place the audience looks is the top of the magazine.

The main cover line tells the audience who the main image is about. It is in capital letters and pink. Underneath this is a quote from Kanye West saying ‘I AM RAP’ this is in blue to make it stand out. This main cover line gives the audience an indication of what genre this issue of the magazine is about.

The main image dominates the frame as it is a Close Up of the rapper. He is posing quite arrogantly which is a stereotype of rappers. His clothing links in with the colour scheme of the magazine so it fit quite well together and looks or professional. Hi head overlap the masthead. The masthead is an important part of the magazine so this could connote that he is better and bigger than anyone else.

The colour scheme or house style is the same throughout the magazine. It consists of three different colours; Pink, Blue and black. This signifies that the target audience is quite sophisticated as there is only one image used and few colours.

A header ha been used on this magazine to give ‘exclusive’ news. The word exclusive has been put in pint to stand out and the word ‘Notorious’ is in blue and in italics as it is the name of a film.

The sell lines are very short and snappy following the colours of pink, black and blue. They tell the audience what articles are going to inside the magazine.

The rule of thirds has been used as Kanye West’s head is in the centre of the magazine and the cover line placed around him. Making him the main focus.

The audience knows the genre of this artist as a ‘rap’ institution has been used at the bottom.

The background used is plain which also suggests that the target audience are ‘cool’ and laid back. There has been editing done on the main image giving Kanye West a glow or shadow behind him making him look bigger and stronger.

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Analysis of Magazine Front Cover 1.

Billboard Katy Perry Edition

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Front cover analysisThe Masthead stands out and is placed behind Katy Perry’s head making you look directly at the Masthead. It is in black bold letters to stand out from the pink background. The different colours in the centre of ‘a’ and ‘d’ recognisable as Billboard and is like this throughout each magazine.

Cover lines emphasise what is inside the magazine and gives a brief detail about what articles there are. There are also black and in a bold font. The use of Yellow on some of the text makes the target audience know that this part is important.

The background of this magazine is pink. This lets the audience know that the artist featured in this issue is female and shows the genre of music Katy Perry is featured in which is pop. This does not mean only females would buy this issue as males also like Katy Perry and would not be put off the colour chosen.

The main cover line tells the audience who the artist is as it anchors the main image. It also gives an insight on what the article, usually a double page spread is going to be about in a smaller font. Under the bigger font of ‘Katy Perry’ It says ‘Inside the court of the new queen of pop’ indicating to the audience the genre her music is.

The date is essential on a magazine as it lets the audience know what issue they re buying and if they are up to date. The date on this magazine is at the right under the masthead.

The rule of thirds is used on this front cover. As you can see Katy Perry’s head is central and to the top. If the lines were drawn on her head would be in the middle box at the top. Her body is slightly to the right. This is used so the cover lines and go onto the left of the magazine. Using cover lines on the left side of the magazine is popular as when the audiences reads their eyes read from left to right automatically.

The use of a flasher makes the audience feel as they are being given extra information inside the magazine that they could not get any where else. It is an orange circle with writing inside. They have used orange here because it will stand out as they haven't used orange anywhere else. It is featured on the right as everything else is on the left.

The barcode is essential on magazines as it can not be sold in shops if it does not have one. On this magazine the barcode does not seem to be on the front but they can often be found on the back as well.

The main image is a medium shot. It is layered on top of the text and background to make it standout. Katy Perry is wearing/holding flowers as this is a July issue of the magazine and the flowers signify summer.