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Document No. AUORK-04-012 Author Version 1 Document Local Name -Solar and Energy Storage System Product Effective Date 2015/7/31 Document English Name Regulation of hazardous substances for green product-Solar and Energy Storage System Product Page 1 of 1 Cover Page 1. Form Output by Doc.: Form NO. Form Name No Form 2. Reference Doc.: Doc NO. Doc Name No Reference Doc. None 3. Reference Form: Form NO. Form Name No Reference Form None 4. Modify History : Applicant Old Doc NO. Ver. Effective Date Revise Reason Description of Modification AGMSG2 / N/A 1 2015/7/31 (EI)To add scope for Energy Storage System 1. Energy Storage System Product1.Modify the name of regulation add Energy Storage System Product for the scope2. REACH SVHC No. 19~42 REACH SVHC No. 19 REACH SVHC 2. Add REACH SVHC as reporting substances. The original No. 19~42 substances belonged to REACH SVHC were deleted and moved them to No. 19 REACH SVHC 3. 3.Add the policy of conflict mineral

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Document No.:AUORK-04-012 Author:張靜宜 Version:1

Document Local Name:綠色產品有害物質管理規定-Solar and Energy Storage

System Product

Effective Date:2015/7/31

Document English Name:Regulation of hazardous substances for green product-Solar and Energy Storage System


Page 1 of 1

Cover Page 1. Form Output by Doc.:

Form NO. Form Name

No Form

2. Reference Doc.:

Doc NO. Doc Name

No Reference Doc. None

3. Reference Form:

Form NO. Form Name

No Reference Form None

4. Modify History :

Applicant Old Doc NO. Ver. Effective Date Revise Reason Description of Modification

AGMSG2 / 張靜宜

N/A 1 2015/7/31 擴大規範適用範圍加入儲能系統(EI)To add scope for

Energy Storage System

1. 修改文件中英文名稱,適用範圍新增

Energy Storage System Product1.Modify the name of regulation,

add Energy Storage System Product for the scope2. 新增“REACH SVHC”為需報告物質。刪除原本 No. 19~42屬於REACH SVHC物質,移至 No. 19



SVHC” as

reporting substances. The original No. 19~42 substances belonged to REACH SVHC were deleted,

and moved them to No. 19 “REACH

SVHC”3. 新增衝突礦產政策說明 3.Add

the policy of conflict mineral

Document No.:AUORK-04-012 Author:張靜宜 Version:1

Document Local Name:綠色產品有害物質管理規定-Solar and Energy Storage

System Product

Effective Date:2015/7/31

Document English Name:Regulation of hazardous substances for green product-Solar and Energy Storage System


Page 1 of 37

綠色產品有害物質管理規定-Solar and Energy Storage

System Product

第 1 版


Document No.:AUORK-04-012 Author:張靜宜 Version:1

Document Local Name:綠色產品有害物質管理規定-Solar and Energy Storage

System Product

Effective Date:2015/7/31

Document English Name:Regulation of hazardous substances for green product-Solar and Energy Storage System


Page 2 of 37

文件改版紀錄: 版次 規範實施日 修改內容重點說明

Version 0 2012.01.01 初版

Version 1 2015.09.01

1. 修改文件中英文名稱,適用範圍新增 Energy Storage System Product 2. 新增“REACH SVHC”為需報告物質。刪除原本No. 19~42屬於REACH SVHC物質,移至 No. 19 REACH SVHC中

3. 新增衝突礦產政策說明

Document No.:AUORK-04-012 Author:張靜宜 Version:1

Document Local Name:綠色產品有害物質管理規定-Solar and Energy Storage

System Product

Effective Date:2015/7/31

Document English Name:Regulation of hazardous substances for green product-Solar and Energy Storage System


Page 3 of 37


1. . . . 目的 ................................................................................................................................................. 5

2. . . . 實施日期 .......................................................................................................................................... 5

3. . . . 適用範圍 .......................................................................................................................................... 5

4. . . . 定義 ................................................................................................................................................. 5

4-1 環境關聯物質 (Environment-related substance) .................................................................................. 5

4-2 管理等級 ( Substance Class) ................................................................................................................. 5

4-3 故意添加物質 (Intentionally added substance) .................................................................................... 6

4-4 雜質 (Impurity) ...................................................................................................................................... 6

4-5 均質材料 (Homogeneous material)....................................................................................................... 6

4-6 容許濃度 (Threshold) ............................................................................................................................ 6

4-7 包裝材料 (Packaging) ........................................................................................................................... 6

4-8 長時間皮膚接觸 (Prolonged skin contact) ........................................................................................... 7

5. . . . 管理標準 .......................................................................................................................................... 7

5-1 環境關聯物質管理清單......................................................................................................................... 7

5-2 相關文件及系統說明........................................................................................................................... 11

5-2-1 化驗報告 ................................................................................................................................... 11

5-2-2 GPARS 系統................................................................................................................................ 13

5-3 衝突礦產............................................................................................................................................... 13

5-3-1 友達光電聲明 ............................................................................................................................ 13

5-3-2 供應商應盡之職責 .................................................................................................................... 14

6. . . . 其他 ............................................................................................................................................... 14

6-1 商業機密保護....................................................................................................................................... 14

Document No.:AUORK-04-012 Author:張靜宜 Version:1

Document Local Name:綠色產品有害物質管理規定-Solar and Energy Storage

System Product

Effective Date:2015/7/31

Document English Name:Regulation of hazardous substances for green product-Solar and Energy Storage System


Page 4 of 37

6-2 本管理規定的建立、改版及內容修訂原則....................................................................................... 15

6-3 聯絡窗口............................................................................................................................................... 15

附錄一:化學物質清單細項 ................................................................................................................ 16

附錄二:禁用物質的法源依據............................................................................................................. 18

Document No.:AUORK-04-012 Author:張靜宜 Version:1

Document Local Name:綠色產品有害物質管理規定-Solar and Energy Storage

System Product

Effective Date:2015/7/31

Document English Name:Regulation of hazardous substances for green product-Solar and Energy Storage System


Page 5 of 37

1.... 目的目的目的目的 在友達的環境政策中揭示了企業的生產及營運應考慮到對於環境的負面影響,為了達成上述環境政策,遵守法令規定,因此友達建立此一管理規定,明確規範限用於太陽能及儲能系統產品中的材料、零件、組件及包裝材料中的化學物質,防止環境有害物質混入產品中,來達到減輕對環境及生態影響之目的,善盡企業對於環境維護之責任。

2. . . . 實施日期實施日期實施日期實施日期 此規範之實施日期為 2015 年 9 月 1 日。

3.... 適用範適用範適用範適用範圍圍圍圍




4.... 定義定義定義定義

4-1 環境關聯物質環境關聯物質環境關聯物質環境關聯物質 (Environment-related substance) 友達依據現行國際公約,各國法規及客戶的產品規範所彙整出對於生態、環境及人體有危害的化學物質。

4-2 管理等級管理等級管理等級管理等級 ( Substance Class) a.... 禁用等級禁用等級禁用等級禁用等級 A (Banned Class A) 屬於這一類的物質,不但禁止使用,且供應商必須同時提供相關測試報告。 此外,針對禁用等級 A 之物質,友達依照其禁/限用之目標,再細分為三個 Level,如下所示:

Document No.:AUORK-04-012 Author:張靜宜 Version:1

Document Local Name:綠色產品有害物質管理規定-Solar and Energy Storage

System Product

Effective Date:2015/7/31

Document English Name:Regulation of hazardous substances for green product-Solar and Energy Storage System


Page 6 of 37

Level 1:立即禁止使用。

Level 2:在設定的日期後禁止使用。

Level 3:屬於排除項目。友達並未訂定減量或取代計劃,可以繼續使用於產品中。 b. . . . 禁用等級禁用等級禁用等級禁用等級 B (Banned Class B) 屬於這一類的物質,被禁止使用在提供給友達的材料零件部品中,但是供應商只要以自我宣告的方式說明有無含有該物質成份,並不需要提供測試報告。 c. . . . 需報告物質需報告物質需報告物質需報告物質 (Reporting) 屬於 Reporting 這一類的物質,友達並不卡控其使用量,供應商只要註明其含有的濃度即可。

4-3 故意添加物質故意添加物質故意添加物質故意添加物質 (Intentionally added substance) 為了要改變產品或材料的物理或化學特性﹝例如改變外觀、顏色、增加耐火性、抗化性、導電性、強度等﹞因而在製造過程中故意添加,且添加後該物質會持續存在於產品或材料中。

4-4 雜質雜質雜質雜質 (Impurity)

a. 原本即存在於天然材料中,在精鍊過程中,技術上卻無法將其完全去除,而會存在於精鍊後材料中之物質。

b. 材料合成反應過程中產生,且在技術上無法完全去除的物質。

4-5 均質材料均質材料均質材料均質材料 (Homogeneous material) 為混合均勻且無法以機械力將其分離成兩種不同材料,例如電源線可分成:外層包覆塑膠、金屬導線、印字油墨等均質材料。

4-6 容許濃度容許濃度容許濃度容許濃度 (Threshold) 指在一均質材料中所允許含有該物質的最大濃度值。

4-7 包裝材料包裝材料包裝材料包裝材料 (Packaging)

指於儲存及運送過程中,用以保護、裝卸及標示 AUO 產品所使用之材料。〈例如棧板、紙箱、緩衝材料、塑膠袋、膠帶、標籤和黏著劑等〉,同時也包含標示所使用的墨水或染料。

Document No.:AUORK-04-012 Author:張靜宜 Version:1

Document Local Name:綠色產品有害物質管理規定-Solar and Energy Storage

System Product

Effective Date:2015/7/31

Document English Name:Regulation of hazardous substances for green product-Solar and Energy Storage System


Page 7 of 37

4-8 長時間皮膚接觸長時間皮膚接觸長時間皮膚接觸長時間皮膚接觸 (Prolonged skin contact) 在產品的正常使用狀況下,會持續接觸皮膚 10 分鐘以上。

5. . . . 管理標準管理標準管理標準管理標準 此章節將說明友達有害物質管理之相關標準及文件需求,請供應商確保可以完全符合,並將友達之相關規定落實於自身的有害物質管理流程內。

5-1 環境關聯物質管理清單環境關聯物質管理清單環境關聯物質管理清單環境關聯物質管理清單 環境關聯物質清單如表一所示,表二~表七則詳述 Banned Class A 禁用物質之使用規定。

表一表一表一表一、、、、AUO “Environment-related substances ” Checklist v....2 產品中禁止使用的化學物質產品中禁止使用的化學物質產品中禁止使用的化學物質產品中禁止使用的化學物質 以下屬產品中禁止使用的化學物質,供應商須符合其禁/限用之規定

類別類別類別類別 化學物質名稱化學物質名稱化學物質名稱化學物質名稱 禁用對象禁用對象禁用對象禁用對象 容許濃度容許濃度容許濃度容許濃度 禁止使用日期禁止使用日期禁止使用日期禁止使用日期

1 鉛及鉛化合物


2 鎘及鎘化合物

3 汞及汞化合物

4 六價鉻及六價鉻化合物

5 多溴聯苯類其化合物 (PBBs)


Class A 多溴聯苯醚類化合物及其氧化物


有關 banned class A 禁用物質的相關規定,排外項目及容許濃度請參考表二~表七


7 多氯三聯苯類 (PCTs) 禁止一切使用 50 ppm 立即執行

8 特定石棉纖維

(請詳附件一,B) 禁止一切使用 不得檢出 立即執行

9 特定有機錫化合物

(請詳附件一,C) 禁止一切使用 1000 ppm 立即執行

10 特定鹵化二苯基甲烷

(請詳附件一,D) 禁止一切使用 不得檢出 立即執行

11 鎳及其化合物 禁止使用於會長時間接觸人體皮膚的零件

小於 0.2 µg/cm2

/week 立即執行

12 特定偶氮(Azo)化合物

(請詳附件一,E) 禁止一切使用 30 ppm 立即執行


Class B

二乙二醇單甲醚 (DEGME) 禁止使用於塗料 1000 ppm 立即執行

Document No.:AUORK-04-012 Author:張靜宜 Version:1

Document Local Name:綠色產品有害物質管理規定-Solar and Energy Storage

System Product

Effective Date:2015/7/31

Document English Name:Regulation of hazardous substances for green product-Solar and Energy Storage System


Page 8 of 37

14 2-(2-丁氧基乙氧基)乙醇 (DEGBE) 禁止使用於塗料 30000 ppm 立即執行

15 環己烷 禁止使用於膠類 1000 ppm 立即執行

16 富馬酸二甲酯 (DMF) 禁止一切使用 0.1 ppm 立即執行

17 全氟辛烷磺酸相關物質 (PFOS) 禁止一切使用 1000 ppm 立即執行

18 Pb+Cd+Hg+Cr6+

禁止一切包裝材料 100 ppm 立即執行 產品中需報告物質產品中需報告物質產品中需報告物質產品中需報告物質 下列這類物質雖未被禁止使用,但是這些物質存在於產品中將影響到產品的回收及最終處置方式,因此這類物質的使用必須被了解及控制.若供應商於部品中使用或添加此類物質時,供應商需誠實揭露其含有量及使用目的。

化學物質名稱化學物質名稱化學物質名稱化學物質名稱 在工業上可能的應用在工業上可能的應用在工業上可能的應用在工業上可能的應用 CAS No

19 REACH SVHC ( 請 參 閱 ECHA Website: 產品包裝材料中的禁用化學物質產品包裝材料中的禁用化學物質產品包裝材料中的禁用化學物質產品包裝材料中的禁用化學物質 產品包裝材料除要符合上述『產品中禁止使用的化學物質』的要求外,亦需要符合本節的禁用物質規定。

No.... 化學物質名稱化學物質名稱化學物質名稱化學物質名稱 容許濃度容許濃度容許濃度容許濃度 禁止使用日期禁止使用日期禁止使用日期禁止使用日期

1 鉛及鉛化合物

2 鎘及鎘化合物

3 汞及汞化合物

4 六價鉻及六價鉻化合物


� 4 項禁用物質的加總濃度(Pb+Cd+Hg+Cr6+

):≦ 100 ppm 立即執行

Document No.:AUORK-04-012 Author:張靜宜 Version:1

Document Local Name:綠色產品有害物質管理規定-Solar and Energy Storage

System Product

Effective Date:2015/7/31

Document English Name:Regulation of hazardous substances for green product-Solar and Energy Storage System


Page 9 of 37


Rank 適用對象適用對象適用對象適用對象 禁止使用日期禁止使用日期禁止使用日期禁止使用日期

Level 1 - Level 3 以外之所有用途 立即禁止

Level 3

- 6(a) 鉛用於加工用途之鋼材及鍍鋅鋼的合金元素之一,其含量最高可達 0.35%。 - 6(b) 鉛用於鋁合金,並為其元素之一,含量最高可達 0.4%。

- 6(c) 銅合金中所含的鉛,最高可達 4%。 - 7(a) 高熔點類之銲錫可含鉛(如鉛為基底的合金, 其鉛含量大於 85%)

- 7(c)-I 鉛用於電器及電子元件中之玻璃或陶瓷 (介電陶瓷電容除外)。例如: 壓 電元件或者玻璃/陶瓷複合材料。

- 7(c)-II 額定電壓為125 V AC or 250 V DC 或者更高之介電陶瓷電容中所 含的鉛。-

- 不同金屬合金中鉛含量的最大容許濃度。 合金種類 容許濃度

Ribbon -

Note 1: 包材中鉛的容許濃度:Pb+Cd+Hg+Cr6+≦ 100 ppm。

Note 2: 產品中鉛及鉛化合物的容許濃度為 1000 ppm,但塗料一律禁止使用中性無水碳酸鹽(碳酸鉛 PbCO3), 三鉛-二碳酸根-氫氧化鉛(2PbCO3-Pb(OH)2), 硫酸鉛(PbSO4 (1:1)), 鉛的硫酸鹽(PbxSO4)等硫酸鉛類與碳酸鉛類的物質,容許濃度為不得檢出。

Note 3: 鉛及其化合物詳細容許濃度列於附件一,A

Document No.:AUORK-04-012 Author:張靜宜 Version:1

Document Local Name:綠色產品有害物質管理規定-Solar and Energy Storage

System Product

Effective Date:2015/7/31

Document English Name:Regulation of hazardous substances for green product-Solar and Energy Storage System


Page 10 of 37


Rank 適用對象適用對象適用對象適用對象 禁止使用日期禁止使用日期禁止使用日期禁止使用日期

Level 1 - 所有用途 立即禁止

Note 1: 包材中鎘的容許濃度:Pb+Cd+Hg+Cr6+≦ 100 ppm。

Note 2:產品中鎘及鎘化合物的容許濃度為 100 ppm。


Rank 適用對象適用對象適用對象適用對象 禁止使用日期禁止使用日期禁止使用日期禁止使用日期

Level 1 - 所有用途 立即禁止

Note 1: 包材中汞的容許濃度:Pb+Cd+Hg+Cr6+≦ 100 ppm。

Note 2: 產品中汞及汞化合物的容許濃度為 1000ppm。


Rank 適用對象適用對象適用對象適用對象 禁止使用日期禁止使用日期禁止使用日期禁止使用日期

Level 1 - 所有用途 立即禁止

Note 1: 包材中六價鉻的容許濃度:Pb+Cd+Hg+Cr6+≦ 100 ppm。

Note 2: 產品中六價鉻及六價鉻化合物的容許濃度為 1000ppm。


Rank 適用對象適用對象適用對象適用對象 禁止使用日期禁止使用日期禁止使用日期禁止使用日期

Level 1 - 所有用途 立即禁止

Note 1: 產品多溴聯苯類化合物(PBBs)的容許濃度為 1000ppm。

Document No.:AUORK-04-012 Author:張靜宜 Version:1

Document Local Name:綠色產品有害物質管理規定-Solar and Energy Storage

System Product

Effective Date:2015/7/31

Document English Name:Regulation of hazardous substances for green product-Solar and Energy Storage System


Page 11 of 37

表表表表七七七七、、、、多溴聯苯醚類化合物及其氧化物多溴聯苯醚類化合物及其氧化物多溴聯苯醚類化合物及其氧化物多溴聯苯醚類化合物及其氧化物 (PBDEs, PBBEs & PBDOs, PBBOs)在產品中的使用規定在產品中的使用規定在產品中的使用規定在產品中的使用規定

5-2 相關文件及系統說明相關文件及系統說明相關文件及系統說明相關文件及系統說明

5-2-1 化驗報告化驗報告化驗報告化驗報告 供應商在進行材料之 GP驗證時,針對 Banned class A 之物質,須提供化驗報告佐證其含有情形,以下為化驗報告之相關要求。

a. . . . 實驗室資格實驗室資格實驗室資格實驗室資格 為確保實驗室分析數據的品質及可靠性,友達要求分析實驗室需同時具備下列資格:

a-1. 實驗室需為第三方公正單位,通過 ISO17025 認證並取得認可證書*Note 1,且核發證書的認證機構必須為 ILAC

MRA〈國際實驗室認證聯盟相互承認辦法〉簽署會員國的實驗室認證機構。 *Note 1: 證書上之測試領域須包含友達要求提供化驗報告之檢測項目,如鉛、鎘、汞、六價鉻、多溴聯苯、多溴聯苯醚。 *Note 2: 以上之清單為參考資訊,供應商請自行進入 ILAC MRA 官網確認其認證機構之最新清單,官網: (請點開 Full Members(MRA signatories 選項))

b. . . . 送測部品的拆解原則送測部品的拆解原則送測部品的拆解原則送測部品的拆解原則 b-1. 依據 EU RoHS指令的修訂提案,電子電機產品中禁用物質濃度的定義是指每一均質材料〈Homogeneous material〉中所含有的禁用物質的含量。 b-2. 友達要求供應商需將所供應部品拆解成不同的均質材料,送交符合資格的實驗室進行禁用物質的化 驗,有關均質材料〈Homogeneous material〉的定義請參考本文〈第四章-定義〉。

c. . . . 檢測儀器及允許的前處理方法檢測儀器及允許的前處理方法檢測儀器及允許的前處理方法檢測儀器及允許的前處理方法 c-1. 進行受測樣品的前處理時,應該使樣品完全溶解成溶液,不可有沉澱物發生。若有沉澱物發生時應使用適當 方法使其完全溶解。

Rank 適用對象 禁止使用日期

Level 1 - 所有用途 立即禁止

Note 1: 產品中多溴聯苯醚類化合物及其氧化物 (PBDEs, PBBEs & PBDOs, PBBOs)的容許濃度為 1000ppm。

Document No.:AUORK-04-012 Author:張靜宜 Version:1

Document Local Name:綠色產品有害物質管理規定-Solar and Energy Storage

System Product

Effective Date:2015/7/31

Document English Name:Regulation of hazardous substances for green product-Solar and Energy Storage System


Page 12 of 37

c-2. 有關 RoHS 禁用物質的檢測儀器及允許的前處理方法請詳下表:

禁用物質禁用物質禁用物質禁用物質 Banned substances 儀器儀器儀器儀器 Equipment

(建議使用建議使用建議使用建議使用) 前處理方法前處理方法前處理方法前處理方法 Pre-conditioning

Cadmium and its compounds 〈鎘及其化合物〉




IEC 62321 :2013

Lead and its compounds 〈鉛及其化合物〉




IEC 62321 :2013

Mercury and its Compounds 〈汞及其化合物〉




IEC 62321 :2013〉

Hexavalent-Chromium Compounds 〈六價鉻化合物〉 UV-VIS


US EPA 3060A & 7196A

ISO 3613

IEC 62321〈111/95/CDV〉

PBBs/PBDEs 〈聚溴聯苯/溴聯苯醚〉 GC-MS & HPLC-MS


IEC 62321 :2015

d. . . . 化驗報告格式及內容化驗報告格式及內容化驗報告格式及內容化驗報告格式及內容

d-1. 化驗報告中至少需記載下列事項:

i. 樣品描述〈零件名稱、及其他資訊等〉

ii. 材料型號

iii. 所使用之前處理方法

iv. 檢測方法及設備

v. 檢測人姓名、檢測實驗室負責人姓名、分析實驗室名稱

vi. 檢測日期

vii. 檢測結果*Note1 及方法偵測極限〈MDL〉

viii. 檢測流程圖*Note 2

ix. 樣品圖片*Note 3 *Note 1:檢測結果須考量所有不確定度之因素在內。 *Note 2:化驗報告均需附上相對應的測試方式流程圖。 *Note 3:樣品照片需清晰可見樣品的外觀,需拆除樣品外面的包裝材料,例如瓶裝液體需倒出拍照。

d-2. 友達要求樣品的前處理應該使樣品完全溶解成溶液,因此化驗報告前處理或流程說明中需要明確標示“受測樣品已完全溶解”的字樣。

Document No.:AUORK-04-012 Author:張靜宜 Version:1

Document Local Name:綠色產品有害物質管理規定-Solar and Energy Storage

System Product

Effective Date:2015/7/31

Document English Name:Regulation of hazardous substances for green product-Solar and Energy Storage System


Page 13 of 37

d-3. 所提交的化驗報告須為電子檔原稿,不接受影印、刪修、塗改後之報告。

d-4. 對於違反上述要求的化驗報告將被退件並要求補正後重新提交。

d-5. 化驗報告僅接受中文及英文版內容,其餘版本文件將被退件並要求更新後重新提交。

e. . . . 化驗項目要求化驗項目要求化驗項目要求化驗項目要求 各類部品依據其組成材質不同,所要求的化驗項目如下:

e-1. 金屬、玻璃、及陶瓷材料:鉛,鎘,汞,六價鉻*Note 1。

e-2. 其他材料:鉛,鎘,汞,六價鉻*Note 1,PBBs,PBDEs。 *Note 1:若為金屬材質,化驗報告中應進行化驗的測試方式如:EPA 3060A、ISO 3613 或 IEC 62321。(六價鉻測試結果的證明依據,需利用Boiling-Water 測試方法而非僅做 Spot-Test 的方式。)

f. . . . 化驗報告有效期限化驗報告有效期限化驗報告有效期限化驗報告有效期限

f-1. 材料所檢附之化驗報告資料,化驗報告時間為三年有效期限。

5-2-2 GPARS 系統系統系統系統

a. 供應商進行 GP驗證所使用之平台為 GPARS〈Green Parts Aggregation & Reporting System〉內的 Solar模組,請供應商依照本規範自發性地主動登入友達 Supplier on-Line 之 GPARS系統提供相關資料,經友達之專責單位審核通過後,才能成為友達認可之 GP 產品

b. 使用 GPARS系統須先取得登錄權限,聯繫方式請 e-mail至 GPARS服務信箱:[email protected],提出開通權限之需求。

c. 供應商欲進入 GPARS,請經由 SOL(Supplier On-Line,入口平台,登錄後於系統區點選GPARS 後即可進入。

d. 若友達客戶有其自身的規範,且與本規範有不同規定時,友達會視情況於 GPARS 系統中進行客製化調查,供應商於系統中提交之所有客製化資料,與其他一般資料相同,有義務須誠實揭露並保證其資料之正確性無誤。

5-3 衝突礦產衝突礦產衝突礦產衝突礦產 衝突礦產定義為金(Au)、鉭(Ta)、錫(Sn)、鎢(W )或其他礦產,其礦產來源來自剛果人民共和國或鄰近國家之非法開採地區。

5-3-1 友達光電聲明友達光電聲明友達光電聲明友達光電聲明

a. 友達光電重申友達光電及其供應商願共同負起社會與環境保護的責任。

Document No.:AUORK-04-012 Author:張靜宜 Version:1

Document Local Name:綠色產品有害物質管理規定-Solar and Energy Storage

System Product

Effective Date:2015/7/31

Document English Name:Regulation of hazardous substances for green product-Solar and Energy Storage System


Page 14 of 37

b. 友達光電不接受產品所含有之金(Au)、鉭(Ta)、錫(Sn)、鎢(W),其礦產來源來自剛果人民共和國或鄰近國家之非法開採地區。

c. 友達光電將告知並要求其供應商履行前述聲明。

5-3-2 供應商應盡之職責供應商應盡之職責供應商應盡之職責供應商應盡之職責

a. 衝突礦產資料驗證

a-1 供應商交貨給友達光電之材料成份資訊若含有金(Au)、鉭(Ta)、錫(Sn)、鎢(W)時,需額外提供此材料之熔煉廠資訊,友達光電將會對供應商所提供之資訊進行審查。

a-2 熔煉廠資訊需包含熔煉廠名稱、所在國家/地址、聯絡人資訊及礦源所在國家等。

a-3 供應商當年度交貨之材料料最晚須在當年度 12/31 前完成驗證,若友達光電有其他驗證期限上之需求,供應 商得從友達光電之要求。 a-4 已驗證過之材料若在下一年度持續入料,此材料在下一年度仍須重新進行驗證。

a-5 熔煉廠資訊需透過 GPARS 系統進行提交。

b. EICC CFSP 合格熔煉廠導入

b-1 供應商需使用 EICC CFSP 認證之合格熔煉廠。

b-2 供應商若使用尚未通過 CFSP 認證之熔煉廠,供應商需在 AUO 要求之期限內完成合格熔煉廠之導入。

c. 衝突礦產管理流程建立

c-1 供應商需建立衝突礦產管理流程,並將相關管理流程文件化。

c-2 供應商需接受友達光電之衝突礦產稽核,並透過稽核活動提供管理流程之相關文件及證明。

6. . . . 其他其他其他其他

6-1 商業機密保護商業機密保護商業機密保護商業機密保護 所有供應商提供之資料只有兩種用途,一為供給友達內部人員判定該材料,零件或組件是否符合本管理規範,二為當友達的客戶要求提供該材料、零件或組件之相關資料時。

Document No.:AUORK-04-012 Author:張靜宜 Version:1

Document Local Name:綠色產品有害物質管理規定-Solar and Energy Storage

System Product

Effective Date:2015/7/31

Document English Name:Regulation of hazardous substances for green product-Solar and Energy Storage System


Page 15 of 37

6-2 本管理規定的建立本管理規定的建立本管理規定的建立本管理規定的建立、、、、改版及內容修訂原則改版及內容修訂原則改版及內容修訂原則改版及內容修訂原則

a. 有關本管理規定的建立、改版及廢除皆需經過友達“Green Product core team”開會同意後方可進行。

b. 本管理規定應至少每年討論及檢查相關條文。

c. 有關環境管理物質的適用性應至少每年檢討一次,檢討內容應包括:

c-1 友達將會持續對於 Banned class A 禁用物質的相關規定 Level 3 中的排外項目進行檢討,當排外項目的替代 材料發展已經成熟,友達將會修改本管理規定。

c-2 國內外的環保及禁用物質法規的變更及修訂〈請參照 5-2『相關文件及系統說明』〉。

c-3 客戶之要求及禁用物質的變更。

c-4 替代技術或評估技術的發展。

d. 本管理規章有中、英文兩種版本,如有互相歧異或抵觸之處,請以中文版為準。

6-3 聯絡窗口聯絡窗口聯絡窗口聯絡窗口 服務信箱:[email protected]

Document No.:AUORK-04-012 Author:張靜宜 Version:1

Document Local Name:綠色產品有害物質管理規定-Solar and Energy Storage

System Product

Effective Date:2015/7/31

Document English Name:Regulation of hazardous substances for green product-Solar and Energy Storage System


Page 16 of 37



No.... 物質名稱 CAS No.... 容許濃度

1 中性無水碳酸鹽(碳酸鉛 PbCO3) 598-63-0 不得檢出

2 三鉛-二碳酸根-氫氧化鉛 (2PbCO3-Pb(OH)2) 1319-46-6 不得檢出

3 硫酸鉛 (PbSO4 (1:1)) 7446-14-2 不得檢出

4 鉛的硫酸鹽 (PbxSO4) 15739-80-7 不得檢出

5 其他鉛及鉛化合物 - 1000 ppm


No.... 物質名稱 CAS No.... 1 青石棉 12001-28-4

2 鐵石棉 12172-73-5

3 直閃石 77536-67-5

4 陽起石 77536-66-4

5 透閃石 77536-68-6

6 溫石棉 12001-29-5



No.... 物質名稱 CAS No.... 1 三取代有機錫化合物 -

2 二丁基錫化合物 (DBTs) -

3 二辛基錫化合物 (DOTs) -

4 氧化雙三丁基錫 (TBTO) 56-35-9


No.... 物質名稱 Substances CAS No.... 1 單甲基四氯二苯基甲烷 76253-60-6

Document No.:AUORK-04-012 Author:張靜宜 Version:1

Document Local Name:綠色產品有害物質管理規定-Solar and Energy Storage

System Product

Effective Date:2015/7/31

Document English Name:Regulation of hazardous substances for green product-Solar and Energy Storage System


Page 17 of 37

2 單甲基二氯二苯基甲烷 -

3 單甲基二溴二苯基甲烷 99688-47-8


No.... 物質名稱 CAS No.... 1 4-氨基聯苯 92-67-1 2 對二氨基聯苯 92-87-5 3 4-氯鄰甲苯胺 95-69-2 4 2-萘胺 91-59-8 5 鄰氨基偶氮甲苯 97-56-3 6 5-硝基鄰甲苯胺 99-55-8 7 4-氯苯胺 106-47-8 8 4-甲氧基間苯二胺 615-05-4 9 4,4’-二氨基二苯甲烷 101-77-9

10 3,3’-二氯聯苯胺 91-94-1 11 3,3’-二甲氧基联苯胺 119-90-4 12 3,3’-二甲基联苯胺 119-93-7 13 4,4’-二氨基-3,3’-二甲基二苯甲烷 838-88-0 14 克利西丁 120-71-8 15 2,2'-二氯-4,4'-二氨基二苯基甲烷 101-14-4 16 4,4’-二氨基聯苯醚 101-80-4 17 4,4’-二氨基二苯硫醚 139-65-1 18 鄰甲苯胺(2-甲基苯胺) 95-53-4 19 2,4-二氨基甲苯 95-80-7 20 2,4,5-三甲基苯胺 137-17-7 21 鄰氨基苯甲醚 90-04-0 22 4-氨基偶氮苯 60-09-3

Document No.:AUORK-04-012 Author:張靜宜 Version:1

Document Local Name:綠色產品有害物質管理規定-Solar and Energy Storage

System Product

Effective Date:2015/7/31

Document English Name:Regulation of hazardous substances for green product-Solar and Energy Storage System


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No.... 禁用物質 參考法規

1 鉛及鉛化合物 EU Directive 2011/65/EC

EU REACH Regulation

2 鎘及鎘化合物 EU Directive 2011/65/EC

3 汞及汞化合物 EU Directive 2011/65/EC

4 六價鉻及六價鉻化合物 EU Directive 2011/65/EC

5 多溴聯苯及其化合物 (PBBs) EU Directive 2011/65/EC

6 多溴聯苯醚及其氧化物


EU Directive 2011/65/EC

7 多氯三聯苯 (PCTs) EU REACH Regulation

8 特定石棉纖維 EU REACH Regulation

9 特定有機錫化合物 EU REACH Regulation

10 特定鹵化二苯基甲烷 EU REACH Regulation

11 鎳及其化合物 EU REACH Regulation

12 特定偶氮(Azo)化合物 EU REACH Regulation

13 二乙二醇單甲醚 (DEGME) EU REACH Regulation

14 2-(2-丁氧基乙氧基)乙醇 (DEGBE) EU REACH Regulation

15 環己烷 EU REACH Regulation

16 富馬酸二甲酯 (DMF) EU Directive 2009/251/EC

17 全氟辛烷磺酸相關物質 (PFOS) EU Directive 2006/122/EC

18 Pb+Cd+Hg+Cr6+ EU Directive 94/62/EC

Document No.:AUORK-04-012 Author:張靜宜 Version:1

Document Local Name:綠色產品有害物質管理規定-Solar and Energy Storage

System Product

Effective Date:2015/7/31

Document English Name:Regulation of hazardous substances for green product-Solar and Energy Storage System


Page 19 of 37

Regulation of Hazardous

Substances for Green Products

-Solar and Energy Storage

System Product

Version 1


Document No.:AUORK-04-012 Author:張靜宜 Version:1

Document Local Name:綠色產品有害物質管理規定-Solar and Energy Storage

System Product

Effective Date:2015/7/31

Document English Name:Regulation of hazardous substances for green product-Solar and Energy Storage System


Page 20 of 37

Document Version Change Record:

Version Date of Implementation Key point of document version changed

Version 0 2012.01.01 Initial version

Version 1 2015.09.01

1.Modify the name of regulation, add Energy Storage System Product for the scope

2. Add “REACH SVHC” as reporting substances. The original No. 19~42 substances belonged to REACH SVHC were deleted, and moved them to No. 19 “REACH SVHC”

3.Add the policy of conflict mineral

Document No.:AUORK-04-012 Author:張靜宜 Version:1

Document Local Name:綠色產品有害物質管理規定-Solar and Energy Storage

System Product

Effective Date:2015/7/31

Document English Name:Regulation of hazardous substances for green product-Solar and Energy Storage System


Page 21 of 37

Table of Contents

1. . . . Purpose ......................................................................................................................................... 22

2. . . . Date of Implementation................................................................................................................ 22

3. . . . Scope of Application.................................................................................................................... 22

4. . . . Definition....................................................................................................................................... 22

4-1 Environment-Related Substance ............................................................................................................ 22

4-2 Substance Class...................................................................................................................................... 23

4-3 Intentionally Added Substance............................................................................................................... 23

4-4 Impurity .................................................................................................................................................. 23

4-5 Homogeneous Material.......................................................................................................................... 24

4-6 Threshold................................................................................................................................................ 24

4-7 Packaging............................................................................................................................................... 24

4-8 Prolonged Skin Contact ......................................................................................................................... 24

5. . . . Management Standard ................................................................................................................. 24

5-1 Environment-Related Substance Regulation List................................................................................... 24

5-2 Relevant Document and System Explanations ....................................................................................... 29

5-2-1 Chemical Analysis Report........................................................................................................... 29

5-2-2 GPARS System............................................................................................................................. 31

5-3 Conflict minerals.................................................................................................................................... 32

5-3-1 Tatement of AUO ........................................................................................................................ 32

5-3-2 Responsibility of suppliers.......................................................................................................... 32

6. . . . Other.............................................................................................................................................. 33

6-1 Commercial Confidentiality Protection ................................................................................................. 33

6-2 Establishment, Version Update, and Content Revision Principles for the Management Regulations .. 33

6-3 Contact Window ..................................................................................................................................... 34

Annex 1: Chemical Substance List Details .................................................................................... 35

Annex 2: Legal References for the Prohibited Substances .......................................................... 37

Document No.:AUORK-04-012 Author:張靜宜 Version:1

Document Local Name:綠色產品有害物質管理規定-Solar and Energy Storage

System Product

Effective Date:2015/7/31

Document English Name:Regulation of hazardous substances for green product-Solar and Energy Storage System


Page 22 of 37

1. . . . Purpose

AU Optronics’ environment policy states that adverse environmental impact shall be taken into consideration for the corporation’s productions and operations.To achieve the above-mentioned environmental policy and comply with the rules of the law, AU Optronics has therefore established such regulations to clearly regulate and limit the chemical substances used for the solar and energy storage system products’ materials, components, assembly parts, and packaging materials and to prevent environmentally hazardous substances from entering into the products for achieving the purpose of mitigating the impacts on the environment and ecology and for fulfilling the corporate environment protection responsibility.

2. . . . Date of Implementation

The date of implementation for the regulations is September 1, 2015. 3. . . . Scope of Application

1. The materials, components, assembly parts, packaging materials, and other goods used by the solar and energy storage system products designed, manufactured, and sold by AU Optronics Inc.

2. The materials, components, assembly parts, packaging materials, and other goods used by the solar and energy storage system products designed and manufactured by the third party commissioned by AU Optronics Inc.

3. In the event that AU Optronics’ client has its own regulations and exhibits rules different from AU Optronics’, the client’s rules shall prevail.

4. . . . Definition

4-1 Environment-Related Substance

Document No.:AUORK-04-012 Author:張靜宜 Version:1

Document Local Name:綠色產品有害物質管理規定-Solar and Energy Storage

System Product

Effective Date:2015/7/31

Document English Name:Regulation of hazardous substances for green product-Solar and Energy Storage System


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AU Optronics compiled a list of the chemical substances harmful to the ecology, environment, and humans in accordance with current international conventions, each country’s laws, and clients’ product regulations.

4-2 Substance Class

a.... Banned Class A

Substances belonging to this class are not only prohibited for use but also need to be concurrently accompanied with the relevant testing report from the supplier. Moreover, AU Optronics further divides the Class A substances prohibited for use into 3 levels as below in

accordance with respective prohibited/limited use objectives:

Level 1: Immediate Prohibition of Use. Level 2: Prohibition of Use After the Set Date. Level 3: Classified in the Exclusion Category. AU Optronics does not establish any reduced use or replacement plan,

so it can be continuously used in the products. b.... Banned Class B

Substances belonging to this class are prohibited to be used in materials, components, and parts supplied to

AU Optronics, but suppliers only need to explain whether such substances are present in the form of self

proclamation and are not required to provide the testing report. c. . . . Reporting

For substances belonging to the Reporting Class, AU Optronics does not control their usage, but the

suppliers only need to note the concentration present. 4-3 Intentionally Added Substance

To change a product’s or material’s physical or chemical characteristics (external feature, color, increased fire resistance, chemical resistance, conductivity, strength, etc), a substance is added intentionally during the manufacturing process. Upon being added, the substance will continue to exist in the product or material.

4-4 Impurity

a. The substances that are originally present in the natural materials and cannot be technically or fully

removed during the refinement process, thus remaining in the refined materials as a result. b. Substances that are produced during the materials’ synthesis reaction process and cannot be technically or

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fully removed. 4-5 Homogeneous Material

It is defined as evenly mixed and cannot be separated into two different materials with mechanical power. For example, the power line can be divided into the outer plastic covering, metal conduction line, printing ink, and other homogeneous materials.

4-6 Threshold

It is defined as the maximum acceptable concentration value for the substance contained in a homogeneous material.

4-7 Packaging

It is defined as the material used for protecting, loading and unloading, and labeling AUO products during the storage and transportation processes (i.e. pellet, cardboard box, buffering material, plastic bag, tape, label, and adherent.). It also includes the ink or dye used for labeling.

4-8 Prolonged Skin Contact

Under regular application conditions for the product, it will continuously be in contact with the skin for more than 10 minutes.

5. . . . Management Standard

This chapter will explain the standards and required documents related to AUO’s hazardous substance management. The suppliers will be kindly requested to ensure full compliance and realize the relevant AUO regulations for its own hazardous substance control procedures.

5-1 Environment-Related Substance Regulation List

The Environment-Related Substance List is as illustrated by Table 1, Tables 2 to 7 describes the usage regulations

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for the prohibited substances in the Banned Class A.

Table 1 AUO “Environment-Related Substances ” Checklist v....1

Substances prohibited from use in Product.... These substances as follows are banned in product, supplier must conform to the related regulations

Category Substances Restriction Threshold Legal date entry

into force

1 Lead and its compounds

(see Annex 1,A)

2 Cadmium and its compounds

3 Mercury and its compounds

4 Hexavalent Chromium and its compounds

5 Polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs)


Class A

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers or oxide


Please refer to table 2~table 7 about related regulation, exception and threshold of restricted substance of banned class A. Immediately

(except exception items)

7 Polychlorinated terphenyls (PCTs) Banned in all application 50 ppm Immediately

8 Specific Asbestos fibres

(see Annex 1,B) Banned in all application Not Detected Immediately

9 Specific Organic tin compounds

(see Annex 1,C) Banned in all application 1000 ppm Immediately

10 Specific Halogenated diphenyl methanes

(see Annex 1,D) Banned in all application Not Detected Immediately

11 Nickel and its compounds Banned in the parts that will

cause prolonged skin contact

Less than 0.2 µg/cm2 /week Immediately

12 Azo compounds forming specified amine

(see Annex 1,E) Banned in all application 30 ppm Immediately

13 2-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethanol (DEGME) Banned in paints 1000 ppm Immediately

14 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol (DEGBE) Banned in paints 30000 ppm Immediately

15 Cyclohexane Banned in adhesives 1000 ppm Immediately

16 Dimethylfumarate (DMF) Banned in all application 0.1 ppm Immediately

17 Perfluorooctane sulphonate (PFOS) related substances

Banned in all application 1000 ppm Immediately


Class B


Banned in packing material 100ppm Immediately

Reporting Substances from use in Product.... The intentional use of these substances is not prohibited, but the contents of these substances in articles should be controlled or understood. It is necessary to report AUO by GPARS system, if articles exist “ reporting substance ”.

Substance Group Industry probably Use CAS No

19 REACH SVHC (Please refer to the ECHA Website:

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Substances prohibited from use in Product Packaging

Product packaging not only conform to the above regulation of the “ Banned and Reporting substances” but also conform to the regulation of this section.

No.... Substances Threshold Lead date entry into force

1 Lead and its compounds

2 Cadmium and its compounds

3 Mercury and its compounds

4 Hexavalent Chromium and its compounds

Allowable concentration

� Total concentration of four heavy metals (Pb+Cd+Hg+Cr6+

): ≦ 100 ppm. Immediately

Table 2 Regulations for the Use of Lead and Its Compounds in the Products

Rank Application target Implementation date

Level 1 - All applications except those classified at Level 3 Banned immediately

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Level 3

- 6(a) Lead as an alloying element in steel for machining purposes and in galvanised steel containing up to 0,35 % lead by weight.

- 6(b) Lead as an alloying element in aluminium containing up to 0,4 % lead by weight.

- 6(c) Copper alloy containing up to 4 % lead by weight. - 7(a) Lead in high melting temperature type solders (i.e. lead- based alloys

containing 85 % by weight or more lead). - 7(c)-I Electrical and electronic components containing lead in a glass or ceramic

other than dielectric ceramic in capacitors, e.g. piezoelectronic devices, or in a glass or ceramic matrix compound.

- 7(c)-II Lead in dielectric ceramic in capacitors for a rated voltage of 125 V AC or 250 V DC or higher.

- Allowable threshold of lead in the following alloys:

Type of alloy Threshold

Ribbon -

Note 1: The threshold of package material: Pb+Cd+Hg+Cr6+≦ 100 ppm.

Note 2: The threshold of Lead and Its Compounds in all applications ≦ 1000 ppm, but the allowable threshold of Neutral anhydrous carbonate (PbCO3), Trilead-bis(carbonate)-dihydroxide (2PbCO3-Pb(OH)2), Lead sulphate (PbSO4 (1:1)), and Sulphuric acid, lead salt (PbxSO4) of Lead carbons and Lead sulphates in paints is not detected. Note3: The detail allowable threshold of Lead and Its Compounds, please see Annex 1,A.

Table 3 Regulations for the Use of Cadmium and Its Compounds in the Products

Rank Application target Implementation date

Level 1 - All applications Banned immediately

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Note 1: The threshold of package material: Pb+Cd+Hg+Cr6+≦ 100 ppm. Note 2: The threshold of Cadmium and Its Compounds in all applications ≦ 100 ppm

Table 4 Regulations for the Use of Mercury and Its Compounds in the Products

Rank Application target Implementation date

Level 1 - All applications Banned immediately

Note 1: The threshold of package material: Pb+Cd+Hg+Cr6+≦ 100 ppm.

Note 2: The threshold of Mercury and Its Compounds in all applications ≦ 1000 ppm

Table 5 Regulations for the Use of Hexavalent Chromium and Its Compounds in the Products

Rank Application target Implementation date

Level 1 - All applications Banned immediately

Note 1: The threshold of package material: Pb+Cd+Hg+Cr6+≦ 100 ppm.

Note 2: The threshold of Hexavalent Chromium and Its Compounds in all applications ≦ 1000 ppm

Table 6 Regulations for the Use of Polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) in the Products

Table 7 Regulations for the Use of Polybrominated diphenyl ethers or oxide (PBDEs, PBBEs & PBDOs, PBBOs) in the Products

Rank Application target Implementation date

Level 1 - All applications Banned immediately

Note 1:The threshold of Polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) in all applications ≦ 1000 ppm

Rank Application target Implementation date

Level 1 - All applications Banned immediately

Note 1:The threshold of Polybrominated diphenyl ethers or oxide (PBDEs, PBBEs & PBDOs, PBBOs) in all applications ≦ 1000 ppm

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5-2 Relevant Document and System Explanations

5-2-1 Chemical Analysis Report

When the supplier is conducting the GP certification on the material, the submission of the chemical analysis report is required specifically for Banned Class A substances for substantiating its content status. Below are the relevant requirements for the chemical analysis report.

a. . . . Laboratory Qualification

To ensure the quality and reliability of the laboratory analysis data, AU Optronics requests the analysis laboratory to concurrently demonstrate the following qualifications: a-1. The laboratory is required to pass the ISO17025 certification and acquire the approval certificate

*Note 1. Moreover, the certificate-issuing institute must be the laboratory certification institute in one of ILAC MRA’s signatory member states (mutual recognition regulations for the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation). * Note 1: The testing fields on the certificate must include the testing criteria, such as lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium,

PBB, PBDE, on the chemical analysis report as requested by AU Optronics. * Note 2: The above list is the referential information. The supplier is requested to voluntarily visit the official ILAC MRA website to verify the latest certification institutes list. The official website: ( Please click and open the Full Members (MRA signatories option).)

b.... Disassembly Principles for the Parts Submitted for Testing b-1. In compliance with the revision bill for the EU RoHS Directive, the prohibited substance concentration for the electronic and electrical products is defined as the content of the prohibited substance(s) for each homogeneous material. b-2. AU Optronics requests the parts provided by the suppliers to be disassembled into various homogeneous materials and submitted to the qualified laboratories for performing the chemical analysis on the prohibited substances. For the homogeneous material definitions, please refer to this document (Chapter 4 – Definition).

c. . . . Assay Instrument and Acceptable Pre-Treatment Method c-1. When conducting the pre-treatment on the testing sample, the sample shall be fully dissolved into the

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solution without any precipitation. If any precipitation occurs, the appropriate method shall be applied to fully dissolve it. c-2. For the substances prohibited by the RoHS, please refer to the following table for the assay instruments and acceptable pre-treatment methods in detail:

Banned substances Equipment

(Suggestion using) Pre-conditioning

Cadmium and its compounds ICP-AES、OES、MS


Regulation using:

IEC 62321:2013

Lead and its compounds ICP-AES、OES、MS


Regulation using:

IEC 62321:2013

Mercury and its Compounds ICP-AES、OES、MS


Regulation using:

IEC 62321:2013

Hexavalent Chromium and its Compounds UV-VIS

Suggestion using:

US EPA 3060A & 7196A

ISO 3613

IEC 62321〈111/95/CDV〉

PBBs/PBDEs GC-MS & HPLC-MS Regulation using:

IEC 62321:2015

d. . . . Chemical Analysis Report Format and Content

d-1. The chemical analysis report shall at least record the following items:

i. Sample description (component name, and other information〉

ii. Material model type

iii. Pre-treatment method used

iv. Assay method and equipment

v. Name of assay personnel, name of assay laboratory manager, and name of analysis laboratory

vi. Date of assay

vii. Assay result*Note 1 and maximum detection limit (MDL) for the method

viii. Assay flow chart*Note 2

ix. Sample picture*Note 3 *Note 1: The assay results shall consider all uncertain factors.

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*Note 2:The chemical analysis repot needs to be accompanied with the flow chart for the corresponding testing method. *Note 3:For the sample picture, the sample’s external features shall be clearly visible. The sample’s external packaging materials need to be removed, such as that the bottled liquid needs to be removed for taking the picture.

d-2. AU Optronics requests that the pre-treatment should enable the sample to be fully dissolved into the solution. Therefore, the pre-treatment or flow explanation on the chemical analysis report needs to be clearly labeled with “Testing Sample Fully Dissolved.”

d-3. The submitted chemical analysis report needs to be the original electronic file document. Photocopied, deleted, revised and refurbished reports will not be accepted.

d-4. A chemical analysis report in violation of the above requirements will be returned and requested to be re-submitted after being corrected.

d-5. Only Chinese and English content will be accepted for the chemical analysis report. All other document versions will be returned and requested to be re-submitted after being updated.

e. . . . Required Chemical Analysis Criteria

In accordance with differences in constituent materials, the chemical analysis criteria required for each part category are as below: e-1. Metal, glass, and ceramic material: Lead, cadmium, mercury, and hexavalent chromium

*Note 1. e-2. Other material: Lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium*Note 1

, PBBs, PBDEs. *Note 1:If it is metal material, chemical analysis assays shall be performed for the chemical analysis report include the EPA 3060A, ISO 3613, or IEC 62321 (To substantiate the hexavalent chromium testing result, acquiring the reference requires the utilization of the Boiling-Water assay, not only performing the Spot-Test).

f. . . . Validity Period for the Chemical Analysis Report f-1. For chemical analysis report data, the validity period for the chemical analysis report is three year. 5-2-2 GPARS System

a. The platform used by the supplier for performing the GP certification is Solar module of GPARS (Green Parts Aggregation & Reporting System). The supplier is kindly requested to voluntarily log onto AU Optronics’ Supplier On-Line GPARS System to provide the relevant information in compliance with the regulations. Upon being reviewed and approved by the authorized AUO department(s), it will then be GP product-approved by AU Optronics.

b. Log-in authorization is required prior to using the GPARS System. For contact information, please e-mail the GPARS service mailbox at [email protected] to submit the authorization request.

c. If the supplier intends to log into GPARS, please go through the SOL portal platform (Supplier On-Line,

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Effective Date:2015/7/31

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Page 32 of 37 After logging in, click to select GPARS in the system section to enable entry. d. If AU Optronics’ customer has its own regulations and exhibits rules different from AUO’s regulations, AU

Optronics will, in view of the circumstances, conduct a customization investigation in the GPARS System. For all customization information provided by the supplier in the system, the accuracy of the information must be honestly disclosed and guaranteed without any error, as applicable to other regular information.

5-3 Conflict minerals

Conflict minerals means the Gold(Au), Tantalum (Ta), Tin (Sn), Tungsten (W) or other minerals mined in the illegal area in Democratic Republic of the Congo or an adjoining country.

5-3-1 Tatement of AUO

a. AUO restates that AUO and its suppliers shall assume responsibility together for community and environment protection.

b. AUO does not accept the Gold (Au), Tantalum (Ta), Tin (Sn), and Tungsten (W) or other minerals mined in the illegal area in Democratic Republic of the Congo or an adjoining country.

c. AUO will inform and ask its suppliers to perform the above statement.

5-3-2 Responsibility of suppliers

a. Conflict minerals verification

a-1 Suppliers shall provide smelter information to AUO if the composition of materials provided to AUO include Gold (Au), Tantalum (Ta), Tin (Sn), and Tungsten (W), and AUO will review these information. a-2 Smelter information need include smelter name, country/address and contact information and country of

mine(s). a-3 The verification shall be finished before 12/31 at least for these materials provided to AUO in this year,

and if AUO has other request for verification deadline, suppliers shall follow AUO’s request. a-4 If this materials provide to AUO continuously in next year, this material shall re-verification in next year. a-5 Smelter information shall provide via GPARS.

b. EICC CFSP introduced

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b-1 Suppliers shall use the qualified smelter from EICC CFSP. b-2 If suppliers used non-qualified smelter from EICC CFSP, suppliers shall finish the introduction of qualified

smelter from EICC CFSP according to the deadline of AUO’s request

c. Establishment of conflict minerals management flow

c-1 Suppliers shall establish conflict minerals management flow, and document the related management flow.

c-2 Suppliers shall accept the AUO conflict minerals audit, and provide related advance document via the aduit activities.

6. . . . Other

6-1 Commercial Confidentiality Protection

All information provided by the suppliers only has two purposes. The first purpose is to enable internal AUO personnel to determine whether the material, component, or part conforms to the management regulations, while the other purpose is for where AU Optronics’ client requests to provide information concerning the material, component, or part.

6-2 Establishment, Version Update, and Content Revision Principles for the Management Regulations

a. With regards to the enactment, revision, and abolishment of management regulations, they must all be conducted after being approved in the meeting held by AU Optronics’ Green Product Core Team.

b. The clauses related to management regulations shall be discussed and reviewed at least once a year. c. The applicability of environmentally controlled substances shall be reviewed at least once a year. The review

content shall include:

c-1 AU Optronics will continue to review the Level 3 exclusion categories regulated by the Banned Class A Prohibited Substances. When the development of alternative technology or material for the exclusion categories has matured, AU Optronics will revise the management regulations.

c-2 Changes and revisions in the domestic and international environment protection and prohibited substance regulations (please refer to 5-2 Relevant Document and System Explanation).

c-3 Client request and change in prohibited substances.

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c-4 Alternative technology or assessment technology development. d. Chinese and English versions of the management regulations are available. If there is any difference or

contradiction with the regulations, the Chinese version shall prevail. 6-3 Contact Window

Service Mailbox: [email protected]

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Annex 1: Chemical Substance List Details

A、List of the Lead and its compounds include:

No.... Substances CAS No.... Threshold

1 Neutral anhydrous carbonate (PbCO3) 598-63-0 Not Detected

2 Trilead-bis(carbonate)-dihydroxide (2PbCO3-Pb(OH)2) 1319-46-6 Not Detected

3 Lead sulphate (PbSO4 (1:1)) 7446-14-2 Not Detected

4 Sulphuric acid, lead salt (PbxSO4) 15739-80-7 Not Detected

5 Other Lead and its compounds - 1000 ppm

B、List of the Specific Asbestos fibres include:

No.... Substances CAS No.... 1 Crocidolite 12001-28-4

2 Amosite (Grunerite) 12172-73-5

3 Anthophyllite 77536-67-5

4 Actinolite 77536-66-4

5 Tremolite 77536-68-6

6 Chrysotile 12001-29-5 132207-32-0

C、List of the Specific Organic tin compounds include:

No.... Substances CAS No.... 1 Tri-substituted organic tin compounds -

2 Dibutyltin compounds (DBTs) -

3 Dioctyltin compound (DOTs) -

4 Bis(tributyltin)oxide (TBTO) 56-35-9

D、List of the Specific Halogenated diphenyl methanes include:

No.... Substances CAS No.... 1 Monomethyl-tetrachlorodiphenyl methane (Ugilec 141) 76253-60-6

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2 Monomethyl-dichloro-diphenyl methane (Ugilec 121, Ugilec 21) -

3 Monomethyl-dibromo-diphenyl methane bromobenzylbromotoluene, mixture of isomers (DBBT)


E、List of the Azo compounds forming specified amine include:

No.... Substances CAS No.... 1 4-aminobiphenyl 92-67-1 2 Benzidine 92-87-5 3 4-chloro-o-toluidine 95-69-2 4 2-naphthylamine 91-59-8 5 O-aminoazotoluene 97-56-3 6 5-nitro-o-toluidine 99-55-8 7 4-chloroaniline 106-47-8 8 4-methoxy-mphenylenediamine 615-05-4 9 4,4'- Diaminodiphenylmethane 101-77-9

10 3,3'- dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 11 3,3’-dimethoxybenzidine 119-90-4 12 3,3’-dimethylbenzidine 119-93-7 13 4,4'-methylenedi-o-toluidine 838-88-0 14 p-cresidine 120-71-8 15 2,2'-dichloro-4,4'-methylenedianiline 101-14-4 16 4,4’-oxydianiline 101-80-4 17 4,4’-thiodianiline 139-65-1 18 o-toluidine 95-53-4 19 4-methyl-m-phenylenediamine 95-80-7 20 2,4,5-trimethylaniline 137-17-7 21 o-anisidine; 2-Methoxyaniline 90-04-0 22 4-amino azobenzene 60-09-3

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Annex 2: Legal References for the Prohibited Substances

No.... Substances Legal Reference

1 Lead and its compounds EU Directive 2011/65/EC

EU REACH Regulation

2 Cadmium and its compounds EU Directive 2011/65/EC

3 Mercury and its compounds EU Directive 2011/65/EC

4 Hexavalent Chromium and its compounds EU Directive 2011/65/EC C

5 Polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) EU Directive 2011/65/EC

6 Polybrominated diphenyl ethers or oxide

(PBDEs, PBBEs & PBDOs, PBBOs) EU Directive 2011/65/EC

7 Polychlorinated terphenyls (PCTs) EU REACH Regulation

8 Specific Asbestos fibres EU REACH Regulation

9 Specific Organic tin compounds EU REACH Regulation

10 Specific Halogenated diphenyl methanes EU REACH Regulation

11 Nickel and its compounds EU REACH Regulation

12 Azo compounds forming specified amine EU REACH Regulation

13 2-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethanol (DEGME) EU REACH Regulation

14 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol (DEGBE) EU REACH Regulation

15 Cyclohexane EU REACH Regulation

16 Dimethylfumarate (DMF) EU Directive 2009/251/EC

17 Perfluorooctane sulphonate (PFOS) related substances EU Directive 2006/122/EC

18 Pb+Cd+Hg+Cr6+ EU Directive 94/62/EC