covert operations strategic asset

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  • 8/11/2019 Covert Operations Strategic Asset





    Simon Anglim

    2011 has been !i"e a yea# $o# %lan&es"ine a%"i'i"y( )a#%h b#o!gh"

    allega"ions o$ Colonel Ga&a$$i enlis"ing some &is"ing!ishe& *es"e#n

    !ni'e#si"ies "o hel+ la!n&e# his #e+!"a"ion, "ha#"e& a++a#en"ly only by +#ess

    a""en"ion $olloing "he o+ening o$ mili"a#y o+e#a"ions agains" him, i"h

    nes soon a$"e# o$ a B#i"ish -&i+loma"i% "eam., in%o#+o#a"ing +e#sonnel $#om

    "he Se%#e" In"elligen%e Se#'i%e an& 22 S+e%ial Ai# Se#'i%e Regimen" /22

    SAS, &e"aine& a""em+"ing "o %on"a%" an"iGa&a$$i #ebels insi&e ibya(1 By

    A+#il, -$o#me#. SAS men an& -P#i'a"e )ili"a#y Com+anies. e#e #e+o#"e& as

    +#o'i&ing -s!++o#" an& a&'i%e. "o "he ibyan #ebels(2 In"e#es"ingly, "his same

    +e#io& sa +!blishe& 3!$$ 4a#"3a'is. e5%ellen" a%%o!n" o$ a +#e'io!s


  • 8/11/2019 Covert Operations Strategic Asset


    gene#a"ion o$ -e5.SAS men, ba%6e& se%#e"ly by "he 78 an& Sa!&i

    Go'e#nmen"s, +#o'i&ing simila# -s!++o#" an& a&'i%e. "o "he Imam o$

    9emen.s #esis"an%e "o "he Egy+"ian o%%!+a"ion o$ "he 1;0s( Then, 2? @!ly sa "he 7S, 78 an& =#en%h

    Go'e#nmen"s #e%ognise "he an"iGa&a$$i #ebels as "he -sole go'e#nmen"al

    a!"ho#i"y. in ibya an& #elease o'e# 0 million in ibyan asse"s hel& in

    *es"e#n ban6s "o -assis". "hem $!#"he#( Th#o!gho!" "he yea#, s"o#ies

    eme#ge& o$ a 'e#i"able -#e+!"a"ion la!n&e#ing. in&!s"#y in on&on, %onsis"ing

    o$ %ons!l"an%ies em+loye& by a!"ho#i"a#ian an& some"imes #e+#essi'e

    #egimes "o %onne%" "hem i"h high+#o$ile a+ologis"s an& $#on"men,

    in%l!&ing $o#me# P#ime )inis"e#s an& membe#s o$ "he Royal =amily(;

    I" as +!" by some "ha" s!++o#"ing "he ibyan #ebels as s"#a"egi%ally

    +oin"less an& im+osing &ange#o!s le'els o$ o'e#s"#e"%h on B#i"ish $o#%es

    %ommi""e& hea'ily al#ea&y "o A$ghanis"an a" a "ime o$ $is%al bel""igh"ening,

    &emons"#a"ing "he#eby "he %!##en" B#i"ish Go'e#nmen".s s"#a"egi% illi"e#a%y

    /e(g( -As e a""em+" "o age in"e#'en"ion on "he %hea+, e a#e !n+#e+a#e&

    %on%e+"!ally an& mili"a#ily "o age a# on a so'e#eign s"a"e againDThis


  • 8/11/2019 Covert Operations Strategic Asset


    %#isis &emons"#a"es some &is"!#bing $las in "he %o!n"#y.s %a+a%i"y "o "hin6

    %ohe#en"ly an& +lan s"#a"egi%ally.(? All 'e#y ell i$ $olloing "he na##o,

    Na+oleoni% 'ision o$ a Cla!sei"F( The mo#e holis"i% o#l&'ie o$ a S!n

    TF!s!gges"s al"e#na"i'e a#g!men"s, "ha" B#i"ain an& =#an%e manage& "he

    ibyan si"!a"ion %os"e$$e%"i'ely 'ia %ombining ha#& +oe#, &i+loma%y an&

    %o'e#" o+e#a"ions, "he main %on"en"ion o$ ha" $ollos being "ha" %o'e#"

    a%"i'i"y $o#ms a 'i"al an& e$$i%ien" me"ho& o$ +!#s!ing +oli%y in "he mo&e#n

    o#l&( Es"ablishing "his on +a+e# is +#oblema"i%, hoe'e#, mos" ob'io!sly

    be%a!se i" is %o'e#" "he#e$o#e %o'e#e& by o$$i%ial se%#e%y beyon& e5am+les

    &e%a&es +as"H mo#eo'e#, "he shee# &i'e#si"y o$ +ossible %o'e#" a%"i'i"ies

    $#om bloo&less, s!b"le +#o+agan&a o$ "he -%!l"!#al &i+loma%y. 'a#ie"y all "he

    ay "o &e+loying S+e%ial =o#%es in +a#amili"a#y s!++o#" o$ $#ien&ly $o#%es

    engage& in a# hin&e#s "he 6in& o$ g#an& gene#al "heo#ising !n&e#+inning

    m!%h o$ "he a%a&emi% s"!&y o$ s"#a"egy(

    9e", "hese a%"i'i"ies %an be i&en"i$ie& an& &i$$e#en"ia"e& $#om o"he#s(

    *he#e o+en, +ea%e$!l me"ho&s a#e !se& "o +!#s!e e5"e#nal +oli%y, i" is %alle&

    &i+loma%yH i$ $o#%e o# "h#ea" is !se& o+enly, i" is %alle& s"#a"egyH he#e

    e5"e#nal +oli%y !"ilises means %lan&es"ine an& %on%eale& $#om "he "a#ge"

    go'e#nmen" an& i"s on +!bli%, i" is %alle& %o'e#" a%"i'i"y( All a#e

    ins"#!men"s o$ +oli%yH all ha'e "he same obJe%"i'e, ea%h !ses a &i$$e#en" +a"h

  • 8/11/2019 Covert Operations Strategic Asset


    "o ge" "he#e( A %o'e#" o+e#a"ion, "he#e$o#e, is a single mission aime& a"

    %#ea"ing a +a#"i%!la# si"!a"ion in ano"he# %o!n"#y i"h %on%eale& means an&

    in"en"( Non'iolen" %o'e#" o+e#a"ions %#ea"e &isa$$e%"ion among "he "a#ge"

    s"a"e.s +o+!la"ion, "he#eby ea6ening i"s ill "o a$$e%" "he o#l& a#o!n& i",

    o# s"ee# s!##e+"i"io!sly i"s &e%isionma6ing 'ia +la%ing agen"s in 6ey

    +osi"ions( Violen" %o'e#" o+e#a"ions in%l!&e sabo"age, assassina"ion, an&

    +a#amili"a#y s!++o#" o$ a#me& !+#isings agains" "he o++osing +oe#( To

    #e&!%e +oli"i%al $allo!" i$ "hings go #ong, +ea%e"ime %o'e#" o+e#a"ions

    sho!l& ha'e -+la!sible &eniabili"y.: "he hea& o$ "he o#igina"ing go'e#nmen"

    sho!l& be able "o &eny "hey a!"ho#ise& "hem o# e'en 6ne o$ "hem(

    The#e$o#e, o$$i%ial #e%o#&s migh" no" be 6e+", an& !se ill be ma&e o$ $#on"

    o#ganisa"ions, mi&&lemen an& lo%al allies, in%l!&ing in&igeno!s g!e##illa

    mo'emen"s, a#me& $o#%es an& in"elligen%e agen%ies o$ $#ien&ly +oe#s, an&

    +#i'a"e mili"a#y %om+anies(

    I" is +!" %ommonly "ha" %o'e#" o+e#a"ions in +ea%e"ime a#e a "ool o$

    $o#eign +oli%y, in a#"ime, o$ s"#a"egy(10 This again #e$le%"s a Cla!sei"Fian

    o#l&'ie %on$la"ing %on$li%" i"h o+en a#$a#e an& &ismissing all else as

    -nons"#a"egi%.( Remembe#, hoe'e#, "ha" s"#a"egy ne'e# s"o+s(11 The#e a#e

    g#ey a#eas in hi%h s"a"es may be in %on$li%" sho#" o$ o+en a#$a#e hen !se

    o$ s!b'e#sion, sabo"age an& $igh"ing by lo%al +#o5ies may be +#e$e##e& "o


  • 8/11/2019 Covert Operations Strategic Asset


    o'e#" %ommi"men" o$ #eg!la# $o#%esH mo#eo'e#, gi'en "ha" m!%h non'iolen"

    %o'e#" a%"i'i"y aims a" !n&e#mining "he "a#ge" s"a"e.s mili"a#y +#e+a#e&ness,

    e'en in +ea%e"ime, "he#e a#e s"#a"egi% &imensions he#e, also(

    Non-violent Covert Activity

    Non'iolen" %o'e#" o+e#a"ions &e+en& hea'ily !+on -agen"s o$ in$l!en%e.,

    +e#sons able "o in$l!en%e ei"he# "he go'e#nmen" o$ "he "a#ge" %o!n"#y o#

    o+inion among i"s +eo+le( Those o#6ing &i#e%"ly !+on "he go'e#nmen"

    "en& "o be agen"s o$ "he a""a%6ing +oe#.s in"elligen%e se#'i%e, hile +!bli%

    o+inion %an be s"ee#e& by o"he# agen"s o# J!s" as o$"en, an& i"h mo#e

    -+la!sible &eniabili"y., "h#o!gh ha" enin /+!#+o#"e&ly %alle& -!se$!l

    i&io"s., &!+e& in"o &oing "he a""a%6e#.s ill "h#o!gh being +#o+agan&ise&

    "ho#o!ghly in"o belie'ing "hei# goo& in"en"ions(12 N!#"!#ing -!se$!l i&io"s. is

    !i"e a s6ill: i&eally, "hey sho!l& ha'e a high +!bli% +#o$ile, o$$e#ing "he

    +o"en"ial "o %#ea"e la#ge n!mbe#s o$ se%on&a#y an& "e#"ia#y i&io"s, ye" ha'e an

    o'e#helming o# o'e#&e'elo+e& sense o$ being a" o&&s i"h "hei# on

    so%ie"y: Pa!l Robeson, "he bla%6 Ame#i%an singe# an& a%"o#, an

    !n!es"ionably &e%en" man J!s"i$iably &isg!s"e& a" "he #a%ism he

    e5+e#ien%e& in "he ea#ly "en"ie"h %en"!#y 7SA, as %!l"i'a"e& %a#e$!lly on

    his 'isi"s "o "he -egali"a#ian. 7SSR, be%ame a li$elong a+ologis" $o# "he

  • 8/11/2019 Covert Operations Strategic Asset


    So'ie" #egime, an& a" one +oin" e'en &e$en&e& "he J!&i%ial m!#&e# o$ S"alin.s

    +oli"i%al o++onen"s &!#ing "he 1

  • 8/11/2019 Covert Operations Strategic Asset


    in"e#nal %olla+se o$ -bo!#geois. s"a"es "h#o!gh -en"#yism. $in&ing

    sym+a"hise#s among o++osing s"a"es. e&!%a"ion sys"em, "#a&e !nions an&

    mass me&ia ho o!l& agi"a"e an& in&o%"#ina"e s%hool%hilen, s"!&en"s an&

    in&!s"#ial o#6e#s, lea&ing "o "hem "o $o#m #e'ol!"iona#y %ells an& #e+ea" "he

    +#o%ess seen in R!ssia be$o#e 11?(

    The 7SSR.s in"elligen%e se#'i%es, "he 8GB in +a#"i%!la#, ma&e e5"ensi'e

    !se o$ -en"#yism., o$"en a""em+"ing "o in$l!en%e +!bli% o+inion 'ia "ame o#

    bo!gh" me&ia o!"le"s( The +oli"i%al nesle""e# Synthese+e&&le& i"s an"i

    Ame#i%an an& an"iNATO +#o+agan&a among "he =#en%h +oli"i%al eli"e $#om

    1?; "o 1? in%l!&ing ?0K o$ "he Chambe# o$ 3e+!"ies !n"il i"s e&i"o#,

    Pie##eCha#les Pa"hL, as a##es"e& ha'ing been obse#'e& being +ai& by his

    8GB han&le# by "he =#en%h se%!#i"y se#'i%e, "he 3ST(1

  • 8/11/2019 Covert Operations Strategic Asset


    some"ime Pa#"y Chai#man, Tom 3#ibe#g, ho wasa So'ie" agen",

    bla%6maile& by "he 8GB o'e# his se5!al liaisons i"h "eenage& boys in a

    )os%o +!bli% la'a"o#y in"o +#o+agan&ising on behal$ o$ "he 7SSR,

    a!"ho#ing a hi"eashing hagiog#a+hy o$ "he s+y, G!y B!#gess, an&

    n!me#o!s o"he# +ie%es e5"olling "he So'ie" 7nion in "he B#i"ish +#ess(1>

    Synthese an&Tribune e5em+li$y -bla%6. +#o+agan&a, he#ein o#igin an&

    mo"i'e is %on%eale&, gi'ing -+la!sible &eniabili"y.( -G#ey. +#o+agan&a,

    %on'e#sely, &oes no" %on%eal i"s o#igin e'en i$ no" a%6nole&ge& o$$i%ially(1

    A goo& e5am+le o$ "his is #a&io b#oa&%as"ing "o "he "a#ge" %o!n"#y( 3!#ing

    "he Se%on& *o#l& *a#, *illiam @oy%e, a $o#me# membe# o$ "he B#i"ish

    7nion o$ =as%is"s, b#oa&%as" $#om Ge#many "o B#i"ain ho+ing "o !n&e#mine

    B#i"ish ill "o $igh" by e5"olling "he in'in%ibili"y o$ "he Wehrmachthile

    #ailing a" "he +e#%ei'e& %o##!+"ion, in%om+e"en%e an& %oa#&i%e o$ "he

    B#i"ish +oli"i%al lea&e#shi+( @oy%e &emons"#a"es ho s!%h o+e#a"ions %an go

    #ong i$ "he "a#ge" a!&ien%e is no" assesse& %a#e$!lly: an I#ishAme#i%an, his

    +honey !++e#%lass English a%%en" so!n&e& #i&i%!lo!s "o B#i"ish ea#s /he is

    be""e# #emembe#e& by "he ni%6name his B#i"ish lis"ene#s ga'e him, -o#&

    4a4a., "han his #eal name an& his !nse#'ing $ai"h in "he Thi#&

    Rei%h.s his"o#i%al &es"iny as as abs!#& as his a%%en" $#om Alamein an&

    S"aling#a& ona#&s(

  • 8/11/2019 Covert Operations Strategic Asset


    9e", "he 7SA, "he 7SSRMR!ssia an& "hei# allies ma&e e5"ensi'e !se o$

    #a&io b#oa&%as"s $o# g#ey +#o+agan&a in "he +os"1> e#a( The Voice of

    America#a&io s"a"ion is $!n&e& by "he 7S Go'e#nmen" an& b#oa&%as"s "he

    -o$$i%ial. Ame#i%an line on in"e#na"ional iss!es in /as o$ 200

  • 8/11/2019 Covert Operations Strategic Asset


    hoe'e#, I#ai sol&ie#s e#e obse#'e& s!##en&e#ing in la#ge n!mbe#s

    $olloing e5a%"ly "he +#o%e&!#es "hey e#e "ol& by Voice of the "ulf(1?

    )o#e a%"i'e meas!#es in%l!&e -en"#yism. in"o e5is"ing +ea%e$!l

    o++osi"ion mo'emen"s( The Comm!nis" Pa#"y o$ "he So'ie" 7nion

    %on"#olle& o"he# %omm!nis" +a#"ies o#l&i&e 'ia "he Comin"e#n $#om "he

    120s ona#&s, main"aining +la!sible &eniabili"y by %laiming "his as an

    in"e#na"ional $#a"e#nal o#ganisa"ion o$ s!%h +a#"ies, #a"he# "han an a#m o$ "he

    So'ie" s"a"e(1 Ano"he# s!%h $#on" o#ganisa"ion as "he *o#l& Pea%e

    Co!n%il, le& by "he In&ian %omm!nis" Romesh Chana $#om 1;; "o 1;,

    hi%h hel& se'e#al global -+ea%e %on$e#en%es. %onsis"ing la#gely o$ +!bli%

    &en!n%ia"ions o$ "he 7SA an& NATO(1 So'ie" blo% in"elligen%e agen%ies

    also in$il"#a"e& -+ea%e. mo'emen"s in "he *es", albei" i"h limi"e& s!%%ess(

    The maJo#i"y o$ "he membe#shi+ o$ "he B#i"ish Cam+aign $o# N!%lea#

    3isa#mamen" /CN3 $i" $i#mly in"o "he -!se$!l i&io". %a"ego#y, )I no"ing

    "he illingness o$ senio# CN3 $ig!#es in "he 1?0s "o a%%e+" -b#ie$ings. $#om

    "he So'ie" Embassy in on&on a" $a%e 'al!e(20 4oe'e#, a%"i'e -en"#yism.

    as also a++a#en": a" one +oin" in "he 1?0s, eigh" o$ "he $i$"een sea"s on

    CN3.s na"ional e5e%!"i'e e#e hel& by membe#s o$ "he s"a!n%hly +#oSo'ie"

    Comm!nis" Pa#"y o$ G#ea" B#i"ain, hile in 1 i" as #e'eale& "ha"

    P#o$esso# Vi% Allen, ho #an $o# "he o#ganisa"ion.s lea&e#shi+ in 1, as


  • 8/11/2019 Covert Operations Strategic Asset


    an agen" o$ "he Eas" Ge#man se%#e" se#'i%e, "he 4VA, a" a "ime hen CN3

    as %am+aigning "o #emo'e Ame#i%an %#!ise missiles $#om B#i"ish soil an&

    ha& s"ee#e& "he abo!# Pa#"y.s &e$en%e +oli%y "oa#&s B#i"ain s%#a++ing i"s

    n!%lea# &e"e##en" an& +#ess!#ing i"s NATO allies "o &o li6eise(21

    Al"e#na"i'e means o$ $in&ing -!se$!l i&io"s. in%l!&e so%alle& -$#ien&shi+

    so%ie"ies. an& -%!l"!#al &i+loma%y., he#eby a#"is"s an& m!si%ians a#e "!#ne&

    o$"en !ni""ingly in"o s!b"le +#o+agan&is"s, +#esen"ing "hei# #!ling

    #egimes as s!++o#"i'e o$ "he a#"s, an& "he#e$o#e gi'ing "he im+#ession "hey

    a#e mo#e -o+en. "han "hey may be in #eali"y(

    Simila# o+e#a"ions e#e +!#s!e& by *illiam Casey, 3i#e%"o#, 7S Cen"#al

    In"elligen%e, $#om 11 !n"il sho#"ly be$o#e his &ea"h in 1?( 4a'ing

    obse#'e& "he e$$e%"i'e So'ie" !se o$ %o'e#" o+e#a"ions, Casey, a +#a%"i%ing

    Ca"holi%, %ame "o belie'e "ha" #eligion %o!l& $o#m a +o"en" %o!n"e#i&eology

    behin& %o'e#" #esis"an%e "o %omm!nism o#l&i&e(22 Conse!en"ly, he

    +#o'i&e& "he Polish "#a&e !nion, Solidarity, hi%h &e'elo+e& g#a&!ally

    "h#o!gho!" "he 10s in"o a +ea%e$!l mass mo'emen", o++osing "he

    %omm!nis" go'e#nmen" o$ Polan& in allian%e i"h "he Polish Ca"holi%

    Ch!#%h, alongsi&e smalle#s%ale s!++o#" $o# @eish an& )!slim &issi&en"

    g#o!+s i"hin "he 7SSR(2

  • 8/11/2019 Covert Operations Strategic Asset


    o+e#a"ion as in A$ghanis"an $#om 11 "o 1, hi%h m!s" be &is%!sse&

    in "he %on"e5" o$ o"he# a#me& o+e#a"ions(

    Armed Covert #erations

    In"eg#a"ing a#me& %o'e#" o+e#a"ions in"o "hea"#ele'el s"#a"egy as +ionee#e&

    in "he =i#s" *o#l& *a#, "he bes"6non e5am+le in'ol'ing "he B#i"ish

    +#o'i&ing ea+ons, enginee#s an& ai#%#a$" "o "he 4ashemi"e #e'ol" agains"

    "he T!#6s in "he 4eJaF #egion o$ A#abia in 11?11( Tha" o+e#a"ion as

    %omman&e& by Colonel S= Ne%ombe, b!" i" is bes" #emembe#e& 'ia "he

    semi$i%"ional memoi#s o$ one o$ his J!nio# o+e#a"i'es, TE a#en%e.s The

    Seven $illars of Wisdom( The "e%hni!e as +e#$e%"e& by NaFi Ge#many in

    "he 1

  • 8/11/2019 Covert Operations Strategic Asset


    %omm!ni"ies o# +#o$as%is" "#ai"o#s, "o s+y, sabo"age an& s!b'e#" ahea& o$ "he


    I" is "he#e$o#e !ns!#+#ising "ha" B#i"ish s"#a"egy, +os"1>0, in%o#+o#a"e&

    "he -en%o!#agemen" o$ #e'ol". in A5iso%%!+ie& "e##i"o#y( A" "he behes" o$

    "he *a# O$$i%e, ie!"enan" Colonel Colin G!bbins a!"ho#e& The Art of

    "uerilla *sic+Warfare( a man!al $o# a#me& %o'e#" o+e#a"ions hi%h as

    &is"#ib!"e& in "he h!ne&s o$ "ho!san&s in &oFens o$ lang!ages, an& also

    be%ame o+e#a"ional &o%"#ine $o# "he bes" 6non %o'e#" o+e#a"ions

    o#ganisa"ions in his"o#y, "he B#i"ish S+e%ial O+e#a"ions E5e%!"i'e /SOE o$

    hi%h G!bbins, +#omo"e& maJo# gene#al, as 3i#e%"o# $#om 1>

  • 8/11/2019 Covert Operations Strategic Asset


    en&e& -h!mani"a#ian in"e#'en"ion. in "he &e'elo+ing o#l&, alloing "hem "o

    be an in"o +#o5y ins!#gen%ies an& o"he# lo%al %on$li%"s, hile "he

    !es"ionable s"#a"egi% 'al!e o$ many s!%h in"e#'en"ions %an lea& "o e5+loi"able

    %on"#o'e#sy ba%6 home, +a#"i%!la#ly in %ases s!%h as I#a, 200

  • 8/11/2019 Covert Operations Strategic Asset


    Pales"ine ibe#a"ion O#ganisa"ion, e#e a#ming an& "#aining ins!#gen"s an&

    o!l&be ins!#gen"s in VeneF!ela, G!a"emala, 7#!g!ay, Ni%a#ag!a, El

    Sal'a&o#, Pe#!, No#"he#n I#elan&, I"aly, *es" Ge#many, Angola, )oFambi!e

    an& Oman %o'e#" o+e#a"ions i"hin %o'e#" o+e#a"ions(

  • 8/11/2019 Covert Operations Strategic Asset


    +o#"#aye& as,ihad, s!++o#"e& by Sa!&i money an& )!slim 'ol!n"ee#s, b!"

    &i#e%"e&, se%#e"ly, by "he CIA, an im+e#a"i'e s"e++e& !+ a$"e# Casey.s

    a++oin"men" in 11(

  • 8/11/2019 Covert Operations Strategic Asset


    im+lo&ing, i"h no +#os+e%" o$ 'i%"o#y in sigh", "he 7SSR i"he,

    h!milia"e&, $#om A$ghanis"an in 1(

    The %hil& o$ "his as al ae&a( Ab&!llah AFFam an& Osama bin a&en

    $o!n&e& "he A$ghan Se#'i%es B!#ea! in 1>, i"h "he +#obable ba%6ing o$

    P#in%e T!#6i, hea& o$ Sa!&i in"elligen%e, "o im+#o'e "he "#aining an& s!++ly o$

    )!slim 'ol!n"ee#s going "o A$ghanis"an(

  • 8/11/2019 Covert Operations Strategic Asset


    ins!#gen%y #!n by "he I#anian Re'ol!"iona#y G!a#& Co#+s 'ia i"s +#o5y,

    4eFbollah, hi%h in a&&i"ion "o se""ing !+ a minis"a"e in so!"he#n ebanon

    an& e5e%!"ing "e##o#is" a""a%6s on Is#ael, hi" @eish in"e#es"s in a"in Ame#i%a

    an& 7S $a%ili"ies in Sa!&i A#abia( I#an also inse#"e& agen"s in"o maJo#i"y Shi.i"e

    a#eas o$ so!"he#n I#a, $olloing "he abo#"i'e !+#ising o$ 11, #e%#!i"ing

    lo%als ho be%ame "he 6e#nel o$ "he Shi.i"e ins!#gen%y hi%h +#o'e& so

    "#o!blesome "o B#i"ish $o#%es in Bas#a in 2000

    P#obably "he bes"6non %o'e#"lyo#ganise& couo$ "he mo&e#n e#a as

    also in "he G!l$ #egion, "ha" agains" )ohamme& )ossa&egh, P#ime )inis"e# o$

    I#an, o#ganise& by "he CIA in 1< on behal$ o$ "he B#i"ish a$"e# he

    na"ionalise& I#an.s B#i"ishone& oil$iel&s(>1 Co!+s an& assassina"ions $o#m

    an in"e#es"ing +a#" o$ "he %o'e#" o+e#a"ions $amily: +lanning, +#e+a#a"ion an&

    e5e%!"ion may be %lan&es"ine, b!" e$$e%" is no"( Assassina"ions %#ea"e e"hi%al

    iss!es $o# libe#al &emo%#a%ies, an& "he #e'ela"ion o$ "he CIA.s in'ol'emen" in

    !ns!%%ess$!l /an& biFa##e a""em+"s "o assassina"e =i&el Cas"#o "o "he Ch!#%h

    Commi""ee #es!l"e& in P#esi&en" =o#& signing an e5e%!"i'e o#&e# banning

    go'e#nmen" s+onso#e& assassina"ions hi%h s"oo& $o# almos" "hi#"y yea#s !n"il

    i" as !ie"ly #e'o6e& by P#esi&en" B!sh a$"e# "he M11 a""a%6s(>2 The So'ie"s


  • 8/11/2019 Covert Operations Strategic Asset


    ha& no s!%h !alms, being o+en abo!" "he e5is"en%e o$ S)ERS4 / Smert

    Sionem 0 3ea"h "o S+ies, in"en&e& s+e%i$i%ally "o e#a&i%a"e "he enemies o$

    "he So'ie" s"a"e, in%l!&ing 6illing o# 6i&na++ing &e$e%"o#s "o "he *es" ho may

    ha'e +#o'en emba##assing "o "hei# $o#me# %o!n"#y, as ell as "hose o$ any

    na"ionali"y engage& in an"iSo'ie" +#o+agan&a(>

  • 8/11/2019 Covert Operations Strategic Asset


    global le'el migh" &o so %os"e$$e%"i'ely, "he si"!a"ion in ibya in&i%a"ing "he

    78 may be a++lying "his lesson(



  • 8/11/2019 Covert Operations Strategic Asset


    1 h""+:MM(g!a#&ian(%o(!6Me&!%a"ionM2011Mma#M00 ,

    a%%esse& 1< @!ly 2011H h""+:MM(g!a#&ian(%o(!6Mo#l&M2011Mma#M0;Msas&i+loma"i%

    missioninlibya, a%%esse& 20 @!ly 2011H h""+:MM(bb%(%o(!6MnesMo#l&mi&&le

    eas"12;0>, a%%esse& 20 @!ly 2011

    2 h""+:MM(&ailymail(%o(!6MnesMa#"i%le1?MibyaSASsmashs!a&sg#o!n&

    ma#6"a#ge"s%oali"ionJe"s(h"ml, a%%esse& 20 @!ly 2011H



    3# Pa"#i%6 Po#"e#, -os" in ibya: "he 78 &oes no" !n&e#s"an& s"#a"egy.,2nfinity3ournalNo(3A?>A?32MH


  • 8/11/2019 Covert Operations Strategic Asset


    1H a!"ho#.s in"e#'ie i"h )aJo# Ca#&y o$ 10 A!g!s" 1>H S@ Anglim,

    The Royal Army Education Cors in the "ulf Conflict of 6778-76/4)SO 1, ++(


    1Sh!ls6y an& S%hmi"", Silent Warfare, ++(;?

    1Ch#is"o+he# Ane an& Vasili )i"#o6hin, The 5"& and the World1 The itro%hin

    Archive 22/on&on: Peng!in 200; D4e#ea$"e#itro%hin 22, ++(1

  • 8/11/2019 Covert Operations Strategic Asset


    2ie!"enan" Colonel C )%V G!bbins, The Art of "uerrilla Warfare/on&on: )I/R

    1, ;?, , 1;1?

    2;See Colonel Thomas Q 4ammes 7S)C, The Slin' and the Stone1 #n War in the

  • 8/11/2019 Covert Operations Strategic Asset


    >2=#ie&man,America.s Secret War, ++(11, 1>H *oo&a#&, Veil(+(2?1
