covid-19...base: covid-19 facts and recommendations review si 2020; vol. 33, no. 1 139 outline...

REVIEW SCIENCE INSIGHTS 138 Medicine Review (Narrative) COVID-19 Facts and Recommendations from A to Z BASE Medicine Task Force SUMMARY Since the first case of COVID-19 was reported in late 2019, the virus has been filling almost every corner of the earth. The world suddenly woke up in a hurry, and began to surround and control SARS-CoV-2 on a large scale. Since then, the world has entered a state of lockdown. This task force reviewed from every as- pect involved in the occurrence, development and treatment of COVID-19. Alt- hough no effective treatments exist and many areas require further study at length regarding the virus and the diseases caused by it, all the medical care im- plemented currently reflects the compassionate control of the disease. Whether it is the development of effective drugs or vaccines, the occurrence of COVID-19 pandemic sounded the alarm for humans. It is time to seriously think about the disease prevention system we have built so far and the next catastrophic epi- demic that may come in the near future. While the virus is rapidly mutating, whether the development of medical science is catching up fast enough and find- ing effective countermeasures is a question worthy of serious consideration.KEYWORDS SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; Human catastrophe; Medical system; Future Sci Insigt. 2020; 33(1):138-158. doi:10.15354/si.20.re061. Author Affiliations: Author affili- ations are listed at the end of this article. Correspondence to: BASE Medi- cine Task Force Committee, The Bonoi Academy of Science and Education, Chapel Hill, NC 27510, USA Email: [email protected] Copyright © 2020 The BASE. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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Review (Narrative)

COVID-19 Facts and Recommendations from A to Z

BASE Medicine Task Force


Since the first case of COVID-19 was reported in late 2019, the virus has been filling almost every corner of the earth. The world suddenly woke up in a hurry, and began to surround and control SARS-CoV-2 on a large scale. Since then, the world has entered a state of lockdown. This task force reviewed from every as-pect involved in the occurrence, development and treatment of COVID-19. Alt-hough no effective treatments exist and many areas require further study at length regarding the virus and the diseases caused by it, all the medical care im-plemented currently reflects the compassionate control of the disease. Whether it is the development of effective drugs or vaccines, the occurrence of COVID-19 pandemic sounded the alarm for humans. It is time to seriously think about the disease prevention system we have built so far and the next catastrophic epi-demic that may come in the near future. While the virus is rapidly mutating, whether the development of medical science is catching up fast enough and find-ing effective countermeasures is a question worthy of serious consideration.■


SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; Human catastrophe; Medical system; Future

Sci Insigt. 2020; 33(1):138-158. doi:10.15354/si.20.re061.

Author Affiliations: Author affili-ations are listed at the end of this article.

Correspondence to: BASE Medi-cine Task Force Committee, The Bonoi Academy of Science and Education, Chapel Hill, NC 27510, USA Email: [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 The BASE. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,

which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

BASE: COVID-19 Facts and Recommendations Review

SI 2020; Vol. 33, No. 1 139

OUTLINE Introduction Origin of SARS-CoV-2 Structure of SARS-CoV-2 Epidemiology of COVID-19 Clinical Manifestations of COVID-19 Diagnosis of COVID-19 Virus Detection of SARS-CoV-2

Nucleic Acid Specimen Collection Nucleic Acid Test Procedures Serum Virus Antibody Detection Virus Isolation and Culture

Cytokine Storm of COVID-19 Imaging Study of COVID-19 Bronchoscopy in COVID-19 Classification of COVID-19 Treatment of COVID-19

General Management Anti-viral Therapeutics

Lopinavir-Ritonavir (Kaletra®)

Arbidol Chloroquine or Hydroxychloroquine Favipiravir (Avigan


Remdesivir Darunavir/Cobicistat (Prezcobix; Rezolsta) Interferon

Anti-Shock Therapies of COVID-19 Indications for Corticosteroids Use Application of Corticosteroids Special Consideration during Corticosteroids Treatment

Oxygen Therapy for COVID-19 Oxygen Therapy Mechanical Ventilation Prone Position Ventilation

Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Support Timing of ECMO Methods of Catheterization Mode Selection Flux Set-value and Target Oxygen Supply Ventilation Setting Anti-Coagulation and Bleeding Prevention

Antioxidant Treatment for COVID-19 Vitamin C Vitamin E Glutathione N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) Melatonin

Traditional Chinese Medicine for COVID-19 Single Herbs Chinese Patent Formulas Chinese Herbal Compounds

Vaccine for COVID-19 Fluid Management Food Therapy for COVID-19

Discharge Criteria of COVID-19 Perspectives References


INCE the outbreak of the severe acute respiratory

syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in Wuhan,

Hubei Province of China (1), the pneumonia

caused by the virus was designated as COVID-19 by the

World Health Organization (2). With the rapid spread-

ing of the virus, the COVID-19 confirmed cases have

been overwhelmingly reach each corner of the world

and reach 1,282,931 until April 7, 2020 (3). The global

lockdown by the virus has been causing the world deep

into a worrisome situation. All the people are asking the

same questions as: Where did the virus come from?

How can we prevent or control it? Do we have effective

therapeutics to COVID-19? Will the virus disappear or

stay with our human being all the time to come? Can

we make efficient vaccine to conquer it? etc.

With evidence emerging quickly, this Task Force

will review and update the recognition of the virus and

COVID-19, and give recommendations for medical care

and individual prevention and control.


Since the first report of the infectious disease, the origin

of the virus has been becoming an attractive topic. Ini-

tially, it was considered as an animal-derived virus, es-

pecially bats and pangolins are the intermediate hosts

(4). But cumulating evidence did not prove this link be-

cause the viruses from both types of animals did not

show a big identity with less than 85% (5).

However, a natural evolution is regarded as the

most likely possibility of the virus origin. Through ana-

lyzing the genomic sequence of SARS-CoV-2 and poten-

tially related viruses, no solid evidence supports the dec-

laration of the virus’s origin as an engineered one for

any reasons (6). Given the big disease spectrum caused

by the Coronaviruses such as 2003 Severe Acute Respir-

atory Syndrome (SARS) in China and 2012 Middle East

Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in Saudi Arabia, this

time, SARS-CoV-2 emerged as a new one causing seri-

ous illness with different severity (7). So far, two fea-

tures of the virus suggest that it came from a natural

selection, but not genetic engineering.

First, the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the vi-

rus spike glycoprotein has evolved to bind to a molecule

called angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) that is


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SI 2020; Vol. 33, No. 1 140

located on the human cell membranes with regulating

function of blood pressure (8). This RBD mutation is

exactly an indicator for the natural evolution. Second,

generally, the engineered pathologic virus would have

an identical backbone with the mother virus. Neverthe-

less, SARS-CoV-2 has a totally different backbone from

those of already known coronaviruses such as SARS-

CoV, MERS-CoV, and viruses found in bats and pango-

lins (9). Although the viral originality was concluded as

a result of natural selection, how human being was in-

fected becomes the key question.

As SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV had their interme-

diate hosts as civets and camels, respectively, no docu-

mented cases exist to indicate a bat-human transmission.

However, theoretically, SARS-CoV-2 would have

evolved in two parts to realize its animal-human and

human-human transmission ability: the RBD portion of

spike protein and cleavage site to open the virus up. In

another situation, the virus evolved directly within hu-

man host to be pathogenic after getting into human

body. No matter the RBD or cleavage site, SARS-CoV-2

might quickly get evolved to be a virulent one in human

cells and then kicked off the current pandemic (10). For

these two possibilities, the first one is much more dan-

gerous than the second one because if the virus entered

human host with its current pathogenic property from

an intermediate animal host, it still would be possible

for a future outbreak; but if the virus first got into hu-

mans without pathogenic ability, so the chance of a fu-

ture outbreak is lower because the circulating viruses

are non-illness-causing strain.


In general, coronaviruses are a large family of viruses.

Because this type of virus shapes spherically with pro-

trusions like a spiky crown, so they are collectively

named as coronaviruses. The diameter of coronaviruses

are ranging from 75 to 160 nm, and the virus genome is

a continuous linear single-stranded RNA ((ss)-RNA).

The coronavirus genome can encode spike glycoprotein

(S), envelope protein (E), membrane protein (M), and

nucleoprotein (N protein) (11).

SARS-CoV-2 belongs to the beta genera of the

Coronaviridae family. It has ~70% sequence identity

with SARS-CoV and ~40% sequence identity with

MERS CoV (12). Among the encoded viral proteins, S

protein is the most pivotal surface membrane protein of

coronavirus. Given the binding of S proteins to cellular

membrane receptors is the first step for the virus’ vigi-

lance, so S protein has been becoming the target for

most studies to find corresponding therapeutic drugs

and neutralizing vaccines. Primarily, S protein has two

tasks that assist host infection: (i) aid in the attachment

between the virus and host cell surface receptor ACE2,

and (ii) facilitate virus enter into the host cell through

helping the fusion process of the viral and host cell

membranes (13). S protein structure is being extensively

studies and different models were used to predict its

crystal structure (14) (Table 1).

The N protein, as a structural protein, binds to the

RNA genome so as to create capsid that encloses the nu-

cleic acid. Furthermore, N protein also plays an essential

role in: (i) viral assembly by interacting with the viral

membrane protein; (ii) RNA synthesis and folding; (iii)

virus budding, and (iv) host cell cycle and translation

(15). Beside these two structural proteins, SARS-CoV-2

also encodes several non-structural proteins as showed

in Table 2.


The underlying cause of COVID-19 is the pathogenic

coronavirus designated as SARS-CoV-2. Patients with

symptoms after the infection are the major source of

transmission. However, asymptomatic patients are also

contagious and more dangerous than the symptom-

positive patients in spreading the virus (16) because you

don’t know the person next to you is a virus carrier.

Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is majorly via respira-

tory droplets and close contact. There is the possibility

of aerosol transmission in a relatively closed environ-

ment for a long-time exposure to high concentrations of

virus (17). As the virus was isolated in feces and urine,

so special attention need to be paid to feces- or urine-

contaminated items that may result in feces-oral trans-

mission (18).

The susceptible people for SARS-CoV-2 include all

aged population. However, the COVID-19 morbidity

does some age-related difference. Although the young-

est confirmed case was an infant and who died in Illi-

nois (19), the virus looks like have a preference to senior

population due to several reasons: (i) older populations

generally have more underlying health conditions like

diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic illnesses; (ii)

with aging, the immune system gradually loses its resili-

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Table 1. S protein Crystal Structures in Different Models.

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5

Top View

Side View

Note: Modified from Reference #14.

ency that makes the elderly more susceptible to infec-

tion; (iii) aged people may be more likely undergoing

ACE2 inhibitor treatment for cardiovascular issues,

which causes upregulation of SCE2 expression in tissue

(20) although population-based study did not show age-

related difference of ACE2 expression (21) and animal

study showed that younger adults had much higher

ACE2 levels than the elderly comparisons (22).

Even though the first case of COVID-19 was ap-

peared in Wuhan of China, it does not mean the virus

has a racial preference (23). As COVID-19 was defined

as a pandemic by the WHO, it almost reaches every

corner of the world (3). Until April 3, 2020, a total of

206 countries, areas or territories have reported

COVID-19 cases (3).

There is not huge difference of the COVID-19

morbidity between males and females. The WHO found

that men make up a 51% of the confirmed cases over

the 49% of female patients (24). But an early study from

China showed a little bit greater difference, of which 58%

were males with 42% were females (25).

Regarding the mortality of COVID-19, different

data were reported by various countries (3). The death

rate ranges from 0.1% to 12% in different countries and

areas, and the overall death from the WHO data was

approximately 5.67% on April 7, 2020 without consider-

ing the age, gender, and pre-existing conditions (3), but

this figure is changing on a daily basis. Of course, many

factors would influence this figure, such as (i) the ratio

of aged patients; (ii) medical conditions especially inten-

sive care settings where the patients enrolled in; (iii)

basic conditions of the reported patients like nutrient

status, smoking, and underlying medical diseases etc;

and (iv) political consideration for special concerns. The

estimated mortality of COVID-19 is shown in Table 3,

in which we show the age-, gender-, and pre-existing

condition-based mortalities.


Mostly, the incubation period for COVID-19 varies

from 1 to 14 days, on an average, the time duration be-

fore the symptomatic manifestation is 3-7 days (26). For

the clinical manifestations of COVID-19 in adults, fever,

fatigue, and dry cough are three major ones that pre-

sented in most diagnosed cases, but it does not mean

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Table 2. SARS-CoV-2 Proteins and Potential Functions.

Protein Structure Function


Slow down the infected cell’s production of its own proteins that could stop the virus.


Not sure. May help move endosomes around the cell.


1. Cut and loose other viral proteins to help them do their own tasks. 2. Remove tag proteins that help for destruction as an antiviral mechanism.


Help to build fluid-filled bubbles within infected cells.


Cut and free other NSPs to carry out their own tasks.


Work with NSP3 and NSP4 to make viral bubbles.


Help NSP12 make new copies of the RNA genome.



Infiltrate tiny channels in the infected host cell nucleus to hold host genome.


Work with NSP16 to camouflage the virus’s genes to avoid being attacked by human antiviral pro-teins.

NSP11 N/A Not sure.


Assemble genetic letters into new virus genomes. May be therapeutic target of Remdesivir.


Unwind the intricate viral RNA twists and turns to help other proteins read its sequence and make new copies.

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Help correct wrong readings of the sequence by cutting them outs.


Chop up leftover virus RNA to hide from the antiviral defense.


Works with NSP10 to help hide viral genes from proteins that chop up viral RNA.


1. Poke a hole in the infected host cell membrane to make it easier for new viruses to escape. 2. Trigger inflammatory responses.


Block immuno-signaling pathways and virus-fighting proteins in the infected host cell.


1. Cuts down tetherin supply to let more of the viruses to escape. 2. Trigger infected cells to commit suicide that causes lung damage.


Not sure.


Not sure.

S See Table 1. See in the text.


See in the text.


1. Form the oily bubble of the virus 2. Latch onto proteins to help turn host genes on and off


Form part of the outer coat of the virus.

Note: Modified from Corum J, Zimmer C. Bad News Wrapped in Protein: Inside the Coronavirus Genome. April 3, 2020. Available at: Last accessed: April 3, 2020.

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Table 3. Mortality of COVID-19.

Mortality in Confirmed Cases Mortality in All Cases


Male 4.7% 2.8%

Female 2.8% 1.7%


> 80 yr 21.9% 14.8%

70-79 yr


60-69 yr


50-59 yr


40-49 yr


30-39 yr


20-29 yr


10-19 yr


0-9 yr


Pre-Existing Condition

Cardiovascular Disease 13.2% 10.5%

Diabetes 9.2% 7.3%

Chronic Respiratory Disease 8.0% 6.3%

Hypertension 8.4% 6.0%

Cancer 7.6% 5.6%

No Pre-Existing Conditions


*Mortality = (# of deaths / # of cases) = probability of dying if infected by the virus (%). The percentages do not have to add up to 100%, as they do not represent share of deaths by age, sex, and pre-existing condition.

they all manifest simultaneously in one patient (27). In

addition, runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat,

shortness of breath (SOB), myalgia and diarrhea are re-

ported in some cases (27). For severe cases, dyspnea

and/or hypoxemia may happen, and then metabolic aci-

dosis, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), sep-

tic shock, coagulopathy, and multiple organ failure will

ensue (28). For the severe or critically ill patients, fever

may not be noticed.

For neonatal and children, COVID-19 may only

show mild and atypical symptoms, such as gastrointesti-

nal symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea, or low energy

and SOB (29). For pregnant women, the clinical course

is similar to that of patients with the same age (30).

In general, when you are in an emergency condi-

tion because of COVID-19, some warning signs should

be the alerts for seeking medical attention immediately.

The emergency warning signs include but not limited to:

(i) trouble breathing; (ii) persistent pain or pressure in

the chest; (iii) new confusion or inability to arouse;

or/and (iv) bluish lips or face. If you have one or more

of these signs, you need to consult your medical provid-

er or visit the emergency room (31).


For a confirmed COVID-2019 case, following diagnostic

criteria must be met: (i) epidemiological history includ-

ing cluster transmission; (ii) clinical manifestations (see

above); (iii) lung CT imaging, and (iv) positive results of

SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid detection and/or serum-

specific antibodies (32).

For COVID-19, as for all the other infectious dis-

eases, early diagnosis, treatment and isolation are of

great importance to have better outcomes. To confirmed

cases, dynamic monitoring of lung CT imaging, oxygen-

ation index and plasma cytokine levels are three essen-

tial steps to help determine whether the patient would

develop into severe and critically ill condition (32).

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Currently, a positive result of the nucleic acid of

SARS-CoV-2 is still the gold standard for COVID-19

diagnosis, whereas the characteristic signs in CT imag-

ing for those suspected cases can be treated as confirmed

cases even if the nucleic acid test is negative because of

the possibility of false negative in nucleic acid detection.

So, isolation and continuous tests of multiple specimens

should be carried out in such cases (33).

COVID-19 needs to be differentiated from upper

respiratory tract infections (URI) caused by other virus-

es such as influenza virus, adenovirus, and respiratory

syncytial virus. Generally, methods such as rapid anti-

gen detection and multiplex PCR nucleic acid detection

can be adopted for excluding common respiratory path-



Nucleic Acid Specimen Collection

The specimen quality is critical for improving the posi-

tive detection of viral nucleic acid test (NAT). The types

of specimen for SARS-CoV-2 include: (i) upper airway

samples such as pharyngeal swabs, nasal swabs, and na-

sopharyngeal secretions; (ii) lower airway samples like

sputum, airway secretions, and bronchoalveolar lavage

fluid; (iii) blood; (iv) feces; (v) urine; and (vi) conjunct-

tival secretions.

SARS-CoV-2 preferentially proliferates in type II

alveolar cells and the viral shedding peaks at the 3rd to

5th day after the onset of disease (34). Therefore, re-

peated sample collections and tests on the subsequent

days are necessary if the NAT is negative at the begin-

ning. In comparison, lower respiratory tract samples

have a high positive rate of NATs and are preferred


Nucleic Acid Test Procedures

NAT is the preferred means for diagnosing COVID-19.

Generally, the testing procedures are follows with a lit-

tle bit difference in different detection kits: (i) pre-

process specimens, and lyse the virus to extract nucleic

acids; (ii) amplify the three specific genes of SARS-CoV-

2, i.e. ORF1a/b, N, and E genes using real-time quantita-

tive PCR; (iii) detect the amplified genes based on fluo-

rescence intensity. Criteria of positive NAT are: positive

ORF1a/b gene, and/or positive N gene/E genes (35).

The dual or triple detection of nucleic acids from

multiple types of specimens can substantially improve

the diagnostic sensitivity. In patients with NAT positive

respiratory tract, ~30%-40% of them have NAT positive

blood and ~50%-60% of NAT positive feces. However,

the NAT positive urine is quite low (36). Therefore, it is

helpful for improving the diagnostic accuracy, monitor-

ing treatment efficacy, and providing reference for post-

discharge isolation when the combined NATs were used.

Serum Virus Antibody Detection

As an invader, SARS-CoV-2 infection will evoke host

immune system to produce antibodies, so serum anti-

body detection plays an essential role in diagnosing

COVID-19. However, this method will delay the diag-

nosis to some contents because the production of special

antibodies needs time. Of course, this method may be

inversely used at least in part as an indicator of the

emergence of individual immunity to the virus even it is

still under research and discussion because we do not

know how long this immunity will last. In general, the

detection means for serum antibodies includes: enzyme-

linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), colloidal gold-

based immunochromatography assay (GICA), and

chemiluminescence immunoassay (CLIA), etc. Positive

serum-specific IgM or specific IgG antibody titer in the

recovery phase is ≥ 4 times higher than that in the acute

phase. During the follow-up monitoring, IgM is detect-

able 10 days and IgG is detectable 12 days after the on-

set of the symptoms (37). With the increase of serum

antibody levels, the viral load gradually decreases (38).

On April 2, 2020, FDA approved the 1st SARS-CoV-2

antibody test kit (39), this will help to confirm the in-

fectious status of the suspected cases.

Virus Isolation and Culture If a laboratory wants to isolate and culture the SARS-

CoV-2, they need to be qualified with requirements of

Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3). The procedure is briefly de-

scribed below: (i) obtain fresh specimens (sputum, feces,

etc.); (ii) inoculate on Vero-E6 cells; (iii) measure the

cytopathic effect (CPE) after 96 hours; (iv) detect viral

nucleic acid in the culture medium as an indicator of

successful culture; (v) measure virus titer by diluting the

virus stock concentration with a factor of 10 in series,

and then the median tissue culture infectious dose

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(TCID50) is determined by the micro-cytopathic method;

(vi) otherwise, viral viability is determined by plaque

forming unit (PFU) (40).


Cytokine storm depicts a vivid image in which an im-

mune system over-reactivated and an inflammatory re-

sponse flared out of control (41). According to the diag-

nosis criteria of cytokine storm syndrome (CSS),

COVID-19 patients with severe conditions show up CSS

based on the reports available: (i) fever and confusion;

(ii) laboratory results such as elevated C-reactive protein

(CRP), hyperferritinemia, hypofibrinogenemia, lympho-

penia, prolonged prothombin time, and elevated lactate

dehydrogenase, interleukin (IL) 6, and soluble CD25; (iii)

anemia; (iv) thrombocytopeni and neutropenia (42-46).

In confirmed COVID-19 cases, detecting the levels

of C-reactive protein, procalcitonin, ferritin, D-dimer,

lymphocytes, IL-1β, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, TNF-α, INF-γ, etc,

can help evaluate clinical progress, alert clinical severity

and tendency, and provide reference for potential ther-

apeutic strategies. Both significantly elevated D-dimer

and low total number of lymphocytes at the beginning

of the infection are indicators for poor prognosis. The

levels of IL-6 and IL-10 in severe patients are increased

substantially suggesting that monitoring their levels is of

help to evaluate the progression and prognosis (47). Ele-

vated troponin is seen in some critically ill patients

while most patients have elevated CRP and erythrocyte

sedimentation rate and normal procalcitonin.

These overproduced inflammatory factors in

COVID-19 patients indicate a state of host super reac-

tion to the virus, and suggest that immunosuppression

may take a part in improving the mortality. Therefore,

corresponding therapeutic options such as steroids, in-

travenous immunoglobulin, and selective cytokine

blockade like anakinra or tocilizumab and Janus kinase

(JAK) inhibition (48).


Chest X-ray and high-resolution CT are two imaging

modalities for COVID-19. They possess great value in

the diagnosis, monitoring of therapeutic efficacy, and

the discharge assessment. CT scanning for baseline eval-

uation is usually performed on the day of admission, and

can be re-performed 2 to 3 days after admission if an

ideal therapy was not achieved, but it can be reviewed

5-7days post admission if symptoms are stable or im-

proved after treatment. Portable chest X-rays are valua-

ble for critically ill immobile patients, and it is recom-

mended to do on daily basis for critically ill patients.

On CT imaging, COVID-19 lungs at the early stage

oftentimes presents with multifocal patchy shadows or

ground glass opacities that are generally located in the

periphery, subpleural area, and both lower lobes. The

long axis of the lesion is mostly parallel to the pleura.

Interlobular septal and intralobular interstitial thicken-

ing showing as subpleural reticulation is observed in

some ground glass opacities. Some cases show solitary,

local nodular/ patchy lesion distributed in agreement

with bronchus with peripheral ground glass opacities.

With the progression of the infection, the density of the

lesions enlarges and increases compared with the base-

line images, and consolidated lesions show air

bronchogram sign generally after 7-10 days. Critical

cases can present further expanded consolidation, with

the whole lungs showing as “white lungs” both CT and

plain X-ray (49-51).

As the condition gradually relieves, the ground

glass opacities may be completely absorbed, but some

consolidation lesions will leave fibrotic stripes or

subpleural reticulation. In patients with multiple lobular

involvements, especially those with expanded lesions

need to be watched carefully for disease exacerbation.

Those with typical CT imaging should be isolated and

undergo continuous NATs if the early NAT was nega-


COVID-19 lungs show special signs on CT imaging

and the progression of the disease is strongly associated

with the development of the pulmonary manifestations.

In Table 4, we summarize the typical presentations of

CT signs and characteristics (52).


In mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients, flexible

bronchoscopy is a versatile, easy to use, and well toler-

ated method to be performed for (53):

(i) Collecting respiratory specimens from the lower

respiratory tract, i.e. sputum, endotracheal aspirate,

and bronchoalveolar lavage for SARS-CoV-2;

(ii) Localizing the site of bleeding, cessation of hemop-

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Table 4. CT Signs and Characteristics of COVID-19.


Distribution Subpleura, Subsegment, Segment, Lobar, Multi-Lobar, Inter-Lobar, Bilateral

Development The lesion develops from the lung parenchyma in the lower periphery to the lung interstitium in the center, and the virus directly reaches the alveoli and lung lobules and completely occupies them indicating that it is extreme-ly contagious and sinister.

Shape Triangular, Spherical, Trapezoidal, Rectangular, Fan-Shaped, Ring-Shaped Distribution, Ground-Glass Opacity, Grid-Like, Strip-Shaped, and Vascular Bundle.

Stage Early: Prickly Pear Sign, Hale Nodule Sign Middle: Grey Snow Sign, Gypsum Sign Late: Bat Wing Sign

Special Sign

Rosa Roxburghii Sign

Hale Nodule Sign

Grey Snow Sign

Gypsum Sign

Bat Wing Sign

White Lung Sign

Bronchus & Vascu-lar Bundle Sign

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tysis, sputum or blood clots removal;

(iii) Injecting cold saline, epinephrine, vasopressin, or

fibrin as well as laser treatment locally;

(iv) Assisting the establishment of artificial airways by

guiding tracheal intubation or percutaneous tra-


(v) Administering medicines such as α-interferon and


Through bronchoscopy, we can view the extensive

bronchial mucosal hyperemia, swelling, mucus-like se-

cretions in the lumen and jelly-like sputum blocking the

airway in critically ill COVID-19 patients (Table 5).


The classification of COVID-19 majorly depends on the

severity, and correspondingly divided into four types as

showed in Table 6.

Treatment of COVID-19

So far, no effective therapeutic methods are available

clinically to COVID-19. All listed therapeutic strategies

and maneuvers only can be used with cautiousness at

this stage because no solid clinical evidence exists to

support their viability and reliability. All our listed

therapeutic methods are only based on sporadic cases

with successful therapies. No matter whatever treat-

ment will be used, the eventual outcome of the individ-

ual patient will strongly depend on patient’s personal

immune status and potential response to the virus. We

do not recommend, but suggest that healthcare profes-

sionals consider these potentially useful therapeutic

strategies if conditions permit and are feasible.

General Management

For suspected and mild confirmed cases, isolation in

designated areas is required. Close observation is ex-

tremely important. Basically, thermometer, finger

oximeter, and oxygen compressor should be available in

the isolation environment to guarantee continuous

measuring of temperature, pulse oxygen saturation,

providing O2 once in need.

Anti-viral Therapeutics

For moderate to critically ill patients, anti-viral thera-

pies can be administered as early as possible even no

strong evidence exists.

Lopinavir-Ritonavir (Kaletra®)

Controversial results exist regarding lopinavir-ritonavir

(400 mg and 100 mg, respectively) in treating severe

COVDI-19 patients (54-56). However, this combined

medication can be given to patients as a basic regimen.

It can be applied twice a day for 14 days. Even we do

not know whether it has an optimal dosage for COVID-

19, it is completely acceptable for a trial with higher



The therapeutic efficacy of single use of arbidol, one of

Russia’s most popular OTC flu medicines, for COVID-19

has not been thoroughly studied. There were case re-

ports on its combined use with lopinavir-ritonavir and

some traditional Chinese medicine in COVID-19 pa-

tients, and showed favorable results (57, 58). Therefore,

arbidol 200 mg can be applied twice day for 14 days.

Chloroquine or Hydroxychloroquine Chloroquine phosphate can be used on adults between

18-65 years old based on the weight: (i) if wt ≥ 50 kg,

500 mg bid for less than 7 days; (ii) weight < 50 kg, 500

mg bid for first two days, and then 500 mg once daily

for following five days (53). Given the severe side effects

of chloroquine (59), we strongly suggest that it can be

given carefully with weighing its benefits over the risks.

Hydroxychloroquine sulfate was observed and

found that hydroxychloroquine 200 mg three times a

day produced an effective therapeutic role in the viral

load reduction/disappearance in COVID-19 patients

with an enforced effect by azithromycin (500 mg on day

1 followed by 250 mg per day for 4 days) (60). So we

suggest that hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin can

be an alternative to chloroquine.

Favipiravir (Avigan®) Favipiravir, marketed as an anti-influenza drug by Fuji-

film, have shown “obvious efficacy” against COVID-19.

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Table 5. Bronchoscopic Views of COVID-19.

Bronchial mucosa swelling and congestion Large amount of mucus secretions in the lumen

A clinical trial presented on medRxiv showed that

favipiravir 1,600 mg twice a day followed with 600 mg

twice a day for 7-10 days displayed superior to arbidol

in COVID-19 treatment (61). Although these results

need to be evaluated further, we can try to give

favipiravir if it is clinically available.

Remdesivir Remdesivir, developed by Gilead Sciences Inc., is a

broad-spectrum antiviral medicine that inhibits viral

replication via terminating RNA transcription prema-

turely. Cumulating evidence showed that remdesivir is

the most promising medication for COVID-19 (62-64),

and it is considered as a therapeutic option by CDC (65).

The suggested doses of remdesivir for COVID-19 are

200 mg on day 1, and then 100 mg once daily for 4 to 9


Darunavir/Cobicistat (Prezcobix; Rezolsta)

Darunavir/cobicistat has some degree of antiviral activi-

ty in viral suppression test in vitro, based on the treat-

ment experience of HIV/AIDS patients. For COVID-19

patients who are intolerant to lopinavir/ritonavir,

darunavir/cobicistat (800 mg and 150 mg, respectively)

once daily is an alternative option after the ethical re-

view even no clinical evidence exists to support its use

(66). Simultaneous use of three or more antiviral drugs

is not recommended. We are waiting for the results of

the clinical trial of darunavir/ cobicistat on COVID-19


Interferon In a typical scenario, a virus-infected cell will release

interferons that cause nearby cells to enhance their an-

ti-viral activities. This becomes the basis for interferon

use for COVID-19 treatment. However, we strongly

suggest that the administration of interferon should be

thoroughly assessed because it is a strong suppressor of

the immune system. If it is considered necessary for in-

terferon in COVID-19 patients, we recommend that it

should be applied in negative-pressure wards due to the

possibility of aerosol transmission.

Anti-Shock Therapies of COVID-19

SARS-CoV-2 infection associated death is not because of

the virus itself, but the virus-related inflammation-

associated complications such as ARDS, septic shock,

and multiple organ failure. Considering of the cytokine

storm happened during the progression of COVID-19,

so appropriate and short-term use of corticosteroids can

be considered to inhibit cytokine cascade for patients

with severe COVID-19. However, a high dose of corti-

costeroids should be avoided due to potential severe ad-

verse events and complications.

Indications for Corticosteroids Use (i) Severe and critically ill stage;

(ii) Persistent high fever > 39°C;

(iii) Patchy ground-glass or > 30% area of the lungs are

involved on CT imaging;

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(iv) Rapid progression with > 50% area involved in

chest CT images within 48 hours;

(v) IL-6 ≥ 5 ULN.

Application of Corticosteroids (i) Initially, methylprednisolone 0.75-1.5 mg/kg i.v.

once a day is recommended;

(ii) Methylprednisolone 40 mg every 12 hours can be

considered for patients with falling body tempera-

ture or for patients with significantly increased cy-

tokines under routine doses of steroid;

(iii) Methylprednisolone 40-80 mg every 12 hours can

be considered for critical cases;

(iv) Closely monitor body temperature, OI, blood rou-

tine, CRP, cytokines, biochemical profile and lung

CT every 2 to 3 days during the treatment;

(v) Methylprednisolone should be halved every 3-5

days if medical conditions are improved, the body

temperature normalized, or involved lesions on CT

are significantly absorbed;

(vi) Oral methylprednisolone once a day is recom-

mended when the i.v. dose is reduced to 20 mg per

day. The time course of corticosteroids in not de-

fined, and it should be used on an individual basis.

Special Consideration during Corticosteroids Treatment (i) Screen TB by T-SPOT assay, HBV and HCV by an-

tibody assay before corticosteroid therapy;

(ii) Consider proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) to prevent


(iii) Monitor blood glucose and treat high blood glucose

with insulin if needed;

(iv) Correct low serum potassium;

(v) Monitor liver function closely;

(vi) Give sedative-hypnotics temporarily for sleep diffi-


Oxygen Therapy for COVID-19

Frequently, COVID-19 causes hypoxemia due to im-

paired respiratory functions. Therefore, O2 supplemen-

tation is necessary to correct hypoxemia, and relieve

secondary organ damage resulted from respiratory dis-

tress and hypoxemia (53).

Oxygen Therapy (i) Continual oxygen saturation monitoring during

oxygen therapy to make sure SpO2 > 92%;

(ii) Oxygen therapy should be delivered as soon as pos-

sible if PaO2/FiO2 < 300 mmHg;

(iii) High-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) oxygen therapy is

recommended if COVID-19 patients had:

SpO2 < 93%;

PaO2/FiO2 < 300 mmHg;

Respiratory rate > 25 bpm at bed;

Remarkable progression on chest X-ray;

Wear a surgical mask during HFNC treatment;

The airflow of HFNC oxygen therapy should

start at a low level and gradually increased up

to 40-60 l/min when PaO2/FiO2 is between

200-300 mmHg;

An initial flow of at least 60 l/min should be

given immediately for patients with obvious

respiratory distress.

(iv) Tracheal intubation for patients is dependent on

disease progression, systemic status and complica-

tion of patients for those with stable situation but

with a low OI < 100 mmHg (53).

Tracheal intubation should be performed as

early as possible for patients with an OI < 150


Worsening symptoms of respiratory distress;

Multiple organ dysfunction within 1-2 hours

after high-flow (60 l/min) and high-concen-

tration (> 60%) HFNC oxygen therapy.

(v) Patients > 60 years with more complications or

PaO2/FiO2 < 200 mmHg should be treated in ICU.

Mechanical Ventilation (i) Noninvasive Ventilation (NIV)

NIV is not recommended in COVID-19 patients who

fail to HFNC treatment. It can worsen ARDS, and cause

intolerance to aspiration and worsen lung injury.

(ii) Invasive Mechanical Ventilation

It is extremely critical to balance the benefits of ventila-

tion and the risk of mechanical ventilation-related lung

injury (53).

Tidal volume to 4-8 ml/kg;

Platform pressure < 30 cmH2O;

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Driving pressure <15 cmH2O;

Set PEEP according to the institutional ARDS’s


Ventilation frequency: 18-25 times per minute;

Moderate hypercapnia is allowed;

Administer sedation, analgesia, or muscle re-

laxant if the variables like tidal volume, plat-

form pressure and driving pressure are too high.

(iii) Weaning of Ventilation

Sedatives is reduced and discontinued before awakening

when PaO2/FiO2 > 150 mmHg. The patient should be

extubated as earlier as possible if the condition is per-

mitted. HFNC or NIV is used for sequential respiratory

support after extubation.

Prone Position Ventilation

With a rapid improvement of oxygenation and lung me-

chanics, most critically ill patients with COVID-19 re-

spond well to prone ventilation. Prone ventilation is

recommended as a routine strategy for patients with

PaO2/FiO2 < 150 mmHg or with obvious imaging mani-

festations without contraindications. Time course rec-

ommended for prone ventilation is more than 16 hours

each time. The prone ventilation can be ceased once

PaO2/FiO2 > 150 mmHg for more than 4 hours in the

supine position (53).

Prone ventilation while awake may be attempted

for patients who have not been intubated or have no

obvious respiratory distress but with impaired oxygena-

tion or have consolidation in gravity-dependent lung

zones on lung images. Procedures for at least 4 hours

each time is recommended. Prone position can be con-

sidered several times per day depending on the effects

and tolerance.

Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Sup-port SARS-CoV-2 is a highly contagious virus primarily tar-

geting pulmonary alveoli that results in respiratory fail-

ure. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is

an alternative means for COVID-19 patients. When do-

ing this, following attentions need to be paid to (53):

Timing of ECMO

(i) Salvage ECMO: salvage ECMO intervention needs

to be considered with the onset of one of the fol-

lowing conditions:

PaO2/FiO2 < 80 mmHg, regardless of PEEP lev-


Pplat ≤ 30 mmHg, PaCO2 > 55 mmHg;

The onset of pneumothorax, air leakage > 1/3

tidal volume, duration > 48 hours;

Circulation deterioration, the dosage of nore-

pinephrine > 1 μg/(kg×min);

Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation.

(ii) Replacement ECMO: ECMO replacement needs to

be considered with the onset of one of the follow-

ing conditions:

Decreased lung compliance. After the pulmo-

nary recruitment maneuver, the compliance of

the respiratory system < 10 ml/cmH2O;

Persistent exacerbation of pneumomediasti-

num or subcutaneous emphysema, and the pa-

rameters of mechanical ventilation support

cannot be reduced within 48 hours;

PaO2/FiO2 < 100 mmHg, and it cannot be im-

proved by routine methods in 72 hours.

(iii) Early Awake ECMO: For early awake ECMO, all

the following conditions must be met:

Patient must be in a clear state of conscious-

ness and is fully compliant;

Patient is not complicated with neuromuscular


Pulmonary damage score Murry > 2.5;

Few pulmonary secretions. The time interval

between the two airway suction procedures > 4


Stable hemodynamics without assistance of

vasoactive agents.

Methods of Catheterization Because the ECMO supporting time for most COVID-19

patients will be > 7 days, the Seldinger wire technique

should be used under the guidance of ultrasound, which

reduces the bleeding damages and infection risks

brought about by intravascular cathterization by venous


Intravascular catheterization by venous angiotomy

may be considered only for the patients with bad blood

vessel conditions, or the patients whose catheterization

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Table 6. Classification of COVID-19.

Classification Criteria

Mild Case The clinical symptoms are mild and no pneumonia manifestations in imaging study.

Moderate Case

Patients have fever and respiratory tract symptoms, etc. and pneumonia manifestations in imaging study.

Severe Case Adults who meet any of the following criteria:

Respiratory rate ≥ 30 bpm;

Oxygen saturation ≤ 93% at a rest state;

Arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2)/oxygen concentration (FiO2) ≤ 300 mmHg;

Patients with > 50% lesions progression within 24-48 hours in lung imaging should be treated as severe cases.

Critical Case Meeting any of the following criteria: occurrence of respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation; presence of shock; other organ failure that requires monitoring and treatment in the ICU.

Critical cases are further divided into early, middle and late stages according to the oxygenation index and compli-ance of respiratory system.



100 mmHg < OI ≤ 150 mmHg;

Compliance of respiratory system ≥ 30 ml/cmH2O;

Without organ failure other than the lungs.

The patient has a great chance of recovery through active antiviral, anti-cytokine storm, and supportive treat-ment.



60 mmHg < OI ≤ 100 mmHg;

30 ml/cmH2O > compliance of respiratory system ≥ 15 ml/cmH2O;

May be complicated by other mild or moderate dysfunction of other organs.



OI ≤ 60 mmHg;

Compliance of respiratory system < 15 ml/cmH2O;

Diffuse consolidation of both lungs that requires the use of ECMO;

Or failure of other vital organs.

The mortality risk is significantly increased.

Note: OI: oxygenation index;

cannot be identified and selected by ultrasound, or the

patients whose Seldinger method failed.

Mode Selection (i) The first choice should be the V-V mode. The V-A

mode cannot be the first option with the considera-

tion of possible circulation problems;

(ii) For the respiratory failure patients complicated

with cardiac impairment, PaO2/FiO2 < 100 mmHg,

the V-A-V mode ought to be selected with the total

flux > 6 l/min and V/A = 0.5/0.5 is maintained by

current limiting;

(iii) For patients without severe respiratory failure but

complicated with serious cardiovascular outcomes

leading to cardiogenic shock, the V-A assisted by

ECMO mode ought to be selected. But IPPV sup-

port is still needed and the Awake ECMO should be


Flux Set-value and Target Oxygen Supply

(i) The initial flux > 80% cardiac output (CO) with a

self-cycling ratio < 30%;

(ii) SpO2 > 90% is to be maintained. FiO2 < 0.5 is sup-

ported by mechanical ventilation or the other oxy-

gen therapy;

(iii) To ensure the target flux, 22 Fr (24 Fr) vein access

canula is the first choice for the patient with a body

weight below 80 kg.

Ventilation Setting

(i) The initial air flow is set to be Flow: sweep gas = 1:1.

The basic target is to maintain PaCO2 < 45 mmHg.

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For the patients complicated with COPD, PaCO2 <

80% basal level;

(ii) The patient’s spontaneous respiratory strength and

respiratory rate (RR) should be maintained, with 10

< RR < 20 and without chief complaint of breathing

difficulty from the patient;

(iii) The sweep gas setup of the V-A mode needs to en-

sure the 7.35-7.45 pH value of the bloodstream out

of the oxygenator membrane.

Anti-Coagulation and Bleeding Prevention (i) For the patients without active bleeding, without

visceral bleeding, and with platelet count > 50×109/l,

the recommended initial heparin dosage is 50 U/kg;

(ii) For the patients complicated with bleeding or with

platelet count < 50×109/l, the recommended initial

heparin dosage is 25 U/kg;

(iii) Maintain the activated partial thromboplastin time

(aPPT) at 40-60 seconds. The trend of D-dimer

change should be considered at the same time.

Antioxidant Treatment for COVID-19

Free radicals refer to any molecules capable of inde-

pendent existence and contain unpaired electrons. They

behave as oxidants or reductants by either donating an

electron to or accepting an electron from other mole-

cules. In many pathological conditions, especially infec-

tion-related inflammatory states, oxygen-containing

free radicals are the major underlying mechanism for

cellular injury (68). These O2-related free radicals in-

clude hydroxyl radical, hydrogen peroxide, superoxide

anion radical, hypochlorite, oxygen singlet, nitric oxide

radical, and peroxynitrite radical. They are highly reac-

tive species and can react to and damage DNA, proteins,

carbohydrates, and lipids (68, 69).

SARS-CoV-2 infection would, theoretically, also

evoke free radical-associated damage in the body via

targeting to all kinds of molecules. Therefore, all thera-

peutic means that can alleviate free radicals can be ap-

plied to COVID-19 patients to conquer the inflamma-

tion-induced burst of free radicals. Furthermore, such

potential therapeutics should be used as early as possible

to prevent the disease from developing into late stage.

For this, an antioxidant, a molecule that is stable enough

to donate an electron to a rampaging free radical and

neutralize it, can be applied to reduce the damage.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) is a monosaccharide antioxi-

dant. It is a reducing agent and can reduce and neutral-

ize reactive oxygen species such as hydrogen peroxide.

So a therapeutic dose of vitamin C of 3,000 mg once dai-

ly can be applied for COVID-19 patients.

Vitamin E Vitamin E, acollective name for a set of eight related

tocopherols and tocotrienols, is a fat-soluble vitamin

with strong antioxidant properties. It can remove free

radical intermediates and prevent the propagation reac-

tion from continuing. Therefore, a therapeutic dose of

vitamin E of 1,000 IU once daily can be used for

COVID-19 patients.

Glutathione Due to the thiol group in its cysteine moiety, glutathi-

one possesses antioxidant properties. It is a reducing

agent and can be reversibly oxidized and reduced. It has

a high concentration and plays a central role in main-

taining cell’s redox state, as thus glutathione becomes

one of the most pivotal cellular antioxidants. The possi-

ble dosage of glutathione in COVID-19 patients can

reach 70 mg/kg per day.

N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) NAC is a precursor of L-cysteine that increases biosyn-

thesis of glutathione. It acts directly as a scavenger of

free radicals, especially oxygen radicals. With combined

administration of NAC and glutathione, the peroxi-

dative stress of patients with septic shock was signifi-

cantly decreased (70). From this, the potential therapeu-

tic dose of NAC for COVID-19 patients can be 75 mg/kg

per day.

Melatonin Melatonin, N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine, is a natural-

ly occurring hormone. It is a powerful antioxidant that

can easily cross cell membranes and the blood-brain

barrier. Melatonin can form several stable end-products

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upon reacting with free radicals. In clinical setting, mel-

atonin has been proposed to treat sepsis or septic shock

(71, 72). Even the optimal dose in this setting has not

been established (73), we suggest that it can be given at

less than 50 mg orally per day for COVID-19 patients.

Traditional Chinese Medicine for COVID-19

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is an essential al-

ternative means for western medicine in China. Particu-

larly, herbal compounds are the major part of TCM.

Cumulating evidence is becoming increasing in academ-

ic field on its potential effects in disease prevention and

therapy. Given its property of multi-target and multi-

signaling pathway intervention including anti-oxidative

effect, herbal formulas may play a critical role in miti-

gating COVID-19-associated pathophysiological altera-

tions (74, 75), and it can become a source of drug dis-

covery against COVID-19 (76). We herein present some

TCM herbs and herbal formulas for reference (77).

Single Herbs

Radix Isatidis

Banlan Gen

Small Bupleurum


Chinese Patent Formulas

Huoxiang Zhengqi capsules (pills, liquid, or

oral solution)

Jinhua Qinggan granules

Lianhua Qingwen capsules (granules)

Shufeng Jiedu capsules (granules)

Fangfeng Tongsheng pills (granules)

Chinese Herbal Compounds Ephedra 9 g, Zhigancao 6 g, Almond 9 g, Gypsum

15-30 g (fried first), Guizhi 9 g, Zixie 9 g, Zhuling 9

g, Baizhu 9 g, Zhiling 15 g, Bupleurum 16 g,

Scutellaria baicalensis 6 g, and Pinellia 9 g , Ginger

9 g, aster 9 g, winter flower 9 g, shoot dry 9 g,

asarum 6 g, yam 12 g, coriander fruit 6 g, tangerine

peel 6 g, aquilegia 9 g. (One dose per day, twice in

the morning and evening (forty minutes after a

meal), take with warm water, and three doses a


Raw ephedra 6 g, raw gypsum 15 g, almond 9 g,

loquat 15 g, gardenia 15 g, Guanzhong 9 g, Dilon g

15 g, Xu Changqing 15 g, Huoxiang 15 g, Peilan 9g,

Cangzhu 15 g, Yunling 45 g, Atractylodes 30 g, Jiao

Sanxian 9 g each , Magnolia officinalis 15 g, betel

coconut 9 g, yarrow fruit 9 g, ginger 15 g. (One

dose daily, boiled with 600ml water, take it three

times at morning, noon and evening before meal.)

Betel nut 10 g, apple 10 g, Magnolia 10 g, Zhimu 10

g, scutellaria baicalensis 10 g, Bupleurum 10 g, red

peony 10 g, forsythia 15 g, artemisia annua 10 g

(decocted later), 10 g of green leaves, 10 g of green

leaves, 5 g of raw licorice. (One dose daily, boiled

with 400 ml water, take it twice at morning and


Raw ephedra 6 g, bitter almond 15 g, raw gypsum

30 g, raw coix seed 30 g, grass root 10 g, patchouli

15 g, artemisia annua 12 g, Polygonum cuspidatum

20 g, verbena 30 g, dried reed root 30 g, gardenia 15

g 15 g of orange red, 10 g of raw licorice. (One dose

daily, boiled with 400 ml water, take it twice at

morning and evening.)

Atractylodes lancea 15 g, Chenpi 10 g, Magnolia 10

g, Aquilegia 10 g, grass fruit 6 g, raw ephedra 6 g,

Zhihuo 10 g, ginger 10 g, betel nut 10 g. (One dose

daily, boiled with 400 ml water, take it twice at

morning and evening.)

Raw ephedra 6 g, almond 9 g, raw gypsum 15 g,

licorice 3 g, fragrant fragrant 10 g (back), Magnolia

10 g, atractylodes 15 g, grass fruit 10 g, pinellia 9 g,

Poria 15 g, raw rhubarb 5 g (back) 10 g, gardenia 10

g, red peony 10 g. (One or two doses daily, boiled

with 100-200 ml water, take it 2-4 times, oral or

nasal feeding.)

30-60 g gypsum (fried first), 30 g of Zhimu, 30-60 g

of raw land, 30 g of buffalo horn (fried first), 30 g of

red sage, 30 g of black ginseng, 15 g of forsythia, 15

g of paeonia, 6 g of peony 12 g, gardenia 15 g, raw

licorice 6 g. (One dose per day, decoction, first de-

coct gypsum and buffalo horn, then apply other

pieces, 100-200 ml each time, 2-4 times a day, oral-

ly or nasally.)

Vaccine for COVID-19

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Although vaccine development needs time, we compas-

sionate with the potential COVID-19 vaccine, because

this is the only means that can effectively prevent and

control even eradiate the virus. With the first mRNA

vaccine mRNA-1273 was injected into the volunteers

(78), we put the hope of conquering the virus on the

vaccine, and we believe effective vaccine will be at the


Fluid Management Pulmonary function is the key of COVID-19 patients.

Excessive fluid burden will worsen the hypoxemia. In

order to reduce pulmonary exudation and improve oxy-

genation, the amount of fluid should be strictly con-

trolled while ensuring the patient’s basic perfusion.

Food Therapy for COVID-19

Food therapy is a supplementary method for COVID-19

treatment that should be on the basis of balanced nutri-

tion supply. This is suitable for everyone including

those sheltered in place due to the pandemic, and sus-

pected and confirmed cases at different stages. When

preparing foods, mostly, we can add foods with anti-

oxidative ingredients as much as possible ensuring the

nutrition balance.

We herein list the top foods with anti-oxidative

role: Tomatoes, Oats, Green Tea, Ginseng, Blueberries,

Dark Chocolate, Raspberries, Strawberries, Spinach, Or-

anges, Beans, Blackberries, Kale, Cranberries, Beets, Red

Cabbage, Goji Berries, Artichokes, and Pecans.

DISCHARGE CRITERIA OF COVID-19 If COVID-19 patients meet following criteria, they can

be discharged home.

(i) No fever ≥ 3 days;

(ii) No need for O2 > 48 hours;

(iii) Negative NAT twice consecutively with sampling

interval at least 24 hours;

(iv) Respiratory symptoms improve obviously;

(v) Pulmonary imaging shows obvious absorption of


(vi) 14 days isolation and observation after discharge.


The occurrence of COVID-19 is unavoidable. As the

virus mutates, we cannot predict the next potentially

more deadly virus. Even today, with the development of

medical science to a certain degree, we are still suddenly

at a loss when faced with tiny viruses that cannot be

seen by the naked eye. Since the advent of penicillin,

we have developed many antibacterial drugs. However,

in an era when humans hurriedly mapped the entire

human genome sequence, whereas we could not find a

broad-spectral drug that can effectively fight against

viruses. As we humans continue to move forward,

should we pause for a moment to reexamine what we

have done in science today. When the world shuts

down because of COVID-19, should we slow down and

review the path we have traveled. We seem to have

enough power to leap into the vast universe to find the

next so-called human resting place, but have we learned

a little lesson from this global pandemic of COVID-19?

We look up at the sky on earth, always thinking of

printing our footprints on the surface of other planets.

However, do we think about what we really should do?

Obviously, the seemingly highly developed science and

technology have numerous fatal flaws and loopholes.

We believe that everyone who has experienced this

COVID-19 disaster will seriously reflect on themselves

and reposition themselves in the next step. We hope

that after a certain period of time, we human being will

no longer be that blind confident, but will be prepared

for the next human crisis.■


Author Affiliations: BASE Medicine Task Force, The Bonoi Academy of Science and Education, Chapel Hill, NC 27510, USA

Author Contributions: BASE has full access to all of the data in the study and takes respon-

sibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. Study concept and design: BASE. Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: BASE. Drafting of the manuscript: BASE.

Critical revision of the manuscript for im-portant intellectual content: BASE. Statistical analysis: N/A. Obtained funding: N/A. Administrative, technical, or material support: BASE.

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SI 2020; Vol. 33, No. 1 156

Study supervision: BASE.

Conflict of Interest Disclosures: BASE de-clared no competing interests of this manu-script submitted for publication.

Funding/Support: N/A.

Role of the Funder/Sponsor: N/A.

How to Cite This Paper: BASE Medicine Task Force. COVID-19: Facts and Recommendations from A to Z. Sci Insigt. 2020; 33(1):138-158.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.15354/si.20.re061.

Article Submission Information: Received, March 21, 2020; Revised: April 07, 2020; Ac-cepted: April 07, 2020.


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