covid-19 infection - iamb

Responsabile Servizio Protezione e Prevenzione - Gianfranco Baccaro Architetto San Pantaleo, 56, 70010, Locorotondo, Bari – mobile: 335 6739799 Pagina 1 di 28 - CIHEAM Bari SAFEGUARD PROTOCOL AGAINST COVID-19 INFECTION Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo Via Ceglie, 9, 70010, Valenzano, Bari. Direttore pro-tempore: dott. Maurizio Raeli 4 maggio 2020 – Valenzano, Bari.

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Responsabile Servizio Protezione e Prevenzione - Gianfranco Baccaro Architetto

San Pantaleo, 56, 70010, Locorotondo, Bari – mobile: 335 6739799 Pagina 1 di 28 -


Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo

Via Ceglie, 9, 70010, Valenzano, Bari.

Direttore pro-tempore: dott. Maurizio Raeli

4 maggio 2020 – Valenzano, Bari.

Responsabile Servizio Protezione e Prevenzione - Gianfranco Baccaro Architetto

San Pantaleo, 56, 70010, Locorotondo, Bari – mobile: 335 6739799 Pagina 2 di 28 -


















ANNEX 4 Prime Minister Decree of 26 April 2020 11



Responsabile Servizio Protezione e Prevenzione - Gianfranco Baccaro Architetto

San Pantaleo, 56, 70010, Locorotondo, Bari – mobile: 335 6739799 Pagina 3 di 28 -


The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (hereafter named CIHEAM Bari) in relation to the situations of danger created by the dissemination of COVID-19 and in accordance with recent legislation, take all measures to combat and contain the spread of the new virus in working environments, regulating, by this plan, all security measures to be taken by its employees.


The aim of this plan is to make CIHEAM Bari a safe place where workers can carry out their work activities. To this purpose, by this plan all necessary measures to be taken to avoid COVID-19 dissemination are provided.


• Law-Decree 17 march 2020, n. 18

• Joint protocol regulating measures to combat and contain the spread of COVID-19 virus in working environments - 14 March 2020;

• Prime Minister Decree of 11 March 2020;

• Law-Decree 23 February 2020, n. 6;

• Prime Minister Decree of 10 April 2020;

• Prime Minister Decree of 26 April 2020 with 24 April 2020 new shared protocol


CIHEAM Bari informs all workers and anyone entering the Institute about the existing safety provisions, delivering and/or posting at the entrance and in the most visible places of its premises, special leaflets and informative infographics.

In particular, the information concern:

• the obligation of remaining home in presence of fever (over 37.5 C°) or other flu symptoms and to call the family doctor or the local health authority;

• the awareness and the acceptance of the fact of not being allowed to enter or to remain at CIHEAM Bari, in case of presence of the above-mentioned symptoms and the obligation of declaring them promptly, even after entrance, if danger conditions are appearing (flu symptoms,

Responsabile Servizio Protezione e Prevenzione - Gianfranco Baccaro Architetto

San Pantaleo, 56, 70010, Locorotondo, Bari – mobile: 335 6739799 Pagina 4 di 28 -

high temperature, recent visits in risk areas or contacts with persons positive to the virus during the previous 14 days, etc.);

• the commitment to comply with all local/national authorities and CIHEAM Bari Direction provisions in entering CIHEAM Bari (in particular; to keep safety distance, to observe the hands hygiene rules and to keep a proper hygiene behaviour);

• the commitment to immediately and responsibly inform CIHEAM Bari Direction about the presence of any flu symptoms during the working performance, taking care of keeping an adequate distance from other people present.

CIHEAM Bari shall provide adequate information on the basis of tasks and work contexts, with particular reference to all measures taken by the staff, in particular the correct use of PPE to help prevent any possible spread of infection.


All the staff, before entering the workplace can be subjected to the control of body temperature. If temperature is higher than 37.5 C°, access to the workplace will not be allowed.

People in this condition will be temporarily isolated and provided with masks, they should avoid going to hospitals’ emergency room and/or to CIHEAM Bari infirmaries, but must contact as soon as possible their family doctor and follow his directions.

CIHEAM Bari Direction informs in advance the staff, and all those who intend to access CIHEAM Bari, about the access foreclosure to those who, in the last 14 days, have had contacts with subjects positive to COVID-19 or coming from risk areas according to the directions of WHO. For these cases reference is made to Law-Decree No. 6 of 23/02/2020, art. 1, lett. h) and i).

Access to CIHEAM Bari for workers already positive to COVID-19 virus, must be preceded by a preliminary communication concerning the medical certification proving the result of a negative swab test, in accordance with the required procedures, and issued by the local department of territorial prevention.

Where, in order to prevent outbreaks of the disease, in the areas most affected by the virus, the competent health authority would demand additional specific measures to be taken, such as the execution of the swab test for workers, CIHEAM Bari Direction will fully cooperate.

ACCESS TO CIHEAM Bari FOR EXTERNAL SUPPLIERS For the access of external suppliers, entrance, transit and exit procedures have been identified, using predetermined modes, routes and timing, in order to reduce the opportunities of contact with the staff working in the departments/offices involved.

Responsabile Servizio Protezione e Prevenzione - Gianfranco Baccaro Architetto

San Pantaleo, 56, 70010, Locorotondo, Bari – mobile: 335 6739799 Pagina 5 di 28 -

If possible, drivers of means of transport must remain on board their vehicles: access to offices is not allowed under any circumstances. For the necessary loading and unloading activities, the transporter must respect the strict distance of one metre from other people.

Dedicated toilets have been identified for suppliers/transporters and/or other external staff; it is forbidden to use the employees’ toilets and an adequate daily cleaning have to be ensured.

Access to visitors must be reduced as far as possible; if it is necessary for external visitors to enter, they must comply with all the rules of CIHEAM Bari, including those for acceding CIHEAM Bari premises as mentioned in the previous point.

Where a transport service is organised by CIHEAM Bari, workers’ safety must be guaranteed and respected during the entire journey.

The rules of this Protocol are extended to companies under contract that can organise permanent and temporary sites and building sites within CIHEAM Bari.

In case of workers employed by third-party companies operating in the same production site (e.g. maintainers, suppliers, cleaners or security guards) who are positive to COVID-19 swab test, the contractor must immediately inform CIHEAM Bari Direction and both must cooperate with the health authority providing useful elements for identifying any close contacts.

CIHEAM Bari, as customer, is required to give to the contractor full disclosure of CIHEAM Bari protocol contents and must ensure that the contractor company workers or the third party company workers, operating within CIHEAM Bari campus perimeter, totally comply with its provisions.

CIHEAM Bari CLEANING AND SANITATION PRACTICES CIHEAM Bari ensures daily cleaning and sanitation of its premises, rooms, workstations, common areas and leisure spaces.

In case of presence of a person affected by COVID-19 inside CIHEAM Bari premises, their cleaning, sanitation and ventilation are carried out according to the provisions of circular letter n. 5443 of 22 February 2020 of the Italian Ministry of Health.

Cleaning and recurrent sanitation of keyboards, touch screens, mouse with suitable detergents, both in the offices and in the production departments are guaranteed at the end of every working shift.

CIHEAM Bari, in compliance with the instructions of the Italian Ministry of Health adopting the most appropriate modes, can organise special/recurrent cleaning operations using social shock absorbers (also by way of derogation).

Responsabile Servizio Protezione e Prevenzione - Gianfranco Baccaro Architetto

San Pantaleo, 56, 70010, Locorotondo, Bari – mobile: 335 6739799 Pagina 6 di 28 -

In the most endemic geographical areas or in the companies where suspected cases of COVID-19 have been detected, in addition to normal cleaning activities, it is necessary to provide, at the reopening, an extraordinary sanitation of the premises, workstations and common areas, as forecasted by bulletin No. 5443 of 22 February 2020.


It is mandatory that every person present at CIHEAM Bari take all the hygienic precautions, for hands in particular.

CIHEAM Bari provides suitable hands cleaning equipments.

Frequent hands cleaning with soap and water is recommended.

Hands detergents must be accessible to all workers thanks to specific dispensers placed at the entrance of every building.


The adoption of hygiene measures and personal protective equipment indicated in this Protocol is fundamental and, given the current emergency situation, is evidently linked to the availability on the market. For these reasons:

a) masks shall be used in conformity with the provisions of the World Health Organisation.

b) given the emergency situation, in case of supply difficulties and with the sole purpose of avoiding the virus spreading, masks corresponding to the indications of the health authority could be used.

c) the preparation of the liquid , by CIHEAM Bari, of the liquid detergent complying to the WHO indications has to be favoured (

If the kind of work does not allow the required distance of one metre and no other solutions are possible, the use of masks and other protective devices (gloves, glasses, protective suits, caps, coats, etc.) is still necessary, in accordance with the provisions of the scientific and health authorities.

According to the measures of this Protocol within workplaces, based on the assessed risks and starting from the mapping of CIHEAM Bari different activities, adequate PPE will be adopted.

For all workers sharing common spaces, the use of a surgical mask is foreseen, as required by the Law-Decree n. 9 (art. 34) in conjunction with the Law-Decree n. 18 (art. 16 c. 1)

Responsabile Servizio Protezione e Prevenzione - Gianfranco Baccaro Architetto

San Pantaleo, 56, 70010, Locorotondo, Bari – mobile: 335 6739799 Pagina 7 di 28 -


Access to common areas, including CIHEAM Bari canteen, smoking areas and changing rooms, is limited to a restricted number of people in the same moment, forecasting a continuous ventilation of the premises, reduced staying time within these areas and keeping the safety distance of 1 metre between the persons occupying them.

Adequate spaces are organised and changing rooms are sanitised to allow workers to places for the storage of work clothes and to ensure them adequate health and hygiene conditions.

Regular sanitation and daily cleaning, with special detergents, of the canteen and of the push-button panel of beverage and snack dispensers are guaranteed.


With reference to the Prime Minister Decree of 11 March 2020, point 7 and limited to the period of emergency due to COVID-19, CIHEAM Bari could decide, complying to the provisions of the National Collective Employment Contract, to close all departments, except those doing experiments, and in any case all those for which it is possible to operate through the use of smart work, or distance work.

In addition, CIHEAM Bari can implement the following measures:

• reshape its internal activities;

• ensure an employees shifts plan with the aim of minimising contacts and creating autonomous, distinct and recognisable working groups;

• use smart working for all those activities that can be carried out at home or at distance if social shock absorbers are used, also by way of derogation, always considering the possibility of ensuring them to all CIHEAM Bari staff and, if necessary, also with adequate rotations;

• use as a matter of priority the social shock absorbers available in compliance with the contractual institutions generally designed to allow abstention from work without loss of earnings;

• if the use of the institutions mentioned in point c) is not sufficient, the unused and not yet used vacation days will be used;

• suspend and cancel all domestic and international business trips, even if already agreed or arranged.

Distance work continues to be promoted even in the phase of progressive reactivation of work, as a useful and modular prevention tool, it is thus necessary that CIHEAM Bari Direction ensures

Responsabile Servizio Protezione e Prevenzione - Gianfranco Baccaro Architetto

San Pantaleo, 56, 70010, Locorotondo, Bari – mobile: 335 6739799 Pagina 8 di 28 -

adequate support conditions to worker and to his activity (assistance in the use of equipment, modulation of working time and breaks).

The respect of the social distance is guaranteed, also through a remodelling of the working spaces, depending to the nature of the activities and to CIHEAM Bari areas.

Workers not needing special tools and/or work equipment and who can work alone, could be placed, for a transitional period, in spaces such as unused offices and/or meeting rooms.

For environments where several workers work at the same time, innovative solutions can be found (for example repositioning workstations with adequate distance or similar solutions).

For agricultural workers operating in the field, it is necessary to subdivide the operators into a group of up to two units and, compatibly with the activities, to work at given distance.

Working activities can be redefined with different schedules favouring social distance and reducing the number of simultaneous presences in the workplace thus preventing crowd at the entrance and exit with timetable flexibility.

It is fundamental to avoid social aggregations also in relation to travel to reach the workplace and return home (commuting), with particular reference to the use of public transport. For this reason, transport to the workplace ensuring adequate distance between travellers should be encouraged, as the use of private transport or shuttles.


Staggered entrance/exit times are encouraged in order to avoid contacts as much as possible in common areas (entrances, changing rooms, canteen room).

There are separated Entrance and Exit doors from all these areas and it is guaranteed the presence of detergents indicated by specific signs.

INTERIOR MOVEMENTS, MEETINGS, INSIDE EVENTS AND TRAINING Movements within CIHEAM Bari site must be limited as much as possible and should always be done in compliance with the instructions of the Direction.

Face-to-face meetings are not permitted. In case of necessary and urgent meetings, whereas a remote connection cannot be guaranteed, the participation must be reduced to the minimum necessary and, however, interpersonal distancing and adequate cleaning/ventilation of premises shall be ensured.

Responsabile Servizio Protezione e Prevenzione - Gianfranco Baccaro Architetto

San Pantaleo, 56, 70010, Locorotondo, Bari – mobile: 335 6739799 Pagina 9 di 28 -

All inside events are suspended and/or cancelled as well as all classroom training activities, even mandatory, even if already organised; it is possible, however, if CIHEAM Bari organisation allows it, to carry out distance training, also for workers in smart work.

The failure in completing professional and/or qualifying training update activities within the given deadlines for all CIHEAM Bari roles/functions, in the field of health and safety in the workplace, due to the existing emergency thus due to force majeure, does not make impossible to continue the performance of the specific role/function (i.e.: fire and first aid emergency officers, can still operate in case of need).


In the event that a person being present at CIHEAM Bari develops fever and symptoms of respiratory infection such as cough, he must immediately denounce it to the Personnel Office, his isolation from the premises as well as other people present, shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the health authority, CIHEAM Bari shall immediately notify the responsible health authorities and COVID-19 emergency numbers provided by the Region or the Ministry of Health.

CIHEAM Bari collaborates with the Health Authorities for detecting any close contact of a person present inside the Institute who has been found positive to the COVID-19 swab test. This is to enable the authorities to apply the necessary and appropriate quarantine measures. During the investigation period, CIHEAM Bari may ask any possible close contacts to leave its premises as a precautionary measure, according to the instructions of the Health Authority.

The worker, while isolated, must immediately be equipped if he is not already so, with a surgical mask.

HEALTH MONITORING/IN CHARGE PHYSICIAN/WSR (Worker’s Safety Representative) Health monitoring shall continue in compliance with the hygiene measures contained in the indications of the Ministry of Health (Decalogue Cd. annexed to this Protocol).

In this period, priority should be given to preventive medical checks, on-demand checks and re-entry controls after sickness leave.

Regular health monitoring should not be interrupted, representing a further general preventive measure: both because it can detect possible suspected cases and symptoms of infection, both for the information and training that in charge physician can provide to workers to avoid the infection spread.

In integrating and proposing all regulatory measures related to COVID-19, in charge physician cooperates with CIHEAM Bari Direction and with the WSR/TWSR (Territorial Worker’s Safety Representative).

Responsabile Servizio Protezione e Prevenzione - Gianfranco Baccaro Architetto

San Pantaleo, 56, 70010, Locorotondo, Bari – mobile: 335 6739799 Pagina 10 di 28 -

In charge physician informs CIHEAM Bari about particularly fragile situations and current or previous pathologies of the employees and CIHEAM Bari cares about their protection respecting their privacy.

In charge physician will apply the indications of the Health Authorities. In charge physician, upon his role in risks assessment and health monitoring, may suggest the use of any diagnostic means if they could be useful for containing the virus spread and protect workers’ health.

Upon resumption of activities, in charge physician should be involved for the identification of persons with particular situations of fragility and for the reintegration of persons with previous infection with COVID 19.

It is recommended that health monitoring pay particular attention to fragile subjects also in relation to age.

For the progressive reintegration of workers having been infected by COVID19, in charge physician upon presentation of the medical certification proving the result of a negative swab test, in accordance with the required procedures, and issued by the local department of territorial prevention, carries out the medical check prior to work resumption, after a sickness leave of over sixty continuous days, in order to verify the duty suitability (Law-Decree 81/08 and s.m.i, art. 41, c. 2 lett. e-ter), also to assess specific risk profiles and in any case regardless of the duration of absence due to illness.

In integrating and proposing all regulatory measures related to COVID-19, in charge physician cooperates with the Direction and the WSR/TWSR.

In charge physician informs CIHEAM Bari about situations of particular fragility and current or previous pathologies of its employees and CIHEAM Bari cares about their protection respecting their privacy the in charge physician will apply the indications of the Health Authorities.

UPDATE OF THE REGULATION PROTOCOL A Committee for the application and verification of the rules of the Regulation Protocol has been appointed at CIHEAM Bari to whom also the WSR participate.

Whereas, given the particular nature of the enterprise and because of the system of trade union relations, no committee is appointed, a Territorial Committee will be established, composed of the Joint Bodies for Health and Safety, where established, with the involvement of the TWSR and representatives of the social partners.

Committees for the Protocol aims may be set up, at territorial or sectorial level, upon initiative of the signatories of this Protocol, together with local health authorities and other institutional actors involved in initiatives to combat COVID19 spread.

Responsabile Servizio Protezione e Prevenzione - Gianfranco Baccaro Architetto

San Pantaleo, 56, 70010, Locorotondo, Bari – mobile: 335 6739799 Pagina 11 di 28 -

ANNEX 4 Prime Minister Decree of 26 April 2020

Hygienic and sanitary measures

1. wash hands often. It is recommended to make available in all public premises, gyms, supermarkets, pharmacies and other places of aggregation, hydroalcoholic solutions for washing hands;

2. avoid close contact with people with acute respiratory infections;

3. avoid hugs and handshakes;

4. maintain, in social contacts, an interpersonal distance of at least one metre;

5. practice respiratory hygiene (sneezing and/or coughing in a handkerchief, avoiding contact of the hands with respiratory secretions);

6. avoid mixed-use of bottles and glasses, in particular during sports activity;

7. do not touch eyes, nose and mouth with your hands;

8. cover your mouth and nose if you sneeze or cough;

9. do not take antiviral drugs and antibiotics unless prescribed by your doctor;

10. clean surfaces with chlorine or alcohol disinfectants;

11. it is strongly recommended in all social contacts the use of respiratory protections as an additional measure to personal hygiene and health protection measures. AUTODICHIARAZIONE

Verifica se è disponibile un nuovo modello:

Responsabile Servizio Protezione e Prevenzione - Gianfranco Baccaro Architetto

San Pantaleo, 56, 70010, Locorotondo, Bari – mobile: 335 6739799 Pagina 12 di 28 -

Responsabile Servizio Protezione e Prevenzione - Gianfranco Baccaro Architetto

San Pantaleo, 56, 70010, Locorotondo, Bari – mobile: 335 6739799 Pagina 13 di 28 -

SIGNS The following are signs for the application of this Protocol which may be printed and used as required.

The proposed signs:

• Ten behaviours to be followed

• No assembly

• Avoid crowds in a row

• Keep distance of 1 m

• Use of the lift

• Hands washing

• Hands sanitising

• Cover mouth and nose

• No hugs and handshakes

• Disinfecting surfaces

• Emergency aid

Responsabile Servizio Protezione e Prevenzione - Gianfranco Baccaro Architetto

San Pantaleo, 56, 70010, Locorotondo, Bari – mobile: 335 6739799 Pagina 14 di 28 -


Responsabile Servizio Protezione e Prevenzione - Gianfranco Baccaro Architetto

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Responsabile Servizio Protezione e Prevenzione - Gianfranco Baccaro Architetto

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Responsabile Servizio Protezione e Prevenzione - Gianfranco Baccaro Architetto

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Responsabile Servizio Protezione e Prevenzione - Gianfranco Baccaro Architetto

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Responsabile Servizio Protezione e Prevenzione - Gianfranco Baccaro Architetto

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Responsabile Servizio Protezione e Prevenzione - Gianfranco Baccaro Architetto

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Responsabile Servizio Protezione e Prevenzione - Gianfranco Baccaro Architetto

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Responsabile Servizio Protezione e Prevenzione - Gianfranco Baccaro Architetto

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Responsabile Servizio Protezione e Prevenzione - Gianfranco Baccaro Architetto

San Pantaleo, 56, 70010, Locorotondo, Bari – mobile: 335 6739799