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CPD’s for Yoga Teachers I n t e r n a t i o n a l Y o g a S a t s a n g Association

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Yoga Teachers



nal Yoga Satsang


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Continued Professional Development (CPD’s)


Have you ever wanted to learn more about ancient Indian system of Yoga with an

authentic Indian Yoga master?

Train with YOGA SATSANG ASHRAMWe are a Registered Yoga school and our Yoga Teacher Training course (RYT200)

is certified by Yoga Alliance.

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What do we Teach?1: Sets of physical practices/Hatha Yoga for various parts of body as well as mental, emotional and spiritual development. You will get a good insight and understanding of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of postures to help and enable you to teach yoga classes to various level of students.

2: Pranayama practice/s – for physical, mental and emotional cleanse from various yogic scriptures. There will be quite a few structured pranayama sadhana during the course which depends on individual level of students.

3. Yogic Relaxation and Visualizations- You will be learning and practising 20-30 yogic visualization techniques for deeper yogic relaxation, yoga nidra and meditation. It will enable you to choose the suitable practices for your personal daily sadhana as well as for your teachings according to level of students.

4: Yogic philosophy or theory- In depth study of yoga philosophy of Patanjali Yoga Sutras and other yogic scriptures to enable our students to understand various aspects of individual life. You will study in depth about-• TheEightLimbsofAshtangaYogaofPatanjali:• Yama-MoralObservances• Niyama-EthicalObservances• Asana-Posturework• Pranayama-Breath/energycontrol• Pratyahara-Sensorywithdrawal• Dharana-Concentration• Dhyana-Meditation• Samadhi–Enlightenment• Karma-theory• MindanditsPsychologyinYogiccontext• Yogiclifestyle

Anatomy, Physiology and Yoga- In depth study of human body, specially respiratory system, nervous system, muscular system, endocrine system and cardiovascular system.

BhajansingingandMantrachanting-partofbhaktiyogaandyogichealingthroughsounds.Whichgraduallycanleadyoutobeabletopracticeskundaliniyoga of Rishiculutre tradition. It helps students to open up and refine their pranic energychannelsandchakras.

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Every month we run at least 2 of the following modules:

Module 1: Foundations of Yoga PracticeAsana:Jattis&kriyasforloosening&warmingup,chatuspadakriya,dandakriya,palavinikriya,pawanmuktakriya,vajrasanaandvariations,yogamudra&shaktimudraYogaTheory:Definingyoga--ancient&modernaspects,physical&spiritualbenefits;YogaasapathofunionwiththeSupremeSelf;PracticalissuesinestablishingyourpracticePranayama:Sukhapuravakapranayama(equalrhythm),loma&viloma(breathretention)

Module 2: Yoga as a Way of Life & Deepening the BreathAsana: The Hathenas series for lower, middle, upper and complete lung breathingYogaTheory:Classificationsofyoga--Raja,hatha,mantra,laya,tantra,karma,jnana,bhakti,kundalini,pranayama;Introductiontotheyamas(restraints)andniyamas(duties);Yogaasfour-foldawareness;Benefitsofyogaforstressandnervoustension;Physicalandspiritualaspectsofshavasana;Yogaasascienceofself-realisation;IntroductiontoYogaSutrasofPatanjaliPranayama: Vibhaga Pranayama to activate different parts of the lungs- lower, middle and upper, with associated mudras

Module 3: Yoga as a Path of AwarenessAsana:Kayavidya(bodyawareness)series—Vajraveeraasana,namaskarmudraseries,Uthakathaasana,Meruasana,Hastapadasana,Sama-sthiti,SuryaNamaskaraandvariations,suriyamantrasYogaTheory:Understandingprana;Obstaclestoyogicevolution;Elaborationonthefiveniyamas(duties);Shatakarmas(cleansingpractices)Pranayama:Pranava/AUMsadhanaanditsancientsources;Savitripranayama(rhythmical breathing) and effects of different timings

Module 4: Yoga and Multi-layered existenceAsana:LomaViloma(shiva/shakti)balancing—singleanddoubleleglifts,torsoliftsYogaTheory:Asanaasthe3rdstepinAshtangayoga;The5bodies(panchakoshas);keyasanasindifferentyogatraditions;thefivepranas;thenaris;chakras;thefivepanchakoshas(sheaths),methodsofmeditation;introductiontoSvarayogaPranayama:introductiontoLoma-Vilomapranayama(alternatenostrilbreathing)

Module 5: Understanding PranaAsana:Forspinalhealth--Supta-vajrasana;Forbrainvitalisation--Vajra-Veeriyagroup;Fornervoussystem--SukhaAsana,BaddhaKonaAsana,SamaPadaAsana,associated mudrasYogaTheory:WhatisPranayama;Pranayamaintheyogascriptures;thePhysiologyofrespiration;Effectofthoughtsandemotionsonprana&pranayama;theGuru-Shisyarelationship(teacher-studentrelationship);Yogadiet&health;IntroductiontotantraPranayama:Sukha&SavitriPranayamaindifferentrhythms,aspratyahara,dharanaand dhyana

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Module 6 & 7: Study of the full Hatha Yoga Pradipika, a foundational yoga text from the 14th centuryAsana: The most important asanas from the HYP--siddha asana, padma asana, simha asana, bhadra asana, bandhas, cleansing practices, mudrasYogaTheory:introductiontotheHinduphilosophyofyugas;overviewofthecomplete, multi-faceted system of hatha yoga as detailed in the Hatha Yoga PradipikaPranayama:DifferentmethodsofpranyamadescribedintheHYP;utilizingbandhasandalternatenostrilbreathing;Kapalabhati;Ujayee;Sitali;Bhastrika

Module 8: The Philosphical System of Yoga & Strengthening the BodyAsana: The Sama Sthiti group (14 standing postures) for strength and alignment, includingVeeriyaAsana(warrior),TrikonaAsana(triangle)andNatarajaAsana(LordShiva’s dance)YogaTheory:TheLawofKarma;elaborationontheyogasutrasofPatanjaliandthefourpadas(chapters);thetenmajornaris;thesevenchakrasPranayama:Sahitapranayama—particularbreathingrhythmsequencestopurifyandvitalise the lungs, liver, digestion, elimination and heart

Module 9: Pratyahara- Withdrawal of the Senses (the fifth limb of Ashtanga yoga)Asana: A series of 17 pelvic loosening posturesYogaTheory:WhatisPratyahara;thesenseorgans;controlofthesensesandmentalimpressions;pratyaharainthescriptures;Yantra,theyogicscienceofnumber,nameandform;ColormeditationsandtheauraPranayama: Savitri rhythm beginning with 6/3 and gradually expanding, as an exploration of pratyahara and dharanas

Module 10: Meditation and Inner BalanceAsana: Twisting poses for spinal flexibility and activation of the digestive systemYogaTheory:Howtomeditate;meditationinthescriptures;meditationforahealthyandintegratedpersonality;someyogasequencesforregularsadhanaPranayama:Bhramariandbhramarapranayama(beesounds)forcleansingthenervoussystem,yonimudraandsanmukhimudra

Module 11: Yoga and Human Anatomy- the meeting of East and WestAsana:PartneryogaseriesfromTantricandHathayoga,touniteshivaandshaktienergyYoga Theory: Anatomical structure and body systems: planes and cavities,muscles, tissues,cellularstructure,howthenervoussystemworks;yogicsystemofthefivebodies(koshas),howWesternanatomyintersectswithyogicprinciplesandpracticessuch as asana and pancha pranas (energy flows through the body)Pranayama:Loma-VilomaPranayama(alternatenostrilbreathingwithbreathretention)

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Our lineage:

Primarily we teach Gitananda Ashtangha Yoga, founded by Swami GitnandaalsoknownasRishicultureYoga.TaughtinIndia,Thisisone of the more authentic styles of Yoga and as with all authentic styles we have a paramparai / lineage.

FormoreinformationseetheInternationalCentreforEducationand research at: www.icyer.org

EssentiallyourphilosophyisthatYogaismostpreciousgiftforhuman life which originated from the Vedas, Upanishads and later on flourished through ancient teachings of Yoga-Sutra’s of Patanjali,Bhagavad-Gita,YogaVashishtha,Goraksha-samhitaandTheHatha-YogaPradipikaareacceptedasauthenticworksonyoga in most traditions. Yogic teachings are considered as ‘Guru-Chela-Pramparai’whichisameansofteaching,directlyfromGuruagreatlifeteachertotheChelaorsincerestudent.

Our Guru Swami Gitananda Giri Guru Maharajaji states “Yoga is the complete awareness of your body, mind, and emotions and of awareness itself”.

Swami Gitananda with family

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Who will teach?

DirectorandfounderofYogaSatsangaAshram–(SurenderSaini)Yogachariya Jnandev. Msc Yoga and Meditation (Gold medallist) JainVishnuBharatUniversity,Rajasthan.YTTRichicultureAshtanga Yoga, Ananda Ashram, Tamil Nadu, S. India.Co-DirectorofYogaSatsangAshram-(SallySaini)YogachariniDeepikaYTTRishicultureAshtangaYoga,AnandaAshram,SIndia(2006). BothSeniorYogaTeachers(Yogaalliance)andtrainedtogetherattheInternationalCentreforEducationandResearch,SouthIndia(2006). For more details see www.icyer.org

Yogachariya Jnandev is from India and also completed Msc in Yoga and meditation and was awarded the gold medal for being thetopstudentoftheuniversity–JainVishnuBharat,Rajasthan.Inaddition to this Jnandev has lived amongst Saddhus and Yogis in IndiapriortocomingtotheUK.Hisknowledgeandexperienceofthe ancient system of Yoga is rarely found, particularly in the west.

Yogachariya Jnandev (Surender Saini)

YogachariniDeepika(Sally Saini)

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Yoga Satsanga AshramArdwynGrange,Login,Whitland,Carmarthenshire,Wales,SA34OUY

Tel:01437562200Web: www.yogasatsang.org Email:[email protected]



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