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  • 8/7/2019 Cps9 Llogic Manual


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    LinkLogicCPS 9.0 Training Manual


    Practice Solution 9.0

    Centricity Services

    2009 General Electric Company All rights reserved.General Electric Company reserves the right to make changes in specifications and features shownherein, or discontinue the product described at any time without notice or obligation. This does notconstitute a representation or warranty or documentation regarding the product or service featured.All illustrations are provided as fictional examples only. Your product features and configuration maybe different than those shown. Information contained herein is proprietary to GE. No part of thispublication may be reproduced for any purpose without written permission of GE.

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    Confidentiality and Proprietary Rights and Limitations and Conditions of Use

    This document is the confidential property of GE Healthcare, a division of GeneralElectric Company (GE Healthcare) and is furnished to you, a current GE Healthcarecustomer, pursuant to an agreement between you and GE Healthcare. If you are not(i) a current GE Healthcare customer, and (ii) subject to a non disclosure obligations

    pursuant to an agreement with GE Healthcare, you are not authorized to access thisdocument. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form, by photostat,microfilm, xerography, or any other means, or incorporated into any informationretrieval system, electronic or mechanical, without the written permission of GEHealthcare. Contact your GE Healthcare representative with any inquiries regardingcopying and/or using the materials contained in this document outside of the limitedscope described herein.

    GE Healthcare reminds you that there may be legal, ethical, and moral obligations formedical care providers to protect sensitive patient information when dealing withvendors such as GE Healthcare. You should obtain explicit written consent from boththe patient and GE Healthcare before you disclose sensitive patient information to GE


    GE, the GE Monogram, and Centricity are trademarks of General Electric Company. Allother product names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of theirrespective companies

    Copyright Notice

    Copyright 2009 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.


    Any information related to clinical functionality is intended for clinical professionals.Clinical professionals are expected to know the medical procedures, practices and

    terminology required to monitor patients. Operation of the product should neithercircumvent nor take precedence over required patient care, nor should it impede thehuman intervention of attending nurses, physicians or other medical personnel in amanner that would have a negative impact on patient health.

    General Electric Company reserves the right to make changes in specifications andfeatures shown herein, or discontinue the products described at any time withoutnotice or obligation. This does not constitute a representation or warranty regardingthe product or service featured. All illustrations or examples are provided forinformational or reference purposes and/or as fictional examples only. Your productfeatures and configuration may be different than those shown.

    GE Healthcare IT

    540 West Northwest HighwayBarrington, IL 60010 U.S.A.www.gehealthcare.com

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    What is the Purpose of LinkLogic?

    Through the use of interfaces, LinkLogic

    enables the efficient and intelligent sharing ofdata between the EMR application and avariety of external systems, such astranscription, laboratory, hospital information,document scanning systems, and clinical datarepositories.

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    How is LinkLogic Managed?

    LinkLogic is managed by the LinkLogic Manager.

    The LinkLogic Manager is responsible for:

    day-to-day monitoring of LinkLogic

    resolving any mismatches or errors that occur

    This training is intended for your sites LinkLogicManager(s), who will learn how to manage LinkLogic.

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    Enable Access to LinkLogic

    Give designated staff members access to LinkLogic via SystemSecurity.

    Administration>System>User/Location Setup>Security

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    Jobs Tab

    LinkLogic queues and processes jobs to import or export data.

    The Data Transfer Station handles jobs automatically. Jobs can also beimported or exported manually from the jobs tab.

    Some jobs can appear in the jobs tab when errors are opened up in theerrors tab, and then canceled out prior to resolving. These will need tobe processed manually to place them back in the errors tab in order toresolve the corresponding errors. Manual will appear in the statecolumn when this is necessary.

    You should organize the jobs tab to All Stations & save as your

    preference to ensure that you can see and process all jobs that appearin Manual state when this occurs.

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    Process Jobs in Manual State

    To process jobs in manual state:

    1. Highlight job(s).

    2. Click the Process button to send job(s) back to the errors tab.

    3. Also, click OK to any screens that pop up during this process.

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    DTS Monitor Tab

    The DTS Monitor tab will show you whether or not the Data TransferStation (DTS) is active. You should see a line item that states the DTSStatus is Active.

    If there is not a line item in the DTS tab that states that the Data TransferStation (DTS) is Active, or if the DTS Status is Error, the DTS needs to berestarted.

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    Activity Log Tab

    The Activity Log lists notes, warnings, and error messages for every jobmanually imported or exported, and for every job the DTS processes.

    If you import and export many jobs, the log can get extremely large. If theactivity log gets too many messages in it, the DTS can stop processinguntil the activity log is cleaned out.

    Under most circumstances, it is important that the activity log beorganized so that messages are viewed for All Stations. This should besaved as your preference, which will ensure that you are viewing ALLmessages when clearing the log.

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    Activity Log Message Types

    The message type is indicated in the severity column. The 3 differentmessage types are:




    Error messages indicate a possible problem in importing or exportingdata.

    Warning messages inform you about LinkLogic actions, indicate missingdata in optional fields, or data that is not used by the EMR application.

    Note messages primarily convey information. You typically do not needto take any action.

    Go to LinkLogic Activity Log Message Codes in HELP (F1) to understandthe notes, warnings, and errors you see in the Activity Log.

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    Filter to Specific Message Codes

    Filtering to specific message codes is one way to organize the currentview, making it easier to clear multiple items at one time.

    In the message code range area, enter the minimum & maximum coderange, then click the OK button. Only messages in the specified rangewill be seen until the view is reorganized.

    To view every instance of a specific message code, enter the samenumber in the minimum code range field and the maximum code rangefield.

    Messages in the activity log can also be organized to specific dates

    and/or interface type.

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    Removing Activity Log Messages

    To clear messages in the current view:

    1. Click the SELECT button, which will highlight every* message inthe current view.

    2. Once all messages are highlighted, click the REMOVE button.

    3. After all messages in the current view are removed, click theORGANIZE button again, then click OK to view all remainingmessages in the activity log.

    *The maximum number of messages the select button will highlight is14,000, so you may have to follow this process multiple times toremove all instances.

    NOTE: Activity log messages should not be cleared out prior toworking the associated errors in the errors tab, as these messagescan sometimes be helpful when resolving the errors.

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    Automatically Manage Activity Log

    Go to Administration>LinkLogic>Defaults.

    To automatically remove error* entries from the Activity Log:

    1. Check Automatically remove error entries from the Activity Log.

    2. Enter the number of days in the Remove entries after field.

    To automatically remove warning and note* entries:

    1. Check Automatically remove warnings and note entries from theActivity Log.

    2. Enter the number of days in the Remove entries after field.

    NOTE: Activity log messages should not be cleared out prior toworking the associated errors in the errors tab, as these messages can

    sometimes be helpful when resolving the errors. Be sure you set thenumber of days fields far enough out so that the activity logmessages are not removed sooner than you will be working the errors.

    *Message types appear in the severity column of the Activity Log.

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    Exclude Messages From Activity Log

    Every time a job is queued, LinkLogic adds message code 7 to theActivity Log. LinkLogic adds message code 1 every time a job completes.If you dont want these messages to accumulate in the Activity Log, you

    can modify the EMR.ini file to filter or exclude these messages from thelog.

    To exclude specific messages from the Activity Log:

    1. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Centricity Practice Solution 2006\Client.

    2. Locate & open the EMR.ini file in Notepad.

    3. Find the L3IgnoreMessages entry.

    4. Type the message codes you dont want to see, separated by commas.

    For example: L3IgnoreMessages=1,7

    5. Shut down & restart Centricity EMR on the workstation or the Data

    Transfer Station (as applicable).

    **This must be done on all workstations with access to Linklogic,including the Data Transfer Station.**

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    Errors Tab

    When you import and export data, errors can occasionally occur. Errors canoccur for many reasons. The following list shows some of the reasons forerrors:

    LinkLogic cant process the import file, possibly due to a patient mismatch or thewrong data format.

    LinkLogic cant find the responsible provider.

    LinkLogic cant find a relationship for the data, or the header record in the data fileisnt correct.

    LinkLogic cant process the job, due to a missing configuration file or a bad exportsegment.

    LinkLogic cant import the data because the patients chart is being updated byanother user.

    The Errors tab in LinkLogic contains the Pending Errors to be resolved as wellas associated Activity Log messages for each error. The associated activitylog messages can sometimes be used to help determine what you need to doto resolve the errors.

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    File Extensions / Error Types

    .HR = Lab Results, PatientLink, Docutrak Observations

    .HT = Docutrak and Noteslink Documents

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    Viewing HL7 Files

    HL7 (Health Level 7) is a standard for electronic data exchange inhealthcare environments. LinkLogics use of this format is defined in theInterface Specifications for each interface type. These specifications canbe found in Managing Interfaces for CPSon the Support web site (see next

    page for more information).

    The error files you will work with will be HL7 files. To avoid horizontalscrolling through the messages, set viewing options to Wrap toWindow.

    If Using Word Pad to view the files:

    1. Click on the View menu.

    2. Click Options.

    3. Click Wrap to Window, then OK.

    If Using Note Pad to view the files:

    1. Click on the Format menu.

    2. Click Word Wrap.

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    Typical Segments in HL7 Messages

    MSH = message segment header/-/ comment section describing the error /-/

    EVN = event segment contains message date / time informationPID = patient ID segment contains demographic informationPV1 = patient visit segment contains provider and location of care infoORC, OBR = lab ordersOBX = observation / resultNTE = notes & comments

    HL7 Specifications can be downloaded for more information if desired.Download Managing Interfaces for CPSfrom:


    You can use the generic user ID / password ofcpsuser / cpsuser todownload this document.

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    Reading HL7 Files


    PID|||MR-101-003|MR-101-003|Ellis^Virgil||19431208|M||B|2545 SW 78th^^Portland^OR^97229^USA||503-292-3590|503-225-2147|English|D|||815-83-5639|

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 etc.

    Field Numbers

    In the example PID segment above, individual fields are separated byvertical bars or pipes.

    When counting fields, empty fields are also counted.

    Segment names and field numbers are referenced together foridentification purposes. Example: PID-1, PID-2, PID-3, etc.

    Error messages frequently refer to specific segments and fields, wheredata is missing or formatted incorrectly.

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    Typical Error: Lab Results Interface

    PV1|1|R|^^^128^East Surg||||hwinston^Winston^Harry^S.

    To resolve:

    1. Very carefully type the location of care abbreviation in place ofthe number in PV1-3, without removing any other characters inthe message.

    2. Close & save the HL7 file.

    3. Click RESOLVE.

    To prevent this error in the future, correct the Location of Care Cross-

    Reference File.

    Refer to instructions for Cross Reference Files beginning on page 24 of thisManual if needed.

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    Typical Error: No Existing Data

    This type of error is possible for all interface types.

    Follow the directions on the next few pages to resolve this type of error.

    NOTE: It is sometimes helpful to highlight the patients external ID inPID-2, right click & copy the patient ID, and then paste this ID into theEMR patient search dialog when working to resolve this type of error.(See step 1 on page 20 & step 5 on page 21.)

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    Resolve No Existing Data Errors

    CommentsSection ofHL7 File

    To resolve:

    1. Make note of the patients demographic information in thecomments section of the HL7 file, then close the file. (You mayopt to copy the external patient ID in PID-2 and use this in step5 on the next page.)

    2. With the error still highlighted, click Resolve.

    (continued on next page)

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    Resolve No Existing Data Errors

    (.continued from previous page)

    3. Highlight the entry in the Data to Patient Matching window.

    4. Click Set Patient button.

    5. Click Search on the Find Patient window, if searching by patientname. (Note: If searching by external ID, paste the ID copied fromPID-2 and verify that the search by field has been changed toExternal ID prior to clicking the Search button.)

    6. Highlight the correct patients name, then click OK.

    (continued on next page.)

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    Resolve No Existing Data Errors

    (.continued from previous page)

    7. Highlight the User-Specified Match line item in the Data to PatientMatching window, then click OK.

    8. Click OK again when processing is complete.

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    Cross-Reference Files

    Some interfaces require the creation & use of cross reference files.

    Cross reference files translate data field values to values that can berecognized by the EMR application on import or the external systemon export.

    For example, if you import laboratory results, you will need a cross-reference file to translate laboratory test result codes to the EMRapplication observation term codes.

    Example cross-reference files are shown on the next few pages of thisManual.

    See Managing Interfaces for CPSfor complete information aboutcross-reference files.

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    Sample Cross-Reference File:Lab Results

    H,xrf,Lab Result Heading Conversion CrossReference,1.0,19960926093832








    I = Import Relationship

    The first value after I = laboratory test result code

    The last value = matching code for EMR observation term

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    Sample Cross-Reference File:Document Types

    H,xrf,Note Type cross-reference file NotesLink andLabLink,1.0,20020528164000

    F,noteType,RequestorField1I,CM,Clin Updt


    I,CN,Cons Rpt

    I,DR,Diag Rpt

    I,ER,ER Rpt

    I,EK,EKG Rpt

    I,GC,Ext CorrI,PRE,Preload

    I,ZZ,Ext Oth

    I = Import Relationship

    The first value after I = document type being imported from outsidesystem

    The last value = corresponding document type abbreviation in EMR

    This type of cross reference file is needed when importing scanneddocuments.

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    Sample Cross-Reference File: Providers

    H,xrf,Care Provider ID Conversion CrossReference,3.0,20070106191530



    /-/ This XRF file was generated with LinkLogic Version LinkLogic9.0.0_80 \-\



    I = Import Relationship

    The first value after I = Providers UPIN number

    The last value = corresponding Providers user ID in EMR

    Using this type of cross reference file prevents related LinkLogic errorsand ensures that lab results and other documents go to thecorresponding providers desktop.

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    Sample Cross-Reference File:Locations of Care

    H,xrf,Location of Care Conversion CrossReference,3.0,20070106191530


    /-/ This XRF file was generated with LinkLogic Version LinkLogic9.0.0_80 \-\



    I = Import Relationship

    The first value after I = Location or Facility Number from Outside System

    The last value = corresponding Location of Care abbreviation in EMR

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    Maintaining Cross-Reference Files

    Cross-Reference files should be edited any time your siteadds new providers, locations of care, or document

    types.The lab results cross-reference file should also be editedany time your site begins ordering new laboratory teststo ensure that the corresponding lab results willpopulate flowsheets.

    To edit cross reference files, navigate to the LinkLogicfolders located on the Data Transfer Station (DTS) orother designated network location.

    You will need to locate the drive on the DTS or other designated networklocation where LinkLogic is loaded.*

    The files will be located in the config\local folder. Each file will have a .xrfextension.

    Example path: \Program Files\

    Centricity Practice Solution 2006\Client\llogic\config\local

    To Edit:

    1. Open the file you want to edit, using Notepad.

    2. Go to the very end of the file contents, using CTRL-END.

    3. On a new line, add another I with a comma.

    4. Add the new information, making sure to follow the same formatting yousee in the file.

    5. Add each new item as applicable, per instructions in steps 3 & 4 above.

    6. Save & close the file when finished.

    7. Simultaneously press the following keys on your keyboard & release: CTRL-SHIFT-D This will clear the LinkLogic cache.

    8. Click OK to the pop-up stating that the LinkLogic cache will be destroyed thenext time a job is run.

    *Check with your sites network administrator if you cannot locate the cross-referencefiles you need to edit.

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    Merging Charts

    If you have duplicate charts, you should merge them prior to resolvingrelated LinkLogic errors. (This should also be coordinated with staffknowledgeable about the Practice Management side of the product toensure the correct account is retained.)

    NOTE: There can be no unsigned documents in either chart and no otheruser can be in either chart when you perform this function.

    If you have security to merge charts, follow these steps:

    1. Open the chart you want to merge

    2. Make sure you are on the summary tab of the patients chart

    3. Go to Actions in the toolbar

    4. Choose Administration>Merge Chart..

    continued on next page

    NOTE: If the source chart is completely blank with no documents(including filed in error) you may choose to Delete the chart instead,eliminating the need to merge. Proper security is also required to performthis function. (Actions>Administration>Delete Chart)

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    Merging Charts

    continued from previous page

    5. Click the binoculars and find the Destination Patient (the duplicate chartyou want to keep).

    6. Highlight the correct patient and click OK.

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    Merging Charts

    continued from previous page

    7. Click Merge

    8. Then, click YES.

    The charts will be merged as one chart (into the destination chart),and the source chart will be deactivated.

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    Centricity Clinical Gateway (CCG)

    The Centricity Clinical Gateway(CCG) provides seamlesscommunications between Centricity products and external healthcareinterfaces. The CCG is installed on the Interface Engine server. The

    primary component of the CCG is the Quovadx Cloverleaf interfaceengine.

    The interface engine receives messages from various internal andexternal sources in a variety of protocols. Messages are converted asnecessary and routed to the appropriate destination. Sources anddestinations include the Centricity applications and the defined CCGsites (interfaces).

    Lab Orders Export makes use of this interface capability.

    The interfaces are managed through the Cloverleaf Integration Servicesgraphical user interface (GUI). Interfaces are installed and activatedthrough the GUI. The GUI also includes tools to monitor the trafficthrough the interface engine.

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    Centricity Clinical Gateway (CCG)

    Lab Orders Export:

    Lab orders can be exported in a standard HL7 electronic format to lab serviceproviders. The appropriate messages can be generated and exported through the DataTransfer Station (DTS), and sent to the corresponding lab service organizations throughthe Centricity Clinical Gateway(CCG) system. Both new and canceled orders aresupported.

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    Viewing the ProcessesStatus Colors






    Active but waitingfor origin systemto connect

    Active andconnected todestination system

    Both threads part of process1.

    Shown above is an example of the Cloverleaf Integration Servicesgraphical user interface (GUI). Process statuses are color-coded, asindicated. Examples of additional statuses are shown on the next page.

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    Process Statuses / Color Schemes

    Green - Up

    Yellow - Up

    Red - Up

    Green - Opening

    Yellow - Opening

    Red - Opening

    Red - Down

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    CCG Services

    The CCG Service Tools are web based. The following services must berunning In order for the tools to be available:

    Centricity Clinical Gateway Service Tools

    Centricity Clinical Gateway Webmin Service

    (Start these services via Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Services)

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    Accessing the Webmin Tool

    The Webmin tool in CCG allows errors to be viewed and re-sent throughthe Interface Engine.

    The tools may be accessed via the Microsoft Internet Explorer webbrowser. If you are working on the server where CCG is installed, theURL is: http://localhost:10000

    NOTE: If you are working remotely, type http://:10000/

    The default port for Webmin service is 10000. It is recommended thatyou dont change this port.

    The default Username is: geservice

    The default Password is: geservice

    After logging on, the Service Tools page is displayed. Click the InterfaceMonitor link on the Service tab, as shown above.

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    CCG Interface Monitor

    The CCG Interface monitor provides a snapshot of the current status ofactive interface sites (Cloverleaf sites) on the CCG.

    The CCG Interface monitor has an error message browser, which allowsyou to:

    Browse the list of messages in the Cloverleaf error databasefor the selected site

    Re-send one or more messages (Messages that aresuccessfully re-sent are deleted from the error database.)

    Delete one or more messages without re-sending (Messagesthat are deleted without being re-sent are also deleted fromthe error database.)

    When you click a link showing the number of errors for a particular site,the CCG Interface Monitor displays a list of all the messages in theCloverleaf error database for that site.

    Click the Monitor all sites link to review statistics for all interfaces.

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    Viewing & Working With Errors

    Clicking the message ID link, as shown above, will open the specific HL7message that errored out in the CCG.

    The message can be resent by clicking the Send button at the bottom of

    the screen for the message shown.**

    To resend multiple messages, click the checkboxes next to the specificmessages to be resent (or click the Select All button at the bottom ofthe window). Click the Resend button at the bottom of the window toresend the selected messages. Messages that are successfully resentare deleted from the error database.

    To delete multiple messages, click the checkboxes next to the specificmessages to be deleted (or click the Select All button at the bottom of

    the window). Click the Delete button at the bottom of the window todelete the selected messages from the error database.

    **Note: If editing is required, this cannot be done within the CCG InterfaceMonitor at this time. You will need to contact a designated person on your ITstaff or GE Support for help, so that the source of the error messages can be

    t d