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  • 7/28/2019 Crawford Complaint - Searchable


    AO 91 (Rev. II /II) Criminal Complaint


    Nmihern District ofNew York ORIGINALnited States of Americav.GLENDON SCOTT CRAWFORD andERIC J. FEIGHT



    Case No.13

    CRIMINAL COMPLAINTI, the complainant in this case, state that the following is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

    On or about the date(s) of (see below) in the county of Albany in theNorthern District of NY and elsewhere , the defendant(s) violated:

    Code Section18 U.S.C. 2339A

    Offense DescriptionConspiracy to provide material support, or resources, intending that they beused in preparation for, or in carrying out, a violation of Title 18, U.S.C. 2332a (use of a weapon of mass destruction), from on or about Apri12012through June of 2013.

    This criminal complaint is based on these facts:See Attached Affidavit

    l2f Continued on the attached sheet.

    omplainant s signature FBI Special Agent Geoffrey Kent

    Printed name and title

    Date: 06/17/2013 I ~worn to before me and signed in my presence.Judge's signature

    City and state: Albany, New York Han. Christian F. Hummel, U.S. Magistrate JudgePrinted name and title

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    INTRODUCTIONGEOFFREY KENT, being duly sworn, deposes and s ta te s as follows:

    Agent Background:1 .) I am an inves t iga t ive or law enforcement of f i ce r of

    the United Sta tes , within the meaning of Sect ion 2510 (7) ofTi t le 18, United Sta tes Code, and am empowered by law t'o conductinves t iga t ions of and to make ar res t s for offenses enumerated inChapter 119 of Ti t le 18 of the United Sta tes Code, includingSect ion 2516 of tha t Ti t l e .

    2.) I have been a Specia l Agent of the Federal Bureau ofInves t iga t ion (here inaf te r "FBI") fo r over 13 years and amcur ren t ly assigned to the Albany Field Office, where I have beenthe Coordinator fo r Weapons of Mass Destruct ion ("WMD") program,which includes responding to and inves t iga t ing WMD th rea t s , forapproximately s ix years . My experience as an FBI agent i n c l ~ d e sbeing assigned to conduct cr iminal inves t iga t ions in theNorthern Dis t r i c t of New York and elsewhere concerning WMD,domestic ~ e r r o r i s m , des truc t ive devices, and heal th care fraud.Many of these inves t iga t ions have resul ted in the prosecutionand convic t ion of the defendants .

    3 . ) During my employment with the FBI, I have receivedt ra in ing in both invest igat ive procedures and evidence recovery.As a federa l agent, I am author ized to inves t iga teviolat ions of the laws of the United Sta tes and to executesearch warrants and a r re s t warrants issued under the author i ty .of the United Sta tes . In my work as an FBI Specia l Agent,par t icu la r ly in domestic terrorism inves t iga t ions and with theJTTF, I regular ly work with and consul t other Specia l Agents andlaw enforcement off icers who have par t i c ipa ted in s ta te andfedera l inves t iga t ions .


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    Criminal Complaint and Arrest Warrants Sought:4.) I submit th is af f idav i t in support of a cr iminal

    complaint and a r re s t warrant(s) charging GLENDON SCOTT CRAWFORDand ERIC J . FEIGHT with conspir ing to provide mater ia l support ,or resources , intending tha t they be used in preparat ion for,or in carrying out, a vio la t ion of 18 U.S.C. 2332a (use of aweapon of mass destruct ion) , from on or about Apri l 2012through June 2013, in v io la t ion of 18 U.S.C. 2339A.

    5.) The fac ts se t for th in th is a f f idav i t are based on myown inves t iga t ion, together with information I obtained from avar ie ty of sources, including other law enforcement of f ic ia l s ,of f i c i a l FBI records , analys is of subpoena or public records ,surve i l lances , Court authorized T i t l e - I I I in tercepts ofte lephone, SMS, and ora l comm unications, a nd pen r eg i s t e rinfol;:'mation.

    6.) I have not included every fac t regarding th i sinves t iga t ion in th i s af f idav i t . I have only se t for th the fac tswhich I bel ieve are necessary to es tabl ish probable cause tobel ieve t ha t the above crime has been committed by CRAWFORD andFEIGHT.

    SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATION7.) The essence of CRAWFORD's scheme i s the crea t ion of a

    mobile, remotely operated, radiat ion emit t ing device capable ofk i l l ing human t a rge t s s i l en t ly and from a dis tance with l e tha ldoses of radiat ion. A cent ra l fea ture of CRAWFORD's weaponizedrad ia t ion device i s tha t the t a rge t ( s ) , and those around them,would not immediately be aware they had absorbed le tha l doses ofrad ia t ion , and the harmful ef fec t s of tha t rad ia t ion would notbecome apparent u n t i l days af t e r the exposure.

    8.) CRAWFORD, conspir ing with FEIGHT, and ass i s t ed byothers , has supervised and successful ly completed the building,t es t ing , and demonstration of a remote i n i t i a t ion device. He now(on or about June 18, 2013) plans to in tegra te tha t remotei n i t i a t ion device in to a t ruck-borne, indus t r ia l -grade x-raysystem, thus weaponizing tha t system and allowing it to be


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    turned on and off from a dis tance and without detec t ion . Oncecompleted and fu l ly weaponized, CRAWFORD has descr ibed h isin ten t ion to provide the funct ioning radiat ion emit t ing deviceto ind iv iduals he bel ieves wil l use it to in jure or k i l l peopledeemed by CRAWFORD to be undesirable (CRAWFORD s ~ e c i f i c a l l y hasiden t i f i ed Muslims and severa l o ther individua ls /groups asta rge ts ) . CRAWFORD has researched t a rge t s and loca t ions for thef i r s t uses of h is rad ia t ion emit t ing device.

    9.) Beginning in a t l e a s t April of 2012, CRAWFORD act ivelyso l i c i t ed ind iv iduals and groups to finance h is acquis i t ion of asuf f ic ien t ly powerful x-ray system to carry out his scheme.After severa l unsuccessful so l i c i t a t i ons , CRAWFORD soon foundtw o separate groups with the apparent means and ab i l i t y to getfo r him the type of x-ray system he wanted fo r h is scheme. AtCRAWFORD, s request , these two separa te groups each haveobtained, and are prepared to make avai lable to him, an x-raysystem tha t he se lec ted or has approved. CRAWFORD has madec l ea r he intends, as soon as he has access to the x-ray systems,to connect h is remote i n i t i a t ion device in to the cont rol paneleof an x-ray systeme and render it remotely-operable as a l e tha lrad ia t ion emit t ing device. Fortunately, law enforcement wil lcont ro l the t iming of those events, as both groups present lydeal ing with CRAWFORD and h is scheme are composed of UndercoverEmployees ("UCES 11 ) and a Confident ia l Human Source ("CHS 11 ).

    10.) Within approximately s ix weeks of CRAWFORD 1 s at temptsin Apri l of 2012 to s o l i c i t f inancing fo r his radiat ion emit t ingdevice scheme from two Jewish organiza t ions , the inves t iga t ionhad a CHS in place and CRAWFORD had met with tha t CHS,descr ibing h is scheme and his rad ia t ion emi t t ing device conceptto the CHS (a l l meetings and in te rac t ions with the CHS and UCEsiden t i f i ed in th i s a f f idav i t were recorded, many with audio andvideo, except where noted) . Following t ha t meeting, an FBI UCEwas in troduced to CRAWFORD by the CHS. That combination - theCHS and t ha t UCE ( ident i f ied as UCE # 1) - forms one of the twogroups cur ren t ly deal ing with CRAWFORD. That f i r s t group i siden t i f ied here as the " f i r s t branch,, of the inves t iga t ion.

    11.) In August of 2012, CRAWFORD(unsol ic i ted and without any government roleh is home near Albany, NY to North Carolina


    t rave led by caror d i rec t ion) fromto meet with an

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    individual who i s bel ieved to be a ranking member of the Ku KluxKlan ("KKK") . At the meeting, CRAWFORD ins t ruc ted on radiat ionphysics , iden t i f ied h is planned radiat ion emit t ing device,presented h is scheme to th i s of f i c i a l of the KKK, and so l ic i tedfunds from the KKK (through th is individual) fo r h is scheme(here inaf te r iden t i f ied as the "CW"). The CW to ld the FBI abouth is meeting with CRAWFORD. Several weeks l a t e r (early October2012), CRAWFORD drove his car from h is home outside Albany, NYto Greensboro, North Carol ina to meet with the CW and twoindividuals the CW introduced to CRAWFORD as Southernbusinessmen of means who were associated with the KKK. Twoind iv iduals assumed those roles , but were FBI UCEs, referencedin th i s a f f idav i t as UCE #2 and UCE #3 ( this second groupdeal ing with CRAWFORD, composed of UCE #2, UCE #3, and the CW,i s here inaf t e r re fe r red to in th i s a f f idav i t as the "secondbranch") . CRAWFORD described to UCEs #2 and #3 h is radiat ionemit t ing device scheme, the science and concepts underlying tha tdevice, h is remote i n i t i a t ion device, mobilizing the radiat iondevice, and discussed opera t ional securi ty concerns. CRAWFORDagain so l ic i ted money to f inance h is scheme (primari ly to fundthe purchase or acquis i t ion of an indus t r ia l s t rength x-raysystem) . Both the f i r s t and second branches have ass i s tedCRAWFORD with f inancing and obtaining of par t s .

    12.) From tha t time up through June 15, 2013 CRAWFORD hass tead i ly worked to design, acquire the par t s for, bu i ld , andt e s t a remote i n i t i a t ion device to remotely turn on and o ff anindus t r ia l x-ray system powerful enough to k i l l humans from adis tance , and to render a l l of tha t equipment mobile by f i t t ingit in to a t ruck . Experts have advised the inves t iga t ion tha tthe remote i n i t i a t ion device and x-ray systems CRAWFORD plans toweaponize would produce a l e tha l , and functioning, remotelycontrol led radiat ion emit t ing device. CRAWFORD recrui ted FEIGHTto ass i s t him with the design and const ruc t ion of a remotei n i t i a t ion device. CRAWFORD knows FEIGHT through the i rassocia t ions with General Elect r ic in Schenectady, NY. CRAWFORDi s employed there as an indus t r ia l mechanic and FEIGHT i s anoutside contrac tor regular ly working with, and v i s i t i ng , tha t GEf ac i l i t y . FEIGHT has mechanical and engineering sk i l l s , and hasworked fo r years a t smal l businesses outside of Albany, NY tha tdo indus t r ia l automation work. With ass is tance from CRAWFORD,


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    FEIGHT has designed, iden t i f i ed and received needed par t s ,bu i l t , and successfully t es t ed a working remote i n i t i a t iondevice to remotely contro l an indus t r ia l x-ray system - whichCRAWFORD l a t e r demonstrated - and tha t remote i n i t i a t ion devicei s powered by a plug- in c igare t te l igh te r e lec t r i ca l source,consis tent with CRAWFORD's requirement to put the whole systemin to a t ruck so tha t it can be used against human t a rge ts .FEIGHT i s aware of CRAWFORD's plan tha t the remote i n i t i a t iondevice be used to remotely contro l an indus t r ia l x-ray system toin jure or k i l l human t a rge t s deemed undes i rable , and, onNovember 14, 2012, FEIGHT met with CRAWFORD, UCE #2, and UCE #3near Albany, NY to discuss the purpose of the pro jec t , assigntasks , and confirm h is capabi l i ty to design and bui ld a remotei n i t i a t ion device. Over the course of severa l months, and usinga network of others as proxies , and a t t imes ac t ing himselfunder fa l se names, CRAWFORD caused to be ordered, del ivered,purchased, held, and eventual ly dis t r ibu ted to him and FEIGHT,the par t s needed to bui ld the remote i n i t i a t ion device.

    13.) In December of 2012, the government appl ied for andreceived j ud ic i a l author iza t ion , pursuant to Ti t le I I I , toin te rcept wire and e lec t ronic communications over CRAWFORD'sce l lu la r telephone (hereafter the "Crawford Telephone"). ByJanuary of 2013, CRAWFORD had acquired, sur rep t i t ious ly , asecond ce l lu la r telephone - th is one a pre-paid TracFone tha t headvised UCEs #2 and #3, and FEIGHT, was to be used exclusivelyfor communications regarding h is radiat ion emit t ing devicescheme ( this ce l lu la r telephone i s hereaf t e r re fer red to in th i sa f f idav i t as the "Crawford Telephone #2") . Communications to ,from and over the Crawford Telephone #2 also were in te rceptedpursuant to j ud ic i a l author iza t ion and order, again pursuant toTi t le I I I .

    14.) On May 20, 2013, CRAWFORD successful ly t es t ed anddemonstrated the remote i n i t i a t ion device. Since then,CRAWFORD's primary ac t iv i t i e s re la ted to h is scheme have been toprepare for and schedule h is f i r s t access to the indus t r ia l xray systems he has tasked the two branches to get for him (whichthey have to ld him they now have and wil l soon present to him) .Once he has them, he agreed with a plan to confirm tha t the xray systems are working (complet ing whatever f ina l assembly i srequired) , and then to connect h is remote i n i t i a t ion device to


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    the cont ro l panel of the i ndus t r i a l x-ray system/ thus render ingit remotely operable .

    DETAILS OF THE INVESTIGATIONCRAWFORD's In i t i a l , Independent Attempts to So l i c i t A Sponsor ToFund His Scheme

    15.) On Apri l 17 1 2012 1 the Ci ty of Albany (New York) PoliceDepartment provided the FBI 1 S Albany/ New York Fie ld Office withan Albany Crime Analysis Center (ACAC) pos t ing t ha t referencedGLENDON SCOTT CRAWFORD. According to the pos t ing/ on Apri l 11 12012 1 CRAWFORD walked in to a Capi ta l Dis t r i c t synagogue askingfo r ass is tance . Specif ica l ly/ while in the synagogue/ CRAWFORDasked to speak with a person who might be wil l ing to help himwith a type of technology t ha t could be used by I s r ae l to defea ti t s enemies/ spec i f ica l ly / by k i l l i ng I s r ae l 1 S enemies whilethey s lep t . CRAWFORD was denied ass i s t ance / and he depar ted thesynagogue. On the same day 1 CRAWFORD telephoned another Jewishorganizat ion/ which has a f ac i l i t y in Albany New York 1 using h isAT&T Mobil i ty ce l lu l a r telephone bear ing te lephone number (518)421-xxxx (here inaf te r the "Crawford Telephone 11 )

    16.) During the telephone conversat ion with the Jewishorganiza t ion 1 CRAWFORD spoke with a representa t ive and made as imi la r of fe r and request fo r f inanc ia l support regarding h istechnology. CRAWFORD also iden t i f i ed himself as an i ndus t r i a lengineer with th ree ch i ldren . On Apri l 20 1 2012 1 Specia l Agentswith the FBI interviewed the rep resen ta t ive of the organizat ionwho spoke with CRAWFORD. The representa t ive to ld agents t ha t hespoke on the te lephone wi th a man 1 bel ieved to be CRAWFORD 1 fo rapproximately ten minutes . During the conversa t ion CRAWFORDsa id t ha t he had "off the she l f 11 technology t ha t would beimportant in defea t ing I s rae l 1 S enemies. According to CRAWFORD 1the technology was approximately 100 years o ld 1 but could dealwith I s r ae l 1 s enemies by making them d ie in the i r s leep .CRAWFORD fur the r s ta ted tha t the technology could be purchasedfo r a s i gn i f i can t amount of money.


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    Commencement of the Invest igat ion17.) In response to the repor ts from the synagogue and the

    Jewish organizat ion, members of the Albany Jo in t Terrorism TaskForce (JTTF) conducted physical surve i l lance of CRAWFORD.Through surve i l lance and othe r invest igat ive e f fo r t s ,inves t iga tors determined tha t CRAWFORD i s a middle agedcaucasian male who res ides a t 171 Hinds Road in Galway, NewYork, works a t General Elec t r i c ' s plan t in Schenectady, New Yorkas an indus t r ia l mechanic, and uses I owns a var ie ty of vehic lesinc luding a purple 1995 Saturn bearing New York Sta te l icensepla te GBS-1006; a red 1992 Chevrolet Camaro bear ing New YorkSta te l icense pla te EXL-3062; a red 1995 Chevrolet 2500 pick-upt ruck bearing New York Sta te l icense pla te FJR-1682; and a 2002Harley Davidson motorcycle bearing New York Sta te l icense pla te34GG57.

    18.) Short ly a f t e r receiving the information from thesynagogue and the Jewish organizat ion, the FBI introduced in tothe inves t iga t ion a Confident ial Human Source (CHS) and an FBIUndercover Employee (UCE #1) . While consensually monitoringCRAWFORD's meetings and communications with the CHS and UCE #1since l a t e May 2012, agents have heard CRAWFORD s ta te tha t heharbors animosi ty towards individuals and groups tha t heperceives as hos t i le to the in te res ts of the United Sta tesindividuals he re fe rs to as "medical waste ." CRAWFORD hasspec i f ica l ly iden t i f ied Muslims as belonging to th is group.CRAWFORD has s ta ted in consensually monitored conversat ions tha the has been a member of the Ku Klux Klan, spec i f i ca l ly , theUnited Northern & Southern Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.

    19.) On May 29, 2012, the CHS telephoned CRAWFORD on theCrawford Telephone. A shor t conversat ion was conducted andCRAWFORD agreed to meet the CHS a t a res taurant in Scotia , NewYork on May 30, 2012. On May 30, 2012, the CHS, fo r the f i r s tt ime, met in person with CRAWFORD a t the re s taurant . CRAWFORDdrove to th is meeting in h is Saturn vehicle . During th i smeeting, CRAWFORD described h is plans for acquir ing andarranging to deploy a radiat ion emit t ing device tha t could beplaced in the back of a van to cover t ly emit ionizing radiat ionstrong enough to bring about radiat ion s ickness or death agains tCRAWFORD's enemies. CRAWFORD ta lked about h is enemies, in


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    par t icu la r , Muslims. CRAWFORD sa id tha t "radia t ion poisoning i sa beaut i fu l th ing," and explained how h is device would have theab i l i t y to k i l l s i l en t ly and without an immediately iden t i f iab lesource, . in par t because the human body cannot immediately detec tioniz ing radiat ion as it i s being administered. According toCRAWFORD, the device would requi re three core components: an xray tube or system tha t would emit ionizing radiat ion; a powersupply for the x-ray tube/system; and a control panel tha t couldbe used to remotely turn the device on and off (a remotei n i t i a t ing device) .

    Introduct ion of the CHS in the Firs t Branch of the Invest igat ion

    a. CRAWFORD Describes His Scheme20.) During the May 30, 2012 meeting, CRAWFORD gave to the

    CHS the following i tems/documents: a webpage pr in tout ofspeci f icat ions for a pa r t i cu l a r model high energy acce le ra tor (apowerful radiat ion emit t ing device typ ica l ly used in nondes t ruc t ive indus t r ia l t es t ing) ; a computer webpage printoutfrom Wikipedia concerning Acute Radiat ion Sickness (ARS) and thetyp ica l symptoms in humans exposed to varying doses ofradiat ion; a two page hand-wri t ten rough sketch which appearedto show a radiat ion emit t ing device; and a business card for theUnited Nortl:").ern & Southern Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (theorganizat ion of which CRAWFORD i s a member) . CRAWFORD s ta tedtha t he was a member of th is organiza t ion.

    21.) During th is same meeting, CRAWFORD to ld the CHS tha te ight (8) to ten (10) Grays (a "Gray" i s a uni t of radiat iondose measurement) of whole body dose ionizing radiat ion couldk i l l someone in a week or two. CRAWFORD advised the CHS tha ta l l of the par t s fo r a device tha t could emit such dosage leve lsare commercially avai lable , and tha t it would take CRAWFORD afew weeks to const ruct the device i f he had a l l of the par t s .CRAWFORD fur the r advised the CHS tha t he would already havecons t ruc ted the device i f he had suf f ic ien t resources, however,CRAWFORD noted tha t he current ly was "making arrangements" tobui ld the device.


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    22 . ) A U . s . Department of Energy, Oak Ridge In s t i tu te forScience and Education (ORISE) , Radiat ion Emergency AssistanceCenter /Training Si te (REAC/TS) manual en t i t l ed uThe MedicalAspects of Radiat ion Incidents" describes the dangers ofrad ia t ion poisoning. Page 17 of the manual explains tha t 50% ofa populat ion exposed to ionizing radiat ion wi l l die within 60days of absorbing a dose of 6-7 Grays; tha t a dose of 8- 10 Grayswould require stem ce l l t r ansplan ts ; and t ha t doses of 11 Graysand above can r e su l t in mul t iple organ fa i lu res and probabledeath.

    b . CRAWFORD's Research On, and Select ion o f , the Industr ia lX-ray System Model For The First Branch

    23 . ) On June 5, 2012, the CHS, fo r the second t ime, met withCRAWFORD a t the Restaurant in Scot ia , New York. CRAWFORDa r r ived to th is meeting driving h is Chevy pick up t ruck.CRAWFORD s ta ted tha t he was t i r ed of get t ing uraped," tha t therea re people out there who have decided tha t they don ' t get the i rf a i r share in l i f e , and tha t he (CRAWFORD) wanted to stop thesepeople. CRAWFORD to ld the CHS tha t the radiat ion emit t ing devicet ha t he desi red to e i the r const ruct or purchase was a top of thel ine , powerful indus t r ia l x-ray machine - one used in indus t ry .CRAWFORD s ta ted tha t once they (presumably he and the CHS) hadthe X-ray tube/system por t ion of the indus t r ia l X-ray(CRAWFORD) could wire up the power system to runtube/system.

    system, hethe X-ray

    24.) CRAWFORD a lso to ld the CHS tha t he was at tempting tof ind par t - t ime employment in a metal shop, not fo r the money,but for access to x-ray tubes. CRAWFORD then descr ibed theposs ib i l i ty of fabr ica t ing a ucouple thousand watt" power supplyfo r the device, consis t ing of wire which would be connected tonumerous ba t t e r i e s . CRAWFORD a lso to ld the CHS t ha t he knew acomputer programmer who, for $1, .000, could write encryptedsoftware tha t would allow the rad ia t ion emit t ing device to beremotely ac t iva ted and de-ac t iva ted. CRAWFORD a lso to ld the CHSt ha t the t a rge t of h is radiat ion emit t ing device would be theMuslim community. CRAWFORD descr ibed the device ' s capabi l i t i esas uHiroshima on a l igh t switch" and tha t ueverything withresp i ra t ion would be dead by the morning." CRAWFORD ended th i s


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    be made by "Dmitr i , 11 which would impair anyone at tempt ing tot race the r e a l person making the acqu i s i t ion .

    29.) On o r about June 25, 2012, in response to CRAWFORD'sdemonstra ted des i re to cons t ruct and I o r acqui re a rad ia t ionemi t t ing device , the CHS, a t the d i rec t ion of the FBI, e-mai ledCRAWFORD a t the Crawford Email Account photographs of twod i f f e r e n t x-ray tubes / sys tems . Also, on June 25, 2012, UCE #1spoke with CRAWFORD on the Crawford Telephone. Thisconversa t ion took place in response to the above e-mai l and xray tube/system p ic tu res sen t by the CHS to CRAWFORD. CRAWFORDresponded t ha t " those tubes wouldn ' t go much fu r the r than acouple dozen fee t , and wouldn ' t process the volume of work weneed to do. 11 La te r i n t ha t conversa t ion , CRAWFORD sa id "we aregoing to be doing s t e r i l i z a t i o n , they a re doing op t i cs . " YourAff ian t be l i eves these s ta tements r e f e r to the perceived l imi teddis tance t h a t th e ioniz ing rad ia t ion would t r ave l , and t ha t suchdis tance would preven t s u f f i c i e n t exposure to the ioniz ingrad ia t ion to cause harm to vic t ims .

    30.) On June 29, 2012, UCE #1, CHS and CRAWFORD met aga in .CRAWFORD drove to t h i s meeting in h is Saturn veh ic le . UCE #1presented CRAWFORD with three (3) d i f f e r e n t X-ray tubes /sys temsso t ha t he could eva lua te them. CRAWFORD examined thetubes /sys tems and asked the UCE fo r add i t iona l spec i f i ca t ionda ta regard ing the l a rge s t of the three x- ray tubes /sys tems.CRAWFORD sa id t ha t he needed sp e c i f i c a t i o n data in order tob e t t e r asse ss what it would t ake to employ th e tube/system, aswel l a s in determining the x-ray tube ' s / sys tem' s capac i ty fo rproducing ioniz ing rad ia t ion . UCE #1 t o ld CRAWFORD t h a t hewould a t tempt to secure spec i f i ca t ion data .

    31.) On July 2, 2012, the CHS again met with CRAWFORD.CRAWFORD drove to t h i s meeting in h is Saturn veh ic le . Duringt h i s meeting, CRAWFORD t o ld the CHS to send spec i f i ca t ion da taconcerning the x-ray tube/system to a named person . 1

    32.) On o r about July 10, 2012, UCE #1 e-mailed t echn ica lsp e c i f i c a t i o n da ta regard ing the x-ray tube /sys tem to the CHS,who then forwarded t ha t informat ion to the Crawford Email1 The individual's full name and address were provided by CRAWFORD to the CHS, however, they have beenredacted for this Affidavit, but are available upon the Court's request.


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    Account. The spec i f i ca t ion data e-mailed by UCE #1 was s l igh t lya l t e red to r e f l e c t an increase in the tube ' s /system' s outputcapaci ty .

    33.) On July 12, 2012, UCE #1 received numerous t ex tmessages from the Crawford Telephone. These t ex t messages werein response to the technical speci f icat ion data mailed by UCE #1to CRAWFORD. Portions of the July 12, 2012 t ex t messages fromCRAWFORD to the UCE are as follows: "Im gona t ry t f ind outmore, i f the cycle t ime i s a product of prec is ion as opposed todurabi l i ty upping the duty cycle may be an option withaddi t ional cooling or s6ething. Could put us in theneighborhood Yet. I have folks I may be able to consul t .... . . may be able to play games w th duty cycle to get to aworkable range. May work. OR may blow th par t n k i l l us both,Bwahahahaaaa." Your Affiant bel ieves these t ex t messages re fe rto CRAWFORD'S thought tha t he may be able to change thefunctioning of one of the th ree x-ray tubes/ systems to producemore ionizing radiat ion fo r a longer t ime and/or on a morefrequent bas i s .

    34.) On July 16, 2012, a t approximately 10:04 a.m.,CRAWFORD, using the Crawford Telephone, sent a t ex t message toUCE #1 tha t read: "Is the whole machine avai lab le? One fr iendto ld me depending on th st ructure of th t imer c i rcu i t , tha t mayba an option, and he may be able to conjur up something.whether the business end can take it remains to be seen, s t i l lwaiting t hear back from another f r iend on tha t ....... then thepower supply wil l be r igh t , n i f my f r iend can get engineer ingsupport , may work out nice. Whatever th nature of the t r iggerc i rcu i t , i f tuning can put us in th neighborhood we be fur the rahead."

    35.) On July 20, 2012, CRAWFORD met with the CHS and UCE#1. CRAWFORD drove to th i s meeting on h is Harley Davidsonmotorcycle. CRAWFORD s ta ted how he had been pursuing bi t s andpieces of h is plan for "qui te some time" but tha t he s ta r tedact ively pursuing the mat ter wi th in the l a s t year . CRAWFORDalso to ld the CHS and UCE #1 tha t they col l ec t ive ly could bui ldthe device on CRAWFORD's proper ty . CRAWFORD went on to say tha tthey should bui ld the device in h i s "shop" (an apparentreference to the garage or shed located on CRAWFORD's property


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    a t h is residence. CRAWFORD also discussed with the CHS and UCE#1 poten t ia l ly modifying the output of the l a rges t of the th reex-ray tubes/systems previous ly shown to CRAWFORD.

    36.) On July 24, 2012, UCE #1 provided addi t ional technica lspecifica: t ion data for the l a rges t of the th ree x-ray tubes toto CRAWFORD a t the Crawford Email Account. In tha t email , UCE#1 advised t ha t the x-ray tube/system was engineered anddesigned to produce two to three pulses of ionizing radiat ionper minute . . On July 24, 2012, CRAWFORD inquired "would he [UCE#1' s associate] know i f we could do [more] pulses a minute?Again, i f it's a resolut ion i ssue , we may be able to . I f it's athermal or harmonic i ssue , we may need to keep herds of tubes ins tock ... " Your Affian t be l ieves th i s inqui ry by CRAWFORDdemonstrated his in ten t to modify the functioning of the x-raytube/ system to produce more pulses of ion iz ing radiat ion perminute. Such a change would ul t imate ly increase the amount ofionizing rad ia t ion absorbed by anyone in the x-raytube ' s / sys tem 's range, rendering the device more l e tha l .

    37.) On or about July 30, 2012,surgica l procedure a t Saratoga Hospital .

    CRAWFORD underwent aCRAWFORD appeared to

    be concerned tha t he would not survive the surgery, and, as aresu l t , a t 2:14 p.m. on July 27, 2012, sent , v ia the CrawfordTelephone, a t ex t message to the UCE #1 tha t read: "Goin underthe knife Monday a t 9:00, a l l should be f ine , but i f somethinggoes wrong, you can reach my wife a t 518-224-xxxx. Ask fo r mycomputer and my phone, most of the data you need to proceed wil lbe in there , and the software guy i s in my phone, h is name i sEric from [name of FEIGHT's business] . He i s still down south.Tel l him you need to operate plc outputs over wif i or a smartphone. You need 2 video feeds, a hal f dozen ons and offs . I wil lcontac t you asap af te r ." Upon information and bel ie f , the"Eric" referenced in CRAWFORD's t ex t message above i s ERIC J .FEIGHT.

    38.) In addi t ion to the t ex t message described above,CRAWFORD, apparent ly s t i l l concerned about h is surgery, sent , onthe evening of July 27, 2012 a t 6:55 p.m., e-mails , v ia theCrawford Email Account, to UCE #1 tha t contained names ofnumerous individuals whom UCE #1 could contact in an e f fo r t tokeep CRAWFORD'S plans moving forward toward completion in the


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    event h is surgery went awry.par t as fol lows:

    These emails read in pe r t inent

    Sent Fr i , Ju ly 27, 2012 a t 6:55PM:

    "Fur ther , once you have my computer and phone, get ahold of- - - - - - - - - - - - of the loyal white knights , 1-336-xxx-xxxx. 2To make cer ta in th i s happens, I w i l l have a f r iend names - - - working my end to reach you and get t h i s s tu f f to you. 3The knights may have the resources to invest and br ing theprojec t to fu l f i l lment . That i s , i f you wish to continue.I f not , l e t me know and I wil l make arrangements for o thersto shoulder your load in th is ."Sent Fr i , July 27, 2012 a t 7:04 PM:"Feel f ree to reach me b ~ phone or emai l , your e f fo r t s makeyou the most qua l i f i ed to continue. I f you can ' t getcomfortable wi th i t , I have others who can. But please makehaste in l e t t ing me know. J us t in case ."Sent Fr i , July 27, 2012 a t 10:27 PM;"There i s also a fellow named - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 e lec t ronics

    gizmo dude ex t rao rd ina i re , he was wil l ing to lengthen the pulset ime or increase the number of pulses . Processing medical wastein t r igued him. His contact in fo i s in my phone. 100 rems equalsONE grey. A ll appl ica t ions s t a r t a t one meter and at tenuateaccording to the inverse squared law. You can look it up. ,and a t tenuat ion and diss ipa t ion are NOT the same th ing , but itwont matter till the numbers are higher . Everything you need tocontinue without me and present to the l o y ~ l white knights arein my phone and computer. Im sure everything w i l l be f ine , buti f something happens I don ' t want th i s to go away, it can serveour people well ."

    2 CRAWFORD included the first and last name of an individual and the individual's telephone number, however thenames and number have been redacted for purposes of this Affidavit. The names and number are available uponthe Court's request.3 CRAWFORD included the first name of an individual, however the name has been redacted for purposes of thisAffidavit. The name is available upon the Court's request.4 CRAWFORD included the first and last name of an individual, however the names have been redacted forpurposes of this Affidavit. The name is available upon the Court's request.


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    39.) On Ju ly 28, 2012 a t 2:26 p.m. , CRAWFORD, using th eCrawford Telephone, sen t a t e x t message to UCE #1 t ha t read:" S t i l l t ry i n t corner my eng ineer f r i end . Your rou te may be thef r u i t f u l one. I have made prov i s ions to g e t you my phone andcomputer i f something happens so you can bu i ld on what Is t a r t ed . "

    40.) CRAWFORD survived the surgery , apparent ly withou tcompl ica t ion . On August 14, 2012, CRAWFORD sen t numerous t e x tmessages from the Crawford Telephone to UCE #1 and wrote inp e r t i n e n t pa r t :

    ... I haven ' t na i l ed down the sof tware guru ye t , good th ingstake t ime. Hes the man f the job , I met dozens n he ' s who Ineed. When I meet my f r iends down south I dunno whats gonahav ta happen, we may need t work c lose r o r we may need tcompartmental ize . I f I need t proceed alone I w i l l supply youwith a l l the info you need t dup l ica te my process n s t a r tyour own chapte r ..Southern boys are a f i ck le bunch. I w i l l supplyyou with pa r t s , processes n procedures , and r e s t assured Iw i l l give the most cos t e f f i c i e n t rou te . I w i l l even give f reel abor when it g e t s t t ha t po in t . Dont fee l abandoned, we w i l lconsol ida te . our opera t ions as soon as i t s pra c t i c l e . I f mysof tware guy can modify the presen t prospec t , we w i l l need tv i s i t you. I s tha t poss ib le?

    Crawford's Interstate Travel to Meet the CW and So l i c i t FurtherSupport for His Scheme

    41.) In recorded conversa t ions between CRAWFORD and the CHSand/or UCE #1, your a f f i a n t has heard CRAWFORD s t a t e both t ha the i s a cur ren t member of th e United Northern and SouthernKnights of the Ku Klux Klan, and t ha t he i s a former member ofsa id group. A CW, who i s involved in the second branch of thei nves t iga t ion , i s a high ranking member of the Ku Klux Klan("KKK") . On August 23, 2012, CRAWFORD met with the CW in asmal l town in North Caro l ina and descr ibed th e rad ia t ionemit t ing device he wanted to acqui re . During the conversa t ion ,CRAWFORD so l i c i t ed f inanc ia l suppor t fo r acqui r ing the device ,and reques ted t ha t the CW meet with o ther KKK groups and


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    of f ic ia l s to s o l i c i t them to provide f inanc ia l ass is tance tobui ld h is device.

    42.) After the meeting between CRAWFORD and the CW onAugust 23, 2012, CRAWFORD, using the Crawford Email Account,sent and received emai ls to/from the CW between the dates ofAugust 28, 2012 and September 30, 2012. During th i s per iod,CRAWFORD se t up a t ime with the CW fo r him (CRAWFORD) to come toNorth Carol ina to meethe believed might beand/or acquis i t ion ofdevice.

    in person wi th the CW and ind iv iduals whoin te res ted in funding the const ruc t ionthe above-referenced rad ia t ion emit t ing

    43.) In a SMS t ex t message to UCE #1, on o r about September25, 2012, CRAWFORD wrote, "My buddy the e lec t ronic t inke re rexpressed a wil l ingness to help You out with the pulse t imingi s sue . His number i s 518-728-xxxx give him a c a l l , he ' sexpect ing you. I f you o r he need any help im here fo r youBoth." I bel ieve t ha t CRAWFORD's reference to "my buddy thee lec t ronic t inkerer" i s a reference to person A as the numberprovided by CRAWFORD to UCE #1 i s subscr ibed to by person A.

    The CW Introduces UCE #2 an d UCE #3 in the Second Branch of theInves t igat ion, CRAWFORD Again Describes His Scheme, and So l i c i t sSupport To Advance I t

    44.) On October 4, 2012, CRAWFORD met, fo r the f i r s t t ime,with two FBI UCEs (UCE #2 and UCE #3), and the CW in Greensboro,North Carol ina. UCE #2 and UCE #3 posed as KKK a f f i l i a t e s andpar t of a commercial mining operat ion t ha t had s ign i f i can tf inanc ia l resources . CRAWFORD discussed with them thecapab i l i t i e s , assembly, and the acquis i t ion of components he(CRAWFORD) deemed essen t i a l to crea te a func t ioning, l e tha l , anddeployable rad ia t ion emit t ing device. During t h i s meeting,CRAWFORD informed UCE #2 and UCE #3 t ha t he had a "software guy"who could f ac i l i t a t e the fabr ica t ion of a cont ro l panel tofunction ( turn on and tu rn off) the rad ia t ion emit t ing devicefrom a dis tance . CRAWFORD ind ica ted t ha t h is software guy wasl ike-minded and t ha t he and CRAWFORD would use the words "usedequipment" in the t i t l e / s u b j e c t l ine of emai ls when discussing


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    the const ruc t ion of and/ or acquis i t ion of components for theradiat ion emit t ing device. 5

    45.) In the meeting with UCE #2 and UCE #3 (and the CW) onOctober 4, 2012, CRAWFORD s ta ted he had discussed theconst ruc t ion and/or acquis i t ion of components fo r h is radiat ionemit t ing device with an individual from Tennessee. CRAWFORD hasalso s ta ted tha t he bel ieved th is ind iv idual from Tennessee i sattempting to obta in funding for CRAWFORD's device. Theindividual from Tennessee i s bel ieved to be person B who,inves t iga tors bel ieve , 6 met in person with CRAWFORD on August 24,2012 in Tennessee. CRAWFORD informed the CW during the i r faceto face meeting on August 24, 2012, tha t he (CRAWFORD) was goingto meet with person B to discuss CRAWFORD's radiat ion emit t ingdevice. CRAWFORD l a t e r informed UCE #1 tha t he had met withpeople down south and tha t he was well received. In reviewingemai ls obtained from the i n i t i a l search warrant on the CrawfordEmail Account (executed on August 24,2012), referenced above, anemail message was iden t i f ied as being sent from CRAWFORD toperson B on August 24, 2012 and the t i t l e / s ub j ec t l ine of tha te-mail was "mutual concerns."

    46.) On October 6, 2012, CRAWFORD sent an email message tothe CW describing how he proposed he would meet with UCE #2 andUCE #3 in upsta te New York. CRAWFORD suggested tha t they meeta t a spec if ied loca t ion near Albany. CRAWFORD a lso suggested intha t email message tha t they "bring cash for toys , 6 b i l l sshould do." I bel ieve tha t CRAWFORD, in using the word "toys" ,i s re fe r r ing to materials/components of the control panel toremotely control a radiat ion emit t ing device.

    47.) Between November 2 and November 15, 2012, UCE #1 sentand received mult iple e-mails to and from the Crawford EmailAccount. In an e-mail dated November 2, 2012, UCE #1 wrote:

    5 From a judicially-authorized search of the Crawford Email Account on August 24, 2012, pursuant to Title Ill, itwas learned that, on August 7, 2012, CRAWFORD sent an email message to Feight's email address. In a textmessage sent by CRAWFORD to UCE #1 on July 27, 2012, CRAWFORD stated, in part, " ...and the software guy is inmy phone, his name is Eric from [company name]". In more recent email communications to UCE #2, CRAWFORDstated that he continues to work with and communicate with his software guy, who has been identified as FEIGHT,on his proposal.6 Crawford confirmed his intention to do this in a conversation with the CW on August 24, 2012.


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    "Heard t h ings a re going wel l wi th our business downsouth ... glad to hear that.... would still l ike your help witha missing piece fo r our business. . . . we have a [reference totechn ica l spec i f i ca t ions ] . Can you help po in t us in ther i gh t d i r e c t i o n of a power supply we can buy fo r i t ???????Let me know what you th ink ... thanks man"

    Afte r a few e-mai l s back and fo r th 1 CRAWFORD wrote back onNovember 9, 2012 and sa id :

    "Ok buddy 1 Im gonna give me bes t guess and say Id go withthe [ re fe rence to t echn ica l spec i f i ca t ions ] .... I w i l l be morein touch soon as I am ab le . T i l l then BE FUCKING CAREFUL.Heres to new i ndus t r i e s fo r the new America ./ '

    CRAWFORD's Recruit ing o f FEIGHT and the Introduct ion of FEIGHTin to the Second Branch of the Invest igat ion

    48.) On November 14, 2012 1 CRAWFORD met with UCE #2, UCE#3, and FEIGHT a t a coffee shop near Albany/ New York. CRAWFORDprevious ly had met with FEIGHT and discussedhim. CRAWFORD ar r ived a t the meet ing in h isDuring t h a t meeting 1 FEIGHT and CRAWFORD both

    the scheme withSaturn veh ic le .

    s ta ted they were"in" (meaning committed to the acqu i s i t ion and cons t ruct ion ofthe r a d i a t i o n emi t t ing device) and named t h e i r group "theGuild . '1

    49.) Early in the meet ing, FEIGHT conf i rmed t ha t he hadknown CRAWFORD fo r between f ive and ten years , and was thenasked by one of the UCEs, "What do you know about us?" FEIGHTresponded:

    Feigh t : Not a l o t . I 1 I know what, whatSco t t ' s to ld me. Urn, you know,or ig ina l ly we were j u s t t a lk ingabout , uh, some ent repreneurs hadan idea fo r a s t e r i l i z e r , fo r as t e r i l i z i n g medical waste and t ha twas coo l . They t a lked to me aboutdoing con t ro l s on some of it andI was l i ke , wel l , you know, someof these th ings I don 1 t know


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    UCE #2:FEIGHT:UCE #2:


    anything about . What do thecon t ro l s need to do, and yeah, Ican do t ha t , and, ah, you know,then as our di scuss ions apout th ed i sgus t with how th ings are going,he opened up a little b i t moreabout , you know, what the , uh,medical waste was, so , uh, and Iknow j u s t the , you know, th e kindof genera l theory about , you know,t h i s i s , uh, gonna be mobi le .It's gonna be parked some place .It's gonna have uh-uhuh t a rg e t ,t ha t the t a r g e t ' s not gonna knowabout it u n t i l sometime l a t e r .Yeap.Which, ah, [UI]When [UI] too l a t e .Yeah, ahTh ey ' l l never know.Which i s , ah, you know, I thoughtwas l i ke inc red ib ly smart because ,you know, t ha t , t ha t gives you,ah, a lo t more i s o l a t i on from the ,th e i s sue .Absolutely .AhI f you don ' t know what h i t you,you c a n ' t ahYeah. Eh ....

    * * *


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    FEIGHT went on to say:FEIGHT:

    UCE #3:Feigh t :

    UCE #3:FEIGHT:

    UCE #3:FEIGHT:

    UCE #3:FEIGHT:

    Yeah, yeah. So, I mean I , I , Ihave to admit having never beeninvolved in any th ing l i ke t h i sbefore , you know, a t f i r s t it mademe a little b i t nervous and, I 'ml i ke , okay, wel l , you know, aslong as I still have some, youknow, r e a l good sepa ra t ion ,p laus ib le d e n i a b i l i t y , you know, Id i d n ' t know I was doingYeahcon, I been doing con t ro l s fo rtwen ty- f ive yea rs .Right .I was doing con t ro l s on ano thermachine.Right .Uhm, you know, my, uh, uh, eh, andI d o n ' t want to say apprehension,but nervousness about howmuch involvement I was gonna g e tin t h i s kind of got outweighed,uh, quick ly with , you know, when Is t a r t e d see ing how t h ings , th ed i r e c t i o n t h ings were going andthen c e r t a in ly a f t e r thee lec t ions . It's l i ke wel l , okay,you know, t ha t o ld saying i sr i gh t . You know, th e only th ingnecessary fo r e v i l to t r iumph i sfo r good men to do nothing.Do nothing.And ..


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    I ' ve done noth ing fo r a lo t ofyears , bu t j u s t shoot my moutho ff and I...see how e f fec t ive t h a t ' s been_So, Uhm, al though I would stilll i ke to main ta in as much p laus ib lede n ia b i l i t y as I can, ah, l ike yousay, you know, [in] fo r a penny[in] fo r a pound so, ah ..

    50.) During the meeting, UCE #2 and UCE #3 showed CRAWFORDand FEIGHT p ic tu res of an i ndus t r i a l x-ray machine they cla imedto have access to , which had the po te n t i a l of emit t ing ioniz ingrad ia t ion a t a l eve l t ha t l e t ha l to humans. Upon reviewing thep ic tu r e s , FEIGHT s t a t e d t ha t he could fab r i ca te a remotei n i t i a t i o n device fo r t h i s machine:



    Yeah. The, the , the quick and easyanswer i s yes , I do remotet e lemet ry a l l the t ime fo rcon t ro l s . I can give you a l l the ,you know, i f you want to read youdosage l eve l s , your powerconsumption, you know, any,t ha t ' s e a s i l y doableand I do it a l l the t ime. The,the t r i ck i s , the doingit cover t ly and, and t ha t ' s whereI got , you know, It ime I thought of

    read, everya way to do

    it, I also thought of a way t ha tyou could ge t t r ipped up doing itt ha t way. Urn,but l i ne of s igh t , i f , i f we' re ,but [UI] I was th inking frommiles away. I f you ' re t a lk ing acouple blocks away, where youcould do l ine of s igh t , spread


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    spect rum, t h a t ' s , t h a t ' s alo t eas ie r . That , t h a t ' s a heckof a lo t eas ie r .

    51.) UCE #3 gave FEIGHT $1,000 to purchase mater ia l s neededfo r cons t ruct ion of the i n i t i a t i o n device. FEIGHT in tu rn gaveth e money to CRAWFORD, who had represented t h a t he wouldpurchase the components. A ll pa r t i e s agreed to meet in thebeginning of December 2012 in orde r to al low FEIGHT and CRAWFORDt ime to bu i ld the remote i n i t i a t i o n system, and then demonstra teth e success fu l ope ra t ion o f t h a t i n i t i a t i o n device on somerou t ine home app l iance . At the end of the meet ing, FEIGHT gaveUCE #2 and UCE #3 h is e-mai l address and te lephone number sothey could con tac t him.

    52.) CRAWFORD and FEIGHT both have used th e phrase" s t e r i l i z e medical waste" to r e f e r to the harming and k i l l i ng ofhuman beings , and s ta ted t h a t the purpose of t h e i r device i s tok i l l human beings . From t ime to t ime, however, they each haveexpressed a re luc tance to be the one who a c t u a l l y t r i gge r s thedevice to k i l l . For example, CRAWFORD s ta ted a t a meeting withth e CHS and UCE #1 on June 29, 2012: "Rigl:lt. Well, I , wel l If igured you were going to have the bus iness . Uhm, I was j u s tgoing to be your t echn ica l advisor and l e t you t u rn him loosewith i t . " On July 20, 2012, CRAWFORD s ta ted in a meet ing withth e CHS and UCE #1, " ..Ah, th e only d i f fe rence i s I d o n ' t know -I don ' t know i f I would be capable of doing it .." At th i sNovember 14, 2012 meet ing, re fe r r ing to the rad ia t ion emi t t ingdev ice , UCE #3 s t a t ed , "We d o n ' t need you to place and s to re it.We' l l handle th e opera t iona l end of it. And you d o n ' t need toknow who's gonna do t ha t fo r your own pro tec t ion . " FEIGHTresponded, " I would p re fe r not to ."

    53.) On November 15, 2012, UCE #1 sen t an e-mai l to theCrawford Email Account asking CRAWFORD to connect him with h is"sof tware guy," to which CRAWFORD responded by say ing , "I cant ,hes out of country . A t imer should do the t r i ck . " However,FEIGHT met with CRAWFORD, UCE #2 and UCE #3 on the evening ofNovember 14, 2 012 near Albany, New York and d id not mentionl eaving the country the fol lowing day.


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    CRAWFORD's Operational Security Concerns, In i t i a l Obstacles andDelays In Building the Remote Ini t ia t ion Device, and CRAWFORD'sContinuing Devotion to the Success of His Scheme

    54.) On November 19, 2012, UCE #2 sen t an e-mai l message toboth FEIGHT and CRAWFORD, a t the Crawford Email Account andFEIGHT's e-mai l address , r espec t ive ly . In the message, UCE #2asked r FEIGHT and CRAWFORD i f they could meet sometime aroundDecember 5-7, 2012. FEIGHT responded v ia an e-mai l message toUCE #2 on November 23, 2012. His response con ta ined a computergenera ted drawing of the remote i n i t i a t i o n dev ice . Based onFEIGHT's e-mai l message on November 23, 2012, UCE #2 sen t an emai l message to FEIGHT on November 25, 2012, aga in asking i f hecould meet in a couple of weeks. UCE #2 a l so sen t an e-mai lmessage to CRAWFORD on November 25, 2012 which s t a t e d t ha t UCE#2 received an e-mai l from FEIGHT and asked CRAWFORD to ge t intouch with FEIGHT to g e t the exact sp e c i f i c a t i o n s fo r thesupp l i e s and to acqui re them as discussed prev ious ly .

    55.) On November 24, 2012, a t 10:38 a .m. , CRAWFORD sen t at e x t message to UCE #2 using an AT&T Mobil i ty c e l l u l a r te lephonebear ing number (518) 242-xxxx (he re inaf te r "Crawford Telephone#2") 7 and s ta ted "Happy thanksgiving! Been unable to reach yoda.Heard anything?" Your a f f i a n t bel ieves t h i s t e x t message showsCRAWFORD asking UCE #2 i f he/ she has been in con tac t with coconsp i ra to r FEIGHT, whose codename i s "Yoda."

    56.) On November 26, 2012, CRAWFORD met with the CHS in thebasement of a coffee shop near Albany, NY. CRAWFORD sa id hebe l ieved t ha t someone "had access t o h i s email , and as long aswe don ' t do s t u f f on l ine , they w i l l be f ine . " In t ha t meeting,CRAWFORD gave the CHS a hand wri t t en note t h a t sa id "Youdeceived us . We expect you to re tu rn the resources in ques t ion ,and i f you don ' t our a t to rney w i l l be in touch. Consider th i syour l a s t warning!" CRAWFORD asked th e CHS to have UCE #1 sendan e-mai l to CRAWFORD conta in ing the verb iage in theaforement ioned note . CRAWFORD ind ica ted t h a t the sendingof t h i s e-mai l by the UCE #1 would somehow po te n t i a l l y misleadthose indiv iduals who were reading h is e-mai l . I t should benoted t ha t CRAWFORD previous ly re layed s imi la r concerns about7 CRAWFORD previously had informed UCE #2 and UCE #3 that he had acquired a new phone fo r communicationswith them.


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    unknown person(s) having access to h is email , yet he continuedto u t i l i z e email to communicate. For example, on June 27, 2012,CRAWFORD advised the CHS to "not email nothin" , yet on July 24,2012, CRAWFORD u t i l i z ed the Crawford Email Account tocommunicate with UCE #1 regarding the technica l spec if ica t ionsof the x-ray tube(s)/systems. Addit ional ly , on June 5, 2012,CRAWFORD s ta ted to the CHS tha t 11 someone was in h i s e-mail 1 ,however, CRAWFORD continued to u t i l i z e the Crawford EmailAccount.

    57.) On December 5, 2012, CRAWFORD sent a t ex t message toUCE #1 using Crawford Telephone #2 and s ta ted "Test ing, t es t ing ,1, 2, 3 ..Good morning! This i s Dmitri . As I i shared w your f r iends .fear not, a l l i s well . As yet I a, unable to get a l icense , butI rna c loser . Get back a your comfort l eve l al lows." I bel ieveCRAWFORD was t ry ing to obtain a fa lse i . d . using tha t name.

    58.) On December 7, 2012, CRAWFORD sent a t ex t message toUCE #1 using Crawford Telephone #2 and s ta ted "Perfec t Ire turn some tn i t e , we can have some fun w th i s . "

    59.) On December 14, 2013, CRAWFORD sent a t ex t message toUCE #2 using Crawford Telephone #2 and s ta ted "Ive begunperusing other options and equipment. I know others who may havewhat th is job requires . Nowheres near h is league but wil l ing tbring game t the f ie ld . Would you l ike me to scout out a newrecru i t ? May be quicker , th i s delay was a shock to me ...On yourmark, of course . These f i e lds are very r ipe for harvest , Ivebeen to ld to wait fo r not i f ica t ion . Been awhile. I f hes too busywe have options." Your a f f i an t bel ieves th i s t ex t i s inreference to CRAWFORD's displeasure with the lack ofresponsiveness from FEIGHT, and tha t CRAWFORD was seeking theapproval of UCE #2 and UCE #3 to iden t i fy and recru i t otherindividuals , with some subjec t mat ter exper t ise , into theconspiracy.

    60.) On December 19, 2012, CRAWFORD sent a t ex t message toUCE #2 using Crawford Telephone #2 and s ta ted "Could you emailme copies of the energy requirements, energy management moduleand output of the uni t Thru one of the previously discussedconduits? May simplify the shopping event ." Your a f f i an tbel ieves th is t ex t message shows CRAWFORD asking UCE #2 fo r acopy of the re levant technica l spec i f ica t ions for the purpose of


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    ident i fying, loca t ing and/ or acquir ing the par t s o r componentsappropr ia te to at tach the remote i n i t i a t ion device to theproposed x-ray system in the second branch of the inves t iga t ion .

    61.) On December 24, 2012 CRAWFORD received a t ex t messageon the Crawford Telephone, which sa id , "Out now. At the mallhearing the cackle of haj women. Gross". Approximately oneminute l a t e r CRAWFORD responded with "Yeah. Theyre gross."

    62.) In an SMS t ex t message sen t by CRAWFORD to UCE #2,using Crawford Telephone #2, on January 2, 2013 a t 11:16 a.m.,CRAWFORD wrote: "Brother, sick of waiting. Perhaps we couldmeet to peruse other options, more l ike a contrac tor . I have anasse t I could develop, and we can meet to conjure up a new gameplan. I expected t be running by now. For the sake of c iv i l i t yl e t s l e t our present asse t continue as i s and l e t s meet up todevelop a plan tha t involves less hoping n more doing. Whens agood time n day to meet? Theres a Chinese jo in t in buffalo tha tmay be a good halfway poin t . " Approximately three minutes l a t e ra t 11:19 a.m., CRAWFORD, using the Crawford Telephone, cal ledperson A on h is telephone and asked to speak to him in person.Your a f f i an t bel ieves tha t due to the t iming of theaforementioned t ex t messages and telephone ca l l , tha t person Ai s the other asse t CRAWFORD believed he could develop.

    63.)UCE #1: On January 7, 2013, CRAWFORD sen t a t ex t message to"Sick n t i r ed of wait ing. Im gona buy em myself nexperiment til it works. Ive another asse t in the works, notworld c lass but wil l ing t br ing game t the f ie ld . I have arough idea of what he had in mind, and my tax re turn wil l giveme some room t t inker with. I f ya want what i got so fa r illsend i t , but a f t e r the resources you expended you deserve a morecer ta in outcome. I l l get ya more up t speed as i succeed. Imso sorry for the jerkaround, thought my guy would get resu l t s .He wont even ca l l or t ex t back, ive promised Him the world. Doyou have a pushbutton switch or an on off lever l ike al ightswitch? Have our very large f r iend get ahold of me n illget him up t speed on what I got so fa r . I expected everythingt be off and running by now. I been f i red for bet te r resu l t sthan t h i s . Im so sorry." Your a f f i an t bel ieves th i s message

    CRAWFORD's unwil l ingness to wait any longer tothe par t s needed to const ruct a remote i n i t i a t ion



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    device for an indus t r ia l s t rength x-ray machine. CRAWFORD a lsoreferences a very l a rge fr iend who I bel ieve i s the CHS.

    64.) On January 8, 2013 a t 8:01 a.m. and 10:49 a.m.,CRAWFORD placed outgoing ca l l s to telephone number 518-869-xxxx.Open source checks, as well as a review of the bus iness ' swebsi te , indica tes tha t telephone number belongs to aniden t i f i ed commercial supply bus iness . I t appears to be abusiness tha t se l l s indus t r i a l control and automation par t s , andother miscel laneous e lec t r i ca l suppl ies . That business hasloca t ions adver t ised across New York Sta te , one in Albany NY,the off i ce to which the 518-869-xxxx number i s assigned. Youra f f i an t bel ieves tha t CRAWFORD cal led th is business on bothoccasions to inqui re in to the ava i lab i l i ty and/or purchase ofspec i f i c par t s and components tha t are needed fo r theconst ruc t ion of the remote i n i t i a t ion device.

    65.) On tha t same date , a t 10:59 a.m., CRAWFORD, usingCrawford Telephone #2, sent a t ex t message to UCE #2 and s ta ted"Is there any way to get a schematic of the cont ro l panel? Weprobably need to v i s i t the bui lders ... " Your a f f i an t bel ievestha t CRAWFORD i s attempting to gain the e lec t r i ca l schematicsfor the x-ray system cont ro l panel so tha t he can obtain andprocure the proper par t s or components so t ha t the remotei n i t i a t ion device wil l be compatible with the proposed x-raysystem.

    Bui lding the Remote Device With FEIGHT and Others, CRAWFORD'sUse of Proxies an d Other Tact ics To Disguise H is Involvement,and CRAWFORD's Interes t In Further Developing This WeaponizedTechnology for Future Uses

    66.) Also on January 8, 2013, CRAWFORD made an outgoingca l l using the Crawford Telephone to FEIGHT's ce l l phone. Theca l l was approximately ten minutes in durat ion. During theca l l , CRAWFORD asked FEIGHT "All we need i s a t ransmit te r , an IOcard, a couple of 120-volt , and a couple of 30-vol t , r ight?That ' s a l l we're looking for r igh t?" FEIGHT responded by saying"Nothing i s going to be 120-vol t , everything i s going to run off[ technical spec if ica t ion] . That way you can use vehicle powerboth s ides . " CRAWFORD then asked FEIGHT i f he wanted a couple


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    of 120-volt in case he needs them to which FEIGHT responded bysaying they are not needed because the radios wil l run o ff the[ technical spec if ica t ion] . CRAWFORD then asked FEIGHT "On the IOcard 1 on the business end of the machine/ ok 1 should we get theab i l i t y to switch to 110-volt on the othe r end? We haven 1 t hada look a t the pr in t s yet . 11 FEIGHT to ld CRAWFORD 1 "On themachine s ide 1 probably would be a good idea to get a se t ofpr in t s and look a t it 1 but 1 my basic idea was th i s . There i sprobably a switch to turn on and off . What my thoughts are i s 1umm 1 you have 1 ah 1 a [ technical speci f icat ion]/ a re lay with a12-vol t co i l . That gives you the contact c losure tha t you needfor 1 you know 1 for the button par t of i t . The other s ide wewere looking for some feedback. There has got to be a l i gh t onthere tha t says it i s running. Whatever the voltage tha t l igh ti s 1 you need a re lay for tha t 1 to umm 1 to go back in to i t . Ican sketch everything up for you. 11 FEIGHT then to ld CRAWFORDtha t he would be a l l se t as he would get some par t numbers tha twould provide cover fo r the i r plan. He a lso asked CRAWFORD toge t him the schematics fo r the device once CRAWFORD came in topossession of the schematics. CRAWFORD then asked FEIGHT to putthe par t s l i s t together and t ex t him the GPS coordinates so tha tCRAWFORD could go and get the l i s t . FEIGHT then informedCRAWFORD t ha t he had a rough time l a t e ly as he got the f lu and as t r e s s f rac ture / and combined with h is in tense work load 1 a l lhave made him tough to get ahold of l a t e ly . However 1 FEIGHTsa id he would be more in touch with CRAWFORD as he would not bet ravel ing as much for work due to the s t r e s s f rac ture in h isfoot . Your a f f i an t bel ieves th is conversation i s in referenceto the par t s needed for the construct ion of a remote i n i t i a t iondevice designed to remotely act ivate the indus t r ia l x-raymachine tha t the UCEs #2 and #3 claimed to have access to .

    67.) The CHS cal led CRAWFORD on the Crawford Telephone onJanuary 9 1 2013. CRAWFORD informed the CHS tha t "Things ares ta r t ing to move. Umm and ah 1 so 1 ah 1 with or without. Ah 1 so 1I 1 ll be 1 I 1 ll be in touch with 1 ah 1 with some par t numbers/ ah 1and 1 ah 1 knowledge pre t ty soon. And 1 ah 1 we 1 ll go from there .And the 1 you know 1 when I get some knowledge 1 we 1 ll ju s t meetsame bat t ime 1 same bat channel. 11 Your a f f i an t bel ieves th i sstatement by CRAWFORD to be in reference to the l i s t of par t srequired to bui ld a remote i n i t i a t ion device for the radiat ion


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    emit t ing device being planned in the f i r s t branch of thei nves t iga t ion . Your a f f i a n t a l so bel ieves t h a t CRAWFORDin tended to give the CHS the aforement ioned list once heacqu i red it. CRAWFORD then asked the CHS 1 "Do you know if theth ing has on o ff switch o r on o ff but tons? 11 The CHS t o ldCRAWFORD t ha t he would need to speak with UCE #1 in orde r to g e tthe answer to t ha t ques t ion .

    68.) On January 11 1 2013 1 a t 10:23 a.m. 1 Crawford rece ivedan incoming c a l l from FEIGHT v ia the Crawford Telephone.CRAWFORD asked FEIGHT "The list i s ready? 11 FEIGHT responded 1"yes. 11 CRAWFORD asked 1 "do you want me to come to you? 11 FEIGHTasked i f they "could meet somewhere ... 11 CRAWFORD rep l i ed " tha twould be p e r fe c t . What t ime do you want me and where do youwant me to be? 11 FEIGHT sa id 1 "normal ly I would meet you a t thep l a n t 1 I would j u s t swing by the p lan t bu t my badge i s exp i red . 11CRAWFORD responded " P 11 come out to the park ing lo t r i gh tthe re ... j u s t pu l l i n to th e (UI) parking lo t and c a l l me andI 1 ll be r i g h t out . 11 Your a f f i a n t be l ieves t ha t the " l i s t 11 t ha ti s discussed i s the p a r t s list t h a t FEIGHT was developing fo rth e remote i n i t i a t i o n device and t ha t th e p lan t re fe r red to byFEIGHT i s th e GE f a c i l i t y in Schenectady where CRAWFORD works.FEIGHT possesses an exp i red badge from GE due to h is former ro leas a con t rac to r a t th e f a c i l i t y .

    69.) On January 11r 2013 1 a t 10:30 a.m. 1 CRAWFORD made anoutgoing ca l l 1 u t i l i z i n g .the Crawford Telephoner to 518-376-xxxx- a number u t i l i zed by person C - a person wi th whom CRAWFORDworks a t GE. CRAWFORD inqui red about person C1 S loca t ion withinthe GE p l a n t and sa id 1 " I w i l l be r i g h t the re . 11 At 10:31 a.m. 1and aga in a t 10:33 a.m. 1 CRAWFORD made an outgoing ca l l 1 usingth e Crawford Telephone 1 to FEIGHT. CRAWFORD to ld FEIGHT 1 "whenyou c a l l mer I 1 m going to send [person C] out . [Person C1 S] j u s tgonna grab the informat ion. 11 La te r in the conversa t ion 1 CRAWFORDs t a t e d "So donr t be su rp r i sed when you c a l l and when you g e there 1 [person cr s] going to come out and [person C] rll take th ein format ion . Ju s t hand every th ing r i g h t over to [person C] ../ 1At 10:51 a.m. 1 person C ca l l ed the Crawford Telephone andinqui red i n to CRAWFORD 1 S loca t ion within the p lan t 1 and advisedt h a t he/ she would meet him a t t ha t loca t ion . Your a f f i a n tbe l ieves t ha t CRAWFORD u t i l i zed the Crawford Telephone to


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    r e c r u i t person C t o ac t as a proxy in h is e f f o r t s to cover t lyob ta in the pa r t s list fo r th e remote i n i t i a t i o n system.

    70.) On January 11, 2013 a t 12:56 p.m. and again a t 1:25p.m. , CRAWFORD, using the Crawford Telephone, ca l led the CHS.While CRAWFORD d id not ac tua l ly speak with the CHS, CRAWFORD canbe overheard t a lk ing out loud (during both c a l l a t tempts) andsaying "hey buddy, I go t the l i s t . " At 1:35 p.m. , CRAWFORDrece ived an incoming c a l l from the CHS to the CrawfordTelephone. During the c a l l , CRAWFORD advised th e CHS t ha t " Igo t the list. You want to meet l a t e r?" After they es t ab l i shed at ime and loca t ion to meet in person t ha t af te rnoon, CRAWFORDs t a t e d " I ' 11 give you th e list of pa r t s and a run down ... "

    71.) On January 11, 2013, a t 2:06 p.m. , us ing CrawfordTelephone #2, CRAWFORD sen t a t e x t message to UCE #2 whichs ta ted "Got the l i s t , moving to implement." At 2: 14 p.m. ,CRAWFORD sen t a second t e x t message, using Crawford Telephone#2, and advised "Made arrangements , road i s c lea r . Heading fo rsuccess! To the gui ld)"

    72.) Inves t iga to rs su rve i l l ed CRAWFORD l a t e r t ha t day, anda t approximate ly 3:15 p.m. CRAWFORD met with the CHS. CRAWFORDdrove to the meeting in h is Saturn veh ic le . CRAWFORD provided acopy of the pa r t s list to the CHS. CRAWFORD a l so providedguidance to the CHS as to where, and how, to cover t ly procureth e pa r t s necessary fo r th e remote i n i t i a t i o n device in thef i r s t branch of the i nves t iga t ion .

    73.) At 6 : 3 4 p . m . on January 11, 2013, CRAWFORD received,v ia th e Crawford Telephone, a t e x t message from UCE #1: "Talkedto the b ig man he sa id u gave h i ~ the list and it looks goodthanks I 11 be in touch. " At 6 : 3 4 p.m. , CRAWFORD t ex ted: "Soonas I can share you w i l l be pleased" .

    74.) At 7 : 0 9 p . m . , CRAWFORD, using the Crawford Telephone,answered an incoming phone c a l l from UCE #2. UCE #2 ca l l edCRAWFORD in response to CRAWFORD's t e x t message sen t e a r l i e rt h a t day a t 2:06 p.m. and 2:14 p.m. as descr ibed above. UCE #2s ta ted , "Sounds l i ke we are moving forward and back onschedule?" CRAWFORD responded " I 11 1 e t you know when I ge t th es tu f f . " UCE #2 a l so s ta ted "When you guys g e t a t imeframe fo rme and my f r iend to come back up the re and see what you got and


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    we a re doing, j u s t give me a c a l l and give me some no t ice assoon as you know something." CRAWFORD responded, "OK, soon as wecan."

    75.) On January 12, 2013, a t 10:29 a .m. , FEIGHT ca l l edCRAWFORD on the Crawford Telephone. They did n o t speak but a t1 0 : 31 a . m. , CRAWFORD, using the Crawford Te 1ephone , re turnedFEIGHT's c a l l . FEIGHT s t a t e d " I j u s t wanted to touch base r e a lquick and, number one, make sure you go t the s t u f f I gave to[person C] ? " CRAWFORD responded "yup, I did ." FEIGHT s ta ted "andsee i f it made sense to you and t h a t ' s what you needed?"CRAWFORD responded "Yup. Im sure i t s gonna do j u s t f ine and I ' vea l ready s t a r t ed to a c t on i t . " FEIGHT s ta ted "Oh, ok. Let meknow when you g e t the pieces and p a r t s to put toge ther ....... Ienhanced a little b i t so t h a t you get i nd ica t ions , both ends,t ha t you go t s igna l and you ge t ind ica t ion on the deployments ide t ha t the remote has t o ld it to turn on as well as ge t t ingver i f i ca t i on on th e remote s ide t ha t it came on .... " CRAWFORDrep l i ed "nope, b e a u t i fu l . I 'm sure it's going to be b e a u t i fu l . "FEIGHT then s ta ted "Once you ge t the radio in your hand it wi l lbe easy to f igure ou t what kind of box you want to mount itto .... l e t me know i f you need anything, l e t me know when you ge tthe p ieces and par t s and we' 11 s t a r t playing with the toys ."CRAWFORD rep l i ed "OK bud, I w i l l be in touch."

    76.) On January 21, 2013, a t 7 : 2 7 a . m . , CRAWFORD sen t at e x t message to FEIGHT using Crawford Telephone #2. The con ten tof the t e x t message read "Meetup fo r rangoons on 28th bout 330i f you can make it see ya the re . I f not ill ca tch you upl a t e r . A ll coming." Your a f f i a n t bel ieves t h i s t e x t messagewas sen t by CRAWFORD to i nv i t e FEIGHT to a meet ing scheduled fo rJanuary 28, 2013 between UCE #2, UCE #3 and CRAWFORD.

    77.) On January 25, 2013, a t 3:56 p.m. , CRAWFORD ca l l edte lephone number 800-363-xxxx using the Crawford Telephone. Anopen source query of the aforement ioned t e lephone number showst ha t the number belongs to a commercial supply company. Duringt h i s te lephone c a l l , CRAWFORD s ta ted "a f r i end of mine i s goingi n to a business where he may have an app l ica t ion ... ah ... fo r avery l a rge ba t te ry ... ah ... so he was th inking of going with agenera tor but ... ah, you know ... a ba t t e ry would be n ice r . " Ibe l ieve t h a t CRAWFORD contac ted t h i s company to determine i f th e


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    company had ba t t e r i e s tha t could power CRAWFORD's radiat ionemit t ing device ra ther than using a generator .

    78.) On January 28, 2013, CRAWFORD met with UCE #2 and UCE#3 a t a re s taurant near Albany, New York. During the meeting,CRAWFORD informed the UCE #2 and UCE #3 tha t the par t s for theremote i n i t i a t ion device had been ordered and tha t he (CRAWFORD)expected the par t s to be in h is hands within a week ortwo. CRAWFORD described how he sani t ized the purchase of thesepar t s by saying "the very things tha t Yoda ordered . . . ah . . . hewrote them down. I had another guy get them. Hes gonna getthem, drop them off a t the pawn shop, then I am going to pickthem up. " (Yoda i s the code name for FEIGHT) . Later on in theconversat ion, CRAWFORD iden t i f ied the owner of the coffee shopas the individual who purchased the par t s fo rCRAWFORD. CRAWFORD also informed UCE #2 and UCE #3 tha t a coworker had a vague idea of what was going on with regards to theradiat ion emit t ing device. CRAWFORD's co-worker was ass i s t ingCRAWFORD by ac t ing as a proxy and making telephone ca l l s fo rhim. Also during th i s meeting, CRAWFORD iden t i f ied poten t i a lt a rge ts of h is radiat ion emit t ing device, which included aMuslim organiza t ion, a pol i t i ca l f igure, and a po l i t i c a lpar ty. Due to the iden t i f ica t ion of these t a rge ts , UCE #2 andUCE #3 advised CRAWFORD tha t he would have f i r s t choice of thet a rge ts once the radiat ion emit t ing device wascompleted. Towards the end of the i r conversat ion CRAWFORD s ta ted"I am in th is for my kids . I don 1 t want money. . . You knowwhat, af t e r th i s l a s t e lec t ion , the e lec tora l process i sdead . . . So now, a l l tha t i s l e f t i s to make the mother fuckerspay . . . "

    79.) On February 1, 2013 FEIGHT and CRAWFORD met a t there s taurant near Albany, New York. During the meeting, FEIGHTacknowledged tha t he was still "in" and dedicated to thecause. CRAWFORD informed FEIGHT tha t he had ordered the par t sand the par t s were expected to ar r ive within a week ortwo. FEIGHT explained to CRAWFORD tha t once CRAWFORD had a l lthe par t s to br ing them to him and give him a week to put thewhole th ing together . CRAWFORD agreed with FEIGHT 1 s course ofac t ion.


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    80.) At approximately 4:07 p.m., on February 1, 2013,using the Crawford Telephone, CRAWFORD cal led telephone number518-869-xxxx the number belonging to [a commercial supplystore] . During the th i r t een-p lus minute conversat ion,CRAWFORD s ta ted "I got ta order a [reference to t echnica lspeci f icat ions and equipment fo r the remote i n i t i a t iondevice]. Would tha t be possible?" To which the employeeresponded, "Yeah, and what i s the company's name?" CRAWFORDresponded with "Ah . . . [name of the coffee shop]." CRAWFORD thengave the address fo r the coffee shop. CRAWFORD a lso iden t i f iedtha t he wanted to order a [reference to technica l spec if ica t ion sand equipment for the remote i n i t i a t ion device] . However, theemployee required par t numbers to process CRAWFORD'sorder . CRAWFORD asked the employee fo r [themanufacturer 's ] telephone number so tha t he could ca l l them andget par t numbers and/or place the order for the aforementioneditems di rec t ly from [ the manufacturer] .

    81.) That same evening, a t approximately 5:33 p.m.,CRAWFORD, using the Crawford Telephone, cal led FEIGHT. Duringthe ca l l , CRAWFORD asked FEIGHT, "Hey fo r an ac t ion open re lay ,how about an old square D motor s ta r te r?" FEIGHT responded bysaying "No, tha t s way too big . You want something l ike a l i t t l e[reference to pa r t i cu l a r e lec t ronic component] . " Subsequently,CRAWFORD sa id "So, get a [reference to pa r t i cu l a r e lec t roniccomponent] and a base? To which FEIGHT responded, "Yeah." Youra f f i an t bel ieves th i s conversat ion i s regarding one of thepar t s previously iden t i f i ed by FEIGHT as necessary to bui ld theremote i n i t i a t ion device for the radiat ion emit t ing device .

    82.) On February 4, 2013, between 1:02 p.m. and 1:05p.m. , using the Crawford Telephone, CRAWFORD sent and receivedmult iple t ex t messages from telephone number 518-728-xxxx - a. telephone number subscribed to by person A:

    CRAWFORD: "Hey, how does nimo make a s ingle leg of 7000vol t s in to 2 legs of 110 vol t s 180 outaphase? I know how t rausformers work but dontget how the negative phase gets created?"


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    [person A] : " I l l show you a book you w i l l l iketommorrow. I t s in my locker . "

    CRAWFORD: "Thanks bud!"Your a f f i a n t bel ieves these t e x t

    CRAWFORD's reques t fo r t echn ica l ass i s t ancer espec t to prov id ing power to CRAWFORD'sdevice.

    messages r e f e r tofrom person A withrad ia t ion emi t t ing

    83.) On February 6, 2013, between 1:46 p.m and 7 : 2 7 p . m . ,CRAWFORD, using Crawford Telephone #2, sen t and receivedmul t ip le t e x t messages with FEIGHT. The f i r s t message was sen tby CRAWFORD: "For the r e lays i got [reference to t echn ica lspec i f i ca t ions ] Will t h i s be ok?" to which FEIGHT responded,"I 'm a t au toc laves r i g h t now. I ' 11 look a t the drawing when Ig e t home and l e t you know." CRAWFORD then wrote "Ok. I f I knewyou were comin id a s tayed. Thanks!" Fina l ly , FEIGHT respondedwith " Jus t checked, t h a t should work." Your a f f i a n t bel ievest h a t t h i s conversa t ion re fe rences whether o r not c e r t a in p a r t sw i l l work in the cons t ruct ion of the remote i n i t i a t i o n devicefo r the rad ia t ion emit t ing device.

    84.) On February 7, 2013, a t 9 : 4 7 a . m . , CRAWFORD, usingCrawford Telephone #2, sen t a t e x t message to UCE #1: "Send up ad eb i t card w 1200 on it. Im developing an a s s e t fo r you on ther e y t r o f i t . Sor ry bout a l l th e hasss l e . " A little over an hourl a t e r CRAWFORD sen t ano ther t e x t message to UCE #1 which s ta ted"May i give him your number? I t o ld him a machine a needscon t ro l c i r c u i t s r e t r o f i t t e d . " UCE #1 responded v ia t e x t a t12:09 p.m. and sa id "Wil l send money to the b ig man he Wil l c a l lwrench he has it dont give my number out till we t a lk . " Atapproximately 2:25 p.m. on February 7th, UCE #1 ca l l ed CRAWFORDon the Crawford Telephone, and CRAWFORD s t a t e d , " I got an a s se tfo r you, do you wanna meet him?" UCE #1 responded by sayingt h a t he wanted to meet him once the orde r was made and the par t srequi red to bu i ld the remote i n i t i a t i o n device were in . Bothpa r t i e s agreed to have "the Big Man" d e l i v e r $1,200 v ia deb i tcard(s ) to CRAWFORD in orde r fo r CRAWFORD to s e t up the purchaseof the pa r t s requi red fo r the remote i n i t i a t i o ndev ice . Subsequent to t h i s conversa t ion , on February 9, 2013,a t approximately 12: 03 p.m. , the CHS ca l l ed CRAWFORD. During


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    th i s conversat ion a meeting was se t up fo r Thursday, February14, 2013 a t 3:30p.m.

    85.) At approximately 9:12 a.m., on February 11, 2013,CRAWFORD, using the Crawford Telephone, ca l led te lephone number518-370- xxxx - a number tha t belongs to a supply store nearAlbany, New York. CRAWFORD s ta ted "I am looking for , ah, l i t t l ered or green ind ica tor l i gh t s . I am gonna need a couple of themfo r something I am bui lding. Ah, you guys got s tu f f l ike that?"The individual who answered the phone ver i f ied they sold par t s ,and they were in stock. CRAWFORD sa id he would v i s i t the s torea f t e r work. At approximately 3:09 p.m. tha t same day, CRAWFORDwas survei l led enter ing the store and a t approximately 3:16p.m., CRAWFORD was seen exi t ing the s tore with a small packagein h is hand. CRAWFORD arr ived a t , and departed from, the s torein his Saturn vehic le . Your a f f i an t bel ieves tha t CRAWFORDpurchased the red and green indicator l igh ts while a t the s toreand tha t the par t s are to bui ld the remote i n i t i a t ion device forthe radiat ion emit t ing device as per the par t s l i s t given toCRAWFORD by FEIGHT on or about January 11, 2013.

    86.) On February 14, 2013, CRAWFORD met with the CHS a t thethe coffee shop near Albany, NY. As CRAWFORD had previouslyrequested, he was provided with two debi t cards containing at o t a l of $1,000 ($500 * 2). While in the presence of the CHS andusing the CHS's ce l lu l a r telephone, CRAWFORD cal led a par t ssupply store , placed an order fo r a [ reference to technicalinformation] , and ins t ruc ted the salesperson to have the k i tshipped to a loca l residence (not CRAWFORD's). Also during themeeting with the CHS, CRAWFORD cal led the res idence ' s owner, andreceived permission to use tha t res iden t ia l address as a maildrop proxy for CRAWFORD with regards to the [ reference totechnica l information] . During the ca l l , the other person askedCRAWFORD, "I 'm not gonna go on the fuckin ' federa l h i t l i s t fo rth i s am I?"

    87.) On February 19, 2013, a t approximately 9:37 a.m.,CRAWFORD using the Crawford Telephone, cal led FEIGHT. The ca l lwent to voicemail and CRAWFORD l e f t the following message, "Thisi s Scot t . Ah, I was wondering i f you were gonna make it up toGE today. I f not , the ah, well ju s t wondering where you weregonna be. Ah, I ' 11 ta lk to you l a t e r . See ya".


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    Approximately two minutes l a t e r FEIGHT cal led CRAWFORD on theCrawford Telephone and to ld CRAWFORD "I wil l be back there a tsome poin t th is week but not today. I am not sure which dayyet ." Subsequently, CRAWFORD s ta ted "So, person C sa id youmight be back today, so I got a bunch of s tu f f an ah I got abunch of s tu f f fo r ya. So, but ah, I wil l see you when you arehere .." Your a f f i an t bel ieves the above messages r e f e r toCRAWFORD wanting to meet up with FEIGHT in order fo r CRAWFORD togive FEIGHT the par t s required to bui ld the remote i n i t i a t ionsystem for the radiat ion emit t ing device in the second branch ofthe inves t iga t ion .

    88.) On February 22, 2013, a t approximately 2:51 p.m. ,CRAWFORD, using the Crawford Telephone, ca l led FEIGHT and l e f t amessage. CRAWFORD s ta ted "Hey Eric , th i s i s Scot t again. Hey Iwanted to t a lk to you about a reve la t ion I had about thechargers anyway. UM ...the ah ..since the ..s ince the fac tory d idn ' thave something to meet our needs ..ah ..I th ink I f ina l ly dreamed upwhat we are gonna have to do here. Ah ..c i rcu i t wise, it i spre t ty close to something off the she l f . Um ..I'll ..ah ..f i r s tchance I get to get ahold of you, l e t me know. I wil l be in andaround Schenectady til close to 5 o'c lock. I f you can ..ah ..i f youcan make it here in t ime." Your a f f i an t bel ieves th i s messagei s in reference to the par t s CRAWFORD could not obtain, but wererequired to const ruc t the remote i n i t i a t ion system. The messagea lso shows CRAWFORD devis ing a poss ib le work around to ensurethe const ruc t ion of a working remote i n i t i a t ion system.

    89.) Also on February 22, 2013, a t approximately 3 : 49p . m . ,CRAWFORD, using the Crawford Telephone, cal led FEIGHT andsta ted:

    CRAWFORD: "I can ' t leave motor vehic le , they ju s t lockedthe door. OK. But the Saturn. Wellthe Saturn. I f you pul l in . Drive pas t BurgerKing. Pul l in and I got the trunk of the Saturnunlocked. OK. You can ..ah can go and geti t . I t ' s the big box in the middle of the back."

    FEIGHT: "What color i s i t?"CRAWFORD: " I ts purple."


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    Later in the conversat ion, CRAWFORD once again said "There 's abox in the trunk. I unlocked i t . Um ..and ah wil l be able toju s t reach around and grab the box out of there ." Your a f f i an tbel ieves the above conversat ion was in reference to FEIGHTpicking up the box of par t s , purchased by CRAWFORD - par t s tha tcomprise those needed to const ruc t the remote i n i t i a t ion system.

    90.) On February 23, 2013, a t approximately 7:20 a.m.,CRAWFORD sent a t ex t message to FEIGHT using the CrawfordTelephone #2 and wrote "When your ready for the cont ro l l e r l e tme know and ill get it to ya." Your a f f i an t bel ieves tha t th i smessage i s in reference to FEIGHT already having been providedthe par t s needed to const ruc t the remote i n i t i a t ionCRAWFORD offer ing to obta in the cont ro l panel toremote i n i t i a t ion device would be at tached.

    device andwhich the

    91.) On February 25, 2013, UCE #2 cal led CRAWFORD on theCrawford Telephone. During the conversat ion, CRAWFORD informedUCE #2 tha t there was a problem with the chargers , however,"between me and Yoda we're f igur ing out something e l se . "CRAWFORD a lso informed UCE #2 tha t " I ' l l keep you posted on theprogress ." Your a f f i an t bel ieves the above conversat ion wasCRAWFORD's way of updat ing UCE #2 as to the s ta tus of thecons t ruct ion of the remote i n i t i a t ion system. "Yoda" i s a codename for FEIGHT and was es tabl ished a t a previous meeting.

    92.) Also on February 25,FEIGHT's e-mail account. Thefollows:

    2013, UCE #2 sent an e-mail tocontent of the e-mail was as

    "Hello s i r how are you? After speaking to Dimit r i today I gaveyou a ca l l to see i f you may have an es t imated time ofcompletion on out project . We have some business up nor th tha twe need to a t tend to see i f we could do tha t and come see whatyou have completed during the same t r i p . Shoot me a ca l l orreply email and l e t me know i f you have a t ime frame nai leddown. Stay safe and we look forward to meeting with you soon."

    93.) On February 26, 2013, a t approximately 10:22 a.m., UCE#2 received a rep ly e-mail from FEIGHT's email account:"My apologies for being a l i t t l e out of touch. Jus t a l i t t l ewhile ago I had to rese t my phone and I got a l l of my voice


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    mails from l a s t Tuesday u n t i l now! I have most of the pa r t sa t t h i s poin t . I hope to have most of the work done by Friday,and depending on the r e s t of the pa r t s , I w i l l have it f in ishedand bench t e s ted next week."Your a f f i a n t be l ieves the above e-mai l shows t ha t FEIGHT, as ofFebruary 26, 2013, was missing some pa r t s needed fo r thecons t ruct ion of the remote i n i t i a t i o n device, however, FEIGHTbel ieved he. could be ready to t e s t a f in ished product during theweek of March 4, 2013.

    94.) Between February 26, 2013 a t 7:26 a.m. , and February27, 2013 a t 10:51 a.m. , the fol lowing t ex t messages were sen tand rece ived between Crawford Telephone #2 and FEIGHT:CRAWFORD(02/26/20137:26am): "Anything e lse I can do to help

    th ings along? Soon as it



    works we can ge t down to business ..I know your busy, sorry to keeppushing.""s I was expect ing. I 'm lookingin to tha t . ""s I was expect ing. I 'm lookingin to tha t . "

    CRAWFORD(02/27/20138:28am): "They wana see something tu rn on no ff before incorporat ing it in themachine. Anything i can do tohelp?"




    "s I was expect ing. I 'm lookingin to tha t . "" I am going to need the secondenclosure and back planesfo r both. I th ink I can come upwith d in r a i l and a switch.The radios don ' t have the dipswitche"

    "Did you mean to leave the c re d i tcard in the box?"


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    "Phone problems. I j u s t got 12voice mails going back tol a s t Tuesday! I Have th e powercovered. We're j u s t usingvehic le power (12 VDC) . "

    " I should be a t GE on Friday.Le t ' s t a lk then .""I can se t up a bench t e s t to shoet ha t . ""That should have been "show" not"shoe". I ha te the auto cor rec ton th i s phone. We can go overeverything on Friday."

    CRAWFORD(02/27/20138:38am): " I l l need t ha t back, long s to ry .Waddaya need fo r an enclosure ,same one? That came from them,you can orde r it with theswitches o r i can g e t a comparableone from grainger . Daddywarbucksl l cover it, i f you needcash ill ge t it to you."

    CRAWFORD(02/27/20138:41am): "Splendid. Can you g e t theswitches n enc losures n illgetcha the cash? Or you need meto? Im out tomorrow i f . it helps"

    CRAWFORD(02/27/20139:10am): "Are you due to come here soon o rshould I come to you?"

    CRAWFORD(02/27/20139:18am): "My messages are a mess too, sorryi f s t u f f crosses . So i t sFriday then?"

    FEIGHT (02/27 /201310: 49am) : " I ' 11 be the re Friday."CRAWFORD(02/27/201310:51am): "Great , see you then?"Your a f f i a n t be l ieves CRAWFORD and FEIGHT discussed the need fo rprepar ing the remote i n i t i a t i o n device so it could be ac t ive ly


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    t es t ed with some so r t of e lec t r i ca l device before at taching itto the rad ia t ion emit t ing device.

    95.) On February 27, 2013, a t approximately 10:23 a.m.,CRAWFORD sen t a t ex t message using the Crawford Telephone tote lephone number 518-376-xxxx - a number bel ieved to be used byperson c. The content of the t ex t message s ta ted : "Send [personD] t see sco t t a t robel 8". Your a f f i an t bel ieves t ha t [personD] i s the asse t CRAWFORD has iden t i f i ed fo r use in cons t ruct ingthe remote i n i t i a t ion device on a con t rac t bas is fo r the f i r s tbranch of the inves t iga t ion . CRAWFORD informed the CHS onFebruary 14, 2013 t ha t the "asse t ' s" was [person D] and tha t heworked with CRAWFORD a t GE.

    96.) On February 27, 2013, a t approximately 4:49 p.m. ,CRAWFORD, using the Crawford Telephone, ca l led the CHS. Duringthe ca l l , CRAWFORD asked the CHS what name the CHS used to orderthe par t s . CRAWFORD then informed the CHS t ha t he would giveit a couple more days and i f it [the par t (s ) ] does/do not showup, then they wil l "ge t together again and s t a r t to go a f t e rt h i s th ing ."

    97.) On March 1, 2013, a t 1:03 p.m. , CRAWFORD ca l led FEIGHTusing the Crawford Telephone. The ca l l went to voicemail andCRAWFORD l e f t the following message:

    "Eric , th i s i s Scot t .back in the plant .

    Hey buddy ..ah ..l e t me know when yourUm...I have a couple th ings I want to

    show you. We got ta play some show and t e l l here .."Your a f f i an t bel ieves th i s message shows t ha t CRAWFORD wants tomeet up with FEIGHT in order to allow e i the r CRAWFORD o r FEIGHTto show progress made with regards to the const ruc t ion of theremote i n i t i a t ion device.

    98.) Also on March 1, 2013, CRAWFORD received a c a l l a tapproximately 1:19 p.m. on the Crawford Telephone from telephonenumber 5 18 -3 76 - xx xx. This phone number i s bel ieved to be usedby person C. During the conversat ion, person C sa id "Hey Scot ty ,i f you get a chance can you go and show Eric the .. ah ..B1A1 valve?I think . . I think it was tha t one wasn ' t i t ? I am not sure , it'sthe one tha ...i t' s the one tha t opens when your running inremote." Your a f f i an t bel ieves person C was speaking in code to


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    CRAWFORD. Your a f f i a n