creating a purchase request in onesolution€¦ · creating a purchase request in onesolution...

Creating a Purchase Request in ONESOLUTION (Complete details are in the ONESOLUTION Purchase User Guide) Click on the ONESolution Production icon on your desktop. ONESOLUTION User: enter hancockcollege\network ID ONESOLUTION Password: enter your password (the same password you use to log on every morning) Once you log on you should be on your ONESolution Desktop. In the Purchasing Functions tab, click on "Purchase Requests (POUPPR}" . You are now at the purchasing input screen. Click the add button to begin- which is the plus sign in the top center of the screJn. Add mode must be displayed in the records section of the menu ribbon and in the bottom riJ ht hand corner of the screen. I Fields that must be filled out when creating aPR: Parent record- PR number: while in this field select the seed at the top labeled Generate Field icon which represents the entity the PR is being created for- PR . DIST for district; PR.FDTN for i Foundation; and PR.PCPA for PCPA. Vendor number: you can enter the vendor number then press tab, or use the feature by clicking on the Lookup Person/Entity icon. Search for your number by entering vendor name. If the vendor is not in the system, you need to fill out a "Vendor Request" (found in the Webforms/Report tab on your Desktop}, and wait for a new number to be em bil ed to you before completing your PR. I End Use: Requestor last name/department (no matter what PO type it is} PO Type: "P" for all orders that have goods coming in the door- needs to be receiy ed "C" for prepays, reimbursements, services, or confirming orders I Account Terms: Net 30 or Prepay- do not leave blank- Net 30 is the default Req . Codes: if required, select from drop down box. Only use CO (confirming ordL }, FX (fax order}, and OP (open order}. Note: PCPA uses other codes that are available. I 1 February 3, 2015 Version 1.1

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Page 1: Creating a Purchase Request in ONESOLUTION€¦ · Creating a Purchase Request in ONESOLUTION (Complete details are in the ONESOLUTION Purchase User Guide) Click on the ONESolution

Creating a Purchase Request in ONESOLUTION

(Complete details are in the ONESOLUTION Purchase User Guide)

Click on the ONESolution Production icon on your desktop. ONESOLUTION User: enter hancockcollege\network ID ONESOLUTION Password: enter your password (the same password you use to log on every morning)

Once you log on you should be on your ONESolution Desktop.

In the Purchasing Functions tab, click on "Purchase Requests (POUPPR}".

You are now at the purchasing input screen.

Click the add button to begin- which is the plus sign in the top center of the screJn. Add mode must be displayed in the records section of the menu ribbon and in the bottom riJht hand corner of the screen. I

Fields that must be filled out when creating aPR: Parent record-

PR number: while in this field select the seed at the top labeled Generate Field icon which represents the entity the PR is being created for- PR.DIST for district; PR.FDTN fori Foundation; and PR.PCPA for PCPA.

Vendor number: you can enter the vendor number then press tab, or use the loo~up feature by clicking on the Lookup Person/Entity icon. Search for your number by entering th~ vendor name. If the vendor is not in the system, you need to fill out a "Vendor Request" ~orm (found in the Webforms/Report tab on your Desktop}, and wait for a new number to be embiled to you before completing your PR. I

End Use: Requestor last name/department (no matter what PO type it is}

PO Type: "P" for all orders that have goods coming in the door- needs to be receiyed "C" for prepays, reimbursements, services, or confirming orders I

Account Terms: Net 30 or Prepay- do not leave blank- Net 30 is the default

Req. Codes: if required, select from drop down box. Only use CO (confirming ordL }, FX (fax order}, and OP (open order}. Note: PCPA uses other codes that are available. I

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Page 2: Creating a Purchase Request in ONESOLUTION€¦ · Creating a Purchase Request in ONESOLUTION (Complete details are in the ONESOLUTION Purchase User Guide) Click on the ONESolution

Child record -Item number- this is created by the system.

Quantity- use a whole number. See below for Open Orders.

Units (ea, cs, bx, doz) ,

Product Code- if purchasing a computer, printer, or scanner, see detail in AHC o 1 ESolution Purchasing User Guide. I

Description (first 30 characters are most important, and should be descriptive of tre item, as that is for the history on reports and fixed assets). If you have a quote number, alr:'ays note it at the end of the description. If using a Product code, this field will be auto populated.

I Program code (to do a split code, see detail in guide)

Object code- Always use the correct object code. If insufficient funds, do a budgl t transfer before proceeding. r Unit Price and (automatic) extended amount-

Tax code: 8.25% only- if no tax select <none> from the drop down box (not 0.00)1

Ship to ID- building letter, space, room number (this should be where the item wil' be located, not where the order should be delivered). I

If you have a discount offered, please list it as a separate line item described as "dliscount" and use negative dollars (-25.00).

Press enter to complete the PR.

If record is not accepted it will show an error message in the bottom right hand cl rner and note what the problem is. You must fix the problem before proceeding. If you cahnot get the problem fixed you can select the ESC tab. I

Add additional line items or complete the PR.

Make sure the PR total matches the quote total. If not, check for missing items al ld incorrect amounts.

Scan and add any attachments at this time, before launching into workflow.

Reminder: All original contracts and agreements have to be sent to Business ServJ es tor com fete execution and returned to ou be ore ou create and attach the docume ts to the PR and launch into workflow.

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original invoice is required in Accounts Payable after you have approved and recei ed.

On any document, scanned or mailed, always make sure the PR or PO number is l ritten on the top right hand corner.

To scan attachments and attach to PR: Write PR #in upper right hand corner of document to be scanned

Scan your document to a location on your computer or shared drive. It is recommended that each type of document is scanned and saved individually- use the PR number and type of document for the file name so it is easily located. For example, PR 202894-lnvoicJ.pdf

I File already on your computer or Shared Drive I Once the file is in a location you can browse to, from the POUPPR screen, click on ~he Attachments tab at the top of the screen. Click on the New Document button and follow the steps. Enter the attachment definition PRATTACH, enter a short description, broJse to the file,

I select it, and click Attach. Description examples: Quote, Invoice, TAC Recommendation, Agreement, or PO Change.

Vendor lookup: When searching for a vendor, only enter the portion of the name that you are sure of. The easiest way to use the lookup screen is to type in the first word with an asterisk i,mediately following. Example: Stage* . When you press enter, all choices that match the crif eria will appear. Navigate through the list until you find the correct vendor with the correTt address. Remember commonly abbreviated names when looking for a vendor number. Der,artment is often Dept., California is often CA, University is often UC, and so on. A person is listed as 'last name, first name', not the person's first and last name. Please try to find the correct vendor number before requesting a new vendor set-up.

Vendor Request Form: Always search for a vendor number first, per instructions above. When requesting a new number be sure to enter the information as it is stored in ONESolution. A person should be the person's last name a comma then their first name. If there are additional initials, ~o not use any comma other than between the last and first name.

If it is a company that is incorporated, do not insert a comma before noting Inc. Be sure to select the entity the vendor will be used by.

Open Orders - goods: Put the total dollar amount in the quantity field, and the number (1) in the$ amount field.

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If an account split is required for an open, put the account codes and dollar amouhts on two separate line items for receiving purposes. This should be a "P" type PO, and remember to select "OP" from the Req. Codes tab.

In order to have the first 30 characters available for the actual description, it is no! longer require that the first words on the description line be "Open Purchase Order". It Is still required that the date range to be documented somewhere on the description line. Example: "Office Supplies", "Food Supplies", "Repair Supplies", valid 7/1/14-5/31/15. Authorized! buyers should be listed if necessary.

Open Orders - services: If there is a requirement to pay a fixed amount each month for a service, use qua i tity of 12 ea. at the monthly dollar amount. This should be a "C" type PO as you will not be required to receive it in the system.

Desktop receiving: I

On the Desktop in your Purchasing Functions tab, select "Receiving Information ( ~OUPRC)"

Enter the PO number, press enter.

Date received populates to today's date.

**Optional: carrier, freight, packing slip#

Select Receive All then the save button; or receive per line item, quantity accepter! , then save button. If you make a mistake, and you have not saved it as yet, you can press th . Receive All button and it will say Unreceive All and the quantity will disappear. If you have sal ed already and notice a mistake, use (minus)- and quantity in the quantity accepted field to ~ake you back to zero received, save it and start over.

Scan and attach packing slip to the PO (PRATTACH).

Reminder: If you have an invoice, write the PR/PO number on the top and send thlje hard copy to Accounts Payable in Business Services.

PR/PO changes: b You can make changes to your existing PR at any point prior to launching it into w1~ rkflow. If you need to change it after you have launched it, you need to look at the workflow and notify the next approver and have them reject it to send it back to you. If it has been ful:ly approved and there is no PO number assigned yet, you have to notify Sandra Rodin, ext. 3256.

To add funds or make a change to an existing PO, find the "Purchase Order Change Request" form on your Desktop in the tab labeled AHC User Guides, fill it out, scan and attaph it to the PO. Send an email to [email protected] noting, "change PO request and the number". Once Sandy has made the change, it will launch into workflow for appropriate ap~ rovals based on the change. You can only add funds if an invoice has been received and there ijs not enough

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on the PO to pay it in full. This change order process is mainly for changing line items or changing prices of line items.

Changing a rejected PR: [ A rejected PR should go to your pending tasks on your desktop. Read the commer ts and act accordingly. To re-launch a PR into workflow a change must be made to the PR. lr the change you made does not launch the PR into workflow, change the quantity, press ente~ watch in the

bottom left hand corner of the screen for the record accepted message, then chaf ge it back to what it should be, press enter, watch for the record accepted message, the workf ow should be waiting for you now. This usually takes a minute to appear, or you may need to s . lect the "refresh" button on the Pending Tasks tab. Approve the PR, write a comment in nr sponse to the change if necessary and press the submit button.

Popular Find/Search options (select the search button): 1

Upon entering POUPPR, only the departments that you have security for will appdar on the entity list on your sidebar. In viewing this, you will see the PR number, PO numbe[r if assigned, vendor number, and status of the PO (DE-disencumbered, FP- fully paid, PO- open order, PP­partially paid and PR- purchase requisition).

You may enter an item in any field, and in as many fields as you want to narrow dr wn your search results.

To view-Your current PR's with no PO# Enter- I

asterisk* your full name asterisk* in Reqst'd by field. In the drop down box labeled "status", select P~ Press enter I

PO's from one vendor for the current fiscal year Enter-15* in the PO: field

View previous year's Pas

Vendor ID in the vendor field Press enter

Enter-14* (for last year) in the PO: field Press enter

Highlighting items in the Entity List one-by-one will bring them up on the right side of the screen for viewing and allow you to look at the information such as Pending Appr<Dvals and Attachments associated with each one.

Purchasing reports- Found in the Reports Tab: 1

P08001: PO status inquiry (POST), this shows PO history of receipts and payments P08002: Open PO summary, this shows open PO's by PO number or vendor

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Contracts & Agreements: All original contracts have to be executed prior to creating your PR. Send all originals to Business Services and the executed documents will be returned to you . If the venr or requires the final executed document, you will need to mail this to the vendor. You may now create your PR, scan and attach the contract and launch it through workflow for approval. This attached copy of the contract fulfills Business Services requirement of having a coby of the contract.

You are responsible for retaining the original copy of all signed agreements. File these in a secure location for your department.

Service agreements and formal quotes need to be executed in Business Services p[rior to the PR being created. These will be returned to you so you may scan the executed copy and attach it to your PR. If a copy of this must accompany the purchase order to the vendor, you have to make a note of that in the notes field before launching your order into workflow.

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