creating a world of opportunity: literacy learning without walls dr. jodi marshall, literacy manager...

Creating a World of Opportunity: Literacy Learning without Walls Dr. Jodi Marshall, Literacy Manager [email protected] Crystal Howard, Literacy Coach [email protected] Claudine Townley, Literacy Coach [email protected]

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Post on 27-Mar-2015




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Creating a World of Opportunity: Literacy Learning without Walls Dr. Jodi Marshall, Literacy Manager [email protected] Crystal Howard, Literacy Coach [email protected] Claudine Townley, Literacy Coach [email protected] Slide 2 FLVS Data Slide 3 Reaching 21 st Century Learners Image or Limited Text Meet students where they are. Slide 4 Experience Before Label Can you find the following? Coffee cup Sun glasses Earring MP3 player (i-Pod or other) Paper clip Novel Highlighter Newspaper Puzzle or game Cell phone Slide 5 Digital content Participatory web Learning at leisure Anything mobile Top Ten Tech Trends by Susan McLester from techLEARNING, January 15, 2008. Literacy Initiatives Slide 6 21 st Century Skills What are they? Professionalism/work ethic Oral and written communication Ethics and social responsibility Creativity and innovation Critical thinking and problem solving Teamwork/collaboration Information technology Leadership Foreign language/global knowledge Making appropriate choices concerning health and wellness from Ken Kay, Slide 7 Literacy Wiki Silent Reading Initiatives Avatar Motivational Messages Email Online Book Clubs Blogs Expert Chats Discussion Boards Online Newspapers Virtual Library Classroom Cache of strategies Synchronous Virtual Events Meet and Greets Annual Literacy Report FLVS Literacy Initiatives Slide 8 Limited Text Literacy Wiki Slide 9 Limited Text Silent Reading Initiative What is it? SSR (Silent Sustained Reading) time where you walk away and unplug from technology to read for at least 30 minutes Slide 10 Limited Text Engaging and Motivating Students Avatar Messages FF&mid=82263&t=1 Slide 11 Limited Text Engaging and Motivating Students Avatar Messages F&mid=69145&t=1 Slide 12 Engaging & Motivating Students Creative Emails Slide 13 Blogs Slide 14 Limited Text Book Clubs Slide 15 Limited Text Book Clubs Slide 16 Limited Text Virtual Library Slide 17 Limited Text Virtual Library Slide 18 Limited Text Classroom Cache of Strategies Slide 19 Limited Text Synchronous Virtual Meetings Slide 20 Limited Text Synchronous Virtual Meetings Slide 21 Limited Text Synchronous Virtual Meetings Slide 22 International Opportunities Clearly explain the unique qualities of that culture and express appreciation for the cultural diversity found there. Discuss how the culture compares and contrasts to your own. Slide 23 Reaching 21 st Century Learners Image or Limited Text Meeting students where they are sometimes means takingteachers there too... Slide 24 Limited Text Book Club Blogs Slide 25 Limited Text Online Courses for Educators Slide 26 Limited Text Literacy Annual Report Slide 27 21 st Century Skills Professionalism/work ethic SSR Oral and written communication Discussion Board Ethics and social responsibility Blogs Creativity and innovation Avatar videos Critical thinking and problem solving Games Teamwork/collaboration Meet and Greet Information technology Digital content Leadership Synchronous Virtual Meetings Foreign language/global knowledge Virtual Library Making appropriate choices concerning health and wellness Literacy Strategies & 21 st Century Skills - LMS from Ken Kay, Slide 28 Limited Text Brainstorm Slide 29 Richardson, Will, Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms, California: A Sage Publication Company, 2006. Great read Slide 30 Research indicates that the student of today learns much differently than the student of the past. We are meeting that challenge by providing curriculum that is rigorous, relevant, and truly engages the student. Research Top Ten Tech Trends by Susan McLester from techLEARNING, January 15, 2008 Slide 31 Creating a world of opportunity for todays 21 st century learners means engaging in literacy without walls no matter where or how you teach! Dr. Jodi Marshall, Literacy Manager [email protected] Crystal Howard, Literacy Coach [email protected] Claudine Townley, Literacy Coach [email protected] Contact us