creating an activity set-up (project set-up) contract summary screen contract activity screen

CREATING AN ACTIVITY SET-UP (Project Set-up) Contract Summary Screen Contract Activity Screen

Upload: owen-davies

Post on 27-Mar-2015




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Page 1: CREATING AN ACTIVITY SET-UP (Project Set-up) Contract Summary Screen Contract Activity Screen


• Contract Summary Screen

• Contract Activity Screen

Page 2: CREATING AN ACTIVITY SET-UP (Project Set-up) Contract Summary Screen Contract Activity Screen

Required Documentation(HBA Project Set-up)

• Click on the box, then proceed with the set-up.• Refer to the website for the most current checklist.

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Checklist for Set-Ups / Revisions / Cancellations Homebuyer Assistance (HBA)

Administrator Name:

Contract # Activity # PM Specialist

UOG # CPS # Date

SET-UPs - Documentation required for Activity Set-Up (data entered into online TDHCA Contract System):

If this is the first Set-Up for this contract, ensure units designated in the Performance Requirement section of the System agree with the contract’s Performance Statement (Exhibit A).

Review Environmental documentation for clearance

Verify HIW (Form 14.01)

Verify HIC (Form 14.02) – Income must equal the amount specified on the Household section of the System

Verify HIC dates - HIC is invalid if more than 6 months have elapsed from the date of Set-Up

Verify 203(b) FHA Mortgage Subsidy Limits and enter into the System

Verify Purchase Contract - names, address, price, expiration date, signatures

REVISIONS - Documentation required for Revisions (submitted and processed manually):

Compare the revised budget with the original Set-Up budget in the System and in CSAS

Review revisions for eligible costs and complete process

CANCELLATIONS - Documentation required for Cancellations (submitted and processed manually):

Notification of project cancellation received via mail, fax or email including activity number, address, homebuyer’s name, and reason for cancellation.

TDHCA Use Only:

Enter environmental clearance date into the System and log in spreadsheet (t:cm/cmpm/HOME/2004/environmental/rrof_log)

Notify Administrator the activity is environmentally cleared (via email)

Verify the uncommitted budget amounts available in the System and in CSAS

Enter data into IDIS and the System

Enter activity number in the System

Create tab for activity number and file supporting documents

Send the original routing form with copy of Revision or Cancellation request to Accounting

File copy of routing form with original Set-Up request

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The following screens are sections of an Activity Set-up

• In the boxes enter the actual homebuyer assistance budget amount and the sales price from the Sales Contract.

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• Line 1 -Enter the street address of the home. Do not enter the homeowner’s name.

• Line 2 –No entry is required in this field.

• City, State, Zip – Each field must be completed.

• City Type – Select “city”.

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• Check the box that agrees with the specific purpose stated in the HOME contract, as applicable only.

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• Select the box(es) that agree with the specific purpose.

• 203 b Limits – Enter the maximum per-unit for the area being served.

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• Property Type - Enter Single Family• Accessible - Check this box if the property meets accessibility

• FHA Insured – Check this box if applicable.

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• Unit Number – Always enter 1

• Monthly Gross Income - Enter the household’s monthly gross income, as calculated on the 14 series worksheets.

• Name – Enter the full name of the head of household

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•Number of Bedrooms – select the applicable number

•Occupancy - Select “Homeowner”

NOTE: Select from the drop down boxes as applicable

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• Hispanic – Click only if head of household is of Hispanic ethnicity

• Household Size – Select the appropriate number.

• Head of Household Race – Select the appropriate race; Hispanic is recognized as White for the purpose of this data.

• Primary Special Need – Select applicable special need type.

• Head of Household - Select appropriate description

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• Select as specified in the contract.

• Click SAVE to store the data entered.

This is the end of data entry for the setup.

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Creating a Project Budget(Budget Detail)

Now that all of the preliminary data has been entered and saved you’re now ready to enter the activity’s budget detail.

• Sections of the set-up will automatically populate after saving entered data.

• Click Budget Detail on the right-hand side of the screen located in the ALLOCATION section.

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• Amended – Enter budget amount (same as entered in the start-up page).

• Save - Click store the data entered.

• Itemize – Select Itemize on the right-hand side of screen to go to the next screen.

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Budget Itemization

• Item Numbers - Sequential item numbers are assigned by the System.

• Item # - “x” items can be deleted if necessary.

• Budget Category – To add, click the (+) symbol next to Hard Cost or Soft Cost.

• Amount - Enter the appropriate dollar amount for each item.

• Save - Click Save to store the data entered

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Order of APPROVAL ACTIONS• After complete Set-Up data has been entered click Save;• Click Submit for Approval without Saving, this action updates to;• Pending PM Approval notifying PM that the Set-Up is ready for processing.

The user who last enters data cannot be the same person who approves the activity and submits to PM.

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• Pending PM Approval, no further action by the CA can be done on the activity.

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• Disapproved by PM, the CA must make corrections and resubmit

for approval.

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Creating online notes

• From the CONTRACT ACTIVITY screen click on Notes in the upper right-hand corner.

• Click Create New Note

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• Type in information, click Save to store the message