creating my poster

Creating the '11:11' film poster This presentation takes you through step by step how I created my film poster for '11:11'.

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Page 1: Creating My Poster

Creating the '11:11' film poster

This presentation takes you through step by step how I created my film poster for '11:11'.

Page 2: Creating My Poster

My idea

● As my film is called 11:11, my poster will have a big clock face or an alarm clock which covers the page, displaying the time 11:11.

● Instead of numbers it could have 'directed by', actors names, ratings, studio name, etc around the edge.

● Within the clock's face could be a faded face which I would attempt to make scary with make up and certain poses.

● I could also add faded people around the edges which would be the victims

● I could have a BBFC rating in the corner of 15 to show that it is going to be quite thrilling or scary.

● Overall, the poster would be quite dark using black, white, greys and dark blues.

Page 3: Creating My Poster

InspirationsFor my poster I'm going to have a close up of my

villain's face. I have found some posters which show a face similarly to how I want and certain effects to make it scary.

'Shutter' makes the face look distorted by the effect on the poster. Also, the eyes and mouth are blacked out to make the face look creepy and not normal.

'Mirrors' has the glaring, wide eyes which is made scarier by the lighting. The darkness around her highlights her eyes and makes them stand out.

The last poster for 'Scream' is more relevant to my poster as it is really close up. I may also use black and white effect on my poster too. The big eyes grab your attention which is what I want them to do.

Overall I will take aspects of these posters to add into my own such as dark lighting and close ups.

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The images I will use

I used dark make-up on my model around the eyes to make them stand out more which can be improved in editing.

I added fake blood as an effect which didn't result well and I will probably hide in editing. Overall, the eyes look the scariest

due to the pose I got him to do which was my main goal as I may only end up focusing on the eyes in the poster. The clock is a

simple clock face displaying the time 11:11 perfectly. All I need to do is some editing to remove

the flash reflection at the top of the image.

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Practicing on PhotoshopTo get an image in my head of how the face faded into a clock face idea for my poster will work I had a play

around on Photoshop to see how I could do this. By going on blending options and changing the opacity on the person's face it makes it blend into the background so his face is faded but his eyes are just shining through.

This is roughly what it would look like and how I would do this.I can also add filters to the image to make it look dark and creepy and give that horror effect. I can experiment

with these to find one that looks right. At the moment I like the look of 'Defuse Glow' in 'Distort'.  


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Creating the Poster

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To begin with I had to remove the flash reflection from one of my main images. To do this I used the clone stamp on the left in the tool bar. I had to change the opacity on the brush so that the parts I added in weren't too dominant and didn't look too messy or show any signs of editing. I also used the clone stamp to remove small marks on the clock face. I have also had to this on my other image to remove marks on the models face.

Editing Cloning and spot healing tool to remove a flash reflection

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After cropping the image, I had to remove the background around the circular face. To do this I used the quick patch tool to select large areas and delete. The good thing about this tool is that in most cases it selects the area very neatly to the edge you need to leave a smooth edge. In other cases, I used the eraser tool and a faded brush to neaten up the edges. I have also done this on my other image to remove the background but keeping all parts of him that you can see.

Editing Background removal tool

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Final Clock Face

This is my final image of the clock face. I have removed the background of the image to leave just a circular clock face. Along the top edges it is quite rough and I may need to re-edit depending on how it appears once blended into the face in black and white. You can kind of see where the flash reflection that I edited out has been too. Other thank this I am happy with my image.

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Editing progress

I want my poster to be black and white as this makes it look all together darker and helps to give a glare to the eyes. My images had a lot of Blues, Cyans and Yellows so I had to adjust the percentage of the black/white effect to get an effect I thought looked best.

Black and White

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Editing progress

Spot healing brush

I used the spot healing brush to

remove the sparkles of the make up on my model to make it plain ready for later editing

where I will add shadows under his


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Editing progress

Cloning tool

As I was unable to use contacts, I used the cloning tool

to copy the black pupil into the iris of my models eyes. This

was to black out his eye to make him look scarier as my

make up hadn’t been very successful. I turned the opacity

down to around 50% so it wasn’t too dark and faded in

quite well.

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Editing progress

Burn tool

I used the burn tool on his face under the eyes to give a dark shadow underneath. This was to darken out the view of his eyes overall.

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Result after spot healing, burn and clone tool.

Editing progress

I am happy with this as it gives a much better effect to making him look scary than the make up did. The blacked out and shadowy eyes look very dark and spooky and will look good when blended behind the clock face.

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Editing progress

Text (drop shadow effect)

Instead of just having plain text I added effects such as a

gradient overlay and a drop shadow to the

title. This made it stand out more and

makes it darker, blending in well with

the colour style throughout the

poster. I had to play around with these effects until I got a result that looked

really effective.

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Editing progress

Text (out glow effect)

I added a black outer glow with quite a high opacity to make the

text stand out from the background and highlight it as it

is important. I also played around with the size of the

outer glow until it looked just right and not too over the top or

too little that you couldn’t tell the difference.

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Result after adding text with drop shadow effects.

Editing progress

I am happy with the main text on my poster as the effects make it stand out well and blend in with the background. This way it doesn’t look plain and should stand out or catch your eye.

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Editing progress

Finishing touches

Every film needs a tagline, so I came up ‘Make a Wish’ for mine, as at 11:11pm, people make a wish.

I also added 2 ratings to the poster on either side to complete it and make it look like a professional film. I saved a plain black star from google images and removed the background, made it smaller and copied them over to the poster. I then added the name of the company who gave the rating over top in a small font so it doesn’t overly stand out.

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I mainly used the font ‘Markofontina’ as it looks the most professional and is easy to read. I used it for the title as the 1’s have a sharp point to them and looks like a font you would see on a horror poster. I also moved the ‘Make a Wish’ tagline down to just under the centre of his eyes so that I could make the title larger so it stands out as much as possible.

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For the tagline on my poster I used the font ‘Impregnable’ off I wanted to use an italic and curly font so that it stands out. It also looks dainty as if it would be whispered.

I will use this font for the tagline on the magazine cover and in the trailer too.

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Final Result