creating safe learning environments dal...learning environment (le) is critical for optimal learning...

Creating and Supporting Safe Clinical Learning Environments: What can I do? Drs. Preston Smith, Dean & Anurag Saxena, Associate Dean, PGME,

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Page 1: Creating Safe Learning Environments Dal...Learning environment (LE) is critical for optimal learning and safe work. There is an overlap between workplace environment and LE in residency



Page 2: Creating Safe Learning Environments Dal...Learning environment (LE) is critical for optimal learning and safe work. There is an overlap between workplace environment and LE in residency


Learning Environment is an explicit accreditation standard

Page 3: Creating Safe Learning Environments Dal...Learning environment (LE) is critical for optimal learning and safe work. There is an overlap between workplace environment and LE in residency


Page 4: Creating Safe Learning Environments Dal...Learning environment (LE) is critical for optimal learning and safe work. There is an overlap between workplace environment and LE in residency

§ Medical/Clinicalknowledge§ Clinicalandtechnicalskills/competence,clinicalreasoning

§ Positiverelationshipwithstudentsandpositivelearningenvironment

§ Communicationskills§ Enthusiasm

§ AcademicMedicine2008,Sutkin

Page 5: Creating Safe Learning Environments Dal...Learning environment (LE) is critical for optimal learning and safe work. There is an overlap between workplace environment and LE in residency



Page 6: Creating Safe Learning Environments Dal...Learning environment (LE) is critical for optimal learning and safe work. There is an overlap between workplace environment and LE in residency


Page 7: Creating Safe Learning Environments Dal...Learning environment (LE) is critical for optimal learning and safe work. There is an overlap between workplace environment and LE in residency

LearningEnvironment§ Thelearningenvironmenthasbeendefinedaseverythingthatishappeningintheclassroomordepartmentorfacultyoruniversity

(Genn,2001,Roff andMcAleer,2001;Cinar,Cakmak &Uzunboylu 2009).

Page 8: Creating Safe Learning Environments Dal...Learning environment (LE) is critical for optimal learning and safe work. There is an overlap between workplace environment and LE in residency

UnsafeLearningEnvironment§ Whatdoyouthinkaresomecharacteristicsofanunsafelearningenvironment?

§ Orwhatcouldgowrong?

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§ Behavioral

§ Clinical

§ Physical

§ Learning

§ Program

Page 10: Creating Safe Learning Environments Dal...Learning environment (LE) is critical for optimal learning and safe work. There is an overlap between workplace environment and LE in residency

§ Behavioral

a) Respectfulb) Collaborativec) Professionald) Learnerrolevaluede) Collegialf) Intimidationisnottoleratedg) Harassmentisnottoleratedh) Misogynyisnottoleratedi) Racial,ethnic,sexualorientationbiasisnottoleratedj) Freefromfacultyand/orstaffconflictk) Freefromfacultyand/orstaffpoliticsl) Speakingtruthtopowerisencouraged

Page 11: Creating Safe Learning Environments Dal...Learning environment (LE) is critical for optimal learning and safe work. There is an overlap between workplace environment and LE in residency

§ Clinical

a) Competence/excellenceb) Varietyinlearningopportunities/venuesc) Patientsalignwithobjectivesd) Clinicalworkloadmanageablee) Patientsaresafef) Staffaresafeg) AppropriateSupervisionavailableh) Clinicalresponsibilityatthelevelofthelearneri) Clinicalenvironmentisadequatelystaffed

Page 12: Creating Safe Learning Environments Dal...Learning environment (LE) is critical for optimal learning and safe work. There is an overlap between workplace environment and LE in residency

§ Physical

a) Personalphysicalsafetyb) Callroomsc) Computeraccessd) Libraryaccesse) Learningspaces(meetingrooms)f) Heatandairconditioningg) Nutritionavailableh) Accommodations(safeandcomfortable)i) Travelisminimumandsafe

Page 13: Creating Safe Learning Environments Dal...Learning environment (LE) is critical for optimal learning and safe work. There is an overlap between workplace environment and LE in residency

§ Learning

a) Goodpimpingonlyb) Assessmentisfairc) Constructivefeedbackistimelyd) IPEvalued

Page 14: Creating Safe Learning Environments Dal...Learning environment (LE) is critical for optimal learning and safe work. There is an overlap between workplace environment and LE in residency

§ Program

a) Leadershipiseffectiveb) Programevaluationisvaluedandimplementedc) Objectivesclearandobtainabled) Assessmentistransparentandfaire) Promotionistransparentandfairf) Learnersarerepresentedg) Selectionisfairandtransparenth) Remediationiswell-designedi) Excellentacademicprogrammingj) Researchsupportedandresourcedk) Administrationisadequatelyresourcedl) Residentoff-timerulesarerespectedm) Timetolearnn) Residentleadershipvaluedandsupported

Page 15: Creating Safe Learning Environments Dal...Learning environment (LE) is critical for optimal learning and safe work. There is an overlap between workplace environment and LE in residency

SomeCommonDisruptiveBehaviours§ ByFaculty§ Rudeness§ Beingcondescendingordemeaning§ Passingjudgement§ Shaminglearners§ Boundaryviolationswithpatients,


§ Outburstofanger§ Creatingrigidorinflexiblebarriersto


§ ByLearners§ Negativecommentsaboutteam

members§ Refusaltolearnorcomply§ Notworkingcollaboratively§ Unmanagedinterpersonal

conflict§ Inappropriatejokesor

comments§ ProfaneLanguage


Page 16: Creating Safe Learning Environments Dal...Learning environment (LE) is critical for optimal learning and safe work. There is an overlap between workplace environment and LE in residency

Exerciseonpossibleunderlyingrootcausesofdisruptivebehaviors§ Smallgroupwork(5min.)§ Largegroupdiscussion(5min.)

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§ Thereiscommonlyanunderlyingcausetodisruptivebehavior

§ Linkedtopersonalfactors,interactionsorworkingenvironment

§ IdentifyingWHAT,HOWandWHYcertainbehaviourhappenedhelpsdevelopcorrectivemeasuresandpreventreoccurrence

“Ifyoudon’tasktherightquestions,youdon’tgettherightanswers.Aquestionaskedintherightwayoftenpointstoitsownanswer.AskingquestionsistheABCofdiagnosis.Onlytheinquiringmindsolvesproblems.” – EdwardHodnett

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Document –> Assess –> Proportionate intervention-> Monitor

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§ Assessments,ifneeded,(psychological,psychiatric,neurological,addiction)


Addressingsystemissues§ Increasedclinical,research


§ Excessivedemandsinthecontextofscarceresources

§ Facultyshortages§ Insufficienteducationandtraining§ Unclearexpectationsandlackof


§ Lackofprocessorburdensomeadministrativeprocedures/under-reporting


Page 22: Creating Safe Learning Environments Dal...Learning environment (LE) is critical for optimal learning and safe work. There is an overlap between workplace environment and LE in residency


§ Counsellingprograms(WellnessOffice,Universityresources,externalphysiciansandconsultants)

§ Specificsupportsformanagingstresses,anger,work-lifebalance,etc.

§ Coaching/Mentoring§ Facilitation/Mediationofsituationswithhighconflict

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§ CollegeofMedicineandHealthRegioncoordinateastrategy§ Consultedexperts:HumanRightsCommission

a) Firewallbetweenindividualandgroupissues

§ Independent,respectedfacultyleader&experiencedhospitalmediatorengaged

§ MetwithDivisionHeadandProgramDirectorseparately§ Deanmetwithresidentsseparately§ DeanandCEOmetwithunitandphysicians§ Metwithalliedhealthprofessionals§ All(moreorless)committedtosixmonthprocess

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§ Monthlysurveyingresidents/regularmeetings§ Codeofconductdeveloped§ Twomandatoryeducationalsessions

§ Intimidationandharassment§ Physicalwellness

§ Mediatorengagedwithafew§ DeanandCEOregularlyupdated


Page 25: Creating Safe Learning Environments Dal...Learning environment (LE) is critical for optimal learning and safe work. There is an overlap between workplace environment and LE in residency

Keypoints§ Learningenvironment(LE)iscriticalforoptimallearningandsafework.

§ ThereisanoverlapbetweenworkplaceenvironmentandLEinresidencyduetotheprimarilyservice-learningfoundation.

§ DisruptivebehaviorsbyboththefacultyandthelearnersadverselyimpactLE.

§ Preventivestrategiesthroughcodesofconduct,ongoingeducationhaveabetterROI.

§ Addressingdisruptivebehaviorsrequirestimelyidentification,determinationofrootcauses,addressingbothsystem- andindividualissuesandrigorousmonitoring.

§ Keyresourcesandprocessesincludingalgorithmsareavailable.

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§ Speaktruthtopower

§ Supportthosethatspeaktruthtopower

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§ Thankyouforyourtimeandattention