crimson chronicle may 2013

INDEX 2 • Op/Ed 4• Features 3 • News 6• Entertainment 8 • Sports 1521 N. HIGHLAND AVE, HOLLYWOOD, CA 90028 VOLUME X ISSUE VI MAY 2013 HOLLYWOOD HIGH • HOME OF THE SHEIKS THE CRIMSON CHRONICLE Hollywood High lost more than $300,000 dollars in its budget for the 2013-2014 school year and must dismiss six teachers and one counselor. Administrators have proposed a seven-period schedule to help keep class sizes under 27 students since there will be fewer teachers. According to the Student Site Council budget, the school lost about $300,000 from Title 1 funds because 45% of students did not turn in lunch tickets forms. The school also lost some funding from QEIA (Quality Education Investment Act), resulting in the loss of teachers. Hollywood was one of the school chosen by lottery to receive QEIA funding for the past several years, helping out purchasing more teachers and supplies. For next year’s bud- get Hollywood only got enough money to only purchase 12 teachers from QEIA instead of usual 16. “L.A.U.S.D. only gave us 22 teaching positions and two counseling positions. I will have to displace six teachers and one of the deans. Chang- ing the bell schedule will give students the chance to recover missing credits, but it will [also] help Hollywood keep QEIA a little longer,” said Prin- cipal Alejandra Sanchez. A new bell schedule will stu- dents who are not meeting the requirements to graduated a chance to make up those miss- ing credits and students who are a chance to get involved in other electives available. Teachers and counselors will vote today and tomorrow and Friday whether or not to change from a six to a seven-peri- od schedule. Last year the idea was turned down by a wide margin when former Principal Ja- mie Morales brought up the subject. “I do not think we should change something that is not broken. Hol- lywood’s API scores are very high and we were able to accom- plish that on a six-period schedule,” said J.T. Burciaga, social studies teacher. Other teachers favor a seven-peri- od schedule. “Change is good and we should not be afraid of it,” said Kelly Bender, TCA lead teacher. “Changing the schedule now will only help put Hollywood High ahead. I think sooner or later it will have to be done and the sooner the better. I strongly believe that Hollywood has already lost enough money and I know eventually we will lose QEIA ,but I feel if we are able to keep it longer it will be better. It will be very sad to see my colleagues leave so soon.” Bender, a social studies teacher, continued, “Yes, it will be more work ,but teachers should not be afraid of taking that challenge and understand that we need to care for our students and it is scary to know what will happen if we do not change.” Some remain unconvinced. “ I do not think we should change to a seven-period schedule because students should pass the class the first time around. If the system did not work then no one would graduate,” said Neil Fitzpatrick, social studies teacher. “It’s up to the students to choose whether or not they care about their education. If we were to change teachers would have to go home every day and prep for another class and that takes a lot of time and work. Teach- ers will be doing extra work and I just do not think that teachers will be able to teach as great having seven classes per day.” The faculty will decide in the next couple of days whether Hollywood will implement the proposed schedule. As for next year, the school will be able to recover some its money lost if more than 65% of students turn in lunch ticket applica- tions. According to Principal San- chez, if a student does not turn in their lunch ticket, they will not have a locker. VANESSA GARCIA CO-EDITOR IN CHIEF Faculty weighs in on seven period days Voting today and tomorrow may determine next year’s schedule The class of 2013 will be able to graduate at the Hol- lywood Bowl this year. The graduation for the class of 2014, however, is currently un- certain due to a lack of funding and student participation. “It’s very difficult, but we’re looking into different sources like sponsors, activities, danc- es...we’re also going to have a pie throwing contest at the All School Fair,” said Junior Vice President Barrina Thompson. Sponsors and fundraisers like those in years past now seem like luxuries, as the ju- niors are currently left to their own devices. It’s a sink or float situation, and the junior class has yet to put on their floaties. Some would say that it is simply because the juniors are oblivious to the fact that it is their responsibility, and others would say that it’s just a lack of communication. Despite the conflicts, the staff remains hopeful. “I feel that it is important for the junior class to come together and organize them- selves so they can plan very successful fundraisers,” said Principal Alejandra Sanchez. “I am very sure they have the talent, dedication, and commit- ment to make the graduation at the Hollywood Bowl a reality for next year.” “We’re trying to reach out to different SLCs who don’t get enough attention,” said Thompson. “We’re trying to get get everybody to come to the meetings on Wednesdays at lunch so everybody can have their voices heard.” HOLLY SAN NICOLAS COPY EDITOR see page 3 see page 6 Check us out online at the for video interviews, extra content, and more!!! Or if you want to be our best friend for ever and ever, scan this code and receive happiness :3 No funds, no participation, no privileges PHOTO CREDIT: KATHY PEREZ, JESSE JIMENEZ Clockwise top to bottom: David Payne, Juan Burciaga, Kelly Bender, Neil Fitzpatrick, and Michael Bitran. The faculty discusses the impact the budget change will have on next year’s schedule. See the interviews on our web- site, PHOTO CREDIT: HOLLY SAN NICOLAS The class of 2014 may be graduating in the school’s auditorium.

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Page 1: Crimson Chronicle May 2013

index2 • Op/ed 4• Features

3 • news 6• Entertainment

8 • Sports

1521 n. HiGHLAnd AVe, HOLLYWOOd, CA 90028 VOLUMe x iSSUe Vi MAY 2013



Hollywood High lost more than $300,000 dollars in its budget for the 2013-2014 school year and must dismiss six teachers and one counselor. Administrators have proposed a seven-period schedule to help keep class sizes under 27 students since there will be fewer teachers. According to the Student Site Council budget, the school lost about $300,000 from Title 1 funds because 45% of students did not turn in lunch tickets forms. The school also lost some funding from QEIA (Quality Education Investment Act), resulting in the loss of teachers. Hollywood was one of the school chosen by lottery to receive QEIA funding for the past several years, helping out purchasing more teachers and supplies. For next year’s bud-get Hollywood only got enough money to only purchase 12 teachers from QEIA instead of usual 16. “L.A.U.S.D. only gave us 22 teaching positions and two counseling positions. I will have to displace six teachers and one of the deans. Chang-ing the bell schedule will give students the chance to recover missing credits, but it will [also] help Hollywood keep QEIA a little longer,” said Prin-cipal Alejandra Sanchez. A new bell schedule will stu-dents who are not meeting the requirements to graduated a chance to make up those miss-ing credits and students who are a chance to get involved in other electives available. Teachers and counselors will vote today and tomorrow

and Friday whether or not to change from a six to a seven-peri-od schedule. Last year the idea was turned down by a wide margin when former Principal Ja-mie Morales brought up the subject. “I do not think we should change something that is not broken. Hol-lywood’s API scores are very high and we were able to accom-plish that on a six-period schedule,” said J.T. Burciaga, social studies teacher. Other teachers favor a seven-peri-od schedule.“Change is good and we should not be afraid of it,” said Kelly Bender, TCA lead teacher. “Changing the schedule now will only help put Hollywood High ahead. I think sooner or later it will have to be done and the sooner the better. I strongly believe that Hollywood has already lost enough money and I know eventually we will lose QEIA ,but I feel if we are able to keep it longer it will be better.

It will be very sad to see my colleagues leave so soon.” Bender, a social studies teacher, continued, “Yes, it will be more work ,but teachers should not be afraid of taking that challenge and understand that we need to care for our students and it is scary to know what will happen if we do not change.”Some remain unconvinced. “ I do not think we should change to a seven-period schedule because students

should pass the class the first time around. If the system did not work then no one would graduate,” said Neil Fitzpatrick, social studies teacher. “It’s up to the students to choose whether or not they care about their education. If we were to change teachers would have to go home every day and prep for another class and that takes a lot of time and work. Teach-ers will be doing extra work and I just do not think that teachers will be able to teach

as great having seven classes per day.” The faculty will decide in the next couple of days whether Hollywood will implement the proposed schedule. As for next year, the school will be able to recover some its money lost if more than 65% of students turn in lunch ticket applica-tions. According to Principal San-chez, if a student does not turn in their lunch ticket, they will not have a locker.


Faculty weighs in on seven period daysVoting today and tomorrow may determine next year’s schedule

The class of 2013 will be able to graduate at the Hol-lywood Bowl this year. The graduation for the class of 2014, however, is currently un-certain due to a lack of funding and student participation. “It’s very difficult, but we’re looking into different sources like sponsors, activities, danc-es...we’re also going to have a pie throwing contest at the All School Fair,” said Junior Vice President Barrina Thompson. Sponsors and fundraisers

like those in years past now seem like luxuries, as the ju-niors are currently left to their own devices. It’s a sink or float situation, and the junior class has yet to put on their floaties. Some would say that it is simply because the juniors are oblivious to the fact that it is their responsibility, and others would say that it’s just a lack of communication. Despite the conflicts, the staff remains hopeful. “I feel that it is important for the junior class to come together and organize them-

selves so they can plan very successful fundraisers,” said Principal Alejandra Sanchez. “I am very sure they have the talent, dedication, and commit-ment to make the graduation at the Hollywood Bowl a reality for next year.” “We’re trying to reach out to different SLCs who don’t get enough attention,” said Thompson. “We’re trying to get get everybody to come to the meetings on Wednesdays at lunch so everybody can have their voices heard.”


see page 3 see page 6

Check us out online at the for video interviews, extra content, and more!!! Or if you want to be our best friend for ever and ever, scan this code and receive happiness :3

No funds, no participation, no privileges


Clockwise top to bottom: David Payne, Juan Burciaga, Kelly Bender, Neil Fitzpatrick, and Michael Bitran. The faculty discusses the impact the budget change will have on next year’s schedule. See the interviews on our web-site,

PHOTO CREDIT: HOLLY SAN NICOLASThe class of 2014 may be graduating in the school’s auditorium.

Page 2: Crimson Chronicle May 2013

2 MAY 2013 OPiniOn/ediTORiAL

Crimson ChroniCle

staff Editors-in-Chief: VANESSA GARCIA & WILLIAM SAN NICOLAS News Editor: jOhN SACOpLA Opinion Editor: jACQUELINE pORTILLO Features Editor: VANESSA GARCIA Entertainment Editor: KIMBERLY SOTO Sports Editor: VANESSA GARCIA Copy Editor: hOLLY SAN NICOLASAdvertising Manager: WILLIAM SAN NICOLAS






Staff editorial: juniors may have prom in gym


Food is important to fuel ourselves for whatever gauntlet is thrown at us in our classes. That is why we are given nutrition and lunch to replenish ourselves. One of the things I have seen with school food is that there are not enough options for stu-dents to choose from. The issue is not the quality of the food, rather the quantity of options that we have in terms of choosing what we eat. Variety in what we eat means supplying to the many different demands of students. In short, not all students want a turkey burger or enchila-das. Some students are vegetar-ians or pescatarians (people who only eat fish for protein). I have heard from such people that they were forced to starve the entire day when they were not able to bring their lunch from home. Also, to those who are

crusaders for healthy eating, this can be a beneficial thing. If students are limited to just one food at school, they are more than likely to go to a fast food restaurant to satisfy their hunger. The budget, of course, can stand in the way of this happen-ing, as the school buys the food from Cafe LA. With all the issues we have from raising money for gradua-tion, to renovating parts of the school, it can be a huge hassle to even consider of paying more to fill the needs of the students. A possible solution to this would be to spend the money that is used on the currently bland menu for a variety of perhaps more edible selections chosen by the students. When people don’t like what is usually available, they tend to throw away their unwanted food, thus creating alot of waste. What if we could have changed that unwanted food of that students without eliminat-ing it from the menu? What about our ever shrink-ing budget? Let’s say for example we have a whole pie. The pan that holds it can represent how much the school spends on

food, so we can’t have more pie than we already have. Let’s picture that the school only gets to have pumpkin pie for the day. Not everyone like pumpkin pie. Now what if we take a frac-tion of the pumpkin pie, take it out and put in blueberry pie inside the empty space? We didn’t end up spending more money because we filled the pan up and we satisfied the people who prefer blueberry over pumpkin. A survey can be conducted of what people prefer to eat. Then, a decision can be made on how much money can be spent on the food people chose on that survey. The school should acknowl-edge that there is a variety of students with different tastes. Nobody should sit 8 hours straight without eating. Sure, the best solution to this is pack-ing lunch from home. But, for those who are forced to make it to school, having to go through the busy morning commute, the only time they’ll have to eat will be at school.


Cafeteria food needs variety

The class of 2014 may not graduate with the same kind of perks as the seniors will this year. This situation became more evident when junior class events such as the flash back dance failed to take off and pull in funds for prom, graduation, and other senior class events. The lack of success in fundraising appears to be a lack of concern for the events themselves from the juniors as well as a by product of a shaky economy. Some juniors simply do not care too much about the loca-tion of prom and graduation and if that is how they really feel, then that is okay. If one does not really care for a particular activity, it is to be expected that one would instead save money and energy for events that have more

personal significance for him or her. It could be that the juniors and other students who might have bought tickets to the flashback dance simply could not afford to part with the money. Everyone can still help to make a difference for the next batch of seniors. If there is a great desire to go for the bowl, then all that is needed is more awareness of our progress towards the amount of money needed to fund it. If there is no general desire to graduate anyplace special, then the junior class leaders could get their fingers back on the pulse of the student body and see if there is something more fitting to the class of 2014 to raise funding for. The fundamental issue in this dilemma is a lack of com-munication between the junior

class and some of its leaders. Juniors need to start vocaliz-ing their concerns and desires regarding senior activities so that their representatives can get the ball rolling in the right direction. At the same time their lead-ers need to step up and start making their fellow juniors aware of what their goals are and how they intend to achieve them on a regular, timely basis. It does not matter necessar-ily if prom will be held in the large gym or if graduation is hosted in the auditorium, what matters is that the seniors who go down that path know that it is their choice in how they raise and allocate funds for their student body. As long as they make the choice and understand the con-sequences of their decisions in full, then there is no harm to be done.

In the March issue, the photos of the “Athletes of the Month” were mixed up. Kevin Dominguez is the soccer player and Re-ese Rothenberg is the basketball player. Also, on page 10, a name was misspelled. It should have said “SAS Kimberly Sotelo scored two touchdowns for the juniors.” SAS senior, Ariadna Angulo’s name was also misspelled. On page one, Ashley Kayombo’s name was misspelled. The Crimson Chronicle staff regrets these errors.

Every year that has passed, was one year closer to my senior year in high school. The first two things that come to my head when I think of senior year is prom and

graduation at the Hol-lywood Bowl. I think that’s what almost every student looks forward to it as well. Because of our poor fundraising, our sponsors and class officers are predicting our senior prom to be located in the big gym. Prom in a gym where the paint is old, ceiling pieces falling, and there is no air conditioner. I can imagine it already,

the gym full of people dancing with no a/c. My plans for senior year have changed drastically. I was expecting to go to a nice place and dance the night away. Prom night is sup-posed to be a night to remember. Although it might not be the best place to have prom, there are some bright sides. Prom tickets this year are over a hundred dollars, but

if prom would be in the gym it would be around $20. That would be the upside of having prom in the big gym. If prom were to be in the gym, I suggest that we should have a good theme, dj, and good prom decora-tions.


Crimson Chronicle needs you! The Crimson Chronicle Staff is always looking for new mem-bers. If you like to write, take photos or draw editorial cartoons, the Crimson Chronicle needs you. If you are interested in report-ing for your school and being a part of the team, speak to your counselor. It’s a fun, challenging, and interactive class. From being a reporter to editor, the possibilities are endless, so talk to your counselor and join the staff.

Class of ‘14 breaks prom tradition


Page 3: Crimson Chronicle May 2013

neWS MAY 2013 3

Square renamed in honorof alumnus Carol Burnett

Actress and comedian Carol Burnett and City Councilman Tom LaBonge were on hand to dedicate and unveil CAROL BURNETT SQUARE on April 18. This square is located at the corner of Selma and Highland in front of Hollywood High. The dedication took place

beneath the famous mural of stars that came out of Hol-lywood. As Burnett pulled the ropes to unveil the Carol Burnett Square sign, H2O sang Burnett’s theme “I’m So Glad We Had This Time Together.” Carol Burnett’s current book Carrie and Me: A Mother-Daughter Love Story had hit the Bestseller List that same day.


News Briefs

PAM junior Ayla Stackhouse won first place, taking home $1,000 from the Rotary District Music competition for her per-formance of “The Girl in 14G” on March 9 at Loyola Mary-mount University. Ayla now has the opportu-nity to perform in May at Santa Barbara Rotary conference before 62 of its club members from all over California. In the past, only one other student, Cassandra Godinez, made it to the district level. Due to practice for showcases, Godinez was unable to make the regionals. The song Ayla sang was

originally performed by Kristin Chenoweth. “I heard my friend sing ‘The Girl in 14G’. I felt bad singing it because I had stolen it from her, but it showed all my sing-ing abilities,” Ayla said. “It was a very challenging song and the melody of it was good. The competition was intense. “When I first walked in I wanted to walk right back out people were playing different instruments, girls were singing opera, and I was just really intimidated.” Stormy Sacks, magnet coor-dinator and vocal teacher, said Ayla has a great future ahead of her. “Ayla made the Rotary and the

district level, she won the two and now it’s to the next step,” he said. “I always encourage our students to audition and in the future I hope more can make it.” One of the judges was equally encouraging. “Ayla was really great and the song choice was really good version to showcase,” said con-test judge Marlene Dove. “Yes, I think Ayla has the ability to win regionals she is definitely in the running in the next Omni Music and Actor Youth Award. Ayla is nominated for the of the Top Soloists award.” Ayla will be playing a leading role in the upcoming school musical In the Heights.

PAM student wins big in music competition

Ayla Stackhouse (middle) singing with H20. She performs before the Santa Barbara Rotary Con-ference on May 4.











Hollywood High School’s Drill Team took first place in NRG’s (Energy) SoCal Com-petition at Claremont High School on April 13th. The five star event included trophies, certificates, and special awards for the runner ups and winning team. The Hollywood High Lady Sheiks were six girls who performed a military drill and competed against many schools’ dance, cheer, flag, and

drill teams. They were Kenia Agaton, Michelle Valencia, Jes-sica Matute, and the officers Cynthia Guzman, Kelly Flores, and Andrea Debroy. They were coached by Hol-lywood alumni Adel Paez and Arody Trujillo. “It’s my second year compet-ing and I was really nervous, but not as much as I was my first year,” said Cynthia Guz-man, an SAS junior. “I was scared to be judged but win-ning was unexpected but amaz-ing for our team to win.” In May, drill team will have

their second opportunity to perform at the Palm Springs Convention Center for a dance workshop alongside Kael-ynn Gobert-Harris, a hip hop dancer who performed on the television show America’s Best Dance Crew and won second place with her group, 8FLA-VAHZ. The event will take place on May 11- 12 and will feature professional-scale dancers, cheer leaders, drill teams, and the like. It is open to anyone who wishes to perform. “I’m super stoked for Palm

Springs, and performance wise I think we’ll get out there with a bang,” said SAS senior Kelly Flores. “ We were able to per-form last year and the crowd and staff loved it. We’re defi-nitely nervous but we had the opportunity to perform there once so we know how it may be. All the professional dancers take classes at Palm Springs and they are amazing! All I can say is that we get to represent Hollywood from our precise movements to our technical routine and from our salute.”


Junior Prom has been can-celed because about 40 juniors bought tickets for the event, not enough for a successful event. Juniors now have to put up with the consequences of such actions, which is risking senior prom in the gym and being unable to book the Hollywood Bowl, since both needed a down payment. Junior prom is typically a fundraiser for senior year. “I think it matters to the

people who would’ve wanted to go. It actually sounded like fun,” said Jennifer Lopez, PAM junior. Some students were unhappy with the theme of Flashback Friday. “It is not a great idea nor a horrible idea for a theme for the dance,” said Keila Ayala, PAM junior. “It is not a theme

the juniors picked out. It was picked out by the senior class

and was handed to us. I would have liked it bet-ter if the juniors had picked the theme.” Juniors still have an opportu-nity to get back on track, but ac-tion needs to be

taken now before it’s too late, by starting off with going to the junior meetings every other Wednesday. There everyone can discuss

issues and concerns as well as fundraising ideas, which is a big issue all in itself. “I did not like the theme for junior prom this year. It was too cheesy and I dislike 80’s music,” said Catherin Claros, PAM junior. Juniors should prepare to face hardships and action should be taken soon if they truly want to graduate at the Hollywood Bowl and have an exquisite prom at a private venue, instead of the school’s large gym.


Drill team takes first place in competition

Insufficient funds cancel junior prom

Junior takes home $1,000,performs in Santa Barbara

Six Lady Sheiks take it all the way to finals and win A team has finally emerged victorious as the Gemini Squad defeated the Sosas in the final game of the month-long dodgeball tournament that consisted of up to 16 teams, including an all-teacher team. The Gemini Squad consists of seniors Jessie Vasquez, Rebekka Grammenos, Jasmin Cabrerra, Samuel Morales, Yemi Familoni, Miguel Larios and sophomores Spiro Gram-menos, Tolu Familoni, Eduardo Hernandez, Reese Rosenberg, and Aaron Ramirez. The final game on Apr. 19 was close, as the match lasted three rounds. “It was really fun, ” said Miguel. “We were all into it, really excited about it.” As a reward for their ac-complishment, the Gemini Squad received celebratory T-shirts with a team logo designed by SAS senior Ike Dayon.


Parents addressed an idea to SAS Lead Teacher Geoffrey Buck to organize a Parent Booster Club specifically for the School for Advanced Stud-ies. The club will be a non-profit organization of parents and community volunteers com-mitted to support SAS stu-dents involved in sports and extracurricular activities. The Parent Booster club will help increase participation among both the students and parents. “The Parent Booster Club will be invited to participated and help make decisions that will be needed to be made” said Buck. “The parents are always welcome to help make their child school day better.” Parents attended a profes-sional development meeting on April 2 and said they intend to organize the club and begin delivering resources to the SAS program.


SAS parents form booster club


Gemini Squad wins dodgeball tourney











The Carol Burnett Square on Selma and Highland, honoring the Hollywood High alumni.

“I think it matters to the people who would’ve wanted to go. It actually sounded like fun”

Page 4: Crimson Chronicle May 2013

One Night In...

Prom is a once-in-a-lifetime event and is often the first formal dinner dance teenagers attend. Unfortunately, most prom advice is about choosing the best hairstyle, prom dress, and makeup for the big night - not exactly tips for guys. Yet prom can be a romantic night for a gentleman to spend with his special lady. Knowing how to plan for the prom, get ready for the big date, and how to wrap up the eve-ning as a gentleman can help guys approach prom with confidence.

There are many things guys need to do to ensure prom is a fun, memorable event.

On That Special Night

On the day of the prom, girls are not the only ones who need time to look their best. Guys care about how they look too!

If you aren't renting a car or limo, be sure the car you will use is clean and gassed up before picking up your date. You don’t want to have your date in a car filled with McDonalds wrappers and Pizza Hut boxes.

Attend to your personal hygiene carefully! That includes a shower, close shave, as well as trimmed and cleaned fingernails. If you use aftershave or cologne, do not spray too much on or it will be unpleas-ant for your date.

PICK up your date on time. If you say 5, be there at 4:30 even if she

is not ready at least she knows that you are. Greet her parents politely. Don’t introduce yourself with a, “WHAT UP, DOG?”

Be prepared to answer questions about your plans for the evening, and be sure to ask about the evening's curfew so you can have your date home on time. Make a good first impression of yourself to let her parents know that their daughter is safe with you.

Be polite to your date at all times. Prom is a great opportunity to be a gentleman. Open doors for her, pull out her chair, and offer her your coat if it is chilly.

Compliment your date multiple times throughout the evening. Girls like that because they try to plan everything out and they want to be stunning on prom night, and by noticing those details you can really show her you care about her.

If you attend prom with a group of friends, it's fine to dance with other girls once or twice, but be sure to pay the most attention to your date and don't spend the evening hanging out with other guys instead.

If you attend an after party, be re-sponsible. Avoid alcohol, continue to be a gentleman, and be sure you have your date home on time.

Always thank your date for a lovely evening and her wonderful companionship when you kiss her goodnight!

For girls prom is a bit harder to prepare for. Unlike boys, girls must get a complete makeover when compared to what guys do.

Plan ahead and place appointments weeks before the dance to assure you can get your hair, nails, and makeup. Just to make sure that spots are available for you.

For a dress try to get one that is different from your friends, so you can stand out from the crowd and not be another girl with a stereotypical dress. Try to wear a variety of dresses and try narrow your choices down, then choose the dress that best compliments your body.

On the day of Prom

One must obviously shower and do all that is necessary to look fabulous.

Set a time your date/friends should come over, and if it’s date make sure you talk to your dad so he doesn't scare your date and make the night awkward.

When you’re out with your friends don’t be shy because nothing kills the mood like an awkward mood. Be outgoing and just try to have a good time on the special night.

PROM 2013 Monte Carlo



4 MAY 2013

Page 5: Crimson Chronicle May 2013

Man on the Street

“I’d have it in Africa be-cause I get to see my Af-rican family there. I miss my African family a lot.” - Karyos Tyus 11th grade. SAS

“Paris, France because it is the city of lights and love and it’s really pretty!” - Ruth Vasquez 12th grade PAM

“Puerto Rico because I think it’s an interesting country and it’s consid-ered part of the United States.” -Edgar Gaitain TCA Junior

“Paris near the Eiffel Tower because I mean, Paris is beautiful and it’s the land of romance.” -Amber Jimenez 12th grade PAM

“In Italy because it looks like a fun place to be in and it looks antique. And because of the the Greek my-thology and the Roman Coliseum.” -Omar Jimenez 11th grade PAM

If you could have your senior prom anywhere in the world, where would you have it and why?JOANNA BAuTISTAAMBER CORDEROCHRONICLE REPORTERS


MAY 2013 5

Page 6: Crimson Chronicle May 2013

6 MAY 2013 enTeRTAinMenT

For almost a year, splatter-film fans have anticipated the release of the new Evil Dead, a movie directed by Fede Alva-rez, loosely based on the events and concept of the original cult classic, directed by Sam Raimi, who was also a producer for this recent film. Original Evil Dead star and B- movie veteran Bruce Campbell was another producer. Evil Dead, which lurched its way into theatres and nightmares on April 6, was heavily laden with guns, gore, and tributes to its predecessor. This new addition to the long-enduring chain of cadaver and comedy, features some fresh young meat such as the

tragically lovely Jane Levy as Mia, Shiloh Fernandez as her brother, David, Lou Taylor Puc-ci as Eric, and more. Evil Dead takes place in a remote, decrep-it cabin in the woods. Mia, who is attempting to kick an opiate addiction with the support of her brother and old friends, is the victim of possession from a grotesque entity resurrected when Eric reads aloud from the Naturom Demonto, or simply The Book of the Dead. From then on, it’s a tidal wave of carnage. Friendships, sanities, and limbs are ripped apart as the evil demons of the night wreck havoc upon the poor but dumb men and women. It is truly a visual assault, but not an entirely ter-rifying one; the trademark gim-

micks and awkwardly placed humor of the original movies is brought back to life once more to ensure nervous giggles to take the edge off just enough to lull the audience into another scene of horror. While this film was in no way a disappointment, fans of the Evil Dead franchise should be informed that this is a reboot. In other words, it is not directly tied to the previ-ous films. Ash Williams, the progressively deranged and beloved protagonist, does not (currently) have anything to do with the story, other than a brief cameo at the end of the credits, which paves way for speculation for a future story intertwining the characters of Ash and Mia.

Paramore, a band from Franklin, Tennessee, is very well known band to many people. The band consists of Hayley Williams, Jeremy Davis, and Taylor York. The band’s new self-titled album “Par-amore” was highly anticipated by their fans since they have been keeping quiet for a while. Their singles “Still Into You” and “Now” got fans excited to listen to the whole new album. The album went on sell on April 9. Paramore’s new album has a new sound compared to their older music. This album has more of a No Doubt feel to it. It is more “poppy” while their older music was more alternative. The new sound seems to be working since fans all over the world waited in

line until midnight to buy the album online. The band played a free mini concert on April 11 on the late night show Jimmy Kimmel. Fans were already lined up by 10 A.M. just to see the band perform five songs. As a fan, I was excited to see the band play for the first time ever. The crowd was really enthusiastic and thrilled to hear songs like “Still Into You” and of course their most known song “Misery Business.” This album is recommended to people who never thought of listening to this band. “Paramore” is very soothing, relaxing and just a fun album to listen to. It captures differ-ent emotions so all the songs are perfect with whatever mood you are in. Take a listen to Paramore’s new album- it’s out now!

NetherRealm Studio’s sec-ond fighting game installment has success written all over it. Injustice: Gods Among Us is a 2D fighting game that stars some of the most iconic char-acters of the DC Universe. The fighting mechanics are similar to previous installments of the Mortal Kombat franchise (obvi-ously because the developers are the original creators of Mortal Kombat). The gameplay is fast paced and diverse. Every stage has interactive scenery that can be used to gain an advantage in a fight. Along with arenas in the most recognized places in the DC Universe comes the very exclusive abilities that each respective character has.

With the new mix-up of the game play, these abilities can be used in tactical ways for the upper hand in a heroic or villainous clash between your foes. Such examples would be batman using bats to use as projectiles, Superman gaining a strength boost, the Flash slow-ing everything down around him and making him faster, Bane injecting his signature drug-venom- for immense strength, or Sinestro charging up his ring to shoot lasers at his foe. Aside from a cast of only 24 characters, this install-ment is not a let down as the gameplay feels much more fresh and unique from other fighting games. This game also offers a new mode aside from just fighting-The S.T.A.R. Labs missions. The missions are

only in single player mode, but give much more of a mix up to Injustice. Injustice: Gods Among Us offers a story mode as well. It begins with the aftermath of a nuclear explosion set off by the Joker in the city of Metropolis. He tricks Superman into fight-ing Doomsday, but in reality, he killed Lois Lane and his unborn son. Lane’s death ended up set-ting off the bomb in Metropolis. In a fit of rage, Superman mur-ders the Joker shortly after his interrogation with Batman. This game is a must-have for any fighting game or DC Uni-verse fans. It offers a refreshing start to a continuing franchise and video game genre. There will be several hours (or days) spent playing this game and mastering characters.

A long time ago, in a ware-house in Van Nuys, a legacy emerged in the midst of the Cold War. George Lucas gener-ously blessed the world with the gift of Star Wars, an epic space opera that would rock the world in 1977 to this day. Star Wars, to many, is just simply a good movie. To others, it is a lifestyle, which is why on May 4, now recognized as Star Wars Day, it will be a day of celebration- no matter what side of the Force you’re on. Star Wars has been a major impact on popular culture and American life in general ever since its release. From John William’s legendary sound-tracks, Darth Vader’s breath-ing, Princess Leia’s costume in Jabba’s palace in Return

of the Jedi, to the question of whether or not Han shot first, (it was Han, by the way), it has inspired many different medi-ums of expression. It has left its mark on society so much that it is still today being enjoyed, with new additions for new generations to come. So, on May 4th, get out your lightsabers and Yoda figures (we know you have them) and celebrate! Don’t pay any mind to taunts of “geek” or even “nerd”; today is a day where it is okay, an honor, even, to adorn yourself with that title. It’s also Free Comic Book Day, so live it up! Embrace your inner Jedi (or Sith Lord) and have fun- and may the Fourth be with you!

Evil Dead makes a comebackAlvarez gives tree-hugging a whole new meaning















Lead singer Haley Williams performs live on Jimmy Kimmel

Paramore returns with new sound

The ultimate clash of DC warriorsInjustice brings justice to the greatest of comic book legends









May the fourth be with youA day to celebrate a sci-fi legend

A tray of character cookies being made for Star Wars day










Page 7: Crimson Chronicle May 2013

MAY 2013 7enTeRTAinMenT

Paramore returns with new sound

Christophersen Mitchell

Susana Negrete

Grade: 11th SLC: PAM

Crimson Chronicle: Where do you buy your clothes?Susana Negrete: Half of the stuff I own are from thrift stores and the other half are department stores. One of my favorites is Crossroads Trading Company.

CC: What inspires you to dress the way you do?SN: I am inspired by clothes from past decades, mostly from the 1970’s.

CC: When did you start dressing like this?SN: I started shopping at thrift stores since middle school and have always dressed different from others. My style has grown to be more eclectic now.

CC: What advice would you give people that are scared to express themselves?SN: My advice to kids at school would be to not focus on what other people think because that would prevent them from expressing themselves.

CC: What was the best thrift store find?SN: My leather jacket in the picture.

Crimson Chronicle: Where do you buy your clothes? Christophersen MItchell: I do H&M, I do online Zara, tradi-tion, I like benetton and express.

CC: Who inspires you to dress the way you do? CM: No one. It’s all about getting colors together. It doesn’t have to match. To me, fashion is being yourself.

CC: When did you start dressing like this? CM: I started dressing dressing my way in middle school. I’ve always been different compared to other people.

CC: What advice would you give to people that are scared to express themselves?CM: I would say if they want to dress better to look at maga-zines and try to mimic them, and over time, you know what matches. Don’t let the clothes wear you, you wear the clothes. Be yourself and don’t care.

CC: If you were able to go to any era fashion-wise, what era would you go to?CM: The 70”s time, when they wore the cool plaid pants and the hats or the Hip-Hop 80’s, where they wore colorful jack-ets and the MC Hammer pants.

Grade: 12 thSlc: SAS

Chic SheikThis issue’s fashionistas share a love for vintage style.



Page 8: Crimson Chronicle May 2013


Athletes of the month

SLC: PAM Grade: 10th

CC: How do you feel about athlete of the month?JD: I feel surprised and shocked. I had no idea.

CC: How long have you been doing Rifle Marksmanship?JD: For 2 years

CC: What inspired you to start doing Rifle Marksmanship?JD: My brother, he was in the rifle team before I was.

CC: What do you like most about doing Rifle Marksmanship? JD: I like it most when I hit bullseye because it feels good.

CC: What is one of the best moments you’ve had doing Rifle Marksmanship?JD: It was when I got chosen to be Rifle Marksmanship captain.

CC: What is your best score?JD: 247/300

CC: What is your best stance?JD: Prone Position

Jam De Los Reyes

SLC: New Media Academy Grade: 11th

CC: How do you feel about being athlete of the month?KH: Its a surprise. I worked hard for it and i think i de-served it.

CC: How long have you been playing volleyball?KH: 6 years.

CC: What inspired you to start playing volleyball?KH: My coach encouraged me and he thought i had talent.

CC: What do you like most about playing volleyball?KH: Overall the whole game, especially spiking the ball.

CC: What is one of the best moments you’ve had on the court?KH: Owning the city championship in Europe.

Kyle Hansford

Hollywood’s swim team raced against Los Angeles High’s swim team on Apr. 17 as a home meet. JV girls won 84-0, varsity girls won 91-75, and varsity boys lost 59-104. As always, the swim team remained supportive no matter what. Everyone was cheering for each other encouraging the swimmers to keep on going. SAS senior Cindy Barron kept yelling “Pull! Pull!” to encour-

age her teammates to keep going. The meet was very competi-tive with swimmers coming in close to each other in time. Swim season is soon coming to an end with only one meet left and then the League Finals. All the swimmers are look-ing forward to winning their next meets even though they will be away meets. “The season is going well for our varsity girls,” said Sharon Santos, team and SAS senior. “Not so much for our varsity

boys but we are trying to hang in there. We are looking for-ward to league finals!” Seniors on the team are making each moment count by trying their best and mak-ing their time in the water as memorable as possible. Barron said, “It is very hard for me especially after every meet I realize I am getting closer to the end of the swim season and it makes me sad. But overall, I love the team and the friendships I have made.”

Girls swim conquers LA High

Varsity volleyball Sheiks are in mid-season with a record of 5-2( 2-1 in league play) with four straight wins against Chavez, Lincoln, Contreras, and RFK high schools. “We play a very exciting brand of volleyball! Three powerful hitters are ready to attack and put the ball away for kills on every single play,” said varsity coach Scott

LeWinter. Varsity is competing for the Central League Championship as well as the Los Angeles City Championship. The deciding game will be against Belmont, and a win will mean they will be first in League Champion-ship. “We are off to a good start and we are getting better each week. The sky’s the limit for our varsity team this year,” said LeWinter.

Volleyball team starts off strong






SAS sophomore Loreal Kauffman swims alongside the girls swim team.


Crimson Chronicle needs you! The Crimson Chronicle Staff is always looking for new members. If you like to write, take photos or draw editorial car-toons, the Crimson Chronicle needs you. If you are interested in reporting for your school and being a part of the team, speak to your counselor. It’s a fun, challenging, and interactive class. From being a reporter to editor, the possibilities are endless, so talk to your counselor and join the staff.

Interviewed by Kimberly CardenasChronicle Reporter