criticisms of testing and test bias

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  • 7/30/2019 Criticisms of Testing and Test Bias


    Criticisms Of testing and Test


    Invasion Of Privacy

  • 7/30/2019 Criticisms of Testing and Test Bias


    Whether tests represent an invasion of

    privacy depends in part on how they are


    There is no invasion of privacy when

    subjects are told how test results will be

    used and then volunteer.

  • 7/30/2019 Criticisms of Testing and Test Bias


    The code of ethics of the American

    Psychological Association(APA) states the


    Psychologists have a primary obligation

    to respect the confidentiality of information

    obtained from persons in the course of theirwork as psychologists. They reveal such

    information to others only with the consent

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    of the person or the persons legal

    representative, except in those unusual

    circumstances in which not to do so wouldresult in clear danger to the person or to

    others. When appropriate, psychologists

    inform their clients of the legal limits ofconfidentiality.(APA, 1981, 635-636)

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    The probability of invading privacy is high

    whenever testing or measurement is

    designed for the benefit of someone otherthan the person being tested or observed.

    Teachers who administer test to their

    students solely to gather information for aprofessional paper, thesis, or disertation

    may well be encroaching upon the rights of

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    their students to privacy unless they obtain

    the informed consent of the participants,

    their parents and school authorities.

    In 1974 the Family Education Rights and

    Privacy Act ( The Buckley Amendment)

    legislated the rights of parents to inspectand review the education record of their


  • 7/30/2019 Criticisms of Testing and Test Bias


    The Buckley Amendment makes the

    following points:

    No student shall be required to submit to

    psychiatric or psychological examination,

    testing, or treatment, in which the primary

    purpose is to reveal information concerning: 1 Political affilation

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    2 Mental and psychological problems

    potentially embarrassing to the student and

    his or her family.

    3 Sex behavior and attitudes

    4 Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating and

    demeaning behavior.

    5 Critical appraisals of other individuals

    with whom respondents have close family


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    6 Income (other than that required by Law

    to determine eligibility fo financial


    The implications of the Buckley

    Amendment might be far reaching indeed.

    1 Teachers cannot postgrades of students.

    2 Teachers cannot display the works


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    3 Teachers cannot permit students to grade

    or correct any other students paper.

    4 Teachers cannot ask students to raise

    their hands if they responded correctly or

    incorrectly to any item.

    5 Teachers cannot distribute testpapers inany manner that permits other students to

    observe the scores of their classmates.

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    6 Teachers cannot assume that letters or

    recommendation requested by students will

    be kept confidential.

    Are Art teachers violating the law when

    student drawings are displayed.

    Can English teachers no longer read studentcompositions to the class.

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    Are Arithmetic and Mathematics teachers in

    violation of the law when they asked

    students to solve problems at the blackboardin view of the other students.

    Are oral reports illegal.

  • 7/30/2019 Criticisms of Testing and Test Bias


    Tests Create Anxiety and

    Interfere with Learning A common criticism of tests is that they

    create anxiety and thus interfere with


    Studies have shown that about 60%-75 %

    of students are not affected by anxiety.

    An excellent summary of how tests affect

    students(Kirkland 1971) are as follows:

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    1 Mild degree of anxiety usually facilitate

    learning, whereas high anxiety levels hinder

    learning in most instances.

    2 The less able student incurs a higher level

    of test anxiety than the more capable one.

    3 Being familiar with the type of test to beadministered reduces test anxiety.

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    4 High anxious students do better than less

    anxious ones on tests measuring rote recall:

    they perform less well, however, on testsrequiring flexibility in thought.

    5 Test anxiety increases with grade level.

    6 Although no relationship appears to existbetween sex and anxiety among elementary

    school children, junior high school girls

    indicate that they experience more anxiety

  • 7/30/2019 Criticisms of Testing and Test Bias


    Motivating students without

    creating anxiety Emphasize tests for diagnosis and mastery

    rather than as a mean of punishing students

    who fail to live up to the expectations ofteachers or parents.

    Avoid the sudden death examination in

    which passing or failing is a function ofperformance on only one test, such as a

    final examination.

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    Avoid paraphrasing letter grade, instead tell

    students what they do know and what they

    need to learn to improve.(Krampen,1987) Be sure each item has face validity, that is,

    it measure some important aspect of life as

    perceived by the students. Avoid unannounced examination,

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    Schedule personal conferences with

    students as often as necessary to reduce

    anxiety and to redirect learning. Avoid invidious comparisons among


    Emphasize student strengths, notdeficiencies.

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    De-emphasize the role of competitive

    examinations when some students are

    unable to compete. Treat each students grades and records


    Allow students to choose among activitiesof equal instructional value.

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    Prepare students to take examinations by

    providing them with pretests, which they

    can complete and score on their own. Teach students how to take examination and

    how to prepare for them.

    Provide opportunities for students toimprove their grades through retesting after

    they have mastered course content.

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    Dont overemphasize the importance of any

    one test. Remind students that tests are a

    part of learning that can provide feedbackand guidance to help them improve.

    Give test relatively often to reduce the

    effects that any single test might have. If possible, test content should be

    cumulative throughout the semester or year.

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    Make sure that students have plenty of time

    to complete the test if it is designed as a

    power test.

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    Tests Categorize Students

    If educational and psychological tests are

    misused, they do much to permanebtly scar

    some pupils by rigidly categorizing orpigeonholing them by allowing the teachers

    to use these classification relentlessly.

    If they know that a childs IQ score is low,some teachers may decide that the child is

    unteachable and may assign menial tasks to

    keep that student occupied.

  • 7/30/2019 Criticisms of Testing and Test Bias


    Tests Penalize Bright and

    Creative Students in the Tyranny of Testing (1962) Banesh

    Hoffmann, a theoretical Physicist, argues

    that, the tests deny the creative person asignificant opportunity to demonstrate his

    creativity and favor the shrewd and facile

    candidate over the one who has somethingto say.

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    Test Bias

    One of the most persistent and serious

    allegations against tests is they discriminate

    against minorities as African Americans,Hispanics, and Native Americans.

    Tests failed to consider the childrens

    background in language , motivation andthey are denied admission because of unfair

    tests and testing practices.

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    A test is biased against ethnic minorities if


    Fails to eliminate realistic socioeconomicdifferences.

    Yields differences in average scores

    between groups.

    Contains content that facilitates the

    performance of one group over another.

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    Predicts different success rates between


    Leads to different social consequencesbetween groups.

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    Socioeconomic bias.

    Average score bias

    Content bias

    Success bias

    Social consequence bias

  • 7/30/2019 Criticisms of Testing and Test Bias


    Ethical Testing Practices

    1 Informing students in advance that they

    are about to take a standardized test and

    telling them something about the nature ofthe test.

    2 Teachers should feel free to explain the

    mechanics of taking a standardized test. 3 Encouraging students to do well as they

    can is perfectly as long as they are not

    threatened or made anxious about their

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    4 Keeping all standardized test materials

    secure before, during and after the

    examination is essential. 5 Combining classes for testing is ethical as

    long as there is and adequate number of

    proctors to safeguard the test. 6 Once an examination has been

    administered and scored, teachers may

    examine results and determined areas of

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    Unethical Testing Practices

    1 Teachers should not tutor on the specific

    subject matter of an expected examination.

    Such coaching destroys the standardizedprocedures of test administration, makes

    scores uninterpretable, and wastes students

    time. 2 Teachers should not examine the content

    of standardized tests to determine what is to

    be taught in the classroom.

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    3 Teachers should not use standardized test

    items on their own examination.

    4 Teachers should not try to improvestudent performance by developing items

    that parallel those on standardized tests, nor

    should teachers administer a second form asa part of its testing program.

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    5 Excluding some students from

    participating in districtwide testing is

    unethical. 6 Neglecting the instruction of any student

    for the purpose of increasing test score of

    other pupils is unethical. 7 Altering in any way the directions, time

    limits, and scoring procedures of any

    standardized test is unethical.

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    8 Creating anxiety and rivalry about

    standardized tests among students and

    between classes or schools is unethical.