critique of international news agencies

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  • 7/31/2019 Critique of International News Agencies


    Critique of international news agencies

    International news agencies are criticised on following grounds:-

    They produce religious conflicts

    Finally, international news agencies belong to such society as are action oriented,

    individualisation, I- based and efficient. The effected developing societies are providence

    oriented, gregarious V-based, and inefficient (well, most of them). There is a clash of

    ideology which means the east and the west. The wars against Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin

    Laden, Muammar Qaddafi, The Taliban, North Korea, Syria, Iran, and Ultra organisations

    are to be viewed as wars of cultures. The cultures of East and West are totally at daggers

    drawn with each others. Ironically, no international statesman comprehends this fact,

    although elite social thinkers and mass communications researchers have insinuated to this

    trend. It this trend was to continue, the world could soon fall into an abyss of lethal chaos.

    Today, wars are beginning fought in every part of the world because there is no possibility ofstarting world war 3. These sporadic wars would continue through out this century. News and

    information would be disseminated in all parts of the world by international agencies. Instead

    of integrating the world through their content, they are helping the masses because adamant

    on their respective stands. The leaders of these masses would be forced or persuaded to save

    their perspective cultures. Full-fledged wars can not be fought by many nations. Hence,

    guerrilla wars would be fought by them. In the modern world, information is everything. It

    can change the course of history. A news agency is a potent weapon for winning a war. In the

    initial stage it is a media war and later. It gets converted into a full scale combat.

    Professional agencies do not care humanity

    The nations of the west have advanced societies; they have some positive features to. They

    view humans as humans, they believe in the tenets of democracy and human freedom. They

    do not believe in the old taboos of cast, creed, colour and communalism in which, the nations

    of the east so desperately believe. The news agencies of the west cover the news and events

    of the east rational devotion. They do not hide facts if the targeted person, community, or

    nation follows hackneyed culture or social norms. In the news, these deviations are

    highlighted. Our readers might think that this exposure would help the developing nations of

    LDCs remove their anomalies. However, this is not happening. Instead of improving their

    socio-cultural norms, they are sticking to them with greater force. They also allege that their

    cultures are being attacked or modified by the news content of the west., thus the positivefacts of news inadvertently, Western news agencies are exposing the world to the lacunae of

    the societies of the east, but these societies are not willing to part with this lacunae. Instead,

    they accuse the western news agencies and media of subverting their aeons-old cultures.

    They present incomplete facts

    It has been alleged that international news agencies do not give complete facts to their

    clients. Moreover, such facts suit the interest of the owners of theses agencies or the nations

    where they originated nearly 40-50 years ago.

    They are biased

  • 7/31/2019 Critique of International News Agencies


    These agencies do not cover news with an impartial viewpoint. Their reporters nurture bias

    towards the subjects of Third World countries and poor backward people.

    They destroy cultures and its customs

    The west has to depend upon the markets of the world to grow. Unlike the nations of the

    developing and least developed countries, the nations of the west are struggling to become

    the commercial rulers of the world. For this purpose, they have to feed such information and

    news to the global markets that would generate appropriate purchase responses from the

    members of these poor or developing nations. The population of developed western countries

    are small whereas those of the developing countries are large. Moreover, these countries have

    improved (or are improving) their purchasing power in term of dollar value and quantity.

    Thus, these nations are not small buyers by any norm. China and India are one of the fastest

    growing economics of the world, the former developing at the rate of 10 per cent per annum

    and the latter, at the rate of seven to eight per cent per annum. Obviously, the nations of the

    West cannot ignore these vast markets. They would try to indulge in such process as wouldeffect cultural homogenisation in these nations. This would eventually motivate the buyers of

    the developing nations to buy the products, services, and technologies of the advanced

    nations of the west. In order to sell the products and services to any nation, the pull strategy

    would work in much better manner than a push strategy. Thus, the nations of the west are

    using wire services to feed news and information that would effect cultural homogenisation

    and ultimately lead to increased sales of their products and services (in the developing

    nations). Cultural homogenisation would be effected only if the news and information of the

    world are presented to the targeted nations in such a manner that the masses of such nations

    feels the need to buy the products and services of those nations from which, the news and

    information flow in. therefore, this commercial machination of which, the global news

    agencies are vital part, would ultimately make the developing nations and LDCs totally

    dependent upon the rich advanced nations of the would. In fact, it has already happened in

    many countries. Thus, the role of the wire services is becoming a part of the pull strategy of

    the western business empires.