critiquing big data

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  • 7/25/2019 Critiquing Big Data


    !"#$%"'("&) +(,%"&) (- .(//,"'0'("1 2345678 599:59;3 5

    .(?@%'AB# C 3456 2D$ .%&E-(%F8 D$ G')#"$% H G&%@ IJ K%&@7J I'0$"L$F ,"F$% #B$ .%$'M$ .(//("L

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    Critiquing Big Data: Politics, Ethics, Epistemology

    Special Section Introduction


    G'0%(L(-# W$L$&%0B8 P$E V"A)&"F8 [\N

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    "#$ %&'(UB'L 'L #B$ -'%L# ^,$L#'(" E$ /'AB# &L_ (- #B$ O'A F& ?B$"(/$"("J XB@ B&L

    '# A&'"$F L,0B %$/&%_&O)$ ?,%0B&L$ '" & %&"A$ (- '"F,L#%'$L &"F &0%(LL &0&F$/'&8 #B'L

    ?('"# '" #B$ 35L# 0$"#,%@` )*+ ,-.-&L & #$%/ B&L L?%$&F )'_$ _,Fa, '" & -$E LB(%# @$&%L8

    %&"A'"A &0%(LL & M&L# #$%%&'" #B L?&"L B$&)#B 0&%$8 &L#%("(/@8 ?()'0'"A8 0'#@ ?)&""'"A8

    &"F &FM$%#'L'"AJ Y%(/ #B$ WPN O&0#$%'(?B&A$L '" (,% O(F'$L #( #B$ D$?)$% \?&0$

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    EB@ B&L #B$ 0("0$?# A&'"$F L,0B #%&0#'(" "(E`

    "#$ "$%#&'%() "$**('&

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    capacities: that the steady drumbeat of Moores Law, the doubling of integrated circuits every two years,

    B&L O%(,AB# ,L #( & ?('"# EB$%$ /&LL'M$ &/(,"#L (- F& 0&" O$ $&L')@ AB$%$F8 L#(%$F8 &"&)@a$F &"F

    interlinked. Apaches Hadoop, a common big data platform that utilizes distributed nodes to act as

    ?%(0$LL'"A &"F &"&)@L'L 0),L#$%L8 E&L )&,"0B$F '" 344>reinforcing the idea of big datas newness. Yet

    D$ .%&E-(%FS _$c_$0%&E-(%FJ"$#

    D$ G')#"$%S&Q_&/')#c/'0%(L(-#J0(/

    G&%@ K%&@S /)Ac/'0%(L(-#J0(/

    R$ L,O/'##$FS 345:4654

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/25/2019 Critiquing Big Data


    5996 D$ .%&E-(%F8 D$ G')#"$% H G&%@ IJ K%&@ !"#$%"'("&) +(,%"&) (- .(//,"'0'(" 1234567

    this isnt satisfying; it overempB&L'a$L #B$ #$0B"()(A'0&) $)$/$"# (- (,% B'L#(%'0&) 0("T,"0#,%$ &"F -&')L #(

    &00(,"# -(% #B$ $0("(/'08 ?()'#'0&)8 &"F 0,)#,%&) -(%0$L E(%_J N"F8 '" -&0#8 #B$ #$%/ /*+ ,-.-B&L O$$"

    &%(,"F -(% &)/(L# #E( F$0&F$L8 &"F @$# '# B&L (")@ O$$" '" #B$ )&L# -'M$ @$&%L #B '# B&L &0^,'%$F L,0B?(?,)&% %$L("&"0$J !" '#L $&%)'$L# '"0&%"'("L '" #B$ &%0B'M$ (- #B$ NLL(0''(" -(% .(/?,#'"A G&0B'"$%@8

    #B$ 0("0$?# (- O'A F& L'/?)@ %$-$%%$F #( F& L$#L #B E$%$ #(( )&%A$ -(% &"@ L'"A)$ 0(/?,#$%S

    Visualization proM'F$L &" '"#$%$L#'"A 0B&))$"A$ -(% 0(/?,#$% L@L#$/LS F& L$#L &%$ A$"$%&))@ ^,'#$ )&%A$8

    #&d'"A #B$ 0&?&0'#'$L (- /&'" /$/(%@8 )(0&) F'L_8 &"F $M$" %$/(#$ F'L_J X$ 0&)) #B'L #B$ ?%(O)$/ (- O'A

    data (Cox & Ellsworth, 1997, ?J 3:>7J

    UB'L F$-'"'#'(" (- #B$ ?%(O)$/ (- O'A F& &L O$'"A &O(,# L#(%&A$ &"F 0(/?%$LL'(" E&L E$))

    $L#&O)'LB$F '" #B$ /'FQ34#B 0$"#,%@8 &L WNPR E&L F$M$)(?'"A '#L W$)'("&) R& Y')$8 & L@L#$/ F$L'A"$F

    for the logical analysis of large collections of factual data. In November 19678 #E( 0(/?,#$% L0'$"#'L#L

    E$%$ L#%,AA)'"A E'#B #B$ F'--'0,)#@ (- E(%_'"A E'#B )&%A$ F& L$#L8 &"F #B$@ F'L0(M$%$F a E'F$ M&%'$#@ (-

    ?%(O)$/Llogical and linguistic, hardware and software, practical and theoretical #B ?)&A,$F #B$'%

    $"F$&M(%L 2I$M'$" H G&%("8 57J

    N"F #B$L$ F'--'0,)#'$L ?$%L'L#J NL 0)(,F 0(/?,#'"A ?)-(%/L F'L#%'O,#$ L#(%&A$8 #B$ ?'?$L #( /(M$

    data remain expensive and limited and storage remains problematic. Jonathan Sterne notes that further

    '"0%$&L$L '" 0(/?,#'"A ?(E$% &"F O&"FE'F#B /&@ O$ ,L$F -(% B'AB$% F$-'"'#'("8 O,# #B$@ E')) &)L( O$ ,L$F

    -(% /(%$ $)&O(%$ 0(/?%$LL'(" L0B$/$L J J J #B$%$ E')) O$ "( ?(L#Q compression age (2012, p. 231). In

    (#B$% E(%FL8 O'A F& 'L "$'#B$% "$E "(% -%$$ (- #B$ #$0B"'0&) 0B&))$"A$L %&'L$F L'"0$ #B$ $/$%A$"0$ (-

    L,?$%0(/?,#$%LJ +,L# &L #B$ I&%A$ e&F%(" .())'F$%8 #B$ ?(L#$% 0B')F -(% #%,)@ )&%A$ F& ?%(T$0#L8 B&L

    #,%"$F #( /&A"$#'0 #&?$ &L '#L O$L# F& L#(%&A$ L(),#'("8 O'A F& 0("#&'"L #B$ #$0B"'^,$L8 &%#'-&0#L8 &"F

    0B&))$"A$L (- ()F$% 0(/?,#'("&) -(%/LJ Z)F$% 0("0$%"L#$0B"'0&)8 $?'L#$/()(A'0&)8 &"F $#B'0&)B&,"#

    #B$ F(/&'"L (- O'A F&J

    +', -(.( (/ 01)'.'%()2 3%1&14'% (&5 67).7*()

    If we are to reject the claim that the big data moment has been precipitated by technology

    &)("$8 #B$" E$ "$$F #( )((_ /(%$ E'F$)@ #B$ 0,)#,%&)8 ?()'#'0&)8 &"F $0("(/'0 /&_'"A (- O'A F&S &L &

    L0'$"0$8 & O,L'"$LL8 &"F'/?(%#&"#)@&L & /@#B()(A@ 2O(@F H .%&E-(%F8 34537J UB'L 0,)#,%&) /@#B()(A@

    can be seen in city billboards promoting big data solutions, at highly profitable big data conferences, and

    '" #B$ /&"@ "$EL?&?$% &"F /&A&a'"$ 0(),/"L 0(M$%'"A #B$ &FM&"0$L O%(,AB# &O(,# O@ O'A F& L0'$"0$J

    UB$ M$%@ #$%/ /*+ ,-.- 01*2%12 'L '#L$)- & _'"F (- /@#B()(A'0&) &%#'-&0#S '/?)@'"A #B #B$ ?%$0$?#L &"F

    /$#B(FL (- L0'$"#'-'0 %$L$&%0B 0B&"A$ &L #B$ F& L$#L '"0%$&L$ '" L'a$J \(/$ O'A F& -,"F&/$"#&)'L#L

    argue that at sufficient scale, data is enough; statistical algorithms find patterns where science cannot

    2N"F$%L("8 34418 ?&%&J !"78 &"F #B,L O'A F&ta represents the end of theory (Graham, 2012). But we

    &%A,$ #B O'A F& *0#B$(%@3!# 'L &" $/$%A'"A "24.-%01#-55%+A%(,"F$F &0%(LL /,)#'?)$ F(/&'"L '" #B$

    ?,O)'0 &"F ?%'M$ L$0#(%L8 ("$ #B 'L "$$F (- F$$?$% 0%'#'0&) $"A&A$/$"#J

    UB$ /@#B'0 ?(E$% (- O'A F& 'L ?&%# (- EB ,"'-'$L '# &L & 0("0$?# &"F '"-(%/L '#L )$A'O')'#@ &L &

    L$# (- #(()LJ N"F #B'L 'L8 (- 0(,%L$8 "(# & "(M$) 0)&'/J NL R(""& +J e&%&E&@ -'%L# E%(#$ '" 5

  • 7/25/2019 Critiquing Big Data


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    UB$ O(,"F&%@ 'L M$%@ ?$%/$&O)$ O$#E$$" #(() &"F /@#B8 '"L#%,/$"# &"F 0("0$?#8

    B'L#(%'0&) L@L#$/L (- L(0'&) %$)'("L &"F B'L#(%'0&) &"(/'$L (- ?(LL'O)$ O(F'$L8

    '"0),F'"A (OT$0#L (- _"(E)$FA$J !"F$$F8 /@#B &"F #(() /,#,&))@ 0("L#'#,#$ $&0B (#B$%J25

  • 7/25/2019 Critiquing Big Data


    5999 D$ .%&E-(%F8 D$ G')#"$% H G&%@ IJ K%&@ !"#$%"'("&) +(,%"&) (- .(//,"'0'(" 1234567

    3.#'%() 6#())$&,$/

    Another way to consider the why now? question is to ask '#& &"F '#-. 'L L,OT$0#$F #(analysis. For decades, the informatics of domination have been focused and tested on historically

    /&%A'"&)'a$F A%(,?LJ NL g'%A'"'& V,O&"_L 234567 B&L LB(E"8 F%&E'"A (" B$% $#B"(A%&?B'0 %$L$&%0B (-

    Electronic Benefit Transfer card and food stamp use in the United States, poor and working Q0)&LL

    Americans already live in the surveillance future (p&%&J :7J UB&"_L #( #B$ &%0B'M$ %$)$&L$F O@ VFE&%F

    \"(EF$"8 '# 'L "(E ?,O)'0 _"(E)$FA$ #B 0("L$"#)$LLO'A F& AB$%'"A 'L (,# (- '#L #$L#'"A ?B&L$ &"F

    B&L O$$" E'F$)@ -%&"0B'L$F #( #B$ /&LL ?(?,)&0$J UB'L B&L &)L( F$/("L#%$F #B$ $d#$"# (- #B$ $%(L'(" (-

    0'M') )'O$%#'$L &"F ?%'M&0@J e(E$M$%8 '" #B$ 0&L$ (- L0'$"#'-'0 '"^,'%@8 '# &)L( %&'L$L #B$ ^,$L#'(" (- B(E O'A

    data tools should be used. How can data be gathered without peoples knowledge or consent and still

    meet the ethical obligation to treat people with justice, beneficence, and respect, as the Belmont Rep(%#

    (" B,/&" L,OT$0#L %$L$&%0B -'%L# (,#)'"$F '" 5 -(% & 0(M$%# ?,%L,'#J UB$ $d0'#$/$"# &O(,# B&%"$LL'"A #B$ ?%(/'L$ (- O'A F& #B%(,AB

    #B$ E'F$L?%$&F 0())$0#'(" (- F'L?&%$ (")'"$ #%&"L&0#'("L &"F '"#$%&0#'("L 0('"0'F$L E'#B '#L 0(L# $--'0'$"0@

    '" #&%A$#'"A "'0B$ /&%_$#L &"F ?%(M'F'"A (M$%L'AB# (- ?(?,)'("LJ

    In an informatics of domination that gathers all the data it can to unlock some presumed or asQ

    @$#Q,"_"(E" M&),$ F(E" #B$ %(&F8 F& A$"$%'(" &"F 0())$0#'(" &%$ $^,$F E'#B '""(M'(" &"F

    L0'$"#'-'0 O%$&_#B%(,ABLJ NL L,0B8 ?&%#'0'?'(" '" #B$ O'A F& ?%(T$0#(--$%'"A ,? #B$ F& E$ A$"$%$

    #B%(,AB #B$ L(0'&) '"#$%&0#'("L #B LB&?$ (,% $M$%@F&@ )'M$LO$0(/$L #B$ responsibility of all good

    citizens. To contribute ones data to the pool is to contribute to the advancement of science, innovatio "8

    &"F )$&%"'"AJ UB'L %B$#(%'0 0&" O$ L$$" /(L# 0)$&%)@ E'#B %$A&%F #( B$&)#B F&J U( O$ 0("0$%"$F &O(,#

    '"F'M'F,&) %'L_ 'L $^,$F E'#B B'"F$%'"A ?%(A%$LLf EB@ O$ 0("0$%"$F &O(,# %$)$&L'"A F& '- '# 0(,)F B$)?

    (#B$%L8 '" #B$ &AA%$A$` Z- 0(,%L$8 #B'L -&')L #( &0_"(E)$FA$ #B$ E&@L '" EB'0B (,% F& 0&" %$M$&) /,0B

    &O(,# ,L #B E$ 0&""(# _"(E (% '"#$"F8 &"F 0&" O$ ,L$F #( F'L0%'/'"$ &A&'"L# '"F'M'F,&)L &"F A%(,?LJ

    N"F B(E /,0B #%,L# LB(,)F E$ B&M$ '" #B$ 0,L#(F'&"LB'? (- F&` UB$ %$?(L'#(%'$L (- F& &%$

    0B&%&0#$%'L#'0&))@ ,"L#&O)$f F& 'L )$&_@8 &"F '# $L0&?$L '" ,"$d?$0#$F E&@L8 O$ '# #B%(,AB $%%(%L8 B&0_L8

    (% EB'L#)$O)(E'"AJ

    +', -(.( 8'.$*(.7*$/

    UB$%$ 'L & L#%("A 0$)$O%(%@ #B%$&F '" #B$ )'#$%,%$ (" O'A F&S #B /(%$ F& E')) O%'"A O$##$%

  • 7/25/2019 Critiquing Big Data


    !"#$%"'("&) +(,%"&) (- .(//,"'0'(" 1 234567 .%'#'^,'"A b'A R&\?$0'&) \$0#'(" !"#%(F,0#'(" 599;

    L0'$"0$8 L&-$% 0'#'$L8 &"F %&?'F '""(M'("J Z"$ L,0B $d&/?)$ 'L -12 &9 )*+ ?-.-2\/()&" H

    V%E'##8 345378 & 0())$0#'(" (- $LL&@L &O(,# #B$ ?(#$"#'&) (- )&%A$QL0&)$ F& AB$%'"A #( F$L'A"

    ?$%L("&)'a$F F%,AL8 ?%$F'0# F'M(%0$8 &"F %$Learch Parkinsons and retinal disease. Even Indias0("#%(M$%L'&) O'(/$#%'0 !R 0&%F ?%(A%&/8 #B$ N&FB&&% 0&%F8 'L F$L0%'O$F '" A)(E'"A #$%/L8 E'#B "( /$"#'("

    (- ?%'M&0@ (% $#B'0L 0("0$%"L8 &"F (")@ & O%'$- /$"#'(" (- #B$ '"-(%/'(" L$0,%'#@ %'L_LJ I'_$E'L$8 '" @&1*-4

    A#$0*10, Pentland (2014) outlines his goal to gather the digital bread crumbs we all leave behind as we

    /(M$ #B%(,AB #B$ E(%)F0&)) %$0(%FL8 0%$F'# 0&%F #%&"L&0#'("L8 &"F Ki\ )(0'(" -'d$L 234568 597 #(

    ?%$F'0# EB( 'L /(%$ )'_$)@ #( A$# F'&betes and whether someone is the sort of person who will pay back

    loans (p. 7). In his view, big data brings us closer to a probabilistic universe where human behavior can

    be predicted from metadata, to build a society that is better at avoiding market 0%&LB$L8 $#B"'0 &"F

    religious violence, political stalemates, widespread corruption, and dangerous concentrations of power (p.

    597J \'/')&%)@8 G&@$%Q\0Bj"O$%A$% &"F .,_'$% 2345:7 L,AA$L# #B )&%A$ F& L$#L B&M$ #B$ ?(#$"#'&) #(

    %$?)&0$ #B$ $d&0#'#,F$ (- causality for the good enough of correlation.

    XB #B$L$ &%A,/$"#L -&') #( -,))@ 0("L'F$%8 B(E$M$%8 'L #B F& L$#L'"0),F'"A ?%$F'0#'M$F&/&@ )$&F #( "$E 0("0$"#%'("L (- ?(E$%8 &"F #B$@ &%$ "$M$% /$#B(F()(A'0&))@ %$/(M$F -%(/

    B,/&" F$L'A" &"F O'&L 2.%&E-(%F8 345:7J b'A F& 0("#'",$L #( ?%$L$"# O)'"F L?(#L &"F ?%(O)$/L (-

    %$?%$L$"#'M$"$LL8 ?%$0'L$)@ O$0&,L$ '# 0&""(# &00(,"# -(% #B(L$ EB( ?&%#'0'?$ '" #B$ L(0'&) E(%)F '"

    ways that do not register as digital signals. It is big datas opacity#( (,#L'F$%L &"F L,OL$^,$"# 0)&'/L #(

    M$%&0'#@ #B%(,AB M(),/$ #B F'L0,%L'M$)@ "$,#%&)'a$L #B$ #$"F$"0@ #( /&_$ $%%(%L8 -&') #( &00(,"# -(%

    0$%#&'" ?$(?)$ &"F 0(//,"'#'$L8 (% F'L0%'/'"$J UB$ %B$#(%'0 (- (OT$0#'M'#@ 0&" O$ M$%@ L$F,0#'M$ #( ?,O)'0

    ?()'0y makers traversing the complex world of social phenomena. In Will Davies (2013) terms, data is

    O$'"A '0')@ ",%&)'a$F8 E'#B '#L '"L#'#,#'("&) &"F /$#B(F()(A'0&) ?%$0("F'#'("L O$'"A /&%A'"&)'a$F -%(/

    discussion (p&%&J ;7J !"F$$F8 #B$ 0$)$O%(%@ ?%(/'Les of big data as good enough to produce

    ?%$F'0#(%L (- L(0'&) O$B&M'(% -,"F&/$"#&))@ 'A"(%$ & _$@ '"L'AB# (- L(0'&) #B$(%@S NAA%$A$F8 '"F'M'F,&)

    &0#'("L 0&""(#8 '" &"F (- #B$/L$)M$L8 ')),L#%$ #B$ 0(/?)'0$F F@"&/'0L #B ?%(F,0$ L(0'&) '"#$%&0#'("

    #B$ EB()$ (- L(0'$#@ 'L A%$$% #B&" #B$ L,/ (- '#L ?&%#LJ

    G(%$ 0%'#'0&) &"F B'L#(%'0&) '"M$L#'A'("L &%$ $/$%A'"A #B &FF%$LL B(E O'A F& 'L O$'"A

    ,"F$%L#((F8 (?$%'("&)'a$F8 &"F %$L'L#$F &0%(LL #B$ -'$)FL (- /$F'&8 0(/?,#$% L0'$"0$8 )&E8 &"F

    $0("(/'0LJ UE( 0())$0#'("L '" ?&%#'0,)&% B&M$ &FF%$LL$F #B$ 'LL,$ (- B(E O'A F& 'L /&F$J B-' ?-.- 60 -%

    CD$;&7&%, a collection edited by Lisa Gitelman (2013), takes up this question by examining the

    imagination of data across various disciplines, eras, and meF'&J UB$L$ $LL&@L (OL$%M$ B(E F& 'L

    A$"$%$F &"F LB&?$F8 E'#B #B$ M$%@ F$-'"'#'(" (- F& 0B&"A'"A &0%(LL #'/$ &"F /$F'&8 -%(/ "$EL?&?$%

    0)'??'"AL '" #B$ 5194L #( #B$ 0(/?,#'("&) 0)(,FJ N >*70. E&%,-$special issue likewise argues that data

    0%$'(" is a process that is extended in time and across spatial and institutional settings (Helles &

    +$"L$"8 345:7J UB'L L?$0'&) L$0#'(" 0("#%'O,#$L #( #B'L A%(E'"A 0%'#'0&) 0("M$%L'("J UB$L$ &%#'0)$L O%'"A &

    ",&"0$F &"F A%(,"F$F &"&)@L'L #( $"A&A$ O'A F& ?%&0#'0$L8 #(()L8 &"F %B$#(%'0L F'%$0#)@ &"F &L_ B(E

    #B$@ -,"0#'("8 B(E #B$@ O,')F '"#$%?%$#'("L8 &"F B(E #B$@ 0(,)F O$ F'--$%$"#8 /(%$ $#B'0&)8 &"F /(%$B'L#(%'0&))@ &E&%$J UB'L 0())$0#'(" 'F$"#'-'$L #B%$$ #B%$&FL (- '"^,'%@J

  • 7/25/2019 Critiquing Big Data


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    9$.#151)1,'%() :&.$*;$&.'1&/ (&5 3.#'%() 6*'.'

  • 7/25/2019 Critiquing Big Data


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    &"> ,B$ (- E$%B("&) '"-(%/'("H 89$ B$"B$ (- E(F$%)$BB"$BB #9 '">'='>,&)B $DE%$BB &G(,# $/$%;'";

    -(%/B (- >& 0())$0#'(" &"> >& /'"'"; %$-)$0#B G(#9 #9$ %$)'("B (- (F"$%B9'E &"> 0("#%() #9 B9&E$&00$BB #( 0(//,"'0'(" &"> '"-(%/'(" %$B(,%0$BC &"> ;%(F'"; &F&%$"$BB (- I,B# 9(F )'##)$ E$(E)$ J"(F

    &G(,# #9$ F&KB '" F9'09 #9$'% >& /';9# G$ #,%"$> G&0J ,E(" #9$/H L)#9(,;9 #9$ -())(F'"; %$B$&%09 F'))

    -(0,B $D0),B'=$)K (" E$%B("&) >$ #KE$ (- >& #9$ 9$&%# (- 0,%%$"# >$G$B &G(,# %$;,)'(" (-

    >& 0())$0#'(" (")'"$#9$ "(#'(" (- & G'; >& >'='>$ 'B /$&"# #( '"=(J$ #9$ G%(&>$% 'BB,$ (- &00$BB #(

    B$"B$M/&J'"; %$B(,%0$B '" #9$ >';'#&) $%&C &"> #9$ >'B#'"0# F&KB (- #9'"J'"; &G(,# &"> ,B'"; >& &=&')&G)$

    #( #9(B$ F'#9 &00$BB #( #%$/$">(,B >&G&B$B &"> #9$ #$09"()(;K &"> E%(0$BB'"; E(F$% #( E,# #9$/ #(


    From a research perspective, boyd and Crawford (2011) have noted the divide between the Big

    Data rich (companieB &"> ,"'=$%B'#'$B #9 0&" ;$"$%$ (% E,%09&B$ &"> B#(%$ )&%;$ >&B$#B7 &"> #9$

    Big Data poor (those excluded from access to the data, expertise, and processing power), highlighting

    #9$ -&0# #9 & %$)'=$)K B/&)) ;%(,E F'#9 >$-'"$> '"#$%$B#B #9%$$"B #( 0("#%() #9$ G'; >& %$B$&%09&;$">&H 89'B &%#'0)$ $D#$">B #9$ "(#'(" (- & G'; >& >'='>$ #( '"0(%E(%$ & >'B#'"0#'(" G$#F$$" F&KB (-

    thinking about data and putting it to use. It argues that big data mining privileges correlation and

    E%$>'0#'(" (=$% $DE)&"'(" &"> 0(/E%$9$"B'(" '" F&KB #9 ,">$%/'"$ #9$ >$/(0%'N'";O$/E(F$%'";

    E%(/'B$ (- >';'#&) /$>'&H & /'"'";C '# K'$)>B

    E%$>'0#'("B #9 &%$ E%(G&G')'B#'0 '" 09&%&0#$%C E%'=')$;'"; >$0'B'("M/&J'"; #9$ &;;%$;$ )$=$) 2(=$%

    time). Moreover, it ushers in an era of emergent social sorting, the ability to discern unM&"#'0'E&G)$ G,#

    E$%B'B#$"# E#$%"B #9 0&" G$ ,B$> #( /&J$ >$0'B'("B #9 '"-),$"0$ #9$ )'-$ 09&"0$B (- '">'='>,&)B &">

    ;%(,EBH !" (")'"$ #%&0J'"; &"> (#9$% #KE$B (- >';'#&)M$%& >& B,%=$'))&"0$C #9$ )(;'0 (- >& /'"'";C F9'09

    E%(E(B$B #( %$=$&) ,"&"#'0'E$>C ,"E%$>'0#&G)$ E#$%"B '" #9$ >&C %$">$%B "(#'("B B,09 &B '"-(%/$>

    consent largely meaningless. Data miners 0)&'/BC >'B0,BB$> '" /(%$ >$#&') '" #9$ -())(F'"; B$0#'("BC

    %$=$&) #9 G'; >& 9()>B E%(/'B$ -(% /,09 /(%$ #9&" #&%;$#$> &>=$%#'B'";P !# 'B &G(,# -'">'"; "$F F&KB

    #( ,B$ >& #( /&J$ E%$>'0#'("BC &"> #9,B >$0'B'("BC &G(,# $=$%K#9'"; -%(/ 9$&)#9 0&%$ #( E()'0'";C ,%G&"E)&""'";C -'"&"0'&) E)&""'";C I(G B0%$$"'";C &"> $>,0'("&) &>/'BB'("BH L# & >$$E$% )$=$)C #9$ G'; >&

    E&%&>';/ 09&))$";$B #9$ $/E(F$%'"; E%(/'B$ (- #9$ !"#$%"$# GK E%(E(B'"; #9$ B,E$%'(%'#K (- & E(B#M

    $DE)&"(%K E%&;/'0B 2&=&')&G)$ (")K #( #9$ -$F7 #( #9$ -(%/B (- 0(/E%$9$"B'(" #9 >';'#&) /$>'& F$%$

    B,EE(B$> #( /&J$ /(%$ &00$BB'G)$ #( #9$ /&"KH Q("$ (- #9$B$ 0("0$%"B -'#B 0(/-(%#&G)K F'#9'" #9$

    B#&">&%> E%'=&0KM(%'$"#$> -%&/'"; (- 'BB,$B %$)$> #( #9$ 0())$0#'(" &"> ,B$ (- E$%B("&) '"-(%/'("H

    ! #$% &'(' &$)$*+

    !" #9$ B$"B$ (- B#&">'"; -(% /(%$ '"-(%/'(" #9&" &"K '">'='>,&) 9,/&" (% ;%(,E (- 9,/&"B 0&"

    0(/E%$9$">C #9$ "(#'(" (- G'; >& 9&B $D'B#$> B'"0$ #9$ >&F" (- 0("B0'(,B"$BBH 89$ F(%)> &"> '#B

    ,"'=$%B$ &%$C #( &"K#9'"; (% &"K("$ F'#9 B$"B$BC '"0(/E%$9$"B'G)K G'; >&H 89$ 0("#$/E(%&%K ,B&;$ 'B

    >'B#'"0#C 9(F$=$%C '" #9 '# /&%JB #9$ $/$%;$"0$ (- #9$ E%(BE$0# (- /&J'"; B$"B$ (- &" '"0(/E%$9$"B'G)K)&%;$ #%(=$ (- %$0(%>$> >$ E%(/'B$ (- G$'"; &G)$ #( E,# '# #( /$&"'";-,) ,B$ $=$" #9(,;9 "(

    '">'='>,&) (% ;%(,E (- '">'='>,&)B 0&" 0(/E%$9$"> '#H R(%$ E%(B&'0&))KC G'; >& >$"(#$B #9$ /(/$"# F9$"

    &,#(/$> -(%/B (- E#$%" %$0(;"'#'(" J"(F" &B !"#" "%"&'#()* 0&" 0 ,E F'#9 &,#(/$> -(%/B (-

    >& 0())$0#'(" &"> B#(%&;$H S,09 >& &"&)K#'0B &%$ >'B#'"0# -%(/ B'/E)$ B$&%09'"; &"> T,$%K'"; (- )&%;$

  • 7/25/2019 Critiquing Big Data


    !"#" %&'( )*+',-,./0 1*2,'*&2/3*&4 536'*&4 37 83996*/0&2/3* :;?

    +&2& @36'0,@A & B'&02/0, C/2D & 960D 43*E,' 4,E&0FG HD6@A 73' 2D, B6'B3@,@ 37 2D/@ &'2/04,A 2D, I/E +&2&

    939,*2 &*+ 2D, &+.,*2 37 +&2&J9/*/*E 2,0D*/K6,@ E3 D&*+ /* D&*+G HD, 9&E*/26+, 37 CD&2 036*2@ &@ I/E

    +&2&A 2D,*A C/44 4/(,4F 03*2/*6, 23 /*0',&@, 23 (,,B B&0, C/2D I32D +&2& @23'&E, &*+ +&2& B'30,@@/*E0&B&0/2/,@G 1L%A CD/0D /@ /*.,@2/*E D,&./4F /* +&2& 9/*/*E &*+ B',+/02/., &*&4F2/0@A *32,@ 2D&2 I/E +&2& /@

    *32 -6@2 &I362 @/M, I62 &4@3 &I362 2D, @B,,+ 37 +&2& E,*,'&2/3* &*+ B'30,@@/*E &*+ 2D, D,2,'3E,*,/2F 37

    +&2& 2D&2 0&* I, +69B,+ /*23 039I/*,+ +&2&I&@,@G 12 +,@0'/I,@ 2D,@, +/9,*@/3*@ /* 2,'9@ 37 2D, 2D',,

    Vs: volume, velocity, and variety (IBM, 2012A B&'&G

  • 7/25/2019 Critiquing Big Data


    !"#$%"'("&) +(,%"&) (- .(//,"'0'(" 1 234567 89$ :'; $%B#&"> #9 #9$B$ >$0'B'("B &%$ "(# %$&))D K&B$> (" &" &BB$BB/$"# (- C9( (% C9 A$(A)$ &%$E K,# ("

    C9 #9$D C')) >( '" #9$ -,#,%$M 89$ A&"(A#'0 B(%# 'B "(# (")D & >'B0%'/'"(%D #$09"()(;DE K,# '# 'B ("$ #9

    depends upon an actuarial assumption2N&">DE 344OE AM 37M 89'B (KB$%='(" %$/&'"B &B B&)'$"# &B $=$%

    '" #9$ $%& (- >& /'"'"; &"> A%$>'0#'=$ &"&)D#'0BE C9'09E C9')$ >$A)(D'"; #9$ %9$#(%'0 (- A$%B("&)'P'("E

    also operate at a probabilistic level. In this regard, the assertion that data mining augers a future in

    C9'09 A%$>'0#'("B B$$/ B( &00,%$ #9 A$(A)$ 0&" K$ &%%$B#$> -(% 0%'/es before they are committed, is

    /'B)$&>'"; 2Q&J,#&"'E 345RE A&%&M 567M S%$>'0#'=$ &"&)D#'0B 'B "(#E >$BA'#$ #9$ 9DA$E & 0%DB#&) K&))M TB ("$

    0(//$"#(% A,# '#E

    When you are doing this kind of analytics, which is called big data, you are looking at

    9,">%$>B (- #9(,B&">B #( /'))'("B (- A$(A)$E &"> D(, &%$ 0("=$%;'"; &;&'"B# #9$ /$&"M !

    cant tell you what one shopper is going to do, but I can tell you with 90 percent

    &00,%&0D C9 ("$ B9(AA$% 'B ;('"; #( >( '- 9$ (% B9$ )((JB $U&0#)D )'J$ ("$ /'))'(" (#9$%

    B9(AA$%BM 2V()&"E 3453E AM 5O7

    :,# #9$ 0("-,B'(" K$#C$$" -(%#,"$ #$))'"; &"> -(%$0&B#'"; 'B 0("B$F,$"#'&)E -(% >$0'B'("B /&>$ &

    A%(K&K')'B#'0E &;;%$;$ )$=$) A%(>,0$ $--$0#B -$)# &" '">'='>,&) )$=$)W #9$ A%(-')$ &"> #9$ A$%B("

    '"#$%B$0#M 8( B(/$("$ C9( 9&B K$$" >$"'$> 9$&)#9 0&%$E $/A)(D/$"#E (% 0%$>'#E #9$ >'--$%$"0$ K$#C$$" &

    A%(K&K')'B#'0 A%$>'0#'(" &"> & 0$%#&'"#D 'BE -(% &)) A%&0#'0&) A,%A(B$BE '//$%'&)M

    X(0'&) B(%#'"; 9&B & )("; 9'B#(%D K,# 0(/$B '"#( '#B (C" &B & -(%/ (- &,#(/$> 0&)0,),BE &BN&">D 25YYR7 B,;;$B#BE '" #9$ $%& (- /(>$%" K,%$&,0%'0 %'("&)'#DM 89,BE '# 'B #$/A#'"; #( "(#$ #9$

    9'B#(%'0&) 0("#'",'#D K$#C$$" K'; >&G>%'=$" -(%/B (- B(0'&) B(%#'"; &"> $&%)'$% -(%/B (- >&GK&B$>

    >$0'B'(" /&J'";E -%(/ 8&D)(%'B# -(%/B (f scientific management to midG34#9G0$"#,%D -(%/B (- %$>)'"'";

    '" #9$ K&"J'";E 9(,B'";E &"> '"B,%&"0$ '">,B#%'$BM Z&)$D 2345R7E -(% $U&/A)$E 9&B "(#$> #9 '" &" $&%)D

    &00(,"# (- 0(/A,#$%Genabled surveillance, David Lyon (1994) suggests that the differe"0$ /&>$ KD

    information technologies is one of degree, not of kind, that they simply make more efficient more

    C'>$BA%$&>E &"> B'/,)#&"$(,B)D )$BB ='B'K)$ /&"D A%(0$BB$B #9 &)%$&>D (00,% (Raley, 2013, p. 124).

    [(C$=$%E & F,&)'#'=$ B9'-# '" /("'#(%'";Gbased social sorting results from the emergent character of

    "$C >&G/'"'"; A%(0$BB$BE C9'09 "(C 0&" ;$"$%$ ,"G&"#'0'A&K)$ &"> ,"G'"#,'#&K)$ A%$>'0#'=$ A#$%"B

    2$M;ME .9&J%&K&%#'E 344Y7M 89 'BE #9$'% BDB#$/'0E B#%,0#,%&) (A&0'#D 0%$$B & >'='>$ K$#C$$" #9$ J'">B (-

    useful knowledge available to those with and without access to the database.

    !" #9$ -())(C'"; B$0#'("BE ! &%;,$ #9 $/$%;'"; &C&%$"$BB (- -(%/B (- &BD//$#%'0&) A(C$%

    &BB(0'$> C'#9 K(#9 #9$ #%$/$">(,B &00,/,)'(" (- >& &"> "$C #$09"'F,$B -(% A,##'"; '# #( C(%J

    A%(='>$B & A(BB'K)$ $UA)&"'(" -(% A,K)'0 0("0$%" &K(,# #9$ 0())$0#'(" &"> ,B$ (- A$%B("&) >&M X,%=$D

    &-#$% B,%=$DE '"0),>'"; /D (C" 2>'B0,BB$> K$)(C7E 9&B %$=$&)$> & 9';9 )$=$) (- 0("0$%" &K(,# #9$

  • 7/25/2019 Critiquing Big Data


    !"#$ &'() *+,(-.-/01 2+3-(+'304+'5 647(+'5 48 94::7+01'304+ $;?

    14::-(10'5 1455-1304+ '+, 7@- 48 A-(@4+'5 0+84(:'304+ 4+50+-B C4( -D':A5-E '

  • 7/25/2019 Critiquing Big Data


    !"#$%"'("&) +(,%"&) (- .(//,"'0'(" 1 234567 89$ :'; Crawford met this claim with a resounding no [2011, p. 4]).

    K#$%"B /&E $/$%;$ -%(/ #9$ >&C J,# #9$'% %$)$=&"0$ (% ,B$-,)"$BB >$H$">B 9$&=')E (" #9$ L,$B#'("B

    #9$E &>>%$BBC M9'09 '" #,%" >$H$"> (" M9( 'B &BN'";I O"$ #9'"; >& 0&""(# >( 'B B$# #9$ &;$">&I

    Andersons version of big data 'B &" '"B#%,/$"#&) ("$ &JB#%&0#$> -%(/ J%(&>$% 'BB,$B (- =&),$B &"> ;(&)B

    2L,$B#'("B (- B(0'&) P,B#'0$C >$/(0%'0 0(//'#/$"#BC $#0I7#9$ =$%E 'BB,$B #9 #9$ $Q'B#'"; J(>'$B (-

    theory sidelined by Anderson are needed to address. Andersons article is simp )E & L,'0ND9'# /&;&R'"$

    H'$0$C J,# '#B -&'),%$ #( 0("B'>$% #9$ )&%;$% 0("#$Q# '" M9'09 )&%;$C -(%DH%(-'# $"#'#'$B 2&"> $=$"

    ;(=$%"/$"#BC M9'09C '# #,%"B (,#C H';;EJ&0N (" #9$B$ >&J&B$B7 0())$0#C (M"C &"> 0("#%() #9$ >& 'B

    #$))'"; "("$#9$)$BBI S(%$ J),"#)EC B'>$)'"'"; #9$ J%(&>$% L,$B#'(" (- 0("#$Q# &"> =&),$B $--$0#'=$)E $Q$/H#B

    #9$ L,$B#'(" (- #9$ J$B# ,B$B (- #9$ >& -%(/ #9$ %$&09 (- #9$(%E &"> /(>$)BC )$&='"; '# #( #9$'/H$%'=$B (- #9(B$ M'#9 &00$BB #( #9$ >&J&B$BI 89'B 'B #9$ %$&) '/H(%# (- #9e end of theory claim.

    With these qualifications in mind, the substance of Andersons claim is more narrowly

    '"#$%H%$#&J)$T >& /'"'"; 9&B #9$ &J')'#E #( ;$"$%$ &0#'("&J)$ '"-(%/'(" #9 'B J(#9 ,"H%$>'0#&J)$ &">

    '"$QH)'0&J)$ 2"$'#9$% "$$>'"; "(% ;$"$%'"; &" ,">$%)E'"; $QH)&"(%E /(>$)7I U(% $Q&/H)$C #9$ $%& (-

    data mining and microDtargeting has renewed the salience of a bit of political wisdom discovered early in

    #9$ 5A@4B JE V$H,J)'0&" H()'#'0&) 0("B,)#&"#B '" #9$ W"'#$> X#$BT S$%0,%E (M"$%B M$%$ -&% /(%$ )'N$)E

    to vote Republican than owners of any other kind of automobile (Gertner, 2004 C H&%&I 537I YB ("$

    consultant put it, We never had the money or the technology to make anything of it . . . but o - 0(,%B$

    they do now (ib'>I7I

    89'B N'"> (- '">,0#'=$ 0(%%$)'("C M9'09 'B %$)'=$)E $&BE #( ;$"$%$ #9%(,;9 >& /'"'";CH%(='>$B H%$>'0#'=$ H(M$% &"> &0#'("&J)$ '"-(%/'(" J,# )'##)$ '" #9$ M&E (- $QH)&"'("I S$&"M9')$C #9(B$

    '"#$%$B#$> '" ,B'"; #9$ '"-(%/'(" -(% $)$0#'("$$%'"; H,%H(B$B >( "(# H&%#'0,)&%)E 0&%$ &J(,# &"E

    ,">$%)E'"; $QH)&"'("C B9(,)> #9$%$ J$ ("$I YB Y">$%B(" 23441C H&%&I 1) pointed out, Who knows why

    H$(H)$ >( M9 #9$E >(Z 89$ H('"# 'B #9$E >( '#C &"> M$ 0&" #%&0N &"> /$&B,%$ '# M'#9 ,"H%$0$>$"#$>


    Y >$-'"'"; #%'J,#$ (- #9'B N'"> (- N"(M)$>;$ 'B #9$ %$H)&0$/$"# (- $QH)&"'(" &"> 0&,B'("

    with correlation and prediction. What is known is not an underlying cause or explanation but rather a set

    (- H%(J&J')'B#'0 H%$>'0#'("BI '0#&J)$ 2'" #9$ B$"B$ (-

    "(# J$'"; %$&>')E &"#'0'H&J)$7 &"> (#9$%M'B$ '">'B0$%"'J)$ H#$%"B JE B(%#'"; #9%(,;9 /,09 )&%;$% >&

    B$#B'">$$>C #9$ ;(&) (- >& /'"'"; 'B #( >$#$0# H#$%"B #9 &%$ "(# '"#,'#'=$)E &=&')&J)$ #( #9$ ,"&'>$>

    9,/&" $E$ (% /'">I 89 'BC #9$ ;(&) 'BC JE >$-'"'#'("C #( $Q#%&0# "("DH%$>'0#&J)$ H#$%"B #9 $/$%;$(")E ='& &,#(/$> H%(0$BB'"; (- >& B$#B #9 &%$ #(( )&%;$ #( /&N$ B$"B$ (- (#9$%M'B$I YB ("$ >&D

    mining textbook observed, as the world;%(MB '" 0(/H)$Q'#EC (=$%M9$)/'"; ,B M'#9 #9$ >& '# ;$"$%$BC

    data mining becomes our only hope for elucidating the patterns that underlie it (Chakrabarti, 2009, p.

    32). Perhaps unsurprisingly, considering commercial databases central role in its dev$)(H/$"#C #9$ ;(&)B

  • 7/25/2019 Critiquing Big Data


    !"#$ &'() *+,(-.-/01 2+3-(+'304+'5 647(+'5 48 94::7+01'304+ #;

    48 ,'3' :0+0+? '(- 483-+'53@47?@ +43 -A157B0/-5Cportrayed in terms of competitive advantage. Data

    :0+0+? 0B ,-80+-, 'B 3@- D(41-BB 48 ,0B14/-(0+? D'33-(+B 0+ ,'3'E F@- D(41-BB :7B3 G- '734:'301 4( ;:4(-

    7B7'55C> B-:0'734:'301E F@- D'33-(+B ,0B14/-(-, :7B3 G- :-'+0+?875 0+ 3@'3 3@-C 5-', 34 B4:- ',/'+3'?-Husually an economic advantage (Chakrabarti, 2009, p. 27). I73 +7:-(47B 43@-( 3CD-B 48 ',/'+3'?-B '(-

    conceivable. McCues (2007) textbook on predictive policing frames the goal in 3-(:B 48 +'304+'5 B-17(03C

    and military advantage: 28 )+4J5-,?- 0B D4J-(H 3@-+ 84(-)+4J5-,?- K/0' D(-,0130/- '+'5C301BL 1'+ G- B--+

    as battlespace dominance or supremacy (p. 48).MITs big data guru Alex Pentland, who coined the term

    reality mining to ,-B1(0G- 3@- G(-',3@ '+, ,-D3@ 48 +-J 84(:B 48 ,'3' 1'D37(-H '+3010D'3-B 3@'3 0+B0?@3B

    ?5-'+-, 8(4: 3@- ,'3'G'B- J055 @-5D 1(-'3- ' :4(- @-'53@CH B-17(-H '+, -88010-+3 J4(5, 84( '55M

    N4( B410-3CH 3@- @4D- 0B 3@'3 J- 1'+ 7B- 3@0B +-J 0+O,-D3@ 7+,-(B3'+,0+? 48 0+,0/0,7'5

    G-@'/047( 34 0+1(-'B- 3@- -88010-+1C '+, (-BD4+B0/-+-BB 48 0+,7B3(0-B '+, ?4/-(+:-+3BE

    N4( 0+,0/0,7'5BH 3@- '33('1304+ 0B 3@- D4BB0G0503C 48 ' J4(5, J@-(- -/-(C3@0+? 0B '(('+?-, 84(

    C47( 14+/-+0-+1-C47( @-'53@ 1@-1)7D 0B :'?01'55C B1@-,75-, .7B3 'B C47 G-?0+ 34 ?-3

    B01)H 3@- G7B 14:-B .7B3 'B C47 ?-3 34 3@- G7B B34DH '+, 3@-(- 0B +-/-( ' 50+- 48 J'030+?D-4D5- '3 103C @'55E ;P-+35'+,H

    S3@-( G-+-803B 1475, 0+/45/- +-J 84(:B 48 3('+BD'(-+1C 3@'3 :')- /'(047B )0+,B 48 D7G501 (-14(,B '/'05'G5-

    B4 'B 34 @45, D7G501 488010'5B '+, D(0/'3- -+3030-B :4(- '1147+3'G5-E

    But even these salutary scenarios belie the leveling promise of networked digital technology.

    F@- -(' 48 G0? ,'3' :0+0+? 14+1-+3('3-B ' D'(30175'( 3-1@+0T7- 84( ?-+-('30+? '1304+'G5- 0+84(:'304+ ;34 G-

    7B-, 84( ?44, 4( 055> 0+ 4+5C ' 8-J @'+,BH 84( 3@- BD-10801 D7(D4B- 48 ?'0+0+? B4:- )0+, 48 ',/'+3'?-EU

    F-550+?5CH 03 D4B03B ' 84(: 48 )+4J0+? 3@'3 '55-?-,5C (-+,-(B 4GB45-3- 4( 473,'3-, 3@- /-(C :4,-5 48

    2+3-(+-3 -:D4J-(:-+3 3@'3 J'B B7DD4B-, 34 @-5D @45, -+3(-+1@-, 84(:B 48 D4J-( '1147+3'G5- GC

    0+1(-'B0+? '11-BB 34 84(:B 48 )+4J5-,?- 3@'3 '554J-, D-4D5- 34 7+,-(B3'+, 3@- J4(5, '(47+, 3@-:E=F@0B

    is the thrust of Andersons account of the end of theory: that understandi +? 3@- J4(5, 3@(47?@ 3@-1'(-875H .7,01047BH '+, 0+84(:-, B37,C 48 '/'05'G5- 0+84(:'304+ 0BH 84( ' ?(4J0+? ('+?- 48 'DD501'304+BH

    4GB45-3- 0+ 3@- D-3'GC3- -('H J@01@ D(4:0B-B 34 7+-'(3@ D4J-(8755C 7B-875 D'33-(+B 8(4: G4,0-B 48

    0+84(:'304+ 3@'3 '(- 344 5'(?- 84( ' B0+?5- D-(B4+ 4( ?(47D 48 D-4D5- 34 :')- B-+B- 48E *3 3@- /-(C

    :4:-+3 3@'3 3@- +-J 3-1@+454?C -+@'+1-B '11-BB 34 3(',0304+'5 84(:B 48 7+,-(B3'+,0+? '+, -/0,-+1-H

    3@-C '(- 3(-'3-, 'B 4B3-+B0G5C 473,'3-,E

    V/-+ 08 *+,-(B4+ 0B 4/-(B3'30+? 3@- 1'B- '+, 7+,-(B3'+,0+? (-:'0+B '+ 0:D4(3'+3 'BD-13 48

    )+4J5-,?- '1T70B0304+ 0+ 3@- ,0?03'5 -('H 3@- D40+3 (-:'0+BM F@- 8-J J055 @'/- '11-BB 34 7B-875 84(:B 48

    knowledge that provide an advantage of some kind and that are not just unavailable to the vast majoritC

    G73 !"#$%&'()("*!+,(H 0+ 3@- B-+B- ,-B1(0G-, GC W-0+G-(?-( ;E F@0B )+4J5-,?- 0B 7+D(-,013'G5- '+,

    0+-AD501'G5- 0+ 3@- 14+/-+304+'5 B-+B- ;'B 0+ 3@- &-(17(C -A':D5-M ' 14((-5'304+ J03@473 '+ 7+,-(5C0+?

    UI0? ,'3' B@475, +43 G- 7+,-(B344, 'B ' B3'301 14+1-D3H 84( 'B :4(- D-4D5- ?'0+ '11-BB 34 ,'3'O:0+0+?

    technology, still bigger data will remain beyond their reach, available only to those with the resources to

    B7DD4(3 3@- 5'3-B3 3-1@+454?C '+, 3@- 5'(?-B3 ,'3'G'B-BE=N4( ' ,0B17BB04+ 48 3@- D(4:0B- 48 2+3-(+-3 -:D4J-(:-+3H B-- *+,(-.-/01 ;

  • 7/25/2019 Critiquing Big Data


    !"#$%"'("&) +(,%"&) (- .(//,"'0'(" 1 234567 89$ :'; '='>,&) ,C$%C 9&=$ "(

    D&H #( &"#'0'A$ -,))H 9(D '"-(%/'(" &E(,# #9$/ /';9# A%(=$ C&)'$"# -(% A&%#'0,)&% -(%/C (- >$0'C'("

    /&I'";G '"0),>'";G -(% $@&/A)$G D9$#9$% #9$H /';9# E$ 0("C'>$%$> & C$0,%'#H %'CIG & ;((> (% E&> J(EA%(CA$0#G & 0%$>'# %'CIG (% /(%$ (% )$CC )'I$)H #( >%(A (,# (- C09(()FF .("C'>$%G -(% '"C#&"0$G #9$ -'">'"; #9

    people who fill out online job applications using browsers that did not come with the computer . . . but

    9&> #( E$ >$)'E$%$)H '"C#&))$d (like Firefox or Googles Chrome) perform better and change jobs less

    often (Robot Recruiters, 2013G A&%&F 37F 89$ -'">'"; 'C ,"$@A)&'"$> &"> ,")'I$)H #( E$ &"#'0'A$> EH #9$

    &AA)'0&"#C #9$/C$)=$CG E,# '# 0&" C';"'-'0&"#)H &--$0# #9$'% )'=$C "$=$%#9$)$CCF KC #9'C $@&/A)$ C,;;$C#CG #9$

    -(%/C (- C(0'&) C(%#'"; &CC(0'$> D'#9 E'; >& /'"'"; D')) %&";$ -&% E$H("> #9$ /&%I$#'"; %$&)/G -$$>'";

    '"#( #9$ >$0'C'("L/&I'"; A%(0$CC$C (- #9(C$ D'#9 &00$CC #( #9$ '"-(%/'(" '# A%(='>$C &"> #9$%$EH

    &))(D'"; #9$/ #( &--$0# #9$ )'-$ 09&"0$C (- (#9$%C '" '"0%$&C'";)H (A&B,$ E,# C';"'-'0&"# D&HCF

    M9$%$&C '# /&H C#')) E$ A(CC'E)$ #( '"#,'#'=$)H ;%&CA #9$ )'"I E$#D$$"G -(% $@&/A)$G & A&%#'0,)&%

    E%&"> (- 0&% &"> & A()'#'0&) A%$-$%$"0$G #9$ A%(/'C$ (- >& /'"'"; 'C #( ,"$&%#9 0(%%$)'("C E$H("> #9$

    %$&)/ (- C,09 '/&;'"'";F N$=$%C$ $";'"$$%'"; &" &);(%'#9/'0 >$#$%/'"'(" 0&" %$B,'%$ &C /,09 $@A$%#'C$&C ;$"$%'"; '# '" #9$ -'%C# A)&0$G &"> #9$ %$C,)#C /&H 9&=$ "( >'%$0# $@A)&"(%H A(D$%F M9$" 0(%%$)'("

    >'CA)&0$C 0&,C&)'#H (% $@A)&"'("G #9$ ;(&) 'C #( &00,/,)$ &C 0(/A%$9$"C'=$ &"> =&%'$> & >&E&C$ &C

    A(CC'E)$ #( ;$"$%$ #%,)H C,%A%'C'";G "("L'"#,'#'=$ %$C,)#CF O$%9&AC & A&%#'0,)&% 0(/E'"'(" (- $'";

    9&E'#CG D$$% A#$%"CG &"> ;$(;%&A9'0 )(0'(" 0(%%$)$C D'#9 & #$">$"0H #( A$%-(%/ A((%)H '" &

    A&%#'0,)&% J(E (% C,C0$A#'E')'#H #( & 09%("'0 '))"$CC #9 #9%$$"C $/A)(H&E')'#HF 89$%$ /&H "(# E$ &"H

    ,">$%)H'"; $@A)&"'(" E$H("> #9$ A#$%" '#C$)-F

    89$ E&C'C -(% #9$ I'"> (- C(%#'"; $"='C'("$> ='& E'; >& /'"'"; 'C )'I$)H #( E$0(/$ '"0%$&C'";)H

    (EC0,%$ '" >'%$0# A%(A(%#'(" #( #9$ C'P$ &"> C0(A$ (- #9$ &=&')&E)$ >& &"> #9$ C(A9'C#'0'(" (- #9$

    #$09"'B,$C ,C$> #( /'"$ '#F K# & %$0$"# /$$#'"; (- #9$ Q%;&"'C'(" -(% R0("(/'0 .(L(A$%'(" &">


    -,))H D9 'C ;('"; (" #9$%$F 2+F U&$C)$%G A$%C("&) 0(//,"'0'("G V$E%,&%H 3?G 345S7

    8( "(#$ #9$C$ 09&%&0#$%'C#'0C (- >& /'"'"; 'C "(# #( >'C0(,"# #9$ A(#$"#'&) E$"$-'#C (- '#C &"#'0'A$>

    E$"$=()$"# ,C$CF W$# #9$ C9&>(D (- %'("&)'P'(" E$#(I$"C &CH//$#%'0&) 0("#%()T & D(%)> '" D9'09 A$(A)$

    &%$ C(%#$> '/A(%#&"# )'-$ /(/$"#C &00(%>'"; #( ;$"$#'0G >$/(;%&A9'0G ;$(L)(0'("&)G &"> A%$='(,C)H

    ,"&"#'0'A$> #HA$C (- >& '" D&HC #9 %$/&'" (A&B,$ &"> '"&00$CC'E)$ #( #9(C$ D9( &%$ &--$0#$>F !"

    C(/$ '"C#&"0$CG #9'C 'C C,%$)H >$C'%&E)$T D9$"G -(% $@&/A)$G & /$>'0&) '"#$%=$"#'(" 'C #%';;$%$> J,C# '"

    #'/$ #( &=('> /(%$ C$=$%$ 0(/A)'0'("CF K# #9$ C&/$ #'/$G '# 'C $&CH #( '/&;'"$ D&HC '" D9'09 #9'C #HA$

    (- A%$L$/A#'=$ /(>$))'";D9 M'))'&/ :(;&%> 25XX?G AF 5) has called the simulation of surveillance

    0&" E$ &E,C$>F !/&;'"$G -(% $@&/A)$ & D(%)> '" D9'09 A%'=$ 9$&)#9 '"C,%$%C /'"$ 0)'$"# >& '" &"

    #$/A# #( 0&"0$) 0(=$%&;$ J,C# '" #'/$ #( &=('> 9&='"; #( 0(=$% /&J(% /$>'0&) $@A$"C$CF

  • 7/25/2019 Critiquing Big Data


    !"#$ &'() *+,(-.-/01 2+3-(+'304+'5 647(+'5 48 94::7+01'304+ #;$

    !"#$ &'()*' +#*, -.(/$ !"'0 +"'1 +#*, -.(/$ &234#51

    ?@- 'AA'(-+3 14+3(',01304+B 0+ A7C501 '33037,-B 34D'(, A-(B4+'5E,'3' 1455-1304+ (-B45/- B4:-D@'3D@-+ /0-D-, 'F'0+B3 3@0B '1147+3 48 3@- C0F ,'3' ,0/0,- '+, 03B ,-80+0+F '33(0C73-BG ?@4B- D@4 .7,F-

    A-4A5- B45-5H CH 3@-0( '1304+B :'H 14+157,-I 84( -J':A5-I 3@'3Ithe average American finds a very healthy

    '11-A3'C5- C'5'+1- C-3D--+ A(0/'1H '+, 14+/-+0-+1-I 3@-H F0/- 7A B4:- A(0/'1H '+, F-3 ' 543 48

    convenience (Oppmann, 2010I A'('G !!>G ?@0B 8(':0+F 48 3@- -J1@'+F- 'BB7:-B A-4A5- '(- 'D'(- 48 3@-

    3-(:B 48 3@- 3(',-E488 '+, 03 14+B3(7-B '1K70-B1-+1- 34 A(-EB3(7137(-, 3-(:B 48 '11-BB 'B 3'+3':47+3 34 '

    (-',H -:C('1- 48 3@4B- 3-(:BG L+ 154B-( -J':0+'304+I B71@ 'BB7:A304+B 8'55 B@4(3G ?@- +4304+ 48 0+84(:-,

    14+B-+3 0B ' /-J-, 4+- 0+ 3@- 4+50+- 14+3-J3I A'(35H C-1'7B- 8-D A-4A5- (-', 3@- 3-(:B 48 7B- 3@-H 'F(--

    34 7A4+ .40+0+F 4( B0F+0+F 0+G M-B-'(1@ 0+,01'3-B 3@'3 3@- /'B3 :'.4(03H 48 7B-(B 4+5H B)0: A(0/'1H A45010-B

    or skip them altogether (e.g., Regulators Demand, 2009; Turow, &7550F'+I N O448+'F5-I $

    survey of 1,100 people about Australians attitudes toward the collection and use of their personal

    0+84(:'304+GU?@- B7(/-H (-B753B A'('55-5-, (-B-'(1@ 0+ 43@-( 147+3(0-B 0+,01'30+F ' @0F@ 5-/-5 48 14+1-(+

    U?@-B- B7(/-H 80+,0+FB '(- C'B-, 4+ ' +'304+'5 3-5-A@4+- B7(/-H 14+,713-, D03@ *V !I!

  • 7/25/2019 Critiquing Big Data


    !"#$%"'("&) +(,%"&) (- .(//,"'0'(" 1 234567 89$ :'; '"; & >(L"(#L#%&0M (C#'(" 2F3G B,CC(%#7K & %$N,'%$/$"# #( >$)$#$ C$%B("&)>& ,C(" %$N,$B# 2F?G B,CC(%#7K &"> %$&)L#'/$ "(#'-'0'(" (- #%&0M'"; 2FEG B,CC(%#7I OP$)) (=$% 9&)- (-

    #9$ %$BC(">$"#B 2E?G7 B&'> #9$J (CC(B$> 0,B#(/'Q$> &>=$%#'B'"; A&B$> (" #%&0M'";I 89$ B,%=$J %$B,)#B

    &)B( '">'0$> #9 C$(C)$ &%$ C&)C&A)J &H&%$ #9 #9$J M"(H )'##)$ &A(,# 9(H #9$'% '"-(%/'(" 'B ,B$>D

    O@G (- %$BC(">$"#B B&'> #9$J "$$>$> #( M"(H /(%$ &A(,# #9$ H&JB H$AB'#$B 0())$0# &"> ,B$ #9$'%


    8hese findings represent a particular type of big data divide, not between researchers with

    access to the data and those without, but between sorters and sortees#9 'BK "(# A$#H$$" #9(B$ H9(

    0(/C%$9$"> #9$ 0(%%$)'("B &"> #9(B$ H9( >( "(#K A,# A$#H$$" #9(B$ H9( &%$ &A)$ #( $R#%&0# &"> ,B$

    ,"L&"#'0'C&A)$ &"> '"$RC)'0&A)$ 2&B >$B0%'A$> &A(=$7 -'">'";B &"> #9(B$ H9( -'"> #9$'% )'=$B &--$0#$> AJ

    #9$ %$B,)#'"; >$0'B'("BI 89'B -(%/,)'(" 0&" &'> 0("B'>$%'(" (- #9$ H&JB #9 #9$ C(B#LB,%=$J -'">'";B

    -%(/ #9$ -())(HL,C -(0,B ;%(,CB 09&))$";$ #9$ >(/'"&"# -%&/'"; (- 'BB,$B '" 0("#$/C(%&%J >'B0,BB'("B (-privacy. One repeatedly mobilized frame is perhaps best summed up by Eric Schmidts notorious

    observation: !- J(, 9&=$ B(/$#9'"; #9 J(, dont want anyon$ #( M"(HK maybe you shouldnt be doing'#

    in the first place (and his subsequent, related assurance that if you dont have anything to hide, you

    have nothing to fear) (:%&>)$JK 3453K C&%&I @SGoogle CEO on Privacy, 2010K C&%&I 5). Gmails role in

    #9%$$ B'#$B &0%(BB T,B#%&)'& 2U$)A(,%"$K VJ>"$JK &"> :%'BA&"$7I W$0%,'#$> %&">(/)J '" C,A)'0 BC&0$B -(%

    @4L #( 6EL/'",#$ >'B0,BB'("BK %$BC(">$"#B H$%$ B0%$$"$> #( '"0),>$ (")J $RC$%'$"0$> !"#$%"$# ,B$%BI 89$

    C%$)'/'"&%J '"#$%='$H B&/C)$ BM$HB J(,"; &"> -$/&)$K 0("B'B#'"; (- 5F -$/&)$ %$BC(">$"#B &"> 1 /&)$

    %$BC(">$"#BK &)) A$#H$$" #9$ &;$B (- 5F &"> @OI TB #9$ C%(X$0# >$=$)(CBK %$BC(">$"#B H')) A$ B$)$0#$> #(

    0(,"#$% #9'B BM$HI Y(0,B ;%(,C C&%#'0'C&"#B H$%$ B'/')&%)J %$0%,'#$> '" C,A)'0 BC&0$B #9$ #9%$$ %$B$&%09

    B'#$B &"> %$0$'=$> & Z34 '8,"$B ;'-# 0&%> #( C&%#'0'C$ '" & E4L/'",#$ ;%(,C >'B0,BB'("I T B'/')&% BM$H

    &CC)'$B #( #9$ -(0,B ;%(,C C&%#'0'C&"#BD 5? H(/$" &"> ? /$"K &;$B 34@5I 89$ -(0,B ;%(,C B#%,0#,%$ H&B

    #$B#$> (" B#,>$"#B '" &" ,">$%;%&>,$ B$/'"&%K &"> B(/$ (- #9$'% 0(//$"#B H$%$ '"0),>$>I?Actual survey question: 89'"M'"; "(H &A(,# #9$ C$%B("&) '"-(%/'(" ;$%$> AJ [\]!\^ 0(/C&"'$B

    &A(,# #9$'% 0("B,/$%BK H(,)> J(, B&J #9$J ;$% #(( /,09K &A(,# #9$ %';9# &/(,"# (% "(# $"(,;9

    information?OV,%=$J N,$B#'("BD

    $)$#$ &))

    B#(%$> '"-(%/'(" &A(,# &" '">'='>,&)K '- %$N,$B#$> #( >( B(_

    3I 89$%$ B9ould be a law requiring Web sites and applications to provide a doL"(#Ltrack

    (C#'(" #9 H(,)> C%$=$"# #9$/ -%(/ ;$%'"; '"-(%/'(" &A(,# C$(C)$_

    @I 89$%$ B9(,)> A$ & )&H %$N,'%'"; 0(/C&"'$B #( "(#'-J C$(C)$ #9$ #'/$ H9$" #9$J 0())$0#

    >& &A(,# #9$/ (")'"$_1Survey question: `(H H(,)> J(, >$B0%'A$ J(,% ,">$%B#&">'"; (- #9$ H&JB '" H9'09 0(/C&"'$B 0())$0#

    &"> ,B$ #9$ '"-(%/'(" #9$J ;$% &A(,# C$(C)$ (")'"$_ J M"(H &B /,09 &B

    J(, "$$> #( M"(H &A(,# H9 0(/C&"'$B >( '" #9'B %$;&%> (% "$$> #( M"(H /(%$ &A(,# H9 0(/C&"'$B

    do in this regard?

  • 7/25/2019 Critiquing Big Data


    !"#$ &'() *+,(-.-/01 2+3-(+'304+'5 647(+'5 48 94::7+01'304+ #;

    3?- ,4@+8'55 48 ABCB D-+-('5 E-3('-7F 5-+3 3?-F- (-:'()F ' 1-(3'0+ F'50-+1-G H73 3?-I ,4 +43 (-85-13 3?-

    14+1-(+F 48 :4F3 (-FJ4+,-+3FG @?4 -:J?'F0K- 3?'3 @?-(-'F :71? 48 3?- 0+84(:'304+ 3?-I F?'(- ;'+, 3?'3

    0F 1455-13-, 'H473 3?-:> 0F :7+,'+-G 3?-I F3055 ,0F50)- H-0+L 14:J-55-, 34 F?'(- 03B

    M+- 8417F L(47J J'(3010J'+3G 84( -N':J5-G 7F-, .7F3 4+- @4(, 0+ (-FJ4+F- 34 14+1-(+F 'H473 3?-

    collection and use of personal information: powerless. C-/-('5 43?-(F 0+ 3?- F-/-+OJ-(F4+ ,0F17FF04+

    L(47J 0+,01'3-, 3?-I ?', '5F4 @(033-+ ,4@+ J4@-(5-FF 0+ 3?-0( ,0F17FF04+ +43-FB *+43?-( J'(3010J'+3

    1?0:-, 0+G

    P47 .7F3 8--5 473 48 14+3(45 48 @?'3 J-4J5- 1'+ )+4@ 'H473 I47B 23 (-0+84(1-F @?'3 3?-

    @4(5, ?'F 14:- 34B 2 )+4@ 3?'3 0+ L-+-('5 I47 F?'(- ' 543 :4(- 3?'+ I47 7F-, 3 o, were

    7F-, 34 3?'3B Q73 3?-+ 2 F3055 8--5 J4@-(5-FFB ;:'5-G

    R?- 8417F L(47J J'(3010J'+3F (-J-'3-,5I 0+/4)-, ' 8--50+L 48 'FI::-3(I 3?'3 J'('55-5-, 3?0F F-+F- 48

    J4@-(5-FF+-FFB *F 4+- (-FJ4+,-+3 :'0+3'0+-, 0+ ' 14+/-(F'304+ 3471?0+L 4+ -O:'05 '+, F410'5 +-3@4()0+LSIts not fair, its not transparent. Its funny because Facebook is supposed to be all about transparency,

    and theyre the ones who arent transparent at all (female, 31). Another respondent explained how this

    F-+F- 48 J4@-(5-FF+-FF 0+857-+1-, ?-( ,-10F04+ +43 34 (-', J(0/'1I J45010-FS

    2 .7F3 1501) 'L(--G H-1'7F- @?'3 -5F- 1'+ 2 ,4T 2 3?0+) 3?'3 8(7F3('304+ F4:-30:-F .7F3

    translates into: I wont even think about it, because what can I do? It [Facebook]

    H-14:-F J'(3 48 ?4@ I47 14++-1t with people. Its really useful for your career, for your

    choices in life. It doesnt mean you cant live without it, but living with it becomes

    0:J4(3'+3B ;8-:'5-G

    &4F3 (-FJ4+,-+3F -NJ(-FF-, 14+1-(+ '+, 8(7F3('304+ @03? 3?- 4+50+- 1455-1304+ 48 0+84(:'304+

    'H473 3?-:G H73 ' 8-@ F'0, 3?-I @-(- 7+14+1-(+-, H-1'7F- 3?-(- @'F +43?0+L 3?-I 1475, ,4 'H473 03B *F4+- 8417F L(47J J'(3010J'+3 J73 03G

    I dont see it as a threat . . . probably because I dont know much about it. . . . I cant

    F-- 03 '88-130+L :- 0+ :I -/-(I,'I 508- H73 08 I47 3-55 :- 'H473 4+50+- J(0/'1I B B B 3?-+

    Ill be thinking about it all the time. Im better off not knowing about it in the first place.


  • 7/25/2019 Critiquing Big Data


    !"#$%"'("&) +(,%"&) (- .(//,"'0'(" 1 234567 89$ :'; B$ 09((A'"; &"> )'/'#A C9 '# 'A D(, 0&" 09((A$ -%(/E E E E F(, $'#9$% C(%G C'#9'"

    #9 A#$%$(#DH$ (% #9$D C')) 0%$$ &"(#9$% A#$%$(#DH$ -(% D(,E 2-$/&)$I 3@7

    J=$%&))I 0("0$%" &B(,# &0#,&) 9&%/A 0&/$ &0%(AA )$AA =(0'-$%(,A)D #9&" >'> -%,A#%'(" (=$% &

    A$"A$ (- H(C$%)$AA"$AA '" #9$ -&0$ (- '"0%$&A'";)D A(H9'A#'0$> &"> 0(/H%$9$"A'=$ -(%/A (- >&

    0())$0#'(" &"> /'"'";E K(0,A ;%(,H H&%#'0'H&"#A ;$"$%&))D &;%$$> C'#9 %$AH("A$A $/H9&A'L'"; #9 #9'A

    A$"A$ (- H(C$%)$AA"$AA $M#$">$> #( #9$'% )&0G (- G"(C)$>;$ (=$% 9(C H$%A("&) >& /';9# B$ ,A$>E NA

    one respondent admitted, We really dont know where things collected about us gowe dont understand

    9(C #9$D '"#$%&0# '" A,09 & 0(/H)$M $"=ironment (female, 22). Interview respondents and focus group

    participants alike noted the seemingly endless appetite for personal data: Its not just what you want

    its where you are, what you do. Its everything. Youre not free any more. Youre just a A)&=$ (- #9$A$

    companies (male, 22). This may come across as hyperbolic, but nonetheless noteworthy is the stark

    0("#%&A# B$#C$$" #9'A %$AH("A$ &"> #9$ %9$#(%'0 (- -%$$>(/I $/H(C$%/$"# &"> 0("=$"'$"0$ #9 9&A )(";

    ,">$%H'""$> #9$ H%(/(#'(" (- #9$ (")'"$ $0("(/DE 89$ 0("#%&A# 9';9)';9#A #9$ 09&))$";$ H(A$> BD #9$

    H(C$% &AD//$#%'$A ,A9$%$> '" BD B'; >& /'"'";E

    !"#$%&"'%& ') *+$ !","-$

    This articles analysis suggests that the sense of powerlessness $MH%$AA$> BD #9$ -(0,A ;%(,H

    %$AH(">$"#A (H$%$A '" )$&A# #C( >'/$"A'("AO #9 (- (C"$%A9'H &"> 0("#%() (=$% '"-(%/'(" &">

    0(//,"'0'(" %$A(,%0$AI &"> #9 (- >'--$%$"# &HH%(&09$A #( G"(C)$>;$PB&A$> >$0'A'(" /&G'";E Q$(H)$

    &%$ H&)H&B)D &C&%$ #9 H(C$%-,) 0(//$%0'&) '"#$%$A#A A9&H$ #9$ #$%/A (- &00$AA #9 $M#%&0# '"-(%/'("

    -%(/ #9$/O #9$D /,A# 09((A$ $'#9$% #( &00$H# #9$ #$%/A (" (--$% (% #( ;( C'#9(,# %$A(,%0$A #9 '" /&"D

    C&DA &%$ #%$$> &A ,#')'#'$A (- '"0%$&A'"; '/H(%#&"0$ '" #9$'% H$%A("&) &"> H%(-$AA'("&) )'=$AE R(C$=$%

    &"> #9'A 'A &" '"#$%H%$#'=$I AH$0,)'=$ 0)&'/#9$ =$%D =&;,$"$AA 2B,# =(0'-$%(,A"$AA7 (- #9$'% 0("0$%"A

    &B(,# '"-(%/'(" 0())$0#'(" /&D %$-)$0# #9$ A#%,0#,%&) ;&H '" #9$ B'; >& >'='>$O #9$ -&0# #9 ,A$%A (- B';

    >& %$)D (" #9$ ,"&"#'0'H&B)$ &"> ,"P'"#,'#&B)$ 09&%&0#$% (- #9$'% -'">'";AE 89'A =&;,$"$AAI #9$"I 'A "(#necessarily an artifact of laziness or ignorance due to users failure to educate themselves about the

    #$09"()(;'$A #9$D ,A$ 2(% #( %$&> )$;&)'A#'0I =&;,$ H%'=&0D H()'0'$A7 B,# /&D B$ & >$-'"'"; 09&%&0#$%'A#'0 (-

    #9$ >& 0())$0#'(" A#%$;'$A #( C9'09 #9$D &%$ A,BS$0#$>E Q$(H)$ 0&" 9&%>)D B$ $MH$0#$> #( '/&;'"$ #9I

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  • 7/25/2019 Critiquing Big Data


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