croaker october 2015

Restoring Our Waterways CROAKER Newsletter Diane Farmer Co-ordinator, WSN Restoring Our Waterways PO Box 772 Wangaratta Vic 3677 [email protected] 0439020448 Contents Pg. 2. Steptember Little Zac’s achievements. Pg. 3 & 4. Big Roll Up to Avenel Fish Circus Event. Pg. 5. Around the Traps- - Parrots Feather, Rubbish & Litter - Events Pg. 6 & 7 Events Rabbit Ramble & Jazz Festival Volunteering information Pg. 8.Native Fish Australia (Vic) membership Pg. 9 Invasion Alert Tilapia & Relay For Life Pg. 10 Sponsors & Supporters OCTOBER 2015 Issue # 41 Welcome to the October Croaker with some interesting articles and what’s going on around our waterways. September I was challenged by our new Sport North East Project coordinator Andrew Bowden to do the 10,000 steps a day in Steptember for children and adults with Cerebral Palsy. Now how could I say No to a much younger person who has not walked all the streets and waterways of Wangaratta like I have. To also help raise awareness to the plight of those less fortunate than most was also an incentive. There is a special article about Steptember down further. The 7 th September was the Jazz Festival information night at the WPAC for volunteers. Wednesday 9 th was our first CLC students activity day down at Galen Billabong (now called Mullinum Billabong) we have 10 students this Semester split into two groups. The GBCMA Fish Circus Family Day down at Avenel on Saturday 12 th , which was great. Wednesday 16 th September second activity day with CLC students removing rubbish/litter from One Mile Creek downstream of the Phillipson Street Bridge and over near the Traffic School in Ryan Avenue. Great morning at St Bernard’s Primary School Gayle South and I talked to about 134 students about the environment, Landcare, Native Fish/ Alien Fish and litter/ rubbish along One Mile Creek. Wednesday 23 rd QAQC test for Waterwatch. Saturday September 26 th walking with friends at Relay for Life. Things to look forward to in October KVB awards on the 17 th , Ride2Work Day on Wednesday 14 th and the Official Opening of the Merriwa Park Bicycle Hub. National Water Week starting on the 18 th and the schools SEEDS Day on Tuesday 20 th October so busy times ahead. Check out the EVENTS section for more information. WALKING- WALKING and more WALKING and I love it, mainly to help raise money for Cerebral Palsy suffers. Every few days I received a story about someone suffering with CP so on the next page is the story about Zac which is just amazing. Walking so much also helped me to keep a closer eye out for unwanted plants and things in our waterways of which I found lots. Enjoy your read

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Croaker is the newsletter of the Restoring Our Waterways group of Wangaratta Sustainability Network.


Restoring Our Waterways

CROAKER Newsletter

Diane Farmer Co-ordinator, WSN Restoring Our Waterways PO Box 772 Wangaratta Vic 3677 [email protected] 0439020448

Contents Pg. 2. Steptember Little Zac’s achievements. Pg. 3 & 4. Big Roll Up to Avenel Fish Circus Event. Pg. 5. Around the Traps- - Parrots Feather, Rubbish & Litter - Events Pg. 6 & 7 Events Rabbit Ramble & Jazz Festival Volunteering information Pg. 8.Native Fish Australia (Vic) membership Pg. 9 Invasion Alert Tilapia & Relay For Life Pg. 10 Sponsors & Supporters

OCTOBER 2015 Issue # 41

Welcome to the October Croaker with some interesting articles and what’s going on

around our waterways. September I was challenged by our new Sport North East Project coordinator Andrew Bowden to do the 10,000 steps a day in Steptember for children and adults with Cerebral Palsy. Now how could I say No to a much younger person who has not walked all the streets and waterways of Wangaratta like I have. To also help raise awareness to the plight of those less fortunate than most was also an incentive. There is a special article about Steptember down further. The 7th September was the Jazz Festival information night at the WPAC for volunteers.

Wednesday 9th was our first CLC student’s activity day down at Galen Billabong (now called Mullinum Billabong) we have 10 students this Semester split into two groups. The GBCMA Fish Circus Family Day down at Avenel on Saturday 12th, which was great. Wednesday 16th September second activity day with CLC students removing rubbish/litter from One Mile Creek downstream of the Phillipson Street Bridge and over near the Traffic School in Ryan Avenue. Great morning at St Bernard’s Primary School Gayle South and I talked to about 134 students about the environment, Landcare, Native Fish/ Alien Fish and litter/ rubbish along One Mile Creek. Wednesday 23rd QAQC test for Waterwatch. Saturday September 26th walking with friends at Relay for Life. Things to look forward to in October KVB awards on the 17th , Ride2Work Day on Wednesday 14th and the Official Opening of the Merriwa Park Bicycle Hub.

National Water Week starting on the 18th and the schools SEEDS Day on Tuesday 20th October so busy times ahead. Check out the EVENTS section for more information.

WALKING- WALKING and more WALKING and I love it, mainly to help raise

money for Cerebral Palsy suffers. Every few days I received a story about someone suffering with CP so on the next page is the story about Zac which is just amazing. Walking so much also helped me to keep a closer eye out for unwanted plants and things in our waterways of which I found lots. Enjoy your read

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I just know that when you hear what Zac’s achieved it’s going to put a spring in your Steptember.

Zac’s cerebral palsy has meant that for the first few years of his life he was unable to walk. His doctors told his mum, that if he was to have any chance of taking steps on his own, he’d need both his legs broken and reset, his hip joint reconstructed and his pelvis rotated. Zac desperately wanted to explore his world, so his mum decided to do it. And last year the grueling and painful operations took place. Did Zac cry? Of course he did, and so did mum – anyone would. But what Zac didn’t do was give up on his dream of walking. With support from a team of therapists—paid for in part by funds raised by Step Family members like you—Zac has spent the months building his lower body strength and learning how to support himself on a walking frame. He’s able to shuffle around slowly with a helping hand now, and I have no doubt that one day, soon, Zac will take his first independent steps. It’s because of his determination to triumph over pain and take his first steps that we have chosen Zac as our hero of the week. North East Sports walking team Andrew, Jen C, Kim and myself enjoyed our Stepember stepping over One and a Half Million equalling over 700 km and raising over $300 in donations and raffle. My personal records were 282,718 stepts, 170 km and 4,6039 calories burned (I am still trying to find where they left my body).

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Big roll up to Avenel Fish Circus

Around 300 people enjoyed Goulburn Broken CMA’s Fish

Circus in Avenel on Saturday, September 12, which aimed to raise awareness of threats to the endangered

Macquarie perch population in Hughes Creek.

Goulburn Broken CMA River Health Officer Christine Glassford said it was fantastic to see so many people

enjoying the warm weather while learning more about the creek

and the aquatic life it supported.

“The kids loved the face painting and craft activities, keeping

Landcare representatives Janet Hagan and

Cathy Olive busy, while Jenny Wilson

painted more than 80 faces during the

day,” she said.

“The other hits with kids were the jumping

castle and fish game with Fern Hames

from Arthur Rylah Institute.

Ms Glassford said local community

member Dave Palmer had come up with

the idea for a carp fishing competition.

“David raised his concern about the large numbers of carp in the

Hughes Creek following a fishing trip a year ago where he was able to catch nothing else,” Ms Glassford


“Although only two carp were caught during the actual fishing competition, many enthusiastic anglers

attempted to catch a carp, and four more carp ended up being caught later in

the day.”

Ms Glassford thanked the Steers family for allowing the Goulburn Broken CMA

to hold the event on their property.

Belinda Steers said the family was pleased to be involved and help raise

awareness of the Hughes Creek project.

“The day was a lot of fun; everyone around town is still talking about it,” Ms

Steers said. “Everyone is mentioning the

possibility of it running again next year. We really

enjoyed being a part of the day.”

Ms Glassford said she was grateful to everyone that contributed to make the

day a huge success.

“Representatives from Arthur Rylah Institute, Waterwatch and Turtles

Australia said there was a great deal of interest in their displays and a lot of

questions and discussion,” she said.

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“MC Peter Flaherty kept the day moving along and Andrew Allen provided the live music, which created a great atmosphere. “A highlight

was hearing Keith Bell talk about the physiology of carp and seeing him

demonstrate how to fillet carp to get the best tasting meat from them.

Everyone that tasted the cooked carp enjoyed it and often went back

for more. Keith estimated more than 230 servings of carp were dished

out on the day.”

The Hughes Creek Project is being run as part of the Goulburn Broken

CMA’s On-ground Works Program with funding from the Victorian


The Hughes Creek is a stronghold for the nationally endangered Macquarie perch, which was once

abundant and widespread across Victoria and New South Wales but has declined dramatically since the

1920s. The species is currently listed nationally as Endangered (Environment Protection and Biodiversity

Conservation Act 1999) and listed as a threatened species under the Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee

Act 1988.

“A key task of the day was to increase awareness of Macquarie perch and other aquatic life in the Hughes

Creek, which I think was achieved in this informal atmosphere,” Ms Glassford said.

“With improved community understanding, we hope to gain more community support to manage the threats

to this species.

Competition and predation from introduced species such as carp has been highlighted as one threat, hence

this event encouraging anglers to actively fish for carp. As well as proposing an annual Clean Up Carp

event, landholders with frontage to the Hughes Creek or its tributaries are encouraged to work with the

CMA to protect streamside vegetation to improve instream habitat for Macquarie perch.”


Kelvin Berry and I travelled down to Avenel to attend this event and it was very worthwhile attending. We caught up with staff from ARI, Ken Bell from K&B Fisheries (Carp Recycling), Tim Curmi Native Fish Australia Vic, met Jacinta Early Port Phillip Facilitator for Fishcare Victoria and lots of other fishy people. To see all the families with fishing rods in hand and Tim Curmi NFA (Vic) and volunteers from Strathbogie Fishing Club assisting everyone to go fishing for Carp even handing out corn for bait. 80 adults and children registered to go fishing. It was a great learning experience for future events. When we were leaving we met Cynthia organizing the Rabbit Ramble Event that will be taking place on the 18th October at Tooborac the info is in the Events Section which I think will be a great day and I hope to get down to it as I am a lover of nicely cooked rabbit. Cynthia’s contact information. the food eXchange web: email: [email protected] Enjoy these great photo’s from the day.

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Parrots Feather Has turned up again in One Mile Creek upstream of the Rowan Street Bridge. If you see this plant anywhere along the Creek please let me know or report it to NECMA. NECMA Ph. 02 6043 7600 [email protected]

Other things I have found and have had the CLC students remove some of them, a chair, ironing board, 4 white outdoor plastic chairs, a large pot plant, blue composter, beach towel and 6 large black plastic bags of litter, food containers, drink cans and bottles and at least 25 balls (tennis,

cricket, footballs) as they say these days Go Figure. Thanks to Council for collecting and

disposing the bags and large rubbish.



Community Events in 2015

Wangaratta Water Treatment Plant Tour and Breakfast

We are hosting a tour and free breakfast at our Faithful Street Water Treatment Plant. Come and join us for an egg and bacon roll then tour our site to see how your local water is treated.

Friday 23 October, 7am to 9am

Tours may take about 40 minutes. Please RSVP by Wednesday 21 October [email protected] or 1300 361 633

Please note due to safety regulations tours are only available for children Year 3 and above. Please wear low heeled, covered shoes.

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It is that time of year again where we call out to the community to get together and support the Festival by volunteering With many great innovations taking place, this year’s the Festival has NEW VENUES, GREAT MUSICIANS, NEW FESTIVAL APP, DIDDLY BOW project (What’s that you ask??) and changes to our TICKETING.

If you would like to register here is the form 2015 Volunteer Registration Form1.pdf just fill it in and get it back to me at The Centre or email it back to me and I will email you your roster and information.

If you have any other questions or would like to discuss other volunteering issues please don’t hesitate to contact me. Remember if you do three shifts or more you get a thank you Blues pass.

Linda Phillis

VMP/Volunteer Skillsbank Coordinator

Monday to Thursday

The Centre, your Community College Chisholm Street, Wangaratta 3677 Ph: (03) 5721 0256 Mob: 0428 216 932 Fax: (03) 5721 9994 Email: [email protected] Web:

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Although this fish was introduced to a waterway in Queensland it has now spread to Northern N.S.W Cabarita, if it is anything like Carp it will not take long for it to spread through the Murray Darling Basin so learn to identify it now and report it.

Share our message and help stop the spread...

INVASION ALERT! Help protect our native fish stocks and our region's waterways. Tilapia are the cane toad of waterways (highly successful breeders & have broad environmental tolerances).

1. Learn how to identify Tilapia - they have a single complete dorsal fin with no dent or gap; and have pointed dorsal & pectoral fins, whereas native fish have rounded fins. 2. If caught tilapia must be humanely killed and the body disposed of by burying it away from the water’s edge or by wrapping it and placing it in a rubbish bin 3. Take a photo and report sightings to Fisheries on 13 25 23

If your group or organisation can help FBA get the message out and stop the spread please contact FBA on (07) 4999 2800.

Image: Male and female tilapia. Credit Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry


Saturday 26th September.

I went down to the Maggies ground to catch up with friends doing the relay and caught up with a lot more people than I thought I would. It was a great effort raising $80,000 and to see so many people young and old all excited to start the event.

Pictures speak louder than words see for yourself.

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WANGRATTA Show Sat & Sun 9th & 10th October. Come along to the Landcare Marque and visit all the displays, WSN, WULG, Council, NE Water, Aboriginal displays, live music and lots more.

Thank you to Diane Farmer and Joshua Newth for putting this Croaker together, Tim McCurdy’s office and our sponsors and supporters.


For more information contact:

Dr Rowan O’Hagan – Secretary PO Box 772 Wangaratta Vic 3676 12 Deakin Court Wangaratta VIC 3677 Phone (03) 5721 8231

[email protected]

Under the umbrella of the Wangaratta Urban

Landcare Group

Family/Household/Organisation – $10 per year Single – $5 per year Student – $2 per year

This Newsletter designed by the Volunteers at Community Skillsbank, Wangaratta.