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Crofton Area High School Educational Specification May 4, 2016

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Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

May 4, 2016

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 3


FOREWORD ........................................................................................... 5

Section 1 – Project Rationale ........................................................... 9

Section 2 – Educational Plans ........................................................ 13

Section 3– Project Design Factors ................................................. 19

General Guidelines ......................................................................... 19

Building Criteria .............................................................................. 20

Site Criteria ..................................................................................... 30

Data Locations................................................................................ 35

Section 4 – Activity Areas / Data Sheets ....................................... 41

Administration ................................................................................. 43

Student Support .............................................................................. 66

Classrooms .................................................................................... 84

Resource ........................................................................................ 87

Special Education ........................................................................... 92

Art ................................................................................................... 98

Library Media Center .................................................................... 104

Music ............................................................................................ 110

Physical Education ....................................................................... 118

Science......................................................................................... 136

Computer Science ........................................................................ 145

World & Classical Language ......................................................... 147

Family & Consumer Science ......................................................... 150

Technology Education .................................................................. 159

Business Education ...................................................................... 164

Theatre ......................................................................................... 168

Building Operations ...................................................................... 178

Food Services............................................................................... 188

Rest Rooms .................................................................................. 194

Mechanical/Electrical .................................................................... 198

Telecommunication ...................................................................... 201

Circulation .................................................................................... 203

Ancillary Structures ....................................................................... 208

Section 5 – Summary of Spatial Relationships ........................... 211

Section 6 – Summary of Spatial Requirements .......................... 213

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 4 May 2016

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 5

FOREWORD Upon approval by the Board of Education of Anne Arundel County, the educational specifications set forth herein will provide direction with regard to the following major capital project: Crofton Area High School The purpose of the educational specification is to document the optimum teaching and learning environment, consistent with fiscal constraints, for the education of the children of Anne Arundel County. Additionally, the project will provide a healthy and safe environment, constructed in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations and codes. As required by the Interagency Committee for School Construction, this document is organized in six parts:

Section 1 provides the rationale for the project, a brief description of the community the project serves, Board of Education vision statement and policies, the scope of work, budget and schedule for the project.

Section 2 describes goals and technology vision for Anne Arundel County Public Schools.

Section 3 provides a general description of the proposed site requirements and building


Section 4 describes the activities areas of the schools and data sheets for spaces.

Section 5 provides a table of adjacencies for programmatic and support spaces.

Section 6 provides a function and area summary.

Anne Arundel County Public Schools prohibits discrimination in matters affecting employment or in providing access to programs on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, or disability unrelated in nature and extent so as to reasonably preclude performance. For more information, contact The Office of Investigations, Anne Arundel County Public Schools, 2644 Riva Road, Annapolis, Maryland 21401, (410) 222-5286; TDD (410) 222-5500.

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Participants in Development of Crofton Area High School Educational Specifications Dr. Maureen McMahon Deputy Superintendent for Academic and Strategic Initiatives Dr. Kathryn Kubic Associate Superintendent of School Performance M. Michele Batten Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Mary Tillar Assistant Superintendent for Advanced Studies and Programs Kathy Lane Executive Director of Alternative Education Nelson Horine Principal of Evening High, Twilight, and Summer School Programs Bobbi Pedrick Director of Special Education Deborah Albert Coordinator of Career and Technology Education Clayton Culp Coordinator of Athletics Eleni Dykstra Coordinator of Visual Arts Catherine Gillette Coordinator of Digital Media and Learning Services Christiana Walsh Coordinator of Health, Physical Education and Dance Jason Williams Principal of Northeast High School Lisa Seaman-Crawford Director of Facilities Lawrence Alberts Supervisor of Planning, Design and Construction Scott Schuler Demographic Specialist, Planning Office Mary Patz Lead Architect, Design Office

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SECTION 1 – PROJECT RATIONALE The Community: Crofton proper comprises the central portion of attendance areas of the four elementary schools that currently feed Crofton Middle School. Zoning ranges from R-A to R-22 with R-5 predominating. Light industrial uses lie west of Route 3. Route 3 also contains most of the area’s large-scale commercial zones. Development interest remains high in and around Crofton, although large tracts of land are few. Construction continues on the west side of Route 3. Crofton itself is a mature community with little new construction, although turnover of existing housing has been high.

Vicinity Map: Attendance areas of the four elementary schools that currently feed Crofton Middle School.

Boundaries for Crofton Area High School will be established at a later date.

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Facility Summary

Current 2020 Projected

State Rated Capacity N/A 1696

Full Time Enrollment N/A 1600

Enrollment Trend N/A increasing

Relocatables N/A 0

Gross Square Footage N/A 271,824

Site Plan

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Staffing Staffing will meet current standards at time of individual school development

Position Proposed Staffing

Principal 1

Assistant Principals 4

School Secretaries 5

Guidance Counselors 5

Psychologist 1

Social Worker 1

Nurse and Nurse Assistants 2

English 15

Math 15

Humanities 10

Speech 1


Special Education 10

Art 4

Library Media Staff 2

Music 4

Physical Education 8

Science 13

Computer Science 3

World & Classical Languages 8


Technology Education 5

Business Education 3

Building Operations 11

Food Services 8

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Scope of Work, Budget and Schedule The items below are based on the FY2017 Capital Improvement Plan.

Scope of Work

Gross sq. ft. Eligible for State Funding

Non IAC supported sq. ft.

New Construction 271,824 248,920 22,904

Proposed Budget and Source of funds (Current construction cost based on replacement or new school):


Source of Funds

County State Other

Construction 82,543,000 47,445,000 35,098,000

Site Development 15,305,000 8,636,000 6,669,000

Contingency 6,548,000 5,504,000 1,044,000

Other 20,598,000 20,598,000 ------

TOTAL 124,994,000 82,183,000 42,811,000

Proposed Project Schedule

Task Start Complete

Educational Specifications February 2016 May 2016

Feasibility Study N/A N/A

Schematic Design May 2016 August 2016

Design Development August 2016 December 2016

Construction Documents January 2017 August 2017

Permitting February 2017 August 2017

Advertise/Bid/Award August 2017 December 2017

Construction January 2018 June 2020

Occupancy August 2020

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SECTION 2 – EDUCATIONAL PLANS Anne Arundel County Public Schools’ Goals

Strategy is the pattern of organizational moves used to achieve an organization’s vision, mission and goals. To that end, AACPS has identified a core of Strategic Initiatives, which describe the long-range activities we have chosen to pursue. These strategic initiatives in the areas of— • Academic Achievement; • Safe and Supportive Learning Environment; • Diverse, Highly Qualified Workforce; • Community Engagements; and • Sound, Efficient, and Effective Business Practices —are described in our Strategic Plan. Equity is infused throughout. From The Journey to Greatness 2012-2017 The Strategic Plan for Anne Arundel County Public Schools


Teaching & Learning Cycle Our Teaching and Learning Cycle provides: clarity of district expectations for teaching and learning; a common language and vocabulary for teaching and learning; a definition of the components of 21st century learning; identified strategies to ensure equity in the classroom; frameworks for lesson planning, observation and rating instruments; and professional development. Our Teaching and Learning Cycle has become the vehicle through which all instructional decisions are made.

Programs of Choice Programs of Choice are focused on opening doors to rigorous and relevant study for students. Students and their families are able to make choices regarding individual educational pathways based on opportunities offered through the Advanced Studies and Programs Office. Magnet and Signature programs, Arts Integration, Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID), and advanced co-curricular programs and clubs are all housed within our Programs of Choice. Programs of Choice have been a key factor in AACPS’ efforts to eliminate the achievement gap.

Early Literacy It is recognized that the foundations for reading proficiency and literacy success are formed long before a child reaches first grade. It is our belief that parents, guardians, and other care givers can give children, starting at infancy, a strong base of language concepts, cognitive skills related to print, and a love of books.

Partnerships to Support Academic Achievement AACPS has been making concerted efforts to develop partnerships to support our students as they engage in real-world learning experiences, and our businesses and community members have been more than generous in contributing time, talent, and resources to our schools. Building on our solid foundation, we will continue to strengthen existing partnerships and develop new ones, so that as many students as possible are able to learn from practitioners who are actively engaged in the kind of career in which they are interested. We see these business and community partnerships as an essential part of our instructional program.

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Support for English Learners English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) is focused on providing the instruction and support necessary to ensure: full proficiency in English for all English learners; academic achievement for all English learners; active participa-tion of English learner families and their communities in their children’s educa-tion; and professional development for ESOL and other AACPS staff focused on achievement for English learners.

Support for Students Receiving Special Education Services Recognizing that special education is a journey with no true finish line, but with continuous opportunities to grow, AACPS has embraced the concept of responsibility, independence, and contribution in its delivery of specialized instruction for students with disabilities. Our goal is that our students acquire the academic, vocational, and social/emotional skills needed to transition to adulthood with self-confidence and competence. AACPS provides a continuum of services ranging from consultation and general education programming to specialty classes, regional programs, and separate public and private school placements. Each elementary, middle, and high school in Anne Arundel County provides special education and related services for students who are identified as eligible for services.

Environmental Literacy AACPS strives to graduate environmentally literate students who possess the knowledge, intellectual skills, attitudes, experiences, and motivation to make and act upon responsible environmental decisions. In order to accomplish this, a system-wide program is being implemented at each grade level to provide outdoor and environmental experiences. Through these experiences, students will apply knowledge and skills from all content areas to investigate and analyze local environmental issues, and develop and implement a local action project that protects, sustains, or enhances the natural environment.

Continuous Learning It is important that students understand that learning is continuous and does not end when they finish high school. Every student needs to develop skills for effective academic and career planning, beginning in elementary school and continuing through post-secondary education and into the world of work.

Monitoring Student Performance Our vision is that our students will graduate with the skills necessary to read, write, compute, and communicate effectively; think critically and creatively; work independently and collaboratively; and engage in innovative interdisciplinary analysis and complex problem solving. In order to achieve this vision, it is critical that we have in place a systematic set of procedures to monitor the performance of every student in every school with an eye to ensuring that we are increasing achievement for all students and eliminating gaps (to high academic standards) among all of our student groups. Classroom teachers, Leadership Teams, administrators, and district leaders monitor student performance on benchmark assessments by examining data by these groups: all students, each of nine racial/ethnic groups, and students receiving special education, Limited English Proficient, and Free and Reduced-price Meals (FARMS) services.


Wellness The physical, emotional, and mental health of our students and staff is essential for the academic success of our students. The AACPS Wellness Committee’s mission is to affect the culture of our school system and to change lives in the process. We have done much work in the area of wellness, yet there is still much

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to be accomplished. To meet our challenges, partnerships groomed within our county and outside the county have become essential for the work to get done.

Social Climate

Social and Emotional Supports When students’ social and emotional needs are supported in schools, a sense of belonging creates higher engagement in learning, responsible choices, and the freedom to take healthy academic risks. It is important to have systematic structures in place to teach resilience as students navigate social, emotional, and academic challenges.

Equity and Culture AACPS is committed to Cultural Proficiency and culturally responsive teaching. Cultural proficiency is “a way of being” that allows individuals and organizations to interact effectively with people who differ from them. It is an approach that can be applied to organizational practices and individual behaviors. It is a model for shifting the culture of the classroom and for individual transformation. When school leaders, teachers, and support staff are committed to creating an inclusive community, classrooms and schools are transformed.

Safe Learning Environments We believe that all students deserve a safe, supportive, and orderly environment in which to learn. We encourage appropriate behaviors by teaching, guiding, directing, and providing opportunities for new learning to occur. We create opportunities for students to practice and succeed in making responsible choices in order to reach their academic potential and contribute to their community.

Prevention In order to provide our teachers with the tools they need to work effectively with students from a variety of backgrounds, we will provide extensive professional development. Many factors need to be in place in order for students to succeed, not the least of which is a set of positive relationships among administrators, teachers, and students in order to ensure an environment free from the kind of behaviors that interfere with learning.

Monitoring Discipline Data In addition to providing administrators and teachers with the strategies and skills they need to build positive relationships with all students, it is important that we know where remaining disciplinary challenges reside and which students con-tinue to be removed from the learning environment for disciplinary reasons.

Alternative Education Fundamental to the work of providing safe, supportive, and orderly learning environments for all students is a shared agenda in the development and implementation of Alternative Education programs. Families, schools, mental health systems, and other youth serving community agencies are working together to build a continuum of programs which supports students in both the comprehensive schools and in alternative programs Pre-K–12. Such programs reflect strategies to promote student academic and behavioral outcomes, while reducing barriers to learning.

Security A primary focus for AACPS is that all students and staff will work and be educated in an environment that is free from fear and harm. Steps are delineated and broadly communicated to ensure staff and student safety while in the school or work setting.

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Anne Arundel County Public Schools is committed to recruiting, retaining, and promoting a diverse, highly-qualified workforce. To that end, we employ a variety of strategies to increase our diversity.

Recruitment AACPS makes a concerted effort to include diversity language in all new job descriptions, which underscores our desire to hire employees who can work with diverse groups and managers who can foster environments where diversity is encouraged.

Leadership Succession For AACPS to achieve its goals and meet the needs of its stakeholders, it is important to create leadership capacity within the existing employee ranks. The AACPS Leadership Succession Plan provides a comprehensive model for defining, developing, and supporting leaders for the future of Anne Arundel County Public Schools. In accordance with this plan, interested employees have opportunities to participate in activities to develop their skills which may better prepare them for future leadership roles.

National Board Certification National Board Certification continues to grow in importance across the country. National Board Certification raises the standards for the profession and provides an opportunity for teachers to take greater responsibility for their own learning.


The responsibility for student achievement, school preparation, social skill development, and readiness for colleges and careers lies with the school system, families, and the larger community. The community engagement strategies ensure deliberate actions that involve schools with the entire school community to support student success. It takes educators reaching out into the community and parents and community members coming to schools to create structures and cultures that assist students in achieving in school and in preparing for life.

Community Partnerships AACPS builds strong, sustainable, and effective partnerships with community partners to support and celebrate the academic achievement and social skill development of all students. This is accomplished by engaging key community stakeholders in collaboration with the schools to create, implement, and measure solutions that address improved student achievement.

Parent Involvement AACPS engages and sustains partnerships with parents at all levels to support and improve academic and social skill development for all students. Schools will be guided in developing and conducting parent empowerment training to assist parents in overseeing their children's education.

Community Collaboration While we can meet the needs of many parents through traditional outreach efforts, there are some parents who, for a variety of reasons, are uncomfortable in the school environment and uncertain of their rights as parents. To address the needs of these parents, AACPS will partner with community organizations to examine promising practices in providing traditionally-underserved parents with the assistance they need to become advocates for their children.

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Stewardship Management AACPS strives to provide a safe and supportive learning environment for all students and staff. Facilities must be conducive to furthering the educational mission of the school district. The Educational Facilities Master Plan comprehensively governs the activities that support this endeavor.

Public Communication Community engagement remains a primary objective of AACPS as we strive to fulfill our mission and vision. Proactive outreach efforts and a thorough public communication plan are key elements of our strategy to inform, educate, and engage various stakeholder groups and the community at large. Such outreach and communication activities span across every level of the school system.

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General Guidelines


The entire project will be accessible to all individuals with disabilities including sight, hearing and mobility impaired.

The project shall be in compliance with The Americans with Disabilities Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) and the 2010 Standards for Accessible Design.

Acoustics Providing the acoustical qualities necessary for good speech communication

between students and teachers is very important to the learning process. For performance criteria, design requirements, and guidelines on acoustics, refer to: American National Standard, Acoustical Performance, Criteria, Design

Requirements, and Guidelines for Schools, ANSI S12.60-2010 Maryland State Department of Education, Classroom Acoustics

Guidelines, 2006. United States Green Building Council, LEED 2009 for Schools New

Construction and Major Renovations, IEQ Prerequisite 3: Minimum Acoustical Performance.

Building Security & Site Safety

Security will be based on Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED). These strategies include: Natural Surveillance - A design concept directed primarily at keeping

intruders easily observable. Promoted by features that maximize visibility of people, parking areas and building entrances: doors and windows that look out on to streets and parking areas; pedestrian-friendly sidewalks and streets; front porches; adequate nighttime lighting.

Territorial Reinforcement - Physical design can create or extend a sphere of influence. Users then develop a sense of territorial control while potential offenders, perceiving this control, are discouraged. Promoted by features that define property lines and distinguish private spaces from public spaces using landscape plantings, pavement designs, gateway treatments, and "CPTED" fences.

Natural Access Control - A design concept directed primarily at decreasing crime opportunity by denying access to crime targets and creating in offenders a perception of risk. Gained by designing streets, sidewalks, building entrances and neighborhood gateways to clearly indicate public routes and discouraging access to private areas with structural elements.

Target Hardening - Accomplished by features that prohibit entry or access: window locks, dead bolts for doors, interior door hinges.

Additional security items are described in individual paragraphs below. Community Emergency Shelter

In case of an emergency, the cafeteria and gymnasium areas will be utilized as an emergency shelter.

If permanent power is unavailable during an emergency situation the lighting (including limited exterior site lighting), heating and general ventilation, refrigeration equipment, water (including hot water), and life safety, security, telephone and automatic temperature control systems are to be maintained by an emergency generator. The kitchen hood and main cooking equipment would not be utilized during an emergency.

An automatic transfer switch is to be provided. This switch will be connected to the normal power system and a County provided mobile generator system with the output to the transfer switch that is part of the building life safety electrical system (required by code). This generator is in addition to the school generator listed under Electrical used for emergency devices and critical equipment.

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Heating and general ventilation, refrigeration equipment, water (including hot water) will not be available until the mobile generator is operational.

A location will be designated at the service area and adjacent to the main electrical room.

Life Safety/Building Codes The design of the project will comply with all applicable statutes, codes and

regulations which are or will be in place at the time the construction documents are reviewed by Anne Arundel County code officials and the Interagency Committee on School Construction. Such statutes, codes and regulations include but are not limited to the International Building Code series as implemented by Anne Arundel County, NFPA Life Safety Codes, storm water management and sediment control statutes and regulations, Americans with Disabilities Act, Maryland Accessibility Code, MSDE technical bulletins, and the design guidelines contained in the Anne Arundel County Public Schools Indoor Air Quality Management Plan.

The Interagency Committee on School Construction, Maryland Emergency Management Agency, State Department of General Services, Anne Arundel County Permit Application Center and Anne Arundel County Fire Marshal’s office shall review construction documents.

Operability and Maintainability

Buildings are expected to have a minimum 50-year life span. Building structure will be:

brick/block exterior wall (masonry bearing or steel structure) steel roof and structural steel interior support concrete slab on grade steel and concrete floor deck for above grade floors

Exterior materials should require minimal or no painting. Overhangs and canopies will have no exposed beams. All exterior areas must

have ceilings or soffits. Hanging objects (beams, light fixtures, sprinkler pipes, etc.) will be high enough

to prevent students from reaching. Particular care to be taken at stairways. Public Access After Hours

The gymnasium, health education classrooms, cafeteria and theatre area, and evening high school offices may be open for community use before and/or after normal school hours. Provisions will be made in the design to accommodate this usage while securing the rest of the building.

Sustainability Throughout this document, specific items are referenced that will provide a high

performance, sustainable facility. The State of Maryland requires that all new construction be a “High Performance Building” by achieving a LEED® silver rating. The design and construction will meet the requirements to achieve this rating by considering the following criteria: Community context and use Site design Building design Water conservation and management Energy efficiency Reduced and sustainable material use Indoor environmental quality (healthy buildings) Quality assurance/commissioning

Building Criteria

Hazardous Materials No asbestos or lead containing materials will be specified or used and their

absence in the design will be certified to the Owner. Adhesives and Sealants All adhesives and sealants installed in the building interior (defined as inside of

the weatherproofing system and applied on-site) shall have low or no Volatile Organic Emissions (V.O.C.).

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Roofing The built up roof will have sufficient pitch and drains to assure that rainwater will

not accumulate. Minimum ¼” slope per 1’-0”. Use Internal roof leaders where possible. Downspout and overflow should not

pour onto lower roofs. Roof will comply with the Maryland Department of General Services roof

requirements. Doors and Windows Fenestration will be designed to maximize daylighting while addressing energy

conservation; at least two operable windows will be provided in each classroom, if possible.

Windows in new construction shall be single hung or inswing hopper, as appropriate to building style and context

Windows in a renovation shall match existing building style. Windows shall be readily operable from within classroom, without need for

stepstool. Second floor windows shall have 6-inch limiters.. Provide charcoal aluminum screens on all operable windows Door Hardware:

Follow AACPS Hardware, Wood Door and Hollow Metal Standard Specifications.

All room doors where students may occupy (classrooms, offices, etc.) will have a vision panel and be lockable inside and out. Classroom doors will be lockable from inside using a thumb latch.

High use doors, such as fire doors in corridors, to be held open with magnetic doors holders wired to the fire alarm with standard closers.

Exterior pulls to be provided at doors with proximity locks only, unless otherwise required by code.

Main exterior entrance doors to be full glass. The following exterior doors will have AI Phone/Security camera:

Main Entrance Kitchen exterior delivery door Loading dock door Other locations as reviewed with school personnel during design

Finishes Ceilings

Kitchen and adjacent rooms, including rest rooms: washable acoustical tile accepted by Health Department.

All student rest rooms, including group restrooms in renovation projects, shall have 5/8” moisture resistant gypsum wallboard. Provide access panels as required.

All other interior ceilings will be standard grid and 2’ x4’ acoustical ceiling panel. Acrylic finishes shall be used at all moisture-laden environments.

Walls—see Data Sheets for specific locations of wall materials Painted CMU 5/8” abuse resistant gypsum wallboard. In high-traffic areas that do not have CMU, provide 5/8” standard gypsum

wallboard protected by ceramic tile or other protective material to 5 feet above finish floor.

Flooring—see Data sheets for specific locations of floor materials. Vinyl Composition Tile Carpet or VCTT (Vinyl Cushion Tufted Textile) Quartz tile Quarry tile Sealed concrete Terrazzo (at renovations to match existing or as an alternate for corridors;

to be determined during design phase) All flooring elements installed in the building interior shall have low or no

Volatile Organic Emissions (V.O.C.).

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Painting: All painting and coating materials, both interior and exterior, to be free of lead and mercury. Materials shall have low or no Volatile Organic Emissions (V.O.C.). compliant with State and Local regulations.

Specialties See Division 10 - Specialties AACPS Design Standards for additional

information: Visual Display Boards Interior Signage Toilet Compartments Operable Partitions Toilet Bath and Laundry Accessories Fire Protection Accessories Lockers Flagpole

Marker boards Mounting height: coordinate with adjacent Interactive Whiteboard at

teaching walls; typical top-of-board mounting height to be in the range between 6’-8” and 7’-0”

Tack boards Mounting height: typical top-of-board mounting height to be in the range

between 6’-8” and 7’-0” Building Identification Signage

Provide signage on building face, near main entrance door, identifying school name and address.

Verify with authorities having jurisdiction over signage for any limitations or requirements.

Science Safety Center Locate in every laboratory and Prep Room. Walls of area containing the following will be painted yellow. Safety Shower:

Within 50 ft. of all workstations or no more than 10 seconds away from the site of an emergency (ANSI Z358.1.)

Unobstructed shower and valve handle Fixed valve pull handle – no chains unless provided with large ring. Sufficient water pressure: 20 psi minimum. Floor drain with trap. ADA compliant

Eyewash: Within 25 ft. of all workstations. Locate near safety shower Unobstructed dual eyewash that treats both eyes simultaneously.

Provide instant, gentle, tempered flow of aerated water for 15 minutes at 0.75 quart/minute minimum; valve to remain in open position once activated to leave user’s hands free.

Bowl height – ADA compliant Meet ANSI Z358.1.

Miscellaneous safety equipment First aid kit and poster Fire blanket Chemical waste container and spill kit

ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher: Easily visible; unobstructed locations. Located near escape route. 5lb. minimum, 16 lb. maximum, charge weight.

Goggle sanitizer cabinet One per science laboratory room Provide duplex receptacle near cabinet for exclusive use of cabinet.

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Equipment Projection Screens:

Located in Auditorium and Cafeteria: 144” x 144” motorized Attach to building roof structure (shall not be supported by acoustical

ceiling tile grid) Provide appropriate wall or ceiling blocking for LCD projectors (Projector will

be supplied and installed by Owner). Location to be coordinated with type of unit purchased. Coordinate with all necessary electric, video and data cabling.

Televisions will be LED type. Fume Hood:

Locate fume hoods as noted in data sheets for Science rooms. Fume hoods to be ADA complaint Vent exhaust to outside of the building at roof or exterior wall Locate away from doors, windows, and intake ducts or grilles Provide 100 to 120 lin. ft. minimum of air movement at hood face for working

with chemicals of low to moderate toxicity (ANSI Z9.5.7) Locate a minimum of at least 10 lin. ft. from main room exit (ANSI Z9.5.7). Comply with ASHRAE 110 testing standard (Min. 4.0 AU 0.10). Room ventilation must meet ANSI Z9.5 standard. Include gas, water, cup sink, and electric in fume hood.

Furnishings See Division 12 - Furnishings AACPS Design Standards for additional

information: Horizontal Louver Blinds Window Shade and blackout shade systems Educational Casework Media Center Furnishings Laboratory Casework

Typical Classroom and Workroom Casework Laminated materials (plastic laminate, plywood, etc.) will be raised off floor

to prevent water from being absorbed during floor washing. Provide locks on all wardrobe unit doors, on teacher desk cabinets (file

cabinet, CPU cabinet, and overhead cabinet) Science Casework

Countertops Tops and flat-topped student lab tables to be made of black epoxy resin

1” thickness. ½” rod sockets should be countersunk for flush countertop.

Countertops 36” high, 24” deep (ADA – 34”, 32” min. clear below.) Provide 4” high backsplashes and side-splashes where tops abut any vertical surface or surface that interrupts or is set into the countertop. Allow no seams in countertop within 4’-0” of sink edge or at other water source.

Rods: 2 - 18” high upright; 1-42” crossbar, 2 - 36” high upright rods and 2 - connectors provided for each table.

Sinks Black resin sink, integral or under mounted, Sink height 36” (ADA 34” max.) Use acid resistant piping system and central acid dilution tank. Faucets will be equipped with aerators. Provide 24 serrated nozzles for replacement of aerators by school as

program dictates. Casework - Teacher Demonstration Unit

Countertop 36” AFF Base cabinet storage shelves and drawers Black resin sink (16”x16”x7 ½ “) with tempered water Four duplex electrical outlets, GFI, located on the front and back

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Shut off controls for electric, gas, and water Electricity master switch for each room, which will control all electric

including computer receptacles. Gas - activated by pushing a highly visible button with a keyed reset

mechanism to turn the gas supply back on when the emergency is over. Use a model that has red button recessed into a metal frame to prevent inadvertent shut-off.

Water master shut off for each room at teacher’s station and shut off valves for each faucet at each student workstation. All shut off controls clearly labeled- ELECTRICITY, GAS, WATER Desk height section 30” with file drawers and bookshelf Data and video outlet Telephone outlet Video projector conduit

Casework - Island Lab stations for 4 students, 36” AFF (30”AFF if combined lecture

stations). Base cabinet with shelves and door, drawer panel for outlets Black resin sink (minimum 15” F/B x 15”W x 8”D (6.5” ADA sink

maximum depth)) in noted classrooms. Secure eyebolts for lap top computers

Casework – Perimeter Base cabinets with shelves. 36” AFF. Black resin sink (minimum 15” F/B x 15”W x 8”D (6.5” ADA sink

maximum depth)) in noted classrooms. 1 – 24” – 48”W x 24”D x 84”H bookshelf

Casework - Wall cabinets 1 Adjustable shelf with lip at front edge

Casework - Prep Area One resin sink (15”F/Bx28”Wx12”D) with tamper resistant swiveling

gooseneck faucet in the teacher’s preparation area in all laboratories and laboratory/classrooms

Drying racks above sink Base cabinets with shelves and drawers

Casework - Storage Tall storage with tote trays: 2 - 48”W x 24”D x 84”H, lockable with 14 ¼”

X 3 ½” X 18 ¼” tote trays Tall storage with shelves: 1 – 48”W x 24”d X 84”H

Elevators Machine Roomless Type

One freight and one passenger elevator

Provide electrical surge protection

Provide 50 elevator keys Fire Suppression See Division 21 – Fire Suppression AACPS Design Standards for

additional information. All building to be protected throughout by code compliant automatic fire sprinkler

system and fire alarm system capable of being centrally monitored. Plumbing See Division 22 - Plumbing AACPS Design Standards for additional

information. Minimum 4” floor drains are required. All traps will have trap primers. Typical trap primers will be flush valve type.

Where flush valve type impractical provide timers. Use Anne Arundel County Public School standard specifications for

underground oil tanks. In Science Department, provide vandal resistant gas outlets and water faucets

(washerless); cold water at student stations, tempered water at teacher’s

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stations and at preparation sinks. Gas outlets at perimeter casework near sinks. Insure ample clearance between gas nozzles and water controls.

Frost-proof hose bibbs shall be provided to water for planting around outside of building and at receiving area.

Separate hot water heater with 125-gallon capacity. Hot water temperature at the discharge location shall be 110OF.

Mechanical System - General

See Division 23 - HVAC AACPS Design Standards for additional information Roof top units, chillers and boilers should have a 20-year warranty. Exhaust fans are to be belt driven. All exhaust air vented to outside of the

building at a sufficient distance from air intakes to prevent recirculation. Where hazardous gases or chemicals may be present or used (including

garages, housekeeping/laundry areas, science laboratories, prep rooms, art rooms, shops of any kind, and copying/printing rooms), exhaust each space sufficiently to create negative pressure with respect to adjacent spaces with the doors to the room closed.

Gymnasium grilles will be industrial type with safety chains.. Current IAC energy conservation guidelines are 45,000 BTU/SF/y new buildings

and 54,000 BTU/SF/y for renovated buildings. Design should exceed these guidelines.

Climate Control

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems will comply with State of Maryland and IECC standards, as supplemented by Anne Arundel County, which are in effect at the time the construction documents are reviewed for code compliance. Temperature standards are: Heating: 70O Fahrenheit Cooling: 76O Fahrenheit Humidity: in accordance with current codes

Separate A/C systems with override for main office, computer rooms and wiring closets, media center, gymnasium, auditorium, and dining.

Air intakes will be placed to avoid any potential sources of air contaminants but no less than 25 feet. Sources include sewer vents, exhaust air from school, loading docks, idling vehicles (ex. buses, parent drop-off), garbage receptacles, boiler or generator exhausts, and mist from cooling towers.

Independent function and control will be designed into the mechanical systems as follows:

Area of building Type of System

Administration VAV+AHU or RTU or


Library Media Center AHU or RTU or VRF

Computer Lab AHU or RTU or VRF

Gymnasium CV+AHU or RTU

Dining CV+AHU or RTU

Auditorium CV+AHU or RTU

Classrooms VAV+AHU

Energy recovery AHU or RTU to meet fresh air requirements.

Air coiled chillers: Exterior type. Provide with Glycol loop with heat exchanger for freeze

protection. Screw compressors for higher efficiencies and lower noise levels. Chiller

efficiencies must meet or exceed IECC guidelines. System will be “four pipe”

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26 Project Design Factors 4 May 2016

system. Zone as required to provide independent control for each exposure and occupancy.

Fan coil units will have sound attenuation or documented “low noise” unit design to meet ANSI S12.60-2010 (Acoustical Criteria, Design Requirements and Guidelines for Schools) recommended maximum background noise of 35dB-A.

A direct digital control system based on an energy management system is required. System will communicate with central management located at Facilities complex.

Science Department Requirements Laboratory under negative air pressure (MD Safety Manual, MSDE). Laboratory, preparation, and storage area ventilation rate at 6 air

changes/hr. (Flinn®). Biology and chemistry laboratories at 6 air changes/hr. Biology storage and chemistry storage continuous ventilation with exhaust

vented to the outside (24/7). Provide isolated system with 6 air changes/hour minimum (OSHA)

Provide an exhaust fan/ventilation purge fan in all laboratories and prep, for quick removal of excessive fumes. Provide with a manual control and a self-timer and vent to exhaust to the outside of the building. Fans will not be located over lecture area.

Electrical See Division 26 - Electrical AACPS Design Standards for additional

information. Design 30% additional electrical capacity for future relocatable classrooms and

additional technology implementation and expansion. Thirty percent refers to panels and overall service.

Receptacles dedicated to equipment:

a. Goggle sanitizer cabinet: at 60” AFF b. Projector: ceiling mounted adjacent data connection

Physics Labs a. The items below should have less than 3% RMS Ripple, 4.5 volts

regulation NL to FL. Each unit should have locking cover. b. Student Lab Stations

i. Provide AC/DC power capability for such as Hampden Model BPS/36-18-P (low voltage, low and high current AC/DC power supplies, flush mounted).

ii. Modify the base cabinet to provide a panel at the top into which a power supply unit is recessed. Power to each unit should be fed through a 3 conductor grounding type molded power cord. The case of each unit should be grounded through the cord. A lock type switch should control power for the unit and have a removable key. A red pilot will indicate when the unit is energized. All variable voltage output will be protected by circuit breakers terminating in a single visible acting breaker button. The unit should be listed as approved by Underwriters Labs, Inc. and bear their seal. The unit is to provide the following output and continuous rating.

Voltage Rating Termination Notes

120 VAC 10 amperes Ground type receptacle

0-120 VAC 1 ampere Ground type receptacle

0-16 VAC 2 amperes Color Coded Jacks Isolated

0-16 VDC 2 amperes Color Coded Jacks Isolated

c. Physics teacher demonstration table. i. Power to each unit should be fed through a 3-conductor

grounding type molded power cord. The case of each unit should be grounded through the cord. A lock type switch should control power for the unit and have a removable key.

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A red pilot will indicate when the unit is energized. All variable voltage output will be protected by circuit breakers terminating in a single visible acting breaker button. The unit should be listed as approved by Underwriters Labs, Inc. and bear their seal. Recess the unit on the apron between the sink cabinet and drawers of the demonstration table. The specifications are as follows:

Voltage Rating Termination

120 VAC 10 amperes Ground type receptacle

0-120 VAC 3.5 ampere Ground type receptacle

0-16 VAC 5 amperes 5 way binding posts

0-16 VDC 5 amperes 5 way binding posts

Lighting - Interior Lighting should be stimulating, enrich the educational environment while

enhancing the educational program. Where possible provide natural daylight in all classrooms and media center.

Lighting levels will be adjustable for the variety of functions that occur within the space.

Special Electrical Systems

Analog electric stem set clocks for classrooms. Clocks should allow for wireless synchronization with master clock.

Corridors, gymnasium, cafeteria, and main office clocks are to be electric and shall be connected to a central clock system

Data Communications – General Capabilities

Because of the rapid changes in technology, this section will address the current standards only. Every attempt will be made to provide the latest approved technology requirements at the time of the opening of a facility.

This section will address the infrastructure design in support of a complete wiring and wireless distribution system throughout the school for transmitting voice, video, and data communications in support of high capacity Internet access. Telecommunications and electrical outlets will be provided as a minimum in all instructional, administrative, and support spaces as defined in appendix A of the Maryland State Department of Education, Maryland Public School Standards for Telecommunications Distribution Systems.

Every classroom will have a wireless network hub. A typical teaching space, not including gymnasium will have:

Interactive Whiteboard –FF&E 16:9 aspect ratio Classrooms: approx. 86”w x 49”h overall Other rooms (resource, conference, etc.): approx. 62” w x 49” h

overall Location: Integrated into teaching wall with adjacent marker boards

Sound Enhancement System 4 speaker, infrared system to evenly distribute music or voice through

speakers placed around the classroom. Multiple sources: computer wireless microphone that amplifies the teacher’s voice 8-10

decibels. intercom

Location: Amplifier to be located at teaching station. Voice Related Items

Two-way intercom communications with emergency alert system to include classroom initiated open mike between all instructional areas and the administrative office.

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Location: Ceiling mounted speakers as described above. Provide call back near entrance door in every room. Telephone handset units at teacher’s desk.

Video Projector – FF&E Ultra-short throw device with 16:9 aspect ratio, projecting onto an

interactive white board. In addition to working with the interactive whiteboard, teacher’s computer, and document camera, projector will also provide television service to classroom.

Location: wall mounted Document Camera– FF&E

Video feed from teacher’s computer to video projector. Location: teaching station.

Teacher Computer and Printer– FF&E 1 computer and network color printer. Location: Teaching station. Speaker connection to amplifier

described above. VGA connection to monitor. S-video connection to document camera.

Student Computers– FF&E Location: As noted in Activity area/data sheets.

These Standards are designed to ensure that telecommunications systems are capable of accommodating changes to the building and in the use of technology, while delivering high quality of service requiring a minimum maintenance. The implementation of technology incorporates all aspects of the industry-recognized standards, which apply to school facilities and telecommunications systems.

Students and staff will have access to the network from any location in the building including hallways. This may be a hard wired connection or wireless as appropriate. The network capacity should be capable of supporting a 1/1 computer/student and staff ratio.

High Capacity (i.e. full graphics, sound and video) internet access from all classrooms and other instructional and critical support areas.

Library Media Center information resources (e.g. databases) accessible from classrooms and other instructional areas, students’ and staff homes and other schools. Automated cataloging and circulation system in the Library Media Center

and accessible from classrooms and other instructional areas. Communication via e-mail within the school building and with locations outside

the school. Instructional and administrative software on the file servers accessible from

classrooms, other instructional areas and administrative support areas. Through the use of technology, access to school and/or student data (ex:

attendance, grades) from classrooms, other instructional areas and administrative support areas.

Telephone access from indoor and other instruction areas and administrative support areas.

Voice and video teleconferencing capabilities with locations outside the school.

Facility in the building design and equipment for producing various multi-media presentations.

Voice messaging capabilities (for homework information, bulletins, voice mail, etc.).

Network management (e.g., online trouble shooting for networks or workstations) from locations outside the building (e.g. the central office).

Fax technology available in instructional support and administrative areas. A public address system with access to all classrooms, other instructional

areas and administrative support areas. Wall mounted video projectors will have electric receptacle mounted on wall

near equipment. Audio, video and data to utilize factory-terminated cables fed through mounting bracket. Provide two ceiling mounted speakers with

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amplifier to provide audio output for projector where sound enhancement system not provided..

Large screen monitors to be provided where graphic arts or CADD taught. Data Communications – Data

See chart at the end of this section for chart of room types. Additional requirements are shown in individual room descriptions.

Each world and classical language classroom will have Audio/recording lab capabilities.

Provide data drop wherever a photocopier will be located. Data Communications – Voice

Provide dedicated, analog phone (“Red Phone”) for use in emergency or power outages in Reception and Clerical Work Space (1.01.01).

Two-way intercom communications with emergency alert system to include classroom initiated open microphone between all instructional areas and the administrative office. Provide call back near entrance door in every room.

Public address system will have all call, zoning and individual room capability. Provide telephone handset units at each administrative station, conference

rooms, and teacher’s desk/workstation in classroom and in planning rooms (each station).

Data Communications - Video

All rooms identified as having televisions will have video outlets with adjacent duplex receptacles and data port.

Electronic Safety and Security

See Division 28 – Electronic Safety and Security AACPS Design Standards for additional information

Main school entrance will be designed so that during school hours visitors are to be directed through Reception area by use of a secure vestibule. No one entering the school can enter without going through the secure vestibule to main office.

Proprietary/restricted keyways should be used to prevent unauthorized duplication and adequate key control. Keyways and keying to be per AACPS standardized system.

Access systems will be installed that are integrated in the intrusion control system and prevent unauthorized intruders.

At the main entrance provide an A-I Phone system and door release interlock. Master station with monitor and door release to be located at the office secretary’s desk located in office reception area. Additional door release for door from vestibule to main office to be located at office secretary’s desk. Doors leading into the school are to be capable of being secured during school hours. Proprietary/restricted keyways should be used to prevent unauthorized duplication and adequate key control. Keyways and keying to be per AACPS standardized system.

Intrusion Detection Alarms and door contacts will be integrated into one control system with the

ability to have central controls. All mechanical/electrical and roof hatches will be alarmed and have door

contacts. All exterior entry doors will be monitored via sensor or contact. 360-degree motion detectors will be located in center in the room. Provide a flat plate sensor (proximity reader), activated by an authorized

smart-card, to unlock the following doors: Exterior doors which are used as entrances by staff (typically main

entrance, entry to parking areas, and custodial entrance). The administrative offices, student records room(s), and large

computer labs. Provide a flat plate sensor to deactivate the intrusion detection system.

Where possible, the flat plate sensors (proximity readers) should be flush mounted or behind a glass panel with in-the-wall wiring.

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The integrated system will have the capability to be centrally monitored and provide warning alerts prior to an event occurring. A proactive capability must be designed into the system should more security resources become available or the threat rises at the school.

The ATC/EMCS system should have: A password-protected capability to assign the digital IDs of a smart card

to activate individual devices and record the digital IDs, as well as date and time, activating or attempting to activate a given locking device.

A graphic which will display locally and at the Carol S. Parham Administration Building the locked/unlocked status of all exterior doors and a tabulation of individuals activating or attempting to activate any device.

Devices shall be compliant with AACPS energy management system. Video Surveillance

Security cameras will be separate from the security alarm system. All cameras will be color cameras. Cameras will be designed with Internet/Digital recorded technology, pan, tilt

and zoom (PTZ) features and/or fixed lens that can be monitored with proper access from any computer on the Wide Area Network/Local Area Network (WAN/LAN) and Internet.

Wherever possible, all camera installations will be of a Power Over Ethernet (POE) type and configuration.

Outdoor cameras will be installed on the exterior perimeter walls positioned to provide maximum coverage (generally on corners) of the exterior of the building. These cameras will be pan, tilt, and zoom (PTZ) or fixed cameras as required for location and use. Additional cameras will be located on light poles or other elevated mounting devices to provide the ability to look in toward the building. Exterior cameras that do not have adequate night lighting will have low light capability. Wherever possible, all camera installations will be of a Power Over

Ethernet (POE) type and configuration. For outdoor cameras provide low voltage wiring to allow operation

of PTZ feature. Fire Alarm and Detection System

System to be designed to meet latest code requirements and AACPS standardized components.

Provide a LCD annunciator panel with framed paper building graphic. Avoid placing fire alarm devices on teaching wall if possible. If unable to,

avoid placing in wall space where there are display boards. Site Criteria

Also see Security – Surveillance above. Fence and Screens Chain Link Fencing

Transformers, and gas meter assembly shall be 8’-10’ high with lockable gate; utility yard adjacent to building.

Surround early childhood asphalt and play equipment areas with a 4-foot-high fence.

See Playing Fields for ballfield requirements Chillers shall enclosed by masonry screening and sound abatement.

Specialties Street Signage

At road entry provide signs noting “Entering AACPS Property" Include proper signage, painting and stenciling for all driveways, parking

areas, fire lanes and sidewalks. Coordinate with Anne Arundel County or City of Annapolis, as appropriate, Traffic Engineering, Police Department and Fire Marshal.

Street Marquee

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Grade level, two sided, brick framed lighted sign at public car entrance to site to identify school and provide public announcements.

Size and location Overall size to be 64 inches high by 72 inches wide maximum. Size

and location will be in conformance with County requirements. Back lighted school identification will be a maximum of 12 inches high x 48

inches wide. The maximum size of message board will be 32 inches high x 48 inches

wide. Monochrome LED electron message board with remote operation. Flagpole: Single, manually operated, limited to 32 feet high capable of flying two

flags independently. Halyard operation must be able to be locked. Exterior Improvements Transformers, and gas meter assembly will be in a fenced utility yard adjacent

to building. Chiller shall be enclosed by masonry screening and sound abatement. Also see Play Fields below.

Relocatables Designate area for future location of four relocatable classroom units. Provide

conduits and spare power, data, fire and security connections to allow for extension of building utilities.

Lighting - Exterior Security: Provide building perimeter and entry door lighting. Exterior lighting

1-3 foot candles in accordance with Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED).

Light Pollution Reduction: Design exterior lighting so that all site and building mounted luminaires produce a maximum initial illuminance value no greater than 0.10 horizontal and vertical foot-candles at the site boundary and no greater than 0.01 horizontal and vertical foot-candles 10 feet beyond the site boundary.

Parking lot lighting: One (1) foot candle minimum, to be included in the energy management system.

Athletic Fields – see Playing Fields below for stadium, field and court lighting requirements.

Use conduit for exterior lighting and install pole lighting on bases 24” above grade. Use metal halide lamps. Include photocell and/or timer and connect to energy management system. Conduit should have trace tape.

Site Circulation

Main entrance will be obvious from the visitors’ parking area and easily accessible from the bus drop off area.

Driveway The driveway will be 24 feet wide with an inside turning radius of 62 feet

and outside turning radius of 74 feet. The main entrance driveway will be situated as far as possible from

corners and cross street. It is preferred that that driveways be a minimum of 150 feet from local

roadway. Site distance to entrance to meet SHA standards but be no less than

300 feet (25mph x10 plus 50ft) If there is an intersecting street, the driveway apron shall be lined up with

that street. Driveways will be arranged so that students do not cross them to get to the main entrance of the school or playfields. Students will not pass through a line of cars or buses that are dropping

of or picking up students. Pedestrian access to the school facilities should be designed to make

the best use of community rights-of-way and should not require students to cross loading zone areas or driveways.

Major connecting walks at building entrance and along bus loading and unloading area are to be a minimum of 8-foot wide

The grade of driveway will not exceed 5% where practical.

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Parent drop-off area will be integrated into the parking lot to provide a safe area for students at the same time keeping traffic flowing.

A driveway for buses with a separate entrance and exit or a turn-around will be provided. Bus loading zone will accommodate 50 buses. Bus traffic will be separated from automobile traffic at all times if

possible. The service drive will be a minimum of 20 feet wide width (unless it is part of

the fire lane) with an adequate turn around. It will serve the kitchen, mechanical room and loading area. A backing and turning space for dumpsters will be provided.

Emergency Vehicles A minimum of 20 foot wide fire lane will be provided and constructed in

accordance with current guidance from the Anne Arundel County Fire Marshal. Such guidance will be obtained in writing from the office of the fire marshal prior to initiation of site design. A lockable gate will be provided at the entrance from the public drive access to fire lane to limit access to emergency vehicles only.

Provide removable bollards or hinged gate at the end of the emergency access path where it meets vehicular drives to prevent use of path by other than emergency vehicles. Curb and gutter will be limited to areas where drives/parking adjacent to sidewalks or building. Curb and gutter are not required at dedicated fire lanes.

Drives where idling vehicles may be (ex. parent drop-off, buses, etc.) are to be a minimum of 25 feet from building and located away from fresh air intakes for the mechanical system.

Parking (for up to 1800 SRC)

200 parking spaces to accommodate staff and visitors. Parking for cafeteria employees and manager should be near Kitchen

door. Parking for three cars for Kitchen pickup.

200 parking spaces to accommodate students. Van and H/C parking as required by code Loading dock to handle 18 wheel truck for Kitchen deliveries.

Playing Fields A total of eight fields will be provided.

Stadium field – for use by football/soccer/lacrosse/field hockey. The field will be enclosed by a running track and be at least 360 feet by 220 feet. Field- artificial sport turf. The base and surface to have a 0.7% crown

draining water to a 12 inch perforated drain pipe that encompasses the field and released to catch basins that release the water drainage under the track in two locations.

Goals – the field will have adequate sanctioned sling shot type football goals and portable goals installed to support each sport to be played on the field.

Tracks – An eight lane durable rubberized track will surround the stadium field. The track will be a 400-meter standard (metric) track and all lanes will be 42 inches wide. The track will be lined with enough starting points to support a scholastic high school track meet.

Field Event facilities will include the high jump, long jump (including concrete circle, ring and toe board), discus board, and pole vault. There should be at least 2 long jump/triple jump sand pits.

The field will be lit and have a scoreboard. Bleacher capacity will be for a maximum of 4000 spectators (2500 on

home side and 1500 on visitors). Accessible seating must be dispersed with companion seating.

A suitably constructed and enclosed press box on the home field side will be provided to allow for announcing and video recording of stadium events. Press box will be approximately 200 sq. ft. and

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include a public address system, phone, electric, data and control of the scoreboard (as well as from field) and capacity for wireless headphones to allow communication between press box and field..

Baseball field – Field will be enclosed by an 8 – 10 ft. fence and lit, with tall fescue turf. The field will be crowned to provide positive drainage (1.5%) off all areas of the field, through the fence. The infield will be grass with bases at 90 ft. apart. The mound rubber and home plate will be permanently installed. An in-ground sprinkler system will be installed. A wired scoreboard and public address system is required. Bleacher seating will be provided for 200, including accessible seating. The outfield fence will be 400 feet to center with 320 feet down each foul line. An 80 ft. x 15 ft. batting cage with electric service area will be provided. Two dugouts with fence in front for protection and wired for a P.A. system. A warm up pitching area with mound for each team will be located outside the fenced area. Provide solar powered scoreboard.

Softball field – Field will be fenced by an 8-10 ft. fence and lit. The field will have tall fescue turf crowned to provide positive drainage (1.5%) through fenced area. The infield will be skinned with bases 60 ft. apart and sleeved, pitching rubber and home plate installed. A wired solar powered scoreboard and public address system is required. Foul poles and an automatic in-ground irrigation system will be installed. Bleacher seating will be provided for 200 including accessible seating. Two dugouts with fence in front for protection and wired for a P.A. system. Provide solar powered scoreboard. A 60 ft. x 15 ft. batting cage area with electric service will be provided. The field will have a 220 ft. radius outfield fence. A warm up pitching area with mound for each team will be located outside the fenced area.

Multi-sport artificial turf field – This field will be 360 ft. x 220 ft. plus10-foot-wide runoff area all sides. (total turf area is 380 ft. x 240 ft.) A 12-inch-wide concrete mow strip will edge the turf The base and surface to have a 0.7% crown draining water to a 12 inch perforated drain pipe that encompasses the field and releases to catch basins that release the water drainage in two locations. A fence will enclose the field approximately 5 to 10’ outside the mow strip, depending on site conditions. The field will be lighted. Bleacher seating for 200 including accessible seating. Provide solar-powered electronic scoreboard.

Multi-sport Bermuda game/practice field. This field will be 360 ft. x 220 ft. and have an automatic in-ground irrigation system. The field will be crowned at 1.5% to ensure positive drainage. The field will be fenced with an approximate buffer of 15 ft. away from the boundaries of the field. Bleacher seating for 200 including accessible seating and solar powered electronic scoreboard. The field will be Bermuda grass hybrid (e.g.: tufcote/patriot/tif sport) approved for use in a transition zone, sprigged or seeded.

Fields 6, 7 & 8 – Fields will be for physical education and team practices. They will be 360 ft. x 200 ft. and have tall fescue turf (seeded at a rate of 10-12lbs/1000sq. ft. to ensure a full stand of turf). The fields will be crowned at 1.5% slope to ensure positive drainage. Each field will have electric and water service close by for future potential use. These fields will have a total of 6 backstops with 2 regulation backstops. Ideally, fields will have 20 ft. runoff all four sides (i.e.: 40 ft. between 2 adjacent fields) for safety. Note: site conditions may cause an adjustment to field sizes or field quantity.

Tennis courts – Ten fenced tennis courts with net posts, nets, and center strap anchors. Bleacher seating for 200. A storage shed of approximately 80 sq. ft. is required. Tennis courts will be sloped at approximately one percent from center line to provide adequate drainage while remaining as flat as possible.

Existing site amenities that support the instructional programs will be refurbished and reused to the maximum extent possible. Although community

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use of site amenities may be considered during design, the first priority for use of the limited space will be given to uses supporting the academic program.

The Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks will be included in the initial planning stages of site design. If the community has a need for additional site amenities, and land is available, Anne Arundel County Public Schools and the Department of Recreation and Parks will give further consideration to including the community’s request in the site plan. It is the responsibility of the Department of Recreation and Parks to secure all necessary funding for this additional work. Maintenance of this additional work will be considered during site planning.

All play areas will be accessible by emergency vehicles. A fenced play yard of 60’ x 80’ will be located outside the child development

laboratory with play equipment. Install equipment suitable for ages 2-5. Locate outside of child

development laboratory Equipment to allow for varying activities to stimulate motor/social skills. Equipment will comply with the latest edition of ASTM Standard 1487

(Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification for Playground Equipment for Public Use) and CPSC Guidelines (Handbook for Public Playground Safety) with appropriate safety surfacing that is wheelchair accessible.

a resilient surface and underground drainage, as well as paved surface. Landscaping All plants are to be number one grade stock. Improved varieties that are

disease and drought resistant are desired. Planting is to include screen planting and that needed for erosion control. Existing plant stock, if on site, is to be evaluated for use and protected

accordingly. Landscaping to support energy conservation and relate the building to the site

with aesthetic appeal will be included. Planting areas along sidewalks and wooded and flowered areas are to be

situated to enable the physical education program to be carried on without undue disturbance to the classrooms.

Plant types will be specified that will not outgrow the space once the plant reaches maturity thus minimizing the potential for damage paved areas and utilities.

Landscape plants will be manageable for school-based personnel to maintain. Over planting and large flowerbed will be avoided.

Low maintenance native Maryland plant material to be specified throughout the site, to conserve and enhance the natural environment. Refer to MSDE document, Conserving and Enhancing the Natural Environment: A Guide for Planning, Design, Construction and Maintenance on New and Existing School Sites.

Landscaping will be in accordance with Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED). Tree placement must not block exterior lighting or create a security problem, brush up against building surfaces.

Landscaping should provide exterior educational opportunities in accordance with the MSDE facility guide, Conserving and Enhancing the Natural Environment.

Specifications for planting materials will be provided to the designer by Anne Arundel County Public Schools.

Landscaping will be limited to the minimum required by code authorities. Site Related Utilities The new facility will be supplied by a public waterline and service by a gravity

flow sanitary sewer when available. Backflow preventer will be provided where public or well water service enters

the building. Natural gas will service as a fuel source where available.

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Grease interceptors: include an anti-odor device (charcoal filter or aromatic suppression system). Install double clean outs on inlet and outlet side of grease trap. Locate away from school building.

Care must be taken to assure that lockable metal grates for drainage, if provided, are not a hazard for the play areas and bicycle friendly; e.g., perpendicular to curb line.

Dumpsters to be located on sealed concrete pads. Provide ramp/ curb cut to allow rolling trash cans.

Data Locations




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1.01.00 Main Office

1.01.01 Reception

1.01.02 Principal

1.01.03 Principal's Secretary

1.01.04 Assistant Principal

1.01.05 Assistant Principal Reception Area

1.01.06 Conference Room

1.01.07 Workroom - Administration

1.01.08 Administration Storage

1.01.09 Faculty Lounge

1.01.10 Financial Secretary's Office

1.01.11 Attendance Office

1.01.12 Business Manager's Office

1.02.00 Other Spaces

1.02.01 Decision Making Room

1.02.02 In School Suspension

1.02.03 Security Room

1.02.04 Special Program Office

1.02.05 Special Program Conference Room

1.03.00 Evening/Summer School

1.03.01 Program Office

1.03.02 Program Reception

1.03.03 Program Conference

1.03.04 Program Storage

1.03.05 Early College Office

1.03.06 Early College Storage


2.01.00 Health

2.01.01 Health Room Waiting

2.01.02 Nurse's Office

2.01.03 Examination Room

2.01.04 Rest Area

2.01.05 Student Rest Room Not required

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2.01.06 Treatment/Medication

2.01.07 Health Room Storage

2.02.00 Guidance

2.02.01 Counselor's Office

2.02.02 Psychologist Office

2.02.03 Student Records

2.02.04 Guidance Reception

2.02.05 Career Room

2.02.06 Guidance Conference Room

2.02.07 Student Support Office

2.02.08 Registrar

2.02.09 Workroom - Guidance

2.02.10 Testing Coordinator

2.02.11 Testing Material Storage


3.01.00 Classrooms

3.01.01 Classroom

3.01.02 Flex Classroom

3.01.03 Teacher Planning

3.02.00 Resource

3.02.01 General Resource

3.02.02 Special Education Resource

3.02.03 Speech

3.02.04 ESOL

3.02.05 Publication Room

3.03.00 Special Education

3.03.01 Special Education Classroom

3.03.02 Storage - Special Education

3.03.03 Autism/ED Classroom

3.03.04 Special Education Conference

3.03.05 Special Education Office

3.03.06 Special Education Records Storage


4.01.00 Art

4.01.01 Art Studio

4.01.02 Storage Room - Art

4.01.03 Ceramic Art Studio

4.01.04 Kiln/Clay Room

4.01.05 Communication Art Studio

4.01.04 Teacher Planning - Art

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4.02.00 Library Media Center

4.02.01 Library Reading Room

4.02.02 Library Media Workroom

4.02.03 Library Media Specialist's Office

4.02.04 Storage - Library Media

4.02.05 Seminar Room

4.02.06 Library Maker Space

4.03.00 Music

4.03.01 General Music Classroom

4.03.02 Storage - General Music

4.03.03 Instrumental Music Classroom

4.03.04 Practice Module

4.03.05 Storage - Instrumental

4.03.06 Keyboard Music Classroom

4.03.07 Storage - Robe and Uniform

4.03.08 Teacher Planning - Music

4.04.00 Physical Education

4.04.01 Gymnasium 2 stations

4.04.02 Teacher Planning w/ Shower Room

4.04.03 Storage - Gymnasium

4.04.04 Auxiliary Gymnasium

4.04.05 Physical Education Classroom

4.04.06 Fitness Lab

4.04.07 Locker Rooms

4.04.08 Bin Storage

4.04.09 P.E. Laundry

4.04.10 Exterior Storage

4.04.11 Dance Studio

4.04.12 Costume Area

4.04.13 Concessions

4.04.14 Team Rooms

4.04.15 Training Room

4.04.16 Coaches Office

4.05.17 Athletic Directors' Office

4.05.18 Officials' Locker Room

4.05.00 Science

4.05.01 Biology Laboratory/Classroom

4.05.02 Chemistry Laboratory/Classroom

4.05.03 Earth/Space Laboratory/Classroom

4.05.04 Physics Laboratory/Classroom

4.05.05 Student Project Area

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

38 Project Design Factors 4 May 2016

Data Locations




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4.05.06 Chemical Storage

4.05.07 General Science Storage

4.05.08 Prep Room

4.05.09 Teacher Planning

4.06.00 Computer Science

4.06.01 Computer Science Laboratory

4.06.02 Computer Science Office

4.07.00 World & Classical Language

4.07.01 World & Classical Language Lab/Classroom

4.07.02 Storage - World & Classical Language

4.07.03 Teacher Planning - World & Classical Language

4.08.00 Family and Consumer Science

4.08.01 Multipurpose Laboratory

4.08.02 Food/Nutrition Laboratory

4.08.03 Storage - Family and Consumer Science

4.08.04 Food Preparation Area

4.08.05 Child Development Laboratory

4.08.06 Child Development Classroom

4.08.07 Storage - Child Development

4.08.08 Exterior Storage - Child Development

4.08.09 Teacher Planning - FACS

4.09.00 Technology Education

4.09.01 Technology Laboratory/Workshop

4.09.02 Fabrication Room

4.09.03 Design Computer Laboratory

4.09.04 Storage - Technology

4.09.05 Teacher Planning - Technology

4.10.00 Business Education

4.10.01 Business Classroom

4.10.02 School Store

4.10.03 Storage - Business

4.10.04 Teacher Planning - Business

4.11.00 Theatre

4.11.01 Auditorium

4.11.02 Stage

4.11.03 Stage Wings

4.11.04 Dressing Room

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Project Design Factors 39

Data Locations




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4.11.05 Set Workshop

4.11.06 Set Storage

4.11.07 Prop Storage

4.11.08 Projection/Sound Booth

4.11.09 Video Production

4.11.10 Control Room


5.01.00 Custodial

5.01.01 Custodial Closet Not required

5.01.02 Building Engineer's Office

5.01.03 Can Wash Not required

5.01.04 Book Storage

5.01.05 General Storage

5.01.06 Exterior Storage

5.01.07 Engineer's Shop

5.01.08 Equipment Storage

5.01.09 Custodial Locker Room

5.01.10 Receiving

5.02.00 Food Services

5.02.01 Cafeteria (per SRC)

5.02.02 Chair storage

5.02.03 Kitchen

5.02.04 Kitchen Managers Office

5.02.05 Food Staff Locker Room

5.02.06 Food Service Laundry Room Not required

5.03.00 Rest Rooms

5.03.01 Public (Adult) Rest Room Not required

5.03.02 Staff Rest Room Not required

5.03.03 Student Rest Room Not required

5.03.04 Mothers’ Nursing Room Not required

5.04.00 Mechanical/Electrical

5.04.01 Mechanical Room

5.04.02 Electrical Room

5.04.03 Electrical Closet

5.05.00 Telecommunication

5.05.01 Telecommunication Room developed as part of network design

5.05.02 Telecommunication Closet

5.06.00 Circulation

5.06.01 Entrance Vestibule

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40 Project Design Factors 4 May 2016

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5.06.02 Entrance Lobby

5.06.02 Classroom Corridors Not required

5.06.03 Public Corridors

5.06.04 After-hour Lobby

5.06.05 Gymnasium/ Auditorium Lobby


6.01.00 Ancillary Structure

6.01.01 Concession Building with Rest Rooms

6.01.02 Field House

6.01.03 Maintenance Building

for SRC purposes room is considered a teaching station but has special data requirements

for SRC purposes not a teaching station but has same data requirements as instructional space

As a minimum this project will include:

Computer lab

Data drops to support 36 student workstations, one teacher station, two peripheral.

Classrooms and instructional areas Two data drops (one teacher and one peripheral) and one video outlet.

Planning rooms One data drop for each teacher desk plus one for a printer.

Resource areas Three data drops minimum and one video outlet

Administrative areas One data drop minimum for each occupant plus one for networked printer.

All support areas

One data drop minimum (ex., reception/waiting areas, storage rooms, training room and school-based energy management systems, etc).

Need a data drop wherever a photocopier will be located.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Activity Areas 41


Activity areas are the core of the educational specifications. They include all discrete spaces in the school building. Activity areas related by teaching objectives and learning outcomes are grouped together under a single heading. Some activity areas may serve more than one function and should be placed under the most appropriate heading.

A description of each educational space and service function is provided on the following data sheets. Only items either not described or different from those described in Section 3 – Project Design Factors are detailed.

The activity areas are in groupings as follows:


Student Support

Core Instructional Areas

Specialized Instructional Areas

Building Operations

Other Areas Instructional areas will be designed to accommodate 28 students. Space or function area square footage along with lobbies, corridors and wall

thickness are included in the gross square footage. The activity areas that follow are in net square feet.

Relationships and ancillary spaces are defined on the data sheets. Academic Area Requirements

Core Instructional Programs The areas for language arts, social studies and mathematics are identical

and interchangeable. This will accommodate the use of a variety of organizational strategies. The academic areas should be organized by subject area as well as for a 9th grade Academy.

Teacher work rooms need to be flexible to house a variety of subject teachers.

While special education is indicated as a separate area, the special education classrooms (not resource) are to be distributed throughout the core instructional program areas.

World & Classical Language classrooms are identical and interchangeable with core instructional areas, except that the nature of the instructional practices requires auditory privacy for each classroom. World & Classical Language should be related, if possible, to the core instructional program areas. This area should also include the ESOL resource room.

Special Education Special education facilities will be integrated throughout the school to

support the concepts of inclusion and the specialized requirements for the students. Special attention will be given to accessibility of all facilities and an integrated learning program.

Library Media Center The rapid advancement of education has been accompanied by an ever

increasing body of knowledge. Improved technological methods permit communication of knowledge in many and varied ways. The rapidity in which new information is being accumulated places increased importance upon the development of systems which ensure maximum utilization of instructional materials. The emphasis placed on individual learning, research, and reference activities demands facility consideration. For additional detail on the areas listed, see MSDE Publication “Facilities Guidelines for Library Media Programs, 1998.”

Science, Technology, and Mathematic Instructional Areas

Science, Technology, and Mathematics are important areas in future global economics. By placing these instructional areas near each other greater collaboration can be obtained between these fields and thereby improving students’ preparation for tomorrow’s world.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

42 Activity Areas 4 May 2016

This area must provide spaces for experimentation, the collection of data, the housing of specimens and models, and the installation of appropriate secure casework for laboratories and specialized equipment. Science classrooms are to have walls and doors to promote security of equipment and to restrict access to laboratory facilities, supplies and equipment.

Visual and Performing Arts Instructional Areas The fine arts area includes facilities for Art, Music, Dance (Physical

Education), and Theatre. The activities which will be conducted are intended to develop cultural

interests and skills. The exploratory nature of the high school program in the fine arts is designed to increase student interest in these areas.

The problems of acoustics, sound transmission and sound absorption will be acute within these areas as they relate to the rest of the building.

Proximity and/or access to the delivery area are desired for these programs.

Special Program Areas Programs might include IB, STEM, magnet, consortium, signature,

JROTC, etc. Office and conference space are to be provided in the instructional area appropriate for the subject matter.

Teaching stations specific to the rigor of the program will be provided. The quantity will be included in the Function Area in Section 6. Actual room requirements will depend on the program.

General Building Requirements

Groupings Since groupings will occur simultaneously, it is critical to provide acoustic

separation. While visual separation may not be desirable at all times, the potential for visual separation of items below must be included. There should be areas in the building where each grade level can

gather for a presentation. These areas should have audio-visual and data access.

There should be areas in the building where each team, of each grade level, could gather for a presentation. These areas should have audio-visual and data access.

There should be areas of the building where children can study and work together in pairs with data access.

There should be areas of the building where children can work and study by themselves, a place of their own with data access.

The gymnasium will be the area in the building where the entire student body can gather for a presentation with audio-visual and data capability.

There should be a place in the building where one-third of the student body can sit at tables and eat their lunch.

There should be an area in the building where the entire staff can meet and discuss matters of concern. This space should be able to be acoustically isolated.

There should be areas of the building in which discussions between two or three people can be held in privacy with data access. These areas should also be equipped with telephones so that sensitive discussions on the telephone may also take place in privacy.

Olfactory separation must also occur between areas used for cooking, storage of cleaning supplies, art, ceramic firing (kiln) and restrooms and the remaining areas of the building.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Administration 43



Group: Main Office 1.01.00 Activity Area: Administration 1.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Entrance Vestibule

Conference room 5.06.01 1.01.06

Ancillary Spaces: Closet

Net Square Footage 850

Description and Function: Entrance to administrative area. Waiting space for parents, visitors and students.

Perform clerical functions, receive visitors, receive students for administrative and answer phone.

Users: Parents, visitors students, and clerical support personnel (2 stations) Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical Tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl base Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: Public address console

Access control monitor with door release

Emergency phone (“red phone”)

Telephone outlet for courtesy phone

HDMI, coax cable, and elec receptacle at 84” AFF at television wall mount brackets (2 locations) Provide under-slab conduit from both HDMI wall plates to clerical work area..

Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Built-in reception counter dividing waiting from secretarial spaces.

(2) Television/monitor wall-mount brackets: one is for security monitor/television and is visible to secretary; one is for announcements monitor/television and is visible to visitors

FF&E: Computers

Networked printer

Desks w/return and chairs.

Display Cases

End tables

File cabinets

Task lighting


Visitor’s Chairs Remarks: Provide maximum visibility to Entrance Vestibule and corridors from inside the

reception area.

Ensure that walls are protected from damage by visitor’s chairs.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

44 Administration 4 May 2016


Group: Main Office 1.01.00 Activity Area: Administration 1.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Principal’s Secretary

Conference Room Staff Rest Room

1.01.03 1.01.06 5.03.02

Ancillary Spaces: Closet

Net Square Footage 200

Description and Function: Individual work, meetings with students, teachers, parents and members of the public

individually or in small groups Users: Principal and invited guests Hours of Use: Before, during and after school hours, year round.

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical Tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Carpet Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: Desk-mounted PA console for making announcements

HDMI, coax cable, and elec. receptacle at 84” AFF at television wall-mount bracket

Electrical receptacle at television wall-mount bracket to be tied into emergency generator

Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Television wall-mount bracket

FF&E: Bookcases


Desk with return and chair

4-side chair

Round conference table and chairs


LED Television

Remarks: Principal should have a second exit to main corridor without going through the reception


Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Administration 45


Group: Main Office 1.01.00 Activity Area: Administration 1.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Reception

Principal Conference Room

1.01.01 1.01.02 1.01.06

Ancillary Spaces: Closet

Net Square Footage 100

Description and Function: Clerical space and waiting area for parents, visitors and students. Users: Secretary, parents, visitors and students Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl Composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: Desk mounted PA console Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: Bookcases


Desk with return and chair

File cabinets

Side chairs - 2 Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

46 Administration 4 May 2016


Group: Main Office 1.01.00 Activity Area: Administration 1.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Assistant Principal Reception

Conference 1.01.03 1.01.06

Ancillary Spaces: Closet

Net Square Footage 120

Description and Function: Individual work, meeting with students, teachers, parents and members of the public

individuals or in small group Users: Assistant principal and invited guests Hours of Use: Before, during and after school, year round

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Carpet Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: HDMI, coax cable, and elec. receptacle at 84” AFF at television wall-mount bracket Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Television wall-mount bracket

FF&E: Bookcases


Desk with return and chair

Side chairs - 2

LED Television Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Administration 47


Group: Main Office 1.01.00 Activity Area: Administration 1.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Assistant Principal’s Office 1.01.04 In School Suspension 1.02.02 Ancillary Spaces: Closet

Net Square Footage 180

Description and Function: Entrance to Assistant Principal’s area. Waiting space for parents, visitors and students Users: Support staff, students and parents Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical Tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl base Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: Telephone outlet for courtesy phone

Desk mounted PA console Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: Chairs

End table

Task lighting Remarks: Ensure that walls are protected from damage by visitor’s chairs.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

48 Administration 4 May 2016


Group: Main Office 1.01.00 Activity Area: Administration 1.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Reception

Principal 1.01.01 1.01.03

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 1 @ 400 SF

1 @ 280 SF

Description and Function: Meeting space for staff and visitors Users: Administrators, teachers, invited guests. Up to 12 persons Hours of Use: Before, during and after school hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Carpet Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: Sink with hot and cold water Electrical: HDMI, coax cable, and elec. receptacle at 84” AFF at television wall-mount bracket

Electrical receptacle at TV wall-mount bracket to be tied into emer. Generator (Large conference room only)

Electrical power in floor centered under conference table Lighting: Adjustable lighting level Equipment in construction contract:

6’-8’ base and wall cabinet

Television mounting bracket

Paper towel dispenser

FF&E: One conference room to have conference table with twenty (20) chairs

One conference room to have conference table with twelve (12) chairs—plus four (4) additional chairs

Wall Mounted Video Projector

Interactive Whiteboard

LED Television

Under-counter refrigerator

Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Administration 49

WORKROOM - Administration 1.01.07

Group: Main Office 1.01.00 Activity Area: Administration 1.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Reception

Administration storage 1.01.01 1.01.08

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 380

Description and Function: Work room for administrators, staff and faculty. Contains copying machine, paper cutter,

laminating machine, faculty mailboxes, material storage, etc. Users: Administrators, staff and faculty Hours of Use: Before, during and after school

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical Tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl Composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Tack board – 8 linear feet Mechanical: Exhaust fan for photocopier and laminating machine.

Sink with hot and cold water. Electrical: Receptacles for photocopier and laminating machine

Data for photocopier Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Base and wall cabinets, with knee space and sink.

Mailbox with 200 slots.

Soap dispenser

Paper towel dispenser FF&E: Photocopier

Laminating machine


2-stools for 36” countertop,

1-30” x72” utility table Remarks: Mailboxes should be directly accessible by staff and not create traffic congestion.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

50 Administration 4 May 2016


Group: Main Office 1.01.00 Activity Area: Administration 1.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Reception

Workroom Volunteer Office

1.01.01 1.01.06 1.02.01

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 300

Description and Function: Storage of office supplies, paper, miscellaneous items Users: Administration and staff Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: No Ceiling Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Painted concrete Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

24” deep metal shelves

FF&E: None Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Administration 51


Group: Main Office 1.01.00 Activity Area: Administration 1.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Administration

Staff Rest Room (2) 1.00.00 5.03.02

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 900

Description and Function: Lounge, break and dining room for faculty Users: Faculty Hours of Use: Before, during and after school hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Tack board – 4 linear feet. Mechanical: Sink with hot and cold water.

Waterline for icemaker Electrical: HDMI, coax cable, and elec. receptacle at 84” AFF at television wall-mount bracket

Receptacles for microwaves, refrigerator and vending machines.

Receptacles above counter top for small appliances.

Telephone outlet. Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

12’-16’ of base and wall cabinets

Paper towel dispenser

Television wall-mount bracket FF&E: Side chairs

Love seat

42” x 42” square tables with chairs

Vending machines - 2

Refrigerator with icemaker

Microwaves – 2

LED Television

Trash can Remarks: Faculty lounge to be accessible from major corridor without having to pass through

balance of administrative areas.

Refrigerator to be free-standing (no casework enclosure)

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

52 Administration 4 May 2016


Group: Main Office 1.01.00 Activity Area: Administration 1.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Reception 1.01.01 Ancillary Spaces: Closet

Net Square Footage 100

Description and Function: Private area for process accounting activities ( ex. purchasing, activity fund, etc.) Users: Financial secretary Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Carpet Base: Vinyl Visual Display Tack board – 4 linear feet Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: Desk and chair


File cabinets and bookcases

Safe Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Administration 53


Group: Main Office 1.01.00 Activity Area: Administration 1.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Reception

Corridor 1.01.01

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 100

Description and Function: Prepares daily attendance documents, handles late arrivals and early dismissals Users: Attendance secretary Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Carpet Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: Desk and chair,


File cabinets and bookcases Remarks: Dutch door to a corridor so students do not have to go into the main office to receive a


Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

54 Administration 4 May 2016


Group: Main Office 1.01.00 Activity Area: Administration 1.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Reception 1.01.01 Ancillary Spaces: Closet

Net Square Footage 100

Description and Function: Private area for facility management activities Users: Business Manager Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Carpet Base: Vinyl Visual Display Tack board – 2 @ 4 linear feet each Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: HDMI, coax cable, and elec. receptacle at 84” AFF at television wall-mount bracket Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Television wall-mount bracket

FF&E: Desk and chair


File cabinets and bookcases

LED Television Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Administration 55


Group: Other Spaces 1.02.00 Activity Area: Administration 1.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Assistant Principal 1.01.04 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 360

Description and Function: Space for students who are temporarily removed from class Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board – 8 linear feet

Tack board – 4 linear feet Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: Data drops - 8 Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: 8 student desks and chairs

Teacher desk and chair


File cabinet Remarks: None


Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

56 Administration 4 May 2016


Group: Other Spaces 1.02.00 Activity Area: Administration 1.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Assistant Principal 1.01.04 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 240

Description and Function: Space for students who are on in-school suspension Users: Students Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board – 8 linear feet

Tack board – 4 linear feet Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: Data drops - 8 Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: 6-8 study carrels Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Administration 57


Group: Other Spaces 1.02.00 Activity Area: Administration 1.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Entrance Vestibule 5.06.01 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 100

Description and Function: Security monitoring Users: Administrative staff Hours of Use: During school hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: HDMI, coax cable, and elec. receptacle at 84” AFF at television wall-mount bracket for

security monitors (2)

Electrical receptacle at television wall-mount bracket to be tied into emergency generator

Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Television wall-mount brackets (2)

FF&E: Desk and chair

LED Televisions (2)

Computer Remarks: Visibility to front entrance.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

58 Administration 4 May 2016


Group: Other Spaces 1.02.00 Activity Area: Administration 1.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: None Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 120

Description and Function: Individual work, meetings with students, teachers, parents and members of the public

individually or in small groups. Programs might include IB, STEM, magnet, consortium, signature, etc.

Users: Program director and invited guests Hours of Use: Before, during and after school hours, year round.

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical Tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Carpet Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: Desk with return and chair


4-side chairs


Round conference table and chairs

Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Administration 59


Group: Other Spaces 1.02.00 Activity Area: Administration 1.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Special Program Office 1.02.04 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 300

Description and Function: Meeting space for staff and visitors Users: Administrators, teachers, invited guests. Up to 12 persons Hours of Use: Before, during and after school hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Carpet Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: Sink with hot and cold water Electrical: Power in floor centered under conference table

HDMI, coax cable, and elec. receptacle at 84” AFF at television wall-mount bracket Lighting: Adjustable lighting level Equipment in construction contract:

Base and wall cabinets with sink

Paper towel dispenser

Television wall-mount bracket

FF&E: Conference table and twelve (8) chairs

4-additional chairs

Wall mounted Video projector

Interactive whiteboard

Document camera

LED Television Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

60 Administration 4 May 2016


Group: Evening High School 1.03.00 Activity Area: Administration 1.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Evening HS Reception


Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 100

Description and Function: Individual workspace, meeting with students, teachers, parents and members of the

public individually or in small groups Users: Faculty Hours of Use: Before, during and after school hours, year round.

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical Tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Carpet Base: Vinyl Visual Display Tackboard-4linear feet Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: Desk and chair


2-side chairs


Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Administration 61


Group: Evening High School 1.03.00 Activity Area: Administration 1.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Evening HS Offices


Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 360

Description and Function: Entrance to Evening High School offices. Waiting space for visitors. Perform clerical

functions, receive visitors, receive students for administrative and answer phone. Users: Visitors and clerical support personnel (2 stations) Hours of Use: Before, during and after school hours, year round.

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical Tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl base Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: Access control monitor with door release

Telephone outlet for courtesy phone.

HDMI, coax cable, and elec. receptacle at 84” AFF at television wall-mount brackets for security monitor

Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Television wall-mount bracket

FF&E: Visitor’s Chairs

End tables

Task lighting


Networked printer.

Desks w/return and chairs.

File cabinets.

LED Television Remarks: Provide maximum visibility to entrance door.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

62 Administration 4 May 2016


Group: Evening High School 1.03.00 Activity Area: Administration 1.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Evening HS Offices

Evening HS Reception Area

1.03.01 1.03.02

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 300

Description and Function: Meeting space for staff and visitors. Users: Administrators, teachers, invited guests. Up to 12 persons Hours of Use: Before, during and after school hours, year round.

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical Tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Carpet Base: Vinyl base Visual Display None Mechanical: Sink with hot and cold water Electrical: HDMI, coax cable, and elec. receptacle at 84” AFF at television wall-mount bracket Lighting: Adjustable lighting level Equipment in construction contract:

8 linear feet of base and wall cabinets with sink

Television wall-mount bracket FF&E: Conference table

12 chairs for table with four (4) additional chairs

Undercounter refrigerator

Interactive whiteboard

Wall mounted projector

Document camera

LED Television Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Administration 63


Group: Evening High School 1.03.00 Activity Area: Administration 1.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Evening HS Offices

Evening HS Reception Area

1.03.01 1.03.02

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 60

Description and Function: Storage of office supplies, paper, files. Users: Administrators and staff Hours of Use: Before, during and after school hours, year round.

Finishes Ceiling: No Ceiling Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Painted concrete Base: Vinyl base Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

24” deep metal shelves

FF&E: File cabinets

Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

64 Administration 4 May 2016


Group: Evening High School 1.03.00 Activity Area: Administration 1.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Evening HS Reception


Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 100

Description and Function: Individual workspace, meeting with students, teachers, parents and members of the

public individually or in small groups Users: Faculty Hours of Use: Before, during and after school hours, year round.

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical Tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Carpet Base: Vinyl Visual Display Tackboard-4 linear feet Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

No special requirements

FF&E: Desk and chair


2-side chairs


Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Administration 65


Group: Evening High School 1.03.00 Activity Area: Administration 1.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Evening HS Offices

Evening HS Reception Area

1.03.01 1.03.02

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 60

Description and Function: Storage of office supplies, paper, files. Users: Administrators and staff Hours of Use: Before, during and after school hours, year round.

Finishes Ceiling: No Ceiling Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Painted concrete Base: Vinyl base Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

24” deep metal shelves

FF&E: File cabinets

Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

66 Student Support 4 May 2016

Student Support


Group: Health 2.01.00 Activity Area: Student Support 2.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Examination

Rest Area Treatment Area/Medication

2.01.03 2.01.04 2.01.06

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 150

Description and Function: Waiting area for students, staff and parents Users: Nursing staff, students and school staff Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl Composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Tack board - 4 linear feet Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: Telephone outlet for courtesy phone

One convenience Electrical Receptacle tied to emergency generator Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: Chairs

(2) Nurse’s aide desks and chairs

(2) computers Remarks: Ensure that walls are protected from damage by chairs.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Student Support 67


Group: Health 2.01.00 Activity Area: Student Support 2.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Examination room

Rest area Treatment room/Medication

2.01.03 2.01.04 2.01.06

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 100

Description and Function: Office for full time nurse Users: Nurse Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Tack board - 4 linear feet Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: Desk mounted PA console Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: Desk and chair


File cabinet

Visitor chairs (2) Remarks: Vision panels into rest area and examination room

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

68 Student Support 4 May 2016


Group: Health 2.01.00 Activity Area: Student Support 2.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Nurse’s office

Rest area Student Rest Room

2.01.02 2.01.04 2.01.05

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 100

Description and Function: Private area for nurse to talk with and examine students Users: Students and nurse Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Tack board - 4 linear feet Mechanical: Sink with hot and cold water


Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Base and wall cabinets, locking.

Soap dispenser

Paper towel dispenser FF&E: Two (2) chairs

Scale Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Student Support 69

REST AREA 2.01.04

Group: Health 2.01.00 Activity Area: Student Support 2.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Health Waiting

Nurse’s Office Examination Room Student Rest Room Treatment/Medication

2.01.01 2.01.02 2.01.03 2.01.05 2.01.06

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 200

Description and Function: Resting area for sick children, waiting for parents to pick up Users: Nurse, students Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl Composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: Wall mounted over cots, separately switched Equipment in construction contract:

Ceiling mounted divider curtains between cots

FF&E: Chairs

Resting cots

Remarks: Rest area must be visible from Nurse’s Office and Treatment area;

Subdivide into boys and girls

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

70 Student Support 4 May 2016


Group: Health 2.01.00 Activity Area: Student Support 2.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Examination room

Rest area 2.01.03 2.01.04

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 150 (one ADA restroom with shower and changing table space at 120 SF; one non-ADA

restroom at 30 SF)

Description and Function: Toilets for students in health suite (gender neutral) Users: Students Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Painted gypsum wallboard Walls: Moisture resistant epoxy painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Ceramic Tile Base: Ceramic Tile Visual Display None Mechanical: Unit shower w/hand held shower head

Floor drain with trap prime Electrical: Receptacle in the larger rest room for mobile changing table Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


Paper towel dispenser

Soap dispenser

Toilet paper dispenser FF&E: Trash can

Changing table Remarks: Provide ADA compliant shower and space for mobile changing table in one rest room.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Student Support 71


Group: Health 2.01.00 Activity Area: Student Support 2.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Rest Area

Examination Room Health Room Storage

2.01.04 2.01.03 2.01.07

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 140

Description and Function: Treatment area for students, staff and parents Users: Nursing staff Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Tack board - 4 linear feet Mechanical: Sink with hot and cold water

Eye wash/spray

Ventilation Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Sink base and wall cabinets

Locking refrigerator

Locking freezer with ice maker

Soap dispenser

Paper towel dispenser FF&E: Two (2) chairs

Wheel chair

Oxygen tanks

Desk and chair Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

72 Student Support 4 May 2016


Group: Health 2.01.00 Activity Area: Student Support 2.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Treatment/Medication 2.01.06 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 50

Description and Function: Storage of supplies, wheelchairs, etc. Users: Nurse Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements

Equipment in construction contract:

Metal shelving

FF&E: None Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Student Support 73


Group: Guidance 2.02.00 Activity Area: Student Support 2.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Guidance Reception 2.02.04 Ancillary Spaces None

Net Square Footage 100

Description and Function: Individual workspace; space for meeting with students, teachers, parents or members of

the public individually or in small groups Users: Counselors and invited guests Hours of Use: Before, during and after school

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Carpet Base: Vinyl Visual Display Tack board - 4 linear feet Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: Desk and chair


2 Side chairs


Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

74 Student Support 4 May 2016


Group: Guidance 2.02.00 Activity Area: Student Services 2.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Guidance Reception 2.02.04 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 120

Description and Function: Individual workspace; space for meeting with students, teachers, parents and members of

the public individually or in small groups Users: Psychologist and invited guests Hours of Use: Before, during and after school

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Carpet Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: Desk and chair


Side chair


Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Student Support 75


Group: Guidance 2.02.00 Activity Area: Student Support 2.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Counselor’s Office

Registrar 2.02.01 2.02.08

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 200

Description and Function: Secure record storage Users: Counselors and clerical staff Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: File cabinets Remarks: Secure

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

76 Student Support 4 May 2016


Group: Guidance 2.02.00 Activity Area: Student Support 2.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Career Room 2.02.05 Ancillary Spaces: Closet

Net Square Footage 360

Description and Function: Student support services reception and clerical space to receive students and parents.

Clerical space for two secretaries to greet and assist students and counselors. Users: Students support staff, students and parents Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl Composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Tack board - 4 linear feet Mechanical: None Electrical: Telephone outlet for courtesy phone Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: 2 desks and chairs for staff

Visitor’s chairs

File cabinets



Networked printer Remarks: Not accessed through Main Office Suite.

Ensure that walls are protected from damage by visitor’s chairs.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Student Support 77


Group: Guidance 2.02.00 Activity Area: Student Support 2.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Guidance Reception

Guidance Conference Room 2.02.04 2.02.06

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 600

Description and Function: Students working on career exploration, college and scholarship search, college

applications and resume writing Users: Student, counselor, teachers and parents Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl Composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board - 8 linear feet

Tack board - 4 linear feet

Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: DATA DROP connectivity – 8 Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Shelving for materials

FF&E: Computers and printers

Tables and chairs

Wall Mounted Video projector

Interactive whiteboard

Computer and printer Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

78 Student Support 4 May 2016


Group: Guidance 2.02.00 Activity Area: Student Support 2.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Guidance Reception 2.02.04 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 300

Description and Function: Meeting space for staff and visitors Users: Administrators, teachers, invited guests. Up to 12 persons Hours of Use: Before, during and after school hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Carpet Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: Sink with hot and cold water Electrical: Video outlet

Power in floor centered under conference table

HDMI, coax cable, and elec. receptacle at 84” AFF at television wall-mount bracket Lighting: Adjustable lighting level Equipment in construction contract:

Television mounting bracket

6’-8’ base and wall cabinets

Paper towel dispenser

FF&E: Conference table and twelve (12) chairs

4 additional chairs

Undercounter refrigerator

Wall Mounted Video Projector

Interactive Whiteboard

LED Television

Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Student Support 79


Group: Guidance 2.02.00 Activity Area: Student Support 2.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Guidance Reception 2.02.04 Ancillary Spaces None

Net Square Footage 100

Description and Function: Individual workspace; space for meeting with students, teachers, parents and members of

the public individually or in small groups Users: PPW, LCSW, Student Advocate Counselors, Right Start Advisor, Internship coach,

Alternative One Counselor, university representatives and invited guests Hours of Use: Before, during and after school

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Carpet Base: Vinyl Visual Display Tack board - 4 linear feet Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: Desk and chair


Side chairs


Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

80 Student Support 4 May 2016


Group: Guidance 2.02.00 Activity Area: Student Support 2.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Student Records 2.02.03 Ancillary Spaces None

Net Square Footage 100

Description and Function: Individual workspace; space for meeting with students, teachers, parents and members of

the public individually or in small groups Users: Registrar and invited guests Hours of Use: Before, during and after school

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Carpet Base: Vinyl Visual Display Tack board - 4 linear feet Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: Desk and chair

File cabinets and bookcases

Side chairs


Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Student Support 81

WORKROOM - Guidance 2.02.09

Group: Guidance 2.02.00 Activity Area: Student Support 2.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Student Records 2.02.03 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 100

Description and Function: Work room for administrators, staff and faculty. Contains copying machine, fax,

registration material, storage, etc. Users: Administrators and staff Hours of Use: Before, during and after school

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical Tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl Composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Tack board – 4 linear feet Mechanical: Exhaust fan for photocopier.

Sink with hot and cold water Electrical: Receptacle and Data drop for photocopier Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Base and wall cabinets, with knee space and sink.

FF&E: Photocopier

Fax Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

82 Student Support 4 May 2016


Group: Guidance 2.02.00 Activity Area: Student Support 2.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Guidance Conference Room

Testing Material Storage 2.02.06 2.02.11

Ancillary Spaces None

Net Square Footage 100

Description and Function: Individual workspace for preparation of testing materials Users: Testing Coordinator Hours of Use: Before, during and after school

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Carpet Base: Vinyl Visual Display Tack board - 4 linear feet Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: Desk and chair


Side chairs


Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Student Support 83


Group: Guidance 2.02.00 Activity Area: Student Support 2.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Guidance Conference Room

Testing Coordinator 2.02.06 2.02.10

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 200

Description and Function: Secure storage of testing materials Users: Counselors and clerical staff Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: Data drops - 2 Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Counters and shelving

Metal shelving FF&E: Carts for transporting materials Remarks: Directly connected to hall and conference room.

Door to be on separate keying from remainder of building.

Door to be wide enough to handle carts.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

84 Classrooms 4 May 2016



Group: Classrooms 3.01.00 Activity Area: Core Instructional Areas 3.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Teacher Planning

Special Education Resource 3.01.03 3.02.02

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 850

Description and Function: Teaching station for instruction of language arts, math, social studies, AVID, or signature

program Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board - 1 at 16 linear feet and 2 at 4 linear feet each (interactive whiteboard

in between)

Tack board – 3 at 4 linear feet each Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

General storage cabinets (84” high) – 6 linear feet minimum

Base and wall cabinets – 6 linear feet minimum

Teacher desk with integral wardrobe

Sound enhancement system FF&E: Teacher’s chair

Computers and printer

Small group teaching table (horseshoe)

Student desks and chairs

File cabinet

Wall Mounted Video Projector

Interactive Whiteboard

Document camera Remarks: Visual display boards to be split on two adjacent walls.

Student data drops not to be placed on walls with visual display boards.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Classrooms 85


Group: Classrooms 3.01.00 Activity Area: Core Instructional Areas 3.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Teacher Planning 3.01.03

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 1200

Description and Function: Teaching station for instruction of language arts, math, social studies or signature

program with added space for Block scheduling and accommodating up to 60 students Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Carpet Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board - 1 at 16 linear feet and 2 at 4 linear feet each (interactive whiteboard

in between); additional marker boards as wall space in room allows

Tack board – 3 at 4 linear feet each Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: Electrical/ data receptacles in floor for laptop and technology flexibility

HDMI, coax cable, and elec. receptacle at 84” AFF at television wall-mount bracket Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

General storage cabinets (84” high) – 6 linear feet minimum

Teacher desk with integral wardrobe

Sound enhancement system

Television wall-mount bracket

FF&E: Teacher’s chair

Computers and printer

Work tables

Student desks and chairs—60 flexible foldable chairs

Wheeled 18” wide tables that can be moved around for maximum grouping flexibility

File cabinet

Wall Mounted Video Projector

Interactive Whiteboard

Document camera

LED television

Remarks: Visual display boards to be split on two adjacent walls.

Student data drops not to be placed on walls with visual display boards.

Flex classrooms to be dispersed among the General Classrooms as evenly as possible

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

86 Classrooms 4 May 2016

TEACHER PLANNING - Department 3.01.03

Group: Classroom 3.01.00 Activity Area: Core Instructional Areas 3.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: General Classrooms 3.01.01 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 50 per teacher

Description and Function: Organized by department for setting up assignments, conferencing with other associates,

mentoring Users: Staff Hours of Use: School Hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical Tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard or concrete block Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl base Visual Display Marker board – 4 linear feet

Tack board – 4 linear feet Mechanical: Sink with hot and cold water Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Base cabinets with knee space for desk activities

Wall cabinets


Wardrobe unit for each teacher

Base cabinet for stainless steel sink. FF&E: Teacher’s chairs


Networked printer


Undercounter Refrigerator Remarks: Special Education teachers will have their planning spaces in their respective content


Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Resource 87



Group: Resource 3.02.01 Activity Area: Core Instructional Areas 3.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: None Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 400

Description and Function: Teaching station for students with the potential for each student to work individually; One

resource room to be used for READ 180 program Users: Resource staff and students Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board- 1 at 16 linear feet (and 2 at 4’ each (with space between for interactive

whiteboard Tack board - 4 linear feet

Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Teacher desk with integral wardrobe

General storage cabinet (84” high)—3 linear feet FF&E: Teacher’s chair

File cabinets -2

Student desks and chairs - 10

Computer and printer

Wall Mounted Video Projector

Interactive Whiteboard

Document camera Remarks: Where 2 Resource rooms are adjacent, provide manual operable partition at their

common wall

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

88 Resource 4 May 2016


Group: Resource 3.02.00 Activity Area: Core Instructional Areas 3.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: General Classrooms 3.01.01 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 400

Description and Function: Resource room for special education students Users: Special education teacher and students Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board - 1 at 8 linear feet and 2 at 4’ each (with interactive whiteboard


Tack board – 4 linear feet

Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Teacher desk with integral wardrobe

General storage cabinet (84” high) –3 linear feet

Shelving 3’ wide x 84” high

FF&E: 2 Teacher’s chairs

File cabinet

Computer and printer

2 kidney tables for students

10 student chairs

Wall Mounted Video projector

Interactive Whiteboard

Document camera

Remarks: SPED Resource Rooms to be disbursed in content areas:

1-2 in English area

1-2 in Math corridor

1 in Social Studies corridor

1 in Science corridor

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Resource 89

SPEECH 3.02.03

Group: Resource 3.02.00 Activity Area: Core Instructional Areas 3.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: General Classrooms 3.01.01 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 300

Description and Function: Teaching station for small groups of students Users: Teachers and students Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical Tiles Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl Composition Title Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board - 8 linear feet

Tack board - 8 linear feet Mechanical: Sink with water fountain Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Mirror at desk height

Teacher desk with integral wardrobe

FF&E: Teacher’s chair

Seating and work surfaces for eight students

Computer and printer

Interactive whiteboard

Wall mounted video projector

Document camera

Remarks: Quiet location and acoustical treatment for listening.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

90 Resource 4 May 2016

ESOL 3.02.04

Group: Resource 3.02.00 Activity Area: Core Instructional Areas 3.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: General Classroom 3.01.01 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 600

Description and Function: Teaching stations for eight students with potential for each student to work individually Users: Resource staff and students Hours of Use: Before, during and after school hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl Composition Tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board – 1 at 16 linear feet and 2 at 4’ each (with interactive whiteboard


Tack board – 8 linear feet

Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: Data drops - 9 Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Base and wall cabinets

Sound enhancement system FF&E: 16 desks or 4 tables

16 chairs

Teacher’s desk and chair

File cabinet

Computers and printer

Wall Mounted Video Projector

Interactive Whiteboard

Document camera Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Resource 91


Group: Resource 3.02.00 Activity Area: Core Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Near General Classrooms designate for instruction of English 3.01.01

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 900

Description and Function: Teaching space for school newspaper, yearbook, literary magazine classes and clubs. Users: Student staff and faculty Hours of Use: Before, during and after school

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical Tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board – 1 at 16 linear feet and 2 at 4 linear feet each (interactive whiteboard

in between);

Tack board – 2 @ 8 linear feet each Mechanical: Consider 32 laptops in heat load Electrical: HDMI, coax cable, and elec. receptacle at 84” AFF at television wall-mount bracket Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Teacher desk with integral wardrobe

Base and wall cabinets, with knee space and sink.

General storage cabinet 84” high-- lockable for cameras, equipment, etc.

Wall-mount television bracket FF&E:

Laptop cart

Computers for 32 students


Wheeled movable tables for student collaboration

Student chairs

30 x 72” utility tables

Wall mounted video projector

Interactive whiteboard

Document camera

LED Television/monitor

Remarks: Room used by English department for yearbook and newspaper classes and production

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

92 Special Education 4 May 2016

Special Education


Group: Special Education 3.03.00 Activity Area: Core Instructional Areas 3.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Special Education Conference Room

Reasonable proximity to Administration 3.03.04 1.01.00

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 750

Description and Function: Instructional spaces as defined by special education curriculum. Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board - 1 at 16 linear feet and 2 at 4 linear feet (interactive whiteboard


Tack board – 3 at 4 linear feet each

Mechanical: Sink with hot/cold water Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements

Equipment in construction contract:

General storage cabinets (84” high) – 6 linear feet minimum

Base and wall cabinets – 8 linear feet minimum

Teacher desk with integral wardrobe


Sound enhancement system

FF&E: Desk and chairs for students (10)

Teacher’s chair

Desk for Teaching Assistant

Chair for Teaching Assistant

Computers and printer

Video Projector

Document camera

Remarks: Visual display boards to be split on two adjacent walls.

Student data drops not to be placed on walls with visual display boards.

Operable partition and two doors to corridor in one of the Special Education Classrooms to allow room to be used for 2 separate small-group classes

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Special Education 93

STORAGE – Special Education 3.03.02

Group: Special Education 3.03.00 Activity Area: Core Instructional Areas 3.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Special Education Classroom 3.03.01 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 200

Description and Function: Storage of materials Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: Before, during and after school hours

Finishes Ceiling: No Ceiling Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Sealed concrete Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

12” and 24” deep metal shelving

FF&E: None Remarks: Room will be lockable and secure

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

94 Special Education 4 May 2016

AUTISM OR E.D. CLASSROOM – Special Education 3.03.03

Group: Special Education 3.03.00 Activity Area: Core Instructional Areas 3.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Special Education Storage

Special Education Classrooms 3.03.02 3.03.01

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 800

Description and Function: Instructional spaces as defined by special education curriculum Users: Staff Hours of Use: School Hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical Tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard or concrete block Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl base Visual Display Marker board – 1 at 16 linear feet; 2 at 4 linear feet each (interactive whiteboard


Tack board – 3 at 4 linear feet each Mechanical: Sink with hot and cold water Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

General storage cabinets (84” high) – 6 linear feet minimum

Base and wall cabinets – 8 linear feet minimum

Teacher desk with integral wardrobe


Sound enhancement system

FF&E: 10 Student desk and chairs (wheeled desks that convert to carrels)

Teacher’s chairs

Computers and printer

Desk for Teaching Assistant

Chair for Teaching Assistant

Interactive whiteboard

Video projector

Document camera

Remarks: Visual display boards to be split on two adjacent walls.

Typical self-contained SPED classroom has teacher plus Teaching Assistant

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Special Education 95


Group: Special Education 3.03.00 Activity Area: Core Instructional Areas 3.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Special Education Classroom

Teacher Planning - Special Education 3.03.01 3.03.03

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 300

Description and Function: Meeting space for staff and visitors Users: Administrators, teachers, invited guests. Up to 12 persons Hours of Use: Before, during and after school hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Carpet Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board – 8 linear feet

Mechanical: Sink with hot and cold water Electrical: Power in floor centered under conference table

HDMI, coax cable, and elec. receptacle at 84” AFF at television wall-mount bracket Lighting: Adjustable lighting level Equipment in construction contract:

6’-8’ base and wall cabinets

Paper towel dispenser

Television wall-mount bracket

FF&E: Conference table and twelve (12) chairs

4-additional chairs

LED Television

Interactive Whiteboard

Wall Mounted Video Projector

Under counter refrigerator

Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

96 Special Education 4 May 2016


Group: Special Education 3.03.00 Activity Area: Core Instructional Areas 3.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Special Education Classroom

Special Education Records Storage 3.03.01 3.03.06

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 200

Description and Function: Individual work, meeting with students, teachers, parents and members of the public

individuals or in small groups. Users: Office shared by Special Education Department Chair, IEP Facilitator, IEP Clerk Hours of Use: Before, during and after school hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Carpet Base: Vinyl Visual Display Tack board – 4 linear feet

Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

No special requirements

FF&E: 3 Desks and 3 chairs


Visitor chairs

3 Computers

Networked Printer Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Special Education 97

RECORDS STORAGE – Special Education 3.03.06

Group: Special Education 3.03.00 Activity Area: Core Instructional Areas 3.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Special Education Office 3.03.05 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 40

Description and Function: Storage of materials Users: Faculty and administrators Hours of Use: Before, during and after school hours

Finishes Ceiling: No Ceiling Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Sealed concrete Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

12” and 24” deep metal shelving

FF&E: File cabinets Remarks: Room will be lockable and secure

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

98 Art 4 May 2016


ART STUDIO 4.01.01

Group: Art 4.01.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Art Storage 4.01.02 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 1200

Description and Function: Flexible space for art studies Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board -2 at 4 linear feet (interactive whiteboard between)

Tack board - 30 linear feet

Mechanical: Double island sink with plaster and clay traps; provide counter space both sides of

sinks for drying.

Eyewash Electrical: Data connectivity – 12 for student, 1 for teacher, 3 for accessories

Data, power, and connectivity to teaching station and interactive whiteboard at teacher built-in demo island

Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

84” high general storage cabinets - 2

Tote tray storage min 6” deep trays - 1

Paper storage units – 6

Base and wall cabinets (base cabinets to be min. 30” deep; paper cutter requires 36” deep counter

12” x 12” open cubbies for student sculpture storage/drying

Teacher desk w/integral wardrobe

Soap dispenser

Paper towel dispenser

Sound enhancement system

30-40 LF open book shelves, (14”-16” deep; each shelf to be min.15” clear hgt.)

FF&E: Rectangular tables for 6 students each

Chairs for students

Teacher chair

Movable demo table

Paper cutter

Computers and printer

Wall Mounted Video Projector Interactive Whiteboard

Document camera

Remarks: Drying areas for flat and sculptural work,

North side of building. If possible ground floor location with direct access to outside

Room to be laid out in three areas: classroom, computer lab, art studio.

Locate bookshelves away from water and paint areas of room

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Art 99

STORAGE ROOM - Art 4.01.02

Group: Art Storage Room 4.01.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Art Studio

Ceramic Art Studio Kiln/Clay Room

4.01.01 4.01.03 4.01.04

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 200

Description and Function: Material storage for art supplies and equipment Users: Teachers and students Hours of Use: Before, during, and after school

Finishes Ceiling: No ceiling Walls: Painted concrete block or gypsum wallboard Floor: Painted concrete Base: No base on concrete, vinyl if gypsum wallboard Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

12”-24”” heavy duty wood shelves; avoid blind corner storage

Drawing board storage base and wall cabinets - 1

FF&E: Metal storage cabinet for combustibles Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

100 Art 4 May 2016


Group: Art 4.01.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Ceramic Art Studio 4.01.04 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 300

Description and Function: Room to house kilns, student work and clay materials Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: Before, during and after school hours

Finishes Ceiling: No ceiling Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Painted concrete Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: Vent-a-Kiln Unit – movable, 24” off top of kiln for each kiln

Room exhaust fan

Sink with hot and cold water and clay trap Electrical: Power for kilns Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

(3) Kilns (208V single phase)

Metal shelves for drying projects FF&E: Pug mill

Wedging board Remarks: Site kilns on exterior wall.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Art 101


Group: Art 4.01.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Art Storage

Kiln/Clay Room 4.01.02 4.01.03

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 1350

Description and Function: Flexible space for ceramic and sculpture studies Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board - 2 at 4 linear feet (interactive whiteboard between)

Tack board-30 linear feet

Mechanical: Double island sink with plaster and clay traps (2)

Eyewash Electrical: Ceiling mounted electrical cord reels

Data, power, and connectivity to teaching station and interactive whiteboard at teacher built-in demo island

Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

84” high general storage cabinets -2

Tool storage unit -1

Spray booth – 1

Base and wall cabinets (base cabinets to be min. 30” deep) 12” x 12” open cubbies for student sculpture storage/drying

Soap dispenser

Paper towel dispenser

Sound enhancement system

Teacher desk with integral wardrobe

30-40 LF open book shelves, (14”-16” deep; each shelf to be min.15” clear hgt.)

FF&E: Rectangular tables for 6 students each

Chairs for students

Teacher chair

Slab Roller

Computers and printer

Wall mounted Video Projector

Interactive Whiteboard

Remarks: Drying areas for flat and sculptural work,

North side of building. If possible ground floor location with direct access to outside

Consider possible location for 3D printer in future curriculum

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

102 Art 4 May 2016


Group: Art 4.01.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: None Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 1200

Description and Function: Activities include computer graphic design, digital photography, web design and

animation. Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board - 2 at 4 linear feet (interactive whiteboard between)

Tack board – 30 linear feet

Mechanical: Sink with hot and cold water Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: Low glare fixtures Equipment in construction contract:

84” high general storage cabinets -2

Base and wall cabinets (base cabinets to be min. 30” deep; paper cutter requires 36” deep counter

Teacher desk with integral wardrobe

Sound enhancement system

Room darkening shades

30-40 LF open book shelves, (14”-16” deep; each shelf to be min.15” clear hgt.) FF&E: Teacher chair

Computer work stations and chairs - 32

Paper cutter

Computers --32

Networked printer

Wall mounted video projector

Interactive Whiteboard

Remarks: Computer stations located at room’s perimeter; student collaboration/work area in center

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Art 103


Group: Art 4.01.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Art Studio/Classroom 4.01.01

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 50 per teacher

Description and Function: Workroom, planning for art teachers Users: Staff Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard or concrete block Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl base Visual Display Tack surface – 4 linear feet Mechanical: Sink with hot and cold water Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: Task lighting Equipment in construction contract:

Base cabinets with knee space for desk activities

Wall cabinets


Wardrobe unit for each teacher FF&E: Teacher’s chairs




Networked printer Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

104 Library Media Center 4 May 2016

Library Media Center


Group: Library Media Center 4.02.02 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Library Media Workroom

Library Media Specialist Office

4.02.02 4.02.03

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 7000

Description and Function: Collection and reading area will also include: small instructional areas for groups and skill

reinforcement individual workstations for students and assembly space. Housing for media center resources (general collection)

Users: All students and faculty Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Carpet Base: Vinyl Visual Display Tack board - 20 to 30 linear feet Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: Numerous receptacles for charging devices

Data drops for Research Center - 16

Data drops for online catalogs - 1

Data drops at circulation desk - 2

Telephone outlet at circulation desk

HDMI, coax cable, and elec. receptacle at 84” AFF at television wall-mount bracket Lighting: Zoned light control for separate areas

Controlled natural light Equipment in construction contract:

Book shelves

Circulation desk

Television wall-mount bracket

FF&E: 3 groups of 5 -6 tables each

Student chairs – 120

Informal seating for minimum of 30 students (i.e.: comfortable chairs with attached laptop desks)

Four book trucks

Metal 2-drawer file cabinets

Wall Mounted Video projector – 2

Interactive Whiteboards-2

LED Television


Networked printer Remarks: Focal point of school, locate near instructional areas, locate circulation area adjacent

to entry points with visual control and access from office and workroom.

Shelving on wheels for easier re-configuration of space

Anticipate carts of laptops and chromebooks in lieu of many desktop computers

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Library Media Center 105


Group: Library Media Center 4.02.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Library Media Reading Room

Library Media Office Library Media Storage

4.02.01 4.02.03 4.02.04

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 360

Description and Function: Work room for preparation of library media materials, displays and repair Users: Library Media staff and faculty Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Tack board - 4 linear feet Mechanical: Sink with hot and cold water Electrical: Receptacles for photocopier and laminator, convenience outlets above counter Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Lockable Base and wall cabinets; allow space for under-counter refrigerator, work counter

FF&E: Photocopier, one (1)


Counter height stools

One (1); Paper cutter

Under-counter refrigerator

One (1); Roll laminator

One (1); Letter dye cutter and set of assorted letters

One (1); Four-drawer file cabinet Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

106 Library Media Center 4 May 2016


Group: Library Media Center Office 4.02.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Library Media Reading Room

Library Media Workroom 4.02.01 4.02.02

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 140

Description and Function: Office for media specialist and staff Users: Library Media specialist and staff Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl Composition Tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Tack board, 4 linear feet Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: Telephone Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: Two-drawer metal cabinets


Networked printer

Desk and chairs (2 of each)

Remarks: Visibility to rest of library media center

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Library Media Center 107

STORAGE - Library Media 4.02.04

Group: Library Media Center 4.02.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Library Media Work Room 4.02.02 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 360

Description and Function: Storage area for equipment and materials not in circulation Users: Library Media staff and faculty Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: Power for five (5) computer carts, each having two plugs and needing own circuit (verify

with Technology office) Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Metal Shelving

FF&E: Eight (8) carts (42”)

Four (4) carts (34”)

Chromebook carts

Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

108 Library Media Center 4 May 2016


Group: Library Media Center 4.02.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Library Media Reading Room 4.02.01 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 800

Description and Function: Meeting space for students and faculty Users: Faculty and students. Up to 24 persons Hours of Use: Before, during and after school hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Carpet Base: Vinyl

Visual Display None Mechanical: None Electrical: Receptacles in floor for laptop and technology flexibility

Lighting: Adjustable lighting level Equipment in construction contract:

6’-8’ Base and wall cabinets

FF&E: Wheeled tables for flexible groupings

24 foldable chairs

Wall Mounted Video Projector

Interactive Whiteboard


Remarks: Glass wall to media center

Enter seminar room from media center

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Library Media Center 109


Group: Library Media Center 4.02.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Library Media Reading Room


Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 800

Description and Function: Student and staff workspace within Media Center for hands-on project-based learning,

such as code writing, video creation, sewing, electronics, etc. Users: Library Media staff, faculty, and students Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Tack board and whiteboard (maximize whiteboard surface) Mechanical: Sink with hot and cold water Electrical: Receptacles for around room’s perimeter for charging equipment, etc.

HDMI, coax cable, and elec. receptacle at 84” AFF at television wall-mount bracket Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Base and wall cabinets for supply storage (craft items, electronic circuits, etc.)

Open shelving for project display, storage

Tall storage cabinet (lockable)

Television wall-mount bracket FF&E: Wheeled tables for students to work in groups of 3-4.

Stools for students (20)


Interactive whiteboard

Wall mounted video projector

LED Television

Computer Remarks: Open directly to library reading room, preferably near computer area.

Strong visual connection to media center (partial glass wall) but acoustically separated.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

110 Music 4 May 2016



Group: Music 4.03.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Storage - General Music

Storage – Robe and Uniform Teacher’s Planning - Music Stage

4.03.02 4.03.07 4.03.08 4.11.02

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 1800

Description and Function: An instructional area for choral music or other activities. Instructional space for 80

students. Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: School hours and occasional evenings and weekends

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Carpet Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board -1 at 4 linear feet and 1at 6 linear feet (interactive white board between)

Tack board - 16 linear feet Mechanical: Mechanical duct work and openings to be sealed, routed and insulated to prevent

sound transmission. Limited ductwork that continues through music room.

Mechanical ductwork and openings to be sealed routed and insulated to prevent sound transmission.

Sink with hot and cold water. Electrical: Sufficient electrical outlets for instruments and sound systems, etc. Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Casework including choral folio and stereo storage, open bookshelves

Teacher desk with integral wardrobe

FF&E: Upright piano and bench

Conductors system (stand, podium, chair)

Electronic tuner/metronome.

Rollback risers

File cabinets.

High fidelity sound component system with stereo cabinet

Folio cabinets

Book shelves

Teacher chair

Stackable Chairs (80)

Metal drawer file cabinets -2

Wall Mounted Video Projector

Sound enhancement system

Interactive Whiteboard



Remarks: Acoustical treatment for appropriate absorption and diffusion. Reverberation time of

1.0 seconds

Walls to extend to roof deck. Sound transmission of walls to equal sand filled block.

14 foot preferred ceiling height.

Provide double doors to allow piano to be moved into room

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Music 111

STORAGE – General Music 4.03.02

Group: Music 4.03.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: General Music Classroom

Instrumental Music Classroom 4.03.01 4.03.03

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 500

Description and Function: Storage for Music supplies Users: Faculty Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: Designed to prevent temperature and humidity extremes Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: File cabinets for sheet music

Shelving Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

112 Music 4 May 2016


Group: Music 4.03.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Storage - Instrumental

Teacher Planning - Music Stage

4.03.05 4.03.08 4.11.02

Ancillary Spaces: Practice Modules 4.03.04

Net Square Footage 2,200

Description and Function: Musical instrument instructional area for 80 students and a teacher Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Carpet Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board – 1 at 4 linear feet and 1 at 6 linear feet (interactive whiteboard


Tack board – 16 linear feet

Mechanical: Ductwork and openings to be sealed routed and insulated to prevent sound


Deep utility Sink with hot and cold water for cleaning instruments; sink to provide drinking fountain.

Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Teacher desk with integral wardrobe

Full length mirror

Band/Orchestra folio cabinets

Stereo cabinets


Sound enhancement system FF&E: Upright piano and bench

Conductors system (stand, podium, chair)

Electronic tuner/metronome.


Heavy duty music stands (75)

Band instruments


High fidelity sound component system with stereo cabinet

Computer/printer station with cart

File cabinets, Folio cabinets and book shelves

Teacher’s chair

Stackable Chairs (80)

Metal 2-drawer file cabinets -2 Wall Mounted Video Projector

Interactive Whiteboard


Printer Remarks: Double door exterior entrance to use for after hour event access.

Double doors to corridor to allow music and students to be easily moved to stage.

Acoustical treatment for appropriate absorption and diffusion. Reverberation time of 1.0 seconds

Walls to extend to roof deck. Sound transmission of walls to equal sand filled block.

14 foot preferred ceiling height.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Music 113


Group: Music 4.03.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: None Ancillary Spaces: Instrumental Music Classroom 4.03.03

Net Square Footage varies (3 @ 190 SF and 2 @ 100 SF)

Description and Function: Acoustically isolated spaces for individual and small group lessons and practice Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard or CMU Floor: Carpet Base: None Visual Display None Mechanical: Sprinklers Electrical: Telephone outlet; data and electric to support electronic instruments. Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: None Remarks: Observable from Instrumental Music teaching station.

Acoustical treatment for appropriate absorption and diffusion.

Walls to extend to roof deck. Sound transmission of walls to equal sand filled block.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

114 Music 4 May 2016

STORAGE - Instrumental 4.03.05

Group: Music 4.03.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Instrumental Music Classroom

Keyboard Music 4.03.03 4.03.06

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 500

Description and Function: Storage of musical instruments Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: Separate split system A/C for year round cooling, designed to prevent temperature and

humidity extremes Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: Storage cages designed specifically for each instrument


File cabinets for sheet music

Remarks: Either double door or separate entrance and exit doors for easy traffic flow; allow for

passage of upright bass on cart.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Music 115


Group: Music 4.03.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: General Music Storage

Instrumental Storage Teacher Planning - Music

4.03.02 4.03.05 4.03.08

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 1100

Description and Function: An instructional room for instruments, music and supplies Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Carpet Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board – 1 at 4 linear feet and 1 at 6 linear feet (interactive whiteboard


Tack board – 16 linear feet

Mechanical: Ductwork and openings to be sealed routed and insulated to prevent sound transmission. Electrical: Power and data for 32 keyboards Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Guitar storage (wall-mounted hooks)

Teacher desk with integral wardrobe

Sound enhancement system FF&E: Wall Mounted Video Projector

Interactive Whiteboard

Teacher’s chair

Computer and printer



Student chairs Remarks: Acoustical treatment for appropriate absorption and diffusion. Reverberation time of

1.0 seconds

Walls to extend to roof deck. Sound transmission of walls to equal sand filled block.

16 foot preferred ceiling height.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

116 Music 4 May 2016

STORAGE - Robe and Uniform 4.03.07

Group: Music Robe and Uniform Storage 4.03.07 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Programs 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: General Music

Instrumental Music 4.03.01 4.03.03

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 300

Description and Function: Storage of choral robes and band uniforms Users: Students and faculty. Hours of Use: School hours.

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composite tile Base: Vinyl Visual display Tack board – 4 linear feet Mechanical: Separate split system A/C for year round cooling, designed to prevent temperature and

humidity extremes Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Shelving and clothes rods

FF&E None Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Music 117

TEACHER PLANNING - Music 4.03.08

Group: Music 4.03.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: General Music Classroom

Instrumental Music Classroom Keyboard Classroom

4.03.01 4.03.03 4.03.06

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 50 per teacher

Description and Function: Workroom, planning for music teachers Users: Staff Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard or concrete block Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl base Visual Display Tack surface – 4 linear feet Mechanical: Sink with hot and cold water Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: Task lighting Equipment in construction contract:

Base cabinets with knee space for desk activities Wall cabinets


Wardrobe unit for each teacher

Base cabinet for stainless steel sink. FF&E: Teacher’s chair


Networked printer


Refrigerator Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

118 Physical Education 4 May 2016

Physical Education


Group: Physical Education 4.04.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Storage - Gymnasium

Locker rooms Athletic Directors’ Office Gymnasium Lobby

4.04.03 4.04.07 4.04.17 5.06.05

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 12,000

Description and Function: Main gymnasium for physical education and athletics. Users: Students, faculty and community Hours of Use: All day and evening year round

Finishes Ceiling: Painted Tectum® deck or acoustical metal deck Walls: Painted concrete block w/ Tectum® panels Floor: Depressed slab for floating maple wood with painted lines Base: Vinyl - Vented 4” heavy duty designed for floating floors Visual Display Marker board without tray – 4 @ 8 linear feet each

Tack board – 4 @ 4 linear feet each Mechanical: Water fountain located so it does not interfere with activity areas

Key operated over-ride for AHU

Guards for sprinkler heads Electrical: Video outlets – 2

Wall mounted Speakers

Wall mounted jacks for microphone and portable CD/iPod player

Receptacle and video from end walls of court and center top of visitor side bleachers to allow connection of video equipment with video production room.

Lighting: LED with safety chains and guards. Bottom of fixtures not to be below bottom of roof


Quick start or alternate lighting for evening Equipment in construction contract:

Dividing curtain to divide the gymnasium into four teaching stations. Bottom 10 feet to be solid fabric, top to be mesh.

Basketball backstops, total 14; all motorized. Main court and 2 “half” court backstops to be breakaway glass (6 total). Provide master switch--in addition to individual switches—to operate all backstops simultaneously.

Heavy duty Volleyball game standards and center pole with matching floor plates. Sleeves and padding: two sleeves for main court; four sleeves for two “half” courts ; 8 sleeves for 6 (sub-size) courts

Wall mats

Protective covering for wood floor (review with individual high school)

Two electronically operated scoreboards with shot clocks

Electrically operated bleachers with a capacity of 80% of the State Rated Capacity of the school.

FF&E: None Remarks: Minimum 24 foot Ceiling height, clear

to structure

Reverberation time of 1.5 seconds or less

Sound proofing

All breakable devices on walls (clocks, fire alarm, speakers, etc.) to have metal screen

Ability to project onto a wall using portable equipment

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Physical Education 119

P.E. TEACHER PLANNING w/ shower room 4.04.02

Group: Physical Education 4.04.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Locker Rooms

P.E. Laundry 4.04.07 4.04.09

Ancillary Spaces: Toilet room with water closet, sink and accessible shower

Net Square Footage 600 Office for 9 teachers

140 Shower Room (1 male 1 female)

740 Total

Description and Function: Plan activities, reviewing equipment and supply requirements, setting up assignments,

conferencing with other associates Users: Staff Hours of Use: School Hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical Tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard or concrete block Floor: Epoxy coating Base: Epoxy coating Visual Display Marker board – 8 linear feet

Tack board – 4 linear feet Mechanical: Shower room to include water closet, lavatory and shower (all ADA compliant) Electrical: Data and electric receptacle for copier Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Teacher desk with integral wardrobe (9)

or built-in base cabinets with knee space for desk activities plus lockers

Shower rooms to include toilet paper, paper towel and soap dispensers. FF&E: Teacher’s chairs


Conference table and chairs




Remarks: Adjacent to boys and girls locker rooms to allow easy access to locker rooms for

supervision (entry from corridor)

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

120 Physical Education 4 May 2016


Group: Physical Education 4.04.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Gymnasium

Auxiliary Gymnasium 4.04.01 4.04.04

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 1000

Description and Function: Storage of the physical education and athletic equipment for individual gymnasiums Users: Students, faculty and community Hours of Use: All day, year round

Finishes Ceiling: None Walls: Painted concrete block Floor: Heavy duty floor paint or concrete sealer Base: None Visual Display None Mechanical: Sprinkler heads with protector screens Electrical: Receptacle for use in assembling items (ex. inflator for balls)

Electrical for gym sound equipment Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Metal shelving

Subdivide storage room with lockable chain link cages.

Equipment cabinet containing gymnasium sound system equipment (mixer, power amplifier, digital signal processor, wireless mikes, Mike jacks, CD/iPod player and remote control )

FF&E: None Remarks: Double doors

Ceiling high enough for volleyball standards

Room should be configured to allow ready access directly from gym for managing the sound equipment.

One Gymnasium storage rooms should open directly to gym.

One Gymnasium storage room should open directly to Auxiliary gym.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Physical Education 121


Group: Physical Education 4.04.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Area 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Gymnasium Storage

Locker rooms 4.04.03 4.04.07

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 5,800

Description and Function: Teaching station for the physical education program Users: Students, faculty and community Hours of Use: All day and evening, year round

Finishes Ceiling: Painted Tectum deck or Acoustical Metal Deck Walls: Painted concrete block w/ Tectum® panels Floor: Depressed slab for floating maple wood with painted lines Base: Vinyl - Vented 4” heavy duty designed for floating floors Visual Display Marker boards without chalk tray – 2 @ 8 linear feet each

Tack board – 2 @ 4 linear feet each Mechanical: Sprinkler heads with protector screens Electrical: Video outlet

Speakers with jacks for microphone and portable CD/iPod player

Electric for wrestling mat storage lifts Lighting: Provide safety chains and guards on lights. Bottom of fixtures not to be below

bottom of roof structure. Equipment in construction contract:

Dividing curtain to divide the auxiliary gymnasium into two teaching stations. Bottom 10 feet to be solid fabric, top to be mesh.

Wall mats

Heavy duty Volleyball game standards and center pole with matching floor plates. Sleeves and padding: two sleeves for main court and three for two “half courts” ; additional sleeves for 3 (sub-size) courts if possible

Basketball backstops, motorized. Main court and 2 “half” court backstops to be breakaway glass (6 total).

Electronic scoreboard (point and time clock only)

FF&E: Wrestling mats and storage rack capable of lifting mats off floor; PE Dept. preference

is for 2 Remarks: Minimum 24 foot Ceiling height, clear to structure

Reverberation time of 1.5 seconds or less

Sound proofing

All breakable devices on walls (clocks, fire alarm, speakers, etc.) to have metal screen

Floor to be painted to include a high school regulation-sized basketball court (50’ x 84’)

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

122 Physical Education 4 May 2016


Group: Physical Education 4.04.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Within related group rooms Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 850

Description and Function: Teaching station for instruction of health education, fitness for life, sports medicine

classes. Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board - 1 at 16 linear feet and 2 at 4 linear feet each (interactive whiteboard

between) Tack board – 3 at 4 linear feet each

Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

General storage cabinets (84” high) – 6 linear feet minimum

Open shelving base and wall cabinets – 6 linear feet

Sound enhancement system

Teacher desk with integral wardrobe FF&E: Computer and printer

Teacher chair

Student desks and chairs

File cabinet

Wall mounted video projector

Interactive Whiteboard

Remarks: Visual display boards to be split on two adjacent walls.

Locate near gymnasium area

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Physical Education 123


Group: Physical Education 4.04.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Locker rooms 4.04.07 Ancillary Spaces: Closet (35 sf)

Net Square Footage 3000

Description and Function: Physical education equipment training Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: All day, year round

Finishes Ceiling: Painted Tectum deck or acoustical metal deck Walls: Painted concrete block Floor: Rubber mat, 17 mm thickness; AstroTurf workout area along one wall if space allows Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board without chalk tray – 8 linear feet

Tack board – 2 @ 4 linear feet Mechanical: Sprinkler heads with protector screens

Drinking fountain Electrical: Receptacles for equipment (treadmills, elliptical trainer, etc.)

Video outlet Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Dividing curtain to divide the auxiliary gymnasium into two teaching stations. Bottom 10 feet to be solid fabric, top to be mesh.

Mirrors FF&E: Cardio Equipment

Free Weights and related storage rack (16 stations)

Computers and printer

Interactive white board

Wall mounted projector Remarks: All breakable devices on walls (clocks, fire alarm, speakers, etc.) to have metal screen

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

124 Physical Education 4 May 2016


Group: Physical Education 4.04.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Gymnasium

Auxiliary gymnasium 4.04.01 4.04.04

Ancillary Spaces: Teacher’s planning room w/Toilet Room 4.04.02

Net Square Footage 1,400

Description and Function: Changing area for physical education program including shower and toilet facilities Users: Students Hours of Use: All day, year round

Finishes Ceiling: Painted gypsum wallboard Walls: Painted concrete block Floor: Epoxy coating Base: Epoxy coating Visual Display Tack board - 4 linear feet Mechanical: Electric water cooler

Sprinkler heads with protector screens Exhaust fan

Boy’s individual ADA accessible shower

Lavatories - 3

Water closets - 3

Urinals - 2

Girl’s individual ADA accessible shower

Lavatories - 3

Water closets - 5 Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: Key switch for lights Equipment in construction contract:

Per locker room: o 600 individual units o 100 clothing units o Above quantity include ADA compliant units.


Hooks for towels


Soap dispenser

Paper towel dispenser

Toilet paper dispenser

Sanitary napkin dispenser and disposal (woman only) FF&E: None Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Physical Education 125


Group: Physical Education 4.04.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: See Remarks below

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 900

Description and Function: Athletic Department team equipment storage Users: Students, faculty and community Hours of Use: All day, year round

Finishes Ceiling: None Walls: Painted concrete block Floor: Painted or sealed concrete Base: None Visual Display None Mechanical: Sprinkler heads with protector screens Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Storage units for each of 25 individual team sports. Units to be lockers or caged areas approximately 4’ wide x 3’ deep

FF&E: Ball carrier,- 2

Mats: 5’ x 10’ – 6 folding, 1 incline

Two inflators (electric)

Total carrier - 4 Remarks: This room will be used primarily by Athletics. As such, does not require as close proximity

to gymnasium or auxiliary gymnasium as gymnasium storage rooms do.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

126 Physical Education 4 May 2016

P.E. LAUNDRY 4.04.09

Group: Physical Education 4.04.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Locker rooms

Teacher Planning Room 4.04.07 4.04.02

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 150

Description and Function: Laundering and drying of towels, uniforms, scrimmage vests, etc. Users: PE Faculty and Athletic Staff Hours of Use: School Hours

Finishes Ceiling: None Walls: Painted concrete block Floor: Painted or sealed concrete Base: None Visual Display None Mechanical: Hot and cold water connection for washer

Drain for washer

Ventilation for dryer Electrical: Outlet for washer and dryer Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Washer and dryer (2 of each)– industrial size to fit through standard door

FF&E: Rolling bins for clean and dirty laundry

Shelving Remarks: “Dutch” door to corridor for dispensing towels and uniforms.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Physical Education 127


Group: Physical Education 4.04.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Fields Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 350

Description and Function: Storage of the physical education and athletic equipment Users: Students, faculty and community Hours of Use: All day, year round

Finishes Ceiling: None Walls: Painted concrete block Floor: Painted or sealed concrete Base: None Visual Display None Mechanical: Exhaust system Electrical: Security system Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: Field markers; High jump standards and mats Remarks: Room accessible only from outside

Locate near fields

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

128 Physical Education 4 May 2016


Group: Physical Education 4.04.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Locker rooms 4.04.07

Ancillary Spaces: Storage

Net Square Footage 2,000

Description and Function: Instructional space for the physical education and the dance program. Users: Students, faculty and community Hours of Use: All day, year round

Finishes Ceiling: None Walls: Painted concrete block Floor: Depressed slab for wood sprung dance floor (non-slip finish) Base: Vinyl - Vented 4” heavy duty designed for floating floors Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: Dimmable Equipment in construction contract:

Mirrors- 2 walls

Floor mounted dance barres (1 on mirror wall, 1 on non-mirrored wall)

Sound enhancement system FF&E: Wall mounted video projector

Interactive Whiteboard

Remarks: Minimum 12 foot high clear to structure

Doors to swing out

Mirrors to be unbreakable or easily replaceable in case of damage.

Dance is part of PE program so should be located in vicinity of other PE spaces.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Physical Education 129


Group: Physical Education 4.04.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Dance Studio 4.04.11 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 300

Description and Function: Room for storage of dance costumes. Users: Students and faculty. Hours of Use: School hours.

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composite tile Base: Vinyl Visual display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Shelving and clothes rods

FF&E None Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

130 Physical Education 4 May 2016


Group: Physical Education 4.04.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Gymnasium/Auditorium Lobby 5.06.05 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 150

Description and Function: Concession area for the gymnasium, auditorium Users: Students, faculty and community Hours of Use: All day, year round

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile - vinyl coated food grade Walls: Painted concrete block Floor: Vinyl composite tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Tack board – 4 linear feet Mechanical: Sprinkler heads with protector screens

Hand sink w/ hot and cold water

Kitchen sink for utensil washing

Water connection for ice maker Electrical: Counter height outlets for warming equipment

Telephone outlet Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Base and wall cabinets

Rolling grille for service opening FF&E: Refrigerator



Ice maker Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Physical Education 131

TEAM ROOMS 4.04.14

Group: Physical Education 4.04.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Gymnasium 4.04.01 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 2000 4 @ 500 1000 4 @ 250


Description and Function: Uniform and equipment storage for extracurricular programs, locker space for team

members. Users: Students Hours of Use: All day, year round

Finishes Ceiling: Painted Tectum® panel deck Walls: Painted concrete block Floor: Epoxy coating Base: Epoxy coating Visual Display Marker board – 8 linear feet

Tack board – 4 linear feet Mechanical: Electric water cooler

Exhaust fan

Sprinkler heads with protector screens

Drinking fountain Electrical: Infrastructure for future Interactive whiteboard Lighting: Key switch for lights Equipment in construction contract:

Team Lockers

Benches need to be fixed to floor and extremely durable; benches that are integral with lockers are desirable

FF&E: None Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

132 Physical Education 4 May 2016


Group: Physical Education 4.04.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Team Rooms 4.04.14 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 200

Description and Function: Care and prevention of athletic injuries, i.e. whirlpool therapy, first aid, and pre-game (or

practice) taping. Users: Students, faculty and community Hours of Use: All day, year round

Finishes Ceiling: Painted Tectum deck Walls: Painted concrete block Floor: Vinyl composite tile Base: Vinyl 6” heavy duty Visual Display Marker board without chalk tray – 8 linear feet

Tack board – 2 @ 4 linear feet Mechanical: Sprinkler heads with protector screens

Water connection for ice machine

Hose bibb for whirlpool

Sink for handwashing Electrical: Power for whirlpool and ice machine

Infrastructure for future Interactive whiteboard Lighting: Key switch for lights Equipment in construction contract:

2 Lockable cabinets


Ice machine FF&E: Training tables Remarks: All breakable devices on walls (clocks, fire alarm, speakers, etc.) to have metal screens

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Physical Education 133

COACHES’ OFFICE w/ shower rooms 4.04.16

Group: Physical Education 4.04.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Team Rooms 4.04.14 Ancillary Spaces: Toilet room with water closet, sink and accessible shower

Net Square Footage 2@150 =300 Office (1 male; 1 female)

2@70 =140 Shower Room (1 male; 1 female)

440 Total

Description and Function: Plan activities, reviewing equipment and supply requirements, setting up assignments,

conferencing with other associates Users: Coaches Hours of Use: School Hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical Tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard or concrete block Floor: Epoxy coating Base: Epoxy coating Visual Display Marker board – 8 linear feet

Tack board – 4 linear feet Mechanical: Shower room to include water closet, lavatory and shower (all ADA compliant) Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Base cabinets with knee space for desk activities

Wall cabinets


Locker – 8 units per sex

Shower rooms to include toilet paper, paper towel, and soap dispensers. FF&E: Teacher’s chairs



Refrigerator Remarks: Supervision of locker room

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

134 Physical Education 4 May 2016


Group: Physical Education 4.04.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Gymnasium 4.04.01 Ancillary Spaces: Closet (lockable)

Net Square Footage 180

Description and Function: Office space for Athletic Director to conduct management of the athletic programs. Users: Athletic Director Hours of Use: Before, during and after school hours.

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composite tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board – 4 linear feet

Tack board – 4 linear feet Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: Data drops – 3 (2 computers; 1 copier)

Telephone lines – 2

Electrical receptacle and data jack for copier Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Safe in closet

Lockable key box FF&E: Desk and chair – 2 of each


Side chairs


File cabinets


Cash counter Remarks: Room should be able to view gymnasium

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Physical Education 135


Group: Physical Education 4.04.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Gymnasium 4.04.01 Ancillary Spaces: Toilet room with water closet, sink and accessible shower

Net Square Footage 100 Locker room

70 Shower room

170 Total

Description and Function: Changing area for Officials. Users: Athletic Department staff Hours of Use: All day, year round

Finishes Ceiling: Painted gypsum wallboard Walls: Painted concrete block Floor: Ceramic tile Base: Ceramic tile Visual Display Tack board – 1 at 4 linear feet Mechanical: Shower room to include water closet, lavatory and shower (all ADA compliant) Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: Key switch for lights Equipment in construction contract:

Lockers (4) Benches

FF&E: None Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

136 Science 4 May 2016



Group: Science 4.05.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Area 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Prep Room

Teacher Planning 4.05.08 4.05.09

Ancillary Spaces: Prep Area

Net Square Footage 1400 Laboratory/classroom

85 Prep area


Description and Function: Teaching facility for biology Users: Students and teacher Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustic tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl Composition Tile (two colors to separate lab area from classroom area) Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board –2 at 4 linear feet each (interactive whiteboard in between) and 1 at 8

linear feet

Tack board – 2 at 4 linear feet Continuous wall tack strips

Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: 2 - duplex outlets per lab station/demonstration unit

2 – data drops per lab station/demonstration unit

4 – duplex and data drop for peripheral items Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in contract: Casework - Teachers Demonstration Unit

Casework - Island w/ sinks

Casework – Perimeter w/o sinks

Casework - Wall cabinets

Casework - Prep Area

Casework - Storage

Sound enhancement system

FF&E: Teacher’s chair

Computers and printer

Student chairs or stools

Goggles Wall Mounted Video Projector

Interactive Whiteboard

Remarks: All classroom casework to be lockable.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Science 137


Group: Science 4.05.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Area 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Chemical Storage Room

Prep Room Teacher Planning

4.05.06 4.05.08 4.05.09

Ancillary Spaces: Prep area

Net Square Footage 1400 Laboratory/classroom

85 Prep area


Description and Function: Teaching facility for Chemistry Users: Students and teacher Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustic tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl Composition Tile (two colors to separate lab area from classroom area) Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board – 2 at 4 linear feet each (interactive whiteboard in between) and 1 at 8

linear feet

Tack board – 2 at 4 linear feet

Continuous wall tack strips

Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: 2 - duplex outlets per lab station/demonstration unit

2 – data drops per lab station/demonstration unit

4 – duplex and data drop for peripheral items Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in contract: Casework - Teachers Demonstration Unit

Casework - Island w/ sinks

Casework – Perimeter w/o sinks

Casework - Wall cabinets

Casework - Prep Area

Casework - Storage

Sound enhancement system FF&E: Teacher’s chair

Computers and printer

Student chairs or stools

Goggles Wall Mounted Video Projector

Interactive Whiteboard

Remarks: All classroom casework to be lockable

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

138 Science 4 May 2016


Group: Science 4.05.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Area 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Teacher Planning 4.05.09 Ancillary Spaces: Prep area

Net Square Footage 1400 Laboratory/classroom

85 Prep area


Description and Function: Teaching facility for earth and space sciences Users: Students and teacher Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustic tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl Composition Tile (two colors to separate lab area from classroom area) Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board –2 at 4 linear feet each (interactive whiteboard in between) and 1 at 8

linear feet

Tack board – 2@ 4 linear feet

Continuous wall tack strips

Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: 2 - duplex outlets per lab station/demonstration unit

2 – data drops per lab station/demonstration unit

4 – duplex and data drop for peripheral items Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in contract: Casework - Teachers Demonstration Unit

Casework - Island

Casework – Perimeter w/ sinks

Casework - Wall cabinets

Casework - Prep Area

Casework - Storage

Sound enhancement system FF&E: Teacher’s chair

Computers and printer

Student chairs or stools


Wall Mounted Video Projector

Interactive Whiteboard

Remarks: All classroom casework to be lockable

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Science 139


Group: Science 4.05.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Area 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Teacher Planning 4.05.09 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 1400 Laboratory/classroom

85 Prep area


Description and Function: Teaching facility for Physics Users: Students and teacher Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustic tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl Composition Tile (two colors to separate lab area from classroom area) Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board – 2 at 4 linear feet each (interactive whiteboard in between) and 1 at 8

linear feet

Tack board – 2 at 4 linear feet Continuous wall tack strips

Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: 2 - duplex outlets per lab station/demonstration unit

2 – data drops per lab station/demonstration unit

4 – duplex and data drop for peripheral items Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in contract: Casework - Teachers Demonstration Unit

Casework – Island w/o sinks

Casework – Perimeter w/ sinks

Casework - Wall cabinets

Casework - Prep Area

Casework – Storage

Sound enhancement system FF&E: Teacher’s chair

Computers and printer

Student chairs or stools


Wall Mounted Video Projector Interactive Whiteboard

Remarks: All classroom casework to be lockable

Blackout shades for Optics demonstrations

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

140 Science 4 May 2016


Group: Science 4.05.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Area 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Science Laboratory/Classrooms 4.05.00 Ancillary Spaces: Prep area 4.05.07

Net Square Footage 800

Description and Function: Student project room for advanced research, long term projects, small group activities and

independent study Users: Students and teacher Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustic tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl Composition Tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board – 2 at 4 linear feet each (interactive whiteboard in between) and 1 at 8

linear feet

Tack board – 2 at 4 linear feet Continuous wall tack strips

Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: Telephone outlet

2 - duplex outlets per two students at lab stations

2 – data drops per lab station

Receptacle for still Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in contract: Casework - Teachers Demonstration Unit

Casework – Perimeter w/ sinks: 4 stations for 2 students (3 – 36” AFF 1 – 34” AFF)

Sound enhancement system

Casework – Tall Storage :2 - 48”W x 24”D x 84”H shelves, lockable

FF&E: Teacher’s chair


Networked printer

Student chairs or stools

Goggles Wall Mounted Video Projector

Interactive Whiteboard

Remarks: All classroom casework to be lockable

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Science 141


Group: Science 4.05.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Area 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Chemistry Laboratory/Classrooms 4.05.02 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 200

Description and Function: Storage of chemicals for use in chemistry laboratories Users: Teacher Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Painted gypsum wallboard. Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard. Walls to go to floor deck above. Floor: Vinyl Composition Tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Tack board – 1 at 4 linear feet Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in contract: Perimeter shelving: 12” Wood shelving with 1” lip to prevent bottles slipping off

shelves. Height of shelves not to exceed 7’

Chemical storage cabinet

Flammable storage cabinet

Lockable cabinet for poisons FF&E: A chemical inventory list should be posted outside the chemical storeroom in a

protective mounting

The door will display the NFPA hazard symbols Remarks: Located in secure, regulated area with entry only for authorized personnel.

All chemicals will be stored in this room

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

142 Science 4 May 2016


Group: Science 4.05.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Area 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 100

Description and Function: Storage of non-hazardous supplies Users: Teacher Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustic tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard. Walls to go to floor deck above. Floor: Vinyl Composition Tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Tack board – 1 at 4 linear feet Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in contract: 12”, 15” and 18” metal shelving FF&E: None Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Science 143

PREP ROOM 4.05.08

Group: Science 4.05.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Area 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Biology Laboratory/Classroom

Chemistry Laboratory/Classroom Student Project Area

4.05.01 4.05.02 4.05.05

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 250

Description and Function: Area for assembling experiment materials Users: Students and Teacher Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustic tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl Composition Tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Tack board – 1 at 4 linear feet Mechanical: Provide in one prep room water for ice maker, dishwasher, and still Electrical: Telephone outlet

2 - duplex outlets per two students at lab stations

2 - DATA DROP connectivity per lab station Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in contract: Casework - Wall cabinets without doors

Casework - Prep Area

Cabinet shelves to have with lip but without doors

Casework – Storage w/o wardrobe unit

Gas cock

Glassware dishwasher

Refrigerator freezer (spark-free) with icemaker FF&E: Still with the following features: UL listed, automatic water feed shut off, and high

temperature shut off, power requirements are 120V, water supply and waste. Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

144 Science 4 May 2016

TEACHER PLANNING - Science 4.05.09

Group: Science 4.05.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Area 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: None Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 50 per teacher

Description and Function: Plan science activities, reviewing equipment and supply requirements, setting up

assignments, conferencing with other associates. Also a refreshment area with a microwave, sink and refrigerator

Users: Teachers Hours of Use: Before, during and after school

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustic tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard. Floor: Vinyl Composition Tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board – 1 at 8 linear feet

Tack board – 1 at 4 linear feet Mechanical: Sink with hot and cold water Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in contract: Base cabinets with five feet of knee space for desk activities


Wardrobe unit for each teacher

Sink base cabinet with stainless steel sink FF&E: Teacher’s chairs

Conference table


Networked printer


Under counter Refrigerator Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Computer Science 145

Computer Science


Group: Computer Science 4.06.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Computer Science Office

Flex Classroom 4.06.02 3.01.02

Ancillary Spaces: Telecommunications Room 5.05.01

Net Square Footage 950

Description and Function: Teaching facility for computer science and specialized mathematic classes Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl Composition Tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Tack board - 8 linear feet

Markerboard-16 linear feet

Mechanical: Separate HVAC, no plumbing over work stations Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: Adequate lighting levels, 2 levels: low glare fixtures Equipment in construction contract:

Tall cabinets, locking for software and reference materials

Teacher desk with integral wardrobe

Sound enhancement system FF&E: Computers

Networked printer

Student chairs

Teacher’s chair

Computer trough tables

Wall mounted video projector

Interactive Whiteboard

Camera for distance learning

Remarks: Accessible station will be provided.

Room to be located at interior of building

Classroom should contain infrastructure to support distance learning.

Consider locating one computer science laboratory in each of the Math, English, and Social Studies areas.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

146 Computer Science 4 May 2016


Group: Computer Science 4.06.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Computer Science Laboratory 4.06.01 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 100

Description and Function: Private office for computer specialist Users: Computer specialist and staff Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl Composition Tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Tack board, 4 linear feet Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: Two-drawer metal cabinets


Desk and chairs Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 World & Classical Language 147

World & Classical Language


Group: World & Classical Language 4.07.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Storage - World & Classical Language

Teacher Planning - World & Classical Language 4.07.02 4.07.03

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 950

Description and Function: Teaching station for teaching world and classical languages. Activities include listening,

speaking, reading and writing. Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board – 1 at 16 linear feet and 4 linear feet each (interactive whiteboard in

between) Tack board – 3 at 4 linear feet each

Mechanical: Range hood (shared among 2-3 classes)

Sink with hot and cold water Electrical: Data drop and power for each student’s headset/media center station Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

General storage cabinets (84” high) – 6 linear feet minimum

Open shelving base and wall cabinets – 6 linear feet minimum

Teacher desk with integral wardrobe

Sound enhancement system

FF&E: Desk and chairs for students

Teacher’s chair

Computer and printer

Wall mounted video projector

Interactive Whiteboard

Student headset/media players (32 per class)


Cooktop (shared among 2-3 classes) Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

148 World & Classical Language 4 May 2016

STORAGE - World & Classical Language 4.07.02

Group: World & Classical Language 4.07.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: World & Classical Language Laboratory/Classroom 4.07.01 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 125

Description and Function: Book storage Users: Faculty Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: None Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Sealed concrete Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: Shelving Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 World & Classical Language 149

TEACHER PLANNING - World & Classical Language 4.07.03

Group: World & Classical Language 4.07.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: World & Classical Language Laboratory/Classrooms

Storage - World & Classical Language 4.07.01 4.07.02

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 50 per teacher

Description and Function: Plan World & Classical Language activities, reviewing equipment and supply

requirements, setting up assignments, conferencing with other associates Users: Staff Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard or concrete block Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl base Visual Display Marker board – 8 linear feet

Tack board - 4 linear feet Mechanical: Sink with hot and cold water Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract

Base cabinets with knee space for desk activities

Wall cabinets


Wardrobe unit for each teacher

Base cabinet for stainless steel sink. FF&E: Teacher’s chairs

Conference table


Networked printer


Refrigerator Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

150 Family and Consumer Science 4 May 2016

Family & Consumer Science


Group: Family and Consumer Science 4.08.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Storage - Family and Consumer Science

Food Preparation Area 4.08.03 4.08.04

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 1550

Description and Function: Flexible teaching FACS activities other than food & nutrition or child development Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board, 2 at 4 linear feet each (interactive whiteboard in between)

Tack board - 16 linear feet clothing: approximately 6 linear feet general Mechanical: Hot and cold water connection for washer

Drain for washer

Ventilation for dryer Electrical: Dedicated receptacle for washer and dryer

Pull-down power cords for sewing machines are acceptable, if wall receptacles are limited.

18 data drops Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Demonstration table with mirror above

28 computer/module stations

Teacher desk with integral wardrobe

Storage for 16 portable sewing machines

Sound enhancement system FF&E: Student chairs

Teacher chair

Computers and printer

Tables for cutting and instruction - 6

16 portable sewing machines

Cabinet with 270 tote trays for sewing projects

Stackable washer/dryer

Wall Mounted Video projector

Interactive Whiteboard

Remarks: Room needs to be flexible to allow teaching of other classes, such as Parenting, etc.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Family and Consumer Science 151


Group: Family and Consumer Science 4.08.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Storage - Family and Consumer Science

Food Preparation Area 4.08.03 4.08.04

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 1,500

Description and Function: Teaching of food preparation, nutrition, sanitation and safety procedures. Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board - 1 at 4 linear feet each (interactive whiteboard in between)

Tack board - Each kitchen should have a small 2-1/2 linear feet and then one general board of approximately 4 linear feet;

Mechanical: Hot and cold running water in all sink units.

Utility sink

Hook up for dishwasher and garbage disposal in demonstration lab.

Water supply for ice maker

Exhaust ranges to exterior of building. Electrical: Receptacles for electric appliances. Voltage to match equipment

Data drop connectivity at each kitchen and demonstration table Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Demonstration kitchen with mirror above

range (commercial, gas)

ovens (self-cleaning)


sink, deep, double bowl

garbage disposal

waste baskets - 2 Demonstration lab area, on wall behind demonstration kitchen. to contain:

built-in dishwasher

3 compartment sink


7 student kitchens (1 kitchen-handicap accessible) each with:

range (gas),

oven (self-cleaning)


sink, deep, double bowl

waste baskets – 2

base cabinets only; open shelves Stainless steel tables with wheels - 14 Sound enhancement system

FF&E: Teacher’s stool

Octagonal tables – 6

Student chairs - 30

Computers and printer

4 file cabinets

Wall Mounted Video projector

Interactive Whiteboard

Remarks: Countertops to be solid polymer (e.g. Corian)

Discuss with Coordinator the demonstration table/kitchen being portable and what equipment would then require relocation elsewhere.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

152 Family and Consumer Science 4 May 2016

STORAGE - Family and Consumer Science 4.08.03

Group: Family and Consumer Science 4.08.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Multipurpose Laboratory/ Classroom

Food & Nutrition Laboratory/Classroom 4.08.01 4.08.02

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 400

Description and Function: Storage and laundry area to support Multipurpose and Food/Nutrition Labs Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: No Ceiling Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Sealed concrete Base: Vinyl for gypsum wallboard only Visual Display None Mechanical: Exhaust for dryer.

Room exhaust

Laundry sink

Hot and cold water and drain for washer. Electrical: Appropriate power for appliances Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Washer (commercial, front load) Dryer (commercial)

Base and wall cabinets

FF&E: Stainless steel shelving Remarks: Room will be lockable and secure

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Family and Consumer Science 153


Group: Family and Consumer Science 4.08.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Food & Nutrition Laboratory/Classroom 4.08.02 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 400

Description and Function: Storage and preparation area to support Food Lab Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: No Ceiling Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Sealed concrete Base: Vinyl for gypsum wallboard only Visual Display None Mechanical: Room exhaust

Water supply for ice maker Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Commercial, lockable refrigerator (25 cubic feet)

Commercial, lockable freezer (25 cubic feet)

Ice maker

Stainless steel shelving

Countertop FF&E: None Remarks: Room will be lockable and secure

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

154 Family and Consumer Science 4 May 2016


Group: Family and Consumer Science 4.08.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Child Development Classroom

Storage – Child Development 4.08.07 4.08.08

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 960 Laboratory

40 Rest room


Description and Function: Instructional area for preschool classes of 18 students per class Users: Teachers and students Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted concrete block or drywall Floor: Vinyl composition tile and carpet – half and half Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker boards, 2 at 4 linear feet each (interactive whiteboard in between) and 1 at 8

linear feet Tack board, 16’ linear feet and 2’x3’ near entrance door

Mechanical: Sink with water fountain

Three-compartment sink Electrical: Safety outlets Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Base and wall cabinets, adult and student height

1 tall storage unit

TV shelf with teacher’s wardrobe below

4 open bookshelves

Paper towel dispenser

Soap dispenser

Sound enhancement system

FF&E: 15-Student chairs

8-Trapezoidal tables

1-Kidney shaped table

Computer and printer

Adult rocking chair

Teacher’s desk

2-Teacher chairs

Wall Mounted Video projector Interactive Whiteboard-mounted at height for preschoolers’ use.

Remarks: New MSDE requirements call for room to meet State requirements for licensed

childcare facility.

Connecting door to Child Development Classroom

Locate to allow parent drop-off nearby

Open for supervision of entire room

Adjacent to exterior fenced play area

Restroom fixture mounting heights:

Water Closet Centerline 12 Toilet Seat Height 12

Grab Bar Height 20 T.P. Dispenser Height 14

Lavatory 22

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Family and Consumer Science 155


Group: Family and Consumer Science 4.08.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Child Development Laboratory 4.08.05 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 800

Description and Function: Teaching station for instruction of child development Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board - 2 at 4 linear feet each (interactive whiteboard in between)

Tack board – 3 at 4 linear feet each Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

General storage cabinets (84” high) – 6 linear feet minimum

Open shelving base and wall cabinets – 8 linear feet minimum

Teacher desk with integral wardrobe

Sound enhancement system FF&E: Teacher’s chair

Computer and printer

Work tables

Student desks and chairs

File cabinet

Wall mounted video projector

Interactive Whiteboard

Remarks: Visual display boards to be split on two adjacent walls.

Student data connectivity not to be placed on walls with visual display boards.

One-way glass area for observation of Child Development Laboratory. Provide blinds to allow room to be used as a standard teaching space. Discuss with coordinator whether this should be two-way glass.

Connecting door to Child Development Lab

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

156 Family and Consumer Science 4 May 2016

STORAGE – Child Development 4.08.07

Group: Family and Consumer Science 4.08.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Child Development Laboratory 4.08.05 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 60

Description and Function: Storage Users: Faculty Hours of Use: Before, after and during school hours

Finishes Ceiling: No Ceiling Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Sealed concrete Base: Vinyl for gypsum wallboard only Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: Shelving Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Family and Consumer Science 157

EXTERIOR STORAGE – Child Development 4.08.08

Group: Family and Consumer Science 4.08.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Outdoor play area

Child Development Laboratory

4.08.05 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 60

Description and Function: Storage of the child development play equipment Users: Students, faculty and community Hours of Use: All day, year round

Finishes Ceiling: None Walls: Painted concrete block Floor: Painted or sealed concrete Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: Exhaust system Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: Play equipment Remarks: Outdoor area to be visible to Child Development Laboratory

Play area to be fenced in

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

158 Family and Consumer Science 4 May 2016

TEACHER PLANNING - Family and Consumer Science 4.08.09

Group: Family and Consumer Science 4.08.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Clothing and Texture Laboratory/Classroom

Food/Nutrition Laboratory/Classroom 4.08.01 4.08.02

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 50 per teacher

Description and Function: Plan activities, reviewing equipment and supply requirements, setting up assignments,

conferencing with other associates Users: Staff Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard or concrete block Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl base Visual Display Marker board – 8 linear feet

Tack board – 4 linear feet Mechanical: Sink with hot and cold water Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: Task lighting at each work station Equipment in construction contract

Base cabinets with knee space for desk activities (2) Wall cabinets


Wardrobe unit for each teacher

FF&E: Teacher’s chairs


Networked printer


Undercounter refrigerator Remarks: Visibility to classrooms

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Technology Education 159

Technology Education


Group: Technology Education 4.09.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Fabrication Room

Technology Teacher Planning 4.09.02 4.09.05

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 1000 Lecture/Computer lab/Collaboration Area

450 Workshop

1450 Total

Description and Function: Lecture/computer lab space and work area for students to discover, create, solve problems and

construct solutions by using a variety of tools, machines, computer systems, materials processes and technological systems.

Users: Students and faculty

Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile non slip in lab area, sealed concrete in workshop area Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker boards- 2 at 8 linear feet each (interactive whiteboard in between)

Tack board – 2 at 8 linear feet each Lighted display case

Mechanical: Dust collection system at exterior of

building if possible

Trough-type, wash-up sink with three hot and cold water faucets

Drinking fountain

Compressed air, portable.

Eye wash

Soap dispenser

Electrical: Data connectivity - 15 for students, 1 for

teacher and 4 for peripherals

Power requirements for equipment (115 VAC 20 ampere circuits, 230 VAC 30 ampere circuits)

Emergency cut-off switches

Ceiling mounted electric cord reels over tables at collaboration area in center of room..

Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Casework - Tall (84” high) storage cabinets with project tote trays– 6 linear feet minimum

Open shelving base and wall cabinets – 8 linear feet minimum

Perimeter desks/countertops with computers

Teacher desk with integral wardrobe

Lab volt equipment

Power equipment bench; varying heights according to equipment

Dust collection system (locate outside)

Sound enhancement system

FF&E: Computers and printer

Student movable tables and chairs for collaboration area at center of room

Teacher’s chair Workbenches w/ lockers for student storage

Folding tables 2 drill presses, 2 band saws, 1 scroll saws,3 belt/disc sanders

Computers and printers

Wall Mounted Video projector Interactive Whiteboard

Remarks: Provide door with vision panel to Fabrication Room from 1 or 2 of tech lab(4.09.02)

Workshop area for 2 tech labs/workshops may be combined and shared, with visual access from both lecture/computer lab/collaboration areas

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

160 Technology Education 4 May 2016


Group: Technology Education 4.09.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Technology Laboratory/Workshop 4.09.01 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 600

Description and Function: Paint finishing of student projects and bulk material preparation by teachers. Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Painted gypsum wallboard Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Concrete Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board – 4 linear feet

Tack board – 4 linear feet Mechanical: Explosion proof exhaust system Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: None Equipment in construction contract:

1 jointer (2x4) table saw 36 inch wide paint spray booth

FF&E: Shelving Remarks: Provide doors with vision panels to 1 or 2 Technology Laboratory / Workshops (4.09.01)

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Technology Education 161


Group: Technology Education 4.09.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Teacher Planning - Technology 4.09.05 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 1100

Description and Function: CADD facility Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl Composition Tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board – 8 linear feet

Tack board - 8 linear feet Mechanical: Separate HVAC, no plumbing over work stations Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: Adequate lighting levels, 2 levels: low glare fixtures Equipment in construction contract:

Tall cabinets, locking for software and reference materials

Teacher desk with integral wardrobe

Sound enhancement system FF&E: Computers


Computer trough tables

1 plotter Student chairs

Teacher’s chair

Wall Mounted Video projector

Interactive Whiteboard

Remarks: All monitors are to be visible from the back of the room.

Accessible station will be provided.

Room to be located at interior of building

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

162 Technology Education 4 May 2016

STORAGE – Technology Education 4.09.04

Group: Technology Education 4.09.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Teacher Planning - Technology 4.09.05 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 200

Description and Function: Storage for instructional materials Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: Before, after and during school hours

Finishes Ceiling: No Ceiling Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Sealed concrete Base: Vinyl for gypsum wallboard only Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: Shelving Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Technology Education 163

TEACHER PLANNING – Technology Education 4.09.05

Group: Technology Education 4.09.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Technology Laboratory/Workshop

Storage - Technology 4.09.01 4.09.04

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 50 per teacher

Description and Function: Work room for technology educations teachers Users: Staff Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl base Visual Display Marker board – 8 linear feet

Tack board – 4 linear feet Mechanical: None Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: Task lighting Equipment in construction contract:

Base cabinets with knee space for desk activities

Wall cabinets


Wardrobe unit for each teacher

Base cabinet for stainless steel sink. FF&E: Teacher’s chairs


Networked printer


Undercounter Refrigerator Remarks: Able to view Technology Laboratory

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

164 Business Education 4 May 2016

Business Education


Group: Business Education 4.10.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: School Store

Teacher Planning - Business 4.10.03 4.10.05

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 850

Description and Function: Teaching station for instruction of business education, including classes such as

marketing and entrepreneurship. Need for students to work alone and in groups. Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Marker board - 1 at 16 linear feet and 2 at 4 linear feet each (interactive whiteboard in

between) Tack board – 3 at 4 linear feet each

Mechanical: Consider 32 laptops in heat load Electrical: Charging for laptop cart and student devices Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

General storage cabinets (84” high) – 6 linear feet minimum

Open shelving base and wall cabinets – 6 linear feet minimum

Teacher desk with integral wardrobe

Sound enhancement system FF&E: Teacher’s chair

Work tables

Laptop cart for 32 students



Wheeled movable tables for student collaboration

Student chairs

File cabinet

Wall Mounted Video projector

Interactive Whiteboard

Remarks: Visual display boards to be split on two adjacent walls..

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Business Education 165


Group: Business Education 4.10.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Cafeteria, Gym and/or Lobby; near exterior of building Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 450

Description and Function: Sale of school related merchandise Users: Students Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: Data drops - 2 Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Overhead door and counter

FF&E: Desk and chair

Computer and printer Remarks: Consider future possibility of programmatic option of students running store during non-

school hours, with access from exterior

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

166 Business Education 4 May 2016

STORAGE - Business 4.10.03

Group: Business Education 4.10.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Business Teacher Planning 4.10.04 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 200

Description and Function: Storage for business education. Users: Students and faculty. Hours of Use: Before, after and during school hours.

Finishes Ceiling: No ceiling Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard or concrete block Floor: Sealed concrete Base: Vinyl for gypsum wallboard only Visual display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Metal shelving

FF&E: None Remarks: Room will be lockable and secure.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Business Education 167

TEACHER PLANNING - Business 4.10.04

Group: Business Education 4.10.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Business Classrooms

Storage - Business 4.10.01 4.10.03

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 50 per teacher

Description and Function: Plan activities, reviewing equipment and supply requirements, setting up assignments,

conferencing with other associates. Users: Staff Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl base Visual display Marker board – 8 linear feet

Tack board – 4 linear feet Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: Task lighting Equipment in construction contract:

Base cabinets with knee space for desk activities

Wall cabinets


Wardrobe unit for each teacher

Base cabinet with stainless steel sink FF&E: Teacher’s chairs


Networked printer


Refrigerator Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

168 Theatre 4 May 2016



Group: Theatre 4.11.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Music Department

Stage Projection/Sound Booth Gymnasium/Auditorium Lobby

4.03.00 4.11.02 4.11.08 5.06.0

Ancillary Spaces: Catwalk

Net Square Footage ½ SRC X 12 sq. ft. (850 x 12 = 10,200 SF)

Description and Function: A large space for group/class meetings, lectures, assemblies and provide instruction in

the theatrical arts. Users: Students and faculty. Hours of Use: Before, after and during school hours.

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical treatment Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard w/acoustical treatment Floor: MMA or Urethane poured floor Base: Integral with floor Visual display No special requirements Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: Data drops (2), telephone outlet, and mike jacks in stage face

Electrical outlets in the house floor

Data drops, telephone outlet and conduit for video production equipment in catwalk.

Intercom system connecting catwalk with stage wing, projection/sound booth and video production.

Electrical bank for lighting equipment Lighting: Cat walks for lighting over auditorium and cage bars for light: One bar recess auditorium

ceiling accessible from stage wings; three electric bars above stage. Two phase preset lighting control boards with 75 circuits each.

Equipment in construction contract:

Seating for a minimum of ½ of SRC

FF&E: Video Projector Remarks: Reverberations of up to 1.0 second.

Sloped floor

Catwalk to be 24 feet above stage with 7 feet clear headroom.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Theatre 169

STAGE 4.11.02

Group: Theatre 4.11.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Auditorium

Stage Wings Dressing Room Set Storage Prop Storage

4.11.01 4.11.03 4.11.04 4.11.06 4.11.07

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 1800 (50’ wide x 35’ deep)

Description and Function: Performance area. Users: Student and faculty. Hours of Use: Before, after and during school hours.

Finishes Ceiling: No ceiling Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard or concrete block Floor: Inlaid wood floor Base: Wood Visual display Projection screen Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: Three electrical bars above stage.

Mike jacks in stage floor, wings and center stage. Lighting: Stage lighting Equipment in construction contract:

Twenty-four pipes for hanging sets.

Curtains FF&E: Lectern Remarks: 42 inches above auditorium floor

One set of stairs on either side of stage leading into auditorium, one set wider and deeper than usual.

Ramp for accessibility.

Provide double doors to allow piano to be moved onto stage.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

170 Theatre 4 May 2016


Group: Theatre 4.11.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Dressing Room

Set Storage Prop Storage

4.11.04 4.11.05 4.11.06

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 1800

Description and Function: Performance area prep Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: Before, after and during school hours

Finishes Ceiling: No ceiling Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard or concrete block Floor: Inlaid wood floor Base: Wood Visual display Marker board – 8 linear feet near dressing rooms Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: Intercom system connecting with catwalk and projection/sound booth. Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: None Remarks: Split evenly on both sides of stage

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Theatre 171


Group: Theatre 4.11.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Stage

Stage Wings 4.11.02 4.11.03

Ancillary Spaces: Toilet Room

Net Square Footage 350

Description and Function: A change area for boys and girls for use during productions. Users: Students and faculty. Hours of Use: Before, after and during school hours.

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical treatment Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composite tile Base: Vinyl Visual display None Mechanical: Hand sink Electrical: Make-up lighting Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Continuous countertop with lockable drawer units and knee space below.

4’ high mirror above countertop.

Full height wall mirror FF&E: Chairs Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

172 Theatre 4 May 2016


Group: Theatre 4.11.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Stage Wings

Set Storage

4.11.03 4.11.06

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 500

Description and Function: Construction of sets. Users: Students and faculty. Hours of Use: Before, after and during school hours.

Finishes Ceiling: No ceiling Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard or concrete block Floor: Sealed concrete Base: Vinyl for gypsum wallboard only Visual display None Mechanical: Hand sink Electrical: Retractable outlet harness for use with power equipment Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Large roll up door to outside and to Stage Wing.

FF&E: Tools

Storage racks Remarks: Room will be lockable and secure.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Theatre 173


Group: Theatre 4.11.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Stage Wings

Set Workshop

4.11.03 4.11.05

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 300

Description and Function: Storage of sets and materials for construction of sets. Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: Before, after and during school hours.

Finishes Ceiling: No ceiling Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard or concrete block Floor: Sealed concrete Base: Vinyl for gypsum wallboard Visual display Marker board – 8 linear feet Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: None Remarks: Room will be lockable and secure.

Large doors for easy movement of sets.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

174 Theatre 4 May 2016


Group: Theatre 4.11.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Stage Wings


Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 250

Description and Function: Storage of props. Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: Before, after and during school hours.

Finishes Ceiling: No ceiling Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard or concrete block Floor: Sealed concrete Base: Vinyl for gypsum wallboard only Visual display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Metal Shelving

FF&E: None Remarks: Room will be lockable and secure.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Theatre 175


Group: Theatre 4.11.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Auditorium


Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 200

Description and Function: Area for control of lighting, sound systems and projection equipment. Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: Before, after and during school hours

Finishes Ceiling: No ceiling Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard or concrete block Floor: Sealed concrete Base: None Visual display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: Intercom system connecting with floor manager, video production, catwalk, stage

wing, and control room.

Conduit to allow for video equipment to connect with video production room. Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Countertop along theatre wall designed to accommodate wiring and power equipment

for lighting boards, sound boards and project equipment. FF&E: Chairs

Video Projector

Sound and lighting control consoles Remarks: Operable soundproof window

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

176 Theatre 4 May 2016


Group: Theatre 4.11.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Control Room 4.11.10 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 1100

Description and Function: Studio space for an interschool system for television production. Users: Faculty and students Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: Three electrical bars for stage lighting

Microphone jacks in floor

Electric cord reels in ceiling

Lighting: Stage lighting Equipment in construction contract:

Twenty-four pipes for hanging sets.


Green screen FF&E: Camera equipment

Computers Remarks: 12 foot high ceiling

Windows to corridor are desirable (provide covering)

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Theatre 177


Group: Theatre 4.11.00 Activity Area: Specialized Instructional Areas 4.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Video Production 4.11.09 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 200

Description and Function: Center for an interschool system for television production and video recording television

programs. Users: Faculty and students Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: Control panel

Video and sound recording and editing equipment

Tables and chairs Remarks: Window to video production

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

178 Building Operations 4 May 2016

Building Operations


Group: Custodial 5.01.00 Activity Area: Building Operations 5.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Throughout school Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 45 typical (90 at MAIN custodial closet)

Description and Function: Storage of regular cleaning equipment and supplies Users: Custodial staff Hours of Use: Before, during and after school. Year round.

Finishes Ceiling: No Ceiling Walls: Painted concrete block or moisture resistant gypsum wallboard (with side wall

protection) Floor: Painted concrete Base: Vinyl Threshold: Marble low slope Visual Display None Mechanical: Mop floor sink with hot and cold water

Dedicated exhaust

Floor drain

Wall mounted double faucet with spray

Water and drain for washing machine in main custodial closet Electrical: Convenience outlet (GFI)

GFI 120 v electrical receptacle to support small washing machine in main custodial closet.

100 amp receptacles for machine recharging in main custodial closet Lighting: Utility fixture

Equipment in construction contract: Hose bibb

Wall mounted double faucet with spray

Mop rack

Wall shelving FF&E: Detergent dispenser at every closet (size approx. 3’ w x 2’ d x4’ h), wall mounted

adjacent to mop rack

Utility cart at every closet (size approx. 2’ w x 4’ l. x 5’ h)

Washing machine at main custodial closet

Stand on buffer at main custodial closet (size approx. 2’ w x 4’ l x 5’ h)

Stand-on scrubber at main custodial closet (size approx. 2’ w x 4’ l x 5’ h) Storage: Wall shelves Remarks: Distributed throughout the school and near Food Service Laundry (5.02.06)

Minimum of one on each level/wing

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Building Operations 179


Group: Custodial 5.01.00 Activity Area: Building Operations 5.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: None Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 100

Description and Function: Office space for building chief Users: Chief custodian Hours of Use: Before, during and after school hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Tack board – 4 linear feet Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Teacher desk with integral wardrobe

Key cabinet FF&E: Chair


Side chairs

File cabinets


Hanging file for building drawings Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

180 Building Operations 4 May 2016

CAN WASH 5.01.03

Group: Custodial 5.01.00 Activity Area: Building Operations 5.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Near loading dock and cafeteria Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 50

Description and Function: Regular cleaning of trash cans Users: Custodial staff Hours of Use: Before, during and after school. Year round.

Finishes Ceiling: No Ceiling Walls: Painted concrete block Floor: Painted concrete Base: None Threshold: Marble Visual Display None Mechanical: Heal and ventilation

Hot and cold water wall mounted double faucet with spray Floor drain Hose bibb

Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract: None FF&E: None Remarks: Locate to prevent access to or through kitchen

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Building Operations 181


Group: Custodial 5.01.00 Activity Area: Building Operations 5.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: General Classroom 3.01.01 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 500

Description and Function: General storage of education materials Users: Faculty and staff Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: None Walls: Painted Gypsum wallboard Floor: Sealed Concrete Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Metal shelving

FF&E: None Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

182 Building Operations 4 May 2016


Group: Custodial 5.01.00 Activity Area: Building Operations 5.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Receiving 5.01.10 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 1000

Description and Function: Storage Users: Faculty and custodial staff Hours of Use: Before, after and during school hours

Finishes Ceiling: No Ceiling Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Sealed concrete Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Metal shelving

FF&E: None Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Building Operations 183


Group: Custodial 5.01.00 Activity Area: Building Operations 5.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Loading dock area Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 400

Description and Function: Storage Users: Custodial staff Hours of Use: Before, after and during school hours

Finishes Ceiling: Gypsum board Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard or concrete block Floor: Sealed concrete Base: Vinyl for gypsum wallboard only Visual Display None Mechanical: Ventilation and heat only (to 55)

Exhaust fan Electrical: Explosion proof convenience outlets on two (2) walls for work bench and small tools Lighting: Explosion proof Equipment in construction contract:

Metal shelving

FF&E: Tractor

Lawn movers


Work bench Remarks: 6’–0” x 6’-8” door to loading dock area

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

184 Building Operations 4 May 2016


Group: Custodial 5.01.00 Activity Area: Building Operations 5.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Mechanical Room 5.04.01 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 200

Description and Function: Work shop for custodial staff Users: Custodial staff Hours of Use: Before, during and after school hours

Finishes Ceiling: None Walls: Painted concrete block Floor: Painted concrete Base: None Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: Tools Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Building Operations 185


Group: Custodial 5.01.00 Activity Area: Building Operations 5.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Engineer’s Shop 5.01.07 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 400

Description and Function: Storage for cleaning equipment Users: Faculty and custodial staff Hours of Use: Before, after and during school hours

Finishes Ceiling: No Ceiling Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard or concrete block Floor: Sealed concrete Base: Vinyl for gypsum wallboard only Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Metal shelving

FF&E: None Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

186 Building Operations 4 May 2016


Group: Custodial 5.01.00 Activity Area: Building Operations 5.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Staff Rest Room 5.03.02 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 250

Description and Function: Changing area for custodial changing Users: Custodial staff Hours of Use: All day, year round

Finishes Ceiling: Painted gypsum wallboard Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Ceramic tile Base: Ceramic tile Visual Display Tack board – 2 @ 4 linear feet each Mechanical: Sink with hot and cold water Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: None Equipment in construction contract:

12 Lockers in locker room

12” Wide bench

6’-8’ of base and wall cabinets FF&E: Table and chairs


Microwave Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Building Operations 187


Group: Custodial 5.01.00 Activity Area: Building Operations 5.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Mechanical Room 5.04.01 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 800

Description and Function: Receiving area for the school. Users: Custodial Staff Hours of Use: Before, during and after school. Year round

Finishes Ceiling: No ceiling Walls: Painted concrete block or moisture resistant gypsum wallboard

(with side wall protection) Floor: Painted concrete Base: Vinyl on gypsum wallboard only Visual display Marker board – 4 linear feet

Tack board – 4 linear feet Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: None Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

188 Food Services 4 May 2016

Food Services


Group: Food Services 5.02.00 Activity Area: Building Operations 5.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Kitchen

Chair Storage School Store Public Toilet Gymnasium/Auditorium Lobby

5.02.03 5.02.02 4.10.02 5.03.01 5.06.05

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 1/3 of SRC X 15 sq. ft. (600 x 15 = 9000 SF )

Description and Function: An assembly area equipped to seat one-third the student population at tables for lunch Users: Students, faculty, family, community Hours of Use: All day, year round

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted concrete block Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Projection screen Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: Speaker placement for effective listening in all seating areas.

Audio loop to assist persons with hearing impairments

2 jacks for PA, at “front” of room.

Data and electrical connections for two food kiosks Lighting: Multiple lighting levels Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: Rectangular folding tables w/built-in fixed seating for 1/3 SRC

Trash cans

Wall mounted video projector

Remarks: Isolation from the rest of the building for public use. Reverberation time of .8 to 1.5

seconds. Acoustical treatment for appropriate diffusion and absorption.

Three (3) lunches typical.

Floor pattern should help define table location.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Food Services 189


Group: Food Services 5.02.00 Activity Area: Building Operations 5.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Cafeteria 5.02.1 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 400

Description and Function: Storage of folding chairs Users: Custodial staff Hours of Use: Before, during and after school hours

Finishes Ceiling: None Walls: Painted concrete block Floor: Sealed concrete Base: None Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: 1000 chairs on chair trucks Remarks: Oversize doors

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

190 Food Services 4 May 2016

KITCHEN 5.02.03

Group: Food Services 5.02.00 Activity Area: Building Operations 5.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Can Wash

Cafeteria Manager’s Office Food Staff Locker Room

5.02.01 5.02.04 5.02.05

Ancillary Spaces: Loading Dock (250sf)

Net Square Footage 1550 Food Prep

1400 5 serving lines

500 Storage (dry goods, pan)

400 Walk-ins (refrigerator and freezer units)

450 Clean-up (dishwashing, janitor closet)

100 Receiving


Description and Function: Kitchen and food serving and preparation for daily school meals Users: Food service staff Hours of Use: 6:30 – 3:30 daily

Finishes Ceiling: Washable acoustical tile as accepted by the Health Dept. Walls: Semi Gloss Latex painted walls Floor: Urethane poured flooring Base: Integral urethane base except at walk-in boxes where stainless steel will be used Visual Display Tack board – 4 linear feet, no ledge Mechanical: Floor drains - clear of walk in entrances

Walk ins to be flush with floor and have compressors at grade level in fenced area

Sprinkler heads for walk ins and hood(s)

Dry chemical system for hoods

Tempered water (chemicals to be used to meet health dept. requirement) Electrical: Separate panel for kitchen and serving.

Telephone in food preparation area. Ring should be audible during serving times.

Data drops for serving line, including ala carte, cash registers to connect to Kitchen Manager’s Office

AI Phone at exterior door

Lighting at exterior delivery area Lighting: Task and serving lighting: Lighting will not “discolor” the food. Equipment in construction contract:

Food preparation equipment

MetroMax® shelving and dunnage in storerooms, walk ins and custodial closet. FF&E: Point-of-sales system (purchased by

Food& Nutritional Services) Recycling program materials for all

student plate/trays and utensils Remarks: Serving line will be inviting. Bright colors

to be compatible with Cafeteria colors.

All surfaces will be scrubbable

Corner guards for high activity areas,

Insulate between walk-in boxes

Lockable screen door at exterior with armor kickplate

Exterior door with peep hole and door sweep

Curb cut at exterior door for ease of deliveries

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Food Services 191


Group: Food Services 5.02.00 Activity Area: Building Operations 5.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Kitchen 5.02.03 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 140

Description and Function: Food service manager’s office Users: Food service staff Hours of Use: 6:30 – 3:30 daily

Finishes Ceiling: Washable acoustical tile as accepted by the Health Dept. Walls: Semi gloss latex painted walls Floor: Quarry Tile Base: Quarry Tile Visual Display Tack board – 4 linear feet Mechanical: Air conditioning Electrical: Additional phone line for fax

DATA DROP connectivity for cash register Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Built-in desk (incl file and pencil drawers

Wall Cabinets FF&E: Chairs (2)

2 drawer lateral and 4 drawer vertical file cabinets

Trash can with lid

Fax machine

Computer and printer Remarks: Visual access to kitchen and delivery door

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

192 Food Services 4 May 2016


Group: Food Services 5.02.00 Activity Area: Building Operations 5.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Food service operations

Staff Rest Room

5.03.02 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 100

Description and Function: Changing for food service workers Users: Food service workers Hours of Use: All day

Finishes Ceiling: Washable Acoustical Tile accepted by Health Department Walls: Semi gloss Latex Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Quarry tile – slip resistant with dark, sealed grout Base: Quarry tile Visual Display Tack board – 4 linear feet Mechanical: Electric water cooler Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Bench 24 total ½ size lockers Wall hooks

FF&E: Trashcan Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Food Services 193


Group: Food Services 5.02.00 Activity Area: Building Operations 5.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Food service operations Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 40

Description and Function: Laundering and drying of towels Users: Food service workers Hours of Use: All day

Finishes Ceiling: Washable Acoustical Tile accepted by Health Department Walls: Semi gloss Latex Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Ceramic tile Base: Ceramic tile Visual Display Tack board – 4 linear feet Mechanical: Hot and cold water connection for washer

Drain for washer Ventilation for dryer

Electrical: Outlet for washer and dryer Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Base cabinet Wall shelving

FF&E: Stackable washer/dryer Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

194 Rest Rooms 4 May 2016

Rest Rooms


Group: Rest Rooms 5.03.00 Activity Area: Building Operations 5.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: After-hour Lobby

Gymnasium Lobby 5.06.04 5.06.05

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 150

Description and Function: Men’s and women’s rest rooms for public and evening use Users: Visitors, parents, staff, faculty Hours of Use: Before, during and after school hours

Finishes Ceiling: Painted gypsum wallboard – typical. Washable acoustical tile acceptable to Health

Department at toilet rooms near Cafeteria Walls: Ceramic tile wainscot over painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Ceramic tile Base: Ceramic tile Visual Display None Mechanical: Floor drain with trap primers Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


Paper towel dispenser

Soap dispenser

Toilet paper dispenser

Toilet partitions and vanity screens

Sanitary napkin dispenser and disposal (women’s room only) FF&E: Trash cans Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Rest Rooms 195


Group: Rest Rooms 5.03.00 Activity Area: Building Operations 5.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: (in addition to those described elsewhere)

Administrative Suite (2) Guidance Suite 1st and 2nd floor

1.01.00 2.02.00

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 50

Description and Function: Toilet rooms for staff Users: Staff Hours of Use: All day

Finishes Ceiling: Painted gypsum wallboard Walls: Painted concrete block Floor: Ceramic tile Base: Ceramic tile Visual Display None Mechanical: Floor drain with trap primer

Dedicated exhaust Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


Paper towel dispenser

Soap dispenser

Toilet paper dispenser

Sanitary napkin dispenser and disposal (girl’s room only) FF&E: Trash can Remarks: Separate single, accessible, male and female toilets

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

196 Rest Rooms 4 May 2016


Group: Rest Rooms 5.03.00 Activity Area: Building Operations 5.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Cafeteria 5.02.01 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 250

Description and Function: Toilet rooms for students Users: Students Hours of Use: All day, year round

Finishes Ceiling: Painted gypsum wallboard Walls: Painted concrete block Floor: Ceramic tile Base: Ceramic tile Visual Display None Mechanical: Floor Drain with trap primer

Dedicated exhaust Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


Paper towel dispensers

Soap dispensers

Toilet Paper dispenser

Toilet partitions and vanity screens

Sanitary napkin dispenser and disposal (girl’s room only) FF&E: Trash can Remarks: Actual size and quantity will be code and building layout dependent

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Rest Rooms 197


Group: Rest Rooms 5.03.00 Activity Area: Building Operations 5.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Locate as centrally in building as possible Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 100

Description and Function: Private space for nursing mothers Users: Staff Hours of Use: All day

Finishes Ceiling: Painted gypsum wallboard Walls: Painted concrete block Floor: Vinyl Composition Tile Base: Ceramic tile Visual Display None Mechanical: Sink with hot/cold water Electrical: Electrical receptacle in each curtained area Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


Paper towel dispenser

Soap dispenser

Partial-height partition to screen room from corridor when door is opened

Divider curtain between FF&E: Trash can

Comfortable chairs (2)

Low shelf or side table (2) Remarks: 2 separate areas for nursing mothers within the room. Areas to be curtained off for


Each area to have an electrical receptacle.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

198 Mechanical/Electrical 4 May 2016



Group: Mechanical/Electrical 5.04.00 Activity Area: Building Operations 5.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Receiving Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 2000

Description and Function: Area for mechanical systems required to run the facility Users: Custodial staff Hours of Use: Before, after and during school hours

Finishes Ceiling: No ceiling Walls: Concrete block or gypsum wallboard Floor: Sealed concrete, caulk joints with walls Base: No base (Vinyl base if walls are gypsum wallboard) Visual Display None Mechanical: Two (2) boilers each with 100% capacity each.

Separate domestic hot water.

Exhaust and make-up air

Floor drains with traps primers

Backflow preventer on water service Electrical: Telephone outlets – 2 standard and 1 dedicated

Data drop at ATC/EMCS terminal area – 2

PA speaker and call button

EMS will have surge protection Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: Metal shelving Remarks: Minimize area and meet code.

All equipment to be pad mounted.

If boilers are oil fired, provide oil catchment curbs

Review access to mechanical penthouses with AACPS Operations and Maintenance offices during design

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Mechanical/Electrical 199


Group: Mechanical/Electrical 5.04.00 Activity Area: Building Operations 5.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Mechanical Room

Telecommunication Closet 5.04.01 5.05.01

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 500

Description and Function: Area for electric systems required to run the facility Users: Custodial staff Hours of Use: Before, after and during school hours

Finishes Ceiling: No Ceiling Walls: Concrete block Floor: Sealed concrete Base: None Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: Data drop Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: None Remarks: Room will be lockable and secure

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

200 Mechanical/Electrical 4 May 2016


Group: Mechanical/Electrical 5.04.00 Activity Area: Building Operations 5.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Throughout school

Telecommunication Closet

5.05.02 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 35

Description and Function: Area distribution of electrical system Users: Custodial staff Hours of Use: Before, during and after school. Year round.

Finishes Ceiling: No Ceiling Walls: Painted Floor: Painted concrete Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: None Remarks: Room will be lockable and secure

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Telecommunications 201



Group: Telecommunication 5.05.00 Activity Area: Building Operations 5.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Computer Lab 4.02.06 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 500

Description and Function: Secure closet for distribution of telephone system, voice/video and data Users: Faculty Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: No Ceiling Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard w/plywood for equipment mounting Floor: Sealed concrete, caulk at floor and wall Base: Vinyl, caulk at floor and wall Visual Display None Mechanical: Air conditioned

No plumbing over this room Electrical: Data racks/patch panels Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: Computer equipment

File server

UPS for file server Remarks: Telephone system is placed in the main distribution frame (MDF). All structured voice

cabling should terminate in the closest telecommunications closet with appropriate tie cables to the MDF.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

202 Telecommunications 4 May 2016


Group: Telecommunication 5.05.00 Activity Area: Building Operations 5.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Electric Closet 5.04.03 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage 180

Description and Function: Area distribution of data and telephone system and storage of mobile carts Users: Faculty Hours of Use: Before, during and after school hours, year round

Finishes Ceiling: No Ceiling Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard w/plywood for equipment mounting Floor: Sealed concrete Base: Vinyl, gypsum wallboard, caulk at floor and walk Visual Display None Mechanical: Air conditioned

No plumbing over this room. Electrical: Data racks/patch panels

Receptacles for recharging of mobile equipment Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: Computer equipment Remarks: Entrance door to be 40 inches wide to allow for equipment.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Circulation 203



Group: Circulation 5.06.00 Activity Area: Building Operations 5.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Reception

Security Office 1.01.01 1.02.03

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage

Description and Function: Main entrance and visitor sign in Users: Parent, visitors and students Hours of Use: Before, during and after school hours, year round

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: No special requirements Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Building Plaque Counter for greeting/check-in

FF&E: Computer and printer Remarks: Doors leading into school are to be capable of being secured during school hours.

During school hours visitors are to be directed through Reception area.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

204 Circulation 4 May 2016


Group: Building Operations 5.00.00 Activity Area: Circulation 5.06.00

Internal Adjacencies: Main office

Public Rest Room 1.01.00 5.03.01

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage Included in building efficiency

Description and Function: Main entrance into the school Users: Students, faculty and community Hours of Use: All day, year round

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted concrete block Floor: Vinyl Composition Tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Display cases – 16 linear feet; recessed, lockable, lighted Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: Data and electric for AI phone hookup for after-hours use

HDMI, coax cable, and elec. receptacle at 84” AFF at television wall-mount bracket Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Television wall-mount bracket for large TV

FF&E: LED Television Remarks: Provide opportunities for informal student collaboration/ study by design of ceilings, soffits,

walls, furniture placement; consider student convenience access for charging devices, etc.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Circulation 205


Group: Circulation 5.06.00 Activity Area: Building Operations 5.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Classroom 3.00.00 Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage

Description and Function: Student circulation Users: Parent, visitors, and students Hours of Use: School hours

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Tack strips-8’ long, 4’ apart Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: See Remarks Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: None Remarks: Area to be secured from general public after school hours

Lockers to align corridors; no locker banks; locker quantities to be reviewed with AACPS

Provide opportunities for informal student collaboration/ study by design of ceilings, soffits, walls, furniture placement; consider student convenience access for charging devices, etc.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

206 Circulation 4 May 2016


Group: Circulation 5.06.00 Activity Area: Building Operations 5.00.00

Internal Adjacencies: Music

Gymnasium Auditorium Dining

4.03.00 4.04.01 4.11.01 5.02.01

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage

Description and Function: General circulation and after hour access to community areas. Users: Parents, visitors, and students Hours of Use: Before, during, and after school hours year round

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted gypsum wallboard Floor: Vinyl composition tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display None Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: See Remarks Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: None Remarks: Provide opportunities for informal student collaboration/ study by design of ceilings,

soffits, walls, furniture placement; consider convenience access for charging devices, etc.

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Circulation 207


Group: Building Operations 5.00.00 Activity Area: Circulation 5.06.00

Internal Adjacencies: Gymnasium

Auditorium Concessions Public Rest Room

4.04.01 4.11.01 4.04.12 5.03.01

Ancillary Spaces: None

Net Square Footage Included in building efficiency

Description and Function: Main entrance into the gymnasium Users: Students, faculty and community Hours of Use: All day, year round

Finishes Ceiling: Acoustical tile Walls: Painted concrete block Floor: Vinyl Composition Tile Base: Vinyl Visual Display Display cases – 16 linear feet; recessed, lockable, lighted Mechanical: No special requirements Electrical: Data and electric for AI phone hookup for after-hours use Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:


FF&E: None Remarks: Include ticket booth, large enough for one person to sell tickets to sporting and theater


Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

208 Spatial Relationships 4 May 2016

Ancillary Structures


Group: Other Areas 6.00.00 Activity Area: Ancillary Structure 6.01.00

Internal Adjacencies: Stadium Ancillary Spaces: Ticket booth, storage, and electrical room

Gross Square Footage 1800

Description and Function: Concession stand, ticket booth and restrooms serving the stadium Users: Students, faculty and community Hours of Use: Fall and spring

Finishes Ceiling: Concession - Washable acoustical tile acceptable Health Department

All other rooms - Painted Tectum® deck Walls: Painted concrete block Floor: Painted or sealed concrete Base: None Visual Display None Mechanical: Equipped to winterize the building

Floor drains for concession equipment and restrooms

Grease trap system

Hose bibb Electrical: Power for concession equipment

Fire alarm and security system connected to school system. Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Toilet partitions and accessories

Roll down screens for concession (2) windows

Roll down screens ticket booth (2) windows

Garage door for storage area FF&E: Kitchen equipment Remarks: Concession stand to meet Health Department requirements (ex stainless steel equipment,

three compartment and hand sinks, etc.)

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Spatial Relationships 209


Group: Other Areas 6.00.00 Activity Area: Ancillary Structure 6.01.00

Internal Adjacencies: Stadium Ancillary Spaces: Team rooms, toilet rooms, training room, coaches/officials room, and


Gross Square Footage 2200 Team room (4 @ 550)

600 Coach room (4 @150)

250 Officials room

500 Toilet room (2 @ 250)

300 Training room

650 Storage


Description and Function: To provide team rooms, toilet rooms and storage at stadium Users: Students and faculty Hours of Use: Year round

Finishes Ceiling: Painted Tectum® deck Walls: Painted concrete block Floor: Painted or sealed concrete Base: None Visual Display Marker board - 8 linear feet

Tack board – 2 @ 4 linear feet Mechanical: Equipped to winterize the building

Heat and air conditioning

Hose bibb

Ice Machine in Training room Electrical: Fire alarm and security system connected to school system

Power requirements for training room

Data drops

Telephone Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:



Toilet partitions and accessories FF&E: None Remarks: None

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

210 Spatial Relationships 4 May 2016


Group: Other Areas 6.00.00 Activity Area: Ancillary Structure 6.01.00

Internal Adjacencies: Stadium and Fields Ancillary Spaces: Office

Gross Square Footage 700 Tractor & equipment storage

700 Seed & fertilizer storage

100 Office


Description and Function: Storage of grounds equipment and office Users: Grounds personnel Hours of Use: All day, year round

Finishes Ceiling: None Walls: Painted concrete block Floor: Painted or sealed concrete Base: Vinyl Visual Display Tack board – 4 linear feet Mechanical: Control of the irrigation systems for the fields

Heat and air conditioning

Water Electrical: Security system Lighting: No special requirements Equipment in construction contract:

Garage door – minimum 10’ wide for equipment portion

250 gallon self –contained diesel storage tank FF&E: Lawn mower

Snow blower Remarks: Control of the irrigation system will be from this facility

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Spatial Relationships 211














al E







r S




& C


al Language



gy E




ess E








ic R







n R



ance V









r A


Main Office

Language Arts




Physical Education

Computer Science

Family & Consumer Science

Technology Education


Food Service


Evening High School Office

Adjacent/one way away, Accessible/convenient not remote Desirable but not required

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

212 Spatial Relationships 4 May 2016

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Spatial Requirements 213

SECTION 6 – SUMMARY OF SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS The program outlined in the following pages will allow for a State Rated Capacity of 1696.


1. Net square feet: Area calculated using the interior dimensions of all activity areas. 2. Circulation: Area of corridors calculated using interior dimensions. Increase space occupied by lockers.

3. Wall thickness: Area of walls, doors, etc., 4. Gross square footage = Sum of above.

# of rooms

square footage

component subtotal area




1.01.00 Main Office

1.01.01 Reception

1 850 850

1.01.02 Principal

1 200 200

1.01.03 Principal's Secretary

1 100 100

1.01.04 Assistant Principal

4 120 480

1.01.05 Assistant Principal Reception Area

1 180


1.01.06 Conference Room

2 340 680

1.01.07 Workroom - Administration

1 380 380

1.01.08 Administration Storage

1 300 300

1.01.09 Faculty Lounge

1 900 900

1.01.10 Financial Secretary's Office

1 100 100

1.01.11 Attendance Office

1 100 100

1.01.12 Business Manager's Office

1 100 100

1.02.00 Other Spaces

1.02.01 Decision Making Room

1 360 360

1.02.02 In School Suspension

1 240 240

1.02.03 Security Room

1 100 100


Special Program Office(Signature)

1 120 120

1.02.05 Special Program Conference Rm.

1 300 300

1.03.00 Evening High School

1.03.01 Program Office

5 100 500

1.03.02 Program Reception

1 360 360

1.03.03 Program Conference

1 300 300

1.03.04 Program Storage

1 60 60

1.03.05 Early College Office

1 100 100

1.03.06 Early College Storage

1 60 60



2.01.00 Health

2.01.01 Health Room Waiting

1 150 150

2.01.02 Nurse's Office

1 100 100

2.01.03 Examination Room

1 100 100

2.01.04 Rest Area

1 200 200

2.01.05 Student Restroom (1@120,1@30)

2 75 150

2.01.06 Treatment/Medication

1 140 140

2.01.07 Health Room Storage

1 50 50

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

214 Spatial Requirements 4 May 2016

# of rooms

square footage

component subtotal

area subtotal

2.02.00 Guidance

2.02.01 Counselor's Office

5 100 500

2.02.02 Psychologist Office

1 120 120

2.02.03 Student Records

1 200 200

2.02.04 Guidance Reception

1 360 360

2.02.05 Career Room

1 600 600

2.02.06 Guidance Conference Room

1 300 300

2.02.07 Student Support Office (PPW,etc)

3 100 300

2.02.08 Registrar

1 100 100

2.02.09 Workroom - Guidance

1 100 100

2.02.10 Testing Coordinator

1 100 100

2.02.11 Testing Material Storage

1 200 200


3.01.00 Classrooms

3.01.01 Classroom

31 850 26350

3.01.02 Flex Classroom

3 1200 3600

3.01.03 Teacher Planning (per teacher)

46 50 2300

3.02.00 Resource

3.02.01 General Resource

2 400 800

3.02.02 Special Education Resource

4 400 1600

3.02.03 Speech

1 300 300

3.02.04 ESOL

1 600 600

3.02.05 Publication Room

1 900 900

3.03.00 Special Education

3.03.01 Special Education Classroom (ACC)

2 750 1500

3.03.02 Storage - Special Education

1 200 200

3.03.03 Autism or E.D. Classroom

1 800 800

3.03.04 Special Education Conference Rm.

1 300 300

3.03.05 Special Education Office

1 200 200

3.03.06 Special Education Records Storage

1 40 40



4.01.00 Art

4.01.01 Art Studio

1 1200 1200

4.01.02 Storage Room - Art

1 200 200

4.01.03 Kiln/Clay Room

1 300 300

4.01.04 Ceramic Art Studio

1 1350 1350

4.01.05 Communication Art Studio

1 1200 1200

4.01.06 Teacher Planning - Art (per teacher)

4 50 200

4.02.00 Library Media Center

4.02.01 Library Reading Room

1 7000 7000

4.02.02 Library Media Workroom

1 360 360

4.02.03 Library Media Specialist Office

1 140 140

4.02.04 Storage - Library Media

1 360 360

4.02.05 Seminar Room

1 800 800

4.02.06 Library Maker Space

1 800 800

4.03.00 Music

4.03.01 General Music Classroom

1 1800 1800

4.03.02 Storage - General Music

1 500 500

4.03.03 Instrumental Music Classroom

1 2200 2200

4.03.04 Practice Module

5 150 750

4.03.05 Storage - Instrumental

1 500 500

4.03.06 Keyboard Music Classroom

1 1100 1100

4.03.07 Storage - Robe and Uniform

1 300 300

4.03.08 Teacher Planning - Music (per tchr)

4 50 200

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Spatial Requirements 215

# of rooms

square footage

component subtotal

area subtotal

4.04.00 Physical Education

4.04.01 Gymnasium

1 12000 12000

4.04.02 Teacher Planning w/ Shower Room

1 740 740

4.04.03 Storage - Gymnasium

2 1000 2000

4.04.04 Auxiliary Gymnasium

1 5800 5800

4.04.05 Physical Education Classroom

2 850 1700

4.04.06 Fitness Lab

1 3000 3000

4.04.07 Locker Rooms

2 1400 2800

4.04.08 Bin Storage

1 900 900

4.04.09 P.E. Laundry

1 150 150

4.04.10 Exterior Storage

1 350 350

4.04.11 Dance Studio

1 2000 2000

4.04.12 Costume Area

1 300 300

4.04.13 Concessions

1 150 150

4.04.14 Team Rooms

1 3000 3000

4.04.15 Training Room

1 200 200

4.04.16 Coaches Office

1 440 440

4.04.17 Athletic Directors' Office

1 180 180

4.04.18 Officials' Locker Room

2 170 340

4.05.00 Science

4.05.01 Biology Laboratory/Classroom

5 1485 7425

4.05.02 Chemistry Laboratory/Classroom

2 1485 2970

4.05.03 Earth/Space Laboratory/Classroom

2 1485 2970

4.05.04 Physics Laboratory/Classroom

2 1485 2970

4.05.05 Student Project Area

1 800 800

4.05.06 Chemical Storage

1 200 200

4.05.07 General Science Storage

2 100 200

4.05.08 Prep Room

2 250 500

4.05.09 Teacher Planning - Science (per tchr)

16 50 800

4.06.00 Computer Science

4.06.01 Computer Science Laboratory

3 950 2850

4.06.02 Computer Science Office

1 100 100

4.07.00 World & Classical Language

4.07.01 World & Classical Language Lab/Classroom

6 950 5700

4.07.02 Storage - WCL

1 125 125

4.07.03 Teacher Planning - WCL (per tchr)

8 50 400

4.08.00 Family and Consumer Science

4.08.01 Multipurpose Laboratory

1 1550 1550

4.08.02 Food/Nutrition Laboratory

1 1500 1500

4.08.03 Storage - Family/Consumer Science

1 400 400

4.08.04 Food Preparation Area

1 400 400

4.08.05 Child Development Laboratory

1 1000 1000

4.08.06 Child Development Classroom

1 800 800

4.08.07 Storage - Child Development

1 60 60

4.08.08 Exterior Storage - Child Dev.

1 60 60

4.08.09 Teacher Planning - FACS (per tchr)

4 50 200

4.09.00 Technology Education

4.09.01 Technology Laboratory/Workshop

4 1450 5800

4.09.02 Fabrication Room

1 600 600

4.09.03 Design Computer Laboratory

1 1100 1100

4.09.04 Storage - Technology

1 200 200

4.09.05 Teacher Planning - Tech (per tchr)

5 50 250

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

216 Spatial Requirements 4 May 2016

# of rooms

square footage

component subtotal

area subtotal

4.10.00 Business Education

4.10.01 Business Classroom

3 850 2550

4.10.02 School Store

1 450 450

4.10.03 Storage - Business

1 200 200

4.10.04 Teacher Planning - Business (per tchr)

3 50 150

4.11.00 Theatre

4.11.01 Auditorium

850 12 10200

4.11.02 Stage

1 1800 1800

4.11.03 Stage Wings

1 1800 1800

4.11.04 Dressing Room

2 350 700

4.11.05 Set Workshop

1 500 500

4.11.06 Set Storage

1 300 300

4.11.07 Prop Storage

1 250 250

4.11.08 Projection/Sound Booth

1 200 200

4.11.09 Video Production

1 1100 1100

4.11.10 Control Room

1 200 200


5.01.00 Custodial

5.01.01 Custodial Closet

10 45 450

5.01.02 Building Engineer's Office

1 100 100

5.01.03 Can Wash

1 50 50

5.01.04 Book Storage

4 500 2000

5.01.05 General Storage

1 1000 1000

5.01.06 Exterior Storage

1 400 400

5.01.07 Engineer's Shop

1 200 200

5.01.08 Equipment Storage

1 400 400

5.01.09 Custodial Locker Room

1 250 250

5.01.10 Receiving

1 800 800

5.02.00 Food Services

5.02.01 Cafeteria (per src)

600 15 9000

5.02.02 Chair storage

1 400 400

5.02.03 Kitchen

1 4400 4400

5.02.04 Kitchen Managers Office

1 140 140

5.02.05 Food Staff Locker Room

1 100 100

5.02.06 Food Service Laundry Room

1 40 40

5.03.00 Rest Rooms

5.03.01 Public (Adult) Rest Room

4 150 600

5.03.02 Staff Rest Room

14 50 700

5.03.03 Student Rest Room

10 250 2500

5.03.04 Mothers' Nursing Room

1 100 100

5.04.00 Mechanical/Electrical

5.04.01 Mechanical Room

1 2000 2000

5.04.02 Electrical Room

1 500 500

5.04.03 Electrical Closet

6 35 210

5.05.00 Telecommunication

5.05.01 Telecommunication Room

1 500 500

5.05.02 Telecommunication Closet

6 180 1080

5.06.00 Circulation (SF included in efficiency adjustment)

5.06.01 Entrance Vestibule

5.06.02 Entrance Lobby

5.06.03 Classroom Corridors

5.06.04 Public Corridors

5.06.05 Gymnasium/Auditorium Lobby

Crofton Area High School Educational Specification

4 May 2016 Spatial Requirements 217

# of rooms

square footage

component subtotal

area subtotal

Subtotal all school building programs

197,690 197,690

Efficiency adjustment




6.00.00 OTHER AREAS 7800

6.01.00 Ancillary Structures

6.01.01 Concession Building w/ Restrooms

1 1800 1800

6.01.02 Field House

1 4500 4500

6.01.03 Maintenance Building

1 1500 1500





Adjusted SRC


Teaching Stations

72 21.25 1530

Career Technology

8 17 136

Special Education

3 10 30

Alternative Education 0 15 0