cs 150 - spring 2007 – lec. #11: course project - 1 videoconferencing project zproject concept and...

CS 150 - Spring 2007 – Lec. #11: Course Project - 1 Videoconferencing Project Project Concept and Background Checkpoint Structure Bells and Whistles

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CS 150 - Spring 2007 – Lec. #11: Course Project - 1

Videoconferencing Project

Project Concept and Background Checkpoint Structure Bells and Whistles

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Broad “brush” overview of the project

Details will be covered in the lab lectures, starting next week

NOTE: anything discussed in the lab lectures and project checkpoint write-ups supercedes what I describe here! Neil and Allen have a working implementation of the

project They know the project better than I do! Listen to them!

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Course Project: Videoconferencing System

Not quite this… but: Video camera capture CRT video display Serial compressed video

2-way transmission between two stations

Wireless communications (no audio this semester) Implemented in a

Xilinx FPGA on theCalinx boards in the lab

Groups of two -- your Lab #4/#5 partner Commit to a TA now for grading purposes

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Calinx EECS 150 Lab/Project Protoboard

Flash Card & Micro-drive Port

Video Encoder & Decoder

AC ’97 Codec & Power Amp

Video & Audio Ports Four 100 Mb Ethernet Ports

8 Meg x 32SDRAM

Quad Ethernet Transceiver

XilinxVirtex 2000ESeven Segment

LED Displays

Prototype Area

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Complete Videoconferencing System


Video Encoder

Video Encoder(Checkpoint #1)

Video Decoder




Checkpoint #2

Checkpoint #4

SDRAM(Checkpoint #0)

Multiport SDRAMMemory System


Wireless Transceiver(Checkpoint #3)

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Checkpoint #0/#1/#2: SDRAM Interface

Memory protocols Bus arbitration Address phase Data phase

DRAM is large, but few address lines and slow Row & col address Wait states

Synchronous DRAM provides fast synchronous access current block Little like a cache in the DRAM Fast burst of data

Arbitration for shared resource

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Checkpoint #1: Video Encoding Pixel Array:

Digital image represented by matrix of values, where each is a function of the information surrounding it in the image; single element in image matrix: picture element or pixel (includes info for all color components)

Array size varies for different apps and costs: some common sizes shown

Frames: Illusion of motion created

by successively flashing still pictures called frames

High-Definition Television (HDTV), 2 Mpx

Workstation, 1 Mpx

PC/Mac, 1‡2 Mpx

Video, 300 Kpx

SIF,82 Kpx

High-Definition Television (HDTV), 1 Mpx

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Checkpoint #1: Video Encoding

Video details fairly complex and involve many choices: NTSC vs. PAL, HDTV, … Interleaved even-odd frames (TV) vs. progress scan (computer

and digital displays) Frame size, frame rate Pixel encodings: RGB, YUV/YCB (Luminance, Chrominance --

brightness plus color difference signals) Subsampling to reduce data demands (compression trick) Inputs: ITU-R BT.601 Format (Digital Broadcast NTSC) Outputs: Component video, S-video to drive LCDs in lab Fortunately, Calinx board has a chip on-board that deals with

much of the grungy details …

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ITU-R BT.656 Details Interfacing details for ITU-601

Pixels per line 858Lines per frame 525Frames/sec 29.97Pixels/sec 13.5 MViewable pixels/line 720Viewable lines/frame 487

With 4:2:2 chroma sub-sampling, send 2 words/pixel (Cr/Y/Cb/Y)

Words/sec = 27MEncoder runs off a 27MHz clock

Control info (horizontal & vertical synch) is multiplexed on data lines

Encoder data stream show to right

See video tutorial documents on course documentation web page!

718 719 720 721 0 1 2

359 360 0 1

359 360 0 1

736732( )

368366( )

368366( )


Y 718

Y 719

C 360

B Y 720

C 360

RY 721

C 359

BC 359

RY 736(732)

C 368(366)

BC 368(366)

RY 855(861)

C 428(431)

BY 856(862)

Y 857(863)

C 0B

Y 0

C 0R

Y 1

C 428(431)


C 0B

Y 0

Y 1

C 0R

C 359

BY 718

Y 719

C 359


Last sampleof digital active line

Sample datafor O instant

First sampleof digital active lineH

Luminancedata, Y

Chrominancedata, CR

Chrominancedata, CB

Replaced bytiming reference


Replaced bydigital blanking data

Replaced bytiming reference


End ofactive video

Start ofactive video

Timing reference signals

Note 1 – Sample identification numbers in parentheses are for 625-line systems where these differ from those for 525-line systems. (See also Recommendation ITU-R BT.803.)


Composition of interface data stream


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Checkpoint #1: Video Encoder

Display driver processes pixels within frame buffer Drive ADV7194 video encoder device to output correct NTSC video Gain lots of experience reading data sheets Dictates the 27 MHz operation rate

Used throughout graphics subsystem

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Calinx On-Board Video Encoder Analog Devices ADV7194: ITU 601/656 in, Composite Video


Supports: Multiple input formats and outputs

Operational modes, slave/master

Used in default mode: ITU-601 as slave

s-video output

Digital input side connected to Virtex pins

Analog output side wired to on board connectors or headers

I2C interface for initialization: Wired to Virtex

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SDRAM READ Burst Timing

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Checkpoint #2: Video Decode

Pretty much the reverse of the encoding process of Checkpoint #1

We will provide the base Verilog for video decode

You will need to integrate video decode with your SDRAM arbitrated write port

Integrate with your Checkpoint #1

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Checkpoint #3: Wireless Transceiver

This will involve interfacing to the wireless transceiver chip on the Calinx2 board

Neil working on a clear description of how this works

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Checkpoint Build Up to Complete Project

Week #7: Lab #6/Checkpoint #0 -- Basic SDRAM Subsystem

Week #8: Checkpoint #1 -- SDRAM to Video Display (Encoder)

Week #9: Checkpoint #2 -- Local Video System Video Capture (Decoder) to SDRAM to Video Display (Encoder) Video Decoder Verilog will be provided to you

Week #10/11 : Checkpoint #3 -- Wireless Transceiver Midterm #2 scheduled for Week #10 Spring break between Week #10 and #11

Week #12/13: Checkpoint #4 -- Putting it altogether Video Capture to SDRAM to Wireless Transceiver to SDRAM to

Video Display

Week #14: Final Report

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Possible Bells and Whistles

Still thinking about this but here are some ideas: Performance tuning: larger remote display, higher refresh rate Sending more data per unit time via

compression/decompression through the wireless transceiver Your good idea here NOTE: We don’t necessary know how to implement these

ourselves! (these haven’t been implemented in the TA solution, for example)

NOTE: There will be a bonus for an early demo of the complete project at the end of Week #12 (one week early)

NOTE: Extra credit will be limited to 20% extra points and no extra credit unless the standard functionality works