cs 3240 – chapter 4. closure properties algorithms for elementary questions: is a given word,...

CS 3240 – Chapter 4

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Page 1: CS 3240 – Chapter 4.  Closure Properties  Algorithms for Elementary Questions:  Is a given word, w, in L?  Is L empty, finite or infinite?  Are L

CS 3240 – Chapter 4

Page 2: CS 3240 – Chapter 4.  Closure Properties  Algorithms for Elementary Questions:  Is a given word, w, in L?  Is L empty, finite or infinite?  Are L

Closure Properties

Algorithms for Elementary Questions: Is a given word, w, in L? Is L empty, finite or infinite? Are L1 and L2 the same set?

Detecting non-regular languagesCS 3240 - Properties of Regular Languages 2

Page 3: CS 3240 – Chapter 4.  Closure Properties  Algorithms for Elementary Questions:  Is a given word, w, in L?  Is L empty, finite or infinite?  Are L

Closure of operations If x and y are in the same set, is x op y


Example: The integers are closed under addition▪ They are not closed under division

Regular languages are closed under everything! Typical set operations

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Page 4: CS 3240 – Chapter 4.  Closure Properties  Algorithms for Elementary Questions:  Is a given word, w, in L?  Is L empty, finite or infinite?  Are L

Regular languages are closed under: Kleene Star (*) Union (+) Concatenation (xy) (By definition!)

They are also closed under: Complement (reverse state acceptability✓) Intersection Set difference Reversal (already proved in homework #12,

2.3✓)CS 3240 - Properties of Regular Languages 4

Page 5: CS 3240 – Chapter 4.  Closure Properties  Algorithms for Elementary Questions:  Is a given word, w, in L?  Is L empty, finite or infinite?  Are L

Proof from set theory: L1 ∩ L2 = (L1’ ∪ L2’) ’ Since complement and union are closed,

intersection must be also! QED

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• Note how the intersection is never shaded• L1’ ∪ L2’ shades everything but where they overlap• Therefore, (L1’ ∪ L2’) ’ is the overlap (intersection)

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A – B: Everything that is in A but not in B

A – B = A ∩ B’We have already shown that regular

languages are closed under intersection and complement. QED

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Start with a composite start state: Consisting of the two start states

Follow all out-edges simultaneously As we did for NFA-to-DFA conversion

States containing any original final state is a final state in the result for union Because one of the machines accepts there

States containing an original final state from each original machine is a final state in the result for intersection Because both of the machines accept there

¿How would you construct the difference machine?

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-x1 x2 +x3




b a,b

1y 2y

3y 4y








Page 10: CS 3240 – Chapter 4.  Closure Properties  Algorithms for Elementary Questions:  Is a given word, w, in L?  Is L empty, finite or infinite?  Are L

xi, yi a b

x1, y1 x2, y3 x1, y2

x2, y3 x3, y1 x1, y4

x1, y2 x2, y4 x1, y1

x3, y1 x3, y3 x3, y2

x1, y4 x2, y2 x1, y3

x2, y4 x3, y2 x1, y3

x3, y3 x3, y1 x3, y4

x3, y2 x3, y4 x3, y1

x2, y2 x3, y4 x1, y1

x1, y3 x2, y1 x1, y4

x3, y4 x3, y2 x3, y3

x2, y1 x3, y3 x1, y2

For union: assign accepting states where any original xi or yi accept.

For intersection: assign accepting states only where both original xi or yi accept simultaneously. No need to compute (L1’ ∪ L2’)’ !

For difference, assign accepting states where one accepts and the other does not.

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The resulting machine…



9 1 3 6

12 10 5 2




b bb













Page 12: CS 3240 – Chapter 4.  Closure Properties  Algorithms for Elementary Questions:  Is a given word, w, in L?  Is L empty, finite or infinite?  Are L

Given a word w, and a regular language, L, can we answer the question: Is w ∊ L?

You tell me…

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A graph theory problem: Find a path from the start to a final state

in the associated FAAlgorithm:

“mark” the start staterepeat:

mark any state with an incoming edge from a previously marked state

until an accepting state is marked or no new states were marked at all

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Attempt to convert the associated FA to a regular expression By the state bypass and elimination

algorithm If you get a regular expression, then

a string is accepted

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Suppose a minimal machine, M, for the language L has p states

If M accepts any non-empty words at all, it must accept one of length <= p Why?

So… Systematically try all possible strings in

Σ* of length 1 through p. If none are accepted, then no non-empty strings at all are in L.

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Convert its machine to a regular expression

It is infinite iff it has a star

Another way: A language is infinite if there is a cycle in an

accepting path A (tedious) graph theory problem

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Suppose L’s minimal machine, M, has p states Any path of length p has (or is) a cycle

And any cycle must have or be a cycle of length p or less

Because a state is revisited after at most p characters

So, infinite languages have a machine with at least one cycle of length p or less in an accepting path*

And all non-empty languages have a string of length p or less (already showed that)…

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Let m denote the length of a cycle in an accepting path We know m ≤ p

Let k be the length of a string in L such that k ≤ p There has to be one if the language is infinite!

Then strings of length k + im are accepted, i ≥ 0 By traversing the cycle i times

But k + im ≤ p + ip = (i+1)p So, there must be some i such that p ≤ k+im ≤ 2p Procedure: Test all strings of length p through

2p-1CS 3240 - Properties of Regular Languages 18

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That is, are they the same set of strings?Set-theoretic argument:

Two sets are equal if their symmetric difference is empty (denoted by A ∆ B or A ⊖ B)

A ∆ B = A ∪ B – A ∩ B = A – B ∪ B – ABut A – B = A ∩ B’, and B – A = B ∩ A’

So L1 = L2 iff (L1 ∩ L2’) ∪ (L1’ ∩ L2) = ∅

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Not all languages are regularWe need to recognize whether

languages are regular or not We don’t want to waste time using

regular language processing techniques where they don’t apply

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Consider anbn

ab is regularab + aabb = anbn, 0 ≤ n ≤ 2, is

regularAny finite language is regular (why?)But anbn, n ≥ 0 is not regular (why


How do we prove it’s not regular!?!CS 3240 - Properties of Regular Languages 26

Page 27: CS 3240 – Chapter 4.  Closure Properties  Algorithms for Elementary Questions:  Is a given word, w, in L?  Is L empty, finite or infinite?  Are L

Finite Automata don’t have unlimited counting capability They only have a fixed number of states

Intuitively, we see that an automaton can’t keep track of counts for anbn where n is arbitrarily large

But intuition is often faulty. We need a proof!

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Any accepted string of length p (the number of states) or greater forces a cycle in an accepting path.

In other words, at least one state is visited a second time And that “revisit” must happen within the

first p characters of the string▪ Because that’s when the (p+1)th state is

entered This could be any state (start, final, other)

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Consider akbk, where k is greater than the number of states in a supposed DFA accepting all anbn, n ≥ 0 Before the first b is encountered, a state has been

visited at least twice (because there are more a’s than states)

Suppose the length of the associated cycle is m Then the string ak+imbk is also accepted!

This contradicts the existence of a DFA that accepts anbn

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The first “revisit”

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For every infinite regular language, L, there is a number, p, such that for all strings, s, in L, where |s| ≥ p, you can partition s into three concatenated substrings, xyz, such that: |y| > 0 |xy| ≤ p xy*z ∈ L

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You can only use the pumping lemma to show that a language is not regular By showing it fails the “pumping” conditions of

infinite regular languages Note: Some non-regular languages pump!

The trick is to find a convenient string Usually the condition |xy| ≤ p is also key Sometimes pumping down (i = 0) is easiest

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Consider the string apbp

It is in this language It is long enough (≥ p in length)

Now let apbp = xyz Remember |xy| ≤ p What can you conclude about y?

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You can treat proving a language non-regular as a “game”:1. You pick a string, s, in L, where |s| ≥ p▪ You may pick any such string; choose wisely!

2. Opponent picks x, y, and z▪ But must obey |xy| ≤ p and |y| > 0

3. You show it can’t be “pumped”1. Because a pumped string falls “outside” the


1.Must anticipate all possible partitions xyz

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aibj, i > jPALINDROME

w = wR (same backwards and forwards)ww

Equal halvesPRIME (am where m is prime)SQUARE (am where m is a perfect


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Strings with equal number of a’s and b’s


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NOTPRIME is pumpable!Let y = the whole string (akm)The number of a’s will always be a

multiple of km, hence not prime Note: zero is not a prime number

This does not violate the pumping lemma The pumping lemma draws no

conclusion about non-regular languages

CS 3240 - Properties of Regular Languages 37