csat 2015 analysis

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  • 7/26/2019 CSAT 2015 Analysis




    Total Question : 80

    Easy level : 48

    Medium level : 22

    Tough : 10

    Draw table out of e!el !ontents" Ma#e solutions as well" $o%y &uestions and

    answers" 'rite des!ri%tive analysis of ea!h &uestion"

    Passage 1

    India has suffered from persistent high inflation. Increase in administered prices, demand and

    supply imbalances, imported inflation aggravated by rupee depreciation, and speculation havecombined to keep high inflation going. If there is an element common to all of them, it is that many

    of them are outcomes of economic reforms. Indias vulnerability to the effects of changes in

    international prices has increased wit trade liberalization. The effort to reduce subsidies has resulted

    in the continuous increase in the prices of commodities that are administered.

    1. hat is the most logical, rational and crucial message that is implied in the above passage!

    "a# $nder the present circumstances, India should completely avoid all trade liberalization policies

    and all subsidies.

    "b# %ue to its peculiar socio&economic situation, India is not yet ready for trade liberalization


    "c# There is no solution in sight for the problems of continuing poverty and inflation in India in the

    near future.

    "d# 'conomic reforms can often create a high inflation economy.

    Explanation: 'at!h out for o%tions( li#e )a*( that are too etreme a statement"

    They usually are not relevant with the T+,E of %assage" Do not !onsider additional

    lin#ages li#e so!io-e!onomi! !onditions ( o%tion )b*( and %overty( o%tion )!*( when

    nothing of the sort has been e%li!itly e%ressed the in %assage" Try to get theoverall theme and message !onveyed( o%tion)d*" .en!e ans is )d*"

    Level: Medium

    Passage 2

  • 7/26/2019 CSAT 2015 Analysis


    (o )ight is absolute, e*clusive or inviolable. The )ight of personal property, similarly, has to be

    perceived in the large conte*t of its assumed legitimacy. The right of personal property should unite

    the principle of liberty with that of e+uality,. nd both with the principle of cooperation.

    -. In the light of the argument in the above passage, which one of the following statements is themost convincing explanation?

    "a# The )ight of personal property is a (atural )ight duly supported by statues and scriptures.

    "b# ersonal property is a theft and an instrument of e*ploitation. The )ight of personal property is

    therefore /iolative of economic 0ustice.

    "c# The )ight of personal property is violative of distributive 0ustice and negates the principle of


    "d# The comprehensive idea of economic 0ustice demands that ht )ight of each person to ac+uisition

    of property has to be reconciled with that of others.

    Explanation :/#i% o%tions with irrelevant details li#e statues and s!ri%tures(

    o%tion)a*" lso s#i% etreme suggestions whi!h etend the !ontet too mu!h than

    ne!essary li#e %ersonal %ro%erty is for theft and e%loitation o%tion)b*" Dont

    etend the !ontet as given in o%tion )!* sin!e it might 3ust be a mere assum%tion

    whi!h we dont #now for sure" Ta#e a balan!ed o%tion( o%tion )d*( whi!h mat!hes the

    message and T+,E" .en!e ans is )d*"

    Level :Medium

    Passage 3

    The conflict between man and tate is as old as tate history. lthough attempts have been made for

    centuries to bring about a proper ad0ustment between the competing claims of tate and the

    individual, the solution seems to be still far off. This is primarily because of the dynamic nature of

    human society where old values and ideas constantly yield place to new ones. It is obvious that if

    individuals are allowed to have absolute freedom of speech and action, the result would be chaos,

    ruin and anarchy.

    2. The authors viewpoint can be best summed up in which of the following statements!

    "a# The conflict between the claims of tate and individual remains unresolved.

    "b# narchy and chaos are the obvious results of democratic traditions.

    "c# 3ld values, ideas and traditions persist despite the dynamic nature of human society.

    "d# 4onstitutional guarantee of freedom of speech is not in the interest of society.

    Explanation : .ere o%tion )b* is an etreme etension of what that been !onveyed

    in the %assage while o%tion )d* and o%tion )!* are false w"rt" the %assage" +nly

    +%tion )a* veries with what has been suggested in the %assage" .en!e ans is )a*"

  • 7/26/2019 CSAT 2015 Analysis


    Level :Easy

    Passage 4

    4limate change is a comple* policy issue with ma0or implications in terms of finance. ll actions toaddress climate change ultimately involve costs. 5unding is vital for countries like India to design

    and implement adaptation and mitigation plans and pro0ects. 6ack of funding is a large impediment

    to implementing adaptation actions are a matter of intense debate in the multilateral negotiations

    under the $nited (ations 5ramework 4onvention on 4limate 4hange "$(5444#.7 the 4onvention

    s+uarely puts the responsibility for provision of financial support on the developed countries, taking

    into account their contribution to the stock of greenhouse gases "898s# in the atmosphere. 8iven

    the magnitude of the task and the funds re+uired, domestic finances are likely t fall short of the

    current and pro0ected needs of the developing countries. 8lobal funding through the multilateral

    mechanism of the 4onvention will enhance their domestic capacity to finance the mitigation efforts.

    :. ccording to the passage, which of the following is;are a matter of intense debate in the

    multilateral negotiations under $(5444 regarding the role of developing countries in climate


    1. The scale and size of re+uired financial support.

    -. The crop loss due to climate change in the developing countries.

    2. To enhance the mitigation and adaptation actions in the developing countries.

    elect the correct answer using the code given below. ith regards to developing countries. It can be inferred from the passage that climate change is

    likely to have implications on their

    1. %omestic finances.

    -. 4apacity for multilateral trade.

    elect the correct answer using the code given below < 1= B

    "b# > < 1A B

    "c# > < 2> B

    "d# > < :AB

    Explanation : ,o need to solve" =ust draw the o%tions given and noti!e that the

    di>eren!e between hour and minute hand in a*( b* ? d* is mu!h more than 6

    minutes" .en!e !* is the answer"

    Level :Medium

    C. There are = tasks and = persons. Task&1 cannot be assigned to either person&1 or person&- task&-

    must be assigned to either person&2 or person&:. 'very person is to be assigned one task. In how

    many ways can the assignment be done!

    "a# >



    "d# 1::

    Explanation :This re&uires !ounting te!hni&ue" 7se %ermutations if you are aware of

    it" Else !ount manually by ma#ing !ases" nswer is )!* i"e" 24 )@ A @ A 12*"

    Level :Tough

    1D. The monthly incomes of eter and aul are in the ratio of :< 2. Their e*penses are in the ratio of

    2< -. If each save E >,DDD at the end of the month, their monthly incomes respectively are "in E#

    "a# -:,DDD and 1A,DDD

    "b# -A,DDD and -1,DDD

    "c# 2-,DDD and -:, DDD

  • 7/26/2019 CSAT 2015 Analysis


    "d# 2:,DDD and ->,DDD

    Explanation : y !ommon sense Bn!ome C E%enditure A /avings" Thus savings

    C n!ome e%enditure" orm two linear e&uations )4 6y C @000 ? 6 2y C

    @000* and solve them" .en!e is )a*

    Level :Medium

    11. Two cities and ? are 2>D km apart. car goes from to ? with sped of :Dkm;hr and returns to

    with a speed of >D km;hr. what is the average speed of the car!

    "a# := km;hr

    "b# :Akm;hr

    "c# =D km;hr

    "d# == km;hr

    Explanation : vg" s%eed C Total Distan!e )to and fro* !overed ; Total time )to and

    fro* ta#en" .en!e answer is )b*"

    Level :Easy

    Directions for ht following 2 (two) items:

    )ead the following passage and answer the -"two# items that followDD and ADD, which

    of following is most valid conclusion ?

    "a# cow coasts more than -,=DD.

    "b# cow costs less than 2,>DD.

    "c# cow costs less than -,>DD and 2,ADD.

    "d# cow costs between -,:DD and :,DDD.

    Explanation : 'rite down the ranges as %er the given info" The !ost of a !ow is

    more than the minimum !ost i"e" !ost of 4 goats H @00 ea!h whi!h is 4 @00 i"e

  • 7/26/2019 CSAT 2015 Analysis


    2400 and less than the maimum !ost i"e !ost of F goats H 800 ea!h i"e F 8000

    i"e 4000" .en!e ans is )d*"

    Level :Medium

    1A. society consists of only two types of people fighters and cowards. Two cowards are always

    friends. fighter and a coward are always enemies. 5ighters are indifferent to one another. If and? are enemies, 4 and % are friends, ' and 5 are indifferent to each other, and ' are not enemies,

    while ? and 5 are enemies.

    hich of the following statements is correct!

    "a# ?, 4 and 5 are cowards.

    "b# , ' and 5 are fighters.

    "c# ? and ' are in the same category.

    "d# and 5 are in different categories.

    Explanation : 'rite down the !ases and refute the in!orre!t o%tions" rom the

    given info(

    E and are indi>erent CI E and are ightersB

    and are enemies CI is !oward

    lso and are enemies CI is a ghter

    $ and D are friends CI $ and D are !owards

    .en!e ighters : E( and and $owards : ( $ and D" .en!e +%tion )b* is !orre!t"

    Level : Medium

    1C. In a bo* of marbles, there are three less white marbles than the red ones and five more white

    marbles than the green ones. If there are a total of 1D white marbles, how many marbles are there in

    the bo*!

    a# ->

    b# -A

    c# 2-

    d# 2>

    Explanation :=ust write the given info into a form of two sim%le linear e&uations and


  • 7/26/2019 CSAT 2015 Analysis


    5 ' C 6B ' J C F and ' C 10 CI J C F and 5 C 16 CI 5 A ' A J C 28" .en!e

    ans is +%tion )b*"

    Level :Easy"

    -D. 4andidates in a competitive e*amination consisted of >D men and :D women, @D men and

    @= women cleared the +ualifying test and entered the final test where AD men and @D womenwere successful.

    hich of the following statements is correct!

    "a# uccess rate is higher for women.

    "b# 3verall success rate is below =D

    "c# Bore men cleared the e*amination than women.

    "d# ?oth "a# and "b# above are correct.

    Explanation : /im%le !on!e%t of %er!entage" ssume there are total 100 %eo%le(

    men A women C 100

    Thus Men C @0 and women C 40

    42 men %assed &ualifying test and 18 men failed B 60 women %assed Qualify

    test and 10 failed rom 40 Q-ed men only 62 !leared nal testB +ut of 60 Q-ed women only

    21 %assed nal test Thus more men !leared eam than women" .en!e ans is +%tion )!*"

    Level :Medium

    Directions for the following 7 (seven) items:

    )ead the following six passagesand answer the items that follow. Gour answers to these items

    should be based on the passages only

    Passage 1

    4limate change is already making many people hungry all over the world, by disrupting crop yields

    and pushing up prices. nd it is not 0ust food but nutrients that are becoming scarcer as the climate

    changes. It is the poorest communities that will suffer the worst effects of climate change, including

    increased hunger and malnutrition as crop production and livelihoods are threatened. 3n the other

    hand, poverty is driver of climate change, as desperate communities resort to unsustainable use of

    resources to meet current needs.

    -1. hich among the following is the most logical corollary to the above passage!

  • 7/26/2019 CSAT 2015 Analysis


    "a# 8overnment should allocate more funds to poverty alleviation programmes and increase food

    subsidies to the poor communities.

    "b# overty and climate impacts reinforce each other and therefore we have to re&imagine our food


    "c# ll the countries of the world must unite in fighting poverty and malnutrition and treat poverty asa global problem.

    "d# e must stop unsustainable agricultural practices immediately and control food prices.

    Explanation : +%tion and $ are unne!essary etensions to the !ontent of the

    %assage while +%tion D is too etreme a statement w"r"t" to the tone of the %assage"

    .en!e +%tion is !orre!t"

    Level :Medium

    Passage 2

    The 8lobal 5inancial tability )eport finds that the share of portfolio investments form advanced

    economies in the total debt and e+uity investments in emerging economies has doubled in the past

    decade to 1- percent. The phenomenon has implications for Indian policy makers as foreign portfolio

    investments in the debt and e+uity markets have been on the rise. The phenomenon is also flagged as

    a threat that could compromise global financial stability in a chain reaction, in the event $nited

    tates 5ederal )eserves imminent reversal of its JKuantitative 'asingL policy.

    --. hich among the following is the most rational and critical inference that can be made from the

    above passage!

    "a# 5oreign portfolio investments are not good for emerging economies.

    "b# dvanced economies undermine the global financial stability.

    "c#India should desist from accepting foreign portfolio investments in the future.

    "d# 'merging economies are at a risk of shock from advanced economies.

    Explanation :+%tion is too etreme while D and ma#e a generi! and

    tem%ting inferen!e whi!h we dont #now for sure" .en!e ans is +%tion $ w"r"t the

    T+,E of %assage"

    Level :Tough

    Passage 3

    3pen defection is disastrous when practiced in very densely populated areas, where it is impossible

    to keep away human faeces from crops, wells, food and chilkdrens hands. 8roundwater is also

    contaminated by open defection. Bany ingested germs and worms spread diseases. They prevent the

    body form absorbing calories and nutrients. (early one&half of Indias children remain

  • 7/26/2019 CSAT 2015 Analysis


    malnourished. 6akhs of them die from preventable conditions. %iarrhoea leaves Indians bodies

    smaller on average than those of people in some poorer countries where people eat fewer calories.

    $nderweight mothers produce stunted babies prone to sickness who may fail to develop their full

    cognitive potential. The germs released into environment harm rich the poor alike, even those who

    use latrines.

    -2. hich among the following is the most critical inferencethat can be made from the above


    "a# The 4entral and tate governments in India do not have enough resource to afford a latrine for

    each household.

    "b# 3pen defecation is the most important public health problem of India.

    "c# 3pen defecation reduces the human capital of Indias workforce.

    "d# 3pen defecation is a public health problem in all developing countries.

    Explanation : +%tion is unne!essary etension whi!h we dont #now for surewhile D is unne!essary generali

  • 7/26/2019 CSAT 2015 Analysis


    Passage 5

    The e*istence;establishment of formal financial institutions that offer safe, reliable, and alternative

    financial instruments is fundamental in mobilizing savings. To save, individuals need access to safe

    and reliable financial institutions, such as banks, and to appropriate financial instruments and

    reasonable financial incentives. uch access is not always available to all people in developing

    countries like India and more so, in rural areas. avings help poor households manage volatility in

    cash flow, smoothen consumption, and build working capital. oor households without access to a

    formal savings mechanism encourage immediate spending temptations.

    -=. ith reference to the above passage, consider the following statements. hat is the crucial message conveyed in the passage!

    "a# 'stablish more banks

    "b# Increase the 8ross %omestic roduct "8%# growth rate

    "c# Increase the interest rate of bank deposits.

    "d# romote financial inclusion

    Explanation : +%tion is too generi! a !on!lusion" +%tion and $ are out of!ontet from the !ontents of the %assage" .en!e ans is +%tion D"

    Level :Easy

    Passage 6

    8overnments may have to take steps which would otherwise be an infringement on the 5undamental

    )ights of individuals, such as ac+uiring a persons land against his will, or refusing permission for

  • 7/26/2019 CSAT 2015 Analysis


    putting up a building, but the larger public interest for which these are done must be authorized by

    the people "erliament#. %iscretionary powers to the administration can be done away with. It is

    becoming more and more difficult to keep this power within limits as the government has many

    numbers of tasks to perform. here discretion has to be sued,. There must be rules and safeguards

    to prevent misuse of that power. ystems have to be devised which minimize, if not prevent, the

    abuse of discretionary power. 8overnment work must be conducted within a framework of

    recognized rules and principles, and decisions should be similar and predictable.

    -@. hich among the following is the most logical assumption that can be made from the above


    "a# 8overnment should always be given wide discretionary power in all matters of administration.

    "b# The supremacy of rules and safeguards should prevail as opposed to the influence of e*clusive

    discretion of authority

    "c# arliamentary democracy is possible only if the 8overnment has wider discretionary power.

    "d# (one of the above statements is a logical assumption that can be made from this passage.

    Explanation : +%tion and $ are too etreme a !on!lusion while +%tion is


    Level :Easy

    -A. selection is to be made for one post of rincipal and two posts of /ice&rincipal. mongst the

    si* candidates called for the interview, only two are eligible for ht post of /ice&rincipal. The number

    of possible combinations of selectees is

    "a# :

    "b# 1-

    "c# 1A

    "d# (one of the above

    Explanation : $ounting te!hni&ue is re&uired here" 7se %ermutations if aware"

    ns is 40 )F 4 AF 4*"

    .en!e ans is +%tion D"

    Level :Tough

    -C. student has to opt for - sub0ects out of = sub0ects for a course, namely, 4ommerce, 'conomics,

    tatistics, Bathematics I and Bathematics II, Bathematics II can be offered only if Bathematics I is

    also opted. The number of different combinations of two sub0ects which can be opted is

  • 7/26/2019 CSAT 2015 Analysis


    "a# =

    "b# >

    "c# @

    "d# A

    Explanation :=ust !ount the number of !ombinations manually )M1 ? M2 B M1 ? / B

    M1 ? E B M1 ? $ B / ? EB / ? $ B E ? $ *

    Level :Tough

    2D. person ordered = pairs of block socks and some pairs of brown socks. The price of a block pair

    was thrice that of a brown pair. hile preparing the bill, the bill clerk interchanged the number of

    block and brown pairs by mistake which increased the bill by 1DD. hat was the number of pairs of

    brown socks in the original order!

    "a# 1D

    "b# 1=

    "c# -D

    "d# -=

    Explanation : 7nderstand the &uestion and form 1 linear e&uation" 100 in!rease

    im%lies wrong %ri!e is double the !orre!t %ri!e" i"e

    Ket the rown %airs be N B l C la!# and r C rown

    F r A N l C 2 ) F l A N r* and l C 6 r CI)F A 6 N*r C )60 A 2N*r CI N C2F" .en!e ans is +%tion D"

    Level :Medium

    21. The number of persons who read magazine F only is thrice the number of persons who read

    magazine G. The number of persons who read magazine G only is thrice the number of persons who

    read magazine F. Then, which of the following conclusions can be drawn!

    1. the number of persons who read both the magazines is twice the number of persons who read only

    magazine F.

    -. The total number of persons who read either one magazine or both the magazines is twice thenumber of persons who read both the magazines.

    elect the correct answer using the code given below