cse 332: c++ stl function objects overview of stl function objects function object (also known as a...

CSE 332: C++ STL function objects Overview of STL Function Objects Function Object (also known as a Functor) STL Function Objects support function call syntax E.g., a class that declares and defines operator() E.g., by being a function pointer GoF Command pattern may be applied to classes and structs (user-defined types) Encapsulate a function call as an object Some or all of these can be member variables Target object reference, function to invoke, arguments Generic programming allows diverse types A function pointer (example from Lippman, LaJoie, Moo) bool (*pf) (const string &, const & string) // function pointer bool *pf (const string &, const & string) // function named pf An instance of a class providing operator()

Post on 19-Dec-2015




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Page 1: CSE 332: C++ STL function objects Overview of STL Function Objects Function Object (also known as a Functor) –STL Function Objects support function call

CSE 332: C++ STL function objects

Overview of STL Function Objects• Function Object (also known as a Functor)

– STL Function Objects support function call syntax• E.g., a class that declares and defines operator()• E.g., by being a function pointer

– GoF Command pattern may be applied to classes and structs (user-defined types)

• Encapsulate a function call as an object• Some or all of these can be member variables

– Target object reference, function to invoke, arguments

• Generic programming allows diverse types– A function pointer (example from Lippman, LaJoie, Moo)

bool (*pf) (const string &, const & string) // function pointer

bool *pf (const string &, const & string) // function named pf

– An instance of a class providing operator()

Page 2: CSE 332: C++ STL function objects Overview of STL Function Objects Function Object (also known as a Functor) –STL Function Objects support function call

CSE 332: C++ STL function objects

Function Objects Extend STL Algorithms

• Make the algorithms even more general• Parameterize policy

– E.g., the order produced by a sorting algorithm

• Each functor does a single, specific operation– Often implemented as small classes or structs– Often has only one public member function, operator()

• Functors may also have member variables– Arguments not stored may be supplied at point of call– Member variables can parameterize the operation– E.g., the value k for a +k functor– E.g., arguments for an invocation on a remote object

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CSE 332: C++ STL function objects

Examples of Function Object Usagestruct GT_magnitude : public

binary_function<double, double, bool> { bool operator() (double x, double y) {

return fabs(y) < fabs(x); }};struct LT_magnitude : public

binary_function<double, double, bool> { bool operator() (double x, double y) {

return fabs(x) < fabs(y); }};

int main (int, char **) {

vector<double> u,v;

for (double d = 0.0;

d < 10.1; d += 1.0){

u.push_back (d);

v.push_back (d);


sort (u.begin(), u.end(),


sort (v.begin(), v.end(),



o (cout, “ ”));

copy (u.begin(), u.end(), o);

copy (v.begin(), v.end(), o);

return 0;


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CSE 332: C++ STL function objects

Function Object Concepts• Basic Function Object Concepts

– Generator– Unary Function– Binary Function

• Adaptable Function Objects (turn functions into functors)– Adaptable Generator– Adaptable Unary Function– Adaptable Binary Function

• Predicates (return a boolean result)– Predicate– Binary Predicate– Adaptable Predicate– Adaptable Binary Predicate– Strict Weak Ordering

• Specialized Concepts– Random Number Generator– Hash Function

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CSE 332: C++ STL function objects

Function Object Concept Hierarchy

Adaptable Function Object

Basic Function Object





















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CSE 332: C++ STL function objects

Assignable Concept

• Does not refine any other STL concept• Valid Expressions

– Copy ConstructorX(x); X x(y); X x = y;

– Assignmentx = y;

• Models of Assignable– Almost every non-const C++ built-in type– Here, all Basic Function Object concepts

• Generator, Unary Function, Binary Function• And the concepts that specialize them

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CSE 332: C++ STL function objects

Generator Concept

• Refines Assignable• Abstracts 0-ary functions (take no arguments)• Valid Expressions

– Function call signature with no arguments f()

• Semantics– Returns some value of type Result– Different invocations may return different values

• Or, can represent a constant as a 0-ary functor

– Invocation may change the function object’s internal state• So, operator() need not be a const member function

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CSE 332: C++ STL function objects

Generator Example

• Goal: fill a vector with random numbers• Generic generate algorithm

– Fills in a range given in its 1st and 2nd arguments– applies Generator Concept to its 3rd argument

• Here, the functor is simply a function pointer– To the C library’s (0-ary) rand() function

vector<int> v(100); generate(v.begin(), v.end(), rand);

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Unary Function• Also a refinement of Assignable• Valid Expression

– Function call signature with one argument f(x)

– Semantics• May ignore or use single argument• Similar return, const semantics to generator

• Example - Unary Sine Functor

struct sine : public unary_function<double,double> {

double operator()(double x) const {

return sin(x); }


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CSE 332: C++ STL function objects

Binary Function

• Also a refinement of Assignable• Valid Expression

– Function call signature with two argumentsf(x,y)

– Semantics• May use or ignore either or both of its arguments• Similar const and return semantics to Unary Function

• Example - Exponentiation Functor

struct exponentiate : public binary_function<double,double,double> {

double operator()(double x, double y) const {

return pow(x,y); }


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CSE 332: C++ STL function objects

Adaptable Function Objects• Allow functors to be used with Function Object Adaptors• Associated types – of argument(s), and especially return value• How to access these associated types ?

– Define Adaptable Function Object Concepts • Adaptable Generator

F1::result_type• Adaptable Unary Function

F2::argument_type F2::result_type• Adaptable Binary Function

F3::first_argument_type F3::second_argument_type F3::result_type

• Models– Functions like Result(*f)(Arg) are not models of these concepts– Helper adapters make Adaptable Function Objects from these functions– For example ptr_fun(f) is a model of Adaptable Unary Function

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CSE 332: C++ STL function objects

Adaptable Function Object Example• Each value in v2 will be 3.0 larger than the

corresponding element in v1const int N = 1000;

vector<double> v1(N); vector<double> v2(N);

// random valuesgenerate(v1.begin(), v1.end(), rand);

transform(v1.begin(), v1.end(), v2.begin(), bind1st(plus<double>(), 3.0));

Adaptable Function Object

Function Object Adapter (we’ll cover these in a bit)

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CSE 332: C++ STL function objects

Predicate Concepts• Predicate

– Refinement of Unary Function– Return type must be convertible to bool

• Adaptable Predicate– Refinement of Predicate, Adaptable Unary Function– Adds typedefs for argument, return types

• Binary Predicate– Refinement of Binary Function– Return type again must be convertible to bool

• Adaptable Binary Predicate– Refinement of Binary Predicate, Adaptable Binary Function – Adds typedefs for the 2 arguments, return types

• Strict Weak Ordering– Refinement of Binary Predicate (for comparison operations)– Similar semantics to operator< but with type constraints

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CSE 332: C++ STL function objects

Random Number Generator

• Refinement of Unary Function– Unfortunately name is similar to Generator (0-ary)

• Valid Expression– Function call

f(N), where N is a positive integer

• Semantics– Returns some value of type Result– Different invocations may return different values– Normal pseudo-random distribution

• If function f is called many times with the same argument N then• Each value in range [0,N) will appear ~ equal number of times

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Hash Function

• Refinement of Unary Function– Return type must be size_t

• Valid Expression– Function call


• Semantics– Map from argument to a size_t result– Equivalent arguments must yield same result– Used by Hashed Associative Containers

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CSE 332: C++ STL function objects

Function Object Adaptors

• Adaptors transform one interface to another– I.e., they implement the Adapter pattern

• Function Object Adaptors – Perform function composition and binding– Allows fewer ad hoc function objects– Allows you to build functions as graphs (especially

chains and trees) of other functions

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CSE 332: C++ STL function objects

Composition and Binding with Function Objects• Function Composition

– f and g are both Adaptable Unary Functions– g return type is convertible to f argument type– (f ◦ g)(x) which is f(g(x)) can be written using unary_compose<f,g> or compose1(f,g)

• Function Binding– Adaptable Binary Function to Adaptable Unary Function– Bind first argument using binder1st<BinaryFun>

• Where f is an object of type binder1st<F>• f(x) F(c,x) where c is constant

– Bind second argument using binder2nd<BinaryFun>• Where f is an object of type binder2nd<F>• f(x) F(x,c) where c is constant

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vector<double> angles; // ... push in some radian values ...vector<double> sines;const double pi = 3.14159265358979323846; transform(angles.begin(), angles.end(), sines.begin(),

compose1(negate<double>(), compose1(ptr_fun(sin),

bind2nd(multiplies<double>(), pi / 180.0))));

• Calculate negative of sine of angles in degrees• Performed as a sequence of three operations

– Conversion of degrees to radians – Calculation of sine– Negation

Example of Function Composition

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• Carry out operations in some specified order

template <class R, class List> class Chain {

Fun2& operator()(const Fun1<R, List>& fun1, const Fun2<R, List>& fun2)

{ fun1(); return fun2();


Example of Explicit Call Chains

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CSE 332: C++ STL function objects

Member Function Adaptors

• Allows use of member functions as Function Objects• Similar adaptors available for non-member functions• Take an X* or X& argument and call one of the X

object’s member functions through that argument• If the member function is virtual, call is polymorphic• Three variations

– Argument type X* vs. X&– Member Function takes zero vs. one argument– Encapsulates non-const vs. const member function

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Member Function Adaptor Example

struct B { virtual void print() = 0; };

struct D1 : public B { void print() { cout << "I'm a D1" << endl; } };

struct D2 : public B { void print() { cout << "I'm a D2" << endl; } };

int main(int, char **) { vector<B*> v; v.push_back(new D1); v.push_back(new D2);

v.push_back(new D2); v.push_back(new D1); for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), mem_fun(& B::print));return 0;


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Concluding Remarks

• Passing parameters to Functors– Can do by value or by reference– Same kinds of aliasing issues, etc. as with any other object

• Watch performance with many small function objects– Watch out especially for creation, destruction overhead– May want to inline functors constructors, destructors– Put function objects on stack instead of heap

• Function objects are a powerful, general mechanism– Reduces programming complexity, increases reuse– Several new uses of generic programming– Could go farther with parameterization than just algorithms

• Use functors to make smarter iterators and containers