csf aug month's newsletter


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We are delighted to share “Speakers Digest” - August edition newsletter of Chennai Speakers Forum.


Dear Readers,


Could you unlock the above code ? Not to worry…even we couldn’t!

But in this edition of the newsletter, we bring to you a Code that binds us all together…a Code that we Toastmasters dream to completely uncode one day…we bring to you The Orator’s Code!

The theme of this newsletter is devoted to Public

Speaking and its various aspects. Public Speaking

– that one art that brings a sparkle to the

eyes of every Toastmaster! So here’s hoping that

this edition gets you immersed in the magic

of Oration! Happy reading, Happy Toastmastering! :)


Editorial Team




From The President’s Desk......................................................................... 3

The month that was ................................................................................... 4

2012 World champion of public speaking .................................................. 6

Conquer anxiety of public speaking ........................................................... 8

Public speaking at interviews ................................................................... 11

ABCD of a team........................................................................................ 13

Speaker’s talk ........................................................................................... 15

How should I vanish = Die ........................................................................ 17

The stage ................................................................................................. 18

Wanna be a great public speaker? ........................................................... 20

The beginning of my second life .............................................................. 22

Did you know? ......................................................................................... 25

Results of a survey on public speaking ..................................................... 26




I always deem it a great pleasure and privilege to reach you all through this column. It is almost two months since the new term has begun. In CSF, so far we have witnessed a lot of milestone speeches and quality meetings. The recently organized mega event, Olympics 2012, where more than 10000 athletes participated in the event was a grand success. We witnessed many new Olympians winning medals. Mixed emotions were seen all around as few were calm and composed, few were excited and the rest shed tears and celebrated the joy of victory. Initially, I had thought that the winners were determined by the three medals, viz. Gold, Silver and bronze until a day when I saw even the non-medal holders happy and satisfied. It was then I realized that, there is an invisible medal which is given to all, not only for winners but for every single participant - The precious medal “Experience” and this invisible medal determines the actual winner. The purpose of any competition is not to pick the best but to bring out the best in everyone. In any competition, there is always a huge scope to learn and the winner will be the person who can learn best out of the experience gained. A Winner is not a person who can outperform everyone but is the one who outperforms himself every time he competes.

We are all lucky enough that Toastmasters provides a wonderful platform for the members to experience and experiment their public speaking skills. Practice makes one perfect but when it comes to public speaking, along with practice it is the on-stage experience that makes one perfect.

As Franklin P. Jones says “Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again.”

I wish you all success and definitely this newsletter will add value to every public speaker. Godspeed!




Responses from toastmasters for previous edition of “Speakers Digest”…

Editorial team for previous month: TM Pranav, TM Priyadharshini.

Great work team! The newsletter looks very professional. We all can see how much effort has been put for this newsletter. I have already started forwarding the newsletter to my friends/ colleagues. Looking forward to many such newsletters. Way to go! Regards, TM Pravin” “One of the best CSF newsletters till date! Great job, with educative quotes in each page!! Pictures add to the reading pleasure! Great going CSF! Thanks and Regards, DTM Aditya Maheswaran” “Dear Editorial Team, Congratulations on producing a brilliant newsletter! What I liked best was that so many members have contributed write-ups about varied topics - v.enjoyable read! Especially liked the article on TMI Facts... Special mention about the layout - neat & professional. Plus the quotes on every page made it even better! :)




Thanks guys, for giving us such a good edition of the Speakers Digest! *applaud* Regards, TM Arna”

“Hi Kiran/ Pranav/ Priya That was an incredible job from your side and I really do appreciate you all for your platinum efforts being transformed into a golden book of CSF. All the articles in it are like precious stones giving a lot of brightness and insight of TM as an organisation and CSF's motive. Ultimately an entertaining; well presented magazine. Thanks, TM Ram” “Dear Kiran, Congratulations to you and editor inchargePranav&Priyadarshini.. Contents of the newsletter was both information and educative. :) Teasers and interview section was one of its kind.. You guys are setting the bar very high..by far CSF is the most innovative club i have come across.. Keep up the good work team :) Regards, TM Rajesh”



Rising above 30,000 participants, 25-year-old Ryan Avery is youngest ever to win

world's largest speech contest.

With a speech titled "Trust is a Must," Ryan Avery, a Toastmaster from Portland, Oregon, won the Toastmasters 2012 World Championship of Public Speaking. At age 25, he is the youngest World Champion of Public Speaking in the history of the contest. Along with eight other finalists, Avery reached the championship finals after several eliminating rounds that began six months ago with 30,000 participants from 116 countries.

In a seven-minute speech about the importance of keeping one's promises, Avery won the judges' vote and audience's heart. "A promise is only as good as the person who gives it," he said, sharing lessons learned the hard way. His humorous yet poignant speech resonated with an international audience of nearly 1,500 who attended the contest during the Toastmasters International Convention in Orlando, Florida, Aug. 15-18.

“It took lots of practice to get to this point!" says Avery. "In my bedroom I have a sign that says, 'What would Michael Phelps do?' If he could get up early to practice every day, so could I. I also have lots of mentors, and my wife was incredibly supportive. The process has helped me grow as a person and realize that Toastmasters is an amazingly supportive organization."

A member of the Portland Toastmasters club, Avery joined Toastmasters a year and half ago to improve his chances of promotion at his job with the Special Olympics. Three weeks ago, he received that promotion, becoming its Director of Communications and Marketing.




Avery competed in hundreds of Toastmasters speech contests before reaching his goal of earning the title of World Champion of Public Speaking. His advice to others:

"Don't just give a speech, find a message that matters to you and deliver it with passion."

Speakers delivered five- to seven-minute speeches on wide-ranging topics, and were judged on content, organization and delivery.

Second- and third-place winners in the Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking were Palaniappa Subramaniam of Penang, Malaysia, with his speech, "Finding the Right Shoes," and Stuart Pink of Attleboro, Massachusetts, with his speech "Brain Lifting."




If speaking before an audience causes you anxiety, these simple steps will help you

feel more at ease.

If you want to scare people, just tell them that they have to speak in front of an audience.

Public speaking ranks as our No. 1 fear, even outranking the fear of death, says Peter

Desberg, PhD, Professor of Psychology at California State University, Dominguez Hills

in Carson, Calif., and author of Speaking Scared, Sounding Good: Public Speaking for the

Private Person.

Fear of public speaking is considered a phobia, which is an anxiety disorder. People

who have phobias experience irrational fears and avoid their phobia — in this case,

public speaking — at all costs. Some people have so much anxiety about speaking in

front of an audience that they turn down promotions and ruin their careers, Desberg


But you don’t need anxiety problems to be nervous about public speaking. It’s something

nearly everyone experiences, but you can calm your nerves.

Anxiety Problems: Why We Fear Public Speaking

The fear response is designed to keep us alive, Desberg says. When faced with a serious

threat, the heart pumps blood to the extremities and breathing quickens to ensure a

quick getaway. “

Conquer Anxiety Over Public Speaking



And once your body reacts, your mind starts to believe that you really are in danger. So

when you feel anxiety about speaking in front of an audience, fear can take over body

and mind. The more important the group is to you, the worse the reaction can be,

Desberg adds. For example, the conductor of the Los Angeles Master Chorale once told

Desberg that he was cool as a cucumber when performing for the pope and 5,000

people in St. Peter’s Square in Rome. But a month later he was shaking like a leaf before

performing at a convention of choral conductors. The difference? Other conductors

would know if he made a minor mistake that others may not notice, Desberg says.

“Actually, you can kind of predict how much stage fright you’ll experience in any

situation,” Desberg says. “It’s based on two variables: How well you think you’re going to

do over how important the consequences of doing well are.”

Another problem: We’re wired to perform only one complex cognitive task at a time, so

once we’re distracted by fear it’s hard to think about anything else.

Anxiety Problems: How to Calm Those Nerves

Prescription drugs can calm you before making a presentation, but Desberg would

rather see people learn to enjoy what they do without the aid of drugs. These anxiety

exercises can help:

First, be prepared. It’s the most important thing you can do to calm your nerves. If

you think you’re going to do well, you’re more likely to get through the presentation

without letting fear get the best of you.

Practice from start to finish. Don’t allow yourself to start over when you make a

mistake, because you won’t be able to do that during your presentation. “It gets you

used to thinking, ‘I’ve got to get over this”.

Record yourself. Making a video or audio recording of yourself giving the speech and

then watching it will help you see where you’re slowing down and groping for

words, and which areas you still need to work on.



Simulate the event. Practice giving your speech in as close to the performance

conditions as possible. That means wearing your presentation clothes, practicing in

the same room or a similar-sized room if possible, using a microphone if you’ll use

one during the presentation, and having an audience. Something like choosing an

uncomfortable pair of shoes or realizing at the last minute that you’re going to have

to project your voice when you haven’t practiced in that situation can throw you off

and cause anxiety problems, which is why doing a trial run is so important.

Use relaxation techniques. The best way to calm yourself when your heart is racing

is to slow down and breathe. Desberg recommends taking a breath after every

sentence and exhaling as you say the next sentence.

Know that your anxiety isn’t that transparent. For an experiment, Desberg had

college students give a short presentation on the first day of class. He recorded it and

asked them how they felt giving the speech. As expected, they were very nervous.

But when they watched the recording later on, they were surprised to see that much

of their nervousness wasn’t obvious to the audience.

Two pieces of advice: Don’t bring attention to your anxiety by holding a piece of

paper in your shaking hands, and never apologize for being nervous. When you do

that, people will actively look for signs of anxiety.

Hang in there. Research shows that anxiety peaks just before you’re about to speak

and during the first two minutes of the presentation. Knowing that the symptoms

will soon subside may help you get through the most difficult part of your talk.

The worst thing you can do? Avoid public speaking altogether. The only way to get rid of

your anxiety problems over public speaking is to face the situation head-on.




General saying ''Public speaking is an

inborn skill of human kind''. But it is toastmasters of each, that invokes it. When I

joined Chennai Speakers Forum, I closely watched proceedings of every meet and found

very much similar to an interview process.

Scene - At an Interview Hall

That was the first (of course the last one I attended) interview in my

lifetime at my college BIT for the company *** - My first Toastmasters journey started

with CSF (The power of 3)

Like every candidate I was nervous, but still something pushed me telling 'You can win!!' - A situation for every toastmaster before delivering his speech.

Prepared segment:

The interviewer asked me to perform self introduction - The Icebreaker

moment of every interview. After which as a part of Technical Interview, I have been asked questions related to my known subjects which I would categorize under prepared speech segment, where you would have practised earlier on what to deliver for the questions.





Table Topics (TT):

Unknown questions of every interview categorized under table topics. Within a less responsive time you would be required to answer those, for which we use the technique used in Table topics segment. You either agree or disagree to the question, else take a known word from that question and give a convincing talk about that.

HR round as a Table Topic:

The significant segment of every interview is entirely considered as a TT session. Here the HR person dons the table topic master and shoots the common topics 'Why this company'; 'Being a core engineer, why choose software Industry' and ultimate topic 'Salary Package'. We must perform every topic with utmost care; with a very short response time, we need to convince them.

Evaluation Segment:

The ultimate part of an interview; I would consider the interviewers donning the evaluators role, carefully analyze the performance of every interviewee as a Prepared Speaker and Table topic speaker. At last the best is inducted into the company. From my Interview I would strongly suggest my interviewers to attend DTM Saro's workshop on 'How to Evaluate' for the betterment of their career as well as my company.

Last but not least, Do join and practise at toastmasters for a best shot at


*As per company's policy name should not be revealed.




A – Aim

“Without any goal, success is impossible, period.”

The team as a whole should have an Aim. Without knowing the destination, you can’t successfully travel towards it. Clear goals set well ahead of time, helps the team to focus on it greatly. Every time you think about your goal, you tend to work towards it.

Consider an example of a sports team. The coach and the captain iterate the goal of the team. This pushes the team members forward and they begin to strive towards the goal. Let it be clinching the District Tournament or a World Series, the Aim of each and every Team may differ but a specific goal should be there and it is the responsibility of the Leader to ensure the same.

B – Bonding

“Make sure that your team members know they are working with you, not for you.”

Bonding with team-mates is very important for every team. The Leader should ensure that the members of the team consider him as more of a friend than as their master. This can bring in wonderful results and your team can be as hard and tough as a Diamond. Ego and other problems between the members can act as a hurdle and stop the whole team from moving forward. But good relations with members can boost up the results of a team.




You know why the diamond can be cut only with another diamond? It is because of the very strong bond existing between the atoms. It takes the same kind of bonding from another diamond to cut it. In a similar way if the bonding among the team members is good, it takes a team with the same kind of bonding to defeat the same.

C – Compliment

“A compliment is something like a kiss through a veil.”

A good leader should always compliment his team mates when someone achieves something. It makes the member feel happy and in turn drives him to achieve more, next time. The happiness that one gets from being openly complimented in public for something he has done, is limitless.

Consider an event that has been conducted successfully. When someone of a higher stature congratulates the leader on the smooth conduction of the event, he feels happy and in turn congratulates his teammates for helping. This multiplies the smiles spread around. Complimenting is the art of recognizing the hard work that has been put into something.

D – Dedication

“What makes a good team? Complete dedication from all its members.”

Every team needs complete dedication from its members to be successful and achieve the goal. Disciplined and dedicated members are the pillars of strength for a team as a whole. People without dedication hamper the growth of the team.

Consider the final of the sports tournament going on and the teams are competing neck to neck. Both teams are equal in strength. But, what decides the winner finally? It is those acts of dedication to the team like a flying dive to take a catch, sliding along to stop a boundary. Those acts make a big difference in the end result. These are just some of the elements that contribute towards a successful team. There are also numerous other elements and qualities that drives a team forward directly or indirectly towards their goal. With these elements learnt, the members of a team can surely think of TEAM as “Together Everyone Achieves More”.




He has always been looked up to as a highly spontaneous speaker. People say that he has

got within him the rare ingredient of Speaker’s Magic. He loves the stage, and the stage loves him… He is credited for being a major contributor to the success of CSF’s recent

Contests… Yes, you got that right , our interviewee for this edition is TM Sriram Sundar Rajan! In this segment, we come face-to-face with Sriram, the Public

Speaker! Excerpts of the interview-

What fascinates you about this world of PS ?

I have always loved giving performances, be it on stage or anywhere else. I never liked doing anything the normal way! I had always noticed when I was younger that the stage is the best place to deliver a performance and make the audience sit up, or sometimes even stand up straight to look at you perform!! And that was when this magic of Public Speaking became a fascination.

When did you find out that PS is your cup of tea ?

I was in 11th grade when I was chosen to give a speech during republic day… I had to deliver a speech on patriotism… And that speech, I would say, was the starting point of my journey as a Public Speaker.

Why TM ?

I saw an internal e-mail at TCS about TM, and I was sold on the idea even before the movement sold their idea to me! The whole concept of TM seemed novel & I finally got the platform I needed!

All about Speakers USP

I think every speaker has his/her own USP. A USP which is his biggest strength. It takes a long time for Talent to turn into Strength, and a speaker should leverage his strength, and work on it to polish it to the maximum. That’s when it becomes his USP!




The one core ingredient that brings out Speaker’s Magic –

It comes from the very factor to give it all whenever you’re on stage. The tools of humor, persuasion or motivation are always available – but that very want to be on stage and to go back on again – brings out that passion which in turn moulds out into Speaker’s Magic.

Your inspirations in this field –

I’ve heard many speeches of Hitler, and even though I don’t understand the language, I get that rush of persuasion to want to do what he wants us to. So as a public speaker, he has impacted me.

Among our Toastmasters, our Division G Governor TM Kartik Srinivasan truly inspires me because he always gets his message across to the audience, and that’s what’s most important!

What according to you is the technique to get rid of this fear of PS ?

I think the fear of PS rises when you hallucinate about how their performance will turn out. That stage consciousness is the root cause of the fear. I spend most of my time preparing myself to be on stage, and when I’m on stage I just deliver, not thinking about the consequences. Whenever a performance is done, I only think about when I’m gonna get back on again! This, for me, works my fear out, and my performance in!

Your message to aspiring speakers –

To all those who are still reading this interview, congratulations! :D Well my message to aspiring speakers would be to hold on that aspiration consistently. Toastmasters gives you the best platform you can ask for, but the motivation to be the Public Speaker you dream to be has to come from within. So just keep yourself motivated, just love the stage, and just keep going back on – and with that passion, one day, you will be the one giving this interview! :)

- Interviewed by TM ARNA CHUGANI



Can I choose my birth or death or my birth circumstances [I must be born in

Switzerland]? Man is yet to conquer these areas. Nonetheless, I can choose to live the way I want to fill the space of my life – that is from my birth to my death.

This brings in the distinction between living and leading a life. Living is like doing a duty, which is mechanical. Leading a life is like doing a work. Work is enjoying while executing. When I choose to lead my life, I fill the space, fulfill the space with ace, pace and grace.

Life revolves around three dimensions: personal, professional and social. I believe I am leading a great personal life. Obviously when I vanish from this world all my kith & kin shall cry because of the pangs of detachment. My professional acquaintance too shall feel my absence and shall shed verbal tears.

My social acquaintances like Milt, Toastmasters, Freemasonry, Landmark Forum, and Ramakrishna Math may obituarize and convey their feelings because of the sudden detachment. All these are conventions.

I am more an intellect-driven than emotion-driven person. When KARNA in Mahabharatha was dying, Goddess Dharma cried of sorrow & grief. Likewise, the God of Intellect shall cry because this world has lost an intellectual brilliance.

No sooner does the Intellect God cry than the entire sky shall burst out with a downpour of tears soaking the space, mourning and the mourners.

Next morning this walking funeral becomes a talking funeral.





The stage is where you will be heard. The stage is where you will be recognized. The

stage is where you drive, inspire, motivate people. The stage is where you drive home a strong message. The stage is where you become a leader. The stage is where every Toastmaster yearns to be. The stage is the ultimate destination for every Toastmaster.

Here I am going to relive my first experience on stage after an exhilarating one month at Toastmasters. One lazy Sunday I got up cursing my own decision to turn up at Toastmasters that morning. I am sure that was and will be the last time I regretted getting up early on a Sunday morning. I got the sense of belonging from the moment I stepped in as a guest. Thanks to TM Kiran, a good friend from schooldays in showing the right path. Everyone made sure I felt at home. Thank you is such an ordinary word and I hope to express the depth of my gratitude and the warmth of my appreciation for everything you Toastmasters do and say.I stepped in to the meet with no real conviction. Half an hour in to the meet that Sunday I decided to join. I left the meeting a different person with a more positive outlook and the infectious aura that filled me lasted the whole week making me look forward to every Sunday! I heard fellow Toastmasters say “It is not only about public speaking and leadership” yes, I made friends. I shall devote a separate article for the “friends” though I would not do justice nor define the word in entirety by doing so.I realized what a stage can do to you when I was called upon to deliver a table topic. I could hear my heart pounding louder than the words coming outing, an adrenaline rush. The simple words that could come out in any casual conversation were lost in a pool of consciousness in front of the audience. I always had more to say on the topic after I came back to my seat down from the stage.




“Ignorance is bliss” an infamous quote proved to be right when I registered myself for

Humorous speech and evaluation contest. Thanks to TM Pravin for constantly motivating

me to participate but not giving out anything about the contest nor did I bother to ask

him before registering. All he said was “It would be fun macha” and I trusted him blindly.

Two days to go for the contest, I was rushing to my mentor TM Arna’s place with a

haphazard script. Those were the two days in which I realized how a mentor can

transform and infuse much needed confidence in you. It showed me that “mentoring is

the heart of Toastmasters”.

Starting from structuring the script to delivery there was so much work to be done and I

was confident with my mentor having two whole days dedicated for preparation. We

started editing the script. It was coming out so well until it was time for me to deliver.

Half way through rehearsals I had the feeling that I had jumped in without knowing what it takes to deliver a speech. The magnitude of the whole scenario struck me like a tsunami and I was washed away breathless. This is where a mentor stands by you as a pillar of strength. I really don’t want to think how the speech would have turned out without my mentor around.

Contest day, It was like a carnival. Toastmasters with their bright faces and brilliant smiles on turned out to celebrate. It was a rousing reception for the contest. I saw the determination in every participant to give their best. What makes Toastmasters such a grand success?? Each one supports, guides, nurtures the other to give out the best and takes immense joy, satisfaction in seeing that happen. This attitude rubs off on anyone who steps in to Toastmasters. It took the centre stage on contest day. It lifts the fear of you and instills confidence. That is what it did to me. At the end it left me wanting for another contest!!

I couldn’t have asked for a better start to my Toastmasters journey. The Stage is set. I’m

looking forward to Sundays. Thank you EVERYONE!! :)




Here are my observations about the great public speakers

They all have a profession or they create one. Say confidence coach, Motivational Guru, Management psychologist etc.

They all had spent considerable amount of years to study a subject in which they are interested. For example listen to TED speakers, you can weigh the amount of expertness they have while delivering their speech and

They have a unique content. Say for Robin Sharma its “Leader without any Title”, for Shiv Khera-winners don’t do different things, they do things differently”

Speaking is one of the medium not the only medium for them to deliver their research or study. They would have published books, research papers or maintaining a blog etc. it adds more credibility and visibility to them.

I believe the above qualities make them great speakers. Because “A great speech answers a great need”, all great speakers so far in the world had answered or have been answering a great need of the human race or for this universe as a whole out of their contemplation, research and study.





Therefore think and speak to yourself ( may be in bathroom) what is your interest, how would you like to name your profession , in which subject you are willing to do research or want to have an expert knowledge and what is going to be your unique message.

“Inside every public speaker there is a private speaker who has answers to the above questions”

So be a private speaker before you wanna be a public speaker.

And remember

“If you observe nature at work, you will marvel at the intelligence contained within it.

Fish don’t try & swim, they just swim

Flowers don’t try & bloom, they just bloom

Birds don’t try to fly, they just fly,

Great speakers, don’t try & speak, they just speak”.

Just written by


Copyright: The above content is original except the last given “Just speak” quote which is

taken from internet, so reproducing the above article or the original quotes in any form

without author’s name or permission is strongly prohibited.



I am narrating this incident just as it happened

I wouldn’t wish to think about that day, that incident and the subsequent happenings that evening after returning home. But, my second life began from that ill fated day. It was on the third weekend of October 2006. A cloudy day, the sky getting darkener with heavy drizzle but that didn’t affect my plan of attending Chennai Toastmasters Club meeting. I left home around 2pm with the club’s treasure (Timing Device, Gavel, Banner, Ribbons and Club Recognition Awards) as I was holding the post of Sergeant At Arms for the second consecutive term. On that day, there was none at the bus stop. I boarded bus number 27L close to 2.30pm on my watch. Normally, I don’t get a seat to sit and commute, but that evening I was lucky enough to get one. All that I could remember is the bus conductor giving me the ticket to Ethiraj Salai, Egmore from Anna Nagar. I went blank after that and finally got back to full consciousness at Anna Square Depot.

Thanks to my co-passengers and extended thanks to the Gentlemen seated next to me for having kept me awake by repeated slapping me. I could hear people shouting, “Sprinkle water on his face, wipe the blood flowing from his forehead, many such directions and all these just for only reason and that being to bring me back to full consciousness. Finally, I got back to my full senses after reaching the Depot. My mind was very disturbed, I forgot everything and I didn’t know where I was, just then, that gentlemen gave me a pat and said,

“We gave our best efforts to stop you from badly injuring yourself while being attacked by fits”

“You are okay now but, what a tough time you gave us for the last 1.5hrs.”

“We were shocked, clueless and went into a nervous state of situation. However, you were murmuring the word Postmasters many number of times, if I got it right” – He added.




Just then, I realized that I was getting late for the meeting. It was couple of minutes past 4pm and I immediately thanked the Gentlemen for the help he rendered. But not for him, I don’t know what could’ve been the situation. Definitely would’ve been Pathetic!

I took an auto and rushed to Presidency club, it was 15minutes past 4pm on the clock when I entered the Ruby Hall and to my shock the members and guests were waiting for me to commence the meeting formally. All the members present for that meeting were shell shocked on seeing my condition of appearance for the meeting. Very tired look, blood bleeding from my forehead, lips and with blood stains on my shirt.

I wonder where I got the energy from, I immediately jumped into action by keeping the timing device, banner, gavel, ribbons all in place and got geared up, to open the meeting. Just then, TM Lakshmi (VP – Membership) my good friend, took the script away from me and strictly asked me not to exert myself for the next two hours. The role I was assigned for meeting was given to another member.

At the end of that meeting, my dedication was appreciated by all which made me feel like being placed at Cloud Nine. But, least did I realize that firings are next in line and it started from guests first, followed by the members.

“You might be young, energetic and addicted but such kind of daringness is not encouraged, you have risked your life” – was voiced out by a member. I can never forget that even today.

Back home, my family wasn’t aware of such happening. I was feeling happy as I thought the incident can easily be brushed under the carpet but that idea failed as one of the member got very upset that he called and conveyed the happenings to my family.



Late that evening, after returning home I immediately rushed to my room to change my shirt having blood stains, washed my face just to hide the tired look on my face and projected that I was normal. But, my mom patiently waited for me to settle down and then blasted me severely for hours together till I retired to bed. She woke me up late at night and asked me,

“What really happened?”

“Touch your heart and say, were you tensed? Did you have lack of sleep last night? Be Honest”.

I spilled the beans as I was half asleep.

Wonder what was the reason for the Epilepsy attack (to put it right) and not Fits??

My semester exams were to commence from the following day because of which I was tensed and as my preparation was not even satisfactory, I had to sacrifice my sleep the previous night. In addition to this, my mind was very disturbed all through the day. The effect of which I experienced on that Sunday evening.

Anyhow, I gave my attempt with a let come what may attitude and finally with god’s grace I cleared the semester successfully with a border pass in the aggregate.

A lesson that I learnt from this episode was REST TO MIND IS VERY ESSENTIAL, AFTER ALL EVEN OUR BRAIN IS A MACHINE.





William Henry Harrison is credited for giving the longest speech at an inaugural ceremony. The speech comprising of 8445 words exposed him to cold and wet, killing him a month later through pneumonia.

* 3 out of every 4 people, amounting to 75%, have speech anxiety and this suffering troubles them when they deliver public speeches.

* The shortest Presidential inaugural speech was given by George Washington in 1789. It was 135 words long.

* There is an award for deceptive public speaking!

It’s called the Doublespeak Award. Started in 1974, it is an award for people who have most notably deceived the public over the year. Or, according to the National Council of Teachers of English, it is an “ironic tribute to public speakers who have perpetuated language that is grossly deceptive, evasive, euphemistic, confusing, or self centered.”

There are so many different types of Public Speaking… A few notable types -

Extempore Debate

Storytelling Inspirational

Poetry Formal

Dramatics Tribute

Persuasive Eulogies

Entertaining Toasts

Ceremonial Narrative




What do you think is the most important for public speaking?

A few one -liners from our own Toastmasters about why they chose the above answers -

"I chose Audience connect because no matter how your body language is, no matter what your content is, no matter how much humor you plant in, it is all in vain if it doesn't reach your audience!"

"Without passion to be on stage, you wouldn't want to be on stage! So passion takes the priority!"

"Humor in speeches is like salt in food - without it, the food is just not tasty enough!"











Meets every Sunday

10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Ruby hall,

Presidency club,



PRESIDENT : Pravin Mani

VP-EDUCATION : Vivekanandan B

VP-MEMBERSHIP : Nijil Chandran


SECRETARY : Ramkumar Chandrasekar

TREASURER : Ramesh Karunakaran

SERGEANT AT ARMS : Padmaprabha V


EDITORS : TM Arna Chugani

: TM Padmaprabha V

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