css: cascading style sheets

CSS: CSS: Cascading Style Cascading Style Sheets Sheets

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CSS: Cascading Style Sheets. History. HTML tags were originally designed to define the content of a document. The layout of the document was supposed to be taken care of by the browser, without using any formatting tags. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Cascading Style SheetsCascading Style Sheets

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• HTML tags were originally designed to define the content of

a document.

• The layout of the document was supposed to be taken care

of by the browser, without using any formatting tags.

• As the two major browsers - Netscape and Internet Explorer

continued to add new HTML tags and attributes (ex: <font>

tag, color attribute) to the original HTML specification, it

became more and more difficult to create Web sites where

the content of HTML documents was clearly separated from

the document's presentation layout.

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What are Style SheetsWhat are Style Sheets

• A style sheet is a mechanism that allows to

specify how HTML (/XHTML/XML) pages

should look.

• The style is specified by style rules.

• The style rules appear either in the document or

in external files, called style sheets.

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Style SheetsStyle Sheets

• A file that ends with .css

• Contains a list of style rules for HTML elements

• Case insensitive

• Comments are enclosed in /* */

• Demo:


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Without a style sheet

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Simple ExampleSimple Example


<head><title>A Joke</title></head>


<div><img src="tomato.gif" alt="joke"/></div>

<h1>A joke</h1>

<p>A mama tomato, a papa tomato and a baby tomato are walking

down the street. The baby tomato keeps falling behind so the papa

tomato goes back, steps on the baby tomato and says, ketchup

("Catch-up!"). </p>



The <div> tag defines a

division/section in a document.

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Style File: Style File: joke.cssjoke.css

body {

background-image: url("water.jpg"); }

h1 {

background-color: green;

color: rgb(250, 200, 250); /* pink */

font-family: cursive }

p {

background-color: yellow;

color: purple;

font-size: 200%;}

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Simple Example (with css)Simple Example (with css)


<head><title>A Joke</title>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="joke.css"/>



<div><img src="tomato.gif" alt="joke"></div>

<h1>A joke</h1>

<p>A mama tomato, a papa tomato and a baby tomato are walking

down the street. The baby tomato keeps falling behind so the papa

tomato goes back, steps on the baby tomato and says, ketchup

("Catch-up!"). </p> </body>


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Why do we Need a Style Sheet?Why do we Need a Style Sheet?

• Separates content from format

• In HTML 4.01 styling is very limited

• Consistent appearance over a site

• Allows to easily change style

- In one page

- In a whole site

• Reduces download time (how?)

the same style sheet may

apply to many pages in a

website reduces the

need to send redundant

presentation information

over the network

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Inserting Style to a PageInserting Style to a Page

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How and Where?How and Where?

• The style rules appear either in the document or

in external files, called style sheets

- Inside a document, there are inline styles and

embedded style sheets

- External style sheets are either linked or


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Inline StylesInline Styles

• The style declaration appears as the value of the

attribute style of the element

• Almost every tag can have the style attribute

- Some exceptions: head, html, meta, style and title

• Use this method sparingly, such as when a style

is to be applied to a single occurrence of an


<p style="color: green; font-size: 1.5em; font-style: italic">

This text will be shown in italic green and the size will be 1.5 times the current font size </p>

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<html> <head>

<style type="text/css">

body {color: red; background: skyblue;}

h1 { color: blue }



<body>... </body>


Embedded StyleEmbedded Style

Inside the head element

•Use when a single document has a unique style.

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Link External Style SheetsLink External Style Sheets

<html> <head>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"

href="mystyle.css" />


<body>... </body>


Inside the head element

• Ideal when the style is applied to many pages.

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• The @import rule imports style rules to the beginning of

the style sheet

• The @import rule imports the style rules of another

style sheet

• Several import rules may appear

Imported Style SheetsImported Style Sheets

@import url(general.css);

body { color: red; background:skyblue }

h1 { color: blue }An Example:

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Style SyntaxStyle Syntax

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Style RulesStyle Rulesh1 {

color: purple;

font-family: Impact, Arial Black;

font-size-adjust: .46;

font-size: 2.33em;



text-decoration: none;



text-transform: none; }





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Style Rules (cont)Style Rules (cont)

• A rule has the following form:

selector {property: value}

- Selector: HTML element/tag to define

- Property: attribute to change

- Value: value given to the property

• For example, the following rule applies to text

that is inside a <p> tag

p {color: green; font-size: 1.5em; font-style: italic}

em: the 'font-size' of the relevant font

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What Kind of Properties can a CSS What Kind of Properties can a CSS Style Sheet Change?Style Sheet Change?

• Style properties

• Layout properties

• There are many properties and many possible


- We will not cover all of them here (list, table, border)

- Everything is in the Web !

- A good source: http://www.w3schools.com/css

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Style PropertiesStyle Properties

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Our ExamplesOur Examples

• We use the following HTML example:

This is <span> our example </span> for css.

• The <span> tag is used to group elements for

formatting with styles

- Extremely useful tag...

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Font PropertiesFont Properties

• Font properties: family, size, weight, style,...

span {

font-family: courier;

font-size: 130%;

font-style: italic;

font-weight: bold}

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Text PropertiesText Properties

• Text properties: color, transform, decoration,

word-spacing, text-align, direction, …

span {

color: #00cc00;

text-decoration: line-through;

text-transform: uppercase}

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Background PropertiesBackground Properties

• Background properties: background-color,

background-image, background-repeat, …

span {background-color: #00ff00}

span {background-image: url('bg.gif');}

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Layout PropertiesLayout Properties

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Page LayoutPage Layout

• Each HTML element defines a layer (rectangular

box) that is placed in some location on the page

• Layers are nested with correspondence to the

nesting of their elements

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Inline vs. Block ElementsInline vs. Block Elements

• There are two types of elements:

- Block elements: p, ol, table, div, h1, etc.

- Inline elements: b, i, a, span, etc.

• Layers of block elements are separated from their

adjacent elements (i.e., a new line before and after),

while inline elements are not

• You can turn a block into an inline or block, using the

display property, e.g., h1 { display: inline }

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Positioning ElementsPositioning Elements

• Using CSS, you can define the position of an element

inside its parent layer

• For that, use the properties position, left, right, top and


span {


left: 1cm;

top: 1cm;

color: #00cc00;}

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Relative vs. AbsoluteRelative vs. Absolute

• In CSS, positions (of boxes) and sizes (of fonts and boxes) could be either relative or absolute

• In an “absolute” style

- Font size is fixed

- Sizes and positions of elements are fixed

• In a “relative” style

- you can change the font size

- The sizes and positions of elements may change when the size of the window is changed

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Position TypesPosition Types

• But 1cm left of what??

• For that, we have the position property

• Four position types:

- static: the default position

- relative: relative to the static position

- absolute: relative to the parent layer coordinates

- fixed: relative to the window coordinates

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Position ExamplesPosition Examples

span {


left: 1cm;

top: 1cm;

color: #00cc00;}

Totally Ignored! This is the

default position type

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Position ExamplesPosition Examplesspan {


left: 1cm;

top: 1cm;

color: #00cc00;}

span {


left: 1cm;

top: 1cm;

color: #00cc00;}

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More Layout PropertiesMore Layout Properties

• Layer properties

- margin (-top, -bottom, -left, -right) • Defines the space around elements

- border (-width, -color, -style, … )• Defines the border around an element

- padding (-top, -bottom, -left, -right)• Defines the space between the element border and the element content

• Text Layout

- direction, word-spacing, white-space, letter-spacing, line-

height, text-align, text-indent, …

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Length UnitsLength Units

• CSS has several types of length units:

- em, ex: height of current fonts (relative)

- px, in, cm, mm, pt, pc: international units

- %: ratio of parent’s respective dimension

• A page should remain a proper layout when

windows (and even fonts) resize

- Hence, do not assume anything about default sizes,

always check

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Selector TypesSelector Types

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Several Kinds of SelectorsSeveral Kinds of Selectors

• Type Selectors

• Class Selectors

• ID Selectors

• Attribute Selectors

• Universal Selector

• Descendant Selectors

• Pseudo-Class Selectors

• Pseudo-Element Selectors

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Type SelectorType Selector

• A type selector is the name of an element type

• A type selector matches every instance of the

element typeLI {color: red; font-size: 16px}


<li> An item </li>

<li class="reditem"> Another item </li>


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Class SelectorClass Selector

• A class selector is a selector of the form x.y

• It matches xs that have the class attribute with

value yLI.reditem {color: red}


<li> An item </li>

<li class="reditem"> Another item </li>


.reditem { color: red} will also work!

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ID SelectorsID Selectors

• IDs are identical to classes, except that there can only be

one element with a given ID in a document

LI#23 {color: red}


<li> An item </li>

<li id="23"> Another item </li>


#23 { color: red} will also work!

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Attribute SelectorsAttribute Selectors

• p[attribute]

- matches p when attribute is set to any value

• p[title=intro] or p[title="intro"] (the quotes are optional)

- matches p when its title attribute is set to “intro”

• p[class~=green]

- matches p when the class attribute value includes the

word “green”

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Universal SelectorUniversal Selector

• The universal selector matches every element

• The following rule means that all the text will have a

size of 40px

* {font-size: 40px }

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Descendant SelectorDescendant Selector

• A descendant selector has the form S1 S2 where

S1 and S2 are selectors

• It matches all elements that

- match S2, and

- are descendants (nested in) elements that match S1

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An ExampleAn Example

.reditem em {color: blue}

Matches: This is <em>not blue</em>.


This is <em> blue </em>

<span><i>and so is <em> this </em></i></span>.


What will this match?

p em {color: blue}

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• Pseudo class selectors are similar to class

selectors, but they match states rather than class


- For example, a link can be in the states: visited,

active, mouse-over (“hover”), etc.

- Another example: a text-area can be focused

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Examples of Rules for Examples of Rules for Pseudo-ClassesPseudo-Classes

• A:link {color: blue}

• A:visited {color: purple}

• A:hover {font-size: 1.5em}

• A:active {color: red}

• INPUT:focus {background-color: yellow}

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• The syntax of pseudo-elements:

selector:pseudo-element {property: value}

• CSS classes can also be used with pseudo-


selector.class:pseudo-element {property: value}


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Grouping SelectorsGrouping Selectors

• We can group several declarations by specifying

several selectors, separated by commas

• For example, the following rule applies to all

elements that match either H1, P B, or


P B, H1, H2.largehead {font-size: 120%}

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Adding Style to Inner TextAdding Style to Inner Text

• We want to add style to a fragment of some text

• We need to wrap the text with tags that do not

have a style of their own:

- <SPAN> Some text </SPAN> : does not stop the

text flow

- <DIV> Some text </DIV>: separated from the

other text

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Cascading and Inheritance Cascading and Inheritance

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Cascading of StylesCascading of Styles

• CSS merges style rules from different places

(inline, embedded, linked and defaults)

• Different places may have conflicting style rules

- conflicts may even arise in a single source

• The process of merging (cascading) styles from

different places determines which style rules

have higher priority

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Determining Property ValuesDetermining Property Values

• Suppose that we would like to determine the value of

property p for element e

• Choose all declarations that have a selector that matches

e and have the property p

• Choose the first declaration in the cascading order, and

apply the corresponding rule

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Cascading OrderCascading Order

The cascading order of declarations:

1. Primary sort: weight and origin

2. Secondary sort: class

3. Third sort: specificity of selectors

4. Final sort: order of appearance

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Weight and OriginWeight and Origin

A style defined “closer” to a tag takes precedence:

• Author style sheets override user style sheets

• User style sheets override default (browser) style

sheets http://www.squarefree.com/userstyles/user-style-sheets.html

• !important declaration overrides normal declaration- body { color: black !important; background: white !important;}

• If both author and user declarations have !important,

the author declarations still override the user


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Example (sort by class)Example (sort by class)

• Consider the two rules

- P {…}

- .introductory {…}

• If an element matches both, then the second rule

has a higher specificity and overrides the first

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An Example (specificity of selectors)An Example (specificity of selectors)

• Consider the following rules:

- li {…}

- #34 {…}

- ul ol li.red {…}

• Which is the most specific?

…there can only be one element with a given ID in a document

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Order of AppearanceOrder of Appearance

• If two rules have the same origin importance and

specificity, then the one that appears last in the

style sheet overrides the others

• Rules in imported style sheets (@import) are

considered to appear before local rules

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Inheritance of PropertiesInheritance of Properties

• If an element does not match any rule for some

given property, then the element inherits the

computed value for that property from its parent


• For example, color, font and word-spacing are


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An Example (1)An Example (1)

• Given the rules:

- body { font-size: 10pt }

- h1 { font-size: 120% }

• What will be the font size of the <em> element?


<h1>A <em>large</em> heading</h1>


Computed Value: 12pt

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An Example (2)An Example (2)

• Given the rules:

- body { font-size: 10pt; color=red; }

- h1 { font-size: 120% }

• What will be the font color of the <h1> element?


<h1>A red heading ? </h1>


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Inheritance of PropertiesInheritance of Properties

• If some properties have been set for the same

selector in different style sheets, the values will

be inherited from the more specific style sheet. 


Result (properties for h3 in the document): color :redtext-align : rightfont_size:20 pt

external: H3 { color : red;

text-align : left;font-size : 8 pt; }

internal: H3 {

text-align : right;font-size : 20 pt; }

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The End!The End!• These slides are based on those developed for the

course: http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/~dbi

• More information about CSS can be found at:




• Colors: very useful for styling!


