current affairs questions 21st jan. 2020 · 7 according to ‘world gold outlook 2020’ released...

Current Affairs Questions 21st Jan. 2020

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Page 1: Current Affairs Questions 21st Jan. 2020 · 7 According to ‘World Gold Outlook 2020’ released by World Gold Council (WGC), India has become the sixth largest buyer when it purchased

Current Affairs Questions

21st Jan. 2020

Page 2: Current Affairs Questions 21st Jan. 2020 · 7 According to ‘World Gold Outlook 2020’ released by World Gold Council (WGC), India has become the sixth largest buyer when it purchased

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Bhunesh Sir Current Affairs

Page 3: Current Affairs Questions 21st Jan. 2020 · 7 According to ‘World Gold Outlook 2020’ released by World Gold Council (WGC), India has become the sixth largest buyer when it purchased
Page 4: Current Affairs Questions 21st Jan. 2020 · 7 According to ‘World Gold Outlook 2020’ released by World Gold Council (WGC), India has become the sixth largest buyer when it purchased

Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad

inaugurated ‘Centre of Excellence

in Blockchain Technology’ in


A. Gwalior

B. Indore

C. Bengaluru

D. Kochi

श्री रविशंकर प्रसाद ने _______ में

'ब्लॉकचैन प्रौद्योविकी में उतृ्कष्टता कें द्र'

का उद्घाटन वकया।


B. इंदौर

C. बेंििुरु


Question of the day

Page 5: Current Affairs Questions 21st Jan. 2020 · 7 According to ‘World Gold Outlook 2020’ released by World Gold Council (WGC), India has become the sixth largest buyer when it purchased

● National Informatics Centre (NIC) has set up the Centre of Excellence (CoE) in

Blockchain Technology in Bengaluru, Karnataka.

● It aims to provide Blockchain as a service and allowing all stakeholders to benefit

from shared learning, experiences and resources.

● राष्ट्र ीय सूचना विज्ञान कें द्र (NIC) ने बेंगलुरु, कनााटक में ब्लॉकचेन टेक्नोललॉीी में सेंटर ऑफ

एक्सीलेंस (CoE) की स्थापना की है।

● इसका उदे्दश्य ब्लॉकचेन कल एक सेिा के रूप में प्रदान करना है और सभी वहतधारकलों कल साझा

विक्षण, अनुभिलों और सोंसाधनलों से लाभान्वित करने की अनुमवत देना है।

Page 6: Current Affairs Questions 21st Jan. 2020 · 7 According to ‘World Gold Outlook 2020’ released by World Gold Council (WGC), India has become the sixth largest buyer when it purchased

According to “World Gold Outlook

2020”, RBI Ranks ______ among

central banks in buying gold

abroad in 2019?

A. 2nd

B. 6th

C. 8th

D. 11th

“िर्ल्ड िोर्ल्आउटिुक 2020” के

अनुसार, RBI 2019 में विदेश में सोना

खरीदने के विए कें द्रीय बैंको ं में ______

स्थान पर रैंक करता है?

A. दुसरे




Page 7: Current Affairs Questions 21st Jan. 2020 · 7 According to ‘World Gold Outlook 2020’ released by World Gold Council (WGC), India has become the sixth largest buyer when it purchased


● According to ‘World Gold Outlook 2020’ released by World Gold Council (WGC), India has become the sixth largest buyer when it purchased 25.2 tonnes of gold in first 10 months of 2019.

● The RBI holds 625.2 tonnes of gold, forming 6.6 per cent of its forex reserves.● िर्ल्ा गलर्ल्काउों वसल (डबू्ल्यीीसी) द्वारा ीारी ‘िर्ल्ा गलर्ल्आउटलुक 2020’ के अनुसार, भारत 2019 केपहले 10 महीनलों में 25.2 टन सलना खरीदने िाला छठा सबसे बडा खरीदार बन गया है।

● आरबीआई के पास 625.2 टन सलना है, ील उसके विदेिी मुद्रा भोंडार का 6.6 प्रवतित है।

Page 8: Current Affairs Questions 21st Jan. 2020 · 7 According to ‘World Gold Outlook 2020’ released by World Gold Council (WGC), India has become the sixth largest buyer when it purchased

For first time, Which of the

following country will count Sikhs

as separate ethnic group in its


A. Australia


C. France

D. New Zealand

पहिी बार, वनम्न में से कौन सा देश वसखों

को अपनी जनिणना में अिि जातीय

समूह के रूप में विनेिा?




D. नू्यजीिैंड

Page 9: Current Affairs Questions 21st Jan. 2020 · 7 According to ‘World Gold Outlook 2020’ released by World Gold Council (WGC), India has become the sixth largest buyer when it purchased

● For the first time, Sikhs in the US will be counted as a separate ethnic group in the

2020 census.

● According to the United Sikhs, the current estimates of Sikhs living in the US are at

10 lakh.

● पहली बार, अमेररका में वसखलों कल 2020 की ीनगणना में एक अलग ीातीय समूह के रूप में वगना


● यूनाइटेड वसख के अनुसार, अमेररका में रहने िाले वसखलों का ितामान अनुमान 10 लाख है।

Page 10: Current Affairs Questions 21st Jan. 2020 · 7 According to ‘World Gold Outlook 2020’ released by World Gold Council (WGC), India has become the sixth largest buyer when it purchased

China signed a concession

agreement for the Kyaukphyu

Special Economic Zone (SEZ)

deep seaport project. This SEZ is

located in _______.

A. Indonesia

B. Myanmar


D. Madagascar

चीन ने Kyaukphyu Special

Economic Zone (SEZ) डीप सीपोटड

प्रोजेक्ट के विए ररयायत समझौते पर

हस्ताक्षर वकए। यह एसईजेड

_______ में च्चस्थत है।

A. इंडोनेवशया


C. संयुक्त अरब अमीरात

D. मेडािास्कर

Page 11: Current Affairs Questions 21st Jan. 2020 · 7 According to ‘World Gold Outlook 2020’ released by World Gold Council (WGC), India has become the sixth largest buyer when it purchased

● Myanmar and China signed 33 bilateral deals including agreements, MoUs, exchange

letters and protocols on the concluding day of the two day visit by the Chinese President Xi

Jinping to Myanmar.

● The two countries signed a concession agreement and shareholders’ agreement for the

Kyaukphyu Special Economic Zone (SEZ) deep seaport project.

● म्ाोंमार में चीन के राष्ट्र पवत िी वीनवपोंग की दल वदिसीय यात्रा के समापन के वदन म्ाोंमार और चीन ने

समझौतलों, एमओयू, विवनमय पत्रलों और प्रलटलकॉल सवहत 33 वद्वपक्षीय सौदलों पर हस्ताक्षर वकए।

● दलनलों देिलों ने Kyaukphyu Special Economic Zone (SEZ) डीप सीपलटा प्रलीेक्ट के वलए एक ररयायत

समझौते और िेयरधारकलों के समझौते पर हस्ताक्षर वकए।

Page 12: Current Affairs Questions 21st Jan. 2020 · 7 According to ‘World Gold Outlook 2020’ released by World Gold Council (WGC), India has become the sixth largest buyer when it purchased

India ranks _______ on Social

Mobility Index.

A. 63th

B. 84th

C. 76th

D. 52th

भारत सामावजक िवतशीिता सूचकांक

(Social Mobility Index) में _______

स्थान पर है।

A. 63 िें

B. 84 िें

C. 76 िें

D. 52 िें

Page 13: Current Affairs Questions 21st Jan. 2020 · 7 According to ‘World Gold Outlook 2020’ released by World Gold Council (WGC), India has become the sixth largest buyer when it purchased


● India has been ranked very low at 76th place out of 82 countries on a new Social Mobility Index compiled by the World Economic Forum.

● Denmark has topped the charts.● विश्वआवथाक मोंच द्वारा सोंकवलत एक नए सामावीक गवतिीलता सूचकाोंक (Social Mobility Index) पर 82 देिलों में से भारत कल 76 िें स्थान पर नीचे स्थान वदया गया है।

● डेनमाका चाटा में सबसे ऊपर है।

Page 14: Current Affairs Questions 21st Jan. 2020 · 7 According to ‘World Gold Outlook 2020’ released by World Gold Council (WGC), India has become the sixth largest buyer when it purchased

PM Modi interacts with students

in 'Pariksha Pe Charcha' program

on 20 January. This was the

_______ edition of this program.

A. First

B. Second

C. Third

D. Fourth

पीएम मोदी ने 20 जनिरी को 'पररक्षा पे

चचाड' कायडक्रम में छात्ो ं के साथ बातचीत

की। यह इस कायडक्रम का _______

संस्करण था।

A. प्रथम

B. दूसरा

C. तीसरा

D. चौथा

Page 15: Current Affairs Questions 21st Jan. 2020 · 7 According to ‘World Gold Outlook 2020’ released by World Gold Council (WGC), India has become the sixth largest buyer when it purchased

● Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted with school students in his 'Pariksha Pe

Charcha-2020 programme.

● The third edition of Pariksha Pe Charcha was organised at Talkatora Indoor

Stadium in Delhi.

● प्रधान मोंत्री नरेंद्र मलदी ने अपने 'पररक्षा पे चचाा-2020' कायाक्रम में सू्कल के छात्रलों के साथ बातचीत


● पररक्षा पे चरचा का तीसरा सोंस्करण वदल्ली के तालकटलरा इोंडलर से्टवडयम में आयलवीत वकया गया


Page 16: Current Affairs Questions 21st Jan. 2020 · 7 According to ‘World Gold Outlook 2020’ released by World Gold Council (WGC), India has become the sixth largest buyer when it purchased

India's NSA Ajit Doval recently

discussed setting up a maritime

research coordination centre in

_______ with its President.

A. Myanmar

B. Bangladesh

C. Iran

D. Sri Lanka

भारत के एनएसए अजीत डोभाि ने हाि

ही में _______ में एक समुद्री अनुसंाान

समन्वय कें द्र स्थावपत करने पर िह के

राष्टर पवत के साथ चचाड की।


B. बांग्लादेश

C. ईरान

D. श्रीिंका

Page 17: Current Affairs Questions 21st Jan. 2020 · 7 According to ‘World Gold Outlook 2020’ released by World Gold Council (WGC), India has become the sixth largest buyer when it purchased


● National Security Advisor Ajit Doval met with recently elected Sri Lanka President Gotabaya Rajapaksa yesterday and discussed setting up a maritime research coordination centre.

● China has been widening its footprint in the region, including building ports and expressways and upgrading airports in Sri Lanka and the Maldives.

● राष्ट्र ीय सुरक्षा सलाहकार अीीत डलभाल ने हाल ही में चुने गए श्रीलोंका के राष्ट्र पवत गलतबाया राीपके्ष के साथ

मुलाकात कीऔर एक समुद्री अनुसोंधान समिय कें द्र स्थावपत करने पर चचाा की।

● चीन इस के्षत्र में अपने पाोंि पसार रहा है, वीसमें बोंदरगाह और एक्सपे्रसिे बनाना और श्रीलोंका और मालदीि में

हिाईअड्लों कल अपगे्रड करना िावमल है।

Page 18: Current Affairs Questions 21st Jan. 2020 · 7 According to ‘World Gold Outlook 2020’ released by World Gold Council (WGC), India has become the sixth largest buyer when it purchased

SQAY is a martial art form of

Central Asia, in which the players

show the skills of fencing.

Recently, a two-day SQAY

competition has been inaugurated

in the ______ district of Madhya


A. Gwalior

B. Bhopal

C. Rewa

D. Betul

SQAY मध्य एवशया का एक माशडि आटड

रूप है, वजसमें च्चखिाडी तििारबाजी का

कौशि वदखाते हैं। हाि ही में, मध्य प्रदेश

के ______ वजिे में दो वदिसीय SQAY

प्रवतयोविता का उदघाटन वकया िया है।


B. भोपाि

C. रीिा

D. बेतुि

Page 19: Current Affairs Questions 21st Jan. 2020 · 7 According to ‘World Gold Outlook 2020’ released by World Gold Council (WGC), India has become the sixth largest buyer when it purchased


● The two-day SQAY competition is being organized at Sports Authority of India (SAI) in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.

● SQAY is a martial art form of Central Asia, in which the players show the skills of fencing.

● मध्य प्रदेिकी राीधानी भलपाल में भारतीय खेल प्रावधकरण (SAI) में दल वदिसीय SQAY प्रवतयलवगता काआयलीन वकया ीा रहा है।

● SQAY मध्य एविया का एक मािालआटा रूप है, वीसमें न्वखलाडी तलिारबाीी का कौिलवदखाते हैं।

Page 20: Current Affairs Questions 21st Jan. 2020 · 7 According to ‘World Gold Outlook 2020’ released by World Gold Council (WGC), India has become the sixth largest buyer when it purchased

Recently, Sunanda Patnaik who

was also known as ‘Guruma’

passed away. She was a famous


A. Dhrupad vocalist

B. Sitar Player

C. Odia Hindustani vocalist

D. Kathak Dancer

हाि ही में, सुनंदा पटनायक वजन्हें 'िुरुमा'

के नाम से भी जाना जाता था, का वनान

हो िया। िह एक प्रवसद्ध ________ थी।

A. धु्रपद िायक

B. वसतार िादक

C.ओवडया वहंदुस्तानी िायक

D.कथक नतडक

Page 21: Current Affairs Questions 21st Jan. 2020 · 7 According to ‘World Gold Outlook 2020’ released by World Gold Council (WGC), India has become the sixth largest buyer when it purchased

● Eminent Indian classical singer and daughter of noted Odia poet Baikunthanath

Patnaik, Sunanda Patnaik passed away.

● Singer of Gwalior gharana of classical music, Sunanda was referred to as

‘Guruma’ in the classical music circle.

● प्रख्यात भारतीय िास्त्रीय गायक और प्रख्यात ओवडया कवि बैकुों ठनाथ पटनायक की पुत्री सुनोंदा

पटनायक का वनधन हल गया।

● िास्त्रीय सोंगीत के ग्वावलयर घराने की गायक, सुनोंदा कल िास्त्रीय सोंगीत मोंडली में 'गुरुमा' कहा

ीाता था।

Page 22: Current Affairs Questions 21st Jan. 2020 · 7 According to ‘World Gold Outlook 2020’ released by World Gold Council (WGC), India has become the sixth largest buyer when it purchased

Recently , China has reported

SARS-like virus spreads across

the country. SARS stands for


A. Severe Acrophobia

Respiratory Syndrome

B. Short Acute Respiratory


C. Special Acrophobia

Respiratory Syndrome

D. Severe Acute Respiratory


हाि ही में, चीन ने SARS जैसे िायरस

को पूरे देश में फैिने की सूचना दी है।

SARS का मतिब ________ है।

A. Severe Acrophobia Respiratory


B. Short Acute Respiratory


C. Special Acrophobia

Respiratory Syndrome

D. Severe Acute Respiratory


Page 23: Current Affairs Questions 21st Jan. 2020 · 7 According to ‘World Gold Outlook 2020’ released by World Gold Council (WGC), India has become the sixth largest buyer when it purchased


● China reported a mysterious SARS-like virus has spread across the country, including to Beijing.

● SARS, or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, is the disease caused by SARS coronavirus.

● चीन ने बताया वक एक रहस्यमयी SARS ीैसा िायरस बीवीोंग सवहत पूरे देि में फैल गया है।● SARS, सीवियर एकू्यट रेन्विरेटरी वसोंडर लम (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), SARS कलरलनािायरस के कारण हलने िाली बीमारी है।

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Recently, Ravi Kumar Dahiya

won a gold medal at the Rome

Ranking Series. He is

associated with which of the

following sports?

A. Badminton

B. Wrestling

C. Boxing

D. Fencing

हाि ही में, रवि कुमार दवहया ने रोम

रैं वकंि शंृ्रखिा में स्वणड पदक जीता िह

वनम्नविच्चखत में से वकस खेि से

संबंवात हैं।

A. बैडवमंटन

B. कुश्ती

C. मुके्कबाजी


Question of the day

Page 33: Current Affairs Questions 21st Jan. 2020 · 7 According to ‘World Gold Outlook 2020’ released by World Gold Council (WGC), India has become the sixth largest buyer when it purchased

● In wrestling, India has returned with seven medals from the Rome Ranking Series.

● Bajrang Punia and Ravi Kumar Dahiya claimed gold medals in the tournament.

● कुश्ती में, भारत रलम रैं वकों ग श्ररोंखला से सात पदक लेकर लौटा है।

● बीरोंग पुवनया और रवि कुमार दवहया ने टूनाामेंट में स्वणा पदक का दािा वकया।

Page 34: Current Affairs Questions 21st Jan. 2020 · 7 According to ‘World Gold Outlook 2020’ released by World Gold Council (WGC), India has become the sixth largest buyer when it purchased