current status of health and safety issues of sodium/metal ... · sodium/metal chloride (zebra)...

November 1998 ! NREL/TP-460-25553 Current Status of Health and Safety Issues of Sodium/Metal Chloride (Zebra) Batteries David Trickett National Renewable Energy Laboratory National Renewable Energy Laboratory 1617 Cole Boulevard Golden, Colorado 80401-3393 A national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy Managed by Midwest Research Institute for the U.S. Department of Energy under contract No. DE-AC36-83CH10093

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Page 1: Current Status of Health and Safety Issues of Sodium/Metal ... · Sodium/metal chloride (Zebra) batteries are a mid- to long-term candidate technology for electric vehicle (EV) propulsion

November 1998 ! NREL/TP-460-25553

Current Status of Health and SafetyIssues of Sodium/Metal Chloride(Zebra) Batteries

David TrickettNational Renewable Energy Laboratory

National Renewable Energy Laboratory1617 Cole BoulevardGolden, Colorado 80401-3393A national laboratory of the U.S. Department of EnergyManaged by Midwest Research Institutefor the U.S. Department of Energyunder contract No. DE-AC36-83CH10093

Page 2: Current Status of Health and Safety Issues of Sodium/Metal ... · Sodium/metal chloride (Zebra) batteries are a mid- to long-term candidate technology for electric vehicle (EV) propulsion


Current Status of Health and SafetyIssues of Sodium/Metal Chloride(Zebra) Batteries

David TrickettNational Renewable Energy Laboratory

National Renewable Energy Laboratory1617 Cole BoulevardGolden, Colorado 80401-3393A national laboratory of the U.S. Department of EnergyManaged by Midwest Research Institutefor the U.S. Department of Energyunder contract No. DE-AC36-83CH10093

Prepared under Task No. WW171000

November 1998

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Page 4: Current Status of Health and Safety Issues of Sodium/Metal ... · Sodium/metal chloride (Zebra) batteries are a mid- to long-term candidate technology for electric vehicle (EV) propulsion



Sodium/metal chloride (Zebra) batteries are a mid- to long-term candidate technology for electric vehicle(EV) propulsion. Understanding environmental, health, and safety issues associated with sodium/metalchloride batteries is an important step toward their commercialization. This report examines the EH&Sissues associated with the use of sodium/metal chloride batteries as the energy source in EVs.

The Analytic Studies Division (ASD) prepared this report for AEG Zebra Marketing, the primarydeveloper of Zebra batteries. The objectives of this report are to perform secondary research on EH&Sissues associated with Zebra batteries for electric vehicles, and to report the results of that research in anEH&S assessment.


I am indebted to the many people who helped obtain information for this report. These include:

Jeff Braithwaite (SNL), Jim DeGruson (Eagel-Picher Industries), Heinz Hammerling (ThomsonComponents and Tubes), Gary Henriksen (ANL), Michael F. Mangan (MANGAN Technical Services),Russell Moy (Ford Motor Company), and Ahmad Pesaran (NREL) for providing in-depth peer reviewcomments, criticisms, and recommendations.

Jim Sudworth and Roger Tilley, of Beta Research and Development, Ltd., Cord-Henrich. Dustmann andHarold Böhm, of AEG Zebra, and Malcom Shemmans, of BET Services, for patiently and candidlyanswering the numerous (and often esoteric) technical questions I directed toward them.

Don Vissers and Laszlo Redey, of ANL, for providing additional technical expertise and peer reviewcomments, as well as contextual information about the development of this technology and itssodium/sulfur antecedent.

And Ron Iori (Ford Motor Company), for providing a succinct description of the Q1 certificationprogram.

Special acknowledgements are due Andy Altemos (HMT and Associates) for providing key informationand recommended wording used in the shipping section, Jim Leyshon (NREL) for providing the pictorialrepresentation of the Zebra cell used in the report, and Laura Vimmerstedt (NREL) for significantbibliographic research and contract management support.


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Executive Summary

This report addresses environmental, health, and safety (EH&S) issues associated with sodium/metal chloride batteries, in general, with specific references to unit, developed or being developedby AEG Zebra Marketing.

Sodium/metal chloride cells, referred to as Zebra cells or the Zebra system, operate at relativelyhigh temperatures, use a negative electrode composed of liquid sodium, and use a ceramic elec-trolyte to separate this electrode from the positive electrode. In these respects, they are similar tosodium/sulfur cells. However, sodium/metal chloride cells also include a secondary electrolyte ofmolten sodium tetrachloroaluminate (NaAlCl4) in the positive electrode section and an insolubletransition metal chloride (FeCl2 or NiCl2) or a mix of such chlorides, as the positive electrode.

The positive electrode is fabricated in the discharged state from a mixture of common salt, nickel,iron, and aluminum. The initial charge oxidizes these metals and decomposes the salt to sodiumand chloride ions, with the chloride ions combining with the oxidized metals. Discharge results inthe reverse reaction. The positive electrode section of the cell also contains the liquid electrolyte,sodium tetrachloroaluminate, which serves to conduct sodium ions between this electrode and theceramic electrolyte tube.

The electrodes are separated by an impermeable, white ceramic produced from oxides andhydroxides of aluminum, sodium, and lithium, and known as sodium beta alumina (β-alumina orβ-Al2O3). This tube-like structure serves as a physical separator, preventing direct chemicalreactions between the electrode constituents, and as a conductor of sodium ions between theelectrodes.

The negative electrode consists of sodium metal in liquid phase. It is contained between the cellcasing and exterior of the β-alumina tube. Because the sodium constituting the negative electrodeis obtained during the initial charge, metallic sodium need not be handled or used during themanufacture of Zebra cells. This aspect of fabrication has significant EH&S implications for themanufacturing phase of the cells’ life cycle, as well as for cell recycling or dismantlement.

The contents of Zebra cells are contained within a hermetically sealed steel case. Enclosurewithin the case makes exposure to nickel, nickel compounds, or sodium unlikely during normaloperation. The cells do not vent gases or other substances during normal operation, and do notcontain materials characterized by having high vapor pressures at the temperature rangesassociated with such operation.

Zebra cells are housed within a temperature-controlled, double-walled, sealed, vacuum-insulatedbattery case. This battery case or enclosure is intended to both protect the outside environmentfrom the effects of mishaps within, and to protect internal battery components from hazardsoutside.1 Accidents resulting in the penetration of the battery case can be expected to compromiseits insulating and containment functions, and if severe enough, to rupture the cells containedinside.

1 Dustmann and Tilley (1996), p. 114.

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This report finds the following to apply to Zebra technology in general:1. Cell failures have been shown to have non-catastrophic results.2. Cell failure chain reactions are difficult to sustain, but if sustained might, under some

conditions—and depending upon EV design—result in significant safety impacts.3. When subjected to extreme external influences simulating vehicle accidents, batteries

do not appear likely to add additional significant hazards to occupants or emergencyresponse personnel. (See recommendations.)

4. Cell failure shunts (looping elements) are unnecessary and therefore do not presentadditional hazards from failure.

5. Cells have a relatively wide operating temperature range.6. Batteries can operate at a wide range of ambient temperatures because of their

thermal management systems and insulated cases.7. Cells are tolerant of freeze/thaw cycling.8. Cell constituents have low vapor pressures at operating temperatures and most tem-

peratures to which they are likely to be exposed.9. When cells are exposed to high enough temperatures to compromise their contain-

ment function, the EH&S hazards imposed from the resulting failure appear to besmall. (See recommendation 2.)

10. Sources of chronic corrosion are absent.11. Cells may be fabricated without handling or using metallic sodium.12. Cells can be designed to fail safely when overcharged.13. Cells fail safely when overdischarged.14. Safe recycling of the batteries and cells appears to be possible.15. Batteries can be safely and legally shipped in the cold state.

The Zebra system appears, from the available information, to be relatively safe with respect tosevere influences of the kind normally associated with vehicle collisions or accidents. While itmust be emphasized that this evaluation does not include, and has not been made with a rigorousquantitative comparison with other battery technologies, or other EV energy sources, it doesderive from a review of the literature (much of which has been written by AEG Zebra affiliates)and testing up to date, and appears to be shared by others who are knowledgeable about it andrelated technologies. However, a more concrete appraisal could be made if certain questions,referenced in the following recommendations, were addressed.

1. Zebra developers should regularly report on the experience of the pilot program, and compileinformation on EH&S incidents experienced during its course to: (1) identify any hazards thatmay as yet be unidentified, and provide information on how to mitigate or remove them; and(2) provide information from which to maintain up-to-date assessments of the system’ssafety.

2. Zebra developers should determine the likely aluminum hydroxide and hydrogen chlorideexposure pathways for occupants or emergency response personnel, as a result of cell rupture,per the recommendation of the Motor Industries Research Association (MIRA).

3. Although it seems apparent that under some circumstances, significant hot spots could dev-elop in the battery interior, which coupled with a compromised insulating ability, mightreduce the battery system’s ability to prevent significant heating of corresponding portions ofthe battery’s exterior, it is not clear what effect this would have on the rest of the EV or thesafety of the occupants. These questions should be addressed and answered, perhaps with thecollaboration of EV manufacturers.

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4. AEG Zebra stresses that a breached cell is very unlikely to release sodium, since any traumacapable of breaching the cell will almost certainly simultaneously fracture the ceramicelectrolyte, binding all available sodium into sodium chloride.2 It also stress that to itsknowledge, free sodium has never been released in any of the tests conducted by MIRA.3Given this background, it seems that the release of metallic sodium from Zebra cells in anoperational battery is unlikely; however, the effects of such an event still remain unclear.Investigation should be undertaken to determine: (1) if there are (relevant) circumstancesunder which an operating Zebra cell would, in fact, release sodium, and (2) what effectssodium released from a cell or set of cells would have in an operating battery—perhaps via asimulation akin to that conducted for sodium tetrachloroaluminate.

5. The safety implications of using aqueous fire extinguishing agents on damaged Zebrabatteries, although addressed in the MIRA test referenced, have not been investigated to thedegree concerns about them warrant. The MIRA test is very encouraging, but seems to havebeen rather limited in scope since it did not make clear how many cells were actuallyruptured and their contents available for reaction with water. Moreover, it is not clear that theextinguishing media should have been applied after the specified waiting periods had elapsed.It is recommended that the test be repeated, with fire extinguishing media applied whilecombustion was still visible, and under conditions in which the battery was more heavilydamaged.

6. The failure mode of cells in batteries subjected to water immersion is not specified in theliterature reviewed, although the reference to the immersion test indicates that none of thecells opened. It would be instructive to know the exact nature of this mechanism since sealfailure or jacket breach could result in the exposure of water to sodium, while a ceramicelectrolyte fracture would presumably result only in the failure of the cell in the conductingmode.

7. Independent testing by NREL, ANL or another DOE laboratory of the new “mixed cathode”batteries is recommended.

This review of the open literature, and discussions with authoritative sources, did not reveal anyEH&S issues that could seriously impair the use of this technology in electric vehicles. However,it is recommended by the author that these conclusions be further substantiated by testing atNREL, ANL, SNL, or another government laboratory or testing facility.

2 See, for example, van Zyl and Dustmann (1995), p. 62.3 Memorandum from Jim Sudworth (Beta Research and Development, Ltd.) 9/29/98; Memorandum fromDr. H. Böhm (AEG ZEBRA Battery Marketing) 10/7/98.

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Table of Contents

Preface ……………………………………………………………………………………….. iii

Executive Summary …………………………………………………………………………. iv

Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………….. 1Brief History and Definition of Topic ……………………………………………………… 1

Chemistry, Components, and Intrinsic Hazards ………………………………………….…… 3Cell Chemistry and Operation ……………………………………………………….…… 3Cell and Component Design …………………………..……………………………………. 5Background …………………………………………………………………………………. 5

Positive Electrode ……………………………………………………………………… . 6Sodium ß”-Alumina Ceramic Electrolyte ……………………………………………….. 6Negative Electrode ……………………………………………………………………… 7Additives ………………………………………………………………………….……. 7Other Cell Materials ……………………………………………………………………. 8

Intrinsic Material Hazards, Independent of Cell Design and Operation ………………… 8Background …………………………………………………………………………… 8Positive Electrode ……………………………………………………………………… 8Sodium ß”-Alumina Ceramic Electrolyte ……………………………………………… 9Negative Electrode …………………………………………………………………….. 10Additives ………………………………………………………………………….……. 10Other Cell Materials ……………………………………………………………………. 10

Hazards Occuring during Normal Operation ……………………..………………………. 10

Hazards Resulting from Internal Failure ………………………………………………….…. 12Background—Zebra and Sodium/Sulfur Cells ……………………………………….…. 12β”-Alumina Electrolyte …………………………………………………………………... 12Seals ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 14Cell Casings ………………………………………………………………………………… 15Effect of Individual Cell Failures on Other Cells ………………………………………….. 15Cell Failure Shunts (Looping Elements) between Cells …………………………………… 15

Charge Regulation Mechanisms within the Battery ……………………………………….. 15Insulation and Thermal Management System …………………………………………….. 16Calendar and Cycle Life ………………………………………………………………….. 16

Hazards Resulting from Externally Inflicted Influences ……………………………………… 18Background ………………………………………………………………………………… 18Accident-Related Events …………………………………………………………………… 18

Background ………………………………………………………………………………18Shock and Crushing/Deformation ……………………………………………………. 20Piercing ………………………………………………………………………………… 22Gasoline Fire ………………………………………………………………………… 22Exposure to Aqueous Fire Extinguishing Media ……………………………………… 23Orientation Changes …………………………………………………………………. 24

Other Severe Events …………………………………………………………………….. 24Immersion …………………………………………………………………………… 24

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Loss of Thermal Management System or Insulation …………………………………… 25Thermal Shock (Abrupt Cooling) …………………………………………………….. 26Short Circuit…………………………………………………………………………… 26

Day-to-Day Operation ……………………………………………………………………… 27Overcharge ………………………………………………………………………………27Overdischarge ………………………………………………………………………….. 28Thermal Cycling …………………………………………………………………….. 28Ambient Temperature Extremes ………………………………………………………… 29Polarity Reversal on Charge ……………………………………………………………. 29Dust/Moisture ………………………………………………………………………….. 29Inadequate Maintenance ……………………………………………………………….. 29Tampering ………………………………………………………………………………29Vibration…………………………………………………………………………………. 30

Manufacturing, Disposal, and Shipping …………………………..………………………. 31Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………. 31Manufacturing …………………………………………………………………………… 31Shipping ………………………………………………………………………………….. 31Disposal/Recycling……………………………………………………………………….. 33

Summary and Recommendations ………………………………………………………….. 34

Bibliography ……………………………………………………………………………… 36

Appendix: Toxicities and Reactivities of Chemical Elements andCompounds Potentially Associated with Sodium/Metal Chloride Batteries ……….….……… 40

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Brief History and Definition of Topic

The sodium/metal chloride electrochemical cell was patented in 1975 by John J. Werth of ESBIncorporated.1 Development of sodium/metal chloride electrochemical cells for application inelectric storage batteries began in 1978, with the efforts of Johan Coetzer at the Council for Sci-entific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in Pretoria,2 with specific effort directed to configurationsusing an iron chloride positive electrode in a liquid electrolyte, sodium tetrachloroaluminate,separated from a negative sodium electrode by a ceramic electrolyte, sodium beta-alumina. Beta-alumina’s ionic conductivity had been discovered 16 years before by Joseph Kummer and NeilWeber, in the course of their work on sodium sulfur cells,3 a related but substantively distincttechnology.4

Batteries using the Na/β-alumina/NaAlCl4/metal dichloride cell configuration (briefly, sodium/metal chloride) are colloquially referred to as “Zebra” batteries or the “Zebra System,” inrecgnition of their South African origin and as an acronym for “zero emission battery researchactivity.”5 Development of the technology progressed with the involvement of Harwell Labora-tory and Beta Research and Development in England, and the CSIR and Zebra power Systems inSouth Africa.6 Additional independent research on the technology has been conducted byresearchers at Argonne National Laboratory.7 Pilot-line production and development is presentlybeing undertaken by AEG Zebra Marketing, Germany, under the ZEBRA trademark.8

This report addresses environmental, health, and safety (EH&S) issues associated with sodium/metal chloride batteries, in general, although most references to specific cell or battery types referto units developed or being developed under the Zebra trademark. The report focuses on issuespertinent to sodium/metal chloride batteries and their constituent components; however, the factthat some “issues” arise from interaction between electric vehicle (EV) and battery design com-pels occasional discussion amid the context of EV vehicle design and operation. This approachhas been chosen to provide a reasonably comprehensive account of the topic from a celltechnology perspective and an applications perspective.

1 U.S. Patent #3877984, April 15, 1975. The patent was filed for on April 24, 1974, and makes reference toprevious patents: #3663295 (May 1972, by Baker) and #3751298 (August 1973, by Senderoff). The patent,entitled Alkali Metal-Metal Chloride Battery, is relatively broad, describing an alkali metal negativeelectrode, a selectively ionically conductive solid separator, a molten salt electrolyte, and a metal chloridepositive electrode. Glass, ß-aluminas, and other cation conductive ceramics are referenced, and antimony isthe preferred positive electrode metal.2 Sudworth (1998), p. 1.3 Sudworth (1998), p. 1.4 Superficially, the technologies may appear to be somewhat similar; however, they are fundamentallydifferent in many key respects, notably, with respect to this report, in regard to certain safety aspects.5 Sudworth (1994), p. 95, indicates that the term refers to the location of early development work. Othersfamiliar with the technology (e.g., Shemmans) indicate that the term is also officially an acronym, as statedin the text.6 Wedlake et al. (1988), p. 1597 For example, investigation of means of improving specific power and energy, via chemical additives anda tailored electrode morphology. See: Prakash, Redey, Nelson and Vissers (July 1996).8 Dustmann and Tilley (1996), p. 113. Approximately 170 batteries are being field and bench tested,including use on more than half the vehicles in the German EV test fleet on the island of Rugen.

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References to cells or batteries in this report are of three levels of specificity: (1) sodium/metalchloride, referring to the general technology at a wide level; (2) sodium/nickel chloride, sodium/iron chloride, or sodium/nickel-iron chloride, referring to cells or batteries using specificcathodes; and (3) Zebra or Zebra system, referring to those cells and batteries being specificallydeveloped by AEG Zebra Marketing, Germany.

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Chemistry, Components, and Intrinsic Hazards

Cell Chemistry and Operation

Sodium/metal chloride cells bear some similarity to those of sodium/sulfur battery systems in thatboth technologies operate at relatively high temperatures, both use a negative electrode composedof liquid sodium, and both use a β or β”-alumina solid electrolyte to separate this electrode fromthe positive electrode.9 However, sodium/metal chloride cells include a secondary electrolyte ofmolten sodium tetrachloroaluminate (NaAlCl4) in the positive electrode section and an insolubletransition metal chloride (FeCl2 or NiCl2) or a mix of such chlorides, as the positive electrode.The molten salt electrolyte (often referred to as a melt) serves to conduct sodium ions from thesolid electrolyte to the metal chloride reaction site.10

The overall chemistry of these cells, during normal operation can, for nickel or iron monometalliccathodes, be summarized as:

Charged 200°–-300°C Discharged

FeCl2 + 2Na ! Fe + 2NaCl Eo = 2.35 V @ 250°C

Charged 200°–-400°C Discharged

NiCl2 + 2Na ! Ni + 2NaCl Eo = 2.58 V @ 300°C11

The site of reaction in the positive electrode section of the cell proceeds toward this electrode’score, starting from the interface between it and the solid electrolyte. At the beginning of dis-charge, cell resistance is at its minimum, and sodium ions from the β”-alumina are conducted bythe melt to reaction sites at what is essentially the surface or front of the electrode, adjoining theβ”-alumina. For a nickel chloride cell the reaction proceeds with the NiCl2 being reduced tometallic Ni, and the formation of NaCl. As the discharge continues, the reaction zone migratesdeeper into the electrode section, toward the current collector and away from the β”-alumina.Electrons are carried from the current collector to the reaction site via pathways of electricallyconductive metallic nickel created as the reaction proceeds.12 In cells using an iron positiveelectrode, the reaction is essentially the same—with iron taking the place of the nickel and amoderate difference in voltage.

The charge reaction also begins at the β”-alumina interface, with the reaction site moving inwardtoward the positive electrode current collector. One resulting benefit is that cell resistance duringdischarge is relatively low even if it is undertaken after only a partial charge.13

Although current may be drawn from the cells at approximately 170°C, a little above the meltingpoint of the NaAlCl4 (liquid) electrolyte, β”-alumina has a relatively high resistance at thistemperature, necessitating the higher temperature ranges indicated above for optimal operation 9 See section on sodium β-alumina for reference to various species of this material.10 Vissers et al. (1988), p. 32-2.11 Dell and Bones (1988), p. 127.12 Dell and Bones (1987), p. 95. Only about 30% of the nickel in the cell is actually used in theelectrochemical reaction.13 Dell and Bones (1987), p. 95.

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with large currents.14 Cells using NiCl2 cathodes have a wider operating temperature range thantheir iron-based counterparts. 15

Although wider operating ranges are technically possible, the normal operating range of batteriesusing these cells is 270ºC to 350ºC. When the thermal energy contained within the battery is usedto heat the passenger compartment, the temperature may be permitted to drop to 250ºC, althoughcharging is carried out at 270ºC.16

The theoretical specific energy of a nickel chloride cell is 790 Wh/kg; this is without safetyamendments such as the insulated battery case. Current practical batteries are reported to havevalues of approximately 100 Wh/kg.17 For comparison, note that the U.S. Advanced BatteryConsortium has established mid-term and long-term battery goals of 100 and 200 Wh/kg,respectively.18

Until very recently, the batteries under development by AEG used cells with nickel chloridepositive electrodes. As of this writing, cells use an approximately 4:1 nickel-iron mix, with anadditional small quantity of aluminum. The nickel-iron modification was made to increase thespecific power characteristics of the cells (particularly at high depths of discharge). The additionof aluminum imparts a degree of overdischarge capability over and above any conferred byundervaluing the “nameplate” capacity of the cells with respect to their actual physicalcharacteristics.19

Most of the information available on the Zebra system refers to cells using monometalliccathodes, hence, NREL asked Zebra developers if the new cells differed from the all-nickeldesigns with respect to safety. The response, provided below, was an emphatic no.

The latest nickel-iron cells have undergone and passed all the routine cellqualification tests (crushing, overcharge, over-temperature, etc.). Severalnickel-iron batteries have also been safety tested on the standard tests (impact,short circuit, melt pour, vibration, etc.). We have found the safety behaviour ofthe new nickel-iron cells and batteries no different from the all-nickel cells.20

Reputable authorities familiar with the system but bearing no commercial interest in it concurwith this assessment.21

14 Dell and Bones (1988), p. 127.15 Van Zyl and Dustmann (1995), pp. 58, 60.16 Faxed comments from Jim Sudworth (Beta Research and Development, Ltd.) 9/29/98.17 Dell and Bones (1987), p. 94.18 Prakash et al. (1996), p. 1.19 Personal communications with Donald Vissers (ANL) 9/24/98, Gary Henrickson (ANL) 9/24/98, and JimSudworth (Beta Research and Development, Ltd.) 9/29/98. Additional information about discharge ispresented later in the report. Undervaluing capacity or other ratings in order to ensure that users do notinadvertently tax a mechanism or product’s true capabilities is a good and standard engineering practice.20 Memorandum from Roger Tilley (Beta Research and Development, Ltd.) 10/22/98.21 Personal communications with Donald Vissers (ANL) 9/24/98, and Laszlo Redey (ANL) 9/30/98.

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Cell and Component Design


At operating temperature, a charged sodium/metal chloride cell consists of a liquid sodium elec-trode, a porous chlorinated metal electrode saturated with a molten salt electrolyte, a solidelecrolyte, and ancillary components such as the casing and seals. Batteries include the cells, bydefinition, as well as additional components such as enclosures, insulating materials, andelements of the thermal and charge management systems. There are three basic cell designoptions, yielding eight basic cell types. These are: [1] cathode type (iron, nickel, or mixtures); [2]negative anode design (central sodium or external sodium); and [3] orientation (vertical orhorizontal).22 There are additional variations for each of the eight cell types, providing a highdegree of flexibility in cell design and for custom applications. Zebra cells under development areof the nickel-iron cathode, external sodium, vertical orientation type, as depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Zebra Cell—Central Cathode Configuration

Following is a description of essential cell components and their associated hazards. A generaldescription of the characteristics and hazards of materials associated with Zebra cells is providedin the appendix. This discussion will focus primarily on cells using nickel electrodes. Battery-related components and hazards are addressed in the subsequent section.

22 Dell and Bones (1988), p. 129.

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Positive Electrode

The positive electrode is manufactured, in the discharged state, from a mixture of common salt(NaCl) and metal (nickel, or nickel and iron, and small quantities of aluminum) in the form ofgranulated powder, 23 distributed around a nickel or copper-nickel collector.24 The initial chargeoxidizes the nickel (or metal mix) and decomposes the NaCl to sodium and chloride ions, withthe chloride ions combining with the oxidized metal to form a porous metal chloride electrode.Discharge results in the reverse reaction, leaving NaCl and metallic nickel.25 In the case of amixed metal electrode, the chlorinated nickel is reduced first, then the chlorinated iron.26 Thepositive electrode (as well as other cell components) can be customized according to applicationrequirements. Generally, high porosity and thinness are favored for high-rate applications such asEV traction. There is also a trade-off between the capacity for high power output and highspecific energy.27

The primary materials contained in the positive electrode are Ni, Fe, Al, NiCl2, FeCl2, and NaCl.The liquid electrolyte, sodium tetrachloroaluminate28 (NaAlCl4), is in the electrochemical senseseparate from the other cell components. However, it resides amidst the pores of the positive elec-trode and is contained within this cell compartment—which is defined by the interior walls of theceramic electrolyte. Sodium tetrachloroaluminate melts at 157ºC and serves to conduct sodiumions between the positive electrode29 and the ceramic electrolyte tube.30

Sodium ββββ”-Alumina Ceramic Electrolyte

Sodium beta alumina is an impermeable, white ceramic produced from oxides and hydroxides ofaluminum, sodium, and lithium.31 There is more than one species of this material; the two mostimportant for use as solid electrolytes are designated β- and β”-alumina. Of these, β” is preferredbecause of its higher ionic conductivity.32 β”-alumina does not conduct electrons,33 has a highmelting point (2,000ºC),34 and is hydroscopic, eventually deteriorating in water.35 The chemicalcomposition of the species used in the Zebra system is: Na1.7Li0.3Al10.7O17;36 however, mostchemical references made to it in the sodium battery literature refer to it as β”-Al2O3.

23 Sudworth (1988), pp. 2,3. A sodium/nickel cell with a central sodium anode design requires a nickel cellcase, therefore, when cost is a significant consideration, the central cathode design this report focuses on ispreferred.24 According to Jim Sudworth (of Beta Research and Development, Ltd.), the latest ZEBRA™ cells use anickel-coated copper-cored current collector (personal communications, 9/1/98, 9/29/98).25 Dustmann and Tilley (1996), p. 113.26 Personal communication with Jim Sudworth (of Beta Research and Development, Ltd.), 9/29/98.27 Dell and Bones (1988), p. 129. It is worth noting that the higher open circuit voltage characteristic ofnickel chloride cells imbues it with a power advantage over the iron chloride design since, given cells ofidentical resistance, power output varies with the square of cell voltage.28 Also referred to as aluminum sodium tetrachloride in some material safety data sheets.29 Specifically, the reaction site within it.30 Nicholson et al. (1988), pp. 549,550.31 Scholz (1993), p. 10.32 Barrow (1988), p. 16-1.33 Dustmann and Tilley (1996), p. 114.34 Ionotec Ltd. Material Data Safety Sheet35 Personal communication with Jim DeGruson (Eagle-Picher Industries) 9/24/98.36 Ionotec Ltd. Material Data Safety Sheet

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In Zebra cells the β”-alumina electrolyte is shaped in the form of a tube with a rounded, closedend—roughly similar to a laboratory test-tube. Its function is twofold: (1) to provide a physicalseparator preventing direct chemical reactions between electrode constituents; and (2) to serve asan ion conductor between the electrodes it separates.37 Like the positive electrode it can becustomized according to specific cell requirements.38 In recent designs the β”-alumina tube has aclover shaped, rather than circular cross section, to increase the surface area available for iontransfer.39 The β”-alumina tube is covered by a 0.1-mm thick mild steel sheath to facilitatesodium wicking along the surface of the β”-alumina tube, and thus ensure a consistent density ofion flow through the tube, at different portions along its surface.40

Negative Electrode

The negative electrode consists of sodium metal in liquid phase (melting at 97.8ºC) and iscontained within (and defined by) the cell casing and exterior of the β”-alumina tube. Sodium isodorless, and has a light, silvery-white appearance. Like the other alkali metals, it is highlyreactive, and never occurs naturally in the metallic state. Virtually any substance that can bereduced will be so in the presence of sodium or the other alkali metals. Liquid sodium has a lowviscosity and will readily flow into cracks or surface perturbations in vessels containing it.

Current Zebra cells are typically manufactured without handling or using metallic sodium, sincethe sodium constituting the negative electrode is obtained from the electrolysis of sodiumchloride in the positive electrode compartment during charging. This aspect of fabrication hassignificant safety and related implications for the manufacturing phase of the cells’ life cycle, aswell as for cell recycling or dismantlement.41 Although it is possible to acquire additionaloverdischarge capacity by adding additional sodium to the anode during manufacture, thiscapacity is presently achieved, as noted previously, by including a small amount of aluminum(and additional sodium chloride to match the aluminum) to the cathode during manufacture.42


Dopants may be added to different cell components to improve performance or longevity. Theseinclude small amounts of powdered iron, sodium fluoride, and iron sulfide in the positive elec-trode and a thin coating of carbon and phosphate on the exterior of the β”-alumina electrolyte toimprove sodium wetting.43

Trace amounts of aluminum are added to the anode to combine with or “tie up” the oxygen com-ponent of the air present in it during manufacture and when the cell is sealed. That is, the alumi-num combines with that volume of atmospheric oxygen in the anode compartment when the cellis sealed and then brought to operating temperature. It remains bound with the oxygen (leavingonly the nitrogen) through the life of the cell, and may be considered from the standpoint of celloperation, like the nitrogen, inert.

37 Moseley et al. (1992), p. 1361.38 Sudworth et al. (1987), p. 1114.39 Personal communication with Jim Sudworth (Beta Research and Development, Ltd.) 9/01/98.40 Personal communication with Jim Sudworth (Beta Research and Development, Ltd.) 9/01/98.41 Sudworth (1994), pp. 95, 100.42 The functions of the aluminum and additional sodium chloride are described in the section onoverdischarge.43 Personal communication with Jim Sudworth (Beta Research and Development, Ltd.) 9/01/98.

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Bromine, a substance with significant EH&S issues, has been experimented with by varioussodium/metal chloride system designers, and could conceivably find its way back into futurecells; however it is not currently used or envisioned in Zebra cells.44

Other Cell Materials

Depending on cell configuration, either nickel or mild steel is used for cell casings,45 and mildsteel, nickel, or nickel-coated copper is used for the current collector.46 Cells are hermeticallysealed with a thermal compression bond (TCB) ceramic/metal seal.47 The seal consists of ametallised alpha alumina sealing ring to which the nickel components are diffusion bonded.48

Intrinsic Material Hazards, Independent of Cell Design and Operation


Nickel, nickel chloride, ferrous chloride, sodium, and some cell additives are potentially hazard-ous. The actual severity and nature of risk imposed depend on specific circumstances such asperiod and type of exposure, and factors such as the presence of ignition sources or incompatiblesubstances such as strong acids. Thus, the actual risk imposed by these materials is greatlydependent on the design of the cell and/or battery incorporating them, and to a lesser degree,factors presented by their application environment. The following section discusses the hazardsintrinsic to the component materials in each section of the cell.49 Hazards that result from celldesign or operation are addressed in later sections.

Positive Electrode

Nickel metal and nickel chloride are considered hazardous and should be handled according toappropriate safety guidelines.50 Nickel powder supports combustion, and may form explosivemixtures in air. It should not be allowed to come into contact with mineral acids and strong oxid-izers. Acute and chronic health hazards may include the development of transient pneumonitis orasthma-like symptoms, itching, rash, inflammation, and sensitive dermatitis.51 There is consideredto be limited evidence for the carcinogenicity of nickel and certain nickel compounds in humans,with an actual cancer hazard being associated with the early stage of nickel refining.52

Nickel chloride does not support combustion and is not considered to be a fire hazard, nor is itconsidered to be particularly reactive, though it should not be allowed to come into contact withpotassium.53 Acute and chronic health hazards may include dermal, eye, and respiratory irritation,

44 Personal communications with Jim Sudworth (Beta Research and Development, Ltd.) 9/29/98, andLaszlo Redey (ANL) 9/30/98.45 Sudworth (1988), pp. 2, 3.46 Personal communication with Jim Sudworth (Beta Research and Development, Ltd.) 9/01/98.47 Dustmann and Tilley (1996), p. 114.48 Faxed memorandum from Jim Sudworth (Beta Research and Development, Ltd.) 9/29/98.49 A more complete listing of the characteristics and hazards associated with the cell components ispresented in the appendix of this report.50 Material Safety Data Sheet, Mallinckrodt Baker, Inc.51 Material Safety Data Sheet, Mallinckrodt Baker, Inc.52 Report on Carcinogens, 8th Edition, “Nickel and Certain Nickel Compounds”53 Material Safety Data Sheet, Mallinckrodt Baker, Inc.

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and may cause allergic reactions. It is also considered to be a cancer hazard; cancer risk dependson duration and level of exposure. 54

The hazardousness of iron metal is dependent upon the physical form it is in. In the form of ultra-fine powder (ca. 5 microns) it is pyrophoric and can ignite spontaneously in air. Iron dust can alsoreact with water, liberating flammable hydrogen gas. Thus, water should not be used as a fireextinguishing agent; nor should carbon dioxide or dry chemical extinguishing agents be used.MSDS sheets recommend instead powdered graphite, powdered salt, or powdered limestone.

Iron may cause irritation to the respiratory tract, and when ingested in extremely large doses, maycause gastrointestinal disturbances, lethargy, and shock. Skin exposure does not result in adverseeffects; however, eye exposure can result in redness and pain, and deposition of iron particles canleave a “rust ring” or brownish stain on the cornea.

Ferrous chloride (FeCl2) is a greenish-white-yellow deliquescent crystalline substance. It shouldbe kept away from fire and other ignition sources. If exposed to sodium, it may undergo exother-mic polymerization, resulting in a violent explosion.55 Its thermal decomposition products mayinclude toxic and corrosive chlorine fumes. Fire extinguishing media appropriate for this materialare: dry chemical, CO2, halon, water spray, foam, and fog.56

Dermal exposure to ferrous chloride may result in irritation, burns, dermatitis, and poisoningthrough absorption. Inhalation may cause difficult breathing and irritation of the mucous mem-branes. Ingestion may cause a range of effects including, gastrointestinal disorders, leukocytosis,cyanosis, cardiovascular collapse, liver/kidney/pancreatic damage, and possible death.57 It is notconsidered to be a carcinogen. 58

Sodium chloride is not considered to be particularly hazardous, though it may irritate the skin andeyes, and ingestion of large quantities may irritate the gastrointestinal tract.59

Sodium tetrachloroaluminate is formed by heating an equimolar mixture of sodium chloride andaluminum chloride. It is reactive with water, and in the presence of water will corrode steel.60

Exposure to high enough temperatures in the presence of moisture may result in the formation ofHCl, followed, possibly by the formation of chlorine gas.61

Sodium ββββ”-Alumina Ceramic Electrolyte

Sodium β”-alumina (Na1.7Li0.3Al10.7O17) is incombustible, nonreactive, and is not known to pre-sent any health hazards beyond irritation to the eyes and respiratory system upon exposure to highconcentrations of dust.62

54 Material Safety Data Sheet, Mallinckrodt Baker, Inc.55 Material Safety Data Sheet, Occupational Health Services, Inc.56 Material Safety Data Sheet, Fisher Scientific, Chemical Division57 Material Safety Data Sheet, Occupational Health Services, Inc.58 Material Safety Data Sheet, Fisher Scientific, Chemical Division59 Material Safety Data Sheet, Fisher Scientific60 Personal communication with Jim Sudworth (Beta Research and Development, Ltd.) 9/01/98.61 Personal communication with Jim DeGruson (Eagle-Picher Industries) 9/24/98.62 Material Data Safety Sheet, Ionotec Ltd.

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Negative Electrode

Sodium metal is highly reactive. It is flammable in a normal atmosphere, corrosive, and exother-mically reactive with water, releasing hydrogen gas that is ignited by the heat of the reaction. Itpresents internal and external health hazards, including the risk of burns and irritation to themucous membranes and respiratory tract. Sodium fires burn violently and may be accompaniedby explosions that splatter the molten metal. Fires should be suppressed with dry soda ash, salt,sand, or metal-fire-extinguishing powder such as Met-L-X.63


Powdered aluminum does not pose health hazards beyond physical dust irritation, and is stableunder ordinary conditions of use and storage. However, it is moderately flammable, and canproduce hydrogen when exposed to water.

Sodium fluoride can irritate tissue if inhaled or ingested, resulting in acute nausea, gastrointes-tinal maladies, coma, weakness, and tremor. Sodium fluoride is stable, and not considered to posea fire hazard, but will react with acids to form corrosive hydrofluoric acid.64

Iron sulfide is considered stable under normal temperatures and pressures, but should not be com-bined with strong acids or oxidants, since sulfur oxides and hydrogen sulfide may be produced asa result.65 Iron sulfide dust may cause physical irritation, but it is not known to have carcinogenicor toxicological effects, beyond being a possible source of irritation to the respiratory anddigestive tracts.66

Carbon is not considered to pose health or safety hazards, although it may spontaneously combustif exposed to strong oxidizers, e.g., liquid oxygen.67

Phosphates may cause skin and eye irritation as a result of exposure. When heated to decomposi-tion they may release toxic fumes (of phosphoric compounds). However, they are not consideredto pose unusual fire or explosion hazards.68

Other Cell Materials

Materials such as copper, aluminum, mild steel, and the alumina used in the seals do not posesignificant intrinsic safety or health hazards.

Hazards Occurring during Normal Operation

Zebra cells are contained within a hermetically sealed steel case, which makes exposure to nickel,nickel compounds, ferrous chloride, or sodium impossible during normal operation. The cells donot vent gases or other substances during normal operation, and do not contain materialscharacterized by high vapor pressures at the temperature ranges associated with such operation.

63 Material Safety Data Sheet, Mallinckrodt Baker, Inc.64 Material Safety Data Sheet, Chemical Commodities Agency.65 Material Safety Data Sheet, Acros Organics66 Material Safety Data Sheet, Acros Organics67 Material Safety Data Sheet, Calgon Carbon Corporation.68 Material Safety Data Sheets, FMC Corporation; Fisher Scientific.

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Hence, phase-change induced pressure differentials, which could result in seal failure or breachedcasings, do not develop under normal conditions.

Likewise, the reactions that occur during normal operations do not result in gaseous products thatmust be contained, or in the release of dangerous amounts of heat. Those reactions that do takeplace are well known, well characterized, and because of the cell construction previouslydescribed, do not pose impose EH&S risks during normal operation.

Approximately 170 Zebra batteries are being field and bench tested, including those used on overhalf of the vehicles in the German electric vehicle test fleet on the island of Rügen.69 This real-application testing should provide additional data with which to evaluate battery safety duringdaily operation.

69 Dustmann and Tilley (1996), p. 113.

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Hazards Resulting from Internal Failure

Background—Zebra and Sodium/Sulfur Cells

Zebra cells are sometimes regarded as sodium sulfur cells in which the sulfur has been replacedwith nickel or iron.70 This is in some aspects true, but substituting chlorinated nickel or iron in thepositive electrode has profound safety impacts. Much of the challenge of creating safe sodium/sulfur cells derives from the immense need to prevent contact between the sulfur and sodiumelectrodes, since these substances react violently.71 The hazards associated with this reaction, andthe reactants themselves, were recognized by Hames and Tilley, who in 1975 defined a safe cellas one that “under all but the most improbable conditions, did not allow its reactive contents toescape in the event of call failure or accident,” and enunciated three general principles for cellsafety: (1) Minimize the quantity of sodium immediately available for reaction after failure of theceramic electrolyte; (2) Separate the bulk of cell reactants, and minimize the flow of sodium tothe reaction site; and (3) Protect the outer shell case (for sodium-cored cells) from corrosion bysodium polysulfides.72 This definition remains valid for Zebra cells, but the principles set forth toachieve it do not strongly apply to them since the consequences of failure of the β”-aluminaelectrolyte in a Zebra cell are much less severe than those resulting in cells using sulfurelectrodes. Moreover, some of the agents or mechanisms (e.g., corrosion of the cell case bypolysulfides) affecting sodium/sulfur cells do not even exist in the Zebra system.

This section addresses the impacts of cell and battery system failures originating during opera-tion, absent externally inflicted causes. Failures resulting from external events are addressed inthe following section.

ββββ”-Alumina Electrolyte

The β”-alumina electrolyte serves to physically separate the electrodes, preventing directchemical reactions between their constituents, but allowing sodium ions to pass.73 Stability limitsand breakdown mechanisms for β”-alumina in sodium/sulfur and Zebra cells are essentially thesame for the sodium side of the ceramic electrolyte, but very different for the cathode side.74

In the case of β”-alumina fracture, the anode material (liquid sodium), being of low viscosity,75

flows readily through the cracks into the positive electrode chamber, and into contact with themolten electrolyte (sodium tetrachloroaluminate). The sodium reacts primarily with the moltenelectrolyte, as opposed to the positive electrode material (nickel and iron, or chlorinated nickeland iron) as would be the case in a sodium/sulfur cell. The reaction is:

3Na + NaAlCl4 " 4NaCl + Al

70 Wedlake et al. (1988), p. 159.71 Environmental, Health, and Safety Issues of Sodium-Sulfur Batteries for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles(1992), pp. 4,5.72 Environmental, Health, and Safety Issues of Sodium-Sulfur Batteries for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, p.5.73 Moseley et al. (1992), p. 1361.74 Moseley et al. (1992), p. 1361. See this source for a description of breakdown mechanisms for NaS cells.75 Dell and Bones (1988), p. 125.

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This reaction is mildly exothermic, releasing about two-thirds of the energy of the normalelectrode reaction,76 and produces solid, nonhazardous, noncorrosive products with low vaporpressures.77

Out-of-cell experiments were performed to determine the potential violence of the reactionbetween a charged positive electrode saturated with sodium tetrachloroaluminate, and liquidsodium. Sodium tetrachloroaluminate reacts with sodium if agitated with it, but in practical cellsit resides in the porous structure of the positive electrode. This has the effect of reducing thereaction rate, and hence, reducing heat generation. When positive electrodes were inserted intoliquid sodium at cell operating temperatures, there was no visible response. Temperature roseslowly and was limited to an increase of approximately 100ºC.78

Aluminum, besides being nonhazardous and nonreactive, is electrically conductive and solid atthe operating temperature range. As a result, when a β”-alumina fracture takes place in a sodium/metal chloride cell, the aluminum resulting from the ensuing reaction creates a physical barrierthat prevents further reaction.79 This prevents additional release of the electrochemical energypotentially available (resulting in a lower than potentially possible temperature rise), but allowselectrical conductivity between the cathode and the anode.80 The formation of this electricallyconducting barrier has additional significant safety implications since it allows for cells to beconnected in series without parallel connections/cell failure shunts, and any complications orrisks that might attend them.81 This also allows a large range of batteries to be designed using onestandard (and presumably well-characterized) cell type.82

The fact that abnormally high temperatures would be required to induce phase changes (produc-ing pressure differentials between the sealed cells and exterior environment) in both the normalcell constituents83 and these reaction products is particularly important from an EH&S perspec-tive. In the direct sense it means that Zebra cells—specifically, their steel cases and TCB seals—are unlikely to be subjected to internally generated pressure resulting from the application of heat,whether from internal malfunction or external sources. It is significant in an indirect sensebecause of the comparison it invites with sodium/sulfur cells. Under the same circumstance(fracture of the β”-alumina electrolyte) sodium/sulfur cells must contend with a much moreviolent reaction, the creation of polysulfides, and the rapidly increasing vapor pressure of sulfur,after its boiling point, 717 K. Sodium/sulfur cell designers are thus forced to resort to sodiumflow-restricting mechanisms to hinder the reaction rate and anti-corrosion measures to protect theexterior casing.84

76 If the reaction takes place within actual cells and results from ceramic fractures (as opposed to thereaction resulting from the simple, thorough mixing of the reactants), the aluminum solid so formed tendsto separate the reactants and interrupt the reaction. This is discussed in a little more detail below.77 Van Zyl and Dustmann (1995), p. 62, Sudworth (1994), p. 97.78 Tilley and Holmes (1988), p. 54-2.79 Wedlake et al. (1988), p. 160.80 Personal communication with Dr. Donald Vissers, (ANL), 9/24/98.81 Dell and Bones (1988), p. 129.82 Sudworth (1994), p. 97.83 Dell and Bones (1988), p. 128.Vapor pressure is low up to 973 K.84 Dell and Bones (1988), p. 125. Indeed, a significant problem with sodium/sulfur cells is the tendency forinitial damage to the ceramic electrolyte to intensify as the heat released from the initial reaction of sulfurand sodium, and the high vapor pressure of sulfur asserts further stresses upon it.

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β”-alumina is well characterized and is employed in a wide variety of applications. These rangefrom fuel cells to filtration systems.85 Breakdown mechanisms continue to be studied, however,and in tests of cell tubes involving thousands of cycles, failed tubes demonstrated evidence offracture but did not exhibit evidence of leakage.86 β”-alumina is expected to exhibit a longerlifetime in Zebra cells than in sodium/sulfur cells as a result of the absence of sulfur-relateddegradation problems such as deposition and corrosion.87


Two types of seals are discussed in reference to the Zebra system. The first, compression seals,were used in early cell versions, and could act as safety valves to vent gas in cases of overcharge,overdischarge, or overheating. Risks imposed by slight seal leakage could be reduced by sur-roundng the seal area with an absorbent material (e.g., a dehydrated zeolite).88 Compression sealsare not used in current cells, however, since development has progressed to the point where theydo not evolve gases, even under abusive conditions.89 Hermetic sealing can thus be used,lessening environmental risks.90

The hermetic seals used in Zebra cells employ a TCB or diffusion bond. They are inexpensive,simple in design, producible in mass quantities by automation, and long lived. For these reasonsthey were universally adopted in sodium/sulfur cells.91

Seal fatigue caused by excessive thermal cycling and/or vibration is considered unlikely.92

However, should it take place, either or both of the seal’s concentric welding seams may open.93

Should the outer seam open, liquid sodium escapes from the cell and reacts with atmosphericoxygen to form solid sodium oxide. Typically, this solid blocks the opening and reseals the cell,preventing the further loss of sodium. If this fails to happen, oxygen diffuses into the negativeelectrode compartment of the cell, and the remaining sodium is oxidized, resulting in the gradualfailure of the cell.94

If the inner seam fails, liquid sodium tetrachloroaluminate spills out of the cell and into thebattery compartment. In earlier designs this spillage would overheat neighboring cells, the sealswould be breached, and the process would continue—amounting to a controlled chain reaction.95

Current Zebra batteries have been redesigned, and incorporate a drainage system precluding thissituation.96

Tests simulating such an incident were conducted by pouring 250 grams of sodium tetrachloro-aluminate over a group of cells and observing the results. The result was the issuance of a small

85 Electroceramic Products, Ionotec Ltd., Sudworth (1988), p. 36-5.87 Sudworth et al. (1987), p. 1114.88 Wedlake et al. (1988), p. 164.89 Prakash et al. (1996), p. 5. See the section of this paper addressing overcharging for additional discussionof gas formation.90 Prakash et al. (1996), p. 5.91 Bull and Bugden (1988), p. 33-2.92 Van Zyl and Dustmann (1995), p. 64.93 Van Zyl and Dustmann (1995), p. 64.94 Van Zyl and Dustmann (1995), p. 64.95 Van Zyl and Dustmann (1995), p. 64.96 Faxed memorandum from Dr. Harold Böhm, (AEG ZEBRA Battery Marketing GmbH), 10/7/98.

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amount of “white smoke” (presumably aluminum hydroxide).97 There was no damage to thebattery other than to the immediate area exposed to the molten electrolyte. 98

Cell Casings

The steel casings are not considered to be subject to internal failure and would probably resistfailure longer than the hermetic seals in the case of a buildup of internal pressure.99 However, ifthe failure were caused by material fatigue, the results would be essentially the same as thosedescribed earlier for an outer seam seal failure. Zebra cells do not contain substances (such aspolysulfides) that can attack the cell casing and compromise its containment function.100 Thecasings are relatively rugged, as discussed in the section on externally inflicted hazards, and notconsidered to be a weak link in the cell structure.101 Designers knowledgeable about the cellshave found that any trauma capable of breaching the cell casing or seals will almost certainly alsofracture the β”-alumina. The resulting reaction between the melt and sodium (previouslydescribed) lessens the likelihood of sodium being released into the battery compartment. (Sodiumreleased into the battery compartment would react with the oxygen within it, given the hightemperature maintained therein.102

Effect of Individual Cell Failures on Other Cells

The tendency of cells to fail in an electrically conductive mode is desirable from an engineeringperspective since it simplifies battery design and encourages the use of a single standardized cellfor a wide range of battery capacities and voltages. In addition, this tendency also imparts desir-able safety and reliability aspects by rendering unnecessary any need to include internal wiring tobypass cells in the case of failure.103 This characteristic, in combination with sophisticated chargemanagement systems, has been shown to allow Zebra batteries to operate with as many as 5% oftheir cells in the failed mode, thus reducing repair and maintenance requirements. This redun-dancy results in the statistical lifetime of the batteries to be far greater than that of single cells.104

Cell Failure Shunts (Looping Elements) between Cells

Cell failure shunts, i.e., wiring connecting the cells within a battery, and used to bypass them inthe case of failure, can present unique problems in high-capacity batteries. As previouslydiscussed, however, the closed-circuit or low-resistance failure mode of Zebra cells has renderedthem unnecessary in current Zebra batteries, and therefore removed them from discussion as apotential source of failure.

Charge Regulation Mechanisms within the Battery

Charge regulation mechanism failures can, from the cell’s perspective, be treated as externallyinflicted events. That is, conditions (e.g., overcharge, undercharge, short-circuit, reversed polaritycharging, excess cycling, and similar conditions) that might arise from failure of the battery 97 Bull and Bugden (1988), p. 115.98 Van Zyl and Dustmann (1995), p. 64.99 Personal communication with Malcom Shemmans, 7/28/98.100 Dell and Bones (1988), p. 97, Sudworth (1994), p. 128.101 Personal communication with Malcom Shemmans, 7/28/98.102 Faxed memorandum from Dr. Harold Böhm, (AEG ZEBRA Battery Marketing GmbH), 10-7-98.103 Personal communication with Laszlo Redey (ANL) 9/30/98.104 Dustmann (1998), p. 6.

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management system can be looked on as being inflicted on the cell. These events are thereforeaddressed in the externally inflicted events section.

Insulation and Thermal Management System

Thermal management system failures can also be treated as extraneous to the cell, and areaddressed in the next section.

Calendar and Cycle Life

Although not regularly thought of in the context of EH&S issues, calendar and cycle lifetimes arerelevant because the complete failure of an electrically powered vehicle’s battery can, dependingon how quickly it proceeds, place its occupants at risk.105 The tendency of cells to fail in anelectrically conductive mode reduces the likelihood of a complete failure of the battery.106 Inaddition, the cumulative EH&S risks associated with providing an EV with a source of electricalenergy increase with each battery replacement, since all batteries, regardless of design andcomponents, impose a set of health or safety risks and environmental costs in the course of evenuneventful construction, replacement, and recycling/retirement. Current Zebra batteries havedemonstrated an in-vehicle lifetime of 4 years, 1,260 cycles, and 112,000 Km without cellreplacement. 107 Data indicate an in-vehicle lifetime of up to a decade, given the apparent absenceof corrosion and other life-limiting effects.108

105 Anyone who has ever experienced a fuel pump malfunction (or run out of fuel) while making a left turnacross opposing traffic can appreciate the relevance of this statement.106 Dustmann (1998), p. 6.107 Dustmann and Tilley (1996), p. 113.108 Dustmann and Tilley (1996), p. 113.

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Table 1. Cell ReactionsType ofReaction Substances and Direction Comments



Fe + 2NaCl " FeCl2 + 2Na

Ni + 2NaCl " NiCl2 + 2Na

Ni + 2NaCl # NiCl2 + 2Na

Fe + 2NaCl # FeCl2 + 2Na

Normal operating temperature270º–350ºC

Iron chlorinates first, then nickel.

Initial discharge reaction,comprises about 80% of theelectricity released.

Takes place toward end ofdischarge phase, helps tomaintain proper power output.


1st Phase

2nd Phase

2NaAlCl4 + Ni " NiCl2 + 2Na + 2AlCl3

2NaAlCl4 " 2Na + Cl2 + 2AlCl3

Reaction ends with β”-aluminafracture.

Not expected to occur in actualpractice.

Overdischarge 3Na + NaAlCl4 " 4NaCl + Al Reaction ends with β”-aluminafracture.


3Na + NaAlCl4 " 4NaCl + Al If allowed to proceed tocompletion, reaction wouldrelease approximately 2/3 of theenergy available from the normalelectrode discharge reaction.

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Hazards Resulting from Externally Inflicted Influences


Electrochemical cells or batteries may fail because of internal causes such as fatigue ormalfunction, or as the direct result of external influences. The external influences likely to affectan EV battery can be informally categorized as either extreme or mundane, depending on theexpected frequency of occurrence, degree of damage to the battery or vehicle, or the amount ofdistress inflicted upon the vehicle to create the condition affecting the battery. Extreme eventsinclude collisions or “accidents” inflicting shock and/or physical damage, water immersion, andthermal shock. Day-to-day events include nonoptimal conditions which, although presumablyunusual in the laboratory, might be expected to transpire during day-to-day operation. Theseinclude vibration, charge mishaps, thermal cycling, tampering, and other forms of abuse.

Accident-Related Events


EV battery experts consider the potential consequences of accident-induced mishaps to be severe,whatever the battery technology.109 Given this assessment, shock, crushing/deformation, piercing,fire, and orientation changes are discussed under this heading, even though some may be relevantin different contexts.

Zebra cells are housed within a temperature-controlled, double-walled, sealed, vacuum-insulatedbattery case. This case or enclosure is intended to both protect the outside environment from theeffects of mishaps within, and to protect internal battery components from hazards outside.110

Accidents resulting in the penetration of the casing can be expected to compromise its insulatingand containment functions, and if severe enough, to rupture the cells contained inside.

Instances of cell failure may be delineated into two distinct modes: those in which the cell casingor seals are ruptured, and those in which the cell exterior remains intact. Cases in which cells failwith intact cell casings have relatively straightforward consequences. The β-alumina tubefractures, and relatively inconsequential amounts of heat are released,111 but no toxic or otherwiseharmful substances are released into either the battery case or outside of it.

The other case, cell rupture or breaching, is potentially much more severe, given the reactivenature of sodium and, to a lesser degree, the chlorinated nickel/iron that may be present in thepositive electrode. It has previously been emphasized that trauma capable of damaging a cell’scasing or seal will almost certainly also fracture its β-alumina tube.112 Most or all of the sodium is“consumed” in the resulting reaction between it and the melt, leaving little or none to escape or

109 Results of Electric Vehicle Safety Issues Survey, pp. 9–12.110 Dustmann and Tilley (1996), p. 114.111 This is not to maintain that the heat released is insignificant, but rather that it does not apparently posehazards given the overall cell and battery designs.112 This occurrence is even more probable in the new cells since the β-alumina shape used in these cells isnot as robust as that used in the older type. Source: Faxed memorandum from Dr. Harold Böhm, (AEGZEBRA Battery Marketing GmbH), 10-7-98.

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otherwise impose hazards outside of the cell.113 Should some sodium, however, escape the cell itquickly reacts with the oxygen inside of the battery casing, given the high operating temperatureof the battery. In 2 years of abuse testing, according to AEG ZEBRA, there have been noobservations of the release of sodium from the battery casing.114

Current cells may, indeed, be hard-pressed to rupture or breach without the concomitant β-alumina failure discussed and so assumed. Nevertheless, a thorough examination must also exam-ine the prospect, theoretical or not, in which rupture occurs with the β-alumina tube intact. Theresults mirror those discussed in the context of seal failure, with two general possibilities arising.

The first, although somewhat unlikely, given the configuration of the cell,115 is exposure of themelt to atmospheric moisture and its subsequent decomposition into aluminum hydroxide andhydrogen chloride, in trace amounts. Aluminum hydroxide is not considered to be particularlyhazardous, but hydrogen chloride can be dangerous if present in high enough concentrations.116

The second possibility is the release or exposure of liquid sodium, and its subsequent oxidation tosodium oxide, a solid. Should this occur via a seal breach, the nascent sodium oxide blocks theopening and prevents further sodium loss. It is not known whether this “self-repair” mechanismwould be active in the case of an opening in the cell casing, particularly one occurring at themiddle or bottom of the cell; however, assuming it were not (an acknowledged possibility in thecase of seal failure), the sodium would either: (1) gradually be converted to sodium oxide asoxygen diffused into the anode compartment through the rupture, resulting in the gradual failureof the cell117; or (2) spill into the battery compartment to react with oxygen there. Although theresults of such spillage are not entirely clear, two points of information provide some insight.

First, overheating cells by a few hundred degrees above the normal operating temperature of250ºC has negligible effects.118 The constituents of Zebra cells have low vapor pressures belowtemperatures of approximately 800ºC.119 Theoretically at least, the only component that would beexpected to vaporize near this temperature vicinity is sodium, with a boiling point of 882ºC. Thisis borne out by tests heating unevacuated cells to 800º–1,000ºC. The results on different celldesigns (20 tests per cell type) included only case distortion and minor leaking at the seals. Noserious breaching occurred.120 In short, it is unlikely that cells would be overheated to temper-atures that approach the boiling points of any constituent; and if this does occur, the consequencesappear to be limited to a small amount of leakage.

113 Faxed memorandum from Dr. Harold Böhm, (AEG ZEBRA Battery Marketing GmbH), 10-7-98114 This occurrence is even more probable in the new cells since the β-alumina shape used in these cells isnot as robust as that used in the older type. Source: Faxed memorandum from Dr. Harold Böhm, (AEGZEBRA Battery Marketing GmbH), 10-7-98.115 The internal positive electrode configuration would seem to make this case impossible while the cellretained sodium, unless the breach in question was actually a seal failue rather than a casing rupture.116 The TLV (Threshold Limit Value) for occupational exposure to hydrogen chloride is 5 ppm.International Chemical Safety Card 0163, World Health Organization/International Program on ChemicalSafety & the Commission of the European Communities117 Van Zyl and Dustmann (1995), p. 64.118 Wedlake et al. (1988), p. 162. This is especially true for the cells using steel components. Those usingaluminum would experience a softening of the aluminum components.119 Tilley and Holmes (1988), p. 54-4.120 Tilley and Holmes (1988), p. 54-4.

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The second point takes the first (i.e., the apparent resistance of cells to externally applied heat)into account, and the resistance of new battery designs to cell failure chain reactions, as men-tioned in the section on seals. The context of that discussion was the overheating of cells fromexposure to spilled sodium tetrachloroaluminate. This vulnerability was eliminated by reconfigur-ing the inside of the battery case to prevent pooling adjacent to the cells. This would seem also toapply to any sodium while or before it had combined with the oxygen in the battery case intosodium oxide.

All points taken into account, the preceding discussion suggests that rupture of cells within thebattery does not necessarily have dramatic consequences. This inference appears to be borne outby the tests discussed below.

Shock and Crushing/Deformation

Beta Research and Development has tested Zebra cells for susceptibility to shock by subjectingthem to a square wave vibration pattern inflicting up to 20 g of acceleration/deceleration. Theinvestigators determined that horizontally oriented tubes seemed more failure prone (approxi-mately 82% of the cells failed in this orientation) than those in the vertical orientation (of whichnone failed). The dualism of the results is significant since EV battery applications make use ofthe vertical orientation.121

Individual cell designs are also qualified in tests subjecting their casings to buckling. Theresulting crushing of the β”-alumina and subsequent exothermic reaction between the sodium andliquid electrolyte raises the temperature of the cell to 300º–400ºC in about 10 minutes.122 In thesetests, the cell remained sealed and conducting.123 Additional testing showed that a current of 50amps could be passed through a crushed, failed cell.124

Shock—as well as crushing and deformation—was also examined via two “drop” tests.125 Thetests were specified by a committee of German automobile manufacturers,126 conducted byMIRA127 on fully charged ZEB1 batteries.128 MIRA is an independent automotive technologycenter that provides research, information, and consulting, modeling, and validation services.MIRA operates a comprehensive set of high-technology facilities, and is headquartered inEngland with regional offices in the United States and Korea.129

121 Tilley and Holmes (1988), pp. 54-5,6,7.122 Van Zyl and Dustmann (1995), p. 62; Wedlake et al. (1988), p. 161.123 Wedlake et al. (1988), p. 161.124 Wedlake et al. (1988), p. 161.125 MIRA Confidential Report No. K271877.126 Personal communication with Keith Clemo, project engineer, MIRA (11/20/98).127 MIRA is located in Warwickshire, England, telephone: (0203) 348541.128 The ZEB1 battery has the following specifications: Fully charged energy level, 27 kWh; Mass, ~ 350kg; Dimensions (mm) 1430 x 515 x 360; No. of cells, 354; Active reactants, 17.3 kg sodium, 45.7 kgNaAlCl4; Maximum operating temperature, 350ºC; Open circuit voltage, 152 V. Source: MIRAConfidential Report No. K271877.129 MIRA is recognized around the world as a leading independent automotive research organization, andwas recently (June/98) awarded Ford Motor Company’s Q1 certification. Ford requires this certification ofits suppliers and other contractors. Obtaining it requires meeting a set of standards specified by Ford(including ISO 9000 and QS 9000) and is an important element of Ford’s quality maintenance efforts.Sources: MIRA Press Release; Personal communication with Ron Iori (Ford Motor Company) 10/28/98.

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The first test consisted of dropping the battery from a height of 9.8 meters onto the end of a 1meter long section of Armco™ crash barrier so that the barrier impacted the center of thebattery’s side; this test was intended to simulate the effects of a side impact. The second consistedof dropping the battery from a height of 10 meters onto a rigid 150-mm radius half-cylinder, andwas intended to simulate the effects of a side impact into a pole or tree.

According to MIRA, the crash barrier test resulted in extensive “crumpling” of the case aroundthe impact point, and penetration by the barrier into the case approximately 500 mm—some 97%of the battery width. Although the interior of the battery had been penetrated and a number ofcells damaged, the case tended to bend over and around the intruding barrier, preventing therelease of loose cells or other internal battery materials. Immediately after impact, thin whitesmoke could be seen emanating from the impact point. The original test report indicates that thismaterial was thought to be sodium hydroxide, a hazardous material; however, later investigationdetermined that the material was, in fact, aluminum hydroxide with trace amounts of hydrogenchloride vapor, as discussed earlier.130 The concentration of the hydrogen chloride wasdetermined to be less than 1 ppm,131 somewhat lower than the TLV (Threshold Limit Value) foroccupational exposure of 5 ppm.132

The internal temperature of the battery rose considerably, although the proportions of this heatrelease attributable to combustion and to reaction between the battery reagents is unknown.Smoke emissions gradually declined over a 3-hour period.133

The “pole impact” test resulted in deformation of the case around the impact point, however, onlythe exterior wall of the case was penetrated; cells or other internal material did not escape, sincethe case tended to again bend over and around the pole, creating a depression around it.134 Aswith the crash test, thin white smoke could be seen around the battery, this time emanating fromthe access holes on the battery end face. The emission of smoke continued for approximately 1.5hours after the impact. As with the previous test, the original report indicated that this materialwas thought to be sodium hydroxide. Although the report specified that the volume and density ofthe smoke would not require a person approaching the battery to be engulfed in, or to breathe it, arecommendation was made for the designers to identify any hazardous materials within it and tocompare their concentrations with acceptable levels of exposure. As before, the smoke was lateridentified to be aluminum hydroxide with trace amounts of hydrogen chloride at a concentrationof less than 1 ppm.135

A significant result of the pole impact test was the creation of a “hot spot” on the bottom face ofthe battery. The estimated temperature (on the external face of the battery) of this hot spot was300ºC, sufficient to discolor the external shell of the battery case.136 This suggests that thevacuum-insulated battery enclosures lose a significant amount of their insulating capacity in theevent that their vacuum is lost, and may have implications for the type of material used to fill thespace between the inner and outer shells of the battery case. It also has implications for theimposition of design constraints on EVs using the batteries, as discussed in the section on 130 Van Zyl and Dustmann (1995), p. 62.131 Memorandum from Jim Sudworth (Beta Research and Development, Ltd.) 9/29/98132 International Chemical Safety Card 0163, World Health Organization/International Program onChemical Safety & the Commission of the European Communities133 MIRA Confidential Report No. K271877.134 MIRA Confidential Report No. K271877/1.135 Memorandum from Jim Sudworth (Beta Research and Development, Ltd.) 9/29/98136 MIRA Confidential Report No. K271877/1.

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recommendations. Beta Research and Development Ltd., has determined that loss of vacuumdegrades the thermal insulation factor of the battery case by a factor of three or four, leading to anexternal skin temperature of around 60ºC (under normal circumstances).137


Three possible levels of this event are readily apparent. They are intrusion: (1) only through theexternal wall of the battery case; (2) through both walls of the case but not damaging any cells;and (3) extending through the case and rupturing some cells.

The first level would be tantamount to a loss of vacuum insulation, and is covered in the sectionon thermal management and vacuum insulation. The second may be looked at as a much moresevere case of the first, with the added hazards attending exposure to the battery’s internaltemperatures, and compromised containment of cell components in the event of a subsequent cellbreach. This case is also discussed in the section on thermal management and vacuum insulation.

The third case consists of damage extending through both shells of the battery case; a reduction inits insulating ability; and rupture of one or more cells. It is thus qualitatively dissimilar to thelesser two cases defined in the previous two paragraphs, but essentially the same as the conditionsimposed by the drop tests detailed earlier.

A combination piercing/fire extinguishing test was performed by MIRA, more to assess thehazards associated with an aqueous (and unsuitable) fire extinguishing medium than to addresspiercing per se. The results of this test are discussed in the section following gasoline fires.

Gasoline Fire

EVs are not expected to immediately displace gasoline-fueled internal combustion vehicles, evenas they become economically viable competitors. Hence, it is possible to envision collisionsinvolving both types of vehicles, with concomitant exposure to a gasoline fire being a distinctpossibility.

As previously discussed, individually sealed Zebra cells have low vapor pressures below approxi-mately 800ºC, and numerous tests have demonstrated their ability to survive higher temperatureswith only minimal damage, and without inflicting significant hazards on surrounding cells orareas. 138

Although the resistance of individual cells to heat or fire provides some indication of how theywould fare in a battery exposed to fire, the effects of such an event were directly investigated byMIRA, by simulating these conditions for a ZEB1.139 The fully charged, fully operational batterywas suspended 400 mm above a tray containing burning gasoline, and maintained there for 30minutes. Both wind speed and ambient temperatures were measured at the beginning of the testand found to be zero, and 20ºC, respectively.140 The battery case vacuum was also released toinclude the loss of its insulating effect.

137 Memorandum from Jim Sudworth (Beta Research and Development, Ltd.) 9/29/98138 Tilley and Holmes (1988), p. 54-4.139 MIRA Confidential Report No. K271921140 MIRA Confidential Report No. K271921

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The battery case remained intact, showing no damage, other than a very slight bulging of the flatfaces. No leakage of internal materials from the cable ducts or vacuum port was noticed, andthere were no signs of excessive heat buildup, short circuiting, or spontaneous reactions withinthe battery. Monitors indicated that the internal battery temperature declined slightly during thetest, and that all the measured cell voltages remained normal.141

Although the test report indicated that this test did not specify criteria that would enable apass/fail judgment, it noted that the battery: (1) did not increase (by releasing additional heat orventing combustibles) the hazard already presented by the gasoline fire; (2) did not explode oreject hot material, nor was there evidence of gases being ejected from the case; and (3) did notpresent a risk of electric shock caused by extensive deformation of the battery and exposure ofotherwise protected internal electrical connections. On this last point, the report comments thatunder the circumstances: “… the only possible source of [electrical] danger will be the externalconnections to the battery … and that the vehicle manufacturer would [be expected, via commonsense] to incorporate fireproof labels to indicate the potential hazard.”142 In short, the reportconcluded that the battery endured the test without burning, releasing reagents, or spontaneouslyreacting.143

Exposure to Aqueous Fire Extinguishing Media

Battery experts rank the severity of improper response (via lack of training) by emergencyresponders to a crash site as potentially quite high, but also likely to be addressed.144 A significantsubset of this concern regards hazards resulting from the application of water or aqueous fire-fighting compounds to sodium batteries, given the reactivity of sodium with water.

MIRA tested the effects of applying an aqueous foam fire fighting agent on a fully charged ZEB1by piercing it with a hydraulic ram, withdrawing the spike, and applying the contents of two“Chubb” handheld fire extinguishers—dispensing a total of 18 kg of aqueous foam, the entirecontents of the extinguishers—at 3-minute intervals over a 30-minute duration.145 The testobjective was simply to observe the effects of such an action on a charged, damaged, Zebrabattery.

The test directives specified that the extinguishing media be applied “not less than 3 minutes afterignition, or 30 minutes after the penetration occurred if there was no ignition.”146 After the spikewas withdrawn, some combustion was observed deep within the battery. This combustionappeared as a small amount of yellow flame and is thought to have been the reaction of sodiumreleased from damaged cells and oxygen. Since it stopped in less than a minute, an additional 30minutes was allowed to elapse before the extinguishers were brought to bear. The extinguisherspray was directed into the hole created by the hydraulic ram, from approximately half a meteraway at an angle of approximately 45% to the damaged battery face.147

141 A small amount of smoke later seen to emanate from the insulated ducting carrying the instrumentationcables was determined to result from a short circuit caused by a crossing of the thermocouple sheaths usedin the test over the battery’s terminals. This arrangement was unique to the test and not indicative of thebattery’s normal installation.142 MIRA Confidential Report No. K271921.143 MIRA Confidential Report No. K271921.144 Results of Electric Vehicle Safety Issues Survey, pp. 9-12.145 MIRA Confidential Report No. K271907.146 MIRA Confidential Report No. K271907.147 MIRA Confidential Report No. K271907.

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The aqueous foam from the first fire extinguisher is described as having had a very “liquid”consistency; accordingly, it was possible to fill the battery with foam, to the point of overflow,before boiling commenced. Test engineers reported that when the foam was initially applied, thetemperature near the penetration area decreased for a short time. Much of the liquid-foam wasejected from the hole in the form of jets approximately 200 mm high. The test reports that theboiling process is thought to have been sustained by residual battery heat, rather than from asodium-water reaction.148

The test report observes that the battery did not: (1) combust, explode, or otherwise undergo abuildup of pressure or heat so as to set fire to adjacent inflammables; (2) present a greater risk ofinflicting scalds or burns on bystanders or emergency responders beyond that which would beexpected in “any other situation where a fire extinguisher is used on hot material enclosed withina container;” (3) present, as a result of the application of aqueous foam, an additional risk ofingestion of materials within the battery; and (4) present evidence of risk from electricaldischarge or of electric shock. On the third point, the report elaborates that any risk of ingestionfrom the circumstances of the test would seem to center around the initial combustion reportedbefore the application of the fire extinguishing media. In short, the investigators concluded that“the battery does not constitute an additional hazard to persons in the vicinity, under theconditions of the test.”149

Orientation Changes

Current Zebra batteries do not include a sodium wick, reservoir, or pressurized delivery system,relying instead on capillary transport of sodium between a stainless steel sheath and the exteriorof the β”-alumina electrolyte to ensure sufficient electrolyte wetting.150 Consequently, orientationchanges are not expected to affect the safe operation of individual cells. However, sincesignificant orientation changes are not likely to occur outside the context of serious accidents, themore important question is not whether the cells would continue to function normally, butwhether internal breakdown of cells would be more likely to occur. Given the breakdownmechanisms discussed in the section on internal failure, this seems unlikely.

Cell failures in an intact battery case have few, if any, EH&S implications since safety tests haveshown that even in an accident raising the internal temperature of the battery to 800º–1,000ºC, theshell and insulation are able to protect the battery exterior from high temperature.151

Other Severe Events


Immersion of a fully charged battery could be expected to create shock and reaction hazards, thelatter either through liberation of hydrogen gas via electrolysis, or as the result of thermal shockrupturing cells, followed by a reaction between sodium and water. To observe the results ofimmersion, a Z5 (50% state of charge, operating at 300ºC) was fully immersed in 1,600 liters of

148 MIRA Confidential Report No. K271907.149 MIRA Confidential Report No. K271907.150 Personal communication with Jim Sudworth (Beta Research and Development, Ltd.) 9/01/98.151 Dustmann and Tilley (1996), p. 114.

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“pond” water. The results of the test were described by Dr. H. Böhm, of AEG Anglo BatteriesGmbH , as follows:

Large gas/vapour bubbles appeared; battery voltage (113V) did not change. Afterone minute a voltage of 70-80 Volts arose between the pole and battery case aswell as between the negative pole and water. Within 15 minutes all voltagesdropped to below 10 Volts and internal temperature was below 90ºC (the melthad frozen). During the test 9 cells out of 220 had failed, the rest of the batterywas operational with no change of performance. No cell had opened and theanalysis of the pond water confirmed that no contamination had occurred.152

A similar test is planned with salt water, with the expectation that this medium’s higher conduc-tivity will result in a faster drop in the measured potentials. 153

Loss of Thermal Management System or Insulation

Commercially available Zebra batteries, e.g., the Z11™, are delivered “ready to install” includingthe charge and thermal management systems. Loss or compromise of heating ability, or theinsulating ability of the case via loss of vacuum, would, under normal conditions, result in theeventual “freezing” of the cells and the collapse of battery voltage. Loss or compromise of cool-ing ability, whether caused by or accompanied with a reduction in case insulating ability, would,especially during periods of high power demand, result in the elevation of internal temperatures.

As mentioned earlier, loss of vacuum in the battery case degrades its insulating ability by a factorof three or four, leading to an external battery case temperature of around 60ºC.154 Greater heatloss by the battery would require more of its stored energy to be devoted to maintaining a properoperating temperature, and hence reduce the unit-in-question’s actual energy capacity. The degreeof hazard imposed by the increased external casing temperature would depend primarily on EVdesign and battery placement, since 60ºC is well under the kindling point of materials likely to beencountered in an EV, but might induce state changes in some materials and inflict scalds on skinin contact with the case for more than 3 seconds.155

The effects of very high temperatures on individual and groups of cells have already been dis-cussed. In brief, although temperatures in the 800º–1,000ºC range would be expected to damagethe battery components, the intrinsic characteristics (e.g., material, insulating ability, and dimen-sions) of the battery case protect the exterior from internal high temperatures.156 The effect ofexternally applied heat on individual cells has also been addressed. However, heat generated bythe cells themselves, while operating, and in the absence of adequate cooling, is relevant to thissection.

Monometallic nickel chloride Zebra cells have an operating temperature of 157º–500ºC; however,the preferred range of the nickel-iron chloride design is 270º–350ºC.157 The lower limit of the 152 Faxed memorandum (Aug. 6, 1998) to Malcom Shemmans, relayed to NREL from Malcom Shemmans.153 Faxed memorandum (Aug. 6, 1998) to Malcom Shemmans, relayed to NREL from Malcom Shemmans.154 Memorandum from Jim Sudworth (Beta Research and Development, Ltd.) 9/29/98155 Exposure to 60ºC water will produce a 2nd degree burn (no irreversible damage) in 3 seconds, and a 3rd

degree burn in 5 seconds.156 Dustmann and Tilley (1996), p. 114.157 Tilley and Holmes (1988), p. 54-5, Memorandum from Jim Sudworth (Beta Research and Development,Ltd.) 9-29-98

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preferred range results from the temperature dependence of the β”-alumina electrolyte and theupper limit results from material problems that set in during continuous operation above it.158

However, the implication of this is that the operating range is somewhat flexible, and short-termexcursions do not necessarily mean the death of the cell.

Cells produce heat when discharged; however, even when subjected to a short circuit they appar-ently reach a state of total discharge before overheating to a temperature approaching the boilingpoint of sodium, 882ºC (the lowest boiling point of the cell constituents).159

A heating system failure resulting in the “freezing” of the cells in a Zebra battery does not consti-tute an event having EH&S issues. Reducing the temperature of a Zebra cell results in an increasein internal resistance (due to the characteristics of β”-alumina) until the freezing point of theliquid electrolyte is reached, at which point the cell stops operating.160 However, Zebra cells arequite tolerant of freezing since the liquid electrolyte, when solidified, takes on a “soft/soap/friable” nature.161 Zebra cells actually undergo at least one thermal cycle in the course of themanufacturing process. 162 Thirty-three mm and fifty-five mm cells undergoing thermal cyclingtests (250ºC " 50ºC " 250ºC) one per day have survived more than 50 consecutive cycleswithout failure. 163

Thermal Shock (Abrupt Cooling)

Zebra battery systems can operate in a wide ambient temperature range (-40º–+70ºC) because ofthe characteristics of the insulated battery case and the thermal management system.164 To theextent that cells may be affected by very fast cooling, a possible effect would be seal failure, withpreviously described results. In the absence of seal or other failure, cells would be expected tocool down, as in the loss of the heating system. The immersion test previously described inducedthermal shock on an operating battery with a loss of nine out of 220 cells, but did not indicate thenature of the cell failure mechanism.165 Since it is hard to envision thermal shock occurring to theindividual cells of an active battery in the absence of exposure to water, it would be instructive toknow the exact nature of the failure mechanism.

Short Circuit

Zebra batteries are designed with recessed terminals, effectively precluding the across-the-terminal shorts possible with traditional lead acid battery configurations.166 However, assumingthat a short circuit between the terminals did develop, or an accident or other event resulted inshort circuiting of individual cells, the expected result would be a rapid discharge, accompaniedby significant heat release. Short circuiting of Zebra cells usually does not lead to cell failure, and

158 Tilley and Holmes (1988), p. 54-5.159 Tilley and Holmes (1988), p. 54-6, see Figure 3: High Rate Discharge Characteristics of a Beta 33 Cell ;Van Zyl and Dustmann (1995), p. 60.160 Sudworth (1995), p. 94.161 Wedlake (1988), p. 162. This is in notable contrast to the brittle nature sulfur tales on when a sodium/sulfur cell cools to, or past, its freezing point.162 Wedlake (1988), p. 162.163 Wedlake (1988), p. 162.164 Dustmann (1998), p. 5 (of unpaginated document).165 Faxed memorandum (Aug. 6, 1998) to Malcom Shemmans (BET Services), relayed to NREL fromMalcom Shemmans.166 Personal communication with Malcom Shemmans, (BET Services) 6/18/98.

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some cell designs can tolerate short circuiting for limited durations without performancedegradation.167 Maximum current can be limited by the current carrying capacity of the cellterminals, however.168

Safety tests have shown that an internal electric short of the entire battery (a worst case scenario)could raise the internal temperature of the battery to 800º–1000ºC. However, even under thesecircumstances, the shell and insulation are able to protect the battery exterior from hightemperature.169 In such a case, as previously mentioned, the battery would be expected to remainclosed and intact, but to emit aluminum hydroxide and trace amounts of hydrogen chloride invapor form.

Day-to-Day Operation


Recall that for nickel cells, the normal charging reaction is:

Normal Charge: Ni + 2NaCl """" NiCl2 + 2Na

The cell enters the overcharge phase when all its NaCl is consumed. Chlorination of the nickelcathode continues, but according to the following reaction:

1st Phase of Overcharge: 2NaAlCl4 + Ni """" NiCl2 + 2Na + 2AlCl3

If overcharge continues past the point at which all the cathode metal (nickel) is consumed, theliquid electrolyte decomposes:

2nd Phase of Overcharge: 2NaAlCl4 """" 2Na + Cl2 + 2AlCl3

In practical cells, the third equation and release of Cl2 are not considered to be possibilitiesbecause there is a large excess of metal in the cathode, in the form of the current collector.170 Atfull charge only 33% of the nickel in the cathode is actually chlorinated; thus, cells can beovercharged (by over 100%) at moderate power rates before chlorine is liberated.171 However, thesecond overcharge phase is unlikely to be reached in practical cells because of the likelihood ofcell failure during the first phase. β”-alumina fracture is likely to result during this phase, beforethe excess nickel is depleted, since the space available in the anode is quickly exhausted by theexcess sodium produced. Anode space is limited, since practical cell designs minimize volume,mass, and cost.172 The result is that cells can, by default, be designed to tolerate a certain degreeof overcharge, and then to fail safely, before chlorine is released.173

167 Wedlake (1988), p. 161.168 Tilley and Holmes (1988), p. 54-4.169 Dustmann and Tilley (1995), p. 115.170 Tilley and Holmes (1988), pp. 54-8; Wedlake (1988), pp. 162,163.171 Wedlake (1988), pp. 162,163. Overcharge at high rates can result in chlorine gas liberation, however.172 Wedlake (1988), pp. 162,163.173 Scholz (1993), p. 11.

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The same holds true for mixed cathode174 cells, except that in these cells the 20% iron componentof the cathode chlorinates (i.e., is charged) first, prior to the nickel charging phases depictedabove.175

In summary, data indicate that a small amount of overcharge is acceptable in normal use; a largeovercharge (~20%) caused by control malfunction is acceptable but may degrade cell perfor-mance; gross overcharge (>50%) will result in cell failure but has not been shown to createhazardous circumstances.176


The normal discharge reaction consists of dechlorination of the nickel and iron in the cathode,resepectively.

Normal Discharge: NiCl2 + 2Na """" Ni + 2NaClFeCl2 + 2Na """" Fe + 2NaCl

The cell enters the overdischarge phase when all the nickel and iron in the cathode aredechlorinated; discharge continues with the dissolution of the liquid electrolyte.

Overdischarge: 3Na + NaAlCl4 """" 4NaCl + Al

The overdischarge reaction is reversible as long as it is not permitted to extend to proceed too far.Most practical cells can tolerate a certain degree (~20%) of overdischarge and recover.177 Con-tinued overdischarge will result in cell failure via β”-alumina fracture. The ceramic electrolytefails because the excess aluminum and sodium chloride produced in the cathode compartmentcannot be accommodated, in terms of space, or because they maldistribute current, creatinglocalized high flux regions on the electrolyte.178 β”-alumina fractures caused by overdischarge donot result in a “failure reaction,” since by the time failure commences only a negligible amount ofsodium is left in the cell.179

The overdischarge phase described above should not actually come to pass in Zebra batteries,since the battery management system is capable of detecting the different voltages producedduring the discharge of iron, nickel, and aluminum, and terminates the discharge function beforethe breakdown of the melt actually transpires.180

Thermal Cycling

As previously discussed, Zebra cells are quite tolerant of thermal cycling, and actually undergo atleast one thermal cycle in the course of the manufacturing process. 181 Thirty-three mm and fifty-

174 Including those doped with aluminum.175 Personal communication with Dr. Roger Tilley (AEG) 10/22/98.176 Tilley and Holmes (1998), pp. 54-9.177 Wedlake (1988), pp. 163.178 Wedlake (1988), pp. 163.179 Tilley and Holmes (1988), pp. 54-10.180 Memorandum from Jim Sudworth (Beta Research and Development, Ltd.) 10/12/98.181 Wedlake (1988), p. 162.

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five mm cells undergoing thermal cycling tests (250ºC " 50ºC " 250ºC), one per day, havesurvived more than 50 consecutive cycles without failure. 182

Zebra battery designs of a decade ago could maintain a minimum operating temperature range foras long as approximately 70 hours without additional heat or electrical input.183 Present-day Zebrabatteries under no load can maintain acceptable operating temperatures for more than a week atroom temperature, without additional electric or thermal energy input.184

Ambient Temperature Extremes

The battery is protected from ambient temperature extremes by its insulation and thermal man-agement system, which includes heating and cooling capabilities. Current Zebra battery systemshave an ambient temperature operating range of -40ºC–+70ºC.185

Polarity Reversal on Charge

AEG Zebra indicates that current battery designs preclude reversing polarity upon charge sincethe terminals are not interchangeable; however, should mishandling or similar situation result insuch an occurrence, the charging system would “push a discharge current through the battery.”186

Assuming the charging system’s current overload protection did not activate, discharge wouldoccur until the battery was completely discharged or the battery voltage dropped to below 66% ofthe open-circuit voltage.187


Cells are hermetically sealed, and the battery case protects the internal contents from dust andmoisture.188

Inadequate Maintenance

Zebra cells are hermetically sealed. Zebra batteries are designed to be maintenance free, even if afew cells fail.189


Certain aspects of the battery render it tamper-resistant. These include the recessed terminals,steel battery case, and freedom from maintenance. Also, the sheer mass of the units probablyprovides some deterrent against tampering.190

182 Wedlake (1988), p. 162.183 Wedlake (1988), p. 162.184 Personal communication with Malcom Shemmans, 6/18/98.185 Dustmann (1998), p. 5 (of unpaginated document).186 Faxed memorandum (Aug. 6, 1998) to Malcom Shemmans, relayed to NREL from Malcom Shemmans.187 Faxed memorandum (Aug. 6, 1998) to Malcom Shemmans, relayed to NREL from Malcom Shemmans.188 Dustmann (1998), p. 1 (of unpaginated document).189 Dustmann and Tilley (1996), p. 115.190 Dustmann and Tilley (1996), p. 116. The Z11 weighs approximately 310 kg (683 lb).

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Zebra cells and batteries have been subjected to a number of tests to measure their susceptibilityto vibration and shock. Beta Research and Development has carried out fixed amplitude vibrationand shock tests subjecting cells to sine wave vibrations at 2, 4, and 8 g for 107 cycles, andextreme shock of up to 20 g using square waves. Tests simulating vehicle conditions were alsoperformed, using a test regime considered to be equivalent to 100,000 miles of normal driving.191

As was the case in associated tests investigating cells’ vulnerability to shock, the investigatorsdetermined that horizontally oriented tubes seemed more failure prone. Zebra cells used in EVbatteries are mounted in the vertical orientation.192

Failure modes caused by vibration are the same as those associated with and previously describedfor shock.

191 Tilley and Holmes (1988), pp. 54-5,6,7.192 Tilley and Holmes (1988), pp. 54-5,6,7.

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Manufacturing, Disposal, and Shipping


Although they may be somewhat peripheral to the consumer-operator, the manufacturing, dis-posal, and shipping phases of a product’s lifetime may have significant personnel and economicimplications. This is particularly true for automotive technology applications, given the size andimpact of this sector of the global economy. The intrinsic and operational safety characteristics ofZebra cells are not confined, in terms of relevance, to the service period of their lifetime. Many ofthese characteristics (e.g., safe cell failure modes, lack of cell failure shunts) also influence(reduce) the degree of hazard imposed during the other phases. Zebra technology also hascharacteristics whose EH&S implications are specific to these three phases. Following is a briefdiscussion of these topics.


Although the general intrinsic and operational safety characteristics of Zebra cells apply duringmanufacture as well as during operation in an EV, the fact that Zebra cells can be manufacturedwithout using or handling metallic sodium has EH&S implications that are distinctly relevant tomanufacturing. Metallic sodium is promiscuously reactive, and requires special handling. It wasthus recognized early on that the possibility offered by Zebra cells of sodium-free fabrication wasa highly desirable attribute.193 This is conferred, as discussed earlier, by using a mixture ofsodium chloride and metal powder in the cathode section of the cell, and the application of heatand a charge only after the cell has been hermetically sealed. It is only after this point, as chargingproceeds, that free sodium begins to accumulate in the cell’s negative electrode section.

Zebra cells are tested and brought up to charge in the manufacturing facility, and because of highreliability and resistance to damages inflicted by freeze/thaw cycles, can be discharged andcooled down for shipping, if necessary.194


NREL examined the EH&S issues of Zebra and sodium/sulfur batteries in a 1992 report: Environ-mental, Health, and Safety Issues of Sodium/Sulfur Batteries for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles,Volume III: Transport of Sodium/ Sulfur and Sodium/Metal-Chloride Batteries. It was possible toaddress both technologies in a single volume because assessment of the hazards posed in trans-port indicated that there was no need to draw a distinction between the two different technologies.

At the time of the NREL report, sodium-beta batteries were authorized for transport underexemption provisions, and a proposal had been submitted to “incorporate basic provisions for thelarge-scale commercial transport of cold (non-activated) sodium-beta batteries and cells” into theUnited Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods.195

193 Many of the early papers (mid to late 1980s) on the technology expressed enthusiasm over thisprospective, even as they addressed operational issues such as capacity retention and power-rate.192 Tilley and Holmes (1988), p. 54-10. Personnel communication with Malcom Shemmans, 6/18/98.195 Environmental, Health, and Safety Issues of Sodium-Sulfur Batteries for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles,Volume III: Transport of Sodium-Sulfur and Sodium-Metal-Chloride Batteries, p. 7.

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The “UN Recommendations” address the various requirements of hazardous materials transport,e.g., definitions of hazards classes, listing of hazardous materials, and packaging requirements.196

Although these recommendations have no regulatory force, they form the basis for a number ofinternational agreements.197 Recognizing the need for U.S. exporters to comply with theseagreements, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has for a number of years incorporatedthese international standards, and under some circumstances, allowed them to be used in lieu ofDOT regulations.198 This relationship, including the implementation of parallel DOT regulationsfollowing UN decisions, results in the UN Recommendations having a direct effect on U.S.domestic and international shipping.199

Since the publication of the NREL report, the proposal on sodium beta batteries has been adoptedby the UN Committee, and was published in the 1993 edition of the UN Recommendations. Onthe basis of this UN action, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the InternationalCivil Aviation Organization (ICAO), incorporated identical provisions for the transport ofsodium-beta batteries into the international sea and air transport regulations200 promulgated,respectively, by those organizations. These provisions were effective from January 1, 1995, andremain in force at the time of writing. Similar provisions were incorporated, with the sameeffectivity date, into the regulations governing national and international transport by road andrail within Europe201, and in certain countries adjacent to that region.

The DOT has published a final rule202 amending its regulations to incorporate the UN provisionsfor sodium beta batteries. This amendment became effective on October 1, 1995. However, underthe final rule compliance with the new provisions was authorized beginning from January 1,1995, in order to conform to the implementation date of the corresponding amendments to theinternational sea and air transport regulations. The resulting comprehensive, globally harmonized,regulatory regime governing the transport of sodium beta batteries not only facilitates the trans-port of these articles, but, at the same time, takes appropriate account of their size, configurationand the limited risk they pose in transport (as compared to the risks posed by their principalhazardous component, sodium).

196 Environmental, Health, and Safety Issues of Sodium-Sulfur Batteries for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles,Volume III: Transport of Sodium-Sulfur and Sodium-Metal-Chloride Batteries, p. 2.197 E.g., the International Maritime Organization and the International Civil Aviation Organization.198 DOT Hazardous Materials Regulations (“the HMR”), Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 171-180. See also: Environmental, Health, and Safety Issues of Sodium-Sulfur Batteries for Electric and HybridVehicles, Volume III: Transport of Sodium-Sulfur and Sodium-Metal-Chloride Batteries, p. 5.199 Environmental, Health, and Safety Issues of Sodium-Sulfur Batteries for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles,Volume III: Transport of Sodium-Sulfur and Sodium-Metal-Chloride Batteries, p. 5.200 The regulations concerned are the IMO International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (“the IMDGCode”) and the ICAO Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (“theTechnical Instructions”).

201 The European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (“theADR”) and the Regulations Concerning the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (“the RID”).

202 Final rule published in the Federal Register on December 29, 1994, under Docket No. HM-215A [59 FR67390].

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Disposal methods and costs are currently being investigated, with an emphasis in Germany ondeveloping recycling options, since German law allows disposal as hazardous waste only if reuseand recycling have been studied and demonstrated to be infeasible.203

From the perspective of disposal or recycling a Zebra battery can be viewed as having three majorcomponents:

Cells—accounting for 73% of the total mass.Battery Case—accounting for 19% of the total massRemainder204—accounting for 8% of the total mass.

The cells and battery case are not considered reusable, and there is disagreement about the reusa-bility of the remaining components.205 This leaves recycling as the next option for the cells andbattery case, and possibly for some or all of the remainder.

Recycling is considered to be economically attractive because of the amount of nickel containedin the cells. It has also been demonstrated that the nickel present can be recovered in a very pureform by overdischarging the battery and so recombining the metallic sodium with chlorine intocommon salt. This salt and the solidified electrolyte melt (sodium tetrachloroaluminate) are thenleached from the cathode compartment with water.206 The nickel is left as a fine powder of about95% purity. Approximately 90% of the nickel in a cell may be recovered using this method.207 NoEH&S concerns beyond those already identified for these constituents in the previous section onintrinsic hazards are obvious.

Although details and costs of the recycling/disposal process are still under investigation. AEGZebra aims to have an operational recycling process by the time batteries begin to be returnedafter EV service. 208

203 Recyclingstudie, ZEBRA Z12-Batterie, p. 6.204 E.g., the battery management system controller, cooling system, cooling system box, interface box, etc.205 Recyclingstudie, ZEBRA Z12-Batterie, p. 7.206 Sudworth (1994), p. 100.207 Sudworth (1994), p. 100.208 Sudworth (1994), p. 100.

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Summary and Recommendations

The Zebra system, particularly current pilot-line batteries, appears to present relatively low intrin-sic risks during normal operation and from the minor mishaps that might be expected during suchoperation. Although this evaluation does not include, and has not been made with, a rigorousquantitative comparison with other battery technologies or other EV fuel sources, it does derivefrom a review of the literature (much of which is written by AEG Zebra affiliates) and testing todate, and appears to be shared by others who are knowledgeable about it and related technologies.

This report finds the following to apply to Zebra technology in general:

1. Cell failures have been shown to have non-catastrophic results.2. Cell failure chain reactions are difficult to sustain, but if sustained might, under some

conditions—and depending upon EV design—result in significant safety impacts.3. When subjected to extreme external influences simulating vehicle accidents batteries do not

appear likely to add additional significant hazards to occupants or emergency responsepersonnel. (See recommendations.)

4. Cell failure shunts (looping elements) are unnecessary and therefore do not present additionalhazards from failure.

5. Cells have a relatively wide operating temperature range.6. Batteries can operate at a wide range of ambient temperatures because of their thermal

management systems and insulated cases.7. Cells are tolerant of freeze/thaw cycling.8. Cell constituents have low vapor pressures at operating temperatures and most temperatures

to which they are likely to be exposed.9. When cells are exposed to high enough temperatures to compromise their containment

function, the EH&S hazards imposed from the resulting failure are apparently small. (Seerecommendation 2.)

10. Sources of chronic corrosion are absent.11. Cells may be fabricated without handling or using metallic sodium.12. Cells can be designed to fail safely when overcharged.13. Cells fail safely when overdischarged.14. Safe recycling of the batteries and cells appears to be possible.15. Batteries can be safely and legally shipped in the cold state.

The Zebra system appears, from the available information, to be relatively safe with respect tosevere influences of the kind normally associated with vehicle collisions or accidents. While itmust be emphasized that this evaluation does not include, and has not been made with a rigorousquantitative comparison with other battery technologies, or other electric vehicle energy sources,it does derive from a review of the available information and testing up to date, and appears to beshared by others who are knowledgeable about it and related technologies. However, a moreconcrete appraisal could be made if certain questions, referenced in the following recommenda-tions, were addressed.

1. Zebra developers should regularly report on the experience of the pilot program, and compileinformation on EH&S incidents experienced during its course to: (1) identify any hazards thatmay as yet be unidentified, and provide information on how to mitigate or remove them; and(2) provide information from which to maintain up-to-date assessments of the system’ssafety.

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2. Zebra developers should determine the likely aluminum hydroxide and hydrogen chlorideexposure pathways for occupants or emergency response personnel, as a result of cell rupture,per the recommendation of MIRA.

3. Although it seems apparent that under some circumstances, significant hot spots could dev-elop in the battery interior, and coupled with a compromised insulating ability, might reducethe battery system’s ability to prevent significant heating of corresponding portions of thebattery’s exterior, it is not clear what effect this would have on the rest of the EV or the safetyof the occupants. These questions should be addressed and answered, perhaps with thecollaboration of EV manufacturers.

4. AEG Zebra stresses that a breached cell is very unlikely to release sodium, since any traumacapable of breaching the cell will almost certainly simultaneously fracture the ceramicelectrolyte, binding all available sodium into sodium chloride.209 Zebra representatives alsostress that to their knowledge, free sodium has never been released in any of the testsconducted by MIRA.210 Given this background, it seems that the release of metallic sodiumfrom Zebra cells in an operational battery is unlikely; however, the effects of such an eventstill remain unclear. Investigation should be undertaken to determine: (1) if there are(relevant) circumstances under which an operating Zebra cell would, in fact, release sodium,and (2) what effects sodium released from a cell or set of cells would have in an operatingbattery—perhaps via a simulation akin to that conducted for sodium tetrachloroaluminate.

5. The safety implications of using aqueous fire extinguishing agents on damaged Zebra batter-ies, although addressed in the MIRA test referenced, have not been investigated to the degreeconcerns about them warrant. The MIRA test is very encouraging, but seems to have beenrather limited in scope since it did not make clear how many cells were actually ruptured andtheir contents available for reaction with water. Moreover, it is not clear that the extinguish-ing media should have been applied after the specified waiting periods had elapsed. It isrecommended that the test be repeated, with fire extinguishing media applied while combus-tion was still visible, and under conditions in which the battery was more heavily damaged.

6. The failure mode of cells in batteries subjected to water immersion is not specified in theliterature reviewed, although the reference to the immersion test indicates that none of thecells opened. It would be instructive to know the exact nature of this mechanism since sealfailure or jacket breach could result in the exposure of water to sodium, while a ceramicelectrolyte fracture would presumably result only in the failure of the cell in the conductingmode.

7. Independent testing by NREL, ANL, or another DOE laboratory of the new “mixed cathode”batteries is recommended.

This review of the available literature, and discussions with authoritative sources, did not revealany EH&S issues that could seriously impair the use of this technology in EVs. However, it isrecommended by the author that these conclusions be further substantiated by testing at NREL,ANL, SNL, or another government laboratory or testing facility.

209 See, for example, Van Zyl and Dustmann (1995), p. 62.210 Memorandum from Jim Sudworth (Beta Research and Development, Ltd.) 9/29/98; Memorandum fromDr. H. Böhm (AEG ZEBRA Battery Marketing) 10/7/98.

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Adendorff, K.T.; M.M. Thackery (May 1987). Identification and Structural Characteristics ofNa8-2x Fex Cl8 Phases in High Temperature Na/FeCl2 Cells, E.C.S. Philadelphia.

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Dustmann, C.-H. (Mar. 1998). “Latest Advancement on the Zebra Battery,” presented at theMarch 4-5, 1998 Meeting of the ad hoc Advanced Battery Readiness Working Group,Washington, D.C., Published at the EVS-14 Conference in December 1997 in Orlando, FL.

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Prakash, J.; L. Redey, P.A. Nelson; D.R. Vissers (July 1996). “High-Temperature Sodium NickelChloride Battery for Electric Vehicles,” to be published in the Proceedings of the 190th Meetingof The Electrochemical Society; October 6–11, 1996. (ANL/CMT/CP-90780 CONF-961040--8).Argonne, IL: Argonne National Laboratory.

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Sudoh, M.; J. Newman (Mar. 1990). Modeling of the Sodium/FeCl2 Battery.

Sudworth, J.L.; R.C. Galloway; D.S. Demott (Oct. 1987). Sodium/Metal Chloride Cells for HighPower Applications, 172nd Electrochem. Soc. Meeting, Honolulu (Abs. 782).

Sudworth, J.L. (June 1988). Life and Reliability Data on the βAl2O3 Produced from Boehmite,Beta Battery Workshop VII, Toronto, Canada.

Sudworth, J.L. (June 1988). High Power Sodium/Nickel Chloride Cell, Beta Battery WorkshopVII, Toronto, Canada.

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Tilley, A.R.; R.N. Bull (Aug. 1987). The Design and Performance of Various Types of Sodium/Metal Chloride Batteries, IECEC Philadelphia.

Tilley, A.R.; W.A.Holmes (June 1988). “Environmental Testing of Zebra Cells,” in Proceedings:DOE/EPRI Beta (Sodium/Sulfur) Battery Workshop VII, Toronto, Canada.

Vissers, D.R.; I.D. Bloom; M.C. Hash; L. Redey; C.L. Hammer; D.W. Dees; P.A. Nelson (June1988). “Development of High Performance Sodium/Metal Chloride Cells,” in Proceedings: DOE/EPRI Beta (Sodium/ Sulfur) Battery Workshop VII, Toronto, Canada.

Wedlake, R.J.; D.A. Teagle; A.R. Tilley (Feb. 1988). Safety Studies on Sodium/Beta Alumina/NaAlCl3/MCl2 Cells, Internat. Symp. on Batteries and Fuel Cells, Karaikudi, India.

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Van Zyl, A.v.; C.-H Dustmann (Nov. 1995). “Safety Aspects of Zebra High Energy Batteries,” inConference Proceedings, WEVA Conference for Electric Vehicle Rearch, Development andOperation, November 13, 14, 15, 1995; Paris. Bruxelles, Belgium. pp. 57–63.

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Appendix Toxicities and Reactivities of Chemical Elements and

Compounds Potentially Associated withSodium/Metal Chloride Batteries


Aluminum is not considered to be particularly hazardous, either in safety or toxicological terms.Aluminum dusts are considered to be nuisance particulates, with few adverse effects on respira-tory tissues when exposures are kept under reasonable control. Powdered aluminum is stableunder ordinary conditions of use and storage. However, it is moderately flammable, and canproduce hydrogen when exposed to water. Aluminum is not considered to be carcinogenic.211

Aluminum Chloride

Aluminum chloride is a white crystalline odorless powder. It is completely water soluble, notinflammable, and not considered to be an explosion hazard. Fires extinguishing media includewater, CO2, or dry chemicals. It may cause irritation to the respiratory tract, the symptomsincluding coughing and shortness of breath. It has a low single dose ingestion toxicity, butingestion of large amounts may cause nausea, vomiting, and abdominal spasms. Skin contact mayresult in irritation. It may emit chlorine fumes when heated to decomposition. It is not known oranticipated to be a carcinogen.212

Aluminum Oxide

Aluminum oxide (Al2O3 ) is a white powder that may irritate eyes and upper respiratory tract. Itsdust may easily reach concentrations that are harmful upon inhalation or contact, if it is notproperly contained. Safe handling requires containment within ventilation hoods or breathing pro-tection and eye protection. Aluminum oxide is not combustible, and any type of fire extinguishermay be used for fires where it is present.213


Chlorine, under standard temperature and pressure, is a strong-smelling greenish-yellow gaseouselement, and is denser than air. It is a strong eye and respiratory irritant, with potentially lethalcorrosive effects on these tissues in concentrations above the occupational exposure limit.Chronic exposure may cause chronic bronchitis and tooth decay. If chlorine is released from acontainer, it readily forms concentrations in the vicinity that are harmful upon inhalation. Pro-tective clothing, including gloves and safety goggles, as well as breathing protection or a closedventilation system to contain the gas, are needed for safe handling. Chlorine is violently reactivewith ammonia, organic compounds, and metal dusts, and poses significant fire and explosionhazards. Metal, plastic, rubber, and coatings may be corroded by chlorine, or by the hydrochloric

211 Material Safety Data Sheet, Alcan Aluminum Corporation.212 Material Safety Data Sheet, Mallinckrodt Baker, Inc.213 International Chemical Safety Cards

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acid formed when it reacts with water. Because of this reaction, water should not be used directlyin chlorine spills, which complicates the mitigation of chlorine-associated fire hazards.214


Iron metal in commonly encountered forms does not present EH&S hazards. The hazardousnessof iron is heavily dependent upon its physical form. As an ultra-fine powder (ca. 5 microns) it ispyrophoric and can ignite spontaneously in air. As dust suspended in the air it presents a mod-erate fire hazard when exposed to heat or flame; the minimum ignition temperature of an irondust cloud is 430ºC. Iron dust can also react with water, liberating flammable hydrogen gas.Thus, water should not be used as a fire extinguishing agent, nor should CO2 or dry chemicalextinguishing agents be used. MSDS sheets recommend instead powdered graphite, powderedsalt, or powdered limestone.

Iron may cause irritation to the respiratory tract, and when ingested in extremely large doses, maycause gastrointestinal disturbances (vomiting, abdominal pain, etc.) and lethargy and shock. Inextreme cases toxicity may progress, developing into an increase in blood acidity, blood discolor-ation, fever, liver damage, and possibly death.

Skin exposure does not result in adverse effects; however, eye exposure can result in redness andpain, and deposition of iron particles can leave a “rust ring” or brownish stain on the cornea.

Ferrous Chloride

Ferrous chloride (FeCl2) is a greenish-white-yellow deliquescent crystalline substance with appre-ciable solubility in water. It should be kept away from fire and other ignition sources, as well assodium and potassium. If exposed to potassium or sodium, it may undergo exothermic polymer-ization, resulting in a violent explosion.215 Its thermal decomposition products may include toxicand corrosive chlorine fumes. Fire extinguishing media appropriate for this material are: drychemicals, CO2, halon, water spray, foam, and fog.216

Dermal exposure to ferrous chloride may result in irritation, burns, dermatitis, and poisoningthrough absorption. Inhalation may cause difficult breathing and irritation of the mucous mem-branes. Ingestion may cause a range of effects, including gastrointestinal disorders, leukocytosis,cyanosis, cardiovascular collapse, liver/kidney/pancreatic damage, and possible death.217

Ferrous chloride is not considered to be a carcinogen. 218

Iron (ii) Sulfide

Iron sulfide is an iron salt that may cause skin, digestive tract, and respiratory tract irritation,although its toxicological properties have not been investigated. It is incompatible with strongacids and may decompose in their presence to create oxides of sulfur and/or hydrogen sulfide.219

214 International Chemical Safety Cards)215 Material Safety Data Sheet, Occupational Health Services, Inc.216 Material Safety Data Sheet, Fisher Scientific, Chemical Division217 Material Safety Data Sheet, Occupational Health Services, Inc.218 Material Safety Data Sheet, Fisher Scientific, Chemical Division219 Material Safety Data Sheet, Acros Organics

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Nickel and Nickel Chloride

Nickel is a metallic element. There is considered to be limited evidence for the carcinogenicity ofnickel and certain nickel compounds in humans, with an actual cancer hazard being associatedwith the early stage of nickel refining.220 In addition to carcinogenicity, respiratory and eyeirritation, and dermatitis are other health hazards of nickel and nickel chloride.221 Exposure mayoccur through inhalation, ingestion, or skin contact. Protective clothing, eye or face protection,and proper ventilation are needed for safe handling. Nickel and many of its compounds undergoviolent reactions with certain reactants. For example, violent reactions occur with fluorine,ammonium nitrate, hydrazine, ammonia, hydrogen and dioxane, performic acid, phosphorus,selenium, sulfur, and titanium and potassium chlorate. 222 Nickel will react with mineral acids toproduce potentially explosive hydrogen gas, and will react violently with strong oxidizers ingeneral. Fine nickel powder or dust is highly combustible.223 Nickel chloride is stable undernormal use and storage, though it can react to form hazardous products, such as oxides of nickeland chlorine, chlorine, or chloride. When exposed to air, it uneventfully absorbs water until itforms a solution.


Sodium is an alkali metal. It is severely corrosive to the respiratory or digestive tract or skin uponinhalation, ingestion, or skin contact. Chronic exposure may cause dermatitis, mucous membraneirritation, and lung damage. Safe handling requires a ventilation system, personal respirators,impervious clothing, and eye or face protection. Sodium reacts violently with water and oxygen,and virtually anything else that is capable of being reduced.224 Flammable or explosive hydrogenmay form upon contact with water or atmospheric moisture.

Sodium Beta Alumina

Beta alumina is a white powder or ceramic oxide of sodium, lithium, and aluminum with thechemical composition of Na1.7Li0.3Al10.7O17. In high concentrations, its dust may cause physicalirritation to the eyes and respiratory tract. It may aggravate bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma. Itis not known to be toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic, or to irritate the skin. Protectiveclothing, including gloves, face protection, aprons, sleeves, and boots; dust respirators, andextraction hoods are used to mitigate the risks of handling this material. Upon exposure to air, itabsorbs CO2 and water without significant heat evolution.225

Sodium Chloride

Sodium chloride (NaCl) is a primary constituent of table salt. It is a minor skin and eye irritant,and may cause stomach irritation if large quantities are ingested.

220 Report on Carcinogens, 8th Edition, “Nickel and Certain Nickel Compounds”221 Material Safety Data Sheet, Mallinckrodt Baker, Inc.222 Report on Carcinogens, 8th Edition, “Nickel and Certain Nickel Compounds”223 Material Safety Data Sheet, Mallinckrodt Baker, Inc.224 Material Safety Data Sheet, Mallinckrodt Baker, Inc.225 Ionotec Limited,

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Sodium Fluoride

Sodium fluoride is a white, odorless, moderately water-soluble powder. It does not present unu-sual fire or explosive hazards and fires in which it is involved can be extinguished with agentsappropriate for the other materials around it. It should not be exposed to acids and has highlytoxic and corrosive decomposition products. Inhalation or ingestion may be harmful or fatal.Contact or inhalation can cause skin, eye, and mucous membrane irritation, or fluorosis. Controlof dust is essential, and material should be stored away from fire hazards and acids, in a cool dryplace with plenty of ventilation.226

226 Material Safety Data Sheet, Orlex Chemical

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November 1998


Technical Report


Current Status of Health and Safety Issues of Sodium/Metal Chloride (Zebra) Batteries


D. Trickett



National Renewable Energy Laboratory1617 Cole BoulevardGolden, CO 80401-3393



National Renewable Energy Laboratory1617 Cole BoulevardGolden, CO 80401-3393





National Technical Information ServiceU.S. Department of Commerce5285 Port Royal RoadSpringfield, VA 22161


13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words) This report addresses environmental, health, and safety issues associated with sodium/metal chloride batteries in general, withspecific references to unit, developed or being developed by AEG Zebra Marketing.



electric vehicle, sodium/metal chloride, electrolyte, electrode, battery16. PRICE CODE





NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89)Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39-18
