curriculum alignment pre-kindergarten standards

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  • 7/30/2019 Curriculum Alignment Pre-Kindergarten Standards


    Aligning Curriculum with the Pre-Kindergarten Standards

    PA Pre-K Counts and Keystone STARS require that every program utilize a curriculum that is aligned with

    Pennsylvanias Learning Standards for Early Childhood. Whether it is locally designed, a published resource, ormultiple resources, providers must demonstrate the way in which their materials are linked to the Standards, are

    comprehensive (focusing on all or most of the key learning areas of development) and age appropriate, using the

    Standards document that best matches the age of the children. This document provides a clear method to showthe alignment of curriculum and the Pre-Kindergarten Standards.

    An outline of the standards and strands for each section of the Pre-Kindergarten Standards, to be used as a

    quick-reference guide, is below. After this guide, there is a grid in which curriculum and other resources may be

    listed to provide a picture of where in the program each standard is addressed. If you need additional assistancewith this format, please contact your Regional Key.

    Pre-Kindergarten Standards and Strands by Key Learning Area

    Approaches to Learning

    1 5 . 1 Co n s t r u c t i n g a n d Ga t h e r i n g K n o w l ed g e

    15.1.1 Curiosity and Initiative

    15.1.2 Risk Taking15.1.3 Stages of Play

    1 5 . 2 O r g a n i z i n g a n d U n d e r s t a n d in g I n f o r m a t i o n

    15.2.1 Engagement, Attention and Persistence15.2.2 Task Analysis

    15.2.4 Reasoning and Problem Solving1 5 . 3 A p p l y in g K n o w l ed g e

    15.3.1 Creativity, Flexibility and Invention1 5 . 4 L e a r n i n g T h r o u g h Ex p e r i e n c e

    15.4.1 Home-School Identity

    15.4.2 Resilience15.4.3 Culture

    Creative Thinking and Expression

    9 . 1 P r o d u c t io n a n d P er f o r m a n c e :

    9 . 1 a P r o d u c t io n a n d P er f o r m a n c e : M u s i c a n d M o v e m e n t

    9.1a.1 Aesthetic Response

    9.1a.2 Exploration9.1a.3 Creation

    9 . 1 b P r o d u c t io n a n d P er f o r m a n c e : D r a m a t i c a n d P er f o r m a n c e P la y 9.1b.1 Dramatic Expression

    9.1b.2 Performance9 . 1 c P r o d u c t i o n a n d P e r f o r m a n c e : V i s u a l A r t s

    9.1c.1 Representation

    9.1c.2 Construction9.1c.3 Personal Connections

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    2.1.1 Count and Compare Numbers

    2.1.2 Represent Numbers in Equivalent Forms2.1.3 Concepts of Numbers and Relationships

    2.1.6 Concepts and Applications of Operations2 . 2 Co m p u t a t i o n a n d Es t im a t i o n

    2.2.1 Fluency in Basic Facts2.2.2 Computation

    2.2.4 Numerical Estimation2 . 3 M e a su r e m e n t a n d Es t im a t i o n 2.3.1 Concepts of Measurement

    2.3.2 Units and Tools of Measurement

    2.3.4 Conversions2.3.6 Measurement and Estimation

    2 . 4 M a t h em a t i c a l R e a so n i n g a n d Co n n e c t i o n s

    2.4.1 Reasoning2 . 5 M a t h e m a t i ca l P r o b le m So l v in g a n d Co m m u n i c a t i o n

    2.5.1 Problem Solving2.5.2 Communication

    2 . 6 S t a t i s t i c s a n d D a t a A n a l y s i s

    2.6.1 Collection of Data2.6.2 Organization and Display of Data

    2.6.3 Numerical Summaries2.6.5 Interpretation of Data

    2 . 7 P r o b a b i l i t y a n d P r e d i ct i o n s

    2.7.1 Calculate Probabilities

    2.7.3 Representations of Probabilities2 . 8 A l g e b r a a n d F u n c t i o n s

    2.8.1 Algebraic Properties

    2.8.2 Algebraic Manipulations2.8.3 Patterns

    2 . 9 Ge o m e t r y

    2.9.1 Definitions, Properties and Relations

    2.9.2 Transformations and Symmetry2.9.3 Coordinate Geometry

    Scientific Thinking and Technology

    3 . 1 B i o l o g i c a l S c ie n c e s

    3 . 1 a B i o l o g ic a l S ci e n c e s: L iv i n g a n d N o n - L i v i n g O r g a n i s m s

    3.1a.1 Common Characteristics of Life3.1a.3 Life Cycles

    3.1a.5 Form and Function3.1a.8 Unifying Themes

    3.1a.9 Science as Inquiry

    3 . 1 b B i o l o g i c a l S ci e n c e s : Ge n e t i c s

    3.1b.1 Heredity

    3.1b.2 Reproduction

    3.1b.5 Unifying Themes3 . 1 c B i o l o g i c a l S c ie n c e s : Ev o l u t i o n

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    3.2b.5 Nature of Waves and Sound

    3.2b.6 Unifying Themes3.2b.7 Science as Inquiry

    3 . 3 Ea r t h a n d S p a c e S c ie n c e s

    3 . 3 a . E a r t h a n d Sp a c e S c ie n c e s : Ea r t h St r u c t u r e , P r o c e s s e s a n d Cy c l e s

    3.3a.1 Earth Features and the Processes that Change It3.3a.2 Earths Resources and Materials

    3.3a.4 Water3.3a.5 Weather and Climate3.3a.6 Unifying Themes

    3 . 3 b Ea r t h a n d Sp a c e S ci e n c es : O r i g i n a n d Ev o l u t i o n o f t h e U n i v e r s e

    3.3b.1 Composition and Structure3 . 4 T ec h n o l o g y : Ex p l o r a t i o n , I n q u i r y a n d I n v e n t i o n

    3 . 4 a T e ch n o l o g y : Ex p l o r a t i o n , I n q u i r y a n d I n v e n t i o n : S co p e o f T e ch n o l o g y

    3.4a.1 Characteristics of Technology

    3.4a.3 Technology Connections

    3 . 4 c T e ch n o l o g y : Ex p l o r a t i o n , I n q u i r y a n d I n v e n t i o n : T e ch n o l o g y a n d En g i n e e r i n g D e s ig n 3.4c.1 Design Attributes

    3 . 4 e T e ch n o l o g y : Ex p l o r a t i o n , I n q u i r y a n d I n v e n t i o n : T h e D e si g n W o r l d

    3.4e.1 Medical Technologies3.4e.3 Energy and Power Technologies

    3.4e.4 Information and Communication Technologies3.4e.5 Transportation Technologies

    3.4e.7 Construction Technologies

    En v i r o n m e n t a n d E co l o g y

    4.1 Watersheds and Wetlands4.2 Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources4.3 Environmental Health

    4.4 Agriculture and Society

    4.6 Ecosystems and their Interactions4.7 Threatened, Endangered and Extinct Species

    4.8 Humans and the Environment4.9 Environmental Laws and Regulations

    Social Studies Thinking

    5 . 1 P r in c ip l e s a n d D o c u m e n t s o f Go v e r n m e n t

    5.1.1 Sources, Purpose and Functions of Law5 . 2 R i g h t s a n d R e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s o f Ci t i z e n s h i p

    5.2.1 Civic Rights, Responsibilities and Duties

    5.2.2 Sources and Resolution of Conflict

    5.2.3 Political Leadership and Public Service6 . 1 Ec o n om i c S y s t e m s

    6.1.2 Traditional, Command and Market Economies

    6.1.3 Measures of Economies6 . 2 M a r k e t s a n d t h e Fu n c t i o n s o f G o v er n m e n t

    6.2.3 Function of Money6.2.5 Changes in Supply and Demand

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    7 . 3 H um a n Ch a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f P la c e s a n d R e g io n s

    7.3.1 Human Characteristics7 . 4 I n t e r a c t io n s B e t w e e n P eo p l e a n d t h e En v i r o n m e n t

    7.4.1 Impact of Physical Systems on People

    7.4.2 Impact of People on Physical Systems8 . 1 H i s t o r i c a l A n a l y s i s a n d S k i l l s D e v e l o pm e n t

    8.1.1 Continuity and Change Over Time8.1.2 Historical Comprehension and Interpretation8.1.3 Research

    Health, Wellness and Physical Development

    1 0 . 1 - 3 H e a l t h a n d S a f e Pr a c t i c es

    10.1-3.1 Fundamentals of Good Health

    10.1-3.2 Body Awareness

    10.1-3.3 Safe Practices10.1-3.4 Nutrition

    1 0 . 4 P h y s i ca l A c t i v i t y : G r o s s M o t o r Co o r d i n a t i o n

    10.4.1 Control and Coordination

    10.4.3 Balance and Strength1 0 . 5 Co n c e p t s , P r i n c ip l e s a n d S t r a t e g i e s o f M o v em e n t : F in e M o t o r D e v e l o pm e n t

    10.5.1 Strength, Coordination and Muscle Control10.5.2 Eye/Hand Coordination

    10.5.3 Use of Tools

    Language and Literacy

    1 .1 L ea r n i n g t o R ea d I n d e p e n d e n t l y 1.1.1 Purposes for Reading1.1.2 Word Recognition Skills

    1.1.3 Vocabulary Development

    1.1.4 Comprehension and Interpretation1.1.5 Fluency

    1 .2 R ea d i n g , A n a ly z in g a n d I n t e r p r e t i n g T e x t 1.2.1 Text Analysis and Evaluation

    1.2.2 Text Organization

    1.2.3 Fact and Opinion1.2.5 Inferences

    1 . 3 R e a d in g , A n a l y z i n g a n d I n t e r p r e t i n g L i t e r a t u r e

    1.3.1 Analysis and Evaluation

    1.3.2 Literary Genres1.3.3 Literary Elements1.3.4 Literary Devices

    1 . 4 T y p e s o f W r i t i n g

    1.4.1 Narrative

    1.4.2 Informational1 . 5 Q u a l i t y o f W r i t i n g

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    1 . 8 R e s e a r c h

    1.8.1 Inquiry Based Process1.8.2 Location Information and Citing Sources

    1.8.3 Organization and Production of Final Product1.9.1 Media and Technology Resources

    Partnerships for Learning2 0 . 1 Co n n e c t i o n s : S h a r e d U n d e r s t a n d i n g o f F am i l y a n d S ch o o l Va l u e s , P h i lo s o p h i e s a n d Cu l t u r e s

    20.1.1 Information Exchange20.1.2 Home to School Connections

    20.1.3 School to Home Connections2 0 . 2 Fa m i ly En g a g e m e n t

    20.2.1 Shared Governance of Decision-Making20.2.2 Special Events and Activities

    2 0 . 3 S u p p o r t i n g Ch i l d r e n s L e a r n i n g

    20.3.1 Screening and Assessment20.3.2 Goal Development

    20.3.3 Ongoing Progress Review20.3.4 Community Supports

    2 0 . 4 T r a n s i t i o n

    20.4.1 Program Entry

    20.4.2 Program Exit20.4.3 Community Connections

    Social and Emotional Development

    2 5 . 1 S el f Co n c e p t ( I d e n t i t y )

    25.1.1 Self Awareness

    25.1.2 Understanding Emotions25.1.3 Competence

    2 5 . 2 S e lf R e g u l a t i o n

    25.2.1 Emotional Regulation25.2.2 Behavioral Regulation

    2 5 . 3 P r o - S o ci a l R e la t i o n s h i p s w i t h A d u l t s

    25.3.1 Trust

    25.3.2 Attachment2 5 . 4 P r o - S o ci a l R e la t i o n s h i p s w i t h P e er s

    25.4.1 Social Identity

    25.4.2 Respect and Empathy

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    Alignment GridPre-Kindergarten Standards

    Learning Standard Where Standard Is Covered in Curriculum Where Standard Is Addressed in other Resources

    A p p r o a c h e s t o L e a r n i n g

    15.1 Constructing and GatheringKnowledge

    15.2 Organizing and UnderstandingInformation

    15.3 Applying Knowledge

    15.4 Learning Through Experience

    Cr e a t i v e T h i n k i n g a n d E x p r e s s i o n

    9.1a Production and Performance:

    Music and Movement

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    Learning Standard Where Standard Is Covered in Curriculum Where Standard Is Addressed in other Resources

    9.1b Production and Performance:Dramatic and Performance Play

    9.1c Production and Performance:

    Visual Arts

    9.2 Historical and Cultural Context of

    Works in the Arts

    9.3 Critical Response to Works of Art

    9.4 Aesthetic Response to Works in the


    Ma t h em a t i c a l T h i n k i n g a n d E x p r e s s i o n

    2.1 Numbers, Number Systems andNumber Relationships

    2.2 Computation and Estimation

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    Learning Standard Where Standard Is Covered in Curriculum Where Standard Is Addressed in other Resources

    2.3 Measurement and Estimation

    2.4 Mathematical Reasoning and


    2.5 Mathematical Problem Solving and


    2.6 Statistics and Data Analysis

    2.7 Probability and Predictions

    2.8 Algebra and Functions

    2.9 Geometry

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    Learning Standard Where Standard Is Covered in Curriculum Where Standard Is Addressed in other Resources

    S ci e n t i f i c Th i n k i n g a n d T e c h n o l o g y

    3.1a Biological Sciences: Living andNon-Living Organisms

    3.1b Biological Sciences: Genetics

    3.1c Biological Sciences: Evolution

    3.2a Physical Sciences: Chemistry

    3.2b Physical Sciences: Physics

    3.3a Earth and Space Sciences: EarthStructure, Processes and Cycles

    3.3b Earth and Space Sciences: Origin

    And Evolution of the Universe

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    Learning Standard Where Standard Is Covered in Curriculum Where Standard Is Addressed in other Resources

    3.4a Technology: Exploration, Inquiryand Invention: Scope of Technology

    3.4c Technology: Exploration, Inquiry

    and Invention: Technology andEngineering Design

    3.4e Technology: Exploration, Inquiry

    and Invention: The Design World

    Environment and Ecology

    4.1 Watersheds and Wetlands

    4.2 Renewable and Non-Renewable


    4.3 Environmental Health

    4.4 Agriculture and Society

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    Learning Standard Where Standard Is Covered in Curriculum Where Standard Is Addressed in other Resources

    4.6 Ecosystems and their Interactions

    4.7 Threatened, Endangered and

    Extinct Species

    4.8 Humans and the Environment

    4.9 Environmental Laws andRegulations

    Social Studies Thinking

    5.1 Principles and Documents ofGovernment

    5.2 Rights and Responsibilities ofCitizenship

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    Learning Standard Where Standard Is Covered in Curriculum Where Standard Is Addressed in other Resources

    6.1 Economic Systems

    6.2 Markets and the Functions of


    6.3 Scarcity and Choice

    6.5 Work and Earnings

    7.1 Basic Geographic Literacy

    7.2 Physical Characteristics of Places

    and Regions

    7.3 Human Characteristics of Placesand Regions

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    Learning Standard Where Standard Is Covered in Curriculum Where Standard Is Addressed in other Resources

    7.4 Interactions Between People and theEnvironment

    8.1 Historical Analysis and Skills


    Health, Wellness and Safe Practices

    10.1-3 Health and Safe Practices

    10.4 Physical Activity: Gross Motor


    10.5 Concepts, Principles and Strategies

    of Movement: Fine Motor


    Language and Literacy

    1.1 Learning to Read Independently

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    Learning Standard Where Standard Is Covered in Curriculum Where Standard Is Addressed in other Resources

    1.2 Reading, Analyzing and InterpretingText

    1.3 Reading, Analyzing and Interpreting


    1.4 Types of Writing

    1.5 Quality of Writing

    1.6 Speaking and Listening

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    Learning Standard Where Standard Is Covered in Curriculum Where Standard Is Addressed in other Resources

    1.7 Characteristics and Functions of theEnglish Language

    1.8 Research

    Partnerships for Learning

    20.1 Connections: Shared Understandingof Family and School Values,

    Philosophies and Cultures

    20.2 Family Engagement

    20.3 Supporting Childrens Learning

    L i St d d Wh St d d I C d i C i l Wh St d d I Add d i th R

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    Learning Standard Where Standard Is Covered in Curriculum Where Standard Is Addressed in other Resources

    20.4 Transition

    Social and Emotional Development

    25.1 Self Concept (Identity)

    25.2 Self Regulation

    25.3 Pro-Social Relationships with Adults

    25.4 Pro-Social Relationships with Peers