curriculum for excellence the numeracy outcomes

Curriculum for Excellence The Numeracy Outcomes Amy Sinclair, Development Officer for Numeracy Learning and Teaching Scotland

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Curriculum for Excellence The Numeracy Outcomes. Amy Sinclair, Development Officer for Numeracy Learning and Teaching Scotland. Programme for the day. 9.30 – 10.00Setting the scene 10.00 – 10.45Interpreting the outcomes 10.45 – 11.00Coffee break - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Curriculum for ExcellenceThe Numeracy Outcomes

Amy Sinclair, Development Officer for NumeracyLearning and Teaching Scotland

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Programme for the day

9.30 – 10.00 Setting the scene

10.00 – 10.45 Interpreting the outcomes

10.45 – 11.00 Coffee break

11.00 – 12.00 Planning the delivery of the outcomes

12.00 – 12.50 It’s all about the how

12.50 – 1.50 Lunch

1.50 – 2.50 Numeracy Across the Curriculum

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To look at progression within the Numeracy Outcomes and how they interlink.

To consider how the Numeracy outcomes could be grouped for teaching within the school curriculum

To plan the delivery of a selection of the numeracy outcomes

To support numeracy across the curriculum

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Learning Outcomes

Participants will:

gain an informed overview of the Numeracy Outcomes see how the Numeracy outcomes fit with their current

teaching have the opportunity to establish working links with other


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'Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting the different results'

Albert Einstein

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. Reduce



Better connections between the


Balance 'academic' and

'vocational' subjects

Broad range of


Skills for now and the


Assessment that supports


More choice to meet needs

Teacher’s Wish List

(i.e. The National Debate)

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“A goal of the curriculum review is to give teachers more freedom to teach in innovative and creative ways.”

Progress and Proposals

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Progress to date

Publication of Numeracy outcomes Numeracy Foreword Numeracy Across the Curriculum Engagement events

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Next Steps Publication of other subject areas

December – Mathematics, Expressive Arts, Gaelic Learners, Classical Languages, Social Subjects

January – English Language and Literacy, Fluent GaelicApril - Technologies, RMEMay – Health & Wellbeing

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Next Steps

Assessment• Consultation for qualifications at SCQF 4 and 5

(General/ Credit at Standard Grade, Int1/Int 2 for NQ)• No decisions until consultation has taken place• Access, Higher and Advanced Higher will remain as

points of stability in the system• To be reviewed and will adapt over time to reflect CfE

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Next Steps

Consultation & Feedback

• To be confirmed

• Likely to be collated by authority

• All stakeholders

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'All learning begins when our comfortable ideas turn out to be inadequate.'

John Dewey

Philosopher, Psychologist and Educational Reformer

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An excellent school

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Curriculum for ExcellenceThe Numeracy Outcomes

Session 1

Interpreting the Outcomes

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Presentation: The ingredients of an outcomeProgression across levelsLinks to cross-cutting themes etc

Activity: Unpacking an outcomeMoney line of developmentReflective questions

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Future proof

Future proof




Builds on good


Builds on good








Writers’ Guide

Writers’ Guide

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“Progression within and between levels will be indicated through the chosen content or context (based on research in your curriculum area on what constitutes sound progression); by the use of particular outcome stems or by the use of particular action verbs”

Writer’s Guide

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Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy

Anderson and Krathwohl (2001)

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Creating - Create, Invent, Compose, Predict, Plan, Construct, Design, Imagine, Propose, Devise, Formulate, Combine, Hypothesize, Originate, Add to, Forecast

Evaluating - Evaluate, Judge, Select, Choose, Decide, Justify, Debate, Verify, Argue, Recommend, Assess, Discuss, Rate, Prioritise, Determine, Critique, Criticise, Weigh, Value, Estimate, Defend

Analysing - Analyse, Distinguish, Examine, Compare, Contrast, Investigate, Categorise, Identify, Explain, Separate, Advertise, Take apart, Differentiate, Subdivide, Deduce

Applying - Apply, Solve, Show, Use, Illustrate, Construct, Complete, Examine, Classify, Choose, Interpret, Make, Put together, Change, Produce, Translate, Calculate, Manipulate, Modify, Put into practice

Understanding - Explain, Interpret, Outline, Discuss, Distinguish, Predict, Restate, Translate, Compare, Describe, Relate, Generalise, Summarise, Put into your own words, Paraphrase, Convert, Demonstrate, Visualise, Find out more information about

Remembering - Tell, List, Describe, Relate, Locate, Write, Find, State, Name, Identify, Label, Recall, Define, Recognise, Match, Reproduce, Memorise, Draw, Select, Write, Recite

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Early Practical and experiential exploration of concepts.

Developed through active, structured play.


Developing knowledge.

Introducing recording methods.

Introducing and developing skills including mental.

2nd Introducing and developing more complex skills. Developing a toolkit of strategies including written and mental


Applying skills in context.

More complex strategies for metal and written.

Practising skills in mainly familiar contexts.

4th Applying and combining skills in context.

Sourcing, analysing and interpreting unfamiliar contexts/problems

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“As a general rule outcomes should begin with the ‘I can’ stem. Experiences describe purposeful and worthwhile tasks, activities or events that contribute to motivation, personal development and learning. As a general rule they should be signalled using the ‘I have’ stem.”

Writers’ Guide

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Progression by use of particular outcome stems

Within my everyday experiences and routines, I have Having explored ……, I can I have begun to develop Having taken part in practical activities, I can Having worked with others, I can Having explored the relationship between ……., I can By applying my understanding of ….., I can Having investigated …., I can

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Progression – Number and Number Processes

I use practical materials and can ‘count on and back’ to help me to understand addition and subtraction, recording my ideas and solutions in different ways.

I can use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division when solving problems, making best use of the mental strategies and written skills I have developed.


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Progression – Measurement

I can estimate how long or heavy an object is, or what amount it holds, using everyday things as a guide, then measure or weigh it using appropriate instruments and units

I can use the common units of measure, convert between related units of the metric system and carry out calculations when solving problems.


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Progression – Money

I can budget effectively, making use of technology and other methods, to manage money and plan for future expenses.

I can discuss and illustrate the facts I need to consider when determining what I can afford, in order to manage credit and debt and lead a responsible lifestyle.


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Curriculum for ExcellenceThe Numeracy Outcomes

Session 2

Planning the delivery of the

Numeracy outcomes

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Presentation: Planning a line of developmentCombining outcomes in context

Activity: Planning sheet for an outcomeCombining outcomes using cards

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Planning an outcome

• Skills and learning outcomes

• Existing contexts

• Existing resources

• Methodologies

• Progression in line of development

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Combining Outcomes

• Relevant, meaningful links/contexts

• Teaching/consolidation?

• Links to other areas of the curriculum

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Estimation and


Number and Number


Fractions, decimal

fractions and percentages


Data and analysis

Ideas of chance and uncertainty

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Estimation and


Number and Number


Fractions, decimal

fractions and percentages


Data and analysis

Ideas of chance and uncertainty

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Curriculum for ExcellenceThe Numeracy Outcomes

Session 3

It’s all about the how

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12.00 – 12.50 IT’S ALL ABOUT THE HOW

Presentation: Key methodologies and approaches

Activity: Discussion of current practiceAudit/action plan

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Learning and teaching are at the heart of an effective curriculum

Teachers have recognised and welcomed the professional challenges presented by the four capacities for their learning and teaching approaches. They are aware that it is the ‘how’ of classroom practice which will support successful learning and promote confidence, participation and responsibility.

Progress and Proposals

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• Active learning and planned, purposeful play

• Problem solving approaches

• Development of mathematical thinking skills

• Use of relevant contexts, familiar to young peoples’ experiences• Appropriate, effective use of technology• Building on the principles of Assessment is for Learning• Collaborative and independent learning• Making links across the curriculum

Learning & Teaching

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Active learning and planned, purposeful play

Active learning is learning which engages and

challenges children’s thinking using real-life and

imaginary situations.

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Active learning and planned, purposeful play

It takes full advantage of the opportunities for learning presented by:

● spontaneous play ● planned, purposeful play ● investigating and exploring ● events and life experiences ● focused learning and teaching

supported when necessary through sensitive intervention to support or extend learning.

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Problem solving approaches

“To emphasise that problem solving is fundamental to good learning and teaching in all aspects of mathematics and its applications, problem solving will be addressed within all lines of development rather than appearing as a separate element.”

Building the Curriculum 1

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Problem solving approaches

• Life skills• Through all subject areas• Resilience• Creative thinking• Process focused• Reasoned thinking• Challenging their thinking • Justifying approaches to others

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Development of mathematical thinking skills

• Routine and non-routine problems• Multiple approaches• Testing conjectures• Effective questioning• Slow process

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Use of relevant contexts, familiar to young peoples’ experiences

“Too often, pupils do not see the relevance of the mathematics they are being taught nor the connections with

the skills they need in other subjects. Skills such as the ability to solve problems and deal effectively with mental

calculation lie at the heart of mathematics education.”

Improving Achievement in Mathematics in Primary and Secondary Schools

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Appropriate, effective use of technology

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Building on the principles of Assessment is for Learning

Research shows that children are more motivated and task-orientated if they know the learning intention of the task, but they are also able to make better decisions about how to go about the task.

(Clark, 2001)

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Collaborative and independent learning

“Discussion in small groups enables all pupils to engage directly in discussion about the mathematical problem. By doing so, they are better able to understand the problem and can clarify their own ideas.”

(Marshall, B & Wiliam, D, 2006)

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Collaborative and independent learning

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Making links across the curriculum

“The curriculum needs to include space for learning beyond subject boundaries, so that learners can make connections between different areas of learning. Through interdisciplinary activities of this kind, young people can develop their organisational skills, creativity, teamwork and the ability to apply their learning in new and challenging contexts.”

Progress & Proposals

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Curriculum for ExcellenceThe Numeracy Outcomes

Session 4

Numeracy Across the Curriculum

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Presentation: Responsibility of all teachersImplicationsExisting contextsThe role of other subjectsLTS project to support

Activity: Primary – existing/possible contextsSecondary – other subject contexts

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“All teachers have responsibility for promoting the development of numeracy. With an increased emphasis upon numeracy for all young people, teachers will need to plan to revisit and consolidate numeracy skills throughout schooling.”

“Learning in mathematics should provide a base of knowledge, skills (such as problem solving) and understanding which will support learning in other areas of the curriculum.”

Building the Curriculum 1





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“When educators in all sectors find ways of developing

numeracy skills as a natural feature of their work,

children and young people can recognise that these skills

can help them to solve problems and interpret the

complex information they come across in their everyday

lives. In this way they can become better prepared to

apply their skills.”

Numeracy Across the Curriculum Engagement Paper

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All teachers are responsible for delivering the

numeracy outcomes

What does that mean for

consistency, planning, recording, assessing, liaising

with other staff ………..?


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• It’s good to talk

• Timing is everything!

• All singing from same hymn sheet?

• Calculators allowed?

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To reflect on and adapt current practice:● Do more of

● Do less of

● Stop doing

● Start doing

To try out – learn in context

To identify opportunities, challenges and CPD needs

To provide feedback

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One option which is not an option

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Contact details

Amy SinclairDevelopment [email protected]

01382 443 6400777 577 1357