customer care presentation module basic principle of customer care and service delivery


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Post on 29-Dec-2015




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Important rules in customer care1. People before Paperwork This rule, “people before paperwork,” help workers to know the

importance of putting customers and their needs ahead of tasks such as filing and answering cell phones.

2. Don't Rush Your Caller The rules, “don't rush callers,” “be friendly before you know who it

is,” and “don't be too busy to be nice,” show workers the value of treating customer calls like those of friends and family. By treating a caller like a welcome guest rather than an annoyance, employees can form bonds with customers and boost business.

3. Be Friendly Before You Know Who It Is Along with guidelines of treating customers with respect and

gratitude, the lesson, “don't use military language on civilians,” shows workers how company jargon and acronyms can confuse and alienate customers.

4. Don't Be Too Busy To Be Nice And the, “be personally accountable don't pass the buck,”

lesson shows workers the importance of personal accountability and responsibility and how those traits reflect on a business. Workers see how owning and addressing a potential problem can turn it to a company's favor.

5. Don't Use Military Language on Civilians Together, these guidelines show workers how

communication techniques they already know and use in daily conversation make them customer-service dynamos.

6. Be Personally Accountable - Don't Pass the Buck 7. Be sure about feed back



• 1 in 4 tourists have a negative customer service in Rwanda and the perception may be getting worse.

• Customer service quality varies across the sectors and is linked to skills, with white-collar generally better and blue-collar sectors –notably transport – weak.

• Lack of competition is the main reason why consumers continue to visit businesses with poor service. Rwandan customer service is seen as the worst in the region.

• “Customer service remains highly problematic in private,, public and civil society domains and sometimes people which are concerned are see it and considerate it as normal


• We can no longer accept a culture of mediocrity either from Rwandan business and government institutions that give poor services, or Rwandan customers who quietly accept substandard ‘customer care’, if I can call it that.” said H.E the President of the Republic of Rwanda Paul KAGAME

• Customers have become more demanding and price and quality are no longer differentiators for organizations. The companies that will survive this competitive pressure are those that adapt to these changes and differentiate themselves by offering better quality services.

• The Right Honorable Prime Minister, Dr Pierre Damien HABUMUREMYI recall people to give a good customer cure and blame private sector which remains in power service delivery to the clients


• Going out of your way for the customer and doing everything possible to satisfy and often exceed the customer’s needs

• Striving for excellence• Going out of your way to delight a customer. • It is the process of meeting the needs and

expectations of customers.• It also involves acquisition and maintenance of



1. Long term customer retention.2. Increase in business revenue and reputation.3. Enhanced marketing as customers spread

4. the good word.5. Fewer complaints

Customer care consists of doing whatever it takes to put A

smile on the customer’s lips


• To the customer care officer not to the client


• Greater job satisfaction • Job security• Less Stress• Increase of confidence and self esteem• Greater team spirit.• Better awareness of individual contribution to

the reputation and success of centre


• Our customers are varied.• Virtually any person or Business with whom

our company comes in contact, including our suppliers and customers

• There are two kinds of customers:• Internal customers• External customers


• The Customer is the Most Important Person in any business, treat them as such.

• The Customer is not dependent on us, we are dependent on them.• The Customer is not an interruption to our work, but the reason for it.• The Customer does us a favour when they call, we are not doing them a

favour • The Customer is not there to argue with or match with.• The Customer is the person who brings us the needs, it is our job to

fulfill those needs.• The Customer deserves the most attentive treatment we can give, so

give it.• The Customer is part of our business, not an outsider.• The Customer is the person who pays our salary, so value their custom.• The Customer is the life and blood of any company without

What does the Customer Want?

• The Customer want to be made to feel special• How do I make the Customer feel special?• Acknowledge the customer.• Smile• Greet the customer.• Give him your attention.• Listen carefully and speak clearly.• Don’t keep him waiting.• Try and build rapport.


• By feelings we understand emotions especially those influenced by other people.

• Our feelings not only affect big decisions but also influence where we choose to shop, the restaurants where we diner, the products we choose to buy…. And our attitude regarding other people.

• With Feelings we will discover that there are different types of customers, the types of needs they have and the importance of building long term relationships with our customers.

Building Rapport

• Greet.• Take cues from the conversation.• Ask where the customer is from and Name.• Ask if it’s their first visit.• Cross Sell your Products.• Ask them to come again


• Don’t forget the greeting.• Don’t Speak too fast/low.• Don’t appear engrossed in other work/busy

with other tasks.• Don’t give short clipped answers.• Don’t appear not to care.• Don’t judge by appearance.• Don’t argue with the customer.

What customers really really wont

• “I want to be treated like an individual”• “I want you to respect my time”• “I want you to make it easy for them to do

business with you”• “I want you to listen to them”• “I want you to tell them the truth”• “I want you to give them a reason to come



• Don’t underestimate the importance of listening.• Remember we have TWO EARS and one mouth so focus on

what the customer is saying, not what YOU think you are saying

• Focus on the customer, make eye contact• Give listening cues, i.e nod, say ‘I understand’, smile• Don’t let your mind wander or get distracted• Listen to the customer’s body language• Don’t interrupt. Ask questions to make sure you understand• Repeat/summarise if necessary• Give the customer the attention you would like to receive


• First impressions are vital – • A customer will decide in the first 15 seconds whether you

are competent, prepared, approachable and efficient• People want to know about how much you care…before they

care how much you knowUse your Customer Service Tools to create a good First

Impression• Your smile• Your voice• Your body language• Your words

Make the first 15 seconds count

• Smile and greet• Show interest, make eye contact, listen• Treat the customer as if he/she is the first

person of the day• Be friendly, willing and helpful• Show interest, inform and cross-sell• Thank them for their business


• Don’t forget your working environment also can make a good impression

• Customers often believe that sloppiness in one area of an organisation can mean a general carelessness in all areas.

• Make sure desk is tidy and welcoming• REMOVE the mess and papers• REMOVE out of date posters/fliers• Cupboards & drawers closed• Pens, message pads replenished throughout day• Calendar showing correct date!• Treat your work area as if it were your home.


Meaning of Empowerment:• Dictionary: delegation of power• Having authority to make quick; informed decision, • Ownership of institution,• Bending rules without breaking. Empowerment: A way of life• Number one goal of your work should be to ensure over-happy

customer• Empowerment is in the everyday life, not only in work place.• Empowerment improves your performance and success at work.• Empowerment will help you make decisions that will make your

customer happy without asking for permission.

Empowerment is:

– Mutual influence– Creative distribution of power– Joint, shared responsibility– Enables talents and capability– Foster accomplishment– Invest in learning– Builds effective relationship– Informs, leads, coaches, serves, creates and liberates

Characteristics of Empowerment:

• Solving customer’s problem without asking for permission;

• Ensuring you are informed About policy of institution

• To be quick and efficient.• Over happy Customer• Being able to say “YES” I can help.• Feeling you are trusted.


• Empowerment is possible when you feel you are appreciated.• Employer, employee mutual trust. • An appreciated employee owns the business.• Empowerment is seeking information instead of waiting for it.• Having information about your institution, New rules, laws, new offer packages, helps

you serve better. • Empowerment means you can also delegate when necessary. • Knowing rules for delegation.• Treat your colleagues as you would like your boss to treat you (with courtesy).• Speak to your colleagues in a way that will encourage them to help you.

• ADVANTAGES OF EMPOWERMENT:• Empowerment makes your job easier;• Empowerment creates conducive working environment;• Empowerment creates customer retention;

Customers talk to potential customer about your care;

• Empowerment is all about bending the rules, but not breaking them;• Guidelines and parameters should be open for service recovery whenever situation call

for it;• Empowerment is better when done quickly. Speed is important; • Customers like quick fix of a problem. Empowering staff to take decisions without going

through unnecessary bureaucracy leads to an overjoyed customer. • Empowerment leads to profit not loss. (good name not a bad one)• Empowerment is being a good steward or custodian of what is entrusted to you. Act

professionally. • Do not take gifts in exchange to service rendered.• Wisely identify the right time and situation for empowerment use.• Use empowerment within limits.• Use negotiation skills while applying empowerment. • Start small, people take time to accept new ideas till they realize they work.• Seek feedback from supervisor. That gives you the next level to go to.• Use empowerment for win-win not for loose-loose.


1. Introduction

• Welcome! • Congratulations on being selected to participate in SPEED.• You are an important part of this organization.• Your institution embraces Speed as a vital aspect of your job

performance.» Pair up and share the following information with your neighbor.» Name

• How long have you been an employee in your institution?• How long have you been working at your current position?• What is the largest barrier to completing tasks and projects

quickly and accurately in your institution, as you see it?» 2 personal expectations from this training.» Take one minute each.

2. What is speed?

• Speed is not just fast, speed means dramatically reducing the amount to complete a task;• Speed is exceptional service, • Speed helps you individually and your organization;• Speed reduces costs and attracts more clients• Speed create an advantage over the competition• Speed means do it fast, do it now, do it right.

3. Barriers to speed

• A barrier is something that stops someone from going somewhere.– Barriers fall into two categories:

• Internal• External

• Internal barriers: • Mindsets, attitude, follow-through, accountability, and


• External barriers: • Organization policies and procedures, inadequate systems and

technology, reliance on vendors or third-parties that do not support speed

4. The speed mindset

• A mindset fostering Speed is more than a positive attitude.• Most individual do not have a speed mindset, most have a mindset focusing on slow.• A slow mindset is easier and creates less work, but it does not show others your

capability, dependability, and leadership skills.• Procrastination may lead to other barriers that can inhibit Speed.• Focusing your mindset toward Speed will benefit you and your customers Right

mindset• Creating a mindset for speed• Procrastination• Benefits of speed• Empowerment is giving power or authority.• Empowerment is a key to Speed.• Empowerment constrained by policy means true empowerment does not exist.• Empowerment means giving employees the authority to what it takes to ensure


Policies, procedures and systems

• On one hand, policies, procedures and systems in the organization, interfere with speed when they slow down an employee who has a mindset for Speed.

• On the other hand, policies, procedures and systems can support Speed by:

• Identifying and eliminating barriers of Speed,• Help create ways that support Speed,• Suggest the implementation of systems to increase


7. Techniques and Tools

• Speed techniques are:• Organize• Prioritize• Manage your time• Recognize efficiency opportunities• Limit distractions• Communicate• Keep your promises and over deliver.

Accuracy Points to remember

• Speed does not sacrifice quality for quickness• Speed support accuracy and quality while still

dramatically reducing the amount of time it takes to complete a project or a task.

• Rushing is not Speed.• Establish quality checks in your schedule to

ensure quality and accuracy without sacrificing Speed.

• Work in a logical order.

Points to remember

• Your customers’, co-workers’, and organization’s time are important.

• Consistently keep your promises regarding projects completion and quality to highlight your commitment to the needs of customers and co-workers.

• Strive to over deliver on schedules and expectations to “wow” customers, co-workers and supervisors.

• Keep promises and over deliver


• Service recovery is fundamental to customer service• Service recovery separates customer service leaders from the rest of the competitions.• Service recovery helps you become a service leader.• Service recovery tells our customers that we will do whatever it takes to serve them

and earn their loyalty.• Value of a customer in perspective• It highlights the value of a single customer and the impact of losing one customer to

the overall success of their organizationService recovery means doing whatever is necessary to put a smile on the customer’s face

and leave them thinking you are the greatest organization on earth.• 2.Act quickly• 3.Be empowered• 4.Compensate• 5.Trust your customers• 6.Treat them as if they are always right.

• Service recovery is how we overcome our mistakes and restore customer loyalty. Service recovery is solving a customer’s problem or complaint and compensating them for their trouble, leaving them feeling as if they have just done business with the greatest organization on earth.


• Don’t make excuses or lie to cover up a mistake.• Don’t point out a customer’s misunderstanding .• Don’t pass the blame off or speak disparagingly about another employee or the

organization1.Empowerment works best when it happens on the front line and indirect contact

with customers.2.Empowerment constrained by policy is really no empowerment.3.In order to be customer centered, employees must be centered to act on behalf of

customers.4.Empowerment means giving those who work with customers the authority to do

what it takes ensure customer satisfaction.5.Empowerment gives frontline employees the permission and the mandate to focus

on customer satisfaction and resolve complaints quickly and effectively.6.Empowerment eliminates the fear of termination and requires you to do what is

necessary to satisfy your customers.

• 7.Empowerment creates an environment of service that permeates the entire organization, reinforcing employee confidence and building trust with the customer.

• SERVICE RECOVERY EMPOWERMENT• 1. Service recovery requires you to compensate a customer.• 2.Compensating a customer compels him to return.• 3.Compensation generates positive word of mouth

advertising.• 4.Every organization has something of value it can give to a

customer who has experienced a problem.• 5. Not all customers are equal. You may have to spend

more to keep a more valuable customer.


• 1.When policies and procedures leave customers frustrated and angry, they defeat the purpose of service recovery.

• 2.Policy and procedure can become a security blanket that protects the untrained employee from taking risks in practicing service recovery.

• 3.Policy should give you guideline to support service recovery.• 4.Identify and help eliminate dumb policies, rules, and procedures.• 5.Policies that prevent you from effectively serving the customer

destroy the customer relationship.• 6.Help create policies that force you to prioritize customers and focus

on service recovery.• 7.When policies encourage service recovery , your organization is

more likely to cultivate a loyal customer following.


• Simple steps to follow:• 1.Act quickly : you are the face of the organization and

the customer’s connection to your organization.• 2.Apologize and take responsibility . Even if you may

not be at fault, taking responsibility is essential.• 3.Make an empowered decision. Have no fear. The

policies and procedures are in place, so be confident.• Compensate: give the customer something of value.


• Service recovery turns angry customers, who will insult you and bad mouth your organization, into loyal ones who will think you can do no wrong and spread the word about you and your organization to any one who will listen.

• Service recovery gives employees peace of mind, increases morale , and decreases employee turn over. Your organization will earn positive word of mouth advertising, and you will create customers for life. All in just 60 seconds.

• Thank you for the way you will use service recovery techniques to improve quality services in your institution

Thank you!