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  • WORKSHOP ON CUSTOMER SERVICE Trainer: Prof. Nathan Ronen, MBA GENESIS - ACMS GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 1 Nathan Ronen
  • Introduction Let us introduce our selves to each other. Each one must say : 1. Nick name, full name , position in the bank . 2. Some thing personal you want others to know about you. 3. Something nice that happened to you this week. Write something in accordance to instructions that you will receive Nathan RONEN Genesis Consultants com.cmsalbania.www com.cmsalbania.www 2
  • PART 1 : INTODUCTION TO CUSTOMER SERVICE GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 3 Nathan Ronen
  • TARGETS OF THE TRAINING Learn to identify and analyze customer needs and problems. Recognize the most common reasons for customer complaints. Discover techniques to cultivate and maintain special customer relationships. Nathan RONEN Genesis Consultants com.cmsalbania.www 4
  • TARGETS ( CONT ) Improve your communication style and use two-way communication skills to level with DIFFERENT SORTS OF PEOPLE to accept feedback from them, and to discuss problems. Identify specific problems in your customer service program and apply treatment. Turn lemon to lemonade.Use of the complaint as a tool for improvement . Nathan RONEN Genesis Consultants com.cmsalbania.www 5
  • A Challenge Please write one Sentence: Definition of CUSTOMER SERVICE. use the following items to write your sentence
  • Questions On Being A Customer Why do you need customer service? Was the service provided over the phone or in person? How did the customer service representative respond to your request, inquiry or problem? If you felt the service was excellent, describe what made it so good. If you felt the service was exceptionally poor, describe what made it that way.
  • 10 MINUTES all rights reserved [email protected] [email protected] By SynTask 972-8-9436075 972- 8
  • Defining a Service Any activity or benefit that is essentially intangible and Any does not result in the ownership of anything .its production may or may not be tied to a physical product product (Phillip Kotler northwestern univ, CHICAGO, USA ) Service clients are paying for expertise, experience, advice, skills, knowledge and the benefits they bring. The benefits may last but the service itself is of limited duration. all rights reserved [email protected] [email protected] 9 By SynTask 972-8-9436075 972-
  • Marketing mix- the mix- new 7x Ps For services it is more appropriate to refer to the 7PS , rather than the normal 4 Ps In addition to the Product / Service), Price, Place and promotion we have to add three other factors: 5. Process People 6.People 7.Physical evidence [email protected] [email protected] all rights reserved By SynTask 972-8-9436075 972- 10
  • THE 3P OF SERVICE PEOPLE PROCESS PHYSICAL EVIDENCE Nathan RONEN Genesis Consultants com.cmsalbania.www 11
  • People ( I buy the salesperson before I buy the service ) The delivery of service is reliant on people to people ( P2P ) people sell and promote services .this is the key part of the marketing mix. Good customer relation are particularly important. The key qualities required are:are: Capability, * effectiveness, * customer interaction Efficiency ,* reliability, * assurance *transparency Availability , *responsiveness, *empathy [email protected] [email protected] all rights reserved By SynTask 972-8-9436075 972- 12
  • Physical Evidence (packaging) This is the tangible element of SERVICE The surrounding are an important part of the service Look of premises, ambience, decor Equipment Literature explaining the service The looks of the service givers ( uniform, name badge, etc). Bank statement, train ticket, pen at desks. privacy corner. [email protected] [email protected] all rights reserved By SynTask 972-8-9436075 972- 13
  • Process This refers to the way the service is provided, from first to last point of contact but more important how is service experienced by our customer: Waiting time- speed and time of delivery ( 24 hours mortgage ). Process of making payment/decision making Order processing Database management- information flow Queuing system Service delivery [email protected] service Customer [email protected] all rights reserved booking By SynTask 972-8-9436075 972- 14
  • Two prospective on the mix C4 P4 CUSTOMER MARKETING MANAGER PRODUCT offered .want CUSTOMER NEEDS & WANTS to sell as much as CUSTOMERS VALUE possible for biggest profit Cost to the customer PRICE charged by seller convenience to the PLACE - distribution customer all rights reserved [email protected] [email protected] Communication- Communication- relations 15 By SynTask 972-8-9436075 972- Promotion
  • The chain of service Your service as good as the first or last impression the customer has from the whole combination; PEOPLE, PROCESS , PHYSICAL EVIDENCE. The strength of the chain is measured by its weakest point Nathan RONEN Genesis Consultants com.cmsalbania.www 16
  • The Customer Is the most important person we will work with and for . Is not an interruption of our work, but rather, is the reason for it, Is an individual with a name and feelings, Is the reason we all have jobs, Is not always right, but is still . Nathan RONEN Genesis Consultants com.cmsalbania.www 17
  • CS as the DNA of the business Customer service is the sum total of what an organisation does to meet customer expectations and produce customer satisfaction. Nathan RONEN Genesis Consultants com.cmsalbania.www 18
  • American example of CS Our mission is to Provide Superior Sources of Financial Solutions Core Values: Trust Integrity Courtesy Commitment copyright- copyright- Nathan Ronen -Syntask 19
  • They call it the GUEST SERVICE G =greet U= understand E=Empathize S= solve T= thank copyright- Nathan Ronen -Syntask copyright- 20
  • Greet Greet the customer as he enters Demonstrate respect Always use a friendly smile Introduce yourself and call the client by name Keep eye contact with your customer Shake hands Always suggest your help in solving a problem Suggest a chair or water. copyright- copyright- Nathan Ronen -Syntask 21
  • Understand Listen with attention to his needs and wants. Ask clarifying open questions. Reflect what you have understood, repeat the exact words of the customer. Keep a friendly and practical tone. Keep loyal to your peers and place of work. Be discreet . copyright- copyright- Nathan Ronen -Syntask 22
  • Empathize Put yourself in the customer shoes. If the customer is complaining do not argues. empathize with how he feels. Express true interest in solving the issue. Dont get involved by provocations , keep calm. If you can not solve the problem call your superior. copyright- copyright- Nathan Ronen -Syntask 23
  • Solve You are the representative of the bank, take responsibility. Offer ways to solve the problem. Suggest compensation if the customer is right . Take the customer to a quiet pleasant corner/ place so you can speak in a business and friendly manner. copyright- copyright- Nathan Ronen -Syntask 24
  • Thank Offer your visiting card so he has a point of contact in future relations. Thank the customer for doing his business with us. Invite him to fell free to call or come whenever he needs. copyright- copyright- Nathan Ronen -Syntask 25
  • Do You Know why customers Leave? 1% die. 3% move away. 5% develop other relationships. 9% leave for competitive reasons. 14% are dissatisfied with product or service. 68% 68% leave because of rude or discourteous service service.
  • RADIO WIFM - cs station : Whats In it For Me? W Nathan RONEN Genesis Consultants com.cmsalbania.www 27
  • But what is in it for us personally? Why Should We (as Individuals) Care About Giving Good Service? Nathan RONEN Genesis Consultants com.cmsalbania.www 28
  • It makes our lives richer! Nathan RONEN Genesis Consultants com.cmsalbania.www 29
  • Our Own Gain ? It Reduces stress! Nathan RONEN Genesis Consultants com.cmsalbania.www 30
  • The importance of CS ( 1) All customers are worth money to a firm Satisfied customers : Return, again and again Tell their friends Help to enhance the firms reputation Can provide useful feedback Help the firm to keep/increase its market share Increase sales revenue and profits Nathan RONEN Genesis Consultants com.cmsalbania.www 31
  • The importance of CS(2 CS(2) Dissatisfied customers also tell their friends and therefore can ruin a firms reputation. destroy the potential of any expensive marketing campaign. Nathan RONEN Genesis Consultants com.cmsalbania.www 32
  • The importance of CS(3) CS(3 It is 5 TIMES cheaper for a company to spend money retaining existing customers and develop customers loyalty than it is to advertise in order to attract new customers ! Nathan RONEN Genesis Consultants com.cmsalbania.www 33
  • The Law of Reciprocity The Law of Reciprocity means: to give and take mutually; to return in kind or even in another kind or degree. "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine." Applies in EVERY culture on the face of the earth. Simply explains that when someone gives you something you feel an obligation to give back. Nathan RONEN Genesis Consultants com.cmsalbania.www 34
  • Law of Reciprocity Practicing every day those core values we learned at home as children Courtesy Great Kindness Customer Respect Service Honesty Nathan RONEN Genesis Consultants com.cmsalbania.www 35
  • Law of Reciprocity Psychologically it puts us in the drivers seat We are in control of creating the positive energy to turn a bad situation into a good one Nathan RONEN Genesis Consultants com.cmsalbania.www 36
  • "There is a spiritual aspect to our lives - when we give we receive when a business does something good for somebody, that somebody feels good about them! Ben Cohen , Ben & Jerry's Nathan RONEN Genesis Consultants com.cmsalbania.www 37
  • WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THIS SERVICE? ( Saturday night live 2007) 2007) NBC ) Nathan RONEN Genesis Consultants com.cmsalbania.www 38
  • AND THIS SERVICE ? SN Brussels.mpeg Nathan RONEN Genesis Consultants com.cmsalbania.www 39
  • 15 minutes Coffee break Nathan RONEN Genesis Consultants com.cmsalbania.www 40
  • PART 2: Intercommunication skills GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 41 Nathan Ronen
  • We must except the differences as a fact We are not here to educate our customers or teach them manners. We can not be judgmental . We , as the representatives of the bank have a noble task, it is in our power to give service to people who need it. When putting on the HAT of the bank worker , we must detach ourselves from us ! GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 42 Nathan Ronen
  • SERVICE IS ABOUT PEOPLE Culture assets Social needs Personal needs & wants Psychological structure Customer ( gender, age, FLC) 43
  • One photo two faces GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 44 Nathan Ronen
  • Different point of view GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 45 Nathan Ronen
  • The 10: 90 model 10: (Stephen Covey the seven habits of most effective people) 1.EVENT 4. REACTION 2.PARADIGM 3. EMOTION GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 46 Nathan Ronen
  • Me and You GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 47 Nathan Ronen
  • The ME mix( Gardner model) MY EMOTIONS: EMOTIONS: MY CORE Relations, need to VALUES please, to be Integrity, red lines, perfect, fear of moral, believes, rejection ,to be spiritual me loved, self esteem, fear & anxiety MY RATIONAL MY PHYSICS My looks,body Targets, image, my health, , vision, me and me, me and ambitions. IQ you, GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 48 Nathan Ronen
  • Sender Encoding Message Decoding Receiver Media WHY IS CUSTOMER ME BUY HE THIS PUSHING WHO WHO AM Noise AM I I Emotions Feedback Response Elements in the Communication Process GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 49 Nathan Ronen
  • Cultural differences GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 50 Nathan Ronen
  • WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE ? After you have studied the inter communication system, you must realize that people ( customers as well as salesmen ) are hiding their real needs and wants as well as feelings. We want people to like us, we do not like to hurt their feelings, but internally we develop a liking or rejection to a customer in accordance to the 3 dimensions of the intercommunication model. We shall now see a short movie: the parking lot" : lot" GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 51 Nathan Ronen
  • Parking grounds CONRAD CONRAD shopping center TIRANA Imagine the following situation: My name is Armida, I am 38, work as a Armida, pediatrician specialist in Hospital , I drive a Mercedes Super jeep 2oo8, I live in a very nice house at Tirana ere district. My name is Viola, I am 36, divorced unemployed, I worked as a cashier in a shop . I drive a Fiat uno 1995, and I live in Bregu I Lumit district of Tirana. GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 52 Nathan Ronen
  • GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 53 Nathan Ronen
  • 60 minutes Lunch break GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 54 Nathan Ronen
  • Part 3: Clients behavioral models GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 55 Nathan Ronen
  • The 4TM- the Human puzzle GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 56 Nathan Ronen
  • We are all different types with variant wants and needs 1. E type 2. P type 3. I type 4. A type Please pay attention: this is only a schematic division, people vary , most of us are mix of types. GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 57 Nathan Ronen
  • Human Puzzle FTM People- People- Emotions motivation Introvert extrovert Rational- Rational- Results [email protected] [email protected] motivation GENESIS - ACMS 58 Nathan Ronen
  • ENTREPRENEUR TYPE Dominant type, very friendly, when he enters the room you feel it, likes to be in center of things. Full of ideas, very creative, likes to listen to himself, weak listener, needs constant compliments and attention. GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 59 Nathan Ronen
  • Emotions E TYPE internal external Results GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 60 Nathan Ronen
  • Productive type Formal , dominant, likes to rule and in need of control. The BOSS type, the Butcher type, does not enjoy small talk, no patience for feelings and excuses, likes results, waste of time drives him crazy, bottom line person. GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 61 Nathan Ronen
  • Emotions E TYPE internal external P type Results GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 62 Nathan Ronen
  • ANALIZER administrative type Not a dominant type, likes to gather information, prefers data to people, takes life very seriously, likes to ask lots of questions, very suspicious and hesitant, difficult for him to make decisions, conservative, When asked to describe a projects, brings lot of statistics, research results , details , details... GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 63 Nathan Ronen
  • Emotions E TYPE internal external P type A TYPE Results GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 64 Nathan Ronen
  • Integrative Type Not dominant, shy and delicate, good listener, hates chaos and disharmony, in order for everybody to be in peace will give up his own wants, togetherness is very important, discrete - everybody comes to tell him their secrets, needs assurances. GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 65 Nathan Ronen
  • Emotions I type E TYPE internal external P type A TYPE Results GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 66 Nathan Ronen
  • E Type - what motivates him? What motivates him? Creative and innovative works, competition, being in the center of attention , compliments, to lead, short tem targets, credit to his ideas What is difficult for him ? Routine, monotonous work, lots of technical details, no attention or credit to his work, long term tasks GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 67 Nathan Ronen
  • P Type - what motives him? What motives him? efficiency , reason and rational ,concrete targets, challenges and competition, results and control What is difficult for him? Too many details, non relevant information, inefficiency, waste of time, emotions. GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 68 Nathan Ronen
  • A type- what motives him? What motives him? Details, statistics, results of research, routine , very suspicious , schedule, clear and specific tasks, procedures and rules , order. What is difficult for him? Vague situations, change, innovation GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 69 Nathan Ronen
  • I type What motives him? Helping and serving people, harmony, togetherness, emotions, awareness to details in style, recognition What is difficult for him/ her ? Disharmony, gossip, noisy and loud people. GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 70 Nathan Ronen
  • How to make use of this Model? E type- listen to him , laugh from his jokes, compliment him on his type- sense of humor, let him feel that all god ideas are deriving from him, focus him gently. P type- let us get to the point the benefits of this product are.. , I type- see that you are in a hurry, bottom line of the matter is. . listen and let him feel he is in control. control. A type last research proved that.. We have here statistics about itwould you like to read about this product at home? I am here for you should you have more questions. do not push him. him. I type- please help me on this, let us do it together, let us flow with it type- and think about this in the best ways for both of us. Easy and gently . GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 71 Nathan Ronen
  • no customer is one type! We are all a mix of types with a dominant characteristic what happens if you an E type and enters a customer of P type? GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 72 Nathan Ronen
  • PSYCHOLOGY OF CUSTOMERS: Eric Berne T.A. TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 73 Nathan Ronen
  • T.A. TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS MODEL 3 EGO STATES: PARENT 1. Myself as a parent 2. Myself as an adult ADULT 3. Myself as a child CHILD GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 74 Nathan Ronen
  • Dominant figure, Parent modeling, powerful, puts limits and boundaries, discipline criticizing, building, supporting, modeling Loving, tutoring, mentoring, educating, coaching. GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 75 Nathan Ronen
  • Rational figure, focused, ADULT here and now, facts and figures, assertive. Usually a balanced personality. GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 76 Nathan Ronen
  • Emotional figure , feels CHILD that he constantly has to defend himself against authority, revolting child or conforming child, manipulative, spoiled. Loves toys or gadgets, easy to please but easily insulted. Passive aggressive [email protected] [email protected] GENESIS - ACMS Nathan Ronen 77
  • Good transaction Salesman Buyer Parent Parent what does it do? How Much for adult it ? Adult It will save you time and child the cost is only 5000 lek. Child GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 78 Nathan Ronen
  • Good transaction Salesman Buyer Parent Parent adult Adult child Child GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 79 Nathan Ronen
  • Bad transaction Salesman Buyer Parent Parent adult Adult child Child GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 80 Nathan Ronen
  • Salesman Buyer Covert deal parent parent Two last like this in stock Adult Adult 1 2 Child 3 Child GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 81 Nathan Ronen
  • Unbalanced deal Salesman buyer parent parent 2. this car is too expensive for adult me adult child child GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 82 Nathan Ronen
  • Bad transaction Salesman Buyer Parent Parent adult Adult child Child GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 83 Nathan Ronen
  • Part 4 : SERVICE AS THE DNA OF THE BUSINESS . GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 84 Nathan Ronen
  • What are your pickles? We are going to see a short movie ( 27 minutes) about Service. There are 4 points in the film : 1. Service- make serving others your top priority 2. Attitude- you are in show business , play the part! 3. Consistency- set high standards of service and stick to them 4. Team work look for ways to make each other look good. GENESIS - ACMS [email protected] [email protected] 85 Nathan Ronen
  • Please form small groups. Each group must find your special pickles for your customers ( internal customers as well ) in the 4 points that are mentioned in the movie. Home work: Please bring for tomorrow 2-3 scenes you had with difficult customers that we can train each other. Nathan Ronen-Genesis Consulting - Ronen- [email protected] [email protected] 86 ACMS
  • See you tomorrow Nathan Ronen-Genesis Consulting - Ronen- [email protected] [email protected] 87 ACMS