customising bolt & hole symbols for strucad evolution

Customising Bolt & Hole symbols for StruCad evolution

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Customising Bolt & Hole symbols for StruCad evolution

StruCad evolution - Hints & Tips

A Guide to customising Bolt & Hole symbols for StruCad evolution

Customization of StruCad B

The creation of customized Bolt & Hole symbols for StruCad Drawings can be achieved

files. The base drawing sheet and the Bolt/Hole type data file.

1. Open a base drawing sheet to add the hole symbol to

2. Create your bolt symbol using lines, arcs

hole/bolt type, this could be a tapped hole for example.

Remember to draw your hole / bolt symbol with a diameter of 1mm.

StruCad will then scale the block automatically to create a scaled drawing.

Hint: Try inserting an existing block, exploding it and using it as a base for

your new symbol.

3. Now save your symbol as a 2D block using the ‘block’ command. We have called this symbol

TAP_HOLE. Select the centre of

4. Exit and Save the changes to

Hint: You will need to transfer the block to every drawing sheet. Try opening the other drawing

sheets, one by one and using the SPFIN command

it out into space, this will import the extra block, then delete the drawing you have imported.

Now we have created the 2D block we need to create a new bolt or hole type reference to be used in the

interactive environment to display the special tapped hole s

1. Open the holetype.dat file in the data directory of your model with notepad or any other text editor. If

you wish to add a new shop bolt symbol then open the bolttype.dat file instead.

Hint: Right click on the model in the Workspace and select ‘Explore Directory’ to

browse the model directory.

2. Create a new line below the last

the file.

The line will read something like this :

T Tapped holee tap_hole tap_hole

Remember: Do NOT use tabs in this file, only use spaces.

ustomising Bolt & Hole symbols for StruCad evolution - V1.0.0.0

Customization of StruCad Bolt & Hole Symbols for Drawings

Hole symbols for StruCad Drawings can be achieved

files. The base drawing sheet and the Bolt/Hole type data file.

to add the hole symbol to e.g. forma3.spf

bolt symbol using lines, arcs, fill etc. To represent your custom

hole/bolt type, this could be a tapped hole for example.

hole / bolt symbol with a diameter of 1mm.

StruCad will then scale the block automatically to create a scaled drawing.

n existing block, exploding it and using it as a base for

Now save your symbol as a 2D block using the ‘block’ command. We have called this symbol

Select the centre of your symbol as the insertion point for the block.

the ‘forma3’ base drawing sheet.

You will need to transfer the block to every drawing sheet. Try opening the other drawing

and using the SPFIN command import the forma3 drawing sheet and move

into space, this will import the extra block, then delete the drawing you have imported.

Now we have created the 2D block we need to create a new bolt or hole type reference to be used in the

interactive environment to display the special tapped hole symbol on the drawing.

Open the holetype.dat file in the data directory of your model with notepad or any other text editor. If

you wish to add a new shop bolt symbol then open the bolttype.dat file instead.

Right click on the model in the Workspace and select ‘Explore Directory’ to

browse the model directory.

last entry, ‘H’ Cell hole, and fill in the columns as described at the top of

like this :

ed holee tap_hole tap_hole tap_hole tap_hole O

use tabs in this file, only use spaces.

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olt & Hole Symbols for Drawings

Hole symbols for StruCad Drawings can be achieved simply by altering two

Now save your symbol as a 2D block using the ‘block’ command. We have called this symbol

the block.

You will need to transfer the block to every drawing sheet. Try opening the other drawing

import the forma3 drawing sheet and move

into space, this will import the extra block, then delete the drawing you have imported.

Now we have created the 2D block we need to create a new bolt or hole type reference to be used in the

Open the holetype.dat file in the data directory of your model with notepad or any other text editor. If

you wish to add a new shop bolt symbol then open the bolttype.dat file instead.

Right click on the model in the Workspace and select ‘Explore Directory’ to

and fill in the columns as described at the top of

tap_hole tap_hole O

StruCad evolution - Hints & Tips

A Guide to customising Bolt & Hole symbols for StruCad evolution

Using the new hole & bolt symbols

1. Load a joint and create or edit a bolt group. In the

Type(s) option and select your new hole type or Bolt Type if you edited


2. If you wish to have the tapped hole symbol shown on the member drawing but not the en

drawing, you can edit the bolts and in the hole ty

hole type require in each ply.

3. For example type OT for a round hole then a tapped hole or SO for a

square hole and then a round hole.

4. The drawing will look something like

round hole.

ustomising Bolt & Hole symbols for StruCad evolution - V1.0.0.0

Using the new hole & bolt symbols

Load a joint and create or edit a bolt group. In the menu click the Hole

Type(s) option and select your new hole type or Bolt Type if you edited

wish to have the tapped hole symbol shown on the member drawing but not the en

an edit the bolts and in the hole type selection box type in the single letter code for the

hole type require in each ply.

For example type OT for a round hole then a tapped hole or SO for a

square hole and then a round hole.

The drawing will look something like below, the member is tapped but the end plate has a

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wish to have the tapped hole symbol shown on the member drawing but not the endplate

pe selection box type in the single letter code for the

ed but the end plate has an ordinary

StruCad evolution - Hints & Tips

A Guide to customising Bolt & Hole symbols for StruCad evolution

Other uses for customised hole and bolt symbols

The customisation of hole and bolt symbols and be used to create a wide variety of helpful drawing output.

• Denoting surface finishes on steel

• Using customised .SPF drawing sheets you can easily create full size DXF/DWG profiles for

the full sized templates.

The 'Full Sized Templates' produce a 1:1 drawing of plates. Using one of the three tblank.spf drawing

borders you can produce a drawing which can quickly and easily be converted to DXF or DWG for use

with nesting and plate profiling software.

1. tblank-closed-hole.spf - Produces all holes filled in.

2. tblank-open-hole-no-hairs.spf

3. tblank-open-hole-with-hairs.spf

ustomising Bolt & Hole symbols for StruCad evolution - V1.0.0.0

Other uses for customised hole and bolt symbols

The customisation of hole and bolt symbols and be used to create a wide variety of helpful drawing output.

Denoting surface finishes on steels or plates, such as Durbar and unpainted areas.

Using customised .SPF drawing sheets you can easily create full size DXF/DWG profiles for

The 'Full Sized Templates' produce a 1:1 drawing of plates. Using one of the three tblank.spf drawing

borders you can produce a drawing which can quickly and easily be converted to DXF or DWG for use

with nesting and plate profiling software.

Produces all holes filled in.

hairs.spf - Produces a round empty hole.

hairs.spf - Produces a round empty hole with cross hairs.

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The customisation of hole and bolt symbols and be used to create a wide variety of helpful drawing output.

s or plates, such as Durbar and unpainted areas.

Using customised .SPF drawing sheets you can easily create full size DXF/DWG profiles for plates using

The 'Full Sized Templates' produce a 1:1 drawing of plates. Using one of the three tblank.spf drawing

borders you can produce a drawing which can quickly and easily be converted to DXF or DWG for use

Produces a round empty hole with cross hairs.

StruCad evolution - Hints & Tips

A Guide to customising Bolt & Hole symbols for StruCad evolution

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