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Subject: CustomPac FTPCSI Utility User Guide Last updated: January 25, 2017 Owner: IBM CustomPac Development Page 1 of 23 CustomPac FTPCSI Utility User Guide Version 17.01 January 2017

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Subject: CustomPac FTPCSI Utility User Guide Last updated: January 25, 2017 Owner: IBM CustomPac Development Page 1 of 23

CustomPac FTPCSI Utility User Guide

Version 17.01 January 2017

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Subject: CustomPac FTPCSI Utility User Guide Last updated: January 25, 2017 Owner: IBM CustomPac Development Page 2 of 23

Contents 1. Summary of changes ........................................................................................................... 4

1.1. Version 17.01.01 ........................................................................................................................ 4

1.2. Version 16.10.01 ........................................................................................................................ 4

2. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 4

2.1. Features ..................................................................................................................................... 5

2.2. Prerequisites .............................................................................................................................. 5

3. Downloading the FTPCSI utility ............................................................................................ 5

4. Uploading files to z/OS host ................................................................................................. 5

4.1. Uploading fcsilib.bin ................................................................................................................... 5

4.2. Uploading ftpcsi.jar .................................................................................................................... 6

Transfer directly to USS ....................................................................................................................... 6

Transfer to z/OS, then to USS .............................................................................................................. 7

5. Unpacking FTPCSI utility ...................................................................................................... 7

6. Configuring FTPCSI utility ..................................................................................................... 8

6.1. Configuring for proxy server ....................................................................................................... 8

https.proxyHost .................................................................................................................................. 8

https.proxyPort ................................................................................................................................... 8

proxy.username .................................................................................................................................. 8

proxy.password .................................................................................................................................. 8

Example .............................................................................................................................................. 8

7. Working with FTPCSI utility .................................................................................................. 9

7.1. Starting the utility....................................................................................................................... 9

7.2. Test connection .......................................................................................................................... 9

7.3. Prepare and send CSI ................................................................................................................ 10

7.4. Prepare CSI for sending ............................................................................................................ 15

7.5. Sending CSI files to IBM manually ............................................................................................. 19

7.6. View history log ........................................................................................................................ 19

8. Appendix A. Content of the FTPCSI utility. ...........................................................................20

9. Appendix B. FTPCSI configuration file. .................................................................................21

9.1. FTPCSI configuration parameters .............................................................................................. 21

10. Appendix C. CPPECSI invocation parameters ...................................................................22

10.1. Examples .................................................................................................................................. 22

Using the default configuration ......................................................................................................... 22

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Using the default test configuration .................................................................................................. 22

Using a custom configuration in the sequential dataset .................................................................... 22

Using a custom configuration in the PDS member ............................................................................. 22

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1. Summary of changes

1.1. Version 17.01.01

The FTPCSI utility version 17.01.01 has following changes and new features:

- Proxy server authentication supported using user id and password. - Apache HttpComponents Client added to the package. The HttpComponents Client is

licensed under Apache v2.0 license. - Apache v2.0 license text added to the FTPCSI package (member FCSILIC). - Defect fixed: in version 16.10 when a long configuration parameter continues on several

lines, the program removes leading spaces from every line before concatenation. In version 17.01 leading spaces are not removed.

- CPPECSI improvement: option STACK added to LIBDEF commands issued by the CPPECSI. The program then removes their LIBDEFs on exit.

Documentation changed:

- Added chapter 6.1 Configuring for proxy server. - FCSILIC added to the list of members (Appendix A. Content of the FTPCSI utility.)

1.2. Version 16.10.01

The new version of FTPCSI was released to comply with current security requirements.

The FTPCSI utility version 16.10.01 has a set of changes and new features:

- Transport method changed from the simple (unsecured) FTP to the secured HTTPS protocol.

- Workstation not required anymore to submit a CSI request. The utility has a new panel to collect all required information from the user. This information is transferred in the single transaction with the CSI data.

- It is possible now to include target CSI zones with different SRELs in a single transaction (previous version was limited to a single SREL per transaction).

- New Java program added to the FTPCSI utility. The program resides in the archive file ftpcsi.jar. The purpose of the program is to establish a communication path to the IBM CustomPac server and transfer a CSI data.

- Design of most panels changed. - Process flow (sequence of panels) changed. - Some program parameters moved to the configuration member. The default

configuration member name is FCSICONF. - New optional command line parameter CONF introduced to specify a configuration

dataset/member. - Batch job changed to support new features.

2. Introduction FTPCSI is a z/OS tool that helps you in sending your CSI files to IBM. The utility collects all the required information, exports your SMP/E zones from CSI files and transmits the exported data to the IBM CustomPac server. Optionally you could prepare the data and do not send it from your z/OS but then send it from your workstation manually.

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Subject: CustomPac FTPCSI Utility User Guide Last updated: January 25, 2017 Owner: IBM CustomPac Development Page 5 of 23

Do not be confused with a name of the utility that comes from the old version of the program. Despite its name the FTPCSI does not use the unsecured FTP protocol to send your data. Instead a secured transport is used.

The utility consists of a set of REXX programs, ISPF panels and skeletons and a Java jar file.

2.1. Features

The FTPCSI utility has following features:

- Test from your TSO session that your host can connect to the IBM CustomPac server and transfer data using a secured protocol.

- Collect the data required to submit your data (i.e. your email address, customer number and more) then export your CSI zones and send the data to IBM.

- Export your CSI zones but do not send them to IBM. - View a log of transactions sent to IBM.

2.2. Prerequisites

The following products are required to be installed on your z/OS host to run FTPCSI utility.

- ISPF/PDF version 3.5 or above - SMP/E release 1.5 or above - Java 1.6 or above

3. Downloading the FTPCSI utility You can download the utility from the IBM CustomPac web server. Use the link below to download the FTPCSI package to your workstation:

After downloading the archive, you need to extract files to your hard disk:

- fcsilib.bin – FTPCSI partitioned dataset binary image - ftpcsi.jar – FTPCSI jar file

4. Uploading files to z/OS host

4.1. Uploading fcsilib.bin

When fcsilib.bin is extracted from the downloaded archive, you have to upload it to your z/OS host.

You could use either FTP or any communication package available for your installation.

Use BINARY transfer mode when uploading fcsilib.bin to z/OS.

Allocate a z/OS host file with the following attributes:


Here is an example of using FTP to upload fcsilib.bin to z/OS host:

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$ ftp Connected to 220-SUBSYS IBM FTP CS V2R2 at YOUR.HOST, 13:41:52 on 2016-12-05. 220 Connection will close if idle for more than 5 minutes. Name ( 331 Send password please. Password: 230 YOURID is logged on. Working directory is "YOURID.". Remote system type is MVS. ftp> pwd Remote directory: ‘YOURID.' ftp> binary 200 Representation type is Image ftp> quote site recfm=fb lrecl=80 blksize=3120 200 SITE command was accepted ftp> put fcsilib.bin local: fcsilib.bin remote: fcsilib.bin 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||3074|) 125 Storing data set YOURID.FCSILIB.BIN 100% |**********************************| 168 KiB 116.34 KiB/s 00:00 ETA 250 Transfer completed successfully. 172800 bytes sent in 00:02 (67.48 KiB/s) ftp> ls fcsilib.bin 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||3075|) 125 List started OK Volume Unit Referred Ext Used Recfm Lrecl BlkSz Dsorg Dsname USER05 3390 2016/12/05 1 15 FB 80 3120 PS FCSILIB.BIN 250 List completed successfully. ftp> quit 221 Quit command received. Goodbye. $

4.2. Uploading ftpcsi.jar

You have to put the ftpcsi.jar file to z/OS USS directory. To achieve this, you can transfer the file to the USS folder directly or transfer the file to a z/OS sequential dataset and then copy it to the USS. Transfer directly to USS

Use the access method available for your installation to transfer the ftpcsi.jar to the USS. The most common method is FTP. It is available on most z/OS systems. Another option is the SCP program based on the ssh protocol.

Use the BINARY transfer mode when uploading the file to USS.

Here is an example of using FTP to upload the ftpcsi.jar to USS:

$ ftp Connected to 220-SUBSYS IBM FTP CS V2R2 at YOUR.HOST, 11:19:39 on 2016-12-05. 220 Connection will close if idle for more than 5 minutes. Name ( 331 Send password please. Password: 230 YOURID is logged on. Working directory is "YOURID.". Remote system type is MVS. ftp> binary 200 Representation type is Image ftp> cd /your/directory 250 HFS directory /your/directory is the current working directory ftp> put ftpcsi.jar local: ftpcsi.jar remote: ftpcsi.jar 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||3044|) 125 Storing data set /your/directory/ftpcsi.jar 100% |**********************************| 474 KiB 121.63 KiB/s 00:00 ETA

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250 Transfer completed successfully. 485684 bytes sent in 00:04 (100.49 KiB/s) ftp> quit 221 Quit command received. Goodbye. $

Transfer to z/OS, then to USS

Use either FTP or any communication package available for your installation.

Use BINARY transfer mode when uploading ftpcsi.jar to z/OS.

Allocate a z/OS host file with the undefined record format:


After the file is transferred to z/OS use TSO OPUT command to copy the ftpcsi.jar file to some USS directory. Use the BINARY option.

Here is an example of using FTP:

$ ftp Connected to 220-FTPDM1 IBM FTP CS V2R2 at YOUR.HOST, 12:18:52 on 2016-12-05. 220 Connection will close if idle for more than 5 minutes. Name ( 331 Send password please. Password: 230 YOURID is logged on. Working directory is "YOURID.". Remote system type is MVS. ftp> binary 200 Representation type is Image ftp> cd 'hlq' 250 "HLQ." is the working directory name prefix. ftp> quote site recfm=u lrecl=1024 blksize=1024 200 SITE command was accepted ftp> put ftpcsi.jar local: ftpcsi.jar remote: ftpcsi.jar 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||3052|) 125 Storing data set HLQ.FTPCSI.JAR 100% |**********************************| 474 KiB 120.17 KiB/s 00:00 ETA 250 Transfer completed successfully. 485684 bytes sent in 00:04 (98.46 KiB/s) ftp> ls ftpcsi.jar 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||3056|) 125 List started OK Volume Unit Referred Ext Used Recfm Lrecl BlkSz Dsorg Dsname USER0A 3390 2016/12/05 1 15 U 1024 1024 PS FTPCSI.JAR 250 List completed successfully. ftp> quit 221 Quit command received. Goodbye. $

Here is an example of the OPUT command: oput ‘hlq.FTPCSI.JAR’ ‘/your/directory/ftpcsi.jar’ binary

5. Unpacking FTPCSI utility The fcsilib.bin is created with TSO TRANSMIT and you should restore it using the TSO RECEIVE command:


The command will extract the partitioned dataset containing FTPCSI utility members.

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By default the extracted PDS name is ‘tsoprefix.FCSILIB’. You could specify a desired PDS name in response to the TSO RECEIVE prompt:

INMR906A Enter restore parameters or 'DELETE' or 'END' +

Press Enter to use the default name. To install to another dataset, you could reply with DS(‘ftpcsi.instlib’)

You will need to customize the FCSICONF member before the first run.

6. Configuring FTPCSI utility By default, the FTPCSI utility reads a configuration member FCSICONF.

You must update the FCSICONF member before the first execution.

Set the following parameters:

JavaPath – path to the java executable file. Leaving it empty will call to the java program that is available through the USS PATH variable.

JarPath – path to the ftpcsi.jar file.

JarFile – name of the ftpcsi.jar file (the default name specified in the FCSICONF is ftpcsi.jar, but you could rename the file as required by your installation).

6.1. Configuring for proxy server

If your z/OS host is behind a proxy server, you may need to add following JavaOpts parameters to allow FTPCSI to work with your proxy. https.proxyHost

Specify a proxy server address in the parameter https.proxyHost: -Dhttps.proxyHost=x.x.x.x


Specify a proxy port in the parameter https.proxyPort: -Dhttps.proxyPort=port


Specify a proxy user id in the parameter proxy.username: -Dproxy.username=user


Specify a proxy user password in the parameter proxy.password: -Dproxy.password=password


Here is an example of the JavaOpts configuration parameter that will allow FTPCSI to work with a proxy server (port 8080, user id ‘fcsiuser’ and password ‘secret’):

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JavaOpts = -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=8080 -Dproxy.username=fcsiuser -Dproxy.password=secret

Please note that there are two spaces in the beginning of every line except the first line.

7. Working with FTPCSI utility

7.1. Starting the utility

To start the FTPCSI utility, issue the following command from your TSO session: TSO EXEC ‘ftpcsi.instlib(CPPECSI)’

The main panel CPPPFTP1 will be displayed.

-------------------------- FTPCSI (Method Selection) -------------------------- OPTION ===> There are 2 methods to prepare and send CSI to IBM. The first method is to prepare files on your z/OS and then send it to IBM with the same job. The second method is to prepare CSI files on your z/OS, then download files to your workstation and send them from the workstation. --------------------------- 0. Test connection between your z/OS and IBM. | Status: PASSED | Use option 1 if test status is "PASSED". | Date : 2016/12/01 02:13 | --------------------------- 1. Prepare and send CSI to IBM from your z/OS host. Use this option only if the connection test status is PASSED. 2. Prepare CSI for sending from workstation. Use this option if you did not pass the connection test. 3. View history log. View a list of transactions sent by you from this system. CSI to IBM from your workstation. Enter option or Press PF3 to exit Version 17.01.01

A status and a time of the last connection test is displayed in the frame on the right side of the panel.

You could select one of the options:

• Option 0 – test connection to the IBM CustomPac server. • Option 1 – prepare CSI and send zones information to IBM. • Option 2 – prepare CSI but do not send any data to IBM. You can use prepared files to

upload CSI data manually from your workstation. • Option 3 – view a log of transactions sent to IBM.

A SHOWCONF command is available for this panel to display a list of parameters fetched from the configuration dataset.

7.2. Test connection

On the CPPPFTP1 panel enter option 0 and press Enter. A pop-up window will be displayed.

A connection test will run in the background.

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A “Connection completed” or “Connection failed” message is displayed after the test.

Starting connection test... Connecting to host... Connection completed Press Enter to view log

Starting connection test... Connecting to host... Connection failed Press Enter to view log

Press Enter to view the connection log.

********************************* Top of Data ********************************** Env: PATH=/usr/lpp/java/J7.1/bin:$PATH Command: java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar /u/mtv/ftpcsi.jar -test URL= RC: 0 *** STDOUT *** Test mode on Start testing connection. Testing connection is completed successfully. Have a nice day! *** STDERR *** ******************************** Bottom of Data ********************************

Press F3 to continue.

Upon return to the main panel CPPPFTP1 a connection status and time are updated on the screen.

--------------------------- 0. Test connection between your z/OS and IBM. | Status: PASSED | Use option 1 if test status is "PASSED". | Date : 2016/12/01 02:13 | ---------------------------

If the test status is ‘FAILED’ the FTPCSI utility cannot send your data to IBM from this z/OS system. You will need to use the option 2 to prepare files and then download them to your workstation. Then upload these files from the workstation to the IBM CustomPac web server.

7.3. Prepare and send CSI

On the main panel CPPPFTP1 choose option 1. The CPPPFTP3 panel will be displayed.

------------------------------ Global CSI Dataset ----------------------------- COMMAND ==> Step 1 of 4 Ticket Number : 33618901 Enter name of the Global CSI dataset that you will send to IBM: (enter the full dataset name) SMPE.ZOS22.GLOBAL.CSI Press Enter to continue or F3 to return

Enter name of the global CSI dataset that you want to send to IBM. Then press Enter.

If the dataset name is correct the program will read a list of target zones from the global CSI dataset and display the list on the next CPPPFTP4 panel.

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----------------------------- Select Target Zones ---------- Row 1 to 12 of 12 COMMAND ===> Scroll ===> CSR Step 2 of 4 Ticket Number : 33618901 Global CSI: SMPE.ZOS22.GLOBAL.CSI Select target zone(s) and press Enter to continue. Enter 's' to include a zone to the CSI submit request 'd' to remove a zone from the selection list S Type Name Dataset TARGET ARM#01T SMPE.ARMHSM.NWPM.VSPMTG1.T00.CSI TARGET CRP#01T SMPE.CAT.NWPM.VSPMTG1.T00.CSI TARGET DLA#01T SMPE.DLA.NWPM.VSPMTG1.T00.CSI TARGET MVST100 SMPE.ZOS22.MVS.TARGET.CSI TARGET MVST110 SMPE.ZOS22.MVS.TARGET.CSI TARGET MVST114 SMPE.ZOS22.MVS.TARGET.CSI TARGET NVW#01T SMPE.NETVA.NWPM.VSPMTG1.T00.CSI TARGET OPS#01T SMPE.OPS.NWPM.VSPMTG1.T00.CSI TARGET RTC#01T SMPE.RTC.NWPM.VSPMTG2.T00.CSI TARGET SAU#01T SMPE.SAMVS.NWPM.VSPMTG1.T00.CSI TARGET TAD#01T SMPE.TAD4Z.NWPM.VSPMTG1.T00.CSI TARGET WSE#01T SMPE.WSEDO.NWPM.VSPMTG2.T00.CSI ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************

Select zones that you want send to IBM.

• To select a zone, use option s. Selected zones are marked with a symbol ‘>’. • To exclude a zone, use option d. If a zone was previously selected a symbol ‘>’ would


----------------------------- Select Target Zones ---------- Row 1 to 12 of 12 COMMAND ===> Scroll ===> CSR Step 2 of 4 Ticket Number : 33618901 Global CSI: SMPE.ZOS22.GLOBAL.CSI Select target zone(s) and press Enter to continue. Enter 's' to include a zone to the CSI submit request 'd' to remove a zone from the selection list S Type Name Dataset TARGET ARM#01T SMPE.ARMHSM.NWPM.VSPMTG1.T00.CSI TARGET CRP#01T SMPE.CAT.NWPM.VSPMTG1.T00.CSI > TARGET DLA#01T SMPE.DLA.NWPM.VSPMTG1.T00.CSI TARGET MVST100 SMPE.ZOS22.MVS.TARGET.CSI TARGET MVST110 SMPE.ZOS22.MVS.TARGET.CSI > TARGET MVST114 SMPE.ZOS22.MVS.TARGET.CSI TARGET NVW#01T SMPE.NETVA.NWPM.VSPMTG1.T00.CSI TARGET OPS#01T SMPE.OPS.NWPM.VSPMTG1.T00.CSI TARGET RTC#01T SMPE.RTC.NWPM.VSPMTG2.T00.CSI TARGET SAU#01T SMPE.SAMVS.NWPM.VSPMTG1.T00.CSI TARGET TAD#01T SMPE.TAD4Z.NWPM.VSPMTG1.T00.CSI TARGET WSE#01T SMPE.WSEDO.NWPM.VSPMTG2.T00.CSI ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************

Select at least one target zone. Press Enter when you are ready to continue.

The CPPPFTP8 panel will be displayed allowing you to enter your order data.

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----------------------------- FTPCSI (Order data) --------- Selected 2 zone(s) COMMAND ===> Step 3 of 4 Ticket Number : 33618901 Customer number. . 9999999 E-mail . . . . . . [email protected] Country. . . . . . Costa Rica Enter '/' for a list of countries Order number . . . DF995241 Offering . . . . . 1 1. ProductPac 2. RefreshPac 3. OMISLoad Yes, please have IBM or an affilate send me e-mail. Stay informed about IBM products, services, and other offerings. If you want to stay informed by e-mail, please let us know by checking the box below. / Please do not use this information for other communications. IBM or an affiliate or selected organizations may keep you informed about IBM related products, services and other offerings through ways other than e-mail, for example, by telephone or postal mail. Press Enter to continue or F3 to return

Enter appropriate data.

To select a country from the list please enter a ‘/’ symbol in the Country field and press Enter.

A pop-up window will appear. Select a country from the list using ‘s’ option and press Enter.

Row 1 to 16 of 133 Cmd=> Scroll=> CSR Use 's' to select a country from the list S Countries Afghanistan Algeria Angola Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Aruba Australia Austria Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belgium Bermuda Bolivia

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When all parameters are entered, press Enter to go to the CPPPFTP5 Jobcard information panel.

------------------------- FTPCSI (Jobcard Information) ---- Selected 2 zone(s) COMMAND ===> Step 4 of 4 Ticket Number : 33618901 Please update jobcard below : //SENDCSI JOB (ACT,NBR),'EXPORT-CSI', // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=T,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),REGION=0M, // NOTIFY=&SYSUID //* +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ + A job will be created for you to unload the CSI file. Please follow + + the instruction below to continue + + + + - Press Enter to generate JCL + + - Review the job, then SUBMIT for execution + + - Review the job output, check that all steps are completed with + + RC=0, except for ZONEEXP which may expect a RC of 4 + + - Save the generated JCL, in case you need to restart the job + +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ Press Enter to continue or F3 to return

On the CPPPFTP5 panel modify JCL JOB statement. Then press Enter.

The program will create a batch job for you to prepare and send CSI data to IBM. Review and change the job if required and submit using the SUBMIT command.

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File Edit Edit_Settings Menu Utilities Compilers Test Help ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── EDIT SYS16336.T063859.RA000.NKV.R0133243 Columns 00001 00080 Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR ****** ********************************* Top of Data ********************************* ==MSG> -Warning- The UNDO command is not available until you change ==MSG> your edit profile using the command RECOVERY ON. 000001 //SENDCSI JOB (ACT,NBR),'EXPORT-CSI', 000002 // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=T,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),REGION=0M, 000003 // NOTIFY=&SYSUID 000004 //* 000005 //*************************************************************** 000006 //* 000007 //* ************************************************************ 000008 //* * This job is for ticket number 33618901 only. * 000009 //* * DO NOT change the ticket number. * 000010 //* * DO NOT use this JCL for any other purpose. * 000011 //* ************************************************************ 000012 //* 000013 //* This job will extract zones from 000014 //* SMPE.ZOS22.GLOBAL.CSI 000015 //* 000016 //* Binary transfer the following output datasets from this job 000017 //* to IBM FTP Server 000018 //* 000019 //* NKV.IBMCPP.FCSI.GLOBAL 000020 //* NKV.IBMCPP.FCSI.TDLA#01T 000021 //* NKV.IBMCPP.FCSI.TMVST114 000022 //* 000023 //* After the CSI file have been created and transferred, return back 000024 //* to the web site, where you have downloaded this application. to 000025 //* continue. 000026 //* 000027 //*************************************************************** 000028 //*------------------------------------------------------------------- 000029 //* DELETE EXPORT CSI FILES IN CASE OF RERUN 000030 //*------------------------------------------------------------------- 000031 //DELETE EXEC PGM=IDCAMS,COND=(0,LT) 000032 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* 000033 //SYSIN DD * 000034 DELETE 'NKV.IBMCPP.FCSI.GLOBAL' 000035 DELETE 'NKV.IBMCPP.FCSI.TDLA#01T'

After the JCL completion check the job output to ensure that all steps are executed successfully with a return code 0. If there are any errors that you can fix, correct the JCL and restart the job.

After the exit from the JCL EDIT screen, the final panel CPPPFTP6 will be displayed to show that the CSI submit request is completed.

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--------------------- FTPCSI (Order Complete Information) ---------------- COMMAND ==> If you have submitted the job to prepare and send CSI files to IBM server, read the following instructions: +---------------------------------------------------------------+ + REVIEW THE JOB OUTPUT AND VERIFY THAT ALL STEPS ARE COMPLETED + + WITH RETURN CODE 0 (EXCEPT FOR ZONEEXP STEP WHICH MAY HAVE A + + RETURN CODE OF 4) + +---------------------------------------------------------------+ Press Enter or F3 to continue

7.4. Prepare CSI for sending

In case when you cannot send your data from z/OS system you can use option 2 to prepare files but do not send them to IBM. Later you could download your files to a workstation and use an Internet browser to submit CSI data to IBM manually.

On the main panel CPPPFTP1 enter option 2 and press Enter. A panel CPPPFTP3 will be displayed.

------------------------------ Global CSI Dataset ----------------------------- COMMAND ==> Step 1 of 3 Enter name of the Global CSI dataset that you will send to IBM: (enter the full dataset name) SMPE.ZOS22.GLOBAL.CSI Press Enter to continue or F3 to return

Enter name of the global CSI dataset that you want to send to IBM. Then press Enter.

If the dataset name is correct the program will read a list of target zones from the global CSI dataset and display the list on the next CPPPFTP4 panel.

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----------------------------- Select Target Zones ---------- Row 1 to 12 of 12 COMMAND ===> Scroll ===> CSR Step 2 of 3 Global CSI: SMPE.ZOS22.GLOBAL.CSI Select target zone(s) and press Enter to continue. Enter 's' to include a zone to the CSI submit request 'd' to remove a zone from the selection list S Type Name Dataset TARGET ARM#01T SMPE.ARMHSM.NWPM.VSPMTG1.T00.CSI TARGET CRP#01T SMPE.CAT.NWPM.VSPMTG1.T00.CSI TARGET DLA#01T SMPE.DLA.NWPM.VSPMTG1.T00.CSI TARGET MVST100 SMPE.ZOS22.MVS.TARGET.CSI TARGET MVST110 SMPE.ZOS22.MVS.TARGET.CSI TARGET MVST114 SMPE.ZOS22.MVS.TARGET.CSI TARGET NVW#01T SMPE.NETVA.NWPM.VSPMTG1.T00.CSI TARGET OPS#01T SMPE.OPS.NWPM.VSPMTG1.T00.CSI TARGET RTC#01T SMPE.RTC.NWPM.VSPMTG2.T00.CSI TARGET SAU#01T SMPE.SAMVS.NWPM.VSPMTG1.T00.CSI TARGET TAD#01T SMPE.TAD4Z.NWPM.VSPMTG1.T00.CSI TARGET WSE#01T SMPE.WSEDO.NWPM.VSPMTG2.T00.CSI ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************

Select zones that you want send to IBM.

• To select a zone, use option s. Selected zones are marked with a symbol ‘>’. • To exclude a zone, use option d. If a zone was previously selected a symbol ‘>’ would


----------------------------- Select Target Zones ---------- Row 1 to 12 of 12 COMMAND ===> Scroll ===> CSR Step 2 of 3 Global CSI: SMPE.ZOS22.GLOBAL.CSI Select target zone(s) and press Enter to continue. Enter 's' to include a zone to the CSI submit request 'd' to remove a zone from the selection list S Type Name Dataset TARGET ARM#01T SMPE.ARMHSM.NWPM.VSPMTG1.T00.CSI TARGET CRP#01T SMPE.CAT.NWPM.VSPMTG1.T00.CSI > TARGET DLA#01T SMPE.DLA.NWPM.VSPMTG1.T00.CSI TARGET MVST100 SMPE.ZOS22.MVS.TARGET.CSI TARGET MVST110 SMPE.ZOS22.MVS.TARGET.CSI > TARGET MVST114 SMPE.ZOS22.MVS.TARGET.CSI TARGET NVW#01T SMPE.NETVA.NWPM.VSPMTG1.T00.CSI TARGET OPS#01T SMPE.OPS.NWPM.VSPMTG1.T00.CSI TARGET RTC#01T SMPE.RTC.NWPM.VSPMTG2.T00.CSI TARGET SAU#01T SMPE.SAMVS.NWPM.VSPMTG1.T00.CSI TARGET TAD#01T SMPE.TAD4Z.NWPM.VSPMTG1.T00.CSI TARGET WSE#01T SMPE.WSEDO.NWPM.VSPMTG2.T00.CSI ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************

Select at least one target zone. Press Enter when you are ready to continue.

A next panel CPPPFTP5 with Jobcard information panel will be displayed.

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Subject: CustomPac FTPCSI Utility User Guide Last updated: January 25, 2017 Owner: IBM CustomPac Development Page 17 of 23

------------------------- FTPCSI (Jobcard Information) ---- Selected 2 zone(s) COMMAND ===> Step 3 of 3 Please update jobcard below : //SENDCSI JOB (ACT,NBR),'EXPORT-CSI', // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=T,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),REGION=0M, // NOTIFY=&SYSUID //* +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ + A job will be created for you to unload the CSI file. Please follow + + the instruction below to continue + + + + - Press Enter to generate JCL + + - Review the job, then SUBMIT for execution + + - Review the job output, check that all steps are completed with + + RC=0, except for ZONEEXP which may expect a RC of 4 + + - Save the generated JCL, in case you need to restart the job + +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ Press Enter to continue or F3 to return

On the CPPPFTP5 panel modify JCL JOB statement. Then press Enter.

The program will create a batch job for you to prepare and CSI data. Review the job if required and submit using the SUBMIT command.

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Subject: CustomPac FTPCSI Utility User Guide Last updated: January 25, 2017 Owner: IBM CustomPac Development Page 18 of 23

File Edit Edit_Settings Menu Utilities Compilers Test Help ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── EDIT SYS16336.T071321.RA000.NKV.R0133665 Columns 00001 00080 Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR ****** ********************************* Top of Data ********************************** ==MSG> -Warning- The UNDO command is not available until you change ==MSG> your edit profile using the command RECOVERY ON. 000001 //SENDCSI JOB (ACT,NBR),'EXPORT-CSI', 000002 // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=T,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),REGION=0M, 000003 // NOTIFY=&SYSUID 000004 //* 000005 //*************************************************************** 000006 //* 000007 //* This job will extract zones from 000008 //* SMPE.ZOS22.GLOBAL.CSI 000009 //* 000010 //* Binary transfer the following output datasets from this job 000011 //* to your workstation 000012 //* 000013 //* NKV.IBMCPP.FCSI.GLOBAL 000014 //* NKV.IBMCPP.FCSI.TDLA#01T 000015 //* NKV.IBMCPP.FCSI.TMVST114 000016 //* 000017 //* After the CSI file have been created and transferred, return back 000018 //* to the web site, where you have downloaded this application. to 000019 //* continue. 000020 //* 000021 //*************************************************************** 000022 //*------------------------------------------------------------------- 000023 //* DELETE EXPORT CSI FILES IN CASE OF RERUN 000024 //*------------------------------------------------------------------- 000025 //DELETE EXEC PGM=IDCAMS,COND=(0,LT) 000026 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* 000027 //SYSIN DD * 000028 DELETE 'NKV.IBMCPP.FCSI.GLOBAL' 000029 DELETE 'NKV.IBMCPP.FCSI.TDLA#01T' 000030 DELETE 'NKV.IBMCPP.FCSI.TMVST114' 000031 SET LASTCC=00 000032 SET MAXCC=00 000033 /* 000034 //*------------------------------------------------------------------- 000035 //* EXPORT the CSI to temporary data sets

The job header contains a list of datasets that the job will create for you. Each of these datasets contains a packed data of the corresponding zone.

For the above example, there are: NKV.IBMCPP.FCSI.GLOBAL



You will need these names to download datasets to your workstation.

After the JCL completion check the job output to ensure that all steps are executed successfully with a return code 0. If there are any errors that you can fix, correct the JCL and restart the job.

After you exit the JCL EDIT screen, the final panel CPPPFTP7 will be displayed to show that you have completed the CSI submit request.

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Subject: CustomPac FTPCSI Utility User Guide Last updated: January 25, 2017 Owner: IBM CustomPac Development Page 19 of 23

CPPPFTP7 ------------ FTPCSI (Order Complete Information) --------------------- COMMAND ==> If you have submitted the job to prepare CSI files for sending to IBM, read the following instructions: +---------------------------------------------------------------+ + REVIEW THE JOB OUTPUT AND VERIFY THAT ALL STEPS ARE COMPLETED + + SUCCESSFULLY WITH RETURN CODE 0 + +---------------------------------------------------------------+ To complete the process and send your CSI(s) to IBM, you are required to download created files to your workstation and return to the CustomPac web page to continue CSI submission. Press Enter or F3 to continue

7.5. Sending CSI files to IBM manually

If for some reason the FTPCSI utility cannot send the prepared CSI files to IBM, you can send them manually from the CustomPac or IBMLink web site.

If you are a IBMLink user, you can go to the IBMLink website and use the appropriate option to upload the CSI profile.

If you are a CustomPac user, you can go to the IBM CustomPac website and use the appropriate option to upload the CSI profile.

7.6. View history log

On the main panel CPPPFTP1 use option 3 to open the History log panel CPPPFTPL.

----------------------------- FTPCSI (History Log) ----------- Row 1 to 2 of 2 COMMAND ==> Select records to view a list of zones Customer Ticket S Date Time Number Number 2016/10/25 08:33:28 5555555 29927558 2016/12/01 06:55:36 0999821 33624885 ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************

The panel presents a list of transactions sent to IBM. Use option ‘s’ to select a record and view a list of zones sent by the transaction.

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Subject: CustomPac FTPCSI Utility User Guide Last updated: January 25, 2017 Owner: IBM CustomPac Development Page 20 of 23

Cmd=> Row 1 to 3 of 3 Date : 2016/12/01 Time : 06:55:36 Ticket: 33624885 Zones DLA#01T GLOBAL MVST114 *********** Bottom of data ************

8. Appendix A. Content of the FTPCSI utility. The FTPCSI partitioned dataset contains the following members.

Member Name Type Required? Description

CPPECSI REXX program Y Main program

CPPEFLOG REXX program Y Log update program

CPPFLOG TEXT N (dynamically


Transaction log

CPPPFTP# ISPF panel Y Test connection to the IBM CustomPac server

CPPPFTP1 ISPF panel Y Main panel

CPPPFTP2 ISPF panel Y Country selection panel

CPPPFTP3 ISPF panel Y Global CSI dataset entry panel

CPPPFTP4 ISPF panel Y Target zones selection panel

CPPPFTP5 ISPF panel Y Jobcard information

CPPPFTP6 ISPF panel Y Order complete note for ‘Prepare and Send CSI’ path

CPPPFTP7 ISPF panel Y Order complete note for ‘Prepare CSI’ path

CPPPFTP8 ISPF panel Y Order parameters entry panel

CPPPFTPL ISPF panel Y List of history records

CPPPFTPZ ISPF panel Y List of zones for a history record

FCSI00 ISPF messages Y List of FCSIxxxx messages

FCSICNTR TEXT Y List of countries

FCSICONF TEXT Y Default FTPCSI configuration file

FCSIJCL ISPF skeleton Y Batch job skeleton

FCSISTDP ISPF skeleton Y STDPARM DD skeleton

FCSILIC TEXT Y License text

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Subject: CustomPac FTPCSI Utility User Guide Last updated: January 25, 2017 Owner: IBM CustomPac Development Page 21 of 23

9. Appendix B. FTPCSI configuration file. The FTPCSI configuration file contains a list of parameters for the CPPECSI program. Parameters are specified in the format parm_name = value

A parameter name should start in the first column.

It is possible to continue a long value on the next line. To achieve this, leave a blank in the first column of the next line.

If the line starts with a ‘#’ symbol it is treated as a comment and the line is ignored.

9.1. FTPCSI configuration parameters

Parameter Default value Required? Description

JavaPath /usr/lpp/java/J7.1/bin N Java location. Leave the parameter blank to use the default Java program or put a correct path here.

JavaOpts -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 N Java options. It is not recommended to change this parameter.

JarPath N Location of the application jar file. Leave the parameter blank to use a jar file from the Java classpath or put a correct path here.

JarFile ftpcsi.jar Y Name of the application jar file. Do not change this parameter.

JarOpts N Options passed to the jar file. A single option is allowed at moment: -debug.

url cgi-bin/services/ca/en/custompac/ runsubmit_email.cgi

Y URL to the IBM CustomPac server component. Do not change this parameter.

StdParmLLQ IBMCPP.FCSI.STDPARM Y Low-level qualifier of the temporary STDPARM dataset. The program will add your TSO user id to the left of this value to create a full dataset name.

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Parameter Default value Required? Description

StdParmLRECL 255 Y Record length of the STDPARM dataset.

10. Appendix C. CPPECSI invocation parameters CPPECSI program accepts the following optional parameter: CONF(TEST | dataset)

If the parameter is not specified, the program will use a default configuration member FCSICONF.

If the CONF(TEST) is specified, the program will use a default TEST configuration member FCSICONT. The FCSICONT member is not provided with the utility. You could create your own member if required.

If the CONF(dataset) is specified, the program will use this configuration dataset. You could specify a sequential dataset name or a PDS with a member name.

10.1. Examples Using the default configuration

This command will run the CPPECSI program with a default configuration member ‘ftpcsi.instlib(FCSICONF)’: TSO EXEC ‘ftpcsi.instlib(CPPECSI)’

Using the default test configuration

This command will run the CPPECSI program with a default test configuration member ‘ftpcsi.instlib(FCSICONT)’. TSO EXEC ‘ftpcsi.instlib(CPPECSI)’ ‘CONF(TEST)’

Using a custom configuration in the sequential dataset

This command will run the CPPECSI program with a configuration residing in the sequential dataset ‘your.own.dataset’. Please note that you must double quotes inside the CONF parameter. TSO EXEC ‘ftpcsi.instlib(CPPECSI)’ ‘CONF(‘’your.own.dataset’’)’

Do not use quotes for the dataset if you want to add your TSO prefix in the beginning of its name.

This command will run the CPPECSI program with a configuration residing in the sequential dataset ‘tsoprefix.own.dataset’ TSO EXEC ‘ftpcsi.instlib(CPPECSI)’ ‘CONF(own.dataset)’

Using a custom configuration in the PDS member

This command will run the CPPECSI program with a configuration residing in the partitioned dataset member ‘your.own.dataset(member)’. Please note that you must double quotes inside the CONF parameter. TSO EXEC ‘ftpcsi.instlib(CPPECSI)’ ‘CONF(‘’your.own.dataset(member)’’)’

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Do not use quotes for the dataset if you want to add your TSO prefix in the beginning of its name.

This command will run the CPPECSI program with a configuration residing in the partitioned dataset member ‘tsoprefix.own.dataset(member)’ TSO EXEC ‘ftpcsi.instlib(CPPECSI)’ ‘CONF(own.dataset(member))’