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J Treaty Series No. 16 (1959) Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation for Private Use of Aircraft and Pleasure Boats Geneva, May 18, 1956 [The United Kingdom ratification was deposited on October 3, 1958] Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs by Command of Her Majesty March 1959 . LONDON HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE SIX SHILLINGS NET Cmnd. 650

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Treaty Series No. 16 (1959)

Customs Conventionon the Temporary Importation for Private

Use of Aircraft and Pleasure Boats

Geneva, May 18, 1956

[The United Kingdom ratificationwas deposited on October 3, 1958]

Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairsby Command of Her Majesty

March 1959




Cmnd. 650



Geneva, May 18, 1956


The Contracting Parties, -

Having regard to the Agreement providing for the Provisional Applicationof the Draft International Customs Conventions on Touring, on CommercialRoad Vehicles and on the International Transport of Goods by Road, doneat Geneva on 16 June 1949,(') and in particular, to article V of the Agreement,which provides that in the event that world-wide conventions dealing with thesubject matter of the draft conventions provisionally applied by the Agreement" should be concluded, and upon their entry into force, any Government partyto this Agreement, which becomes a party to one or more of those Conven-tions shall automatically be regarded as having denounced the presentAgreement with respect to the Draft Convention or Conventions correspondingto any of those Conventions to which that Government has become a party ";

Having regard to the Convention concerning Customs Facilities forTouring(') and the Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation ofPrivate Road Vehicles,(') both done at New York on 4 June 1954;

Considering that unlike the Draft International Customs Convention onTouring brought into provisional application by the Agreement of 16 June1949, the said Conventions contain no provision concerning temporary duty-free importation of aircraft and pleasure boats other than kayaks and canoesin use and under 5.5 metres in length;

Desiring to facilitate the development of international touring by means ofaircraft and pleasure boats;

Have agreed as follows:-




For the purpose of this Convention :

(a) The term "import duties and import taxes" shall mean not onlyCustoms duties but also all duties and taxes whatever chargeable byreason of importation;

(b) The term "boats" shall mean all pleasure boats and pleasure vesselswith or without engines together with their spare parts, and theirnormal accessories and equipment when imported with the boats orvessels;

(c) The term " aircraft" shall mean all aircraft with or without enginestogether with their spare parts and their normal accessories andequipment when imported with the aircraft;

(') "Treaty Series No. 104 (1951)," Cmd. 8431.(2) "Treaty Series No. 70 (1957)." Cmnd. 308.(3) " Treaty Series No. 1 (1959)," Cmnd. 602.




Geneve , le 18 mai, 1956


Les parties contractantes,Considerant l'Accord relatif a l'application provisoire des Projets de

Conventions internationales douanieres sur le tourisme, sur les vdhiculesroutiers commerciaux et sur le transport international des marchandises parla route, en date, a Geneve, du 16 juin 1949 et, en particulier, l'article V decet accord qui prevoit que, Bans le cas oa des conventions mondiales traitantdes matieres qui font l'objet des Projets de Conventions mis en applicationprovisoire par I'Accord " viendraient a etre conclues, et a dater du jour deleur entree en vigueur, tout gouvernement partie a l'Accord, qui deviendraitpartie a Tune on a l'autre de ces conventions, sera ipso facto cense avoirdenonce le present Accord en ce qui concerne le ou les Projets de Conventionscorrespondant a la convention ou aux conventions auxquelles it sera devenupartie ";

Considerant la Convention sur les facilites douanieres en faveur du tourismeet la Convention douaniere relative a ('importation temporaire des vehiculesroutiers prives, toutes deux en date, a New-York, du 4 juin 1954;

Considerant que, contrairement au Projet de Convention internationaledouaniere sur le tourisme, mis en application provisoire par l'Accord du16 juin 1949, lesdites conventions no contiennent aucune disposition relative al'importation en franchise temporaire des aeronefs et des embarcations deplaisance autres que les kayaks etles canoes en cours d'usage d'une longueutinferieure a 5, 5 m;

Desireuses de faciliter le developpement du tourisme international aumoyen d'embarcations de plaisance et d'aeronefs;

Sont convenues de ce qui suit:




Aux fins de la presente Convention, on entend:

(a) Par " droits et taxes d'entree," non seulement les droits de douane,mais aussi tour droits et taxes quelconques exigibles du fait del'importation;

(b) Par "embarcations," tous bateaux de plaisance et embarcations deplaisance, avec ou sans moteur ainsi que leurs pieces de rechange, leursaccessoires normaux et leur equipement normal importes avec cesembarcations;

(c) Par " aeronefs," tous aeronefs avec on sans moteur ainsi que leurspieces de rechange, leurs accessoires normaux et leur equipementnormal importes avec ces aeronefs;

54348 B 2

(d) The term " private use " shall mean the use of aircraft or boats, bytheir owners or by persons who have possession or control of them,whether on hire or otherwise, for non-commercial purposes and, inparticular, for purposes other than the transport of persons forremuneration, reward or other consideration or the industrial andcommercial transport of goods with or without remuneration;

(e) The term " temporary importation papers " shall mean the Customsdocument identifying the aircraft or boat and providing evidence ofthe guarantee or deposit of import duties and import taxes;

(f) The term ".persons" shall mean both natural and legal persons unlessthe context otherwise requires.


Temporary Importation without Payment of Import Duties and Import Taxesand Free of Import Prohibitions and Restrictions


1. Each of the Contracting Parties shall grant temporary admissionwithout payment of import duties and import taxes and free of importprohibitions and restrictions, subject to re-exportation and to the otherconditions laid down in this Convention, to aircraft and boats owned bypersons normally resident outside its territory which are imported and utilized,for their private use on the occasion of a temporary visit, either by theowners of the aircraft or boats or by other persons normally resident outsideits territory.

2. Such aircraft and' boats shall be covered by temporary importationpapers guaranteeing payment of import duties and import taxes, and if thecase should arise, of any Customs penalties incurred , subject to the specialprovision of paragraph 4 of Article 27.


The fuel contained in the supply tanks of aircraft and boats temporarilyimported shall be admitted without payment of import duties and importtaxes and free of import prohibitions and restrictions, provided that the supplytanks are of normal capacity, are located in the usual places and areconnected to the engine, it being understood that the .fuel contained in thesetanks is intended exclusively for consumption by the aircraft or boat.


1. Component parts imported for the repair of a particular aircraft orboat already temporarily imported shall be admitted temporarily withoutpayment of import duties and import taxes and free of import prohibitions.and restrictions. Contracting Parties may require these parts to be coveredby temporary importation papers.

2. Replaced parts which are not re-exported shall be liable to importduties and import taxes except where, in conformity with the regulations of


5-(d) Par " usage prive," ]'utilisation d'un aeronef on d'une embarcation, par

le proprietaire on la personne qui en a la jouissance en location on atout autre titre, a des fins autres que commerciales et, en particulier,autres que le transport de personnes moyennant remuneration, primeon autre avantage materiel et le transport industriel et commercial demarchandises avec ou sans remuneration;

(e) Par " titre d'importation temporaire," le document douanier permettaotd'identifier 1'embareation on ]'aeronef et de constatei la garantie onla consignation des droits et taxes d'entree;

(f) Par " personnel," a la fois Ies personnel physiques et les personnelmorales, a moins que le contraire ne resulte du contexte.


Importation temporaire en Franchise des Droits et Taxes d'entree et sansProhibitions ni Restrictions d'importation


1. Chacune des parties contractantes admettra temporairement enfranchise des droits et taxes d'entree, sans prohibitions ni restrictionsd'importation, a charge de reexportation et sous les autres conditions prevuespar la presente Convention, les embarcations et les aeronefs appartenant ades personnes qui ont lour residence normale en dehors de son territoire etqui sont importes et utilises pour lour usage prive a l'occasion d'une visitetemporaire, soit par les proprietaires de ces embarcations on aeronefs, soitpar d'autres personnes qui ont lour residence normale en dehors de sonterritoire.

2. Ces embarcations et aeronefs seront places sous le convert d'un titred'importation temporaire garantissant le paiement des droits et taxes d'entreeet, eventuellement. des amender douanieres encourues, sous reserve desdispositions speciales prevues par le paragraphe 4 de ]'article 27.


Seront admis on franchise des droits et taxes d'entree, et sans prohibitionsni restrictions d'importation, les combustibles et carburants contenus dans lesreservoirs des embarcations ou aeronefs importes temporairement, si cesreservoirs sont de capacite normale, sont places aux endroits habituels etsont relies aux moteurs, et etant entendu que les combustibles et carburantscontenus dans ces reservoirs sont destines a €tre utilises exclusivement par1'embarcation on ]'aeronef. -


1. Les pieces detachees importees pour servir a la reparation d'uneembarcation on d'un aeronef determine deja importe temporairement serontadmises temporairement en franchise des droits et taxes d 'entree et sansprohibitions ni restrictions d'importation. Les parties contractantes peuventexiger que ces pieces soient plackes sous le couvert d'un titre d'importationtemporaire.

2. Les pieces remplacees non reexportees seront passibles des droiis'ettaxes d'entree a moins que, conformement a la reglementation du pays


the country concerned, they may be abandoned free of all expense to theExchequer or destroyed, under official supervision, at the_ expense of theparties concerned.


Temporary importation papers sent to associations authorized to issuethe papers in question by the. corresponding foreign associations, by inter-national organizations or by the Customs -authorities of the ContractingParties, shall be admitted without payment of import duties and import taxesand free of import prohibitions and restrictions.


Issue of Temporary Importation Papers


1. Subject to such guarantees and under such conditions as it maydetermine, each Contracting Party may authorize associations, such as thoseaffiliated to an international organization, to issue either directly or throughcorresponding associations the temporary importation papers covered bythis Convention.

2. Temporary importation papers may be valid for a single country orCustoms territory or for several countries or Customs territories.

3. The period of validity of these papers shall not exceed one yearfrom the date of issue.


1. Temporary importation papers valid for the territories of all or severalof the Contracting Parties shall be known as carnets de passages en douaneand shall conform in respect of aircraft to the standard form contained inAnnex 1, and, in respect of boats, to the standard form contained in Annex 2,to this Convention.

2. If a carnet de passages en douane is not valid for one or severalterritories, the issuing association shall indicate the fact on the cover andon the importation vouchers of the carnet.

3. Temporary importation papers intended for boats and valid only forthe territory of a single Contracting Party may conform to the standard formcontained in Annex 3 to this Convention. Contracting Parties may also useother documents, in accordance with their legislation or regulations.

4. The period of validity of temporary importation papers other thanthose issued by authorized associations as provided for in Article 6 shall belaid down by each Contracting Party in accordance with its legislation orregulations.

5. Each Contracting Party shall, upon request, supply the otherContracting Parties with models of temporary importation papers valid forits territory, other than those appearing in the Annexes to this Convention.


7interesse, elles ne soient abandonnees (ranches de tous frais au Tresor publicou bien detruites, sous controle officiel, aux frais des interesses.


Seront admises an benefice de la franchise des droits et taxes d'entree etne seront soumises a aucune prohibition ou restriction d'importation, lesformules de titres d'importation temporaire expediees, aux associationsautorisees a delivrer les titres consideres, par les associations etrang8rescorrespondantes, par les organisations internationales on par les autoritesdouani6res des parties contractantes.


Deliivrance des Titres d'Importation temporaire


1. Conformement aux garanties et sous les conditions qu'elle pourradeterminer, chaque partie contractante pourra habiliter des associations, etnotamment celles qui sont affiliees a une organisation internationale, addlivrer, soft directement, soft par I'intermediaire d'associations correspon-dantes, les titres d'importation temporaire prevus par la presente Convention.

2. Les titres d'irnportation temporaire pourront We valables pour unseul pays on territoire douanier on pour plusieurs pays on territoiresdouaniers.

3. La duree de validite de ces titres n'excedera pas une annee a compterdu jour de leur delivrance.


1. Les titres d'importation temporaire valables pour les territoires detoutes les parties contractantes ou de plusieurs d'entre elles seront designersous le nom de " carnets de passages en douane " et seront conformer, pourles embarcations, an modele qui figure a ]'annexe 2 de la presente Conventionet, pour les aeronefs, au mod8le qui figure a ]'annexe 1.

2. Si un carnet de passages en douane n'est pas valable pour un ouplusieurs territoires, l'association qui delivre'le titre en fera mention sur lacouverture et les volets d'entree du carnet.

3. Les titres d'importation temporaire destines aux embarcations etvalables exclusivement pour le territoire d'une seule partie contractantepourront We conformer an modele figurant a l'annexe 3 de la presenteConvention. II sera loisible aux parties contractantes d'utiliser egalementd'autres documents, conformement a leur legislation on a leur reglementation.

4. La duree de validite des titres d'importation temporaire autres queceux delivres, conformement a l'article 6, par des associations autorisees serafixee par chaque partie contractante suivant sa legislation ou sa reglemen-tation.

5. Chacune des parties contractantes transmettra aux autres partiescontractantes, sur leer demande, les modeles de titres d'importation temporairevalables sur son territoire, autres que ceux figurant aux annexes de la presenteConvention.



Particulars on Temporary Importation Papers


Temporary importation papers issued by authorized associations shall bemade out in the name of the persons who own the aircraft or boats temporarilyimported or who have the possession or control of them. When such papers,issued in respect of hired aircraft or boats are made out in the name, of theperson letting out on hire, the words " On hire to ...... followed by thename and address of the normal residence in a foreign country of the personconcerned, shall, when the Customs authorities of the country of temporaryimportation so require, be inserted on all counterfoils and vouchers usedin connexion with the journeys of the person taking the aircraft or boat onhire.


1. The weight to be declared on temporary importation papers is thenet weight of aircraft or boats. It shall be expressed in the metric system.In the case of papers valid for one country only, the Customs authorities ofthat country may prescribe the use of another system.

2. The value to be declared on. temporary importation papers validfor one country only shall be expressed in the currency of that country. Thevalue to be declared on a carnet de passages en douane shall be expressedin the currency of the country where the carnet is issued. `

' 3. The articles and tool-kit which form the normal equipment of aircraftor boats need not be specially declared on the temporary importation papers.

4. When the Customs authorities so require, spare parts and accessoriesnot considered as constituting the normal equipment of the aircraft or boatshall be declared on the temporary importation papers with the necessaryparticulars (such as weight and value) and shall be produced on exit from thecountry visited.


,Any particulars inserted on temporary importation papers by the issuingassociation may be altered only with the approval of the issuing orguaranteeing association. No alteration to the papers may be made afterthey have been passed by the Customs authorities of the country ofimportation except with the consent of those authorities.


Conditions of Temporary Importation


1. Aircraft and boats admitted under cover of temporary importationpapers may be used, for their private use, by third persons duly authorizedby the holders of the papers, provided that those third persons normallyreside outside the country of importation and also fulfil the other conditionslaid down in this Convention. The Customs authorities of the ContractingParties shall have the right to require evidence that such third persons have



Indications a porter sur les Titres d 'Importation temporaire


Les titres d'importation temporaire delivres par les associations autoriseesseront etablis an nom des personnes qui sont proprietaires des embarcationsou aeronefs importes temporairement on qui en ont Is jouissance. Lorsquede tels titres, delivres pour des embarcations ou aeronefs en location, serontetablis an nom du loueur, la mention " En location h ... " suivie du nom dulocataire et de 1'adresse de sa residence normale 3 1'etranger sera portee. dansle cas oil les autorites douanieres du pays d'importation temporaire ]'exigent,sur tour les volets et. couches utilises a l'occasion de voyages du locataire.


1. Le poids 3 declarer sur les titres d'importation temporaire est le poidsa vide des embarcations ou aeronefs . Il sera exprime en unites du systememetrique. Lorsqu'il s'agit de titres valables pour un seul pays, les autoritesdouanieres de ce pays pourront prescrire I'emploi d'un autre systeme.

2. La valeur a declarer sur un titre d'importation temporaire valable pourun seul pays sera exprimee dans la monnaie de cc pays. La valeur a declarersur un carnet de passages en douane sera exprimee dans la monnaie du paysoil le carnet est delivre.

3. Les objets et I'outillage constituant l'equipement normal des embar-cations ou aeronefs n'auront pas a etre specialement declares sur les titresd'importation temporaire.

4. Lorsque les autorites douanieres ]'exigent, les pieces de rechange etaccessoires qui ne sont pas consideres comme constituant l'dquipementnormal de 1'embarcation ou de I'aeronef seront declares sur les titres d'impor-tation temporaire, avec les indications necessaires (telles que poids et valeur),et seront representes A la sortie du pays visite.


Toutes modifications aux indications portdes sur les titres d'importationtemporaire par ]'association emettrice seront dement approuvees par cetteassociation on par ]'association garante. Aucune modification ne sera permiseapres prise en charge des titres par les autorites douanieres du pays d'impor-tation sans I'assentiment de ces autorites.


Conditions de ]'Importation temporaire


1. Les embarcations et les aeronefs se trouvant sous le couvert de titresd'importation temporaire pourront @tre utilises, pour leur usage prive, pardes tiers, dument autorises par les titulaires de ces titres, qui ont leur resi-dence normale en dehors du pays d'importation et qui remplissent les autresconditions prevues par la presente Convention. Les autorites douanieres desparties contractantes auront le droit d'exiger la preuve que' ces 'tiers


been duly authorized by the holders of the papers and fulfil the aforesaidconditions . If this evidence does not appear sufficient, the Customs authoritiesmay refuse use of these aircraft and boats in their country under cover of thepapers. In the case of aircraft or boats which have been hired, eachContracting Party may require that the person taking the aircraft or boat onhire be present at the time of importation of the aircraft or boat.

2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, theCustoms authorities of the Contracting Parties may permit, under conditionsof which they shall be the sole judges , an aircraft or boat circulating undercover of temporary importation papers to be manned by a crew composed ofpersons who are normally resident in the country of importation , in particularwhen the crew of the aircraft or boat acts on behalf of or under instructionsfrom the holder of the temporary importation papers.


1. Aircraft or boats mentioned in temporary importation papers shall bere-exported in the same general state, except for wear and tear , within- theperiod of validity of such papers. In the case of aircraft or boats which havebeen hired , the Customs authorities of the Contracting Parties shall have theright to require the re-exportation of the aircraft or boat as soon as the hirerhas left the country of temporary importation.

2. Evidence of re-exportation shall be provided by the exit visa properlyappended to the temporary importation papers by the Customs authorities ofthe country into which the aircraft or boat was temporarily imported.

3. Contracting Parties may , however, make the discharge of temporaryimportation papers for aircraft subject to proof of the arrival of the aircraftin foreign territory.


1. Notwithstanding the requirement of re-exportation laid down inarticle 12 , the re-exportation of badly-damaged aircraft or boats shall notbe required , in the case of duly authenticated accidents , provided that theaircraft or boats:

(a) Are subjected to the import duties and import taxes to which theyare liable; or

(b) Are abandoned free of all expense to the Exchequer of the countryinto which they are imported temporarily; or

(c) Are destroyed , under official supervision , at the expense ' of the partiesconcerned , any salvaged parts and materials being subjected to theimport duties and import taxes to which they are liable, as theCustoms authorities may require.

2. When an aircraft or boat temporarily imported cannot be re-exportedas a result of a seizure , other than a seizure made at the suit of private persons,the requirement of re-exportation within the period of validity of thetemporary importation papers shall be suspended for the duration of theseizure.

3. The Customs authorities shall notify , so far as possible, to theguaranteeing association , seizures made by or on behalf of those Customsauthorities of aircraft or boats admitted under cover of temporary importationpapers guaranteed by that association and shall advise it of the measures theyintend to take.


/1ont ete dument autorises par les titulaires des titres et remplissent les con-ditions precitees . Si les justifications fournies ne leur paraissent pas suffisantes,les autorites douanieres pourront s'opposer a ]'utilisation de ces embarcationset aeronefs dans leur pays sous le couvert des titres en question. En ce quiconcerne les embarcations et aeronefs loues , chaque partie contractante pourraexiger que le locataire soft present au moment de l'importation de 1'embar-cation ou de ]'aeronef.

2. Nonobstant les dispositions du paragraphe precedent , les autoritdsdouanieres des parties contractantes pourront toldrer, dans les conditionsdont elles demeurent seules juges , que ('equipage d'une embarcation ou d'unaeronef circulant sous le couvert d'un titre d ' importation temporaire snitconstitue par des personnes dontla residence normale se trouve dans le paysd'importation de l'embarcation ou de ]'aeronef, notamment lorsque ]'equipageagit pour le compte et sur les instructions du titulaire du titre d'importationtemporaire.


1. L'embarcation ou ]'aeronef qui fait ] ' objet d'un titre d'importationtemporaire sera reexports a 1'identique , compte tenu de I'usure normale,dans le delai de validite de ce titre . Dans le cas d'une embarcation ou d'unaeronef loue , les autoritds douanieres des parties contractantes auront ledroit d'exiger la reexportation de l'embarcation ou de ] ' aeronef au momentou le locataire quitte le pays d'importation temporaire.

2. La preuve de la reexportation sera fournie par le visa de sortie apposereguli6rement sur le titre d'importation temporaire par les autorites douanieresdu pays oa I'embarcation ou ]'aeronef a ste imports temporairement.

3. Toutefois , les parties contractantes pourront subordonner la dechargedu titre d ' importation temporaire delivre pour un adronef a la preuve deI'arrivee de l'appareil en territoire stranger.


1. Nonobstant ]'obligation de reexportation prdvue a ] ' article 12, lareexportation , en cas d 'accident dument etabli , des embarcations et aeronefsgravement endommages ne sera ' pas exigde , pourvu qu ' ils soient , suivant ccque its autorites douanieres exigent:

(a) Soumis aux droits et taxes d' entree dus en 1'espece; ou

(b) Abandonnes francs de tous frais au Trssor public du pays d'importationtemporaire; ou

(c) Detruits , sous controle officiel, aux frais des interessss , les dechets etles pieces recuperees etant soumis aux droits et taxes d'entree dus en1'esp8ce.

2. Lorsqu'une embarcation ou un aeronef imports temporairement nepourra etre reexports par suite d ' une saisie et que cette saisie n'aura pas_etepratiquee a la requete de particuliers , ]'obligation de reexportation dans leddlai de validite du titre d ' importation temporaire sera suspendue pendant laduree de la saisie.

3. Autant que possible, les autorites douanieres notifieront a ]'associationgarante Its saisies pratiquees par tiles ou a leur initiative sur des embarcationsou aeronefs places sous le couvert de titres d'importation temporaire garantispar cette association et 1'aviseront des mesures qu'elles entendent adopter.



An aircraft or boat imported into the territory of one of the ContractingParties under cover of temporary importation papers may not be used, evenincidentally, for transport against remuneration , reward or other considerationbetween points within the frontiers of that territory or outwards from thatterritory. It may not be hired out after importation and if it was importedon hire it may not be re-hired to any person other than the person who hiredit originally.


Persons entitled to temporary importation facilities may, during the periodof validity of temporary importation papers, import the aircraft or boatscovered by those papers as often as necessary, on condition that they haveeach passage (entry and exit) established by a visa of the Customs officersconcerned if the Customs authorities so require. Temporary importationpapers may however be made valid for a single journey only.


When temporary importation papers without detachable vouchers foreach passage are used for boats, the visas given by the Customs officersbetween the first entry and the final exit shall be provisional. Nevertheless.when the last visa is a provisional exit visa, it shall be admitted as proofof the re-exportation of the boat or component parts temporarily imported.


When temporary importation papers with a detachable voucher for eachpassage are used, each entry visa implies the passing of the document by theCustoms authorities, and each subsequent exit visa constitutes its finaldischarge, except as provided in article 18.


When the Customs authorities of a country have finally and uncondition-ally discharged temporary importation papers they can no longer claim fromthe guaranteeing association payment of import duties and import taxes,unless the certificate of discharge was obtained improperly or fraudulently.


Visas on temporary importation papers used under the conditions laiddown in this Convention shall not be subject to the payment of chargesfor Customs attendance, provided such visas are issued at a Customs officeor post during authorized hours.



Une embarcation ou un aeronef importe dans le territoire de Tune desparties contractantes sous le couvert dun titre d 'importation temporaire nepourra titre utilise, m@me accessoirement , a des transports s'effectuant contreremuneration, prime ou autre avantage materiel entre des points situes 4l'interieur des frontieres de cc territoire oil all depart de cc territoire. Untel aeronef on embarcation ne pourra titre donne - en - location apres sonimportation et, s'il etait en location au moment de son importation, it nepourra titre ni reloue h une personne autre que le locataire initial ni sous-loud.


Les beneficiaires de ]'importation temporaire auront le droit d'importerautant de fois que de besoin, pendant la duree de validite des titres d'impor-tation temporaire , les embarcations ou adronefs qui font l'objet de ces titres,sous la reserve de faire constater chaque passage (entree et sortie), si lesautorites douani8res ]' exigent, par pn visa des agents de douane interesses.Toutefois , il pourra titre emis des titres valables pour un seul voyage.


Lorsqu'il sera fait usage, pour une embarcation , d'un titre d'importationtemporaire ne comportant pas de volets detachables h chaque passage, lesvisas apposes par les agents des douanes entre la premiere entree et laderniere sortie auront un caract8re provisoire . Neanmoins , lorsque le, derniervisa appose sera un visa de sortie provisoire, cc visa sera admis commejustification de la reexportation de ]'embarcation on des pieces detacheesimportees temporairement.


Lorsqu ' il sera fait usage d'un titre d'importation temporaire comportantdes volets detachables h chaque passage , chaque constatation d'entree com-portera prise en charge du titre par la douane et chaque constatation de sortieulterieure entrainera decharge definitive de cc titre , souus . reserve des dis-positions de I'article 1%. .


Lorsque les autorites douani8res dun pays auront decharge definitivementet sans reserve on titre d'importation temporaire , elles ne pourront plusreclamer h ]' association garante le paiement des droits et taxes d 'entree hmoms que le certificat de decharge n'ait ete obtenu abusivement oufrauduleusement.


Les visas des titres d'importation temporaire utilises dans les conditionsprevues par la presente Convention ne donneront pas lieu au paiement d'uneremuneration pour le service des douanes si ces visas sont apposes dans unbureau on dans un poste de douane pendant les heures d'ouverture de ccbureau on de cc poste.



Extension of Validity and Renewal of Temporary Importation Papers


The lack of proof of re-exportation within the time allowed of aircraftor boats temporarily imported shall be disregarded when the aircraft or boatsare presented to the Customs authorities for re-exportation within fourteendays from the expiry of the papers and satisfactory explanations of thedelay are given.


Each of the Contracting Parties shall recognize as valid extensions ofvalidity of carnets de passages en douane granted by another ContractingState in accordance with the procedure laid down' in Annex 4 to thisConvention.


1. Requests for extension of validity of temporary importation papersshall be presented to the competent Customs authorities before the expiryof the period of validity of these papers, unless this is rendered impossibleby force majeure. If the temporary importation papers have been issuedby an authorized association, the request for extension shall be made bythe association which guarantees the papers.

2. Extensions of time necessary for the re-exportation of aircraft or boatsor component parts imported temporarily shall be granted when the personsconcerned can establish to the satisfaction of the Customs authorities thatthey are prevented by force majeure from re-exporting the said or component parts within the time allowed.


Each of the Contracting Parties shall, unless the conditions of temporaryadmission are no longer satisfied, authorize, subject to whatever measuresof control it may consider necessary, the renewal of temporary importationpapers' issued by the authorized associations and relating to aircraft, boatsor component parts temporarily imported into its territory. Requests forrenewal shall be presented by the guaranteeing association.


Regularization of Temporary Importation Papers


1. If temporary importation papers have not been regularly discharged,the Customs authorities of the country of importation shall (whether thepapers have expired or not) accept as evidence of re-exportation of theaircraft, boats or component parts the presentation of a certificate based onthe standard form shown in Annex 5 to this Convention, issued by an officialauthority (consul, Customs, police, mayor, judicial officer, &c.), attesting the



Prolongation de Validite et Renonvellement des Titresd'Importation temporaire


Il sera passe outre an defaut de constatation de la reexportation, dans les.delais impartis, des embarcations on aeronefs temporairement importerIorsque ceux-ci seront presentes aux autorites douanieres pour reexportationBans les quatorze jours de l'echeance des titres et qu'il sera donne desexplications satisfaisantes pour justifier ce retard.


En ce qui concerne les carnets de passages en douane , chacune des partiescontractantes reconnaitra comme valables les prolongations de validiteaecordees par Tune quelconque d'entre elles conformement it la procedure _etablie a ] 'annexe 4 de In presente Convention.


1. Les demandes de prolongation de validite des titres d'importationtemporaire seront, sauf impossibilite resultant d'un cas de force majeure,presentees aux autorites douanieres competentes avant 1'echdance de cestitres. Si It titre d'importation temporaire.a ete emis par une associationautorisee, la demande de prolongation sera presentee par ]'association quile garantit.

2. Les prolongations de delai necessaires pour la reexportation desernbarcations, aeronefs on pieces detachees importer temporairement serontaccordees lorsque les interesses pourront etablir Is la satisfaction des autoritdsdouanieres qu'ils sont empeches par un cas de force majeure de reexporterces embarcations, aeronefs ou pieces detachees daps It delai imparti.


Sauf dans le cas ou les conditions de ]'importation temporaire ne setrouvent plus realisees, chacune des parties contractantes autorisera, moyen-nant telles mesures de controle qu'elle jugera devoir fixer, le renouvellementdes titres d'importation temporaire delivres par les associations autoriseeset afferents a des embarcations, aeronefs on pieces detachees importestemporairement sur son territoire. La demande de renouvellement serapresentee par ]'association garante.


Regularisation des Titres d'Importation temporaire


1. Si le titre d'importation temporaire n'a pas did regulierement decharge,les autorites douanieres du pays d'importation accepteront (avant ou apresperemption du titre), comme justification de la reexportation de l'embarcation,de I'aeronef ou des pieces detachees, la presentation d'un certificat conforme aunjodele figurant Is ]'annexe 5 de In presente Convention, delivre par uneautorite officielle (consul, douane, police, maire, huissier, &c.); et attestant


facts that the aircraft, boat or component parts in question have beenpresented to it and are outside the country of importation. The saidCustoms authorities may also accept any other documentary evidence thatthe aircraft, boat or component parts are outside the country of importation.In the case of papers, other than carnets de passages en douane, which havenot expired, the said Customs authorities may require the papers to besurrendered to them before the date on which the aircraft or boat in questionwas certified to be outside the county of temporary importation. In thecase of carnets, account shall be taken, as evidence of re-exportation of theaircraft, boats, or component parts, of the visas entered thereon by theCustoms authorities of countries subsequently visited.

2. In the case of the destruction, loss or theft of temporary importationpapers not regularly discharged but relating to aircraft, boats or componentparts which have been re-exported, the Customs authorities of the countryof importation shall accept as proof of re-exportation the presentation ofcertificates based on the standard form shown in Annex 5 to this Conventionissued by an official authority (consul, Customs, police, mayor, judicial officer,&c.), attesting the facts that the aircraft, boats or component parts in questionhave been presented to it and are outside the country of importation afterthe date of expiry of the papers. They may also accept any other docu-mentary evidence that the aircraft, boats or component parts are outside thecountry of temporary importation.

3. In the case of the destruction, loss or theft of carnets de passagesen douane while aircraft, boats or component parts to which they refer arein the territory of one of the Contracting Parties, the Customs authorities ofthat Party shall, at the request of the association concerned, accept replace-ment documents the validity of which shall expire on the date of expiry ofthe validity of the carnets which they replace. This acceptance will annulthe previous acceptance of the carnets destroyed, lost or stolen. If, insteadof replacement documents, export licences or similar documents are issuedfor the re-exportation of the aircraft, boats or component parts, the exit visason these licences or documents shall be considered as sufficient proof ofre-exportation.

4. If aircraft or boats are stolen after having been re-exported from thecountry of importation, without the exit having been regularly endorsed onthe temporary importation papers and in the absence of entry visas on thepapers entered thereon by the Customs authorities of countries subsequentlyvisited, the papers may nevertheless be regularized provided that theguaranteeing association furnishes the papers together with such evidence oftheft as may be considered sufficient. If the temporary importation papershave not expired, the Customs authorities may require their surrender.


In the cases referred to in article 24, the Customsthe right to charge a regularization fee.

authorities shall have


Customs authorities shall not have the right to require from theguaranteeing association payment of import duties and import taxes on


17que ]'embarcation, l'aeronef on les pieces detachees precites ont dts presenteea ladite autorite et se trouvent hors du pays d'importation. Ces autoritesdouani8res pourront egalement admettre toute autre justification etablissantque ]'embarcation, l'aeronef ou les pieces detachees so trouvent hors du pay'sd'importation. Si le titre d'importation temporaire n'est pas un carnet dopassages en douane et s'il n'est pas perime, ces autorites douani8res pourrontexiger qu'il lour soft remis, a une date anterieure it celle de la constatation depresence de ]'embarcation on de. l'aeronef on dehors du territoire d'impor-tation temporaire. S'il s'agit d'un carnet. it sera tenu compte, pour la justifi-cation do la reexportation de ]'embarcation, de l'aeronef on des piecesdetachees, des visas de passage apposes par les autorites douanieres 'des paysposterieurement visites.

2. En cas de destruction, de perte on de vol d'un titre d'importationtemporaire, qui n'a pas eta reguli6rement decharg6 mais qui se rapporte aune embarcation, a un aeronef on a des pieces detachees qui ont etereexportes, les autorites douani8res du pays d'importation accepteront,comme justification de la reexportation. la presentation d'un certificat con-forme an modele figurant a ]'annexe 5 de la present Convention delivre parune autorite officielle (consul, douane, police, maire, huissier, &c.), et attestantque I'embarcation, l'aeronef on les pieces detachees precites ont 6th presentesa ladite autorite et se trouvaient hors du pays d'importation a une dateposterieure a la date d'echeance du titre. Elles pourront dgalement admettretoute autre justification etablissant que ]'embarcation, l'aeronef on les piecesdetachees se trouvent hors du pays d'importation.

3, En cas de destruction, de perte ou de vol d'un carnet de passages ondouane survenant lorsque ]'embarcation, I'aeronef on les pieces detacheesauxquels ce carnet se rapporte se trouvent sur le territoire d'une des partiescontractantes, les autorites douani8res do cette partie effectueront, a Is demandede ]'association interessee, la prise on charge d'un titre de remplacement dontla validite expirera a la date d'expiration de la validite du carnet remplace.Cette prise en charge annulera la prise en charge effectuee anterieurement surle carnet detruit, perdu on vole. Si, en vue de Is rexportation de ]'embar-cation, de l'aeronef on des pieces detachees, it est delivre, an lieu d'un titrede remplacement, une licence d'exportation on un document analogue, levisa de sortie appose sur cette licence ou sur ce document sera accepts commejustification de la reexportation.

4. Lorsqu'une embarcation on un aeronef est void apr8s avoir etereexports du pays d'importation. sans que Is sortie ait ete reguli6rementconstatee sur le titre d'importation temporaire et sans que figurent sur letitre des visas d'entree apposes par les autorites douani8res de pays posterieure-ment visites, ce titre pourra neanmoins @tre regularise a condition que]'association garante le present et fournisse des preuves du vol qui soientjugees satisfaisantes. Si le titre West pas perime, son depot pourra titre exigepar les autorites douani8res.


Dans les cas vises a ]'article 24, les autorites douani8res se reservent ledroit de percevoir une taxe de regularisation.


Les autorites douani8res n'auront pas le droit d'exiger de ]'associationgarante le paiement des droits et taxes d'entree pour une embarcation, in

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aircraft; boats or component parts temporarily imported when the non-discharge of the temporary importation papers has not been notified to theguaranteeing association within one year of the date of expiry of the validityof those papers.


1. The guaranteeing associations shall have a period of one. year fromthe date of notification of the non-discharge of temporary importation papersin which to furnish proof of the re-exportation of the aircraft, boats or com-ponent parts in question under the conditions laid down in this Convention.

2. If such proof is not furnished within the time allowed, the guaranteeingassociation shall forthwith deposit or pay provisionally the import duties andimport taxes payable. This deposit or payment shall become final after aperiod of one year from the date of the deposit or provisional payment.During the latter period, the guaranteeing association may still avail itselfof the facilities provided by the preceding paragraph with a view to repay-ment of the sums deposited or paid.

3. For countries whose regulations do not provide for the deposit orprovisional payment of import duties and import taxes, payments made inconformity with the provisions of the preceding paragraph will be regardedas final, it being understood that the sums paid may, be refunded when theconditions laid down in this article are fulfilled.

4. In the case of the non-discharge of temporary importation papers,the guaranteeing association shall not. be required to pay a sum greater thanthe total of the import duties and import taxes applicable to the aircraft,boats or component parts not re-exported, together with interest if applicable.


The provisions of this Convention do not affect the right of the Contract-ing Parties, in the event of fraud, contravention or abuse. to take proceedingsagainst holders of, or the persons using, temporary importation papers, forthe recovery of the import duties and import taxes and also to impose anypenalties to which such persons have rendered themselves liable. In'suchcases the guaranteeing associations shall lend their assistance to the Customsauthorities.


Miscellaneous Provisions


The Contracting Parties shall endeavour not to introduce Customs proce-dures which might have the effect of impeding the development of inter-national touring.


Any breach of the provisions of this Convention, any substitution, falsedeclaration or act having the effect of causing a person or an article improperlyto benefit from the system of importation laid down in this Convention, mayrender the offender liable in the country where the offence was committed tothe penalties prescribed by the laws of that country.


/qaeronef on des pieces detachees importes temporairement lorsque la non-decharge du titre d'importation temporaire n 'aura pas ete notifiee a cetteassociation Bans It delai d'un an a compter de la date d'expiration de lavalidite de ce titre.


1. Les associations garantes auront un delai d'un an a ladate de notification de la non-decharge des titres d'importation temporairepour fournir la preuve de ]a rdexportation des embarcations, aeronefs oupieces ddtachMes en question dans les conditions prevues par In presenteConvention.

2. Si cette preuve n'est pas fournie dans les delais prescrits, l'associationgarante consignera sans retard on versera a titre provisoire Its droits et taxesd'entree exigibles. Cette consignation ou ce versement deviendra definitifa 1'expiration d'un delai d'un an a compter de la date de la consignation oudu versement provisoire. Pendant ce dernier delai, I'association garantepourra encore, en vue de la restitution des sommes consignees on versees,beneficier des facilites prevues an paragraphe precedent.

3. Pour Its pays dont In reglementation ne comporte pas It regime de laconsignation ou du versement provisoire des droits et taxes d'entree, lesperceptions qui seraient faites to conformite avec Its dispositions du para-graphe precedent auront in caractere definitif, etant entendu que les sommesperques pourront @tre remboursees lorsque les' conditions prevues par Itpresent article se trouveront remplies.

4. En cas de non-decharge d'un titre d'importation temporaire,I'association garante ne sera pas tenue de verser une Somme superieure aumontant des droits et taxes d'entree applicables a 1'embarcation, it l'aeronef,ou aux pieces detachees non reexportes, augmente eventuellement de l'interetde retard.


Les dispositions de la presence Convention n'affectent pas le droit desparties contractantes, en cas de fraude, de contravention ou d'abus, d'intenterdes poursuites contre Its titulaires de titres d'importation temporaire et contreles personnel utilisant ces titres, pour recouvrer Its droits et taxes d'entrdeainsi que pour imposer Its penalites dont ces personnel se seraient renduespassibles. Dans ce cas, Its associations garantes preteront leur contours auxautoritds douanieres.


Dispositions diverses


Les parties contractantes s'efforceront de ne pas instituer de formalitesdouanieres qui pourraient avoir pour effet d'entraver le developpement dutourisme international.


Toute infraction aux dispositions de la presente Convention, toute substi-tution, fausse declaration ou manoeuvre ayant pour effet de faire beneficierindument une personne ou un objet du regime d'importation prevu par lapresente Convention exposera le contrevenant, dans It pays oil 1'infractiona ete commise, aux sanctions prevues par la legislation de ce pays.

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Nothing in this Convention shall prevent Contracting Parties which forma Customs or economic union from enacting special provisions applicable topersons normally resident in the countries forming that union. - -


Nothing in this Convention shall be deemed to prejudice the right of each'Contracting Party to apply import prohibitions or restrictions based onconsiderations other than economic in character , for example considerationsof public morality, public security, public health or hygiene. -


Final Provisions


1.. Countries members of the Economic Commission for Europe andcountries admitted to the Commission in a consultative capacity under para-graph 8 of the Commission 's terms of reference , may.. become ContractingParties to this Convention:-

(a) By signing it;(b) By ratifying it after signing it subject to ratification;(c) By acceding to it.2. Such countries as may participate in certain activities of the.Economic

Commission for Europe in accordance with paragraph 11 of the Commission'sterms of reference may become Contracting Parties to this Convention byacceding thereto after its entry in force.

3. The Convention shall be open for signature until 31 August 1956inclusive. Thereafter, it shall be open for accession.

4. Ratification or accession shall be effected by the deposit of aninstrument with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.


1. This Convention shall come into force(') on the ninetieth day afterfive of the countries referred to in article 33, paragraph 1, have signed itwithout reservation of ratification or have deposited their instruments ofratification or accession.

2. For any country ratifying or acceding to it after five countries havesigned it without reservation of ratification or have deposited their instrumentsof ratification or accession , this Convention shall enter into force on theninetieth day after the said country has deposited its instrument of ratificationor accession.


1. Any Contracting Party may denounce this Convention by so notifyingthe Secretary-General of the United Nations.

2. Denunciation shall take effect fifteen months after the date of receiptby the Secretary-General of the notification of denunciation.

(4) The Convention came into force on January 1, 1959.


02/ARTICLE 31 - '

Aucune disposition de la presente Convention n'exclut le droit pour lesparties contractantes qui Torment une union douaniere ou 6conomique depr6voir des regles particuli8res applicables aux personnel qui ont leur residencenormale dans les pays faisant partie de cette union.


Aucune disposition de la presente Convention ne sera interpretee commeportant atteinte an droit de chaque partie contractante d'appliquer . auximportations temporaires d'embarcations de plaisance et d'aeronefs desprohibitions ou des restrictions basees sur des considerations de caract6renon economique, par exemple sur des considerations de moralit6, de securite,de saute on d'hygi8ne publique.


Dispositions finales


1. Les pays membres de la Commission economique pour I'Europeet les pays admis a la Commission a titre consultatif eonformement anparagraphe 8 du mandat de cette commission peuvent devenir partiescontractantes a la presente Convention:

(a) En la signant;(b) En Is ratifiant apr8s l'avoir signet sous reserve de ratification:(c) En y adh6rant.2. Les pays susceptibles de participer a certains travaux de la Commission

economique pour ]'Europe en application du paragraphe 11 du mandat decette commission peuvent devenir parties contractantes a la presente Conven-tion en y adherant apr8s son entree en vigueur.

3. La Convention sera ouverte a la signature jusqu'au 31 aout 1956 inclus.Apr6s cette date. elle sera ouverte a ]'adhesion.

4. La ratification on ]'adhesion sera effectu6e par le' depot d'uninstrument aupr6s du Secretaire general de ('Organisation des Nations Unies:


1. La presente Convention entrera en vigueur le quatre=vingt-dixiemejour apres que cinq des pays mentionnes an paragrapbe 1 de Particle 33 ]'aurontsignee sans reserve de ratification on auront depose leur instrument deratification on d'adhesion.

2. Pour chaque pays qui la ratifiera on y adherera apr8s que cinq paysI'auront signee sans reserve de ratification on auront depose leur instrumentde ratification on d'adhesion, la presente Convention entrera en vigueur lequatre-vingt-dixi8me jour qui suivra le depot de ]'instrument de ratification ond'adhesion dudit pays.


1. Chaque partie contractante pourra denoncer la presente Conventionpar notification adressee an Secretaire general de ]'Organisation des NationsUnies.

2. La denonciation prendra effet quinze mois apr8s la date a laquelle leSecretaire general en aura recu notification.


3. The validity of temporary importation papers issued before the datewhen . the denunciation takes effect shall not be affected thereby and theguarantee of. the association, shall hold good . Extensions granted inaccordance with the conditions laid down in article 21 of this Conventionshall similarly remain valid.


This Convention shall cease to have effect if, for any period of twelveconsecutive months after its entry into force, the number of ContractingParties is less than five.


1. Any country may, at the time of signing this Convention withoutreservation of ratification or of depositing its instrument of ratification oraccession or at any time thereafter, declare by notification addressed to theSecretary-General of the United Nations that this Convention shall extendto all or any of the territories for the international relations of which it isresponsible. The Convention shall extend to the territory or territoriesnamed in the notification as from the ninetieth day after its receipt by theSecretary-General or, if on that day the Convention has not yet entered intoforce, at the time of its entry into force.

2. Any country which has made a declaration under the precedingparagraph extending this Convention to any territory for whose internationalrelations it is responsible may denounce the Convention separately in respectof that territory in accordance with the provisions of article 35.


1. Any dispute between two or more Contracting Parties concerning theinterpretation or application of this Convention shall so far as possible besettled by negotiation between them.

2. Any dispute which is not settled by negotiation shall be submitted toarbitration if any one of the Contracting Parties in dispute so requests andshall be referred accordingly to one or more arbitrators selected by agreementbetween the Parties in dispute. If within three months from the date of therequest for arbitration the Parties in dispute are unable to agree on theselection of an arbitrator or arbitrators, any of those Parties may request theSecretary-General of the United Nations to nominate a single arbitrator towhom the dispute shall be referred for decision.

3. The decision of the arbitrator or arbitrators appointed under thepreceding paragraph shall be binding on the Contracting Parties in dispute.


1. Bach Contracting Party may. at the time of signing, ratifying, oracceding to, this Convention, declare that it does not consider itself as boundby article 38 of the Convention: Other Contracting Parties shall not bebound by article 38 in respect of any Contracting Party which has enteredsuch a reservation.

.2. Any Contracting Party having entered a reservation as provided forin paragraph 1 may at any time withdraw such reservation by notifying theSecretary-General of the United Nations.

3. No other reservation to this Convention shall be permitted.


3. La validite des titres d'importation temporaire delivres avant la dateit laquelle la denonciation prendra effet ne sera pas affectee par cettedenonciation et la garantie des associations restera effective. Lesprolongations accordees dans les conditions prevues a ]'article 21 de ]apresente Convention conserveront de mame leur validite.


La presente Convention cessera de produire ses effets si, apres son entreeen vigueur . le nombre des parties contractantes est inferieur a cinq pendantune periode quelconque de douze mois consecutifs.


1. Tout pays pourra, lorsqu 'il signera la presente Convention sans reservede ratification ou lors du depot de son instrument de ratification oud'adhesion on a tout moment ulterieur, declarer, par notification adressee auSecretaire general de ]'Organisation des Nations Unies, que la presenteConvention sera applicable a tout on partie des territoires qu'il representesur le plan international . La Convention sera applicable au territoire ouaux territoires mentionnes dans la notification a dater du quatre-vingt-dixi8me jour apres reception de cette notification par le Secretaire generalon, si a cc jour la Convention n'est pas encore entree en vigueur, a dater deson entree en vigueur.

2. Tout pays qui aura fait , conformement an paragraphe precedent, unedeclaration ayant pour effet de rendre ]a presente Convention applicable it.un territoire qu'il represente sur le plan international pourra, conformement-a ]'article 35 , denoncer la Convention en cc qui concerne ledit territoire.


1. Tout differend entre deux ou plusieurs parties contractantes touchantl'interpretation ou ]'application de la presente Convention sera, autant quepossible, regle par voie de negociation entre les parties en litige.

2. Tout differend qui n'aura pas ete regle par voie de negociation serasoumis a ]'arbitrage si l'une quelconque des parties contractantes en litige ledemande et sera, en consequence , renvoye a un ou plusieurs arbitres choisisd'un commun accord par les parties en litige . Si, dans les trois moil a daterde la demande d'arbitrage, les parties en litige n'arrivent pas a s'entendre surle choix d 'un arbitre on des arbitres , l'une quelconque de ces parties pourrademander an Secretaire general de ('Organisation des Nations Unies dedesigner un arbitre unique devant lequel le differend sera renvoye pourdecision.

3. La sentence de l'arbitre on des arbitres designes conformement auparagraphe precedent sera obligatoire pour les parties contractantes en litige.


1. Chaque partie contractante pourra. au moment ou elle signera ouratifiera la presente Convention on y adherera , declarer qu'elle ne se considerepas liee par ]'article 38 de la Convention. Les autres parties contractantes neseront pas liees par ]'article 38 envers toute partie contractante qui auraformule une telle reserve.

2. Toute partie contractante qui aura formule une reserve conformementau paragraphe 1 pourra a tout moment lever cette reserve par une notificationadressee au Secretaire genera l de ]'Organisation des Nations Unies.

3. Aucune autre reserve a la presente Convention ne sera admise.



1. After this Convention has been in force for three years, anyContracting Party may, by notification to the Secretary-General of the UnitedNations, request that a conference be convened for the purpose of reviewingthe Convention. The Secretary-General shall notify all Contracting Partiesof the request and a review conference shall be convened by the Secretary-General if, within a period of four months following the date of notificationby the Secretary-General, not less than one-third of the Contracting Partiesnotify him of their concurrence with the request.

2. If a conference is convened in accordance with the precedingparagraph, the Secretary-General shall notify all the Contracting Parties andinvite them to submit within a period of three months such proposals as theymay wish the Conference to consider. The Secretary-General shall circulateto all Contracting Parties the provisional agenda for the conference togetherwith the texts of such proposals at least three months before the date onwhich the conference is to meet.

3. The Secretary-General shall invite to any conference convened inaccordance with this article all countries referred to in article 33, paragraph 1.and countries which have become Contracting Parties under article 33,paragraph 2.


1. Any Contracting Party may propose one or more amendments to thisConvention. The text of any proposed amendments shall be transmitted tothe Secretary-General of the United Nations who shall transmit it to allContracting Parties and inform all other countries referred to in article 33,paragraph 1.

2. Any proposed amendment circulated in accordance with the precedingparagraph shall be deemed to be accepted if no Contracting Party expressesan objection within a period of six months following the date of circulationof the proposed amendment by the Secretary-General.

3. The Secretary-General shall, as soon as possible.. notify all ContractingParties whether an objection to the proposed amendment has been expressed.If an objection to the proposed amendment has been expressed, the amend-ment shall be deemed not to have been accepted and shall be of no effectwhatever. If no such objection has been expressed the amendment shall enterinto force for all Contracting Parties three months after the expiry of theperiod of six months referred to in the preceding paragraph.

4. Independently of the amendment procedure laid down in paragraphs 1,2 and 3 of this article, the annexes to this Convention may be modified byagreement between the competent Administrations of all the ContractingParties. The Secretary-General shall fix the date of entry into force of thenew texts resulting from such modifications.


In addition to the notifications provided for in articles 40 and 41, theSecretary-General of the United Nations shall notify the countries referredto in article 33, paragraph 1, and the countries which have become ContractingParties under article 33, paragraph 2, of:

(a) Signatures, ratifications and accessions under article 33;(b) The dates of entry into force of this Convention in accordance with

article 34;(c) Denunciations under article 35;


ARTICLE 40 .. .

1. Apres que ] a prdsente Convention aura ete en vigueur pendant troisans, route partie contractante pourra, par notification adressee an Secretairegeneral de I'Organisation des Nations Unies, demander la convocation d'uneconference a 1'effet de reviser la presente Convention . Is Secretaire generalnotifiera cette demande a toutes les parties contractantes et convoquera oneconference de revision si, dans un dslai de quatre mois a dater de Ia notificationadressee par lui, le tiers an moins des parties contractantes lui signifient.leurassentiment a cette demande.

2. Si une conference est convoquee conformement an paragrapheprecedent , le Secretaire general en avisera toutes les parties contractantes etles invitera a presenter , dans un delai de trois mois, les propositions qu'ellessouhaiteraient voir examiner par la conference . Le Secretaire generalcommuniquera a toutes les parties contractantes l'ordre du jour provisoirede la conference , ainsi que le texte de ces propositions, trois mois au moinsavant la date d'ouverture de la conference.

3. Le Secretaire general invitera a toute conference convoqueeconformement an present article tous les pays vises an paragraphe 1 deParticle 33. ainsi que Ies pays devenus parties contractantes en application duparagraphe 2 de ]'article 33.


1. Toute partie contractante pourra proposer un ou plusieursamendements a ]a presente Convention . Is texte de tout projet d'amendementsera communique au Secretaire general de ]'Organisation des Nations Unies,qui le communiquera a toutes les parties contractantes et le portera a laconnaissance des autres pays vises an paragraphe 1 de ]'article 33.

2. Tout projet d'amendement qui aura ete transmis conformement anparagraphe precedent sera repute accepts si aucune partie contractante neformule d'objections dans un delai de six mois a compter de la date alaquelle le Secretaire general aura transmis le projet d'amendement.

3. Le Secretaire general adressera le plus tot possible a toutes les partiescontractantes une notification pour leur faire savoir si une objection a ereforntulee contre le projet d'amendement . Si une objection a ete formuleecontre le projet d'amendement , damendement sera considers comme n'ayantpas ere accepts et sera sans aucun effet . En ]'absence d 'objection.damendement entrera en vigueur pour toutes les parties contractantes troismois apres ]'expiration du delai de six mois vise au paragraphe precedent.

4. Independamment de la procedure d'amendement prevue auxparagraphes 1, 2 et 3 du present article, les annexes a la prdsente Conventionpeuvent atre modifiees par accord entre les administrations competentes detoutes les parties contractantes . Le Secretaire general fixera la date d'entreeen vigueur des nouveaux textes resultant de telles modifications.


Outre les notifications prevues aux articles 40 et 41, le Secretaire generalde ]'Organisation des Nations Unies notifiera aux pays vises au paragraphe Ide Particle 33 . ainsi qu'aux pays devenus parties contractantes en applicationdu paragraphe 2 de ]'article 33:

(a) Les signatures , ratifications et adhesions en vertu de ]'article 33;(b) Les dates auxquelles la presente Convention entrera en vigueur

conformement a l'article 34;(c) Les denonciations en vertu de larticle 35;


(d) The termination of this Convention in accordance with article 36;(e) Notifications received in accordance with article 37;1(J) Declarations and notifications received in accordance with article 39,

paragraphs 1 and 2;(g) The entry into force of any amendment in accordance with article 41.


As soon as a country which is a Contracting Party to the Agreementproviding for the Provisional Application of the Draft International CustomsConventions on Touring, on Commercial Road Vehicles, and on the Inter-national Transport of Goods by Road done at Geneva on 16 June 1949,becomes a Contracting Party to this Convention, it shall take the measuresrequired by article IV of that Agreement to denounce it as regards theDraft International Customs Convention on Touring, in so far as thisdenunciation does not already result automatically from article V of thatAgreement.


The Protocol of Signature of this Convention shall have the same force,effect and duration as the Convention itself of which it shall be consideredto be an integral part.


After 31 August 1956 the original of this Convention shall be depositedwith the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who shall transmit certifiedtrue copies to each of the countries mentioned in article 33, paragraphs Iand 2.


aT(d) L'abrogation de la presente Convention conformement a Particle 36;(e) Les notifications regues conformement a ]'article 37;(f) Les declarations et notifications regues conformement aux paragrapher 1

et 2 de ]'article 39;(g) L'entree en vigueur de tout amendement conformement a ]'article 41.


Ms qu'un pays qui est partie contractante h ]'Accord relatif a]'application provisoire des Projets de Conventions internationales douanieressur le tourisme , sur les vdhicules routiers commerciaux et sur le transportinternational des marchandises par la route , en date, a Geneve , du 16 juin 1949,sera devenu partie contractante it la prdsente Convention , it prendra les mesurespr6vues a ]'article IV de cet accord pour le denoncer en cc qui concerne leProjet de Convention internationale douaniere stir le tourisme , pour autantque cette denonciation ne resulte pas ddja ipso facto de ]' article V de cetaccord.


Le Protocole de signature de la prdsente Convention aura les memes force,valeur et duree que la Convention elle-meme dont it sera considers commefaisant partie intdgrante.


AprBs le 31 aofit 1956 , ('original de la presente Convention sera deposeaupr8s du Secr6taire general de ]'Organisation des Nations Unies, qui entransmettra des copies certifides conformes a chacun des pays vises auxparagraphes I et 2 de ]'article 33.


In witness whereof, the under-signed, being duly authorizedthereto, have signed this Convention.

Done at Geneva , this eighteenthday of May one thousand ninehundred and fifty-six, in a singlecopy in the English and Frenchlanguages , each text being equallyauthentic.

For Albania :

En foi de quoi , les soussigries, ace dument autorises , ont sign lapresente Convention.

. Fait a Geneve , le dix-huit maimil neuf cent cinquante-six, en unseul exemplaire , en langues anglaiseet franfaise, les deux textes faisantdgalement foi.

Pour l'Albanie:

For Austria: Pour l'Autriche:

Sous reserve de ratification


For Belgium :

For Bulgaria:

For ByelorussianRepublic:

Pour la Bulgarie:

Soviet Socialist Pour la Republique SocialisteSovietique de Bidlorussie:

For Czechoslovakia:

For Denmark:

Pour la Tchecoslovaquie:

Pour le Danemark:

For the Federal Republic of Pour " la RepubliqueGermany:

For Finland :

Pour la Belgique:

Sons reserve de ratificationLEROY.

d'Allemagne :

Subject to ratificationRUDOLF STEG,

Pour In Finlande:



For France: Pour la France:

Sous reserve ' de ratification


For Greece : - Pour la Grece:

For Hungary:

For Iceland:

For Ireland:

For Italy :

For Luxembourg:

Pour la Hongrie :

Sous reserve de ratification


Pour I'Islande:

Pour I'Irlande:

Pour l ' Italie:

Sous reserve de ratificationNOTARANGELI.

Pour le Luxembourg:

Sous reserve de ratification


For the Netherlands : Pour les Pays-Bas:

Pour le Royaume en Europe

Sous reserve de ratification


For Norway : Pour la NorvBge:

For Poland : Pour la Pologne:

For Portugal : Pour ]e Portugal:

For Romania : Pour la Roumanie:

For Spain : Pour I'Espagne:


For Sweden:

For Switzerland:

Pour la Suede:Sous reserve de ratification


Pour In Suisse:Sous reserve de ratification


For Turkey: Pour la Turquie:

For Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Pour la Republique SocialisteRepublic : Sovietique d'Ukraine:

For the Union of Soviet Socialist Pour l'Union des RepubliquesRepublics : Socialistes Sovietiques:

For the United Kingdom of Great Pour le Royaume -Uni de Graride-Britain and Northern Ireland : . Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord:

Subject to ratificationJAMES C. WARDROP.

For the United States of America: Pour les Etats -Unis d'Amerique:

For Yugoslavia : Pour la Yougoslavie:





The carnet is issued in French.

The dimensions are 33 x 24 cm.


[Front cover]

[International Organization]



VALID FOR ONE YEAR, i.e., until ........................................................................ inclusive,[Insert the date in red ink] _

subject to compliance by the holder during this period with the Customs laws and regulations of the countries visited.

Issued by ..............................................................................................................................

Holder ....................................... Normal residence or business address ..........................................[BLOCK LETTERS] [BLOCK LETTERs]

For(') ...................................................... registered in (Z).......................... ...............................

and bearing the following nationality and registration marks .........................................................


(') Insert type of aircraft [balloon , dirigible balloon , aeroplane , amphibian , seaplane , glider (monoplane , biplane, triplane), gyroplane, helicopter ] and themaker 's description , if any.

(') Insert country of registration.


[Inside front cover]


7 Type of aircraft (') .................... :............................................................. ..... .............. ......... ........................

8 Year of construction ...................................................................................................................................

9 Marks (nationality and registration) ..........................................................................................

10 Value of the aircraft ....................................................................................................................................

11 Net weight of the aircraft ................................................ ......................................

12 Covering or envelope : material ......................................................................................................

13 colour ............................................................................................................

14 Volume in cu.m. or

15 Wing span , in metres..............................................................................................................................

16 Engine(s) (Number ...... .......... .__........... ............... ................. ....... ..................... )

17 (Make ............ .................. ............... ..................... .................. ...... ............

18 (Serial No(s)...... .................. .... ......... ................................. .... .......... )

19 Radio (indicate make and type)..................... ...........__._...___......_.....__._.._...__......__._..._...

20 Other particulars, including anyspecial instruments carried...........................................................................................................

21 ............ .................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . .. . . ................. . . . . . . . . .

22 ......... . ................. . . . . . . . . . . ........................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Issued at.......................................................................................... on.................................. .......................... 19 ...... ......,

on condition that the holder re-exports the aircraft within the specified period of validity and complies with the Customs laws and regulations relating to thetemporary admission of aircraft in the countries visited under the guarantee , in each country where the document is valid, of the authorized associationaffiliated to the undersigned international organization . On expiry, the carnet must be returned to the association which issued it.

Holder 's signature : Signature of Secretary -General Signature of authorized officialof the International Organization: of the issuing association:

(') See footnote (') on front cover.





2 Departure from [name of country)..... .........................

3 Of the aircraft described in

4 Carnet de passages en douane No.

5 rook place on........................................... ....

6 at the Customs office of.....................................................


8 Customs officer 's signature:




2 Return to [name ofcountry] .................. .................__....

3 took place on...........................................................................

4 at the Customs office of ....................


6 Customs officer's signature:



2 Carnet de passages en douane No.

3 VALID until ..............................................................................................................

4 Issued by........... ..................................................................... .............................. _.....

5 Holder...... ..................................................................................._.....

6 Normal residence_ ..................................................................................................

7 Type of aircraft (') ..............................................................................................

8 Year of construction ..............................................................................................

9 Marks (nationality and registration) ............................................................

10 Value of the aircraft ..............................................................................................

11 Net weight of the aircraft ....................................................................................

12 Covering or envelope : material.............................. .._........ ........_.......... .......

13 colour...........................................................................

14 Volume in cu.m. or

15 Wing span , in metres ........ _ ..................................................................................

16 Engine(s) Number ............................................................

17 Make.................................................................

18 Serial No(s)......................................... -.-

19 Radio (indicate make and type) ......................................................................

20 Other particulars , including any specialinstruments carried .........................................................................................

23 RETURN to [name of country] ..... ............................. ............... ........... .._..

24 took place on .............................................................................................................

25 at the Customs office of.......................................................................................

........26 where this voucher was registered under No.. ................... - .............


28 Customs officer's signature:

29 Voucher to be returned to the Customs office of departure

30 where the carnet was registered under No. ...........................

(') See footnote (') on front cover.



2 Carnet de passages en douane No.

3 VALID until..........._ .................................................... .................................

4 Issued by.. ................. ........................................ ..................................... ...........

5 Holder........................ ................................................. ..............................................._

6 Normal residence ....................................................................................................

7 Type of aircraft(') ...............................................................................................

8 Year of construction ...............................................................................................

9 Marks (nationality and registration)... ..................................................... ....

10 Value of the aircraft ..............................................................................................

I I Net weight of the aircraft .....................................................................................

12 Covering or envelope : material......................................................................


14 Volume in cu.m. or


15 Wing span , in metres ............................................................................................

16 Engine(s)INumber. ............................17Make................................................................. .

18 lSerial No(s).........................................

19 Radio (indicate make and type)... ................................_............_...................

20 Other particulars , including any specialinstruments carried............ .._ .................. ............................................ .............

21 . . . . . . ............... . .................. . . ............. . . . . . . . . ............................ . ... . .... . . . .. . .. . . . .... ... . . . ..... . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 ........................................ . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............

._............23 DEPARTUREfrom[name ofcountry] .......................................24 took place on .......... .................... .._........................... ............. ...............___............. ...

25 at the Customs office of......................................................................................

26 where this voucher was registered under No.............. ........ ....__ .............


28 Customs officer' s signature:

29 N.B.-The Customs office of departure should fill in lines 29

and 30 of the adjacent voucher.

(1) See footnote (1) on front cover.


[Reverse of voucher for departure from country of origin] [Reverse of voucher for return to country of origin] [Reverse of counterfoil]


I, (full name)............ ..........................

of (address)............_.___._..._____..._..__._..

undertake that as soon as the aircraft described overleaf

re-enters(')......_...._._._ ....................... ......._._._......_...._._..._._._.........

I will notify the proper Customs authority of any alterations,

additions or repairs to the aircraft (other than ordinary running

repairs) carried out abroad. I undertake to produce the aircraft

for Customs examination as and when required when it re-enters.

I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief all theinformation set out overleaf is correct.

Signature of holder

Date....... ................


I, (full name)

of (address). ...... ......

declare that the aircraft described overleaf has not under-

gone any alterations, additions or repairs (other than ordinaryrunning repairs) while outside(')...._._...._ ...............___.._...___.._____......_ _...

except as follows:

Signature of holder .....................................................................................................


Insert details of any alterations, etc., carried out abroad; ifnone, delete the words in italics.


I, the undersigned , hereby authorize

._._..._...._.....__ sign on my behalf alldocuments and declarations relating to my aircraft.

..._...._...._.... -Signature of holder.___ ............. ...... ................. ............

(A copy of the declaration on exportation could be insertedhere)

(') Name of country of origin. (') Name of country of origin.




2 Entry into [name of country].... ................. .................. -

3 of the aircraft described in

4 Carnet de passages en douane No.

5 took place on....__ ............... .....................

6 at the Customs Office of............... _...___...... ...................


8 Customs officer' s signature:



2 Departure from [name of country]_............ ...._.........

3 took place on ............................................_.............................

4 at the Customs office of.._....... ........ .._....... .................


6 Customs officer's signature:



2 Carnet de passages en douane No.

3 VALID until.............................................. ........ ................. ............ ..................... .....

4 Issued by.. ................. ....................... ....... ............. -- .................................

5 Holder............................................ ..........._.................. ._.............................. ...............

6 Normal residence ....................................................................................................

7 Type of aircraft Q)......_ .................... ..._...._..................... ................................ ..

8 Year of construction ..............._._._._._..........._........................................_......._..

9 Marks (nationality and registration) ..._............ ._.._........._ ...................10 Value of the aircraft ........_..._ ....................... ......... ....................... ._...............

I I Net weight of the aircraft . ................. ----_........................ .......... ...............

................_...._...12 Covering or envelope : material........... ........ ._._._._._ ................._.....13 colour........... ...... ....... _ . .....

14 Volume in cu.m. or

15 Wing span , in metres.... ....... .............. ..................._....... ................................. .._

16 Engine(s) (Number ..................................... ......... ._...........1

17 Make..............................._...................._._....... t(18 Serial No(s)....... ._......_ ....._......._ ................ )

19 Radio (indicate make and type) .....................................................................

20 Other particulars , including any special

21 instruments carried.........._ .............................................................................

.....22 ..... .._..... .............. ..._.._ ................. .............. ........ .._......._....... _....-' _......._...........

23 DEPARTURE from [name of country]......._ ....................................... _.....

24 took place on..............................................................................................................

25 at the Customs office of ................ ......................................

26 where this voucher was registered under No....... .......... ............................


28 Customs officer's signature:

29 Voucher to be returned to the Customs office of entry

30 where the carnet was registered under No.

(1) See footnote (') on front cover.



2 Cornet de passages en douane No.

3 VALID until ............ _ ................................................................................................

4 Issued by................................ _....... ................ ...... _................... ........... .......................

5 Holder. ........ - ...... ...................... - ..................... ...... - .........................6Normal residence............ .............................................................

7 Type of aircraft (')... ......... .... ............................. ---- .........................................

8 Year of construction ..............................................................................................

9 Marks (nationality and registration) ...........................................................

10 Value of the aircraft ._.._.._ ....... ................................ ....... ......................... ........ ....

I I Net weight of the aircraft .....................................................................................

12 Covering or envelope : material ................._...... .._.._.._......_........................

.............13 colour .............. ...... ._.....................

14 Volume in cam. or

15 Wing span, in metres ....... ....... ..._ ...... .......... ............ ..._....._...................... .........

16 Engine(s) Number ...... .._........ _ ...................... ...... ..........

17 Make..... .......................... ......... - ............18 Serial No(s)..................................................

19 Radio (indicate make and type) ....... ...... ...................... ............. ...... ....

20 Other particulars , including any special

21 instruments carried............................................ ........................

22 . . . . . . . . . . .................... . . . . ...... . . . . ...... . .......... . . . . . . . . ...................... . . . . . ...... . . .............................. . . . .

23 ENTRY into [name of country] ...................................................... _...........

24 took place on .................................._..........................................................................

25 at the Customs office of .......................................................................................

26 where this voucher was registered under No.......... ..............................__..


28 Customs officer's signature:

29 N.B.-The Customs office of entry should fill in lines 29 and30 of the adjacent exit voucher.

(') See footnote (') on front cover.




The carnet is issued in French.The dimensions are 22 x 27 cm.The issuing association shall insert its name on each voucher and shal

include the initials of the international organization to which it belongs.

4754348 n

[Front cover]

[International Organization]



VALID FOR ONE YEAR, i.e., until ........................................................................ inclusive,[Insert the date in red ink]

subject to compliance by the holder during this period with the Customs laws and regulations of the countries visited.

Issued by ..............................................................................................................................

Holder .................................................................................................................................[BLOCK LE rERS]

Normal residence or business address ..........................................................................................(BLOCK LETTERS]

For a boat registered in ..................................................................... under No...................(')[town] (country]

This carnet may be used in the following countries:


(1) In the absence of registration number, insert the name or distinctive sign.


[Inside front cover)


7 Type of boat(') ............................................................................................................................................

8 Registered in ..................................................................under No ....................................................(2)[town) [country]

9 Material. ............................................... ... ..........................

10 Hull ... ... ... ... Length .................................................................................

1I Overall width ..................................................................

12 Make ....................................................................................

13 Engine ... ... • ... No ...........................................................................................

14 Number of cylinders ................................................

15 Radio (indicate make and type) ......................................................................................................

16 Other particulars . ..................................................... ........ ........................ .............. ..........................

17 .............................................................................................. .....................................

18 . . .......... .............................. ............ ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..............................

19 Net weight of boat in kg .........................................................................................................................

20 Value of boat........................................................................................................................ .......

Issued at............ ................... ........................................................... on............. ............................. .................. 19.............

on condition that the holder re-exports the boat within the specified period of validity and complies with the Customs laws and regulations relating to thetemporary admission of boats in the countries visited under the guarantee, in each country where the document is valid, of the authorized associationaffiliated to the undersigned international organization . On expiry, the carnet must be returned to the association which issued it.

Holder' s signature : Signature of Secretary-General Signature of authorized officialof the international organization : of the issuing association:

(') Insert the type : boat with oars or paddles (pleasure or sports ), with or without auxiliary engine ; canoe, kayak , with or without auxiliary engine ; sailingboat , with or without engipe (auxiliary or fixed); motor boat or launch . For boats with engines (auxiliary or other) state whether petrol or diesel engine.

( 9 In the absence of registration number, insert name or distinctive sign.


[Front side of inside cover]

1 1 1


2 Entry into

3 of the boat described in

4 Carnet de passages en dome No.

5 took place on........_....._

6 at the Customs office of .... ............... _....


8 Customs Officer's signature:

9 Exit front.....

10 took place on._.._._....___.__ ......... ........ .............. ..._........

II at the Customs office of ........ ........ ._......


13 Customs officer' s signature:


2 Of Carnet de passages en douane No.

3 VALID until ......_..._.__ ............................. ..._.._.......... .._.......... ....... ...................

4 Issued by......................................................................................................................

5 Holder........_.............. _..__...........__.___._..............................[ Block letters]

6 Normal residence .... ..._......_._._.__............_ ...........................[Block letters]

7 Type of boat(').........._..._ ......................_ .._...... ..........

8 Registered in ..................................................under No................. ................ ( 1)[town] [country]

....9 Material .......___..........._._ .................. ...._............................. ......10 Hull { Length ............................. ............. .................... ..... .......... ........._-

11 ¶Overall width. ............... - - - ...... -- - .................. - ............

12 Make.......... ....................... .......... ....................... ......... ......._ ......... ...

......13 Engine No .. .................. .... -- ..... - ........ - ... -- .......... -- -- .............. ........

14 Number of cylinders...._ .............. _............... ._..............................

15 Radio (indicate make and type) ......................................................................

16 Other particulars .._...____............_...._._............... .................................._..........

17 -- ........ ---- .................. ............................. ......... ---_.................. . _ ...............

18 ................................................ _.......................................................................................

19 Net weight of boat in kg . .......................... .............. ---- ............. .__.............

20 Value ofboat ._._....... ...._...._......_.... .._..._ ................. _._.........................................

21 Date of exit........... _ ...................... ..._.... ..... ............... . ..........

22 At the Customs office of .................... _...._......... - --- .............. ...

23 Voucher registered under No......... .._...._..... .............. .............. ._........_........ .


25 Customs officer' s signature:

26 Voucher to be returned to the Customs office of entry


2 Of Carnet de passages an douane No.

3 VALID until .......................................................

4 Issued by.. ................................................................................................................

5 Holder.... .........................................................................................[Block letters]

6 Normal residence ........_.._----__ .................... .....................[ Block letters]

._.....7 Type of boat (')..__.._ .......... ..................... ..............._._.............. .....................

8 Registered in....._..._ .....................................under No .._..___._................ ..(')[town] [country]

9 Material ...........

.............10 Hull )Length . ..... ._...... .._._ .................. _.._....... _....----_..............

11 Overall width .......... ......... ....._._._ ......... ....... ....._.._.................... .



Make..... ...._...... ......__ .............. ...... ......

13 Engine No ... ......................................................................................................

14 ,Number of cylinders .............. ..........._........ ................. ............... _.

........._.___15 Radio (indicate make and type)16 Other particu l ars_....._........_.__....._

....._........................_.._._.........__.............____ ^_.............._._...17 ........ .._ ..................18 ............................... .........................................................................

19 Net weight of boat in kg- .........................................................................

20 Value of boat .__.__...._....._...__ ....................................._........._................._....

21 Date of entry .......- ....._... ........_ ....... ........................_

22 At the Customs office of..... ._.......... ......... ......... .............. .... ............................

_23 Voucher registered under No. - ..... --- - ... .................................... -- ....

25 Customs officer' s signature:

26 N.B.-The Customs office of entry should fill in lines 26 and 27

of the adjacent exit voucher.

27 Where the carnet has been registered under No... .................................

(1) See footnote (1) on inside front cover.

(r) See footnote (2) on inside front cover.

(1) See footnote (1) on inside front cover.(2) See footnote (2) on inside front cover.




The triptych should be printed in the language specified by the county;of importation:

The dimensions are 13 x 39•S cm.



This voucher to be detached and retained by theCustoms office of entry


For_....__.__......_.._....._ ...............(country of validity)

VALID ......... _._._.___ ...... ............................. .................._... inclusive

Guaranteed by. _ ...................... ._.._.__._............... ........................................Issued by .._.__.._._ ......... ............ _..........Holder ...... [BlockNormal residence ..,..........___ _._...} letters]Type of boat (')--.... _... ......... ...........Registered in._...... ................ ......... under No ......................(2)

[town] [country]Material

Hull Length .. ... ..... ....Overall width ....Make , .._

Engine No_._........... ............... ...._..._ _.___......................[ Number of Cylinders ......___..__._._._.............................................

Radio (indicate make and type) ............................................................Other particulars ...__........................

Net weight of boat, in kg..........................................................................Value of boat

Date of entry........................... .... ........... ......_._..._._.__._._._._.._............ ..At the Customs office of .


Voucher registered under No.........._ ......................._....._.__.._._..__._

Customs officer's signature:

The Customs officer should make a similar entry in thecorresponding section of Vouchers Nos. 2 and 3.


Customs stamps and Customs officer's signature ontemporary exits and re-entries













3. HOLDER'S COPYThis voucher is to be retained by the holder after having beenstamped and signed by the Customs authorities (1) on first

..................____........._..........__.........,entry into. ......_..._ ...................................__...(2) on final re-exportation from ......... .._._ ................ ...._..._..................

and must subsequently be returned to........._......__.(association which issued the document to the holder).

TRIPTYCH No..............._.._.._.............__......For...

(country of validity)

VALID until ................ ...................._.............Guarantee by----Issued byHolder ...... ..... .... ...... [BlockNormal residence ..... _........ ._.._....} letters]Type of boat (') -._.._ ............ ._.............. __......

.....(9Registered in ..... ....... ... under No ..........[town] [country]

HullMaterial ._Length ... .... ....Overall width.... .... ...........Make ... ..

Engine No _ ..... ........ ..Number of cylinders ..._.._....._...._.___ ..................... ..... ..._.._._...

Radio (indicate make and type).._ .................... ..._._._..._..... .................. ....Other particulars _. .......... ................ _.._._ .. ......... .. _..._ ....... .........._...

Net weight of boat, in kg.._.._..__.__ ............................ ......__..._............ .......Value of boatDate of entry _............ _..... _.. ............ .. ..............

..._..._._......_____.....At the Customs office of............... ....._._....................

Voucher registered under No.............................. ..........

Customs officer's signature:The Customs officer should make a similar entry in thecorresponding section of Vouchers Nos. I and 2.Date of re-exportation ... ....... .. ................................. ........At the Customs office of.............._.........._.............._........._.............._._...__...

Customs officer' s signature:The Customs officer shbuld make a similar entry at the footof Voucher No. 2.

(1) Insert the type; boat with oars or paddles (pleasure or sports) with or without auxiliary engine; canoe, kayak, with or without auxiliary engine; sailingboat, with or without engine (auxiliary or fixed); motor boat or launch. For boats with engines (auxiliary or other) state whether petrol or diesel engine.

(9 In the absence of registration number, insert name or distinctive sign.


[Reverse side of holder's copy] [ Reverse side of temporary exits and re-entries] [Reverse side of entry voucher]


This voucher to be detached and retained at theCustoms office of exit, to be forwarded to the

Customs office of first entry

TRIPTYCH No.For..................................................

(country of validity)

VALID until .... _................................................................................. ... inclusive

Guaranteed by....................................................................Issued by......................................................................................................................Holder ..................................... .._..............._........_.__._.............__.l [BlockNormal residence ......................................................................... I letters]Type of boat(') ..........................................................................Registered in_..... ........._........_...............................under No..... ...... ........

[town] [country]Material ........ ..................... ..................... .................... ......_....................

Hull Length .........................:...................... _. _..................................................Overall width.. ... ...................................................................................Make.........................................................................................................

Engine No .._ ................................. ....................................... ......._........................Number of cylinders ............ ..._.____._..........___.__....._......... .....

Radio (indicate make and type) ......................................................................Other particulars ....................................................................................Net weight of boat, in kg.....................................................................................Value of boat .............................................................................................................

Date ofentry ........__......_ .......................... ......... _._.... ....................At the Customs office of ....---- ............... ....._......... ...... ................... ...............

Voucher registered under No.*

Customs officer's signature .........................................The Customs officer should make a similar entry in thecorresponding section of Vouchers Nos. I and 3.

Date of final re-exportation ..... ............ .......................... ....... .............Atthe Customs Office of ........ .............. ....__ ................ __...._.__.............. ..

Customs Officer's signatureThe Customs officer should make a similar entry at the footof Voucher No. 3.

(9 See footnote (') overleaf.(') See footnote (9 overleaf.


(country of validity)


This boat is imported subject to the holder's obligation to .re-export it by the date specified above and. to comply with

the Customs laws and regulations relating to the temporaryadmission of boats in the country visited, under theguarantee of..............................................................................................................(the guaranteeing association) in virtue of an undertakingwhich the latter association has given to ............................(the Customs authority).___.._ .............................. .....................

Date ......_.._._ .................._...... ....._._.............. _.__..19..........

Signature of the Secretaryof the guaranteeing association _........._ ..................

Signature of holder...............................................................................................




1. The stamp for extension of validity shall conform to the model givenin the present annex. .

The text shall be drawn up in French, but may be repeated in anotherlanguage.

2. The following procedure shall be observed by the person requestingthe extension and by the guaranteeing association dealing with the request:-

(a) When the holder of a carnet de passages en douane finds himselfobliged to request an extension of the period of validity of thedocument, he should send the carne: to the guaranteeing associationwith a request for its extension, explaining the circumstances whichoblige him to make the request. He should enclose with his request,as supporting evidence, a medical certificate, a statement from therepair shop repairing his vehicle, or some other authentic documentto prove that the delay in question is caused by force majeure.

(b) If the guaranteeing association considers that the request for extensioncan be passed on to the Customs authorities, it should affix the stampreferred to in paragraph I on the front cover of the carnet de passagesen douane in the space left specially for the purpose.

(c) In the left-hand section of the stamp the guaranteeing associationshould enter, in figures and words, the date until which the extensionis requested. The President of the association or his representativeshould affix his signature and the stamp of the association.

(d) The length of the extension must not exceed a reasonable time inwhich to, complete the journey, and should not normally exceed threemonths from the previous date of expiry of the carne:.

(e) The guaranteeing association should then send the carnet to thecompetent Customs authority in its country, with the holder'sapplication and the supporting evidence attached.

lfl The Customs authority will decide whether the extension can begranted. It may shorten the period of. extension requested, or refuseto grant any extension whatsoever. If an extension is granted, thecompetent Customs officer should fill in the remaining spaces on thestamp affixed on the cover of the carnet by the guaranteeing associa-tion, inserting a serial or registry number, the place and date, hisofficial status. and adding his signature and the Customs stamp.

(g) The carnet should then be returned to the guaranteeing association,which in turn should hand it back to the person concerned.

6754343 E




Guaranteeing association ............................................................................................

The extension of validity for all countries where this

carnet is valid, is requested until ........................................................................

(in figures and words)

...... ............................................................ the .................... ............................. ....................... 19......

Stamp of the\ Signature of theguaranteeing President or representativeassociation ` of the guaranteeing


Extension granted until ................................................................................................

(in figures and words)

Signature and officialstatus of the

Customs Officer




(a) For an Aircraft

(This certificate must be completed either by a Consular authority of the country in which the papers should havebeen discharged, or by an official authority (Customs, police, mayor, judicial officer, etc.) of the country in whichthe aircraft is examined.)

The undersigned authority ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

certifies that this day......................................................................................................................................................................._:......................19............[date in full]

an aircraft was produced at ..............................................................................................................................................................................[place and country]

by ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................[name, first names and address]

which was found to possess the following characteristics:

Type of aircraft(') .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Year of construction ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Marks (nationality and registration) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................

Covering or envelope: material ...................................................................................................................................................._:...................;...............................................

Volume in cu.m. or

_....wing span, in metres .............. ............................................... ........... ........................................... ............................................................................................................................

Number ...........................................................................................................

Engine(s) { Make .....................................................................................................................

III((l Serial No(s) ....................................................................................................

Radio (indicate make and type) ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Other particulars, including any special

instruments carried ..................... ............... ............ ................................. .......:........................... ......................................................................................................................................


(Examined on presentation of the following temporary importation papers issued for

I the above aircraft ..........................................................................................................................................................................................

1st formula i .... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................

(serial number, date and place of issue of carnet or triptych, and name of issuing


2nd formula No temporary importation papers produced

Date . ............................................................ . .......................................................... .......... . . .. . . . ... . . . ............................................. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .... . ...................... . .....................

Signature (s) ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Official status.... .................................................................................... ... . . . . ............._ ....................................................................................................................

(1) Insert type of aircraft [balloon, dirigible balloon, aeroplane , amphibian, seaplane , glider (monoplane , biplane, triplane), gyroplane , helicopter]and the maker's description, if any.

(b) For a Pleasure Boat

(This certificate must be completed either by a Consular authority of the country in which the papers should havebeen discharged, or by an official authority (Customs, police, mayor, judicial officer, etc.) of the country in whichthe boat is examined.)

The undersigned authority... ............................. ....................... .................................................................................................................................................................. ......

certifies that this day................................................................................................................................................................................................19............[date in full]

a pleasure boat was produced at .................................................................................................................................................................[place and country]

by ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................[name, first names and address]

which was found to possess the following characteristics:

Type of boat(') .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Registered in ............................................................................................................under No........................ ............. .......................................................................................(Z)(town)


Engine ...

Material ........................................................................................................................................................................


Overall width ............................................................................................................................................................

... tNo....................................................................................................................................................................................

Number of cylinders ..........................................................................................................................................

Radio (indicate make and type) ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Other particulars ............ .......................................................................................... .............. ............................................................................................................. ..............................


............................... . ........................ . ....................................................... . ................................... . . . . . . . . ...................... . . . ............... . . . . . . . ........................ . ..

Examined on presentation of the following temporary importation papers issued for

the above boat .......................................................................................................................................................... ....................................

(serial number, date and place of issue of carnet or triptych, and name of issuing

1st formula


2nd formula No temporary importation papers produced ......................................................................................................................

Signature(s) .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Official status ................................................................................................................................ ....................................................................................................

(') Insert the type: boat with oars or paddles (pleasure or sports), with or without auxiliary engine; canoe, kyak, with or without auxiliaryengine ; sailing boat , with or without engine (auxiliary or fixed); motor boat or launch . For boats with engine (auxiliary or other) state whetherpetrol or diesel engine.

(t2) In the absence of registration number, insert name or distinctive sign.


At the time of signing the Convention of this day 's date, the undersigned,duly authorized , make the following declarations:-

1. When a Contracting Party considers carnets de passages en douaneindispensable for certain commercial aircraft , the provisions of this Con-vention shall be applied mutatis mutandis.

2. The terms of this Convention set out minimum facilities . It is.notthe intention of the Contracting Parties to restrict the wider facilities whichare granted or may be granted by certain of them in respect of the temporaryimportation of aircraft and pleasure boats.

3. The Contracting Parties reserve the right to grant the same advan-tages to persons normally resident on the territory of non-Contracting Parties.

4. The Contracting Parties recognize that the satisfactory operation ofthis Convention requires the provision of facilities to the authorized associa-tions for:

(a) The transfer of the currency necessary for the payment of importduties and import taxes claimed by Customs authorities of one of theContracting Parties for non-discharge of the temporary importation paperscovered by this Convention;

(b) The transfer of currency when repayment of import duties or importtaxes is made in accordance with the arrangements laid down in article 27of this Convention; and

(c) The transfer of currency for payment for temporary importation paperssent to the authorized associations by the corresponding associations orfederations.

1 14



An moment de proceder a ]a signature de la Convention portant Ia datede ce jour, les soussignes , dOment autorises , font les declarations . suivantes:.

1. Lorsqu'une partie contractante estime. ne pouvoir dispenser certainsa€ronefs commerciaux de carnets de passages en douane ,. les dispositions dela presente Convention s'appliquent matatis mutandis. _

2. Les dispositions de la presente Convention determinent des facilitesminimales . II n'est pas dans ('intention des parties contractantes de restreindreles facilites plus grandes que certaines d'entre elles accordent on pourraientaccorder en ce qui concerne l'importation temporaire des embarcations deplaisance et des aeronefs.

3. Les parties contractantes se reservent le droit de consentir les m@mesavantages aux personnes ayant leer residence normale sur le territoire despays non contractants.

4. Les parties contractantes reconnaissent que la bonne execution de laConvention requiert l'octroi de facilites aux associations autorisees en ce quiconcerne:

(a) Le transfert des devises necessaires au reglement des droits et.taxesd'entree reclames par les autorites douanieres d'une des parties contractantespour non-decharge des titres d'importation temporaire prevus par ]aConvention;

(b) 1,.e transfert des devises lorsqu'il y a restitution des droits ou taxesd'entree en conformite des dispositions de ]'article 27 de la Convention; et

(c) Le transfert des devises necessaires an paiement des formulesd'importation temporaire envoyees aux associations autorisees par leursassociations on federations correspondantes.


In witness whereof , the under-signed, being duly authorizedhave signed this Protocol.

Done at Geneva , this eighteenthday of May one thousand ninehundred and fifty-six, in a singlecopy in the English and Frenchlanguages , each text being equallyauthentic.

For Albania:

For Austria:

For Belgium:

For Bulgaria : Pour la Bulgarie :

For Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Pour ]a Republique SocialisteRepublic: Sovietique de Bidlorussie:

For Czechoslovakia : L Pour la Tchecoslovaquie:

For Denmark: Pour le Danemark:

For the Federal Republic of Pour la Republique FederaleGermany : d'Allemagne :

Subject to ratificationRUDOLF STEG.

For Finland : Pour ]a Finlande:

En foi de quoi , Its soussignes, acc dument autorises , ont signe leprdsente Protocole.

Fait a Geneve, le dix-huit mai milneuf cent cinquante - six, en un seulexemplaire , en langues anglaise etfrangaise , les deux textes faisantegalement foi.

Pour l'Albanie:

Pour l'Autriche:

Sous reserve de ratification


Pour la Belgique:

Sous reserve de ratificationLEROY.


J1For France: Pour la France:

Sons reserve de ratificationDE CURTON.

For Greece: Pour la Grace:

For Hungary:

For Iceland:

For Ireland:

For Italy:

For Luxembourg:

For the Netherlands:

Pour la Hongrie:

Sous reserve de ratificationSIMON FERENCZ.

Pour l' Islande:

Pour l'Irlande:

Pour l'Italie:

Sous reserve de ratificationNOTARANGELI.

Pour le Luxembourg:

Sous reserve de ratificationR. LOGELIN.

Pour les Pays-Bas:

Pour le Royaume en Europe

Sous reserve de ratification


For Norway: Pour la Norvege:

For Poland: Pour la Pologne:

For Portugal: Pour le Portugal:

For Romania: Pour la Roumanie:

For Spain: Pour l'Espagne:


For Sweden:

For Switzerland:

For Turkey :

Pour la Suede:

Sous reserve de ratificationG. DE SYDOW.

Pour la Suisse:

Sous reserve de ratification


Pour la Turquie:

For Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Pour la Republique SocialisteRepublic: Sovietique d'Ukraine:

For the Union of Soviet Socialist Pour l'Union des RdpubliquesRepublics: Socialistes Sovietiques:

For the United Kingdom of Great Pour le Royaume-Uni de Grande-Britain and Northern Ireland: Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord:

Subject to ratificationJAMES C. WARDROP.

For the United States of America: Pour les Etats-Unis d'Amerique:

For Yugoslavia: Pour la Yougoslavie:


Date of Deposit

United Kingdom ... ... ... ... October 3, 1958.

Austria .. ... ... ... ... November 13, 1957.

Hungary ... ... ... ... July 23, 1957. '

Sweden ... ... ... ... ... January 16, 1958.


Spain ... ... ... October 2, 1958.


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