cyber crime evolution

Cyber Crime Evolution & Ethical Hacking By, Cyber Octe Contact: +91-9824435 Cyber Octet Pvt. Lt (Ahmedabad Cyber Octet

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Post on 28-Jan-2015




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Cyber Crime Evolution & Ethical Hacking. a) Statistics of Internet b) What is Cyber Crime c) Types of Cyber Crime d) Who are Hackers e) Effects of Hacking f) Definitions of Hackers g) Types of Hackers h) Skills of Ethical Hackers i) Contact


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Cyber Crime Evolution & Ethical Hacking

By, Cyber Octet Contact: +91-9824435293Cyber Octet Pvt. Ltd. (Ahmedabad)

Cyber Octet

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Cyber Octet

Falgun Rathod

Ethical Hacker

Penetration Tester

DIE HARD Entrepreneur

Worked for Various GOVT Agencies

Managing Director @ Cyber Octet Pvt. Ltd.

Who am I

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What is happening when we connect to internet

Lets See

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Packet 1 When We Try Connecting to Internet ,ARP Broadcasting is done on network Who has Tell to get Default Gateway

Packet 2 Default Gateway (Router) Receives the ARP and Assign MAC Address so that now All Packets are sent through this Default Gateway.

Packet 3 When We try to connect with DNS Query sent to know the IP Address of in WEB know one knows

Packet 4 DNS Replies with the IP address of

Packet 5 SYN Packet is sent to on a particular port here is 80 i.e. HTTP

Packet 6 ACK/SYN are sent back to IP Address which asked for

Packet 7 ACK is received and finally the Three Way Handshaking Process is Completed

Packet 8 Here now You will be getting HTTP Response and able to open the site

Packet 9 All the Data and Images from the Website is been loaded on your Browser

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Lets See Some Statistics

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What Is Cyber Crime Cybercrime is criminal activity done using computers and the Internet. This includes anything from downloading illegal music

files to stealing millions of dollars from online bank accounts. Cybercrime also includes non-monetary offenses, such as creating and distributing viruses on other computers or posting confidential business information on the Internet

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Cyber Octet

Cyber Crime Rising In The World Fears about the consequences of cyber attacks, internet hacking and identity fraud are at their highest level in five years, with Australians ranking as among some of most concerned people in the world.

The latest annual survey has shown there has been a large jump in the number of people worried that their personal details held by banks, financial providers and telcos, may fall into the wrong hands

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India has 42 millions cyber crime victims every year

India lost Rs 34,200 crore to cybercrime last year

In 2012 42 Million People fell victim to Cyber Crime in India and Loss of 8 Billion US Dollars. According to Report of Norton 66% Adults of India has experienced Cyber Crime in their Lifetime. 115000 victims everyday or 80 victims in a minute.

Cyber criminals targeted users of Skype, Facebook and Windows using multiple Exploits in October, according to the latest threat report from security firm GFI Software

Cyber Crime Rising In The World

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Types Of Cyber Crime

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Types Of Cyber Crimes


It is technique of pullingOut confidentialinformation from thebank/financialInstitutionalaccount holders byDeceptive means.

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Types Of Cyber Crimesc

Denial Of Service AttackThis is an act by the criminal, who floods the band width of the

victim’sNetwork or fills his e-mail box with spam mail depriving him of theservices he is entitled to access or provide.

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Types Of Cyber CrimesSOFTWARE PIRACY

Theft of software through the illegal copying of genuine programs or the counterfeiting and distribution of products intended to pass for the original. Retail revenue losses world wide are ever increasing due to this crimeCan be done in various ways such as end user copying, hard disk loading, Counterfeiting, Illegal downloads from the internet etc

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Types Of Cyber Crimes

CREDIT CARD FRAUDYou simply have to type credit card number into www page off thevendor for online transaction If electronic transactions are not

securedthe credit card numbers can be stolen by the hackers who can misusethis card by impersonating the credit card owner..

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Types Of Cyber Crimes

CYBER STALKINGThe Criminal follows the victim by sending emails, entering the chatrooms frequently.

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Types Of Cyber Crimes

CREDIT CARD FRAUDYou simply have to type credit card number into www page off thevendor for online transaction If electronic transactions are not

securedthe credit card numbers can be stolen by the hackers who can misusethis card by impersonating the credit card owner..

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Cost of Resources

Availability of Resources

1965 1975 1995 2005

Soldiers New Tech

Cruise Missile

1945 Today

MissilesICBM & SLBM






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Who Are Cyber Criminals

Mostly Insiders,Crackers,Foreign Intelligence,Terrorist & Hackers

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1970’s 1980’s 1990’s 2000’s 2010’s

MIT & Stanford Universities Best Programmers

Gamers Game Hacking &

Copyright Breaking Website

Defacement Cyber Criminals

Time line of Hackers

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Why Security?

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Damage to information & theft of information.

Attackers may also use these PCs as "spam zombies" or "spam bots“.

Attackers use backdoors such as Trojan horses, root kits, virus & worms to compromise systems.

Theft/damage of clients or customer/business data, credit card details, and social security numbers, for identity fraud or theft.

Theft of email addresses for spamming, passwords for access to online banking, ISP or web services.

Effects of Hacking

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Hacking into government systems or servers or network can affect its operations & reputation.

Hacking into company will affect its asset & goodwill.

Effect of Hacking

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Case Study Of GoogleA British researcher, Jim Ley, discovered (2004) an XSS flaw in Google and provided this proof of concept Phishing page where Google becomes a ‘paying service’. If you would be so kind as to provide your credit card details . Now fixed.

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A hacker is someone who gains unauthorized access to a computer system. Many hackers just like the challenge of breaking through a computer security system.

The terms Hackers and Hacking are being misinterpreted and misunderstood with negative sidelines.

Definition of Hackers?

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Hackers Crackers

Script Kiddies


Types of Hackers

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Hackers are the person who tries to break into computer system to get secret information.

Motive/Intent –

To gain in-depth knowledge of a system, what’s happening at the backend, behind the screen.

To find possible security vulnerabilities in a system.

They create security awareness by sharing knowledge. It’s a team work.


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An Individuals who break into computers with malicious intent.

Motive/Intent –

To seek unauthorized access into a system and cause damage or destroy or reveal confidential information.

To compromise the system to deny services to legitimate users for troubling, harassing them or for taking revenge.

Effects- Can cause financial losses & image/reputation damages, defamation in the society for individuals or organizations


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Phreaks – These are persons who use computer devices and software to break into phone networks.

Motive/Intention- To find loopholes in security in phone network and to make phone calls at free of cost!!!

Effects- You may have to big amount of phone bills, for doing nothing!!!


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Script Kiddies – These are persons not having technical skills to hack computers.

Motive/Intention- They use the available information about known vulnerabilities to break into remote systems.

It’s an act performed for a fun or out of curiosity.

Script Kiddies

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Hats of Hackers

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•Individuals professing hacker skills & using them for defensive & are also known as security analysts

White Hat Hackers

•Individuals with extraordinary computing skills, resorting to malicious or destructive activities & are also known as crackers

Black Hat Hackers

•Individuals who work both offensive & defensively at various times

Grey Hat Hackers

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ScanningGaining Access



Clearing Tracks

Hackers Strategies

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The Hacker who has Right from Concern Authority of Government Body to Hack are known as Ethical Hacker.

Who is Ethical Hacker

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•Having depth knowledge of Windows, Unix & LinuxComp

uter Expert

•Should be a computer expert adept at technical solutionSecurit

y Knowle


•Has knowledge of security areas & related issues

Skills of an Ethical Hacker

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•Has exemplary knowledge of networking and related software & hardwareTechnic

al Knowle


•Has high technical knowledge to launch the sophisticated attacks

Skills of an Ethical Hacker

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What are Virus Properties of Virus What are Worms Properties of Worms What are Trojans Properties of Trojan

Virus , Worms & Trojans

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Authentication Bypass

Sql Injection



Website Hacking

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Thank You

The End

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