cyber crimes affecting the world

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  • 8/7/2019 CYBER CRIMES Affecting the world





    Suchandra and Adarsh 1

  • 8/7/2019 CYBER CRIMES Affecting the world


    Cyber Crime: Computer crime, orcybercrime, refers to any crime that

    involves a computerand a network. The computer may have been used in the commission of a

    crime, or it may be the target. Netcrime refers, more precisely, to criminal exploitation of

    the Internet. Issues surrounding this type of crime have become high-profile,

    particularly those surrounding hacking, copyrightinfringement, child pornography, and child grooming.

    There are also problems

    ofprivacy when confidential information is lost or intercepted,lawfully or otherwise.

    Suchandra and Adarsh 2

  • 8/7/2019 CYBER CRIMES Affecting the world


    cyber crimes can be divided into one of twotypes of categories:

    1. crimes that target computer networks ordevices directly.

    2. crimes facilitated by computer networks ordevices, the primary target of which is

    independent of the computer network ordevice.

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  • 8/7/2019 CYBER CRIMES Affecting the world


    Examples of crimes that primarily target computer networks or devices would include: Computer viruses Denial-of-service attacks Malware (malicious code)

    Examples of crimes that merely use computer networks or devices would include:

    Cyberstalking Fraud and identity theft Information warfare Phishing scams

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  • 8/7/2019 CYBER CRIMES Affecting the world


    Threats: IIlicit Activities

    Hackers: enjoy intellectual challenges ofovercoming software limitations and how to

    increase capabilities of systemsCrackers: illegally break into other peoplessecure systems and networks

    Cyber Terrorists: threaten and attack other

    peoples computers to further a social orpolitical agenda

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    Motivation for Hackers:

    The challenge... because its there!


    Espionage Ideology


    Money (extortion or theft) Revenge

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    Threats: Illicit Activities

    Malware Writers: responsible for thecreation of malicious software

    Samurai: hackers hired to legally entersecure computer/network environments

    Phreakers: Focus on defeatingtelephone systems and associatedcommunication technologies

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  • 8/7/2019 CYBER CRIMES Affecting the world


    Zombie BotNets

    Botnet is a jargon term for a collection of software robots, orbots, which run autonomously. This can also refer to thenetwork of computers using distributed computing software.

    While the term "botnet" can be used to refer to any group ofbots, the word is generally used to refer to a collection ofcompromised machines (zombies) running programs, usuallyreferred to as worms, Trojan horses, or backdoors, under acommon command and control infrastructure. A botnet'soriginator (aka "bot herder") can control the group remotely,and usually for nefarious purposes such as the sending ofmass spam.

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    Phishing is a technique used by strangers to"fish" for information about you, informationthat you would not normally disclose to astranger, such as your bank account number,PIN, and other personal identifiers such asyour National Insurance number. Thesemessages often contain company/bank logosthat look legitimate and use flowery or

    legalistic language about improving security byconfirming your identity details.

    Suchandra and Adarsh 10

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    Suchandra and Adarsh 11

  • 8/7/2019 CYBER CRIMES Affecting the world


    Computer Viruses, Worms, Trojan Horses, Spyware &

    Other Malware Computer virus: program which can copy itself and surreptitiously infect

    another computer, often via shared media such as a floppy disk, CD, thumbdrive, shared directory, etc. Viruses are always embedded within another fileor program.

    Worm: self-reproducing program which propagates via the network.

    Trojan horse: program which purports to do one thing, but secretly doessomething else; example: free screen saver which installs a backdoor

    Root kit: set of programs designed to allow an adversary to surreptitiouslygain full control of a targeted system while avoiding detection and resistingremoval, with the emphasis being on evading detection and removal

    Botnet: set of compromised computers ("bots" or "zombies") under the

    unified command and control of a "botmaster;" commands are sent to botsvia a command and control channel (bot commands are often transmittedvia IRC, Internet Relay Chat).

    Spyware: assorted privacy-invading/browser-perverting programs

    Malware: an inclusive term for all of the above -- "malicious software"Suchandra and Adarsh 12

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    E-mail spam, also known as junk e-mail orunsolicitedbulk e-mail (UBE), is a subset ofspam that involves nearlyidentical messages sent to numerous recipients by e-mail.

    Definitions of spam usually include the aspects that e-mail isunsolicited and sent in bulk.

    One subset of UBE is UCE(unsolicited commercial e-mail).

    Spam accounts for 9 out of every 10 emails in the UnitedStates.

    Suchandra and Adarsh 13

  • 8/7/2019 CYBER CRIMES Affecting the world


    There are several types of Malware..Viruses ::

    Conceal themselves

    Infect computer systems

    Replicate themselves

    Deliver a payload

    Suchandra and Adarsh 14

  • 8/7/2019 CYBER CRIMES Affecting the world


    Threats: MALWARE

    Malware is Malicious Software -deliberately created and specifically

    designed to damage, disrupt or destroynetwork services, computer data andsoftware

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    There are several types of MalwareViruses which affect as follows..

    Conceal themselves

    Infect computer systems

    Replicate themselves

    Deliver a payload

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    Malware Types


    Programs that are capable ofindependently propagating throughout acomputer network.

    They replicate fast and consume large

    amounts of the host computers memory

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    Malware Types

    Trojan Horses:

    Programs that contain hidden functionality

    that can harm the host computer andthe data it contains.

    THs are not automatic replicators -computer users inadvertently set themoff.

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  • 8/7/2019 CYBER CRIMES Affecting the world


    Malware Types

    Software Bombs:

    Time Bombs - triggered by a specific

    time/dateLogic Bombs - triggered by a specific


    Both are introduced some time before andwill damage the host system

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  • 8/7/2019 CYBER CRIMES Affecting the world


    What do you think motivates

    Malware writers to create andunleash these attacks?

    20Suchandra and Adarsh

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    Malware Writer Motivations

    To see how far the virus can spread

    To cause damage and destruction to a

    targeted individual or organisation To achieve a feeling of superiority/power

    To leverage some form of personal gain

    To provide a lesson in Internet security

    To conduct an experiment

    Suchandra and Adarsh 21

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  • 8/7/2019 CYBER CRIMES Affecting the world


    Protect your Computers!

    Use anti-virus software andfirewalls - keep them up to date

    Keep your operating system upto date with critical security

    updates and patches

    Don't open emails orattachments from unknownsources

    Use hard-to-guess passwords.Dont use words found in adictionary. Remember thatpassword cracking tools exist

    Back-up your computer data ondisks or CDs often

    Don't share access to yourcomputers with strangers

    If you have a wi-fi network,

    password protect it Disconnect from the Internet

    when not in use

    Reevaluate your security on aregular basis

    Make sure your employees andfamily members know this infotoo!

    Suchandra and Adarsh 23

  • 8/7/2019 CYBER CRIMES Affecting the world


    Additional points To 5 countries affected by cyber crimes

    are 1.USA 2.CHINA 3.RUSSIA


    The world loses 557 million$ anually tocyber crime.

    Computer crime rises 57% year by year.

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  • 8/7/2019 CYBER CRIMES Affecting the world


    A final word:

    Treat your password like youtreat your toothbrush. Nevergive it to anyone else to use, andchange it every few months

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    Suchandra and Adarsh 26