cybersecurity policy and capacity building digital innovation hubs a coordinated...

Cybersecurity Policy and Capacity Building Digital Innovation Hubs Martin Übelhör European Commission, DG CNECT

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Post on 17-Jun-2020




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Page 1: Cybersecurity Policy and Capacity Building Digital ...Digital Innovation Hubs A coordinated ecosystem of organisations with complementary expertise and a not-for-profit objective,

Cybersecurity Policy and Capacity Building

Digital Innovation Hubs

Martin Übelhör

European Commission, DG CNECT

Page 2: Cybersecurity Policy and Capacity Building Digital ...Digital Innovation Hubs A coordinated ecosystem of organisations with complementary expertise and a not-for-profit objective,


SMEs – the backbone of the European economy

99% of Europe’s businesses

24 million SMEs

Employing over 90 million people

85% of the new jobs created in the past 5 years were by SMEs

SMEs account for 67 % of the EU's total employment in the non-financial business sector

Source: Pixabay



Page 3: Cybersecurity Policy and Capacity Building Digital ...Digital Innovation Hubs A coordinated ecosystem of organisations with complementary expertise and a not-for-profit objective,


Countries Size

of Danish companies

of Romanian companies

of computing companies

of metal products companies

of SMEs

of large enterprises

Highly digitised companies across Europe








European companies are not making the most of all the opportunities digital has to offer

The need for digitalisation

Page 4: Cybersecurity Policy and Capacity Building Digital ...Digital Innovation Hubs A coordinated ecosystem of organisations with complementary expertise and a not-for-profit objective,


Digital Innovation Hubs

A coordinated ecosystem of organisations with complementary expertise and a not-for-profit objective, offering a set of services to companies – especially SMEs (incl. Start-ups) and mid-

caps as well as to public sector organisations – to support their digital transformation.

• establishing structured relationship with the regional ecosystem players

• brokering between end-users and potential suppliers of technological solutions

• access to value chain partners

• demonstration activities• digital maturity assessment• testing and experimentation• knowledge and technology transfer

• advertising, hosting or providing training

• traineeships• access to training organisations

• understanding business opportunities• providing market information• supporting the preparation of business and

financial models• access to financial institutions and investors

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Digital Innovation Hubs Catalogue

• Yellow pages of DIHs

• Fact-sheets with profile, contact data, service examples for regional, national, and EU-supported DIHs

• Map-based search tool by technical competences, market sector, services

250 Digital Innovation Hubs in the EU:

• Various geometries (size, sector, technology)• Funded through regional, national or EU

programmes• Self-declaration checked against criteria

Page 6: Cybersecurity Policy and Capacity Building Digital ...Digital Innovation Hubs A coordinated ecosystem of organisations with complementary expertise and a not-for-profit objective,


Joint selection process: EC and Member States

EC defines criteria for DIH

selection based on

Input from Member


Basic Act

Financial Regulation

Expression of Interest

by EC directed to MSs

MS designate a list of

entities that:

Fulfil the criteria

Will get or already

got co-investment

Based on open and

competitive process

EC issues a restricted Call to

entities designated by MSs

Designated entities submit

proposals that are evaluated by

the Commission with the

support of external experts.

EC selects from those proposals

exceeding the pre-defined

quality threshold balancing

regional coverage

technology coverage

sector coverage

[Endorsement by MS

committee] Gaps of the first selection will

be filled in by further selections done through open and

competitive calls of the EC

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See you at the next events

• European Digital Innovation Hub Summit at the Digital Enterprise Show (DES), 23/05/2019, Madrid, ES

• 7th DIH workshop, 01/07/2019, Brussels, BE

• European Week of Regions and Cities, DIH session, 7-10/10/2019, Brussels, BE

• 8th DIH workshop, 12/09/2019, Brussels BE

• DIH sessions at the Stakeholder Forum, 13-15/11/2019, Madrid, ES

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Articles & AnnouncementsEventsMatchmakingQ&AReal-time chatSurveys, guidelines & templates

The main DIH collaboration space: DIHNET.EU community

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Cybersecurity Policy and Capacity Building

Page 10: Cybersecurity Policy and Capacity Building Digital ...Digital Innovation Hubs A coordinated ecosystem of organisations with complementary expertise and a not-for-profit objective,


Building EU Resilience to cyber attacks

Reformed ENISA

EU cybersecurity Certification Framework

NIS Directive Implementation

Rapid emergency response –Blueprint & Cybersecurity

Emergency Response Fund

Cybersecurity competence network with a European Cybersecurity

Research and Competence Centre

Building strong EU cyber skills base, improving cyber hygiene and


Creating effective EU cyber deterrence

Identifying malicious actors

Stepping up the law enforcement response

Stepping up public-private cooperation against cybercrime

Stepping up political and

diplomatic response

Building cybersecurity deterrence through the Member States'

defence capabilities

Strengthening international cooperation on


Promoting global cyber stability and contributing to Europe's

strategic autonomy in cyberspace

Advancing EU cyber dialogues

Modernising export controls, including for critical cyber-surveillance technologies

Continue rights-based capacity building model

Deepen EU-NATO cooperation on cybersecurity, hybrid threats

and defence

EU Action for Cybersecurity

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Adequate ResourcesPermanent Status

Focused Mandate

Cybersecurity Act EU Cybersecurity Agency (ENISA)

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Cybersecurity Act EU Cybersecurity Agency (ENISA)

Mandate & Objectives - Contribute to high Cybersecurity

• Promote the use of certification & contribute to the cybersecuritycertification framework

• Be an independent center of expertise

• Assist EU Institutions and MSs in policy Development &implementation

• Support capacity building & preparedness

• Promote high level of awareness of citizens & businesses

• Promote cooperation & coordination at Union level

• Increase cybersecurity capabilities at Union level to complementMSs action

Page 13: Cybersecurity Policy and Capacity Building Digital ...Digital Innovation Hubs A coordinated ecosystem of organisations with complementary expertise and a not-for-profit objective,

Cybersecurity Certification

A voluntary European cybersecurity certification framework….

…to enable the creation of tailored EU cybersecurity certification schemes for ICT products and services…

…that are valid across the EU

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Page 15: Cybersecurity Policy and Capacity Building Digital ...Digital Innovation Hubs A coordinated ecosystem of organisations with complementary expertise and a not-for-profit objective,


NIS Directive: Main Features

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Blueprint – Coordinated Response to large scale incidents and crises

Blueprint activities:• Blueprint in PACE 2018• NIS Cooperation Group Work Stream on BlueprintUpcoming activities:• Blueprint Operational exercise [Blue OLEx 2019]/July 2019• Standard Operating Procedures in 2019• Cross-layer test of Blueprint in Cyber Europe 2020

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Key cybersecurity technologies –where does the EU stand

Cybersecurity products and solutions


Up to 30% of the European demand is met by companies

headquartered outside the EU.

Europe is the location for the corporate headquarters of only

14% of the top 500 global Cybersecurity providers, compared to 75% for the

Americas, 7% for Israel and 4% for Asia.

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A wealth of cybersecurity knowledge in Europe

More than 660 expertise centres registered in the mapping of

cybersecurity centres of expertise

ECSO has +/- 240 members

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European Cybersecurity Technology & Innovation Ecosystem

European Competence Centre:

manage the funds foreseen for cybersecurity under Digital Europe and Horizon Europe 2021-2027

facilitate and help coordinate the Network and Communityto drive the cybersecurity technology agenda

support joint investment by the EU, Member States and industry and support deployment of products and solutions.

Network of National Coordination Centres:

Nominated by Member States as the national contact point Objective: national capacity building and link with existing

initiatives National Coordination Centres may receive funding National Coordination Centres may pass on financial


Competence Community:

A large, open, and diverse group of cybersecurity stakeholders from research and the private and public sectors, including both civilian and defence sectors

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Horizon Europe

€ To be specified before adoption by co-legislators

Digital Europe Programme

€ 2bn

Cybersecurity Competence Centre

At least 50%co-investment

(in-kind and financial)

by participating Member States

Capacity building projects

Co-investment by industry on project basis

2021-2027 proposed EU cybersecurity funding sources

Network of National Coordination Centres

Collaborative R+D projects

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Horizon Europe Digital Europe Programme

Cybersecurity Competence Centre


Framework, rules (incl. eligibility)

2021-2027 proposed EU cybersecurity governance

Framework, rules (incl. eligibility)

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EU pilots to prepare the European Cybersecurity Competence Network

More info at:

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Page 24: Cybersecurity Policy and Capacity Building Digital ...Digital Innovation Hubs A coordinated ecosystem of organisations with complementary expertise and a not-for-profit objective,

Funding opportunities in H2020 and

Connecting Europe Facility

EU Contribution to Cybersecurity and digital


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H2020 EU Contribution/Budget CyberSecurity plus Digital privacy

2018 2019 2020 Grand Total

Industrial Leadership 90 56 47 193

Call - Cybersecurity 90 15 47 152

SU-ICT-01-2018 : Dynamic countering of cyber-attacks 40 40

SU-ICT-02-2020 : Building blocks for resilience in evolving ICT systems 47 47

SU-ICT-03-2018 : Establishing and operating a pilot for a Cybersecurity Competence

Network to develop and implement a common Cybersecurity Research & Innovation

Roadmap 50 50

SU-ICT-04-2019 : Quantum Key Distribution testbed 15 15

Call - Information and Communication Technologies 41 41

ICT-08-2019 : Security and resilience for collaborative manufacturing environments 11 11

ICT-09-2019-2020 : Robotics in Application Areas 10 10

ICT-13-2018-2019 : Supporting the emergence of data markets and the data economy 10 10

ICT-20-2019-2020 : 5G Long Term Evolution 10 10

H2020 budget foreseen 2018-2020

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H2020 EU Contribution/Budget CyberSecurity plus Digital privacy

2018 2019 2020 Grand Total

Industrial Leadership 90 56 47 193

Future Emerging Technologies 10 10

FET FLAGSHIPS – Tackling grand interdisciplinary science and technology challenges 10 10

Societal Challenge 1 - Health, demographic change and wellbeing 36 36

Call - Trusted digital solutions and Cybersecurity in Health and Care 36 36

Societal Challenge 7 - Secure Societies 54,5 58 78,8 191,3

Call - Digital Security 44,5 38 68,8 151,3

SU-DS01-2018 : Cybersecurity preparedness - cyber range, simulation and economics 16 16

SU-DS03-2019-2020 : Digital Security and privacy for citizens and Small and Medium Enterprises and Micro

Enterprises 18 18

SU-DS04-2018-2020 : Cybersecurity in the Electrical Power and Energy System (EPES): an armour against cyber and

privacy attacks and data breaches 20 20

SU-DS05-2018-2019 : Digital security, privacy, data protection and accountability in critical sectors 8,5 20 28,5

Other TBC (2020) : 68,8 68,8

Call - INFRA 10 20 10 40

SU-INFRA01-2018-2010-2020 : Prevention, detection, response and mitigation of combined physical and cyber

threats to critical infrastructure in Europe 10 10 20

SU-INFRA02-2019 : Security for smart and safe cities, including for public spaces 10 10

Other TBC (2020) : 10 10

Grand Total 190,5 114 125,8 430,3

H2020 budget foreseen 2018-2020

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Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) 2018 Call: 13mEUR envelope

Capabilities Development

• Infrastructure & Skills

• Structural Supports

Prospective Applicants

• National CSIRTs – designated by MS under NIS Directive

• OES –identified by MS under the Directive

• DSPs – in line with NIS Directive

• Cooperative, Connected & Automated Mobility (CCAM)

• SPOCs and National Competent Authorities

• Public Bodies

Long open period: 16th May to 22nd November

Connecting Europe Facility: Support for NIS implementation