cyberterrorism final


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Post on 18-May-2015




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Complete description about cyberterrorism....!


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Page 2: Cyberterrorism final

Cyber terrorism is the convergence of Cyber terrorism is the convergence of terrorism and cyberspace. It is terrorism and cyberspace. It is

generally understood to mean unlawful generally understood to mean unlawful attacks and threats of attack against attacks and threats of attack against

computers, networks, and the computers, networks, and the information stored therein when done information stored therein when done to intimidate or coerce a government to intimidate or coerce a government

or its people in furtherance of political or its people in furtherance of political or social objectives.or social objectives.

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Cyber Terrorism Cyber Terrorism India Cornwall

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Background InformationBackground Information

Public interest in cyber terrorism began Public interest in cyber terrorism began in the late 1980s. As the year 2000 in the late 1980s. As the year 2000 approached, the fear and uncertainty approached, the fear and uncertainty about the about the millennium bugmillennium bug heightened and heightened and interest in potential cyber terrorist attacks interest in potential cyber terrorist attacks also increasedalso increased . .

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What Do We Know?What Do We Know?

Cyber attacks immediately follow physical Cyber attacks immediately follow physical attacksattacks

Cyber attacks are increasing in volume, Cyber attacks are increasing in volume, sophistication, and coordinationsophistication, and coordination

Cyber attackers are attracted to high-value Cyber attackers are attracted to high-value targetstargets

Many, if not most, targets would probably be Many, if not most, targets would probably be commercial computer and communications commercial computer and communications systemssystems

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Effects of cyber terrorism.Effects of cyber terrorism. Cyber terrorism in past.Cyber terrorism in past. Cyber terrorism in future.Cyber terrorism in future.

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Model train controlled via brain-Model train controlled via brain-machine interface.machine interface.

--By Hitachi using optical Topography

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BCI :Brain Computer InterfaceBCI :Brain Computer Interface

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““Sample Nuclear Launch Sample Nuclear Launch While Under Cyber Attack”While Under Cyber Attack”

[yes, this [yes, this isis a doctored photo, used here just to lighten a serious moment] a doctored photo, used here just to lighten a serious moment]Source:Source:

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What Can We Do?What Can We Do?

Go on the defensive Go on the defensive nownow– Educate senior management on risks of Educate senior management on risks of

cyberwarfare cyberwarfare – Make infosec a top priorityMake infosec a top priority– Beef up your security technologyBeef up your security technology– Insist on flawless execution: compliance to Insist on flawless execution: compliance to

security standards in all areassecurity standards in all areas Work with other companies, government Work with other companies, government


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What can be done to prevent an What can be done to prevent an electronic terrorist attack?electronic terrorist attack?

Effective use of intelligence gathered from Effective use of intelligence gathered from all sourcesall sources

Continued enhancement of resourcesContinued enhancement of resourcesPublic/Private interactionPublic/Private interactionComputer security and awareness trainingComputer security and awareness trainingContinuing education regarding terrorist Continuing education regarding terrorist

trends and methodologiestrends and methodologiesPerpetual readiness to defend against Perpetual readiness to defend against


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Some Specifics: Some Specifics: Be PreparedBe Prepared

Maintain high alert & vigilanceMaintain high alert & vigilance Update OS and applications regularlyUpdate OS and applications regularly Enforce strong passwordsEnforce strong passwords ““Lock down" systemsLock down" systems Keep anti-virus software installed and up-to-Keep anti-virus software installed and up-to-

datedate Employ intrusion detection systems and Employ intrusion detection systems and


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Department of Homeland Security Transition

Computer Intrusion Section

Cyber Investigations Branch

Deputy Assistant Director

Assistant Director

Cyber DivisionCyber DivisionFBI HeadquartersFBI Headquarters

Cyber Crime SectionOutreach, Capability and

Development Section

National InfrastructureProtection Center

Analysis and Warning Section

Outreach, Training andStrategy Section

Special Assistant

Operational Support Staff

Special TechnologiesAnd Applications Section

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Cyber Investigations BranchCyber Investigations Branch

Cyber Crim e/IntellectualProperty Rights Unit

Internet FraudCom plaint Center

Innocent ImagesUnit

Internet FraudUnit

Cyber CrimeSection

Crim inal Com puterIntrusion Unit

CounterterrorismCounteringelligenceCom puter Intrusion


Cyber Action Team &Cyber Intelligence


Com puter IntrusionSection

Infrastructure &Engineering Unit

Special TechnologiesResearch &

Developm ent Unit

Technical AnalysisUnit

Cyber OperationsDeploym ent Unit

Special Technologies andApplications Section

Specialized TrainingUnit

Cyber Task ForceSupport Unit

Public and PrivateAlliance Unit

InternationalInvestigations Support


Outreach, Capability andDevelopm ent Section

Operational SupportStaff

Deputy AssistantDirector

Cyber InvestigationsBranch

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Where Can I Find Out More? Where Can I Find Out More?

Symantec White Paper on Cyber Terrorism by Sarah Gordon

Australian Government Institute of Criminology:

IWS - The Information Warfare Site

Dorothy E. Denning's Website

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Thank you !Thank you !