cyclodextrin polymer membrane syntheses

Patents In one example of the cell's operation, the feed to the middle compartment of the cell contained 32 wt.% sodium sulphate to which had been added .05 wt. % ammonia. The anode compart- ment was primed with 2.5 wt. % sulphuric acid, the cathode compartment with 2.5 wt % sodium hydroxide solution. Current density was 3 kA/m 2 and the operating temperature was 82--85°C. The cathode and anode compartments were kept under partial vacuum to allow heat from the ce11's operation to concentrate the acid and alkali solutions. The final concentration of the acid and alkali varied according to the current efficiency of the ceLl. Patent number: EP 449071 Date: 2 October 1991 Inventors: W. Habermann, W. Bochnitsch, J. Fritzmann, P. Hammes, T. Proll, W. Weisbrodt Applicant: BASF AG Cyclodextrin polymer membrane syntheses This set of four patents describes different methods of functional- izing cyclodextrin, which possesses the advantageous properties for separation or dialysis membranes of being both hydrophilic in character and physically self-supporting in membraneous form. Each patent gives a compound-specific example. In JP 3221502, beta- cyclodextrin is first reacted with an allyl ether, specifically allyl-3- chloro-2-hydroxypropyl ether, to give this compound CH2=CH I CH2 I O CH2 I CH-OH I CH2--O---[-~ where ~ represents the cyclodextrin. This is copoly- merized with vinyl acetate, then saponified with a methanol/ sodium hydroxide mixture. A cyclodextrin polymer of 50 000- 60 000 molecular weight is obtained. The reaction can also be carried out with a similar ether to give CH3 I CH2= C I C=O I O I CH2 I CH-OH 1 CH2-O--[-~ The compound obtained by reacting polyvinyl alcohol (molecular weight I0 000) with a carbonyl compound, specifically 3-proprionaldehyde is the functionalizing agent in JP 3221503. It is reacted with cyclodextrin in the proportions of 1 : 10-1:100 (PVA:cyclodextrin). A similar span of ratios is available for the final reaction in JP 3221504, which covers the reaction of polyallylamine hydrochloride -(CH2-CH)n- l CH2 I NH2 HC1 of 10 000 molecular weight with the cyclodextrin derivative mono-6-deoxy- 6-iodo-beta- cyclodextrin. Finally, in JP 3221505 an amine or carboxylic acid derivative, specifically diamino beta-cyclodextrin, is reacted with adipic acid dichloride, phthalic acid chloride or hexamethylene- diamine in a 1 : 1 molar ratio so that each amino or carboxyl group on the cyclodextrin is functionalised. Patent numbers: JP 3221502-3221505 Date: 30 September 1991 Inventor: M. Yoshinaga Applicant: Toppan Printing Co. Ltd Hydrophilic polypropylene- based membranes The process allows the properties of a conventional microporous polypropylene membrane to be modified by the use of a simple polymerization process. The modified membrane is stable to large pressure gradients and to vigorous agitation, and is particularly suited to use in bioreactors and as the membrane separator in rechargeable batteries. The base membrane material has an average thickness of 0.25 ~m and pore dimensions of 0.04 x 0.4 ~ma. It is soaked in a solution of a monofunctional vinyl monomer, typically a solution of acrylic acid in toluene, with a smaLlamount of benzoyl peroxide which acts as a polymerization initiator. Once the polymerization has started, the membrane is heated under nitrogen for a period of 4-7 hours. The conditions are chosen in order to form polyacrylic acid with a molecular weight of at least 60 000 within the pores of the polypropylene base: It was found that, for complete and permanent wettability to be achieved, the concentration of acrylic acid in the solution had to be 50% or greater, with a benzoyl peroxide concentration of 0.5 mol %. A modification of this process adds 5-10 mol % trimethylol- propane triacrylate to the acrylic acid solution.' It acts as a cross- linking agent, because it is a trffunctional vinyl monomer. In a further embodiment the incorporated polymer forms a gel with a liquid which is present as a solvent during polymerization or is added later, so giving a well-supported liquid membrane in which the liquid is held firmly in the pores by the gel. The gel is composed primarily of the liquid component and the transport properties are essentially those of the liquid. In this case, since the polyacrylic acid is hydrophflic, the liquid is water. 8 Membrane Technology

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P a t e n t s

In one example of the cell 's opera t ion , the feed to the midd le c o m p a r t m e n t of the cell c o n t a i n e d 32 wt.% s o d i u m s u l p h a t e to which h a d b e e n added .05 wt. % a m m o n i a . The a n o d e compar t - m e n t was p r i m e d wi th 2.5 wt. % s u l p h u r i c acid, the ca thode c o m p a r t m e n t wi th 2.5 wt % s o d i u m hydrox ide so lu t ion . C u r r e n t d e n s i t y was 3 k A / m 2 a n d the ope ra t ing t e m p e r a t u r e was 82--85°C. The ca thode a n d a n o d e c o m p a r t m e n t s were kep t u n d e r par t ia l v a c u u m to al low h e a t f rom the ce11's ope ra t i on to c o n c e n t r a t e the acid a n d a lka l i so lu t ions . The f inal c o n c e n t r a t i o n of the ac id a n d alkal i var ied acco rd ing to the c u r r e n t eff iciency of the ceLl.

Patent number: EP 449071 Date: 2 October 1991 Inventors: W. H a b e r m a n n , W. Bochn i t sch , J. F r i t z m a n n , P. H a m m e s , T. Proll, W. Weisbrodt Applicant: BASF AG

Cyclodextrin polymer membrane syntheses This se t of four p a t e n t s desc r ibes different m e t h o d s of f unc t i ona l - izing cyclodextr in , wh ich pos se s se s the a d v a n t a g e o u s proper t ies for s e p a r a t i o n or d ia lys is m e m b r a n e s of be ing bo th hydrophi l ic in cha rac t e r a n d phys ica l ly s e l f - suppor t i ng in m e m b r a n e o u s form. Each p a t e n t gives a compound- spec i f i c example.

In JP 3 2 2 1 5 0 2 , be ta - cyclodextr in is first reac ted wi th a n allyl ether, specifically al lyl-3- ch lo ro-2-hydroxypropy l ether, to give th is c o m p o u n d




I C H 2 - - O - - - [ - ~

where ~ r e p r e s e n t s the cyclodextrin. This is copoly- mer ized with vinyl acetate , t h e n saponif ied wi th a m e t h a n o l / s o d i u m hydroxide mix ture . A cyclodextrin polymer of 50 0 0 0 - 60 000 molecu la r weight is ob ta ined . The reac t ion c a n also be carr ied ou t with a s imi lar e ther to give


I CH2= C




1 C H 2 - O - - [ - ~

The c o m p o u n d ob t a ined by reac t ing polyvinyl alcohol (molecular weight I0 000) wi th a ca rbony l c o m p o u n d , specifically 3 -p ropr iona ldehyde is the func t iona l i z ing agen t in JP 3221503 . It is reac ted with cyclodextr in in the p ropor t ions of 1 : 10-1 :100 (PVA:cyclodextrin).

A s imi lar s p a n of ra t ios is avai lable for the final reac t ion in JP 3221504 , which covers the reac t ion of polya l ly lamine hydrochlor ide

-(CH2-CH)n- l



of 10 000 molecu la r weight with the cyclodextr in derivative mono-6-deoxy- 6- iodo-beta- cyclodextrin.

Final ly, in JP 3221505 a n a m i n e or carboxylic acid derivative, specifically d i amino beta-cyclodextr in , is reac ted with adipic acid dichloride, ph tha l i c acid chloride or hexame thy l ene - d i a m i n e in a 1 : 1 mola r rat io so t ha t each a m i n o or carboxyl group on the cyclodextr in is func t iona l i sed .

Patent numbers: JP 3 2 2 1 5 0 2 - 3 2 2 1 5 0 5 Date: 30 Sep tember 1991 Inventor: M. Yoshinaga Applicant: T o p p a n Pr in t ing Co. Ltd

Hydrophilic polypropylene- based membranes The process allows the proper t ies of a conven t iona l m i c r opo rous polypropylene m e m b r a n e to be modified by the u s e of a s imple po lymer iza t ion process . The modif ied m e m b r a n e is s tab le to large p r e s s u r e g rad ien t s a n d to v igorous agi ta t ion, a n d is pa r t i cu la r ly s u i t e d to u se in b io reac tors a n d a s the m e m b r a n e sepa ra to r in rechargeab le bat ter ies .

The base m e m b r a n e mate r i a l h a s a n average t h i c k n e s s of 0 .25 ~m a n d pore d i m e n s i o n s of 0 .04 x 0.4 ~ma. It is soaked in a so lu t ion of a m o n o f u n c t i o n a l vinyl m o n o m e r , typical ly a so lu t ion of acrylic acid in to luene , wi th a s m a L l a m o u n t of benzoyl peroxide wh ich ac ts as a po lymer iza t ion ini t iator . Once t h e po lymer iza t ion h a s s tar ted , the m e m b r a n e is hea ted u n d e r n i t rogen for a per iod of 4 - 7 hours . The cond i t i ons are c h o s e n in order to form polyacrylic acid with a molecu la r weight of a t leas t 60 000 wi th in the pores of the po lypropylene base :

It was f ound that , for complete a n d p e r m a n e n t wet tabi l i ty to be achieved, the c o n c e n t r a t i o n of acrylic ac id in the so lu t ion h a d to be 50% or greater, wi th a benzoyl peroxide c o n c e n t r a t i o n of 0.5 mol %. A modif ica t ion of this p r o c e s s a d d s 5 - 1 0 mol % tr imethylol- p r o p a n e t r iacrylate to the acrylic acid solut ion. ' It ac t s as a cross- l i nk ing agent , b e c a u s e it is a t r f func t iona l vinyl monomer .

In a fur ther e m b o d i m e n t the incorpora ted polymer forms a gel wi th a l iquid which is p r e s e n t as a solvent d u r i n g po lymer iza t ion or is added later, so g iv ing a we l l - suppor ted l iquid m e m b r a n e in which the l iquid is he ld f irmly in the pores by the gel. The gel is composed pr imar i ly of the l iquid c o m p o n e n t a n d the t r a n s p o r t p roper t i es a re e s sen t i a l ly those of the liquid. In this case, s ince the polyacrylic acid is hydrophflic, the l iquid is water.

8 M e m b r a n e Techno logy