cymharu ysgolion comparing schools size of the school maint yr ysgol school day and timetable dydd...

Cymharu Ysgolion Comparing Schools Size of the school Maint yr ysgol School day and timetable Dydd ysgol ac amserlen School resources Adnoddau’r ysgol Water Dŵr Food Bwyd Health Iechyd Use the information sheet you have on Kabokyek School to fill in the table Defnyddiwch y daflen wybodaeth ar Ysgol Kabokyek i lenwi’r tabl

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Page 1: Cymharu Ysgolion Comparing Schools Size of the school Maint yr ysgol School day and timetable Dydd ysgol ac amserlen School resources Adnoddau’r ysgol

Cymharu Ysgolion Comparing Schools

Size of the schoolMaint yr ysgol

School day and timetable

Dydd ysgol ac amserlen

School resourcesAdnoddau’r ysgol




Use the information sheet you have on Kabokyek School to fill in the table

Defnyddiwch y daflen wybodaeth ar Ysgol Kabokyek i lenwi’r tabl

Page 2: Cymharu Ysgolion Comparing Schools Size of the school Maint yr ysgol School day and timetable Dydd ysgol ac amserlen School resources Adnoddau’r ysgol

Ysgrifennwch lythr wrth eich dosbarth i ysgol Kabokyek yn disgrifio’r gwahaniaethau rhwng ysgol yn Kenya a ysgol yng Nghymru

Write a letter from your class to Kabokyek school describing the differences between a school in Kenya and a school in Wales

Ysgol Dyffryn Aman

Heol Margaret



SA18 2NB

Dear Kabokyek School,

Use the table of differences you filled in to help with your description

Defnyddiwch y tabl o wahaniaethau i helpu gyda’ch disgrifiad

Page 3: Cymharu Ysgolion Comparing Schools Size of the school Maint yr ysgol School day and timetable Dydd ysgol ac amserlen School resources Adnoddau’r ysgol

Measure your ecological footprint

Mesurwch eich ôl troed ecolegol

Remember your score and compare it with Kabokyek School when you are back in the class

Cofiwch eich sgôr a cymharwch y canlyniadau gyda Ysgol Kabokyek nôl yn y dosbarth

Page 4: Cymharu Ysgolion Comparing Schools Size of the school Maint yr ysgol School day and timetable Dydd ysgol ac amserlen School resources Adnoddau’r ysgol

This is the ecological footprint of a pupil in Kabokyek School

Dyma ôl troed disgybl o ysgol Kabokyek The pupils of Kabokyek School use less than the world wide average amount of land to live.

Mae disgyblion Kabokyek yn defynddio llai o dir na’r cyfartaledd fyd eang i fyw

How does your ecological footprint compare with Kabokyek School?

How does your ecological footprint compare with the World average?

Sut mae eich ôl troed chi yn cymharu gyda Ysgol Kabokyek?

Sut mae eich ôl troed chi yn cymharu gyda’r cyfartaledd Bydol?

What does this tell you about yor lifestyle?

Beth mae hwn yn dweud wrthoch am eich ffordd o fyw?

Talking pointsPwyntiau trafod

Page 5: Cymharu Ysgolion Comparing Schools Size of the school Maint yr ysgol School day and timetable Dydd ysgol ac amserlen School resources Adnoddau’r ysgol

Log on to: Cysylltwch â:

What was your score?What was your score? Beth oedd eich sgBeth oedd eich sgôr?ôr?

Use the link to the Newsround website to see how you could improve your score

Defnyddiwch y cyswllt i wefan Newsround i weld sut gallech godi eich sgôr.

Talking pointsPwyntiau trafod

Page 6: Cymharu Ysgolion Comparing Schools Size of the school Maint yr ysgol School day and timetable Dydd ysgol ac amserlen School resources Adnoddau’r ysgol

How much water do you use a day?

Faint o ddŵr rydych yn defnyddio’n ddyddiol?

Toilet (each flush)

Tŷ bach(bob tro) 9.5 l

Washing machine

Peiriant golchi 80 l

Dishwasher 35 l

Peiriant golchi llestri

Tooth brushing 5 l

Glochi dannedd

Shower 5l per minute

Cawod 5l bob munudBath 80 l

Gardening 1000 l hr

Garddio 1000 l yr awr


Yfed 2 l

Can you think of ways to conserve water?

Gallwch feddwl am ffyrdd i leihau eich gwastraff o ddŵr?

Talking pointsPwyntiau trafod

Page 7: Cymharu Ysgolion Comparing Schools Size of the school Maint yr ysgol School day and timetable Dydd ysgol ac amserlen School resources Adnoddau’r ysgol

In Kabokyek school their use of water is very different from ours

Mae defnydd dŵr yn ysgol Kabokyek yn wahanol iawn i’n defnydd dŵr ni

The pupils and teachers have to collect their water from a nearby river.

Mae’n rhaid i’r disgyblion a’r athrawon gasglu dŵr o’r afon cyfagos

The school built their own dam 20 years ago to collect water – now the school has grown it is not big enough

Fe wnaeth yr ysgol adeiladu argae 20 mlynedd yn ôl – mae’r ysgol wedi tyfu a nawr nid yw’n ddigon mawr

Page 8: Cymharu Ysgolion Comparing Schools Size of the school Maint yr ysgol School day and timetable Dydd ysgol ac amserlen School resources Adnoddau’r ysgol

They collect their water from the same place as the animals drink – this can cause diseases to spread

Mae anifeiliaid yn yfed o’r un lle a mae’r ysgol yn casglu dŵr – mae hyn yn achosi afeichydon i ledu.

The pupils have to wash their own clothes in small buckets – no water is wasted!

Mae’n rhaid i’r disgyblion olchi dillad mewn pedyll bach – does dim dŵr yn cael ei wastraffu!

In the dry season (between November and February) lessons have to be stopped for everyone to collect water from the river. The school had to close last year when the river ran dry.

Yn y tymor sych (rhwng Tachwedd a Chwefror) roedd yn rhaid i ddisgyblion fynd i gasglu dŵr yn hytrach na mynd i wersi. Bu’n rhaid i’r ysgol gau blwyddyn diwethaf pan roedd yr afon yn sych.

Page 9: Cymharu Ysgolion Comparing Schools Size of the school Maint yr ysgol School day and timetable Dydd ysgol ac amserlen School resources Adnoddau’r ysgol

You will have the chance to get in touch with Kabokyek School.

Can you think of ways they could reduce their use of water?

Can you think of ways they could collect and store water?

Can you think of ways they could raise money for a new dam?

Byddwch yn cael cyfle i gysylltu â ysgol Kabokyek

Gallwch feddwl am ffyrdd gallent leihau’r defnydd o ddŵr?

Gallwch feddwl am ffyrdd gallent gasglu a storio dŵr?

Gallwch feddwl am ffyrdd gallent gasglu arian i adeiladu argae newydd?

Mae angen £5000 er mwyn cynyddu maint yr argae yn y penterf; er mwyn sicrhau bod yr ysgol a bobl y penterf yn cael digon o ddŵr yn ystod y tymor sych.

The village needs £5000 to increase the size of their dam; this would make sure that the villagers and the school had enough water during the dry season

Talking pointsPwyntiau trafod

Page 10: Cymharu Ysgolion Comparing Schools Size of the school Maint yr ysgol School day and timetable Dydd ysgol ac amserlen School resources Adnoddau’r ysgol

Welsh Reservoirs – water shortage can happen here as well as Kenya. Make one pledge to reduce the amount of water you waste. Try and get everyone you know to do the same

Cronfeydd Cymru – gall diffyg dŵr fod yn broblem yma yn ogystal a Kenya. Gnewch un cais i leihau faint o ddŵr rydych yn gwastraffu. Ceisiwch gael pawb rydych yn adnabod i wneud yr un peth

Page 11: Cymharu Ysgolion Comparing Schools Size of the school Maint yr ysgol School day and timetable Dydd ysgol ac amserlen School resources Adnoddau’r ysgol

Faint o sbwriel rydym yn creu?

How much rubbish do we produce?

Millions of tonnes a yearMiliynau o dunellu y flwyddyn

PaperPapur 5

GlassGwydr 1.2

TextilesTecstiliau 0.3

FoodBwyd 4.5

MetalsMetelau 1

PlasticsPlastig 1.2

OthersEraill 1.8

Make a list of the rubbish you produce in a week.

From your list –

What could be recycled?

What could be reused?

How could you reduce the amount of rubbish you produce?

Gwnewch rhestr o’r sbwriel rydych yn creu mewn wythnos.

Gan edrych ar eich rhestr –

Beth gallech ailgylchu?

Beth gallech ail ddefnyddio?

Sut gallech leihau faint o sbwriel rydych yn creu?

Page 12: Cymharu Ysgolion Comparing Schools Size of the school Maint yr ysgol School day and timetable Dydd ysgol ac amserlen School resources Adnoddau’r ysgol

Rubbish game

1. From the next slide pick a square showing something that has been thrown away

2. Within 5 seconds think of a way the item could be used

3. The winner is the person who is able to think of most interesting uses for their item.

Gêm sbwriel

1. O’r dudalen nesaf dewiswch sgwar sydd yn dangos rhywbeth sydd wedi cael ei daflu i ffwrdd

2. O fewn 5 eiliad meddyliwch sut gallech ei ail ddefnyddio

3. Yr ennillydd yw’r person sy’n meddwl am y ffordd mwyaf diddorol

Split the list of items on the next page into categories


What are the things that cause the biggest problems?

Rhannwch yr itemau ar y dudalen nesaf i gategoriau


Beth yw’r pethau sy’n achosi’r problemau mwyaf?

Page 13: Cymharu Ysgolion Comparing Schools Size of the school Maint yr ysgol School day and timetable Dydd ysgol ac amserlen School resources Adnoddau’r ysgol

Paper cupCwpan palastig

Vegetable peelingsGwastraff llysiau

Baby clothesDillad babi

Ball of woolPêl o wlan


Milk cartonCarton llaeth

Old bookHen lyfr

Medicine bottleBotel moddion

Jam jarJar jam


Used envelopesAmlenni a defnyddiwyd

Teapot with no handleTebot heb dolen

Car tyreTeiar car

Christmas treeCoeden Nadolig

Match boxBocs Matsys

Old pramHen pram

Torn shirtCrys wedi rhwygo

Broken bikeBeic wedi torri

Metal canCan metal

Birthday cardsCardiau penblwydd

Egg shellsPlisgyn wy

Shampoo bottleBotel siampŵ


Used cooking oilHen olew coginio

Crisp packetPecyn creision

NewspaperPapur newyddion

Mobile phoneFfon symudol

Old glassesHen sbectol


Foil containerCynhwysydd ffoil

Rubbish Sbwriel

Page 14: Cymharu Ysgolion Comparing Schools Size of the school Maint yr ysgol School day and timetable Dydd ysgol ac amserlen School resources Adnoddau’r ysgol

Draw 2 pictures; one of what you think the world will look like in 50 years if we carry on living as we are, and one of what you would like the world to look like.

What are the differences?

Tynnwch 2 lun; un o beth rydych yn meddwl bydd y byd yn edrych fel petai pawb parhau i fyw fel heddiw, ac un o beth hoffech y byd i edrych fel.

Beth yw’r gwahaniaethau?

Page 15: Cymharu Ysgolion Comparing Schools Size of the school Maint yr ysgol School day and timetable Dydd ysgol ac amserlen School resources Adnoddau’r ysgol

Or design your own cartoon to raise awareness of environmental problems

Neu cynlluniwch gartŵn i godi ymwybyddiaeth o broblemau amgylcheddol

C:\Documents and Settings\Catrin Wagstaff\Desktop\General School\Sustainable development\Sustainable Development teacher outline.doc