d 2.3 y 2.4 coaching modules for ... - cordis.europa.eu · for research and development under the...

1 D.2.4 - Coaching Modules for Potential Project Participants Grant Agreement number: 231730 Project acronym: PRO-IDEAL Project title: PROmotion of an ICT Dialogue between Europe and America Latina Funding Scheme: Support Action Due date: D.2.3.- 01/05/2009 D.2.4.- 01/07/2009 Actual date: 21/04/2009 Document Author/s: INMARK / EMF Version: 1.0 Dissemination level: PU Status: First Version D.2.3 - Coaching Modules for Trainers/Coaches

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D.2.4 - Coaching Modules for Potential Project Participants

Grant Agreement number: 231730Project acronym: PRO-IDEALProject title: PROmotion of an ICT Dialogue between Europe and America LatinaFunding Scheme: Support Action

Due date: D.2.3.- 01/05/2009 D.2.4.- 01/07/2009Actual date: 21/04/2009Document Author/s: INMARK / EMFVersion: 1.0Dissemination level: PUStatus: First Version

D.2.3 - Coaching Modules for Trainers/Coaches

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Module 1: Basic understanding of the EU funding rules for ICT projects ……….…03

Module 2: Understanding “Eurojargon”………………………………………..………………16

Module 3: International cooperation in ICT research: opportunities for Latin America participants …….…………………………………………………….………27

Module 4: Building ICT Projects. Getting through the maze….…………………..……37

Module 5: Project idea questionnaire and assessment ………………….………………50

Module 6: Practical steps to a successful proposal……….……………….………………62

Module 7: How are project proposals evaluated? ……………..………….………………83

Module 8: Self-Assessment Test 1 and 2……….……………….………….……………….96


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Project: PROmotion of an ICT Dialogue between Europe and America Latina

MODULE 1: Basic understanding of the EU funding

rules for ICT projects

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• ICT in FP7• FP7 structure and specific programmes.• ICT Work Programme 2009-2010: priorities for the calls for proposals.• Participating in ICT research: the rules of the game: implementation of calls,

funding schemes and rules.

Topics Covered:

• Provide an overview of FP7-ICT programme.• Understand the functioning of ICT programme.• Understand the participation rules in European ICT research.• Discover the existing resources for ICT research.

MODULE 1: Basic understanding of the EU funding rules for ICT projects

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• ICT - Information and Communication Technologies - is a Theme

for research and development under the programme “Cooperation”

implementing the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013)

• FP7 is the main EU instrument supporting R&D

• Total budget: over € 50 billion. Most part is spent on grants to

research actors all over Europe and beyond

• Grants determined on the basis of calls for proposals and a peer

review process

1.1 ICT in FP7

MODULE 1: Basic understanding of the EU funding rules for ICT projects

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1. Health2. Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology3. Information and Communications

Technologies4. Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies,

Materials and new Production Technologies

5. Energy6. Environment (including climate change)7. Transport (including aeronautics)8. Socio-economic sciences and Humanities9. Space10.Security.

• Frontier research/ ‘basic research’ activities

• Initial Training Networks - Marie Curie• Life-long training and career

development – individuals fellowship• Industry academia pathways• International dimension – outgoing and

incoming fellowships• Specific actions – excellence awards

• Research infrastructures • Research for the benefit of

SMEs • Regions of knowledge • Research potential of

Convergence Regions • Science in society • Support to the coherent

development of research policies

• International cooperation

• Non-nuclear research

1.2 FP7 Research areas and activities

• Fusion energy• Nuclear fission & radiation


MODULE 1: Basic understanding of the EU funding rules for ICT projects

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The Cooperation programme is the core of FP7. It fosters collaborative research across Europe and other partner countries in a number of key thematic areas:

• health• food• agriculture and fisheries• biotechnology• Information and Communications Technologies - ICT• nano-sciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new production technologies• energy; environment (including climate change)• transport (including aeronautics)• socio-economic sciences and the humanities• space and security.

1.3 FP7 Cooperation Programme

MODULE 1: Basic understanding of the EU funding rules for ICT projects

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Total Cooperation budget: 32.365 mill. Euro

1.4 FP7 Cooperation & ICT budget

MODULE 1: Basic understanding of the EU funding rules for ICT projects

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• ICT Work Programme• The WP defines the priorities for calls for

proposals • The work programme is updated on a

regular basis • Last version: WP 2009-2010 (17 Nov. 2008)

• WP Structure: Focus on a limited set of:• Challenges (7 RTD challenges)

• Research Objectives• Target Outcomes

1.5 ICT Work Programme

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Chal-4Digital Libraries & Content

Chal-5Sustainable & Personalised Healthcare

Chal-6ICT for Mobility, Environment. Sustain.& Energy Efficiency

Chal-7ICT for Indep.

Living Inclusion & Governance

End-to-end Systems, Socio-economic Goals


re a

nd E







Chal-2 Cognitive Systems, Interaction,Robotics

Chal-1Pervasive &Trustworthy Network and Servic. Infrast.

Chal-3 Components, Systems, EngineeringTe






1.6 ICT Work Programme Priorities

MODULE 1: Basic understanding of the EU funding rules for ICT projects

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• Basic principle of funding in FP7-ICT is co-financing.

• The maximum EC contribution depends on the funding scheme, the legal status of the participants and the type of activity.

• The standard reimbursement rate for R&D activities is 50% of the eligible costs

• and up to 75% of the eligible costs for non-profit public bodies, SMEs, research organisations, higher education establishments

• For demonstration activities: 50% of the eligible costs.

• For other activities (consortium management, networking, training, coordination, dissemination etc.): up to 100% of the eligible costs

1.7 Funding rules

MODULE 1: Basic understanding of the EU funding rules for ICT projects

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Call title: ICT call 5• Call identifier: FP7-ICT-2009-5• Date of publication: 31 July 2009• Deadline: 3 November 2009• Indicative budget: EUR 722 million• Topics called:

• Challenges• Objectives• Funding schemes

1.8 The rules of the game. Calls for Proposals

The European Commission funds ICT research by selecting project proposals submitted in response to a ‘Call for proposals’

MODULE 1: Basic understanding of the EU funding rules for ICT projects

Implementation of Calls

Call title: ICT call 6• Call identifier: FP7-ICT-2009-6• Date of publication: 24 November 2009• Deadline: 13 April 2010• Indicative budget: EUR 286 million• Topics called:

• Challenges• Objectives• Funding schemes

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Collaborative projects (CP)

1.9 Funding schemes: Types of projects

Coordination and support actions (CSA)

•Specific objective in a clearly defined project approach. • Full innovation cycle from concept to pre-competitive services/products.

•Promote and support the ad-hoc networking and co-ordination of research and innovation activities.•Networking, coordination and dissemination, management of consortium.

Support Actions (SA)

• Designed to stimulate and encourage the participation of SME´s, civil organisations, remote searchers center.

• Help in preparation for future Community research and technological development activities.

MODULE 1: Basic understanding of the EU funding rules for ICT projects

Networks of Excellence (NoE)Designed for research institutions willing to combine and functionally

integrate a substantial part of their activities and capacities in a given field, in order to create a European "virtual research centre" in this field.

Focused research projects with clearly defined scientific and technological objectives

Large Scale Integrating projects (IP)

Small or medium scale focused research action (STREP)

Actions that cover not the research itself, but the coordination and networking of projects,

programmes and policies

Coordination Actions (CA)

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CP, CSA Future Internet Experimental Facility and Experimentally-driven Research

CP, NoE, CSA Trustworthy ICT

CP, CSA Internet of Things and enterprise environments

CP, CSAInternet of Services, Software & virtualisation

CP, NoE, CSA The Network of the Future

Challenge 1: Pervasive and Trusted Network and Service infrastructure

Funding SchemesObjectives Challenge

CP, CSA Microsystems and Smart Miniaturised Systems

CP, CSA Photonics

CP, NoE, CSA Engineering of Networked Monitoring and Control Systems

CP, NoE, CSA Nanoelectronics Technology Challenge 3: Components, systems, engineering

CP Supplements to support International Cooperation between ongoingprojects

Horizontal support actions

CSA Identifying new research topics, Assessing emerging global S&T trends in ICT for future FET Proactive initiatives

CSA Coordinating Communities, Plans and Actions in FET Proactive Initiatives

CP (STREP) Towards Zero-Power ICT

CP Self-Awareness in Autonomic Systems

CP (IP only) Human-Computer Confluence

FET - Future and emerging technologies

CP, NoE, CSA Intelligent information management

CP, NoE, CSA Technology-Enhanced Learning Challenge 4: Digital Libraries and Content

1.10 Funding schemes: Call 5

MODULE 1: Basic understanding of the EU funding rules for ICT projects

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1.11Funding schemes: Call 6

CP, CSA (CA only) ICT 2009,2,1 Cognitive Systems and Robotics Challenge 2: Cognitive systems,

interaction, robotics

Funding SchemesObjectives Challenge

CP, NoE, CSA ICT 2009,4,1 Digital Libraries and Digital Preservation Challenge 4: Digital Libraries and Content

CP, CSA ICT 2009,5,3 Virtual Physiological Human Challenge 5: Towards sustainable and personalised healthcare

CP ICT 2009,9,2 Supplements to support International Cooperation between ongoing projects

CP (STREP/SICA) ICT 2009,9,1 International Cooperation

Horizontal support actions

CSA ICT 2009,8,10 Identifying new research topics, Assessing emerging global S&T trends in ICT for future FET Proactive initiatives

CSA ICT 2009,8,9 Coordinating Communities, Plans and Actions in FET Proactive Initiatives

CP ICT 2009,8,8 Brain-inspired ICT

CP ICT 2009,8,7 Molecular Scale Devices and Systems

FET - Future and emerging technologies

CP, CSA ICT 2009,6,2 ICT for Mobility of the Future Challenge 6: ICT for mobility,

environmental sustainability and energy efficiency

MODULE 1: Basic understanding of the EU funding rules for ICT projects

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Project: PROmotion of an ICT Dialogue between Europe and America Latina

MODULE 2: Understanding “Eurojargon”

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Topics Covered

• Terms used in the ICT work programme and specific to proposals & projects

• Synonyms or quasi-synonyms of EU terminology

• To make EU texts easier understandable

• To improve the understanding for EU programme terminology

• To provide a glossary with definitions, available on-line

MODULE 2: Understanding “Eurojargon”

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• “Work Programme”Thematic priorities, usually defined for 2 years ahead (allows you to plan proposals!)

•“Call” (call for proposals; open calls)As published in the Official Journal. Opens parts of the workprogramme for proposals, indicating what types of actions (RTD projects, Accompanying actions etc.) are required. A provisional timetable for such calls is included in the workprogramme

Tells you WHAT is expected until WHEN.Example: Call 4 of the ICT programme: Published 19/11/2008; deadline 01/04/2009

Programa de trabajo


MODULE 2: Understanding “Eurojargon”

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• “Challenge” and “Objective”:Specific sub-themes under a main theme (“challenge”). Example:

Challenge 1: Pervasive and Trustworthy Network and Service InfrastructuresObjective ICT-2009.1.1: The Network of the Future Target Outcomes a) Future Internet Architectures and Network Technologies …

• “Funding Scheme”Tells you which project structure is expected for which theme. Closely related to Work Programme, Objectives, and Calls. In the WP it appears as such:

Funding schemes –a), b): IP, STREP; c): CSA Indicative budget distribution: –- IP/STREP: EUR 107 million of which a minimum of 50% to IPs and a minimum of 30% to STREPs–- CSA: EUR 3 million Call: –ICT call 5

Equema de financiamiento

Temas y sub-temasprioritarias

MODULE 2: Understanding “Eurojargon”

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•“Eligibility”Compliance with administrative requirements, e.g. minimum number of partners; “eligible costs” = costs that are allowed to enter into the budget, according to the financial rules, e.g. costs occurred during the project phase•“Evaluation”:Quality check: The process by which proposals are retained with a view to selection as projects, or are not retained. Evaluation is conducted through the application of Evaluation Criteria identified in the Workprogrammeand carried out by independent experts (NOT EC officials!).



MODULE 2: Understanding “Eurojargon”

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•“Partner, beneficiary”Project participants that form the project consortium

and benefit from co-financing

• Project vs. ProposalYou write the content of a project, you submit a

“project proposal” that remains a proposal until it has been accepted. If the contract is signed, the proposal becomes a (running) project.

MODULE 2: Understanding “Eurojargon”

Socio, beneficiario

Proyecto / propuesta

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•Some acronyms: ICT Information and Communication TechnologiesICPC International cooperation partner countriesICTC Information and Communication Technologies CommitteeIP Integrated project or Internet ProtocolRTD (R&D) Research and (technological) developmentSTREP Small or medium scale focused research actionSICA Specific International Cooperation ActionSME Small and medium enterpriseS&T Science & Technology; scientific & technological

MODULE 2: Understanding “Eurojargon”




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• Text samples (1):3.1 WP structure: Focus on a limited set of ChallengesAchieving the best possible impact for Community support

requires focusing and concentrating effort on key RTD challenges. This work programme proposes a structure around seven challenges that should be addressed if Europe is to be among the world leaders in nextgeneration ICT and their applications. The challenges are driven either by industry and technology objectivesor by socio-economic goals. For each challenge precisetargets and deliverables are identified in a 10 year time frame.

MODULE 2: Understanding “Eurojargon”

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• Text sample (2): 3.3 Developing global partnershipsInternational cooperation represents the external dimension

of the programme. It aims to support Europeancompetitiveness and to jointly address, with otherregions of the world, issues of common interest and mutual benefit, thereby supporting other EU policies(sustainable development, environmental protection, disaster response, security …).

MODULE 2: Understanding “Eurojargon”

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• Text sample (3):a) Governance and Participation ToolboxAdvanced tools embodying structural, organisational and new

governance models to empower and engage all types of societalgroups and communities, enable them to utilise mass cooperationplatforms and allow governments to incorporate their input whilesafeguarding against misuse. These tools will enable the creation, learning, sharing and tracking of group knowledge that cuts acrosslanguage and cultural interpretation. They should also facilitatetransparency and tracking of inputs to the policy making process. The toolbox must include security, identity and access controls to ensure privacy and, where appropriate, the delineation of constituency domains according to the specific needs of governmentapplications.

MODULE 2: Understanding “Eurojargon”

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Project: PROmotion of an ICT Dialogue between Europe and America Latina

MODULE 3: International cooperation in ICT research: opportunities

for Latin America participants

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Topics Covered

MODULE 3: International cooperation in ICT research: opportunities for Latin America participants


• Promoting opportunities for Latin America participants in ICT • Understanding the rules for third country participation• Discovering specific research areas for international cooperation

• International cooperation in FP7 and ICT• LA and Caribbean within International Cooperation Partner Countries• Recent trends in LA participation in ICT• Position of LA in third country participants• Target objectives for international cooperation in ICT Call 4

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• FP7 is open to participation from any country in the world:

– Member States - The EU-27;

– Associated Countries – with science and technology cooperation agreements

– Candidate Countries – candidates for future accession

– Third Countries - countries that are not Member States, candidates or associated

• Cooperation with “third countries” is explicitly encouraged in FP7

– to support European competitiveness in selected fields through strategic partnerships

– to encourage the best third-country scientists to work in and with Europe

– to address specific problems, on the basis of mutual interest and mutual benefit

• Participants from International Cooperation Partner Countries (e.g. LA countries) are entitled to funding under the same conditions as EU Member States

• Consortia must have a minimum of 3 participants from Member States or associated countries.

MODULE 3: International cooperation in ICT research: opportunities for Latin America participants

3.1 International cooperation in FP7

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• Transnational partnerships are the norm for the ICT projects.

• Participation in ICT open to a wide range of organisations: Universities, research centres, multinational corporations, SMEs, public administrations, funding bodies.

• Objectives of International cooperation in the ICT work programme:

– To jointly respond to major global technological challenges by developing interoperable solutions and standards.

– To jointly develop ICT solutions to major global societal challenges.

– To improve scientific and technological cooperation for mutual benefit.

• Research topics open to international cooperation activities within 7 Challenges and FET

• International cooperation is also addressed through horizontal support actions

– By providing support to information society policy dialogues

3.2 International cooperation in ICT

MODULE 3: International cooperation in ICT research: opportunities for Latin America participants

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Opportunities for Latin America and Caribbean participants. International Co-operation Partner Countries (ICPC)

• Argentina• Bolivia• Brazil• Chile• Colombia • Costa Rica• Ecuador• El Salvador • Guatemala • Honduras

• Mexico• Nicaragua • Panama • Paraguay • Peru • Uruguay • Venezuela

• Cuba• República

Dominicana• Haití• Jamaica• etc.

3.3 Latin America ICPC

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0 20 40 60 80 100 120

United States







South Africa




Number of participations of third country organisations – Top 10 countries

Source: DG Information Society and Media

3.4 Third country participation in ICT

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Top 10 participants

Source: DG Information Society and Media











Russia UnitedStates

China Brazil SouthAfrica

Japan Argentina Uruguay Chile NewZelandFP6 FP7

3.5 EU funding to third countries

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Number of participants from Latin America

Source: DG Information Society and Media

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40









Costa Rica




ParaguayFP6 FP7

Significant participation of LA in FP6 (5 years): 76

High potential for FP7: 69 participants in 2 years

3.6 Latin America participation in ICT

MODULE 3: International cooperation in ICT research: opportunities for Latin America participants

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Top 10 participants

Source: DG Information Society and Media



Brazil Argentina Uruguay Chile Colombia Venezuela Costa Rica Perú México Honduras


3.7 EU funding to Latin America

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Top 10 participants

Source: DG Information Society and Media

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18



South Africa









Participations in successful proposals Number of projects

3.8 ICPC Participation in ICT 2007-2008

MODULE 3: International cooperation in ICT research: opportunities for Latin America participants

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Project: PROmotion of an ICT Dialogue between Europe and America Latina

MODULE 4: Building ICT Projects.

Getting through the maze

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Success starts with a dreamSuccess starts with a dream

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Topics Covered:

MODULE 4: Building ICT Projects. Getting through the maze

• Understanding how to apply to ICT call for proposals• Explaining the steps and rules for preparing ICT

proposals• To familiarize the participants with the project proposal

structure• Providing the keys to find the right partners

• Steps for preparing ICT proposals• Find project partners• Key documents for proposals writing• Electronic Proposal Submission Service (EPSS)• ICT Proposal structure• From the proposal to the project

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1. Identification of research areas in the ICT work programme

2. Find a Call in http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7

3. Confirm that the funding mechanisms available are appropriate for your goals

MODULE 4: Building ICT Projects. Getting through the maze

4.1 Steps for preparing ICT proposals

4. Build a quality international consortium that:

• Meets the minimum participation rules for the call for proposals

• Has a mix of different types of organisations

• Has the right mix of competencies and track record

• Is complementary in terms of skills and perspective

5. Familiarise the consortium with specific guidance documentation and templates published by the European Commission for the targeted call for proposals

6. Draft a comprehensive proposal document following the Guide for Applicants

7. Submit the proposal to the European Commission.

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• Cordis Partners Service http://cordis.europa.eu/partners-service/ :

• Publish your partners profile by entering your project idea or specific expertise

• Search the Partners profiles submitted by other organizations

• Update or delete your existing profile on-line at any time

• Partners e-mail notification facility

• National Contact Points:

• For general advice and for finding partners from other countries

• Ideal-ist project www.ideal-ist.net :

• Provides a web-based platform for joining ICT projects and finding partners

• Your own Networwing

• PRO-IDEAL project

MODULE 4: Building ICT Projects. Getting through the maze

4.2 Find project partners

Partner seach facilities:

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• The call fiche

• The work programme

• FP7 factsheets - an overview of the basic features of this programme

• The Guides for Applicants relevant to the funding schemes

• Guide for applicants (Coordination Actions - CA) and ERA Net plus actions

• Guide for applicants (Support Actions - SA)

• Guide for Applicants (Collaborative projects: large scale Integrating Projects -IP)

• Guide for applicants (Collaborative projects - Small and Medium-scale focused Research Projects - STREP)

• Guide for applicants (Networks of Excellence - NoE)

MODULE 4: Building ICT Projects. Getting through the maze

4.3 Key documents

Available at http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/home_en.html

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• Proposals must be submitted electronically, using the Commission's Electronic Proposal Submission Service (EPSS)

• EPSS is an internet-based application providing a secure work space for a consortium to prepare and submit a proposal jointly

• You can access the EPSS from the call page on CORDIS.

Coordinators can:• register the proposal • set up (and modify) the consortium • complete all of Part A of the proposal• download document template for writing Part B • upload finished Part B• submit the complete proposal Part A and Part B

Other participants can:•complete their own sections A2 (participant details)•download the document template for writing Part B•view the whole proposal

MODULE 4: Building ICT Projects. Getting through the maze

4.4 Submitting a proposal online - EPSS

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MODULE 4: Building ICT Projects. Getting through the maze

4.5 Part A – the Forms (1)

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• Proposal Acronym• Proposal Title• Duration in months• Call (part) identifier (e.g. FP7-ICT-2009-4)• Topic code(s) most relevant for the proposal• Free Keywordfs• Abstract

• Personnel costs • Subcontracting • Other direct costs • Indirect costs

–Real indirect costs–Standard flat rate 20%–Flat rate 60% for SMEs, Research organisations, NGOs (until 2010)

• Total budget• Requested EC contribution

MODULE 4: Building ICT Projects. Getting through the maze

4.5 Part A – the Forms (2)

Section A1: SummarySection A3: Budget

• Participant• number• Participant• Identification• Code• Legal name• Organisation• Short Name• Legal address• Organisation type• Contact details

Section A2: Participants

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Proposal abstractSection 1: Scientific and/or technical quality,

relevant to the topics addressed by the call• (Maximum length for the whole of Section 1 –

twenty pages. This does not include the Gantt chart, Pert diagram or tables 1.3a-e)

• 1.1 Concept and objectives• 1.2 Progress beyond the state-of-the-art• 1.3 S/T methodology and associated work

plan• i) Overall strategy of the work plan (Maximum

length – one page)• ii) Timing of the different WPs and their

components (Gantt chart or similar). • iii) Detailed work description broken down into

work packages:• Work package list (table 1.3a);• Deliverables list (table 1.3b);• List of milestones (table 1.3c)• Description of each work package

(table 1.3d)• Summary effort (table 1.3e)

• iv) Graphical presentation of the components (Pert diagram or similar)

• v) Significant risks, and associated contingency plans

Section 2. Implementation• 2.1 Management structure and procedures• (Maximum length for Section 2.1 - five pages)• 2.2 Individual participants • (Maximum length for Section 2.2: one page per

participant)• 2.3 Consortium as a whole • (No maximum length for Section 2.3 – depends

on the size and complexity of the consortium)• 2.4 Resources to be committed • (Maximum length for Section 2.4 – two pages)

Section 3.Impact• (Maximum length for the whole of Section 3 – ten

pages)• 3.1 Expected impacts listed in the work

programme• 3.2 Dissemination and/or exploitation of

project results, and management of intellectual property

MODULE 4: Building ICT Projects. Getting through the maze

4.6 Part B – Contents

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Proposal submission Eligibility Evaluation

by ExpertsNegotiation Project


Coordinator:EPSS submission before deadline


Check eligibility criteria

Eligible proposals are evaluated by independent experts

(2-3 months)

Successful proposals enter into financial and technical negotiations with the EC

(3-4 months)

Grant Agreement signed between the EC and the coordinator > the project officially stars

(6-8 months after proposal submission)

MODULE 4: Building ICT Projects. Getting through the maze

4.7 From the proposal to the project

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MODULE 4: Building ICT Projects. Getting through the maze

Brazil without borders!

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Project: PROmotion of an ICT Dialogue between Europe and America Latina

MODULE 5: Project idea questionnaire and assessment

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Topics Covered

• To familiarize potential project partners and Project Angels with the PRO-

• IDEAL project development questionnaire• to explain the assessment of the questionnaire and feed-back that

will be provided

• Questionnaire presentation • Samples for filling in the questionnaire• Criteria for assessment• Feedback provided

MODULE 5: Project idea questionnaire and assessment

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MODULE 5: Project idea questionnaire and assessment

5.1 Questionnaire

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MODULE 5: Project idea questionnaire and assessment

5.1 Questionnaire (2)

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• MODULE 5: Project idea questionnaire and assessment

• 5.1 Questionnaire (3)

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• Idea description• Problem to be solved / opportunities• Beyond state-of-the-art?• Impact on beneficiaries: primary & secondary• Needs: what are you missing in order to carry this project forward?• Objectives

MODULE 5: Project idea questionnaire and assessment

5.2 Assessment criteria

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• Partnership

• Exploitation

• IPRs

• Budget

• MODULE 5: Project idea questionnaire and assessment

• 5.2 Assessment criteria

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• MODULE 5: Project idea questionnaire and assessment

• 5.1 Questionnaire (4)

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• Innovation• State-of-the- Art check (e.g. former EU projects; commercial products on the market etc.)

• Excellence• Partnership competences; work envisaged

• Feasibility• Feasible within time and financial frame?

• Fitting into call topics?

MODULE 5: Project idea questionnaire and assessment

5.2 Assessment criteria

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• Red/amber/green light

• Contacts with Programme officers

• Suggestions for improvements

• Project partners

• Guidance for next steps

• Accompaniment of your project

• MODULE 5: Project idea questionnaire and assessment

• 5.2 Feedback (1)

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Manuel Bello Yolanda UrsaMargaretha

MazuraHumbertoCarrasco Baard Krogshus

Philippe MartineauKlaus RichterPhilippe WackerThierry


Jokin Garatea

RosaWachenchauzer Gilson Schwartz

MODULE 5: Project idea questionnaire and assessment

5.2 Feedback (2)

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• The more precise you are in answering the questionnaire, the better we can support you!

• We are interested in successful projects (quality rather than quantity)!

• We are here to support YOU!

MODULE 5: Project idea questionnaire and assessment

5.2 Advice

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Project: PROmotion of an ICT Dialogue between Europe and America Latina

MODULE 6: Practical steps to a successful proposal

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• To coach participants towards the essential parts of a proposal• To provide guidelines how to start proposal writing• To point out common mistakes• To provide guidelines towards success

• Work Package structure • Types of work packages• Common WPs: Project Management

and Dissemination

Steps to a successful project – WORK PACKAGES

MODULE 6: Practical steps to a successful proposal


Topics Covered:

• Common pitfalls of proposal writing • Success factors• Tips and tricks

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• Why start with WPs:

• to determine who does what when for which purpose

• to get a clear view on tasks that need to be performed

• to make a first estimation of the efforts (man/months) needed to implement the work and thus, the budget

WP structure (1)

MODULE 6: Practical steps to a successful proposal

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Workpackage header:Activity type: depends on Funding Scheme

STREP, IP: RTD = main activitiesSA SUPP = main activities

Other activities: MGT = ManagementDISS = DisseminationDEM = Demonstration

Impact of % of financing!

WP LeaderWP structure (2)

• MODULE 6: Practical steps to a successful proposal

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• They give an overview of the purpose of the WP, best

• done in bullet points;

• This helps you define the tasks that are needed to reach

• the objectives


WP structure (3)

MODULE 6: Practical steps to a successful proposal

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• Provide manageable tasks’ description• Tasks can be consecutive, in parallel or overlapping

• Numbering: “Task 1.2” means: Second task of WP 1

• Ideally, mention the partners involved in the task

Description of Work:

WP structure (4)

MODULE 6: Practical steps to a successful proposal

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• Output or results of a work package• Numbered the same way as tasks• Types: Reports (R), Prototypes (P), Others (O)• Time of delivery: M3 = at the end of month 3 after project• start (“neutral” numbering)• They are indicators for timely project performance!


WP structure (5)

MODULE 6: Practical steps to a successful proposal

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• Facts/results that mark a phase in the project, e.g. a conference, a workshop etc.

• Like deliverables, they are indicators against which to measure the project’s progress

• Time of delivery: like for deliverables


WP structure (6)

MODULE 6: Practical steps to a successful proposal

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• Operational ones: e.g. research, technical tasks

• Ancillary ones: e.g. dissemination, demonstration

• Administrative ones: management, IPR

WP types (1)

MODULE 6: Practical steps to a successful proposal

WP Types: Depend on content of the work package

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• Background/desk research e.g. on user needs, market survey, benchmarking etc.

• Technical description: depending on the complexity of the R&D, this can be several WPs

• Validation/Demonstration

• Dissemination & Exploitation: can be separated; should include provisions on IPRs and standards

• Project Management and Quality Assessment: can be separated; should include risk management and conflict resolution

VaryDependingon ResearchWork planned

Must be inall projects;Customised!

• WP types (2)

• MODULE 6: Practical steps to a successful proposal

Work Package types commonly found in ICT projects:

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Section 2. Implementation(Maximum length for Section 2.1 - five pages)2.1 Management structure and proceduresDescribe the organisational structure and decision-making mechanisms of the project. Show how they are matched to the complexity and scale of the project.


MODULE 6: Practical steps to a successful proposal

• The Management of the project is one of the work packages

• it lasts for the entire duration of the project

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Steering Group

What is an appropriate management structure?

MODULE 6: Practical steps to a successful proposal

• It depends of the complexity and scale of the project

• Typical Management structure:

Managing Success and FailuresManaging Success and Failures


WP´s Leaders

P1 P2 P3 Pn

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What is an appropriate management structure?

MODULE 6: Practical steps to a successful proposal

• Issues covered:

–Contractual issues: Administrative and financial

–Communication issues

–Quality management

–Monitoring of project progress (againts time and budget)


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During the course of the project• Periodic Report at the end of each reporting period:

• Overview, including a publishable summary of the progress of work• Explanation of the use of the resources• Financial Statement (Form C – Annex VI of GA)

At the end of the project• Final publishable summary report covering results, conclusions and socio-economic

impact of the project.• Report covering the wider societal implications of the project and the plan for the

use and dissemination of foreground

Reporting Periods & Project Reviews (e.g. for a 2-year project) :1. P1: from month 1 to month 12 2. Final: from month 13 to the last month of the project

MODULE 6: Practical steps to a successful proposal


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MODULE 6: Practical steps to a successful proposal

Financial Statement – Form C

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MODULE 6: Practical steps to a successful proposal


• Dissemination means the actions taken to make publicly known the results of the project

– on-line dissemination: website, newsletters, etc.– Articles in journals, scientific papers– Lectures and talk in conferences– Mass-media (radio, TV, newspapers)– Organisation of workshops, seminars, etc.

Section 3. Impact3.2 Dissemination and/or exploitation of project results, and management of intellectual propertyDescribe the measures you propose for the dissemination and/or exploitation of project results, and the management of knowledge, of intellectual property, and of other innovation-related activities arising from the project.

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What makes a proposal successful?

The proposed project

• corresponds to the priorities of the call and the priorities the Unit in question considers important

• is innovative and of high scientific quality

• has a convincing consortium: partners are competent for the activities suggested; they are a good “mix”; they have clear roles

• is well written so that evaluators from all cultural, educational and business backgrounds can understand it

Success factors (1)

MODULE 6: Practical steps to a successful proposal

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No clear description of progress beyond State-of-the-ArtMain criterion for research projects: explain HOW the project will go beyond.

“Fuzziness” of work plan description not convincing in terms of impact and excellence: to remedy, make a clear plan on WHO does WHAT WHEN WHY for WHOSE benefit?

Inconsistencies or incoherencies: A good idea at the beginning is not followed through in the work packages not convincing in terms of management.

Common pitfalls (1)

MODULE 6: Practical steps to a successful proposal


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• Incomplete or not complementary consortium or “decorative” partners not convincing in terms of quality of consortium; clarify roles!

• Lack of exploitation opportunities description not convincing in terms of impact and/or sustainability; give measurable indicators!

• And increasingly: Value for money!


Common pitfalls (2)

MODULE 6: Practical steps to a successful proposal

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• Suitable (meets identified needs: yours and the target group’s !)

• Manageable (big enough to cover all necessary competences, small enough to being manageable)

• Appropriate (it is the most efficient way of tackling the subject and implementing the work)

• Relevant (tackles the WP’s and call’s objectives and EU policies)

• Transferable (sustainable and potentially usable by other target groups)

Tips and tricks (1)

MODULE 6: Practical steps to a successful proposal


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Step 1: Check what the Commission REALLY wantsCheck if this REALLY falls into your and the partners’competences

Step 2: Read the guidelines for proposers, but almost more importantRead the guidelines for evaluators!

Step 3: Write! Use the “3 C”: clear, concise, consistent Step 4: Ask outsiders to read the project and comment!

Ask colleagues not involved to “evaluate” it!

Tips and tricks (2)

MODULE 6: Practical steps to a successful proposal


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Project: PROmotion of an ICT Dialogue between Europe and America Latina

MODULE 7: How are project proposals evaluated?

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MODULE 7: How are project proposals evaluated?



• To make the evaluation process understandable & transparent• To draw the attention to the evaluation criteria, for a better proposal writing• To provide insight in the whole evaluation procedure

• How does the evaluation work?• What are the evaluation criteria?• Who evaluated? • How works the decision-making process?

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7.1 General principles (1)

•Why an evaluation procedure?

– Equal treatment of all proposals– Unbiased and independent treatmentEqual chance for all!

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7.1 General principles (2)

1. Eligibility check:Check formalities: e.g. minimum number of partners; timely submission; all parts of the proposal filled in. Done by EC officialsIF NOT: rejected at this stage, without further evaluation

2. Evaluation = quality assessment:Done by external experts

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7.2 Evaluation process (1)

Evaluation Process: 1. Individual evaluation: On-site or remote2. Consensus meetings:To agree among all individual evaluators comments and scores3. Panel Meeting:To rank proposals

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7.1 General principles (3)

WHO evaluates?ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/docs/ict.zip

HOW become an expert? https://cordis.europa.eu/emmfp7/

HOW selected ? -Profile/competences-Availability-No conflict of interest

For each objective in each Call separately!

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7.2 Evaluation process (2)

1. Individual evaluation: On-site or remoteEvaluation Criteria:–1. Scientific and/or technological excellence–2. Quality and efficiency of the implementation and the management–3. The potential impact through the development, dissemination and use of project results

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7.2 Evaluation process (3)

1. Individual evaluation (2): Scores:0 The proposal fails to address the criterion under examination or cannot be judged due to missing or incomplete information;1 Poor The criterion is addressed in an inadequate manner, or

there are serious inherent weaknesses; 2 Fair While the proposal broadly addresses the criterion, there are significant weaknesses; 3 Good The proposal addresses the criterion well, although improvements would be necessary; 4 Very good The proposal addresses the criterion very well, although certain improvements are still possible; 5 Excellent The proposal successfully addresses all relevant aspects of the criterion in question. Any shortcomings are minor.

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7.2 Evaluation process (4)

2. Consensus meetings:To agree among all individual evaluators comments and scoresIPs, NoEs: 5 evaluatorsAll others: 3 evaluatorsMust agree on common text and common score!Moderated by an EC officialDocumented by the Rapporteur

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7.2 Evaluation process (5)

3. Panel Meeting:To rank proposals that are above the threshold:

Shortlist according to scores and “virtues” of proposals; from this shortlist, proposals will be selected for contract negotiation, according to available budget.

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7.2 Evaluation process (6)

Information on evaluation criteria, guidelines for evaluators etc can be found at:


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Project: PROmotion of an ICT Dialogue between Europe and America Latina

MODULE 8: Self-Assessment Test 1 and 2

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Topics Covered

• Test on ICT programme and project principles: multiple choice type • Practical test on Project Abstract: free text answers

• To engage potential project participants pro-actively

• To help them get the spirit of European funding schemes and projects

• To give them the feeling to be directly involved in the process

MODULE 8: Self-Assessment Test 1 and 2

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• The ICT programme is a specific programme under FP7

• The ICT programme of the EU gives development aid to third countries

• Partners from third countries can participate at equal level with European partners

• Only special themes are open for partners from third countries





Focus on European R&D

All themes are open –But not all focus on

third countries!

Correct answers:

• MODULE 8: • Self-Assessment Test 1 and 2

• 8.1 Test 1 Solutions

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• ICTsub-themes are called: Challenges Topics heading

• Big research projects are called:Cooperation Integrated ComplexProjects Projects Projects

• The fundamental financing principle is:Full financing 20% funding co-financing

MODULE 8: Self-Assessment Test 1 and 2

8.1 Test 1 Solutions

Correct answers:

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•Characteristics of a successful European project are:S&T Excellence Innovation improvement of existing

productsComplementary Focus on one Involvementpartnership country/region of all EU MS

• Which 3 criteria are at the basis of a project evaluation:S&T quality S&T Quality InnovationImplementation Management S&T qualityImpact Impact Management

MODULE 8: Self-Assessment Test 1 and 2

8.1 Test 1 Solutions

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•I do not need to fill in parts of a proposal if I do not plan to implement this activity •My budget must be based on real costs•I can ask higher staff costs in EU projects•EC officials select projects according to common criteria•The EC uses external experts for project evaluation•My project idea must contain innovative research





All parts of the proposaltemplate must be

filled in

Answer depends on Project type: SA

do not need research

Correct answers:

MODULE 8: Self-Assessment Test 1 and 2

8.1 Test 1 Solutions

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1. Yes. Given the restricted space for abstracts (2000 characters), it is a concise description

2. Yes and no. It does not mention it expressly but tackles a very new topic, UGC. Thus, indirectly it shows an innovative approach.

3. STREP: Relatively short duration, relatively small partnership. The abstract itself might also refer to an IP (encompasses all players of the value chain)

Possible answers (1):

MODULE 8: Self-Assessment Test 1 and 2

8.1 Test 2 Solutions

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4. No. End users are not obviously involved although the project is geared at


5. Yes. 4 EU MS, 1 EEA County (NO), 1 AC (Turkey); problem solving at

EU level!

6. Yes. But roles must be clearly defined and correspond to competences;

justifications for inclusion of third country given. In this case, it might

be indicated as the focus os a global one (UGC).

MODULE 8: Self-Assessment Test 1 and 2

8.1 Test 2 Solutions

Possible answers (2):

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• FP7 activities: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/home_en.htmlCORDIS: The official entry point to Europe’s Seventh Framework Programme for research and technology development (FP7), its specific programmes, activities, themes and latest developments.

• ICT Website http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/ brings together information on: – the FP7 ICT research programme and its objectives; – participating in ICT research under FP7 – including calls for proposals; – research and development projects carried out under FP7 and FP7; – the latest news on programme, projects and participation in the ICT

Newsroom. • Practical guide to EU funding opportunities for research and innovation. Rev 2

02/12/2008 http://cordis.europa.eu/eu-funding-guide/home_en.html• FP7 National Contact Points: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ncp_en.html• FP7 Helpdesk: http://ec.europa.eu/research/index.cfm?pg=enquiries• Partners Search Facilities


Sources of information