d »m giroir 3v

OC^-G - S(j>0 50 D fiofer Tc: FO~f~l January Si 1988 Exxon Co&pany, L\S.A. . ftticncloni ; *t>. D. f-„ Hurley Post Office Jox 60626 i<e* OrliWHK L*Wl£lAMl 7C160 r.eferencc t l Bi<< tc your In U U I Dov*; !•:,•> .^m- rverev-lons r;-'ln<i«.l»-.r- r>ocu#eni. (0005) ano £ov!ronaental Report received DacWDT 22* 19*7 # f c r Laaaaa OCS-G 5604 and 5065* locks 14a and 14S# respectively, Seutl' T r a i l e r A r e a . TMl OOCD Includes tne activities tro>oseo for "*eli'5 T.A and EB. The surface location of tftOia wol is 1 * Plax.fr/rr.; C tn Bitch 165. In ac cor J anc v 30 UJ-'r: cjC.34, rev Idea i/ecjU.er 12, 1S-7Q, And Notice tu Leasees and Opercuors No. 54-1* this DOCS Is hereby determined te be complete enc 1s nov oe1n»j consldore-j for approve?* Your control WUWfcT 1s M-286C and snocla be referenced In your cotrounl* cation an»i correspondence concern inc. tMs DOCO. Sincere?y yours» -'•) *• D » M Giroir 3v D. J . Boer-no1s Regional Superv\tur Field Operations ADGobertiCCk: L2/ 24/87: dc dcora

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Page 1: D »M Giroir 3v

OC^-G - S(j>0 50 D

fiofer T c : FO~f~l January Si 1988

Exxon Co&pany, L\S.A. . ftticncloni ;*t>. D. f-„ Hurley Post Of f ice Jox 60626 i<e* OrliWHK L*Wl£lAMl 7C160

r.eferencc t l Bi<< t c your In U U I Dov*; !•:,•> .^m- rverev-lons r;-'ln<i«.l»-.r-r>ocu#eni. (0005) ano £ov!ronaental Report received DacWDT 22* 19*7 #

f c r Laaaaa OCS-G 5604 and 5065* locks 14a and 14S# respec t i ve l y , Seutl ' T r a i l e r A rea . T M l OOCD Includes tne a c t i v i t i e s tro>oseo for "*eli '5 T.A and EB. The surface l oca t i on o f tftOia wol is 1 * Plax.fr/rr.; C t n Bi tch 165.

I n ac cor J anc v 30 UJ-'r: c jC.34, rev Idea i/ecjU.er 12, 1S-7Q, And Not ice tu Leasees and Opercuors No. 54-1* t h i s DOCS Is hereby determined te be complete enc 1s nov oe1n»j consldore-j for approve?*

Your contro l WUWfcT 1s M-286C and snocla be referenced In your cotrounl* c a t i o n an»i correspondence concern inc. t M s DOCO.

Sincere?y yours»

-'•) *• D » M Giroir

3v D. J . Boer-no1s Regional Superv\tur F i e l d Operations

ADGobertiCCk: L2/ 24/87: dc dcora

Page 2: D »M Giroir 3v


.•;».,.. .-,<x »,,».. • • -. . . - •••.».• . • .:v..\.'. December 17, 1987

Mr. Ralph J. Melancon Regional Supervisor Off ice of Production and Development Gulf of Mexico OCS Region Minerals Management Service 1201 Elmwood Park Blvd. \ New Orleans, Louisiana 70123-2394

•»»s»* •»*» )N I


;£1Y£0 '*>.


Dear Mr. Melancon:

In accordance with the provisions of NTL 84-1 dated February 10, 1984, the A i r Emissions requirements of 30 CFR 250.57, and the Environmental Report requirements of November 20, 1980, Exxon submits for your approval the enclosed Development Operations Coordination Dccument/tnvironmental Report f o r the above captioned leases.

Attachments 1 through 8 to our Development Operations Coordination Document contain proprietary in fo ation not subject t release under the Freedom of Information Act, or otherwise, without noti to ?.nd express consent of Exxon. Thi!" submittal includes f ive copies of the Development Operations Coordination Document labeled "EXXON PROPRIETARY FOR MMS USE ONLY and six copies labeled "NON-CONFIDENTIAL." In addit ion, eleven copies of the Cer t i f ica te of Coastal Zone Consistency are included.

The Shallow Dr i l l i ng Hazards Survey and Cultural Resources Report for South Timbalier Blocks 144 and 145 was submitted to the MMS in June, 1985, along wi th the original Plan of Exploration for South Timbalier Block 144.

Exxon anticipates d r i l l i n g to commence o f f tne "E"-Plattorm in mid-January, 1988.

I f you have any questions, please cal l me at (504) 561-3371 or Ron Castenell at (504) 561-4383.

Yours very t ru l y ,


Offshore Division Exxon Company, U.S.A. (a d iv is ion of Exxon Corporation)

RAC/ Er.cl osures


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250.34-2 (a) (1) f i ) - Description of Work •

This information has been omitted from copies for review by other regulatory agencies and public formation as i t is considered EXXON VERY PROPORIFTARY FOR MMS USE ONLY.

25.34-2 (a) (1) f i i ) - Drilling Rig. Platforms, Facilities, and Pipelines

Drilling Rig

The Penrod 89 or a similar jack-up rig vi 1 be used to d r i l l these wells from the existing 11E" Platform (Block 165, OC 3 1251). Rig safety features and pollution control equipment have been add'- sed in previous Exxon Development Plans. They include:

1. Fire Fighting Equipment

a. Portable, hand-carried, fire extinguishers located in the living quarters and working areas.

b. Emergency salt water pump.

2. Well Control Equipment

a. Trip tank b. Blowout preventers

The following outlines the planned blowout program:

1. While operating on drive pipe or structural casing and conductor casing, one remote controlled annular-type blowout preventer with diverter sy tem will be used to insure well control.

2. While operating on the surface and intermediate casing strings, one remote controlled annular-type blowout preventer, three remote controlled hydrau ically operated ram-typed blo'^-it preventers (one equipped with blind rams and two with pipe r '.o, and when a tapered string is in use twe equipped with pipe rams for the larger pipe size and one with pipe rams for the smaller pipe size), a drilling spool with side outlets, a choke line and manifold, ? k i l l line separate from the choke line, and a fill-up line will be used to insure well control. The working pressure of any blowout preventer shall exceed the maximum anticipated surface pressure to which i t may be subjected.

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3. Aux i l ia ry blowout preventer equipment w i l l include a kel ly cock with a f u l l opening valve instal led at the bottom of the kelly j o i n t . An inside blowout preventer and a d r i l l s t r ing safety valve in the open posit ion w i l l be maintained on the r i g f loor at a l l times during d r i l l i n g operations.

The r ig wi l l have the following ool lu t ion prevention and control features:

1. Drip pans on the draw works, engines, motors, rotary table, hydraulic units, and pumps which accumulate o i l .

2. Fuel storage vessels subject to r e f i l l i n g during d r i l l i n g operations shall be equipped with high level alarm.

•j The plat form w i l l be equipped,with a down-comer extending 20'+ below the water l i n e . Oil free d r i l l cuttings are disposed of through the down-comer.

4. Sanitary waste shall De treated in an on-site sewage treatment unit prior to disposal into the water.

5. A mud deposited into the water shall be o i l - f r e e in accordance with OCS Order No. 7.

6. Edible garbage shall be disposed of into the water.

7. All burnable trash shall be burned on location or taken to shore for disposal. Other trash shall be transported to shore for disposal.

Exxor. installed the South Timbalier 172 Field "E" Platform on the OCS-G 1251 lease (Block 165) in 1980. The platform jacket and deck are t o t a l l y of steel construction and was instal led in accordance with OCS Order No. 8. The deck section has two leve ls . The platform jacket has eight legs and eighteen conductor s lots. The 70' X 1511 deck has a 76' elevation standing in 9 1 ' of water. Two new conductors / i l l be added in order to f u l f i l l conductor requirements for the proposed dr 11ing program.

The "E" Platform is located 4875' SNL and 4664' WEL of Block 165. The universal transverse mercator/zone 16 coordinates for the "E" Platform are X = 2,244,181.85' and Y = 30,859.29'.

The offshore structure w i l l include the fol lowing items pertaining to safety o f personnel and operations:

1. Boat(s) and/or escape capsules for emergency evacuation of aH platform personnel.

2. Boat landings.


3. Stairways to boat landings.

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' 4 . L i fe j a c k e t s , l i f e r i ngs , and buoys to meet requirements of United States Coast Guard.

5 Swing ropes hung from p la t fo rm deck to f a c i l i t i e s t r a n s f e r to and ! from vessels and fo r back-up emergency escape.

6. | Telephone and/or radio communications.

7. Hel icopter landing pad. '

8. A designated person for coord ina t ion of p la t fo rm sa fe t y .

9. Aids to nav iga t ion inc lud ing l i g h t s and foghorn per United States Coast Guard requirements.

D r i l l i n g operat ions w i l l be supported by the e x i s t i n g Grand I s l e base f a c i l i t i e s . No f a c i l i t y expansion is planned fo r the Grand I s l e base, the p i p e l i n e network l eav ing Grand I s l e , or any r e f i ne r y in the e x i s t i n g area. The fo l lowing l i s t shows the acreage on Grani I s l e u t i l i z e d f o r ex i s t i ng f a c i l i t i e s necessary to d r i l l and produce the w e l l s :

Operation O f f i c e / H e l i p o r t 19 0 Acres Exxon P ipe l i ne Co. Terminal 22.9 Acres Warehouse and Yard 22.5 Acres

S Plant 14.5 Acres

No new platform i n s t a l l a t i o n s are planned f o r the 1988 u n i t year . Platforms w i t h act ive d r i l l i n g operations have been described in previous plans of development/operat ions. (Reference Plans of Development C P la t fo rm 5/78 and D P l a t f o m 1/79).

Fac i1 i t i es

E x i s t i n g f a c i l i t i e s and t h e i r safety fea tures have been descr ibed in previous p lans of development f o r South T imbal ier 172 f i e l d un i t cover ing Blocks 164, 165, 166, and 171. No expansion to the e x i s t i n g f a c i l i t y i s p lanned.

P resen t l y , a l l "E" P la t fo rm gas we l l s are produced at high pressure and sent f u l l wel l stream to the Souih Timbal ier 172 "A" Plat form through a 12" l i n e .

Pi p e l i nes

No new Pipelines are proposed to t h i s f a c i l i t y .

250.34-2 (a) (1) ( i i i l - Proposed Well Locat ions

Th i s information has been omitted from copies f o r review by other regu la tory agencies and pub l i c i n f o r n a t i o n as i t i s considered EXXON VERY PROPRIETARY FOR MMS USE ONLY.

Page 7: D »M Giroir 3v

250.34-? fa) (1) ( i v ) - Geological and Geophysical Data

This infroamtion has been omitted from copies for review by other regulatory agencies and public information as i t is considered EXXON VERY PROPRIETARY EOR MMS USE ONLY.

250.34-2 fa) f l ) fv) -Environmental Safeguards i

Pol lut ion prevention and control features include a l l necessary curbing, gut ters , drip pans, drains and holding tanks to prevent contamination of the sea in accordance wi th OCS Order No. 7. In the event of a pol lut ion incident, control and cle* n up procedures w i l l be implemented in accordance with Exxon's approved "Contingency Plan for Oil Spi l l Cleanup" on f i l e with MMS Area Supervisor. The "Contingency Plan for Oil Spi l l Cleanup" designates an o i l s p i l l team consisting of Exxon and contract personnel. This team's several duties are to el iminate the source of the o i l s p i l l , remove a l l sources of possible ign i t ion , deploy the most viable means of available transportation to monitor the movement of the s l i ck , and contain and remove the s l i ck , i f possible. Exxon is a member of Clean Gulf Associates (CGA) and the o i l s p i l l team has been trained in the use of CGA equipment. The CGA has four permanent bases in Louisiana at Venice, Grand I s le , Intracoastal City and Cameron, and two bases in Texas at Galveston and Pockport. Each base is equipped with fast response skimmers and there is a barge-mounted high volume open sea skimmer based at Grand I s l e . In addition to providr aquipment, the CGA w i l l also supply advisors for cleanup operations.

250.34-2 fa) f l ) f v i ) - Safetv Standards

Safety features during d r i l l i n g operations w i l l include well control and blowout pievention equipment that meets or exceeds the requirements of OCS Order No. 2. Exist ing platform production f a c i l i t i e s and pipelines w i l l be u t i l i z e d , and maintained in accordance with OCS Orders Nos. 5 and 9, applicable DOT regulat ion ' contained in 49 CFR Parts 192 and 195, and w i l l contain a l l safety devices and systems as specified herein and in API RP 14C and OCS Order No. 5. In addit ion, individual wells w i l l be protected upon completion by i ns ta l l a t i on of surface controlled subsurface safety valves as specif ied by OCS Order No. 5. Appropriate l i f e r a f t s , l i f e jackets, r ing buoys, f i r e ext inguishers, and other personnel safety features w i l l be provided as prescribed by the U.S. Coast Guard "Rules and Regulations for A r t i f i c i a l Island and Fixed Structures on the Other Continental Shelf."

250.34-2 fa) f l ) ( v i i ) - Expected Rate of Development and Production

This information has been omitted from coi ies for review by other regulatory agencies and public information as i t is considered EXXON VERY PROPRIETARY OR MMS USE ONLY.

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•250.34-2 fa) (1) ( v i i i ) - Mud Proqram

Standard addi t ives planned to be used in the d r i l l i n g f l u i d are: ben ton i te , b a r i t e , l i g n i t e , l i gnosu l f ona te and caus t i c soda. Add i t iona l add i t i ves that may be used are : soda ash, sodium bicarbonate, d r i scose , l ime, defoamer - aluminum s teara te or equ iva len t , and bac te r i c ide - Corexi t 7674 or e q u i v a l e n t .

250.34.3 (b) (4) ( i i ) fA) f l ) - Proiected Gaseous Emissions

Est imated emission increases that w i l l r e s u l t from a c t i v i t i e s covered by t h i s DOCD, and exemption l eve l ca lcu la t ions are shown in Attachments I I I and IV. Ca l cu la ted emissions from these a c t i v i t i e s w i l l be below the exemption l eve l s f o r a l l categories o f c o n t r o l l e d emissions.

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143 144

166 165

X X 111


166 171

165 1 7 ?


OCS-G 5604 144


Approximate Surface Location:

4900* SNL, 4700' WEL


OCS-G 1251

o o




165 1 7 0



OCS-G 5605

164~-E X X O N


2000 '

164 1 7 Q

OCS-G 1250

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1 OCS-G 5604 #E-A

YEAR: 1988

The following estimate of emissions is based on the EPA-derived factor of 60 hp-hours per foot of hole drilled and EPA emission factors for industrial engines:


SO2 0.00205 NOX 0.03086 VOC 0.00247 CO 0.00668 TSP 0.00220

Sample Emission Calculation (for NOX):

Footage to be dr i l l e d = 10,627

60 hp-hrs/ft X 10,627 ft/yr = 637,620 hp-hrs/yr

637,620 hp-hrs/yr X 0.03086 lb/hp-hr X 1 ton/2000 = 9.84 tons/yr

Exemption Calculations:

Exemption for S02, NOX, VOC, 4 TSP = 33-3 X 31-9 mi from shore

= 1,062 tons/yr

Exemption for CO = 3,400 X (31.9 mi from shore) 2 7 3

= 3 ,198 tons/yr



Estimated Emissions (tons/yr) 0.64 9.8'' 0.79 2.13 0.70

Exemption Levels (Lons/yr) 1062 1062 1062 3 198 1062

RSM 11/16/87 ATTACHMENT \\\

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1 OCS-G 5605 #E-B

YEAR: 1988

The following estimate of emissions is based on tha EPA-derived factor of 60 hp-hours per foot of hole d r i l l e d and EPA emission factors for industr ial engines:


SO2 0.00205 -NOX 0.03086 VOC 0.00247 CO 0.00668 TSP 0.0022C

Sample Emission Calculation ( fo r NOX):

Footage to be d r i l l e d = 12,896

60 hp-hrs/ft X 12,896 f t / y r = ^3 ,760 hp-hrs/yr

773,760 hp-hrs/yr X 0.03086 V hr X 1 ton/2000 = 11.94 toiis/yr

Exemption Calculations:

Exemption for SO2, NOX, VOC, 4 TSP = 33-3 X 31.9 ml from shore

- 1,062 tons/yr

Exemption for CO = 3,400 X (31.9 mi from s h o r e ) 2 ' 3

= 34.198 tons/yr



Estimated Emissions (tons/yr) 0.79 11.94 0.96 2.58 0.85

Exemption Levels (tons/yr) 1062 1062 1062 34198 106L

RSM 11/16/87


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BLOCK 144 (OCS-G 5604) FLOCK 145 (OCS-G 5605)



Ms. D. M. Hurley Exxon Company, U.S.A. P.O. Box 60626 New Orleans, LA 70160 (504) 561-337]


Page 13: D »M Giroir 3v


, Thi•= • E.^ ri-nmental Report las fceefl prepared w i in ' I t e r a t i o n f o r the p o l i c y aifcs aM gu ide l i nes of t i e Louisiana Coastal 7or«_ Management Program and is intended to amply w i t l . ''^e regu la t ions in 30 CRF 250, OCS Orders, "No t i ces tio Lessees '..nd Operator" " and to a l l FeJe^al and State i iv i rcnmental Documents j

' I As proposed, the Plan of Z v« , nment for Soutn Timbalier Blocks 144 and

145 provides for M»2 d r i l l i n g • Me OCS-G 5604 #E-A and OCS-G 5605 #F-B, respectively. The OCS-G 560* $£-A will evaluate pot*"**4?1 hydrocarbon reserves underlying Plock 144 beginning or. or about J^nuarj 15, 1968. The OCS-G 5605 #E-B will evaluate- potential hydrocarbon rpserves underlying Block 145 beginning on or about March ; 1987.

a. Description of Proposed Travel Mides and rou:s and Freoue ~.y for Moving Supplies ^nj Personnel to rron the Offshore Activitv Site and the Onshore B a %

Travel modes to the development site wi l l • • * \ r and water. Travel route- to be used are shown on P- .u .ment I . The air travel route is approximately 57 miles 1ong from Exxon's Base in Grand Isle, Louisiana .«> South Timbalier Blocks 144 and 145. Proposed i r i l liny/producing is to occur in an active fieid with established air and water travel routes for personnel and supplies. A'1 trips associated with d r i l l i n g will be coordinateJ vith current field production travel needs. Consequently., thsre will be no significant change over the current daily boat and hellccpta" t r i p schedule.

b. Identi. a t i o n of Support Bases and Number and Types of New Workers Mssociated with the Proposed Activity

The support base for the South Timbalier i*»4 and 14F development w i l ; 'je Exxon's existing base 4 '»rand Isle, Louisiana. ' t is ejected that no new pp'-^mel will be required for the co struction, d r i l l i n g or r<ocucing pha^t of this developmenc.

The i n i t i a l OCS Socio :onor.ic Data Base Report is being developed and w i l l b» submitted when avV.l^ble. The MMS and the states of Alabama, Louisiana and /.*'r >iss'ppi are presently identifying the specific pa; <eiers to be addressed in the > semi-annual reports aru will provide guijelines.

c. Idertif- * * o f the Number. Location diid Size j f Any New Suruurl bdr. ' r.ies That Will Need to be Prcvided for the E.r_QP2ed 1 ( t • i t y

i-o rifivi support fa c i l i t i e s w i l l be needed for the proposed ret ivities.

d. Description of Any New Techniques or Unusual Technology That May Affect Coastal Waters

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No new techniques or unusual technology w i l l be used during the a c t i v i t i e s .

I Maps Show ng_L_ .at ion of the Proposed A c t i v i t y in r<el r ..-ji • to Eath . ; t=',e A f fec ted S ta tes ' Coastal Zones

,See Attachment . A c t i v i t i e s w i l l be r e s t r i c t e d to OCS ./water adjacer to the > fai,e o f Louis iana.

f*?ans Proposed to Transport Q j j §n;1 Gas to Shore From the Lease S i t e , the Routes to be T-oi-owed and the Estimated Quanti t ies o f O i l and Gas to be Moved Along Such Routes

Exxon intends to produce through ex i s t i ng p ipe l ines associated w i t h the South T ^ h a l i e r 172 F i e l d , as is discussed in the DO^D. Thc e<o i ' t ed rate of devei opm • t and estimated o r o i d e l i f e are"di ; .c 'u,sed in the DOCD.


Physical and Env ronmcntal

Reference tc pa-, 0 .timbers and/or v i sua ls In the fo l l ow ing discussion p e r t a n to Volume 1 or Volume 2 of the EIS fo r the 1979 OCS Lbose Sale No. 58, respec t i ve 1 } ' , unless noted otherwise.

i. Commercial Fish I. c

South T i m b a l i e r Blocks 144 and 145 l i e approximately 25 naut ica 1 mi les of fshore w * t h water deaths cr ^p rox ima te l y 90 feet dCS G 5604 and OCS-G 5605 contain 5000 acres t , h in Blocks 14rr and 145 -» spec t i ve l y . Visual 5 shows the i l ock t o be n F isher ies Grid No. 14 Where thu m.->st abunda* : wOmmercial takes are Menhad.m, S h n w , and unc lass i f ied i n d u s t r i a l . Tnese f i sher ies and ther f i s h e r i e s in the area ere described on paga I i - 6 6 . Po ten t ia l impacts o f of fshore o i l and yas operat ions on commercial f i she r ies are dis:ussed beginning on page i i I - 3 9 .

?., Shipping

A general d iscuss ion of f r$1§nt t r a f f i c at major Su'.f o f Mexico ports i s p^es> oted in Section I I oi the EIS on p?q ? 11-5/ . A desc r ip t ion o f t r anspo r t a t i on systems in the Louisiana coastal zone is r - . i d e d on page I I - 6 " . blocks I M and 145 ar* rv, , ,z + ed a: being urvjsr or in l i n e r . i th an, v s t i - t sa fe ty I irway. Visual No. 1 shows t i e DlocK t o be located more tr....- 30 m nor th of I ie n e w e s t fa i rway.

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3. . Small Craft Pleasure> Boating. Sport Fish g gnu \ Recreating

•Coastal recreation resources are described ;bfyr ,hir.q on page 11-48 with a section on •. i. reational boating and sport fishing on page 111-53. Visual Mo 4 shows blocks l'-4 and 145 to Ioe far removed fr m natural features a r t i f i c i a l •reefs, or shipwrecks that attract sport fishermen or recreational divers. Potential impacts »#f o i l and gas development in the Gulf of Mex'co on sport fishing v d recreational boating are described on pa.,1 111-35. A description of recreational reso ..es is also giver, on pages 68-70 in USDI 1981

4. Cultural Resources - Known Ar~naeological and Hi coi ic Areas

Visual No. 4 shows no archaeological sites or shipwrecks in South Timbalier Blocks 144 and 145. Impacts of offshore o i l and gas development on historical/cultural values, offfhcre and onshore, are described on page III-38.

5. Eco ogkally Sensitive Features

The Louisiana Coastal Resources Program (LCRP) li s t s two existing special management areas on page 102, the Marsh Island Wildlife Re.'uj- and Game Preserve and the area subject t<. the jurisdiction of the Louisiana Offshore Terminal Authority. South Timbalier Blocks 144 and 145 are approximately 100 miles east of the Marsh Island Refuge and more than 30 miles southwest of the offshore terminal area. Numerous other oi l and gas fa c i l i t i e s are nearer these areas than Blocks 144 and 145. Other potential special management areas discussed in Ihe LCRP (pp. 108-116) are barrier islands, areas of high erosion, wetlands, the Lake Pontchartrain Basin, the Port of New Orleans, special areas of rapid delta growth, and special corridors There are no marine or estuarine san*. Varies iear Blocks 144 and 145.

Existing Pipelines and Cables

The landfalls of the eAisting network of major offshore o i l and gas pipelines are indicated on Visual No. 7. Drilling is to be done fron an sxisting platform with a mobile jack-up r i g . The only existing pi pi irr-.- in the vicinity of dr i l l i n g is associated with the "E" Platform. There is one pipeline leaving the "E" Platform on fie northeast side.

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The probable impact of o i l and gas development on South T imba l ie r Blocks 144 and l4. r w i l l be the increased u t i l i z a t i o n o f the cx'- :_ing p ipe l i nes

•in terms o f u l t ima te throughput .

7. Other Mineral Uses

/There are no known mineral resources, oth?r than ' o i l and/or natura l gas, • be developed on South Timbal ier Blocks i«*4 ar.d 145. Mineral reso->"ces in the form o f fuel w i l l be expended in ca r ry ing out the a c t i v i t i e s descr ibed in the Development Operations Coordinat ion Docjment fo r the Block.

: j . Oi '.an Dumping A r t i v i t i e s

Visual No. 5 . d e n t i f i e s three arge areas approved by the EPA as ocean dumping s i t es in the Gulf o f Mexico. The nearest of these s i t es is i .va ted appr ox imau ly 75 mi les from Blocks 144 P M 145. ocean dutoptng a c t i v i t y w i l l r e s u l t fo'm the proposed de.c i jpment .

9. Endar.c»red o|'JQ»rpatened Species

Ranges o f the Hed Wolf, Brown Pelican and Bald Eagle in the Louisiana coasta l zone are shown on • ? > u a l No. 3. Otner threatened or endangered species found e i t h e r in the coastal zone or on the OCS i n the areas surroundir Blocks 144 and 145 are descr ibed on page 11-41. Po ten t ia l impacts o f o f fshore o i l and gas development on endangered and threatened species are discussed on pages 111-23 (marine mammals, I I I - 24 (marine t u r t l e s ) , and i11-2 5 (other speci ) . B io log i ca l opinions under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act are provided in Appendix J of the EIS. Development nf Blocks 144 anc" 145 under the proposed Plan should not jeopard ize the cont inued existence o f the endangered or threatened species considered i r r e s u l t in des t ruc t i on or mod i f i ca t i on of c r i t i c a l h a b i t a t s .


Requirements f o r manpower in connection w i th the proposed a c t i v i t i e s are presented in Sect ion 2.b of t h i s r e p o i t . No impact on hous ing, services and pub l ic f a c i l i t i e s is jxpected.

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a.' Summary of the Unavoidable Adverse Impacts

Discharge of d r i l l i n g muds ar.d cu t t i ngs and the presence of I the d r i l l i n g H g w i l l adversely a f f e c t marine organisms, / water and a i r q u a l i t y , commercial f i s h i n g and ship ' nav igat ion, as described by USDI (1979, p. V- I through

V - I I I ) . These impacts are temporary, however, and w i l l be l im i ted to an extremely small area in a remote l o c a t i o n . They are j u s t i f i e d by the na t iona l i n t e r st in d iscover ing and developing badly needed reserves of o i l and gas. The a c t i v i t i e s covered by t h i s Plan o f Development should not resu l t in unavoidable impacts on wet lands, c u l t u r a l resources, rec rea t iona l a c t i v i t i e s , shore l ine aes the t i cs , or other land uses.

b. Statement Concerning the Unavoidable Adverse Impacts

None of the environmental consequences expected dur ing normal operat ions should produce s i g n i f i c a n t or cumulat ive adverse environment e f f e c t s . While o i l s p i l l s dur ing d r i l l i n g operat ions are rare (Danenburger, 1976), the p o s s i b i l i t y o f a s p i l l does e x i s t . South T imbal ier Blocks 144 and 145 comprises an area f minimal po ten t i a l adverse impact from a possible o i l s p i l l based on the impact analysis descr ibed in Appendix E. However, the e f f e c t s of a possible o i l s p i l l should have no overa l l cumulat ive or long term e f f e c t on the environment except in the case of possible contaminat ion o endangered marine species, i . e . , t u r t l e s and/or whales, ihe g e o l o g i c a l , a rchaeo log ica l , and environmental surveys ind ica te t ha t there i s no c lea r or present reason not to proceed w i th t h i s Plan of Development for Soiith T imba l ie r Blocks 144 and 145. No s i g n i f i c a n t geo loo icd hazards are present , no c u l t u r a l resources have been detec ted , and no cumulat ive environmental degradat ion should occur i f the proposed Plan is implemented. Withdrawal o f the Plan would r e s u l t in the loss of potent ia l hydrocarbon product ion remaining to be recovered from South t i m b a l i e r Blocks 144 and 145.

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S Department of Commerce (NOAA) and Louisiana Department r f 'Natural Resources 1980. Final Environmental Impact Statement and The Louifsiana Coastal Program. Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, P.O. Box 44396, Baton Rouge. Louistana


U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land M a" a?^ n^ rJ9J?; .

Final Environmental Impact Statement, Proposed 1979 OCS Oil and Gas Lease Sale 58, Western and Central Gulf of Mexico, Vol. 1


and 2. Washington, D.C.

Department o f the I n t e r i o r , Bureau of Land Management 1981. Final Environmental Impact Statement, proposed 1981 OCS O i l and Gas Lease Sales A66 and 66. New Orleans, Louis iana.

Danenberger, E. P. 1976. Oi l S p i l l s , 1971-1975. Gulf of Mexico Outer Cont inenta l Shel f . Geological Survey C i r cu la r 741.

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» The c e r t i f i c a t i o n of consistency of the Plan of Development and Production w i th the Louisiana Coastal Resource Program is based on the fo l lowing f i n d i n g s :

• v a. iThe activities to be carried out under the Plan are

Consistent with the goals and objectives of Act 361 and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder*.

b. The activities will be carried out in compliance with any applicable state laws identified in Appendix I of the LCFP and the implementing regulations promulgated pursuant to such laws.

c. The activities will be carried out in a manner that is consistent with the applicable coastal use guidelines as indicated on the following page.

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The proposed a c t i v i t y w i l l be ca r r i ed out and completed wi th the guarantee pf the ' fo l l ow ing i tems:

1. The best a v a i l a b l e and- safest technologies w i l l be u t i l i z e d throughout the p ro jec t . This includes meeting a l l app l icab le requirements f o r equipment types, general pro jec t l ayou t , safety systems, and equipment and moni tor ing systems.

2. A l l opera t ions w i l l be covered by a MMS-approved o i l s p i l l contingency p l a n .

3. A l l a p p l i c a b l e Federal, State and local requirements regarding a i r emission and water qua l i t y and discharge fo r the proposed a c t i v i t i e s , as wel l as nay other permit cond i t i ons , w i l l be complied w i t h .

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IMAM nr\" * r~' r • • * •




South Timbalier Blocks 144. 145 Area and Block

OCS-G 5604. OCS-G 5605 Lease Number


The proposed activities described in detail in this Plan comply with

Loui siana's approved Coastal Management Program(s) and will be conducted in a

manner consistent with such Program(s).

Exxon Corporation Lessee or Operation

Certifying Official


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Activities n—mii

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