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A Carmelite Community 21689 Toledo Road ● Boca Raton, FL ● 33433 Parish Office:(561) 392-8172 Fax:(561) 362-0845 www.st udeboca.or Email: info@st udeboca.or Monday – Friday 8:30am – 11:30 & 1:00-4:30pm Closed 11:30am-1:00pm Monday – Friday 7:00am and 8:00am Saturday 8:00am and Vigil Mass 5:00pm Sunday 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:00noon, 1:30pm en Español Monday – Saturday 8:30am Anoinng of the Sick Visits to the sick may be arranged by telephoning the parish office. Bapsm Scheduled three mes a month. Detailed infor- maon may be obtained by vising our website stjudeboca.org or calling the church office. Eucharist and Confirmaon Bapzed persons wishing to receive these sacra- ments should contact the Religious Educaon office. Marriage Couples must call the Parish Office at least five months prior to the ancipated wedding date. For further informaon contact the Parish Office or the individual priest assigned to the wedding. Priesthood/Religious Life If you would like to serve God by preaching the Word of Salvaon, by celebrang the Sacraments and by serving those in need, you may have a vocaon to the priesthood. Why not speak to a priest or a sister today or contact the Church Office for more informaon? Reconciliaon Confessions are heard on Saturdays from 8:30am to 9:15am

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A C a r m e l i t e C o m m u n i t y

21689 Toledo Road ● Boca Raton, FL ● 33433

Parish Office:(561) 392-8172 Fax:(561) 362-0845

www.st udeboca.or Email: info@st udeboca.or

Monday – Friday 8:30am – 11:30 & 1:00-4:30pm

Closed 11:30am-1:00pm

Monday – Friday 7:00am and 8:00am

Saturday 8:00am and Vigil Mass 5:00pm

Sunday 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:00noon,

1:30pm en Español

Monday – Saturday


Anoinng of the Sick

Visits to the sick may be arranged by telephoning the parish office.

Bapsm Scheduled three mes a month. Detailed infor-maon may be obtained by vising our website stjudeboca.org or calling the church office.

Eucharist and Confirmaon Bapzed persons wishing to receive these sacra-ments should contact the Religious Educaon office.

Marriage Couples must call the Parish Office at least five months prior to the ancipated wedding date. For further informaon contact the Parish Office or the individual priest assigned to the wedding.

Priesthood/Religious Life

If you would like to serve God by preaching the Word of Salvaon, by celebrang the Sacraments and by serving those in need, you may have a vocaon to the priesthood. Why not speak to a priest or a sister today or contact the Church Office for more informaon?

Reconciliaon Confessions are heard on Saturdays from 8:30am to 9:15am

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Parish MinistriesParish MinistriesParish MinistriesParish Ministries &&&&

Parish OrganizationsParish OrganizationsParish OrganizationsParish Organizations

Altar Servers

Fr. Chris x1003

Bereavement Ministers

Ron Hoekzema 561-362-9897

Bereavement Support Group

Maureen Smith 561-717-4068

Birthline (No Abort) 561-278-0880

Christ Child Society

Eileen Maloney 561-488-3620


Joanne Devoe 561-319-4618

Council of Catholic Women

Karla Heckman 561-715-0201

Cub Scouts

Claudia Conde 561-702-1575

Dads Club

Jamie McMahon 561-756-2230

Edith Stein Lay Carmelites

Lerna A. Awit 954-907-4774

Emmaus English

Jose Rafael Capo´ 561-430-8608

Emmaus English

Beatriz Aguirre de Capo´ 561-289-5036

Emmaus Spanish

Samuel Serfaty 561-404-3150

Emmaus Spanish

Katia Arroyo 561-558-3795

Eucharistic Ministers

Barbara Batchelder 561-391-0919

Filipino-American Community

Amado & Olivia Samson 954-803-0880

Violeta Chiong 561-392-1168

Finance Council Art Mirandi x1054

Girl Scouts

Mary Fiore

Hispanic Community 561-368-3710

Alcira Gonzalez

Home and School Assn

Kimberly Shytle 954-914-0507

Homeless Ministry

Ann Kennedy 954-427-7846

H.O.P.E. Prayer Meeting

Fr. Richard Champigny, O.Carm. x1002

Hunger Program

Bob Giesen 561-394-6306

Journey to Justice

Patricia Torres 561-482-3834

Knights of Columbus

Rick Versace 561-702-3522


Alexander Kraemer 561-846-0334

Nursing Homes

Barbara Batchelder 561-391-0919

Parish Council Judy Yeager [email protected]

R.C.I.A. Fr. John x1001


Sunil Barboza 561-392-8983

Women of Grace

Judy Yeager 561-715-6426

Youth Ministry 561-392-8172

Chris Golas

Fr. Chris Iannizzotto

Welcome to our ParishWelcome to our ParishWelcome to our ParishWelcome to our Parish We invite you to share in our mission

St. Jude Parish is a Catholic Community of God’s People of the Diocese of Palm Beach

located in Boca Raton, Florida, founded in June, 1979. We are a people of diverse

backgrounds and ethnic origins united by God, formed by the Gospels, strengthened by the

Sacraments and the teachings of the Catholic Church.

We seek to deepen our personal union with Jesus Christ and to grow as a faith community.

We seek to enrich our heritage of care and concern for all by sharing God’s love and healing

with the world around us.

Guided by the Holy Spirit, we pledge ourselves to pursue this mission by par)cipa)on in the

liturgical, educa)onal, and social ministries of the Church. We recognize that to be effec)ve,

these ministries require spiritual, physical, and financial resources, and we accept our

responsibility as Chris)an Stewards to provide these resources.

Parish DirectoryParish DirectoryParish DirectoryParish Directory Parish Office: (561) 392-8172 † Parish Fax: (561) 362-0845

Pastor: Rev. John F. Horan, O.Carm. x1001

Parochial Vicars: Rev. Christopher Iannizzo2o, O.Carm. x1003

In Residence/Re:red: Very Rev. Michael T. Driscoll, O.Carm. x1055

Rev. Richard F. Champigny, O.Carm. X1002

Director of Finance Art Mirandi x1054

Director of Development Jay Brandt x1050

Administra:ve Assistant Kelly Graffeo x1022

Recep:onist Erin Weisberg (561) 392-8172

Building & Grounds Daniel Sexton (561) 239-1022

Music Ministry Rosemary Stone x1052

Director of Religious Educa:on Susan Fahey Kessler x1015

School Principal Debbie Armstrong (561) 392-9160

Voca:ons - Carmelites Fr. Francis, O.Carm. (845) 344-2225

Voca:ons - Diocese of PB Fr. Brian Lehnert (561) 775-9500

May 17, 2020 Page 1

May 24, 2020

The Second Collec:on is for

Hunger Program

The Weekly Offertory Collection The Weekly Offertory Collection The Weekly Offertory Collection The Weekly Offertory Collection The Collection for the weekend of

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What great news we received from Bishop regarding the process of reopening our

churches aDer two months of being closed. Let’s apply the Bishop’s direc)ves and

protocols to ourselves here at Saint Jude:

Monday, May 18, the Church will be open for private prayer from 7:30am to

2:30pm. Those who wish to enter the Church are asked to wear a facemask and ob-

serve social distancing prac)ces.

Monday, May 25, we will resume our 8am daily Mass. Church will open at 7:30am

and close at 2:30pm. Again, we ask that you wear a mask during Mass, that you

bring your own personal hand sani)zer, observe social distancing and receive communion in your


Our weekend Mass schedule begins with the 5pm Vigil of Pentecost Mass on Saturday, May 30.

Our Sunday schedule calls for the Church to be opened at 8:30 am and for Masses to be celebrated

at 9am, 11am and in Spanish at 1pm. The Church will be closed aDer the 1pm Mass. These )mes

were chosen in order that the Church can be cleaned and disinfected to the best of our ability. As I

said, if we need to add Masses we will. Let’s see how this schedule works. For the weekend Mass-

es we ask that you wear a mask, observe social distancing, bring personal hand sani)zer and re-

ceive communion in your hand. Everything we are asking is for the common good. Because we

have to observe the established policies regarding the number of people who can gather at one

)me, it is necessary that you go to the parish website and sign up for the Mass you wish to a2end.

If you do not use social media, you can call the Parish office and we will put you on the reserved

list. We are permi2ed to have 200 people a2end each Mass. You will be checked in as you arrive.

Please make sure you use the Toledo Road parking lot, as you will not be able to enter via the

school pathway.

Thank you to all of you who have sent in your weekly offering or, be2er yet, switched to on line

giving. There will be baskets by the lectern to receive your weekly offering. You may deposit it be-

fore or aDer Mass. If you wish to become an on line giver call the Office and Kelly will walk you

through the process.

Remember, the Bishop has liDed the Sunday Mass obliga)on. At this )me, you are not under obli-

ga)on to a2end Sunday Mass. We will con)nue to have the Sunday Mass available on our web-

site. We no longer download the weekday Masses.

I ask for your pa)ence as we go about the process of reopening the Church and resuming the cele-

bra)on of Mass. The enemy of the good is the perfect. This may not be a perfect plan but it is a

good one for now. We are willing to make whatever changes may be needed as they become ap-

parent. Let me know what you think – remember, the common good is our priority.

The Parish buildings (the Gathering Place, gro2o, Mt. Carmel—and its mee)ng spaces and the

office) and our grounds remain closed for gatherings of any kind. The Church is open for private

prayer and daily mass at this )me but not for other forms of public prayer or gatherings of our vari-

ous prayer groups.

With prayer, prudence and pa)ence we move forward! We are all looking forward to seeing you!

6th Sunday of Easter Page 2

From the desk of Fr. JohnFrom the desk of Fr. JohnFrom the desk of Fr. JohnFrom the desk of Fr. John

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May 17, 2020 Page 3

...for those who are sick:

Catherine Arts, Mary Babich, Rosemarie Bates,

Charle Barcelona, John Bodnar, Tommy Boeg-

ler, Betty Cambron, Angela Caraccia, Dr. Vicente Chiong, Joaquin Chu-

maceiro, Dottie Campagnone, Dick Connors, Tara Council, Josephine

DeCandia, Pauline Dimario, Jeanette Donahue, Jacquelyn Donnelley, Bill

Coakley, Bob Fryer, Genie Gibson, Judy Graper, Richone Harris, Virginia

Jansen, Dolly King, Ron King, Don Kost, Ross Licatta, Marnie McGouth,

Tony Manganaro, Tamami Matsuura, Theresa Milio, Jan Miller, Maria

Morales, Jill Moriarity, Eugene O’Hanlon, Dan O’Neil, Marie Pecora, Car-

ol Perrotta, Sal Reale, Randi Shanahan, Francis Shine, Luis Samra, Rich-

ard Scarzella, Carol Switzer, Diane Tuozzolo, Dolores White

...for all those who have died

John Castellano

...for our deployed service members:

Pvt Keith Jason Alvarez in Afghanistan,LT Christopher Anderson,

A.J. Barbaria, Navy, Aaron Basilio, Roy Basis in Afghanistan,

GM1 Vincent Cianciaruso, Kyle DeBrine,

Cpt James England in Afghanistan,Gabriella Fasano, U.S. Navy, serving on

the Aircraft Carrier Theodore Roosevelt

Michael Fink, Navy Seal, Jules Ross Godino, Navy Lt. Jr. SS Pittsburgh,

Cmdr. Derek Murphy in Iraq, Sgt Steven Serrano in Afghanistan,

Deven Foglio, USN, serving overseas

SSgt Ryan Stoker in Afghanistan, SG Jeff Troisi in Iraq,

SGT. Jacob Dayman-Chavira in Iraq

Lord, please hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they

protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless act they perform

for us in our time of need. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord

and Savior. Amen.

**Names stay on the prayer list for approximately 2 months

These special candles will be lit

May 17th to May 23rdMay 17th to May 23rdMay 17th to May 23rdMay 17th to May 23rd Sanctuary CandleSanctuary CandleSanctuary CandleSanctuary Candle

Healing from the Corona Virus St. Therese’s CandleSt. Therese’s CandleSt. Therese’s CandleSt. Therese’s Candle

Healing from the Corona Virus

Mass IntentionsMass IntentionsMass IntentionsMass Intentions


5:00 PM Inten)ons of All St. Jude Parishioners

SUNDAY, May 17

7:30 AM Jack McDonough by

The McMahon family

9:00 AM David Mansoir Sr. by The Mansoir Family

10:30 AM Veronica & Franklin Christman

by Patricia

12:00 PM Rocco Luigi Carriero

by Sarah & Cosmo at Tratoria Nonna

1:30 PM Inten)ons of All St. Jude Parishioners

MONDAY, May 18

7:00 AM Mark Sampson by Debra Landes

8:00 AM Rochelle Halle2 by Mom


7:00 AM Inten)ons of All St. Jude Parishioners

8:00 AM Inten)ons of All St. Jude Parishioners


7:00 AM Florence & Ben Nigro by

The Nigro Family

8:00 AM Inten)ons of All St. Jude Parishioners


7:00 AM Inten)ons of All St. Jude Parishioners

8:00 AM Inten)ons of All St. Jude Parishioners

FRIDAY, May 22

7:00 AM Inten)ons of All St. Jude Parishioners

8:00 AM Inten)ons of All St. Jude Parishioners


8:00 AM Charles Laguerre by The Germinal Family

5:00 PM Vivian Lipscomb by Jennifer Sawtell

SUNDAY, May 24

7:30 AM Inten)ons of All St. Jude Parishioners

9:00 AM Lilian Suglio by Vito Suglio

10:30 AM Thomas Murawski

by Herb & Lore2a Morris

12:00 PM Eva Bove by Lillian Eramo

1:30 PM Inten)ons of All St. Jude Parishioners

Scripture Readings for Scripture Readings for Scripture Readings for Scripture Readings for May 24, 2020May 24, 2020May 24, 2020May 24, 2020

Solemnity of the Solemnity of the Solemnity of the Solemnity of the Ascension of the LordAscension of the LordAscension of the LordAscension of the Lord

Acts 1:1Acts 1:1Acts 1:1Acts 1:1----11;11;11;11; Psalm 47:2Psalm 47:2Psalm 47:2Psalm 47:2----3, 63, 63, 63, 6----7, 87, 87, 87, 8----9;9;9;9;

Ephesians 1:17Ephesians 1:17Ephesians 1:17Ephesians 1:17----23;23;23;23; Matthew 28:16Matthew 28:16Matthew 28:16Matthew 28:16----20202020

Global Catholic Network (EWTN) available on:

Ch 243 Comcast ~ Ch 562 U-Verse ~

Ch 261 Dish network.

Daily Mass at 8:00am, noon, 7:00pm and midnight;

Rosary at 7:30am, 11:30am, 3:30pm and 9:30pm;

Divine Mercy at 3:00pm;

Stations every Friday at 2:30pm.

Diocese of Palm Beach’s

Sunday morning Mass airs at 10:30am CW34:

Ch 4/435 Comcast; Ch 4/1004 U-Verse; Ch 4 Dish

Let us Let us Let us Let us pray...pray...pray...pray...

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6th Sunday of Easter Page 4

In our parish...

“Holy Spirit, inspire me. Love of God, consume me.

Along the true road, lead me.”

Bl. Mary of Jesus Crucified

Christ with the Father has sent to us the Spirit to guide us in

the freedom of love. May our hearts always grow in the

Spirit’s love. Is God calling you to grow in holiness as a Car-

melite Friar? Contact the Voca)on Office at 845-344-2225 or

email: voca)[email protected]

"Dear brothers and sisters, Indifference, self-

centeredness, division and forgeUulness are not

words we want to hear at this )me. We want to ban

these words forever. They seem to prevail when

fear and death overwhelm us, that is, when we do

not let the Lord Jesus triumph in our hearts and lives." Pope

Francis' 2020 Easter Message

Challenge Ques)on: The opposite of the words Pope Francis

lists above are: Care, selflessness, unity, and thoughUul-

ness. How have I embraced these values during this Easter Sea-

son and this Season of Pandemic, so that I can bring the Hope

of the Risen Christ to the world?

Diocesan Prayer for God’s Protection in the face of the Coronavirus Pandemic

Loving and gracious God, as in all times, we turn to You and implore Your protection and healing as we face a new threat to our health and peaceful well-being in the coro-navirus pandemic before us. Help us to be united with each other and with all of our brothers and sisters around the world af-fected by this illness. We pray for all those in the medical field who are assisting pa-tients and in the field of science who are discerning a cure, as well as for all govern-ment leaders. Remember those who, through this virus, have passed from this life as well as their families in their loss.

At this time of fragile uncertainty, we also humbly implore You to grant us prudence, hope, courage and patience. Dispel from us fear, panic and distrust which disrupt us in spirit to the detriment of our well-being.

We make our prayer in the name of your beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who always cured those who were sick with various diseases and drove out many de-mons. Our Lady, Patroness of our Diocese, Queen of the Apostles and Comforter of the Afflicted, pray for us, Amen.


In an overabundance of cau:on due to the COVID-19 Virus,

Mt. Carmel Hall will be CLOSED. During that :me, the church

office will remain open for any emergency needs. Our mainte-

nance staff will be administering a deep cleaning throughout

the en:re building, including all areas where group gather.

For more informa:on please visit our website stjudeboca.org

While the faithful are dispensed from the

Sunday obliga)on, we are reminded by

Bishop Barbarito of our Spiritual Communion

to the liturgy, and that we can view daily and

Sunday Mass through various online means.

Please visit stjudeboca.org to watch daily and

Sunday masses.

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May 17, 2020 Page 5

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6th Sunday of Easter Page 6

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May 17, 2020 Page 7

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6th Sunday of Easter Page 8


The hec)c pace of family life can oDen mean that prayer gets lost in the shuffle. Here are five

simple, prac)cal )ps to encourage families to pray more oDen:

1. When you rise from bed, get down on your knees

Try this method for Morning Prayer: Put your bedroom slippers or shoes far under your bed at

the end of the day. Each morning, while on your knees retrieving your footwear, say a quick

prayer offering the whole day to God.

2. Communicate with God whenever you climb into the car

Many families spend a whole lot of their )me in the family vehicle. As you buckle up, say a

quick prayer that you will be aware of God’s presence in your day. Have your kids “google” a

prayer for traveling.

3. Place a prayer jar in the kitchen

Keep a jar in the kitchen in which each family member, each day, places a note lis)ng a “special

inten)on” that others in the family can pray for. Before each family member goes to bed, he or

she pulls a note from the jar and prays for that need.

4. Fold your hands before you unfold your


Before each meal, take a few moments to

thank the One who provides all that you

need and blesses you with the lives of those

around the table. Try mixing up rote prayers

with spontaneous prayers, silent prayers

with sung prayers.

5. Pray when people or events upset you

If you want a sure-fire way to pray more each day, make a habit of saying a short prayer when-

ever someone irritates you. A quick “Help me, God” is sufficient. You’ll never run out of oppor-


Is anyone among you suffering? He should pray. Is anyone in good spirits? He should sing praise.

James 5:13

Peace be with you!

Miss Susan

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May 17, 2020 Page 9

CAMPO ALEGRE For nearly four decades, the two session Campo Alegre has been a cri)cal program to promote and maintain academic

and social skills among under-served children. Each year, we have sought to iden)fy and employ best prac)ces for the

benefit of our children. This year, we will face unprecedented challenges. We have responded by drawing up con)ngency

plans for one of two possible scenarios.

We know that the Palm Beach County School District will not make a school site available to us this year. So we will not

be able to have a “normal” camp.

If we are no longer prac)cing social distancing in June, we will run two parallel “mini-camps” at (1.) In the Pines South

in Delray Beach, and (2.) In the Pines North in Boynton Beach. With two camps rather than one, our staffing needs will be

greater, and we will need to raise addi)onal funds.

If we are s)ll prac)cing social distancing, so that no tradi)onal camp ac)vi)es will be possible, we will con)nue online

learning programs, and we will provide virtual “field trips” and similar ac)vi)es to create a different form of the social

and cultural programs that have been such a cri)cal part of the Campo Alegre experience. This will also require addi)onal

staff to ensure students are able to keep up with the online programs.

Thank you and God bless you for your ongoing support of the Farmworkers Childrens Center, Inc. With your help, we

can turn this crisis into a uniquely effec)ve experience for our children.

Please make checks out to Campo Alegre, and send contribu)ons directly to Farmworkers Childrens Center, inc., at 130

Island Drive, Ocean Ridge, FL 33435, A2n. Mrs. Donna Goray.

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