daff brochure rev. 3

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  • 8/18/2019 Daff Brochure Rev. 3


    DAFFTrading & Oil Services


    ngineering Arabia

  • 8/18/2019 Daff Brochure Rev. 3


  • 8/18/2019 Daff Brochure Rev. 3


    Chairman Message

    Daf … Engineering Arabia

    Founded in 1981 a mere ten years after the Establishment of the UAE, Da started itsengineering business mainly in Oil & Gas, P!er Generatin, "ater & "aste"ater Treatment Plants, plus #ED #ighting Pr$ects% and Electrical "rs.

    Sine then, Da has been gro!ing steady aiming to be a strategi partner in thesustainable de"elopment of the ountry.

     #he greatest hallenge no! is the demand for sustainability and energyonser"ation. At Da !e aim to be at the heart of oering inno"ati"e solutions. $e!areas !e are loo%ing into inlude rail!ays, po!er generation, smart grids and

    general sustainability& onser"ation pro'ets.

    At Da !e loo% to!ards the future !ith limitless opportunities bringing Arabia thelatest tehnologial de"elopments and applying them in our solutions.

    'hal(an hali(a Dar!ish Al Ma)r*ieChairmanDAFF Gr*+

  • 8/18/2019 Daff Brochure Rev. 3


    Cm+an, Pr-le

    DAFF Gr*+ !as founded in 1981 a mere ten years after the establishment ofthe UAE, Da started its engineering business mainly in Oil & Gas% P!erGeneratin% "ater and "aste "ater treatment Plants, plus #ED #ightingPr$ects% and Electrical "rs.

     #oday DAFF (roup onsists of t!o ompanies)DAFF Trading & Oil Services Est. as a "endor for E*uipment Supplies and FieldSer"ies for the +il (as, -ater -aste -ater, o!er (eneration, and /ndustrialAppliations.DAFF Electrmechanical Est.  as ontrator for Eletromehanial ro'ets for-ater -aste !ater /ndustry, 0ED 0ightening ro'ets, and Eletrial distribution!or%s for 0&2.

    At DAFF, !e strongly belie"e that readily a"ailable ser"ies and %no!ledge ofloal onditions are essential prere*uisites for 3e4ible and prosperous ustomerrelationships. #his belief is strengthened by our lose ties !ith the industry. DAFFhas a poliy of in"ol"ing manufaturers and prinipals in the loal mar%etingproess to enhane produt redibility5 thus Partnershi+ Mareting/.

    DAFF has an e4eedingly *uali6ed team of 2ar%eting Field engineers !hoatually arry out Sales Ser"ies and oer tehnial ad"ie to lients. -e

    proudly emphasi7e our ommitment to ahie"e ultimate ustomer satisfation.+ur team relentlessly tries to impro"e the ompanys ser"ies and standards.

     #hrough monitoring the region !e notied a "ast demand for produts andser"ies suh as those represented by DAFF. eali7ing the opportunities aroundus, !e made a strategi deision to e4pand our net!or% of ser"ies out of ourtraditional boundaries !ithin the Emirates into the booming mar%ets inneighboring ountries in the 2iddle East. :onse*uently, !e adopted the mottoEngineering Arabia/.

    /n this summari7ed pro6le you !ill also ome aross a brief e4planation of DAFF

    Eletro 2ehanial Est., a ompany !e established in 199; to eret !ater and!aste !ater treatment plants, pumping stations, 0ED lightning pro'ets and otherEletro 2ehanial pro'ets. #hese pro'ets are mostly designed and onstrutedby inorporating produts of prinipal ompanies represented by DAFF #rading


  • 8/18/2019 Daff Brochure Rev. 3


    Cm+an, Pr-le cnt…

    DAFF is erti6ed !ith 1SO 23345 6337) =uality 2anagement System, around >?years of e4periene in operating on a *uality system. Daf  is also attained T8ACE 5 Anti 9 :riber, Certi-cate ;

  • 8/18/2019 Daff Brochure Rev. 3


    O*r Activities5

    Trading Agencies% 8e+resentatin% and Distrib*tin (r5

    •  umps, al"es, :ompressors, /nstruments, #urbo E4panders,Flaring Systems, and ressure essels eat E4hangers forOil & Gas 1nd*str,.

    •  umps, 2i4ers Agitators, al"es, ensto%s, /nstruments,-ater #reatment lants for "ater & "aste "ater 1nd*str,%and M*nici+alit,.

     •  o!er (eneration Systems, Eletrial Supplies, 0ED 0ighting for  Electricit, and #ighting Pr$ects.

    •  0( $on E4plosi"e :omposite :ylinders for #PG Gas Distrib*tin.

    Maintenance Services and S+are +arts (r all *r s*++lies.

    Organi)atin Chart5






    1>ST8TAT1O>% #1G=T1>G &





    G ET

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  • 8/18/2019 Daff Brochure Rev. 3


    Cm+an, Divisins 

     #hroughout our years of e4periene and the !ealth of lientele, DAFF trading hassought out to stream line its main ser"ie hannels. DAFF oers a !ide range ofproduts and in order to better ser"e lients and further ulti"ate the "arious industriesser"ied, the follo!ing si4 di"isions emerged)

     8tating EB*i+ment Divisin5• :entrifugal umps• eiproating umps• Submersible umps• Air +perated Diaphragm A+DG umps• roess umps• rogressi"e :a"ity umps• iston lunger umps• ositi"e Displaement umps• #urbo E4panders• :ompressors• 2i4ers Agitators

    ?alves & Cntrl ?alves Divisin5•  Hall al"es•  :ho%e al"es•  Hutter3y al"es•  (ate al"es•  Inife al"es ensto%s•  :ontrol al"es•  igh /ntegrity ressure rotetion System

      /SG•  Eletri, ydrauli neumati Atuators•  DeSuper eater


    1nstr*mentatin Divisin5• 0e"el 2easuring /nstruments• 0e"el #ransmitters• olume 2easuring /nstruments• Flo! 2easuring /nstruments +pen :hannel onlyG• #hermoouples• #emperature Sensors•

     #emperature -ire :ables• #emperature :onnetors• #emperature /nstrumentation and :alibrations.• ressure 2easuring /nstruments• ressure S!ithes• ressure (auges• ressure #ransmitters


  • 8/18/2019 Daff Brochure Rev. 3


    Cm+an, Divisins cnt…

    Flaring S,stem Divisin5• Flaring System• roess Hurners• Hoiler Hurners• Dut Hurners• Flare Hurners• #hermal burners• Flare (as eo"ery Systems• apor :ontrol #ehnology

    Static EB*i+ment Divisin5•  ressure essels

    •  Fle4i :ho%e Units•  Sphere Storage #an%s•  F:: Units

    #ED #ights & Electrical S*++lies Divisin5• 0ED E4roof lightings•

     0ED !eatherproof lighting• 0ED street lighting.• 0ED mobile lighting.• o!er :ables• +shore J 2arine :ables• (eneral Eletrial Supplies.

      #PG Cm+site C,linderDivisin5

    • :omposite $on E4plosi"e 0( :ylinders

  • 8/18/2019 Daff Brochure Rev. 3


    DAFF Princi+al Cm+anies /n addition, DAFF has E4lusi"e Ageny Agreements !ith industry giants, !hih positionus a %ey supplier !ith a uni*ue produt oering in the ountry. 

    MAG>ET8O# 1>TE8>AT1O>A# USA, HE0(/U2G www.magnetrol.com

    roduts)  0e"el 2easuring /nstruments, olume 2easuring /nstruments, Flo! 2easuring/nstruments +pen :hannel onlyG

    Appliations) :rude +il proessing /ndustry , $atural (as rodution roessing,etroleum e6ning, $ulear o!er, o!er (eneration, :hemial /ndustry, ene!able

    Energy, -ater And -aste -ater /ndustry


     O=> 1>' 1>TE8>AT1O>A# USA, 0UKE2H+U(G www.johnzink.com

    roduts)  Hurners, Flare Systems, Flare (as eo"ery, apor :ontrol, and #hermal+4idation.


    ydroarbon roessing, :hemial etrohemial, +il (as E4ploration rodutionand (as Distribution & ipelines, 2ar%eting #erminals & Storage0and6ll -aste!ater, o!er (eneration, Ethanol /ndustry,2etal (eneral /ndustriesAnd 2arine /ndustry

  • 8/18/2019 Daff Brochure Rev. 3


    Daf Princi+al Cm+anies ontLG

    1TT GO

  • 8/18/2019 Daff Brochure Rev. 3


    Daf Princi+al Cm+anies ontLG

    C=EM1>EE8 UIG 


    roduts) 2i4ers Agitators

    Appliations) -ater & -aste!ater, Flue (as Desulfuri7ation, :orn -et 2illing, +il (as,Ethanol & Hio Diesel, ulp aper, olymer & lastis, :hemial, Fermentation, Hio

     #ehnology, 2ineral roessing, (eneral Appliations.

    8AM P

  • 8/18/2019 Daff Brochure Rev. 3


    DAFF Princi+al Cm+anies cnt.

    P81CE P@  USAG www.pricepump.com

    roduts) /ndustrial Air +perated Diaphragm umps A+DG, :entrifugal umps

    Appliations ):hemials and petroleum, marine, glass, paper, airraft, automoti"e and steel.

    Appliations for :entrifugal) hillers, !ater, sol"ents, deioni7ed !ater, al%aline solution,boosters, A:, oolants, hemials, aids, glyols, + systems, 6ltration & ultra6ltration


    T=E8MO E#ECT81C 1>ST8TAT1O> :.?. $E#E0A$DG www.thermo-electric.nl

    roduts) #emperature Sensors, #hermoouples, #emperature -ire :ables, #emperature:onnetors, #emperature /nstrumentation and :alibrations

    Appliations)  :rude +il proessing /ndustry , $atural (as rodution roessing,etroleum e6ning, $ulear o!er, o!er (eneration, :hemial /ndustry, ene!able

    Energy, Food He"erages /ndustry, -ater !aste -ater /ndustry, 0ife Siene /ndustry.

    8AGASCO AS$+-AG www.ragasco.com

    roduts)  $onE4plosi"e 0ight -eight :omposite 0( ylinders

    Appliations)Domesti 0( :ylinders, +il and gas distributors, assenger ar +E2s :ity busmanufaturers.

    =eagn 8agasc is the !orlds leading produer of omposite 0( ylinders !ith around9 million units in ommerial use around the !orld


  • 8/18/2019 Daff Brochure Rev. 3


    DAFF Princi+al Cm+anies ont.G

    COPES;?% SPH ?A#?ES & CO>T8O#S UIG www.copes.com

    roduts) (eneral Ser"ie :ontrol al"es., DeSuper heaters For Hoilers.

    Appliations) +il (as, o!er, roess and $ulear /ndustries.

    8O:E8T CO8T & SO> #TD. UIG www.robertcort.co.uk 

    roduts) :H? #runnion 2ounted Hall al"es, pipeline gate "al"es and ressure rotetionSystem SG.

    Appliations)+il (as, o!er, roess and $ulear /ndustries. Flo! lines, manifolds, pipelinetransmission and distribution, pressure regulation and metering runs, underground storage,!ater 3ood and general pipeline ser"ie in onshore, oshore and subsea loations. obert:ort al"es an also be used as sphere launhers or reei"ers !hen 6tted !ith a spherelo% ball.


  • 8/18/2019 Daff Brochure Rev. 3


    Daf Princi+al Cm+anies :ontLG

    E.1.M. TEC=S CO8PO8AT1O> TAA$G www.eimpump.co.jp

    roduts) Submersible umps, Submersible 2otors, !ith apaities up to ?OO %-

    Appliations) Se!age, Solid Se!age, -aste -ater lants, (eneral Drainage, /ndustrialUse and 2ining

    1DESA SA/$G www.idesa.net 

    roduts) Fluid :atalyti :ra%ing F::G, ressure essels , refabriation of Sphere,+-F Foundations , Storage #an%s , roess 2odules & S%id Drums Separators ,Autola"es, eat E4hangers , eators :olumns , :o%e Drums

    Appliations)  ude +il proessing /ndustry , $atural (as rodution roessing,etroleum e6ning, $ulear o!er, o!er (eneration, :hemial /ndustry, ene!ableEnergy, -ater !aste -ater /ndustry, 0ife Siene /ndustry.

    8O::1>S & ME@E8S UIG www.robbinsmyers.com

     roduts) rogressi"e :a"ity umps, Sludge umps, 2ultiphase systems, Se!age(rinders, 2aerator and :ontrols

    Appliations) do!nhole pumps for rude oil reo"ery and gas !ell de!atering, tubing

    !ear pre"ention solutions inluding tubing rotators, rod guides, and rod rotators thatprotet !ell tubing and rods, !ellhead e*uipment for ontrolling oil and gas 3o!,losure produts for pipeline aess, "al"es and line blinds for 3o! ontrol forhori7ontal and diretional drilling appliations.

  • 8/18/2019 Daff Brochure Rev. 3


    DAFF Princi+al Cm+anies ont.G



  • 8/18/2019 Daff Brochure Rev. 3


    Daf Princi+al Cm+anies cnt…

    S=A>G=A1 1>S E#ECT81C CO.% #TD. :/$AG www.qinsun.com

    roduts) 0ED E4roof lightings, 0ED !eatherproof lighting, 0ED streetlighting, 0ED mobile lighting.

    Appliations) :rude +il proessing /ndustry , $atural (as rodution roessing, etroleume6ning, $ulear o!er, o!er (eneration, :hemial /ndustry, ene!able Energy, Food He"erages /ndustry, -ater !aste -ater /ndustry, 0ife Siene /ndustry.

    O8:1>OH SA/$G www.orbinox.com

    roduts) Inife (ate al"es Up #o Dn 1;OOG, al"es For ydrauli -or%sHonneted gate, Fi4edone "al"e, adial gate, oller gate, Double eentri butter3y "al"eG, ensto%s,DampersUp #o Dn ;?OO & R?O Degree :G,

    Appliations) Inife (ate al"es) ulp aper, o!er lants, -aste!ater #reatment lants,:hemial lants, Food He"erage, Hul% andling, 2ining (en. /ndustries.

    'OC= MEM:8A>E S@STEMS USAG www.kochmembrane.com 

    roduts) Ultra Filtration 2embrane roduts #arga, uron, ulsion, :omplete a%ageSolutionsG Appliations) +il (as, :hemial etrohemial, 2uniipal -ater, 2uniipal -aste!ater,/ndustrial

  • 8/18/2019 Daff Brochure Rev. 3


    Daf Princi+al Cm+anies cnt…


  • 8/18/2019 Daff Brochure Rev. 3


    O*r Clients

    DAFF has been trusted by most prestigious organi7ations in the UAE as their hosen supplierof tehnial e*uipment. DAFFBs name is a seal of *uality on e*uipment installed on thenations +il (as giants, regional eletriity and !ater authorities in addition to "ariousmuniipal and agriultural !or%s. -hether it is the pri"ate or the go"ernment setor, DAFFhas poised itself as a %ey player in the mar%et. Some of our lients are)

    O1# A>D GAS5• Abu Dhabi $ational +il :ompany AD$+:G• Abu Dhabi (as /ndustries 0imited (AS:+G• Va%um De"elopment :ompany VAD:+G• Abu Dhabi +il e6ning :ompany #AIEEG• Abu Dhabi (as 0i*uefation :o. 0td. AD(ASG• Abu Dhabi olymers :ompany H++U(EG• Abu Dhabi :ompany for +nshore +il +perations AD:+G• Abu Dhabi 2arine +perating :ompany AD2A+:+G• u!ais Fertili7er /ndustries FE#/0G• $ational Drilling :ompany $D:G• Hundu* +il roduing :ompany HU$DU=G• Emirates $ational +il :ompany E$+:G GO?E8>ME>T5• Abu Dhabi 2uniipality• Dubai 2uniipality• Shar'ah 2uniipality• A0 Ain 2uniipality• Abu Dhabi -ater and Eletriity Authority AD-EAG• Dubai -ater Eletriity Authority DE-AG• Shar'ah -ater Eletriity Authority• Al Ain -ater Eletriity Authority• 2inistry of Defense• Abu Dhabi Sea ort Authority

    EPC CO>T8ACTO8S5• :H /• #E:$/• $::• E#+FA:• 2E#/#+• E#+$AS•

     +SE• F0+U• #E:#+$• E#E:+ roess Systems• DES:+$ Engineering• :ontrol Appliation Emirates• Amana :ontrating• Al yum :ontrating :ompany• T ay 2Dermott

  • 8/18/2019 Daff Brochure Rev. 3


    DAFF Electr Mechanical Est. DAFF E#ECT8OMEC=A>1CA# EST.  is a turn%ey ompany established in Abu Dhabi sine199O by Eng. Ihalfan Ihalifa Al 2a7rouie.

    Daf Electrmechanical  has a team of !idely e4periened professionals in Engineering,

    rourement, /nstallation, #esting, :ommissioning and 2aintenane of "arious industrialpro'ets suh as +peration and 2aintenane for 0ighting Street, #unnels, and Hridges0ightingG, otable !ater pumping station, /rrigation pumping stations, Se!erage pumpingstation, Storm !ater, and se!erage treatment plant to "arious /ndustrial standards.

    Apart from abo"e ati"ities, Daf Electrmechanical  is also in"ol"ed in general buildingmaintenane for all types of buildings. -e are a midsi7e organi7ation !ith good Engineering%no!ho! an ta%e any pro'et on turn%ey basis !ith CSingle Soure esponsibility frompro'et ineption to ompletion by employing a team of multidisiplinary, highly s%illedEngineering rofessionals, e*uipped !ith neessary engineering tools hard!are tounderta%e the design e4eution of most di@ult tas%s to utmost lients satisfation.

    DAFF  suess is based on the /ntegrity, onesty attention to minutest detail and itsmission to E4el in performane and to ma%e ustomer employees proud to be assoiated!ith us.DAFF  is one of the !ellestablished ser"ie pro"iders of Street 0ighting Ser"ie. +ur oeredser"ie is a"ailable at minimal prie plan and rates. #he oered ser"ie is arried out, by theindustry e4perts of the trade. +ur oered ser"ie is "ery omprehensi"e, o!ing to the fullo"erage of pole installation and able onnetion.

    eently, DAFF has done pro'ets in on'untion !ith A:< D=A:1 MC1PA#1T@ for thereplaement of on"entional lights !ith 0ED for all bridges, underpasses, tunnels andassoiated failities inside Abu Dhabi :ity.

     Daf Electrmechanical is a service +rvider (r5 • 2ehanial :ontrating Failities umping StationsG.• Eletrial /nstallation :ontrating 2 & 0G.• 0ighting ontrating inluding 0ED $ormal &E4plosion roofG 0ighting.• +peration 2aintenane for umping Stations.• +peration 2aintenane for +utdoor 0ighting.• (eneral 2aintenane for all types of Huildings.• :ommerial eletri6ation.• /ndustrial eletri6ation.• /nstrumentations & :ontrol Systems for umping Stations.


  • 8/18/2019 Daff Brochure Rev. 3


    DAFF T8AD1>G & O1# SE8?1CES EST. 

    P. O. : >. IJ22 Ab* Dhabi%