chroniclingamerica.loc.govdaily commercial bal timo re, mp. boani oftrade. commit'- '*...

DAILY COMMERCIAL BAL TI MO RE, MP. Boani of Trade. Commit'- '* '' 'ion for November ; OKfl. V*'. IbIWXKD, ' ?fOHV R. COX. .1. J. Ann. IH.IMS. R- R. KIRKI.ANH, .1. C. Barrv. COMMERCIAL RECORD SaSosat ll*Baltimore Stock Board. November 11, 1865. FIRST P.OARD. American Gold. ,J Bare Ilill Min. Co. ?;) ... 146?-H 590shs blO :M 5.000 ... r7 al 500shs ... b3O 2.15 1". 5.7-30'. . Pennsylvania Oil Co. ] ()?) ... 2d series 96% 500shs ... .5-5 200...miseries 90S 500shs .55 Bait. &Ohio R. b*ds. j 500shs ... .55 i 000 . . H5 99%! 1,000 shs ... .55 'BS Mi. and < in. K. b*ds. 1 ">'K)shs ... b3O .00 85 i 500 shs ... .50 Franklin Bank. [Amer'n Gas Coal Co. 45, its 12 i 509 shs ... .70 Baltimore &Ohio R. I 9 shs ... .80 \u25a0?-lis 112 (Lake Chrome Co. Bare Hill Min. Co. I l.OOOshs ... .15 an*si l - ... 1)30 2.10 , 500shs ... .15 -noshs ... b3O 2.10 500shs ... .15 ?uMis ... b3O 2.10 500shs ... .15 500shs ... 2.JO| prices of Stocks and Rends in New York BY TELEGRAPH. b>> Leonard ./. f* Co., Stock and HW Jirokern, No. 22 South Street. November 11. 1805. To-day. Y'esterday. Yesterday* Ist Board 21 Board o P. M. I. S. Coupons, 1881 105% 1051, l 5.5-2 M 101)4 IQVA V. S. 1 year Certificates "7 . M 1165 146 5 Tennessee o's 85 85 N' nth Carolina CV 83 %i -ouri 6 s 76' i 7 * Canton Company 43% 44% 44% Cumberland 12'1 4'. 45', Quicksilver 47V* I s New York Centra! 96% ''s'. 96% Kric 92% 03 92% Krie Preferred s 3 Hudson. 106% luo% 1"7 Heading Ill'i 115% 115 Michigan Central li ll - ; Michigan Southern 7 v % 76) % 7 ? Illinois Central 1.14 I H Cleveland and, Pittsburg.. 94 H - , 95 Chicago and N". Western.. 33 3! ! _. 33% " Preferred... 6V 7 6V H Cleveland and Tob do 1"2) lol Chicago and Rock lslatid..lo4' ? l'#>! 1 106' 1 Mil.and PrairieduChicxi.l ff Fort Wayne P's% P ? i 10:i, Alton and Torre Haute... ts' 1 16 Ohio and Miss. Cert Tone of Market Irreg'r. Steady Ilea *v. SATCRDAY, NOV. 11th? P. M. Stocks wer* inacti\ e again to-day, and the market ; a whole was heavy. Cold sold at 146*6, a decline j ,on the cluing ale of yesterday; but the trail : 'tions iu it were insignificant, the rales embracing only "no lot of S2OO and anolln 1 < f $5,(8(0. Government -ccuvitic- arc dull, and the market for tlieni continues depressed: jfs were weaker than on yesterday, first issue being offered at 101 %. with only 101 1 1 bid, and third i uc closed ut 'l*3-3 bid, l**l asked. One <rl wo Jots of 7-30V. wen- .!d at 90% for second, and 96 1 t for third cries, -econd series doing sit 90) 1 bid. 96ashed. Si.vcsof lssl closed at 105-,, bid, 106 asked. One Year Certificates at .'7 bid, and ln-40's at 91 bid, 92 a>ked. There was nothing done in State or City O's, but these stocks were -feady at about previous iJiotn - tions. l'or Railroad bond* there \vn> a iittlc inquiry, and sales were made oi Baltin: -v r and Ohio 18*"'s at V'C- 99%, an,j ?j a (~? ~f ?Jarietta and Cincin- nati bond* at 85. For Northern Central HBs's 83 was idd. Northwestern Virginia Hi -1 mortgage closed at 98 bid, and Central Ohio lir-t mortgage at bid. ? Railroad shares w-n very quiet. the<mly sale being one of two shares Baltimore and Ohio at -612. We notice a sale of 15 shares li iuklin Bank at sl3. In the miscellanrous list bminc** was small, and Mining Stock.-were jrcneraMv l'\ver. Bare Ilill de- clined jOct*.. llbur at 2.15, and l'ennsj'lvauin Oil 5 ets., selling at ( -j . -,r-h, and ?''(> els., buyer and closing at ? ets. bil. 60 el-, a.-ke 1 regular way. Bake Chroiuc, the only other ofihe mining in wiii- h there was any busines* of eonseuuence done, was higher, 2,506 share selling at i > el -. Bankers' and Brokers' Telegraph was -juilc lira-, v. only Sin being bid for it?) ? a dollar lc - than v a- bid yesterday,but Fanta Clara was stronger, closing at Fll' i bid, FJ3 asked. For Ball imorcGa.-< i.ight Company;B2<H) was lid again to-day, with no sellers, and sl2l was bid for Baltimore and Cuba Fine!ting Company. The demand for money has for a day or two pa t been very active, and it is much more difficult to ne- gotiate paper than it was a week ago. First class paper passes at 9 per cent, which, however, i- the minimum rate for the very best, but .-01110 very good paper is being placed at 10 per emit Second class io uiiueult of negotiation at any rate, lmt none will ' ich it under 12per cent. Call loans 011 prime col- laterals can still be made at 7 per cent. The Third .National Bank of tlii - it;, has declared a dividend o! five per cent. 011 the old stock, and of three percent. 011 the new or increased capital, free of all taxation, payable 011 and alter the l'.ih inst. Tn New fork the stock market is depressed, hut there is rather le-s disposition to make forced sales. Governments arc steady, except l'l-in's and 7:."V, v hi. h are rather lower. Railroad shares 011 Satur- day opened heavy and Ih. ud steady, liock Island. Northwest, and Fort Wayne being the weakest, and Reading and Michigan Southern the strongest on the list. The New York L'r- ni.i,7 r - i Saturday says: \\ all street hows i.iilur {? - .<(' depression to-day, 1 ? vague apjiivin i -i"U -.1 tringeucy in uiomy lov.ers the tone - ' eoniidenee among capitalist , while the uocc-sitic. nicrcl. uiis and others wh< have loaded thcnisclve beyond their means with government and tlier sovurilie can-ed an increased dispo.-,;i' !i to -ell. which unfa?.oralily affects nuotn- 1 tiu . The ' an i.;ark't i< active a! 7 perc iit. l'here i- een-iderai.!,- inquiry l'or mone\. but le.-.- strin- j g k y than ye terday. Commer* paper pa*--es at s <" !, t with little demand and a iuil supply. The same paper says: V. c arc informed that to-day the Eric Railway has paid off "lie-half ei tin- sum "t' FI.W'.UOU. borrowed in January of Mr. Ibew, and have received from him one-half oi the 28,(KM) shares then hypothecated, 'i 1: \u25a0 ( "ir.pany. it is -aid. do not contemplate selling ilf- *toek below par. The funds for this morning's payment Luncheon derived from the recent English ian of i7l,t>oo.iHJi), negotiated in Bondon with Messrs. ./. S. Morgan Y Co., .Sterne Brothers and J. T. Mac- kenzieon7 per cent, convertible sterling bonds.? These bonds were negotiated at 67 and 69, and bring iu about 110 in currency at too present rate of ex- change. The anticipation is that in a few day- the Company will pay off the balance and receive from Mr. Brow the remaining 1J.OOU shares The same paper say.-: Wc learn that the National Bankers l.xprcss Company is now fully organized, witu a sub-jibed capital often million- of dollars. , A board of trustees has been chosen, and a meeting I of the Executive Committee was held at the Ft. j Nicholas yesterday, to perfect the working details of the organization. It was then decided that an office lor transaction of the general business of the compa- ny should be immediately opened in this city, and that under arrangements now perfecting, lines l'ur the transaction of a general express business should soon be in operation in all the northern States. The total imports at New York for the week com- pare as follows: Weekend Nov. 9. Nov. 2. Get. 26. Oct. VX Dry goods *2.771,5U3 >2.(115. 915 .53,137,226 >3,403,652 ' Gen. liid.-c 2,102.853 3,359,7.3.8 1,886,144 '2.709.225! Total $6,174,656 .$5,875,138 $5,023,370 $6,112,877 1 he New York imports of dry goods compare as fol- lows with former returns: For the week. 1862. 18;j. 1865. Entered at the port. :?'957.68M -l.' i 52.771,511.; Thrown 011 market 914,916 988*589 ?**435!77H Since Jan. Ist. 1863. llkVl. "**1865. l.iitered at (ho port .. . < 855.3iH,5i,2 $69,163,031 $73,185,467 J hrown 011 market. . 5(;,|f2,6Vi 68,801,675 77,581,269 At New York foreign exchange closed weak for tlio 1 r/"S \u25a0! l a ' ,i! ' 'toymen bomlon are quoted at L, v-t hr documentary: 107 1 -.0/ for eommei - r'i for bankers: (10. at short sisht, ' - V" d,lVs '- ; < short ll* tt;' 0-"' t;.y n<wrp. Swiss 5.21 ? : iliiDihurr. ?,> Aui-tonhuii, lo.V; 1 taiikl'jrt to 4ii' s: Rroiueii, 7S"'. Ts I J'nissian Ihalers.To'iwTl 1, ? J "' Ui S|..a-i(. the Snx.iniii take- out SIIT.INHI and tlio ity ol Boston SISO.UOU, innkiiis a tottil of ij>l'.<7,t)oli. Balliittorr Mnrliots. Xvvcinbrr 11, IStlo. (OH El',?l litre ha been hut little inquiry lo day lor ( offee, and wc have no sales to report. Uoscc no change to note in the condition of the . vr ' h", 1"!" 1 "' to quote as follows, viz: Rio u',- cts gold lor common to fair, and 21122 ets gold for good to itrimc: l.aguayra at 32 , ,':is cts currency, 20/ Java at -. "si cts currency. Tne stock tu fint hands is now only about bags. , to The market for I'lour continue- dull and very much depressed. There arc few sales making, and the stock is accumulating, the inspcc fmns lor the past week being upwards of 27.0(10 hbls. \u25a0Notwithstanding the dullness of the market, prices arc pretty well maintained, and wc still quote as fol- v.l'L.".owalStreet at s'.'.'T."'. p..',nfor Super SO - t'ri' a i ® d "-250. 10.75 for regular Ex- i- - 5 511-/*'' lur-fancy brand do., and 512.25(.< 13 for h aimly: Ohio at §J.7 /"!'.oO for Super: SIC" ' 510.5'1 for 2;.'.!', Extra; SlU.s(ta, 11.5(1 for fancy brands do, and 1; lorfamily: and City Millsat S9f4 y.:t7*-for Su- per: Sl0<" 10.2-, for standard Extra: and Sl2.ooe> 12.75 fcs'ff ra nds do. Patapsco, Rescrvior and other brands of Baltimore high grade Familv and Extra forthoUUo} Tj- !j "4v r ® forlue '-. "lid 513.511 per bbl for the latter. Rye flour is quoted at S7 T"<OS7 .-{7 l . and Corn Meal at S4 74 bbl. ' (iRAIX.?W heat win- dullagain this morning, and for everything but choice de.crintions the market was heavy. Ihc receipts were about 5,500 bushels, but the sales were limited, lied sold at 21S cts for fair Western, 21v:'2<cts medium. Marvland, 240 cts for good do, oral 250 cts for prime'do. CIIOI., would probably have brought 2.'OM2dilcts but there was none at market. No sales o! white were report- ed, but wc quote itas ranging from 250 to.'iiKtets for medium to strictly prime. Corn was in good supplv, the receipts reaching about 14,000 bushels, and tfie market for it was active and firm, AVhitc sold at 60 ets for dump new, Bo@B6 ets for dry lots do, and good to prime old brought Bofeß7 cts, these figures being an advance of 1 to 2 cts on yesterday's prices. Yellow was also higher, selling at 82 cts for new. and 85 cts lor old Oats were higher, prices for them ranging front oil to 03 cts but there were only about I.2oobush- xmFXauic! there was nothing done. jiujjAfesfcfe,?Jfoiasses jgsteady at previous quota- tions- vu: 50©J0 cts for Cuba clayed, 55@70 cts for 2 CB ?I' 60 @95 cts for English Island, and .0 cts to $1 it gallon for Porto Rico. Maryland Re- bbls am? haff bC?" " SC " inff at U5 allon in ac,un °riFrvf 1 S 's Tl18 Proriaion market is flat a-atn, and the attempt to g'lvanize it a few days 7t w|'; !^ S ,k Ke - ecn af ?i' l ; rc - Pa con is selling 22, r. ete for Sides, and 18)4 cts for Shoulders liable quotations for " M.' i W £ ! an, ai , ve ,lu re- Prime Mess do at n fc Po, J k ls '! uld at 654, and it is sclhng in retail lotsTit't'h . l T bbl, is no Lard seufng that hear 7??f re! ' .T^re before at 2H<" 2tiV, cts for City and '.\S ot® 11 as SJWai-sbakwS BUGARS.-The inarket-for Sugars has been very nutet to-day, no sales having been made so far as we kv C L ea . r . r - iwotations are still as follows, viz; h -a l Cts fot rebninggrades Cuba and English Island: 14 aaloM cU for grocery grades do: and Uy/<±lV4 cts for common to fair Porto Rico; 15%19 cts Tor good to prune dp; cts for choice, and 16'<,al8 cts for centritugals. * RKFIXJSD SUGARS.? Deliveries continue to be made SALT.?The market well supplied with Liver- pool Silt, nearly 12,(XK) sacks having been received here within the past few days. It _i3 selling to the trdo at $2.50 for Ground Alum: $3.50 for Marshall's line, and $4 V sack fr Ashton's do. Turk's Island Salt selling from *toro m6O ets "r 1 bushel. SEEDS.- The only transaction reported in Clover- seed to-day is the sale of 80 bushels prime at .$8.25 per bushel, winch is the top uf the market for prime seed, and it ranges from this figure down to $8 per bushel. Timothy Seed is very dull at $53,503' 4. but Fiev-eed i* in fair demand and steady at $3 per bushel. WHIFKY \\ hiskcy is fjuiet but is hckl very firmly at $2.12"2.43 per gallon for Western. The stock here is quite light. YIAV YORK llTltliiaS. NEW YORK, NOV. 11. FEOI B, Ac.?The market for Western and State Flour opened firmer, but closed sto 10 cts lower on common grades. The inquiry is only moderate for the homo trade. The medium and high grades are quiet but steady. The sale- arc 9.700 bbls at 8.15 for Superfine State: SS.2tX/'8.49 for Extra State: >B.s()v; 8.80 for Fancy Str.ty; >8.45(28.80 for the low grades of Western Extra; S, 9'" 9.20 for Shipping Ohio; $9.306114.60 for Trade brands, and Louis Extras. Southern Flour is heavy for common brands. Sales of 850 bi.l-- .M '?> for mixed brands Baltimore, A<\: $10." 10.50 for common .Mary- land Extras: and $10.60" 16.25 lbr good t< choice Ex- tras. Bye Flour is easier. Sales of 100 bbls at $6.30 (\u25a0'7. Corn Meal is steady. Sales of 150 bbls at $4.50 for Jersey, and s4>s for Brandy wine. GRAIN.?The wheat market is less active, but prices arc nearly as firm: at the clo*c the market is heavy. The demand is mainly for milling. The sales are 58.000 bushels at sl.7s'c 1.84 for Chicago Spring; >1 80'" 1.85 for MilwaiikieClub; $1.85( 1.86 for auiber do., and extra choice at >1.1*0; $?.39(c 2. iu for amber; $2.25 for common new white .Michigan. Barley is in fair demand: prices arc without change. Sales of 12.000 bushels at sl.loh* 1.13 for Canada East. si.lß for State, and $1.30 for Canada West. Barley Malt is quiet at Fl.2H'" 1.>2. Oats are better aud in fair de- mand. Sound are scarce and wanted. The sales arc 98,000 bushels Canadian at 61c: Western at 60<v 6'2c; State at 620' 64c; I usound at 1>;s2c. live is in fair demand, but closes heavy. The .-ales are 8,500 bush- els Canadian at sl.lß. State at $1.15, anl Western at $1.15. Corn is more active; prices arc without mate- rial change, closing heavy. The sales are 1'23.u0b bushels, unsound at S2("' t - , '<?: Western mixed at 890/91 c J ; and common Jersey yellow at KSC. PItOYIFIO.YF.?The i'ork inark'-t is only mode- rately active, and prices remain about thesaxue. Last evening 1,000 bbls new me.-- (1.865-6), seller'- option six months, nt $29. The ales, cash and regular, nr* 5,0't0 bbl- at $32.2 V"32.50 lbr mess, closing at $32.37' \u25a0/, >27.75G 26 for western prime mess. Beef is selling to a fair extent in jobbing lot* it former rates. Sales were made yesterday of I,5'M) bhl* new beef, plain and extra mess, to be deli vred with in thirty <lay-. on private terms. Sales of 750 lihls at sl2'" 14.75 for plain mess; sl4.7sC'i 16.7". tor extra do. and s7'". 11.50 for state beef. Cut meat-are quiet. Bacon is heavy and dull. Dressed hogs ,nv iiiiciiaiigfd. We. ouotc at tts for city, and choice light hogs, if here. 17 ct-. I;ii! is steady, and as aetix eas the supply ad nlit? of. Fales ot 2N) to .'>> bbl at 'i'Vn 28 I cts for No 1 and city, 27" ; - 2 \u25a0; ets lbr western, and 29 cts 1"! iinall lots of choice, both city and western. CGFFKE.?Rio in little better demand, but piieesaie heavy.a- the stock is gradually accumu- lating. which i<< about 12,090 bags. COTTON.?The market to-day i*firm and moder- ately active at 5852 c. for middlings. PETROLEFM.?Crude is snore aelii e and better. We quote at'-S'" . on the - pot, ami 39e. for N'tvotiiliei- ami iJc-'-ember delivery?sales since our l last of 6,000 bbls. Refined in bond i j better; sales oi 2,999 bids ;it (R"<>2 , jc. Free Oil is dull and nominal. FEEDS.?ClovoistM'd isdullau 1 heavy at 13'" 13) Timothy Seed is in fair dcniHiid i:ts ; .5o ."..7*. Rough Flax Feed is firm and f.iiriy active at Fu-/3.1.5. Cal- cutta Linseed is firm at F3. Fl G.\K. ?Raw Sugars arc dull, but prices arc without change; i?' 11'bc. f-i fair to giod ' refining; re lined arc firm at 2"' ,c. for hauls. ) WJIJFKY .?The market i- better; sales of 295 bbls , at >2 13,(" 2.17 for Western. PliilmicOOiiu >larketß. I'hu. w.KJ.pnr Nbiv.lltli. ?Flour is dull and un- -11 banged in price. New red Wheat F2.30.Y; 2.35. Corn " i-linn; yellow 99 ets; white cts. Wliisk.v i*steady 1 I at $2.41 ("2.43. Chiengo lltirkelN. CHICAGO. NOV. 12.?Flour i-> dull. Wheat unsettled ?sales at sl. j:gJ.J y . f? r old. New ('orn is steady- No 1, 55ct : No. 2. 51' _. cts. Oats are dull, and prices have declined 3 els. Brovisions dull. .Mess Fork <;i.soc :,2. are steady at >IU" 11.75. Miluauiac WarketN, .MMWAIKII,Nov. i I.?Flour is stead v. IV b *at is quief, and pri es have declined 1 ct. Sales at $1.51. I saiporfH?Foreign. Arneiho, V. R.. brig Alfred. '.72 hlnl- sugar, 15 bbl? d".. Stirling A Ahrcns: lot of obi metal. A. R. Morton Son*. ! 7"! Card iff. Males. Brbarkfßiring Dawn. 2.703 barsrail- ldad ir.-n, R. A >. R. R. < ... St. John. X. 8., schr M m. li. Mailler, 99,()b feet 1 )timber, 2o|,fioo shingles. 1 M.'.HHJ 1.-sili-, Kel t-y A Gray. Exports? Foreign. - j Mayguez, R. R.?Br. brig leta. 96 bbls flour, 22 do i rye Hour. 55 .p. rorn meal. 1} do beau-, 50 do pork, >q do niaek'-rel. no <1" pidatoes, 50 tio onions, 26 do oats. . "0 do bread, 1,119 lbs hams. 6,000 do candle*. 2,179 do 1 j ;-hecs \ 10.7'1 do lard. 2,259 do butter, 15.251 do cod- fish, 1,117 do crackers. 1". bushels peas, 200 boxe- lier- | rings, 2 lilul-tobacco, 100 reams pa]icr. 51*0 gallons ? j kerosene, 75 bdls hoops, 100 gritHlstoneo, 595 shookv l j and heads. 1 M'cymouth, N. F.?Br. schooner Charlotte. 200 bbls Hour, 100 do corn meal, 5 do pork. MARINE JOURNAL. I'OKT MBAi;riIBMtE. SATURDAY', November 11th, 1865. Arriveil. Steamer Adelaide, Cannon, from Norfolk?to M N Falls. Steamer Ja.-T Brady, Landis, fmNorfolk ?l. A AY ? Shaw: reports ofi the i'atuxeni river a hark beating up. Steamer .Matilda, Kirwan. I'm Fredericksburg?- to JJ Taylor. Steamer Juniata, Phillips, I'm Havre dc Grace?- to J J Taylor. Steamer Martha Stevens, Chance, froiu New York?- liulse to J A Shrivel*. Steamer John S Shrivcr, Dennis, from Philadel- phia?mdse to J A Shrivcr. Steamer Oeorgcanna, Pearson, from Norfolk?to M N I*alls. Steamer George Lenry, Blakciuan, from Norfolk?- to A M Shaw. Steamer Petersburg. Travel*, from Richmond?P J Brandt, Jr. > ?- tnicr Ellic Knight, Graham, from Itichmond?- to M m J I ay lor & Co. ?v tearner Lancaster, Tomlinson, from Havre de Grace?to JJ 'J'aylor. F'eaiucr Thomas KOahill, Norris, from M'ashington ami Alexandria?to C M'orthingfon. .Meair.s i Express. Rytlier. from IVasliington and Alexandria ?to A Needham A* Sons. Steamer Elizabeth, Fowler, from New York?- linlsc to .1 A Shrivel*. Steamer Florence Franklin, Picrson, from Phila- delphia?indse to J A Slu iver. SellrCabinet, AYardwell,from Bangor?fisli and po- tatoes to Bigelow A Sargent. w>n It Muitler. 11-nulull, from St John, X 15? lumber, shiuglfs and laths toKelsey ,V (!rey. t'lfßml. Stcamshii> Fak-on, AM rich. New York?S Rlnis- dell. Jr. Steamship Sea Call, Fish. New York?S Blatsdcll. Jr. Steamship North Point, Smith, Savannah?J Brandt, Jr. Steamer Adelaide, Cannon, Norfolk?M NFalls Steamer James X Brady, Landis, Norfolk?A W Shaw. Steamer State of Yirginia. Trovers, Richmond?J. Brandt, Jr. Steamer Asnes. Bowcti, Richmond?AYm J Taylor Steamer Juniata, Phillips, Havre do Grace?J J Taylor. Steamer Columbia, Harper, Washington and Alex- andria?C \\ orthinirton. Steamer m. \\ hilldin, Riptsan, Washington and Alexandriti?A Needham & Sons. Steamer Oetorara. Reynolds, New Y'ork?J A Shrivcr. Steamer John R Shrivcr, Dennis, Philadelpliia- ?) A Shriver. Steamer Mary Ella, Hooper, do?master. Bark Flora, llubbard, Charleston ?PeridcrgaM, I on wick A Co. Br Brig ('lcta, Hopkins. .Mnyagncz, Pll?Kirk land, ' base A Co. Brig II C Wright, Huge. Jr, Savannah?J M Ban- dell. Fehr Charlotte. Br,) Randall, M'eymouth?N S J oard A Rogers. Schr Frank Mailer, El li?. New York?YV Rkoads A Son. Schr Lynchburg, Van Cloaf. Jersey City?E Pratt A Bro. 4 lonml lot* llnlliinore. Steamer AUcgaiiy. Flagg. cleared at New York 10th tnst iur Balto. T !, S,'.', (:i,r . i .v F a 'W I ? !cs 'c'it6rcd outward at Liver- pool -Itli ult lor Baltimore. Stti It'll. Ship Jarnc.* Cbcston, Boston. Bark I nion, (Hanover,) Bremen. Below. ...Alfiß, supposed l'rairie Rose, from Havana?to F M Brum: AFnns* In I2ni)i|>l<>ia ltonds. Bark Scncca. Lewi?, from Montevideo 21th Sept'r and 47 day? to the Capes; ballast to Sam'l llTravcr?' ( 'apt L came up on board the .steamer Jas T Rradv thi? morning. Bark Seneca. Lewis, from Montevideo Sept'r 24th, reports crossed the Equator Oct'r 14th, thence to lal 10 30 N had very light winds and sultry wenthcr. .lleiiioraiidn. Steamer Nellie Pentz, from Murcheml fitv. N ('. arrived at Fort .51 on roe 7th inst, and sailed Bth for New York. Ship M ashington. Berry, from Chinchas, arrived at Lallao prior to October 15th, and sailed for United States. Ship Oasihla, Stafford, was loading for New Y'ork at Periaiig Sept 22d. Ship Godfrey, Cooper, from Citv Point, Va. for Europe, was in Hampton R.tads loth iu-t., waiting crew. Bark M iqifrcd, l iiuiev, hence for Rio Janeiro, he- lore reported, put into Bermuda 21th ult, with Cap- tain and part of sick; remained inport 31st with sick improving. A hark, American built, ?howing Pendergast's pri- vate signal, bound South, was seen lltli ult, lut 9.;>5, long 34 00. Br brig Ravcnswheel from Malaga for Baltimore, was in (he Straits ot Gibraltar 16th ult Br brig Edith, Matthews, hence, sailed from Fal- mouth, Eng. 27th ult tor Rotterdam Schr Early Morning, from Malaga for Baltimore so reported, was cruising in the Straits of Gibraltar 3Hh ult. MOXTKVIPKO-In port Sept'r 24th: Ship Alice Thorndike, (:arvcr. from Oregon for Valparaiso, in ballast about 26th; barks Eliza Young. Hatfield.from I nited States, discharging; Catherine Maud. Ennis from do for Boston, to leave Buenos Ay res about Sept'r Uth: Lizzie HarwooJ, from I nitetl'States for New lork in a few days after the C Ma ml: Parthian. Butler, for New York in a few days: Joseph Taylor. Irorn Buenos Ayres for Carribbcan Sea. Captain siek at Montevideo; voyager Kersey, loading at Buenos Ayres for New York: brig Amata, Asmus, for New for s ' oft? ° Ut ' nto OUtCl ' Roarl ''' and ready DEATH OE A RICH MAX. ?Sitneoti Jennings, of Wellsville, Ohio, died suddenly, while sit- ting in his chair, last week. He possessed enormous wealth, mostly, in the shape of real estate and mortgages on the same. He also owned large interests in a number of Ohio banks. He was noted for his extreme penu- riousness and intense devotion to money- getting. Though worth millions, when traveling on the curs he would carry a lunch in his pocket to save the ex- pense of a dinner at an eating-house. He bought a plain brick residence below Wells- ville, on the Virginia side of the Ohio river, and made that his home, to escape paying taxes in Ohio on his mortgages, judgment notes and money. He always managed some- ' ?°7, t0 av oid paying a large share of the taxes 'con io t 6 om ,kim. The heavy Federal in- 1 verv ow" ea ,? ly ljroke his heart. He was years drank whfsky 5 F oo , kin g' al' d for ' was probably the rlcl L i gP quantities. He , has several collate al w"" V" ohio - He i BALTIMORE DAILY CO3IMijRCtAL -MOXDA¥, NOVEMBER VA, 1865. HOTEL ARRIVALS. BARNUM'S HOTEL. T B Mullett, Balto. |, H TMorHiil.N Y T J Smith, Ya .1 Forrest A fa. MJ 11 V Lynch, N Y W B Peter, Howard eo Or L R Bcckwith, Ohio ' 51 r? H C Blossom, do O Hersely, Md J O P Burnsidc, Aid J Donnelly. Balto G IV Staples. NV ! J C Noyes, N Y B St(4 Tucker, Va 0 M Martin, N Y N T) Morgan. N Y Ali ? Baker, do IV J Doyle, dr. Mis> M Doyle, do A R Ellicott, do TT Hoath & wi. US A |. VP Whitman. N Y W S Abbott, Kv P A Hoxthal, Mobile Gen B IV Brice, Wash I' Gold.sborough, Aid R E Alaguirc A wi, Pa Dr F IV Hancock, Ya G F Hancock, do J 11 Kennard, Va J B Lunkle, AM J M Ivuukle, do Maj Gen Steele, do Col S li Whittlesey, do R A Kent, do HP Carroll & la, do Miss C Briscoe, do G IV Lane, do 1i Rowke, N Y IV F I)olliver. W F IValkcr, Boston P IV Thomas, N Y i T Hawks, do W Broadiiur.-t, Jr, do ?I Spiedel, I'a ?I W Arthur, New Or i) Wilson, Florida J IV Dyer, Phila J Thorn ley. wi A* si*, do B AlcPail. IV Ya G IV AlcPail. .1" P < \u25a0 MePail, do H Skiuker, N Y S I! Pendleton, do Tuckci a la, do | J E Tayler, jB T Ely, i J S P°st, St Loui? jJ Pickers. X (' C'iiin Ohio W H Hodgson, do ?Lt KP Collin?; U S R M i K II Mazen, Texas IW,S Grinncll, Pittsburg jMrs A S Randolph, T A Randolph, ! J II Fowler, Va LMiss 15 T Taylor & ch. do ITCO'Ncil, Tcnn 0 K Trait, Va ..l Pemberton, U S X Lt R X Ford A* la, X V ! F Whyte A la, Va jT .1 Queen A In. W Rateliffe. Balto 1 J \V Mott A" wi. N Y W Walker, Md A C Rood. I S A A Nesbitt, .1 W Hnrwood, Wash !1 SOanscvoort, I* S A .1 A Donnelly, 1> C W A London, Va L S Farland, do ' .Mrs (i Brent A* da, Md S J Stewart, Va Mi MeH Gish, do ' WJones, do | JJ Hankins, do iCapt 0 Stale, ! Mrs E II Graves. X V T M De Russey, X J T Erskine, Phi I a ICG Russell, Balto IS Reinhardt. do IS Doake. Cal jJ A Belvin. Va W S Walker, Boston ,(' R Allen, Va W A Berry, X C i W J Ilealy & wi, X V |C A Pease, do J H Tucker, Va M* A Nalting, do IT M Wolfe, Aid II M Maxwell, Pa W B Me Alice, do J W Chambers, do j W I) Cooper, do i V S Johnston, do | FOUNTAIN HOTEL. G S Richards, Onio L S Chester, Phila IVm I Read, Cumberland J 'i IVells. Port Deposit John II AlcCue A wife J AI Mo re! i end Krie C l.eet, do ?1 C Pierson, Aid N Aeheonib. do ?I D Moore Liberty, Yn i Frances Je;op, York, Pa F Fnii' Balto U'm IV Libdoll. Wilmig'i.j R IV Krsiekson, Md \V 11 Mcctcor, Charleston I D Bancn.ft & la. Aid M Cleppcl, Calumbin, Pa] S Zcrbran, do .1 B-onk'*rhoof, Pa K B Boyer, Norfolk V W Green, N Y II S Wilson, i'a R IV Bi .ison, Md Geo Leeves, do Gidson Bussavd, do -I IVa Men, I'a R D Fisher, do Kx Gov Thomas. Md M MeClm A wf. Washing! IV B Long, do F Graff, Md J B llutehen*. do W D Bard, Augusta, Gn Wm C IVhitch ill, IVash Jas c France, do John Donnelly, Md Thos (' Woodward, N Y Oliver B Wight. Aid T S Patterson, I* G eo 1 1" L Eaney, York, Pa das Burn side, Md I Wm J Scoggin, Miss j Kohl V Lewis, l'red'k John W Sessums, X C David Williams. X Y John S Steam, do Win Massoy, Md M Dawson. Church Hill | Win F French, Conn i Thus Shumatd. Staunton iD (' Maxwell, Lynchburg II Win A Brown, "Wash TE Spencer & lady. do. i D J Ilearn, Md Wm S Robinson, Ohio iMien W P Roberts, X C j Jos B Wygnl A la. Va Wm S V* ecden, Md \u25a0 Dr Chas J Tumant, Va 'Sauil II Fulton A* la. Pa |P M MeGraw. H Ferry Thos A Kirwan. do Jus Todd, XH ; J W J Moore, Md John C Hurbert, X Y ! Win F Finley, Newport ! L H League, Md j Wm A Laker, do ; Jas Milburn,do | .Mrs Milburn, do |Miss A L Milburn, do 'John T Peters, do ?las C Mattin, N <' J D Harden, do | E Martin, do M H Brooks. Washington A L Munsou, d<> iWII Early, Md. MALTBY HOUSE. K 0 Daw. on. Aid IV B Brokaw, Va Alex Greenland, AM ?las Stack, N Y Geo A Bradford, do IV m B Townsend, do A AT Biehniond, b- S M Alontgomery, do (Jeo Leonard, do P J lliiltz. <b Gen Giles, Conn J B Thomas. Phila Jno M Bell. IV Va Rpn.i Miller, I> < J IV Jones. S Ameri'-a D Anlei>t.ii. N C X G Hall, do ?.l ( Gordon, Ya C Bunt, lil Jno Tubman, Ya (ieo IV Miles, do Geo AI Staples, do C Graham, SC C P Jjusby, Aid Isaac P Smith, A'a Isaac IV Hon it on. do S C Cohen, Phila VE Lloyd. Pa '? i-J Smith, I' S Y Edgar Brickctt, N II 0 (' Green. D C S Alexander. S C Miss L \ arney, D t ! Lt T B Mullett. U S A i .Enos Tiinm.s, V IS M Barton, D C Jas Johnson, Pa II II Fulton, Mil D II Marshall. Va Win Eaton, Ya P. MPOMIO, Yn IGoo W Farley, do P H Green, do Jno I) Stalcy, W Va D Kilbom n, Balto , 11 M Rieman, Mil mi, il o( -' ain Detroit iI McY ey, S < ! L S Skinner, do K lliiisuid, I'liila : V. ill A Jacob. Ya L S Moans, Ya j SS Rowland, do lo? u ?^M;vcrStV '. I{ro ' p p a - W J bellcox. X Brunswick !?' Hanson, Ya jO King, do J F Delaney, do ! Wm J Stateford. .Md Jas P Willctt, D C H M Bartholow, do H Williams, do I* Caldwell, Ya GIL Moll HOUSE. Geo Anderson, Tenn S IV Lewis, Ya S IV Ainsworth. Ya I B Estetsloy. Va i-' AWet herald, N V I II Bryan, Cin Alex Aloore, Ya IVC Hutchins, I) C K C Baiiffher, Phila T D McComly, Wash B H Smith. Phila ii B AlcCauloy. Phila ]?' (' Gardner, IS Y .Jas Fuller. Cin I AI IVomach, S C R IV Putuam, US A SI Abie. Pa ?I Pet< rsou, Pa J1 Peterson. P.i t) Abraham. Richmond F Stewart. Wash W AL'clerly, Wash !! 1! Traeey. IVash R Drury, Balto \u25a0 i i Brown, do 0 11 Donovan, Ya j J E Stewart, Balto M C Ferris A* la, Boston Dr J II Shields, Ya j E II Bailey, Ya W Brown, lt M Williams, Pcnn |C C Kilos & la, Phila 5 Baker. Pa ! A S lirady, A" Y ;F (' Gardner. N V ; M Taylor. Mass R Watson. Irolnml ! II Booker, Boston i II C Taylor, X V A li Brookskin, X Y IR F Powell, X 0 J G Skinner. X C J Kershaw, N C j W Wells, Balto L W Knighf Si la, D C Mrs Moore, Richmond 'lrs Bockridge, 111 l.t UP Collins, US I) M I.t T B Mullet, d' i 1] P C liall, Pittsburgh K I, Parker. Balto | KUTAW HOUSE. \u25a0> Daeey, Ya ?i Hciivey, N Y Wm Pi?-cls. N Y C AI Sear*. IVasliington NK Phillips. N Y il S Bid well A* wife, N Y' J T Moore, N Y IV II Hcmciiway. N Y ! Li YVoodward, X" Y I I S Yalandigham. Del I Peebles A-familv, Ohio ! P 11 Smith, Brooklyn I D 15 Porter. Pa Mr? C R Porter. Pa Lt R C NFord A: wife, N Y 3 T Baker. U S AI (' C IV Alusgrave, N Y Thomas Ryan, Phila j ?1 P Cavanaugh, do Win C Doene and wf, D C; Geo IV Gregory and sr, do T IV IVilliamsoii. Va i Miss Alary Williams, do i Cnpt Morgan. N Y' ] J 4V Hall, Pa i McDonaldAivife.Boston Ilrev Col H Page, Wash'n Lt Col AV T Howell, Wasli " S Gregory, Chicago : H li ('luck. St. Louis !?[ M Brown. Washington \u25a01 Hogan. Annapolis [Messrs 31 Wilson. Wash'n S N Yeoman A- wife, Ohio 31 rs 3lcEivain ,t dattg' | V 31 Ogle A lady, Ohio ! J C South, N Y i W C Buehmnn, 310 C II Newton A- lady. Ohio '?lt. .Taylor, Boston i (I Guggcnheimcr, \'a t It Vcazey, do George E I'itken, W Va ?; Francis W Goddard, R I ('Thomas B Woodman. N Y P Morris. Quincy. ill IT Bowser, Conn I ! HOWARD HOUSE. David Worth, N C Isaac K Berry, Tenn ; \V IVCarpenter. Ya |. J AI Naff, E Tenn A B Yates, Ya S I) Rosan, do W II Adams, do S Dilley, do !\ C Link, do 1) I\ Cosgrove, YVash'n j 1 '! Block, Bermuda S Smith A* w Wash*n S S Scntcrnian. Pa W II Adams, Alex Va C Baxter, Aid Frank Parker. Balto IV 0 IVright, do ( ?T E Patterson, Norf Y'a . N Smythe, do IE Boswcll, Wash'n S Fearnow. W Va | J F Silcr. do I AF Mosby, Pa Laning ,fc la, do jW Robinson, county A Stalcy. Va : I 3larkey, N Y ] A L Webb, 31 d ]C Wareham. Md J Harrison, Pa ) Newman. Cumbid j li R Cole, Phil ?t B Elliott, W Va ! O Golibart. La N S Lamdin, do | C Cunningham, X Y jJ C Fowler, Ya J E Robertson. Tenn GENERAL WAYNE HOTEL. Thomas Alaloncy, N Y j. Jacob (i Peiffcr, Bait eo I J <) River, Ya J O Aloore, Bait eo S I> Brady, Aid J K Barnes. N A' E Don nelson. Aid RSBaiiffcr, do P R Fcndall, do !; Daniel Dickey, Pa j. .Matthew B Saul, D C iJ IJ 31 Frantz, West Ya !li Carter, Baltimore I W Ji N Dope. 31 d : 51 in IIBrooks, do 1! E Dunlny, Wa,-h I' S 31ills. Baltimore V Mercer,Ellicotts 31ill? | A Hart, Bait en S W Ward well, 3ld [Jas T Treman, Bait eo i E L Hammond, Wash UILMOUR'S HOTEL. I 0 bcrannon, in IV Sigmund. NV J Dillon, Brooklyn S Brown, Balto I II Hanrugan, d" P L Hotshcw, Frevlk E A Barker, do J II Williams A In, Rich c Payne. Aid E Spencer, Balto A Pemuman. Luthcrville HMcKnicht, Alox ! W it lndcr. Bel W Barter, X Y j.T W Taylor, do S W Hiiity, i!,-iltc, Co IW Mattison, X Y ! H C Noilson, US N ill II tieott. Bhil THREE TUNS HOTEL. T Premini, IV Va W Brown. Md W (i MeCulloh, do J Eden, Phila J Peters, Wheeling G Harding, GiesboroU I) C II 0 Kesslcr, Phila J Buley. do T Ingram, do IT Bilks, Washington lT r Adams, do ]!l Clifford !< II Lnughton, Md IW Armstrong, do p|J S Crane, W Va fS Tilley & son. Chicago jE S O'Donnell ,Vr la, ,Md MILLER'S HOTEL. A W Fit /.miller, Va J Granger, Augusta, Ga G 11 Johnson, do f F Calhoun, do G Coponhaven, lVash'n II Hayward. do J YV r AlcKee, do ID J Nichols, W Vn | W J Owens. Md .1 Fenlon, do IR Morris, Oroensborough ,0 S lioylo Si wl ?John Rollins R W Douey & la '* " J/wuwy ill shipplngT" £££. , FO,{ WI',JII!WiTOS~v C.-The SERENE, having most of her *=*=?*. cargo engaged will s|l with despatch for the abor C: i>ort. A few PASSENGERS could be aecom- iiiociateij. A|jly to HOPKINS A: JANNEY. n<A ; < " ' t I** Sfear*s Wharf. £££ , OBUSAMi-DBSPATCU S&flVk l > \u25a0??lnefinc, fast sailing schooner GEO. t~ >v <1 "ICE, Butler, master, is now loading for the above port, a n( ] being of small capacity, and hav- ing two-thirds of her cargo engaged, will have quick iTm nfi ra°v w frel,hl or passage, apply to K. M. HESLEN, IS. W. corner of Pratt and (Jay Jffi£ ran freight or charter.- fine new Brig JOHN HASTINGS; Capt. -T?' Hastings, expected to stow 5,000 barjels or ,o0 tons weight. Apply to KELSEY & GRAY, cor- ner Buchanan s wharf andPratt st. ocl^-tf jJS f 0 " FREIGHT OR (lIARTKK.- Bff-fVthe, tine fast sailing brig R. M. IIESEEN 77 " Gershom Jones, master, about 3,000 bbls capa- city, m order for any business. Apply to R. M. HES- LEN, northwest corner Pratt and Gay sts. oclß-tf FREIGHT OR CHAKTER.- "hmX>Tbo fine coppered brig SERF, S. IV. Stinson order. f &^ r^ y y s o ts R - M - HESLEN - north £f 8 S" ouick despatch given. Apply to R. M. HES- LEN, northwest corner Pratt and Gay sts. oelßtf jiJJt FOR SEW ORLEASN, EA.-A vessel yRj5/willbe despatched for the above port, in case ?rr sufficient freight offers. Apply at once to R. M. lIESLEN, northwest corner of Pratt and Gay streets, oc!8-tf FOR MOBILE, AEA.?A small first- JUJ>class vessel will be despatched immediately, sufficient freight offers. Forfroight or pas- sage apply to R. M. HESLEN. N. IV. corner Pratt and Gav streets. nnlMf NOTICE.? Notice is hereby given, that appli- cation will be made to the Mayor and City for the widening of TRAVELER'S Olll>£. To Washington, by Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Depot, Camden street and Eutaw street?4.3o, 7.05, 8.45 and 9.40 A. M? and 2.30 and 6.00 P. M. Sunday trains at 4.30 and 8.45 A. M? and 4.20 P. M. To Philadelphia and New York, by Baltimore, Philadelphia and \\ ihnington Railroad, Depot Presi- dent street?B.2s and 9.20 A. M., and 1.10, and 9,2 i ?' h\ .Sundaytrains for New York 7.50 P. M? and for Philadelphia 9.2 d P. M. To Hanisburg and the West, by Northern Central Railroad. Depot corner Calvert and Franklin -treed ?9.20 A. M. and 2.50, 8.00 and 10.00 P. M ~T " Parkton by Northern Central Railroad-7.20 A. M. and 6.00 P. M. P M Fret ' erick by Baltimore and Ohio Railroad?l.3o To Ellicott's Mills by Baltimore and Ohio Rll -6.20 and 10 A.M., and 3.30 P.M. ,fo-' S ;i li w Ury by Phila., Wilmington and Bait. R R ?9.25 P. M. r TO Dover. Del.. by Phila., Wilmington and Bait. R To Wheeling and Parkcrsburg by Bait, and Ohio R R daily mail 8.10 A. M. (except Sunday): Cincinnati Express, daily (including Sunday), 2 P. M ? St. Louis Express, daily (except Saturday), 8.40 P M To Westminster iand Union Bridge by' "Western Maryland R R?9.20 A. M. and 2.50 and 6.00 P. AI. To fortress Monroe, Norfolk and Richmond, by Bay Line, Lmon Dock, and New Line, Spear's wharf, daily at 0.00 P. M. To Cambridge, Oxford and Dover Bridge, Eastern Shore?even- Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdav, bv Individual Enterprise Steamers, Light street Wharf. Anii;U)olisby Bait, and Ohio and Annapolis and FJkridgo Railroad. Depot Camden street-7.05, 8.45 A. M. and 4.20 I. M., .and by Individual Enterprise Steamer from pier at foot of Camden street, cverv AM * Bday and Saturda y morning at 7.30 For further information, sec advertisement of Rail- roads and Steamboats in another part of this paper. MAILS CLOSE AT THE POST-OFFICE. LflMt. AM P M Phila., New York,, Boston Through, daily except Sunday . 8-1130 6.30 Phila., N. Boston Through, Sun- day ft 3p Abingdon, Pallston, L. Gunpowder, Deposite and Phila. Way, daily, ex- cept Sunday 7 QQ Delaware and lower Co's. E. Shore! Md., daily, except Saturday ' 630 Upper Co's. of E. Shore, Md., daily, ex- cept Sunday g 00 Cub Hill and Greenwood, Tuesday Thursday and Saturday ' 7.00 Weal. Wheeling Through, daily, except Sunday 7 oq 7 39 Cumberland and Wheeling Wayfdiy, Sunday 7.09 N. W. Virginia, daily, except Sunday! 7.00 I redcrick, Md? daily, except Sunday.. 7.00 2.20 Hagcrstown, Cumberland?all of Fred- erick, Washington and Alleghany ' t-.Y" "" .it except Sunday 7.00 : Lilicott 3 Mills, daily, except Sunday.. 7."0 2.20 Balto. and Cumberland Way, daily, except Sunday 7.00 Catonsvillc, daily, except Sunday .!. . 9.00 North. Toledo. Chicago, St. Louis Through, daily gOO York, Harrisb'rg, Ciianibevshhg, Pitts- burg, daily, except Sunday 7.00 8.00 fork and Hamsburg Way, daily, ex- cept Sunday 7.00 Reisterstown, Westminster, Am., daiiv, except Sunday.. 7.00 Buffalo, N. Y? daily, except Sunday... 7.00 Freedom, Md., Monday, Friday 9 00 California, via St. Joseph, Mo., daily. except Sunday 7.00 8.00 . South. Washington. D. C? daily, except) 6.00 2.20 Sunday . f -,q qq Richmond and Petersburg, daily ex- cept Sunday 9 99 Georgetown and Alexandria, daiiy. \ 6.09 220 except Sunday j 9 09 P. George's, Charles. St. Mary's CVs.. 11 daily, exoept Saturday 9.00 Washington Way, daily, ex Sunday 2.20 Annapolis, Md., daily, ex Sunday... 6.00 2.20 Annapolis, Md., Way, daily, ex Sun.... 6.00 Calvert County. Md., Tuesday, Thurs- day, Saturday 6 00 Old Point Comfort and Norfolk, daily! except Sundiu- 4.99 Towsontown. Md 7.00 COMP A X Y , a k OF NEW-YORH. Statement of the Company's Affairs, September Ist, 1865. OA P IT AL §1,1100,000.00 SURPLUS 578,840.79 SI ,578,840.79 ASSETS. Bonds & Mortgages $210,951.29 Cal! Loans, with Stock Col- laterals 179,085.00 United States Bonds 625,076.42 Real Estate 7,605.4-3 Bills Receivable 149,833.44 Ncv York State Bonds 43,808.00 Kings County (N. Y.) Bonds... 29.000,09 Cash in Bank and on Hand 107,550.83 Cash in Hands of Agents, and iniCourse ol'Transmission.... 27,472.29 Premiums in Course of Collec- tion 71,700.91 a Interest Accrued 21,941.80 o Other Securities 2k,215.3.5 $1,578 810 79 li STEPHEN CROWELL, President. LDGAR W.CROWELL, Vice President, " PniLAXDKR SHAW, 0 Secretary. 0 CHAUNCEY BEDELL, (Late of the Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company.) Manager Marine Department. The undersigned ha? bocn appointed MARINE r AGENT lor the above well known COMPANY in \u25a0 Baltimore, and will issue Policies on HULLS, CAR- L FREIGHT, SPECIE, AC. at the LOAVKST BAILS ol the first-class Companies. , , .. J AS. CAREY COALE, STOVES, TINWARE, ETC. STOVE, RANGE, ITKXAIT PLUMBING HOUSE. House Furnishing Wares. HUTCHINSON BROS.. ? No. 14 Light street, 002-tf Baltimore. STOVES, RANGES ANI ITHNA4ES. llgM WM. 11. STRAN & CO., S. E. corner of Light and Lombard streets, Arc prepared to (ill wholesale and retail orders, in and out of the city, of nilarticles in the STOVE and TIN-WARE LINE. ? At the shortest notice. An cnrly call is solicited, as the advancing season is rapidly reducing their choice Bt " ck - no3-2m SA 8 NORTH EUTAW STREET, 80 RILK NEAR SARATOGA, WUTTt S. FITEMAN. ? MANUFACTURER OF STOVES. Tin and -V-- 1 * Sheet-Iron Ware, and dealer in liouse-fur- nislnng goods, Silver Plated and Britania ware, Cut- lory, China and Stone ware, and Bird Cages in great variety. Also, just received anew and full stock of Fancy goods and Favorite Toys of all kinds, suitable tor Christ mas presents, which ho offers Wholesale and Kctail at the lowest prices. nol-2m ROOFING, ETC. ~ JJOOJFIN'G ! ROOFT-NG F r i 'i -i o a S S 6 fa (x, E So o o 2 ° o o BS PAGE'S FELT, CEMENT AND GRAVEL ROOF- ING is the best in use, and has been well known for fif- teen years. Wc guarantee all new work for five years. It is better than Tin, and costs half aa much. Old Roofs repaired at short notice. We are tho only manufacturers of ROOFING MA- TERIALS in Maryland, all of which we keep con- stantly on hand for sale. TIN ROOFS and IRON FENCES painted with our PATENT PARAFFINE VARNISH. ? , PAGE BROS & CO., 111 Smith's wharf. HATS" AND CAPS. UNION HAT COMPANY. ~ HATS AND CAPS-FALL STYLE. Most fashionable styles and best quality at lowest prices. CANES AND UMBRELLAS. CASSIMERE HATS. $5.50. m JOSHUA LYNCH & CO.. oc2s 'H 49 W. Baltimore St., near Gay. a HATS! HATS!! HATS!!! MeCORD & ROBBINS, MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS HATS, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS, 270 W. BALTIMORE STREET. Respectfully calls the attention of the City and Country Trade to his largo and well selected Stock o! Men and Boys SOFT FUR, CLOTH AND WOOL HATSI A I ?ALSO?- HTTK. FELT ZtfgffiSf'gn CO-PARTNERSHIPS. I\TOTIUE The copartnership heretofore existing AM under the firm of M. T. DAVIIDSON i CO , by mutual consent DISSOLVED on the 11th ming Jr withdrawal of Alexander M. Cum- nl T'T bo tmreafter conducted at their T) Avfnq , r.W O, /.1 ,10 J 1T STRKIT WHARF, by M T! i. i°f th ".? rm of , M- x. Daviiison & Co., fe U th 7. a . U £ o e? ,ed t0 ooUect and P ay FANCY ARTICLES, ETC. WILLIAM H. BEAD'S. 117 BALTIMORE STREET, 117 BALTIMORE STREET, (OXE DOOR BKt.OW CAfiVERT.) PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES. COSMETICS. CENTIiAL AGENCY FOB EMAIL DE PA HIS. CANES, Large assortment, POCKET-KNIVES, POCKET-BOOKS AND WALLETS, LADIES' AND GENTS' VALISES. FANCY GOODS, Best assortment in the city. LUBIN'S EXTRACTS, (all odors.) FRENCH PERFUMES, (all makes.) SOAPS. French, English and Domestic. OPERA GLASSES. FANS, Very, fine, suitablo for presents. Colognes, Tooth and Nail Brushes, Pomades, Hair and Flesh Brushes, Bay Rum, Lather and Shoe Brushes. COMBS. DRESSING CASES.I Sozodont for the Teeth. Night Blooming Cereus. SCOTCH WOOD GOODS, Every Pattern. Agencyfor HUMPHREY'S IIOMCEPATHY, Agoney for ALL THE PATENT MEDICINES In demand. READ'S is the place for F'INE GOODS, and for a good assortment. Remember the number?l 47 Balti- more street, one door from Calvert. THOS. THOMPSON^? PATENTED Liquor Purifyer and Improvement, 2 SOUTH GAY STREET, Bnllimorc, TO<l. Tho subscriber has obtained patents in tho United States, Canada, France, Belgium, Holland and other European countries, for his Improvement. The pro- cess is based upon natural aid, and its results arc ex- tremely satisfactory, showing entire removal of every impurity, without in tho slightest manner affecting, injuriously, tho body of the liquor. The inventor re- spectfully submits condensed reports from Professor Bassett, of Paris, and Professor Aiken, of Baltimore, lie also adds the names of eminent medical gentle- men of Baltimore, endorsing the system. For chem- ists'full representation? pamphlets can be obtained from Mr. Thompson, or of one of his Agents. The process invented by Mr. Thompson for the im- provement of distilled liquors, is clearly founded on correct and exact scientific principles. A rigid che- mical examination of sundry samples of whiskies purified by this process, contrasting each with other portions of the same Tumor yet unimproved, enables me to certify, first, that it removes all traces of fusil oil, and all other offensive volatile impurities always present in crude liquor, no matter how old. Second- ly, that it does this without at all interfering withthe body of tho liquor and without at all impairing its natural and agreeable flavor and bouquet, Anil lastly, that it imparts a mildness and delicacy of flavor usually recognized as the effect of age, and heretofore only to be obtained by the lapse ol time. The iutpn* ritjrs no effectually removed by the process of Sir. Thompson, are all hiyhly deleterious. Fusil oil, par- ticularly, is one of the most dangerous nun otic, poisons knoirn, being rapidly fatal in any considerable dose, and highly injurious to health, even in small quantities. No liquor is Jit for use if it contains this dangerous im- purity in any proportion. WILLIAM E. A. ATKIN,M. D., L.L. D. Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy, University ef Maryland. Baltimore, March 11, 1865. [From Professor Basset. *.f Paris. 1 The 21st December, 1864. ?Mr. Thompson, of Balti- more, requested my opinion in relation to his Im- provement for the Purification of Brandies, Gins, Whiskies, &c? which in their crude stato contain no- table proportions of pyrogenous principles, fetid oils, and essential or volatile principles. My examination of the process was exceedingly satisfactory. The in- vention evinces that it is based upon natural and sci- entific principles, and capable of performing all that it demands. The analysis resulted in showing that all impurities were removed, and without affecting the body of the liquor, and evidently giving it much PREMATURE ' AGE. / have no hesitation in saying that the process \u25a0, must be very valuable to consumers, and most particu- larly to invalids, and a great acquisition to industrial \ pursuits, BASSETT, Professor of Chemistry, Paris. Paris. 22d December, 18*34. The process is highly approved and recommended by the following eminent medical gentlemen of Ma- ryland, whose names tho patentee has permission to t-?i n r) L \v jr )!i p ,c .ti ' ,?' fully endorsing all it? excollenco: K Miltonhcixer, Dr. John Buckler. Prof.Christop r Johnston, Surgeon C. C. Cox, Dr. John C. Monkur, Dr. John 11. O'Donovan. Dr. Win. 11. BaltzeU. Dr. 11. P. P. Yates. The undersigned has a working model, which he would take pleasure in exhibiting, and give every explanation relative to the process. Rights tor sale. Terms made known upon application. Whiskies for sale inglass and wood. THOS. THOMPSON. Importer of Brandies, Wines, Ac.. . (Established 1837.) oel()-2iB 29 South Gay street. Baltimore. BALTIMORE PATENT Roughed Rorse Shoe Manufacturing Company. It is proposed to organize a Company, with a Cap- ital of £IOO.OOO, 111 1,000 Shares, at the par value of $lO9 per Share, reserving out of proceeds of sales of said Stock $39,000 as Working Capital, for the purpose of manufacturing J. W. HODGES' PATENT ROUGHED HORSE SHOE, as shown per Letters Patent No. 48,623, granted 4th of July, 1865. Tho advantage which this invention commands consists in the cheapness at which a horse can be roughed or unroughed without taking oft' the Shoe, which inwinter ha? to be so frequently done, to the great injury of the horse's foot, for its simplicity pre- vents derangement. Any 0110 can rough or smooth shoo a horse in a few minutes. It docs not add weight to the shoe, and give 3 cer- tain safety to tho horse. Aset of rough plates will wear in winter at loast 0110 month without injury to the shoe, and the roughing piate when worn out. can lie replaced at a very trilling expense, saving thereby the cost of shoes and expense of removal. Most satisfactory trials have been made with this shoe, as will appear from the accompanying certifi- cates at foot, and _no doubt need be entertained of it? general adoption, and that a very remunera- tive business will be made in this legitimate branch of trade. I would hog all interested in such matters to call at the office of Messrs. WM. J. WILMER & CO.. Hardware Merchants, No. 1 Hanover street, where sample Shoes can be seen, and its advantages fully explained, as also at the office of the under- signed, where Books of Subscription arc open. I'. Dr MI RUUINDO. No. 57 Second street, Baltimore. [Copy.] BALTIMORE AND Unto R. R. STABLES, ) MOVXT CLARE, October 27th, 1865.) Win. P. Smith. Esq., Master of Transportation- Sir: I have given the patent Rough Horse Shoe in- vented by Mr. J. W. Hodges, a lair, full, and impar- tial trial, as you requestod, putting them on one of heaviest draught horses, remaining 011 for twelve day??the liorse being in use 011 the streets nearly all the time. I can, with the greatest confidence, say, that I consider it a most valuable invention, answer- ing well in all respects the object for which it is designed. Ifind it fully adapted to the purpose of "roughing" horses, possessing tho great merit of ob- viating the necessity of removing the Bhoes in order to rough the horses, thereby avoiding tho great iniurv to the l'ect which results from the frequent removal of shoes, required in the ordinary mode of roughing. I subjected the Shoes to a severe trial of heat and liam- merimt without any derangement of the plate or grooves. I find iticapable of being shaped ami fitted to the horses feet with as much facility as any other Shoe. I am fully of opinion that the Shoe is decidedly calculated to preserve the horse from slipping, and that its use would prove a great benefit, saving the horse from sources of injury to which he is now sub- ject, and consequently a source of great economy in the preservation of tho horses. , Very respectfully, (Signed) S. R. BIDDLE, Stable Manager. [Copy.] BALTIMORE, Nov. 1, 1865. 1 have read the report of Air. S. R. Biddle, Man- ager of Stables, Mount Clare Depot, Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, on the patent for roughing horses, by Air. J. v\ . Hodges, and from use and personal obser- vation I can fully concur in his report, and from tho facility with which it may be applied to roughing and not being liable to get out of order, I believo it will come into general use and found to be of great benefit to horses and a valuable invention. (Signed) JOS. F. FOREMAN. Alanager of the horses for the Aladison novß-lm Avenue Line of City R R. \u25a0l| A VERY DESIRABLE FARM KENT COUNTY, FOR SALE. C a ?. re '' with ten acres in wood, bal- ance under cultivation. It is situated on Corsica Creek, one and half miles from Ccntrcville, and is convenient to Churches. Schools. Postofficcs. Ac.- 1 There is a Steamboat Landing within half a mile of j the farm. The land is in a high state of cultivation, having been recently thoroughly limed and manured. Tfewwc ?h? ® e Ind1 nd - JUr thousand PEACH TREES, bearing the fanes) varieties: also Fruit Trees no frvTmrSp i The improvementa are a BRICtK HOUSE, large new Barn, 60 feet long. Sta- bling, , HTl <l all necessary out-buildings; fencing good, mostly Of plank. There are also some of the finest ducking points on the shore, with fiih and oysters in abundance. ' u Terms reasonable. Apply to 3V R COLE E. corner Baltimore and North ate. J IMPORTANT FOR EYERYKA nv ta INSURANCE COMPANIES. Union Fire Insurance Company OF BALTIAIORE. No. 42 SECOND STREET, North Side. This Company insures against LOSS OR DAAIAGE B\ FIRE on all descriptions of property, either in the city or county, for a week, month or year. It also makes INLAND INSURANCE. Short In- surances made 011 Alerehandise in bonded and stor- age warehouses: and where the risk has terminated, the Premium lor the unexpired time will be return- ed. JOHN COATES, President. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Chaunccy Brooks, William F. Pcntz, Henry S. Shryock, John P. Bridges, Simon Parkhurst, James O. Spear, William Bridges, Joseph Matthews, John G. Ilcwes, William Chesnut, John Turubull, Jr., John E. Hurst. OTIS SPEAR, oc3-ly Secretary. The Peabody Fire Insurance Comp'y OF BALTIAIORE. ! Having been organized and located in SECOND STREET. ADJOINING THE POSTOFFICE, Is now ready to insure ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF BUILDINGS. FURNI- TURE AND MERCHANDIZE, In the city or country, annually or for snort terms. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: THOS. 1. CAREY, President. Galloway Cheston, j Austin Dall, Enoch Pratt, Peter Mowcll, Thos. Whitndge, IJohn il. B. I.atrobe, Wm. Kennedy, ill. D.llarvey, Jesse Tyson. I James Carey nel l-tft Firemen's Insurance Company. OFFICE OX THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SOUTH AND SECOND STREETS. Insures against loss or damage by file on all de- scriptions of property within the limits of the city. HENRY P. DUHURST, President. BOARD OF DIRECTORS t Auston Jenkins, | Francis W. Bcnnet, Augustus I. Albert, i Samuel Hart, Chas. I). Slingluff, 1 Hugh Bolton, Francis W. Elder, | J"s. Jas. Taylor, Edward Jenkins, John 11. Baj-iies, Frederick Achey, John G. lleancy, Thos. W. Levering, James Fields, Nathan Tyson, Barrett Brown, George B. Barry, John Al. Gait, Joshua Dryden, Thos. Wilson, John Cashing, Henry 1!. Laudcrman, Gcorgo H . Flack, Caleb Parks, Alendcz I. Cohen, George Franck, G. S. Gibson, Wm. H. L. Kertz, John A. Needles, Isaac AI. Den-on, Jas. AI. Anderson. John -A. Shrivcr. J. AIAKSIIALL WINCHESTER. m22-lawtfi Secretary. Maryland Fire Insurance Company OF BALTIMORE. X. IV. CORNER OF BALTIMORE AND NORTH STREETS. CASH CAPITAL 290,000 DOLLARS. This Company insures on all descriptions of prop- erty in die city and elsewhere by the year or for a shorter or longer period. Perpetual Policies issued a? a distinct in- surance on Real Estate, when requested. Terms and conditions of which can be had at the Oftlce. TIIOS. E. IIAMBLETON, President. DIRECTORS: Chnrlcs XV. Lord, i Edward W. Robinson, Ira C. Can field, John S. Barry, Charles J. Raker, Allen A. Chapman, Ross Campbell, j James 11. lloblitzell, John A. llambicton, j John R. Scemuller, Hugh A. Cooper, I Charles Spilkcr. JOSEPH K. AMILNOR, _ auls-tf Secretary. Associated Fireman's Insurance Co. OFFICE NO. 4 SOUTH STREET, OPPOSTTR SUN IRON BUILDING. Recognized for the prompt payment of its losses and explicit Policies, insures Dwellings, iurniture, Ves- sels, Merchandise and other property, in or out of I tho city, at the lowest rates of premium. WM. A. HACIV, President. | DIRECTORS: Wm. A. Hack, Thomas J. Flack, James C. Whcedon, Samuel Kirk, Allen Paine, Francis Burns, R.C.Mason, James Young, Jacob Trust, J as. E. George, Sr., James Gct*y, F. A. Miller, Noah Walker, Dr. F. E. 15. llintze, Lancaster Ould, JOHN DUKEHART, gel-ly Secretary. National Fire Insurance Company of Baltimore. Incorporated by the State of Maryland, 1843. OFFICE NO. 30 SOUTH STREET. (NEW BUILDING.) OPPOSITE SECOND STREET. This Company insures every description of prop- erty, inand out of tho city, against loss or dauiago by fire. Short insurances may be effected for a single day or a longer period. JOIIN B. SEIDENSTRICKER, President. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Henry M. Basil, Georgo W. Howard, George Bartlett, Joseph W. Jenkins, Thomas S. Bcnnet, George Small, Edward J. Church, Thomas Corner, Wm. Woodward, Hugh Sisaon, Wm. lleald, Robert Lawson. , , , U. C. LANDIS, fel9-ly Secretary. Baltimore Fire Insurance Company. S. W. COR. SOUTH AND WATER STREETS. This Company insures against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, In the city or country, on the various descriptions of Property. J. I. COHEN. JR., President. BOARD OF DIRECTORS : R. A. Taylor, W. F. Worthington, \V. G. Harrison, Wm. Giliuor, S. T. Thompson, J. Pennington, George lt. Victors, Joshua I. Coheo, F. W. Alrieks, .M. S. Stewart, erancis I'. King. Wm. 11. Bruno, Henry Carroll, N. Von Kepff. David S. Wilson, FREDERICICWOODWORTII, i27-wsmtf Secretary. FACTORIES, ETC. "EXCELSIOR" SOAP WORKS. MANUFACTURERS OF No. 1 Family WllMlusik Soaps. CHEMICAL OLIVE SOARS, CIIEAPESTIAND MOST ECONOMICAL IN THE MARKET. IF YOU WANT GOOD SOAPS, BUY TIIE Excelsior Chemical Olive AND ROSIS SOAPS. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. They produce a beautiful Lather, and wash equally Tell in hard or soft water, and if you once try theto you will have no other. If your grocer has not got any, call on our agents and buy It. Don't let them Put you off with other kinds. Y>° W A 'V. if AGENCY OF E. J. Dl FONT, Be NEMOtTR'N A C 0., Every variety of Keg and Canister POWDER, always on hand at their only Agency in the citv, A. L. WEBB & BilO., Corner Pratt and Commerce ste. IRON WORKS. MONUMENT IKON WORKS. A. & W. DENMEAD & SON, BALTIMORE, MD. MACHINE 4VORKS, CORNER NORTH AND MONUMENT STREETS. SHIP YARD, BOSTON STREET. CANTON. Have facilities for the manufacture of Marine and Stationary Engines and Boilers ofal! sizes. Machinery for Rolling Mills, Saw and Flour Mills, Iron Blast Furnaces and Castings of every description Our ship yard being located on deep water, we are prepared to build and put the machinery into iron and wood vessels of all sizes, as well as to repair the null, engines und boilers. nov4-3m POOLE & HUNT, BALTIMORE, MD., MANUFACTURE Portable and Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers, v* ~, Steam Fire Engines, Portable Saw Mills, Gang and Single Saw Mills, ? ~ _ Mining Machinery. Portable Grist Mills, Flouring Mill Machinery, # Cotton Screws, Railroad Cars, Car Wheels and Axles, Hydraulic Presses for Oil and Tobacco. Tobacco Moulds, Gu Worfcs Apparatus of all kind?, SWUss. Fuller ted Hauges. EXPRESS COMPANY. Time Tabic. j r.x|>i'<"is Matte !? Sleep) vol at and i)is- I>atclio<: \u25a0\u25a0Dm iiic Ollicc of IIn l t'orapaii.v i" V. A 5. T 1 SJ > It I".. LEAVE, j FtM.V.'owS jARRIVE. L si>":statiei \u25a0 i the | 8.25 A. M. i ; luinctun'mid Baiti'-j-j 1.00 P.M. II |>j- T. M. | -jpKLADELPIIIA ij|Jg} A. M. | i New \ "rk, I'.ii-iniiand! 1 ,hc Wiiminc- -2"-? ? P M 'J and Newborn, N. I it.fifi) , ~ T.:fl j *? w - | C? Charleston. S. C. f>7no j A ' M " Savannah, Ga.. ami I j I [ Nen Orleans. I.n j | | Hanover, Gettysburg, 1 I Littlotown. Harris- j i burs, Chainbcrsburg j andCarlisle.Pa.: H.i- --9.20 A. M. I- gerstown, Sid.; A\"ii- I 6OOP M | liamsport.Pu.: Elnii- | ru.Buffalo.Rocln ster i i andNiasara Fulls.N. I Y..and tln-Canadas.. | oon M II Way-stations in tlieTj ! "i 1 6 -°°p - M - I Pittsburg, Columbus, ' Cincinnati & Clove- | land, Indianapolis, i Cairo, Chicago, l)e- --troit, Louisville, Ist. Louis, Vieksburg, 8.001 10.00/ ? * Nashville, Chatta f 6.00 P. M. | nooga i Knoxvillo, I Tennessee; Augusta, Athens, Atlanta. AI- I bany, Macon and Co- I lumbus, Ga.;Eufaula | I Frederick, Harper's! i 9-00 A.M. [! "OOP. M. ___ I tcrmcdiate points I | II Cumberland and Way- i AM I \I J stations between Bal-| ,R.T> .. 9.00 A. M. -j timoreand Cumber-M '-OOP-M- - t lund | I I Way-stations west of) t " II Cumberland, Md.; |! ? , v , . 9.40 P. M. i Wheeling and Par- ! *?{?, A - } ? i kersburs, Ya? and I ,10.0° P.M. ij. Zanesviile. (thin Ii 4.50," tLW, 9.40; ( K<lß<iK-7 - A.M. I \ TOWN AM) ALBXAN- > -P. M. AO, g.OO P.M.! ( PRIA ) h oo * 7.00A. M. j { ANNAPOLIS } j6.00 P. M j { Norfolk, Fortress Mon-Y 6.00 P.M. ! j roe. Petersburg and -; 6.00 A.M. J(_ City Point. Va. ..) j ! f Richmond, Va.; Dan-") ! villc, Raleigh. Wei- 1 6.00 P. M. I 8.00 A.M. an<lGoMsboro\N.C.; I [ Columbia. S. C.. Arc.. j 1W arrenton,Culpepper, i Orange, Cordons- j ville,Charlottesville, i 4.30 A.M. 4 Staunton, Lynch* V] 8.00 P.M. | burg, and all stations on the Virginia and ' I Tennessee Railway., j ! OFFICES: l(4 ISaitiuiore Sireet. 02-tf 227 <1- 229 Sou 111 llowHrd Stroot. MEDICAL. tATKENGTH TO TI!E WEAK! ~ YOUTH TO THE AGED BIOKBENE LIFE 1!E.I I YEN ATt!li. A3-Tbis preparation i- unequalled pa Rciuvcna- tor and Restorer of wasted or inert functions. The feeble, til"aged and all there who have in any way impaired their vitality by excessive mental or physical application, will find the BioUrcue in fie what its name implies, a Life Ilejitvrnalor. which, \u25a0 while it builds up the shattered constitution, will a l-o imparl to the feelings the briskness and < nergv which belong to youth. No matter by what Cairo any organ has become en- feebled inits functions, this superb preparation will remove that cause at once and forever, i liIOKKEXE i CURES GENERAL DEBILITY, NERVOUS IN- CAPACITY. DI.NPKP.SI.A. DEPRESSION. LOSS OF APPETITE. LOW SPIRITS, IMBECILITY, MENTAL INDOLENCE. EMACIATION. ENNUI. IT HAS A MOST DELIGHTFUL, DESIRABLE AND NOVEL EFFECT UPON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM; and all who are inany way prostrated by nervous disabilities are earnestly advised to seek a cure in this most excellent and unequalled prepara- tion. BiOKKIiN!'. The FEEBLE, the LANGUID,the DESPAIRING, the OLD. should give this valuable diseoverv a trial, it will bo found totally different from all otliei articles for the same purpose. 'TO FEMALES. This preparation is invaluable in nervous weak- nesses of all kinds, as if will restore the wasted strength with wonderful permanence. It is also a grand tonic, and will givo relief in Dys- pepsia with the first dose. A brief persistence in its use will renovate the stomach to a degree of perfect health, and banish Dyspepsia forever. One Dollar per bottle, or six bottles for S3. Fold by Druggists generally. Font by express anywhere, by addressing HUTCHING;-; A- JIILI.VEK. Proprietors, No. 28 Dcy street, c ~ , New York. Sold by _ SETII P. IIANCE. , .105 Baltimore street, oc 24-bm Baltimore. Keen Kit's FEVER, KEENER'S FEVER AND AGUE POWDERS. AND AGUE POWDERS. AND AGUE POWDERS. Theso POWDERS wero originally prepared by Messrs. C. & D. & 5 Keener. Druggist s, of long stand- ing in Baltimore. They have been in use for better than twenty years, though never advertised, and now for the first time fairly before the public. Dur- ing this period, they have proven to be the very best, and almost the only universal specific for Fever and Ague, of all the medicines 111 vogue- There are at present many preparations in use, very similar in ap- pearance and in composition, to this one, hut for want oi care cither in selecting or in compounding the articles 0! which they are made, they want that efficacy for which this has become . 0 justly noto- rious. The intrinsic merit of this medicine, 11113 suggested the propriety of improv ins its appearance, by the ad- dition ola neat wrapper, as well as of giving greater publicity to its character and virtues. JOHN LEAKY & CO., Wholesale agents, Nos. 33 and 35 Hanover street, 1 Baltimore, Md, Dl<- A. tft'E'l', >d Paris, -tilleontiniles his suc- cessful treatment of COX.s U MPTDIN. Several residents of Baltimore, in an advanced stage of the disease, arc now rapidly recovering and can be re- ferred to. Apply at his OFFICE, Southeast corner ot layette and Frederick streets, Baltimore, Marv- frpd- _ jel9-ly Dlt. A. MEET, Graduate of the Medical Facul ty of Paris, (France.) Member of the Medical and Chirurgieal Faculty of Baltimore, Md. is the discoverer of the only Remedies for Diseases of a pri- vate character, without Mercury or noxious drugs.? Recent cases cured in from 12 to 48 hours, on written guarantee. Chronic, inveterate and constitutional diseases, such as have been abandoned as incurable, are speedily and permanently cured. The treatment adopted by him is that which has the approval of the most distinguished Physicians of Paris, and its uni- versal success in a practice of 40 years has proved, beyond a doubt, tnat tho worst cases rcadilv yield and aro thoroughly removed at once and forever from the system, especially all eases of constitutional de- bility; nervous diseases, which soon or into turns to consumption, and all the evils entailed !>v certain pernicious practices which ruin both body and mind unfitting the victim for either, society or marriage, and to those who are suffering the evil effects oi improper indulgences, of whatever kind can now be perfectly restored to natural health and v.'gor, in a brief period, by applying to one whose skiiJ and experience can be relied on. No exorbitant or unprofessional chnrpes. Distant Patients consulted by letter and remedies forwarded that can be taken in the most convenient and private manner. Oflico southeast corner of FAYETTE and FRED- ERICK STRRETia. jel9-ly DK. .lOH.VSTOJf HAS DISCOVERED _ The most certain, speedy, and only effectual remedy in the world for Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Affections of the Ividnoys and Bladder, Involuntary Discharges, Impotence, General Debil- ity, Nervousness. Dyspepsy. Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timid- ity, Trembling, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Dis- eases of tho Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of tho Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels?those terri- ble disorders arising from Solitary Habits of Y outh?- secret and solitary practices more fatal to their vic- tims than the song of Syrens to tho Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or an- ticipations, rendering Marriage, Ac., impossible. DR. JOHNSTON. .Office No. 7 S. FREDERICK STREET, left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few uours from tho corner. Name 011 tho door and window. No letters received unless prepaid and containing stamp to be used 011 the reply. oef-tl PHILOSOPHY OP MAKRIAGE. THE PROPRIETORS of tho New York Mu. cuu) ot Anatomy have determined, regardless of cx- to issue tree, (for tho benefit of suffering hu- maiAty, and suppression of quackery), four of their most interesting and instructive Lectures on Marri- age and disqualifications, Nervous and Physical Debility, *jemature Decline of Manhood, Indiges- tion, Weak or Depression, Impotency, Loss of Energv and Mani>" Power, the Great Social Evil, and those Maladies whicu result from youthful follies, excesses of maturity, or ;jnorance of Physiology and laws of nature. These invaluable Lectures havo been the means enlightening and saving thousands, add will be for- warded free, on receipt of four stamps, by address- ing SECRETARY. New York Museum of Anatomy nJ" Medicine. 61 Hrrvidwav York dSn-lv Aran's ACfUJE CUKE, BLJr A For tho speedy and certain Cure of Intermittent Fever, or Chills and BB .Fever, Remittent Fever, Chill Fever, JBL Dumb Aguo, Periodical Headache, or Bilious Headache, and Bilious Fevers; W indeed, for the whole class of diseases originating in biliary derangement, caused by the malaria of miasmatic countries. This remedy has rarely failed to cure the severest cases of Chills and Fever, anil ithas this great advan- tage over other Aguo medicines, that it subdues the complaint without injury to the patient. It contains no quinine or other deleterious substance, nor does it produce quinism or any injurious effect whatever Shaking brothers of the Army and the West try it and you will endorse these assertions. Prepared by . J. C. AYER & CO., LcwelL THINIBTOGIVE XOTIC'E-^-That the sub- senber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore city, letters of administration on the per- sonal estate of JOHN JACOBS, late of said city, do- ceased. All persons having claims against the said deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or beioro the 2d day of May next; they may otherwise, bv law, be excluded from all benefit of said estate. All porsoxis indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. . oam Given under ay h&nd thii 28th day of OotM 18po. JACOBo, SWwiw AißtflJi tutor. RAILROAD NOTICES. THE BAETIMOKE AND OHIO KAIEROAO. Um On and after SUNDAY, Oct. 1v > ~ threedailv truins will run between Baltimore and Wheeling and Parkers- burg. as follows: MAILTRAIN will leave Baltimore dailv Sunday) at 8.1"> A. M. CINCINNATI EXPRESS TRAIN will leave daily, (including Sunday), at 2 P. M? antl the > i". LOUIS EXPRESS daily (except Saturday) at 8.40 P. Ai. All these trains connect at Bclair and Parkcrsburg for ail points West, Southwest and Northwe.-t. FREDERICK ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leav- Baltimore at 4.">0 P. AT. East.?Leaves Frederick at 7.1 ?" A. Al. daily, (Sun- day excepted.) Tim ELLICOTT'S MILLS TRAIN leaves Baiti- mor<* at >. -> n and 10 A. AT., and "..80 P. Al.,and Elli eottV Mills at 7.40 A. AT., and UA'" A. M? and P. Ai. Foil WASHINGTON: Ticavo Baltimore at 4.30, 7.05 S. 15 and 0.40 A.M., and 2.::o and 6P. M. On Sundays at 1.30 and MA A. AI., and 4.20 P. AT. Leave Washinpton at 6.20, 8.20 and 11.15 A AI.. and J.I ". 11,30 and 1,40 P. AT. On Sun- days at 5.20 A. Ai. and 1.1 - P. AI.. and .'1.8,0 P. AI. The 0.10 V. AI. and th02.30 P. AI. train*onlyfrom Baltimore and the 6.20 A. AI. and the 4.10P. AI. trains from Wash- ington stop at way point . The 7.05 and 8.45 A. AI. and 1.20 P. AT. train from Baltimore,and thcd.JOnnd 8.20 A. AI. and Mo p. AJ. trains from Washington connect with trains on the Annapolis road. For further information, tit-kefs of every kind, Arc., apply tod. T. ENGLAND, Agent, at <'a union Sta- tion, or at the Ticket Office. W. !'. SMITH, Master of Transportation. L. AT. COLE, Gent ral 'J: ket Agent. ..-? ?J^-1f SKEDE- KIOKSBIRG AND FoTO- AIAC R. K ?TO TRA VRLLRRS O'OLXG SOUTH. TVfICE DAILY, {S\nvhy p. M. Excepted.) The quickest and most direct route to Richmond, Va., and the South, via the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad to Washington Potomac steamers from Sixth Street Wharf, Wash- ington to Aquia Creek and Richmond. Fredericks- burg and Potomac Railroad now entirely completed from Aquia Creek to Richmond, Va.. conne -ting thorc with trains on the Richmond and Petersburg and Richmond and Danville Railroads, for Peters- burg. Weidon, Wilmington, Raleigh, Greensboro', Salisbury, Charlotte and Chester, S. C. Trains leave Camden Station at 4.3<) A. AI. and 3.M0, andP. At., connecting at Washington with steamers leaving Sixth Street wharf, daily. (Sunday night excepted), at 7 A. AI. and 8.45 P. AT., and arrive in Richmond at 2.20 P. AT. and 5.20 A. M. THROUGH TO RICHMOND IN TEN HOURS. Fifty Milcn Shorter and 2V£ hours quicker than any other Rovfe, Be sure and get through tickets via Aquia Creek ami Fredericksburg to Kiehiuond,at Camdon Station, Baltimore, and get through baggage checks. Oinnibusses and baggage wagons always in readi- ness to convey passengers and baggage toi the steam- ers in Washington city free of charge. A. NEED HAM& SON. No. 142 Light street wharf, ? General Agents. Curs. AI. II AX i v, General Passenger Agent. " i-ffiiAl ,EX AN OKI AK AILHOAD. Til 110LGil BY RAIL FROM WASHINGTON AND ALEXANDRIA TO RICHMOND AND LYNCHBURG. On and after FRIDAY, Sept. 1,1865, the trains on this road willrun as follows: TRAINS SOUTH. Leaves Washington at 7 A. AT. and 8.30 P. AI. Alexandria at 7.35 A. M. and y Ik Ai . Gordonsvilie at 12.30 P. AT. and 1.40 A. AI Arrive in Richmond ar .5 P.M. and 6 \ v Lynchburg ai 5.20 P. AI. and 6 A. M. TRAINS NORTH. Leave Lynchburg at 6.45 A. AI. and 7.15 P. AT. " Richmond at 7 A. AT. and 7.15 P. Ai! " Gordon villc at 12.50 p. .M.and 12.2UA*. AL Arrive in Alexandria at 4.55 I>. Ai. and 1 ' A M Washington at.... 5. ;o P. AI. and ".25 A. AI. On Sundays leave Washington at S.:*i P. \|. only. LOCAL FREIGHT TRAIN leaves Alexandria at - 4A. AL, arriving in_GordonsvilleatlL4s A. M.: leaves Gordonsvilie at 12.35 p. AI.. arriving in Alexandria at THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN leaves Alexan- -1 dria at SA. AT., arriving in Lynchburg at 7.1" P. AL; leaves Lynchburg at 3.20 A. Air. arriving in Alexan- dria at 6.1(i P. M. Passengers for Warren ton will take the 7 A.M. train south from Washington, and thel>.4 > A. AI. train 1 north from Lynchburg. Passengers by the 6.15 A. AT. and 7.15 p. AT. trains from Lynchburg, and the. 7A. AI. and 7.15 P. AI. trains from Richmon I connect with trains at Washington for all parts of the North and West. This route has tho advantage over all others, by having a continuous rail lrom New York to Lynch burg?4os miles. v II also pa-ses through Fairfax. Bull Run, Manassas, r Bristoe, Uatlett's, Rappahannock, Culpepper,Orange R and G|nlon.-viiJc, where many of the late great battle wero fought. XicKets can be procured in Adams Express huild- -1 ing, opposite the Baltimore and Ohioßailroad Depot, in Washington, also at tho Depot on ATar.vland avenue. Trains leave the corner of First and (' sis.. Washing- -1 ton. WAR 11. MeCAFFERTY, General Superintendent. 1. AI. BROADUS, oc9-tf General P sscnger Agent. s YoitXi 9> "itAIE- K On and aider AD)N!h\Y next, Nov. 18th, ear- will S leave City Hull at each hour, from 7A.ALto 6p. AL. y except 12 noon. a Night ear for Towsontown at 11 P. AI. r Leave Tow onPnvn every hour from 7 A. AI. t? ? 7 P. AL, except 12 noon. nop *t:W AUHANGEAIE.NT. I'IULADKBI'iTI.A. IVri.MIXGTOXAND 1 BALTIMORE RAILROAD. On and after THURSDAY, .Tune Ist, trains wiil leave President Street Depot, as follows, \ i/: d ay .Mail Train for Philadelphia aud Way Sta- tions, at 8.25 A. AI. Express Train for New York only, at 0.20 A. AT. Is Express Train for Philadelphia and New Y'ork, at rt 1.10 P.M. Way Mail Train for Philadelphia and Way Sta- ll tions, at 4.1n P. AI. Express train to Philadelphia and Way Stations, at 6.35 P. AI. p r X p r M' S rain or Philadelphia nod New York, at The above Trains leave DAILY, (except Sundays,) ON FI'NDAYS: For New York at 7.50 P. AI., and for Philadelphia at P. 20 P. AI. For Salisbury and intermediate points on the Del- aware Railroad, take the 9.25 P. AL; and for Dover, Delaware, take the 1.10 P. AL train. ~ ? WAT. CRAWFORD. no!4-tf Agent. 5 EE sm YOU I lllUn <:ATItV3, KAKtJtOAI). y SUMMER SCHEDULE, On and aft'r Sundav. May 28. 1865, r , TRAINS NORTHWARD. q Park ton Accommodation, No. 1 7.20 A. AL Mail. ooq Hnrrisburg Accoinniodation 2.50 P. M. 1 Parkton Accommodation, No. 2 ?. Pittsburg and Eric Express S.IMJ 44 Pilt.-burgand Elmir.t Expjos. ... lo op ? r lv , t TRAINS SOUTHWARD.' j, Pittsburg. Llmira ami Erie Express 7.00 A. AI. t Parkton Accommodation, No. 2 s.lo 1 llarrisburg Accommodation 12.20 P. AI Mail 5.30 " j Parkton Accotniuodntion. No. ' 7.20 " Pittsburg Exprc. s through without change of cars. r Express Train leave-* daily at 10.'. Lx|rcss Train at S.oii daily, except Saturdays, for llarrisburg, Pittsburg and Erie. Express at 10.00 P. AI.. Sundays, for llarrisburg, Pittsburg and the A\ est only, arrives daily, except Mondays. Express at 8.00 P. AL leaves daily except Satur- days. ? Mai', daily, except Sundays. llarrisburg Aecoin modation leaves daily, except Sundays. Mail and \u25a0 Express will not stop between Baltimore and Park- ton. Mail and Express Trains inako close connections with tho Pcnn>ylvaniaCentral Railroad :it llarn<- burg for P'ttshurg, Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, I Indianapolis, rort 5\ ayne, Chicago, and all points ii s the great. \\ est, and at Elmira with the New York and Erie Railroad for all points in Northern, Cen- tral and >\ estern New Y'ork. For further information, apply at Calvert Station. 1 J.N. DUBARRY, General Superintendent. iWlf n , ED. S. YOUNG, ! tiiy2i-tf General Freight ami Passenger Agent. MA UsTITL>T SA LKS. !%WAKSII Al/S SA 3-1". -B> ATM iif sale pas-nd !>>? th United i>i *r r. tiiurt. Nov. 10th, 1865, Notiec i.- hereby jriven that I will -r!! at pnbiie ; auction, for cash, on THURSDAY, the liith Nov. , in St.. at 12 o'clock AI, at the lower end of Smith's Wharf, Baltimore city. The Schooner "ELIZA A. | JOHNSON" as she notv lies. ; W. BONIFANT, , noll-ts U. S. Marshal. rjnouAcco .VMOKEKS, buy FICKEY'S li. li. PIPE, If you wish to avoid DIZZINESS. NAUSEA. onW-lm n,i KfiRF T'iN'itrir CAI'SfbES OF SATICO YERIiTAMS ALSO-LIQUID EXTRACT OF MATICO. UY GRIMAULT Sc CO., Chemists, in Paris. These eleqant preparations effect rapid and ex- traordinary euros of recent and old and severe cases of disoase. They are used in all the Hospitals of Paris by the most celebrated physicians, and aro found greatly superior to ill preparations of Capaiba ? Lubebsete and mineral remedies. The linuid extract is used in recent cases, and tho Capsules in the more chronic, and where all other remedies havo failed. These preparations will always effect a cure. . pgroTs: In Pans, GRIMAULT & CO., 45 Kue Richelieu. New York, BECKER, 129 Grand street. Baltimore, ANDREWS & THOMPSON, 5 West Baltimore street. iylt-lawfim jgAETIMOIIE A.\l)EOIiBESSY MUTUAL COAL COMPANY. 'l'liis Company will turnish to its subscribers, for the present. foiti sit Per Ton ot '>2lo lbs. Delivered. The Lorberrv Coal sells for one dollar per ton over all other Anthracites in the Eastern markets. Stockholders arc entitled to one ton of Coal per annum for each share of stock. Price of shares SlO. Subscription books now open at the office of the Company, 36 Second street P. H. SULLIVAN. President. PATENT SCALES, BEAMS. WEIGHTS, &c. Parties in want of yKA Hue will consult their interest by examining our stock and prices be- |fore purchasing else- BANKS, DINMORE & CO., No. 2214 South Charles street, ocl4-lm Baltimore. "J^EOTERtt. The PATENT NEOTERIC SMOKING TUBES are now in the market. They combine purity with luxury,and convenience with elegance. They oc - oupy no more space than a common Cigar Holder, yet by an ingenious breech-loading principle thy can be smoked indefinitely without ro-lighttng. They are unquestionably superior to anything ever before used for the purpose, overcoming ail deleterious influences and offensiveness of smoking pipes. Wholesale by tho Sole Manufacturers, JAMES H. JOHNSON. 99 W. Baltimore stroot, BRANCH OFFlCE,s4oßroadway, KstaiJetJ w dealers generally.

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.govDAILY COMMERCIAL BAL TIMO RE, MP. Boani ofTrade. Commit'- '* ' ' 'ion for November; OKfl. V*'. IbIWXKD, ' ?fOHV R. COX..1. J. Ann.IH.IMS. R- R. KIRKI.ANH,.1


Boani ofTrade.

Commit'- '* ' ' 'ion for November ;

OKfl. V*'. IbIWXKD, ' ?fOHV R. COX..1. J. Ann. IH.IMS. R- R. KIRKI.ANH,

.1. C. Barrv.

COMMERCIAL RECORDSaSosat ll*Baltimore Stock Board.

November 11, 1865.FIRST P.OARD.

American Gold. ,J Bare IlillMin. Co.?;) ... 146?-H 590shs blO :M

5.000 ...

r7 al 500shs ... b3O 2.151". 5.7-30'. . Pennsylvania Oil Co.] ()?) ... 2d series 96% 500shs ... .5-5

200...miseries 90S 500shs .55Bait. &Ohio R. b*ds. j 500shs ...

.55i 000 . . H5 99%! 1,000 shs ...


Mi. and < in. K. b*ds. 1 ">'K)shs ... b3O .0085 i 500 shs ... .50

Franklin Bank. [Amer'n Gas Coal Co.45,its 12 i 509 shs

... .70Baltimore &Ohio R. I 9 shs ... .80

\u25a0?-lis 112 (Lake Chrome Co.Bare HillMin. Co. I l.OOOshs ...

.15an*si l - ... 1)30 2.10 , 500shs ... .15-noshs ...

b3O 2.10 500shs ... .15?uMis ...

b3O 2.10 500shs ... .15500shs ... 2.JO|

prices of Stocks and Rends in New YorkBY TELEGRAPH.

b>> Leonard ./. f* Co., Stock and HWJirokern, No. 22 South Street.

November 11. 1805.To-day. Y'esterday. Yesterday*

Ist Board 21 Board o P. M.I. S. Coupons, 1881 105% 1051,l 5.5-2 M 101)4 IQVAV. S. 1 year Certificates "7. M 1165 146 5Tennessee o's 85 85N' nth Carolina CV 83%i -ouri 6 s 76' i 7 *Canton Company 43% 44% 44%Cumberland 12'1 4'. 45',Quicksilver 47V* Is

New York Centra! 96% ''s'. 96%Kric 92% 03 92%Krie Preferred s 3Hudson. 106% luo% 1"7Heading Ill'i 115% 115Michigan Central li ll - ;

Michigan Southern 7 v% 76) % 7 ?

Illinois Central 1.14 I HCleveland and, Pittsburg.. 94 H - , 95Chicago and N". Western.. 33 3! !

_. 33%" Preferred... 6V 7 6V H

Cleveland and Tob do 1"2) lolChicago and Rock lslatid..lo4' ? l'#>! 1 106' 1Mil.and PrairieduChicxi.l ffFort Wayne P's% P ? i 10:i,Alton and Torre Haute... ts' 1 16Ohio and Miss. CertTone of Market Irreg'r. Steady Ilea *v.

SATCRDAY, NOV. 11th? P. M.Stocks wer* inacti\ e again to-day, and the market

; a whole was heavy. Cold sold at 146*6, a declinej ,on the cluing ale of yesterday; but the trail: 'tions iu it were insignificant, the rales embracingonly "no lot of S2OO and anolln 1 < f $5,(8(0.

Government -ccuvitic- arc dull, and the market fortlieni continues depressed: jfs were weaker thanon yesterday, first issue being offered at 101 %. withonly 101 1 1 bid, and third i uc closed ut 'l*3-3 bid, l**lasked. One <rl wo Jots of 7-30V. wen- .!d at 90% forsecond, and 96 1 t for third cries, -econd series doingsit 90) 1 bid. 96ashed. Si.vcsof lssl closed at 105-,,bid, 106 asked. One Year Certificates at .'7 bid, andln-40's at 91 bid, 92 a>ked.

There was nothing done in State or City O's, butthese stocks were -feady at about previous iJiotn -

tions. l'or Railroad bond* there \vn> a iittlc inquiry,and sales were made oi Baltin: -vr and Ohio 18*"'s at

V'C- 99%, an,j ?j a (~? ~f ?Jarietta and Cincin-nati bond* at 85. For Northern Central HBs's 83 wasidd. Northwestern Virginia Hi -1 mortgage closed at98 bid, and Central Ohio lir-t mortgage at bid.?

Railroad shares w-n very quiet. the<mly sale being

one of two shares Baltimore and Ohio at -612. Wenotice a sale of 15 shares l i iuklin Bank at sl3.

In the miscellanrous list bminc** was small, andMining Stock.-were jrcneraMv l'\ver. Bare Ilill de-

clined jOct*.. llburat 2.15, and l'ennsj'lvauinOil 5 ets., selling at ( -j . -,r-h, and ?''(> els., buyerand closing at ? ets. bil.60 el-, a.-ke 1 regular way.Bake Chroiuc, the only other ofihe mining in wiii- hthere was any busines* of eonseuuence done, washigher, 2,506 share selling at i > el -. Bankers' andBrokers' Telegraph was -juilc lira-, v. onlySin beingbid for it?) ? a dollar lc - than v a- bid yesterday,butFanta Clara was stronger, closing at Fll' i bid, FJ3asked. For Ball imorcGa.-< i.ight Company;B2<H) was lidagain to-day, with no sellers, and sl2l was bid forBaltimore and Cuba Fine!ting Company.

The demand for money has for a day or two pa tbeen very active, and it is much more difficult to ne-gotiate paper than it was a week ago. First classpaper passes at 9 per cent, which, however, i- theminimum rate for the very best, but .-01110 very goodpaper is being placed at 10 per emit Second class iouiiueult of negotiation at any rate, lmt none will' ich it under 12per cent. Call loans 011 prime col-laterals can still be made at 7 per cent.

The Third .National Bank of tlii - it;, has declareda dividend o! five per cent. 011 the old stock, and ofthree percent. 011 the new or increased capital, freeof all taxation, payable 011 and alter the l'.ih inst.

Tn New fork the stock market is depressed, hutthere is rather le-s disposition to make forced sales.Governments arc steady, except l'l-in's and 7:."V,v hi. h are rather lower. Railroad shares 011 Satur-day opened heavy and Ih. ud steady, liock Island.Northwest, and Fort Wayne being the weakest, andReading and Michigan Southern the strongest onthe list.

The New York L'r- ni.i,7 r - i Saturday says:

\\ all street hows i.iilur{? - .<(' depression to-day,1 ? vague apjiivini -i"U -.1 tringeucy in uiomylov.ers the tone - ' eoniidenee among capitalist ,while the uocc-sitic. nicrcl. uiis and others wh<have loaded thcnisclve beyond their means withgovernment and tlier sovurilie can-ed an increaseddispo.-,;i' !i to -ell. which unfa?.oralily affects nuotn- 1tiu . The ' an i.;ark't i< active a! 7 perc iit. l'herei- een-iderai.!,- inquiry l'or mone\. but le.-.- strin- jg k ythan ye terday. Commer* paper pa*--es at s<" !,t with little demand and a iuil supply.

The same paper says:V. c arc informed that to-day the Eric Railway has

paid off "lie-half ei tin- sum "t'FI.W'.UOU. borrowedin January of Mr. Ibew, and have received fromhim one-half oi the 28,(KM) shares then hypothecated,'i 1: \u25a0 ( "ir.pany. it is -aid. do not contemplate sellingilf- *toek below par. The funds for this morning'spayment Luncheon derived from the recent Englishian of i7l,t>oo.iHJi), negotiated in Bondon withMessrs../. S. Morgan Y Co., .Sterne Brothers and J. T. Mac-kenzieon7 per cent, convertible sterling bonds.?These bonds were negotiated at 67 and 69, and bringiu about 110 in currency at too present rate of ex-change. The anticipation is that in a few day- theCompany willpay off the balance and receive fromMr. Brow the remaining 1 J.OOU shares

The same paper say.-: Wc learn that the NationalBankers l.xprcss Company is now fully organized,witu a sub-jibed capital often million- of dollars. ,A board of trustees has been chosen, and a meeting Iof the Executive Committee was held at the Ft. jNicholas yesterday, to perfect the working details ofthe organization. It was then decided that an officelor transaction of the general business of the compa-ny should be immediately opened in this city, andthat under arrangements now perfecting, lines l'urthe transaction of a general express business shouldsoon be in operation in all the northern States.The total imports at New York for the week com-pare as follows:Weekend Nov. 9. Nov. 2. Get. 26. Oct. VXDry goods *2.771,5U3 >2.(115. 915 .53,137,226 >3,403,652 'Gen. liid.-c 2,102.853 3,359,7.3.8 1,886,144 '2.709.225!Total $6,174,656 .$5,875,138 $5,023,370 $6,112,877

1 he New York imports of dry goods com pare as fol-lows withformer returns:

For the week. 1862. 18;j. 1865.Entered at the port. :?'957.68M -l.' i 52.771,511.;Thrown 011 market 914,916 988*589 ?**435!77HSince Jan. Ist. 1863. llkVl. "**1865.l.iitered at (ho port .. . <855.3iH,5i,2 $69,163,031 $73,185,467

J hrown 011 market. . 5(;,|f2,6Vi 68,801,675 77,581,269At New York foreign exchange closed weak for tlio

1 r/"S \u25a0! la ' ,i! ' 'toymen bomlon are quoted atL, v-t hr documentary: 107 1 -.0/ for eommei -

r'i for bankers: (10. at short sisht,' - V" d,lVs'- ; < short

ll* tt;' 0-"' t;.yn<wrp. Swiss 5.21? : iliiDihurr. ?,> Aui-tonhuii, lo.V;

1 taiikl'jrt to 4ii's: Rroiueii, 7S"'. Ts I J'nissianIhalers.To'iwTl1, ? J"'

Ui S|..a-i(. the Snx.iniii take- out SIIT.INHI and tlioity ol Boston SISO.UOU, innkiiis a tottil of ij>l'.<7,t)oli.

Balliittorr Mnrliots. Xvvcinbrr 11, IStlo.(OH El',?l litre ha been hut little inquiry loday lor ( offee, and wc have no sales to report.

Uoscc no change to note in the condition of the.

vr' h", 1"!" 1"' to quote as follows, viz: Riou',- cts gold lor common to fair, and 21122ets gold for good to itrimc: l.aguayra at 32 , ,':is ctscurrency, 20/ Java at -. "si cts currency. Tne stock

tu fint hands is now only about bags., to The market for I'lour continue- dulland very much depressed. There arc few sales

making, and the stock is accumulating, the inspccfmns lor the past week being upwards of 27.0(10 hbls.\u25a0Notwithstanding the dullness of the market, pricesarc pretty well maintained, and wc still quote as fol-

v.l'L.".owalStreet at s'.'.'T."'. p..',nfor Super SO -

t'ri' ai ® d "-250. 10.75 for regular Ex-i-

- 5 511-/*'' lur-fancy brand do., and 512.25(.< 13 forhaimly: Ohio at §J.7 /"!'.oO for Super: SIC" ' 510.5'1 for2;.'.!', Extra; SlU.s(ta, 11.5(1 for fancy brands do, and

1; lorfamily: and City MillsatS9f4 y.:t7*-for Su-per: Sl0<" 10.2-, for standard Extra: and Sl2.ooe> 12.75fcs'ff ra

nds do. Patapsco, Rescrvior and otherbrands of Baltimore high grade Familv and ExtraforthoUUo} Tj-

!j"4vr ® forlue '-. "lid 513.511 per bblfor the latter. Rye flour is quoted at S7 T"<OS7 .-{7l .and Corn Meal at S4 74 bbl.


(iRAIX.?W heat win- dullagain this morning, andfor everything but choice de.crintions the marketwas heavy. Ihc receipts were about 5,500 bushels,but the sales were limited, lied sold at 21S cts forfair Western, 21v:'2<cts medium. Marvland,240 cts for good do, oral 250 cts for prime'do. CIIOI.,would probably have brought 2.'OM2dilcts but there

was none at market. No sales o! white were report-ed, but wc quote itas ranging from 250 to.'iiKtets formedium to strictly prime. Corn was in good supplv,the receipts reaching about 14,000 bushels, and tfiemarket for it was active and firm, AVhitc sold at 60ets for dump new, Bo@B6 ets for dry lots do, and goodto prime old brought Bofeß7 cts, these figures being anadvance of 1 to 2 cts on yesterday's prices. Yellowwas also higher, selling at 82 cts for new. and 85 ctslor old Oats were higher, prices for them rangingfront oil to 03 cts but there were only about I.2oobush-

xmFXauic! there was nothing done.jiujjAfesfcfe,?Jfoiasses jgsteady at previous quota-

tions- vu: 50©J0 cts for Cuba clayed, 55@70 cts for2 CB ?I' 60@95 cts for English Island, and.0 cts to $1 it gallon for Porto Rico. Maryland Re-

bbls am? haff bC?" " SC " inff at U5 allon in

ac,un °riFrvf 1S 's Tl18 Proriaion market is flata-atn, and the attempt to g'lvanize it a few days7t w|';! S,kKe- ecn af?i' l;rc - Pa con is selling22, r. ete for Sides, and 18)4 cts for Shoulders

liable quotations for"

M.' iW£ ! an , ai,ve ,lu re-

Prime Mess do at nfc Po,Jk ls '! uld at 654,

and it is sclhng in retail lotsTit't'h . l T bbl,is no Lard seufng that hear 7??f re! ' .T^rebefore at 2H<" 2tiV, cts for City and '.\Sot® 11 as

SJWai-sbakwSBUGARS.-The inarket-for Sugars has been verynutet to-day, no sales having been made so far as wekv CLea

. r. r - iwotations are still as follows, viz;h -a lCts fot rebninggrades Cuba and English Island:14 aaloM cU for grocery grades do: and Uy/<±lV4ctsfor common to fair Porto Rico; 15%19 cts Tor good

to prune dp; cts for choice, and 16'<,al8 cts forcentritugals. *

RKFIXJSD SUGARS.? Deliveries continue to be made

SALT.?The market well supplied with Liver-pool Silt, nearly 12,(XK) sacks having been receivedhere within the past few days. It _i3 selling to thetrdo at $2.50 for Ground Alum: $3.50 for Marshall'sline, and $4 V sack fr Ashton's do. Turk's IslandSalt selling from *toro m6O ets "r1 bushel.

SEEDS.- The only transaction reported in Clover-seed to-day is the sale of 80 bushels prime at .$8.25 perbushel, winch is the top uf the market for primeseed, and it ranges from this figure down to $8 perbushel. Timothy Seed is very dull at $53,503' 4. butFiev-eed i* in fair demand and steady at $3 perbushel.

WHIFKY \\ hiskcy is fjuiet but is hckl veryfirmly at $2.12"2.43 per gallon for Western. Thestock here is quite light.


FEOI B, Ac.?The market for Western and StateFlour opened firmer, but closed sto 10 cts lower oncommon grades. The inquiry is only moderate forthe homo trade. The medium and high grades arequiet but steady. The sale- arc 9.700 bbls at8.15 for Superfine State: SS.2tX/'8.49 for Extra State:>B.s()v; 8.80 for Fancy Str.ty; >8.45(28.80 for the lowgrades of Western Extra; S,9'" 9.20 for Shipping Ohio;$9.306114.60 for Trade brands, andLouis Extras. Southern Flour is heavy for commonbrands. Sales of 850 bi.l-- .M '?> for mixedbrands Baltimore, A<\: $10." 10.50 for common .Mary-land Extras: and $10.60" 16.25 lbr good t< choice Ex-tras. Bye Flour is easier. Sales of 100 bbls at $6.30(\u25a0'7. Corn Meal is steady. Sales of 150 bbls at $4.50for Jersey, and s4>s for Brandy wine.

GRAIN.?The wheat market is less active, butprices arc nearly as firm: at the clo*c the market isheavy. The demand is mainly for milling. The salesare 58.000 bushels at sl.7s'c 1.84 for Chicago Spring;>1 80'" 1.85 for MilwaiikieClub; $1.85( 1.86 for auiberdo., and extra choice at >1.1*0; $?.39(c 2. iu for amber;$2.25 for common new white .Michigan. Barley is infair demand: prices arc without change. Sales of

12.000 bushels at sl.loh* 1.13 for Canada East. si.lßfor State, and $1.30 for Canada West. Barley Malt isquiet at Fl.2H'" 1.>2. Oats are better aud in fair de-mand. Sound are scarce and wanted. The sales arc98,000 bushels Canadian at 61c: Western at 60<v 6'2c;State at 620' 64c; I usound at 1>;s2c. live is in fairdemand, but closes heavy. The .-ales are 8,500 bush-els Canadian at sl.lß. State at $1.15, anl Western at$1.15. Corn is more active; prices arc without mate-rial change, closing heavy. The sales are 1'23.u0bbushels, unsound at S2("'t -, '<?: Western mixed at 890/91c J ; and common Jersey yellow at KSC.

PItOYIFIO.YF.?The i'ork inark'-t is only mode-rately active, and prices remain about thesaxue. Lastevening 1,000 bbls new me.-- (1.865-6), seller'- optionsix months, nt $29. The ales, cash and regular, nr*5,0't0 bbl- at $32.2 V"32.50 lbr mess, closing at $32.37' \u25a0/,>27.75G 26 for western prime mess. Beef is selling toa fair extent in jobbing lot* it former rates. Saleswere made yesterday of I,5'M) bhl* new beef, plainand extra mess, to be delivred within thirty <lay-.

on private terms. Sales of 750 lihls at sl2'" 14.75 forplain mess; sl4.7sC'i 16.7". tor extra do. and s7'". 11.50for state beef. Cut meat-are quiet. Bacon is heavyand dull. Dressed hogs ,nv iiiiciiaiigfd. We. ouotcat tts for city, and choice lighthogs, ifhere.17 ct-. I;ii! is steady, and as aetix eas the supply adnlit? of. Fales ot 2N) to .'>> bbl at 'i'Vn 28I cts forNo 1 and city, 27" ; - 2 \u25a0; ets lbr western, and 29 cts1"! iinall lots of choice, both city and western.

CGFFKE.?Rio in little better demand, butpiieesaie heavy.a- the stock is gradually accumu-lating. which i<< about 12,090 bags.

COTTON.?The market to-day i*firm and moder-ately active at 5852 c. for middlings.

PETROLEFM.?Crude is snore aelii e and better.We quote at'-S'" . on the -pot, ami 39e. forN'tvotiiliei-ami iJc-'-ember delivery?sales since our

l last of 6,000 bbls. Refined in bond ij better; sales oi2,999 bids ;it (R"<>2 , jc. Free Oil is dull and nominal.

FEEDS.?ClovoistM'd isdullau 1 heavy at 13'" 13)Timothy Seed is in fair dcniHiid i:ts ;.5o ."..7*. RoughFlax Feed is firm and f.iiriyactive at Fu-/3.1.5. Cal-cutta Linseed is firm at F3.

Fl G.\K.?Raw Sugars arc dull, but prices arcwithout change; i?' 11'bc. f-i fair to giod

' refining; re lined arc firm at 2"' ,c. for hauls.) WJIJFKY .?The market i- better; sales of 295 bbls

, at >2 13,(" 2.17 for Western.PliilmicOOiiu >larketß.

I'hu. w.KJ.pnr Nbiv.lltli.?Flour is dull and un--11 banged in price. New red Wheat F2.30.Y; 2.35. Corn

" i-linn; yellow 99 ets; white cts. Wliisk.v i*steady 1I at $2.41 ("2.43.

Chiengo lltirkelN.CHICAGO. NOV. 12.?Flour i-> dull. Wheat unsettled

?sales at sl. j:gJ.J y . f? r old. New ('orn is steady-No 1, 55ct : No. 2. 51' _. cts. Oats are dull, and priceshave declined 3 els. Brovisions dull. .Mess Fork<;i.soc :,2. are steady at >IU" 11.75.

Miluauiac WarketN,.MMWAIKII,Nov. i I.?Flour is stead v. IVb*at is

quief, and pri es have declined 1 ct. Sales at $1.51.

I saiporfH?Foreign.Arneiho, V. R.. brig Alfred. '.72 hlnl- sugar, 15 bbl?

d".. Stirling A Ahrcns: lot of obi metal. A. R. MortonSon*.! 7"! Card iff. Males. Brbarkfßiring Dawn. 2.703 barsrail-

ldad ir.-n, R. A >. R. R. < ...

St. John. X. 8., schr M m. li. Mailler, 99,()b feet1 )timber, 2o|,fioo shingles. 1M.'.HHJ 1.-sili-, Kel t-y A Gray.

Exports? Foreign.- j Mayguez, R. R.?Br. brig leta. 96 bbls flour, 22 do

i rye Hour. 55 .p. rorn meal. 1} do beau-, 50 do pork, >qdo niaek'-rel. no <1" pidatoes, 50 tio onions, 26 do oats.

. "0 do bread, 1,119 lbs hams. 6,000 do candle*. 2,179 do1 j ;-hecs \ 10.7'1 do lard. 2,259 do butter, 15.251 do cod-

fish, 1,117 do crackers. 1".bushels peas, 200 boxe- lier-| rings, 2 lilul-tobacco, 100 reams pa]icr. 51*0 gallons

? j kerosene, 75 bdls hoops, 100 gritHlstoneo, 595 shookvl j and heads.

1 M'cymouth, N. F.?Br. schooner Charlotte. 200 bblsHour, 100 do corn meal, 5 do pork.



SATURDAY', November 11th, 1865.Arriveil.

Steamer Adelaide, Cannon, from Norfolk?to MN Falls.Steamer Ja.-T Brady, Landis, fmNorfolk?l. A AY

? Shaw: reports ofi the i'atuxeni river a hark beatingup.

Steamer .Matilda, Kirwan. I'm Fredericksburg?-to J J Taylor.

Steamer Juniata, Phillips, I'm Havre dc Grace?-to J J Taylor.

Steamer Martha Stevens, Chance, froiu New York?-liulse to J A Shrivel*.

Steamer John S Shrivcr, Dennis, from Philadel-phia?mdse to J A Shrivcr.Steamer Oeorgcanna, Pearson, from Norfolk?to

M N I*alls.Steamer George Lenry, Blakciuan, from Norfolk?-

to A M Shaw.Steamer Petersburg. Travel*, from Richmond?P

J Brandt, Jr.> ?- tnicr Ellic Knight, Graham, from Itichmond?-

to M m J Iay lor & Co.? v tearner Lancaster, Tomlinson, from Havre de

Grace?to J J 'J'aylor.F'eaiucr Thomas KOahill, Norris, from M'ashington

ami Alexandria?to C M'orthingfon..Meair.s i Express. Rytlier. from IVasliington andAlexandria ?to A Needham A* Sons.Steamer Elizabeth, Fowler, from New York?-linlsc to .1 A Shrivel*.Steamer Florence Franklin, Picrson, from Phila-delphia?indse to J A Slu iver.SellrCabinet, AYardwell,from Bangor?fisli and po-

tatoes to Bigelow A Sargent.w>n It Muitler. 11-nulull, from St John, X 15?lumber, shiuglfs and laths toKelsey ,V (!rey.

t'lfßml.Stcamshii> Fak-on, AMrich. New York?S Rlnis-dell. Jr.Steamship Sea Call, Fish. New York?S Blatsdcll.Jr.Steamship North Point, Smith, Savannah?JBrandt, Jr.Steamer Adelaide, Cannon, Norfolk?M NFallsSteamer James X Brady, Landis, Norfolk?A W

Shaw.Steamer State of Yirginia. Trovers, Richmond?J.Brandt, Jr.Steamer Asnes. Bowcti, Richmond?AYm J Taylor

Steamer Juniata, Phillips, Havre do Grace?J JTaylor.

Steamer Columbia, Harper, Washington and Alex-andria?C \\ orthinirton.Steamer m. \\ hilldin, Riptsan, Washington and

Alexandriti?A Needham & Sons.Steamer Oetorara. Reynolds, New Y'ork?J AShrivcr.Steamer John R Shrivcr, Dennis, Philadelpliia-

?) A Shriver.Steamer Mary Ella, Hooper, do?master.Bark Flora, llubbard, Charleston ?PeridcrgaM,

I on wick A Co.Br Brig ('lcta, Hopkins. .Mnyagncz, Pll?Kirk land,' base A Co.Brig IIC Wright, Huge. Jr, Savannah?J M Ban-dell.Fehr Charlotte. Br,) Randall, M'eymouth?N SJ oard A Rogers.Schr Frank Mailer, El li?. New York?YV RkoadsA Son.Schr Lynchburg, Van Cloaf. Jersey City?E PrattA Bro.

4 lonml lot* llnlliinore.Steamer AUcgaiiy. Flagg. cleared at New York 10thtnst iur Balto.T! , S,'.', (:i,r.i.vF a 'WI ? !cs ' c'it6rcd outward at Liver-pool -Itliult lor Baltimore.

Stti It'll.Ship Jarnc.* Cbcston, Boston.Bark I nion, (Hanover,) Bremen.

Below....Alfiß, supposed l'rairie Rose, from Havana?to FM Brum: AFnns*

In I2ni)i|>l<>ia ltonds.Bark Scncca. Lewi?, from Montevideo 21th Sept'r

and 47 day? to the Capes; ballast to Sam'l llTravcr?'( 'apt L came up on board the .steamer Jas T Rradvthi? morning.

Bark Seneca. Lewis, from Montevideo Sept'r 24th,reports crossed the Equator Oct'r 14th, thence to lal10 30 N had very light winds and sultry wenthcr.

.lleiiioraiidn.Steamer Nellie Pentz, from Murcheml fitv. N ('.arrived at Fort .51 on roe 7th inst, and sailed Bth forNew York.Ship M ashington. Berry, from Chinchas, arrived at

Lallao prior to October 15th, and sailed for UnitedStates.Ship Oasihla, Stafford, was loading for New Y'ork atPeriaiig Sept 22d.Ship Godfrey, Cooper, from Citv Point, Va. forEurope, was in Hampton R.tads loth iu-t., waitingcrew.Bark M iqifrcd, l iiuiev, hence for Rio Janeiro, he-lore reported, put into Bermuda 21th ult, with Cap-tain and part of sick; remained inport 31st with sick

improving.A hark, American built, ?howing Pendergast's pri-vate signal, bound South, was seen lltliult, lut 9.;>5,long 34 00.Br brig Ravcnswheel from Malaga for Baltimore,was in (he Straits ot Gibraltar 16th ultBr brig Edith, Matthews, hence, sailed from Fal-mouth, Eng. 27th ult tor RotterdamSchr Early Morning, from Malaga for Baltimoreso reported, was cruising in the Straits of Gibraltar3Hh ult.MOXTKVIPKO-In port Sept'r 24th: Ship AliceThorndike, (:arvcr. from Oregon for Valparaiso, inballast about 26th; barks Eliza Young. Hatfield.fromI nited States, discharging; Catherine Maud. Ennis

from do for Boston, to leave Buenos Ayres aboutSept'r Uth: Lizzie HarwooJ, from I nitetl'States forNew lork in a few days after the C Ma ml: Parthian.Butler, for New York in a few days: Joseph Taylor.Irorn Buenos Ayres for Carribbcan Sea. Captain siekat Montevideo; voyager Kersey, loading at BuenosAyres for New York: brig Amata, Asmus, for New

for s ' oft? °Ut ' nto OUtCl ' Roarl ''' and ready

DEATH OE A RICH MAX.?Sitneoti Jennings,of Wellsville, Ohio, died suddenly, while sit-ting in his chair, last week. He possessedenormous wealth, mostly, in the shape of realestate and mortgages on the same. He alsoowned large interests in a number of Ohiobanks. He was noted for his extreme penu-riousness and intense devotion to money-getting. Though worth millions, whentraveling on the curs he would carrya lunch in his pocket to save the ex-pense of a dinner at an eating-house. Hebought a plain brick residence below Wells-ville, on the Virginia side of the Ohio river,and made that his home, to escape payingtaxes in Ohio on his mortgages, judgmentnotes and money. He always managed some- '?°7, t0 avoid paying a large share of the taxes'con io t

6 om,kim. The heavy Federal in- 1verv ow"ea

,?ly ljroke his heart. He was

years drank whfsky5 F oo,

kin g' al' d for 'was probably the rlcl L i

gP quantities. He ,has several collate al w"" V" ohio - He i


BARNUM'S HOTEL.T B Mullett, Balto. |,H TMorHiil.N YT J Smith, Ya.1 Forrest A fa. MJ

11 V Lynch, N YW B Peter, Howard eoOr L R Bcckwith, Ohio '51 r? H C Blossom, do

O Hersely, MdJ O P Burnsidc, AidJ Donnelly. BaltoG IV Staples. N V !J C Noyes, N YB St(4 Tucker, Va0 M Martin, N YN T) Morgan. N YAli ? Baker, doIV J Doyle, dr.Mis> M Doyle, doA R Ellicott, doT T Hoath & wi. US A |.V P Whitman. N YW S Abbott, KvP A Hoxthal, MobileGen B IV Brice, Wash

I' Gold.sborough, AidR E Alaguirc A wi, PaDr F IV Hancock, YaG F Hancock, doJ 11 Kennard, VaJ B Lunkle, AMJ M Ivuukle, doMaj Gen Steele, doCol S li Whittlesey, doR A Kent, doH P Carroll & la, doMiss C Briscoe, doG IV Lane, do

1i Rowke, N YIV F I)olliver.W F IValkcr, Boston

P IV Thomas, N Yi T Hawks, doW Broadiiur.-t, Jr, do

?I Spiedel, I'a?I W Arthur, New Or

i) Wilson, FloridaJ IV Dyer, PhilaJ Thorn ley. wi A* si*, do

B AlcPail. IV YaG IV AlcPail. .1"P < \u25a0 MePail, do

H Skiuker, N YS I! Pendleton, do

Tuckci a la, do

| J E Tayler,jB T Ely,

i J S P°st, St Loui?jJ Pickers. X ('

C'iiin OhioW H Hodgson, do?Lt KP Collin?; U S R Mi K II Mazen, TexasIW,S Grinncll, Pittsburg

jMrs A S Randolph,T A Randolph,

! J II Fowler, VaLMiss 15 T Taylor & ch. doITCO'Ncil, Tcnn0 K Trait, Va..l Pemberton, U S XLt R X Ford A* la, X V

! F Whyte A la, VajT .1 Queen A In.W Rateliffe. Balto

1 J \V Mott A" wi. N YW Walker, MdA C Rood. I S AA Nesbitt,

.1 W Hnrwood, Wash!1 SOanscvoort, I* S A

.1 A Donnelly, 1> CW A London, VaL S Farland, do

' .Mrs (i Brent A* da, MdS J Stewart, VaMi MeH Gish, do' W Jones, do| J J Hankins, doiCapt 0 Stale,! Mrs E II Graves. X VT M De Russey, X JT Erskine, Phi IaICG Russell, BaltoIS Reinhardt. doIS Doake. CaljJ A Belvin. VaW S Walker, Boston

,(' R Allen, VaW A Berry, X C

i W J Ilealy & wi, X V|C A Pease, do

J H Tucker, VaM* A Nalting, doIT M Wolfe, AidII M Maxwell, PaW B Me Alice, doJ W Chambers, do

jW I) Cooper, doi V S Johnston, do

| FOUNTAIN HOTEL.G S Richards, OnioL S Chester, PhilaIVm I Read, CumberlandJ 'i IVells. Port DepositJohn II AlcCue A wifeJ AI More! iend Krie

C l.eet, do?1 C Pierson, AidN Aeheonib. do?I D Moore Liberty, Yn iFrances Je;op, York, PaF Fnii' BaltoU'm IV Libdoll. Wilmig'i.jR IV Krsiekson, Md\V 11 Mcctcor, CharlestonI D Bancn.ft & la. AidM Cleppcl, Calumbin, Pa]S Zcrbran, do.1 B-onk'*rhoof, PaK B Boyer, NorfolkV W Green, N YII S Wilson, i'aR IV Bi .ison, MdGeo Leeves, doGidson Bussavd, do-I IVa Men, I'aR D Fisher, doKxGov Thomas. MdM MeClm A wf. Washing!IV B Long, doF Graff, MdJ B llutehen*. doW D Bard, Augusta, GnWm C IVhitch ill,IVashJas c France, doJohn Donnelly, MdThos (' Woodward, N YOliver B Wight. AidT S Patterson, I* G eo

1 1" L Eaney, York, Padas Burn side, Md

I Wm J Scoggin, MissjKohl V Lewis, l'red'kJohn W Sessums, X CDavid Williams. X YJohn S Steam, doWin Massoy, MdM Dawson. Church Hill

| Win F French, Conni Thus Shumatd. StauntoniD (' Maxwell, Lynchburg

IIWin A Brown, "WashTE Spencer & lady. do.i D J Ilearn, Md

Wm S Robinson, OhioiMien W P Roberts, X CjJos B Wygnl A la. VaWm S V* ecden, Md

\u25a0 Dr Chas J Tumant, Va'Sauil II Fulton A* la. Pa|P M MeGraw. H FerryThos A Kirwan. doJus Todd, X H

; J W J Moore, MdJohn C Hurbert, X Y

! Win F Finley, Newport!L H League, MdjWm A Laker, do; Jas Milburn,do| .Mrs Milburn,do|Miss A L Milburn, do'John T Peters, do

?las C Mattin, N <'J D Harden, do

| E Martin, doM H Brooks. WashingtonA L Munsou, d<>iWII Early, Md.

MALTBY HOUSE.K 0 Daw. on. AidIV B Brokaw, VaAlex Greenland, AM?las Stack, N YGeo A Bradford, doIVm B Townsend, doA AT Biehniond, b-S M Alontgomery, do(Jeo Leonard, doP J lliiltz.<bGen Giles, ConnJ B Thomas. PhilaJno M Bell. IV VaRpn.i Miller, I> <J IV Jones. S Ameri'-aD Anlei>t.ii. N CX G Hall, do

?.l ( Gordon, YaC Bunt, lilJno Tubman, Ya(ieo IV Miles, doGeo AI Staples, doC Graham, SCC P Jjusby, AidIsaac P Smith, A'aIsaac IV Hon iton. doS C Cohen, PhilaV E Lloyd. Pa'? i-J Smith, I' S YEdgar Brickctt, N II0 (' Green. D CS Alexander. S C

Miss L \ arney, D t! Lt T B Mullett. U S Ai .Enos Tiinm.s, VIS M Barton, D CJas Johnson, PaII II Fulton, MilD IIMarshall. VaWin Eaton, YaP. MPOMIO, Yn

IGoo W Farley, doP H Green, doJno I) Stalcy, W VaD Kilbom n, Balto

, 11 M Rieman, Milmi, ilo(-'ain Detroit

i I McY ey, S <! L S Skinner, doK lliiisuid, I'liila

: V. illA Jacob. YaL S Moans, Ya

j S S Rowland, dolo? u?^M;vcrStV '. I{ro' p p a

- W J bellcox. XBrunswick!?' Hanson, YajOKing, doJ F Delaney, do

! Wm J Stateford. .MdJas P Willctt, D CH M Bartholow, doH Williams, do

I* Caldwell, Ya

GIL Moll HOUSE.Geo Anderson, TennS IV Lewis, YaS IV Ainsworth. YaI B Estetsloy. Vai-' AWet herald, N VI II Bryan, CinAlex Aloore, YaIVC Hutchins, I) CK C Baiiffher, PhilaT D McComly, WashB H Smith. Philaii B AlcCauloy. Phila]?' (' Gardner, IS Y.Jas Fuller. CinI AI IVomach, S CR IV Putuam, U S ASI Abie. Pa

?I Pet< rsou, PaJ1 Peterson. P.i

t) Abraham. RichmondF Stewart. WashW AL'clerly, Wash!! 1! Traeey. IVash

R Drury, Balto\u25a0 i i Brown, do0 11 Donovan, Ya

jJ E Stewart, BaltoM C Ferris A* la, BostonDr J II Shields, Ya

j E II Bailey, YaW Brown,lt M Williams, Pcnn|C C Kilos & la, Phila5 Baker. Pa

! A S lirady, A" Y;F (' Gardner. N V

; M Taylor. MassR Watson. Irolnml

! II Booker, Bostoni II C Taylor, X VA liBrookskin, X YIR F Powell, X 0J G Skinner. X CJ Kershaw, N C

jW Wells, BaltoL W Knighf Si la, D CMrs Moore, Richmond'lrs Bockridge, 111l.t UP Collins, US I) MI.t T B Mullet, d'

i 1] P C liall, PittsburghK I, Parker. Balto

| KUTAW HOUSE.\u25a0> Daeey, Ya?i Hciivey, N YWm Pi?-cls. N YC AISear*. IVasliingtonN K Phillips. N Yil S Bid well A* wife, N Y'J T Moore, N YIV II Hcmciiway. N Y! Li YVoodward, X" Y II S Yalandigham. DelI Peebles A-familv, Ohio !

P 11 Smith, Brooklyn ID 15 Porter. PaMr? C R Porter. PaLtR C NFord A:wife, N Y3 TBaker. U S AI ('

C IV Alusgrave, N YThomas Ryan, Phila j?1 P Cavanaugh, doWin C Doene and wf, D C;Geo IV Gregory and sr, doT IV IVilliamsoii. Va iMiss Alary Williams, do iCnpt Morgan. N Y'

]J 4V Hall, Pai McDonaldAivife.BostonIlrev Col H Page, Wash'nLt Col AV THowell, Wasli"

S Gregory, Chicago:H li ('luck. St. Louis!?[ M Brown. Washington

\u25a01 Hogan. Annapolis[Messrs 31 Wilson. Wash'nS NYeoman A- wife, Ohio31 rs 3lcEivain ,t dattg'

| V 31 Ogle A lady, Ohio! J C South, N Yi W C Buehmnn, 310C II Newton A- lady. Ohio'?lt. .Taylor, Boston

i (I Guggcnheimcr, \'at It Vcazey, doGeorge E I'itken, W Va

?; Francis W Goddard, R I('Thomas B Woodman. N YP Morris. Quincy. illITBowser, ConnI

! HOWARD HOUSE.David Worth, N CIsaac K Berry, Tenn ;\V IVCarpenter. Ya |.J AI Naff, E TennA B Yates, YaS I)Rosan, doW II Adams, doS Dilley, do!\ C Link, do1) I\ Cosgrove, YVash'n j1'! Block, BermudaS Smith A*w Wash*nS S Scntcrnian. PaW II Adams, Alex VaC Baxter, AidFrank Parker. BaltoIV 0 IVright, do (?T E Patterson, Norf Y'a .N Smythe, do

IE Boswcll, Wash'nS Fearnow. W Va| J F Silcr. doIA F Mosby, PaLaning ,fc la, dojW Robinson, countyA Stalcy. Va

: I 3larkey, N Y] A L Webb, 31d]C Wareham. MdJ Harrison, Pa) Newman. Cumbid

jli R Cole, Phil?t B Elliott, W Va

! O Golibart. LaN S Lamdin, do

| C Cunningham, X YjJ C Fowler, YaJ E Robertson. Tenn

GENERAL WAYNE HOTEL.Thomas Alaloncy, N Y j.Jacob (i Peiffcr, Bait eo IJ <) River, YaJ O Aloore, Bait eoS I> Brady, AidJ K Barnes. N A'E Don nelson. AidRSBaiiffcr, doP R Fcndall, do !;Daniel Dickey, Pa j..Matthew B Saul, D C iJ

IJ 31 Frantz, West Ya!liCarter, BaltimoreI W Ji N Dope. 31d

: 51 in IIBrooks, do1! E Dunlny, Wa,-hI' S 31ills. BaltimoreV Mercer,Ellicotts 31ill?

| A Hart, Bait enS W Ward well, 3ld[Jas T Treman, Bait eo

i E L Hammond, Wash

UILMOUR'S HOTEL.I 0 bcrannon, inIV Sigmund. N VJ Dillon, BrooklynS Brown, BaltoI II Hanrugan, d"P L Hotshcw, FrevlkE A Barker, doJ IIWilliams A In, Richc Payne. AidE Spencer, Balto

A Pemuman. LuthcrvilleHMcKnicht, Alox! W it lndcr. BelW Barter, X Y

j.T W Taylor, doS W Hiiity, i!,-iltc, Co

IW Mattison, X Y! H C Noilson, U S Nill IItieott. Bhil

THREE TUNS HOTEL.T Premini, IV VaW Brown. MdW (i MeCulloh, doJ Eden, PhilaJ Peters, WheelingG Harding, GiesboroU I) CII 0 Kesslcr, PhilaJ Buley. doT Ingram, do

IT Bilks, WashingtonlTr Adams, do]!l Clifford!< II Lnughton, MdIW Armstrong, do

p|J S Crane, W VafS Tilley & son. ChicagojE S O'Donnell ,Vr la, ,Md

MILLER'S HOTEL.A W Fit /.miller, VaJ Granger, Augusta, GaG 11 Johnson, dof F Calhoun, doG Coponhaven, lVash'nII Hayward. doJ YVr AlcKee, do

ID J Nichols, W Vn| W J Owens. Md.1 Fenlon, do

IR Morris, Oroensborough,0 S lioylo Si wl?John RollinsR W Douey & la'* "

J/wuwy ill

shipplngT"£££. ,

FO,{ WI',JII!WiTOS~v C.-TheSERENE, having most of her*=*=?*. cargo engaged wills|l with despatch for theabor C: i>ort. A few PASSENGERS could be aecom-iiiociateij. A|jly to HOPKINS A: JANNEY.n<A; <


't I** Sfear*s Wharf.

£££ , OBUSAMi-DBSPATCUS&flVkl > \u25a0??lnefinc, fast sailing schooner GEO.t~>v <1 "ICE, Butler, master, is now loading forthe above port, an(] being of small capacity, and hav-ing two-thirds of her cargo engaged, willhave quickiTm nfira°v w

frel,hl or passage, applyto K. M. HESLEN, IS. W. corner of Pratt and (Jay

Jffi£ ran freight or fine new Brig JOHN HASTINGS; Capt.-T?' Hastings, expected to stow 5,000 barjels or,o0 tons weight. Apply to KELSEY & GRAY, cor-ner Buchanan s wharf andPratt st. ocl^-tfjJS f0" FREIGHT OR (lIARTKK.-

Bff-fVthe, tine fast sailing brig R. M. IIESEEN77 " Gershom Jones, master, about 3,000 bbls capa-city, m order for any business. Apply to R. M. HES-LEN, northwest corner Pratt and Gay sts. oclß-tf

FREIGHT OR CHAKTER.-"hmX>Tbo fine coppered brig SERF, S. IV.Stinsonorder.

f& r^yy s

otsR - M - HESLEN - north £f8 S"

ouick despatch given. Apply to R. M. HES-LEN, northwest corner Pratt and Gay sts. oelßtfjiJJt FOR SEW ORLEASN, EA.-A vesselyRj5/willbe despatched for the above port, in case?rr sufficient freight offers. Apply at once to R.

M. lIESLEN, northwest corner of Pratt and Gaystreets, oc!8-tf

FOR MOBILE, AEA.?A small first-JUJ>class vessel will be despatched immediately,

sufficient freight offers. Forfroight or pas-sage apply to R. M. HESLEN. N. IV. corner Prattand Gav streets. nnlMf

NOTICE.? Notice is hereby given, that appli-cation will be made to the Mayor and City

for the widening of

TRAVELER'S Olll>£.To Washington, by Baltimore and Ohio Railroad,

Depot, Camden street and Eutaw street?4.3o, 7.05,8.45 and 9.40 A. M? and 2.30 and 6.00 P. M. Sundaytrains at 4.30 and 8.45 A. M? and 4.20 P. M.

To Philadelphia and New York, by Baltimore,Philadelphia and \\ ihnington Railroad, Depot Presi-dent street?B.2s and 9.20 A. M., and 1.10, and9,2

i ?' h\ .Sundaytrains for New York 7.50 P. M?and for Philadelphia 9.2 d P. M.To Hanisburg and the West, by Northern CentralRailroad. Depot corner Calvert and Franklin -treed?9.20 A. M. and 2.50, 8.00 and 10.00 P. M

~T" Parkton by Northern Central Railroad-7.20 A.

M. and 6.00 P. M.

P MFret 'erick by Baltimore and Ohio Railroad?l.3o

To Ellicott's Mills by Baltimore and Ohio Rll -6.20and 10 A.M., and 3.30 P.M.

,fo-' S ;i liwUry by Phila., Wilmington and Bait. R R?9.25 P. M.

rTO Dover. Del.. by Phila., Wilmington and Bait. R

To Wheeling and Parkcrsburg by Bait, and Ohio RR dailymail 8.10 A. M. (except Sunday): CincinnatiExpress, daily (including Sunday), 2 P. M ? St. LouisExpress, daily (except Saturday), 8.40 P MTo Westminster iand Union Bridge by' "WesternMaryland R R?9.20 A. M. and 2.50 and 6.00 P. AI.To fortress Monroe, Norfolk and Richmond, byBay Line, Lmon Dock, and New Line, Spear's wharf,daily at 0.00 P. M.

To Cambridge, Oxford and Dover Bridge, EasternShore?even- Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdav, bvIndividual Enterprise Steamers, Light street Wharf.

|°Anii;U)olisby Bait, and Ohio and Annapolis andFJkridgo Railroad. Depot Camden street-7.05, 8.45

A. M. and 4.20 I. M., .and by Individual EnterpriseSteamer from pier at foot of Camden street, cverv

AM * Bday and Saturda y morning at 7.30

For further information, sec advertisement of Rail-roads and Steamboats in another part of this paper.

MAILS CLOSE AT THE POST-OFFICE.LflMt. AM P MPhila., New York,, Boston Through,daily except Sunday . 8-1130 6.30Phila., N. Boston Through, Sun-day ft 3p

Abingdon, Pallston, L. Gunpowder, P°Deposite and Phila. Way, daily, ex-cept Sunday 7 QQ

Delaware and lower Co's. E. Shore!Md., daily, except Saturday ' 630Upper Co's. of E. Shore, Md., daily, ex-cept Sunday g 00Cub Hill and Greenwood, Tuesday

Thursday and Saturday ' 7.00Weal.

Wheeling Through, daily, exceptSunday 7 oq 7 39Cumberland and Wheeling Wayfdiy,

Sunday 7.09N. W. Virginia, daily, except Sunday! 7.00I redcrick, Md? daily, except Sunday.. 7.00 2.20Hagcrstown, Cumberland?all of Fred-erick, Washington and Alleghany

' t-.Y""" .it except Sunday 7.00: Lilicott 3 Mills, daily, except Sunday.. 7."0 2.20Balto. and Cumberland Way, daily,except Sunday 7.00

Catonsvillc, daily, except Sunday .!. . 9.00North.

Toledo. Chicago, St. Louis Through,daily gOO

York, Harrisb'rg, Ciianibevshhg, Pitts-burg, daily, except Sunday 7.00 8.00fork and Hamsburg Way, daily, ex-cept Sunday 7.00Reisterstown, Westminster, Am., daiiv,except Sunday.. 7.00Buffalo, N. Y? daily, except Sunday... 7.00Freedom, Md., Monday, Friday 9 00

California, via St. Joseph, Mo., daily.except Sunday 7.00 8.00

. South.Washington. D. C? daily, except) 6.00 2.20Sunday . f -,q qqRichmond and Petersburg, daily ex-

cept Sunday 9 99Georgetown and Alexandria, daiiy. \ 6.09 220except Sunday j 9 09P. George's, Charles. St. Mary's CVs..11 daily, exoept Saturday 9.00Washington Way, daily, ex Sunday 2.20Annapolis, Md., daily, ex Sunday... 6.00 2.20Annapolis, Md., Way, daily, ex Sun.... 6.00Calvert County. Md., Tuesday, Thurs-

day, Saturday 6 00Old Point Comfort and Norfolk, daily!except Sundiu- 4.99

Towsontown. Md 7.00


ak OF


Statement of the Company's Affairs,

September Ist, 1865.

OA P IT AL §1,1100,000.00SURPLUS 578,840.79

SI ,578,840.79


Bonds & Mortgages $210,951.29Cal! Loans, with Stock Col-

laterals 179,085.00United States Bonds 625,076.42Real Estate 7,605.4-3Bills Receivable 149,833.44Ncv York State Bonds 43,808.00Kings County (N. Y.) Bonds... 29.000,09Cash in Bank and on Hand 107,550.83Cash in Hands of Agents, and

iniCourse ol'Transmission.... 27,472.29Premiums in Course ofCollec-tion 71,700.91a Interest Accrued 21,941.80o Other Securities 2k,215.3.5 $1,578 810 79li


Vice President," PniLAXDKR SHAW,0 Secretary.0 CHAUNCEY BEDELL,

(Late of the Atlantic MutualInsurance Company.)

Manager Marine Department.

The undersigned ha? bocn appointed MARINEr AGENT lor the above well known COMPANY in\u25a0 Baltimore, and will issue Policies on HULLS, CAR-

L FREIGHT, SPECIE, AC. at the LOAVKSTBAILS ol the first-class Companies., ,





House Furnishing Wares.HUTCHINSON BROS..

?No. 14 Light street,002-tf Baltimore.


llgM WM. 11. STRAN & CO.,S. E. corner of Light and Lombard streets,

Arc prepared to (ill wholesale and retail orders, inand out of the city, of nilarticles in theSTOVE


? At the shortest notice. An cnrly call is solicited, asthe advancing season is rapidly reducing their choiceBt "ck- no3-2mSA 8 NORTH EUTAW STREET, 80


-V--1* Sheet-Iron Ware, and dealer in liouse-fur-nislnng goods, Silver Plated and Britania ware, Cut-lory, China and Stone ware, and Bird Cages in greatvariety. Also, just received anew and full stock ofFancy goods and Favorite Toys of all kinds, suitabletor Christ mas presents, which ho offers Wholesale andKctail at the lowest prices. nol-2m



r i 'i -i o

a S S 6fa (x, ESo o o2 ° o o



is the best in use, and has been well known for fif-teen years.

Wc guarantee all new work for five years.It is better than Tin, and costs half aa much.Old Roofs repaired at short notice.We are tho only manufacturers of ROOFING MA-

TERIALS in Maryland, all of which we keep con-stantly on hand for sale.TINROOFS and IRON FENCES painted withour PATENT PARAFFINE VARNISH.


111 Smith's wharf.


~ HATS AND CAPS-FALL STYLE.Most fashionable styles and best quality at lowestprices.CANES AND UMBRELLAS.CASSIMERE HATS. $5.50.

m JOSHUA LYNCH & CO..oc2s 'H 49 W. Baltimore St., near Gay.



270 W. BALTIMORE STREET.Respectfully calls the attention of the City andCountry Trade to his largo and well selected Stock o!Men and Boys



HTTK. FELT ZtfgffiSf'gn

CO-PARTNERSHIPS.I\TOTIUE The copartnership heretofore existingAM under the firm of M. T. DAVIIDSON i CO

,by mutual consent DISSOLVED on the 11thming Jr withdrawal of Alexander M. Cum-

nl T'T bo tmreafter conducted at theirT) Avfnq,

r.WO, /.1,10 J 1T STRKIT WHARF, by M T!

i. i°f th ".?rm of,M- x. Daviiison & Co.,

fe U

th 7.a.U£ oe? ,ed t0 ooUect and P ay







Large assortment,




Best assortment in the city.

LUBIN'S EXTRACTS, (all odors.)

FRENCH PERFUMES, (all makes.)

SOAPS.French, English and Domestic.


Very, fine, suitablo for presents.

Colognes, Tooth and Nail Brushes,Pomades, Hair and Flesh Brushes,Bay Rum, Lather and Shoe Brushes.

COMBS. DRESSING CASES.ISozodont for the Teeth.Night Blooming Cereus.


Every Pattern.Agencyfor



In demand.READ'S is the place for F'INE GOODS, and for a

good assortment. Remember the number?l 47 Balti-more street, one door from Calvert.


Liquor Purifyer and Improvement,2 SOUTH GAY STREET,

Bnllimorc, TO<l.

Tho subscriber has obtained patents in tho UnitedStates, Canada, France, Belgium, Holland and otherEuropean countries, for his Improvement. The pro-cess is based upon natural aid, and its results arc ex-tremely satisfactory, showing entire removal of everyimpurity, without in tho slightest manner affecting,injuriously, tho body of the liquor. The inventor re-spectfully submits condensed reports from ProfessorBassett, of Paris, and Professor Aiken, of Baltimore,lie also adds the names of eminent medical gentle-men of Baltimore, endorsing the system. For chem-ists'full representation? pamphlets can be obtainedfrom Mr. Thompson, or of one of his Agents.

The process invented by Mr. Thompson for the im-provement of distilled liquors, is clearly founded oncorrect and exact scientific principles. A rigid che-mical examination of sundry samples of whiskiespurified by this process, contrasting each with otherportions of the same Tumor yet unimproved, enablesme to certify, first, that it removes all traces of fusiloil, and all other offensive volatile impurities alwayspresent in crude liquor, no matter how old. Second-ly, that it does this without at all interfering withthebody of tho liquor and without at all impairing itsnatural and agreeable flavor and bouquet, Anil lastly,that it imparts a mildness and delicacy of flavorusually recognized as the effect of age, and heretoforeonly to be obtained by the lapse ol time. The iutpn*ritjrs no effectually removed by the process of Sir.Thompson, are all hiyhly deleterious. Fusil oil, par-ticularly, is one of the most dangerous nun otic, poisonsknoirn, being rapidly fatal in any considerable dose,and highly injurious to health, even in small quantities.No liquor is Jit for use if itcontains this dangerous im-purity in any proportion.

WILLIAME. A. ATKIN,M. D., L.L. D.Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy, University efMaryland.

Baltimore, March 11, 1865.[From Professor Basset. *.f Paris. 1

The 21st December, 1864. ?Mr. Thompson, of Balti-more, requested my opinion in relation to his Im-provement for the Purification of Brandies, Gins,Whiskies, &c? which in their crude stato contain no-table proportions of pyrogenous principles, fetid oils,and essential or volatile principles. My examinationof the process was exceedingly satisfactory. The in-vention evinces that it is based upon natural and sci-entific principles, and capable of performing all thatit demands. The analysis resulted in showing that allimpurities were removed, and withoutaffecting the bodyof the liquor, and evidently giving it much PREMATURE 'AGE. / have no hesitation in saying that the process \u25a0,must be very valuable to consumers, and most particu-larly to invalids, and a great acquisition to industrial \pursuits,

BASSETT,Professor of Chemistry, Paris.

Paris. 22d December, 18*34.The process is highly approved and recommended

by the following eminent medical gentlemen of Ma-ryland, whose names tho patentee has permission tot-?inr)L \vjr)!ip,c .ti' ,?' fully endorsing all it? excollenco:

K Miltonhcixer, Dr. John Buckler.Prof.Christop r Johnston, Surgeon C. C. Cox,Dr. John C. Monkur, Dr. John 11. O'Donovan.Dr. Win. 11. BaltzeU. Dr. 11. P. P. Yates.The undersigned has a working model, which hewould take pleasure in exhibiting, and give everyexplanation relative to the process. Rights tor sale.Terms made known upon application. Whiskies forsale inglass and wood.

THOS. THOMPSON.Importer of Brandies, Wines, Ac...

(Established 1837.)oel()-2iB 29 South Gay street. Baltimore.


Manufacturing Company.

It is proposed to organize a Company, with a Cap-ital of £IOO.OOO, 111 1,000 Shares, at the par valueof $lO9 per Share, reserving out of proceeds of salesof said Stock $39,000 as Working Capital, for thepurpose of manufacturing J. W. HODGES' PATENTROUGHED HORSE SHOE, as shown per LettersPatent No. 48,623, granted 4th of July, 1865.

Tho advantage which this invention commandsconsists in the cheapness at which a horse can beroughed or unroughed without taking oft' the Shoe,which inwinter ha? to be so frequently done, to thegreat injury of the horse's foot, for its simplicity pre-vents derangement. Any 0110 can rough or smoothshoo a horse in a few minutes.

Itdocs not add weight to the shoe, and give 3 cer-tain safety to tho horse. Aset of rough plates willwear in winter at loast 0110 month without injury tothe shoe, and the roughing piate when worn out. canlie replaced at a very trillingexpense, saving therebythe cost of shoes and expense of removal.

Most satisfactory trials have been made with thisshoe, as will appear from the accompanying certifi-cates at foot, and _no doubt need be entertainedof it? general adoption, and that a very remunera-tive business willbe made in this legitimate branchof trade. I would hog all interested in such mattersto call at the office of Messrs. WM. J. WILMER &CO.. Hardware Merchants, No. 1 Hanover street,where sample Shoes can be seen, and its advantagesfully explained, as also at the office of the under-signed, where Books of Subscription arc open.

I'. Dr MIRUUINDO.No. 57 Second street,



MOVXT CLARE, October 27th, 1865.)

Win. P. Smith. Esq., Master of Transportation-Sir: I have given the patent Rough Horse Shoe in-vented by Mr. J. W. Hodges, a lair, full, and impar-tial trial, as you requestod, putting them on one ofheaviest draught horses, remaining 011 for twelveday??the liorse being in use 011 the streets nearly allthe time. I can, with the greatest confidence, say,that I consider ita most valuable invention, answer-ing well in all respects the object for which it isdesigned. Ifind it fully adapted to the purpose of"roughing" horses, possessing tho great merit of ob-viating the necessity of removing the Bhoes in orderto rough the horses, thereby avoiding tho great iniurvto the l'ect which results from the frequent removal ofshoes, required in the ordinary mode of roughing. Isubjected the Shoes to a severe trialof heat and liam-merimt without any derangement of the plate orgrooves. I find iticapable of being shaped ami fittedto the horses feet with as much facility as any otherShoe.

I am fully of opinion that the Shoe is decidedlycalculated to preserve the horse from slipping, andthat its use would prove a great benefit, saving thehorse from sources of injury to which he is now sub-ject, and consequently a source of great economy inthe preservation of tho horses.

, Very respectfully,(Signed) S. R. BIDDLE,

Stable Manager.

[Copy.]BALTIMORE, Nov. 1, 1865.

1 have read the report of Air. S. R. Biddle, Man-ager of Stables, Mount Clare Depot, Baltimore andOhio Railroad, on the patent for roughing horses, byAir. J. v\ . Hodges, and from use and personal obser-vation I can fully concur in his report, and from thofacility with which it may be applied to roughingand not being liable to get out of order, I believo itwillcome into general use and found to be of greatbenefit to horses and a valuable invention.(Signed) JOS. F. FOREMAN.

Alanager of the horses for the Aladisonnovß-lm Avenue Line of City R R.


C a ?.re '' with ten acres in wood, bal-ance under cultivation. It is situated on CorsicaCreek, one and half miles from Ccntrcville, and isconvenient to Churches. Schools. Postofficcs. Ac.- 1There is a Steamboat Landing within half a mile of jthe farm. The land is in a high state of cultivation,having been recently thoroughly limed and manured.Tfewwc ?h? ®e Ind1nd -JUr thousand PEACHTREES, bearing the fanes) varieties: also Fruit Treesno frvTmrSp i The improvementa are aBRICtK HOUSE, large new Barn, 60 feet long. Sta-bling, , HTl<l all necessary out-buildings;fencing good, mostly Of plank. There are also someof the finest ducking points on the shore, with fiihand oysters inabundance. ' u

Terms reasonable. Apply to3V R COLEE. corner Baltimore and North ate. J



Union Fire Insurance CompanyOF BALTIAIORE.

No. 42 SECOND STREET, North Side.This Company insures against LOSS OR DA AIAGE

B\ FIRE on all descriptions of property, either inthe city or county, for a week, month or year.Italso makes INLANDINSURANCE. Short In-

surances made 011 Alerehandise in bonded and stor-age warehouses: and where the risk has terminated,the Premium lor the unexpired time will be return-ed. JOHN COATES,


Chaunccy Brooks, William F. Pcntz,Henry S. Shryock, John P. Bridges,Simon Parkhurst, James O. Spear,William Bridges, Joseph Matthews,John G. Ilcwes, William Chesnut,John Turubull,Jr., John E. Hurst.

OTIS SPEAR,oc3-ly Secretary.

The Peabody Fire Insurance Comp'yOF BALTIAIORE. !

Having been organized and located inSECOND STREET.

ADJOINING THE POSTOFFICE,Is now ready to insure

ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF BUILDINGS. FURNI-TURE AND MERCHANDIZE,In the city or country, annually or for snort terms.


Galloway Cheston, j Austin Dall,Enoch Pratt, Peter Mowcll,Thos. Whitndge, IJohn il. B. I.atrobe,Wm. Kennedy, ill. D.llarvey,Jesse Tyson. I James Carey nel l-tft



Insures against loss or damage by file on all de-scriptions of property within the limits of the city.



Auston Jenkins, | Francis W. Bcnnet,Augustus I. Albert, i Samuel Hart,Chas. I). Slingluff, 1 Hugh Bolton,Francis W. Elder, | J"s. Jas. Taylor,Edward Jenkins, John 11. Baj-iies,Frederick Achey, John G. lleancy,Thos. W. Levering, James Fields,Nathan Tyson, Barrett Brown,George B. Barry, John Al.Gait,Joshua Dryden, Thos. Wilson,John Cashing, Henry 1!. Laudcrman,Gcorgo H . Flack, Caleb Parks,Alendcz I. Cohen, George Franck,G. S. Gibson, Wm. H. L.Kertz,John A. Needles, Isaac AI. Den-on,Jas. AI. Anderson. John -A. Shrivcr.

J. AIAKSIIALL WINCHESTER.m22-lawtfi Secretary.

Maryland Fire Insurance CompanyOF BALTIMORE.



This Company insures on all descriptions of prop-erty in die city and elsewhere by the year or for ashorter or longer period.

Perpetual Policies issued a? a distinct in-surance on Real Estate, when requested.

Terms and conditions of which can be had at theOftlce.


DIRECTORS:Chnrlcs XV. Lord, i Edward W. Robinson,Ira C. Can field, John S. Barry,Charles J. Raker, Allen A. Chapman,Ross Campbell, j James 11. lloblitzell,John A. llambicton, j John R. Scemuller,Hugh A. Cooper, I Charles Spilkcr.


auls-tf Secretary.

Associated Fireman's Insurance Co.OFFICE NO. 4 SOUTH STREET,

OPPOSTTR SUN IRON BUILDING.Recognized for the prompt payment of its losses and

explicit Policies, insures Dwellings, iurniture, Ves-sels, Merchandise and other property, in or out of Itho city, at the lowest rates of premium.

WM. A. HACIV, President. |DIRECTORS:

Wm. A. Hack, Thomas J. Flack,James C. Whcedon, Samuel Kirk,Allen Paine, Francis Burns,R.C.Mason, James Young,Jacob Trust, J as. E. George, Sr.,James Gct*y, F. A. Miller,Noah Walker, Dr. F. E. 15. llintze,Lancaster Ould,

JOHN DUKEHART,gel-ly Secretary.

National Fire Insurance Company ofBaltimore.

Incorporated by the State of Maryland, 1843.OFFICE NO. 30 SOUTH STREET.


This Company insures every description of prop-erty, inand out of tho city, against loss or dauiagoby fire. Short insurances may be effected for a singleday or a longer period.


BOARD OF DIRECTORS:Henry M.Basil, Georgo W. Howard,George Bartlett, Joseph W. Jenkins,Thomas S. Bcnnet, George Small,Edward J. Church, Thomas Corner,Wm. Woodward, Hugh Sisaon,Wm. lleald, Robert Lawson.

, , ,U. C. LANDIS,

fel9-ly Secretary.

Baltimore Fire Insurance Company.S. W. COR. SOUTH AND WATER STREETS.

This Company insures againstLOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE,

In the city or country, on the various descriptions ofProperty.

J. I. COHEN. JR.,President.


R. A. Taylor, W. F. Worthington,\V. G. Harrison, Wm. Giliuor,S. T. Thompson, J. Pennington,George lt. Victors, Joshua I. Coheo,F. W. Alrieks, .M. S. Stewart,erancis I'. King. Wm. 11. Bruno,Henry Carroll, N. Von Kepff.David S. Wilson,






Family WllMlusik Soaps.






Excelsior Chemical Olive




They produce a beautiful Lather, and wash equally

Tell in hard or soft water, and if you once try thetoyou will have no other. If your grocer has not got

any, call on our agents and buy It. Don't let themPut you off with other kinds.

Y>° W A



E. J. Dl FONT, Be NEMOtTR'N A C 0.,Every variety of Keg and Canister POWDER, always

on hand at their only Agency in the citv,A. L. WEBB & BilO.,

Corner Pratt and Commerce ste.




SHIP YARD, BOSTON STREET. CANTON.Have facilities for the manufacture of Marine andStationary Engines and Boilers ofal! sizes. Machinery

for Rolling Mills, Saw and Flour Mills, Iron BlastFurnaces and Castings of every descriptionOur ship yard being located on deep water, we are

prepared to build and put the machinery into ironand wood vessels of all sizes, as well as to repair thenull,engines und boilers. nov4-3m


Portable and Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers,v* ~, Steam Fire Engines,Portable Saw Mills, Gang and Single Saw Mills,? ~ _

Mining Machinery.Portable Grist Mills, Flouring Mill Machinery,

# Cotton Screws,Railroad Cars, Car Wheels and Axles,

Hydraulic Presses for Oil and Tobacco.Tobacco Moulds,Gu Worfcs Apparatus of all kind?,

SWUss. Fuller ted Hauges.


r.x|>i'<"is Matte !? Sleep) vol at and i)is-

I>atclio<: \u25a0\u25a0Dm iiic Ollicc of IInlt'orapaii.v i"

V. A 5. T 1 SJ > ItI"..

LEAVE, j FtM.V.'owS jARRIVE.L si>":statiei \u25a0 i the |

8.25 A. M. i ; luinctun'mid Baiti'-j-j 1.00 P.M.

II|>j- T. M. | -jpKLADELPIIIA ij|Jg} A. M.

| i New \ "rk, I'.ii-iniiand! 1,hc Wiiminc--2"-? ? P M 'J and Newborn, N. I it.fifi) , ~T.:fl j

*? w- | C? Charleston. S. C. f>7no jA ' M"Savannah, Ga.. ami I jI [ Nen Orleans. I.n j |

| Hanover, Gettysburg, 1 ILittlotown. Harris- j

i burs, Chainbcrsburgj andCarlisle.Pa.: H.i---9.20 A. M. I- gerstown, Sid.; A\"ii- I 6OOP M| liamsport.Pu.: Elnii- |

ru.Buffalo.Rocln ster ii andNiasara Fulls.N.I Y..and tln-Canadas.. |

oon M I I Way-stations in tlieTj !"i 1 6-°°p- M-

I Pittsburg, Columbus,' Cincinnati & Clove-| land, Indianapolis,i Cairo, Chicago, l)e-

--troit, Louisville, Ist.Louis, Vieksburg,

8.00110.00/ ?


Nashville, Chatta f 6.00 P. M.| nooga i Knoxvillo, ITennessee; Augusta,

Athens, Atlanta. AI- Ibany, Macon and Co- Ilumbus, Ga.;Eufaula |

I Frederick, Harper's! i9-00 A.M. [! "OOP. M.

___ I tcrmcdiate points I |I I Cumberland and Way- i

AMI \I J stations between Bal-|,R.T> ..9.00 A. M. -j timoreand Cumber-M '-OOP-M-

- t lund |

I I Way-stations west of) t "

I I Cumberland, Md.; |! ? ,v, .

9.40 P. M. i Wheeling and Par- ! *?{?, A- }?i kersburs, Ya? and I ,10.0° P.M.ij. Zanesviile. (thin I i

4.50," tLW, 9.40; ( K<lß<iK-7 -

A.M. I \ TOWN AM) ALBXAN-> -P. M.AO, g.OO P.M.! ( PRIA ) hoo *

7.00A. M. j {ANNAPOLIS } j6.00 P. Mj { Norfolk,Fortress Mon-Y

6.00 P.M. ! j roe. Petersburg and -; 6.00 A.M.J(_ City Point. Va. ..) j! fRichmond, Va.; Dan-") !

villc, Raleigh. Wei- 16.00 P. M. I 8.00 A.M.

an<lGoMsboro\N.C.; I[ Columbia. S. C.. Arc.. j

1Warrenton,Culpepper, iOrange, Cordons- jville,Charlottesville, i

4.30 A.M. 4 Staunton, Lynch* V] 8.00 P.M.| burg, and all stations

on the Virginia and 'I Tennessee Railway., j !

OFFICES:l(4 ISaitiuiore Sireet.

02-tf 227 <1- 229 Sou 111 llowHrdStroot.




A3-Tbis preparation i- unequalled pa Rciuvcna-tor and Restorer of wasted or inert functions.The feeble, til"aged and all there who have in any

way impaired their vitality by excessive mental orphysical application, will find the BioUrcue in fiewhat its name implies, a Life Ilejitvrnalor. which,

\u25a0 while it builds up the shattered constitution, willa l-oimparl to the feelings the briskness and < nergv whichbelong to youth.

No matter by what Cairo any organ has become en-feebled inits functions, this superb preparation willremove that cause at once and forever,


CAPACITY. DI.NPKP.SI.A. DEPRESSION. LOSSOF APPETITE. LOW SPIRITS, IMBECILITY,MENTALINDOLENCE. EMACIATION. ENNUI.IT HAS A MOST DELIGHTFUL, DESIRABLEAND NOVEL EFFECT UPON THE NERVOUSSYSTEM; and all who are inany way prostrated bynervous disabilities are earnestly advised to seek acure in this most excellent and unequalled prepara-tion.


the OLD. should give this valuable diseoverv a trial,it will bo found totally different from all otlieiarticles for the same purpose.

'TO FEMALES.This preparation is invaluable in nervous weak-nesses of all kinds, as if will restore the wasted

strength with wonderful permanence.It is also a grand tonic, and willgivo relief in Dys-

pepsia with the first dose. A brief persistence in itsuse will renovate the stomach to a degree of perfecthealth, and banish Dyspepsia forever.

One Dollar per bottle, or six bottles for S3. Foldby Druggists generally.Font by express anywhere, by addressing

HUTCHING;-; A- JIILI.VEK.Proprietors, No. 28 Dcy street,

c ~ , New York.Sold by _ SETII P. IIANCE., .105 Baltimore street,

oc 24-bm Baltimore.




Theso POWDERS wero originally prepared byMessrs. C. & D. & 5 Keener. Druggist s, of long stand-ing in Baltimore. They have been in use for betterthan twenty years, though never advertised, andnow for the first time fairlybefore the public. Dur-ing this period, they have proven to be the very best,and almost the onlyuniversal specific for Fever andAgue, of all the medicines 111 vogue- There are atpresent many preparations in use, very similar in ap-pearance and in composition, to this one, hut forwant oi care cither in selecting or in compoundingthe articles 0! which they are made, they want thatefficacy for which this has become . 0 justly noto-rious.

The intrinsic merit of this medicine, 11113 suggestedthe propriety of improv ins its appearance, by the ad-dition ola neat wrapper, as well as of giving greaterpublicity to its character and virtues.JOHN LEAKY & CO.,

Wholesale agents,Nos. 33 and 35 Hanover street,

1 Baltimore, Md,

Dl<- A. tft'E'l', >d Paris, -tilleontiniles his suc-cessful treatment of COX.s U MPTDIN. Severalresidents of Baltimore, in an advanced stage of thedisease, arc now rapidly recovering and can be re-ferred to. Apply at his OFFICE, Southeast cornerot layette and Frederick streets, Baltimore, Marv-frpd-



Dlt. A. MEET, Graduate of the Medical Faculty of Paris, (France.) Member of the Medical

and Chirurgieal Faculty of Baltimore, Md. is thediscoverer of the only Remedies for Diseases of a pri-vate character, without Mercury or noxious drugs.?Recent cases cured in from 12 to 48 hours, on writtenguarantee. Chronic, inveterate and constitutionaldiseases, such as have been abandoned as incurable,are speedily and permanently cured. The treatmentadopted by him is that which has the approval of themost distinguished Physicians of Paris, and its uni-versal success in a practice of 40 years has proved,beyond a doubt, tnat tho worst cases rcadilv yieldand aro thoroughly removed at once and forever fromthe system, especially all eases of constitutional de-bility;nervous diseases, which soon or into turns toconsumption, and all the evils entailed !>v certainpernicious practices which ruin both body and mindunfitting the victim for either, societyor marriage, and to those who are suffering the evileffects oi improper indulgences, of whatever kindcan now be perfectly restored to natural health andv.'gor, in a brief period, by applying to one whoseskiiJ and experience can be relied on. No exorbitantor unprofessional chnrpes.

Distant Patients consulted by letter and remediesforwarded that can be taken in the most convenientand private manner.

Oflico southeast corner of FAYETTE and FRED-ERICK STRRETia. jel9-ly


_The most certain, speedy, and only effectual remedy

in the world for Weakness of the Back or Limbs,Strictures, Affections of the Ividnoys and Bladder,Involuntary Discharges, Impotence, General Debil-ity, Nervousness. Dyspepsy. Languor, Low Spirits,Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timid-ity, Trembling, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Dis-eases of tho Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affectionsof tho Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels?those terri-ble disorders arising from Solitary Habits of Y outh?-secret and solitary practices more fatal to their vic-tims than the song of Syrens to tho Mariners ofUlysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or an-ticipations, rendering Marriage, Ac., impossible.

DR. JOHNSTON..Office No. 7 S. FREDERICK STREET, left hand

side going from Baltimore street, a few uours fromtho corner.

Name 011 tho door and window.No letters received unless prepaid and containingstamp to be used 011 the reply. oef-tl


THE PROPRIETORS of tho New York Mu. cuu)ot Anatomy have determined, regardless of cx-

to issue tree, (for tho benefit of suffering hu-maiAty, and suppression of quackery), four of theirmost interesting and instructive Lectures on Marri-age and disqualifications, Nervous and PhysicalDebility, *jemature Decline of Manhood, Indiges-tion, Weak or Depression, Impotency, Loss ofEnergv and Mani>" Power, the Great Social Evil, andthose Maladies whicu result from youthful follies,excesses of maturity, or ;jnorance of Physiology andlaws of nature.

These invaluable Lectures havo been the meansenlightening and saving thousands, add willbe for-warded free, on receipt of four stamps, by address-ing SECRETARY. New York Museum of Anatomy nJ"Medicine. 61 Hrrvidwav York dSn-lv


BLJr A For tho speedy and certain Cure ofIntermittent Fever, or Chills and

BB .Fever, Remittent Fever, Chill Fever,JBL Dumb Aguo, Periodical Headache, or

Bilious Headache, and Bilious Fevers;W indeed, for the whole class of diseases

originating in biliary derangement, caused by themalaria of miasmatic countries.

This remedy has rarely failed to cure the severestcases of Chills and Fever, anil ithas this great advan-tage over other Aguo medicines, that itsubdues thecomplaint without injuryto the patient. It containsno quinine or other deleterious substance, nor does itproduce quinism or any injurious effect whateverShaking brothers of the Army and the West try itand you willendorse these assertions.

Prepared by .J. C. AYER & CO.,


THINIBTOGIVE XOTIC'E-^-That the sub-senber has obtained from the Orphans' Court ofBaltimore city, letters of administration on the per-sonal estate of JOHN JACOBS, late of said city, do-ceased. Allpersons having claims against the saiddeceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same,with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on orbeioro the 2d day of May next; they may otherwise,bv law, be excluded from all benefit of said estate.Allporsoxis indebted to said estate are requested tomake immediate payment. . oamGiven under ay h&nd thii 28th day of OotM 18po.

JACOBo,SWwiw AißtflJitutor.


Um On and after SUNDAY, Oct.1v >

~ threedailv truins willrun between Baltimore and Wheeling and Parkers-burg. as follows:

MAILTRAINwill leave Baltimore dailvSunday) at 8.1"> A. M. CINCINNATI EXPRESSTRAINwillleave daily, (including Sunday), at 2 P.M? antl the > i". LOUIS EXPRESS daily (exceptSaturday) at 8.40 P. Ai.

Allthese trains connect at Bclair and Parkcrsburgfor ail points West, Southwest and Northwe.-t.

FREDERICK ACCOMMODATION TRAINleav- Baltimore at 4.">0 P. AT.East.?Leaves Frederick at 7.1 ?" A. Al. daily, (Sun-

day excepted.)Tim ELLICOTT'S MILLS TRAIN leaves Baiti-

mor<* at >. ->n and 10 A. AT., and "..80 P. Al.,and EllieottV Mills at 7.40 A. AT., and UA'" A. M? andP. Ai.

Foil WASHINGTON:Ticavo Baltimore at 4.30, 7.05 S. 15 and 0.40 A.M.,

and 2.::o and 6P. M. On Sundays at 1.30 and MA A.AI., and 4.20 P. AT. Leave Washinpton at 6.20, 8.20and 11.15 A AI.. and J.I ". 11,30 and 1,40 P. AT. On Sun-days at 5.20 A. Ai. and 1.1 - P. AI.. and .'1.8,0 P. AI. The0.10 V. AI.and th02.30 P. AI. train*onlyfrom Baltimoreand the 6.20 A. AI. and the 4.10P. AI. trains from Wash-ington stop at way point . The 7.05 and 8.45 A. AI.and 1.20 P. AT. train from Baltimore,and thcd.JOnnd8.20 A. AI. and Mo p. AJ. trains from Washingtonconnect with trains on the Annapolis road.

For further information, tit-kefs of every kind, Arc.,apply tod. T. ENGLAND, Agent, at <'a union Sta-tion, or at the Ticket Office. W. !'. SMITH,

Master of Transportation.L. AT. COLE, Gent ral 'J: ket Agent. ..-? ?J^-1f



TVfICE DAILY, {S\nvhy p. M. Excepted.)

The quickest and most direct route to Richmond,Va., and the South, via the Baltimore and

Ohio Railroad to WashingtonPotomac steamers from Sixth Street Wharf, Wash-

ington to Aquia Creek and Richmond. Fredericks-burg and Potomac Railroad now entirely completedfrom Aquia Creek to Richmond, Va.. conne -tingthorc with trains on the Richmond and Petersburgand Richmond and Danville Railroads, for Peters-burg. Weidon, Wilmington, Raleigh, Greensboro',Salisbury, Charlotte and Chester, S. C.

Trains leave Camden Station at 4.3<) A. AI. and 3.M0,andP. At., connecting at Washington with steamersleaving Sixth Street wharf, daily. (Sunday nightexcepted), at 7 A. AI. and 8.45 P. AT., and arrive inRichmond at 2.20 P. AT. and 5.20 A. M.

THROUGH TO RICHMOND IN TEN HOURS.Fifty Milcn Shorter and 2V£ hours quicker than any

other Rovfe,Be sure and get through tickets via Aquia Creek

ami Fredericksburg to Kiehiuond,at Camdon Station,Baltimore, and get through baggage checks.

Oinnibusses and baggage wagons always in readi-ness to convey passengers and baggage toi the steam-ers in Washington city free of charge.

A. NEED HAM& SON.No. 142 Light street wharf,

?General Agents.

Curs. AI. IIAXi v,General Passenger Agent.




On and after FRIDAY, Sept. 1,1865, the trains onthis road willrun as follows:TRAINS SOUTH.

Leaves Washington at 7 A. AT. and 8.30 P. AI.Alexandria at 7.35 A. M. and y Ik Ai .Gordonsvilie at 12.30 P. AT. and 1.40 A. AIArrive inRichmond ar .5 P.M. and 6 \ v

Lynchburg ai 5.20 P. AI. and 6 A. M.TRAINS NORTH.

Leave Lynchburg at 6.45 A. AI. and 7.15 P. AT." Richmond at 7 A. AT.and 7.15 P. Ai!"

Gordon villc at 12.50 p. .M.and 12.2UA*. ALArrive in Alexandria at 4.55 I>. Ai. and 1 ' A MWashington at.... 5. ;o P. AI. and ".25 A. AI.On Sundays leave Washington at S.:*i P. \|. only.

LOCAL FREIGHT TRAIN leaves Alexandria at- 4A. AL, arriving in_GordonsvilleatlL4s A. M.: leaves

Gordonsvilie at 12.35 p. AI.. arriving in Alexandria at

THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN leaves Alexan--1 dria at SA. AT., arriving in Lynchburg at 7.1" P. AL;

leaves Lynchburg at 3.20 A. Air. arriving in Alexan-dria at 6.1(i P. M.Passengers for Warren ton will take the 7 A.M.

train south from Washington, and thel>.4 > A. AI. train1 north from Lynchburg.

Passengers by the 6.15 A. AT. and 7.15 p. AT. trainsfrom Lynchburg, and the. 7A. AI. and 7.15 P. AI. trainsfrom Richmon I connect with trains at Washingtonfor all parts of the North and West.

This route has tho advantage over all others, byhaving a continuous rail lrom New York to Lynchburg?4os miles.v II also pa-ses through Fairfax. BullRun, Manassas,r Bristoe, Uatlett's, Rappahannock, Culpepper,Orange

R and G|nlon.-viiJc, where many of the late great battlewero fought.

XicKets can be procured in Adams Express huild--1 ing, opposite the Baltimore and Ohioßailroad Depot,

inWashington, also at tho Depot on ATar.vland avenue.Trains leave the corner of First and (' sis.. Washing-

-1 ton. WAR 11. MeCAFFERTY,General Superintendent.

1. AI. BROADUS,oc9-tf General P sscnger Agent.

s YoitXi 9> "itAIE-

K On and aider AD)N!h\Y next, Nov. 18th, ear- willS leave City Hull at each hour, from 7A.ALto 6p. AL.y except 12 noon.a Night ear for Towsontown at 11 P. AI.r Leave Tow onPnvn every hour from 7 A. AI. t? ? 7

P. AL, except 12 noon. nop



On and after THURSDAY, .Tune Ist, trains wiilleave President Street Depot, as follows, \ i/:

d ay .Mail Train for Philadelphia aud Way Sta-tions, at 8.25 A. AI.

Express Train for New York only, at 0.20 A. AT.Is Express Train for Philadelphia and New Y'ork, at

rt 1.10 P.M.Way Mail Train for Philadelphia and Way Sta-

ll tions, at 4.1n P. AI.Express train to Philadelphia and Way Stations,

at 6.35 P. AI.

p rXpr

M'S rain or Philadelphia nod New York, at

The above Trains leave DAILY, (except Sundays,)ON FI'NDAYS:For New York at 7.50 P. AI., and for Philadelphia

at P. 20 P. AI.For Salisbury and intermediate points on the Del-

aware Railroad, take the 9.25 P. AL; and for Dover,Delaware, take the 1.10 P. AL train.


WAT.!4-tf Agent.

5 EE sm YOUIlllUn<:ATItV3, KAKtJtOAI).

y SUMMER SCHEDULE,On and aft'r Sundav. May 28. 1865,r , TRAINS NORTHWARD.q Park ton Accommodation, No. 1 7.20 A. ALMail. ooq

Hnrrisburg Accoinniodation 2.50 P. M.1 Parkton Accommodation, No. 2 ?.

Pittsburg and Eric Express S.IMJ 44

Pilt.-burgand Elmir.t Expjos. ... lo op ?

r lv , tTRAINS SOUTHWARD.'j, Pittsburg. Llmira ami Erie Express 7.00 A. AI.

t Parkton Accommodation, No. 2 s.lo1 llarrisburg Accommodation 12.20 P. AI

Mail 5.30"

j Parkton Accotniuodntion. No. ' 7.20"

Pittsburg Exprc. s through without change of cars.r Express Train leave-* daily at 10.'.Lx|rcss Train at S.oii daily, except Saturdays, forllarrisburg, Pittsburg and Erie.Express at 10.00 P. AI.. Sundays, for llarrisburg,

Pittsburg and the A\est only, arrives daily, exceptMondays.Express at 8.00 P. ALleaves daily except Satur-

days.? Mai', daily, except Sundays. llarrisburg Aecoinmodation leaves daily, except Sundays. Mail and\u25a0 Express will not stop between Baltimore and Park-

ton.Mail and Express Trains inako close connectionswith tho Pcnn>ylvaniaCentral Railroad :it llarn<-burg for P'ttshurg, Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati,

I Indianapolis, rort 5\ ayne, Chicago, and all points iis the great. \\ est, and at Elmira with the New Yorkand Erie Railroad for all points in Northern, Cen-tral and >\ estern New Y'ork.For further information, apply at Calvert Station.

1 J.N. DUBARRY,General Superintendent.

iWlf n , ED. S. YOUNG,! tiiy2i-tf General Freight ami Passenger Agent.

MA UsTITL>T SA LKS.!%WAKSII Al/S SA 3-1". -B>ATM iif sale pas-nd !>>? th United i>i *r r.

tiiurt. Nov. 10th, 1865,Notiec i.- hereby jriven that I will -r!! at pnbiie

; auction, for cash, on THURSDAY, the liith Nov., in St.. at 12 o'clock AI, at the lower end of Smith'sWharf, Baltimore city. The Schooner "ELIZA A.

| JOHNSON" as she notv lies.; W. BONIFANT,

, noll-ts U. S. Marshal.

rjnouAcco .VMOKEKS,

buy FICKEY'Sli. li. PIPE,

Ifyou wish to avoidDIZZINESS.

NAUSEA.onW-lm n,i KfiRF T'iN'itrir



GRIMAULTSc CO., Chemists, in Paris.These eleqant preparations effect rapid and ex-

traordinary euros of recent and old and severe casesof disoase. They are used in all the Hospitals ofParis by the most celebrated physicians, and arofound greatly superior to illpreparations of Capaiba ?Lubebsete and mineral remedies.

The linuid extract is used inrecent cases, and thoCapsules in the more chronic, and where all otherremedies havo failed. These preparations will alwayseffect a cure.


In Pans, GRIMAULT& CO., 45 Kue Richelieu.New York, BECKER, 129 Grand street.Baltimore, ANDREWS & THOMPSON, 5 WestBaltimore street. iylt-lawfim


MUTUAL COAL COMPANY.'l'liis Company will turnish to its subscribers, for

the present.foiti sit Per Ton ot '>2lo lbs.

Delivered. The Lorberrv Coal sells for one dollarper ton over all other Anthracites in the Easternmarkets. Stockholders arc entitled to one ton ofCoal per annum for each share of stock. Price ofshares SlO. Subscription books now open at theoffice of the Company, 36 Second street

P. H. SULLIVAN.President.



Parties in want of

yKA Hue will consult theirinterest by examining

our stock and prices be-|fore purchasing else-

BANKS, DINMORE & CO.,No. 2214 South Charles street,

ocl4-lm Baltimore.


are now in the market. They combine purity withluxury,and convenience with elegance. They oc -

oupy no more space than a common Cigar Holder, yetby an ingenious breech-loading principle thy can besmoked indefinitely without ro-lighttng. They areunquestionably superior to anything ever before used

for the purpose, overcoming ail deleterious influencesand offensiveness of smoking pipes.

Wholesale by tho Sole Manufacturers,JAMES H. JOHNSON.

99 W. Baltimore stroot,

BRANCH OFFlCE,s4oßroadway,KstaiJetJ w dealers generally.