daily dispatch (richmond, va).(richmond, va) … than thc dayof |v*ftetrstlon i bl ni ¬ tration...

rBIDAT...DKi K.MHKK 8, UBI. Tho Tim© When. It te usual to draw Indictments in the language of the statute which lt it char/' 'I has been violated. If the Indictment can¬ not employ the language of the statute and atill charge an offence against that law it i- not only a defective Indictment hut indl- asjBBl that the law has not BBSR violated. Tlie tew of thc 1'iiited States which we quoted yesterday provides that if "at mut ebction" for representative in Congress eertAin tkings br tl otu- tim doing of them sliall constitute an offence against the Culled States.' To charge flint an offence was eommltfetl .. at aa election aaasaj to U hehl " I" BBB I phra-e thc tirst half of which rut* the throat af tim other half. .' An offence cannot Lc committed af an 888*6*81 about to he held. It is either || commit* d nt tin- ih.ti'.n that i-, while tlie election ls lu ung In ld. or t ls, lt i- 888*- inilfed nt SS*Ra*4tS88 time, ur BR* is BOt committed nt all. If an 0888888 eau be coiiiiiiitt'(l.n the 1-'"f November "'// an ili'tion" which is jct-tx days bj the lu¬ lim', it aaa ac oaaaBsltteal ea lb* 1st da] of October "ol :m »!«, ti->n " to be In hi :i month afterwards. Kay*Baot*: If Hean k* eoininitt, .1 three dav - 11 fort hand if I BB aa eomsiittid thru BKMBtbsorslx monthi LcBnrchalld. I.ook at M di. in 0811 af the United States Statute a* L'tr-ji -tin rt rv tn xt |¦¦dion to Un- om- um!, r conslderaUoa. lt snapkiya til. titi.'ally the bum brassing* as section lilli . KR Bl th it t'u Word ..rei.'i-:rati"ii " ti-.tl instead of the word ..election." I j W. <|IIOtc : l ..if at anj registration of rolers for sa election for representative or delegate in lt the Oongn aa "f Um Untb d Stab . bm i" r- son knoaingly personates and registers,li ? -.*.'. or d". - any unlawful ad to m. rup registration for htmseJl ot in] aths r pt non, ste., fte. Kow, cnn iiny person i" Indicted under tala section for anything desas al any other tune than thc day of |v*ftetrstlon I Bl ni¬ tration la-;- in some Mate- foi BCVCI days. Ta eonsiitnte sn offence the erinn lnn-t Le committed on one of thc dav-of r : i-tration.not before; imta month bt> fore, nor a week before, nor a day before. Would yon charge s BBkfl with bavlnfj eaasaalMed an uti. nee M«fM a \ li Blina ''n'/'ut tc ls /m,'./" :- Why, lurt ly if if wa- "a r^gi-tration " at all* U Waa a registration avafRg le ld at the time tim offence was committed, nut at some olin i time before ur after, li. re i- a question of tanti Wu- tin- oaTcacc eonMRlUed .. regi-t ration " I If so, lt was not commith before registrsUon omn* not d. lt was not committed at ail. if it waa committi il a bi n B n ui-tration waa oooufto be heh!.' To constitute bb ih ni e, th. unlanlui acl musl hav 1. t ii d< ni al a I- :-:r itioii. So ii- to Hu ea-e tn f. r. ii-. Thi offence mu-t be ct.'iii...d iii thi i. uagi atatuta.namely, thal ll wai done .. el. i Mon " I Ri i !. no! " at sn election a bi " ll Wotiid to o-.r mind th:.i ¦ it Ur* aid i. ¦..¦ u committed on Um i-: "f N"-.' mot r "at" i eh ''ti"!i h. ¦' .¦., :. Bb of N ¦'>. r. alkara* a mun with having commlUi sault and upoi person who did not e. n, e within -tnkin - distance ol bim until two naya after the time when the bsTcroc ws*< Ul. Tbs* District Attomej bo doubt seea thi difficult] we li iv. -ii L-l -ti il. li ejawgesj wa* committed st ail bj anybodj (we specify no names] il waa done "af" an eh edon for con] n >smi n held on thc 7th of N'ovt ml er !.i-i ; ::iul to th trge i! in those w.rd- wc.,,ld bc sufficient. Winn the t bs - Mini' np for tri .i. ul ll Distrh ' Attorney offcrt d lo prove that the o rm committed live daya before Ute daj of i BB Alon, til. 'i .lui. Iii uni;. have la dV cid' whether I .... .. eli -th.n. TB* Kew Yoi utrj the inov.nu ul :; th tax poor cn. d. But the I ncof the ; : [fh nds in to- t year, two-thirds of .!.' mon . <..>v- 11 inn. ut. If be spei icb on anj ether article, two-thirds or nine-tenths ol it goes fur thc arti !. tbs ll and it to the <¦"¦.. nun'nt. Th t.ov.nun. rn, therefore, iaw lu io the |. mr tuan mon bj relieving bis tobacco fx,,.i i ixstlon than in any other way. To ihe r'nh, tobaeco i- ;i luxury. To tim poor, li is ;i solace, w e nee beard an badnatrious workaaan sa] thal pour s* be was ac wouldn't 'iud tim practice ol chew¬ ing toliaccn fal a hundred dollars, lt wa¬ the greatest lightener "f bia labors, and pha.siinil.ly excited hi- in rv,-. Be with most luird-woikin:; in- n who nae it. Wt do not BBC tobacco in BB] "f it- inaiiv fotins. ayespi ik only for others whea wc demand tin- sltoUtton «f the tax BpOB it. K-pccially do RB pr<>t,-t a-ain-t the at¬ tempt to array the poor nun against in¬ stead of in favor of free tobai bo, ? Jual Bo. The Cincinnati Cnmittrrial say- that what the tobacco trade want, and have B right to tiemand, is a Ixed policy aa thc part of BC (iovt rnuietit. Just «o; and there can inv.r bc ;i lived policy until the entire tax. on tobacco is wiped ,,ut. ga l"ii'-: BS then- ls BO mucha- live cents a pound lav upon to- Lacee, th, re will alway- he BgitaUoa in fiivor of itboli-hing it. I'.ut once get lt.I Of Usa tax, 88*8 yon wlBBeverhearof si agala inuit another sj ir cm,- un; ami Bardi] then. Let tl- have | "theed policy." DoWfl with the In aw lax upon th, poor man's tobacco. " 1 rec tol,;ie,u " would not bc an unpopular war-en. We pabBsk to-day an article n.t accurate as tothentinil.tr of voter* in Virginia. Thc 88RBBR shows tint then- ure 884,006 roten in this StaU.'jisi.iNHi BjhjBiBa ami 186,000 nivrtMv ..A,"|s»l>iMitli«,,i Virginian, and no doubt correctly repp a* BBB th, BBC of argument followed In tint section, da¬ ring the resent campaign, hy the Mah,,.,, - ¦SR, Organization is demanded by every cud- Mderatlun. Ta* Hcnocmtie pa,tv cannotf Miemdh.it- pn-Miu rBlUBBj..|| | 'l"'ha,K(.j01(S.SM|1(|witli|iivj .nunkuri,,.,,, ,., H,,,lrv UI, m^w,ltx to votei f.r BBMB7 jhtsoiis ut an election tor liepr.s*.Mlaiive In ( ongrcs p, il0t lo '.barge BBB in th, language of bsrbrsj 8811 effawatafajtosjat Tlm offence forbidden I1 '" **. BkstBtc ls doing »«#*» aa decUoa ! any ualaw/nl od in order tr. BBBBja an ey, , KirtunitV to vote. The offence charged. hi Tefl ire. COOMB N thc .hiing on un- auful act In -.cure an opportunity lo OOft .-' ,1,1 iliCn,-,,, Tin¦ offence (h'nou.i'.d bf tn- low i" il'ilmr an nnl-infiil act <if M tlfOi OM. Hm -ame .ifVenec tnti-t in- charged n the Imlieltncnt .not Hie doing of an mi¬ an ful int to Miine om opportunity lo volo if OB flfclinu. The indi-tint nt. therefore, tillich dora not charge thal the nilen..- WM lone .. at an election " i- fatally detective. Tawsa are liri.ooo Beeya vwta* la lae Matt or ilia-lnli *r:iln-t 100,000 white*, makin? B t"UI r *7l.onu. it the recent rleelion ai.t yoo.niMi ole*werepntled. If 00.000 of the 7.Vnun who Dd aol tote were colored there wert- alli 00.000 ,.|. red min win. dot inle. nf Iii. -e BBOrC Mian ,.i.non voled for .l.tlin M. Ill e. while OMI than ,. oini id*. Mini wiiitm i.ted for a aeaio ctalaa- na to bc * Kepuhllcan, hui known Ey Hie BeOToe*. taweJl ii by ld- ii"nh. rn friend-, mni aapporter*, o i.i- a w.iir in iheep'i.-loHiin*- 1 ld- n -ult H credited hy th* lt".ir!...ii ll ashing. ,ii ..ri.' ni to ihe " |K.w.-r .d' a C. |nii,lit-.ni Admin- -!r..lt...i." The fin.Oiul ae|TOe* wini .lld nd v.de n in. TU. nunn.i win ii..t lave to pa] a doil.r f,.r hat privilegx hereafter.and btraljrbiontlMn rsui- tot bot* to du better arnon* them Uian ll did imona their fellovri on Noveaaber 7th. lim ,.,rild..illy in.-iW.-A--.-t.ini Boorbonl/itn 1", ii" io,nu In Virginia, which eoald nol irlie the HUte ,, th.- it.viniH.n-. it fall vote la 1884 would ftand ilMiut ,ff r.ill'.fi-: Addle and li.urk Ke.i-Hii-ler-. lOOfOOO iVhlte »nd Mack Boarhona and a.i-t- ;,,,(.. 110,000 LU ral iinijority. ¦'¦<. \\ ohm nt Mn. r,,uies i-v adding to ihe lol,- o ...ililn.n i a. ol lbj nar tft.OOO "I Hi"-' Nvrroe* who did nol vote beean of the riplta- lon-tai condition, now al llnhed. VI t idd lo Hie M.,. ii. ni'...ti i dev cast tl 11 year Ute 5,oon rho did not vote, UM 0,000 white and Mack tr.th.-i.to.il- win. voled for Daw nn,and 5,000 ol lie meroe- Who <U'I Ind VOt«l lie. .m-e OfUM C Iplta- ,. u-t .f.. If the above article Iron Ute National an ol 1>" cm'.. Sd WMvrrKlen b) ( . t.oiliam, thc editor, it Bhoai ion little bc know* ibonl tbe politics ol l/irginia. II it waa written by General tfahone, it- purpose must have been to ex- use hi* failure in tbe late i lection In Vir¬ ginia, and thereby deceive the President, o u hom Im had made thc promise that ii* I,- would rive him the patronage in the state, Md allow him to draw lt Will OD ht rruption lund ol Jay Hui,hell, and 0 asses* all \ Irginbuia In theemplo) ol the itu, rnmeiit for campaign purpose In \ ir- rlota, he would .any thc .State by 25,000 ii jority, eleci tevt n certain, ind probably ii eougreosmeo, .ind Insure thc Ntate for be Malwart- ia 1884. Bul ion., din:; lin flgUTOB ol the Kfpub- (can to be true. Its statemeut la sufficient i. ai oi-.- thc indignation ol <.%¦. ry white Mn, woman, and child In Virginbi. The Republican stab Iliad 50,< 0 negroes rott d i'"i Wi- ; iha! Uh re are 115,000 ne- rro von - in Vin Inla; lint 65,0 »0 voter* di told Btayed iway Irom the poll- or voted forlhiwaon; that in 1884, the capitation- a\ i|ualificatlon I* in_r removed, tbe entire ii jro rote ol 115,000 u ill I.- c solid tor he Republican candidate, Koa Wise rc- (vi il 101,000 votes in ti:.- la-t li ii' ii. Deduct thc 50,000 negro votes, and there i- i. ii 111,OOO white rotea cast for IVlst. The Republican Hn n say*: .. A full vote iii 1881 Will -tami a- fob ..ii- White ai.did i k Bi idjn-'' r*..t '¦>: I 0 nd bi ick H.-.i u *c.1 10,00 I'hii L to say, thc Republican part) will .ai ri the M id in I --I li) a ni | 17,000. Th,- Kepuhllcan party will then Im? cinp. '-id ol 156,000 V'Oti ' -. 1" dllt (1,000 white vt '¦¦ and Ibej 104,000 negro vob that ls, the li .an party in VTr ini.i 18*34 ¦, negro Vi bite KeMdJusI lo ) on Lilli k of 111 ii .- Cut wi facts? Iii 1 ch un . lt i;.-pul lie ms carri' nd the ltd rbis was a pi full a m gro vote was vol lie ni part) in Virginia t to tin ls. Of the 84,000 vot. o were a hite. lection, I-' in an 'tl year, Ihe nf, and I their enttutsi , ministration was brought to be ir. -iii;, used lin ir leaders, and tl"- usui brought to thc pol Ls. Tin in e ap] wt re ti-' m og thi Rt Md] -. Ma- thal wen Dei Ih it the ch M p -I- was to lea I Uk m in Repuhl party was lat*. ; thal the only issue i:i tl.: cania-- waa n Kd]u*tm< id ; ti t. i swann of revt mot), v. hu '. noni thc beginning to the nd ol ont ol -."-.' i for his ci ¦. tates tor til John "Vi Uzi d, and 21, , or I! ad]illili rs v. bo foll ; th Ht I ..,*' d upon ailinn- nu tl I. eyt - oi the Den Uts In Vir¬ ginia, ind ll th \ >te ".,' \ neml r 7,:, were iken to-d ly ii. I', mocrat -. hy; 'i ht Democrats bad no pt the ia-i eanvaaa In Virginbi. \i least .yi.ii.m of their numbera were at home on day of election. They had nol a singh -p. il.' r to nd Massey in Hu SI dc c nvass, Th.) did nol -i»nd t dollar In the el on th.- other band, Mahmie had a perfect "Cani/ ii.oii of tbe negroes and the n Ititi -, who ipected Republican sueeess thisyeai and in 1884. H. had lilltiliell's mon. \ by o'.',- i- -aid to nave sent mon money to the Ninth dbtrict than am district in thc United Stab I*.-.I. i.,l office iva- promist .1 to rerj mi. i by Mahon.- oi hi- canvassers; he I. ftl all the State officers In thc field, and Billi, iftt this; thc greatest effort ol his hie, ami greater than bewillevei make again, b< earned only 101,000 votes oul ol fl roting population 'oi -jt;,.noil. Could then be i more crushing failure;' Nearly ever) rotei in VJrgtnii thal could be Induced b iou thc Republican ticket hythe ute ol money, wblakev, Um promise ol auccew ami offieea; by Un frantic penonil ippt ali "1* Mahouc and hi- follower* to ".-a\i-, Cassius, or I -nd."; by tho whole powei inf thc Kelcrai Administration ¦ lively exerted, wa* brought to thc polk tn thi hui election; ami ii the whole 275,001 »"'' s ti id been cast Mahon, could nol liavt r.e. ii, d more than L000 more th u for hi- candidates. Lei the Democrats or¬ ganize, uni they can carry the Bl ll hi 50,000 In 1884. Ai W li ut Tohucco-.'UM ii IV nm. Sr. Lot ie. Hr.-int. i- i;. \ meeting of tbe wholesale tobacco manufacturers ben this morning was ut tended by about forty repr, -, d tut li et ol Dirge concerti* in thi¬ el-., ami by i-omc country traders, r .- liiiimiH were adopted asking Cougr sta aiioli-h the tax mi ci,a.-.-,. a- quickly i* pos»lbli ami to allow a rebate on all un¬ broken packagei la Um tanda ol doak rs at the time ..I BUchobolltlOB. .Manufacturers cl.,iin that the uticert linty ns to the action of Congreta i- paralyzing Um trade, ami that if Ihif -tate of altair- continue- they will bc 0bl|g0d to shut down. I im ibbai i, DeoMtber 6..Tobooco frnol ttl Hid nianufacturcrs lure 0k| thal uhat I-nani.al is prmniit action lu Congreas whether it be t. ibolUh, to reduce, or to let the tai rMMdn it- it i.,. Leading men say the trade began to bo affected -i\ii days ago by lobbera and retailers becoming ..irani to make their .Mial orders, les! thc tax M removed nnd loss follow. Uooarooo'i Acm PiuisI'iiatk-Mkntai iNuHmuEV BZMAOOnOM, Ure.-Dr. (. Kai- "i, Indianapolis, Ind., -als : .. J M«c .,,',.. ".niKit it for di-pepsi:,," Impotency, and ¦"ulai md bodily txbtuiiloa; and m til MOM it ha- given gt BtMj slbfacllon." THi: TRANfvIT Of VlAi*. Nummary of thc Oliiervntlona nt Hie I'rhtclpiil Minnon- I" *'»c *l«,n . rvntlafuelory. Wc brit liv IIHBBBsTlBa UM repoftl Bl tim observR brm < I Um Iran** of, Venn* made at Um principal point-* al "b-ervini",'. Thc r.-uit al Um olsjen dion- el 1874 wa* a gnat di- ippnintnx nt, a- Hie alculati"ii- of the vari'.u- abai rving parin * produced un irreconcilable daffi '"" ''. in fad th' PB wa-a aanraiB of several million* of Balk* ju the -cientilic e-timal'- "f UM 'li-t:iime of the caril, from the -un. lt i- Imped that tim ol.soivatiotis of W.dim-day will I correct thi- discrepancy, though Hm I chances arc saaJaat it- However,!! may he sonic veals before tim final n-ni! i- k now n. Trofe-sor Baaspson,*! tim Naval Obser- Viilorv in Washington, taj Wesuecsjed- ed in taking two contacts, am), consider¬ ing the cloudy condition "f tim sky, we Were quite sucoesaful. Professor Jnrlsbj observed all four contacts, as did also Professor Darkac**, but tim latter record- ed only two. I Observed nil four. :iml Ensign Brown olisenred three. I think there were onlj Blxtj photographs taken lure. Thc weather wai tm' it all nvoiabte for photography. The image in these photo¬ graphs i- about four in--in - iii diameter, :,mi, ;t- far bsUx y go, Ik j an all right.bul w ii il w:.- wanted waa good photographs, ¦it-hort intervals, during the whole time occupied in the transit, Professor Bamp- .,,t;"- otiservstlons were made with a nine- Inch 'pi itori ii. The mean time v. follow-: piral cont '. S ':"'.i i S3 minutes and :i gA-lOO ¦¦ conds; - ol 0, 0 bow - 10 minutes and I- 0 -I se< >n ¦- tblrtl, '.» hours 30 minifti - and M ll-l 0 sec, ml-: fourth. !i hour- li' minot. - and 39 11-100 aeconds. Profit nor Sampson stated timi thc for the last contact wi probnl j ii"ni twenty to thirty seconds too carl] oni count of .a cloud th il ob* ure,! ii," pl ind .fore it passed "il thc sun. \t Wes! Point, N. V., the ol rn rvatlon* of thc first anil w cond c intact* were v, ¦. good. The -'uh real time ..j the Drsi con- loci waa 14 hours D minni. - 18 0-10 - - cuni-, and "f the second 11 hours 29 min¬ utes 62 9-10 seconds, The Images "f Ve- un- and the sun wi rv vcrj -'. adj and dis¬ tinct. N" indication ol ii Venn." ati pin re, nor variation in the cir ol hi p 'ii c. was nolie, tl. Prof, --nr M and hi- :i--i-! ml- Bl tisfied w ilh th, ir ol. rv ttions. A p irty ""' observ, rs on Ibc pr linda ol thc Johns-Hopkins Hospital, Ballimore, under the din ctl n ol Prof, ssor Host- ings. oliserved auecessfullj the second, third, and fourth coi tir-t being b,-t fir,.ii.ii cl ni Pour minute* ls fore the -. od >ntacl ?: tmosjdn was seen .ill around \ nus, notwitli ing a rather.hszj skv. This phenomenon was ni-" v bilbie (Itu oft, ih" i!.ii,I .it ht, bul siter thc no lr c wu cn. le transit -, t the < Professor Lc< ¦' I. Marshal ;' ll 'i \ .: with ti ninth- I ol hool n main, astron Ve tills. / '. th Min was unst, adj and i' w :. later il .08.40. Tile l and li id bc n on n ,t i ml ml-. \\ li, ii tin disc was full] un it (lid ii while on i'. Al the third con- I, ai -j:"i_'.i'.",. was d iris tho centre. The -. cond cont 37. The fourth and 1 >-t ti 3:11.42, and was nol g tod, the condition "i' the -kv being unfavorable. At Phil: delphi*, alt hon li t h -kv waa foltli' timi -. purtii uteri] tbe thin! and I were highly favored. Tin* planet a s seen I r< je, lcd "ii lironinsphen*, both t-i fore mi contacl and after fourth, Thli norn, ni wa w, ll d Hm d both al and ul ie--. The irt ol th ( tbe sun via, found ii round, d bj | mospb, re. lu th, early si gresa this was evidenced bj Bashes ol t and the plaint, lah r bj rh lil hon, Iron thc - in, irth an lind th, pl rn, I, ml Just before -i cond th, impl, ti ui of th, rh: i lib, tesl w striking!] d and tbe atmospb, r<- of tb, lan, lol is, nsl- ble reodUi. I ti ic thm! in¬ tact was ol 'iv, I. Al I', mc ton, it ifcssor Young, a lal .;; - o| MMinl IHtS, tell, ¦! tim II '.iii-it ol \' DUI lilli !;, All four contacts v,. r, mi c, ..,..i Tn firsl u - h n r ',", mil and 84 aeconds; th, d iii o hour-, io minni. -. and ls .nu-; ll,, ";:,,| :,| -j hours, 89 minutes,sud 28 - c mds; and the ii iii 3 hour*, no minut, -, and omi---oil Washington tmie. One bu eud eigbty-eigbl pbol raphs wi r, iii"-t ol which are exe1!. 11. - blum ,1. how vi r. by cl iuds. \ iireiniiii of the ui mi, b r ol tbe plan, wa- in id by thc micron tors. A careful spectroscopic examination "f th" planet's atmosphere showed linea of water \ ii conspicuous In thc ipeetrmn. Borne other unknown lino were di- wven d by Pro¬ fessor >b-Neal. Al Wilmington, Dei, thc bra waa nm louded from 9 uni il IO \. M., and the lir-t and -corni contact* were -ncc.---fully ob¬ served. Professor John <;. Jackson, f ll,., k..in, wins Washington time, made dim contact-: First, 8 hours, 86 minutes, I and 29 second* j -.cond, :, hours, 16 min- Btes, and -j.1 seconds, Prof..or st,,,,,- telegraphed from thc University ol Virginia: Observations ol the transit of Venus mode to-daj bj Pro- I, asor Miiilh ;d th' rotund.,, and by iuv -, If at the observatory, were lucceasful, with thc , \ccptioii of those of the iir-t sternal contact, wh. n th.- -kv waa covered wlUi dense cloud*. A ilx-ln, h icr;,' tor tv [eaoployrdb] professor Nnith. Hyobscr- vatlons weir fa*** «""'' » loilT-lneh £ frsctor. The sky wm either hazyi©r cloud] all the morning, but **»««"> c|ear "' "1,r atternoon. Kw atsreryatloiia were ob¬ tained of the irsl Internal conbul andgoW observatl ma of the kat two. a Ulegram from Ht. Augustine, 1 la., lt bs* been a ref] 'har day here. The French scientists hiv observed the four ."iitad- of Vdi'l- with th* IUB I limb. Tbs fir*! outer contact mu ai per¬ fect a- possible. Thc tw. Inner contacts n.r" taken perfectly.and the outer final contact very perfectly. They used two t. lescopee, of etgbt- sud -ix-in. h reap, etive ai"rtur.-. Also, BrtifictsI contacti were obtained by Blerrflrlnxen's prism* of Ara- go, vei'v perfect and al (treal value. \ gnat nlanv mieroiiietrintl iiua-ui. tn-nt- iiave ben t iki n rlnrillg UM transit. TWO hundred photographa repn aenttng tbe rc- apecUve postttonsof tim -un and tin plsnel have been obtained, .'Hld .ip|»:U' t" bc v.ry satisfactory. Tim BbjMk*ervice predb> ti ui or cloudy weather wa* Bot realised until ia If BB hour after !,*¦ transit, A dispatch from Professor Hall aaya tts rvations af Ban Antonio wen- not wholly successful, Inc Brat two contacts having be. ii los! on accounl ol int, rvening .loud-. Tw. hundred photographs were taki n, th, clouds hating Hfted ii' lOoVlock sufficiently for thc commencement of thc photographing work. Thc phot igrapba were satisfactory. Prof,.. 1.:,-tm,m. Bl I 'il'.' K. ya, t. Ic- grapbed: .. Partly cloudy thia m truing. l.o-t nr-t contact by clouds. <>tln r con¬ tacts x.'ihnt. No ii::, k iii"!'. Have 180 pholo -ii i iii.150 drv plates." Al liiirv rd Prof, »sorPick, ring, tb, din c- t .r. used the irge iii'' u-incfa rostrum, at. Ol tho tir-t contact tbn good ";-' n itiom v,. i. obtained,of tb, -> cond ml u fonrob- ns, :ii:'i of tbe Hurd and fourth -ix iib. In Hie int' i v.'il lietween ml and third cont t- an e il over 8001 Dis "i the di- ol Ventu w:i obi tin, d. Tb, sp, c- i] im, 'i ii obs, rvations ol iii. afternoon y [eld, -I Important n milts. i . rvations of t sui rounding \ nus showed do rs ai.-u uti ni ty its atmosphere, and tin pho¬ tometer how, thc light from thi di-" "i Venus t,, be li as than thc ii ld surround¬ ing the sun, which Indicates thal thc solar atmosphere ls appreciable. Thc nvi rage results ri ached arc ss folio* -: Io ( nu¬ nn on lime from « hi, b, ( r Wash- mean lime, -J'! minutes 11 mu-: ' ¦ .it tel, ii 20. ll -. e. ml . ontnet, !'. 10.11 : 'hud Ih contact, 3.23.2 I. The com¬ puted time, iii" result "f olwen dion* mode conl u .. t'.i--.''s; second, 9.40.13; third, 8.02.20; fourth, ; lion* forthe m, us ure* Ui, lit nf thc 'linnet' r ol \ "HU- Will ll"t e r dtu d ,"i' put po .. ol comp trlson vv it lt IS "b-el Villi,.li- f, p,.--illly i:; inths. in thc bi "i ls ."i"'' < UUgll i. div tin -! ri in, d' I. .n.\ it it i ireh. M ' Lui i Ul N .. M BEA I ^ ll k|. JA) LAH AX! ! -li vi v.; ,i :: i- 11 ere in fJH IA HA -1... i, II M.IUTI i.'it iivi.ixii wu m.i.i K Ml ii.Mi i "MT '.-.', alli I'llXIl .1 I'-ll VS Ci IX il '' furl ii' INl vii VI.l ll VII l',,\: Bil HM" .1. V v. V"i Ii ii. i iii: wm m. Hi ii [N(i ,M',I I,, !.- i.ii v\v x \ Ion ll MLItn I'WI -.ill In- lil lil .. Ul l.'i.-Inn..ml uni np ,ii v. ,1 i'i the ritj i." nd, '.it.. .,n ll -ll \ .!. J V|. E. R. I.I.I. \\|i I I* 1,11 '¦!.'¦'. v r| WM \l. MEETlNCi OF nil I :.l'"i i,I - <ii Mi Ul, HMnM H.m. \|i OMI" ll, .a 'Ci. i. r 13 th proM M. N '.'-iii In l.\ Ul -. M I'll SIMIMS. UZART HAM. '. ti tu ii 18,188*. ii: RN M.I.- Bl i v I Pl Ri ',:.¦: \\, PATIENCE. \HM! i.i v me, .nu Mr llfiiM V- I X..IT- ll Ul k EVA mut > . path ' il v. h... ml, r 6th, .u ' .lr .".-I ii W.V. U MAGI! -LAN ll IA I \ 1111 1 I l«A at Mux-- vii ,\ III Iii ll i lil i.-li w VMi 1 i.TIi \ v NIGHT* IT 7:31 ll" tv C.,ii 1 Inn- I .v iii.Til vt iii la nenefll ul tl church, u,! I n liv n ... lt O' ll of ii i.r. I he mir (wool ¦.. <!. i'.-u < ll. HA3kF.IL KALE OF SAM V All ru l.w.S. 'Tin i.i.i wi;l- w in. nw k \ J- BAH <i! \ x, j m; ipi!- AMi |.i . n.'i -iivii s r-ni ii .¦>-i.tv-i.- I, "i iii, ni t l'ie> oi, rim rlmrcli an KKlti.W Ui Bth friMn 4 .. lock Iii di. ii':.n. lo 111. I Vii i. , I,,,. , f .Mi I ,i li I,. vm|| Muir Snrlittf Un lc.11.) i, kl,.i.. iin un,] Mr. VI lialL : ats .OTTOS t AUN8. 79 ca i.i . <,i i,i\ \ v:;xv an \ v. -i..- v . i Nil Cl* I >OTKI«. ^_^ lltr BEYOHD aXL <vn K-'IK'N. Hill BOOn ABB BOLO elli: vrcir AT THU timi: kian at inv iimi. WITkTJB mei: hi MOB1. ll .f.tid lu BMI Jir.il.n- .-i.lintl ¦. ¦inenl. lin- |.,r'ii-.-in,|i;;aiiiifa't.ini- BAV* BBOl alf* .||*a,,Iv.,|i.tui.nt- "ii Ha ,jiiai.titi "f*.1- M* | ls [.. UHl '..i||-|iii-e..f. The nil. r.-iu :n ide.ai MB Of ."."!- ru. nMv-i|,- !. hm ai..t Bini! li evarj mm kaaaver, Ila y Iiim I,- ll I" BOalOd. Am. ag Mk many .inl.f" "I" nt'd banal 80 BLI '. INIEl-MADE ANO ll.MMMIH H lt -IM ni,Ul H B-L1M1 ii < MCI LAB8 it -jo- . :il BUB-LINED CIBI I LABS Bl BSB H "." WC hine-'.l-l Ml 'I'.'' ISM i! Tl.', .JJ SABIN IMI VU lill --l^nlilted -ilk Llalif and Knr--Iilii'.'ii<¦¦!-:>! « ll*..'"': B soaea < BILDBEJTS CLOAKS,la dark beaver. uiMBMd with worsted ptiab (siarAfiiN nato r..in t. e., yt irs), al 11.70: I.ADll-' JA! KIM- u 14.28 r.nn.r priee ¦»..,..-,.¦, all M.' lim r qaatltl at ow t .'.'> ju r .int. Icm Hi ni foran r pt let -; - \ I IN EM I 11 ci HE W" 'Elf IN-. k-gantlv Irlui- mi. I. il -! tl t'..i mei ll '¦¦ 00 I - 11 in BliADA MED, irlauned nth olie-lnch- wldth |.iu h, at vj-'.."."-!'. i in- r prtet \ s v l IN M vi1 1.1081 m. wi i: HOLM \n- i| tOQ f..nm rprice, ri '. -,; Kf ULAI K BILK gt m rall] "iil v. ll! : I.".; El. M li Ml al 11.00; Ul. \< K SILK it H.S3 sill nt 7' Ul. \< !. -ll.lv 1-. mi ill) ld at 75c. v ,;¦ al B3c.: ci. M iv -n.t.- ni in. .,i OBI ll HATIJ* EM VDAMI .-. en- Vf ill '!. llfU,al !'¦" ... I nc of BL A' cn ¦.<¦¦¦ - »U Mill' I, V.. tl PLC8HE8 AND VELI -I il .-: IN Eli MILS Hutt wen uldat I l IN r HIM -Hi -. f ii,.- rc ld al . will nuI i,Pl li I Pl -HI -. ri - EM. tv n.LOKI I" VIOLI .SKIN lil -Mi -. Iii tis most sapcrli.r dualities, from #1.70 up; :, pleei ¦-.--ii .:. \l I --H.iv BL lt .. \ BLI a from I -I Al I \ l.\ -. iic.lill- factan ri *. BLACK BILK 1 M. 1 doc li HI .:¦¦' l-l;.i. VIII VKLV1 I. 11.11 - -.'J"; Ul. VCK BBOl Vi) UBI 'I i'RLVKT, tl.;.".I-anc Wi »,!! ,j 10 pl. i VBI'l - wool) al r Md '.il* ,.1 '-...1.1-11 HU UBI - MM STKY, ." 1 IN- bB MN CABIM II.No. ll The I i:. \ n IH icm; il. v.) nnn T< iff OX Kl 1 !1M IN- UK N " :' I .lilli.' I. r nil! now II n i, .M. - i- un] .ni, rdluai -4'.. l-l i: a. CiTi iron Hil HMO* rpo BONDHOLDER* ih. h:\n-: i' i... of the will i . INHTAN'I 1ST DAY OB JAN! VB1 .E E. deO-l \ IMMHiV NI % HOM lt! .,1, n"M!..-*\Ti;i HOME; I UEBKEAK- IN.. \\\\i- ll \-lll |, Hu,II milli ii UH ME: ni ipi i: m ... i. in hi -,,ii Will -,!¦' ll I III -l-ll.-l Ul M,,| | ip Ul 'M.-'-! t- M.i - li! .,,|V 1 || |||. 1,1 Lill I,-li 1 BIN || nm ii -. 'Pl "I all \ I. W. BAN leo PH .' s, !.| ,' 1 il \ nu:- 1883 im vim.- i- imi i--..!¦ im ni oi -iM-. -nLi 8, l .1) IMMt -. n " IBTB1 a < m.. 010 v notus, snots, .ic jjKIH THIS SEASON. Bi !. VOll - Mit -: -\ md < IIILOR1 v- CALF Bl I rON-BOOl -: IH \\ r-BOLI 8B101 -'.,..a;,,., ,;,. mi ttMD; BBBTLI Mi n - Hui BLI -SOI t BOOTS, i.aeiei:-. i n i IHOI -. m Bl *fON- BOOTS, ni ui. .a..;i'.-!. at'i.r. undal'lKatcr: BOBBI I IBTK ri I, Bc IM Hilt lt.|',.ii,i - ... i.lVll.lMEN, E.ions, BOTO, MI--I .mdt H1LOBBW. .'. L OBI. *a I reatta Md B iId Brttt*> SI>1< lal. MOTICTBB._ tJT AT JtTLIUl METER A- sons. BO! ano 00:1 BBOAD sTitr.r.T. swi rm ira u boc ni iobts. Inur.l.r to BBBfeSrSSBB BM HOLIOA1 BOOM wi. have mi ol, i"'lal fl OBI kSM M SBf |>BjBjjs>4lOOOa mrwm Mt BT. Bkssjss ti"' ahsaasst to bsssi DBI Bl i i.vnmt. it.vin-, van IB, ¦. bow ' '"'x''-1 70 ptaeei BILK-AND-WOOL PLAIDS, »-r. 4" uni .'.li. ., ik.vv li'. . sn pieces WOODAH CLOTH, wars UHjc, sew I .-',...: i" pi",- poi BLK-WIDTU4 A8HMERE8,were .J.I' .. BOW I.",,-. ; IS ptseaa Tl.n REP, asm ' lytss, wsw las*, son !,;'.¦.; 4n pi" MOIRE BILKS, welt H.BC* SOC.! ll VXD-'-MK BILK-LINED Ml.l:\T-.LLII I I » ht IT. kits.SIS,were090; li! VI HUT. iTIt-ITXI.Ii CIRCCLABS, BIS, wi r, |80; winn -vi IRREL-I lK*l Dt IRI CLABS, BBL ».n |28; i,null I'd Vi K-t '"di LT M. HANDSOME il R-TRIMMI D kOONAL IR, I. kICS. 112.51 -vi IN lu Ll OS l> 'I vt W-. |] .' l."X'. CLOTH JACK KT* a at oat; I" ,!¦ /. I, RR \-l ul V V!"l -ol I kIRI Kin i.i 'iv l - al ii I'i.T v- EXTRA l."M.. III. v \ v-i.ii Kl H. H;iM U-M1XEI) HOSE si 10c. worth LADIES' SOLID-COl (IRED HOSE.foil ..:..¦.; I. Mill--- SOLID * kSHMERI II, th 1"' flOLIDAl HOODS, of V VXi \ l"M -. TOIL tl -ROXI -. i" ii. URI --ix-.-i v-i -. VVORK-HOXI IVRII iM.-ln k.1'1 r KR I KS. v. ISP-BROOM li'ilTH RB, U vi.I -I'"' ixl 1 DOl L-UaHII - -IT Ai i om i-f;n i -. .lilli ti Mi v i: a -"X li -' *EE! imtxi (laud '.-I H.I DS.VT1N- ixi ii [RI kRs; LMTLM ASS. PALETOTS. TESTERS, a JA rs nu n;:i S'S CLsTERS KAI QI ES, POL- M INS, auJ ll V\ I in K-i I, rant St vi. ITT -ll HOLM S >. md wlU wean S'OSPARI IL VELVETEEN ai..I ii" m. iii: l i: vi vt x .. ci i> 'X ,K1P UH vin-, tildi . \ i: i: I v Viii' * "ll . ii inc; ns. mi <. v, t ', I' ! 1 OIL i I 'j'" PH i pHAl IXE. A fn IT IT LL, I. killi S 1 \\ I. thc M i: RI Ilks HOV kl. 4.ll HIM.. I B V ' S ROYAL mi nix... RI '.nv ni; ix-i vx i i-i IND M ONOROI -ll III vr. maanlfli en i IQ! ID >.:' DING :.i'y. Tin i. vim -. RI lil - !:¦ »VAL UlLIUNCi i.ti nix., ii'.i -i ll, il.D mis wi; HI WU - ORRI, - -. i kNs, i i v..i Ul PECORATIVI "vin ii\. vt In value by Um mes : !. vx "\i vx i -i it, v CAMI I.---H.MI: ITT -ll ix \ ntl "-I 1- ILIH.IN,.. HOLD Bl u st, JOHNSTON I ,'".. DI t il M I. I., n W vi FORD, 117,m.i K I H: VXi K. .-.- in rill Xliuli -ir.. ' a i- |] .-i vi aa II ..i NOT a SON, 005' -i; RANDOLPH A xi.it- .ii | vi.... knttbrsllBs Bl .v VOBK i MIMI. vi. MEG. CO X. tv V.,rk. . IITT I Vi: Hill ,.,, I.-,-,.,.l| in Kl SI kl lt kl ll UN. Ml LTMIV MEAX9 infi¬ ll I Raw I .> III St, iiiie-tB/J $*> til- Stewed .. Uh I rl«T nv t, i-. .ii I .,v-t.r- lu thc liam mea ur,-.. mi n u,. i nb romp, nu,,a luvlti ¦! H i-vfi n. e .1* «i I lie I WI .1 Ol ". . roi ....'.. Ji HIM mi RPHY, .t'-ii-lw .-..rii.i Khrhih ind Broad itrt* la. Nc. PLAIDS. - 50 ll kl.*> OOP A.<.:: I vi, x I -. SS 19 \. i. -I li. vi > A ct1 .fl" If III. SOI MIS. I | i:i:.\l>: BEAD I READ! We arc determined lo keep up a i ..f BM ITT CA' riVl lt INO un- mad. ..ur NEW OTOBB mi popular. Wt arc ,,.¦. ni mr ( .1. -ot IOC "f i uI.MltEll-.nd Cl. li CLOAK INCI ' lui li¬ nn..n:- Ula:. BB ¦¦!. rf mt ll HMM.I -ll MU ll . HE< M l> < LOTH, Hoff nl-i.r M il y.rd wat! |1.0 iii: md cv--eui- n 1 i ph ruin min., Illlllll- l I. I III 'HU l R, ii r (EMAll Bl I l"N- Jl CLOAK Bl I l"N- ... I 1 |H-r .1"/. 11 BAOKII I"' vnm Li ir iee, * ku ox-blood and Bearii' uni .ii nths r di li -: IS-taeO kl L-WOOL CAHHMBKI - ' tVwtrabtt I.c!. Bl I rONS ml BBAIOfl f ti m inti: I NUKI -^ KID 'M "I l- ¦ uti *l DBI Kin 1,1...1 EB, tara H wort! -1 HOI -"i i 1 ah:; GLOVK8 ¦« ,. . rte |1.30; u ri imi 1 in 1 :-i.i <M o BL INK1 . *. kel* nt BOOH I WI - v lot 'lill!. -!'¦ COTTON N -1 ll! BROTUI RS, KVKR1 WITH N IIIHlt I l-l - I I'l.AIV VEI.VKl CAI) [I PEI -HI I \i I N \ ri EINI-H KU VOA! - .I um |. II CLOTH, ii . I > i - - ,1-VI Ll ll ll SIIIKT-- iNH . CLO.! I: TON,I I * I'M.I. OPENINO. c UtDi'/''. U.SOI', M. i-i;'i I "I Rill il W.l'KI' 1.1 i MI'I.L.v. ". 1. Kt eived ll VRUKST - I' " , Kill DBI .,.,....- iVKB ucl ..ni ru nil's tiii, Ladle* -li aid uot fall ie babbIi ck '.

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Page 1: Daily Dispatch (Richmond, Va).(Richmond, VA) … than thc dayof |v*ftetrstlon I Bl ni ¬ tration la-;- in some Mate-foi BCVCI days. Taeonsiitnte sn offence the erinn lnn-t Le committed


Tho Tim© When.It te usual to draw Indictments in the

language of the statute which lt it char/' 'I

has been violated. If the Indictment can¬

not employ the language of the statute andatill charge an offence against that law it i-

not only a defective Indictment hut indl-

asjBBl that the law has not BBSR violated.Tlie tew of thc 1'iiited States which we

quoted yesterday provides that if "at mutebction" for representative in CongresseertAin tkings br tl otu- tim doing of themsliall constitute an offence against theCulled States.' To charge flint an offencewas eommltfetl .. at aa election aaasaj toU hehl " l» I" BBB I phra-e thc tirst half of

which rut* the throat af tim other half. .'An offence cannot Lc committed af an

888*6*81 about to he held. It is either ||commit* d nt tin- ih.ti'.n that i-, whiletlie election ls luung In ld. or t ls, lt i- 888*-inilfed nt SS*Ra*4tS88 time, ur BR* is BOtcommitted nt all. If an 0888888 eau becoiiiiiiitt'(l.n the 1-'"f November "'// an

ili'tion" which is jct-tx days bj the lu¬lim', it aaa ac oaaaBsltteal ea lb* 1st da] ofOctober "ol :m »!«, ti->n " to be In hi :i

month afterwards. Kay*Baot*: If Heank* eoininitt, .1 three dav - 11 fort hand if I BB

aa eomsiittid thru BKMBtbsorslx monthiLcBnrchalld.

I.ook at M di. in 0811 af the United StatesStatute a* L'tr-ji -tin rt rv tn xt |¦¦dion toUn- om- um!, r conslderaUoa. lt snapkiyatil. titi.'ally the bum brassing* as sectionlilli . KR Bl th it t'u Word ..rei.'i-:rati"ii "

i« ti-.tl instead of the word ..election." I jW. <|IIOtc : l

..if at anj registration of rolers for saelection for representative or delegate in ltthe Oongn aa "f Um Untb d Stab . bm i" r-

son knoaingly personates and registers,li? -.*.'. or d". - any unlawful adto m. rup registration for htmseJl ot in]aths r ptnon, ste., fte.Kow, cnn iiny person i" Indicted under

tala section for anything desas al any othertune than thc day of |v*ftetrstlon I Bl ni¬tration la-;- in some Mate- foi BCVCI

days. Ta eonsiitnte sn offence the erinnlnn-t Le committed on one of thc dav-ofr : i-tration.not before; imta month bt>fore, nor a week before, nor a day before.Would yon charge s BBkfl with bavlnfjeaasaalMed an uti. nee M«fM a \li Blina ''n'/'ut tc ls /m,'./" :- Why, lurt lyif if wa- "a r^gi-tration " at all* U Waa a

registration avafRg le ld at the time timoffence was committed, nut at some olin i

time before ur after, li. re i- a question oftanti Wu- tin- oaTcacc eonMRlUed ..

regi-t ration " I If so, lt was not commithbefore registrsUon omn* not d. lt was notcommitted at ail. if it waa committi il a bi n

B n ui-tration waa oooufto be heh!.' Toconstitute bb ih ni e, th. unlanlui acl muslhav 1. t ii d< ni al a I- :-:r itioii.So ii- to Hu ea-e tn f. r. ii-. Thi offence

mu-t be ct.'iii...d iii thi i. uagiatatuta.namely, thal ll wai done ..

el. i Mon " I Ri i !.

no! " at sn election a bi " llWotiid to o-.r mind -¦

th:.i ¦ it Ur* aid i. ¦..¦ u committedon Um i-: "f N"-.' mot r "at" i eh ''ti"!ih. ¦' .¦., :. Bb of N ¦'>. r.alkara* a mun with having commlUisault and upoi person who didnot e. n, e within -tnkin - distance ol bimuntil two naya after the time when thebsTcroc ws*<Ul.

Tbs* District Attomej bo doubt seea thidifficult] we li iv. -ii L-l -ti il. li

ejawgesj wa* committed st ail bj anybodj(we specify no names] il waa done "af"an eh edon for con] n >smi n held on thc 7thof N'ovt ml er !.i-i ; ::iul to th trge i! in thosew.rd- wc.,,ld bc sufficient. Winn thet bs - Mini' np for tri .i. ul ll Distrh '

Attorney offcrt d lo prove that the o

rm committed live daya before Ute dajof i BBAlon, til. 'i .lui. Iii uni;.

have la dV cid' whether I ......

eli -th.n.

TB* Kew Yoi utrjthe inov.nu ul :; th tax

poorcn. d. But the I ncof the

; :[fh nds in to-t year,

two-thirds of .!.' mon . <..>v-11 inn. ut. If be spei icb on anjether article, two-thirds or nine-tenths olit goes fur thc arti !. tbs ll andit to the <¦"¦.. nun'nt. Th t.ov.nun. rn,therefore, iaw lu io the |. mr tuan mon bjrelieving bis tobacco fx,,.i i ixstlon than in

any other way.To ihe r'nh, tobaeco i- ;i luxury. To

tim poor, li is ;i solace, w e nee beard an

badnatrious workaaan sa] thal pour s* bewas ac wouldn't 'iud tim practice ol chew¬ing toliaccn fal a hundred dollars, lt wa¬

the greatest lightener "f bia labors, andpha.siinil.ly excited hi- in rv,-. Be withmost luird-woikin:; in- n who nae it.Wt do not BBC tobacco in BB] "f it- inaiiv

fotins. ayespi ik only for others whea wcdemand tin- sltoUtton «f the tax BpOB it.

K-pccially do RB pr<>t,-t a-ain-t the at¬

tempt to array the poor nun against in¬stead of in favor of free tobai bo,


Jual Bo.The Cincinnati Cnmittrrial say- that

what the tobacco trade want, and have Bright to tiemand, is a Ixed policy aa thcpart of BC (iovt rnuietit.Just «o; and there can inv.r bc ;i lived

policy until the entire tax. on tobacco iswiped ,,ut. ga l"ii'-: BS then- ls BOmucha- live cents a pound lav upon to-Lacee, th, re will alway- he BgitaUoa infiivor of itboli-hing it. I'.ut once get lt.I OfUsa tax, 88*8 yon wlBBeverhearof si agalainuit another sj ir cm,- un; ami Bardi]then.

Let tl- have | "theed policy." DoWflwith the In aw lax upon th, poor man'stobacco. " 1 rec tol,;ie,u " would not bcan unpopular war-en.

We pabBsk to-day an article n.t accurateas tothentinil.tr of voter* in Virginia. Thc88RBBR shows tint then- ure 884,006 rotenin this StaU.'jisi.iNHi BjhjBiBa ami 186,000nivrtMv ..A,"|s»l>iMitli«,,i Virginian,and no doubt correctly repp a* BBB th, BBCof argument followed In tint section, da¬ring the resent campaign, hy the Mah,,.,, -

¦SR,Organization is demanded by every cud-Mderatlun. Ta* Hcnocmtie pa,tv cannotfMiemdh.it- pn-Miu rBlUBBj..|| |'l"'ha,K(.j01(S.SM|1(|witli|iivj

.nunkuri,,.,,, ,., H,,,lrv UI, m^w,ltxto votei f.r BBMB7 jhtsoiis ut an electiontor liepr.s*.Mlaiive In ( ongrcs p, il0t lo'.barge BBB in th, language of bsrbrsj 8811effawatafajtosjat Tlm offence forbidden I1'" **. BkstBtc ls doing »«#*» aa decUoa !any ualaw/nl od in order tr. BBBBja an ey, ,

KirtunitV to vote. The offence charged.hi Tefl ire. COOMB N thc .hiing on un-

auful act In -.cure an opportunity lo OOft.-' ,1,1 iliCn,-,,, Tin¦ offence (h'nou.i'.d bftn- low i" il'ilmr an nnl-infiil act <if M tlfOiOM. Hm -ame .ifVenec tnti-t in- chargedn the Imlieltncnt.not Hie doing of an mi¬

an ful int to Miine om opportunity lo voloif OB flfclinu. The indi-tint nt. therefore,tillich dora not charge thal the nilen..- WMlone .. at an election " i- fatally detective.

Tawsa are liri.ooo Beeya vwta* la lae Matt orilia-lnli *r:iln-t 100,000 white*, makin? B t"UIr *7l.onu. it the recent rleelion ai.t yoo.niMiole*werepntled. If 00.000 of the 7.Vnun whoDd aol tote were colored there wert- alli 00.000,.|. red min win. dot inle. nf Iii. -e BBOrC Mian,.i.non voled for .l.tlin M. Ill e. while OMI than,. oini id*. k» Mini wiiitm i.ted for a aeaio ctalaa-na to bc * Kepuhllcan, hui known Ey Hie BeOToe*.taweJl ii by ld- ii"nh. rn friend-, mni aapporter*,o i.i- a w.iir in iheep'i.-loHiin*-1 ld- n -ult H credited hy th* lt".ir!...ii ll ashing.

,ii ..ri.' ni to ihe " |K.w.-r .d' a C. |nii,lit-.ni Admin--!r..lt...i." The fin.Oiul ae|TOe* wini .lld nd v.den in. TU. nunn.i win ii..t lave to pa] a doil.r f,.rhat privilegx hereafter.and btraljrbiontlMn rsui-tot bot* to du better arnon* them Uian ll didimona their fellovri on Noveaaber 7th. lim,.,rild..illy in.-iW.-A--.-t.ini Boorbonl/itn 1", ii"

io,nu In Virginia, which eoald nol irlie the HUte,, th.- it.viniH.n-. it fall vote la 1884 would ftandilMiut ,ff r.ill'.fi-:Addle and li.urk Ke.i-Hii-ler-. lOOfOOOiVhlte »nd Mack Boarhona and a.i-t-;,,,(.. 110,000LU ral iinijority. ¦'¦<.

\\ ohm nt Mn. r,,uies i-v adding to ihe lol,-o ...ililn.n i a. ol lbj nar tft.OOO "I Hi"-'Nvrroe* who did nol vote beean <¦ of the riplta-lon-tai condition, now al llnhed. VI t idd lo HieM.,. ii. ni'...ti i dev cast tl 11 year Ute 5,oonrho did not vote, UM 0,000 white and Macktr.th.-i.to.il- win. voled for Daw nn,and 5,000 ollie meroe- Who <U'I Ind VOt«l lie. .m-e OfUM C Iplta-,. u-t .f..

If the above article Iron Ute Nationalan ol 1>" cm'.. Sd WMvrrKlen b)( . t.oiliam, thc editor, it Bhoai

ion little bc know* ibonl tbe politics oll/irginia. II it waa written by Generaltfahone, it- purpose must have been to ex-use hi* failure in tbe late i lection In Vir¬ginia, and thereby deceive the President,o u hom Im had made thc promise that ii*I,- would rive him the patronage in thestate, Md allow him to draw lt Will ODht rruption lund ol Jay Hui,hell, and0 asses* all \ Irginbuia In theemplo) ol theitu, rnmeiit for campaign purpose In \ ir-rlota, he would .any thc .State by 25,000ii jority, eleci tevt n certain, ind probably

ii eougreosmeo, .ind Insure thc Ntate forbe Malwart- ia 1884.Bul ion., din:; lin flgUTOB ol the Kfpub-

(can to be true. Its statemeut la sufficienti. ai oi-.- thc indignation ol <.%¦. ry whiteMn, woman, and child In Virginbi.The Republican stab Iliad 50,< 0 negroes

rott d i'"i Wi- ; iha! Uh re are 115,000 ne-rro von - in Vin Inla; lint 65,0 »0 voter*di told Btayed iway Irom the poll- or votedforlhiwaon; that in 1884, the capitation-a\ i|ualificatlon I* in_r removed, tbe entireii jro rote ol 115,000 u ill I.- c solid torhe Republican candidate, Koa Wise rc-

(vi il 101,000 votes in ti:.- la-t li ii' ii.

Deduct thc 50,000 negro votes, and therei- i. ii 111,OOO white rotea cast for IVlst.The Republican Hn n say*:.. A full vote iii 1881 Will -tami a- fob


White ai.did i k Bi idjn-'' r*..t '¦>: I 0nd bi ick H.-.i u *c.1 10,00

I'hii L to say, thc Republican part) will.ai ri the M id in I --I li) a ni |17,000. Th,- Kepuhllcan party will thenIm? cinp. '-id ol 156,000 V'Oti ' -. 1" dllt(1,000 white vt '¦¦ and Ibej104,000 negro vob that ls, the li.an party in VTr ini.i 18*34

¦, negroVi bite KeMdJusI

lo ) on Lilli k of111 ii .-

Cut wi facts? Iii 1

ch un . lti;.-pul lie ms carri'

nd the ltdrbis was a pifull a m gro vote was vollie ni part) in Virginia t to tin

ls. Of the 84,000 vot.o were a hite.

lection, I-' in an 'tl year, Ihenf, and I

their enttutsi ,

ministration was brought to be ir.-iii;, used

lin ir leaders, and tl"- usuibrought to thc pol Ls. Tin in e ap]wt re ti-' m og thi Rt Md] -. Ma-

thal wen DeiIh it the ch Mp -I- was to lea I Uk m in Repuhlparty was lat*. ; thal the only issue i:i tl.:cania-- waa n Kd]u*tm< id ; ti t. iswann of revt

mot), v. hu '.

noni thc beginning to the nd ol

ont ol -."-.' i for his ci

¦.tates tor tilJohn "ViUzi d, and 21, , or I!

ad]illili rs v. bo foll; thHt I

..,*'d upon

ailinn- nu tlI.

eyt - oi the Den Uts In Vir¬ginia, ind ll th \ >te ".,' \ neml r 7,:,were iken to-d ly ii. I', mocrat

-. hy;'i ht Democrats bad no pt

the ia-i eanvaaa In Virginbi. \i least.yi.ii.m of their numbera were at home onday of election. They had nol a singh-p. il.' r to nd Massey in Hu SI dc c nvass,Th.) did nol -i»nd t dollar In the elon th.- other band, Mahmie had a perfect"Cani/ ii.oii of tbe negroes and the n Ititi -,who ipected Republican sueeess thisyeaiand in 1884. H. had lilltiliell's mon. \ by

o'.',- i- -aid to nave sent monmoney to the Ninth dbtrict thanam district in thc United StabI*.-.I. i.,l office iva- promist .1 to rerj mi. i

by Mahon.- oi hi- canvassers; he I. ftl allthe State officers In thc field, and Billi, ifttthis; thc greatest effort ol his hie, amigreater than bewillevei make again, b<earned only 101,000 votes oul ol fl rotingpopulation 'oi -jt;,.noil. Could then be imore crushing failure;' Nearly ever) roteiin VJrgtnii thal could be Induced biou thc Republican ticket hythe ute olmoney, wblakev, Um promise ol auccewami offieea; by Un frantic penonil ippt ali"1* Mahouc and hi- follower* to ".-a\i-,Cassius, or I -nd."; by tho whole poweiinf thc Kelcrai Administration ¦ livelyexerted, wa* brought to thc polk tn thihui election; ami ii the whole 275,001»"'' s ti id been cast Mahon, could nol liavtr.e. ii, d more than L000 more th ufor hi- candidates. Lei the Democrats or¬ganize, uni they can carry the Bl ll hi50,000 In 1884. Ai

W liut Tohucco-.'UM ii IV nm.Sr. Lot ie. Hr.-int. i- i;. \ meeting of

tbe wholesale tobacco manufacturers benthis morning was uttended by about fortyrepr, -, dtutli et ol Dirge concerti* in thi¬el-., ami by i-omc country traders, r .-

liiiimiH were adopted asking Cougr staaiioli-h the tax mi ci,a.-.-,. a- quickly i*pos»lbli ami to allow a rebate on all un¬broken packagei la Um tanda ol doak rs atthe time ..I BUchobolltlOB. .Manufacturerscl.,iin that the uticert linty ns to the actionof Congreta i- paralyzing Um trade, amithat if Ihif -tate of altair- continue- theywill bc 0bl|g0d to shut down.

I im ibbai i, DeoMtber 6..Tobooco frnolttl Hid nianufacturcrs lure 0k| thal uhatI-nani.al is prmniit action lu Congreaswhether it be t. ibolUh, to reduce, or tolet the tai rMMdn it- it i.,. Leading mensay the trade began to bo affected -i\iidays ago by lobbera and retailers becoming..irani to make their .Mial orders, les! thctax M removed nnd loss follow.

Uooarooo'i Acm PiuisI'iiatk-MkntaiiNuHmuEV BZMAOOnOM, Ure.-Dr. (. Kai-"i, Indianapolis, Ind., -als : .. J M«c .,,',..".niKit it for di-pepsi:,," Impotency, and¦"ulai md bodily txbtuiiloa; and m tilMOM it ha- given gt BtMj slbfacllon."

THi: TRANfvIT Of VlAi*.

Nummary of thc Oliiervntlona nt Hie

I'rhtclpiil Minnon- I" *'»c *l«,n. rvntlafuelory.

Wc brit liv IIHBBBsTlBa UM repoftl Bl tim

observR brm < I Um Iran** of, Venn* made

at Um principal point-* al "b-ervini",'.

Thc r.-uit al Um olsjen dion- el 1874 wa*

a gnat di- ippnintnx nt, a- Hie alculati"ii-of the vari'.u- abai rving parin * producedun irreconcilable daffi '"" ''. in fad th' PB

wa-a aanraiB of several million* of Balk*ju the -cientilic e-timal'- "f UM 'li-t:iimeof the caril, from the -un. lt i- Impedthat tim ol.soivatiotis of W.dim-day will

I correct thi- discrepancy, though HmI chances arc saaJaat it- However,!! mayhe sonic veals before tim final n-ni! i-k now n.

Trofe-sor Baaspson,*! tim Naval Obser-Viilorv in Washington, taj Wesuecsjed-ed in taking two contacts, am), consider¬ing the cloudy condition "f tim sky, weWere quite sucoesaful. Professor Jnrlsbjobserved all four contacts, as did alsoProfessor Darkac**, but tim latter record-ed only two. I Observed nil four. :imlEnsign Brown olisenred three. I thinkthere were onlj Blxtj photographs takenlure.Thc weather wai tm' it all nvoiabte for

photography. The image in these photo¬graphs i- about four in--in - iii diameter,:,mi, ;t- far bsUx y go, Ik j an all right.bulw ii il w:.- wanted waa good photographs,¦it-hort intervals, during the whole timeoccupied in the transit, Professor Bamp-.,,t;"- otiservstlons were made with a nine-Inch 'pi itori ii. The mean time v.

follow-:piral cont '. S ':"'.i i S3 minutes and

:i gA-lOO ¦¦ conds; - ol 0, 0 bow - 10minutes and I- 0 -I se< >n ¦- tblrtl, '.»hours 30 minifti - and M ll-l 0 sec, ml-:fourth. !i hour- li' minot. - and 39 11-100aeconds. Profit nor Sampson stated timi thc

for the last contact wi probnl j ii"nitwenty to thirty seconds too carl] onicount of .a cloud th il ob* ure,! ii," pl ind.fore it passed "il thc sun.\t Wes! Point, N. V., the ol rn rvatlon*

of thc first anil w cond c intact* were v, ¦.

good. The -'uh real time ..j the Drsi con-loci waa 14 hours D minni. - 18 0-10 - -

cuni-, and "f the second 11 hours 29 min¬utes 62 9-10 seconds, The Images "f Ve-un- and the sun wi rv vcrj -'. adj and dis¬tinct. N" indication ol ii Venn." atipin re, nor variation in the cirol hi p 'ii c. was nolie, tl. Prof, --nr Mand hi- :i--i-! ml- Bl tisfied w ilhth, ir ol. rv ttions.A p irty ""' observ, rs on Ibc pr linda ol

thc Johns-Hopkins Hospital, Ballimore,under the din ctl n ol Prof, ssor Host-ings. oliserved auecessfullj the second,third, and fourth coi tir-t beingb,-t fir,.ii.ii cl ni Pour minute* ls forethe -. od >ntacl ?: tmosjdnwas seen .ill around \ nus, notwitliing a rather.hszj skv. This phenomenonwas ni-" v bilbie (Ituoft, ih" i!.ii,I .it ht, bul siter thcno lr c wu .¦ cn.

le transit-, t the <

Professor Lc<¦' I.

Marshal ;'




.:;¦with ti

ninth-I ol hool


main, astron

Ve tills. /


th Min was unst, adj and i' w:. later il

.08.40. Tile land li id bc n on n ,t i ml ml-.\\ li, ii tin disc was full] un it (lid ii

while on i'. Al the third con-I, ai -j:"i_'.i'.",. was d iris

tho centre. The -. cond cont37. The fourth and 1 >-t ti

3:11.42, and was nol g tod, the condition"i' the -kv being unfavorable.

At Phil: delphi*, alt hon li t h -kv waafoltli'timi -. purtii uteri] tbe thin! and Iwere highly favored. Tin* planet a s seenI r< je, lcd "ii lironinsphen*, both t-i foremi contacl and after fourth, Thlinorn, ni wa w, ll d Hm d both aland ul ie--. The irt ol th

(tbe sun via, found ii round, d bj| mospb, re. lu th, early sigresa this was evidenced bj Bashes ol t

and the plaint, lah r bj rh lil hon,'¦ Iron thc - in, irth an lind th,

pl rn, I, ml Just before -i condth, '¦ impl, ti ui of th, rh:

i lib, tesl w striking!] dand tbe atmospb, r<- of tb, lan, lol is, nsl-ble reodUi. I ti ic thm! in¬tact was ol 'iv, I.

Al I', mc ton, it ifcssor Young, alal :¦ .;; - o| MMinl IHtS, tell, ¦! timII '.iii-it ol \' DUI lilli !;,

All four contacts v,. r, mi c,..,..i Tn firsl u - h n r ',", mil

and 84 aeconds; th, d iii o hour-, iominni. -. and ls .nu-; ll,, ";:,,| :,| -jhours, 89 minutes,sud 28 - c mds; and the

ii iii 3 hour*, no minut, -, andomi---oil Washington tmie. One bueud eigbty-eigbl pbol raphs wi r,iii"-t ol which are exe1!. 11. -

blum ,1. how vi r. by cl iuds. \iireiniiii of the ui mi, b r ol tbe plan,

wa- in id by thc micron tors. A carefulspectroscopic examination "f th" planet'satmosphere showed linea of water \ iiconspicuous In thc ipeetrmn. Borne otherunknown lino were di- wven d by Pro¬fessor >b-Neal.

Al Wilmington, Dei, thc bra waa nmlouded from 9 uni il IO \. M., and the lir-t

and -corni contact* were -ncc.---fully ob¬served. Professor John <;. Jackson, fll,., k..in, wins Washington time, madedim contact-: First, 8 hours, 86 minutes,I and 29 second* j -.cond, :, hours, 16 min-Btes, and -j.1 seconds,Prof..or st,,,,,- telegraphed from thc

University ol Virginia: Observations olthe transit of Venus mode to-daj bj Pro-I, asor Miiilh ;d th' rotund.,, and by iuv -, Ifat the observatory, were lucceasful, withthc , \ccptioii of those of the iir-t sternalcontact, wh. n th.- -kv waa covered wlUidense cloud*. A ilx-ln, h icr;,' tor tv

[eaoployrdb] professor Nnith. Hyobscr-

vatlons weir fa*** «""'' » loilT-lneh £frsctor. The sky wm either hazyi©r cloud]all the morning, but **»««"> c|ear "' "1,ratternoon. Kw atsreryatloiia were ob¬

tained of the irsl Internal conbul andgoWobservatl ma of the kat two.a Ulegram from Ht. Augustine, 1 la.,

lt bs* been a ref] 'har day here.The French scientists hiv observed thefour ."iitad- of Vdi'l- with th* IUB I

limb. Tbs fir*! outer contact mu ai per¬fect a- possible. Thc tw. Inner contactsn.r" taken perfectly.and the outer finalcontact very perfectly. They used twot. lescopee, of etgbt- sud -ix-in. h reap, etive

ai"rtur.-. Also, BrtifictsI contacti were

obtained by Blerrflrlnxen's prism* of Ara-go, vei'v perfect and al (treal value. \

gnat nlanv mieroiiietrintl iiua-ui. tn-nt-iiave ben t iki n rlnrillg UM transit. TWOhundred photographa repn aenttng tbe rc-

apecUve postttonsof tim -un and tin plsnelhave been obtained, .'Hld .ip|»:U' t" bc v.rysatisfactory. Tim BbjMk*ervice predb>ti ui or cloudy weather wa* Bot realiseduntil ia If BB hour after !,*¦ transit,A dispatch from Professor Hall aaya tts

rvations af Ban Antonio wen- notwholly successful, Inc Brat two contactshaving be. ii los! on accounl ol int, rvening.loud-. Tw. hundred photographs weretaki n, th, clouds hating Hfted ii' lOoVlocksufficiently for thc commencement of thcphotographing work. Thc phot igrapbawere satisfactory.Prof,.. 1.:,-tm,m. Bl I 'il'.' K. ya, t. Ic-

grapbed: .. Partly cloudy thia m truing.l.o-t nr-t contact by clouds. <>tln r con¬tacts x.'ihnt. No ii::, k iii"!'. Have 180

pholo -ii i iii.150 drv plates."Al liiirv rd Prof, »sorPick, ring, tb, din c-

t .r. used the irge iii'' u-incfa rostrum, at.Ol tho tir-t contact tbn good ";-' n itiomv,. i. obtained,of tb, -> cond ml u fonrob-

ns, :ii:'i of tbe Hurd and fourth -ixiib. In Hie int' i v.'il lietween

ml and third cont t- an e

il over 8001 Dis "i the di-ol Ventu w:i obi tin, d. Tb, sp, c-

i] im, 'i ii obs, rvations oliii. afternoon y [eld, -I Important n milts.

i. rvations of tsui rounding \ nus showed do rsai.-u uti ni ty its atmosphere, and tin pho¬tometer how, thc light from thi di-" "i

Venus t,, be li as than thc ii ld surround¬ing the sun, which Indicates thal thc solaratmosphere ls appreciable. Thc nvi rageresults ri ached arc ss folio* -: Io ( nu¬

nn on lime from « hi, b, ( r Wash-mean lime, -J'! minutes 11

mu-: ' ¦ .it tel, ii 20. ll-. e. ml . ontnet, !'. 10.11 : 'hud

Ih contact, 3.23.2 I. The com¬puted time, iii" result "f olwen dion* mode

-¦ conl u .. t'.i--.''s;second, 9.40.13; third, 8.02.20; fourth,

; lion* forthe m, usure*Ui, lit nf thc 'linnet' r ol \ "HU- Will ll"t e

r dtu d ,"i' put po .. ol comp trlson vv it ltIS "b-el Villi,.li- f,

p,.--illly i:; inths.

in thc bi "i ls ."i"''< UUgll

i. div tin -! ri in, d'I.

.n.\ it it i ireh.M

' Luii Ul N








-li vi

v.; ,i :: i- 11 erein fJH IA HA-1... i,

II M.IUTI i.'it iivi.ixii wu m.i.iK Ml ii.Mi i "MT '.-.', alli

I'llXIl .1 I'-ll VS Ci IX il''


ii' INlvii

VI.l ll VII l',,\:Bil HM" .1. V v.

V"i Ii ii. i iii: wm m. Hi ii [N(i,M',I I,, !.-

i.ii v\v x \ Ion ll MLItnI'WI -.ill In- lil lil .. Ull.'i.-Inn..ml uninp ,ii v. ,1

i'i the ritj i." nd, '.it.. .,n ll -ll \ .!.J V|.

E. R. I.I.I. \\|i

II* 1,11 '¦!.'¦'.


r| WM \l. MEETlNCi OF nilI :.l'"i i,I .¦ - <ii Mi Ul, HMnM

H.m. \|i OMI"

ll, .a 'Ci. i.r 13 th proMM.

N'.'-iii In

l.\ Ul .¦



UZART HAM.'. ti tu ii 18,188*.

ii: RN M.I.- Bl

i v I Pl Ri ',:.¦: \\,

PATIENCE.\HM! i.i v me,

.nuMr llfiiM V- I X..IT- llUl k EVA mut > . path

' il v. h... ml, r 6th, .u'¦ ' .lr .".-I ii W.V. U

MAGI! -LAN ll IA I \ 1111 1 I l«A atMux-- vii ,\ III Iii ll

i lil i.-li w VMi 1 i.TIi \ v NIGHT*IT 7:31

ll" tv C.,ii 1 Inn- I .v iii.Til vt iii lanenefll ul tl church, u,! I n liv n ...

lt O' ll of ii i.r. I he mir(wool ¦..

<!. i'.-u < ll. HA3kF.IL

KALE OF SAM V All ru l.w.S.

'Tin i.i.i wi;l- w in. nw k \J- BAH <i! \ x, j m; ipi!- AMi |.i .

n.'i -iivii s r-ni ii ,¦ .¦>-i.tv-i.- I, "i iii, ni tl'ie> oi, rim rlmrcli an KKlti.W Ui Bth friMn4 .. lock Iii di. ii':.n. lo 111. I Vii i. , I,,,.

, f .MiI ,i li I,. vm|| Muir Snrlittf Un lc.11.)

i, kl,.i.. iin un,] Mr. VI lialL: ats

.OTTOS t AUN8.79 ca i.i . <,i i,i\ \ v:;xv

an \ v. -i..- v . i

Nil Cl* I >OTKI«. ^_^

lltr BEYOHD aXL <vn K-'IK'N.Hill BOOn ABB BOLO elli: vrcir AT THU

timi: kian at inv iimi. WITkTJBmei: hi MOB1.

ll .f.tid lu BMI Jir.il.n- .-i.lintl ¦. ¦inenl. lin-

|.,r'ii-.-in,|i;;aiiiifa't.ini- BAV* BBOl alf*.||*a,,Iv.,|i.tui.nt- "ii Ha ,jiiai.titi "f*.1- M* | ls

[.. UHl '..i||-|iii-e..f.The nil. r.-iu :n ide.ai MB Of ."."!- ru. nMv-i|,-

!. hm ai..t Bini! li evarj mm kaaaver,Ila y Iiim I,- ll I" BOalOd.Am. ag Mk many .inl.f" "I" nt'd banal

80 BLI '. INIEl-MADE ANO ll.MMMIHH lt -IM ni,Ul H B-L1M1 ii < MCI LAB8it -jo- .


WC hine-'.l-l Ml 'I'.'' ISM i! Tl.',.JJ SABIN IMI VU lill --l^nlilted -ilk Llalif

and Knr--Iilii'.'ii<¦¦!-:>! « ll*..'"':B soaea < BILDBEJTS CLOAKS,la dark beaver.

uiMBMd with worsted ptiab (siarAfiiN nator..in t. e., yt irs), al 11.70:

I.ADll-' JA! KIM- u 14.28 r.nn.r priee¦»..,..-,.¦, all M.' lim r qaatltl at ow t .'.'> ju r

.int. Icm Hi ni foran r pt let -;- \ I IN EM I 11 ci HE W" 'Elf IN-. k-gantlv Irlui-

mi. I. il -! tl t'..i mei ll '¦¦ 00 I- 11 in BliADAMED, irlauned nth olie-lnch-

wldth |.iu h, at vj-'.."."-!'. i in- r prtet \s v l IN M vi1 1.1081 m. wi i: HOLM \n- i|

tOQ f..nm rprice, ri '.

-,; KfULAI K BILK gt m rall] "iil

v. ll! : I.".;El. M li Ml

al 11.00;Ul. \< K SILK it H.S3 sill

nt 7'Ul. \< !. -ll.lv 1-. mi ill) ld at 75c. v ,;¦

al B3c.:ci. M iv -n.t.- ni in.

.,i OBI ll HATIJ* EM VDAMI .-. en-Vf ill '!. llfU,al !'¦" ...

Inc of BLA'

cn ¦.<¦¦¦ - »UMill' I, V.. tl

PLC8HE8 AND VELI-I il .-: IN Eli MILS Hutt wen uldat I

l IN r HIM -Hi -. f ii,.- rc ld al .

willnuI i,Pl li I Pl -HI -. ri


EM. \« tv n.LOKI I" VIOLI .SKIN lil -Mi -.

Iii tis most sapcrli.r dualities, from #1.70 up;:, pleei ¦-.--ii .:. \l I --H.iv BL lt .. \ BLI

a fromI

-I Al I \ l.\ -. iic.lill-

factan ri *.

BLACK BILK 1 M. 1doc

li HI .:¦¦' l-l;.i. VIII VKLV1 I.

11.11 - -.'J";Ul. VCK BBOl Vi) UBI 'I i'RLVKT,

tl.;.".I-ancWi »,!! ,j

10 pl. i VBI'l -

wool) alr Md '.il* ,.1 '-...1.1-11



The Ii:. \ n


icm; il.

v.) nnn T<

iffOX Kl

1 !1M IN-


N " :'

I .lilli.'

I. rnil! now

II n i, .M. - i- un] .ni, rdluai-4'.. l-l i: a.

CiTi ironHil HMO*


ih. h:\n-: i' i...of the


.E E.deO-l \

IMMHiV NI %HOM lt! .,1,

n"M!..-*\Ti;i HOME; I UEBKEAK-IN.. \\\\i- ll \-lll |, Hu,II milli

ii UH ME: ni ipi i: m ... i. in hi -,,iiWill -,!¦' ll I III -l-ll.-l Ul M,,| | ip Ul'M.-'-! t- M.i - li! .,,|V 1 || |||.1,1 Lill I,-li 1 BIN || nm ii -.

'Pl"I all

\I. W. BAN

leo PH .' s, !.| ,'

1 il \ nu:- 1883 im vim.- i-

imi i--..!¦ im ni oi -iM-. -nLi 8,l .1) IMMt -.

n " IBTB1 a < m..

010 v

notus, snots, .ic

jjKIH THIS SEASON. Bi!. VOll - Mit -: -\ md < IIILOR1 v- CALF

Bl I rON-BOOl -:

IH \\ r-BOLI 8B101 -'.,..a;,,., ,;,. mi ttMD;BBBTLI Mi n - Hui BLI -SOI t BOOTS,

i.aeiei:-. i n i IHOI -. m Bl *fON-BOOTS, ni ui. .a..;i'.-!. at'i.r. undal'lKatcr:

BOBBI I IBTK ri I, BcIM Hilt lt.|',.ii,i - ... i.lVll.lMEN, E.ions,

BOTO, MI--I .mdt H1LOBBW..'. L OBI.

*a I reatta Md B iId Brttt*>

SI>1< lal. MOTICTBB._tJT AT JtTLIUl METER A- sons.

BO! ano 00:1 BBOAD sTitr.r.T.

swi rm ira u boc ni iobts.

Inur.l.r to BBBfeSrSSBB BM HOLIOA1 BOOMwi. have mi ol, i"'lal fl OBI kSM M SBf

|>BjBjjs>4lOOOa mrwm Mt BT.Bkssjss ti"' ahsaasst

to bsssi DBI Bl i i.vnmt. it.vin-, van

IB, ¦. bow ' '"'x''-170 ptaeei BILK-AND-WOOL PLAIDS, »-r.

4" uni .'.li. ., ik.vv li'. .

sn pieces WOODAH CLOTH, wars UHjc, sewI .-',...:

i" pi",- poi BLK-WIDTU4 A8HMERE8,were.J.I' .. BOW I.",,-. ;

IS ptseaa Tl.n REP, asm ' lytss, wsw

las*, son !,;'.¦.;4n pi" MOIRE BILKS, welt H.BC* SOC.!ll VXD-'-MK BILK-LINED Ml.l:\T-.LLII I I

» ht IT. kits.SIS,were090;li! VI HUT. iTIt-ITXI.Ii CIRCCLABS, BIS,

wi r, |80;winn -vi IRREL-I lK*l Dt IRI CLABS,BBL

».n |28;i,null I'd Vi K-t '"di LT M.HANDSOME il R-TRIMMI l» D kOONAL

IR, I. kICS. 112.51-vi IN lu Ll OS l> 'I vt W-. |] .'l."X'. CLOTH JACKKT* a at oat;I" ,!¦ /. I, RR \-l ul V V!"l -ol I kIRI

Kin i.i 'iv l - alii I'i.T v- EXTRA l."M.. III. v \ v-i.iiKl H. H;iM U-M1XEI) HOSE si 10c. worth


I. Mill--- SOLID * kSHMERI II,th 1"'


V VXi \ l"M -.


i" ii.URI --ix-.-i v-i -.


IVRII iM.-ln|» k.1'1 rKR I KS.v. ISP-BROOM li'ilTH RB,U vi.I -I'"' ixl 1 -¦


-IT Aii om i-f;n i -.

.lilli ti Mi v i: a -"X

li -' *EE!

imtxi (laud '.-I H.I DS.VT1N-ixi ii [RI kRs;


nu n;:i S'S CLsTERS KAI QI ES, POL-M INS, auJ ll V\ I in K-i

I, rant St vi. ITT -ll HOLM S

>. md wlU wean


ai..I ii" m.'¦

iii: l i: vi vt x .. ci i> 'X ,K1PUH vin-, tildi

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inc; ns. mi <. v,

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IT IT LL, I. killi S


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thc M

i:RI Ilks HOV kl. 4.ll HIM..


mi nix...

RI '.nv ni; ix-i vx i i-i


maanlfli en i IQ! ID >.:' DING:.i'y.


i. vim -.

RI lil - !:¦ »VAL UlLIUNCii.ti nix., ii'.i -i ll, il.D mis wi; .¦


-. i kNs,i i v..i UlPECORATIVI "vin ii\.

vtIn value by Um mes : !.

vx "\i vx i -i it,v CAMI I.---H.MI: ITT -ll ix \

ntl "-I 1- ILIH.IN,..

HOLD Blu st, JOHNSTON I ,'".. DI t il MI. I., n W vi FORD, 117,m.i KI H: VXi K. .-.- in rill Xliuli -ir.. '

a i- |] .-i vi aaII ..i NOT a SON, 005' -i;

RANDOLPH A xi.it- .ii | vi....knttbrsllBs

Bl .v VOBK i MIMI. vi. MEG. COX. tv V.,rk.

. IITT I Vi: Hill ,.,, I.-,-,.,.l| in

Kl SI kl lt kl ll UN.

Ml LTMIV MEAX9 infi¬ll I Raw I .> III St, iiiie-tB/J$*>til- Stewed .. Uh I rl«T

nv t, i-. .ii I .,v-t.r- lu thc liammea ur,-.. mi n u,. i nbromp, nu,,a luvlti ¦! H i-vfi n. e .1* «i I lie

I WI .1 Ol ". .

roi ....'.. Ji HIM mi RPHY,.t'-ii-lw .-..rii.i Khrhih ind Broad itrt* la.

Nc. PLAIDS.- 50 ll kl.*> OOP A.<.:: I vi, x I -.

SS 19 \. i. -I li. vi > A ct1

.fl" If III. SOI MIS.

I | i:i:.\l>: BEAD I READ!

We arc determined lo keep up a i..f BM ITT CA' riVl lt INO un-mad. ..ur

NEW OTOBBmi popular. Wt arc ,,.¦. ni mr (

.1. -ot IOC "f

i uI.MltEll-.nd Cl. V« li CLOAK INCI ' lui li¬nn..n:- Ula:. BB ¦¦!. rf mt ll HMM.I -ll MU ll. HE< M l> < LOTH, Hoff nl-i.r M ily.rd wat! |1.0

iii: md cv--eui- n 1 i ph ruin min.,Illlllll- l I. I III 'HU l R, ii r

(EMAll Bl I l"N- JlCLOAK Bl I l"N- ... I 1

|H-r .1"/. 11

BAOKII I"' vnm Li ir iee, *ku ox-blood and Bearii' uni .ii nths r di li



tVwtrabtt I.c!.Bl I rONS ml BBAIOfl f ti .¦

m inti:I NUKI -^ KID 'M "I l-

¦ uti *lDBI Kin 1,1...1 EB, tara H

wort! -1HOI -"i i 1 ah:; GLOVK8 ¦«

,. ;¦ . rte |1.30;u ri imi

1 in 1 :-i.i <M o



kel* ntBOOH I WI


v lot 'lill!. -!'¦


-1 ll! BROTUI RS,


IIIHlt I l-l - I I'l.AIV VEI.VKlCAI)


I \i I N \ ri EINI-HKU VOA!-

.I um |.

II CLOTH, ii .



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,1-VI Ll ll

ll SIIIKT-- iNH.



I *


c UtDi'/''. U.SOI', M. i-i;'i

I "I Rill il W.l'KI' 1.1 i MI'I.L.v. ".

1. Kt

eived ll

VRUKST - I' " ,

Kill DBI .,.,....-

iVKB ucl ..ni ru nil's tiii,

Ladle* -li aid uot fall ie babbIi ck
