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Daily Focus Skills Transparency 1 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer. History Online Populism and the Gilded Age ( ) Populist Party late 1800s The party of the people Appealed to poor Americans and farmers major issue coining silver Once the economy improved the Populist Party disappeared Gilded Age looks beautiful, but rotten underneath There was an uneven distribution of wealth (rich got richer) Many companies were merged together to form trusts / monopolies Many cities were run by Political Machines provided some services but pocketed a lot of money Although it looked like African Americans had rights protected by the Constitution, they still faced discrimination Jim Crow laws lynching Intro 7 continued on next slide Intro 8 Chapter Summary 1 Daily Focus Skills Transparency 3 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer. Daily Focus Skills Transparency 4 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer. Reform Darwinism Daily Focus Skills Transparency 1 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer. Republican Party Daily Focus Skills Transparency 2 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer. Daily Focus Skills Transparency 3 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer. History Online The Progressive Era ( ) Rejection of laissez-faire where the government intervenes and gives more power / protection to its citizens President Theodore Roosevelt is looked at as the face of Progressives Making the political process more democratic 17 th Amendment direct election of senators 19 th Amendment womens suffrage (Susan B. Anthony) Initiative, referendum, reform voters have more of a say in laws made Protecting the individual Clayton Antitrust Act / union protection regulation of big business NAACP founded to help protect African Americans rights Pure Food and Drug Act protects the consumer Conservationism protection of the environment for future generations Intro 8 continued on next slide Intro 9 M/C 1-1 Chapter Summary 1 Daily Focus Skills Transparency 1 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer. Daily Focus Skills Transparency 2 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer. Daily Focus Skills Transparency 3 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer. Daily Focus Skills Transparency 4 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer. The two approaches were different. Roosevelt favored strengthening the federal governments role in the economy, whereas Wilson favored reducing its role. History Online Imperialism ( ) Americas attempt to expand Manifest Destiny internationally Asia / Pacific introduction of the Open Door Policy in China Wanted to be able to trade as equals to other European nations Began acquiring Pacific islands (Hawaii) as a route to Asian trade Spanish American War (1898) fought in Cuba / Philippines America drawn in by expansionists feelings of superiority (jingoism) Acquire the territories of Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines America now becomes a world power Panama Canal faster trade route through Central America Originally attempted by the French / stopped by disease American technology prevails over yellow fever and using lock system Roosevelt the Imperialist speak softly and carry a big stick Rough Riders, Great White Fleet, Panama Canal, Roosevelt Corollary Intro 7 continued on next slide Intro 8 M/C 2-1a Section 2-20 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. (pages 403405) Chapter Summary 1 Daily Focus Skills Transparency 1 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer. Daily Focus Skills Transparency 2 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer. Daily Focus Skills Transparency 3 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer. History Online World War I ( ) Americans wanted to remain isolationist during World War I President Wilson promised to keep America out of The Great War Many events led to America finally declaring war U-Boat attacks (Lusitania), Zimmerman note, anti-German propaganda Americans mobilized to provide support for the troops Rationed food and bought war bonds / factories were safe from fighting Soon after America entered WWI Germany surrendered Treaty of Versailles was intended to punish Germany for WWI Germany was divided tone of treaty will lead to World War II Wilson introduced his 14 points including a League of Nations America wanted to return to isolationism The United States never signed the Treaty of Versailles Did not want to join the League of Nations Intro 8 continued on next slide